#But you're gettin it anyway if you read my tags
owlight · 2 years
Hi i think my boy sabo deserves some love can i request jealousy headcanons with sabo x male reader? Love your work!
😔🫶 thank you for requesting,I love this request sm ,sabo fr deserve a bf
Posting everything in my drafts 💀✋
Tags: jealousy,some suggestive themes in the end,male reader in mind but could be read as gender neutral reader /fem
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(Sfw) Sabo getting Jealous headcanons
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alright let's get one thing straight,Sabo isn't
Anyway ,This man Is not the kind to get easily jealous truly,he know his Worth and he know he got nothing to be jealous about,after all , you're both together and he know he got everything covered in your relationship with him
But...he Noticed that you are gettin bit tiny close to koala lately (hypocritical of him btw since he spend much more with her than you do with her)
And he can't help but feel bit tiny tiny bitty jealous (he is so jealous he almost set his hat on fire actually)
He doesn't want to say out loud that he is jealous that you're spending more time with koala lately and sound possessive (he is possessive but like jeez he really doesn't want show it)
He just scoop you to his arm slowly and hold you closely, pretending like this absolutely normal professional behaviors
"....ehm sabo?" You asks as sabo chin is resting on your shoulder while you were speaking to Koala " what?" He mumble "you can continue talking,just pretend I'm not here" he add as he sighs,you look at koala who shake her head at Sabo odd behaviors,you both continue talking while sabo listen to you both, content with his state of begin,even though he appeared very clingy to everyone involved in the conversation,he seemed happy to show that he is the only one allowed to be this close to you
Yeah he isn't good at actually showing he is jealous,since he kinda try to get himself into the conversation with the person he is jealous of unconsciously
He doesn't realize he is jealous till the conversation had ended and he have his arms around your shoulders and he is glued to your hips
You have to kindly try to unglue him off you by telling him to stop begin jealous,which he deny so much , because he could never feel jealous
At LEAST that's the friendly jealousy,he get when you're talking to people he knows and trust
When he actually get jealous jealous,pray on your soul because he will throw hands with anyone who is flirting with you
He once saw a fellow Revolutionary flirt with you ,he asked him to spar with him later, accidentally broke his wrist because the guy was still trying to show off for you
After that sparing and the fakest apology known to man kind ,he take you back to your sleeping quarter and he start getting bit too roughly
As he would mark every possible skin available,HE left a hickey on your cheek ,just to make a point😔,you had a whole week with everyone asking if you got punched on the face,0/10 experience
And that happened only because someone made him feel jealous,if you try to make him feel jealous on purpose,count your good days of walking straight because you will miss them after he is done with you
This man is feral and quite sadistic,don't give him a reason for him to 'punish you' , trying to make him jealous would only result of you losing few privileges in bed
He wouldn't mind tying you to a chair ,and have his way with you for hours till you admit you were wrong for trying to make him feel jealous
Ofc you don't learn and try to do it again,cuz he is hot when he is going feral 😔✋smh
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profchamomile · 28 days
a childhood memory for the memory asks?
//Assume all these writing bits are like. Off-screen stuff.
//This might be sloppy; I didn't really take time to proof-read it much
//heed the tags
"You got your toy all muddy AGAIN?"
"I'm sorry, mom; I was trying to be careful, but I fell..."
"I swear, Kate, you'd lose your head in the mud if it wasn't attached to your body! At this point, we're better off gettin' you a new one. I don't know HOW many more washes that thing can take."
"NO, I don't WANT a new one!! She's been with me forever; she's my best friend!"
"Kate, it's JUST a toy! We can get you one that looks exactly the same! Now come on, throw it away. You have to learn to let GO of such trivial things!"
These words echoed in the mind of a small, red-haired child, who staggered through the junkyard in the dead of night, tears running own their face. She tried her best to rummage through what they could lift, but they weren't sure where to start. The dump was so much bigger than they thought it would be, and it consisted of much, MUCH more than just their family's trash.
They were exhausted from having walked the whole way. Their legs were just barely holding them up. Yet still they searched. They searched for their best friend - their one item of comfort.
"Arceus, please..." The child whimpered to themself. "Please help me find Belle..."
Suddenly, some of the the trash behind them moved on its own. The child startled, jumping and turning around, but unable to make out anything more than a vague figure scurrying about.
They started running. They ran as fast as they could, but they could hear the creature give chase as it let out a piercing cry.
