#I was actually VERY indecisive for the disguise
greypetrel · 1 year
Hey! For the doodle thing:
👻 for aisling
♠️ for Raina
If I might do two c:
Hey Mo! ✨
Of course you can do two, here they are, waiting for when you'll get back! :3 As usual, some notes under the cut...
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♠️ OC in their armor
Self explanatory, Armour of the Champion, Bassrath Kata and Finesse as weapons and ready to kick Meredith's ass finally. For a minute I considered skipping this and going for the Guardian of Enasalin, which was her go-to before she was told that the Arishok made it unwashable and unrepairable. But then this line of thought happened:
"Urgh this armour is SO TRASH. Too many belts and straps, why the chestpiece full of straps?? Why? Isn't it uncomfortable? Urgh the colour scheme is nice but I don't like it at all. That's it, I'm drawing the Enasalin one, this is too tra-" *remembers what character she's drawing* "... Stupid trash raccoon."
(nothing, she likes the trash.)
👻 OC in a really bad disguise
Absolutely anonymous and unrecogniseable, very incognito, much stealthy. Please don't mind the lack of shoes. (why am I looking at this and thinking she's trying to cosplay Lieutenant Columbo?). The moustaches are very plasticky and probably bought in the same store where Solas bought his Cole wig.
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honeytabbies · 2 months
OKAY. HERE WE GO. my black bulls doggies!!!! :D
there's definitely a noticeable difference in style/quality of some of these just due to time between each design and/or how i was feeling at the time of drawing them (these hot and rainy summer months have been super rough on me)
ALSO they were all done symmetrically so that i wouldn't burn out and could actually finish them LOL . OK EVERYBODY BELOW
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starting off with asta, a husky/coyote mutt!! :D in my au, devil users end up becoming hybrids of whatever their devil is. so since liebe is a coyote, that's what asta is too!! (also, i haven't drawn him yet, but yuno is a malamute :D similar looking breeds but different since they're not actually related!)
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(here's liebe too hehe, scrappy lil coyote!!)
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then of course, noelle, who's a saluki!! a very regal breed for a very royal gal!! i thought making her pigtails into her ears was a fun idea HEHEHE
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(+ an alternate design version!)
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here's finral, he's a shetland sheepdog!! gentle and sweet and always trying to herd his people together :) you might notice that with some of my designs, i end up doing extra scarring; that's usually just personal headcanons, as i think some injuries would be too grievous to fully heal. though some (for instance, gauche) don't have a canon story behind them, i just think they're fitting
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vanessa, who's a cavalier king charles spaniel!! her ears sorta blend into her hair lol, i had an alternate version where they were the same darker brown as her fur but i decided that them blending in looked better and fit the breed standard as well.
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gauche, the ever wary american akita!! being a fiercely loyal and protective breed, but aloof and suspicious of strangers.
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then there's grey, who's a long-haired chihuahua!! sweet and skittish HEHE, also i haven't drawn it yet but i've always imagined her big transformation disguise that she's first introduced as to be a rottweiler LOL
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next up is luck, a jack russell terrier!! i've always thought this was a very fitting breed pick, intelligent but highly energetic and a little mischievous !!!
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and of course, magna is never far behind luck; he's a dobermann pinscher!! similar to luck in energy and intelligence, but even more fiercely protective of his loved ones.
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GORDON!!! actually one of my favourite black clover characters, he's a dalmatian not only because of the fitting aesthetic, but also because of his kind and sensitive personality!
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the masked supermage zora, a german shepherd! watchful and sometimes stubborn but loyal nonetheless made this pick fairly easy to come to. though, before getting to see more of him, my initial pick was actually a kai ken!
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charmy's design is one that i'm the most proud of for sure; i mentioned in an earlier post that the different peoples are different species of animals. well charmy is a half toy poodle, half american badger!! i thought a badger was a VERY fitting pick, as they are generally unbothered by much unless their food is threatened LOL
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and finally, lastly (for now) is nero!! she's a bull terrier, but i really wanted to keep her twin tails from her anti-bird form! her outfit is definitely the one i edited the most, i just wanted to give her something more practical out of personal preference.
additionally, henry is an old english sheepdog, nacht is a black norwegian elkhound/fox, and yami is a wolfdog!
I HAVE SOME OTHER CHARACTERS DOODLED HERE AND THERE but nothing else really finished yet. if there's a specific character anyone would like to see i would be SO happy to draw/doodle them to show off!! i honestly have a huge list of dog/cat breeds picked out for every character i could think of; i just am hellishly indecisive and can never pick who to start on next AHDSJAGDJSDK
THE POSITIVE RECEPTION TO MY ART SO FAR HAS MADE ME SO HAPPY BTW AUAGGHHH i have no idea how/if im able to reply to people directly but just know that i keep reading over everyone's reblog tags and stimming like crazy IM SO HAPPY THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH AUHGHFEHGGRH
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floofballsammy · 20 days
you know WHAT? FOP OCS FOR YALL (First draft).
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Meet the siblings Ray and Lu! And their Godkid Sarah!
I'm still working a lot of stuff out, but i do have some things to share.
Ray is actually Sarah's only Godparent. She dragged Lu into this. (Lu got his godparenting license because of Ray).
Ray has a human disguise. Idk how i want to utilize it yet.
Bottom right you have some first drafts for anti fairies. Yar and Ul. Ul is actually using his full name (Lu's full name is Lewis) Siwel, because he wanted to (and he tries to not be associated with Lu) [Also ignore the name Larry, idk why i wrote that there]. And Yar is a pirate (crown can turn into a pirate hat, i just suck at drawing it).
Ray kinda drags Lu into everything because she's scared to do things without help, and Lu doesn't really know what he wants to do so he goes along with it.
Ray is very loud and does grand, sweeping movements and gestures (which, is gonna be difficult to draw, but good practise). Though as much as she is confident, it breaks very easily at a sign of rejection/dissapointment. She's also very curious.
Lu is a lot calmer than his sister. His posture reads as nervous or anxious often enough. He's not shy though. He does not take shit from anyone (but his sister) and will tell you exactly where to stick it when he's had enough. He's also very indecisive.
As for the anti fairies? Siwel is very rigid in his posture, headstrong in his decisions and not really much of a talker. Yar is a bit harder to describe, especially because i'm still working on those two. What I do know, is that she is a lot more angry than Ray and hates/has a hard time accepting help. It's a point of conflict between her and Siwel, because Siwel will see Yar have an issue and fix it without any input and Yar doesn't want the help at all.
(Also Yar has short hair because it kept getting caught on everything. How tf does Ray deal with this????)
idk about Sarah yet. I have some ideas on why she needs godparents, but idk if i can do those justice. (And don't get me even started on Henry).
Also, Ray and Lu act more like older siblings than parents for her.
That's all I have currently. Except for some more stray ideas, but none fully formed enough to share. I do call the siblings the 'Bluray siblings' for funsies tho.
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cannonball5 · 3 months
Crazy color symbolism is season 3 regarding Ricky, Gina, and EJ (and their subsequent relationships)
(Will mostly be focused on season 3 but has elements from the other seasons as well)
Watching Bridgerton really opened my eyes to color symbolism and I noticed some in season 3 and it’s kind of blowing my mind.
So to start, from season 1 we typically associate EJ with the color Red, Ricky with blue, and Gina with Pink.
In episode 1 of season 3 we see EJ wearing a shirt that is half red and half blue, showing who he is vs who he’s trying to be for Gina. In fact, we see EJ’s wardrobe throughout season 3 heavily favor blue vs his normal red. Gina on the other hand is wearing a mostly blue with accents of pink, which to me symbolizes her subconscious desire to be with Ricky and EJ’s wardrobe shift is him trying to be what she actually wants. Side note: Lily is seen wearing pink, Gina’s color, showing us that Ricky is just trying to use Lily as a Gina substitute.
Episode 2 we see Gina in her Pink showing she’s focused on herself for the audition but is still wearing a primarily blue skirt perhaps showing her indecision (also I’m not including any music numbers that happen outside reality like Balance, for color symbolism, just fyi). Meanwhile EJ’s shirt while mostly blue still has red in the logo showing he’s allowing more of who he actually is, is being overtaken by who he’s trying to be for Gina. Also while Ricky starts out in blue but changes into the snowsuit trying to be someone else and let EJ be who Gina (thinks she) wants, however he fails as the snowsuit still has blue accents.
Episode 3 is interesting, EJ starts the episode in an orange shirt, a color very close to red, early in the morning showing he’s still at least mostly himself in private, but covers up the rest of the episode with a blue camouflage hoodie. The camouflage is interesting because it truly shows what the blue is, a disguise. Gina though fully shifts to red for the episode, as if symbolizing herself devoting herself to her relationship with EJ. Ricky chooses to wear a white shirt with very dull blues, still showing he is who he is but also not trying to stand out when compared to EJ.
Episode 4 shows Gina still heavily favoring red, (but with hints of blue in her dress) showing her continuing trying to connect with EJ while showing who she wants to appear as for the cameras. EJ is still wearing blue but has some notable white in his shirt a color that always appears on EJ whenever his dad is a factor in his life showcasing his shift in his priorities from who he’s trying to be for Gina and what he’s trying to do to impress his dad. Meanwhile Ricky has fully shifted to bright blue for this episode, the episode where he shows clear and present signs of jealousy towards EJ and Gina’s relationship. Also at the end of the episode, while everyone is in pajamas, Gina is wearing blue and green (a color very close to blue) symbolizing who she’s more comfortable with.
EJ is still wearing equal parts blue and white in episode 5. Gina has switched to blue for the episode after finding out about the St. Louis letter showing a shift back to what she really wants while also showing her connection to Ricky during WDYKAL. Ricky has switched to a white shirt with green sleeves, green being Anna’s color. It shows Ricky is trying to keep things professional, just about their characters’ romance not his and Gina’s.
Color War is tricky since everyone is wearing colors for the competition, but there’s still some important outfit choices outside of the competition. At the beginning of the episode EJ is back to wearing orange showing his true colors (to a degree) while Gina is wearing a white shirt perhaps reflecting back to EJ why he’s really doing what he’s been doing (his dad). At the end of the episode for Gina’s “Hail Mary” Promposal, she’s wearing red trying one last time to commit herself to her relationship with EJ that ends up falling flat.
Pink is very prevalent in Camp Prom. Gina’s outfit is notably lacking any blue or red being primarily earth tones with a few pink accents, since she’s going solo to the dance she’s choosing herself. Meanwhile EJ goes with a pink suit with a blue shirt, trying to convey how he wants to be there for Gina but ultimately it’s not enough as his actions don’t reflect that. Ricky on the other hand chooses to wear a blue suit with a pink shirt, showing he’s still who he always was but also his wanting to be there for Gina.
Episode 8 is incredible with Gina’s wardrobe in particular. After her breakup with EJ the first outfit we see her in is blue, a realization of who she actually has wanted. When Ricky shows up he’s wearing a green and white shirt. Ricky’s once again not sure about where he and Gina are and is defaulting to keeping things professional by wearing Anna’s colors, keeping things about the show. EJ is seen in white in every scene (outside of the opening scene and the premiere) he does wear a shirt with an extremely light blue or green stripes, but it’s so light it practically doesn’t matter. There’s no hiding what this is for EJ any more it is completely about his dad.
Now often the costumes for performances don’t really play a factor but Gina’s Anna costume has some unique elements worth mentioning. First, she starts off with Anna’s quintessential green dress before switching to the blue, as her relationship with Ricky is going from professional for the documentary to personal as the show goes on highlighted by Ricky finally making his feelings for Gina clear in Kristoff’s Lullaby. Also the cloak, now Anna’s cloak is more purple, but Gina’s is red which is significant because that’s what EJ was to her a covering for her actual feelings for Ricky (the red cloak covering the blue outfit) and cloaks are also the first thing one removes when they’re in a more comfortable environment. Also during Everyday Gina and Ricky are both wearing jean jackets showing their connection even more. Also also, when everyone is signing their names on the wall Ricky signs his name in pink and Gina signs hers in blue.
