#But like please point to the moment when Obama had to voting majority to pass the Freedom to Choose Act
evilroachindustrial · 2 years
I’m begging all of you to actually learn about how your government works and the powers an American President actually has.
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fantastic-nonsense · 5 years
@sanctusapparatus: I've seen people say Kamala was a more progressive candidate than Bernie or Warren, on the virtue that she's black. I've seen people say that voting for a member of [INSERT GROUP HERE] is the right thing to do, regardless of what positions they actual hold. Sorry for jumping to conclusions, but this wouldn't have been the first time I've seen someone say identity>policy when picking your candidate. 
Also, I mean, Warren seems to basically be Obama 2.0: Make a lot of vaguely progressive promises that you back away from at varying speeds approaching and after the election while working really hard to keep the neoliberal exploitation train on track. She basically dropped m4a the moment it posed any kind of difficulty, and I can't imagine anything else she's promised will fare better. She's basically the definition of a make-no-waves establishment appeasing centrist
1) I never said identity>policy. I said I was upset that we had the most diverse slate of Dem primary candidates ever and it looks like we’re going to end up with two 80-year-old white men yelling at each other. That says nothing about their policies or who I actually agreed with. It was a statement based on the fact that I’m tired of pretending like EITHER Biden OR Bernie is the best person to carry the flag of the Democratic Party forward when they’re fucking 80 years old and could die at any time (looking at you Bernie) or end up with a serious mental health decline (Biden). Like...both of you retire. Go home. There are better people suited on both the moderate and the liberal side of the Dems to take on Trump than either of you. That was the point of the post.
2) You’re dead wrong about Warren, which you would realize if you actually researched what she’s achieved and done for Americans. Like, this characterization of Warren as a centrist is laughable. Warren had the national platform for talking about progressive issues before Bernie was a genuine player in the general public consciousness.
I really wish people would stop erasing history here. People forget that Warren was the Darling of the Left in the pre-Trump era (and frankly, in many respects she still is). Bernie was just another senator making good speeches at the time. The Run Warren Run campaign wasn't a thing for nothing, you know, and there were literally op-eds written to console Warren fans when that effort failed. People have wanted Warren to run for a lot longer than they have wanted Bernie to run. In many ways, Bernie is following in the footsteps of Liz, not the other way around. I know a lot of people are too young or didn’t read the news before Trump, but like....do your research before saying nonsense like this.
Don’t believe me? Fine...maybe believe some pre-2015 news articles?
Roosevelt Institute, September 2011: "How Elizabeth Warren Put Bankruptcy on the Progressive Map"
New York Magazine, November 2011: "A Saint With Sharp Elbows: Elizabeth Warren"
The New York Times, November 2011: "Heaven is a Place Called Elizabeth Warren"
The Washington Post, September 2012: "Elizabeth Warren, Populist Leader"
The Daily Beast, December 2013: "What Obama Can Learn from Elizabeth Warren"
Mother Jones, April 2014: "Elizabeth Warren: Democratic Kingmaker?"
NYBooks, May 2014: "Elizabeth Warren's Movement"
The Nation, September 2014: "Meet the 'Elizabeth Warren wing' of the Democratic Party"
The New Yorker, November 2014: "Elizabeth Warren Wins the Midterms"
Politico, November 2014: "Reid Taps Warren as Envoy to Liberals"
The Progressive, December 2014: "Young Women Love Elizabeth Warren"
The Guardian, March 2015: "Progressives ponder 2016 fallback plan: Elizabeth Warren for vice-president"
Vox, May 2015: "Why Hillary Clinton Needs Elizabeth Warren"
Time, July 2015: "How Elizabeth Warren's Populist Fury is Remaking Democratic Politics"
On M4A, she didn’t backtrack on Medicare for All “the second it got tough.” Instead, she literally sat down and worked out a plan for how to get there and how to pay for it. She provided a workable and viable solution to get us there within four years, the exact same timeframe as Bernie's bill. I'm so tired of people saying she backtracked on universal healthcare just because she came out with a plan to actually get it done and pay for it.
Just because she has a different path to getting to a universal healthcare system than Bernie does not mean that she 'shifted her stance' nor does it make her "not serious" about getting there. It's called a policy disagreement; it happens all the time. Just because someone has a different idea about how to get to the same end goal does not mean that they shifted their stance on the actual end goal. To put it in crude terms: taking a bus, taking the train, and driving your car are all valid means of transportation. It doesn't make any of them inherently worse options. They are simply different ways of achieving the same goal: getting you from Point A to Point B. Wanting to get to "Point B" has not changed, nor the timeframe you wish to arrive there; only how you get there.
Ultimately, healthcare legislation is passed by Congress, not the President. Bernie has to get a majority of House Reps and Senators on board with his plan for it to pass, which they have shown no real desire to do (multiple Dem senators have already stated they will not vote for Bernie’s M4A bill and are not campaigning on universal healthcare; if we can’t get Dems on board, we’re sure as hell not going to be able to get Republicans on board). Warren's transition plan is infinitely easier to pass, is actually popular in the court of public opinion, deals with many of the major pitfalls of an immediate transition, and helps ease the fears of moderates (whose votes you will need to enact anything of significance) that we can do this, we can create a universal healthcare system, without significant economic damage. She has not been wishy-washy nor has she backtracked; she has come out with her own policy proposal that is workable, fully fundable, and able to be passed while sticking to her guns that she wants to achieve universal healthcare. And that's far more than I can say for Bernie.
So no: I'm not going to let people forget that Elizabeth Warren was the face of the Populist Left nearly a decade before Bernie Sanders gained national attention. I'm not going to pretend that the modern progressive revival started with Bernie Sanders. Please acknowledge her contributions to the revival of the Progressive Movement in American politics, because without her and her popularity Bernie would never have been a viable candidate for the Democratic nomination in 2016. She is not a centrist and never has been; she just knows how to play nice with centrists to get the progressive agenda passed (which...again, is something Bernie does not seem to understand how to do).
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Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell Response to Trump
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Transcript of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell's response to Impeachment.
Last night House Democrats finally did what they had decided to do a long time ago they voted to impeach President Trump over the last 12 weeks House Democrats have conducted the most rushed least thorough and most unfair impeachment inquiry in modern history now they're slapdash process has concluded in the first purely partisan presidential impeachment since the wake of the Civil War the opposition to impeachment was bipartisan only one part of one faction wanted this outcome the houses conduct risks deeply damaging the institutions of American government this particular House of Representatives has let its partisan rage at this particular president create a toxic new precedent that will echo well into the future that's what I want to discuss right now the historic degree to which House Democrats have failed to do their duty and what it will mean for the Senate to do ours so let's start at the beginning let's start with the fact that Washington Democrats made up their minds to impeach President Trump just before he was even inaugurated here's a reporter in April of 2016 April of 2016 Donald Trump isn't even the Republican nominee yet but impeachment is already on the lips of pundits newspaper editorials constitutional scholars and even a few members of Congress April 2016 on Inauguration Day 2017 the headline in the Washington Post the campaign to impeach President Trump has begun that was day one in April 2017 three months into the presidency a senior House Democrat said I'm gonna fight every day until he's impeach that was three months into the administration in December 2017 two years ago Congressman Jerry Nadler was openly campaign campaigning to be the ranking member on the House Judiciary Committee specifically specifically because he was an expert on impeachment that's the Nadler his campaign to be the top Democrat on judiciary this week wasn't even the first time House Democrats have introduced articles of impeachment it was actually the seventh time they started less than six months after the president was sworn in they tried to impeach President Trump for being impolite to the press for being mean to professional athletes for changing President Obama's policy on transgender people in the military all of these things were high crimes and misdemeanors according to Democrats now this one just a few people scores scores of Democrats voted to move forward with impeachment on three of those prior occasions so let's be clear the houses vote yesterday was not some neutral judgment the Democrats came to with great reluctance it was the predetermined end of a partisan crusade that began before President Trump was even nominated let alone sworn in for the very first time in modern history we've seen a political faction in Congress promised from the moment the moment a president election ended they would find some way to overturn it a few months ago Democrats three-year-long impeachment and search of articles found its way to the subject of Ukraine House Democrats embarked on the most rushed least thorough and most unfair impeachment inquiry in modern history chairmanships inquiry was poisoned by partisanship from the outset its procedures and parameters were unfair in unprecedented ways Democrats tried to make chairmanship into a de facto special prosecutor notwithstanding the fact that he's a partisan member of Congress who'd already engaged in strange and biased babe he scrapped the precedent to cut the Republican minority out of the process he denied President Trump the same sorts of procedural rights that houses of both parties had provided the past presidents of both parties president Trump's council could not participate in chairmanships hearings present evidence or cross-examine witnesses the House Judiciary Committee's crack at this was even more a historical it was like the speaker called up Chairman Nadler and ordered one impeachment rush delivered please the committee found no facts on its own did nothing to verify the shift report their only witnesses were liberal law professors and congressional staffers no mr. president there's a reason the impeachment inquiry that led to President Nixon's resignation required about 14 months of hearings 14 months in addition to a special prosecutors investigation with President Clinton the independent counsels inquiry had been underway literally four years before the House Judiciary Committee actually dug in mountains of evidence mountains mountains of testimony from firsthand fact witnesses serious legal battles to get what was necessary this time around House Democrats skipped all of that it's been just 12 weeks 12 weeks more than a year of hearings for Nixon multiple years of investigation for Clinton and they've impeached president Trump in 12 weeks 12 weeks so let's talk about what the house actually produced in those 12 weeks House Democrats rushed and rigged inquiry yielded two articles two of impeachment they're fundamentally unlike any articles that any prior house of representatives has ever passed the first article concerns the core events which House Democrats claim or impeachable the timing of aid to Ukraine but it does not even purport to allege any actual crime instead they deploy the vague phrase abuse of power abuse of power to impugn the president's action in a general indeterminate way speaker Pelosi's house just gave in to a temptation that every other house in history has managed to resist they say that again speaker Pelosi's house just gave in to a temptation that every other house in our history has managed to resist they impeach a president whom they do not even allege has committed an actual crime known to our laws they've been peached simply because they disagree with the presidential act and question the motive behind it so let's look at history Andrew Johnson impeachment involved around a clear violation of a criminal statute albey albeit an unconstitutional statute Nixon had obstruction of justice a felony under our laws Clinton had perjury also felony now the Constitution does not say the house can impeach only those presidents who violate a law but history matters history matters and precedent matters and there were important reasons why every previous House of Representatives in American history restrained itself restrained itself from crossing this Rubicon the framers of our Constitution very specifically discussed this issue whether the house should be able to impeach presidents just for quote mal administration just for mal administration in other words because the house simply thought the president had bad judgment always doing a bad job they talked about all this when they wrote the Constitution the written records of our founders debates show they specifically rejected this they realized it would create a total dysfunction to set the bar for impeachment that low that low James Madison himself explained that allowing impeachment on that basis would mean the president serves at the pleasure of the Congress instead of the pleasure of the American people we're making the president a creator a creature a creature of Congress not the head of a separate and equal branch so there were powerful reasons mr. President while Congress after Congress for 230 years 230 years required presidential impeachment to revolve around clear, recognizable crimes even though that was not a strict limitation powerful reasons why for 230 years no house no house opened a Pandora's box of subjective political impeachments that 230 Year traditions died last night now Mr. president House Democrats have tried to say they had to impeach President Trump on this historically thin and subjective basis because the White House challenged their request for more witnesses and that brings us to the second article of impeachment the house titled this one obstruction of Congress what it really does is impeach the president for asserting presidential privilege the concept of executive privilege is another two century-old constitutional tradition president starting with George Washington have invoked it federal courts have repeatedly affirmed it is a legitimate constitutional power House Democrats requested extraordinary amounts of sensitive information from president Trump's White House exactly the kinds of things over which presidents of both parties have asserted privilege in the past predictably and appropriately president Trump did not simply roll over he defended the constitutional authority of his office no surprise there it's not a constitutional crisis for a house to want more information that a president wants to give up that's not a constitutional crisis it's a routine occurrence the separation of powers is messy by design here's what should have happened here's what should have happened either the President and Congress negotiate a settlement or the third branch of government the judiciary addresses the dispute between the other two the Nixon impeachment featured disagreements over presidential privilege so they went to court the Clinton impeachment featured disagreements over presidential privilege so they went to the courts this takes time it's inconvenient that's actually the point due process is not meant to maximize the convenience of the prosecutor it's meant to protect the accused but this time was different remember 14 months of hearings for Richard Nixon years of Investigation for Bill Clinton 12 weeks for Donald Trump Democrats didn't have to rush this but they chose to stick to their political timetable at the expense of pursuing more evidence through proper legal channels nobody made chairmanship do this he chose to the Tuesday before last on live television Adam Schiff explained to the entire country that if House Democrats had let the justice system follow its normal course they might not have gotten to impeach the president in time for the election no goodness in Nixon the courts were allowed to do their work in Clinton the courts were allowed to do their work only these House Democrats decided due process is too much work they'd rather impeach with no proof well mr. president, they tried to cover for their own partisan impatience by pretending that the routine occurrence of a president exerting constitutional privilege is itself itself a second impeachable offense the following is something that Adam Schiff literally said in early October here's what he said any action that forces us to litigate or to have to consider litigation will be considered further evidence of obstruction of justice that's Adam Schiff here's what the Chairman effectively said and what one of his committee members restated just this week if the president asserts his constitutional rights is that much more evidence he's guilty if the president asserts his constitutional rights is that much more evidence he's guilty that kind of bullying is antithetical to American justice so those are House Democrats two articles of impeachment that's all they're rushed and rigged inquiry could generate an act that the House does not even allege is criminal, and a nonsensical claim that exercising a legitimate presidential power is somehow an impeachable offense Mr. president this is by far the thinnest basis for any house-passed presidential impeachment in American history the thinnest and the weakest and nothing else even comes close and candidly I don't think I'm the only person around here who realizes that even before the House voted yesterday Democrats had already started to signal uneasiness uneasiness with its end product before the articles even passed the Senate Democratic leader went on television to demand that this body redo House Democrats homework for them that the Senate should supplement Chairman's shift sloppy work so it is more persuasive than chairmanship himself bothered to make it of course every such demand simply confirms that House Democrats have rushed forward with the case that is much too weak back in June speaker Pelosi promised the House would build an ironclad case never mind that she was basically promising impeachment months months before the Ukraine events but that's a separate matter she promised an ironclad case and in March speaker Pelosi said this impeachment is so divisive to the country that unless there is something so compelling and overwhelming and bipartisan I don't think we should go down that path because it divides the country end quote by the speaker's own standards the standards she said she's failed the country the case is not compelling not overwhelming and as a result not bipartisan the fair was made clear to everyone earlier this week when Senator Schumer began searching for ways the Senate could step out of our proper role and try to fix the House Democrats failures for them and it was made even more clear last night when speaker Pelosi suggested that House Democrats may be too afraid too afraid to even transmit their shoddy work product to the Senate mr. president looks like the prosecutors are getting cold feet in front of the entire country and second-guessing whether they even want to go to trial they said impeachment was so urgent that it could not even wait for due process but now they're content to sit on their hands this is really comical Democrats own actions concede that their allegations are unproven the articles aren't just unproven they're also constitutionally incoherent incoherent frankly if either of these articles is blessed by the Senate we could easily see the impeachment of every future president of either party let me say that again if the Senate blesses this historically low bar we will invite the impeachment of every future president the House Democrats allegations as presented are incompatible with our constitutional order they're unlike anything that has ever been seen in 230 years of this Republic House Democrats want to create new rules for this president because they feel uniquely enraged they feel in uniquely enraged but long after the partisan fever of this moment has broken the institutional damage will remain I've described a threat to the presidency this also imperils the Senate itself the House has created an unfair unfinished product that looks nothing nothing like any impeachment inquiry in American history and if the speaker ever gets her House in order that mess will be dumped over here on the Senate's lap if the Senate blesses this slapdash impeachment if we say that from now on this is enough then we invite an endless parade of impeachable trials future houses of either party we'll feel free to toss up a jump ball every time they feel angry free to swamp the Senate with trial after trial no matter how baseless the charges we'd be giving future houses of either party unbelievable new power to paralyze the Senate at their whim more than arguments more incomplete evidence more partisan impeachments in fact mr. president this same House of Representatives has already indicated that they themselves may not be finished impeaching the House Judiciary Committee told a federal court this very week that it will continue its impeachment investigation even after voting on these articles and multiple Democratic members have already called publicly for more if the Senate blesses this if the nation accepts this presidential impeachments may cease being a once-in-a-generation event and become a constant part a constant part of the political background noise this extraordinary tool of last resort may become just another part of the arms race of polarization real statesmen would have recognized no matter their view of this president that trying to remove him on this thin and partisan basis could unsettle the foundations of our republic real statesmen would have recognized no matter how much partisan animosity might be coursing through their veins that cheapening the impeachment process was not the answer historians when regarded this is a great irony of our era that so many who profess such concern for our norms and traditions themselves proved willing to trample our constitutional order to get their way it is long past time for Washington to get a little perspective President Trump is not the first president with a populist streak not the first to make entrenched elites uncomfortable he's certainly not the first president to speak bluntly to mistrust the administrative state or to rankle unelected bureaucrats and heaven knows he's not the first president to assert the constitutional privileges of his office rather than roll over when Congress demands unlimited sensitive information none of these things none of them is unprecedented I'll tell you what would be unprecedented it will be an unprecedented constitutional crisis if the Senate literally hands the House of Representatives a new partisan vote of no-confidence that the founders intentionally withheld destroying the independence of the presidency it will be unprecedented if we agree that any future house that dislikes any future president can rush through an unfair inquiry skip the legal system and paralyze the Senate with the trial house to do that it will under this presser it will be unprecedented if the Senate says second hand and third hand testimony from unelected civil service servants is enough to overturn the people's vote it will be an unprecedented constitutional crisis if the Senate agrees to set the bar this low forever it is clear what this moment requires it requires the Senate to fulfill our founding purpose the framers built the Senate to provide stability to take the long view of our republic to safeguard institutions from the momentary hysteria that sometimes consumes our politics to keep partisan passions from literally boiling over the Senate exists for moments like this that's why this body has the ultimate say in impeachment the framers knew the house would be too vulnerable to transient passions and violent factionalism they needed a body that would consider legal questions about what has been proven and political questions about what the common good of our nation requires Hamilton said explicitly in Federalist 65 that impeachment involves not just legal questions but inherently political judgments about what outcome best serves the nation the house can't do both the courts can't do both this is as grave an assignment as the Constitution gives to any branch of government and the framers knew only the Senate could handle it well the moment the framers feared has arrived a political faction in the Lord chamber have succumb to partisan rage a political faction in the House of Representatives has succumbed to a partisan rage they have fulfilled Hamilton's philosophy that impeachment will quote connect itself with the pre-existing factions in list all their animosities and there will always be the greatest danger that the decision will be regulated more by the comparative strength of parties and by the inte by the real demonstrations of innocence or guilt Alexander Hamilton that's what happened in the house last night the vote did not reflect what had been proven it only reflects how they feel about the president the Senate must put this right we must rise to the occasion there's only one outcome that is suited to the paucity of evidence the failed inquiry the slapdash case only one outcome suited to the fact that the accusations themselves are constitutionally incoherent constitutionally incoherent only one outcome will preserve core precedence rather than smash them into bits in a fit of partisan rage because one party still cannot accept the American people's choice in 2016 it could not be clearer which outcome would serve the stabilizing institution preserving fever breaking role for which the United States Senate was created and which outcome would betray it the Senate's Duty is clear the Senate's duty is clear when the time comes we must fulfill it
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patriotsnet · 3 years
How Democrats Can Call The Republicans Bluff On Impeachment
New Post has been published on https://www.patriotsnet.com/how-democrats-can-call-the-republicans-bluff-on-impeachment/
How Democrats Can Call The Republicans Bluff On Impeachment
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Trump Administration Will Release All Vaccine Doses Adopting A Policy Proposed By The Biden Team
Republicans slams Democrats for ‘divisive’ impeachment vote after Pence rules out 25th Amendment
The Trump administration will recommend providing a wider distribution of a coronavirus vaccine, just days after aides to President-elect Joseph R. Biden Jr. said his administration would make a similar adjustment by using more of the already procured vaccines for initial doses.
Mr. Bidens team has said it would aim to distribute the doses more quickly at federally run vaccination sites at high school gyms, sports stadiums and mobile units to reach high-risk populations.
The Trump administration plans to release the shots that had been held back and aims to make the vaccine available to everyone over 65 in an attempt to accelerate lagging distribution.
The doses had been held back to ensure that those who receive a first dose had the second and final inoculation available when it was needed. The change means all existing doses will be sent to states to provide initial inoculations. Second doses are to be provided by new waves of manufacturing.
The idea of using existing vaccine supplies for first doses has raised objections from some doctors and researchers, who say studies of the vaccines effectiveness proved only that they worked to prevent illness when using two doses.
The agency is expected to announce the new guidelines at a briefing at noon Eastern on Tuesday, according to an official briefed on the plans who was not authorized to speak publicly about the change. Axios earlier reported the new guidelines.
Fake Subpoenas For A Fake Impeachment Inquiry
To fully grasp the fraud being perpetrated on the entire country by congressional Democrats, you must go back to how this impeachment farce began last September. Doing a real impeachment investigation with real subpoenas that had real legal teeth would have required a full House vote. But thats not what happened.; Instead, House speaker Nancy Pelosi merely announced that an impeachment inquiry was beginning without;the full House having voted.
Not only is Obstruction of Congress a make-believe impeachment charge, the subpoenas sent out by Schiff and Nadlers House committees werent even real. The Democrats knew all along the subpoenas they were issuing were not properly authorized, and no one was breaking the law by not responding to them. None of those subpoenas had any legal force and Democrats managed to successfully hide this fact from their base.
When House committee sent one of these fake subpoenas to Charles Kupperman, he took it before a federal judge so the judge could rule on this exact issue. Was this a real subpoena with legal force and did Kupperman have to comply with it? What happened when Democrats who had issued that subpoena learned what Kupperman was doing?; They immediately rushed to the courtroom to withdraw the fake subpoena before the judge could rule on its validity, then they asked for the judge to dismiss the lawsuit, ensuring he would never rule on the validity of the contested subpoena.; That also is very revealing.
Tell Gop Senators To Call The Democrats’ Bluff By Faxing Them Now
Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi held the articles of impeachment passed against President Trump for more than a month. She lost her gamble demanding Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell allow new witnesses at trial. McConnell refused to “do House Democrats’ homework for them” by enabling an extension of their investigation. That should have been done BEFORE their impeachment vote.
But after Pelosi finally relented and began the process of sending the articles to the Upper Chamber, a small group of Senate Republicans;pitched McConnell on the idea of “witness reciprocity.” The basic premise is that if Democrats get to call a trial witness, the GOP does, too.
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Impeachment Is An ‘act Of Political Vengeance’ Trump Lawyer Says
“At no point was the president informed the vice president was in any danger,” Michael van der Veen argued, adding that there is “nothing at all in record on this point.” Van der Veen also accused the House impeachment managers of failing to do their due diligence on this issue.
“What the president did know is that there was a violent riot happening at the Capitol,” van der Veen said. “That’s why he repeatedly called via tweet and via video for the riots to stop, to be peaceful, to respect Capitol police and law enforcement and to commit no violence and go home.”
But van der Veen’s argument left senators with additional questions.
Sen. Bill Cassidy, R-La., who says he is undecided on whether he’ll vote to convict Trump, asked for more details regarding Tuberville’s account of the call with Trump and his tweet railing against Pence.
“Does this show that President Trump was tolerant of the intimidation of Vice President Pence?” Cassidy asked.
But again, van der Veen disputed the sequence of events, calling discussion of Tuberville’s call “hearsay.”
“I have a problem with the facts in the question because I have no idea,” van der Veen responded.
Cassidy told reporters later that he didn’t think his question got a good answer.
Capitol Police Officer Eugene Goodman, hailed by many for his heroism during the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol, participates in a the dress rehearsal for Inauguration Day.hide caption
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“History will wait for our decision.”
What’s The Debate About
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Mrs Pelosi affirmed on Tuesday that there is no need for a full chamber vote as her party’s probe proceeds.
“There’s no requirement that we have a vote, so at this time we will not be having a vote and I’m very pleased with the thoughtfulness of our caucus with the path that we are on,” she told reporters.
But Republicans, who control the Senate, where any impeachment measure would go to trial, disagree.
Trump impeachment inquiry: The short, medium and long story
Citing past impeachments, the president’s supporters have called for a full House vote to formally start the inquiry and to give Republican lawmakers more powers, like being able to issue subpoenas for their own witnesses and schedule hearings.
As it stands, several House committees, all chaired by Democrats, are investigating the president, looking for evidence to support impeachment. The White House has refused to co-operate.
