#Buy Active Facebook Followers
profilefollowers27 · 2 years
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indianvipsmm · 2 years
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The surveillance advertising to financial fraud pipeline
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Monday (October 2), I'll be in Boise to host an event with VE Schwab. On October 7–8, I'm in Milan to keynote Wired Nextfest.
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Being watched sucks. Of all the parenting mistakes I've made, none haunt me more than the times my daughter caught me watching her while she was learning to do something, discovered she was being observed in a vulnerable moment, and abandoned her attempt:
It's hard to be your authentic self while you're under surveillance. For that reason alone, the rise and rise of the surveillance industry – an unholy public-private partnership between cops, spooks, and ad-tech scum – is a plague on humanity and a scourge on the Earth:
But beyond the psychic damage surveillance metes out, there are immediate, concrete ways in which surveillance brings us to harm. Ad-tech follows us into abortion clinics and then sells the info to the cops back home in the forced birth states run by Handmaid's Tale LARPers:
And even if you have the good fortune to live in a state whose motto isn't "There's no 'I" in uter-US," ad-tech also lets anti-abortion propagandists trick you into visiting fake "clinics" who defraud you into giving birth by running out the clock on terminating your pregnancy:
The commercial surveillance industry fuels SWATting, where sociopaths who don't like your internet opinions or are steamed because you beat them at Call of Duty trick the cops into thinking that there's an "active shooter" at your house, provoking the kind of American policing autoimmune reaction that can get you killed:
There's just a lot of ways that compiling deep, nonconsensual, population-scale surveillance dossiers can bring safety and financial harm to the unwilling subjects of our experiment in digital spying. The wave of "business email compromises" (the infosec term for impersonating your boss to you and tricking you into cleaning out the company bank accounts)? They start with spear phishing, a phishing attack that uses personal information – bought from commercial sources or ganked from leaks – to craft a virtual Big Store con:
It's not just spear-phishers. There are plenty of financial predators who run petty grifts – stock swindles, identity theft, and other petty cons. These scams depend on commercial surveillance, both to target victims (e.g. buying Facebook ads targeting people struggling with medical debt and worried about losing their homes) and to run the con itself (by getting the information needed to pull of a successful identity theft).
In "Consumer Surveillance and Financial Fraud," a new National Bureau of Academic Research paper, a trio of business-school profs – Bo Bian (UBC), Michaela Pagel (WUSTL) and Huan Tang (Wharton) quantify the commercial surveillance industry's relationship to finance crimes:
The authors take advantage of a time-series of ZIP-code-accurate fraud complaint data from the Consumer Finance Protection Board, supplemented by complaints from the FTC, along with Apple's rollout of App Tracking Transparency, a change to app-based tracking on Apple mobile devices that turned of third-party commercial surveillance unless users explicitly opted into being spied on. More than 96% of Apple users blocked spying:
In other words, they were able to see, neighborhood by neighborhood, what happened to financial fraud when users were able to block commercial surveillance.
What happened is, fraud plunged. Deprived of the raw material for committing fraud, criminals were substantially hampered in their ability to steal from internet users.
While this is something that security professionals have understood for years, this study puts some empirical spine into the large corpus of qualitative accounts of the surveillance-to-fraud pipeline.
As the authors note in their conclusion, this analysis is timely. Google has just rolled out a new surveillance system, the deceptively named "Privacy Sandbox," that every Chrome user is being opted in to unless they find and untick three separate preference tickboxes. You should find and untick these boxes:
Google has spun, lied and bullied Privacy Sandbox into existence; whenever this program draws enough fire, they rename it (it used to be called FLoC). But as the Apple example showed, no one wants to be spied on – that's why Google makes you find and untick three boxes to opt out of this new form of surveillance.
There is no consensual basis for mass commercial surveillance. The story that "people don't mind ads so long as they're relevant" is a lie. But even if it was true, it wouldn't be enough, because beyond the harms to being our authentic selves that come from the knowledge that we're being observed, surveillance data is a crucial ingredient for all kinds of crime, harassment, and deception.