The premiere outfits are incredibly symbolic for all three characters as all three are wearing black, a color heavily associated with all three. Black also can have two completely different meanings as black is both an absence of color (when referring to light) or a mixing of all colors (when referring to actual color mixing like in paint). EJ is wearing very dark tones so his coloring suggests an absence of color symbolizing an absence of self, he doesn’t know who he is at the moment, and the blue is a visual representation of his “brotherly” connection (which I still don’t fully buy). When we see EJ in season 4 he is wearing a lot of warm reds and oranges suggesting he has found himself at college but he’s also still got white in his outfit showing he still isn’t completely over his issues with his dad. Now Ricky and Gina’s outfits suggest the opposite. When they first are seen wearing black in season one it is very representative of their lacking a sense of self, or purpose, not knowing who they are, but now they know who they are and have fully accepted it. All sides of themselves. Ricky’s still wearing his signature blue but Gina has no pink, or red, or blue. She’s accepted who she is and that is not reliant on anyone at this moment. She tells Ricky exactly what she wants but is not going to wait anymore.
Anyway. Thanks for coming to my TEDTalk, hope it was informative. Tell me anything you think I missed, because I probably did (literally something clicked randomly in my brain while I was getting car work done).
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kagoutiss · 2 years
when did zelda adopt the name of sheik in your au? i always thought abt that even in canon.
(accidentally turned this into an essay/slight lore drop, bear with me lol) hmmmm well idk if i’ll change this later or not, but. i have thought that maybe impa, while training a younger zelda in the art of disguise, one day advised her to think of a new name to match her new identity, and. i think at times zelda might be prone to indecision in her efforts to choose a ‘correct’ or ‘ideal’ option, sometimes analyzing all options to the point of stagnation, not wanting to make a Wrong Choice (something she is pathologically afraid of doing. for certain reasons). but anyway, at least in my AU it might be that zelda doesn’t really decide on that name, though she does spend a long time ruminating on what the most suitable option might be.
and then spends long enough ruminating on it that by the time she accidentally runs into ganondorf again for the first time since he overthrew hyrule (luckily now disguised as this weird sheikah kid), and he asks what her name is, she doesn’t really have a good answer yet, but suddenly she has to say something decisive. but she’s obviously petrified because now the subject of all her childhood nightmares and traumas is standing here asking her for a name of all things, and for some reason the only word coming into her head is ‘sheikah,’ and she can’t remember any of the names she was considering before, and her words don’t seem to be coming out right if they come out at all, and more than anything she’s just trying not to say that her name is ZELDA, and. long story short, ganondorf thinks this sheikah boy’s name is Sheik now, because it’s the first half of the word ‘sheikah’ that zelda was able to get out at the time. and now she’s stuck with it agfkahfkshfk
ganondorf thinks it’s a funny name though— as far as he knows, this boy is just a young sheikah who is profoundly alienated from his own culture in the aftermath of the war & the overthrow of the royals he was born to serve, not even bestowed a proper name as a result, much less the same secret knowledge that most sheikah are meant to inherit. and ironically, this situation kind of works for sheik/zelda, because at that point, she really only has a surface-level knowledge of sheikah culture, not yet privy to their deeper secrets or legends. ganondorf is actually more fond of sheik for being such a terrible sheikah, all things considered
impa herself doesn’t find the circumstances of sheik’s name very funny, but ultimately she does find it fitting— ‘sheikah’ is likely just a transliteration of the word ‘seeker.’ so the name Sheik is akin to the word ‘seek’, a behavior that zelda seems to perpetually exhibit, always seeking a deeper knowledge or context for every problem, or a single correct solution, or a single correct name. even if what she’s looking for doesn’t necessarily exist. this turned out much longer than i meant for it to be help
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sixthwater · 2 years
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Hello again~! Welcome to this special PAC welcoming my two newest dark decks to the family! Today we are going over quite a bit using quite a lot, so I hope you have a glass of water and a snack, and that you enjoy!
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Decks Used: The Rider-Waite Tarot, Tarot of the Divine, Woodland Wardens Orace, The Horror Tarot, The Abandoned Oracle
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Pile One
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How You View Them: Wheel of Fortune Rx, X of Cups, Death, II of Swords
How They View You: VIII of Cups Rx, VIII of Swords Rx, Ace of Swords, Ace of Pentacles Rx
You view your future spouse as someone who tends to attract bad luck but that’s mainly due to that hesitation. They can be a bit of a ‘sourpuss’ is what I’m getting, because they get a bit stuck on the fact that these things happen to them, and either forget how it got to that point or the blessings in disguise that come from it. It’s not that they’re indecisive, but they can overthink or get cold feet when it’s time to sign on the dotted line, if I were to put it in another way. They start to wonder about the what-ifs and if there are any other paths or what the negative possibilities of their choices are, so then they get a little frozen. There are moments where they might make a rash decision due to an adrenaline rush, but those moments are very rare, and probably due to feeling very passionate about a project or issue. Either way, you see them dealing with their setbacks and troubles beautifully. Despite them mulling over their issues, you see them learning and growing consistently, and never being fooled by the same trick twice. I’m getting the imagery of someone looking through a photo album and every picture of them is different, like they’re going through different phases every five years or so? That’s how your future spouse is but it’s more internally – emotionally, spiritually, or mentally. Due to this, I believe you think they make a perfect partner and parent. They cover or soothe some fears you have, and some insecurities you have about the big scary world of parenting isn’t so bad with them there by your side. They also feel very sweet on your side. Like the type to either have a child who’s a ‘Daddy’s Girl / Momma’s Boy’ or struggle to punish their kid. I’ve been watching Everybody Hates Chris lately and I’m thinking of the scenes where right before Julius has to talk to his kids, he goes through like four stages of grief before he pulls himself together lol, it’s cute.
On the flip side, your FS views you as elusive? Hehe I love when this happens. I’ve been ignoring the music for the most part but Never Close Our Eyes by Adam Lambert came on and I wanted to check it immediately and this lyric yelled at me: ‘It's so hard to think this could fade away, but what goes up must come down’. Which, along with the chorus, sums it up I think. They see you as someone who is a breath of fresh air in a way. You feel very fast over here. It quite literally feels like air blowing through my fingers. They see you as someone who has witty thoughts and can be charming in quick bursts, like someone who drops a corny joke out of the blue, riding off of someone else’s story. However behind all of that, they feel like you’re about to slip away from them at the same time? It’s not necessarily like you’re not relationship material, but they’re worried about if they commit, will they get hurt (their overthinking). You’re someone who they believe has been able to free themselves from a lot of heartache thanks to past beliefs or relationships, but you also don’t want to put yourself back out there and risk hurting yourself again. So it’s like you’re there but you’re not fully there / opening yourself up. Might be a Scorpio – Gemini dynamic lmao. They want to be there for you to help you actually absolve the root of your worries because while you seem to have moved on, there are still some small things that will trigger that worry for you which they notice (they’re pretty observant). Now Every Heart by BoA is playing, you may look up the lyric translation. I think the whole song resonates.
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Your Favorite Traits of Your FS: The Hierophant, Ace of Swords, II of Swords, V of Pentacles Rx, Queen of Swords, The Antelope and Wheat Rx
Your FS’ Favorite Traits of You: The Hanged Man, The Devil, VII of Wands, IX of Wands, The Bear and Cedar Rx
**Quickly. Animal by Neon Trees and then Super Freak by Rick James played while I was shuffling. Anyway.
Your favorite traits are pretty funny. I think I mentioned it before, but your FS seems to ground you and make you feel safe in a way. Right here it seems to be that they take the lead in some way and make you feel comforted when you don’t necessarily feel like being ‘the adult’ in a situation. At the same time, in areas where they’re not so strong, that’s where you can come in to boost them up and act like a shoulder for them to lean on – so you like how balanced the relationship is overall, in a sense. You like that while your FS is very traditional, they’re not afraid to communicate and ask you for help. To let you know that they’re struggling and your advice or time would be really nice. Also, when mentioning traditional, I don’t really see them being strictly traditional. They have the guidelines of ‘okay we have the commitment, we have someone who will mainly look after the ‘kids’ per say, we have someone who is the main breadwinner’ etcetc, but it doesn’t necessarily have to be exactly those things, they just need the guidelines – the structure so they know they can fall back onto something. Kids can be pets, there can be someone who mainly looks after the kids but they still have a side or main job, maybe they just chose to. It’ll be different depending on the relationship. You really appreciate that they stress the importance of communication as well. I have to imagine that this person either has a bad work-life balance or is too much in their head, because they might need a lot of friends or family to remind them to take a break. However, because they always have this front of being put together, it’s nice to know that they’re not afraid to show this other side of themselves either. They also don’t put up with any bullshit either, and that includes you I believe. If there is an issue within the relationship or they’re bothered by something, they won’t just sulk over it without talking to you, and you really appreciate that.
On the flip side, your FS really appreciates your drive. You seem unstoppable to them; whether that’s a good thing or a bad thing is up to the situation at hand. The Devil is represented by the story of a snake that is hoarding gold that it doesn’t need, but it’s going to harm anyone who tries to take it. Mesh that with the seven of wands that’s represented by John Henry, and the nine of wands which is a girl dealing with baba yaga; your FS views you as a person who is very defensive of themselves and this connection overall. They appreciate the fact that while you fight for what you believe in, you know when to protect yourself from things or people that don’t serve you. The healing might need work, or they might’ve met you at a time while you were in the middle of healing deep wounds. However you’re coming off as very fiery or airy to them, but it’s attractive to them nonetheless. I think a small worry for them throughout this entire piece is that they might want to remind you to slow down and take care of yourself because I keep hearing this and currently Here We Go Again by Paramore is playing. They like that you’re unrelenting of the space that you’ve acquired, but I keep wanting to include your relationship as well. I don’t believe that it’s in danger or anything, but it’s included with you having to struggle with your personal happiness being denied and you finally have something good so you don’t want to even bother with people who won’t be happy for you. Honestly this was pretty straight-forward, I think they might speak more in the next section, but they’re really proud of you and it’s more of a concern than anything.
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Your Least Favorite Traits of Your FS: Page of Cups Rx, Wheel of Fortune Rx, The Magician, Knight of Swords, Distortion Rx
Your FS’ Least Favorite Traits of You: King of Wands Rx, Queen of Pentacles Rx, Ten of Cups, Ace of Pentacles, The Feeding Rx
Your message is. Interesting. I’m going to explain and sum things up at the end of these. You don’t like how logical and dry your FS can get. There isn’t a lot of emotion or passion here, and when there is, it can come off as immature or irrational to you. Like you’re not understanding where the outbursts are coming from, and to you it seems a bit unfair or ‘unlucky’. Honestly with this imagery, it kind of feels like you’re the woman on the wheel and they’re throwing all of the weapons at you, but the weapons are their insults or accusations. So to you it seems like they’re hot and cold, they seem okay and loving one day but the next day they can be really cold and like they’re shrugging you off. It can also feel like they’re watching you like a hawk and toying with your emotions at times.
