#But rattlesnake can somewhat glide
catparty41 · 1 month
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Flightless birds
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earthnashes · 3 years
2 questions: whats the wildlife like on the dk island?(is it as crazy as Dk country returns?) And can Dk speak in your au?
Wildlife on Donkey Kong Isle is varied but I wouldn't say it holds the same array of animals the likes of Africa would,so things like Giraffes and Zebras and Elephants don't live on the island. In fact, I don't actually think many real-life animals exist the same way in this world as they do in the real world; for example I can't for the life of me remember seeing an actual dog aside from the Nintendog, and the only dog I remember seeing and being called a "dog" is Poochie.... which uh. That thing, cute as he is, isn't quite a "dog".
Tangent aside, notable animals that DO exist on Donkey Kong Isle include:
Rambi Rhinos: otherwise known simply as "Rambis", these critters are small rhinos but pack quite the punch. They're friendly and generally approachable, but quite easy to spook.
Expresso: Tall, thin ostriches that lack the ability to fly, but can run super fast. Unlike the real ostrich though, they also have the ability to glide. They get their names from their hyperactive energy and inability to sit still for too long. They often wear some killer shoes for some reason.
Froggy: Huge toads that make their homes near the rivers and swamps of the island. They're large enough to ride like a miniature horse and pack a lot of power in their hind legs; being kicked by one can be devastating.
Squawkers: Huge parrots that are known to be friendly. They are stronger than what their size would hint toward, able to carry even the heavy Donkey Kong with ease while they fly.
Enguardes: A species of swordfish who are freshwater based instead of saltwater. As such, they can't live in the ocean. They are extremely fast and powerful swimmers, so much so they can swim against a waterfall and even "climb" them. In DK Isle, they are often used instead of actual boats for water-travel.
Squitters: Giant spiders that are large enough to ride like a mount. They're known for their near-permanent, toothy grins and huge, wide eyes. Despite how creepy their somewhat goofy appearance might be, they're very friendly and sustain on a fruit diet. Like Expressos they sport some cool kicks: its theorized that they make them out of their durable webs and share with their ostrich friends.
Rattlers: Goofy-lookin rattlesnakes best known for their giant noses and their ability to spring like a pogo-stick. They have rather large fangs and rattles on their tails, but despite their relation to the venomous Rattlesnake they themselves don't have venom. Almost dog-like in behavior, they share the Kongs love for bananas.
And to answer your other question: No, Donkey Kong can't speak. In fact, none of the Kongs can, at least not verbally. They can’t speak the common language of this world and their vocalizations is what you'd expect from a gorilla, so they typically use sign language to communicate.
Any help they may get with verbal communication comes from the Kremling inhabitants of their island. Kremings do have the ability to speak.
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“Why Would I Go If You Couldn’t Be There With Me?”
Igloo hastily made her way over to her dragoness of interest, brushing her feathered tail against Rattlesnake's warm scales to get her attention. “Hey. We need a course of action.” She tells the Ground Scorcher in a hushed, urgent voice. Rattlesnake nods and stands up immediately. “Where are we meeting?”  She asked. Igloo jerked her head to the entrance of the cave. “Outside. Away from this cave. I hate it in here.” The princess replies, and turned away before her friend could say anything else.
Igloo was glad to be able to breathe fresh air again. The cave was always so musty and she hated the lack of cold wind to tell her if snow was going to fall. Rattlesnake followed her as she spread her wings and glided to one of the other caves on the sides of the gorge. The pair of dragons kept flying for a few minutes before Igloo dived downward to one of the lower caves. When she landed and looked behind her she also saw Rattlesnake land with a much softer thud. Igloo made her way into the back of the cave and was relieved to find that her chosen meeting place was empty. 
She motioned to the mossy stone benches with her wing before taking a seat herself. Rattlesnake followed her orders and sat down opposite of the larger dragoness, dainty talons folded politely in front of her. Igloo found it hard believe she’s spilled the blood of countless victims with such small talons.
“What are we discussing?” She asked, an attentive expression on her face. Igloo shook her head and smiled at her, trying to keep her eyes open as she talked to the dragon she’s bonded with the most during the past few months. “Oh, I just wanted to ask you about what your life was before this crazy mission to break up a war...Not that I’m complaining about my situation. I met you because of it.” Rattlesnake perked up at her response, eyes widening slightly. “...Should I be taking that as a compliment?” She asked, a smile tugging at her lips. Igloo nodded. “Of course. You’re really pretty. I’m kinda jealous.” The Wolf Hunter waved a talon as of she were trying to swat away gnats, taking note of Rattlesnake’s expression of almost-shock. “So, tell me, what kind of family do you come from, ‘snake?”
“Uh...A really...undesirable...one, I guess.” The dark crimson dragoness replied quietly, keeping her eyes on the stone table and studying the intricate designs that had been scratched into it. Igloo’s eyebrows knit together in concern. “Undesirable?” She repeated, talons snaking across the table to hold Rattlesnake’s much warmer ones. When the aforementioned dragoness didn’t protest, her friend took her talons and held them firmly. “How so?” Igloo asked.
“Um...” Rattlesnake was uncharacteristically shy about the topic. It only served to make the princess squeeze her talons for some kind of reassurance.”It’s okay if you can’t talk about it, but if it’s worse than what you just told me, let me know, alright?” Igloo asked her friend, noticing that she squeezed her talons back.
