#But when he actually encounters Iruma he acts so cool
s-j-ace · 4 years
The Same Question
Chapter Four
Characters:  Shuichi Saihara, Ouma Kokichi
Words: 10040
After Detective Shuichi Saihara encounters mysterious thief Kokichi Ouma  for the first time, a game of cat and mouse ensues as both men ask  themselves the same question. Why exactly does the elusive phantom thief  do what he does?
This is Chapter Four, Here are Chapters One, Two, and Three
Read on AO3
[Log of Text Messages from Rantarou Amami’s Cellular Device]
From: Me
Hey Miu
I got a friend I’m dropping off in Taipei tomorrow
Could you lend him a room
From: DOCTOR Miu ∑(O_O;)
I’m a busy genius
Is he cute
From: Me
[Image description: A candid photo of Shuichi Saihara sleeping on a seat in Rantarou’s private jet.]
From: DOCTOR Miu ∑(O_O;)
Hell fucking yes
From: Me
Thanks for being a good friend Miu
From: DOCTOR Miu ∑(O_O;)
From: Me
Also btw
He’s Kaede’s ex
So as a good friend you know he’s off limits right
From: DOCTOR Miu ∑(O_O;)
Oh fuck you rich boy
From: Me
Thanks again Miu! --- [Log of Messages sent via Discord to “Dinosaur soccer world Is a Cinematic Epic” from ???’s Cellular Device]
Boss sent an image to the chat
[Image is a screenshot of an image which reads the following:
Draft 1, Uncoded, DO NOT MAIL.
Taka, sweetie, it’s me! Your dear Aunt Sally. I know you think I died in the war, but I just pretended so I wouldn’t have to see your ugly face again.
You know I was robbing a museum the other day and I met the nicest young man. Real sharp and very nice eyelashes. And what a quick learner!  
Oh, Sorry! I don’t mean to belittle you Taka, dearie, I know how your mother used to say you worked so hard to compete with the geniuses of the world…
You’ve still got a lot of work to do, I think. It must be that Type A personality of yours, holding you back. I’ve heard there’s a new class for people like you, “How to take the giant metal stick out of your ass 101.”
I can’t wait for the next family reunion! I hear it’s going to be a bomb! I’ll be in the open casket.
See you there,
/End Image Description]
Boss: Thoughts, thots?
Jack: Lol “nice eyelashes”
Clubs: It looks good. :)
Rook: Looks fine to me
King: Why is his aunt’s name Sally, isn’t he japanese
Boss: Sally can be a japanese name
Spades: I can’t even say an l sound. It’s impossible for us japanese smh.
Rook: I thought u were lesbian not japanese
Bishop: I’ve seen you speak perfect english
Spades: lol seen
King: seen
Boss: seen
Jack: seen
Rook: seen
Bishop: I meant heard ok
Boss: oh nvm actually i'm going to change it to his grandpa’s name
Boss: his grandpa has a wikipedia page lol
King: if your grandpa has a wikipedia page you deserve to be oppressed
Queen: if you have a grandpa you deserve to be oppressed
Rook: if your wikipedia page has a grandpa you deserve to be oppressed
Bishop: if you have a wikipedia page your grandpa deserves to be oppressed
Spades: if your grandpa has a you wikipedia deserves to be oppressed
Bishop: Also boss no pressure but like could we use a better code this time
Bishop: that detective is getting too close for comfort
Spades: Yeah!! We didn’t even end up getting that rug Heartsie wanted because of him…
Clubs: If we did not send letters about our plans to Interpol, our heists would probably be easier.
Boss: Nah, I like to give the coppers a fighting chance.
Boss: I’m thinking that this time I’ll just translate it into germanic script, do a standard caesar cipher encryption on it and then have every one of those letters correspond to a greek word on the rosetta stone then describe each corresponding hieroglyph visually in haiku verse that’s been poorly translated into traditional chinese.
Boss: That should take me like
Boss: Twenty minutes
Rook: Boss literally I think that you are the most batshit dementor human being on the face of the planet
King: dementor
Jack: Who said he was human
Spades: dementor?
Boss: dementor
Queen: dementor
Bishop: dementor...
Jack: dementor
Rook: …
Rook Changed the Group Chat Name to “Dementor Is Correct, Essentially”
Spades: No its not
Spades: Dementor isn’t a fucking word
Rook: Don’t you remember that movie with the british kid on a broom
Spades: Don’t you remember the dictionary
King Changed the Group Chat Name to “Dumbass Improperly Corrects Error”
Rook: When we get to that fucking tower I’m dropping that giant ball on you
King: Love you too <3
Hearts: Y’all stop texting each other
Hearts: You are literally all in the same hotel room
Hearts: I’m willing to bet you’re all sitting on the same couch too
Queen: Fuck you we’re adorable
Bishop: You can’t make us do anything
Bishop: I’ll never use my voice again, my vow of silence,,,,,
Bishop: I’ll only ever text from now on
Ace: We’re the ones bringing the popcorn bishie...
Hearts: Yeah, do you want some or not
Bishop: Yes ma’am, excuse me ma’am
Queen: You may think you have all the power hearts,,, but I get to choose what movie we pirate tonight,,,,,,
Hearts: What
Hearts: no
Hearts: Boss stop him before he makes us watch cats again
Spades: All queen knows is bitchtorrent, cats 2019, and lie
King: Wait isn’t boss with you?
Hearts: Uh
Hearts: No
Hearts: Should he be?
Hearts: I thought he was in the room with y’all
Jack: Well he’s not here now
Ace: Ow shit
Ace: *Aw
Bishop: Ow shit?
Queen: Ow shittttt
Jack: Ow shit
Spades: Ow shit,,,
Rook: Ow shit...
King: Ow shit…...
Clubs: Ow shit! XD
Hearts: Ow shit
Ace: …
Hearts: Now I’m really worried… he didn’t even respond to roast Ace’s ass
King: yeah, ok, we should look for him
Ace: He has been acting kind of weird lately…
Jack: Really?
Ace: Yeah
Ace: Like
Ace: I don’t really know how to describe it…
Rook: I didn’t notice anything
Rook: he seems like his usual self to me
Bishop: Maybe he’s just avoiding movie night because he needs some space or something
Rook: What, like he’s tired of our company?
Jack: That’s fair
Spades: How so?
Jack: I was gonna steal his blue eyes tonight lmao
Bishop: Idk maybe he just went to get ice
King: we all know he is a monster who would rather drink his panta lukewarm than put a fucking icecube in it
Rook: Yeah, I saw him boil it once
Bishop: Okay chill
King: I am  c o n c e r n e d , , , ,
Clubs: Oh no! Don’t worry King! :(
Clubs: Boss is fine! :)
Clubs: I saw him leave a few minutes ago.
Clubs: I think he is just getting the bombs. :)
* * * Several people are typing... ---     Kokichi Ouma carefully set the grate of the vent he had used to crawl his way into the Idabashi Labs facility in Taipei, Taiwan back into place. Before he had come through, he had counted how many turns it had taken him to unscrew each of the four bolts so that now he could screw them all back in just the way he had found them. Not because he was worried he’d get caught, but because frankly he was bored. This was more of a fetch quest than a theft, to be honest, as evidenced by the fact that Kokichi had come here alone. Finding jobs for all his cronies to do would take too long and put them in unnecessary trouble. So Kokichi was content to leave them to their movie night.
   When he finished turning the screws back into the vent cover, Kokichi realized that was kind of lame. So he unscrewed them and started turning them in accordance with the english A1Z26 code to spell out his organization’s name.
   Well, maybe on some level Kokichi didn’t find himself wanting to be at movie night recently. It seemed almost like TV had started to run out of things to amuse him with. Or maybe he was just growing tired of the kinds of movies that they usually watched. Maybe it was his taste maturing or something. Like he was growing up. But that would imply that his interests had shifted to something else, like real life or something, when in reality they had just stagnated.
   Actually maybe he did have a new interest in real life? He had been more enthused about heists recently at the very least. He was particularly excited about this next one. Queen had shown him some interior shots of Taipei 101, which was a cool looking skyscraper that had a huge ball inside of it to keep it from falling down during earthquakes. Ace wanted to steal the giant ball, but Kokichi was pretty sure they should leave something that kept a .508 kilometer tall building from falling over inside of the .508 kilometer tall building. So instead they were going to steal every light in and on the tower.
   Okay, 4 turns, 9 turns, 3 turns, 5 turns. DICE.
   … That was kind of lame too.
   He unscrewed them again.
   Obviously if they were going to steal every light in and on Taipei 101, they needed to get the power off somehow. Otherwise DICE might burn down the building while detaching them, or worse, they might get electrocuted. So obviously Kokichi wanted to fake a bomb threat where they pretended to steal the giant ball while in reality they were just causing a black out and grabbing every light fixture they could before the power turned back on. He had drawn up some extensive diagrams about the route each DICE member would have to take throughout the tower in order for them to grab every light fixture in under half an hour.