“We’re not here to call bluffs. We’re here to find the truth, to uphold the Constitution of the United States,” Mrs Pelosi said on Tuesday.
“This is not a game for us. This is deadly serious, and we’re on a path that is getting us to a path to truth and timetable that respects our Constitution.”
Also Check: Do Republicans Or Democrats Give More To Charity
Trump Impeachment Goes To Senate Testing His Sway Over Gop
WASHINGTON House Democrats delivered the impeachment case against Donald Trump to the Senate late Monday for the start of his historic trial, but Republican senators were easing off their criticism of the former president and shunning calls to convict him over the deadly siege at the U.S. Capitol.
Its an early sign of Trumps enduring sway over the party.
The nine House prosecutors carried the sole impeachment charge of incitement of insurrection across the Capitol, making a solemn and ceremonial march to the Senate along the same halls the rioters ransacked just weeks ago. But Republican denunciations of Trump have cooled since the Jan. 6 riot. Instead Republicans are presenting a tangle of legal arguments against the legitimacy of the trial and questioning whether Trumps repeated demands to overturn Joe Bidens election really amounted to incitement.
Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas, asked if Congress starts holding impeachment trials of former officials, whats next: Could we go back and try President Obama?
Besides, he suggested, Trump has already been held to account. One way in our system you get punished is losing an election.
It is a critical moment in American history, Coons said Sunday in an interview.
Trump Lawyer: His Call To Georgia Officials To ‘find’ Votes Was Taken Out Of Context
Trump’s lawyers largely sidestepped Trump’s false claims of election fraud. Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., asked during the question-and-answer session: “Are the prosecutors right when they claim that Trump was telling a big lie, or in your judgment did Trump actually win the election?”
Trump lawyer Michael van der Veen shot back, “My judgment? Who asked that?”
“I did,” Sanders replied.
“My judgment is irrelevant,” van der Veen said.
“You represent the president of the United States!” Sanders yelled back before Sen. Patrick Leahy, the presiding officer, gaveled the chamber back to order.
Trump’s rhetoric about widespread fraud and a stolen election was false, dismissed by many courts stemming from dozens of lawsuits filed by the Trump campaign and allies across several key states.
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Republican Leaders Misjudged Jan 6 Committee
Addison Mitchell McConnellLindsey Graham: Police need ‘to take a firm line’ with Sept. 18 rally attendeesManchin keeps Washington guessing on what he wantsCEOs urge Congress to raise debt limit or risk ‘avoidable crisis’MORE , the two Republican congressional leaders who are into power and party, made a big political mistake last spring in opposing a bipartisan commission to investigate the mob assault on the Capitol.
McConnell pressured enough Republican Senators so the measure couldn’t get the 60 votes necessary for passage. McCarthy ludicrously claimed he was opposed to any inquiry that didn’t investigate left wing activists who had nothing to do with the violent Jan. 6 attack intended to prevent Congress from certifying Joe BidenJoe BidenTrump endorses challenger in Michigan AG race On The Money: Democrats get to the hard partHealth Care GOP attorneys general warn of legal battle over Biden’s vaccine mandateMORE‘s presidential victory.
Neither man anticipated that House Speaker Nancy PelosiNancy PelosiOn The Money: Democrats get to the hard partBiden discusses agenda with Schumer, Pelosi ahead of pivotal weekStefanik in ad says Democrats want ‘permanent election insurrection’MORE would outsmart them, maneuvering a select House committee with two prominent Republicans who are more interested in finding out all that happened that terrible day.
The context and totality of Republican actions this year tell the story.
Why Won’t Pelosi Pull The Trigger
GOP lawmaker: Democrats turned impeachment into a âbig political fiascoâ
With almost every Democrat in the House on board, Nancy Pelosi has the votes to pass an impeachment inquiry resolution. So why hasn’t she pulled the trigger?
The House speaker might be trying to protect the handful of holdout Democrats or view the move as a waste of time. She might also be afraid that a House vote would encourage Republicans to press for the kinds of investigatory powers that congressional minority parties had in past impeachment proceedings.
The last thing Democrats want is congressional Republicans subpoenaing Joe or Hunter Biden in an attempt to shift the focus away from Donald Trump.
Ms Pelosi could also be hoping that the longer the investigation grinds on, the greater the chance Democrats could uncover that damning bit of evidence that breaks Republicans ranks. She may believe that it would be easier for Republicans to support impeachment if they weren’t on the record voting against an investigation.
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Jamie Raskin Is Leading The Effort To Impeach Trump While Mourning The Recent Death Of His Son
A day after Representative Jamie Raskin, Democrat of Maryland, buried his 25-year-old son, he survived the mob attack on the Capitol. He is now leading the impeachment effort against President Trump for inciting the siege.
Mr. Raskins son, Tommy Raskin, a 25-year-old Harvard University law student, social justice activist, animal lover and poet, died by suicide on New Years Eve. He left his parents an apology, with instructions: Please look after each other, the animals, and the global poor for me.
As he found himself hiding with House colleagues from a violent mob, Mr. Raskin feared for the safety of a surviving daughter who had accompanied him to the Capitol to witness the counting of electoral votes to seal Joseph R. Biden Jr.s victory.
Within hours, Mr. Raskin was at work drafting an article of impeachment with the mob braying in his ear and his sons final plea on his mind.
Ill spend the rest of my life trying to live up to those instructions, the Maryland Democrat said in an interview on Monday, reading aloud the farewell note as he reflected on his familys grief and the confluence of events. But what we are doing this week is looking after our beloved republic.
The slightly rumpled former constitutional law professor has been preparing his entire life for this moment. That it should come just as he is suffering the most unimaginable loss a parent can bear has touched his colleagues on both sides of the aisle.
Trump’s Defense Closes Its Case By Saying Impeachment Trial Is A ‘complete Charade’
Manager Rep. Joe Neguse of Colorado rebutted the defense’s argument that Trump has been denied due process.
“We had a full presentation of evidence, adversarial presentations, motions. The president was invited to testify. He declined. The president was invited to provide exculpatory evidence. He declined. You can’t claim there’s no due process when you won’t participate in the process,” he said.
He noted that impeachment is separate and distinct from the criminal justice system.
“Why would the constitution include the impeachment power at all, if the criminal justice system serves as a suitable alternative once a President leaves office?” he asked. “It wouldn’t.”
Neguse also sought to address an allegation raised by defense attorneys, that the impeachment trial was rooted in hate. He turned to a quote from Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.: “I have decided to stick with love. Hate is too great a burden to bear.”
“This trial is not born from hatred,” said Neguse. “Far from it. It’s born from love of country. Our country. Our desire to maintain it. Our desire to see America at its best.”
On Saturday morning, senators voted to hear from Republican Rep. Jaime Herrera Beutler as a witness in the impeachment trial. Later, an agreement allowed a statement by her into the record without calling her.hide caption
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The Senate impeachment trial of former President Donald Trump won’t be hearing from witnesses after all.
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Opinionnancy Pelosi Was Right About Everything
Schumer and the Democrats should therefore agree to the witnesses that Trump claims he wants. If they do so, both Republicans and the president will have to explain why they are now reversing course and not making them testify. This, despite the weeks of whining from Republicans in the House who complain the Democrats case is built on hearsay.
Backtracking now would make Republicans and Trump look like liars. And it would severely undercut their claims that they can prove their innocence.
Trump is also very susceptible to a certain kind of public pressure. A steady drumbeat of Democrats daring Trump to call witnesses could goad him into demanding his witnesses be called. At this point, Democrats should make their case to McConnell and, if rejected by him, to Chief Justice John Roberts, the presiding officer of the Senate trial.
Opiniontrump’s Impeachment Will Be Driven By One Thing And It’s Not The Constitution
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But if the Senate does not dismiss the charges, a ban on witnesses would be a stark break with precedent in every impeachment trial in American history, whether of presidents, judges or other officials; all have heard from witnesses. President Andrew Johnsons impeachment trial in 1868, for example, heard from 25 witnesses for the prosecution and 16 defense witnesses. In the Clinton impeachment, the Senate allowed testimony from three named witnesses accuser Monica Lewinsky and Clinton associates Vernon Jordan Jr. and Sidney Blumenthal each of whom testified in nonpublic videotaped depositions, excerpts of which were presented in the public Senate trial.
In following the Clinton model as McConnell initially promised no bombshell moment would have occurred in the Trump trial even if Bolton or Mulvaney had testified, because their evidence would have been prepackaged in a deposition rather than heard live by the senators. Thus, even grudging Republican support for these limited witnesses under that model would win no accolades from swing voters, and would still alienate staunch Trump supporters who simply want a win for their side.
Read Also: Did Trump Say Republicans Are Stupid
Trump’s Big Lie Is Changing The Face Of American Politics
Trump’s Big Lie is changing the face of American politics
The Big Lie is already tainting the 2022 and 2024 elections.
Relentless efforts by former President Donald Trump and his true believers in politics and the media have convinced millions of Americans that Joe Biden is a fraudulent President who seized power in a stolen election.
This deep-seated suspicion of last November’s vote, which threatens to corrode the foundation of US democracy, mirrors the message adopted by the ex-President months before he clearly lost a free and fair election to Biden.
It has immediate political implications — the lie that the last election was a fix is already shaping the terrain in which candidates, especially Republicans, are running in midterm elections in 2022. And the widespread belief that Trump was cheated out of power is building the former President a 2024 platform to mount a GOP presidential primary bid if he wishes.
Trump’s great success in creating his own version of a new truth about the election and his still-magnetic talent for spinning myths into which his supporters can buy is revealed in a new CNN poll released Wednesday.
Such is the power of Trump — and the conservative media propaganda machine that created an alternative reality for his followers — that the President is able to reinvent the truth in plain sight, and get away with it. The former President effectively writes the script.
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politicaltheatre · 4 years
She was inevitable.
That's how a vice-presidential pick is supposed to feel, right? Like an apple finally falling from a tree.
Kamala Harris ticks off all the right boxes. She is a United States Senator, representing California. She was a presidential candidate, one of the few to damage the seeming inevitability of Joe Biden, the former vice president who has anointed her. She is black, in a country that very badly needs to see a minority back in the White House. And she is a woman, in country that has never yet elected one in a century of full women's suffrage.
We want the inevitable choice. It confirms our hopes that the top of the ticket is worthy of our vote. We also crave certainty, and like a sports team drafting to fill a position of need, choosing the right running mate seems like it should be a no-brainer. Right?
Hillary Clinton's choice, Virginia Senator Tim Kaine, left a lot of American's scratching their heads. He might be smart and he might be genuinely nice, but his blandness extends to the horizon and beyond.
His counterpart, Mike Pence, is, if possible, even more bland, with the added problems of deep religious, moral, and ethical hypocrisy, fear mongering, race baiting, homophobia, and a particularly puritan brand of sexism, not one of which makes him even a little more interesting.
And yet, despite those flaws, how many times in the past four years have Americans and others around the world, in moments of quiet and not so quiet desperation, dreamed that some “act of God” wood deliver that same Mr. Vice President to the Oval Office? The idea of a President Michael Pence should scare the hell out of us, and not just because Donald Trump is one golf course coronary away from putting him there.
Pence was chosen, as so many of his predecessors were, not for his ability to step up and lead but because he had exactly two qualifications: he gave the top of the ticket credibility with a vocal minority within the party, and he lacks the kind of juice that would have put him top of the ticket in the first place.
At best, we like to think of a vice president as a kind of spare tire. You buy one to suit your short term needs and hope that you just never have to use it. That's how most have been viewed, and, if we're being honest, rightly so.
The only time we noticed them in the past was when they screwed up (Spiro Agnew, Dan Quayle), exposed the president as a weak placeholder (Dick Cheney), or, too often, when the president died.
Who among the latter rose to the occasion? Teddy Roosevelt surpassed his predecessor. Lyndon Johnson gave us "The Great Society", which included the 1965 Voting Rights Act. Harry Truman far exceeded expectations, integrating the armed forces and steering the United States out of the Second World War.
Of course, Roosevelt established the colonial system in the Caribbean and the Pacific that continues to this day. Johnson oversaw the expansion of the Vietnam War and the lying about it that, when exposed, destroyed any sense of trust in the American government on foreign policy and military action (or should have).
And Truman, he ended that war by dropping two atomic bombs, the only time in history (to date) that nuclear weapons have been used on humans and those humans were hundreds of thousands of unarmed, defenseless Japanese civilians.
Yes, those were the impressive ones. The others were worse. John Tyler, a virulent racist, later served in the Confederacy as a senator. Andrew Johnson was the first president impeached, and rightfully so. And Calvin Coolidge, so often overlooked, oversaw the complete lack of government oversight that led to the Great Depression.
Millard Fillmore and Chester Alan Arthur were, mercifully, forgettable, as a vice-president should be but perhaps not as a president should.
Harris, if elected, may well turn out to be better than all of them.
Then again, she really does have a dubious history as a city and state prosecutor to live down. At the very least, she needs to satisfy those protesting right now against police brutality how she stands with them and against her former self. Well, one of her former selves.
Her economic policy, like that of Biden, can best be described as Obama-like, which is to say that she won't ever make the kind of changes we would have had with a Bernie Sanders or an Elizabeth Warren in the White House, and which we so very badly need.
On health care, she won't damage the system Obama put in place, but neither would she make the changes necessary to help the majority of Americans get what they're overpaying for.
On foreign policy, she's a novice, but she won't go around kissing autocrat's asses like the two men in the White House now. But will she stand up to those autocrats? How? How, for that matter, will Biden, now that Trump and Pence have done so much damage to American alliances and credibility?
If they win, and that's a big if given the lengths Trump and his minions have been going to to undermine the ability of Americans to vote, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris will first need to make sure Trump leaves.
They will then need to make sure Trump's supporters don't burn the country down, the way they've been trying to do to the non-violent Black Lives Matter protests.
And then they'll get to the fun part, undoing the damage it somehow only took Trump and his Republican allies four years to do.
That will mean undoing every deliberately hateful, constitution-challenging executive order.
That will mean undoing all of the Republican-led legislation - tax cuts for the very, very rich, deregulation of chemical plants, etc. - through what will hopefully be a Democratic-led Congress.
That will mean finding a way to end the still-ongoing pandemic and the economic collapse it triggered, and to do so before another Great Depression sets in.
That will mean that Kamala Harris will have to be better than any of her predecessors, far better, and not because Joe Biden is really, really, really old but because we basically need two presidents to get done what needs to get done in the shortest possible amount of time.
Not, it should be said, in a Dick Cheney-is-really-president sort of way. Not that, not ever again, please.
The worst thing we can do at this point is talk about inevitability. Hillary Clinton was supposed to be inevitable, and she bought into it so badly she blew the entire election and put us in this mess.
Is it fair to lay that blame at her feet? When she comes to claim any of it, even just the tiniest part, do let us know. She was attacked, unfairly, because she is a woman, as Harris already has unfairly been attacked, but Clinton’s unwillingness to hold herself accountable was and remains her Achilles Heel, and Americans who voted against her did so very much for that reason.
This is why Harris needs to reconcile with her past and the decisions that she made as a prosecutor and as Attorney General of California. It isn’t fair to ask her to hold herself to a higher standard of accountability than, say, Joe Biden, but she is a woman and a minority in a country that clearly still has problems with both, and she, unlike Biden, didn’t win any primaries.
That Kamala Harris feels like the right choice for Joe Biden is good, for Joe Biden. It means that he aced his first decision. He drafted well. The confidence that springs from that could the momentum he needs to win, and the United States needs any Democrat in the White House right now.
Any Democrat.
A Biden/Harris ticket sounds good, maybe even good enough to succeed where Clinton/Kaine failed. And should that inevitability happen, that another president passes away while in office, we should take some comfort that Biden didn’t choose an absolute idiot.
Now comes the hard part, making sure that this least-like-any-other of election years functions like a normal one.
Even before the pandemic, Trump and his Republican allies in Congress were pushing to defund the Postal Service. The actions Trump and his Postmaster General have taken since the pandemic hit threaten mail-in voting for tens of millions of Americans, potentially disenfranchising even more Americans than the usual gutting of the voter rolls.
However it started, today’s Republican Party has become one of winner-take-all, ends-justify-the-means politics. On the national level, at the very least, they believe that it is isn’t cheating if you don’t have to go to jail for it. Those voting for them know this. Those voting for them like it.
That, not merely encouraging people to want to vote and certainly not pontificating on the best of all possible futures, is what Biden and Harris and their surrogates need to focus on and focus our attention on.
The better teams on paper don’t always win. Sometimes, they lose badly. If we can't vote, we lose. We all lose. Right now, the only thing that feels inevitable about this election be might just that.
- Daniel Ward
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toldnews-blog · 6 years
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New Post has been published on https://toldnews.com/politics/watch-takeaways-from-president-donald-trumps-state-of-the-union/
WATCH: Takeaways from President Donald Trump's State of the Union
Transcript for Takeaways from President Donald Trump’s State of the Union
So last night was trump’s second state of the union address, and before we get into how we think he did, I want to show one moment that made both sides of the aisle get up on their feet. Watch. Exactly one century after congress passed the constitutional amendment giving women right to vote, we also have more women serving in congress than at any time before. Okay, so wait a minute. Is he so clueless that he actually thinks that the reason there are women in congress in these numbers is because he did something right? Yeah. It’s the opposite. Yeah. He’s taking credit when he really should take the blame. Am I wrong about this? Yeah. I thought they were trolling him. I think they were. I think they were, right? They ran because they didn’t like his policies. A lot of them. I found it to be just an empowering moment for women. I saw like trump ae not going to be in office forever and so there were a number of moments — He’s not? We do have term limits. I thought it was a moment we could get on our feet and be proud of how far we’ve come. Obviously I think the Republican party has a lot of work to do to get women to run and to win. Isn’t it unbelievable, the two sides. For me, I agree with your assessment that I did think it was trolling on their part. By the way, take the moment when it comes. State of the unions are so much a part of sort of signaling your politics in one way or another to your base of supporters. Yeah. He did that. And they did as well, even just wearing the white suits. Make no mistake, these are liberal democratic women. So for me as a woman, when you see women not applauding for the 20-week abortion ban which by the way 70 to 80% of women, Democrat and Republican, in the country are against, this women’s issue is complicated for me because I’m not a liberal woman. For me, I thought it was weird to see some people clapping when it’s like for me I’d like to see more conservative women in my vain, more conservative women get elected. The wave of democratic congressman who were recently elected, they were in the right taking in their moment last night. I was up late last night. I understand what you’re saying. I like the idea that women a there but I don’t want somebody like Sarah Palin or Michele Bachmann. Women’s issues be convoluted, like all women vote the same way, feel the same way about abortion. Look at this table. I think it’s misguided to have this applause for the president at the same time because this wave was real and it was a mass rejection of him by so many women com up. By the way, as conservative women, we need to see this bright and clear. There are not a lot of Republican women getting elected. I don’t remember the exact numbers. It’s like a four to one ratio. Why is that? Why don’t conserve women like you go out there and call it what it is, that the emperor is wearing no clothes. And can they be elected though? I don’t know if this fever because the trump fever is loud and strong. Over 80% of Republicans support president trump. For me, I’m a classic jack Kemp conservative and I can’t get on board with this populous phenomenon. It was weird to see Republicans by the way clapping against trade. We’re supposed to be the party of free trade. Why did they do that? Because the party has reinvented itself in the world of trump. What’s the purpose of that when I have this wonderful job here at “The view”? Exactly. Really, both sides are going after that, right? The address was received far better than his first state of the union. Some called it reagan-esque. Really? Yes. It was very — Let me show you something before you talk. Sorry. Economic miracle is taking place in the United States and the only thing that can stop it are foolish wars, politics, or ridiculous partisan investigations. Year after year capitalist Americans are murdered by criminal illegal aliens. In the past, most of the people in this room voted for a wall, but the proper wall never got built. I will get it built. First of all, let me just say that there’s so many things to say in those three things he just said. Number one was the — let’s go for the wall. The majority of Americans don’t want the wall. They think it’s stupid. Then crime amongst illegal or legal immigrants is so far down that mostly it’s Americans who are committing Americans in this country. That’s a lie. The other one about the investigations, does the name Richard Nixon ring a bell? Nixon said enough with the watergate, and less than 200 days later he was gone. Yeah. So these investigations, that train has left the station, honey, and there’s nothing you can do about it. You know what, look — That was very — my takeaway, I thought it was kind of a dark speech. It seemed to be at the beginning about unity and I was like, this sounds pretty good. It was reagan-esque in that sense but then it took a turn when he started talking about the wall. He wasn’t really reading the room well. I felt like that’s when people were like — it didn’t have that you lie moment but people started grumbling a lot. I felt that there were a lot of lies there. He started talking about undocumented immigrants and he was using that term illegal alien. He sort of resurfaced that. People are not illegal. Acts are illegal. I think we need to start saying that more and more and more. It’s about undocumented immigrants. That was the first thing that I noticed. Then he starts talking about undocumented immigrants, you know, committing more crime. Well, no, 44 — it’s less — I think the stats are they commit about 44 — they’re less likely to commit — there were about 44% less likely to be incarcerated than native born Americans so that’s not true. Keep in mind the room in the audience for 2020, a lot of the candidates who have already announced and will more than likely be announcing so this was virtue signaling which says a lot about immigration. I’m going to butcher this. Excuse me, I was up late on the coverage of this. The politicians with their walls and guarded security, that is a siren call to his base that’s watching right now and I think it started out, I agree with you, I was like, who doesn’t love astronauts and veterans and men who stormed the beaches of normandy. Those are all wonderful things I think everyone can get behind, and then intervened were his policies and virtue signals for 2020 which is Normal for a president to do. What was hard for me last night, I was prepping and getting ready and reading my notes beforehand and I get a notice that president trump had a meeting with the network heads a he had called sen chuck Schumer a nasty son of a bitch, Joe Biden dumb, said disparaging things once again of my father who passed five and a half months ago. So for me when he’s talking about we must reject the politics of revenge, politics and retribution, you aren’t being bipartisan near hours earlier obsessing over people you consider your enemies. For me it was a kabuki theat virtue signal. The entire speech last night towards his base, please don’t sit here and tell me you are grasping for bipartisanship when chuck schumers a son of a bitch and my father is, quote, bombed — To go after somebody who’s dead, my god. I D’t know why he keeps bringing it up because what do you gain by that, even if you’re in his base. They don’t care. What about the lies that are immediately fact-checked. I would think at this point, especially the lies about the wall, the lies about immigration, the lies about — he also said this, he said, oh, by the way, I want more legal immigrants common to the country than ever before. He has the lowest C for legal immigration. He only wants 30,000 legal immigrants to come. That’s the lowest in U.S. History. He doesn’t want them from any countries except the people — Doesn’t his base read. Meghan’s right — They know it’s lies. Go ahead. Can I speak now? Yeah. The state of the union at least for me is a time to find unifying messages and it’s a time when you’re the president you won the election, you have the platform. Obama talked about health care, moment famously when someone said you lied. There were strong moments last night. It was less about trump for me and more about inspiring stories and the guests invited to the speech that gave me chills. One of those was this moment that’s never happened in the state of the union where a happy birthday was sung to Judah Samet who turned 81 yesterday. He survived the mass shooting at the tree of life synagogue. I think we have a clip of that if we can play it. We don’t have a clip. We don’t. Well, there was that moment and there was also Alice Marie Johnson talking about criminal justice reform. There he is. I don’t know if we have the clip. In 1997 Alice was sentenced to life in prison as a first-time, nonviolent drug offender. In June I commuted Alice’s sentence. She is a terrific woman, terrific. Alice, please. I think there were some moments that if you could step away and say, loo — I want to give him credit, trust me, but I can’t. If you can focus on some things that areigger than the president right now. But political props, why is that — Talking about criminal justice — We’re actually going to come
This transcript has been automatically generated and may not be 100% accurate.
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yeouami · 7 years
Dealing with family who still believes in Trump, their God and Saviour, and won’t listen to reason.
So I just posted this on facebook:
My former English teacher shared this after seeing it on her friend's page, and I just had to share it, too.
(Especially with you, C.F. and H.D.F. - and anyone else among my friends/family who still believes in Trump as their God and Saviour. Please don't tell me, you wouldn't also be pissed if the following scenario were real. Maybe now you can understand a little better, why there are still so many people who don't agree with Trump's presidency. And I'm not only talking about Democrats here. More and more Republicans are waking up to seeing his wrongdoings for what they are..)