“I can talk, I’m just trying to figure out how to say it.” The Ground Scorcher offered her silver-scaled companion a smile that tempted the colder to hug her tightly. “I’d say that they’re kinda, I dunno. right about everything but they’re so smug about it? I always hate to admit I’m wrong because then they can rub it in somebody’s face at random.” Rattlesnake explained somewhat bitterly, an unusual smile on her face like she just ate something unexpectedly salty. 
Igloo’s shoulders slumped at those words. “Oh...doesn’t sound like a very fun family.” She commented, feeling awkward. While Igloo knew she had it somewhat easy because her family got along so well, she could never imagine a dragon as sweet as the one in front of her could go through such a rough upbringing.
“Could you tell me about your family, Igloo?” Rattlesnake asked, eyebrows raised in genuine curiosity. The silver dragoness met her gaze and felt her fatigue lift from her eyelids. She was awake and hopeful and she didn’t know why. “I can,” She started, but her mind almost drew a complete blank after she said that.
“...Of course, you know that my uncle rules the Wolf Hunter kingdom. You know, that really nice guy that’ll totally bake you cookies if you asked him to? He leads entire armies into battles when his allies are in trouble.” Igloo smiles when she described Blizzard. Rattlesnake nodded. “Sounds like a great uncle. I don’t know any of my uncles or aunts.” She comments. Igloo felt guilt rise like bile in her throat. “I’m so sorry about your personal situation... I know that I had it easy for all of my life.”
“You faced just as much stress as I did, back there. It was just a different kind of stress.” The Ground Scorcher replies, glancing towards the entrance of the cave as if she thought somebody was going to pop up there and interrupt them. She made eye contact with the princess and smiled. “Continue, if you want.”
“My mother, the king’s sister, is... she died when she challenged Blizzard for the throne and lost. He’s the ruler for a reason, you know.” Igloo traced circles with her silver-stained claws into the back of Rattlesnake’s talons, forcing out any sadness in her system. “My dad is still alive and kicking, though... I just don’t see him much. He’s not exactly connected to the family anymore, but Frostbite still invites him to celebrations when she can... Speaking of, everyone thinks my sister is gonna become the new ruler. She’s smart, really strong, and she matches Blizzard’s kindness. I wouldn’t be surprised if she was secretly his daughter.” The Wolf Hunter joked with a sly look on her expression. “Frostbite and Sleet are actually graduating Third School next month. I hope I can wrap up this whole King Inferno thing before then so I can attend their ceremony.” She continues, glancing at Rattlesnake and losing any additional words.
“I know it sounds weird to do something concerned with a completely different kingdom, but... Could I attend the ceremony with you, if it’s possible?” The fire-breathing assassin asked bashfully. Igloo paused at the question, then smiled from ear to ear and excitedly nodded. 
“Yeah! You could! I should write something down right now for you!” She answered and looked around the room for anything remotely similar to parchment. Rattlesnake retracted a talon and reached into a side bag she had on her, pulling out a small scroll and a bottle of ink then setting it down on the table. “Wow. You planned this?” Igloo asked while she unrolled the blank scroll and tore a portion of it off. “No, but it just so happens I have this kind of stuff on me in case I need it.” Rattlesnake answered, accepting what was left of the scroll that the princess handed her. She put it back in her side bag and looked up to see her progress.
Igloo finished scribbling the words for an official royal invitation (which Frostbite had helped her memorize in case she ever wanted anybody over at parties- thanks Frostbite) and started drawing the stamp that verified the little scrap of paper. “Hopefully I can prove that you should be at the graduation in person, but if I can’t make it for any reason then you have this.” She chattered and presented the invitation to her friend, who took it somewhat shakily. “Thank you...” Rattlesnake breathed, holding the slip of parchment with a look of almost amazement on her face. “The only royal events I’ve ever gone to are executions made by King Inferno... Are you sure I’m not gonna look weird surrounded by silver and blue dragons? Not to mention that I don’t have the best manners...”
Igloo laughed and rolled her eyes as Rattlesnake stored the ink and the invitation in her side bag. “Nonsense. You’ll put nobles to shame with your courtesy and mannerisms. I’ve seen you get polite with me before.” She teased her friend. Rattlesnake? Not having the best manners? I find that hard to believe.
“Uh, it might not make sense in this context, but... Why would you not be able to go to your own sibling’s graduation?” Rattlesnake broke the silence in the air, but it seemed as though reality itself was forgiving her for it. The air around her was void of any awkward feelings. Igloo was amazed at her abilities, both physical and emotional. The colder of the pair found it almost too easy to reply.
“Eh, you know... Maybe somebody tries to kill me or something. I am royalty, after all.” Igloo explained, a hint of bitterness in her words. Sometimes she hates being connected to the dragon that rules. It can suck and put you in danger.
“I know this might sound weird, but why would I go if you couldn’t be there with me?” Rattlesnake implored, keeping her eyes on the table again.
Igloo blinked from shock. “Repeat that?” She asked, not quite processing those words. The Ground Scorcher looked embarrassed about what she just said. “Um... What would I do without you beside me?” She changed her question. She flicked her ears and a few embers flew out of them. Igloo found it interesting. “Why are there bonfires in you ears. ‘snake?” She asked, reaching over to touch one of them.
Rattlesnake shook her head and motioned to the entrance of the cave. “We should be going, Igloo.” She said, making her way to the edge and tapping on a few of the cave liners. It sounded like she was punching metal. The Wolf Hunter shrugged and followed her friend’s lead.
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