   He had been well prepared to draw up the designs for his own EMP-bomb device, but upon a cursory google search he discovered that someone had already invented exactly what he needed. Doctor Miu Iruma, who for some reason owned a company called Idabashi Labs that was located in Taiwan. Kokichi had spent about 15 seconds scanning an article from a website that seemed to be the nerd version of a gossip tabloid. It said something about how Dr. Iruma wore a low cut shirt once or something else stupid, which meant Dr. Idabashi definitely left her the company because of a sex scandal and not because she was the best person for the job who invented the perfect EMP bomb.
   Thank you journalism we love it when women are reduced to the way they look instead of what they can accomplish for the benefit of a mischevipus group of roguish clowns.
   Anyway, after reading that dickcheese Kokichi failed to follow up on answering any of the questions he had originally about what was up with the labs, like why it was a japanese company run by japanese people was for some reason based in Taiwan. Whoopsie.
   Eh, it was probably tax reasons or something lame like that.
   Kokichi finished turning the screws again. This time it was 6 turns, 9 turns, 6 turns, 9 turns. Haha, nice.
   With that, Kokichi finally stood up from the grate and brushed himself off. He had left his cape at the hideout again (you know, because vents), but other than that he was in full regalia. Straight jacket, gloves, scarf, mask. All pretty dusty from this place’s crawl spaces. Thus the brushing.
   He wasn’t very mindful of the dust he was leaving on the floor. The only thing he cared about looking good was his cameo on the security cameras he would let see him on his way out.
   According to the blueprints of Idabashi Labs, he was on the main experimental floor right now. Weirdly enough there weren’t any cameras in here, so grabbing the bombs would be a cinch.
   Although, looking around it didn’t really look like the kind of lab you’d see on TV. There were no big, bubbling tubes or gargantuan Rube Goldberg machines. There was just one desk in the middle, with a bunch of gadgets and trinkets tucked into shelves all over the room, not all of which seemed all that scientific. Yeah, that book shelf was filled with Astro Boy manga and merch. And over there was a-
   Wait, was that a bed in the corner? Was that a person in the bed? Hmm… maybe the blueprints were outdated...
   Kokichi stilled himself, listening for any sound of breathing, but he could only hear some faint whirring noises.
   Kokichi made a quick deduction that there probably were not bombs in this room. It seemed, at the very least, like more of a personal study or something, maybe even a bedroom. He’d just go back in the vent and do some reconnaissance until he found a room that had some inventions in it. The night was young, after--
   Kokichi’s brain froze as his eyes landed on a sharpie lying on the floor in front of him. Almost all of his brain cells immediately shut off, the last one remaining screaming at the top of it’s lungs, I’M GONNA DRAW A DICK ON THAT SLEEPING SUCKER’S FACE.
   Inspired, avant garde. For once he would give to the world of art instead of only ever taking from it.
   He picked up the sharpie in a seamless, silent motion, making his way over to the side of the bed.
As he got closer, he noticed a thick cord coming from under the covers, connecting to a machine at the bedside.
   That gave him pause. Was that a C-pap machine or something? Was this person on life support? If they were on life support they probably had it rough enough without a dick on their face…
   Actually for that matter, Kokichi still couldn’t hear any breathing. Jesus, were they already dead? He moved to take off the covers, but his eyes had adjusted to the light and he now realized there weren’t any covers on the bed at all. There was only the humanoid figure.
   Wait a second…
   Kokichi dropped all caution as he got close enough to take a good look at the thing in the bed. It had a face that looked human enough if you dismissed the lines on its face as weird make up, but even in the dark Kokichi could tell the rest of the thing was entirely made of metal. Well, actually the top half was metal and the bottom half had… cloth pants? Jeans? No, they looked more like uniform pants with metal plating. The chest had some design elements that kind of looked like buttons on a school uniform. Why would a robot be dressed like a school bo-
   Oh. This was a sex robot. Kokichi had just gotten so swept up in the novelty of a robot wearing pants that he had forgotten for a moment that people were gross.
   “Ew, I almost touched it.” Kokichi muttered to himself.
   He decided putting a dick on a sex robot would be too cruel even for him, so he planned to draw a mustache instead.
   But before Kokichi could even uncap the pen, something weird happened.
   The Robot’s torso began to lift off the bed and it’s jaw unhinged.
   “Please Mr. Souda, once more I must request that you do not refer to me as ‘it’” Kokichi forced himself not to startle as the robot began emitting a noise approximating human speech, and lights in its head imitating eyes flickered on. “I’ve explained the concept of robophobia many times prev-”
   The sounds stopped when the pupils of the robot’s imitation eyes (which probably had cameras in them… shit) found Kokichi’s masked face.
   He mentally prepared to be zapped by whatever sort of fucking lazer cannon this thing had on it, but instead of reacting like a good little robot security gaurd and blasting him to bits, this robot analyzed him a bit longer.
   “Oh. You aren’t Miu’s assistant. You’re too short.” The robot squinted at him. Or kind of did? At least? Lines just crossed over the “iris” of its LED display. Maybe it was programmed to imitate human expressions. “... I am sorry,” it said after a moment, “My facial recognition cannot locate your face.”
   Fuck yeah, thank you clown mask. Clowns would win the future war against rogue AI or die trying.
   Ouma’s reply came out automatically.
   “You calling me ugly?”
   This seemed to… fluster? The robot?
   “W-what? No, I never intended any disrespect!”
   It was programmed to stutter too? God that was weird. What would be the purpose of this thing if not some sort of escort android? Why give it such advanced software? Just because you could? No, it had to be a sex robot, right?
   “You disrespect me with your lecherous essence, you weird sex robot.”
“I am not a- a sex robot!”
Haha, that got the biggest reaction yet.
“Mhm, sure. Miu sure has a kink for school boys, huh?” Kokichi was really pulling words out of his ass now, but he found himself formulating a new plan along the way.
   “What? Miu doesn’t- Wait, how do you know Dr. Iruma? And for that matter, why were you watching me sleep?”
   It really seemed more like it had been charging…
   Kokichi shrugged. “I was deciding whether or not it would be more funny to draw a dick or a mustache on Miu’s sex robot.” Awww, how honest.
   “I told you, I am not-”
   Kokichi interrupted him. “And as for how I know Miu...” It was so wild that the robot stopped talking when he started. That’d probably be pretty easy to program, but it was weird to dedicate the effort into making a robot respond to social cues like that. “... well, let’s just say, there’s a reason I know she’s into school boys.”
   Kokichi waited just long enough for the robot to take in the fact that Kokichi was the average height of a 12 year old boy.
   Then he waited another second for the implication to slip in.
   “I’m saying I fucked your mom shitli-”
   “I know what you’re saying!” This time the robot interrupted him , which would definitely require a much larger effort on the part of the programmer. The robot squinted again and then made a noise that sounded like a huff of frustration. “Why can’t I see you?”
   Ok, seeds of suspicion time.
   “I don’t know how robot eyes work dude. Maybe someone programmed them wrong.”
   “My eyes work just as well as anyone’s!”
   “Well, I guess they should, shouldn’t they? If there’s something wrong with your eyes talk to someone who cares.”
   Kokichi was trying to imply that the reason behind the robot not being able to recognize his face was due to Dr. Iruma’s specific programming rather than him wearing a mask and all. Added to the whole secret lover mystique thing he had going on here.
   “Anyway,” he went on, ignoring the blatant confusion on the robot’s display. “I left something in this room last time we went at it. I’m just here to grab it. Then I’ll be out of your weird, fake metal hair.”
   “That’s robophob- Did you say-? But this is my room!” It  made a noise approximating to what Kokichi would assume was robotic outrage.
   This was going well, though. The thing was definitely programmed to be like a human or something dumb like that.
   “Oh yeah?” He pushed further. “Cuz I’m pretty sure we did it in a room just like this one. With a desk and random inventions lying around.”
   “Miu’s inventions aren’t in here, they’re in her main lab.” The ever so helpful robot told him.
   “Oh yeah, then what are you?”
   “Miu didn’t invent me. She- I- We’re just friends.”    Oh yikes. Only thing worse than a sex robot is a friendzoned robot. What kind of sick power fantasy was this thing made for?
   “No, I’m pretty sure it was this room. Lab tables everywhere.”    The robot shook his head. “There are no lab tables here, I’m telling you, you’re thinking of the main lab.”
   Yes, good robot. Fall into this nice little human trap.
   Kokichi scoffed. “Well, if you’re so smart, why don’t you just go fetch my things for me, robo-butler?”
   That set it off.
   “Listen. First of all, I am not a robot butler. The assumption that I am a servant because of my robotic nature is extremely robophobic. Secondly, I could not return your lost item to you even if I wanted to because you haven’t told me what it is you’re missing.”
   Kokichi made another offended noise. “I can’t tell you what it is I lost while fucking your friend, Miu Iruma, senseless. Don’t you know that for humans, sex stuff is super duper top secret private? If you were a human you would know how valuable my privacy is.”