We can't rely on companies to spy on us responsibly. Apple may have blocked third-party app spying, but they effect nonconsensual, continuous surveillance of every Apple mobile device user, and lie about it:
That's why we should ban commercial surveillance. We should outlaw surveillance advertising. Period:
Contrary to the claims of surveillance profiteers, this wouldn't reduce the income to ad-supported news and other media – it would increase their revenues, by letting them place ads without relying on the surveillance troves assembled by the Google/Meta ad-tech duopoly, who take the majority of ad-revenue:
We're 30 years into the commercial surveillance pandemic and Congress still hasn't passed a federal privacy law with a private right of action. But other agencies aren't waiting for Congress. The FTC and DoJ Antitrust Divsision have proposed new merger guidelines that allow regulators to consider privacy harms when companies merge:
Think here of how Google devoured Fitbit and claimed massive troves of extremely personal data, much of which was collected because employers required workers to wear biometric trackers to get the best deal on health care:
Companies can't be trusted to collect, retain or use our personal data wisely. The right "balance" here is to simply ban that collection, without an explicit opt-in. The way this should work is that companies can't collect private data unless users hunt down and untick three "don't spy on me" boxes. After all, that's the standard that Google has set.
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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Image: Cryteria (modified) https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:HAL9000.svg
CC BY 3.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/deed.en
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practicalsolarpunk · 4 months
Hello I was wondering if you had any advice for solar punk dwellers that live in apartments. I always see all these cool add-ons to houses to make life more sustainable, but a lot of them I can't really do while living in an apartment. Also my apartment is fully indoors so it doesn't have a balcony where I can put stuff outside. However, I have started an indoor garden.
Hi! Indoor gardening is a fantastic place to start. Beyond that, it can really depend on what you're interested in. If gardening is really your thing, see what kind of gardening resources are around! Is there a community garden in your area that you could participate in? Would your apartment complex be interested in letting you start a garden for the complex? (They may be more interested than you might think - it's an amenity they can promote to future tenants, it engages current tenants, and they don't have to pay for landscaping on the area you turned into a garden.) If you have a lot of gardening experience, are there people in the area who want to learn that you could work with? If you're new to gardening, is there someone in your local Food Not Lawns group who would be willing to teach you more in exchange for some work on their garden?
Speaking of Food Not Lawns, see what other groups are around in your area that you could get involved in. Food Not Bombs, Freecycle, and Buy Nothing are other good groups to look for. There's also likely groups specific to your area - you may be able to find them by searching on Facebook, but more likely by connecting with other people at one of these bigger groups and asking.
Beyond that, I highly recommend cooking, mending and sewing (see our #mending, #mend and make do, and #sewing tags), and building some community. Meet your neighbors and get to know them! (I love cooking as a vehicle for this - humans often bond over food, and bringing over cookies or inviting them to share some homemade soup is a great way to connect.) You could start a free pantry in your apartment complex or building, or talk about a tenants' union. You can also try similar stuff at work, like a Breakroom Free Box. If politics is more your speed, you can do some activism (see our #activism tag) or even get involved with local political organizations and push them to be more progressive. Especially in local politics, one person can make a big difference.
For more ideas, we also have the following tags:
#apartment solarpunk
#dorms and small spaces
#community building
#mutual aid
#fiber crafts
I'd also encourage you to check out this post and this post, which are previous answers to similar questions.
I hope this gives you some places to start. If you have more specific questions, feel free to send in another ask!
- Mod J
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WIBTA for offering constructive criticism on Facebook marketplace?
I get that that sounds shitty but hear me out. I just bought a used piece of furniture on Facebook marketplace from someone whose listing and communications set off a ton of red flags.
🚩 No original photos, just a screenshot of the original Amazon listing
🚩 Responded to all of my messages really fast with really simple answers (the kind of thing you could do with a bot)
🚩 Did not barter/negotiate when my offer was 20% below list price, just immediately accepted it
🟡 Profile picture had real people in it, but in a plain grassy field and from a distance (easy to AI generate or find stock photos with this composition, but also a common enough layout for real people's family photos)
🟢 Account had been active for >5 years (probably would've been deactivated by now if they've been scamming)
So I did go through with the purchase and pick-up, taking reasonable precautions to reduce the risk of being mugged or otherwise harmed. Turns out the seller was a wonderful person who gave me tips on reassembling the furniture, and was waiting outside with it when I arrived so I didn't even have to enter their house.