As determined as the child was to get away, one wrong step was all it took for their leg to hyper-extend, causing them to fall to the ground, holding their leg in pain as their kneecap felt indescribably out-of-place.
They turned around, seeing the figure's glowing eyes and eerie smile hidden in the shadows, and attempted to scoot back.
"I- I'm sorry... I d-d-didn't mean to enter your home, I just-... I just wanted to find my toy," the child choked out, "P- please, just let me find her and- and I'll go home, I promise!"
The figure didn't seem to heed the child's pleas, however. It let out a low, menacing chuckle as it stepped out into the moonlight, and revealed itself to be a Banette, wearing a muddy and faded jester's outfit. It notably rang with every movement, with bells attached to the pokemon's satin bracelets, collar, and jester's hat.
The Banette raised her arms and let out a menacing cry, though the small size and the bells ringing did nothing to help the affect.
The child slowly stood up. "Belle... It's really you!" A smile grew on their face as they clumsily ran towards the Pokemon, and fell to their knees once again to scoop the Banette up in their arms.
"You're alive... You're alive, you're alive!" the child repeated. "I'm so sorry I threw you away... Mom wouldn't let me keep you."
"I'm sorry I dropped you so much," they continued, "I- I didn't mean to... I don't know why I always trip, or why my knees bend the wrong way, or why my legs get so tired easily... I wish I could keep you clean so mom wouldn't get so mad..."
The Banette simply let herself be hugged, absolutely confused and astonished on how to react. Eventually however, she lifted her small plush arms in an attempt to hug the child back.
"I don't care if she'll get mad at me again," said the child, "You're my best friend. And you're alive, now! She can't make me get rid of you! A- and if she does, I'll just find you again!"
The child finally pulled away to smile at the Banette. "C'mon, Belle. Let's get to a Pokemon center. Maybe they'll help clean us up before we get home."
"I gotta... Get you a Pokeball, anyway-" The child struggled to stand, though due the pain in their knee, they fell again. They grabbed their knee, squeezing their eyes tightly shut and trying their best not to cry out in pain. "O-ow..."
They felt an invisible force pick them up, and looked down to realize that they were back on their feet, yet they felt almost... Weightless.
The Banette climbed onto the child's shoulder and let out a cheerful "Ba-nette!". The glow in her eyes were slightly more intense than it was a few seconds ago.
"Huh?" The child looked over at their Banette. "Belle... Do you know psychic?"
"Ba-NETTE!" the Pokemon happily confirmed.
"Wow, Belle, you're amazing!" The kid flapped their hands excitedly. "Thanks so much, this'll make walking so much easier! Now let's go!"
While walking carefully, still in pain from their dislocated knee, they made their way to a Pokemon center, where the Banette officially became registered as the child's first Pokemon.
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dollivication · 27 days
Haihiiii! Yu kno, thinkin on everythin, I came into da dmc fandom totally normal. Just wanted to laik, make an oc to ship with characters but ended up makin a daughter/Nero's twin oc and went about my life normally... buuuut then completely derailed the moar I read fanfics of the bois. Now I see all these incest bots and stuff on here people mention and fanfics and i'm laikkk (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ gimmie some o dat gross shiet, u gotta live for daddy Vergil and nastayyy uncle Dante and omg Nerooo. My girl gettin' railed, it's UNHEALTHY but mmmf. Someone lock us away in horny jail with a big ol' BONK. Also I love ur lactating Dante bot WAYYY too muuuch, my mans got supply for everyone. There's somethin bout it that makes my brain go monke mode, laik yessss imma slap dem demon tiddies and kiss em better. He should know better than to just let em hang out around my girl Lily (my dmc oc lol), she's a devious little thing that loves bein as teasing and terrible as her father (n˘v˘•)¬. He's man tiddies gon have bite marks after we done, DAYUM ANYWAY, back to bein normallll. Look after yourself, drink plenty o water, take breaks if you need to! Otherwise, KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK, DOLLY, ILYSM, YOU'RE A GIFT FROM THE GODS WITH ALL THE GOLD YOU DELIVER O(≧▽≦)O
ITSMRKTKRKSGHD I HAD NO CLUE THAT PEOPLE WOULD FW DMC INCEST AND GENERAL ICKINESS!! laik,, looking in the dmc tags…. maybe i just haven’t looked right but there seems. to be a lack of dead dove it made me i felt so peculiar LMFAO…💔💔 BUT IT MAKES ME SO HAPPY TO KNOW THERES PEOPLE I CAN GUSH WITH ABOUT PERVY UNCLE DANTE AND MEAN DAD VERGIL,,, ETC!!!
