#But seances.
bitchfitch · 5 months
I'm having to look for a new shrink bc my last one stopped taking my insurance, and the one person who is accepting new patients, directly states they're cool with LGBT people existing, and takes my insurance. offers seances.
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inthedarktrees · 5 months
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“Teen-Age Girls: They Live in a Wonderful World of Their Own”
Nina Leen, Life, Dec 11, 1944
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weepingwidar · 6 months
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Hyman Bloom (Latvian, 1913-2009) - Seance (ca. 1950)
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semioticapocalypse · 14 days
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A still from the seance scene in the German silent film 'Dr Mabuse, the gambler (Dr. Mabuse, der Spieler), directed by Fritz Lang. 1922.
I Am Collective Memories   •    Follow me, — says Visual Ratatosk
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classicfilmsource · 3 months
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Seance on a Wet Afternoon 1964 | dir. Bryan Forbes
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crismakesstuff · 10 months
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ok but can we talk about how nolan was the one who sent this thraxan disguised like this to come get mark. He made sure to choose something non-threatening that mark loves so he wouldn’t be that scared
he knew that mark loves seance dog so much that he’s even remembered the catchphrase of his boys favorite fictional character.
can you imagine him probably teaching this one thraxan how to talk like seance dog and making sure that he got everything right to convince mark to come to thraxa. Remembering when mark would run around the house dressed up like him and maybe there’s even cartoons of him so nolan has that all burned into his mind of how the character talks because mark loved it so much and would repeat the lines over and over?
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catfindr · 1 month
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danandfuckingjonlmao · 2 months
something that has bothered me about tua seasons 2-4 is the inconsistency of the relationships between the siblings.
starting with klaus, in season 1 ben and diego were his people. ben and klaus were always shown together in the flashbacks to them as kids and obviously every second of the show because klaus was the only one who could see him. but like… they were CLOSE. SO FUCKING CLOSE. they were the most SIBLINGS of all the siblings.
that continued into season 2. ben was randomly a bit colder towards klaus but they were still so fucking close.
and then ben left, and klaus for the first time was alone without his person. everyone else lost a brother when they were 17, except klaus. so he had to grieve ben for the first time. that didn’t happen, though. there were many nods to them being close, and then of course steve blackman pulled a steve blackman which means weird unnecessary incest implications, but it wasn’t clear just how close klaus and brellie ben were even though it had to be hard to be around someone who looked like ben and was kind of ben but also wasn’t ben.
and with diego, it also seemed like he and klaus were incredibly close. diego older-brothered klaus constantly s1 and they gave off the impression that they ran into each other a lot in the city during the years since leaving the academy.
then they completely disregarded it for the rest of the seasons. in s2 and s3 there a few interactions that could lend credence to this but for the most part it seemed like they threw it out the window.
allison and klaus had no clear relationship in season 1. they had some incredibly minor sibling interactions but nothing that indicated they were anywhere near as close as they imply in season 4. season 2 they were close and then season 3 not a lot of interaction. but s4 makes it seem like they have always been incredibly close which doesn’t make sense!!
five and viktor have a relatively consistent friendship, although s4 doesn’t really give viktor any relationship development with his siblings. same with five, if anything he just gets his relationships destroyed but that’s a different post!!
allison and viktor also are pretty consistently close. the implication is that they weren’t as kids but that they really try to be as adults, and i do like their relationship overall.
luther and allison nasty ew kill it with fire. like i thought we established in s2 that incest is weird actually and that we weren’t doing that and then season 3 came along and whatever whatever shut up.
diego and luther’s relationship is fun. they go from adversaries to himbo besties and it’s relatively consistent.
luther and viktor have similar growth. luther goes from piece of shit basically causing the apocalypse s1 because of how shitty he was to viktor towards really wanting to make things right and being the big brother he always should have been. they didn’t really have a relationship s4 but WHATEVER.
i feel like five and luther were together a lot the first two seasons and that very much changed. i’m not even that upset as i think five having character arcs with each sibling is good since he missed so many years with them (other than him and viktor they were always close and should have remained that way).
i think allison and diego and viktor and diego having relationship development would have been cool. in the comics viktor and diego have a band so we know they’re friends. and in the show allison and diego don’t have too many interactions but the ones they do have are SOOOO SIBLING and i adore that.
ben and viktor have some closeness s3-4 (and the end of s2) but it’s not really something we see, more so we’re just told. and then random flashback to them hanging out as kids before the mission which was confusing.
i think five and klaus were done the dirtiest with the relationship inconsistency. i understand wanting different characters to have arcs with different people, but when you sacrifice the established relationships and basically put your characters on shuffle then you also sacrifice character consistency, development, growth, etc.
i think a big problem is how many characters they brought on last season. there wasn’t time for consistent relationships among the brellies when they had to use a shit ton of time building new characters and relationships (and immediately killing them all off which was A Choice).
anyway just wanted to write out thoughts about this. would love to know other people’s thoughts (or headcanons about the siblings).
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In celebration of the fact that I will not be watching season four but that I still love the rest of the franchise here’s the guy
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howfrightening · 2 months
need more of the fact that thor, issac, and sasappis watched hetty’s entire life and that dynamic
even small things like hetty claiming she was a calm and quiet baby only for one of them to pipe up in the background with a “you cried constantly and very loudly. it was actually one of the years where we were sleep deprived.”
​i need all of them interacting with hetty as a weird little girl who could see ghosts
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p1xiemeat · 1 year
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boooragi · 2 months
klaus and gerard!!!
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that gerard outfit is one of my favorites )):"!$#%#$"&JwAIEDSOC i think at some point the band made fun of him so he stopped wearing the jacket )): but still the jacket and the pink fuzzy scarf are sooo <3
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horrorandhalloween · 2 years
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by Debbie Balboa
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eerieeccentrix · 3 months
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grickle14 · 1 year
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The séance had worked.
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