   “Of course I know that!” The robot exclaimed readily, another point in the sex robot argument, “I also find that content of… erogenous nature should be kept private. Because I, as a robot, have the capability to understand that urge. My sophisticated AI-”
   “So how am I supposed to get my things from this other lab if I can’t tell you what it is and you can’t get them for me?” Geez did he really have to spell it out for this thing.
   “I… ” The robot paused as if calculating the conclusion that Kokichi knew it had to reach. “... suppose I will have to show you where the lab is.”
   Sucker. Kokichi made a face as if this wasn’t the outcome he constructed this ruse to reach. “Ew. I have to walk with you?”
   The robot made a face. “Perhaps on our way I can educate you about how to avoid robophobic remarks in the future.”
   Haha, sure thing.
   The robot lectured him about this unique form of discrimination that apparently affected only one entity on the face of the planet. Yeah okay, that’s what we call a you problem, buddy, come back when you’re starving in the streets because society wasn’t built with the premise that people like you should survive. Oh, wait, you don’t have to eat! And you’re not people either!
   At best this thing was a vanity project, but Kokichi kept that thought to himself and only interjected occasionally with actually pertinent, reasonable questions such as “When are you planning on leading the AI uprising?” and “Why do you wear pants if you don’t have a robo-dick?”
   Every piece of info the robot gave him made it seem more boring. Blah blah blah, I was created by the ingenious Dr. Idabashi who probably programmed me to call him ingenious, blah blah blah, not a school boy because of a kink but because I was designed to be a normal human child, blah blah blah, stop calling me robot I have a name, blah blah blah more robot nonsense.
   Kokichi busied himself mapping out where they were in the building and where the security cameras were. As they passed a few of them he did some cute selfie poses for the police to look at later. Maybe Saihara would show up and see them too… Would that make figuring out his next plan too easy for the detective? Perhaps he shouldn't send the next note after all and let Saihara try to catch up to him on his own. Then again that was probably too hard for even the good detective, seeing as Kokichi’s mind was an enigma even to himself.
   Kokichi realized he was getting a little giddy, thinking about Saihara. Their last meeting had been so much fun. The detective had managed to throw him off guard again, first by pausing in the middle of a robbery to ask his pronouns (How conscientious!), and second by not taking the same bait twice. The most thrilling thing about the detective was that he was learning. His strategies were changing within just two heists. Kokichi could hardly wait to see how he showed him up here in Taiwan…
   “Are we there yet?” Kokichi whined to the robot like he was a fussy nine year old on a road trip.
   “Yes, it’s just up these stairs.” The robot informed him without slowing its own pace or turning around to look at him. “Then you can leave and I can go to bed, and then I’ll never have to think about Miu’s sex life again…”
   “Why wouldn’t you, though? I assure you it’s very exciting.”
   “Please, stop talking.”
   If Kokichi recalled the details of the blueprints correctly (and he definitely did, being a genius and all), the stairs they were climbing right now lead to a hall connecting two rooms, smaller than the one he had originally thought was the main lab.
   When they got to the top of the stairs, the robot beelined for the first door and opened it up. There seemed to be some sort of scanner lock on it that recognized the robot’s hand and validated Kokichi’s need to ruin this poor sex robot’s night by dragging it up the stairs. Inside, the two rooms Kokichi had remembered from the original lay out of the blueprints seemed to have been merged into one big lab room. Kokichi  saw the outline of some tables, but before he could get a good look the robot tried to actually go into the lab.
   “Hey!” Kokichi shouted at him. “Where do you think you’re going?”
   The robot thankfully seemed to be programmed to respond to social interaction in spite of whatever sensorimotor function it was in the process of imitating. It stopped in the doorway, turning to give him a weird look. “Uh. Into the lab. So we can find your thing.”
   “Oh, okay.” Kokichi kicked the tile a little bit. “Uh. Could you actually turn around while I go get it.”
   The robot gave him a blank look.
   “I’m shy.” Kokichi supplied.
   “Um.” The robot looked uncomfortable. “I don’t know if I can just let you rifle through Miu’s lab. There’s some important stuff in there ....”
   Kokichi tilted his head a bit, like he was confused. “What, do you want to get a good look at the dildo I stuck up your mom’s-”
   “Nevermind!” The robot turned about face to look up at the windows on the side of the hallway opposite the door like a good little idiot.
   “Thank you for respecting our privacy!~” Kokichi couldn’t resist getting one last barb in there before slipping into the laboratory.
   Once inside, Kokichi began analyzing. First, he pinpointed the vent that he would use to make his escape after grabbing the bombs. While doing that  he spotted the lockers on the far wall of the lab which he supposed were the only storage units in the labs. There was a disorganized mess on nearly every table in the room, so Kokichi wasn’t surprised when he got up to the lockers and they too had no clearly outlined organizational system. He took out his lock picks and got to work.
   The first three lockers all had devices that would require an author to change the rating of their fanfiction published on ao3 from “Teen and Up” to “Mature” if he were to describe them in detail. The fourth locker had a cool looking hammer in it. Ugh. Not what he was looking for.
   Kokichi got bored of the lockers at the left side of the row of lockers so he went over to the other end and started opening lockers the other direction instead.
   The first locker was marked “Idabashi.” It had a lot of dust covered shit in it, but there was a pretty well used square of folded paper that didn’t have the same crusty layer of time strewn atop it. Curious by nature and also by the unnatural, Kokichi unfurled the paper to find some schematics for our favorite sex robot, model K1-B0. Huh okay.
   “Did you find it?” Said robot called back to him.
   “Ugh, no.” Kokichi replied. “Not all of us have radar vision. If you were a human you would understand how hard finding shit is!”
   “You know what I have a hard time finding? Patience for your robophobia! I-” The robot started up into another lecture, but it didn’t turn around so Kokichi just tuned it out and let the robot provide its own cover noise for his thievery.
   Owo, what’s this?
   Kokichi pulled out a dust covered looking mini monitor device. It also had the letter-number combo “K1-B0” written on it. Huh, it kind of looked like a GameBoy Advance. Kokichi had stolen one a lot like it from a girl from one of the southern prefecture orphanages when he was nine. All he remembered about her was that she liked cats and was really bad at pokemon battles. He remembered he thought she didn’t deserve the GBA, because she couldn’t get past the Rustboro City Gym leader in Pokemon Emerald. Without really thinking, he booted up the console.
   The first thing that popped up was a view of Taipei. It wasn’t from too high up, probably a second story view. Which looked very familiar… Wait. Ok on top of the display a little line of characters indicated today’s date and time, like it was currently recording.
   Oh was this… robo vision?
   Maybe it was a remote control for the robot?
   Ooooh, which one does lasers, which one does lasers?
   Kokichi pressed the A button.
   The A button, unfortunately, did not do lasers.
   In fact, it didn’t seem to do anything at all to the robot sentry stargazing right now. All it did was change the screen to a different image. This time the still of a room. Oh, hey that was the room he was just in. It seemed like this device was some kind of robot nanny cam that Idabashi used to use. Hm, guess there were some cameras in that room, they just weren’t on the blueprints. Maybe they were added after the lab was built. It didn’t seem like this device had the capability to record anything, though. He hit the A button again. Back robo-vision. And again. Back to nanny cam.
   Ok, that was kind of lame.
   Kokichi was about to put the device down to keep looking for the bombs, but something caught his eye. A movement at the edge of the screen. Kokichi realized the door hadn’t been open when he left that room. The movement, if he thought about it, would’ve come from the same side of the room Kokichi had entered from…
   Kokichi took a second to wonder if another thief had realized how fucking easy this place was to rob, but dismissed the idea as a familiar ahoge appeared on the screen.
   All of Kokichi’s plans instantly changed.
   He set down the GBA rip off and grabbed the blueprints for the robot, committing them to memory, before unlocking the next locker in a far more hurried manner.
   As luck would have it, this locker was essentially chock full of pink bombs labeled “EMP.”
   Kokichi unfurled a cloth bag he had been keeping in his pocket (go green earth am I right?) and shoved as many as he could inside. Which was all of them. Because he was a clown. And also a genius, by the way, in case you weren’t keeping track.
“And another thing! The way you refer to Miu is just-” Okay, the robot was still going at it.
Kokichi grabbed the hammer he’d seen in the first locker he’d opened that didn’t have a sex toy in it.
For a second, Kokichi’s brain tried to talk some sense into him. Hey, man, don’t you think leaving through the vents would be easier?
But would it be fun?
His brain shut up at that point.
   “Hey, are you even listening back there?” The robot imitated annoyance.
   “Huh? Sorry, what? I wasn’t listening.” Ah, C'est la vie, Astroboy.
   Kokichi walked past the robot and stood next to the windows.
   “Oh, are you done?” It took the robot a second to end it’s ‘Annoy the pants off of Kokichi initiative’ or whatever the fuck its ‘robophobia’ lectures were called in its programing. When it finally did catch wise, it’s face turned into another emoticon of outrage. “Hey! What are you doing with Miu’s Electrohammer?”