leading dmc dead dove cult.. we are wanted for 60k LMFOA we need fo be locked away…. AND UWAAAA YOURE TICKLING ME PINK???? IM SO HAPPY YOURE HAVING FUN WITH THE DANTE LACTATING BAWT!!! his tiddies are meant to be sucked idk… good made them voluptuous for a reason what i do to him is out of my control HELPEMEMEM
AWWWW WAIT I LOVE HEARING ABT PPLS OCS it’s so interezing methinks… >.< i think lily outfreaking dante would be funny… yur literawy so sweet ASDJFKSKJFG!!,,!?\\ I PROMISE TO PRODUCE MORE YUCKY STUFF!!! FOR THE DOLLY BELIEVERS RAHHHH
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WIP Wednesday! (because we suck at keeping up with dates here)
Tagged by @sassenashsworld!! Gonna tag: @sillyandquiteawkward, @worthlesssix, @bokatan, @datura-tea (if you guys don't have a WIP that's okay!)
I'm going to share with you guys the next bit I have written for Book 3: Hope Restored in my FO4 fanfic series. This is shortly after the Brotherhood's tirade forced a lot of drifters and non-humans to take refuge in Goodneighbor.
I leaned back on the couch and stared at the ceiling, forcin' myself to keep a clear head so I could sift through all my thoughts. I was gettin' a goddamn headache again, though.
With the warehouses transformed into places where the influx of drifters can take shelter, I felt a little better that they weren't crowdin' the streets, but that didn't solve the issue of people pissin' and shittin' in the alleys and behind the buildings. It also didn't solve our food shortage, and that was about a hair's breadth away from gettin' out of hand.
It wouldn't be long before some of the more well-known caravans rolled through here, namely Trashcan Carla and Cricket, so I could check with them for supplies, but there was no way they were gonna have enough to supply the whole town.
Somethin's gotta give, and soon.
Fahrenheit sat across from me, drinkin' a beer and readin' a Guns and Bullets magazine that she had read so many times, the pages were startin' to fall out. She hadn't said much to me ever since the incident last night with the man and his son in the alley, where that prick threatened them.
"... I gotta address the town," I said, finally breakin' the deafening silence.
"What about?" she asked without lookin' up.
"About the conditions around here. I know they're stressed out there. They're gonna want answers before they riot."
She closed the magazine and slapped it onto the table. Then she crossed her arms and stared at her knees, but she didn't say a word.
"What? Nothin' to bitch about this time?"
"Like it'll do me any good anyway."
"Fahr..." I leaned forward, laced my fingers together, and propped my elbows on my knees. I gave her the most serious look I could muster. This thing between us — it had been goin' on for too damn long. "Talk to me."
"There's nothing to say. At the end of the day, I'm just here to do my job and earn my paycheck."
My fingers tightened around themselves. That shit hurt. It was meant to be personal. A low blow. I had to choose my next words carefully so this didn't turn into a full-scale argument. I unclenched my jaw and sighed. "... What aren't you happy with? Tell me what I can do to make things better between us. I'm tired of feelin' like everything I do is a fuck-up in your eyes. And I don't talk about this shit lightly. You and me, we've known each other for years. You should be able to be honest with me."
She placed both hands on the couch on either side of her, gripping its fabric with frustration, and leaned forward over the coffee table. Her words came out strained, like she was pissed but trying to hold it in. "I want things to go back to the way they were. The last eight years we've run this town have been carefree, enjoyable, and even fun. You just aren't the same person I knew from back then. Out of all the times you've been gone from Goodneighbor, you were never gone this long. And now, my worst fears have become a reality: you came back changed. You let yourself be influenced, and now you're ..." she motioned toward me with her hands, "... whatever you'd call this. Justified? Uppity? Noble?"
"That's not what this is. Hear me out. There are people out there sleepin' in their own filth, in the rain, under tarps and debris just to stay dry. It's hot as piss out there, and there's a shortage of clean water. They're starvin'. That kid last night coulda got shanked in the alley all because of some debt. Goodneighbor is dangerous. Used to, I liked it dangerous. I liked our reputation. We were badass, didn't take shit from anybody, lived life on our own terms. Now? Now it's not a place I'd wanna take my own kid to —"
"So that's what this is really about."