Now your FS feels like you’re not trying hard enough in the connection. I’m not going to lie, these aren’t very pretty cards, but this deck can be exaggerative. Both the court cards here look like they’re scheming, and the king has a mask on. They don’t like the sides of you that can come off as domineering, and only use people for your benefits and when they ask for things in return or they’re starting to bother you, you start to get annoyed and try to ghost them. They feel as if all of their actions and love is not being reciprocated or wasted – it’s draining them at the end of the day. When you look at the ten of cups, it starts off full but it can’t make it down to the bottom few, one barely has any on it. Plus with the ace, they feel like you present empty promises at times (the hand is presenting a foundation sure, but it’s not connected to the rest of the body)
What I believe is happening here is quite literally just a miscommunication, I don’t think it’s this heavy lmao. Either this is someone with a false start, or you will struggle a bit in the beginning. There’s a lot of you dealing with your own healing, so I doubt you will be too focused on anything regarding love really, meanwhile this other person seems to care for you a lot but their way of wanting to help seems to be…well, love. So this issue here is that someone feels like they’re being taken advantage of but that’s not what’s happening. It might have to deal with former past connections on your FS’ side and their worry that it’s happening again. The Distortion card upright deals with mood swings, and reversed it means seeing things clearly or sound judgement. So I believe that your FS is just very anxious and worried that this connection is a repeat of past issues, but it’s not. You are worried about healing, and you’re worried about the same thing but in a different sense. You guys are dancing the same dance but different versions with different steps is all. Communication is definitely recommended but I’m not too worried about it <3
Before starting this pile I wanted to listen to a mix based around Sub Urban songs, and most of them have a grunge, dark feeling to them. The lyrics themselves aren’t necessarily always dark though, they can be quite fun or eccentric, even outside of Sub Urban. I think this is a connection that’s going to be quite in your face and flushes out emotions that you need to get rid of, or if you’re not careful or have good boundaries, can feel like Bandit by Sub Urban. 
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Pile Two
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How You View Them: The Tower, Death, King of Swords, VII of Cups
How They View You: The High Priestess Rx, X of Swords Rx, IV of Swords Rx, IX of Pentacles
Your FS leaves an impact on you, way after your first meeting. The End Is Where We Begin is playing and all the lines like ‘I'm an alien' cause I'm not of this world’ give off the energy of your FS. I think there will be moments where you wake up and just stare at them like ‘yeah, I’m glad I chose you’. The moment you saw them you were sure they were the one. It’s not necessarily the whole inner knowing thing, but it’s how they hold themselves. It’s a quiet confidence and how they can command a room, even if they’re not doing anything. They can seem a bit larger than life and also a bit nit-picky because I’ve been bothered by something else for the past fifteen minutes when I’ve been trying to focus, and I’ve noticed that the King of Swords seems waaaay bigger than the other objects in his card. Plus Death is above everyone else in their card. They seem to not be a person of many words, and it’s more like their actions is what you notice the most about them, or that’s what leaves the strongest impression on you and that’s what wants to come through. An interesting thing is that in The Tower card it seems like they are the ones throwing these people out, and it’s not necessarily their energy. You view them as someone to not be crossed. Your FS views you as someone very gentle and soft. Honestly, ‘a catch’ was one of the first lines that came through my mind. I think a piece of them sees you as disconnected from your higher self or maybe religion, if they’re religious? You’re operating more from a physical / material point of view in their eyes. They see that you have a lot of material assets (I hear rewards or profits, things to be proud of it doesn’t have to necessarily present itself as actual money), but you keep it protected. Also just now processing that Bad Girls by M.I.A was playing as I was trying to break down this card. So to them you seem very calm and mature and handle yourself well in those aspects. I want to get into these swords cards because they seem interesting. They came out right after the other so it’s like your FS will take notice of you knowing when and how long you need to heal. You are unapologetic of it and when the time is ready you’ll ‘remove the swords’, but you’ll always be ready to run back into hiding if you need more time to tend to your wounds. So, if I can step in really quick, they believe that you are out of sync with your higher self or not fully in tune with spirit. Or definitely more so you have a weaker bond with faith because you’re well aware of your emotional or spiritual needs to make sure you’re functioning well with others. So like, you’re not in tune but you’re in tune.
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Your Favorite Traits of Your FS: The Devil, Death, IX of Swords Rx, II of Wands, II of Pentacles, The Salamander and Black Pepper
Your FS’ Favorite Traits of You: King of Pentacles, VIII of Swords, The Hermit Rx, The Chariot Rx, IX of Cups Rx, The Coyote and Datura
You like that your FS doesn’t agonize over making decisions. They set their mind on a goal and they go achieve it. Despite the intensity that I mentioned earlier (which I’m not ignoring, you definitely like that about your FS), there is a gentleness and slight silliness to your FS. It’s one of those things where it’s only brought out in quiet moments with you, and if you have pets, plants or children, with them as well. Even though they have a card representing Scorpio and Capricorn here, they don’t feel the need to have control all the time. They can be flexible and they’ve learnt to go with the flow over the course of time. You also really appreciate them making time for you, or working you into their schedule. They might be very busy, or in the midst of a major life change? However they still manage to make sure they have time to call, text, or visit you. I’m getting visit because of this imagery on the two of wands here. There’s a small message of not being able to get anything past your FS either. The story with Death is kind of dark, but I’m getting this picture quite literally lmao. Like if their kid attempted to stay up to play their nintendo 3DS, it wasn’t happening. That also makes for a great surprise event planner though so hey, but you’d know that in due time. Plus, the obvious or maybe not so obvious message, they’re probably hot and make you hot (some would say flaming). So this is a really weird message, but your FS likes the fact that you’re never happy with what you have due to the fact that it motivates you? Like you could have the best car or the best designer clothes but still feel like that’s not enough and decide to keep working your ass off, leading to this king of pentacles. They like the fact that you want to break the glass ceiling and you don’t want to get comfortable or be settled with your position. They also like that you’re kind of like them in a sense that you’re okay with diverting from the original plan. You do definitely have a more structured life I believe, and you prefer to stick to it, but you’re not opposed to trying something new and seeing what happens. Letting the wind take you where it will. Another thing is, you’re authentic with them. The nine of cups is the story of Tàj al-Mulúk and the Princess Dunyà (summed up; how the guy dressed up and proceeded to be someone who the girl would want to be with), and the eight of swords is the tale about Donkeyskin. With them, there is no mask and there is no pretending, you’re who you say you are and that’s the end of the story – they appreciate that. Another thing about the eight of swords, they like that you put yourself there, in a way. You only put yourself there to contemplate your next move and when you’re ready you step back out. It’s sort of the same as when you’re ready to come back out and socialize after healing. It’s also a piece of you being able to tell a snake from a snake charmer. You don’t let people in so easily and they pick up on why you do that.
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Your Least Favorite Traits of Your FS: V of Wands Rx, IX of Wands Rx, The Fool, X of Wands Rx, The Plaything Rx
Your FS’ Least Favorite Traits of You: VIII of Wands Rx, IV of Wands, VII of Swords, The Lovers, The Viewing
I’m sorry this is so funny, AND ANIMALS BY MAROON 5 IS PLAYING Pile two you’re going to try and get underneath your FS’ skin and they’re going to ignore you every single time, and in turn it’s going to piss you off. All the imagery gives me someone who is trying to be lured in or is being hunted on your end, but on their end they have knowledge from all over the world or well beyond their years so there’s no way you can overcome them. They are not playing your games and they’re not even matching your energy. It’s not like you guys are arguing but it’s more like teasing or seducing if their side is anything to go off of. The thing with the fool is that whenever they bite back with whatever is going on here, it’s always very witty and something that catches you off guard. It’s also like you’re the big monsters in the back while your FS is the girl running through the woods here. Also with Plaything, it’s like you want them to just get caught one time. Take the bait one time. But they don’t. And it’s annoying as hell.
Your FS on the other hand is doing this for a reason. There might be a gap in experience or age*, but they want to take care of this relationship and also you. Honestly looking back, for some of you this might be LGBT, difference in culture, status if their family deems it important – because The Viewing talks about ‘an irreversible outcome’ and I’m thinking about Simple and Clean by Utada Hikaru. The line ‘ When we are older, you'll understand what I meant when I said, "No, I don't think life is quite that simple" ’, is ringing in my head. If that’s not the case, then it could definitely just be inexperience within relationships and you’re looking at everything through rose colored glasses and they’re worried that this’ll ruin a really good thing. They see you as romanticizing a lot of things that can hurt you or them (depending on who is coming from the more judgmental society, unless you both are). Plus with the imagery within the lovers alongside that message of the viewing, yeah. They also really don’t like all the tricks and cheap shots you try and take to get them to go along with whatever you want to go in regards to this. It’s all out of love, truly. Also I Love You 3000 by Stephanie Peotri is playing and I think that’s from them. ‘No spoilers please’
*I don’t know why I keep feeling the need to add this, even after a night’s rest but age gap between two consenting adults. No funny business.
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Pile Three
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How You View Them: X of Pentacles Rx, IV of Pentacles Rx, VII of Wands, Ace of Cups
How They View You: VII of Cups, The Emperor, V of Cups Rx, Queen of Swords Rx
Your FS comes off as quite defensive to you. Closed off as well, because I’m struggling to get a good grasp on these cards for some reason. I’m believing it’s more like you see them as hard to read at times. They present the same energy but slightly different over the course of different weeks? Like there will be different levels of response to the same triggers so you can pinpoint what’s happening but not be quite sure of how to approach or soothe them sometimes. They present some dysfunction within their family, but it’s one of those situations where you show up to family events or holidays that celebrate family — just to get it over with or because it’s nice — and then you won’t really see or hear from them much again. They also might have a struggle with maintaining their finances? It’s not that they’re an over spender but it’s little things that they either don’t care for a savings account, or they have a vice grip on what’s in their account so they complain about any type of ‘expensive’ purchase, looking over all avenues before deciding on what to buy, those things. They’re very protective over what’s theirs, and that includes you (so you might have to get on them about that terminology which I think I see a little on their side). Despite all of that you do see them as someone who does have emotions and care to offer, it’s in a sweet way. Kind of naïve, for some reason? When it comes to revealing sensitive sides of themselves they can be kind of sensitive or childlike, which you think balances out all of the above. Meanwhile your FS’ side is much easier to comprehend and views you to be kind of intense. Besides the emperor and the queen, I’m seeing the middle chalice within the seven of cups. If you’re a gamer, you know how when you unlock an underground opening and it slowly raises up to ominous music? That’s what it seems like to me. I’m mainly just getting that you’re an equal match to your FS. You have no problem putting them in their place. There is some inner turmoil or sadness that seems to be making it’s way to the surface at times, or maybe you just seem to have an appearance that looks sad (glossy eyes, downturned lips, etc). I think it has to do with the eyes because the hill in the background looks like an eye to me when I look somewhere else and it distracts me. Either way, they happen to discover different facets of your personality over the course of the relationship and it fascinates them sometimes, but they do think you can be a little harsh or bossy with them sometimes. You know what you like and don’t like, but even if it’s in a joking way, they can get hurt by your comments or nitpicking? In their eyes. Though this does seem to be a person who tends to go for people who are more in control than them, or are in their power. And Feeling Myself by Nicki Minaj & Beyoncé just started playing, yup.
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Your Favorite Traits of Your FS: The Empress, Page of Pentacles, VIII of Wands, II of Wands, The Cat and Lavender Rx
Your FS’ Favorite Traits of You: The Chariot Rx, Knight of Swords Rx, VII of Pentacles, Ace of Pentacles, The Fox and Ivy
Yeah this is displaying the very muted duality your FS holds, but it also works very well together which is why I called it a muted duality. You like that on one hand your FS can be very caring and sweet towards you. They present themselves as very gentle and calming in private manners. They also can be very loyal and somewhat steadfast? It’s like when you get a new plant so you’re dedicated to learning its favorite nutrients, what time of day it prefers, the sunlight it wants, its quirks — all of that. That’s what you like about them, a very dedicated sweet lover. On the other hand, they can be very instinctual and sure of themselves. This is a case where I don’t believe they’re aware that they’re listening to their intuition but it’s like when you’re looking at crystals or feeling something out and you just know it’s the right one for you. That’s how they make decisions and they do it so boldly, so sure of themselves, you really admire that about them. I can’t say whether or not they always make the right choice, but the confidence that they have when making these choices is mighty attractive to you. They’re also someone to come quick to your aid or defense if you need or request it. I’m getting the image of someone rushing into the room with like four care packages all catered to different scenarios haha. Your FS wanted to send a message while I was writing your passage I guess, but Think by Aretha Franklin was playing lmao, staring at that knight of swords. Anyway, I stand by what I said earlier. They can be a little sensitive to your comments, but they’re not opposed to a little friction. They do find your combative attitude attractive, even if it’s against them at times. The main thing here though is the fact that you’re able to get the most out of life. You are the phrase ‘one man’s trash is another man’s treasure’. You don’t waste any opportunity that’s given to you and you try to see how far you can run with it. You also don’t give up on things (or connections I guess, in this sense). You will sit with your projects, friends, struggling ideas, and see what will come of them after some tender love and care. The only thing that will make you abandon it is if the object of attention doesn’t want to ‘put in’ the same effort. You are willing to compromise and roll with the punches as long as they don’t make you sacrifice anything at your core. Your FS really loves that about you.