They did make a comment in person that they were just glad someone wanted to buy this piece, they hadn't been getting much interest on it.
WIBTA for following up days later, saying something like "Thanks for the assembly tips! Also, just so you know, your listing had a few red flags, which may be why you weren't getting much interest. In the future, you might get better results if you include at least one original photo of the item, even if it's already disassembled." I don't want to insult their ability to craft marketplace listings, but I feel like someone so considerate irl deserves to know that they're coming across as sketchy online?
What are these acronyms?
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20dollarlolita · 4 months
How involved are you in the Lolita community? As someone who dresses historical inspired (and thus, some of my clothing dips into lolita)—I find the community, especially the international community, utterly exhausting to be around.
I'm an artist, I work at an art gallery—and I find the community to be somehow even more pretentious of an environment. It's like the attitudes of millionaires into couture combined with the same obsession weebs have with Japan and anime.
I'm a plus sized person, so if I buy something lolita, it tends to be a non-patterned dupe/replica that I alter to better suit my tastes and I made the mistake or mentioning this and people online within the lolita community were furious—telling me that I don't "deserve to be in the community"... I have no desire to go to meet-ups with people THAT pretentious, especially about clothing.
I saw your posts about your opinions on replicas, so I wanted to know—what are your opinions about the lolita community?
Are we talking about the local lolita community that banned the four most openly disabled people in the group for saying that banning someone without giving a reason was shitty and then openly saying that it was because someone was mentally ill was even more shitty?
Or are we talking about the communities that I've joined and helped build and try to create an open space. The lolita community that I'm the most active on is my own discord server, which has like 250ish members and which follows rules that I made up and think make sense.
But prior to joining the local community that I was later banned from, I spent 10 years being lone lolita. This meant that I had to get used to ideas like, "I'm going to wear what I want to whatever events that I want. It doesn't matter if there's no one else to wear it with me. I'll post it on my own social media, and if people like it, then that feels great!"
And this gave me a really interesting power, which was that when someone tried to take the local community away from me, I was offended that it happened, but no one could take the fashion away from me, because my relationship with lolita fashion is not based in a community. I like being in a community, but the fashion is mine and no one can take that away from me.
I've had people ask me before how I made a successful lolita blog, and the secret that I tell people is to find a void in what people offer, and do what I can to fill that. I started this blog because I needed more lolita things in my life, and I didn't have resources to help me make them. I figured that if I needed this resource, other people probably did too. Sharing the resource was public, but the things I was making, I was making for me. But that's what it was, finding something that I wanted to do and was passionate about and that no one else was doing.
With regards to replicas, the main thing that I absolutely cannot stand about the mainstream lolita community is the idea that replica dresses are bad, but replica shoes are fine. I've bitched about it before when people say that print replicas are theft and design replicas aren't. The community has partially changed about that, but I still get people saying, "well, replica shoes are different!" and when you ask why, no one has an answer that doesn't sound like bullshit. At the end of the day, you have to look at your own morals and the consequences for your actions. There's a lot of places where posting coords with replicas (except fucking shoes for some weird ass reason) is prohibited. If you want to participate in that group, you have to respect their rules. I absolutely fully respect groups to be able to make absurd rules and then defend them like they're life-or-death, and as long as those rules aren't inherently excluding someone for something they don't control, that's fine. I'm in a facebook group where you get banned if you use the letter N (and don't remove it when called out by other group members). It's absolutely hilarious. If brands like Meta and Atelier Pierrot, as well as taobao brands on places like 42lolita, and the handmade lolita scene, didn't exist, banning replicas would actually be a rule that excluded people who were plus-size, but it's 2024 and there are options for extended size. There's not as many and they're not as good, but this isn't 2010 and we have options other than Qutieland resellers and having shopping services visit Laforet for you.
But if you're well-informed on the economics and global impact of replicas as well as that of mainstream lolita fashion, and you're okay with making the purchase when you have all the facts, and you're also okay with how wearing replicas is going to impact your lolita social life, go for it. You've already learned that there's places where people don't tolerate it. But at the end of the day we're all stupid people in stupid dresses, so wear what you like.
