#But watch out!
bovineblogger 8 months
bovine faces are perfect for kissing. they have a big landing strip on their face for kissing.
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highlighted for your convenience
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the most important thing you can do on tumblr is have mutuals who are way more sicko-fied than you because worst case scenario you can be like, hey at least im not that guy 馃槉 IM normal (untrue) and best case scenario you can look at their sick and twisted posts and be like, hey. wait a minute 馃憖馃憖馃憖
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odocoileus-esoterica 27 days
Flying too close to the sun? This tgirl missed his injection and the resulting erections are giving him a feeling of power and urges not felt in years.
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delimeful 8 months
(you can ignore this if it's already been brought up) In class today we were talking about the different Mars rovers and the space cameras, and someone pointed out that they all have (generally agreed upon) nicknames, and on websites like here we talk about them like they're pets or close friends, and it made me think - far into the WIBAR future, does Logan discover this (like,, Patton gives Virgil a pretty rock or something and Virgil keeps it as a pet rock) and it throws an entirely new wrench into studying/correcting info on human behaviors?
I'm imagining the concept of stuffed animals/toys making some sense, but like personally, I've nicknamed several machines at work, and most of my coworkers call them by their names and we all talk to them/treat them like particularly fussy 10-year-olds. And the Mars Rovers example, just makes me wonder lol. 馃挏馃悵
personally i love the idea that there are two aliens that pride themselves as human behavior analysts, and they're always arguing viciously about whether nicknaming is a sign that pack bonding is imminent or a warning flag that the human dislikes you/isn't taking you seriously.
when they finally manage to ask an actual human, they get a thoughtful moment of silence, and then this:
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ohporcupine 3 months
i cannot remember the last time a film made me simultaneously feel "i need to watch this film again" and "i am terrified by the idea of watching this film again and don't know if and when i can"
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creekfiend 1 year
I swear I leave this site for one day and I return to people loudly defending their god given right to not own first aid supplies
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sanctus-ingenium 1 year
How does Leun鈥檚 nitrohydrochloric acid weapon work?
Aqua regia needs to be mixed up fresh each time it's used. So what happens is that within the throat area there's two compartments, one for nitric acid one for hydrochloric acid. The knight captain is aware of the goings on inside the body of the beast via his dialogue but does not actually control many of the systems - the knight gives an order from the cockpit using a pull-rope which is coloured alternating black and white. It is connected by a pulley system to the throat, where the people in there see the colour shift from black to white. That's how they know the knight has requested the breath weapon.
So these guys in the throat then release the nitric & hydrochloric acid. Each tank is already pre-filled with the right ratio to produce nitrohydrochloric acid which comes out very hot. The pressure of the spray can be controlled using hand-operated air pumps. I haven't decided how much acid we get per spray but it's enough for a few seconds of sustained spray. Then when that's done, the spent tanks are removed from their holsters and new tanks are brought forwards. It takes maybe thirty seconds of prep between sprays so they usually aren't used continuously, but as short strategic bursts.
Needless to say this process is injurious to the users almost 100% of the time. The fumes alone are horrific and if communication between stations within Leun breaks down, the spray could be discharged into a headwind.. sending it straight back against Leun's front, into the knight's chamber, the joints, or back at the unlucky acid makers. However the benefits outweigh the risks set by Pantera's flame breath, which produced so much smoke upon impacting the 99.9% water mesoglea of a dragon that it just wasn't worth it. The acid burns better than fire, in all weather, and without the smoke
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Many groupshot WIPs that I failed to finish
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a-box-full-of-eneco 1 year
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sequel prequel
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thecreaturecodex 1 year
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Image 漏 Paizo Publishing, accessed at Archives of Nethys here
[Sponsored by Soluman Blevins, from Starfinder鈥檚 Alien Archive 4. Isn鈥檛 it adorable? I have a feeling that vasporans would be seen like bears and big cats are on Earth; as cute critters suitable for children鈥檚 toys that some people have a hard time remembering are actually dangerous apex predators. I know I want a vasporan plush.]
Vasporan CR 9 N Magical Beast This creature resembles a bipedal hedgehog the size of a polar bear, except that its body is a vivid blue color and its face ends in a cluster of tentacles instead of anything resembling a mammalian snout. Parts of its carapace seem to lift and separate from its muscles as it moves, and a patagium stretches between its short, stout limbs.
Vasporans are large carnivores native to wind-swept planets. They drift on their cuticles, constantly shedding parts of them to act as sails, buoyed by lighter-than-air gases that ooze from glands in the softer skin beneath. Despite their animal intellect, they are experts at reading the weather and adjusting to it, and often zip through skies during strong winds to attack animals that are sheltering from storms. They are remarkably stealthy for their size. Vasporans tend to be sky-colored, no matter the color of the sky on their planet, and their strikes are especially lethal to unaware targets.