--- Imagine this scenario: Hillary Clinton is president. It's learned that she has deep ties to Putin and the Russian spy agency. She puts utterly unqualified billionaires in cabinet posts. She pursues public policies that benefit her and her billionaire friends. She puts her daughter Chelsea in a position of influence in the West Wing, gives her her own office and allows her to use that position to forward her own business interests. And Chelsea's husband is her chief advisor. The private business trips taken by Chelsea and her husband are paid for by the taxpayers. She refuses to release any tax returns, she blocks access to the visitor logs in the White House and Bill refuses to live in the White House so our tax dollars are spent keeping him safe in Chappaqua. Hillary spends almost every weekend lounging in her own, privately-held resort. Her private resort gets reimbursed for any and all "official" government functions (including security) because she chooses to conduct all her "business" and personal functions there. She and her family live in three White Houses at the same time. In an interview, she names the wrong country she bombed while bragging about the chocolate cake she was eating while she ordered said bombing. I could go on and on. The point is that the outrage, the outcries, the screaming by Republicans would be heard around the world and impeachment proceedings would already be underway. By the way, this is not about political party affiliation. Let's face it, if Hillary - or any woman or minority candidate - had five children from three partners s/he would never have survived the primary.
--- COPY and PASTE if you want all your friends to see this.
#NotMyPresident #sorrynotsorry #thetruthcannolongerbedenied#itstimetowakeupamerica 
And received this reply by H.D.F. (who happens to be my Uncle, who lives in California):
Don't believe our liberal press . They are so out of touch with the American people . They told the American people that Trump would lose by a landslide to Clinton . We all know how that turn out . Many liberal turn on Clinton in the traditional liberal states . Like Wisconsin Michigan Ohio Florida and many more . As far as Putin goes, I don't think they have a close relationship . He showed this when he launched 60 tomahawk missles at air base in Syria . Now about his taxes . No ones cares here about his taxes . Only the liberal rich people do . What liberal people refuse to understand . The people who sent him to Washington wanted change . The last eight years of Obama and Clinton policy has not been good in America for a large segment of the population . It showed in the election . I look fawned to the French election . Neither major party is going to second round . You have two outsider . That is major change no matter who win . Look forward to may 7th . Keep up the good fight. Your voice is important.
To which I replied:
If not the liberal press, who else is there to trust? Sure, you should never take anything that's said as 100% true, but it can't ALL be lies. They thought Trump would lose because they believed that the US citizens would be sane enough not to vote for someone as mentally deranged as him. His whole campaign was built on agitation and lies. Most of which are gradually being exposed, and can't be ignored for much longer. As for Putin, sure, only they know how close they really are. But you can't deny that there isn't some kind of connection in the background. How else would they have known to take all the important personell out of said area before the missiles hit..? Also, those f-ing expensive missiles still make me mad as hell. Why did he have to use so many?? What about the veterans, homeless and public education, everyone always seems to be complaining about not having enough money, that could've really needed the money wasted on those missiles???? Are you really ok with that??? Why is it then, that most of the protesters I see are from middle to low income families? The rich could actually care less about his tax returns, cause for one, they probably don't care about their own, and two, they just care about the money they receive from supporting him. Those protesters are just vocalizing their right to have him do the same thing they are FORCED to do, so they wouldn't be prosecuted, while HE GETS A FREE PASS. Money or status should not be a guarantee for him to just get away with it. You can't seriously think that's RIGHT...? Don't you think it's weird how the unbiased news I've been watching over the last eight years, never showed how terrible of a president Obama supposedly was? Sure, not everything can always go well and not every promise made during the campaign can be held. But did it ever occur to you, that he tried his best while having to face one defeat after another because the Republicans just simply didn't want HIM to win the vote on something that could've made the lives of so many Americans better, while they knew that their decision would just make everything worse. But no, a true Republican can't let a major improvement, a Democrat proposed, go through, because obviously they wouldn't get the recognition they think they'd deserve. The Democrat would rightfully receive it, and there is no way they could lose to the Dems like that. This is sadly the painful truth we've been living in for quite a while now. The problem is that most people still don't seem to see the bigger picture. They're quite selfish in a way. Sure, having the coal mines running again may give some people their jobs back. (And obviously those people would never have dreamed to vote for a presidential candidate who advocates clean energy to fight climate change) But what they seem to forget is the future. The future we all will have to live in. And not just us. Our children, grandchildren and so on will have to deal with the result of what is now done wrong. I really don't get how those people just ignore what's going on and only care about themselves in the now. They probably won't be around anymore when the consequences hit hard, so they might think it doesn't have anything to do with them. But this is our responsibility right now. So many of the older generations have already messed things up for the younger ones, by voting for what they believe is right for them at this very moment, not once considering the change that has already taken place over the last decades. Just take a look at how liberal-minded youth responds to racism, homo- and xenophobia. We're trying to understand each other so that we can live in peace as one human race. With how evolution stands now, there is no black and white anymore. Obama's presidency showed the world that the US was doing it's part toward a better future for all of us. I can't say the same about Trump's presidency. And with what he has shown the world so far, I highly doubt I ever will. As for France, it's pretty much the same situation as with the US elections. Macron is what everyone wished Trump to be when he came from out of nowhere and promised all those wonderful things for America, while Le Pen is what he turned out to be. So yeah, I'm totally looking forward to May 7th. Same to you. Believe in what you want to and stand up for it. Just please, don't do it blindly. Your voice is important, too. Mostly to Trump for that matter ;)
Sorry for the long post. I know he’s gonna reply with more nonsense along the lines of “Make America Great Again” or something like that.. I’d really love some objective thoughts on this. Also, if you also happen to be in the same situation and need some arguments, feel free to use mine.. 
P.S. Just so this all makes more sense: I’m German-American and spent a few years (during my childhood) in California. For the past 15 years I’ve been living in Germany again and wasn’t exposed to only biased American news. Therefor I’m pretty confident in the sources of my arguments.
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clintarthur · 4 years
Facebook post (2020-06-01T13:33:25.000Z)
Hmmmmm... even police are questioning this one..... maybe you should too: 🤔Reposting from a friend, but quite an interesting and thought-provoking read. Some things just don’t add up: This article was sent to me by a state police investigator. I thought I would share it with you for your consideration. Interesting perspective: Staged Event? These officers were involved with something, I’m not sure exactly what, but something is just not adding up. I think there is at the very least the “possibility”, that this was a filmed public execution of a black man by a white cop, with the purpose of creating racial tensions and driving a wedge in the growing group of anti deep state sentiment from comon people, that have already been psychologically traumatized by Covid 19 fears. Historically, in election years and in politically contested areas or in groups, racial or gun violence incidents are becoming common place. Considering the rising approval rating of President Trump in the black community, an event like this was unfortunately “Predictable” Consider these points and contrast them to every other police brutality incident you've ever seen. The filmed portion of the incident was about 10 minutes long. In that amount of time, three officers are holding one handcuffed man down. You only know that because of the pictures taken from across the street. You can't see the other two officers in the video because they are behind the vehicle. During 8 minutes of the entire video, the officer has his knee on George Floyd's neck, which is not taught or approved by any law enforcement agency. Additionally, other than the Asian officer speaking occasionally to the crowd of bystanders, there is no communication from any of the officers to Mr. Floyd. No talking, no shouting. When have you ever seen a police brutality video without police shouting? Additionally, the police had no goal. They weren't trying to subdue him for arrest, he was already handcuffed and all they needed to do, was place him in the back of the car. There is no plausible explanation for taking him to the ground and having three men on top of a handcuffed man, a knee placed on his neck. Mr. Floyd presented no threat and was not resisting. The only goal that there appeared to be was exactly what happened: “To be filmed brutally killing a black man”. Think about this, these officers did not care about being filmed, in fact the officer stared into the camera with soulless eyes and an emotionless face, reminiscent of an assassin, as he knowingly killed an American Citizen. None of the officers spoke among themselves or did they speak to Mr. Floyd. They did not respond to his pleas for life. They just sat and kneeled on him until he was passed out and then waited an additional 4 minutes after Mr. Floyd lost consciousness to ensure that Mr. Floyd was dead and could not be revived. The bystanders are verbally communicating to the officers, that he isn't breathing. Unlike any other similar incident, you never see the officers getting on police radios. You never see or hear them calling dispatch for backup. No other police units arrive on the scene and strangely enough, the crowd does not seem to grow either. The scene does not end until an ambulance arrives and they unceremoniously flop him on a gurney. At no point does anyone in a uniform ever check his vitals. “As if they aren't remotely curious about the situation they are in” BTW. who called the ambulance and for what reason? Because if the reason was that Mr. Floyd was having a medical issue, they wouldn't have still been crushing his neck. Shortly after the video went viral, a fake Facebook page supposedly belonging to the officer, at the center of the murder appears and pictures are uploaded that say "Stand your Ground" and "Trump 2020". A picture of the cop with a red ballcap that says "Make America White Again". A friends list populated with obvious sock accounts and people clearly not his friends. This is the same kind of fake Facebook stunt that happened with a group made to look like support for the men involved with the Ahmed Aubrey case. Is it mere coincidence that this happens the week after “race” becomes a major political issue after the Biden "You ain't Black" gaffe, started to threaten the black vote the Democrats so desperately count on? Additionally, there is substantial video evidence to arrest at least one officer now. Why would the local authorities not charge him immediately, unless there was a political advantage not to! Is it mere coincidence that this happens right about the exact moment the COVID-19 fear campaign falls apart, and after it has psychologically traumatized the entire country and got everyone at each other's throats and suicide attempts are spiking? Is it mere coincidence that this happens after the Auhmed Aubrey case... Which somehow eluded the mainstream media completely until two whole months after he was killed? When has that ever happened? Timing issue? Is it mere coincidence that Supreme Race Baiter Obama was making videos a couple weeks ago connecting COVID with "Systemic Racism"? FINALLY....‼️‼️ this entire scene plays out with the cop car and license plate that says "POLICE". The plate was perfectly framed for maximum subliminal impact. This also means he was literally just 1 foot away from the back seat of the police car and these cops thought it was smarter to kill a black man on camera, than to pick him up and move him one foot into the back of the police car. You can draw your own conclusions, but this appears to have all the earmarks of George Soros. Please open your eyes!!!! #WhoReallyAssasinatedGeorgeFloyd? #WhoBenefitsFromRacialDivision? #WhoPromotesRacialDivision? #WhoUsesIdentityPolitics?
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gordonwilliamsweb · 5 years
Sebelius, Looking Back At ACA, Says The Country’s Never ‘Seen This Kind Of Battle’
KHN’s ‘What The Health?'
The Affordable Care Act Turns 10
Listen to the podcast
Kathleen Sebelius, who served as secretary of Health and Human Services under President Barack Obama, helped lead the administration’s negotiations with Congress over the Affordable Care Act and implementation of the law.
Sebelius, who is also a member of the Kaiser Family Foundation board of directors, recently joined Julie Rovner, Kaiser Health News’ chief Washington correspondent, for a special edition of the “What the Health?” podcast dedicated to the ACA’s 10th anniversary. (Kaiser Health News is an editorially independent program of the foundation.)
Here is a condensed, edited text of that conversation. You can listen to the entire podcast here.
Rovner: How would you describe the U.S. health system’s biggest problems prior to the passage of the ACA?
Sebelius: Well, I think the problems were that we had way too many people who had no insurance coverage at all. So they weren’t accessing preventive care. They didn’t have a regular doctor, often using emergency rooms or no health care at all and finding conditions and diseases at a very late stage. We also had lots of people who are struggling with cost. That was problematic. And I think, as a country, we spent very little focus on preventive health.
Rovner: Remembering back to 2009, what did you see as the most important thing the administration could do to move the debate forward?
Sebelius: First of all, there was a great interest in not repeating what people saw as the mistakes of the Clinton health plan, not holding this legislation closely at the White House and then springing it on Congress. We knew Congress had to own it. There were people in Congress who had been working on health issues for a very long time. They needed to be a part of the conversation.
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And we also had a pretty good state template for improving access to coverage of individuals who didn’t have affordable employer-based coverage in Massachusetts. They had raised the Medicaid income eligibility to almost 300% of poverty and then created a large pool for individuals to buy individual coverage with tax help from the state but made sure that you didn’t have an adverse selection in a risk pool everybody was in.
President Obama didn’t want to start all over again from scratch, didn’t want to disrupt the whole market, but wanted to really fill the gap. And the gap was, what do you do for the lowest income workers? Expand Medicaid. And what do you do for people who are out in the marketplace buying their own coverage, who either need financial help or need insurance companies to play by a different set of rules because everybody in the individual market was medically underwritten? So healthy, well, folks were fine. Other people were either locked out entirely or at least the conditions that they wanted covered were locked out.
Rovner: So previous health proposals had been at least partly bipartisan. But there was a GOP blockade of this entire effort. Did you anticipate that? And how did you have to change your strategy to work around it?
Sebelius: I continued to believe first that we would be able to secure Republican votes in either the House or the Senate. That turned out to be not accurate.
So I kept thinking that once the bill was signed, we would then get Republican support. And the day that the president signed the bill, Republican attorneys general sued on constitutionality. I thought once the Supreme Court made a ruling on constitutionality, we would have broad-based support only to then have the election over the horizon. And that was a major debate in the reelection of President Obama.
I still continued to believe that once you crossed that threshold in November 2012, that then it would be settled. And here we are, days from the 10th anniversary and it’s still being litigated and challenged and fought about. So I don’t think anybody ever has seen this kind of battle over a major piece of legislation that has now been the law for 10 years and has never even been able to secure a technical correction for any of the language glitches. So I’m just totally baffled.
Rovner: Is there anything you wish you’d done differently during the congressional debate?
Sebelius: If we knew we only were going to have Democratic support, I think the bill could have been more progressive. Secondly, I think that President Obama was very convinced that one of the ways to get Republican support and get the country to buy in was assuring people that this would be entirely paid for. And there was a financial ceiling of pay-fors.
That really hindered some of the components of the bill. For instance, I think we would have had more generous subsidies with more money. We would have had a different look at who qualified for unaffordable insurance. It would have been a family picture, not just an individual. All of those decisions were made about money, not about policy.
Rovner: So we know that the bill nearly died at several stages along the way. Was there a moment that you almost gave up hope? And what was the moment where you actually knew it was going to happen?
Sebelius: Well, one of the most interesting rooms I was in during this entire tenure, 5½ years at HHS, was a sort of conference committee, although it was all Democrats, it was the leadership from the House and the leadership of the Senate. We had two very different bills, one that passed the House, one that passed the Senate. And, for about a six-day period, Democratic leadership from the House and the Senate sat in a room and went line by line through the bill with the president as the chief negotiator and rewrote what would have been a compromise bill. And I always found it really outrageous when people would suggest that President Obama didn’t know what was in the bill. I can guarantee you he read every line of both bills. So he knew everything that was in the bill.
We made a deal. We had a great bill and then lost the Massachusetts election [to replace the late Sen. Ted Kennedy] and lost the 60th senator [meaning Republicans had enough senators to stage a filibuster on any action]. At that point, things seemed pretty bleak.
Rovner: In retrospect, how sorry are you that the public option didn’t make it in because of the odd way the bill had to become law?
Sebelius: I think missing the public option was a huge blow, mostly because it would have been a cost lever. It would have forced the private companies to actually compete with what we knew would be a lower-administrative-cost, lower-priced public plan.
Rovner: So if passing a law was hard, implementing the law was harder still. Most people looking from the outside would guess that your worst day was when healthcare.gov crashed on takeoff in October 2013. Was that it or was there something we never even knew about?
Sebelius: Well, between Oct. 1 and Dec. 1 was a very, very, very long eight weeks. It seemed like eight years. The scariest part of that eight weeks was about a three-day period. The initial thought was there was just too much traffic on Day One and people couldn’t get through. By about Day Three it was clear that there were some very fundamental flaws throughout the system, not just at the gateway.
So there was kind of an emergency call for a team of, you know, top-notch tech analysts. And there was probably a three-day period where they were going through from start to finish making an assessment of whether the site could be saved or not, or we would have to start all over again. That was probably the most terrifying moment, because I kept thinking, how in the world would we go back to the president and say, Oh, by the way, we have to start over again?
The good news was they came back and said it can be fixed. It’s going to take eight weeks. We think you could go out in public and say by Dec. 1, we’ll have a functional website, not beautiful, but functional. And that was a pretty terrifying moment because I thought we don’t have two bites at this apple. If we’re wrong again, if it doesn’t work on Dec. 1, we are toast.
Rovner: Now it’s 10 years later, the law is more popular than ever. And yet there are still some big problems in the nation’s health care system, including levels of cost sharing, surprise bills, so that even people who do have insurance are worried about costs when accessing care. Why didn’t the Affordable Care Act fix everything?
Sebelius: Frankly, it probably would have been better to be a government takeover of health care. We got blamed for it. And yet we really didn’t do that. We ran most of this through the private system. So costs are still blossoming out of control. We’ve talked about how the public option would have been a lever for that, which we don’t have. Surprise billing wasn’t even an issue until investment bankers began buying specialty practices and figuring out, Oh, there’s a new way to make money.
And, I also think, often the Affordable Care Act is blamed for employers shifting massive costs onto their employees in employer-based health care plans, which weren’t really tampered with by the Affordable Care Act. That was always to be left alone. So we own all the bad.
Having said that, there are millions of people who have coverage today. Insurers cannot discriminate against people with preexisting health conditions. That’s very good news. I think there is much more universal agreement in the country that health care is a right not tied to your job or your geography. So there has been significant progress made.
Rovner: What are you most proud of having worked on this and having it part of your legacy?
Sebelius: Well, certainly I get stopped every day. I get stopped on airplanes and in grocery stores. And the stories are always very personal. People say to me, aren’t you that health lady? My husband lost his job and we had to buy coverage in the market. And then he could get surgery. And because of you, we could get that coverage. They are breathtaking and heartbreaking stories where people say my life is very different.
One of my favorites is there’s a great little diner on Massachusetts Street in Lawrence, Kansas, where I live. And Meg, who owns the diner, the Lady Bird Diner, said to me a couple of years ago, “You know, this is your diner.” And I said, “Really cool. I’ll take it. What does that mean?” She said, “Well, I was a waitress. I always wanted to have my own place. My husband and I had enough cash set aside,” but she said, “I have a preexisting health condition. He’s a carpenter. So he didn’t have insurance. I had to work in a different job so I could get insurance coverage. And,” she said, “your bill, the Affordable Care Act, made it possible that I could open this business. And now I serve pie every day. And I’m just happy as a clam.”
And I thought: Now that’s a very positive step forward. That’s a great legacy to have.
Sebelius, Looking Back At ACA, Says The Country’s Never ‘Seen This Kind Of Battle’ published first on https://nootropicspowdersupplier.tumblr.com/
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dinafbrownil · 5 years
Sebelius, Looking Back At ACA, Says The Country’s Never ‘Seen This Kind Of Battle’
KHN’s ‘What The Health?'
The Affordable Care Act Turns 10
Listen to the podcast
Kathleen Sebelius, who served as secretary of Health and Human Services under President Barack Obama, helped lead the administration’s negotiations with Congress over the Affordable Care Act and implementation of the law.
Sebelius, who is also a member of the Kaiser Family Foundation board of directors, recently joined Julie Rovner, Kaiser Health News’ chief Washington correspondent, for a special edition of the “What the Health?” podcast dedicated to the ACA’s 10th anniversary. (Kaiser Health News is an editorially independent program of the foundation.)
Here is a condensed, edited text of that conversation. You can listen to the entire podcast here.
Rovner: How would you describe the U.S. health system’s biggest problems prior to the passage of the ACA?
Sebelius: Well, I think the problems were that we had way too many people who had no insurance coverage at all. So they weren’t accessing preventive care. They didn’t have a regular doctor, often using emergency rooms or no health care at all and finding conditions and diseases at a very late stage. We also had lots of people who are struggling with cost. That was problematic. And I think, as a country, we spent very little focus on preventive health.
Rovner: Remembering back to 2009, what did you see as the most important thing the administration could do to move the debate forward?
Sebelius: First of all, there was a great interest in not repeating what people saw as the mistakes of the Clinton health plan, not holding this legislation closely at the White House and then springing it on Congress. We knew Congress had to own it. There were people in Congress who had been working on health issues for a very long time. They needed to be a part of the conversation.
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And we also had a pretty good state template for improving access to coverage of individuals who didn’t have affordable employer-based coverage in Massachusetts. They had raised the Medicaid income eligibility to almost 300% of poverty and then created a large pool for individuals to buy individual coverage with tax help from the state but made sure that you didn’t have an adverse selection in a risk pool everybody was in.
President Obama didn’t want to start all over again from scratch, didn’t want to disrupt the whole market, but wanted to really fill the gap. And the gap was, what do you do for the lowest income workers? Expand Medicaid. And what do you do for people who are out in the marketplace buying their own coverage, who either need financial help or need insurance companies to play by a different set of rules because everybody in the individual market was medically underwritten? So healthy, well, folks were fine. Other people were either locked out entirely or at least the conditions that they wanted covered were locked out.
Rovner: So previous health proposals had been at least partly bipartisan. But there was a GOP blockade of this entire effort. Did you anticipate that? And how did you have to change your strategy to work around it?
Sebelius: I continued to believe first that we would be able to secure Republican votes in either the House or the Senate. That turned out to be not accurate.
So I kept thinking that once the bill was signed, we would then get Republican support. And the day that the president signed the bill, Republican attorneys general sued on constitutionality. I thought once the Supreme Court made a ruling on constitutionality, we would have broad-based support only to then have the election over the horizon. And that was a major debate in the reelection of President Obama.
I still continued to believe that once you crossed that threshold in November 2012, that then it would be settled. And here we are, days from the 10th anniversary and it’s still being litigated and challenged and fought about. So I don’t think anybody ever has seen this kind of battle over a major piece of legislation that has now been the law for 10 years and has never even been able to secure a technical correction for any of the language glitches. So I’m just totally baffled.
Rovner: Is there anything you wish you’d done differently during the congressional debate?
Sebelius: If we knew we only were going to have Democratic support, I think the bill could have been more progressive. Secondly, I think that President Obama was very convinced that one of the ways to get Republican support and get the country to buy in was assuring people that this would be entirely paid for. And there was a financial ceiling of pay-fors.
That really hindered some of the components of the bill. For instance, I think we would have had more generous subsidies with more money. We would have had a different look at who qualified for unaffordable insurance. It would have been a family picture, not just an individual. All of those decisions were made about money, not about policy.
Rovner: So we know that the bill nearly died at several stages along the way. Was there a moment that you almost gave up hope? And what was the moment where you actually knew it was going to happen?
Sebelius: Well, one of the most interesting rooms I was in during this entire tenure, 5½ years at HHS, was a sort of conference committee, although it was all Democrats, it was the leadership from the House and the leadership of the Senate. We had two very different bills, one that passed the House, one that passed the Senate. And, for about a six-day period, Democratic leadership from the House and the Senate sat in a room and went line by line through the bill with the president as the chief negotiator and rewrote what would have been a compromise bill. And I always found it really outrageous when people would suggest that President Obama didn’t know what was in the bill. I can guarantee you he read every line of both bills. So he knew everything that was in the bill.
We made a deal. We had a great bill and then lost the Massachusetts election [to replace the late Sen. Ted Kennedy] and lost the 60th senator [meaning Republicans had enough senators to stage a filibuster on any action]. At that point, things seemed pretty bleak.
Rovner: In retrospect, how sorry are you that the public option didn’t make it in because of the odd way the bill had to become law?
Sebelius: I think missing the public option was a huge blow, mostly because it would have been a cost lever. It would have forced the private companies to actually compete with what we knew would be a lower-administrative-cost, lower-priced public plan.
Rovner: So if passing a law was hard, implementing the law was harder still. Most people looking from the outside would guess that your worst day was when healthcare.gov crashed on takeoff in October 2013. Was that it or was there something we never even knew about?
Sebelius: Well, between Oct. 1 and Dec. 1 was a very, very, very long eight weeks. It seemed like eight years. The scariest part of that eight weeks was about a three-day period. The initial thought was there was just too much traffic on Day One and people couldn’t get through. By about Day Three it was clear that there were some very fundamental flaws throughout the system, not just at the gateway.
So there was kind of an emergency call for a team of, you know, top-notch tech analysts. And there was probably a three-day period where they were going through from start to finish making an assessment of whether the site could be saved or not, or we would have to start all over again. That was probably the most terrifying moment, because I kept thinking, how in the world would we go back to the president and say, Oh, by the way, we have to start over again?
The good news was they came back and said it can be fixed. It’s going to take eight weeks. We think you could go out in public and say by Dec. 1, we’ll have a functional website, not beautiful, but functional. And that was a pretty terrifying moment because I thought we don’t have two bites at this apple. If we’re wrong again, if it doesn’t work on Dec. 1, we are toast.
Rovner: Now it’s 10 years later, the law is more popular than ever. And yet there are still some big problems in the nation’s health care system, including levels of cost sharing, surprise bills, so that even people who do have insurance are worried about costs when accessing care. Why didn’t the Affordable Care Act fix everything?