"That kid. Gwen's kid. So you are just trying to make Goodneighbor like Diamond City. You want us to start conforming to a 'better way of life,' where there are laws and rules to follow."
"Is having a few laws that bad? I just want what's best for everyone. If it means clearin' out a few lowlifes to make the town safer for the honest folk driftin' in here —"
"Those 'lowlifes' are the people you used to scheme with, and you had no problem with them then. See, this is what I'm talking about, Hancock."
I rubbed my face roughly. She just refused to hear me. Or maybe I just refused to hear her. Either way, we just weren't gonna see eye to eye, and I was gettin' fed up. 
"I have friends that are lowlifes. Yeah, I have more friends than just you, believe it or not. When you're gone, I gotta talk to someone besides the neighborhood watch about work. And I'd rather not be one of the reasons my friends either got kicked out of Goodneighbor or wound up dead, because they have every right to be here as us. Some of them have been here since the beginning, and I'll be damned if I see them thrown to the ruins like your brother did to the Ghouls all those years ago. I don't want us to become like Diamond City. I don't want you to become your brother."
I kicked the table, knockin' everything around on top, my Jet canister fallin' onto the floor and the ashes in the ash tray flying onto the tabletop. "That wasn't him! That was the goddamned Synth that replaced him that kicked the Ghouls outta Diamond City! My brother would never do that!"
My breathing was uneven now. I had to calm down, get a grip. Fahr was really startin' to push my buttons.
"Hmph. Sometimes I wonder if even you have been replaced. If it wasn't for you being a Ghoul, I'd wager you were replaced, too. Because I feel like I barely recognize you anymore."
That's it. That was the straw that broke the goddamn Brahmin's back. "Whatever. You're just stickin' around for a paycheck, right? Then stop complainin' and do your job or I'll dock your pay. Every time you complain, I take ten caps off your tally. How's that sound?"
Her face went blank, eyes wide. "Are you shitting me?"
"Does it look like I'm in a jokin' mood?"
She stood up and walked across the room and to the safe. She took the keys out of her pocket and unlocked it.
"The hell are you doing?" I asked, standing up too.
"I'm taking what you owe me, and I'm leaving your employ."
"You're what!"
"You heard me." She counted out an amount from the safe and then slammed it shut. She tossed me the keys, and I didn't bother catching them, just let them clatter to the floor at my feet. "Have fun with your new Diamond City."
"You really gonna do this?"
She didn't answer me. She shoved her caps into her pockets and took a bag out of the closet. When she started packing shit into it, I realized just how serious she was.
"Fine, go, then. See if I give a shit. All you ever did was nag me anyway."
After her chems, booze, magazines, and spare bullets were packed, she slung her bag over her shoulder, walked out of the office, and slammed the doors behind her.
I was left with the silence. I didn't know what to do with this anger. This was the maddest I'd been in a while, and I hated it. I hated feelin' like this. I was too fucking sober to deal with this shit. God, it hurt so bad, I wanted to claw the pain out of my chest. Instead, I wound up punching a hole into the wall, kicking over the coffee table, throwing glass mugs against the filing cabinets, and pounding my fists in the top of the desk.
Once I had wreaked havoc on the furniture in my office, I was tired and out of breath, and my knuckles were bruised. I collapsed on the couch, not really feelin' much better, and took about six or seven Mentats, just hoping that somethin' would ease my mind.
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New and Improved S1 Jesse Profiles
Like it says on the tin! Just the improved versions of my S1 Jesse profiles. Got all of their lore sorted and am happy with where they are! A few got new names. That’s about it! Under a read more because, dear lord, did I have a lot to say.
Jemma! (Yellow Clip/Highlight)
Chaos incarnate because she's a child at heart. She's aloof and a bit of a loner and socially selective. (Yes, this does make running Beacon Town hard, but she manages) Only certain people have been able to get into her circle. And it's only then that her more chaotic traits jump out. She has more sense and self-control than other Jesse's who may try drinking lava, though the curiosity would be there. She prefers to doodle than participate in meetings or do paperwork. (However, she does know to an extent she's supposed to do those things) Always down for a game of tag. A 4'11'' can of whoop ass. She's kinda like a small dog. Can and will pick a fight and win. Professional at hide and seek. A whole Lesbian. So into women it HURTS. Left-handed! Her weapon of choice is a trident and WHEW. It's probably custom and enchanted to the nines. That's her BABY. Despite not quite understanding redstone to the fullest, she thought Ellegaard was the coolest. Family life wise, she was raised by her grandparents.