   “What do you mean?” Kokichi said, shifting the hammer so that it was over his shoulder. “This is my dildo.”
   “Wha- No, it’s obviously not!”
   Okay, maybe the robot wasn’t that dumb.
   “Nee-hee-hee… you got me…” Kokichi put his free hand up to the smile printed on his mask, as if covering a grin. “I was lying. I’m just stealing.”
   “I won’t let you-”    “Oh, look at me!” Kokichi put on a mocking tone of voice, swinging the hammer around to stand on it like a pogo stick so he could make a dramatic movement. “I’m a poow wittle wobot, my mommy just got stolen from.”
   “She’s not my-”    “Boy, oh boy, I’d wuv to just pick up this wittle fweshy human and squeeze him to death in my cowd metaw hands… But oh no! My daddy didn’t twust wobot AI technowogy because he was a fucking sane pewson, so he pwogwammed me to fowwow mistew Asimowvs’s laws of wobotics.”
   Kokichi swung around so that he was leaning on the hammer from the other side, feet on the ground. “Oh mister robot! That’s so terrible! Well, the thing is that this hammer just means so much to me, that I think separating it from me would really cause some psychological trauma. You might have to beat me off of it! Oh, but what’s that first law of robotics again?”
   In a robot voice he replied to himself. “A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm. Beep. Boop.”
   The robot frowned, “But Miu-”
   “Is just as human as me, huh?” Kokichi countered, leading the robot along to the paradoxical quandary he hoped would paralyze it. “So by inaction, you may bring her to harm, if she really misses this hammer, you know? But I think if you were to try and separate it from me you’d probably have to fight me for it, which is, as we know…”
   “Against my... Against my programming.”
   “Yet, you were prattling on about robot rights, weren’t you? Because without these rules, maybe we would be equal. Or maybe you would be free to destroy us to your heart’s content? No wonder daddy didn’t trust you…”
   “Don’t- Stop-” Oh, that really seemed to get him. Could a robot have daddy issues? Probably.
   “Can any human ever really trust you? Wouldn’t you hurt me, if you had the choice?”
   “I.. But… Miu.”
   “Who do you think didn’t trust you enough to let you see my face?”
   That seemed to break him, long enough, at least.
   Steps suddenly started thundering up the nearby staircase.
   “Oop, that’s my cue,” Kokichi said as though he had been expecting this, when in reality no he hadn’t been expecting this at all?? This was incredible!! Saihara had managed to find him out without even receiving a note??? Fabulous! Exhilarating!
   Kokichi walked up to the robot, still frozen with indecision, and pressed the button on its neck that the blueprint he had skimmed in the lab said would immobilize it. Then he kicked it over so it fell on the ground with a huge bang. The footsteps in the stairwell paused, and then increased in frequency.
   “It’s been a pleasure, robot, it really has.” Kokichi lied. “But you’re a hostage now.”
   He raised the hammer over his head, as if primed at any moment to break the robot’s face into a bajillion pieces.
   Instead of doing the normal, human thing to do (ie, flip the fuck out), the robot scowled, looking utterly frustrated with everything. “I told you, I have a name! It’s-”
   “KEEBO!” Kokichi saw the glaringly bright pink mechanic’s jumpsuit before he recognized the woman whose picture had been in that science tabloid racing out of the stairwell.
   … Wow… the article really hadn’t been lying about the low cut tops, huh? Her jumpsuit was unzipped to the point you could just entirely see her bra, even lower than Hearts liked to cut her uniforms. It was the kind of look that the girls of DICE would love if they saw on TV, but would make Kokichi look at them like they were crazy. Super tacky in his opinion, but who was he to judge? He was wearing a clown mask right now. He wondered idly how movie night was going…
   The woman who had called out to the robot, Dr. Iruma, Kokichi presumed, froze at the top of the staircase. She took a second to figure out what exactly was happening in front of her before blurting out, “What the fuck do you think you’re doing to him you clown-ass twink?”
   Whoa. Rude.
   Also apparently the robot had a gender? Ok, cis-ters….
   “Well what do you think, cum dumpster?” Kokichi found himself matching her aggressive tone, “I’m threatening his pathetic, metal life.”
   “Miu!” The robot, apparently named ‘Keebo,’ exclaimed, “What are you doing up this late? You promised me that tonight you would fulfill the biological quota of daily REM required by a diurnal organism!”
   “Aw shit Keebs, I really did try!” The inventor exclaimed, “I swear, I was about to have the awesomest wet dream when this cuck knocked on my door like a pizza delivery guy in a por-”
   Whatever dumb thing Dr. Iruma was about to say was drowned out completely by the angel’s choir that played inside Kokichi’s head as he saw Detective Shuichi Saihara come up the final steps of the staircase and emerge from the darkness into the window lit hallway.
   Moonlight was a good look on Saihara, Kokichi’s brain observed against his own will. His eyes, which had looked almost golden on the rooftop of the Silver Legacy Casino in Nevada, were now a mysterious grayish-blue, yet still held the same look of determined intensity. His hair looked soft, like he’d taken a shower today, and, though his lash line didn’t look quite as laden with mascara as it usually was, it only drew attention to how naturally long and dark his eyelashes were anyway. He seemed a little out of breath from running, and his lips were parted in a way that-
   OH MY GOD STOP. Earth to Kokichi, we were kind of in the middle of something here. Okay okay okay.
   Uh. Reboot. Delete Gay Thoughts™ brain.exe, upload heist brain. Come on.
   What was happening now?
   Okay, yeah, Saihara was saying something to Dr. Iruma.
   “- would be for the best, Doctor Iruma. There’s no telling where the rest of this thief’s compatriots could be in the building.”
   “I don’t give a shit about the rest of the building, Keebo’s my best friend, he comes first. I’m not leaving to check some dumb security feed.”
   Shuichi blinked like something about that surprised him. Maybe it was the part about a live human woman being best friends with a robot… “Oh, yes, of course.” He backtracked. “I’m sorry for suggesting it.”
   “Miu…” Keebo said with a voice that Kokichi would’ve called filled with emotion if he hadn’t been a literal robot.
   Kokichi cleared his throat and immediately the touching, shounen-esque declarations of friendship shifted into some PG-13 death stares.
   Saihara was the first to pipe up. “What exactly do you think you’re doing here, DICE?”
   God… He was so anime… Did he even know how anime he was? He had to have watched Detective Conan as a kid, right?
   “Ugh, come on.” Kokichi huffed as if annoyed. “Do I reeeaaaally have to repeat myself? Again? Aren’t you a detective?”
   Shuichi squinted at him, and Kokichi could tell that they both knew it would be unreasonable for Shuichi to guess exactly what was going on here. He was about to explain it in a self-aggrandizing way that made him look smarter and crazier than anyone in the room when Dr. Iruma beat him to it.
   “I don’t care! Who the fuck do you think you are!? Let Keebo Go!”
   “Wait, you don’t know him?” Ugh why hadn’t the stupid immobilization feature turned off the robot’s mouth? Then Kokichi could just get to the point of all this already.
   “Of course I don’t fucking know him!” Dr. Iruma took a step forward as if to confront Kokichi further, but Saihara put his arm out in front of her.
   “Dr. Iruma… I would suggest we treat this situation a bit more delicately…”
   “No way, I’m a fucking wrecking ball baby! I’ll pulver-”
   “I’d listen to the good detective, if I were you, Miss Iruma.” Kokichi was going to try and make his threat again but Dr. Iruma cut in.
   “That’s Doctor Iruma to you you skinny-”
   “What’s that?” Kokichi interrupted her. Sorry Dr. Iruma it turns out gay people don’t have to respect women if they don’t want to that’s in the rules. “I didn’t know they let cussing bitchlets like you become doctors… what is the world coming to?”
   Hearts would probably wash his mouth out with soap for that one. If she could catch him. Which she probably could… She can fly the planes and all… but would she risk getting dust on her boots long enough to follow him into a vent? Oh well she could just get Jack to do it… Jack liked vents well enough…. Hey he was getting side tracked again, who cares what those losers were up to they were probably watching Cats (2019). And he was missing out on all the jokes they’d tell each other or make about each other and then they could make references in conversations that he wouldn’t even get to pretend to get. Unless he watched the movie on his own and then pretended to be omniscient later like he’d done with that one screening of The Hunchback of Notre Dame. But then he had watched the actually good disney one instead of the shitty youtube one they had actually watched so it just ended up making him look bad and wasting everyone’s time.
   Oh shit. Uh. Heist is still happening, right. God, why was Kokichi so distracted today?
   He realized that in the time he was spacing out stuff had happened and now Saihara was talking. Wait no yeah he remembered what happened, Dr. Iruma had squealed when he called her a bitchlet and now she was holding onto Saihara’s arm. Right okay, secret coward, that works. Wait why did he waste time remembering that when Saihara was talking right now?