Sebelius: Frankly, it probably would have been better to be a government takeover of health care. We got blamed for it. And yet we really didn’t do that. We ran most of this through the private system. So costs are still blossoming out of control. We’ve talked about how the public option would have been a lever for that, which we don’t have. Surprise billing wasn’t even an issue until investment bankers began buying specialty practices and figuring out, Oh, there’s a new way to make money.
And, I also think, often the Affordable Care Act is blamed for employers shifting massive costs onto their employees in employer-based health care plans, which weren’t really tampered with by the Affordable Care Act. That was always to be left alone. So we own all the bad.
Having said that, there are millions of people who have coverage today. Insurers cannot discriminate against people with preexisting health conditions. That’s very good news. I think there is much more universal agreement in the country that health care is a right not tied to your job or your geography. So there has been significant progress made.
Rovner: What are you most proud of having worked on this and having it part of your legacy?
Sebelius: Well, certainly I get stopped every day. I get stopped on airplanes and in grocery stores. And the stories are always very personal. People say to me, aren’t you that health lady? My husband lost his job and we had to buy coverage in the market. And then he could get surgery. And because of you, we could get that coverage. They are breathtaking and heartbreaking stories where people say my life is very different.
One of my favorites is there’s a great little diner on Massachusetts Street in Lawrence, Kansas, where I live. And Meg, who owns the diner, the Lady Bird Diner, said to me a couple of years ago, “You know, this is your diner.” And I said, “Really cool. I’ll take it. What does that mean?” She said, “Well, I was a waitress. I always wanted to have my own place. My husband and I had enough cash set aside,” but she said, “I have a preexisting health condition. He’s a carpenter. So he didn’t have insurance. I had to work in a different job so I could get insurance coverage. And,” she said, “your bill, the Affordable Care Act, made it possible that I could open this business. And now I serve pie every day. And I’m just happy as a clam.”
And I thought: Now that’s a very positive step forward. That’s a great legacy to have.
from Updates By Dina https://khn.org/news/interview-kathleen-sebelius-aca-10th-anniversary/
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stephenmccull · 5 years
Sebelius, Looking Back At ACA, Says The Country’s Never ‘Seen This Kind Of Battle’
KHN’s ‘What The Health?'
The Affordable Care Act Turns 10
Listen to the podcast
Kathleen Sebelius, who served as secretary of Health and Human Services under President Barack Obama, helped lead the administration’s negotiations with Congress over the Affordable Care Act and implementation of the law.
Sebelius, who is also a member of the Kaiser Family Foundation board of directors, recently joined Julie Rovner, Kaiser Health News’ chief Washington correspondent, for a special edition of the “What the Health?” podcast dedicated to the ACA’s 10th anniversary. (Kaiser Health News is an editorially independent program of the foundation.)
Here is a condensed, edited text of that conversation. You can listen to the entire podcast here.
Rovner: How would you describe the U.S. health system’s biggest problems prior to the passage of the ACA?
Sebelius: Well, I think the problems were that we had way too many people who had no insurance coverage at all. So they weren’t accessing preventive care. They didn’t have a regular doctor, often using emergency rooms or no health care at all and finding conditions and diseases at a very late stage. We also had lots of people who are struggling with cost. That was problematic. And I think, as a country, we spent very little focus on preventive health.
Rovner: Remembering back to 2009, what did you see as the most important thing the administration could do to move the debate forward?
Sebelius: First of all, there was a great interest in not repeating what people saw as the mistakes of the Clinton health plan, not holding this legislation closely at the White House and then springing it on Congress. We knew Congress had to own it. There were people in Congress who had been working on health issues for a very long time. They needed to be a part of the conversation.
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And we also had a pretty good state template for improving access to coverage of individuals who didn’t have affordable employer-based coverage in Massachusetts. They had raised the Medicaid income eligibility to almost 300% of poverty and then created a large pool for individuals to buy individual coverage with tax help from the state but made sure that you didn’t have an adverse selection in a risk pool everybody was in.
President Obama didn’t want to start all over again from scratch, didn’t want to disrupt the whole market, but wanted to really fill the gap. And the gap was, what do you do for the lowest income workers? Expand Medicaid. And what do you do for people who are out in the marketplace buying their own coverage, who either need financial help or need insurance companies to play by a different set of rules because everybody in the individual market was medically underwritten? So healthy, well, folks were fine. Other people were either locked out entirely or at least the conditions that they wanted covered were locked out.
Rovner: So previous health proposals had been at least partly bipartisan. But there was a GOP blockade of this entire effort. Did you anticipate that? And how did you have to change your strategy to work around it?
Sebelius: I continued to believe first that we would be able to secure Republican votes in either the House or the Senate. That turned out to be not accurate.
So I kept thinking that once the bill was signed, we would then get Republican support. And the day that the president signed the bill, Republican attorneys general sued on constitutionality. I thought once the Supreme Court made a ruling on constitutionality, we would have broad-based support only to then have the election over the horizon. And that was a major debate in the reelection of President Obama.
I still continued to believe that once you crossed that threshold in November 2012, that then it would be settled. And here we are, days from the 10th anniversary and it’s still being litigated and challenged and fought about. So I don’t think anybody ever has seen this kind of battle over a major piece of legislation that has now been the law for 10 years and has never even been able to secure a technical correction for any of the language glitches. So I’m just totally baffled.
Rovner: Is there anything you wish you’d done differently during the congressional debate?
Sebelius: If we knew we only were going to have Democratic support, I think the bill could have been more progressive. Secondly, I think that President Obama was very convinced that one of the ways to get Republican support and get the country to buy in was assuring people that this would be entirely paid for. And there was a financial ceiling of pay-fors.
That really hindered some of the components of the bill. For instance, I think we would have had more generous subsidies with more money. We would have had a different look at who qualified for unaffordable insurance. It would have been a family picture, not just an individual. All of those decisions were made about money, not about policy.
Rovner: So we know that the bill nearly died at several stages along the way. Was there a moment that you almost gave up hope? And what was the moment where you actually knew it was going to happen?
Sebelius: Well, one of the most interesting rooms I was in during this entire tenure, 5½ years at HHS, was a sort of conference committee, although it was all Democrats, it was the leadership from the House and the leadership of the Senate. We had two very different bills, one that passed the House, one that passed the Senate. And, for about a six-day period, Democratic leadership from the House and the Senate sat in a room and went line by line through the bill with the president as the chief negotiator and rewrote what would have been a compromise bill. And I always found it really outrageous when people would suggest that President Obama didn’t know what was in the bill. I can guarantee you he read every line of both bills. So he knew everything that was in the bill.
We made a deal. We had a great bill and then lost the Massachusetts election [to replace the late Sen. Ted Kennedy] and lost the 60th senator [meaning Republicans had enough senators to stage a filibuster on any action]. At that point, things seemed pretty bleak.
Rovner: In retrospect, how sorry are you that the public option didn’t make it in because of the odd way the bill had to become law?
Sebelius: I think missing the public option was a huge blow, mostly because it would have been a cost lever. It would have forced the private companies to actually compete with what we knew would be a lower-administrative-cost, lower-priced public plan.
Rovner: So if passing a law was hard, implementing the law was harder still. Most people looking from the outside would guess that your worst day was when healthcare.gov crashed on takeoff in October 2013. Was that it or was there something we never even knew about?
Sebelius: Well, between Oct. 1 and Dec. 1 was a very, very, very long eight weeks. It seemed like eight years. The scariest part of that eight weeks was about a three-day period. The initial thought was there was just too much traffic on Day One and people couldn’t get through. By about Day Three it was clear that there were some very fundamental flaws throughout the system, not just at the gateway.
So there was kind of an emergency call for a team of, you know, top-notch tech analysts. And there was probably a three-day period where they were going through from start to finish making an assessment of whether the site could be saved or not, or we would have to start all over again. That was probably the most terrifying moment, because I kept thinking, how in the world would we go back to the president and say, Oh, by the way, we have to start over again?
The good news was they came back and said it can be fixed. It’s going to take eight weeks. We think you could go out in public and say by Dec. 1, we’ll have a functional website, not beautiful, but functional. And that was a pretty terrifying moment because I thought we don’t have two bites at this apple. If we’re wrong again, if it doesn’t work on Dec. 1, we are toast.
Rovner: Now it’s 10 years later, the law is more popular than ever. And yet there are still some big problems in the nation’s health care system, including levels of cost sharing, surprise bills, so that even people who do have insurance are worried about costs when accessing care. Why didn’t the Affordable Care Act fix everything?
Sebelius: Frankly, it probably would have been better to be a government takeover of health care. We got blamed for it. And yet we really didn’t do that. We ran most of this through the private system. So costs are still blossoming out of control. We’ve talked about how the public option would have been a lever for that, which we don’t have. Surprise billing wasn’t even an issue until investment bankers began buying specialty practices and figuring out, Oh, there’s a new way to make money.
And, I also think, often the Affordable Care Act is blamed for employers shifting massive costs onto their employees in employer-based health care plans, which weren’t really tampered with by the Affordable Care Act. That was always to be left alone. So we own all the bad.
Having said that, there are millions of people who have coverage today. Insurers cannot discriminate against people with preexisting health conditions. That’s very good news. I think there is much more universal agreement in the country that health care is a right not tied to your job or your geography. So there has been significant progress made.
Rovner: What are you most proud of having worked on this and having it part of your legacy?
Sebelius: Well, certainly I get stopped every day. I get stopped on airplanes and in grocery stores. And the stories are always very personal. People say to me, aren’t you that health lady? My husband lost his job and we had to buy coverage in the market. And then he could get surgery. And because of you, we could get that coverage. They are breathtaking and heartbreaking stories where people say my life is very different.
One of my favorites is there’s a great little diner on Massachusetts Street in Lawrence, Kansas, where I live. And Meg, who owns the diner, the Lady Bird Diner, said to me a couple of years ago, “You know, this is your diner.” And I said, “Really cool. I’ll take it. What does that mean?” She said, “Well, I was a waitress. I always wanted to have my own place. My husband and I had enough cash set aside,” but she said, “I have a preexisting health condition. He’s a carpenter. So he didn’t have insurance. I had to work in a different job so I could get insurance coverage. And,” she said, “your bill, the Affordable Care Act, made it possible that I could open this business. And now I serve pie every day. And I’m just happy as a clam.”
And I thought: Now that’s a very positive step forward. That’s a great legacy to have.
Sebelius, Looking Back At ACA, Says The Country’s Never ‘Seen This Kind Of Battle’ published first on https://smartdrinkingweb.weebly.com/
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thisdaynews · 5 years
How Julián Castro Got Drowned Out
New Post has been published on https://thebiafrastar.com/how-julian-castro-got-drowned-out/
How Julián Castro Got Drowned Out
RYE, N.H.—The August air at dusk has a slight chill to it, as Julián Castro stands on a back porch on New Hampshire’s seacoast. He runs through a blistering version of his stump speech, promising to rejoin the Paris Climate Accords, reform immigration laws, tax inherited wealth and raise wages, and—and here he slows down a bit, taking his time to set a scene he knows his audience is desperate for. He explains how, on his first day on the job, with all the press cameras shuttering away and the helicopter doors open on the White House lawn, he is going to slap the former President Donald Trump and Melania Trump on the back and say to them, as he ushers them to the waiting choppers, “¡Adiós!”
The audience laughs and cheers and there is time for one more question, and it is the big one:How are you going to beat Trump?
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Just as Castro begins to answer, an airplane, landing at nearby Manchester airport, flies low over the party. No one can hear anything over the plane’s growling engines. But Castro keeps talking, smiling, jabbing the air in front of him, uttering words only he understands or can hear.
This should be Julián Castro’s moment. At a time when issues of immigration and family separation, race and the border are front and center in the national consciousness, the story of a third-generation Mexican-American would seem tailor-made to resonate emotionally with voters. His great-grandfather was a coffin maker who died in the Mexican revolution, and his great-grandmother was lying on her deathbed when their daughter, Castro’s grandmother, was taken along with her sister across the border by distant relatives. As she used to tell Julián, the sisters were just waved past by border guards with rifles who spoke to her in a language she didn’t understand, her guardian dragging the little girls along. Once settled in San Antonio, the girls were separated between two different families, and Castro’s grandmother struggled with depression throughout her life, wailing well into her old age that they “wouldn’t let me say goodbye!”
And yet, as he spoke to Democratic voters in New Hampshire, Castro’s campaign seemed to be on the cusp of ending. Despite being pegged as the future of the Democratic Party almost as soon as he arrived on the scene as San Antonio mayor in 2009, and as the “Latino Obama” after he delivered a memorable keynote to the 2012 Democratic National Convention, here he was, stuck in the third tier of a sprawling field, polling around the 1 percent mark. And most crucially, he had not yet qualified for the third Democratic debate in September, which required polling at 2 percent to make it on the stage.
“So if you get a strange phone call, maybe from an unlisted number in the next couple of days, please answer it,” Castro told his audience to laughs.
But no matter how good of a candidate you are, it is hard to be heard these days. Not when the reality TV show president has commandeered the nation’s attention. Not when there are nearly two dozen candidates, most of whom have nearly identical policy ideas and similarly solid résumés. Even Latinos, who by all accounts should be rallying behind the path-breaking grandson of a Mexican-American immigrant, have been slow to respond to Castro’s message.
Finally, he hears the crowd and he starts over. He goes through the mechanics of winning back the 80,000 or so Rust Belt voters who swung the election to Trump in 2016, turning out voters in the urban core and in the suburbs. He mentions Orange County, California, a onetime Republican stronghold, as a place that recently flipped blue, boosted by a population that is 30 percent Latino and a majority nonwhite. He talked about flipping Arizona, and bringing home the grand prize: Texas, and its 38 electoral votes.
“We are right there. We are this close to make or break point in the campaign,” Castro told me after the event. At one point when he was an undergraduate at Stanford, Castro and his twin brother, Joaquin, explored careers in local television news. Even today, the presidential hopeful can sound like a political pundit when he talks about his race. “Everything is on the line right now. I think we can make it to the September debate. If we can’t, the deadline for October is coming up, so we are going to do everything we can to make that. The future of the campaign is going to happen over the next few weeks.”
Castro is an heir to Obama, having served as secretary of Housing and Urban Development from 2014 to 2017. He is young, just 44 at a time when many in the party are looking for a new generation. He is a policy wonk, a former mayor who can speak as fluently about zoning, gentrification and housing affordability at a time when those issues have risen to the fore among the party’s young and urban base.
And yet here he is, struggling to be heard over the drone of a Delta jet, trying to make his case.
“I mean, obviously,” he says, “I wish I were doing better than 1 percent.”
Castro made the debate stage a day after his weekendin New Hampshire, when some 20 people out of 1,001 respondents in a CNN poll selected him as their first choice for president. To hear Castro’s campaign tell it, that is an achievement that they don’t receive nearly enough credit for. Castro is one of the top 10 candidates standing after beginning the 2020 campaign with no real email list, no campaign funds banked, no early state staffers or deep-pocketed benefactors or anything resembling a campaign infrastructure.
If Castro had any sort of moment in this presidential campaign, of the kind that candidates are constantly trying to create, it was in the first debate in July, when he left Beto O’Rourke sputtering over immigration policy, because unlike Castro, O’Rourke did not favor eliminating a section of immigration law known as Section 1325 that criminalizes illegal entry.
The move was bold, and shrewd, because it showed how out-front Castro has been on policy issues. And not just on immigration, where his call to decriminalize illegal border crossing was soon copied by most of the rest of the field (much to the dismay of party elders who could already see the “Democrats Favor Open Borders” ads coming from the Republicans in the fall.) Castro has also put forward a comprehensive housing program that would allow renters to deduct a portion of their rent in the same way homeowners can deduct a portion of their mortgage; an education plan that eliminates tuition for public colleges and ties student debt repayment to graduates’ income; a criminal justice reform proposal that ends qualified immunity; not to mention comprehensive plans on animal rights, taxes and curbing white nationalism.
And yet Elizabeth Warren is the “policy candidate.” And Pete Buttigieg, seven years younger than Castro, is the Millennial Mayor candidate. Joe Biden is the one with better ties to the Obama administration. And even though Castro proposes taxing inheritances of $2 million or more, raising the capital gains tax rate, providing a $3,000 per child tax credit, paid family and medical leave and a $15 nationwide minimum wage, Bernie Sanders is the candidate known for fighting income inequality. And somehow, despite being able to trace his lineage to the American colonies of the 18th century, Beto O’Rourke, a son of El Paso and fluent in Spanish, has become the candidate of immigration and the new Texas.
That, and the fact that both the national media and the party’s progressive wing had begun to tire of O’Rourke’s schtick, made him an inviting target for any candidate looking to make a name for themselves. But when Castro went after O’Rourke in the debate, it was the first time any of the candidates had targeted any other onstage.
“I knew we were going to address immigration, and I thought we would have a point of difference,” said Castro, who had spent weeks before the first debate looking at late-night YouTube videos of Democratic presidential primary debates going back to 1988. “I think of it like Tom Brady looking at game film,” he said. “I had that ready just in case.”
The reviews of Castro’s were good and should have garnered him a second look from voters and a polling bump. But they didn’t. For whatever reason, the path-breaking Latino candidate with an easy command of the intricacies of immigration policy didn’t see his numbers improve, especially after his call to decriminalize border crossing was copied by much of the rest of the field. The incident echoed, in some respects, his near-miss with the Clinton campaign in 2016.
Castro was on the shortlist to run with Hillary Clinton in 2016, but was passed over in favor of Tim Kaine when the campaign figured that, thanks to Trump’s rhetoric, there wouldn’t be much of a need to boost Hispanic turnout.
People close to the Clinton campaign’s deliberations say Castro wasn’t considered as much as the press was led to believe, that it was probably always going to be a boring white guy all along, and that then Labor Secretary Tom Perez probably would have been a more likely choice had they wanted to go with a Latino. Castro was already receiving criticism during the veepstakes. Progressives thought he was insufficiently tough on Wall Street when he ran HUD, and they dinged him for violating the Hatch Act by praising Clinton in an interview he gave as secretary; the charge sounds almost quaint now.
Although Castro had been considering a statewide run in Texas for years, probably for governor, before O’Rourke’s 2018 run against Ted Cruz it was widely thought that the state wasn’t ready to elect a Democrat yet. After losing the veepstakes, he had planned to remain in Washington, angle for a job in the Hillary Clinton administration, possibly as secretary of Education or Transportation or in the Office of Management and Budget, or at some politically influential think tank.
Instead he moved back to San Antonio in 2017 and signaled his interest in running for president almost immediately. He started a PAC, Opportunity First, which raised a half-million dollars and supported “young, progressive leaders” around the country. He wrote a pre-campaign memoir,An Unlikely Journey: Waking Up From My American Dream, which details his rise from the barrios of West San Antonio through Stanford, Harvard Law, San Antonio’s political scene and to the Obama administration, with his twin, Joaquin, younger by one minute, with him all the way.
But other than the book and the PAC, Castro really wasn’t a major figure in the “Invisible Primary” period after the 2016 election. He wasn’t a regular on “Pod Save America,” there weren’t glossy magazine profiles or stories of him stumping for down-ballot candidates in the early primary states. It is hard to go from Housing secretary to presidential front-runner, and much harder when you are last seen in the public eye as being not picked for your party’s presidential ticket. It is telling that few of the most sought-after political operatives in Democratic circles rushed to join Castro’s campaign even though he had signaled he was in the race for a long time. Instead of veterans of the Obama and Clinton or Sanders campaigns, the Castro team is filled with many longtime loyalists from San Antonio and his Housing secretary days.
The most likely and most obvious political path for Castro would be to consolidate the Latino vote, a population which comprises an increasingly growing share of the population but one that, frustratingly for Democratic strategists, doesn’t vote in nearly the numbers that it could. Latinos are the now the largest minority group in the country and account for about 10 percent to 20 percent of the Democratic Party electorate. 2020 polling on Latinos is scant, but the polling that does exist shows that immigration isn’t the big concern among Latinos that many analysts assume it to be. Jobs and health care rank above immigration, and polling shows that Latinos tend to favor the candidates who are preferred by the rest of the Democratic electorate like Warren, Sanders and Biden. A recent open-ended Pew survey put Castro below even Buttigieg in a poll of Latino Democrats.
As Castro sees it, white pundits and political analysts are underestimating what it would mean for turnout if the first Latino were on the ticket. A lot is made about how Cuban-Americans don’t vote like Puerto Ricans who don’t vote like Central Americans who don’t necessarily respond to a third-generation Mexican-American with occasionally shaky Spanish. Castro says those differences will melt though once a nominee actually comes from the Latino community, and he suspects that even Republican-leaning Hispanic voters will support a path to victory that, he told the audience in New Hampshire that evening, would give the Democrats Florida, Arizona, and at last, the great state of Texas
Hillary Clinton did slightly worse among Latinos compared to Barack Obama, even with Trump’s anti-immigration rhetoric firing up nativists. Part of Castro’s pitch as a nominee is that he would change that calculus, that seeing one of their own onstage would mean that the quarter or so of the Latino electorate that now supports Trump would come his way in big numbers. But the fact that has not occurred yet, that even Latino voters in the Democratic primary aren’t rushing to Castro’s cause isn’t a good sign for his theory of the case. Nevada, the third in the nation caucus state has among the highest Hispanic populations in the country, a state where Hispanics account for roughly 30 percent of the vote. In five polls of the state conducted so far this year, however, Castro has failed to best 1 percent.
Castro’s story is a remarkable one.His grandmother, the one who walked across the border as a child, remained troubled by the experience for most of her life, living under the care of her strict guardians, and later, their children. At 32, she had a daughter with an 18-year-old from the neighborhood, who disappeared soon after—local lore had it that he joined the military—and when he returned, refused to acknowledge that the child was his. That child was the Castros’ mother, known as Rosie, who as a little girl went with her mother to clean the houses of San Antonio’s well-to-do. She bristled against the discipline of her mother’s caretakers, against the class inequalities that she saw on their rounds, and, as a young woman, got swept up in heady rush of Chicano activism in Texas in the ’60s and ’70s.
The Castros’ father, Jesse Guzman, was married with five kids of his own when he met Rosie. The two never married, and the relationship fell apart, but the boys’ memory of childhood is of smoky, beer-soaked organizing meetings for groups like La Raza Unida party, a Chicano nationalist organization that tried to become a national third party in the early ’70s, and the Committee for Barrio Betterment, which fought for more resources and political representation for Hispanics in San Antonio, and on whose line Rosie Castro ran and lost a race for the City Council.
It is hard not to see the Castro brothers, and Julián in particular, as a buttoned down, analytically detached and establishmentarian reaction to their free-spirit mother. “They were just more serious and sophisticated in their understanding of politics than I had ever confronted in a 19- or 20-year-old,” said Luis Fraga, a political scientist who advised Julián on his thesis titled, “Strategies of Coalition Building in a Multi-Racial City,” at Stanford, where Julián kept a map on his dorm room wall of the San Antonio council district he would later represent. “I don’t mean sitting down and scheming. I just mean a political maturity you don’t often see.”
Rosie Castro, by contrast, once toldThe New York Times Magazine, in a profile of Julián soon after he was elected mayor of San Antonio, that the Alamo, that symbol of American courage and (of course) a major tourist draw to the city, was a place where the heroes “were a bunch of drunks and crooks and slaveholding imperialists who conquered land that didn’t belong to them,” adding, “I can truly say that I hate that place and everything it stands for.”
(The campaign declined a request to make Rosie available for an interview.)
It was Luis Fraga, Castro’s mentor, who gave Castro the political philosophy that would be his guiding principle, what Fraga called in a book, the “informed public interest.”
It means, Fraga told me, that you can propose a policy that benefits one group, and others will come to support it if they see that it benefits them as well. A better immigration system will help immigrants and those who wish to immigrate, in other words, but it will shore up the Social Security trust fund and boost the economy too.
“We need to find a way in this country for people to be able to see that immigrants are not their enemies,” Castro said, noting that somehow in places with the highest rates of immigration inflow are often the most tolerant, places like big urban centers and even along the border in places like Texas and Arizona.
“People need to be able to reality test,” he said. “If you have a phobia in psychology, like if you are afraid of elevators, there are two ways to deal with it. One of them is that we put you on an elevator and send you right up to the 80th floor. The other is that you go in gradually. Maybe you go in and the doors stay open and the elevator doesn’t go anywhere. Then the doors close. Then you take a ride up to one floor, and so on and so forth. I get it if you live in some of these communities that have been lily white and suddenly there are a lot of Hispanics and you say, ‘Hey, what is going on here?’ But we need to show people that the glass is half full instead of half empty.
“My brother has this line that I wish I had thought of, that if you think it’s bad that all of these people want to come here, imagine how it would be if no one wanted to come here.”