The ability of a vasporan to molt quickly also serves a defensive purpose. These shed pieces of carapace act as temporary shields and as territorial markers. A vasporan does need to come to land in order to breed, and they prefer to sleep in cliffs or caves rather than on the wing (although they can do so if they must). The characteristic popping sound made by a shed carapace being stepped on acts as a warning mechanism for the resting vasporan.
Sages hypothesize that some vasporans, possibly mutants or exceptionally old individuals, develop the ability to store gases like a rebreather, and that their carapaces become extremely durable to changes in temperature. Such acclimations would allow the vasporan to escape planetary atmosphere, and then ride currents of gas between planets. This has never been directly observed, but it would explain how vasporans have spread from planet to planet, putting new peoples and new ecosystems in the line of fire of these dangerous predators.
A vasporan averages 11 feet long and weighs slightly more than 700 pounds.
Vasporan 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 CR 9 XP 6,400 N Large magical beast Init +7; Senses blindsense 90 ft., low-light vision, Perception +11 Defense AC 22, touch 13, flat-footed 18 (-1 size, +3 Dex, +1 dodge, +9 natural) hp 126 (11d10+66) Fort +13, Ref +10, Will +6 Defensive Abilities flash molt, gaseous flesh Offense Speed 20 ft., climb 20 ft., fly 40 ft. (average); autotomous flight Melee 2 claws +15 (1d10+4) Ranged spines +13 (4d4+4) Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft. Special Attacks sneak attack +2d6 Statistics Str 19, Dex 17, Con 22, Int 2, Wis 13, Cha 10 Base Atk +11; CMB +16; CMD 30 Feats Dodge, Flyby Attack, Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Skill Focus (Stealth), Weapon Focus (claw) Skills Climb +16, Fly +10, Perception +11, Stealth +15; Racial Modifiers +4 Fly, +4 Perception, +4 Stealth Ecology Environment any land Organization solitary or pair Treasure incidental Special Abilities Autotomous Flight (Ex) A vasporan鈥檚 fly speed increases by +15 feet in an area of light or higher winds. It does not suffer penalties to Fly checks in areas of any wind weaker than hurricane force. Flash Molt (Ex) As an immediate action once every 1d4 rounds, a vasporan can molt its skin in response to a melee or ranged attack. It gains hardness 10 against that attack, and may take a 5 foot step if it chooses to. This step does not count against the vasporan鈥檚 movement on its next turn. Gaseous Flesh (Ex) If a vasporan is struck with a melee attack that deals fire damage, gases in its cuticle ignite, dealing 2d6 points of fire damage to the vasporan and to all creatures adjacent to it. All creatures, including the vasporan, take half damage if they succeed a DC 19 Reflex save. This save DC is Constitution based, and includes a -2 racial penalty. Spines (Ex) As an attack action, a vasporan can fire a cluster of needle-like spines at a single target. Treat this as a ranged attack with a thrown weapon and a range increment of 30 feet. A creature struck takes 4d4 points of damage plus the vasporan鈥檚 聽Strength modifier.
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deadpanwalking 8 months
i have zero charisma. how do i stop being an anxious wreck
Experiment with drinking different kinds of alcohol until you find one you like, then figure out the perfect number of drinks to consume. You will know when you get it right because the universe will give you a sign, and that sign will be the realization that you fucking love hanging out and having fun.
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aristaeuss 4 months
"its not real, im normal" from the first shadow trailer is my new vocal stim I CANNOT stop saying it and I fear I do sound insane
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startagainaprologue 1 month
Oh intentional uh maybe it is like a venom. And it is always there but in low quantities normally. Until they want to turn someone and then well. Get vampired idiot lmao
GET VAMPIRE'D IDIOT .BUT YEAH probably smth like that. vampires can have a bit of venom. as a treat
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mesetacadre 2 months
asks are hand down both the absolute best and worst method of interaction on tumblr
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completeoveranalysis 11 months
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I see Lava Lamp is practicing his dramatic poses for the future.聽It's always good to follow your passions!
But yes, Lava Lamp, amazing is correct! What is the sculpture that Sakura is praying at on the left there? I don鈥檛 think we鈥檝e seen that before! It looks like wings closed together into a flower bud - which is alarmingly appropriate, given the entire future that lies ahead and the borrowed imagery from Cardcaptor Sakura, as this is how beings like Kero and Yue looked when they were transforming. It gives even more hints for the Cardcaptor Sakura connection that they鈥檝e been sneakily whispering at us throughout this whole arc (even if it's misleading on purpose), and at the same time it also lends a bunch of associations to Sakura鈥檚 future, ie, her level of power, and how much change she'll go through in the process. (As well as a connection to Clow, I suppose)
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aromantyczno-liryczna 1 month
Pmdd this month has got me thinking I don't need sleep at all
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