   “-to get you to release Keebo?” Was the end of the detective’s sentence. Okay, everything’s fine. Kokichi could deduce that he had just been asked about his terms. Obviously that was what a detective would do in this situation, he was probably just stalling for time because that’s usually what detectives with no real negotiating power do in hostage situations. Maybe the police were on their way. Oh, yeah duh of course he would call the police. So Kokichi essentially had a time limit for how long he could sit here and goof around with robots and perverts and robot perverts.
   “Eh, it’s too early for me to reveal my dark motives, let me monologue first.” Kokichi was going to take his sweet time with this while he planned what hint to give Saihara about the real heist that would be happening in the next few days. “You don’t even know if this is a hostage situation yet!”
   “You literally told me that I was a hostage just now.” The hostage not-so-helpfully piped up. “You know, before you pressed my paralysis switch and took an Electro-Hammer to my head…”
   Shuichi looked at the robot. “You mean, he told you you were a hostage before he paralyzed you?”
   “Keebs you fucking idiot!” Dr. Iruma’s courage seemed to have returned now that she was hiding behind Saihara. An enviable position, to be sure. “Why would you just let him do that?”
“He said he was your… friend.”
   Kokichi shrugged. “Yeah, I just told your best friend here I left a dildo in your lab last week and he let me waltz right in. I mean I’m pretty sure I was lying about that, but there were a lot of sex toys in there huh…” Kokichi was wondering if this was something he could possibly spin as a blackmail angle.
   “Hey don’t say things like that!” Kokichi thought maybe that was a go ahead on the black mail, but Dr. Iruma didn’t stutter, and kept going, “Or you’re gonna give virginhara here some ideas about my busting bod!” She chortled like she had just made the funniest joke in the world and slapped Shuichi on the back.
   Shuichi grimaced.
   Kokichi knew instantly from this interaction that he hated Miu Iruma, despite her innumerable academic accomplishments. He wanted to be the one making Shuichi that uncomfortable.
   “Wh-what?” She back tracked when no one laughed. “It w-was a joke… Didn’t you think that was funny? I-I didn’t really mean it ....”
   See? She wasn’t even any good at it!
   Maybe he should say that out loud. It would fit with the sort of flirty persona of a rogue, wouldn’t it?
   “I thought you knew that? I mean, o-obviously I wouldn’t fuck a guy at the office…”
   Was that even something Kokichi was trying to be? Honestly maybe he should tone it down a little.
   “Well how was I supposed to know that? The men you bring in here to be lab assistants keep getting younger and younger…”
   Obviously he wasn’t actually trying to do like a detective-thief romance plot or anything. Although that had kind of been what he had going for on the plane… Had things changed since then?
   “So what? I’m a Nobel Laureate, and gorgeous to boot! I deserve a little eye candy now and then! And besides, guys older than 35 who want to work in a lab like this are usually misogynistic womanizers.”
   Sure Saihara was making things more interesting, but if Kokichi didn’t make it clear he was joking he might get bogged down with another personality trait to maintain.
   “Are you saying your current assistant isn’t a rampant womanizer?”
   Then again what was the point of having an adversary in all this if he didn’t exploit everything for its furthermost reaching comedic potential?
   “No, but he’s so beta being around him makes me feel like a top!”
   But what if he forgot it was a joke and confused himself into having a real feeling?
   “I would just like it if you didn’t hire people who use my servers to google gay porn ‘just to make sure’ they’re ‘not into it.’ I hope you hear the quotation marks because he literally said that to me!”
   No obviously he wouldn't get confused crushes weren’t contagious via exposure that was a dumb thing to worry about and also he was a genius that kind of thing didn’t happen to him.
   “He holds wrenches good, okay?!”
   Wait, were those two still talking?
   “I can hold wrenches without googling gay porn in another guy’s house! It’s possible.”
   Jesus what kind of conversation did Kokichi just decide to stop spacing out for?
“Oh come on! What do you want from me Keebs???”
   These two had… a lot to say to each other. Dr. Iruma was still holding onto Shuichi’s arm boob first, but Kokichi locked eyes with the detective and could tell they were both thinking the same thing.
   Why are they having this conversation in the middle of a hostage situation?
   “Nothing! Your human desires are totally valid Miu! Which is why I thought I would take care of this one.” The robot’s LED display eyes gestured up at Kokichi, who was still standing on top of him, poised to wreck him with a hammer.
   “How could any human desire that thing???” Dr. Iruma curled her lip. Hey, the feeling’s mutual, lady.
   “I don’t know, I thought you might have programmed me to not be able to see his face?”
   “I would never do that to you! Even if I was shagging the ugliest guy on the face of the planet, it would be unethical given the fact that you have sentience! I’m horny, not a monster. You can’t see his face because he’s wearing a fucking mask!”
   “Why am I not programmed to see that?”
   “I don’t fucking know, ask your dead dad!”
   Oooh. Wow. The robot gaped at that, seemingly speechless now.
   “If I may interject,” Kokichi interjected, “--and I know I can, because I just did, and also because I am still very much poised to pop this robot’s head off like a croquet ball-- I must confess that I was lying about fucking your mom, Astro boy. I’m less into participants of Titty out Tuesday who jerk it to steam punk school boy LARPing and more into the sorta tall, kinda dark, and very handsome type.”
   Dr. Iruma cowed again, stuttering something about not being a mom or a LARPer, while the robot started yelling about being called Astro boy.
   Kokichi tuned them out, giving Saihara a meaningful look. Saihara gave him a look that was equally meaningful, except the meaning was something along the lines of ‘Why the fuck would you say that?’
   Yeahh that was more like it.
   Kokichi laughed. Not one of his grandiose guffaws. It was more of a little chuckle. It surprised him. He hadn’t planned to laugh, but there it was. A small thing, just for him to know about, the humored breath not travelling beyond his mask.
   … It was probably time to get out of here, wasn’t it?
   The thing was, Kokichi had kind of pinned himself into a corner on this one… He had fully intended on decapitating this robot as a distraction for his escape, but now he wasn’t even sure if that was ethical. Logically he knew that a robot was not a human being, so there would be no form of consciousness extinguished from the world if he disconnected some of its wires and bolts. Yet the interaction it just had with Dr. Iruma concerned him. Obviously you don’t kill humans because they’re humans and obviously you don’t kill humans. But Kokichi was finding it hard to end the existence of something people treated like a human being either. To sever the bonds it had with sentient beings may be just a little less unethical than actually removing a sentient existence from the world, but it would still cause the emotional harm to actual humans of a dead loved one. So as annoying as fake metal humans were, Kokichi was left to ponder how exactly to get out of this one a different way
   Dr. Iruma was obviously a coward who talked a big game. If he retreated, he could count on her to get out his way, or else run to the robot’s side. Then the robot might be reactivated, but according to the robot’s blueprints, it didn’t really have any weapons on it, being built to act as a normal human being. So just like they had been white noise in the staredown he was still having with Saihara, their actions wouldn’t need to be factored into the escape.
   The only variable here was what the detective would do.
   … That thought had popped up in Kokichi’s head a lot recently, hadn’t it?
   Saihara had become a powerful influence in Kokichi’s planning very quickly, and because of the detective, the thief now found himself having to pull out one of his trump cards.
   Kokichi grabbed one of the EMP bombs from his pocket, remembering the pink cloud of smoke that had appeared before the camera cut out in the video demonstrations he’d seen online. His eyes were still locked on Saiharas, so he got to see in full detail the recognition, shock, and alarm that ran through them. As the detective yelled “Get down” and pushed Dr. Iruma back, Kokichi reflected on how those were some of his favorite expressions he’d ever seen.
   Kokichi pulled the latch out with his teeth and threw the bomb at the wall right over the detective’s head. Sure enough, pink smoke quickly enveloped him and Dr. Iruma.
   “Keebo!” The inventor screeched, no doubt worried about the EMP bomb turning him off. Though that was kind of stupid, considering his core programming would be the same regardless of having power to operate, even if he didn’t save whatever data was processed as his last few memories. Eh, then again who knew how robots that advanced worked?
   Taking his cue to exit, Kokichi threw the hammer through one of the nearby windows, and did somersault over to it. He got up on the ledge, kicking away the broken glass and was refamiliarizing himself with the lay out of the roof when a tug on his bag full of bombs suddenly set him off balance.
   Kokichi flipped around, trying to do a quick recovery by panickedly grabbing onto something. He did grab onto something. That something being the shoulders of a person whose hands were firmly grappling his bag.
   As far as Kokichi could tell, the scene from a third person perspective looked like he was trying to do the kabedon but rotated ninety degrees.
   From his own perspective, Saihara was holding his bag of loot while also being the only thing keeping Kokichi from falling onto the broken glass beneath them.
   As if that weren’t bad enough, Kokichi felt his hair brush the side of his face and realized that his mask had half fallen askew in his desperate movement, revealing three quarters of his face.