If you want a short answer: There's a lot of parts of the lolita community that I don't like, so I made my own. I think it's important to have my relationship with the fashion come from within me, and not from community involvement. It's nice to have lolita friends but It's just as valid to just wear what you want for the sake of wanting to wear it.
(I limit the number of people who can join the Discord at a time because I want to get a chance to meet people. I've recently had a lot of health problems and I'm just not mentally up to meeting a ton of new people and teaching them server culture. If anyone reading this finds this post and that link has been used up or expired, please message me and I'll get you a new one if I'm able).
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petewentzisblack1312 · 8 months
on that note, i dont want to sound like a shill or like im bitching about not getting notes but in a very real way there is a real, material thing you can do to help a black person in your cyberhood and its interact with and especially reblog my store posts, follow @dilsdesigns wherever you get your #content (im active on instagram and the site that will forever be known as twitter, and have a facebook page that crossposts instagram posts), and buy the stuff i make if you like it and you can. you can also just outright donate to me, if you dont like anything ive got or cant purchase because of where youre at (as a reminder, i currently only ship to the us, uk, canada and the rest of the caribbean. i am calling the deputy postmaster to ask when that will change).
at the moment dils designs is my only source of income, and if you recall, my family is recovering financially from a car crash. we have had a much higher transport bill, having to take bus and cabs more regularly, in addition to more aches and pains because of that, because were all disabled and public transit here comes with a LOT of walking up and down hills. in addition to that we have more trips to make than usual because we need to meet with insurance and with the police (who are dragging their feet on getting the report done). the car is being repaired, thankfully, but this has still been a huge financial hit, and a massive emotional toll on my family.
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indianvipsmm · 2 years
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cyle · 2 years
the internet diverges again
(if you're a regular Garbage Day reader, a lot of this may sound very familiar to you, as i'm borrowing heavily from conclusions Ryan keeps drawing as well. my thoughts below are my own, and kinda rambling because i don't really have any strong conclusions yet, just speculation that keeps me up at night.)
feels to me like the internet is diverging yet again, into two primary modes of user experience:
the new FM radio. this is what TikTok is, and YouTube has been for a long time. it's massive, it's impossible to ingest all of it or even a fraction of it, and it moves so fast that the vast majority of people can be nothing but passive consumers. it's a lean-back, wayyy back, experience on these platforms. the key difference today, from actual FM radio, is how much the experience is personalized and molds itself in real time to you as the consumer. more and more people want to tune out of the active social media model and into the hyper-passive radio model. you don't have to even follow anybody, the content comes to you, just like the radio. sit back, relax, swipe up, watch, keep swiping, the next piece of content will be more suited to you than the last, head empty no thoughts.
the archipelago. this is what Discord is, and what Reddit subreddits are, and what Substack newsletters are, and Minecraft servers, and why people gravitate towards them. people do still want a sense of belonging, and we've all agreed lately that such a thing is way too much work on the slightly-customizable-algo-feeds of Twitter or Facebook. this is a polar opposite of the new FM radio model above, because this archipelago requires deep commitment, buy-in, and time investment. and the islands are inherently getting smaller and smaller and smaller and more nostalgic and like the message boards of the 00s. the key point being that they're independent, separate, and feel owned and controlled by their inhabitants. there can't/won't be an index of them.
i think these two paths are in stark contrast with what the predominant UX model has been over the last 15 years, which is that slightly-customizable centralized walled garden algorithmic feed that is what Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram have been perfecting, and is now wholly inadequate. and those platforms keep trying to compete with TikTok, but in the wrong way. it's not about video, nor even the infinite feed, it's about the extremes of ownership and depth of involvement.
in this new context, the traditional walled garden feeds now feel like work with little reward, and TikTok doesn't feel like work at all, with lots of reward. Discord feels like deliberate work with reward. it's those different patterns of passive and active reward that feel so disrupted by TikTok, which is not a UI feature, it's the whole thing. you can't just slap a feed of recommended videos into Instagram and get the same result, now that we consumers are all more wise to it.
i'm somewhat excited about this shift because underneath these new-but-old paradigms are important shifts in our relationship to the products and our actual ownership of them. Discord relies on subscription money, not ads; they survey paying users to figure out what to build next, and it seems to work at scale and make people feel like they really own their servers. TikTok runs ads the way radio runs ads, except far more deeply personalized, because they have the mount everest of attention data (which is not the same as Facebook's relational targeting data). it's very clear that you own nothing on TikTok or YouTube, you're just a passively floating leaf in an ocean of content.