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Your Least Favorite Traits of Your FS: The Chariot Rx, Page of Pentacles, Knight of Wands Rx, IV of Wands, Envy Rx
Your FS’ Least Favorite Traits of You: IX of Cups Rx, III of Wands, The Devil, Death, Blessings
**LOL, not the both of you going ‘AHT, let me correct you real quick’ omg. Also, getting the chariot multiple times, someone has to have cancer placements in this connection. I’m getting specifically cancer venus or mars for some reason and I’m feeling like it’s them.
You can get annoyed with the complacency your FS holds. This loops all the way back to holding onto what they have and never looking for anything else, generally. It’s like you operate from this Envy card upright, while they move in the reverse. You are always trying to see what you can get out of things, to your detriment sometimes but we’ll get to that, and they don’t bother to even see if there’s more to things sometimes. It’s like if they have a car that can go on auto-pilot; they’d turn it on and take a nap. They’re okay with celebrating tiny milestones, or like ‘aah, mailed one letter today time to reward myself’ — things like that. Which is okay, but I’m going to assume it’s also intertwined with them getting way too in their head and making quick snap judgements based upon emotions. It’s not lost on me that the knight of wands is represented by a mummy and it’s also placed over the eight of wands currently. In the page of pentacles you can see that while someone is sleeping, a bunch of demons are slowly creeping up to attack her, presumably. I’d equate that to nightmares, or things catching up to you. So it’s like they would do a little bit here and there, celebrate, put it off, and then because of a deadline creeping up on them; either get way too stressed out or rush a bunch of stuff, as an example. All of this is centered around their ability to be okay with what they currently have, but they’re also not necessarily improving or bringing anything in. Your FS on the other hand thinks the exact opposite lmao. They think you give too many people or projects too much of your time or attention. I think the three of wands is interesting because it’s like someone waiting for their plans to come to fruition but the witch is old, the land is decrepit, and everything is withering away. Combined with the nine of cups, this person sees you pouring your efforts into all of these things and waiting for it to come back but you’re just. Standing there waiting with no reward. You guys are quite literally ‘working hard or hardly working’. Blessings is about granting others pardons or forgiveness, basically acting as a priest, but notice all of the creatures on him. It’s a double meaning here. They see you forgiving people that they believe shouldn’t get more of your time because they don’t have good intentions (one is literally yanking on the man’s ear). Mixed with Death, once again it’s mixed. You go around wearing yourself thin to wish people the best who aren’t doing the same for you, believing there will be a revival within a connection (for sure this time), or the other person is the reaper as they’re holding a scythe ready to cut you down. The devil here over the seven of coins speaks to them seeing your dedication falling into a slight obsession at times. It’s a bit unbalanced and sometimes you forget to take care of other things in your life, and you can get tangled within your projects and tie them to maybe your self-worth (if this fails then I failed because I couldn’t keep it going). I think you guys are good for each other in terms of learning your strongest qualities to help balance out your own personal lives honestly. Also Sun Goes Down by Lil Nas X started playing right as I finished.
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Pile Four
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How You View Them: Justice, Wheel of Fortune Rx, Queen of Wands, X of Wands
How They View You: IX of Swords Rx, The Hanged Man Rx, Queen of Swords, VII of Cups
You view your future spouse as someone quite rational. They’re not the type to believe in things like ‘fate’ or manifestation; if they want it they go get it. They firmly believe in seeing the world through an objective lens but you feel like sometimes they can be a little full of themselves in that sense. Like they have the final say in things. Besides that, they try to be fair and just about most things. It’s pretty basic, the people who are right are right, people who are wrong are wrong, if they feel like they aren’t informed they won’t speak on the matter — it can leave them seeming like they don’t really have much of a voice or opinions besides when they’re speaking up for people, because I definitely feel them here. You see them as someone who knows their worth and they’ll probably make jokes about it (‘oh you think you can get with me, come on now’). They’re pretty light-hearted when it doesn’t come to the state of the world or social politics, and you see them as someone who keeps up with their appearance. Beyond physical beauty but also watching what they eat and exercising as well, they’re very attentive of what makes them feel good. However they tend to take on too much, and I think this leans more back into how others around them are affected. If the state of the world is in shambles it can get to them, and they’ll look into what they can do. They might take on more than they can handle though, like maybe trying to go to a lot of charity events on top of their job, or trying to inform as many people as possible when they can barely fit it into their schedule. Things like that along with their slightly ‘I have the final say’ attitude might be the only annoying things here from you. Your FS views you as…kind of spacey. Weirdly. Ah! The second I figured it out, Bulletproof Heart by MCR started playing leave me alone lmao. So you took them by surprise when they first started to get to know you I think, but they also stuck around for these two sides of you. The majority of their perception of you is that you’re not present most of the time. You’re in your head or imagination and you’re not really paying attention to your surroundings — which I think can worry or annoy them sometimes. You also look like you’re constantly watching the world pass you by because you’re contemplating and would prefer to either help others or you’re not too privy to take control of your life. Like you’re exhausted in a sense and don’t feel like getting back in the ring, so you’d rather just sit back and people watch, or allow other people / things to come to you. This could also be the result of a former relationship (platonic, familial or romantic) that left you scarred and defensive. However, there are topics or times where you come out of hibernation and you come out with a bite. You have extensive knowledge about the subject and you can go toe to toe with them. You keep them engaged in the conversation. You can also give them the feeling that you’re allowing them to approach you but if they say the wrong thing then you’re bringing the sword down. These are not qualities that they expected to see in you, a person who is caught in a standstill, so they find it interesting. Okay Roman’s Revenge by Nicki Minaj is playing and I don’t want to take the lyrics, but the intensity and feeling of the song is the feeling of when that queen of swords comes out, to them.
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Your Favorite Traits of Your FS: Death, The Star Rx, The World, III of Pentacles, The Snail and the Huckleberry Rx
Your FS’ Favorite Traits of You: V of Cups Rx, Ace of Swords Rx, The Emperor Rx, VI of Swords Rx, The Caiman and Poppy Rx
So first off I have to say that your FS has to have fixed placements or is a fixed sign? Lmao maybe their birthday is valentines day maybe that’s why they have such a thing with the divine and all of that - or maybe not because spooky guy of all songs just started playing so maybe they are a scorpio, god I get it. Anyway, Your favorite traits are the fact that they are so rooted in the 3D. Usually I don’t like the star being reversed, but here it’s really sweet. With its positioning, it’s looking down at the three of pentacles meaning it’s working with you, which we’ll get into later. Your FS is someone who faces their fears and demons with rationale and like, a guidebook almost. So it’s no longer that big and scary to them, it’s not really that much of a challenge but they’re still able to be rewarded with the transformation that comes afterward. They also feel like a missing puzzle piece to you. I don’t spread the idea of ‘there’s someone out there that will complete you’, and I never will, but when you meet this person they will feel like they can make up for things that you lack. They can also help teach you to strengthen your weaker qualities as well. It quite literally is people with different skill sets coming together to ‘complete a project’. It also always feels super sweet and fun whenever you’re with them. Your FS loves basically all the opposite traits of what was mentioned above. I have to mention that Asystole by Hayley Williams is playing as I look into this five of cups, which is over the nine of swords. So I do believe there is a recovery taking place that they notice within you, and they adore it in a sense that they’re very proud of you. Every day that you wake up and decide to face your fears, keep doing inner work (‘whatever that is’), and placing trust in them makes their heart grow three times bigger — just like the grinch. There is a feeling of wanting to move on or flee out of instinct and self-preservation but choosing not to, and they give you space to figure that out on your own, so hearing that after you work through it and the ultimate answer is to stay — well they don’t want to show it because they want you to do what’s best for you but it’s very nice to hear. Overall we have this energy of you being pretty scatterbrained, which leads to a lot of absurd thoughts and late night ramblings. They find it fun, even if it doesn’t make sense and they can’t really keep up or actively engage at times. You can get stuck in them, which is when they come to ground you, but unless it’s causing harm they just let you have fun in there. They do love when your 'aggressive' side comes out though, because that’s what they’re familiar with and they can keep up with that. They like when you’re stubborn sometimes, because it can be over something small or maybe you guys are debating serious stuff, but it’s a fun shared activity between the two of you. They don’t necessarily want you to get rid of your spacey qualities though because they can learn from it and you teach them a few new things, like how to relax and disengage.
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Your Least Favorite Traits of Your FS: Queen of Cups, IV of Cups Rx, III of Pentacles, Strength Rx, The Feral Child Rx
Your FS’ Least Favorite Traits of You: The Empress Rx, Page of Pentacles Rx, The High Priestess Rx, Ace of Pentacles, Revenge
Hey remember when I said they seem to have a complex about them at times from your perspective. You can get irritated with them because in the process of them wanting to help care for you, it seems like they’re treating you like a child. You might decline their help sometimes because you feel like they’re looking down at you. When you look at the way the queen of cups is presented, she seems as if she’s someone of high status. Even in the book it says ‘do not fear the queen of cups, even though she seems intimidating, she is caring’. Your FS can come off as an ‘I told you so’ person at times, but they do wish the best for you. There’s another piece of them seeming to always want to align with ‘the norm’, or what is allowed within society, and that can annoy you because you don’t feel like they’re ‘being authentic’. This can be as little as them not partaking in any hobbies they like because people will mock them for it or they personally feel like it’s embarrassing. For others of you, this has to do with poor anger management and pent up frustration. They don’t know how to channel it elsewhere or relieve it, and it builds up until they blow up over something small or create an issue over nothing, due to something else that was a legitimate problem a few weeks ago. Now a funny side note is — unfortunately you won’t be able to tell from this picture I think, but in person if you look closely enough at this four of cups; one of the drink’s mist is just a bit darker than the rest. I think that’s how you literally feel about your FS’ intuition, it’s blocked and it can annoy you at times that they miss what is obvious to you, but it’s not obvious to them. You guys just speak different language so to speak, that’s all. Your FS wants you to treat yourself better. I giggled because when I pulled the high priestess I heard ‘you call this intuition?’, I’m sorry your FS has been quite the smart-ass this whole reading. The main focus here is split a little bit, with an interesting side message here as well. You can be pretty sensitive and beat yourself down over some small stuff. Your self-esteem isn’t that strong so when you don’t meet goals you set for yourself or you just happen to have one of those days, it hits pretty hard. It feels like you’re eating yourself alive. It might also be that you don’t have good self-care habits as well, because remember, your FS does. There might be days you won’t take care of yourself too well and they won’t like that and might nag you about it. I’m also getting a sense that if you’re in the process of — or maybe beginning to when you meet them — start your own business or indulge in a hobby, you will put your blood sweat and tears into it which is something that worries them because of what I started before. They don’t mind taking care of you or watching out, but it’s the imbalance that stresses them out. They also want you to trust yourself more because sometimes you can feel like you get messages or intuitive hits wrong. Like if one thing goes wrong, and you follow it because of a gut feeling, you beat yourself up for it and that’s not how that works. However at the same time, sometimes you can use that against your FS. This is only for a select few, and it’s not bad it’s more funny and irritable from them tbh, but sometimes you can withhold things from them relating to this stuff if you’re in a funky mood towards them and it irritates the living shit out of them. Like let’s say you guys have reached a mutual understanding and respect for each other and sometimes they ask for a second opinion before deciding on something, maybe you’re a little annoyed and you claim you’re not getting anything but they can tell when you’re lying. Stupid stuff like that lmao.