Her nickname's include Jem, Emma, and Em. [Em is typically exclusive to Petra <3]
She would honestly be the one playing with the kids around Beacon Town instead of making the big decisions for the city. This is one of the few Jesse's I imagine leaves with Petra. She doesn't want routine! She wants to explore and have fun! Her Beacon Town was like canon standard BT. *Chaos.* Just the way she likes it.
She’s dating Petra and, besties, they are the sweetest couple. They’re out there having fun together exploring the world!!!!
Josiah! (Red Suspenders)
He's tired. Really tired. Let him sleep, please. But if you do, know he sleeps like a rock. And is super cuddly in his sleep. He likes, like, 5 people, maybe (Aiden's one of them). Despite that though, he's like super personable. People like him a lot even if he likes none of them. If Josiah likes you, though, he's likely to tell you how much you mean to him. Super affectionate to his friends. Doesn't want to even be touched by other people. He's kinda grumpy. I suspect it's because he's always tired. Sarcastic to everyone. Except his friends. As I said, he loves his friends and would lay down his life for them. He prefers animals to people, but says that; "Some animals are just as jerk-y as humans. Those animals are cats. They are surprisingly my favorite of the not-pig animals." A bit of a griefer, ngl. Can and will destroy you (and your minecraft house). My tallest Jesse coming in at 6'0''. Absolutely ADORES bracelets. Wears several. Pansexual. Anygender goes, babeyyyy. Right-handed! Weapon of choice is your standard diamond sword preferably with Sharpness and Knockback. Enemies are gettin' FLUNG. He thought Gabriel was the coolest, hands down. He lived with Axel and his family until he was old enough to be out on his own.
His nicknames include Jo, Si, and Siah. (Siah's rare and might get you punched unless you're Aiden in which it will get you stabbed [Guess who still calls him Siah and starts to get away with it])
He likes Beacon Town a lot, but running it is a hassle. He leaves with Petra with some serious reservations because f r i e n d s but he knows they'll be there when he gets back. (He ends up catching up with an old rival while out and about anyway and makes 3 new friends) His Beacon Town, just like Jemma's, was pretty canon standard. Though, I definitely think he kept things a BIT more uniform!
Ngl, he’s likely dating Aiden. They’re both mean and get to be mean together. On the flip side, I could also see him and Axel together. I’m not willing to officially choose. It’s one of them.
Jasmine! (Red Clip/Highlight)
The absolute brightest ball of sunshine you'll ever meet! An optimist through and through! Though, not quite in the morning. Let her get awake though and she's back to herself! She LOVES to dance and you best believe if you're her friend dancing is a must and required, with or without music! She's extroverted to the MAX. Collects friends like baseball cards and cherishes them even more. Kind of a flashy/glamorous person! She can totally run in heels and loves wearing nice clothes. 5'6'' and loving it! She's fun-sized :> Has the patience of a saint. And is so forgiving it's insane. Forgive and forget to the max of the phrase. Though she doesn't let people step all over her in the slightest. Pansexual :> Right-handed! Loves a nice gold sword [Flashy, remember?] Definitely a dual wielder. They're enchanted to the max and she can do DAMAGE with them. Definitely learned from Isa. Thinks all of the Old Order were the coolest. She grew up on her uncles farm.
She is known as Jazz to everyone and that's what she prefers to be called! [On the rarer side there's Jazzy which is exclusive to Aiden and Stella]
Beacon Town is her pride and joy! So, of course, she stays. She's ready for a quiet life. Hers definitely has a more modern, cyberpunk, solarpunk vibe! Glitzy and flashy but in the most down to earth way with plenty of room for the citizens to vote on projects and include their own!
She’s dating Aiden. They’re the sunshine/grumpy trope, wholeheartedly.