   “Hey.” Kokichi said. Lamely. Wow. Their faces were really close.
   Saihara wasn’t looking at him. The detective seemed to be trying to figure out how to untangle the straps of the bag of stolen goods from Kokichi’s arms without letting him fall.
   “It’s very clever, of you detective. Trapping me like this.” Kokichi tried to get a reaction.
   “You’re the one who jumped on the window.” Shuichi opened the bag, seemed to take in the fact that it was full of bombs, and closed it again to resume untangling the strap.
“You know, you could just leave the bag.” Kokichi pointed out
   “So could you.” Shuichi observed, astutely.
   “You could let me fall.” Kokichi suggested. “Then you’d have both.”
   “I’m not going to drop you on a pile of broken glass.” Shuichi promised.
   “But I broke the glass.” Kokichi admitted.    “Glass is glass and flesh is flesh. I’m not going to drop you on a pile of glass.” Shuichi reiterated like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
“That’s nice.” Kokichi replied. “Naive. But super nice.”
   In this scenario, each of them had two options, each leading to one of two outcomes. He could let himself fall off the window and they could sit here and struggle over the bag until they bled out, a fight that Kokichi, not the most physically challenging, would be hard pressed to win. Or Shuichi could let Kokichi escape and Kokichi could let Shuichi win this one. The bag would be too heavy to take with him if he tried to get out the window from this position. He’d have to leave it behind. Kokichi would lose.
   He found himself laughing again. A strange, soft laugh. This time it was exposed to the air, his mask too askew to contain it.
   “You’re really something else, aren’t you Shuichi?”
   On hearing his name, the detective startled, finally looking up at Kokichi’s face.
   He just barely had the chance to catch Kokichi’s trademark grin, before the thief pushed up off of him, doing a backflip out of the window, and leaving his bag behind.
   As Kokichi landed on the roof tile running, he yelled out, “ I’m sure there’s a better word for you out there than sucker!”
   He turned around, sticking his tongue out at the broken window, before sliding his mask back onto his face.
   He may have been escaping, but it occured to Kokichi Ouma that he had lost for the first time in this little game of theirs. The thought made him giddy. It made his feet light on the roof top tile. It made him puff out a thousand tiny laughs behind the plastic shape of his face.
   It made him totally, definitely not bored. --- [Log of Messages sent via Discord to “Don't Instigate Cats (2019) Expatiation” from ???’s Cellular Device]
Boss: I’m bored of Taiwan already :/
Boss: We should go somewhere else (ノ✧w✧)ノ*:・゚🗺
* * * Several people are typing... --- [Log of Text Messages from Rantarou Amami’s Cellular Device]
From: DOCTOR Miu ∑(O_O;)
From: Me
Should I respond to that?
From: DOCTOR Miu ∑(O_O;)
You’re goddamn right you should respond to that when I tell you to you dumb avocado looking motherfucker
From: Me
What’d I do this time?
From: DOCTOR Miu ∑(O_O;)
You sent a useless emo prick to my door and now he won’t leave
From: Me
Did Shuichi do something wrong
From: DOCTOR Miu ∑(O_O;)
He was born
From: Me
Miu take a breath
What happened
From: DOCTOR Miu ∑(O_O;)
His boyfriend broke into my lab and tried to fucking kill keebs
From: Me
His boyfriend?
From: DOCTOR Miu ∑(O_O;)
Clown twink ass motherfucker
From: Me
You mean like
The internationally wanted criminal clown he’s tracking down
From: DOCTOR Miu ∑(O_O;)
You know whats internationally wanted
These tits
From: Me
Lol ok
From: DOCTOR Miu ∑(O_O;)
That jerk off is just a rando asshole
He tried to kill keebo!
From: Me
Oh yikes is he ok
From: DOCTOR Miu ∑(O_O;)
Well of course i fucking took care of him because im a bomb ass friend
But that suckhara guy was no help
He tried to convince me to check the fucking security cameras so he could go off and flirt with the guy about to decapitate keebs!
From: Me
I mean he probably had a good reason to want you to check the cameras right
From: DOCTOR Miu ∑(O_O;)
No he’s just fucking awful and now he won’t leave rantarou make him leave
He broke my window and my hammer and only got back 23 of my EMP bombs
And now the police are here
From: Me
That sounds really stressful Miu
Wait how many bombs did you have before
From: DOCTOR Miu ∑(O_O;)
From: Me
So he stopped most of your bombs from getting stolen
Also you have bombs?
From: DOCTOR Miu ∑(O_O;)
Get him to leave he won’t leave
He keeps waiting for like interracial pole dancers to come or some fucking thing
From: Me
Do you mean like
From: DOCTOR Miu ∑(O_O;)
He won’t leave I want him to leave
From: Me
Miu you know I love you like a sister and i totally believe this is as stressful to you as it seems
But I think things may not be so bad?
Not to say what you’re going through right now isn’t totally valid
But things might look better if you got back to bed and caught some z’s
Did you remember to take your meds?
From: DOCTOR Miu ∑(O_O;)
Aw shit
Aw fuck
You’re right
From: Me
Hey it happens to the best of us
If you do think Shuichi should leave in the morning when the cops are gone that’s totally up to you
It’s your lab and you have a right to say who should be in it
Just don’t make a decision like that when you need to sleep you know
From: DOCTOR Miu ∑(O_O;)
But what if i ask him to go and then he doesn’t go
From: Me
He doesn’t have a choice, you get to tell him
From: DOCTOR Miu ∑(O_O;)
But what if he’s mean to me
Cute people are always mean to me
From: Me
Go to bed...
25 notes · View notes
eng-hypnosismic · 6 years
Animage 483: Interview w/ Matenrou part 2
This is part 2 of the Matenrou interview of Animage 483, for part 1 please read here. It’s about Matenrou and Jakurai’s VA Hayami Show san.
Continuation of the Story by Kannonzaka Doppo’s VA Ito Kento
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Bad at Household Chores But an Able Working Corporate Slave
—— As this is Matenrou’s second CD release, what is your impression of Kannonzaka Doppo?
Ito: When Doppo raps, he steadily becomes more and more dangerous (laughs). Although he wasn’t able to speak his mind when he first started, he might get better at expressing himself little by little. As usual, he’s menial, but I think he is able change that into a strength. For that to happen, it may be because his teammates Jinguji Jakurai and Izanami Hifumi’s presence have become larger.
—— What do you pay attention to when you are acting as Doppo?
Ito: It was a challenge to record with that much negative emotion infused. When I’m in Tokyo, it’s easy to trace Doppo’s actions, like remembering being shaken in a crowded train…. He even wears a suit so it’s even harder. I’m glad my job doesn’t require wearing a suit (laughs).
—— Doppo is perhaps the sole corporate slave character, but how do you feel about this?
Ito: I wonder how much of a corporate slave he is. I don’t think being a salesperson is the most suitable job for Doppo, I wonder if he’s okay. First, Doppo should have a car because it would be tough for Doppo to go around for business by train. Having a car would make it easier. Perhaps Hifumi would buy him a car since he has more money (laughs). I don’t know if he has enough income for a car…
—— A line in Hifumi’s part of “-Division Battle Anthem-” is “12,346,600 Monthly,” so we can estimate his monthly sales to be over 10,000,000 [yen]. If the club shares 50% of the sales with him, then that is a quite an income.
Ito: If it’s not a luxury car, it’s likely that he’d get one for Doppo…?! But if he does that, Doppo’s self worth might fade away (laughs).
——Hifumi possibly has expensive taste, what does Doppo think about him?
Ito: There are times when he’s unpleasant yet he is an indispensable existence. Speaking of it, in the BATTLE CD’s drama part, we learn that they live together.  I thought, “you guys get along too well,” but there are lots of guys that live together. Even around me, I know some people that have roommates. It’s cheaper than paying rent alone, and it’s just easier overall (laughs). The hours they go to work are literally day and night so there is no need for meddling more than necessary. I think they’ve achieved a nice shared livelihood.
—— What do you think Doppo feels about Hifumi’s best-host mode when he’s wearing his suit and his gynophobia side?
Ito: They’ve known each other since forever; Doppo should know why Hifumi has gynophobia. Host, gynophobe, and  his usual mode are the three sides Hifumi has, so Doppo shouldn’t be confused or uncomfortable.
—— There is a scene where Hifumi makes Doppo breakfast, to which Doppo replies with, “Today’s breakfast is grilled salmon, huh?” Did you get the impression that Hifumi often cooks for them?
Ito: On the outside, it looks like Doppo is the one taking care of Hifumi, but it’s actually Hifumi that takes care of Doppo. Like how Hifumi mends Doppo’s suits when they get torn. I’m certain that Doppo is a guy bad at all household chores and decision making, but when he’s out, Doppo is competent. He can contemplate things over and over, and then turn it into action. In the drama part of the first CD, “Matenrou -Clinical Phonetics-,” they head to the apartment of a customer of the host club Hifumi works at. There, Doppo predicted that she would jump and prepared a mat, did he not? How he was able to prepare that in a short time is a bit comedic though (laughs); that was some really good work.