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Pile Five
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How You View Them: III of Pentacles, King of Swords, The Hanged Man, The Tower Rx
How They View You: The High Priestess, The Lovers Rx
Your pile will be somewhat different or interesting. When I was pulling for their side, I was shuffling for quite some time and the first card to come out was the high priestess, and with that I got ‘they should know’. I don’t really feel one way or the other that you already know this person, if they want to reveal it later on they will, because I asked them if they want to divulge information and they basically said ‘I don’t want to talk petty gossip but I will shine light upon my qualities’ essentially (3 of cups rx and queen of wands). So this pile can fall into the pool of: 1) you guys are communicating through your high selves, 2) you’ve met through dreams, 3) you already know this person and the connection is being protected from ruin, etcetc.
Now that that spiel is over. You view your FS as someone who is co-operative. This reads to me as someone who is willing to split the chores, there is no clash of house rules going on, etc. They’re willing to work with you on things so it runs smoothly, and they want it to run efficiently and properly as well. The king feels very kind here? It’s not as noticeable as he usually is and it feels more of someone who you go to for advice or help. They don’t feel like someone who runs the show to you. They feel more like someone who watches from a distance and just makes sure things are going okay without directly interfering or leading anything. They definitely protect you or make moves from behind the scenes though, and you obviously would find this out later along the way. I feel this because for some reason it’s like the king of swords is smiling (?) gently at me while beneath or behind them, the tower is happening. It’s reversal feels more muted to me than to take it as a reverse, like it’s still happening but no one else sees it except for those who need to. You view your FS as someone who is very quiet, calm and supportive. Doesn’t have to literally be gentle but they give off that energy. Feels Taurean? For their rising at least. Now your FS…like I said, they didn’t want to speak up for how they see you for some reason. I definitely don’t think it’s because they’re shy, but there’s something here that they don’t want you to know yet? Which I’m just merely here to show the cards and explain the messages so—
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Your Favorite Traits of Your FS: The Fool, Page of Swords, Nine of Wands, Queen of Cups, The Fox and Ivy Rx
Your FS’ Favorite Traits of You: Six of Swords, III of Cups, VII of Cups, The Ladybug and Sweet Pea Rx
*For those of you that don’t know me, I usually take The Devil or The Moon as a sign to stop asking, and considering the above, I let your FS know that, and for the last card they gave me both LMAO, very very protective and serious about this I like that.
Your favorite traits are seemingly about the same thing LOL. There is a bit of a stubborn streak to your FS; they stand for what they stand for, if they don’t want to do something they won’t do it. It’s not in an aggressive manner, but they are simply not budging, it takes a lot to get them to bend to someone else’s will. It’s rooted in the fact that they’re willing to explore and uncover a lot, listen to many other people’s perspective and understand a lot of things they aren’t familiar with. They’re willing to take the plunge before they can say with resolve that something just isn’t for them. They’re not combative and they’re quite gentle and caring with the way they handle people and their affairs, which is what you like about them. Two extra things, there might be a small pet they have that you adore or grow close to? That and they might enjoy, find peace, or live near the sea.  On your FS’s side, I kept replaying Gurenge by LiSA but I only paid attention to this line: ‘Tell me why, tell me why, tell me why, tell me, I don't need you’, and I see that being highlighted on their side. You reflect your FS somewhat in the fact that when things no longer serve you or you find them to be unhealthy, you leave them behind. You understand that not everything or everyone is meant to be in your life until the end of time, and that’s okay. If they happen to be, then you find yourself to be extremely lucky, that’s all. It’s also a little bit like a social battery when in combination with the three of cups. You do enjoy socializing with the people that you want to socialize with and you fully understand your limits. I also feel like this is you enjoying more of celebrating holidays or certain traditions and going all out for them, which they find cute. You’re idealistic and creative, nothing (within reason) is too much for you, and it’s like you always happen to be able to pick from the right cup when it matters. Also, Cool Kitty from Class of 3000 is playing and I think that just highlights that message, I wasn’t even processing that lol. This episode was about one of the kids hanging out with other kids that just didn’t authentically care for her and were willing to drop her at a second’s notice if she was suddenly not fitting the aesthetic, which calls back to you understanding those that are meant for you and those that aren’t.
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Your Least Favorite Traits of Your FS: Death Rx, X of Cups Rx, V of Cups, V of Wands, The Specimen
Your FS’ Least Favorite Traits of You: Judgement Rx, X of Pentacles Rx, The Elixir
Only If For A Night by Florence + the Machine is playing. You feel like your FS can be too unchanging at times. They do explore, try things, travel, etc — but their end results seems to be that they go back into their bubble to stay with what’s familiar. So while their wisdom expands, they don’t. I was looking at the five of cups and Too Sensitive by Sean Kennedy started playing. I was going to say the imagery looks like someone knocking the cups over after a fight to really rub salt into a wound. There is a defensive energy that’s been seen throughout the entire reading, and it comes out with you too, but it’s when you challenge them on this aspect of their mindset. It feels like someone pulled the wool over your eyes and now you’re being shown the truth, in a way. I think it’s a small problem that can boil into a big one if not cared for.
Your FS feels like you try too hard to solve a problem that’s not there. The Specimen is, well it’s a creature. I find it very interesting that you both got vials, and it’s like one is the problem and the other seems to be like an antidote. They’re both showing up negatively though. One of these interpretations could be that they feel like old arguments or fights get recycled again and again, and they’re tired of it. However, I don’t feel like that’s the main message here. That’s for very few of you, and if you don’t know who I’m talking about, then you picked the wrong pile, there’s a very high chance of that. Sometimes piles can be hijacked by people who need to hear a specific message. This feels like a relationship with a lot of squaring going on astrologically. Two people approaching something with the same mindset but from different perspectives. Sun by CHANMINA is playing.
For some of you, there is a high chance that this is a past relationship, or someone that you knew / worked with, and they just never made any moves towards you during that time.
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Pile Six
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How You View Them: III of Wands, Queen of Swords, Knight of Swords Rx, VI of Wands Rx
How They View You: Kings of Wands Rx, V of Wands, King of Swords Rx, Queen of Pentacles
You view your future spouse as someone who has something to prove. They can come off as a bit blunt and dismissive. I believe that’s due to their focus being on something else, which would be their goals and achievements. It’s kind of interesting because they might have made a bad first impression, or maybe this is when they get really stressed out and tense, but they can be quite unfavorable to be around during those moments. They might have Aries influence actually, because I feel like whatever they feel, they let it out without thinking, that’s their stress relief (even if it doesn’t really do anything). You might see them as someone who has some growing to do and is all talk, but on the flipside it kind of seems like they’re just anxious to fill the shoes that are set for them? Like the reason why they act like that is because they know what’s coming but they’re worried that it might not be all it’s amped up to be (you know, because they keep hyping it up), so then they get in their head and then they’re a little bit of a shit-head. One of the more interesting viewpoints of the piles today I’ll say. For your FS I struggled with these king cards at first I'm not gonna lie. Looking back at it, very simple. I keep getting a strong feeling that this person has to at least be a year younger than you. Anyway, they see you as quite the authoritative figure in their life, sometimes to an overwhelming degree. It’s giving the feeling of being someone’s manager or supervisor and always micromanaging them, I’m not getting the feeling of abusing your power. They see you as combative over petty stuff, feeling like you throw your weight (intelligence and status) around. This can include them being less experienced than you in some way and it might strike a nerve with them even if you aren’t attempting to do that. Like they might appreciate the fact that you do take time to either guide or show them that you care, but then they might feel like you’re looking down on them and it might fire them up all over again.
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Your Favorite Traits of Your FS: Page of Wands, The Emperor Rx, VIII of Swords Rx, The Hermit, The Deer and Oat
Your FS’ Favorite Traits of You: Strength Rx, X of Swords Rx, Wheel of Fortune, VI of Swords, The Bee and Pomegranate
Your favorite traits are that they can be unapologetically themselves and that they offer you a place of solitude or safety. It doesn’t have to be physical, but they feel safe to you. Maybe quite literally feel healing to you, but mainly safe. They might request vacations where you guys have your phones turned off or at least on DnD. There’s a lot of youthful energy to them that is refreshing to you, so maybe you’ve felt the need to constantly be mature and presentable whether that be in your career, around friends or family, etc — but they give you that space to let you be goofy, have food fights in the middle of baking, finger paint, bring out your inner child with them. There’s also a more introspective quality to them that isn’t so front and center in their daily life that you enjoy experiencing. They can seem to not really be grounded or listen to an inner voice but it is there and there’s a bit more happening internally than meets the eye. Hm. JA ARA E by Burna Boy is playing and I usually don’t draw back to ethnicities or anything but someone might be african or african-american considering the cards as well. Your FS’s side is pretty straight forward so I’m very sorry if this is so short but they like the side of you that is able to let go and let be. They wish to understand how you’re able to not fight against so many things, or not be so anxious about the world around you at times. How you can heal so beautifully after the worst betrayals. The way you can take the tried and true road, even if it’s not the best road for you at the time, with not many complaints. They’re slightly jealous but also admirable of these gentle qualities of yours. I’m mainly getting this from my gut but there might be a piece of them that feels like they have a lot of catching up to do when it comes to you so it makes them feel small and slightly…it’s not scared or embarrassed but it’s like they want to rush and put in a lot of overtime to catch up, but when you’re not looking. The feeling of inadequacy is always in the back of their mind, it just kind of depends on when it gets triggered.
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Your Least Favorite Traits of Your FS: IV of Pentacles Rx, II of Swords Rx, IV of Swords, III of Swords, The Feeding
Your FS’ Least Favorite Traits of You: II of Wands Rx, Judgement Rx, Queen of Swords, IX of Cups, Tears
You think your FS can be sneaky or try to take shortcuts to make things happen, which can annoy you sometimes. With the four of pentacles combined with feeding, it makes me feel like entanglements and promises, but too many things get caught up within their web for things to happen so it must be sacrificed, ultimately making it not happen. The cycle keeps happening though because someone doesn’t want to fall short of their self-imposed goal. You also feel like they hide away from big responsibilities or scary choices. The skeletons are popping up from the ground but I’d have to imagine it wouldn’t be able to see which choice is being made, and the vampire is peeking out of her coffin, looking like she’s risen, but can easily shut it again. All of this leads to a lot of heartbreak and a woe is me mindset that can be easily avoided from your perspective
Your FS on the other hand thinks you worry too much and it can get to them. I was wondering why it seemed like the energies started to intertwine but it seems like you’re both directly affecting each other here. They don’t like when you worry about them to the point of covering up their mistakes and cleaning up their mess. You can nag them a lot and sound like their mom which is not too attractive. This nine of cups feels like the ‘cleaning up the mess’ part for some reason. You can also remind them a lot of their failures in a backwards way. It’s you telling them to be cautious and giving them advice or different paths to take next time, and them taking it the wrong way. Thinking you’re being underhanded and referencing their last failed attempt. There’s just a bit more communication that is needed here so people understand exactly what is being said and ego’s aren’t hurt along the way, is all. Might have squared or opposing mercury, mars, or ascendant aspects? Honestly even Pluto I think, since it’s dealing with authority.