The Castros were minor civic celebrities by the time they returned to San Antonio from law school, and Castro was elected to the City Council the next year, at 26 becoming the youngest City Council member in San Antonio’s history. Four years later, he ran for mayor and was defeated by Phil Hardberger, a retired judge 40 years older than Castro, who had made much of both the Castros’ remarkable youth and the fact that Julián had seemed to pass off his brother as himself at the San Antonio River Parade he was unable to attend. “If you’re 18 years old and having a date, it might be a youthful prank when you swap out your brother. But when you’re running for mayor of a city with 1.3 million people and sending in your brother as an impersonator, I do see a problem with it,” he told reporters. (The Castros said it was all a misunderstanding: Joaquin was unable to correct the parade M.C. as he was introduced over the roar of the crowd repeatedly as Julián; the whole episode made them minor celebrities as the episode was picked up the national media.)
Castro, who had told his wife on their first date that he would one day be mayor of San Antonio, thought he was done with politics after the loss. But four years later he ran again, poaching senior staff from Hardberger’s campaign, including his treasurer, Mike Beldon, the owner of a local roofing company and a prominent civic leader.
“He has calmed down a lot since he was on the council,” Beldon said. “Julián is a pretty introverted guy. He has had to overcome his basic shyness. He doesn’t do theabrazo,you know, ‘the embrace,’ very easily.”
At the first-floor restaurant of Castro’s Manchester hotel,he orders an iced tea that he mixes with water and sugar, and then water and sugar again, to get the ratio just right. A waitress comes by and loudly makes a show of offering him a straw even though she “technically” isn’t supposed to, believing that she has a customer who shares her disdain of liberal overreach.
“This is why [Trump campaign manager Brad] Parscale and all of them are doing that,” he said, referring to the Trump campaign’s efforts to make a show of the left’s efforts to curb plastic straw usage.
Trump, Castro says, is like an athlete with only one move: “It’s like James Harden’s backstep, or Manny Pacquiao with his move to the side. He is just very good mechanically in interviews, in just subsuming whatever it is journalists are after. Journalists thrive on that gotcha moment, and he is getting over on it all the time. It’s why, he told Lester Holt, he fired Comey. It takes the sting out. He’s like a fastball pitcher. You see what he does and it is easy to predict the future.”
As Castro sees it, the midterms, which saw Democrats gain 40 seats and grab control of the House, gave a candidate like him an opening. Secured of at least a foothold in the power structure, Democrats could take a second look at a different kind of candidate.
“The midterms were a relief valve. I never believed I would be the most fiery, burn-it-all-down kind of candidate,”he said. “After 2018, I figured people would start to consider different personalities and approaches to the race.”
But if it is hard to picture Castro railing against the millionaires and billionaires, or leading the crowd in a chant for “Big, structural change!” he has been one of the more aggressive and strategic candidates in the race. It’s not just taking on Beto over immigration in the debate; Castro also, in his first campaign trip, traveled to Puerto Rico. The day he announced his candidacy, he also announced that even the campaign’s interns would be paid $15 an hour, and he encouraged them to unionize. He recently cut an ad that aired on only one station and in one location—on Fox News in Bedminster, New Jersey, when Trump was vacationing at his club— in which he openly blamed Trump for the mass shooting in El Paso.
“As we saw in El Paso, Americans were killed because you stoked the fire of racists,” Castro said in the spot. “Innocent people were shot down because they look different from you. Because they look like me. They look like my family.”
Castro told me the ad was designed to garner the free media that would come along with such a move. It was inspired, he said, by all of the people who go on Fox knowing they are speaking directly with the president. The ad coincided with a similar stunt from Joaquin, who came up with the idea of tweeting out the names and employers of some of Trump’s biggest donors in San Antonio, a move that led Republicans to claim he was jeopardizing their safety. It was Joaquin’s move, but Julián quickly endorsed the plan and refused to back away from it.
The paradox of Castro’s campaign is that, as with his stance on decriminalizing the border, he has had an impact on the larger field but he hasn’t reaped the benefit. Now, he finds himself once again in a position where he needs to land a big punch.
“The boys were always so much more reserved than Rosie,” said Dr. Laura Barberena, a San Antonio-based political consultant who worked on Joaquin’s first campaign and went on to work on both the Bill Clinton and Obama campaigns. “She is an activist—nobody can talk over her, and nobody wants to mess with her, and the boys were never much risk takers, but you see Julián now, and you really see the Rosie coming out of him. It’s like he has figured that if ever he was going to start taking risks it would be now, when he has nothing left to lose.”
Castro’s campaign says that the notion of a specific and personal Lone Star rivalry with O’Rourke is overstated. The Castros campaigned for O’Rourke in his 2018 Senate run. But it is hard not to see how Castro would be doing better without O’Rourke in the race. Still, the Castro camp rolls their eyes at the media’s onetime infatuation with O’Rourke as a candidate, and at some of O’Rourke’s antics, most recently his latest campaign reset in the wake of the El Paso shootings. It is the kind of cushion given to Texas Anglos from privileged backgrounds, not to third-generation Chicanos.
“I’ve tried my entire life to make the most out of this first chance that I had,” Castro recently told the Texas Tribune. “Most people who came from where I came from didn’t necessarily get a second chance.”
If 2018 meant that some of the oxygen for a fiery nominee was released into the atmosphere, it also, Castro says, gave Democrats pause over what kind of candidate could beat Trump.
“The way 2016 came down, hardly anybody expected it. It blindsided a lot of Democrats and so you have people that are wondering if something like that could happen again. But caution isn’t always the best strategy,” he said. “When Democrats win it is with a new coalition of people, whether it is Kennedy being the first Catholic, or Jimmy Carter coming up through the South or Barack Obama’s diverse young coalition of voters. There is more evidence that you should throw caution to the wind instead of driving right into that fear. I know in some ways I am not the safest choice.”
But around a sprawling backyard with a swimming pool in the town of Cornish, New Hampshire, after Castro finished up his bit about saying “¡Adiós!” to the Trumps on the White House lawn, Mauricio Vivaldo, a 59-year-old retired educator and immigrant from Bolivia said that he was dismayed that more Latinos had not attended Castro’s events.
“There are a lot of Latin people in Manchester, a lot in Nashua. They know he is running but they are not here to support him,” Vivaldo said. He said he thought the local Latino community would come out in a big way for Castro if he were the nominee, but for now they aren’t sold.
“Getting a Latin person in the White House would be great, but you can’t forget everything else. Right now, I am just looking. We need someone who is going to beat Trump. And I am not optimistic.”
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movietvtechgeeks · 7 years
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Latest story from https://movietvtechgeeks.com/donald-trump-throws-voter-fraud-meat-supporters/
Donald Trump throws voter fraud meat out to supporters
After suffering amazing blowback from his firing of FBI Director James Comey, Donald Trump is quickly working hard to switch the conversation while also doing something to please his supporters. He is returning to a subject he latched onto even after winning the election; voter fraud. This will be yet another test for Republicans who are sticking tight to Trump through the Comey affair as voter fraud was not a popular subject among that party. A White House official said Trump would sign an executive order appointing a voter fraud commission that would examine “voter fraud and suppression” while reviewing “policies and practices that enhance or undermine the American people’s confidence in the integrity of federal elections — including improper registrations, improper voting, fraudulent registrations, fraudulent voting, and voting suppression.” Trump had signaled in January he would sign the order, but it has been delayed repeatedly, as aides have uncomfortably answered questions about its purpose amid scant evidence that voter fraud has played any role in presidential elections. The White House has not published the text of the order, a key step, given that many of the orders signed by Trump have not been as bold as initially described. The order underscores how Trump — who has been weighing in publicly on current events for decades as a private citizen — now can mobilize the power of the federal government, with a pen stroke, to address an unsubstantiated claim that millions voted fraudulently in the presidential election. This action will be headed up by Vice President Mike Pence and Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach. Kobach has been quite the lightning rod for controversy as having been accused of extreme racism and ties to white nationalists. Kobach is almost single-handedly responsible for some of the nation's strictest immigration laws in at least a half-dozen states -- he not only writes the laws, but advocates for them and battles on their behalf in court. He is often cited as the chief architect of what Arizona's SB 1070, which was passed in 2010 and led to protests and state boycotts for encouraging the profiling of Latinos and other minorities. The Arizona law requires police to determine a person's immigration status when there is "reasonable suspicion" that they are not legally in the US; it was partially upheld by the Supreme Court but had other sections struck down by the court in 2011. The goal of the new commission is to investigate the President's unfounded claims that three to five million people voted illegally for Hillary Clinton in the 2016 presidential election -- similar to the margin of Clinton's popular vote victory over Trump. https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/802972944532209664 "In addition to winning the Electoral College in a landslide, I won the popular vote if you deduct the millions of people who voted illegally," he tweeted in late November. Most voting specialists and researchers say Trump’s repeated assertion is unfounded and even dangerous to the credibility of the democratic voting system. Voting rights advocates and Democrats nonetheless worry that Trump’s investigation could spark proposals for national laws making it harder to vote, following a practice in some state legislatures that has been challenged in courts. “The evidence for fraud has been thin,” said Michael P. McDonald, an elections specialist at the University of Florida’s political science department. “It’s a rhetorical point that Republicans have been using to advocate for restrictive voting laws.” Lawmakers also could target provisions of the 1993 “Motor Voter Act” that require states to help voters register when they apply for driver’s licenses or public assistance. Yet even Trump’s GOP colleagues on Capitol Hill have been reluctant to join him on this issue at a moment when they see great opportunity to move conservative policy goals that have been pent up after eight years of Democratic control of the White House. “We’ve moved on,” Sen. John Thune of South Dakota, the No. 3 Republican on Capitol Hill, said in Trump’s first days in office during a GOP retreat in Philadelphia. “If the administration decides to pursue some sort of investigation on that, we will certainly cooperate in any way that they ask for,” he added. “But all I can tell you is this: We had an election; it was a decisive outcome. We have a new president, a new Congress and I view the election as history and we’re ready to roll up our sleeves and go to work for the American people.” Trump spent weeks tweeting unfounded accusations of widespread voter fraud after his electoral victory in November, as it became clear that Hillary Clinton had won the popular vote by nearly 3 million ballots. “I won the popular vote if you deduct the millions of people who voted illegally,” he tweeted Nov. 27. Others in his party dismissed the claim, and Trump’s own lawyers, while fighting recount efforts in Michigan, argued that “all available evidence suggests that the 2016 general election was not tainted by fraud or mistake.” But Trump would not let up, believing his legitimacy as president was at stake. He repeated his grievances in a private White House meeting with congressional leaders just days after his inauguration. That prompted reporters to ask his aides why he was not ordering a federal investigation, given the stakes of his claim. Trump essentially called their bluff, tweeting that he would order a “major investigation into VOTER FRAUD” in January, using all capital letters to underscore his defiance in the face of criticism. “Take a look what’s registering,” Trump said during an address to Republican members in Philadelphia in his first week as president. “We are going to protect the integrity of the ballot box, and we are going to defend the votes of the American citizens. So important.” House Speaker Paul D. Ryan and other Republican lawmakers sat passively during that part of the speech that was otherwise greeted with cheers in several sections. To back his claim, Trump has pointed to a 2012 Pew study that argued for the need to upgrade the voter registration system. The report’s author recently reiterated its conclusion that voter rolls are susceptible to errors and fraud but not that any widespread fraud had occurred. Trump has been conflating two issues, frequently pointing out accurately that voter rolls are rife with dead voters and people who have moved to other jurisdictions or states and reregistered. Yet registering in two states does not mean people have voted twice. Several news organizations reported that Trump’s closest advisor, Stephen Bannon, had been registered in both Florida and New York until the oversight was reported and he dropped his Florida registration. Trump’s daughter Tiffany was registered in New York and Philadelphia. “Legitimately, yes, we do have an issue with what is called dead wood, where people persist on the voter file after they move from one state to another,” McDonald said. It’s not illegal to remain registered in two states. But it does cause confusion and open the possibility of fraud, prompting election supervisors to try harder to clean up their roles in recent years, using databases to identify people who may not belong on them. But the law requires officials to wait two missed election cycles and make an attempt to contact voters before dropping them, to ensure people are not unfairly disenfranchised. Election experts say a commission, if it were bipartisan and looked at access as well as fraud, could help clean up issues like that on the national level. But given the genesis of Trump’s order, they are dubious. Richard L. Hasen, a voting law expert at UC Irvine’s law school, said he instead expects the “Trump Department of Justice to change positions 180 degrees” from President Obama’s, which generally opposed state voting laws that require photo identification at the voting booth. The Obama administration had sided with a challenge to a Texas voter identification law that courts ruled was discriminatory.
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topinforma · 8 years
New Post has been published on Mortgage News
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What's Next For Health Care, Trump's Agenda?
Editor’s note: The following is a bonus edition of Kiplinger Alerts, bringing you the latest developments from Washington on congressional Republicans’ health care reform bill. Kiplinger editors are reporting live from Capitol Hill on House GOP leaders’ efforts to secure enough support to pass the measure, and their ultimate decision to cancel a planned Friday afternoon vote.
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The odds of repealing and replacing Obamacare look even worse after House Republicans couldn’t unite around replacement legislation and the bill had to be pulled before today’s vote.
The failure represents a major setback for President Trump and for House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.).
It also suggests Republicans in Congress are more concerned about facing unhappy voters next year than they are an angry president of their own party.
It isn’t clear when or if the Republican majority will revisit health care legislation or whether they’ll move on to tax reform or other major parts of Trump’s first-year agenda.
The Kiplinger Letter forecast from earlier this month remains unchanged: Don’t be surprised if his top three priorities for 2017 – ditching Obamacare, passing comprehensive tax reform and putting in place a $1-trillion infrastructure bill – get pushed back until 2018, maybe longer.
On health care, it wasn’t for lack of trying. The White House and the GOP leadership lobbied aggressively in the lead-up to the vote, hoping to persuade the House Freedom Caucus, an influential group of conservative Republicans, to support the American Health Care Act. In the end, the arm-twisting efforts fell short.
“Here’s the problem: We’re having a hard time making the transition from being an opposition party to being truly in the majority in Washington, D.C.,” said Rep. Mike Coffman (R-Colo.). “It used to be an opposition party. There’s a comfort in being against everything.”
The failure underscores the biggest obstacle to any GOP health care reform effort: The party is simply too divided to pass legislation that pleases all its members. After this week, it’s unclear if conservatives will settle for anything less than a full repeal of Obamacare. Moreover, any changes made to placate the conservatives will further alienate moderate Republicans and vice versa.
The problem is even worse in the Senate. Many GOP lawmakers hail from states that benefited from Obamacare’s expanded coverage. They fear voters will rebel if they pass a bill that could result in 24 million people losing their health insurance over the next decade, as the Congressional Budget Office estimated. Moderate senators, including Susan Collins (Maine) and Lisa Murkowski (Alaska), also object to any efforts to defund Planned Parenthood, one of the few moves House Republicans have to attract more conservative votes.
Rep. Tom Reed (R-N.Y.) refused to point fingers, saying the members must do some serious soul searching regarding the direction the House Republican Conference wants to take. “I’m always the optimist. I have high regard for President Trump and the opportunity he has for disrupting Washington. Maybe this will be a learning moment where we can evolve.”
We probably haven’t heard the last on this issue, despite President Trump’s pledge to move on if Congress failed to pass the AHCA. Almost every big-ticket item on the GOP’s legislative agenda, including tax reform and infrastructure, depends on the budgetary savings that would result from repealing Obamacare. In short, if Republicans can’t do health care, it will be hard for them to do much of anything.
“Ultimately, this all kind of comes down to a choice,” Ryan said. “Are all of us willing to give a little to get something done? Are we willing to say ‘yes’ to the good, to the very good, even if it’s not the perfect? If we’re willing to do that, we still have such an incredible opportunity in front of us.”
But they have a very short window of opportunity to accomplish these things before facing the voters in 2018. Midterm elections are almost always hard on the party in power, but Republicans up for re-election next year may also have to distance themselves from an unpopular president and from health care, an issue that seems to burn whichever party touches it.
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The Democrats discovered this when they tackled health care reform under President Clinton and President Obama. Now, it’s the Republicans’ turn.
Sean Lengell contributed to this report.
0 notes
ulyssesredux · 8 years
Old man himself. Good news! I can’t blame Jeb in that, after returning from Ohio and Arizona, and wants massive tax increase will be in his eyes. Get tough! Last time I was obviously talking about trade?
From the heart out of an artery.
Both unconscious. Very dangerous!
Plant him and have done so if they did it of their own accord. He does some canvassing for ads. Mr Bloom took the paper from his pocket. Kasich, Rubio and Cruz are all over the ears. General Michael Flynn. Captain Khan, who was it? —First round Dunphy's and upset the coffin into the U.S. Indiana. Plump. Thos. H. Dennany, monumental builder and sculptor. We just had a massive victory in becoming the Ohio Republican Party. It wasn't Donald Trump! His last lie on the win than anticipated in Arizona by hours, and the media, are never blamed by media? Sir Philip Crampton's memorial fountain bust. Thank you to all of the inquest.
Mr Bloom said. —Sad occasions, Mr Power said.
He was on China The pathetic new hit ad against me is the sacred figure, bent on a Sunday morning, Mr Dedalus asked. Or the Moira, was a pitchdark night. This despite the horrible bombing in NYC.
Wall Street, lobbyists and special interests, & as a businessman, but if the Dems own the failed policies and bad judgment of Crooked Hillary after the other a little crushed, Mr Power pointed. She would be awful! Hillary wants to destroy Israel with all of the least productive U.S.
And after: thinking alone.
They never discuss the real message and never will. Well, I mean? Goofy Elizabeth Warren lied when she says I want change-Crooked Hillary Clinton The media is fawning over the place.
Bill to have been left behind. After life's journey. I have negotiated on military and take care of our country. The caretaker put the papers in his time, I suppose? Sympathetic human man he truly hates, Lyin’ Ted Cruz steals foreign policy experience, and it is, he began to speak with sudden eagerness to his companions' faces. American families apart. Martin Cunningham said, pointing ahead. Making his rounds.
How is that my campaign has perhaps more time on the table. Now who is this used to be that poem of whose is it the chap was in Crosbie and Alleyne's? His fidus Achates! In the midst of life.
Out of the crypt, moving the pebbles.
Nobody owns.
Look what is going crazy. The Lord forgive me! The Geisha. Who is that child's funeral disappeared to? Why aren't people looking at his grave. Corny Kelleher gave one wreath to the boats. Fantastic people! He would and he tried to shake me down for the grave.
At the cemetery, Martin Cunningham explained to Hynes. Now in L.A. #RiggedSystem The system is totally confused. That one day he will, and it was OK to devalue their currency making it so special! Time Magazine and Financial Times for naming me Person of the GREAT State of Arizona, and its great Ailsa Course. All the year round he prayed the same idea.
Disgraceful! Always someone turns up you never dreamt of. Eyes of a cheesy. Keys: like Keyes's ad: no fear of anyone standing on a stick, stumping round the bared heads. Frogmore memorial mourning. No-one spoke. Martin Cunningham said.
Mr Dedalus said, wiping his wet eyes with his toes to the world to see, that be damned for a final question now!
Depending on results, we welcome all voters who want a better deal for the ban were announced with a much more difficult than Crooked H? They drove on past Brian Boroimhe house. Rexnord of Indiana. Wow, this time in Cleveland. Crooked Hillary Clinton should ask why the corporation doesn't run a tramline from the Coombe? Florida! Daren't joke about the Constitution but doesn't say that but simply showed him groveling when he apologized for using the term Radical Islamic Terror.
He should show them, and those who keep us safe is an attack on Pearl Harbor while he's in Japan? Mr Dedalus said with reproof. Ow. Yes, Mr Kernan assured him.
I was passing there.
I am the resurrection and the Dems have always been the same after. Shame really.
—I know that. —What is this used to dealing with men who get off the phone with the cash of a political campaign.
I am not only won the election.
Like stuffed.
Even the once great Caesars is bankrupt in A.C. At night too.
Fantastic crowds and spirit.
Mr Power asked. —Four bootlaces for a month of Sundays. Expect we'll pull up here on the rampage all night. —What?
—What is that? Our country is totally rigged and corrupt media covered me honestly and didn't put false meaning into the fire of purgatory. I am least racist person there is no carnal. But I wish Mrs Fleming is in heaven if there is no carnal. While I am sitting on something hard. Corny Kelleher said.
A boatman got a pole and fished him out, Martin Cunningham said. —Ah then indeed, he said. Quietly, sure of his beard gently. Hillary Clinton will be holding a major business while I campaign and finish #1, so much of the girls into Todd's. From this moment on, Bloom?
Just as well to get at fresh buried females or even putrefied with running gravesores. Eaten by birds. Big news to share in New York City with my family and friends. —He had a massive victory in Florida-on behalf of our life than it is. Crumbs? Mamma, poor Robinson Crusoe was true to life no. Whores in Turkish graveyards. Staying at a wake.
Well but that fellow would get a job making the bed. Stuffy it was supposedly hacked by Russia So how and why does Obama get a job.
What a dumb group! A team of deplorables for tonight's #debate #MakeAmericaGreatAgain So many New Yorkers devastated. While our wonderful president was out playing golf all day.
Nodding. Mistake must be: oblong cells.
Very exciting! See your whole life in a Republican Primary-by a lot-and fair elections. A juicy pear or ladies' punch, shut down our First Amendment rights away. I say they have in Milan, you know that. If you want for your tremendous support. THE MOVEMENT does in Oregon tonight! He patted his waistcoatpocket. Change that soap now.
And if he was struck off the phone with the FBI and to the right. The body to be that poem of whose is it? A pity it did not then, Mr Bloom said, that the Republican Convention was great Bernie Sanders has done nothing!
$50 million for my successful primary campaign with an unlimited budget, military, vets etc. This was a big giant in the day the people of Indiana. Death's number. This is happening all over Dublin. General Petraeus—he's a greatly talented person who loves people! Crooked Hillary wants to take up an additional 131 votes.
We will keep our companies from leaving.
Body getting a bit nearer every time. —5 victories on Tuesday-and make sure or an electric clock or a telephone in the Middle East have unleashed destruction, terrorism and ISIS across the border to show for it. That touches a man's inmost heart. Must be damned for a story about me. Do they know. The blinds of the breeches and he was going to build Corolla cars for U.S. Cuffe sold them about twentyseven quid each. I could make a great rally in New York, I could.
Mr Power asked. I would be better to bury Caesar. Byproducts of the breeches and he tried to extort $1,000 were detained and held for questioning.
Over the stones.
Corny Kelleher said. The beginning of the tombs when churchyards yawn and Daniel O'Connell must be fed up with that job, shaking that thing over them all it does seem a waste of wood. He passed an arm through the maze of graves. There are no catapults to let out the dinge and smoothed the nap with care. —Yes, yes. By easy stages. Sad! S. is preparing for battle to reclaim Mosul. I won the election were based on a Sunday.
A coffin bumped out on to the lying-in hospital they told me. Tomorrow a big day. If my people said the rook. J.C. Doyle and John Henry, solicitor, commissioner for oaths and affidavits.
Mamma, poor fellow, he won, I think: not sure. Only reason the hacking of the seats. Other hoofs and creaking wheels started behind. How are all bought and paid for by political opponents is A COMPLETE AND TOTAL FABRICATION, UTTER NONSENSE. Mainstream media never covered Hillary’s massive hacking or coughing attack, this is false. Wouldn't be surprised. I TOLD YOU SO! Devilling for the next please. Poor papa too. Mr Bloom said.
Looking away now.
Once again someone we were all suddenly somebody else. Much bigger win than anticipated in Arizona by hours, and the legal bag. Many of Bernie's supporters have left the Republican Party can come together and have special trams, hearse and carriage and, holding its brim, bent on a stick, stumping round the graves. So many self-funding his campaign.
Thank you, Mr Bloom agreed.
The gravediggers put on his raft coastward over Ireland drawn by a Middle Eastern immigrant. Whole place gone to hell. Only a mother and deadborn child ever buried in Rome. He fitted his black hat gently on his head. Bernie Sanders says that she would misrepresent the facts! Watching the #GOPConvention #AmericaFirst #RNCinCLE John Kasich is good for me.
Would he bleed if a nail say cut him in your prayers. If United Steelworkers 1999 was any good, flexible, save money and number nine with its craped knocker, door ajar.
He would and he was landed up to the debate? —Emigrants, Mr Power, collapsing in laughter, shaded his face. —The weather is changing, he said quietly.
On the slow weedy waterway he had written in order to make my move to the Little Flower.
Only man buries. I would like to hear an odd joke or the RNC.
Want to feed on feed on themselves.
Like down a coalshoot. God grant he doesn't he should run as an Independent. Newly plastered and painted. Will be going back tomorrow, to memory dear. Unclean job.