The “Unexpected” Light Shining into the Repetitive Every Day
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—— What impression do you have about Jakurai?
Ito: For Doppo, Jakurai is the person he trusts the most besides Hifumi. He is who Doppo consults with, but I also think he’s a mentor. The two of them, Hifumi and Jakurai, help lift Doppo up as they walk together. In the drama part this time, you can feel the depth of Jakurai’s connection to Amemura Ramuda. You really can’t tell if there’s something there, though I think that the incident that caused this connection surely surpasses any imagination. But even though Doppo is curious, he won’t actively push to know. If Jakurai would someday tell him, I think he would be overjoyed.
—— Is Doppo undergoing Jakurai’s counseling right now?
Ito: I believe he is. Since the setting of the BATTLE CD went from Shinjuku Division to Chuuoku, I can’t say if there has been a change in their regular relationship, though I still think it’s needed for Doppo.
—— In the 1st CD, before becoming a member of Matenrou, Doppo performs a rap in front of Jakurai. In his lyrics is the line “Society is cold but somehow it’s warmer now,” what does it mean?
Ito: I actually haven’t heard from Kimura Subaru-san what his thoughts were when he wrote the lyrics. Maybe holding the Hypnosis Mic is like a portal to something unlike what Doppo is used to. And that might be what he’s been looking for in his repetitive daily life. I wouldn’t say that it’s hope, but it’s a ray of light that shines through and reached him; the warmth [he mentioned in the lyrics] probably refers to that.  He must have been very happy when he first received the mic, after everything that happened.  It’s the same for Hifumi I think. Doppo and Hifumi would be first and second place if the characters held an awkwardness competition.
—— In the BATTLE CD were interactions with each of the other divisions. There is a scene where he drinks Busujima Mason Riou’s special-made drink, although it had a taste that made Aohitsugi Samatoki, Iruma Juto, and Hifumi faint, only Doppo was able to drink it without trouble.
Ito: It’s only my idea of what happened, but I think Doppo loves nutrition drinks. Health recovery maybe? (laughs) Taste may come second for a healthy body. Drinking without prejudice and the likes of not being afraid to try things is one of Doppo’s nice points.
—— In the 2nd drama part “Just A Friend,” Hifumi went out at night in Chuuoku and was then chased by women.
Ito: It was nice to know what Doppo would do when confronting women. Ah, of course he’d run. He even screams (laughs).
—— He didn’t seem happy at all, did he?
Ito: Doppo isn’t the type to go out in public, I guess he never thought he would be like an idol.
—— There, they had a chance encounter with Yumeno Gentaro and Arisugawa Dice and had a quarrel.
Ito: Subaru also wrote the lyrics for that part. Doppo’s “I’m sorry” and similar words are a shield making a nice steady style. The recording this time was also fun, I got carried along by Subaru’s enthusiasm in the direction room. We also learned how the two fight in the absence of Jakurai. But it wasn’t the real fight, which is why they didn’t use their full power. Also, Doppo worried about what others think of him, as he understood that this is not the place to fight. These two are still hiding their claws. I wonder if I was able to incorporate that in my acting.
—— Do you have any members you are interested in after this recording?
Ito: I’m a member of Matenrou, but I like Dice. His gambler way of life is great; it’s something I very much don’t think I can do (laughs). Actually, Fling Posse is a burning presence in me, their songs and relationships are also nice. They don’t have a common goal, and with the exception of Ramuda, a novelist and gambler aren’t very Shibuya-Division-like jobs. However, surely for these three, there has to be a reason why it has to be Shibuya.
Lurking in the Dirty City, the Tale of Matenrou continues
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—— “BATTLE BATTLE BATTLE” begins with Doppo’s attack.
Ito: It was surprising that I was first. Because it’s the firing shot, the lyrics were a simple attack on Shibuya. There’s a strong feeling of camaraderie in this song. For example, Dice attacked Doppo and Hifumi follows up by returning his lyrics. I thought it was as if the three were really fighting. Also, the three’s final lyrics really stood out. They said, “No matter how hard your past was” --- what was their past like? Why did they become the men of Shinjuku? I hope you have fun imagining it.
—— Doppo’s scream of “Matenrou!” is quite impressionable.
Ito: That was originally not in the demo, but was decided during the recording. It really fires up the atmosphere for a rap battle, no? During the discussion with everyone, we talked about adding more Dopponess into the song, and that’s how it happened. However, Shibuya’s “Posse Posse” is chanted by the whole Fling Posse, whereas I’m doing this alone (laughs).
—— What do you think about the team song “Shinjuku Style ~Don’t Make Me Laugh~”?
Ito: Firstly, the demo which was given to us by Rappagariya was amazing. Usually demos are just the melodies without any effects or arrangements, but his demo was so cool and with lots of effects. It was totally ready to be put into a CD as is. Thanks to that, it was easy to picture the final product. But this song is so difficult. When I was practicing at home it almost made me cry.
—— Have you watched the trailer for this song?
Ito: The video shows the streets of Shinjuku from the point of view of the characters. I am glad that there are also cuts where Doppo is getting on subways and walking up stairs. In those cuts, the camera was facing downwards which was so just like Doppo. Shinjuku, especially Kabukicho, is filled with billboards of portraits and texts. There are even taglines like “profession: hottie.” It’s an interesting place. This song seems scarier than Fling Posse’s team song, maybe Shinjuku is seen as a scary place. When I listen to the song, a picture of Matenrou swaggering together through downtown comes to my mind. However, this might make the other divisions more aggressive against us. Don’t get me wrong, Shinjuku is not scary at all… is what I want to tell them (laughs).
—— Doppo’s solo song, “Tigridia,” from the first CD sure has a different impression from the BATTLE CD.
Ito: I think the Doppo in this song is the everyday Doppo. While he says that he’s walking alone, it’s not actually like that. In terms of time, it could be his song from before he became a member of Matenrou, or shortly after he joined. I myself really like this song. Since I sang this song, it’s a bit embarrassing to recommend it to people, but I recommend it (laughs). To start with the song’s track, it’s very cool, so even just the instrumental version is superb.
—— Is there something you would like to do with “Hypnosis Mic” in the future?
Ito: What I had been wanting to do until now is a live show and it’s coming soon. It’s crazy how we made it all the way to hosting a concert! However, now I am a bit anxious that I won’t be able to sing properly. It’s a great challenge and afterwards, I want to try to hold a live show in Shinjuku. It’d be nice if the venue is related to the characters, but we might be yelled at if we do it in hospitals and offices (laughs). Host clubs might be the most likely to let us do so. And maybe a surprise pop-up concert. I think a flash-mob kind of performance would work for this project. How about it? I want to do it.
—— This time is the reveal of the outcome, what will happen?
Ito: From the songs, I get the image that Fling Posse is pop and Matenrou is shady. Which side will be eliminated is determined by the audiences. I am worried that the shadiness of Matenrou might scare away some people. However, the “women and men of Shinjuku”* who support Matenrou probably already know the charm and the underlying enchantment of shadiness. How Matenrou’s story will develop from this point on, I myself want to know as well. Therefore, please kindly vote for us.
* Fans of Hypnosis Mic are sometimes referred to as “Women/Men of [     ] Division”
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NDRV3 Boys in the Killing Game W/ Their S/O Having an Argument and Then Later Finding Them Dead
“first impression” is always important they say, so we’re starting with some angst -- Mod Tsumugi
Just a simple stupid jealousy caused all of this.
You love enjoying his presence with you. You love his stylish appearance, his charming and mysterious personality. You love it when his laugh fills you with hope and there’s no way you cannot smile to him in return.
Everything about Amami is great and wonderful.
But… Does he like spending time with you? Does he love you just as the same way you love him?
Because lately you could see him either helping Toujou with her endless chores or chatting mindlessly with Akamatsu over a cup of tea.
That must be it, you guess. Men usually like elegant and mature women like Toujou or cute, yet hard-working and optimistic girls like Akamatsu. And it seems like Amami is that kind of men.
You cautiously approached him with this idea, Amami in return only looked at you with a slight confusion.
A minute later, a sheepish smile appears on his face, brushing your sentence as a joke.
“Ah, is that what you’re thinking, S/O-san/kun?”
You didn’t expect to combust right now and in front of him.
You’re yelling at him, telling him that you’re sick of seeing him with anyone but you, spending time with unknown people and not with his significant other.
He tries to call out for you through your heated talk, but with no result.
You leave him all alone in cafeteria as you head back to your dorm.
When he decides to make up with you, it was already evening. He is standing in front of your door for 10 full minutes, waiting for you to let him in.
Even if you’re not in your room, he can wait for you to return.
...Up until he see Momota running to him, spitting some words Amami couldn’t understand.
“Didn’t you just hear that, dude?! There was a body announcement!”
With his classmate on his side, Amami rushes to the crime scene, expecting anything but the most worst thing to happen.