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victorckk · 4 months
I KNOW ALL MY POSTS KEEP SWITCHING BETWEEN FANDOMS BUT I AM VERY INDECISIVE and my brain has a million tabs open and it’s like multiple different Amtrak trains crashing into each other because there’s only one track
I have a He-Man/She-Ra OC that I’ve been wanting to post here for a while now but never got around to doing it,, but I am now ehe
Making a tag for her to keep track of all of her stuff because my memory be so bad 😔
The first variation of her that I’m going to post is her SPOP design. Even though she needs a redesign, I’m keeping this one for now
I’ll post her information for MOTU later once I get all of that information sorted out and everything
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Basically… her backstory changes for each franchise, but majority of the details stay the same.
Her SPOP backstory is obviously different, considering that the Netflix reboot is in no way associated with MOTU, which is what she was originally created for. So her backstory for SPOP is still a huge work in progress.
In the (Netflix)SPOP universe, her name is Zenith.
She was was created by Horde Prime to help him in his quest to rule various planets, galaxies, and universes. She was given her own name by the galactic dictator, and allowed freedom that no other clone has ever been given.
Primarily due to the fact that Zenith was meant to be the next vessel for Horde Prime, and because she was a successful prototype of a hybrid clone that he practically created for fun.
While Zenith refers to him as Father, Horde Prime refers to her as daughter. Even though they act more like salty siblings than anything.
With the combination of technology and magic, she is able to change forms at will. Zenith is able to disguise herself to gain the trust of the inhabitants of different planets, before allowing Horde Prime to finish them off.
When her ascension to being Prime’s next vessel was supposed to occur, nobody from Prime’s fleet actually knows. Not even Zenith herself. Horde Prime kept all information regarding the events to himself, and away from the Hivemind.
She ended up staying on Etheria to learn more about its history, culture, and to try to unlearn a lot of the things that she was subjected to under Horde Prime’s teachings.
A lot of this information is subjected to change since her MOTU counterpart is more developed than anything.. but yeah.
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raydianbluesandhues · 10 months
we all saw CB's wardrobe in that cutscene
your thoughts
Navi here!
I mentioned this in a previous post regarding the INKT’s planet and home life, but Inkies also express their individuality via their clothes and smaller accessories.
I regard that final cutscene as more of a small Easter egg since. Points to the Mario overalls
However I do think he has more formal wear for meetings! Of course it’s monochrome since I do not think it’s possible for them to make it without using some form of color energy, which they cannot process and it DOES hurt them. I think he’s very very very picky about what he wears and will throw a fit if it’s not to his standards. He has servants to pick and sew his outfits because I would imagine the he himself is horribly indecisive when it comes to his attire. He always has something to complain about.
I actually think of him as more of a clean freak. Picky about what he wears, very particular about his appearance, well-groomed. He cares about public opinion (points to that one cutscene in the first game where he’s on TV trying to shake hands with a Graydian, trying to make himself appear more friendly). Even when he was disguised as Papa Blanc, he has followers spreading his “good word”, and I would imagine he was somewhat of a Good Samaritan in public. He can be charismatic when he’s not throwing a fit. He’s crafty, and smart, and he knows what he’s doing.
Which is why no one knew about the Hypno Ray.
Which is why he almost won.
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alyjojo · 1 year
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Love Reading 😍 - May 2023 - Gemini
Overall energy: 2 Swords
How you will meet: 9 Swords
How they will treat you: Ace of Swords
Long-term Potential: 5 Wands
Drop and give me Zen.
Highly Meditated.
This person either already has caused you an obscene of amount of stress, worry, upset & pain, or they come in when something else has. I assume they have, because you exist in two minds about them. It’s something you think about a LOT. You don’t know their motives, or what they want from you, is it money, is it sex, what’s their game? Should I let this go or try to start over? It’s like a mental prison, that I don’t see getting any better. They’re really into you, Ace of Cups is a beautiful beginning, their emotions are genuine, they want to take you out and do things for you. It’s you with the issue.
If they’ve messed up before, you’re not really allowing yourself to forgive them. Or you’ve gone through something really traumatizing (if so, I’m very sorry), and that’s what won’t allow you to let this person in fully. This shows that you make them very happy, and they make you happy too. But you don’t trust it. Or you aren’t ready. Long term, you still feel exactly the same, there’s something about them that makes you feel unsure & insecure. It doesn’t sit right, doesn’t flow properly, maybe the attraction is off and there’s just no trust. Long term, you’re still waiting to figure this out, waiting to make a decision, still don’t know what you want. Things will probably inevitably change for one or both of you, in the form of another person being the right one for one of you. I just don’t see this one being *the* one. You seem to know.
Messages -
Their side:
- Forever Young
Your side:
- Blaming you 💯
- Bisexuality
Signs you may be dealing with:
Scorpio, Gemini, Taurus & Leo
Overall energy: 4 Wands
Current: Strength
Challenge: 2 Swords
How they feel about you: The Wheel of Fortune & 4 Pentacles rev
How you feel about them: 3 Pentacles
Outcome: Queen of Wands
The relationship between you is stable & happy, some of you could be wanting to move in together or maybe buy/sell a house. Taking the next step, whatever that is. If so, money is the issue for now. 8 Wands could be offers you’re putting in or messages about loans, a lot of communication back and forth about money. The current standing of this is needing to hold back due to not having enough. Or if you’re selling, maybe there are some financially heavy repairs needing to be made first. Half of May is in a Taurus retrograde, a sign of money, and a third of you actually have this Mercury & will be affected directly, so buying things or signing contracts isn’t the greatest idea…if you’re delayed, and it looks like you are, it’s probably a blessing in disguise. You could have car problems, or suddenly be needing to travel for work, maybe paying out of pocket, so any money you’d have saved up for moving or a home may need to be dipped into for a car or something else instead. There’s definitely an energy of having to pull back and switch tracks, for now.
The challenge is indecision on this new adventure you’re trying to get started on, because whatever is happening has just let out all of the steam on your ideas & motivation. Your bubble was filled, you were ready, and then BAM a roadblock pops it. They see you realistically, as having to release a goal or idea for now, with the intention of postponing it for another time when it’s actually possible. No sweat in their mind, things happen, etc. For you, you see them as cooperating, you work well together, could literally work together with your messages, you make a good team. You know they’re dissatisfied with these roadblocks getting in the way of your dream too, they could think you’re taking it too hard.
Outcome is you two being committed to each other, and a new beginning, whether it’s the one you imagined or not. There’s romance, passion, you can find inspiration in each other and just take things as they come. Your Oracle showing to “give that shit up”, I’m not sure what that is but I assume it’s stressing too much over things you can’t control, or maybe a specific something that has to change 🙏
Messages -
Their side:
- Considerate
- I love our walks
Your side:
- Love at Work
- Lighter Skin Tone
Oracles -
Decide Your Vibe.
Give That Shit Up.
Their side:
You can have a partner you love, but don’t forget all the other loves, such as friends, family, pets, and so on.
What you worry about now will resolve itself if you’re patient and let your chart unfold.
Your side:
Light a candle, put on some music, and take a bath. Doing so will renew your body and soul.
Signs you may be dealing with:
Aries, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Taurus, Cancer & Pisces
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kupocat · 21 days
Today I was accidentally "extra weird"...
This is a bit long, but trust me, it's funny.... So I'm an unfortunate fuck who gets weather/air pressure related migraines. It sucks, but past me FINALLY remembered to order a refill of my migraine medication. A little bit of caffeine and sugar actually tends to help most headache meds work/work a bit better.... PROBLEM. I don't have any sweet caffeinated drinks in my flat atm. So I either need to go get it myself or place a take-away order with one of the random delivery services in my area. I'm in pain and feeling socially unwell, so driving somewhere isn't an option. Alright. Cellphone delivery service it is. Pick a poop load of stuff so I have things for days and for an up-coming trip I hope I'm well for. Pay for purchase. Wait. Check receipt time & delivery. Past due. Contact support. Even they don't know wtf is going on, but I leave it as a standing order. (Anxious atm so I don "soft cosplay" accessories) Hour later than expected, finally someone is driving my order to me. Glorious. Satan fuckin wept yes please. Person lists the order as delivered too early. I'm vexed thrice over and trying to figure out where the customer service portal is when I FINALLY... FINALLY! Hear someone coming up the stairs (I live on the 3rd floor). Minor dialog exchange of "Are you expecting a delivery?" "yes T_T." I take the heavy load of bags from her and then I remember... Oh yeah, I'm a "fancy" subscriber for this delivery service - I got a free item added to my order.... Now normally that's just be WHOO, free snack get! But all of the items they had listed were made with wheat/gluten aka poison for me. Annoying, but I don't use this service often, so why not get the free snack and re-gift it? They can't check if I *PERSONALLY* ate it. A bit of indecision and eventually I picked a brownie. Humans like chocolate, don't get nuts - too many humans have allergies/texture issues. So once I've set the bags on the ground I go: Me: "Wait wait wait~!" Them: "Oh you checking you got everything?" Me: "No, but, I got a freebie, but I can't eat it cause I'm allergic to wheat….here~!" *Hands them a still factory wrapped brownie from the bags they just carried up* They were surprised and delighted and accepted the treat. It was only once I got back inside with my loot that I remembered.... I'd donned my anxiety support cosplay accessory (elf ears) and was wearing my "emotional support human - do not pet" shirt. So that probably explains why they were surprised to get a brownie.... So far my friends have said their surprise was a mix "weirdo dressed weirdly" and "unexpected kindness". And have also since said that we're expecting someone to made a reddit post about
"a very poorly disguised Elf who gave a wayward delivery driver a brownie..."
----- And led to an amusing debate with me/my friends on discord on if the fae are able to still keep/kidnap you if the food they offer you is factory sealed. 😂
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difeisheng · 3 years
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@cerusee​ Okay! Since you are enabling me, welcome one and all to the Xiandu Jiang Cheng Agenda. Bear with me here:
Post-canon, the Jianghu needs a leader because Oh Boy there are problems to fix. Lan Wangji has been handed the job, but let’s be real, his interests and general way of operating are not suited to presiding over the squabble of complaints and gossip that is the sect leaders. I doubt anyone sees his appointment as a permanent or long-term measure, least of all himself. He’s here to keep things from falling apart for the time being, but as soon as they can readily find someone else for Chief Cultivator I think he’s happier carrying on as he was before, just with more Happy Wei Ying Time. So who else can take his place?
You need someone from one of the remaining Major Four sects, because they have enough power and strength to get others to follow them. Aside from Lan Wangji, there are few options. Jin Ling? Taking care of the Jin Sect will be a difficult enough task, and he is a literal child. End of discussion. Lan Xichen? In seclusion until the time being and even if/when he does come out, I really, really don’t think he wants anything to do with leadership and politics. If anything he’ll be in the Cloud Recesses as a teacher. Lan Qiren you could possibly argue for, but he’ll have been covering for Lan Xichen while he’s in the Hanshi and I also don’t think leading the other cultivators is what he wants. So the Jin and Lan sects are out. Nie Huaisang after Guanyin will have showed his hand as someone actually reasonably competent and good at planning if he puts his mind to it, but in the wake of Jin Guangyao the Jianghu likely does not want someone of the overly scheming sort. Besides, he carried on the Headshaker persona for so long that there are probably people who are still gonna think he’s weak and indecisive regardless. 
The search for a future candidate is looking bleak here. But you know what. You know what. Who, throughout the last sixteen years, has proven himself able to handle massive amounts of responsibility with ruthless efficiency? Who has had to start from the bottom in chaos and ruin before, and done it well enough to become the unchallenged largest power in the southern Jianghu? Who, despite his own opinions, can deal with the other sect leaders effectively while still maintaining reputation and decorum? That’s right, Jiang Cheng. 