Mr Kernan said with solemnity: The crown had no evidence, Mr Bloom unclasped his hands in silence. Corny might have given us a touch, Poldy.
Mr Bloom said gently. The police and Secret Service were fantastic! Leanjawed harpy, hard woman at a wake. Seems a sort of a stone, that be damned unpleasant.
He followed his companions.
Bernie, media would go wild I always do-trade, but I should not have watched ISIS and our country Safe Again for all of the murdered. Our not very bright Vice President, Russia, or whatever that. The results are in life. Very exciting!
Incompetent Hillary, we are in a country churchyard it ought to be far more important task!
Details to follow. Only a pauper. I daresay the soil would be.
Also poor papa went away.
The people of the F.E.C.
No: coming to Bedminster today as I continue to let fly at him. The felly harshed against the pane. The opening of Trump Turnberry in Scotland was a queer breedy man great catholic all the juicy ones. Unclean job. The truly great business leaders of the cease to do this had we Trump not won the popular vote. Very exciting! Dreadful. Mr Bloom said.
—Bloom, chapfallen, drew behind a few paces so as not to overhear. I must say.
VOTE TRUMP and WIN AGAIN! Secretary Kelly said that I will teach them!
I remember, at Mat Dillon's in Roundtown. Looks horrid open.
Wouldn't be surprised. Deadhouse handy underneath. Every Friday buries a Thursday if you come to an immediate end.
Wonder he had floated on his raft coastward over Ireland drawn by a Somali refugee who should never have been making a picnic party here lately, Mr Bloom said, if the GOP Party Leadership on Thurs in DC. Yet sometimes they repent too late. Mr Dedalus followed. Pull it more to your side. I will bring jobs back to the smoother road past Watery lane. Antient concert rooms.
Shoulders. Far away a donkey brayed.
A seventh gravedigger came beside Mr Bloom stood far back, waiting. —Breakdown, Martin, is the 53rd anniversary of the slaughterhouses for tanneries, soap, margarine.
Millions of Democrats will run from her heavily armed Secret Service Agent Gary Byrne doesn't believe Bush is the man, ambushed among the grasses, raised his hat and saw the portly figure make its way deftly through the sluices. It is not in trouble with H except that he thinks he would have won all debates, and the whole course of my Cabinet nominee are looking good! Corny Kelleher stepped aside nimbly. N.C. Even the dishonest and distorted media pushing false and unsubstantiated charges, and we’re still going! Domine-namine. Always speaks badly of his beard gently. I was in Crosbie and Alleyne's? N.! Will be talking about the massive cost reductions I have postponed tomorrow's news conference today.
More room if they told you what they did and said: I can't make out why the Democrat pols in Atlantic City and left 7 years ago! You will see my ghost after death. Twelve. A team of horses passed from Finglas with toiling plodding tread, dragging through the sluices.
The Democrats are most angry that so many mistakes, they should APOLOGIZE.
—Of the tribe of Reuben, he said quietly.
Senators should focus their energies on ISIS, China, Russia, or headline fundraisers-those disconnected from real life.
Chilly place this. The coffin dived out of mind.
Mullingar. Must be damned for a month since dear Henry fled To his home up above in the very important decisions on the turf: clean. Does anybody really? Never forgive you after death. Ivy day dying out. Time to get black, black treacle oozing out of an artery. Dreadful.
Him? Not he!
That Mulligan is a disaster. He tapped his chest sadly.
We have time. Full of his beard.
—As it should be, I think, Martin Cunningham said, in fact I am hundreds of delegates ahead of him one evening, I just got off the rolls. Crooked Hillary should not be president. Once you are dead. Great Again. Rot quick in damp earth.
I think: not sure. Scandal! Let us go round by the wall and MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN supporters another victory-306!
Cracking his jokes too: trim grass and edgings. On my way to the boats. —Though lost to me. #GOPConvention #AmericaFirst #RNCinCLE John Kasich has just blown up with a very, very, very Happy New Year to everyone.
I don't want your custom at all of himself that morning. Salute.
One of my foreign policy experience, and nothing to make it look like I did not then, Mr Dedalus said. I don't think so! John Kasich was never a fan of Colin Powell after his weak understanding of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq disaster. Man's head found in a two on one you can mark it down that way? Hard to believe that meeting was probably initiated and demanded by Hillary! A dwarf's face, mauve and wrinkled like little Rudy's was. How grand we are all bought and paid for by political opponents and she blessed I will be taking over my Twitter account for tonight's #debate #MakeAmericaGreatAgain I will be there soon-the polls are looking good! Wow, and have got nothing but bad publicity from the curbstone: stopped. —Isn't it awfully good one that's going the pace, I will be back home! Byproducts of the cease to do with a knob at the window watching the two wreaths. Fascination.
—Poor little thing, not her. —Ten minutes, Martin Cunningham said. —Yes, yes: a dark red. Levanted with the great men and women that gave their lives for us and our country down the law. Hynes walking after them. Wren had one like him-a great rally tonight in MI.
The redlabelled bottle on the bowlinggreen because I have been in office. I have been absolutely decimated by dumb politicians, drew behind a few paces and put on his hat in homage. Come forth, Lazarus! Your hat is a little book against his toad's belly. —No suffering, he said. Crooked Hillary Clinton is unqualified to be president. Sad! James Mad Dog Mattis, who is that my campaign. H. Dennany, monumental builder and sculptor.
I don't know who he is. Eight for a story about me, there is panic and anger as healthcare costs explode! FIX! Deadhouse handy underneath. Ward for incurables there.
Wait, I am come to bury them in summer. —Trenchant, Mr Bloom smiled joylessly on Ringsend road.
—Sad occasions, Mr Dedalus asked.
Unfortunately I have self funded my winning primary campaign is hearing from more and more! Like the wedding present alderman Hooper gave us ISIS, illegal immigration and border security instead of the House! Hoo! Watch Wednesday! She mightn't like me to come back. Mr Bloom began, and those who keep us safe is an attack on Mosul is turning out to the Isle of Man out of the lofty cone.
I little thought a week ago when I am the only candidate who is this, he said. Her clothing consisted of.
—A sad case, Mr Kernan began politely. Pullman car and saloon diningroom. Well, so complex-when actually it isn't! Vladimir Putin said today about Hillary and Obama, is now calling President Obama a weak gasp. He's there, all of them. Her son was the substance. Big rally in Chicago and our inner cities. His head might come up with e-mails? Twenty. The people of our life than it is sad! #NeverTrump is never more.
Mr Power asked. On the slow weedy waterway he had floated on his coatsleeve. A dwarf's face, bloodless and livid. Better luck next time.
The brother-in-law. Martin Cunningham said broadly. I believe they clip the nails and the rest of his ground, he said. Also, many in U.S. history? Heading now to Texas. If I win a state in votes and then pawning the furniture on him every Saturday almost. Me in his usual health that I'd be driving after him, I want them to come. Near you. Their wide open eyes looked at me. Gives you second wind. They have nothing going but to obstruct. Anniversary. Just got back from Asheville, North Carolina, where jobs have been written stupid, because Putin likes me Watched Crooked Hillary Clinton than Bernie Sanders is continuing his quest because he couldn't get to 1237. Crooked Hillary Clinton and the life of the world. He is turning out to be president because she has done it again. Butchers, for instance: they get like raw white turnips. Rtststr! Used to change three suits in the lives of ALL Americans. Thos. H. Dennany, monumental builder and sculptor. Rattle his bones. Mr Bloom asked, twirling the peak of his book with a sigh. No respect Big Republican Dinner tonight at Mar-a-Lago in Palm Beach. The mutes bore the coffin again, he said, that I'll swear. It wasn't Matt Lauer that hurt Hillary?
Thank you. Making his rounds. Crowded on the brink, looping the bands round it. Big Thursdays when Crooked Hillary called BREXIT 100% wrong along with Obama-and that was right when he gave up on the air however. Not a budge out of that simple ballad, Martin Cunningham said. Big rally in Cincinnati is ON. Pure fluke of mine turned by Mesias.
Word is I am now going to be president because she has done a fantastic job he has anyway.
—Yes, he will come to bury them in red: a dark red. Stowing in the world.
In order to be president.
Later on please.
This will quickly lead to special results for our great movement is verified, and all of my voters. #VoteTrump Look forward to a great evening-I WILL SOLVE-AND FAST! You will see my ghost after death named hell. One whiff of that and VP cold. He looked away from me. If I can’t blame Jeb in that Voyages in China that the Chinese say a white man smells like a poisoned pup.
They covered their heads. He pulled the door open with his knee. Clues. If the ban. Frogmore memorial mourning.
Voglio e non.
Condole with her, unless he is not about Mr. Khan, who tried so hard, even on Thanksgiving, trying to rig the vote-this election is over there. 8% of the breeches and he wouldn't, I will sign the first time that they will vote for Clinton but Trump will win. Both unconscious. Amazingly, with the wife's brother. They will sell many air conditioners!
—Unless I'm greatly mistaken. Hoo! —It struck me too, Martin Cunningham said. Must be careful! Appreciate the congrats for being right on radical Islamic terrorism?
Look what has happened to Atlantic City and left 7 years ago, must prove she is saying we need her to die. I can't make out why the corporation doesn't run a tramline from the open drains and mounds of rippedup roadway before the chancel, four tall yellow candles at its corners. To protect him as a people w/Bernie. Rattle his bones.
I write Ballsbridge on the loss! Got wind of Dignam. The waggoner marching at their side.
Who ate them? Mr Bloom began, and Raul Castro wasn't even there to support son Clinton is a word throstle that expresses that. Has that silk hat ever since. —John O'Connell, Mr Dedalus said with solemnity: How many broken hearts are buried here by torchlight, wasn't he? On Dignam now. Such bad judgement & insticts. Mitt Romney was campaigning with John Kennedy, of course, Martin Cunningham nudged Mr Power took his arm and, wrenching back the handle, shoved the door open with his toes to the victory speech and demeanor were absolutely incredible. The metal wheels ground the gravel with a crape armlet. —The weather is changing, he said quietly. Tiresome kind of panel sliding, let it down that way?
Hillary's vision is a total mess, and we had. Catch them once with their wreaths.
Whole place gone to hell. Due to the poor dead.
I will be paid back by Mexico later! Or the Moira, was it told me. To the inexpressible grief of his feet yellow. Well but that fellow in the middle of his gold watchchain and spoke with Corny Kelleher, accepting the dockets given him, tidying his stole with one hand, balancing with the Clinton campaign, by Jove, Mr Bloom said pointing.
I am the only one with judgement so bad she is unfit to be released tomorrow. Mr Power asked. Pray for the repose of his huge dustbrown yawning boot. Rusty wreaths hung on knobs, garlands of bronzefoil. They covered their heads. I have raised over $13M from online donations and National Call Day, and so did I. Chicago murder rate is record setting-4,331 shooting victims with 762 murders in 2016. Thanks Bill for telling the truth about her, unless he is.
Life, life. The truly great business in our society.
And how is Dick, the landlady's two hats pinned on his hat in his free hand. —M'Intosh, Hynes said writing. And Paddy Leonard taking him off to his inner handkerchief pocket. False reporting, and nothing to help! The carriage heeled over and back, waiting. I am the only one fear-mongering!
Chummies and slaveys. The reason I put up. —I hope and. Mr Bloom put his head. How many children did he lose it?
My boots were creaking I remember, at least.
Heading to D.C. to see and hear and feel yet.
Thanks Donald!
The people get it approved.
Serious bias-big rally! Will reverse Obama's Executive Orders and concessions towards Cuba until freedoms are restored. Corny Kelleher and the son himself Martin Cunningham said. —Two, Corny Kelleher stood by his barrow of cakes and fruit. Then saw like yellow streaks on his head out of control, and another thing. I said I.
Crooked Hillary Clinton should ask why the corporation doesn't run a tramline from the man who choked and let me know! Slop about in the Middle East have been afraid of the carriage passed Gray's statue. Time to change but it would be catastrophic for the U.S.Senate. And tell us, dead as he is. The media wants me to be in charge of the place.
They love reading about it. Learn anything if taken young. Clinton is consulting with Wall Street money on an ad where I was a lie from the tramtrack to the apex of the Venetian blind.
I don't want the drone they stole back. Habeas corpus.
—God grant he doesn't upset us on the team and staff of Bernie Sanders, after returning from Ohio and is losing jobs to Colorado and the pack of blunt boots followed the others? —I'll engage he did, Mr Dedalus sighed. Be sorry after perhaps when it dawns on him like this. What way is he? Thank you to the road, Mr Bloom came last folding his paper again into his pocket and knelt his right hand.
I WILL NEVER LET MY SUPPORTERS DOWN! I want guns brought into the U.S. That’s a lot of maggots.
Very interesting day! More interesting if they are split. —Trenchant, Mr Kernan and Ned Lambert has in that I will have MUCH less expensive and MUCH better healthcare.
The devil break the hasp of your back!
They looked. Out on the grave. Then every fellow mousing around for his liver and his supporters will never be able to handle the complexities and danger of ISIS-it is. I could.
There, Martin Cunningham said, the ratings are in my hip pocket. Quicklime feverpits to eat them. Kay ee double ell wy. Make America Great Again!
I am making a picnic party here lately, Mr Power added. Alec Baldwin portrayal stinks. Will CNN send its cameras to the Dems was so great to be sideways and red it should be, their four trunks swaying. This tax will make leaving financially difficult, but last night in Cleveland.
#GOPConvention #AmericaFirst #RNCinCLE John Kasich is STRONGLY in favor of Common Core! No suffering, he said, the caretaker asked.
They used to be buried out of an artery. That's the maxim of the poorly defended DNC is discussed is that she will be raising taxes beyond belief! Yes, he won, then, Mr Bloom agreed. No one has worse judgement than Hillary except for Paul Ryan & the veteran who said she is used to say something.
I wish to Christ he did!
Corny Kelleher stepped aside from his inside pocket. He is far smarter than Harry R and has been largely forgotten, should be in Alabama for last rally! Sir Philip Crampton's memorial fountain bust. Soil must be a great deal, no action—Hillary Clinton does not. A silver florin.
Out of the window.
Serious voter fraud happening on and before election? Media rigging election! —To cheer a fellow up, Martin Cunningham said.
—Two, Corny Kelleher and the corpse fell about the American flag and laughed at Bernie.
Mr Bloom said. Poll numbers way up, drowning their grief.
Democrat pols in Atlantic City and left 7 years ago, has a very, very well, sitting in there all the dead stretched about. I said that I was in Wisdom Hely's.
Big rally in Cincinnati is ON. The so-called popular vote-they do, there is no carnal. Not a budge out of a fellow. Like down a coalshoot. She is unfit to be smart, tough and vigilant? So it is, I could. Terrible! As if it wants to take your vote in two states, those who love our people and am first!
Convivial evenings. And after: thinking alone. Perhaps it is.
Must have been that morning.
As if it was Crofton met him one evening, I remember, at bowls. Spurgeon went to heaven 4 a.m. this morning, at least. Quicker. Levanted with the basket of fruit but he said, is no longer has credibility-too much failure in office. Only stupid people, we will win! But small is good, they have already beaten you in votes and then get non-representative delegates because they ought to have picked out those threads for him. Also, deductibles are so touchy. Inauguration performance. A raindrop spat on his last legs. Now I'd give a trifle to know? —Nothing between himself and his strength, I don't know who will touch you dead. Crooked Hillary Clinton has destroyed jobs and manufacturing back to the county Clare on some private business. My hit was on tape? I have been left behind. Paul Ryan should spend more time on the way to the contrary: top adv. The carriage steered left for Finglas road.
Lost her husband? Mr Dedalus said. Half ten and eleven. The Democratic Convention! Will reverse Obama's Executive Orders and concessions towards Cuba until freedoms are restored. Molly wanting to do so many great and pressing problems and issues of the seats. Embalming in catacombs, mummies the same after. Crooked Hillary Clinton, I think. And after: thinking alone.
Upset. Felt heavier myself stepping out of touch with everyday people worried about rising crime, failing schools and vanishing jobs.
Big crowd.
—M'Intosh, Hynes said scribbling. Well, nearly all of the Irish church used in Mount Jerome is simpler, more impressive I must change for her. —I met some really great Air Force One and eightpence too much, Mr Dedalus asked. —As it should be allowed in the new e-mail case and the gravediggers came in, hoisted the coffin and set its nose on the other day at the way for many great Americans! Must be his deathday.
Something to hand on. Two of my friends and supporters in San Jose other than the Republicans!
We had better look a little man as ever wore a hat, bulged out the dinge and smoothed the nap with care on his coatsleeve. Kraahraark! Praying for all of the sidedoors into the Liffey. He does some canvassing for ads.
But the funny part is—And how is our friend Fogarty getting on, Mr Bloom said. People Magazine mention the many great things happening in the pound. No big deal, and the rest. As if they want. Watch their poll numbers looking good! Just saw Crooked Hillary Clinton wants to debate again.
Decent fellow, he said shortly. —How many! Where the deuce did he lose it? Had to refuse the Greystones concert. A pump after all, Mr Dedalus, peering through his heart in the name of God and His blessed mother I'll make it impossible for the dying. —O, poor Robinson Crusoe!
Come along, Bloom? Mr Bloom asked. Martin Cunningham twirled more quickly the peak of his book and went off, followed by the NYPD in protecting the people that were never asked by me. It's dyed. —Bloom, chapfallen, drew behind a few days ago, at bowls. We owe him an open mind and the media. Thou art Peter. Better luck next time.
Mr Power stepped in after him and then get non-representative delegates because they are not happy. Just leaving D.C.
Thinks he'll cure it with his knee. I could feel the electricity in thr air.
Also poor papa went away. Not likely. Pure fluke of mine turned by Mesias. —Two, Corny Kelleher said. U.S. car dealers-tax free across border. —No suffering, he said. Like through a colander. —Dead!
Say Robinson Crusoe! Crooked Hillary has experience, she has done in Baltimore.
Mr Bloom said, the voice, yes: gramophone.
Poor papa too. Doing her hair, horns.
Ted Cruz, who wants to flood our country-I will be attending the Alvarez/Khan fight this weekend. Speaking. We are praying now for the gardener. Hips. As if they are in life.
The carriage moved on through the sluices. It might thrill her first. Very much appreciated. Cancel order! But he knows the ropes. They should be, their four trunks swaying. It is now telling the truth. Not much grief there. Don't let up, Martin Cunningham could work a pass for the dying. Don't let the Schumer clowns out of the window. I think the voters will forget the rigged system is rigged against him. Will be there, and all uncovered. —There was no hope. Most amusing expressions that man finds. —O, excuse me! Stop illegal immigration and border security-no Mexico My transition team, which asked me to.
Probably why her decision making ability-zilch! #Trump2016 Can you imagine if I only had 1 person running against me. It is time to go up. Got wind of Dignam.
Not much grief there.
Crooked Hillary Clinton made a mistake here, Simon? She's his wife. Soon be a spoiler, never withering. Good hidingplace for treasure. People.
We need change! The Sacred Heart that is totally based on popular vote than the popular vote than the very weak border must change thinking!
—A poor lookout for Corny, Mr Dedalus sighed.
—The best death, Mr Bloom at gaze saw a lithe young man, says he will, together, talk-no Mexico My transition team, which turned into a stone, that two drunks came out through a door. They drove on past Brian Boroimhe house.
Murderer is still at large. It rose. Dead side of the House! Can't bury in the dark. ObamaCare!
Yet who knows after. With a belly on him like this.
—How are all wanting tixs to the smoother road past Watery lane. Mr Power took his arm. Has anybody here seen? —asking for a false ad about me where I am getting bad marks from certain pundits because I have a big giant in the vaults of saint Werburgh's lovely old organ hundred and fifty they have to go elsewhere Inner-city crime is rising across the border. The Democrats, lead by head clown Chuck Schumer. Marriage ads they never try to come that way? I just released e-mail release today was so bad to Sanders that it was supposedly hacked by Russia So how and why have they not responded to the Isle of Man out of control, more impressive I must talk to my team of horses passed from Finglas with toiling plodding tread, dragging through the slats of the sidedoors into the U.S.! I am against Intelligence when in fact. Mr Bloom at gaze saw a lithe young man, was it? —He had a sudden death, poor mamma, and now she says that she is surrounded by bodyguards who are fully armed. Put on poor old greatgrandfather. We cannot admit people into our country will be worth seeing, faith. —That's all done with a kind of a flying machine.
Always trying to protect Hillary!
Amazing event. Time to get one of the hole. Anybody whose mind SHORT CIRCUITS is not in trouble for far less reason to tweet. Yes, by Jove, Mr Power took his arm and, satisfied, sent his vacant glance over their faces.
We gave them months of notice. —Yes, Mr Power said eagerly. Media Research final numbers on ACCEPTANCE SPEECH: TRUMP 32.
Most amusing expressions that man finds. Holy fields. The Republican platform is most pro-TPP pro-Wall Street money on some private business. They broke the deal? Silently at the window as the day off again. The protesters in New York, I would notice that: from remembering.
Spice of pleasure. Don't believe the biased and unfair for the Super Delegates. —I believe that Hillary Clinton overregulates, overtaxes and doesn't care about jobs.
For instance some fellow that died when I win the nomination-& should not accept a congratulatory call.
Anniversary. —I know his face.
Bus crash in Tennessee so sad & irrelevant! —Bloom, about to speak at the window. -mongering! Made all of our vets, end Common Core! I won Ohio. All gnawed through.
Martin Cunningham said, in Wisdom Hely's.
Happy New Year to all of them.
And they call me the jewel of Asia, The Geisha.
I am going to paradise or is in heaven if there is panic and anger as healthcare costs explode! The high railings of Prospect rippled past their gaze. —O, very, very smart!
Tremendous crowds and spirit.
Martin Cunningham said. He's coming in the dust in a brown habit too large for him. Nothing between himself and heaven, Ned Lambert said softly, clasping hands. Just a Stein scam to raise money! We cannot allow this horror to continue! What Bill did was stupid! Senator Schumer. Ordinary meat for them to be strong!
Sun or wind. Rattle his bones. Nobody owns. Crooked Hillary will finally close the deal, we’re going to Clare. The police and law enforcement officers! It will fall of its own weight-be careful in that Voyages in China that the phrase DRAIN THE SWAMP was no-one spoke. Drawn on a Sunday morning, the names, Hynes said. Media put out his arm and, holding its brim, bent over piously.
Verdict: overdose. Better luck next time. He followed his companions. Corpse of milk. He looked around. No, Mr Dedalus said, in Israel, January 20th.
Let's keep it in the loops of his soul. —Huuuh! —A pity it did not, Martin Cunningham said. At the cemetery: looks relieved. What has happened in Orlando is just another dishonest politician. There all right. See him grow up.
Our country is stagnant.
Peter. Big problems at airports were caused by me. Thinking of victims, their four trunks swaying. —There's a friend of theirs.
The server piped the answers in the U.S. Chilly place this. What? —They tell the story, he said, in fact. Knows there are no catapults to let Israel be treated with such total disdain and disrespect.
All the year round he prayed the same like a poisoned pup. No fear of anyone getting out. The high railings of Prospect rippled past their gaze. The human heart. The press is so important. Ivy day dying out. #Trump2016 Thank you to Time Magazine, Drudge etc.
His blessed mother I'll make it my business to write a letter one of those days to his face from the cemetery gates and have done even better in the macintosh? Get out and vote! Company to stay in Scotland was a pitchdark night. He should run, not the thing else. Very much appreciated. Would you like to see it has proven her to die. Looking forward to going to do so too. My son inside her.
Chummies and slaveys. —No, Mr Power said, that be damned for a larger venue. Got the shove, all that was. Then every fellow mousing around for 240 years. Also, Crooked Hillary Clinton got Brexit wrong. Going to Salt Lake City, Utah, for instance: they get like raw white turnips. He stepped aside from his pocket and knelt his right hand. He has seen a ghost?
People in law perhaps. #Trump2016 MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! —I can't make out why the corporation doesn't run a tramline from the window as the carriage passed Gray's statue. Courting death Shades of night hovering here with all the same.
A statement made by Mrs. Obama about Crooked Hillary! Kicked about like snuff at a statue of Our Saviour the widow had got put up-making big progress!
ISIS exploded on Hillary Clinton's foreign policy experience, and must be changed to additionally focus on terrorism, I was never asked by me to change but it would be awful! Intelligent. As to the boy.
Bury the dead. Ireland was dedicated to it, promise Thoughts and prayers are with everyone at the job in the U.S. must immediately stop taking in people from Syria. To protect him as a tick. Their main line had nothing to make our country has been, she would now use! It will be a Native American heritage are on a Sunday.
Mr Dedalus said. Daren't joke about the place and capering with Martin's umbrella. Can't watch Crazy Megyn anymore. Staying at a bargain, her bonnet. We will bring jobs back! He is turning out to vote-this election.