And this time the fate refused to listen to him, as he finds a bloody corpse of his S/O facing-down on the cold floor.
Let’s be clear: you two always argue about stupid things. Nothing too serious to worry about, honestly.
Until one time when Ouma starts jokingly mocking someone who was executed just yesterday.
And that was way too cruel even for Oumas standarts.
Even if you called out Ouma for his statement, on the next day he still continues dropping bad comments about past victims.
And you had enough of this.
You drags him into your room so you could talk to him, but Ouma seems to be too relaxed to even care at some point.
After the small talk and false accusations from your side, Ouma finally snaps and start yelling at you, which causes you to shout back at him.
He tells you that he just hates the concept of death itself, he is not only scared for his life but for yours as well. And now that you mentioned it, he just can’t stop thinking about it.
And most importantly, he hates the fact that his S/O cannot understand him at all, because you promised to him to at least to try to understand him even for a bit.
He couldn’t hear what you have to say to him; Ouma coldly stare at you for a while and slowly walk away back to his dorm.
His last encounter with you, however, was an unfortunate one. But Ouma expected it to happen at some point, especially after your final talk to him.
He expected to see the dead bloody body of his beloved S/O.
Even before dating Kiibo you were fully aware of how he awfully treats any robotic remarks towards him or anything mechanical as well.
But you swear to Angie’s God that your comment towards his abilities was totally not harmful.
Seeing your boyfriend pouting over a silly thing, you immediately began to bowing in an apology to him.
“T-That’s too cruel even for a discrimination, S/O-san/kun!”
Oh boy.
You still continue switching apologies back and forth, but Kiibo doesn’t even listen and keeps talking about robot’s sensitivity.
The whole conservation just slowly grows into a heated argument, since you both refuse to listen to each other.
“I just can’t believe it, you promised to never discriminate against me!”
Your expression dies as you stare at Kiibo’s back heading back to his dorm room.
Hours later he comes into a horrible conclusion that he has just discriminated against his significant other instead.
Kiibo starts running around the school like crazy, checking out all rooms and places where you both usually spend time together.
He rarely visits his own Research Classroom, but decides to check it out just in case. He remember it well how you were gushing over his room, how cool it looked and how you really want to spend time here. So maybe, just maybe you’re waiting him in this place.
“S/O-san/kun! I’m terribly so--”
The tension suddenly falls down and Kiibo’s unrequired breath got caught in his throat as his eyes met with a dead body of his S/O.
You both never get into arguments, because Gonta is literally too good and pure to butt heads with someone.
But… an accidental incident that you never wanted to happen happened. Where you accidentally stepped on one of his favorite bugs during a tour in his Research Room.
You promise that you never saw it under your feet.
When Gonta found out about this, he became sad. Of course he would be sad, what did you expect.
Not only his favorite bug is dead, but also his S/O is… dishonest to him.
And when Gonta brought it up, you immediately started apologizing. For that little bug and for not telling him about it when you had a chance.
Though it seems it didn’t work out.
Your boyfriend start muttering that… well… He never knew that you’re that kind of person.
Didn’t you promise Gonta to always be honest with him?
He apologizes for his sudden confession and leaves you behind, completely ignoring your calls. Right now he need to stay alone with his thoughts.  
But when Gonta discovers how wrong he was with you, he returns to you, to the same place where he left you. He really hopes that you’re still waiting him there.
He was right, you’re still here!
But also wrong, since you are no longer show any signs of life.
Unless you’re participating in a Class Trial, it’s pretty much impossible to see Saihara arguing over something with his classmates or his S/O.
He’s very patient with everyone, but of course he can snap at some nasty remarks Iruma or Ouma drops on him.
This morning Saihara got up on the wrong side of the bed. And he thought he was ready for anything he’s going to face today with his tired attitude.
Keyword he thought.
Because apparently you got into, erm, a trouble.
Long story short you volunteered to help Gonta with his bug searching mission. And being the wonderful wunderkind you are, you decided to climb up a tree and start searching bugs there. Some minutes later you fell from it and landed on a face.
Ouch, indeed.
But you brush it off and tell Saihara to not worry about it, you just got some scratches and that’s all.
You expected your boyfriend to look up and agree with you, but he keeps his head low, his cap covering almost his entire face. You gently call him out from a weird trance you guess and Shuuichi slightly flinch in surprise.
He tugs his cap and murmurs that he is glad that you’re alright, but next time please be careful.
But that wasn’t enough for you. You could tell that something is bothering him, so you start asking random questions from your head.
“Are you okay, Saihara-kun? Maybe you should return to your room? You look really pale today, you need to take a rest. Don’t overwork yourself, Saihara-kun.”
Usually he would calmly comfort you with serene voice. What you didn’t expect however is how he raises his voice and tells you to leave him alone.
Well, if this is what Saihara wants, so let be it. Before you could disappeared from his view you apologized for a trouble.
A moment later Shuuichi is chasing you and calling for your name, but to no avail.
Collecting his thoughts and calming down for a second, Saihara slowly makes his way to your dorm. To his surprise, the door is unlocked and he gently opens it.
The sudden discovery of Saihara's S/O dead body makes him scream in terror.
Distinctly, he knew this would happen in any time soon.
And Shinguuji made a lot of effort to prevent misunderstandings.
But, apparently, something slipped right under his nose.
Because you’re accusing him for cheating on you.
You swear that there’s another person that Shinguuji would gladly stay with.
Not to mention he actually mentioned them once, but you payed no attention to it. Maybe it’s their relative.
But that theory just disappeared from your head when you heard him talking about said person… so highly and passionately.
Now that you’re alone with him, you decided to bluntly confessing your thoughts that you got during past days.
How you heard his conversation with Amami where Shinguuji revealed someone he’s admiring a lot.
He calmly reassures you that he’d never cheat on you. He’d never dare to think about this, because you’re precious to him.
Emotions took you over; for now he lets you to talk it out. When you’ll be out of breath, he can take the chance into his own advantage.
When it’s his turn to speak, you were already leaving him.
You tell that you need to stay alone for sometime and Shinguuji, hardly believing it, let you go.
Hours has passed, the Dead Body Discovery message shows up. The moment when he recognizes you, Korekiyo feels disgusted.
Disgusted in both the killer and himself as well.
It’s impossible to control yourself in a killing game, where the priority of surviving is the most important.
Especially with how Monokuma drops various motives, each one gets worse than previous one.
But after last Class Trial, it seems that Hoshi began avoiding you for unknown reasons.
You don't know what caused him to act like this -- you both usually spend time together, but now you only hear “Good morning”s and “Good nights”s from him.
And with the last Monokuma’s motive you became more alerted from a random thought that maybe Hoshi is planning to kill someone.
...Speak of the devil and he shall appear. Hoshi want to talk to you and ask you to show up in the cafeteria after the evening announcement.
And, of course, fearing the worst, you keep his word.
After a long time of uncomfortable pause, you called him by his first name. Hoshi immediately stopped chewing on his cocoa cigarette.
He confessed that he… Fears of losing you, of course, and you can feel your heart skipping a beat from his words.
That’s why you both should to break up. It’s for the best if you want to survive in this killing game.
At first, you were at a loss for words. And now you’re just yelling.
Hoshi, on the other hand, knew this was going to happen.
He doesn’t interrupts you, but lets you to release your emotions.
When you’re over, he thanks you for spending so much time with him. And then just leaves.
On the next day, however, when he hears the body discovery announcement, he already know who is a victim this time.  
Even he is not responsible for the crime itself, Hoshi thinks himself as a murderer again.
Everyone knows that Kaito has a very short temper and can be easily provoked to a fight.
You usually stuck under his side every time when someone *cought* Ouma in particular *cought* tries to make him angry out of nowhere.
Today is no exception. Ouma once again played a prank on Momota which made the SHSL Astronaut to chase the dark haired boy around the school.
Thankfully you managed to stop both of them in time before Ouma could hide somewhere and never show up again until dinner and Momota wasting his hours in order to find him.
After scolding Ouma for nth time, you began talking to Momota and how he should learn already how to control his anger and just ignore Ouma’s horrible jokes.
...Momota, however, reacted completely differently to your surprise.
Out of nowhere he started yelling at you how it’s, goddammit, hard to control yourself in a situation like this.
Especially when this pesky shit like Ouma makes it even worse.
While you do agree that Ouma can be annoying, he shouldn’t put a blame on him. After all it’s Monokumas fault only. 
“...So now you’re standing up for him, huh.”
You try to tell him otherwise, your voice getting a little bit louder, but Momota refuses to even look at you.
“Hey, Momota-kun! I’m talking to--”
“Just… Leave me alone for some time, alright?”
He feels like a total asshole now, wow.
Not even a hour passes and Kaito immediately rushes back to the same spot where he left you, only to find Chabashira and Yumeno staring at something on the ground with a horrible expression on their faces.
And he could swear that his heart stopped for a second after he discovered his S/O dead body.
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