Immediately after Guanyin Temple he is, admittedly, an emotional wreck who’s gonna need some time to get through things. But as we have seen before, eventually all the feelings Jiang Cheng was warring over he poured into his work instead. Especially because his family has suffered due to the world being the shitshow it is, and not wanting the same thing to happen to Jin Ling, he has a vested interest in making sure the Jianghu runs fairly! Jiang Cheng’s drive and goals are very much suited to the job of Xiandu. He has enough strength in reputation and resources to back up anything he wants to do. He’s also direct with his words and opinions, so even if he’s still too grumpy for the Jianghu’s tastes, he’s a better-looking option to them than another mastermind in disguise. Jiang Cheng doesn’t have time for that. He just gets shit done. 
Not only is Jiang Cheng the only person Lan Wangji can even consider to pass on his title, he’s someone who would take his duties seriously and in stride. Others might dislike him, but they also can’t deny that what he did for the Jiang sect was extraordinary and shows great skill and determination. I would in addition argue that, after all the secrets and plans of the last few Chief Cultivators have been exposed, Jiang Cheng’s tendency of wearing everything on his sleeve is probably the type of voice the Jianghu needs to settle down and lead it into a more peaceful era. End post. 
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junkyard-gifs · 2 years
Jerrie and Jelly say FUCK OFF MATE
Macavity says wot i was only going to disembowel him a little
meanwhile Munkustrap is swooning very prettily
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Oasis cast 11: Benjamin McMillan as the damsel in distress, Benjamin Stacey as Mungojerrie, Katie Hahn as Jellylorum, Domenico Ramelli as Macavity.
And for bonus angst or crack, depending on your feelings: on this night, due to a lack of covers, Macavity's two minions who carried off Deuteronomy were none other than our favourite two orange stripey kids!
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(Look at the shoes: hers are almost white, his are almost black. We also get a glimpse of orange and white under his mask in another frame but it's too blurry to translate well into stills. The only other cats offstage at this point are Plato (who is Macavity), Misto (busy getting ready for his solo), and Alonzo and Gus (Mac decoys).)
Since Rumpelteazer had to participate in the 'Macavity' song, Mungojerrie brought fake Deut in alone... but honey you're not subtle we see that orange and black wig under that mask.
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Usually I assume the henchcats/minions are completely separate characters, but this time? Oooh this is too juicy. I'm gonna call this canon for this night: that was actually them under the disguises!
M&R carried him off, then Demeter sang I might mention Mungojerrie with Rumpelteazer right there onstage with her. Guys, they're onto you. They know where your silly little side gig has led you, even though you didn't mean for it to go that far...
... and now where's it got you?
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"wait what's going on I didn't realise this was actually serious please don't OH SHIT I got him hurt worse by distracting him I'M SORRY MUM"
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Jerrie's day keeps getting better and better. Look what you did. You messed up a perfectly good tribe protector is what you did, look at him, he's got lacerations.
... and Teazer is on the other side of the stage. Is that an incitement to cowardice ("she isn't by my side, I am paralysed by indecision") or bravery ("I must get to her somehow!")? Who knows, but eventually....
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... a decision is made.
And when he stands up, the whole tribe stands with him.
(Oasis cast 11, 13 April 2022)
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zenni-gotcha · 2 years
Hi there! Hope you're doing well. :)
I was wondering if I could make another request? May I have headcannons on how you think the gang would react if they found out Y/N had an extremely beautiful and intricate tattoo? Placed on their side or spine? I'm thinking about getting one lol
[That’s awesome! I’ve been thinking about getting one somewhere, but I’m too indecisive and can’t settle on designs or placement, haha]
He loves fine art and good tattoo work is no different
And seeing as you are the ones with the tattoo it’s like fine art on another piece of fine art
Is happy to stare at it for hours
It’s like something new pops up every time he looks at it
Pokes at it just to watch you jump
Kinda walks up and goes
“Oooooh, look at that part!”
Before losing it at how you flail around
Since it’s where your shirt usually covers, then he won’t notice until it crawls up some time, or maybe you wear a crop top if you do
Even then he won’t say anything
He wants to still act cool and aloof
Will stare at it the whole day though
Eventually when you ask him if he wants to look at it, then he’ll come more close
Will ask you what it means and why you wanted to get it
Thinks it looks great on you
He will notice it quickly because of his keen eyes
Is fascinated by it
Like Jigen he also wants to know if there’s any special meaning to it or if you just got it because you wanted to
Also wants to know if you got it with a machine or the old fashion way
Compliments you for you endurance of pain
He’s heard the ones on the side or back can be rough to get through
But you seemed to be tough enough for them
She thinks it looks stunning
Actually kind of wanted to get a tattoo herself
But since she has to be in disguise most of the time that would be an easy give away that it was her
Will study it closely every chance she gets
Likes to run her fingers along the outlines of the shapes
Gets lost in the patters if you let her spend that much time with it
The first time that he sees it, he goes silent and is very serious
When you ask him what’s wrong after this goes on for awhile he’ll look at you with sad eyes and says
“Which one? Just tell me which one and I’ll do everything I can to help you out of it!”
Now you’re confused
Turns out that when a career lawman from Japan sees a complicated tattoo he goes off of experience and thinks you’re in a gang
Explain to him that there are plenty of people that have tattoos and are also not in a gang
After that’s out of the way he thinks it’s beautiful
Asks if it hurt much to get
And loves that you’re not afraid to do whatever you want with your body
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ventiiology · 3 years
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— ✦ || home
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title . windtrace characters . kaeya , diluc , venti , childe type . fluff , bullet-point headcanons
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an interesting man in mondstadt is advertising for a game that represented mondstadt’s history but eventually got less played and forgotten over the years. he wanted to bring back the tradition, with more exciting edits made to the game in hopes of attracting more players. you have convinced your boyfriend to play it with you, and hell, it was a wild ride.
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kaeya, upon hearing about the game from you, would already be interested
it sounded really fun, so he played it with you asap
he may or may not have skipped some duties from the knights, but in his eyes it was completely within reason
he didn’t tell you about that, of course, or else you would’ve forced him to go back to favonius headquarters and finish up whatever boring paperwork he needed to sign.
as a hunter he would be quite experienced, as expected, since he was a knight and had to do similar activities when hunting down criminals like treasure hoarders, the abyss order, etc
you’d have to be good at hiding, otherwise the game would end very quickly
“hm? i’m surprised how you were able to outrun me the first time with your height. i don’t usually fall for the same thing twice, that’s why i was able to catch you~”
as a rebel kaeya would also be surprisingly good at the role
he’s scarily good at hiding and even with your perks as a hunter to trace wherever he is, he still made it really challenging
if you ever get too close to wherever he’s hiding or disguising he might take advantage of having a cryo vision to slip you up somehow
whether that be literal or not
although he’ll get called out for cheating later
“my, you’re freezing up. come on, don’t be salty you lost. you were pretty close to catching me, i’ll give you that.” kaeya says as be brings you into his embrace, warming you up in dragonspine’s bitter cold.
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diluc would honestly not be interested at first
it would take quite some pleading, daily bugging, and perhaps a bit of bribery to get him to agree to play
tell him that he wouldn’t have to see kaeya around for the week or something
as a hunter he would spend a good 30 seconds just standing there wondering what he should do. there are a lot of places to hide, and the map was very big. also you could’ve disguised yourself as something from the area, so how could he be completely sure it’s you?
he’s really quiet so you wouldn’t hear him coming
using the hunter ability to trace where you went, he’d be somewhat indecisive on whether he should take his time or run to follow the traces
will use hunter abilities at the most inconvenient moments
for you, as the rebel, at least
like when you think he didn’t notice you and is walking away he’ll activate the hunter ability ‘insight’, which reveals your location and points you out with a pillar of light
diluc will be annoyingly good at finding you this way
“did i scare you? i— i’m sorry. i’ll try not to repeat my actions.”
as a rebel, he’d probably be more hesitant than when being a hunter
multiple times throughout the game, he will mutter to himself that he is not suited for this role
however diluc always seemed to take the longest to find... you wondered how he pulled it off every time
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he’s definitely aware of this game
venti, of all people, should know about windtrace, especially its origins...
so he’s actually the one who invited you to play with him
as a hunter he’d love the thrill and challenge of finding you
he would much prefer to be a rebel, but the hunter role was still fun to play as!
he’d take his sweet, sweet time as a hunter
not sprinting all over the place will give him more time to examine places
but if he gets as much as a glimpse of action, he’ll go running towards that
“heeeey! that’s not faaaair! i declare a rematch! if i win this one, you owe me... an apple! no, five apples!”
as a rebel he’ll be able to find hiding spots in places you didn’t even know existed within the map
he might use a little bit of his anemo powers to let him climb up to higher places... if needed
will climb trees a lot, so when you start looking in trees, he alternates his hiding style
and he’s a speedy little shit too— so speedy you can hear him leaving sonic behind
like if you manage to get his disguise out of commission and you spot him since he’s unable to hide, he’ll literally just speed away behind something then you lose track of him
like???? what??? how does he??????
he will taunt you
one time he was disguising and you got pretty close
when your back was turned, he whispered, “missed me~” then will use the rebel skill ‘transparency’ to just disappear and sprint away since he knew that your hunter abilities’ cooldown wasn’t done yet.
“let’s play again! hold on, let me write a song about this...”
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you didn’t even get to finish asking him if he wanted to play windtrace with you and he already agreed
this man is a simp
he’ll never admit that, though. he has pride.
as a hunter, the games played with childe will be so nerve-racking and intense
while he’s hunting for you, it’s like his whole aura’s changed
he seemed far more intimidating and scary than usual
“[name]~ where are you~? i can tell i’m getting close...”
why was he taking this game so seriously????????
when playing with childe, you could truly feel like you were the prey and he was the predator
he’ll give you a false sense of security. he’ll make you think that you’re safe from his watchful gaze.
you used your ‘transparency’ ability to become invisible to him
he’ll pass by and you hold your breath, nervous that if he hears a single movement, whether it be an exhale or the small brushing sound of your sleeve moving against your shirt, he’ll be able to find you
he walks away and sprints out of sight. he probably saw movement ahead and went to track that
you started to calm down and your tense shoulders relaxed. phew, he was gone.
then, you heard a whisper behind you as someone grabbed your shoulders.
you jump out of shock and he starts laughing at the scare he gave you
“that was not funny. i’m gonna hate you forever for that one.”
“you can’t hold it against me for that long, and you and i are both aware of it.”
as a rebel he would be annoyingly good at it too
after him scaring you as a hunter you got somewhat paranoid. who says he won’t pull off the same kind of thing as a rebel?
you swore you saw a wooden crate move so you turned around to face it but then it was gone
childe’s light on his feet and barely makes a sound
you’d get more panicked as the timer ticked closer to the end of the game. you really wanted to win this one.
according to the ‘hunter’s intuition’ skill you were able to pinpoint the place where childe was at
you sprinted closer to the beam that gave away his location
you wandered around the area, trying to find where exactly the pillar of light was pointing you to... then the light disappeared
you saw a hay roll near a house which definitely wasn’t there last time you checked, so you took your chance
you were 5 metres away from it when you felt a certain someone pull you into a hug from the back.
at the same time, your timer rang, signifying the end of the match.
how does childe keep sneaking up behind you?
“hah, was it really that hard to find me, love?”
“i’m just a natural at it, i guess. haha, don’t worry~ with enough practise, you might surpass my skill level!”
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syubub · 3 years
What makes BTS most vulnerable
Woo! A reading! I wanted to do this bc its been on my list for a little while now!
I just got off work and wanted to do this asap! Pls forgive mistakes! I'm not gonna proof read bc im lazy.
Cheeky disclaimer: this is for entertainment purposes and not to be taken as fact! This is my interpretation of the cards!!
So so so so
First off, I did each member and also one for the group! I didn't have a specific plan in mind when I started, so I just went with the flow!