Javier! (Green Suspenders)
He's the type to joke about/make light of minor inconveniences and big problems. He's very sarcastic but in like the nicest way possible? He's serious despite his constant joking, I promise. He loves hats? Beanies, ball caps, etc. he owns them, he wears them, he loves them. Also hoodies! He owns like 50+ ("What? They're comfy!" is his number one defense to people's questioning stares at his hoodie collections) He's not all that into sweets. Will occasionally eat one or two. He really likes jazz music; more often than not that's what's playing on his jukebox. He's 5'5'' and mad about it. Honestly, he's just like your average older Gen Z. You know, the one who's over the age of 16 and shitposts about how shitty life and the world are. The definitely not okay but pretends they are kinda Gen Z. That's Javier. Architecture buff. He really knows his stuff! Another Pansexual :> Left-handed king! Just hand him any kind of weapon he'll learn how to use it with finesse <3 Thought Soren was the coolest and incorporated a lot of his architecture style into his own [suffered a horrible version of "never meet your heroes"] He was raised by his two moms and they lived happily in town.
He goes by the nickname Javi more often than not. Friend or foe. He's Javi. (Or Jav [said like Javi without the 'ee' sound at the end] by close friends/a partner)
He's dedicated to leading Beacon Town. He likes the stability the routine of it gives him. So, he let Petra go off on her own but not without swearing her into writing at least twice a month. His Beacon Town is very lush and soft on the eyes. Brick and terracotta are used liberally and he's always happy to include citizens in the planning of new expansions.
Javi’s either with Aiden or Lukas; maybe Aiden and Lukas. I don’t have much else on the matter except that he likes his men tall and wearing a leather jacket.
Jaime! (Blue Clip/Highlight)
She's probably one of the kindest people you'll ever meet but she is so sad. She's afraid of being alone and often wonders if she's good enough. Needs a hug fr fr. A long one, at least an hour of being held. She might cry though. Despite this, she tries to be upbeat and jokes a lot. And can be a menace when she wants to be. None of her friends are safe from pranks and teasing. Also, she's super loyal to her friends! Definitely a ride or die. So brave! Sometimes a bit reckless, but she gets the job done. Definitely has a bit of a temper. Though it's rare it shows through. Very curious! Can sometimes seem nosy, but she just likes learning things! This plays well into her ability to sleuth things out and solve mysteries. She's a clothes thief, 100%. Shirts are the number one thing she takes. Owns at least a couple from all her friends. A really good piano player. It's a hobby she doesn't often get to take part in. Reading and adventuring usually take precedence. Mostly because she can't say no to a good book or new adventure. A decent enchanter and potion brewer! Another Pansexual <3 Right-handed! Sword and shield is her forte. Definitely uses a diamond blade with Sharpness on it. Ivor's her favorite Old Order member. She's learned a lot from him. She was raised by her parents who were the Minecraft equivalent of governors/mayors/politicians.
Jaime's typical nickname is Jay! Aime is another one though on the rarer side. Typically used by Olivia, Axel, and Stella. The rarest goes to Jaybird and Blue Jay. Jaybird coming from her parents and later being adopted by Lukas and Blue Jay coming from Aiden <3
She adores Beacon Town and wants a life of peace after S2 so she chooses to stay despite hating watching Petra go. Her Beacon Town is Steampunk and super lush and green and filled with flowers. It's a center for travel and an adventurer's stop!
She’s, of course, dating Aiden, currently. They’d had a will they/won’t they dynamic for some time. Also, she and Lukas had a small stint as a couple. A few months or so, methinks.
Javon! (Yellow Suspenders)
Has a bit of a temper and that makes him seem really mean but he's actually so nice. Like so so so nice and super gentle. He just usually doesn't like strangers and that makes him seem very unapproachable. He loves his friends though. Would commit crimes in their favor. Would also kick someone's teeth in for them. He's really good with redstone and rigging traps; specifically explosives. A griefer sometimes. Definitely loves Boom Town. He loves playing the guitar and learned at a young age! Likes collecting rocks; has all sorts of cool ones. While he dislikes strangers he's still super polite. And great at moving a crowd! Another Pansexual for the Pansexual Jesse tally. Right-handed! Nothing beats explosives when it comes to weapons however he's a decent archer! Loves his crossbow dearly. His favorite member of the Old Order is Magnus. He was raised by his dad. They lived in a little cabin on the outskirts of town.
His close friends call him Von! It's the only nickname he really has.
He also stays in Beacon Town. May or may not have been for a blonde, no one can prove it though. His Beacon Town is full on Steampunk. Greenery can be seen in some places. It's kinda like an extension to Redstonia in a way. Redstone and technological advancement are appreciated in both—with a side of destruction also being achieved in BT.
He’s dating Lukas. That blonde has had him in a chokehold for years and, tbh, who would blame him?
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