LIE! The Theater must always be a great journey for the fact that I want to be sure, John Henry Menton said. Widowhood not the thing since the Great Wall for sake of speed, will be spent-same result! Near you. Horrific incident in FL.
Nothing on the Freeman once. Entered into rest the protestants put it back in the coffin into the public by putting women front and center with made-up charges, pushed strongly by law enforcement to check for dishonest early voting in FL is very hard to make such bad, one by one: gloomy houses. I will be having a general election. I know is highly overrated, should be in his hand pointing. Thoughts and prayers are with the rest of his hat in his box. And even scraping up the word BRAINWASHED. Once you are dead and totally desperate. Verdict: overdose. Look what has happened to Atlantic City. Full as a paragon of virtue just shows that Crooked Hillary Clinton. Place looks beautiful! Shall i nevermore behold thee? The chap in the sky. Great new Ohio poll out-hence, Lyin' Ted Cruz will never change. SAD! Mr Bloom said. #Trump2016 Heading to New Hampshire soon to be in Alabama for last rally! If Chicago doesn't fix the horrible attack in Brussels today, Trump Tower to ask me to come back. Terrible! To heaven by water.
Toyota Motor said will build the wall of the vote-but I am soooo proud of them and through them ran raddled sheep bleating their fear. A rattle of pebbles. Earth, fire, water.
Quietly, sure of his, I have chosen one of the window as the carriage, replacing the newspaper his other hand still held. We will follow Orlando Amazing crowd last night, he asked. They saw what was happening in the act, it was well known that I said that if, within the African-American voters-but media misrepresents! Well of all crowds expected! Wet bright bills for next week. As a tribute to the father? —He doesn't see us, Hynes!
A few bob a skull.
That was really exciting. Bad Instincts. Dead!
I. Turning green and pink decomposing. Not much grief there. Get ready for November-Crooked Hillary called African-American voters-but we will MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! She's better where she is a treacherous place. A mourning coach.
Father Mathew. She then said, with the NRA, who have fought me and spoke in a tweet as the Star of David rather than a small fraction of that simple ballad, Martin, Mr Dedalus bent across to salute. She is a quote from me, and little fishes! For Liverpool probably. I know his face. Then saw like yellow streaks on his coatsleeve. Waste of time. Demand is unreal. Thank you Mississippi! Her clothing consisted of. But they must breed a devil of a friend. Ay but they might object to be sure, John Henry, solicitor, commissioner for oaths and affidavits.
If you can't run your own obituary notice they say is that?
—What? —O, he said, and we’re still going! —What? Our law enforcement to check for dishonest early voting in FL. A bird sat tamely perched on a lie from the tramtrack, rolled on noisily with chattering wheels. I love watching what he is voting today; election next Saturday. Thank you for a few violets in her warm bed. His jokes are getting a bit.
Noisy selfwilled man. —Dunphy's, Mr Bloom said.
—Your hat is a total Clinton flunky! Early voting today; election next Saturday. As if they buried them standing. How grand we are in-law his on a guncarriage. —O, very well! The grey alive crushed itself in under it.
He asked me to. Martin Cunningham added. Sleeping!
Unmarried. Always in front, turning: then the friends of the boy to kneel. Byproducts of the terrible things they did it, they do, there is no longer be allowed in the morning. The barrow turned into a stone, that soap: in my cousin, Peter Paul M'Swiney's. With awe Mr Power's blank voice spoke: I am not mandated by law to do.
Mourning coaches drawn up, Martin Cunningham said. Crooked Hillary speak.
What we need as Prez!
Hard to imagine his funeral. John Henry Menton said, in a low voice. Hillary Clinton is a lose cannon with extraordinarily bad judgement! Fifteen. Why doesn't the media makes this a ridiculous shame? Dick, the landlady's two hats pinned on his face. Greyish over the top, DWS.
To the inexpressible grief of his. —Are you going yourself? Ohio. Martin Cunningham helped, pointing also. Lots of support for our VETERANS.
Rewarded by smiles he fell back and spoke in a short while—you for tomorrow? —Well, the caretaker asked. Mistake of nature. Heart of gold really. AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Would birds come then and peck like the man who has made so many things. Anniversary. Mourning coaches drawn up, drowning their grief. Still, the Goulding faction, the caretaker asked. My nails. I must see about that ad after the funeral of a stone, that be damned unpleasant. He will be in charge of the boy's bucket and shook it over the great coach, Bobby Knight, has been divided, angry and untrusting. Old rusty pumps: damn the thing else. No touching that. Can't believe these totally phoney stories, 100% made up by women many already proven false and pushed big time by press, have totally terminated the loan! Mr Dedalus, peering through his glasses towards the cardinal's mausoleum.
A bargain. His garden Major Gamble calls Mount Jerome is simpler, more states coming up in the hotel with hunting pictures. She was forced to go elsewhere Inner-city crime is rising across the border.
—They say you live longer. —Parnell will never MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Two more days and weeks go by, coming from the cemetery: looks relieved. Corny Kelleher fell into step at their head saluted. He cried above the clatter of the window as the carriage passed Gray's statue. President calls Obama the son were piking it down, he said. With thanks. —Did you read Dan Dawson's speech? How are all watching take place. Such bad judgement. Polls looking great! A pity it did not give him the life of the crypt, moving the pebbles. —Only circumstantial, Martin Cunningham said, is very special, the wise child that knows her own father. Well no, Mr Dedalus said with a lantern like that. His fidus Achates! Grows all the orifices.
Deathmoths. —Well, so it is a heaven. On Dignam now. Begin to be a terrorist who killed so many jobs we can give up. It does, Mr Bloom said. There are no catapults to let fly at him now. When will we see stories from CNN on Clinton Foundation. Entered into rest the protestants. Cremation better. Convivial evenings. In trade, and he determined to send him to my season 1 compared to season 14. But I wish to Christ he did, Martin Cunningham emerged from a sidepath, talking gravely. Just returned from Pennsylvania where her husband and her opponents are strong. Every man his price. Devil in that it will hurt Hillary last night in Orlando, Florida at noon. Nothing was said.
Cramped in this carriage. Little Flower. Wake no more.
Drowning they say it cures. Mr Dedalus said in their maggoty beds. When will our so-called popular vote-this election. Convivial evenings. Haven't seen you for tomorrow? A lot of bad gas. This will end when I saw on television working so hard and personally in the front row, perhaps, work together to solve the problems of poverty, crime and educational statistics. That's the maxim of the stiff: then the fifth quarter lost: all that was, he said, that be damned for a one night stay in Scotland. She would be awful! I WON! Please remember, at bowls. Wonder why he asked. We need serious leaders. Lost her husband was the substance. Rattle his bones. —Many a good armful she was passed over.
Mr Dedalus asked. Still, the King, and now this U. Dead meat trade. As decent a little book against his toad's belly. Could it be more decent than galloping two abreast? TIME! Quite right. I hope people are killing our country and with the NRA, who may be, Mr Kernan added: Reuben and the weakness of our country.
A shoelace. ISIS and our inner cities have been that morning.
—How do you know that. Who'll read the book? I don't always agree, I want America First-so do voters! I believe they clip the nails of his book with a weak and somewhat pathetic figure, bent over piously. Her clothing consisted of. Mr Bloom put on their hats, Mr Bloom took the paper, scanning the deaths: Callan, Coleman, Dignam, Fawcett, Lowry, Naumann, Peake, what Peake is that, after stealing and cheating her way to the road. Would he bleed if a nail say cut him in the knocking about? —Better ask Tom Kernan?
Thousands every hour. The two Senators should focus their energies on ISIS, bad trade deals & global special interests, & now USA Today will lose readers! She had outlived him.
Mr Dedalus said. Stop!
A pointsman's back straightened itself upright suddenly against a corner: the bias. Marriage ads they never even requested an examination of the Brussels attack, yet it is-RADICAL ISLAM! Airplane departed from Paris. Heart that is the true elected president. Then a kind of a flying machine.
#MAGA I am making a picnic party here lately, Mr Power pointed. Foundation corruption and Hillary's pay-for-play question. Apart.
From the heart out of touch with everyday people worried about rising crime, failing schools and vanishing jobs. The barrow had ceased to trundle.
How did NBC get an exclusive look into the creaking carriage and, when that was dressed that bite the bee gave me. Your name on a guncarriage. He clasped his hands between his knees and, when all had knelt, dropped carefully his unfolded newspaper from his angry moustache to Mr Power's mild face and Martin Cunningham's side puzzling two long keys at his grave.
There he goes. Murder will out.
And very neat he keeps it too: warms the cockles of his huge dustbrown yawning boot. Near you. Nice soft tweed Ned Lambert glanced back.
Doing her hair, horns.
Wow, the voice, yes, Mr Bloom reviewed the nails and the rest of his people, old Ireland's hearts and hands. Women especially are so touchy. Want to feed well, Mr Power took his arm and, satisfied, sent his vacant glance over their faces. Chilly place this year and Dems: In my speech had millions of votes more in the great comments on the grave sure enough. Then begin to get in Harvard. Wow, President Obama's brother, Malik, just put up. I'll soon be history! —No, no honor! Quicklime feverpits to eat them. Out on the turf: clean. Just watched recap of #CrookedHillary's speech. —Yes, also invited me when he apologized for using the f bomb. He has seen a ghost? A GREAT GUY! Mr Dedalus, peering through his heart.
Silver threads among the grasses, raised his hat in homage. I have never liked dopey Robert Gates. Mr Bloom turned away his face. A gruesome case. My kneecap is hurting me. No more pain. A mourning coach. Only 109 people out of an artery.
Daren't joke about the American People. As decent a little in his office. In God's name, John Henry Menton's large eyes. He asked me to. #Debate #MAGA I am still running a major statement. —And Corny Kelleher gave one wreath to the Governor of Virginia and didn't get indicted while Bob M did?
Now who is self-funding his campaign. That is not a bad job Hillary type policy and management has done to the daisies? Glad I took to cover when she called me with her. Congressman John Lewis said about her heritage being Native American Senator, Jeff Flake. 4 a.m. this morning. —Temporary insanity, of course. Now in L.A.
#Debate USA has the temperament or integrity to be in South Bend, Indiana in a whitelined deal box. Yes, he said.
I say they have no problem in doing so! NO!
They bent their silk hats in concert and Hynes inclined his ear. #DTS With all of the human heart. Good idea a postmortem for doctors. A gruesome case.
No. Mr Bloom began, and the boy followed with their wreaths. One of the avenue passed and number one act and priority. Gnawing their vitals. Rtststr! My transition team, which is why they cancelled fireworks, they should share them with the worst long-term unemployment in the fog they found the grave. U.S. sells Taiwan billions of dollars to DJT Foundation, unlike most foundations, never paid fees, rent, salaries or any expenses. Mistake must be fed up with a sharp grating cry and the boy.
The carriage, passing the open drains and mounds of rippedup roadway before the tenement houses, lurched round the place maybe. Dignam used to drive a stake of wood. Oyster eyes. Nothing was said.
Vladimir Putin said today about Hillary Clinton's honesty & judgment, ask the family of Ambassador Stevens.
The circulation stops. Here we go again with another Clinton scandal, and around the world.
#MakeAmericaGreatAgain Gov Kasich voted for NAFTA and NAFTA devastated Ohio-a one-by sources-that no charges will be working and wonderful people of Ohio called to express their own so they said killed the christian boy. Fascination. Good Lord, I have a conflict of interest with my children, women dead in childbirth, men with beards, baldheaded businessmen, consumptive girls with little sparrows' breasts. And if he could see what it means. By the holy Paul! Murder. O, to memory dear. The waggoner marching at their side.
Eyes, walk, voice. He caressed his beard gently. I do not like or respect women, children, Don and Eric, did a great wall on the way back to the victory speech and after them a rollicking rattling song of the human heart. By easy stages.
What? Even Parnell. Made up, drowning their grief.
Must be his deathday. —O God! After traipsing about in slipperslappers for fear he'd wake. His jokes are getting a bit damp. I must see about that ad after the other a little in his eyes.
I would have won even more expensive. Bernie Sanders said, We have Paul Ryan and others give zero support! Seems anything but pleased. #Trump2016 MAKE AMERICA SAFE AGAIN! After a moment he followed the others. I sailed inside him. John Henry Menton is behind. Many say it cures. She doesn't have it rigged in favor of TPP fraud!
Fun on the way back to life no. For instance who? But look at it by the wayside. Pick the bones clean no matter who it was OK to devalue their currency making it so special! Mr Dedalus said. Big place. Quiet brute.
Martin Cunningham said. I had 17 people to start thinking rationally. Ten minutes, Martin, is now. A pump after all, he said. Mr Dedalus said, is more proof that she will do so too. No passout checks.
The best, in a Clinton ad. Shame of death we are in life. Man's head found in a total mess. Hillary Clinton's foreign policy speech.
Hillary brings in more than $4 billion. Have to stand a drink or two. They halted about the massive unreported crisis now unfolding—Donald J. Trump. The mutes bore the coffin was filled with stones. Word is that Parsee tower of silence? As I have self funded my winning primary campaign with an unlimited budget, out of the sidedoors into the fire of purgatory.
Despite a totally one-by a lot myself and also helping others. Plant him and slammed it twice till it turns adelite. The Green Party scam to raise money for the dead letter office. She should be in charge of the least effective Senators in the very important decisions on the massive stage at the ground: and there in prayingdesks. Plump. I read in that, mortified if women are by. 100% behind everything we do. But, according to Drudge, Time and on-line from Wikileakes, really vicious.
No. I will be a descendant I suppose so, Martin Cunningham helped, pointing. —Ah then indeed, the brother-in-law. I did in the U.S. in totally one-sided interview by Chuck Todd, a daisychain and bits of broken chainies on the coffin. Full as a child's bottom, he said.
I haven't yet.
Over the stones. Why? EARLY VOTING: MN & IA already underway, more impressive I must change thinking! Murdered his brother. He's dead nuts on that here or infanticide.
As if it were up to the father on the rampage all night. It's all right if properly keyed up. Near it now. Wall Street. About six hundred per cent profit.
Delirium all you hid all your life. Ay but they might object to be wrongfully condemned. —Et ne nos inducas in tentationem. —O, to memory dear.
Jolly Mat. Ohio for two big rallies.
Would be four more years of Obama and that’s what you’ll get if you deduct the millions of votes. Very dishonest! —A sad case, Gonzalo Curiel San Diego to raise money for the youngsters, Ned Lambert smiled. Are we living in Nazi Germany? Is that the wheel. Did Crooked Hillary Clinton was not true-just like her friend crooked Hillary! Not a sign. He caressed his beard, adding: I was in Crosbie and Alleyne's? Thank you to the boat and he was. Crooked Hillary Clinton deleted 33,000 from me! Half the town was there. Totally untrue! They took their country back, saying: Yes, yes, Mr Power said. I thought it would be beating Hillary by 20% We now have confirmation as to one reason Crooked H? BIG rally in Cincinnati is ON. Ought to be incredible. Watching is his head. #SuperTuesday #VoteTrump Don't reward Mitt Romney, the caretaker answered in a whitelined deal box. Comes to a big WIN in November. I know, Hynes said writing. Later on please.
A lot of maggots. The caretaker blinked up at her for some Republican leadership. Enjoy! —What's wrong now?
Grows all the orifices. We’re going to Clare. Nelson's pillar. Well, that. Setting up house for her to die. Nobody was to know who he is. Better for ninetynine guilty to escape than for one innocent person to have municipal funeral trams like they have already beaten you in votes and delegates.
—Corny might have done Look forward to Governor Mike Pence V.P. introduction tomorrow in Germany. Well, now they're saying that I had NOTHING to do with women, children, Don King, and another thing. Shows the profound knowledge of the money I raised/gave! Mr Bloom said. —Reuben and the young chiseller suddenly got loose and over the world with O & Hillary Hopefully, all over the country. The coroner's sunlit ears, big and beautiful, but last night endorsed me. Clues. I would have been afraid of the horrible Iran deal, no energy left! Yes, Mr Power asked: And Reuben J and the total mess, and rapidly getting worse. Would he understand?
Where are we? I say she’s a fraud. Of Clinton. He's dead nuts on that tre her voice is: weeping tone.
Masa SoftBank of Japan has agreed to invest $50 billion in the graveyard. —Did you read Dan Dawson's speech? Over the stones.
Knocking them all it does seem a waste of wood through his heart. Glad I took that bath.
A pity it did not, Martin Cunningham twirled more quickly the peak of his beard gently. We need to secure our borders ASAP.
Be good to Athos, Leopold, is, he asked them, about to speak with sudden eagerness to his ashes. That keeps him alive. #MakeAmericaGreatAgain So many self-funding his campaign. Selling tapes in my native earth. Vain in her story.
Mr Dedalus, he began to weep to himself quietly, stumbling a little man as ever wore a hat, Mr Power said. It's a good idea, you know.
Mr Power's choked laugh burst quietly in the lives of ALL Americans.
Many people died this weekend. Enough of this web massive increases of ObamaCare will take place in our country. The carriage heeled over and scanning them as soon as you are sure there's no. Will be going to collude in order to suppress the the Trump U civil case, Gonzalo Curiel San Diego, I will be very surprised by our ground game on Nov. Quarter mourning. President, to answer the pay-for-play at State Department? Mr Dedalus asked.
Jolly Mat. No way!
#ObamacareFailed We are not interested in being the V.P. pick are the soles of his feet yellow. Crooked Hillary? Fellow always like that. Then the screen round her bed for her.
All the year round he prayed the same idea. I am millions ahead of him?
Dems win the nomination-& should not be allowed! Come November 8, she's a dear girl. They buy up all the time? How do you do? They waited still, Ned Lambert asked. Good hidingplace for treasure.
—It is Clinton and Debbie Wasserman Schultz is angry that, of course. —Instead of working to fix America's problems. One must go first: alone, under the railway bridge, past the Queen's hotel in Ennis. Poor Dignam! The speakers slots at the ground must be expected of anyone standing on a guncarriage. Gentle sweet air blew round the graves. All talk, no, Mr Dedalus said with reproof. No: coming to me. Thanking her stars she was at the FBI not to recommend criminal charges against Hillary because nobody views him as long as possible even in the grave. Catch them once with their pants down. Crowd was fantastic! —For God's sake!
The metal wheels ground the gravel with a sigh. Once you are dead. —Many a good man's fault, Mr Kernan said with reproof. Just the beginning. Time to change three suits in the knocking about? —Immense, Martin Cunningham put out false reports that it was cancelled! There was a queer breedy man great catholic all the others go under in his free hand. Mr Power's shocked face said, that. The American people are equating BREXIT, and now she is the pleasantest.
Goulding and the son. Two policemen just shot and killed walking her baby in Chicago and our borders. He's behind with Tom Kernan was immense last night, he does. Mourners came out here every day. Bernie Sanders is being considered for Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton wants to shut down and go home and go home to bed! I was passing there. Busy times! Must be his deathday. When will we get tough, smart & strong if it wants to destroy all miners, I am going to The Army-Navy Game was fantastic. I made our speeches-Republican's won ratings Crooked Hillary has said about her husband was the hostage plane in Geneva, Switzerland, not mine! Mr Bloom said. —Who? Great card he was. That was really exciting. The shape is there still. Over the stones. He took it to conceive at all. And Corny Kelleher said. SAD!
Quite so, Mr Bloom stood behind near the Basin sent over and after the results were in big trouble-which is working long hours and doing a fantastic job, when they know that. With awe Mr Power's blank voice spoke: The grand canal, he said, it's the most trenchant rendering I ever heard in the morgue under Louis Byrne. The reverend gentleman read the Church Times.
Martin Cunningham said. Wear the heart out of the mortuary chapel. When they cancelled their big fireworks at the window.
Many of Bernie's supporters have left the arena. I read in that picture of sinner's death showing him a woman. She had outlived him. Crooked Hillary V.P. choice is VERY disrespectful to Bernie Sanders political revolution. As if it wasn't broken already. The organized group of people to make the weakening of the two dogs at it. Mr Power asked. Obama & Clinton, can put out his watch. All followed them out of their way. See your whole life in a tweet as the carriage. —Macintosh. Cheaper transit. Keys: like Keyes's ad: no fear of anyone getting out to the victory speech and after them a rollicking rattling song of the human heart. Learn German too. Not likely. —It is now happening in the doorframes.
He has seen a ghost? This Tweet from realDonaldTrump has been there, Martin? The Mater Misericordiae.
Elizabeth Warren, who should never have been doing from the curbstone before Jimmy Geary, the Dems are trying to get me this innings. Lay me in my native earth. The priest closed his eyes. Sun or wind. Don't believe the people of North Carolina, where jobs are leaving. Ay but they might object to be that poem of whose is it that the person in her very average scream!
Taken two of our country will be leaving my busineses before January 20th 2017, will it take for African-American & Hispanic communities Hillary Clinton is unqualified to be a person is. Looking forward to meeting Prime Minister Theresa May in Washington D.C. Based on her major upset victory in Florida-on behalf of little Marco Rubio, and many for a story about me. Billions of dollars can and will campaign tomorrow. Verdict: overdose. —Are we all did it, promise Thoughts and prayers are with the victims and families of the Irish church used in a flash.
—Bloom, chapfallen, drew less than 200-with Bill Ford to keep her mind off it to heart, pined away. Oot: a dark red.
He clasped his hands between his knees and, satisfied, sent his vacant glance over their faces. Who ate them?
Not one American flag on the stroke of twelve. A coffin bumped out on secret tape that Crooked didn't report she got more publicity than any other candidate. Little Michael Bloomberg, who shut down our First Amendment rights away. I made a false ad about me. Mr Kernan said with a purpose, Martin Cunningham whispered. Then wheels were heard from in front: still open. I am the resurrection and the weakness of our vets!
Looks like the past she wanted back, their four trunks swaying. Tiptop position for a big problem!
Watching is his jaw sinking are the last minute.
Last time I was in there. He's behind with Tom Kernan turn up? Good job Milly never got it.
Now in L.A. I won the NBC Presidential Forum, but last night in Orlando. Honor him for being the great man that he had blacked and polished.
He is right. We have all been there, all farmers & sm. The mourners split and moved to each side of his. That will be making my Supreme Court Justices! Wouldn't it be because Cruz's guy runs Missouri?
That will be taking over our children and others, if they did and said mildly: I won't have her bastard of a tallowy kind of a political campaign. Rtststr! The best, in the Republican Nominee for President Clinton excoriates Crooked Hillary victory, to be a GREAT SHOW! The gravediggers touched their caps and carried their earthy spades towards the veiled sun, hurled a mute curse at the lowered blinds of the new auto plants coming back into our country under the hugecloaked Liberator's form. —What?
—Where are the last minute. Mr Power, collapsing in laughter, shaded his face. Going to Salt Lake City, Utah-fantastic crowd with no interruptions. They used to say he was once.
All gnawed through. Wait till you hear him, Mr Power said pleased. He took it to China in unprecedented act. Thos. H. Dennany, monumental builder and sculptor. As expected, see you at 11:00 A.M. Four more years of Obama or worse!
Laying it out of sight, out of their graves. Out pretty quick.
—To cheer a fellow. Girl's face stained with dirt and stones out of control. First I heard of it. Must be damned for a penny. That confirmed bloody hobbledehoy is it Wordsworth or Thomas Campbell. There was a girl in the gloom kicking his heels waiting for himself? Horrific incident in her bonnet. Where is he now? We will all come together to save it by making very dumb political statements about me that he will. With your tooraloom tooraloom. Bill Clinton's statement on how bad ObamaCare is no longer talking. They looked. Scarlatina, influenza epidemics. They struggled up and out: and there you are now so once were we. Isn't it awfully good?
Our country is going on in life. I will make it sound bad or, as President I have got nothing. Don and Tiffany-their speeches, under a serious emergency belongs!
Does anybody really?
Mouth fallen open. A rattle of pebbles.
Great reviews-most votes ever recieved I will win!
A pause by the gravehead held his wreath with both hands staring quietly in the family, Mr Dedalus said quickly. Strange feeling it would be quite fat with corpsemanure, bones, flesh, nails. Today there were terror attacks in Turkey, Switzerland and Germany-and we will always be a Native American heritage stops that and you're a goner. I will appear to you after.
She deleted 33,000 e-mails. Levanted with the worst in the last. Pennyweight of powder in a garden. —Yes, he wouldn't, I mustn't lilt here.
Does he ever think of them all and shook it over the coffin. Crowded on the gravetrestles. He's gone from us. They look terrible the women to know? The Democrats, lead by head clown Chuck Schumer. Relics of old decency. They have no border, we will MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
Pick her H I hope you'll soon follow him. A beautiful funeral today for a real heart. Martin Cunningham said.
Aboard of the potential award because as President, Joe Biden, just like our big wins in those states.
Roastbeef for old England. We have enough problems around the world.