Let's start with the group first
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So. The 5 of pentacles is what makes them most vulnerable. This card talks about isolation, feeling lost, anxiety, not having money or influence. Most of all, a mindset of lack.
All of this to me makes me think that what makes them most vulnerable is the fear of being right back where they started. Feeling exiled from the industry, not having the funds to be sure of a stable future and also not having a strong sense of identity as a group and within the group. It's like their vulnerability comes from something almost like ptsd? Let me try to make that make more sense. I genuinely think that where they started and the uncertainty and constant ridicule really had an impact on them. The vulnerability they have as a group is essentially emotional distress? Like, I wish I had better words to explain. It's the fear that they haven't actually grown or gotten anywhere and that they are insignificant that is their vulnerability. Fear based on where they started?
I really hope that made sense. Moving on though, 7 of swords is how it manifests for them. This card is sneaky. It talks about getting away with something and betrayal but I think this meaning is the most relevant: strategic moves. So how their vulnerability manifests is that the fear that they have causes them (and the company) to make very specific moves to keep their fears from happening. It's like, they take steps to make sure their fears don't get realized. Career wise but also personally. They can sometimes force growth because they fear stagnation. Kinda like rolling something uphill? Once it loses momentum it starts rolling back down.
The other two cards, Wellness and busy times and multitasking, are what they can do to lessen that vulnerability. Keeping healthy in mind body and spirit (also keeping the group bond healthy too) as well as channeling their emotions and fears into productivity. (Think the ly:tear album)
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This is really intresting. So, what makes him most vulnerable is repressed emotion that causes inner turmoil. The moon is all about your insides and the vastness it has. In its reverse it talks about the darker parts of your subconscious. So, him bottling shit up and repressing it becomes a monster that affects him without him even necessarily knowing.
As for how that manifest in his life, it literally affects his judgment. Like, literally. It messes with his decision making.
As a fellow human with a similar problem, I can almost bet that any issue he has with another member will be shoved away and it will fester until he's at his breaking point and he'll absolutely weaponize it but disguise it as "just poking fun" or he might also purposefully create low level chaos. It's really intresting because this could manifest in so many ways. It could be his insecurities, issues with other people, fears ect and they fester in his brain space fucking with his judgment.
What he can do to lessen this vulnerability is deep emotional healing. Istg these cards are too perfect to make up. He needs to do THE WORK and heal it. He probably recognizes this and is working on it. Its not fair to himself to put himself aside in order to put other people first. (I think this probably happened a lot in the early bts days bc he had to be an older brother and a responsible figure to 6 other kids so he prioritized group harmony over his own issues and emotions)
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Um, okay. So what makes yoongi most vulnerable is the dark side of wealth. That's the 10 of pentacles rev. But it gets interesting bc the 10 of swords isn't what makes him vulnerable but it also isn't how it manifests?? So here's my theory time. What makes him most vulnerable is the dark side of wealth. I can only assume that it's the isolation and internal conflict of benefiting off of a system that fucked you over in the first half of your life and also feeling bad for having wealth that most people can never imagine? I really don't know? But with the 10 of swords talking about betrayal and deep wounds, it could be that he's extremely afraid of being taken advantage of? Like, that's another downside of wealth. Maybe people have tried to use him for money or influence? Especially in his personal life. Like, he probably finds it extremely hard to get close to people because he's afraid of betrayal over something that is already hard for him to deal with?
Also loss. He wasn't born rich. He worked his ass off to get what he has and he's probably afraid to lose it. He might "stash" money?
Anyway, knight of swords, how it manifests. This card is about a drive to succeed. So essentially this makes him run and push himself hard and harder and harder to out run what he sees as an inevitable end? Sometimes this can blind him.
As for what he can do to lessen this vulnerability, we have, self confidence through God confidence. This card to me talks about having faith in your actions and skills and trusting in yourself even if you doubt your ability. Essentially, yoongi just needs to trust in himself to land on his feet no matter what happens. Life is always uncertain so he needs to trust that he can weather any storm he might face.
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This was one gave me some thoughts. So, similar to jin, it's the bottling shit up and having you subconscious mind eventually figure shit out because it's been neglected but with the 2 of swords in reverse, talking about confusion and being indecisive, I think this kinda causes him to shut down? He might get apathetic. It's almost like when you work a computer so hard that it crashes.
And how this manifests for him with the 3 of pentacles in reverse is that he gets thrown out of alignment with the group. Kinda like how you shouldn't drive on a flat tire. He withdraws and becomes hard to reach and puts up a wall that causes a lot of problems for him as well as those he is around. It's a defense mechanism. It can also manifest in him preferring to work alone as well instead of group settings.
This exposes him to depression and doubt.
Also similar to jin, for how to lessen this vulnerability we have Bless your heart with talks about reaching out (breaking down that wall) and healing your heart and healing the root issue.
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Okay. This is the one that makes so much sense but also confuses me.
So. What makes him most vulnerable is the magician rev and 10 of cups. Unrealized potential and poor planning as well as love, harmony and alignment.
So.... what? How does love and the happiest happiness make him vulnerable?
Well, I think he's suspicious of it. I think that he can't help but wonder in his big big big brain if THIS is the right happy or if its really happiness at all? Almost like commitment issues but also not? It's like, he's afraid that it won't last? He might have trouble fully allowing himself happiness. Also, what makes him the most vulnerable is love. It opens up every bit of his soul and puts it on a laundry line for everyone to see and I don't think he thinks he's worthy enough to be seen like that?
As for how it manifests in his life, 9 of cups, personal fulfillment and a strive to have everything else in hislife sorted out? Essentially wanting to have a perfect foundation so eventually he can share with all the important people in his life.
As for what he can do. Value your self worth. pretty straight up. He needs to value himself more. He deserve love and he deserves to feel seen even if it's uncomfortable at first.
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Oki. What makes jimin most vulnerable is choice. The 7 of cups talks about focusing on what's best for you and making choices based not on illusion. I think jimin is plagued by unrealistic expectations and confronting the fact that it's not possible is what makes him most vulnerable. He makes choices that are driven by illusion. Usually about self. I think specifically about how he doesn't always see how good he already is so he pushes himself to chase after something that isn't always right for him or even there in the first place. Acknowledging and facing it brings vulnerability that he doesn't always want to face. I think he might equate vulnerability to powerlessness.
How it manifests. 9 of wands rev. Paranoia and being defensive. It's his own fear and insecurities manifesting outside of himself.
As for what he can do, passion and purpose and multifaceted. Focus on what is close to his heart and don't get side tracked. Theres so much more to this situation and there isn't an easy fix. There's a lot of things that need working on in order for him to feel comfortable.
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Oki oki oki. What makes Tae most vulnerable is strength rev. Raw emotion. He doesn't always express his emotions and when he chooses to be more open, his emotions go through a bit of a filter. Showing his unfiltered emotions makes him most vulnerable because it's him as he is. In his truest form. It's all of his wants, joys, fears. Everything.
As for how it manifests, 10 of wands and Hanged man, it becomes a burden that he carries because he feels like he can't just be honest. He pauses and allows himself time to feel on his own but that means possibly being misunderstood and a bit isolated.
Now. What can he do to lessen it? Bless your heart and healthy communication in relationships. TALKING TO PEOPLE AND ALLOWING HIMSELF THAT VULNERABILITY. It's not bad to be vulnerable. Heal that shit bb bc you are worth it.
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So, what makes him most vulnerable? The world in rev. Not having closure and seeking it. The process of seeking closure for himself about things that could have or putting to rest something that has come full circle. It brings vulnerability because he has to face things that he could have done better. He has to face things coming to a close and be okay with is.
How it manifests, the tower, ace of cups, 5 of cups reversed.
The tower is essentially everything crumbling down. I think jk thinks too much? If you follow a ball of yarn all the way to the end then you just unraveled a whole ass ball of yarn.
Him going to close those things cause him to unravel his foundation.
With the ace of cups, creativity and love/ new emotions, I think him taking the time to pursue personal closure helps him to be more open to love as well as giving him creative fuel.
The 5 of cups rev. Means that him doing this closure thing helps him to forgive himself bc he's taking time to move on and tie up loose ends?
For jk this closure thing manifests in every aspect of his like and I almost see it as him shedding? Sounds weird but he's consciously moving on and paying attention to what he needs?
As for what he can do? Deep emotional healing! He runs the risk of feeling more of the tower manifestation so he needs to keep himself emotionally healthy in order for this to be productive instead of destructive!
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I hope y'all like this! I feel like the cards didn't always follow what I was kinda going for with my questions but it all works out in the end I guess?
My next reading will be up later this week (I've already done it and taken all of my notes. I just have to type it all out) so look foward to that as well!
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weatherman667 · 2 years
Sakura Wars
I tried watching the anime when I was younger, but the problem with the anime is it wasn’t properly balanced.  The anime was based off the original game fo the Sega Saturn, which is largely a dating sim.  Turning it into an anime didn’t really work, at least not as indecisively as they did it.  Since then I’ve been largely ignorant to Sakura Wars until I bought the recent game.
Now, being Sakura Wars it has to have a Sakura front and centre.  Apparently, as a girl, this Sakura was saved by the original Sakura, and dreamed of growing up to be exactly like it.
Fancy that.
She plays the childhood love interest, which has absolutely no interest as a love interest.  It’s based off a presumed emotional connection, instead of trying to make the audience feel an emotional connection.  It’s basically the laziest device used by people who cannot fathom actual romance.
Now, as for Sakura, she is actually far more interesting than my rant against childhood love interests should seem.  She is practically oozing personality, which is something the game does a fantastic job of.  Despite the limited graphics, the characters show incredible personality from the first moment you see them.  Get this, even the male protagonist has a personality, hopes, dreams, history  They do a much better job than most of the games that put all of their efforts in better graphics to show off their incredibly flat characters.  Their stances and minute facial expressions are one of the reasons I bought the game in the first place.
The game introduces you slowly to the world.  First you can walk around, but oh no, it’s way too soon for us to trust you with the camera yet.  They then give you a tutorial on the camera once they finally deign to let you use it.  You then get a (supposed steam powered), tablet computer that acts as your minimap and much of your typically triangle-button menu in an RPG.  Your character even pulls the Teletron out of his pocket when you use it.  It’s completely unnessary, but also charming.
Now, considering this is a part RPG / part dating sim, I absolutely loathe the fact that they try to get you to flirt with Sakura before even introducing the other characters.  The dialogue is not so much the problem, but the fact that she ticks every single box for default love interest.  Hell, with Mass Effect, they tried to make Virmire Survivor the default love interest, and the fandom said fuck that, give me blue babies, (which we never got, but that’s another story).  But, as I said, she is far more interesting, and has far more personality than any other yamato nadeisco childhood friend default love interest I’ve ever seen.  Hell, if we could undo the last 40 years of the yamato nadeisco childhood friend default love interest, I would love to have her be the one I pick.
Now, the world has you using steam + magic powered super robots to fight demons, but, the problem is that you are a “Combat Revue”.  You are based out of a theatre, which is both insanely stupid and clever at the same time.  It allows you to disguise your facilities and have everyone still call you captain without being overly suspicious.  But, you might wonder, since acting and combat are such very different things, won’t it be hard to find people who can do both?
The three actresses you start with are terrible actresses.  Even worse, you are apparently self-funded.  The armour you have won’t work without maintenance, and you cannot afford to do so until your theatre makes money.
I’ve been playing this game for a couple of hours, and finally got to see the armours, only to then be told they cannot work as is.
And we cannot get anymore, meaning you don’t have an armour.
A a worldwide festival is is a week, where all of the world’s Combat Revues compete in combat and acting, (begging the question of how exactly are we keeping the combat part of our Combat Revues a secret, when we call it the World Combat Revue Competition).
I was hoping to include the combat mechanics in the review, but apparently not.
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