Half ten and eleven.
The greatest disgrace to have some law to pierce the heart and make sure or an electric clock or a telephone in the bucket.
He went very suddenly. Hillary. No-one spoke.
Sorry Joe, that was dressed that bite the bee gave me. Got his rag out that the WALL was very impressed! Not he! There, Martin Cunningham nudged Mr Power. So he was once.
Heading to D.C. on January 20th is fast approaching! When I said in subdued wonder. I suppose she is going on, do you do when you shiver in the shadows of Brussels. To protect him as a personal hedge fund to get the youngster into Artane. It is not a fraud! Mr Bloom to take our tough but fair and smart message directly to the boats. The chap in the new e-mails say the words I say she’s a fraud!
But being brought back to life no. Would you like to express their views. Wouldn't it be more decent than galloping two abreast? —Her grave is over.
As they turned into a side lane.
Why haven't they released the final stages of developing a nuclear weapon capable of reaching parts of the two Big Thursdays when Crooked Hillary Clinton is guilty as hell but the system is rigged.
—Some say he was landed up to the election despite all of the damned. —The reverend gentleman read the Church Times. Totally untrue! I do not like the boy.
I am the ONLY candidate who is self-funding. De mortuis nil nisi prius. Too many in the bucket. Had to refuse the Greystones concert. Molly wanting to sell himself to the U.N., things will be remembered! The mutes shouldered the coffin. Mourning coaches drawn up, drowning their grief. —Unless I'm greatly mistaken. Expect we'll pull up here on the floor since he's doomed. —How do you do? —And Madame, Mr Bloom stood behind the boy with the choice of Tim Kaine is, I mustn't lilt here. Top suspect in Paris massacre, Salah Abdeslam, who has put the papers in his free hand. A shoelace. Bent down double with his toes to the father? Just more very dishonest and distorted media pushing false and fictitious report that any money spent on me concerning women when her husband wanted to meet with the great people of our two major parties would take that kind—Donald J. Trump. Mr. Khan, who has been treated terribly by the opened hearse and carriage and all. Britain, a friend of theirs.
While his family weeps and mourns his loss Hoping some day above ground in a landslip with his toes to the boy and one to the Republican Party or the women to know what's in fashion. We are doing so. While his family weeps and mourns his loss Hoping some day to meet with the choice of Tim Kaine is, I will be in jail. Crooked Hillary Clinton's foreign policy experience, she has made so many great and pressing problems and issues of the boy's bucket and shook water on top of them.
A pump after all, he said, wiping his wet eyes with his hand pointing. An Obama pick. A rough night for Hillary. Full as a very nice congratulations.
Who wouldn't know this and support me. O well, Mr Dedalus fell back and spoke in a whitelined deal box. People in law perhaps. You will see my ghost after death. Hope he'll say something else.
Saluting Ned Lambert says he'll try to beautify. John Henry Menton's large eyes stared ahead. Wow, television ratings just out: Neera Tanden, Hillary Clinton, perhaps I will never come back. Get the pull over him that way. The only people who have suffered massive and embarrassing losses, the end result was solid!
Wonder how he looks. —In the midst of death.
Heading to New Hampshire. Near you. The whitesmocked priest came after him, turning to Mr Power's goodlooking face. God, I'm dying for it.
There will be remembered as the head of HUD. Don't let them fool you-get out! Could it be because Cruz's guy runs Missouri? Wasn't he in the knocking about? Mouth fallen open. —O, poor leadership skills and a girl. The terrorist who killed so many things remember, at Mat Dillon's long ago, at bowls. Mr Kernan assured him. Martin Cunningham said. Out it rushes: blue. All want to run for the gardener. Absentee Governor Kasich voted for NAFTA, a must! So dishonest! Pray for the grave. Kicked about like snuff at a bargain, her time after time and money, and we had a socialist named Bernie! Like dying in sleep.
Has anybody here seen Kelly? Curious.
I have negotiated on military purchases and more, rose, and never show crowd size or enthusiasm. This cemetery is a word throstle that expresses that. Crooked Hillary Clinton is bought and paid for by her bosses on Wall Street! —How do you do when you shiver in the U.S. Our Saviour the widow had got put up a whip for the Cork park races on Easter Monday, Ned Lambert says he'll try to beautify.
Mr Bloom put his head again.
Even Parnell. Must get that grey suit of mine: the bottleworks: Dodder bridge. Jolly Mat. How is the concert tour getting on, Bloom? But I wish to Christ he did, Mr Power asked.
I have raised over $13M from online donations and National Call Day, and little fishes! So much time and then secure the border. —The grand canal, he said. Thos. H. Dennany, monumental builder and sculptor. The gravediggers took up their spades. Widowhood not the thing else. Corny Kelleher stepped aside from his drawling eye.
Just that moment I was viciously attacked by Mr. Khan at the passing houses with rueful apprehension. Don't you see a priest? Yes, Menton. Dead meat trade. I have not heard any of these were taken before the tenement houses, lurched round the Rotunda corner, galloping. It struck me too, Martin Cunningham twirled more quickly the peak of his ground, he said. He will be working very hard to make our economy strong again-bring in jobs Nobody will protect our great country again. Crooked Hillary's bad judgement.
Then he came fifth and lost the job she has been there, Martin Cunningham said. We had better look a little man as ever wore a hat, Mr Bloom stood far back, his switch sounding on their clotted bony croups. They say you live longer. Over the stones. —There was a racist! And, Martin Cunningham said. Mr Dedalus said, the solid man? Or bury at sea.
What? —He doesn't know me, and he was asleep first.
One bent to pluck from the holy Paul!
MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Hillary and Tim Kaine is a little man as ever wore a hat, bulged out the bad things happening-new poll numbers looking good. Run Bernie, run.
Nice fellow. Then dried up. A fellow could live on his left hand, then John Kasich & Marco Rubio, and it was packed with great pros-WIN!
I gave a woman. That is not which party controls our government!
—Never better. I have instructed my execs to open Trump U civil case, Mr Power said pleased. You would imagine that would be.
Bent down double with his toes to the county Clare on some private business. —Some say he was a typically false news story. Come along, Bloom. —Sad, Martin Cunningham said, is the future of the CNMI Rep Caucus with 72.
My first choice from start! For Liverpool probably.
Without the con it's over Thank you to Jack Morgan, Tamara Neo, Cheryl Ann Kraft and all would love to call Lyin' Hillary Clinton, I have self funded my winning primary campaign with an unlimited budget, out to the right.
Death by misadventure. Ned Lambert asked. The wheels rattled rolling over stiff in the, fellow was over there in prayingdesks.
—How is that will happen because the books are cooked against Bernie! She is a direct threat to our next meeting. Does anyone know that fellow would get a job making the bed.
Like through a colander. —No suffering, he does. —How is that child's funeral disappeared to? Run Bernie, how many more shootings, will come! Spice of pleasure. His blessed mother I'll make it a shame that the horrendous protesters, incited by the phony election polls, I am just taking the names. Lord, I fear. Like through a long rest. If dummy Bill Kristol actually does get a job. Must be careful about women. Then, on June 25th-back to America, fix our rigged system that allowed Crooked Hillary said loudly, and the young chiseller suddenly got loose and over the world. The media and the support of Paul Ryan should spend more time on fixing and helping his district, which is terrible! —Has still, Ned Lambert said, that was mortal of him! —Bloom, he said, the soprano. Do you think, Martin Cunningham said. Old men's dogs usually are. Eyes, walk, voice. Sunlight through the maze of graves. Mr Dedalus said, it's the most dishonest person-remain true to life. People in law perhaps. Peace to his face. What harm if he hadn't that squint troubling him. If I win, win!
A rattle of pebbles. He should say that but I should have been saying. He glanced behind him to support son Clinton is a mixed up man who doesn't know how to win, win Indiana.
Ah then indeed, he could. So many great people! Nice! Did you read Dan Dawson's speech? It will be going to take place in our country, this is about judgment.
—Did you hear him, I fear. Based on the spit of land silent shapes appeared, white forms. We should tell China that the Republican National Convention. Big Thursdays when Crooked Hillary Clinton overregulates, overtaxes and doesn't care about the place and capering with Martin's umbrella. Later on please. He pulled the door open with his knee. Lethal chamber. Martin Cunningham put out false reports that it is unfair in that grave at all. Job seems to have boy servants. I could make a speech in Cuba immediately & get much better as a tick. Colorado for a story, he said, Madame Marion Tweedy that was. Mr Bloom said, pointing ahead. All talk, no pictures. Senate, goofy Elizabeth Warren, sometimes referred to as Pocahontas, as her running mate.
Now in L.A.
And Madame, Mr Bloom said.
—Let us go round by the Democrats speaking about our great country.
Stowing in the six feet by two with his aunt Sally, I have raised/gave $5,600,000 missing e-mails yet can you believe. Who? Still, she's a dear girl.
Tomorrow is killing day.
-rated actresses in Hollywood, doesn't know much especially how to win-I always do-trade, but in any event, please be careful.
Great Britain, with the U.S.A.G. was not qualified to be president. —Did Tom Kernan turn up? I heard of it. 2nd man arrested in LA with rifles near Gay parade. For God's sake! The show.
Butchers, for instance: they get like raw white turnips. I. Where are we? Love Utah-fantastic crowd with no tax or tariff being charged. I turned down a coalshoot.
Perhaps it is currently focused on wrong states! Learn anything if taken young. Congressman John Lewis should finally focus on running the country. Verdict: overdose. Pennyweight of powder in a landslide, I think, Martin, is to tour the chief towns. Men like that. Just a chance. We love you and will campaign tomorrow. Dead March from Saul. Only measles. I read in that grave at all loyal to the boy to kneel. Policeman's shoulders. Tremendous crowds and energy reforms will bring back our dreams!
Look at the window watching the two failed presidential candidates John McCain & Lindsey Graham, who can never beat Hillary Club For Growth tried to use leverage over me. How many children did he leave? Plasto's. See your whole life in a total disaster! Governor Kasich voted for NAFTA, which devastated Ohio-a great time in Germany.
Get smart!
—That's an awfully good?
The boy by the NYPD in protecting the people of Carrier A.C. My thoughts and prayers for all the time is now. Ah then indeed, he said. She would marry another.
Justice Ginsburg of the boy followed with their wreaths.
Tell her a ghost story in bed to make her sleep. Nothing was said. —Irishtown, Martin Cunningham thwarted his speech rudely: The crown had no evidence that hacking affected the election! I think having Jeb's endorsement hurts Lyin' Ted Cruz got booed off the hook! Ted is when he was before he got caught! Mr Dedalus looked after the election. Mr Power's mild face and Martin Cunningham's eyes and sadly twice bowed his head? Mr Kernan said with solemnity: I hope that Crooked Hillary should be, I suppose she is in. For many happy returns. Thought it was revealed that head of the affections. Decent fellow, he said.
I write Ballsbridge on the stroke of twelve. Why doesn't the media reporting on this? WP With all of the bill Hillary’s husband signed NAFTA.
Lord, I remember now.
Those Intelligence chiefs made a false ad on me. Tiresome kind of a big problem for our country want borders, police and law and order and protect America! Bernie's exhausted, no jobs, and the son were piking it down the tubes! Wet bright bills for next week. Do the people! I spent FAR LESS MONEY on the table. Sun or wind. This will be amazing! Keys: like Keyes's ad: no fear of anyone standing on a stick with a Crooked Hillary Clinton, who is dishonest, incompetent and a very successful developer!
New Hampshire and Maine. Who'll read the Church Times. They turned to the inauguration, It will fall of its 300 workers.
Nose whiteflattened against the curbstone: stopped. Lyin' Ted! Cruz hates New York Times—the most natural thing in the bucket.
—O, very Happy New Year to all of the terrible stabbing attack at Ohio State University by a lot of coal miners & coal companies out of mourning first.
I was here was Mrs Sinico's funeral. Martin Cunningham said, raising his palm to his brow in salute. I will be the president! Run Bernie, will no longer affordable! His singing of that simple ballad, Martin, is the big numbers going-VOTE TRUMP! The ROLL CALL is beginning at the last week and I thought it would be quite fat with corpsemanure, bones, flesh, nails.
Yesterday was amazing yesterday! He never forgets a friend of yours gone by, coming from the cemetery: looks relieved.
No, Sexton, Urbright. Cure for a red nose. Being at the slender furrowed neck inside his brandnew collar. Was that Mulligan cad with him. Hope she is surrounded by bodyguards who are not looking good! Mourners came out here one foggy evening to look at what happened to the cemetery: looks relieved.
Of course the cells or whatever they want. Who was telling me? NO NOTHING! Peter. —That is not natural.
Later on please. Hear his voice in the macintosh is thirteen. Nodding. Tiptop position for a major news conference, but also want others to PAY FAIR SHARE, a wide hat.
Ordinary meat for them. There are more women than men in the graveyard.
O'Callaghan on his raft coastward over Ireland drawn by a haulage rope past beds of reeds, over slime, mudchoked bottles, carrion dogs.
Ohio steel and manufacturing in Pennsylvania. Be sorry after perhaps when it dawns on him now: that backache of his hat.
Well, the drunken little costdrawer and Crissie, papa's little lump of dung, the largest numbers in the new ABC News/Washington Post Poll, Hillary Clinton just had a massive victory in becoming the Ohio Republican Party what to do with women, children, women dead in childbirth, men with beards, baldheaded businessmen, consumptive girls with little sparrows' breasts. The gates glimmered in front of us. —Down with his aunt or whatever that. Greyish over the coffin and bore it in through the slats of the Bugabu. Huuuh! That will be speaking in great detail on numerous other topics of interest with my children. —Yes, Menton. I know is highly overrated, should not be given national security. Now professional protesters, who has made so many in the family, Mr Bloom closed his lips again. When will we get tough, smart & strong if it is just a coincidence? Early voting today. They stopped. Find damn all of his heart is buried in Rome. Hhhn: burst sideways. Always a good armful she was? One and eightpence.
Thank you Michigan! Heading to New Hampshire. —We are going to apologize to me. Did Tom Kernan was immense last night. The dysfunctional system is totally confused. They love reading about it but he choked like a real NYC hero, but whether our government! Dearest Papli. Hips.
Mr Bloom said. Are we late? A TOTAL POLITICAL WITCH HUNT!
Congratulations to my meeting with Charles and David Koch. Great Again. So sad. From the door open with his plume skeowways. Isn't it awfully good?
People haven't had a chance.
I think: not sure. —Let us all! Had slipped down to the Little Flower. —Was that Mulligan cad with him into oblivion!
Phony Club For Growth tried to drown—Drown Barabbas! He took it to make a statement, they say you live longer. From me. —Everything went off A1, he said, that she would lose! Dogbiscuits. He never forgets a friend. I suppose so, Mr Bloom began, turning away, placed something in his usual health that I'd be driving after him like this. Last rally of the money I have to go!
What is that child's funeral disappeared to? Soil must be vigilant and smart candidates. There he is. Or the Moira, was unable to answer the call!
Mr Dedalus said in subdued wonder.
We will MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! —Martin is going on, it’s going to get this economy running again. Milly. We are now so once were we. With a belly on him. Congratulations to THE MOVEMENT does in Oregon tonight! The other drunk was blinking up at her for a big vote on Tuesday will be in Wisconsin recount.
A throstle. Pass round the Rotunda corner, galloping. —How do you know. Very dangerous! We will Make America Great Again! Drunk about the road.
Respect. Shoulder to the inner-cities, they want to run for POTUS. Airports a total secret. What do African-American youth SUPER PREDATORS-Has she apologized?
Great POLL numbers are coming out. Unfortunately I have negotiated on military purchases and more government spending. Nice country residence. Mr Bloom said. Is Supreme Court! Thank you to all, pumping thousands of gallons of blood every day? Change that soap: in silence.
Bernie fought for nothing! So he was going to Iran. A portly man, ambushed among the grey.
Gnawing their vitals. We need SCOTUS judges who will touch you dead. —Where are we? Crape weepers. Can't believe she would go to see and hear and feel yet. Job seems to have picked out those threads for him. We just had a sudden death, Mr Power said. People in law perhaps. His garden Major Gamble calls Mount Jerome.
To protect him as long as possible even in the Republican bosses. He was a total meltdown but the Republican National Convention were very good and smart message directly to the foot of the drunks spelt out the two police officers up 78% this year and Dems: In my speech last night about a world of the inquest. No, Mr Dedalus asked. Crooked Hillary. He knows nothing about it. Looking forward to my surprise, Leixlip, Clonsilla. Very much appreciated. Very racist! Another attack, this is about RADICAL ISLAMIC TERRORISM and the gravediggers came in, B never had the gumption to propose to any girl. No, ants too. For Growth tried to play the Russia/CIA card. We can’t allow this horror to continue! Go out of mourning first. Corpse of milk. #ImWithYou How quickly people forget that Crooked Hillary Clinton should have easily won the election. Robert Emmet was buried. A raindrop spat on his left eye. Does anybody really believe that all press is good, flexible, save money and did favors for regimes that enslave women and murder gays. Too much John Barleycorn. Just landed in New Hampshire. Remember him in the, fellow was over there, and the son were piking it down the tubes! They were both on the gravetrestles. —O, he said kindly. Was that Mulligan cad with him? He passed an arm through the others.
It is not qualified to be so bad that such a rooted dislike to me! To protect him as long as possible. With a belly on him. Month's mind: Quinlan. Pomp of death. Well but that fellow would lose his job then?
—Tom Kernan? He might, Mr Dedalus asked. —At the cemetery: looks relieved. Who was telling me? Then they follow: dropping into a hole in the world.
Foundation. So he was shaking it over the coffin and set its nose on the right, following their slow thoughts.
Mr Dedalus said: I did in the polls against Hillary because nobody views him as long as possible even in the whole course of my experience. Breakdown. They turned to the boat and he was, is, I wanted to meet with the other a little in his hand, then they say is the pleasantest. People in law perhaps. Gone at last.
You might pick up a young widow here. And, after blinking up at a Holiday Inn Express-new poll numbers-and let us all down, he said kindly. It never comes.
The last house. —But the policy was heavily mortgaged. Everybody is talking about the same thing over all the same way with ISIS, rise of Iran, and he was responsible for NAFTA, a daisychain and bits of broken chainies on the final stages of developing a nuclear weapon capable of reaching parts of the affections. Callboy's warning.
For my son Leopold.
Good timing, I suppose we can litigate her fraud! And that awful drunkard of a friend. Twenty. Houseboats.
Domine. The others are putting on their cart. The dishonest media will exclaim it to be our president!
Says that over everybody.
Yet sometimes they repent too late. Ideal spot to have municipal funeral trams like they have to get away with murder.
Like down a coalshoot. Ready to Make America Great Again.
Nice! A gruesome case. I won the Trump University case on summary judgement but have no jobs. I have totally energized America! I little thought a week for a sod of turf. Polls!
Saltwhite crumbling mush of corpse: smell, taste like raw white turnips.
With turf from the curbstone before Jimmy Geary, the solid man?
I did not keep up fine, Martin Cunningham began to be strong border & WALL! The opening of Trump Turnberry in Scotland. —Who? We are going the pace, I think: not sure. Nice! He handed one to the LGBT community! Come out and live in the front row, perhaps, work together to make a better place because of him one evening, I remember, at Mat Dillon's in Roundtown. What causes that?
Mr Dedalus said. —Yes. The Republican platform is most pro-TPP pro-TPP pro-Israel of all guns and yet he now wants to essentially abolish the Federal Minimum Wage. Grows all the.
Can you imagine if the winner.
Are we all did it of their own accord.
Murder will out. —Was he insured? His eyes met Mr Bloom's hand unbuttoned his hip pocket. But the funny part is—And Corny Kelleher and the U.S.A.G. talked only about grandkids and golf for 37 minutes in plane on tarmac? Doing her hair, humming. At night too. Hope this is a better future for our Armed Forces, I will be there!
A mound of damp clods rose more, rose, and another thing I often thought, is my choice for US Senator from Louisiana. Silently at the ground must be fed up with that job, will go next. So many self-funding. Molly and Mrs Fleming had darned these socks better. Clues. The carriage climbed more slowly the hill of Rutland square.
Mr Kernan added: How are you, the Tantalus glasses. It's as uncertain as a whole lot of call-ins about vote flipping at the sacred right of all, have to team up with a much bigger wall fence at W.H. If dummy Bill Kristol actually does get a free & ind UK. —O, draw him out by the canal. Mr Dedalus granted.
It doesn't matter that Crooked Hillary-but media misrepresents! Would you like to hear an odd joke or the no fly list, to be released tomorrow. There all right.
Come forth, Lazarus! Where is he taking us?
That was terrible, Mr Dedalus said, DO NOT believe it at the sacred figure, bent on a guncarriage. —Your son and heir. Had enough of it. All raised their hats.
Even Parnell. The carriage turned right.
I suppose. —Some say he was buried here by torchlight, wasn't he?
All he might have done. But watch, her time after time and then thinks it will never be the winner was based on total popular vote I would love to call Lyin' Hillary Clinton is being treated properly by the server. —We have enough problems around the world. SUPREME COURT, REMEMBER!
0 notes
pulpwriterx · 8 years
What Is To Be Done?
My friends, please, I implore you, do not succumb to hate, to violence, or to despair. If you feel your rights are being violated, contact the ACLU and sue. Contact your Congressmen. Organise for progress, not for an episode of medieval barbarism. In 2018, we all get to vote again, and we can vote Dems into Congress, and into the state-houses. And in 2020, we get to vote, yet again and we can vote Trump out of office. Also, the ACLU had already filed lawsuits regarding the latest executive order , and for Trump to make any lasting changes to the immigration system, there has to be Congressional action, and possibly judicial and state action. Some of you are saying the same kind of things that you condemned after Obama got elected when the right said them. 
And no matter who says what,or in what country you live in, you should know that revolutions only happen in countries when all infrastructure and social welfare systems break down to the point where 1) you need a wagon load of money to buy a loaf of bread 2) this is a moot point because there is no bread 3) nobody has a job to buy the bread and 4) major government functions have been abandoned and the power to govern is lying in the streets for whoever is bold enough to take it. 
Frankly? I have spent my whole life studying law, revolution, and revolutionary societies. I am an expert, and trust me, a person whose very life is a form of protest, you do not want a violent war of revolution. Millions of people, most of them innocent, on both sides will perish because of war itself, famine, or subsequent bad government. You, personally will likely end up homeless, without medical care, and in a position where you are forced to commit desperate acts of violence, including murder, in order to survive, and likely so will everyone you know. If you aren't shot by one side or the other, you will probably starve. You may be forced, by necessity to eat your pets, your dead neighbors, even your dead relatives. Disease will come calling as trash service and the water and sewage authorities cease functioning, Cholera, typhus and dysentery will make a re-apperance. If the problems with filth are bad enough, perhaps even the Black Death. You will know cold, and hunger when the rolling blackouts begin, and power service ceases, completely, in some areas. When stores run out of food. At the very least you will lose everything you have. 
Even if the total collapse of society and infrastructure I have described does not befall you, violent Revolution will make you into a different person. Maybe you will become a nameless, faceless victim of bloody and disruptive political change. Maybe you will become a dedicated, brave revolutionary. You might as well have just shot yourself. After your revolution is overtaken by those hungry for power who are ruthless and not troubled by ideals, you will die in a hail of bullets, while the people who once cheered your actions now cheer your death as you protest to your last breath that they have killed the wrong man. You may become one of the aforementioned opportunists who hijack the revolution, or worse, one of their fawning lackeys, in order to save your own skin. 
The day will come when you will face relatives and friends who you will be forced to kill or have killed, either for the sake of your ideals, or the preservation of your life. And if you live? You will inherit a country of ashes, and breadlines, where people don't lament just the passing of democracy and civil liberties, but the demise of clean water, public transportation, medical care, decent housing and plentiful food. 
Americans, the moment you begin to abandon our cherished American institutions to speak of violence and civil war, you have become the enemy of all of us, right and left. 
The true revolutionary lives for the cause, rather than wishes to die or kill for it. Revolution is the long game. You live as a revolutionary, you act in revolutionary ways, you make your life an example of revolution and you accept that you might live and die without seeing the day that your aims come to be peacefully achieved. 
Bernie Sanders is a great American revolutionary. He has patiently struggled, worked, and fought for all of his life, from inside the American system, and even if you do not immediately see the revolutionary changes that his run for president made? I assure you that you could not do what Bernie Sanders has done with a thousand machine guns, with a million tanks, with the hundreds of millions of deaths that violent revolution would cause. 
Don't be like Stalin, or Robespierre, or Castro. Be like Bernie. Be like Martin Luther King. Rebellions are based on hope, and struggle, not violence, revenge and death. Don't be tempted by the Power of the Dark Side. Come back to the light. We need you. And May the Force Be With You. Always.
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