i'm also excited about this shift because it means we're in fertile territory for products, both new and existing, to figure out where they belong and if they can adapt. TikTok and Discord feel like the two opposite axis points to me, in terms of product ownership, anonymity, tracking behavior, attention economy, etc. if both worlds are feasibly sustainable, then that's great news for those of us who want to cultivate safer, smaller places to coexist on the internet. there is a whole spectrum of possibility to explore here and lean into. it comes with a myriad of new problems, but arguably, we never figured out a lot of the core problems with the old model anyway, so what's it worth?
no conclusions here, just a lot of thoughts.
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nighttime-tea-party · 10 days
since you say youve been in the kuro fandom even before BoC aired, could you tell me about how it was back then? :D ive always been interested in learning how internet culture used to be, how things eventually changed, how they improved/declined etc, more so when the current community is pretty much dead. was there an experience that marked you, what do you remember most fondly? was there an event that excited the fandom more than any other (like the release of a chapter or smth)? which blogs were the most popular? Its okay if you dont want to tho, i understand!
Super interesting question! I hope I can provide some equally interesting information in return.
Before the fandom had reached Tumblr, much of it centred around a forum, or at least much of what I knew. It wasn't originally a Kuroshitsuji forum but a sub-forum of a Bleach forum, actually. I think it was called Bleach Asylum? And I don't know exactly how it came to be but I think that Bleach forum had lots of sub forums for then-popular anime and manga but Kuroshitsuji gained so much popularity and the fandom happened to gather there, so that sub forum really took off and it ended up being an anchor point for the fandom. I used to always look for the most recent scanlations there, back before we were able to buy them legally.
I didn't actively participate in that forum but I lurked occasionally. It was full of wild discussions, one of which was the "two Ciel(s) theory"/"2CT" as it was called back then. It had a strong following on the website back then already. I sadly don't remember any of the other theories that were making rounds back then...
I didn't really participate in much fandom stuff back then, limited my art posts to deviantArt and my personal facebook... but eventually, I made a tumblr specifically to interact with the fandom.
As for blogs, I don't really like doing any name dropping, especially because it would go into some people who used to ship sebaciel and turned anti, and other stuff I'd rather not talk about. I do feel like back in the day, there were a couple of gigantic Kuroshitsuji blogs with massive followings that got a LOT of asks every day (to the point where it seemed like a full time job to keep up with them). Discussion around sebaciel was very different, there have always been people who disliked it but unfounded rumours like "did you know that Kuroshitsuji was supposed to be a yaoi" made rounds without people questioning it. That always annoyed me a little tbh haha.
There was one fan artist on deviantArt whose name I sadly don't remember but I think they were THE kuro artist in Western fandom back then because their style looked very similar to the anime style. I still see their art sometimes.
And fun fact on the side, I grew up in German fandom spaces and we had a big website called Animexx (I think it's still around) that was dedicated specifically to all things manga, anime, and related stuff. They had really convenient ways of browsing on-site fanart, fanfic, doujinshi, cosplay, and other fan creations, as well as forums and ways to host your own fan events. Until the early 2010s, I hung out there a lot so until then, my perspective is distorted by that German lens. I used to post my early Kuroshitsuji fanart there too.
If you have any more questions, feel free to ask! I feel like I could go on tangents for much longer but idk how interesting that would be.
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saraculberry122 · 1 year
Sammy Ingram Is A Liar
I have known Samantha a.k.a. Sammy for over 10 years. We used to be extremely close friends up until recently. I had to cut her off, because my self, and some of our other friends called her out for constantly lying in her videos. She has already cut off Other friends for calling her out. One of our friends, Tallia, called her out over a year ago, publicly, and Sammy pretended to not know who she was. Sammy has been a habitual, and pathological liar her entire life. She used to lie about her race, and heavily edit her photos and tell people that they weren’t even when it was extremely obvious. She would tell people she was Hispanic, then she would tell people she was half black. She knows how to manipulate people into believing whatever she tells them. I will attach messages to this thread. I was recently blocked after trying to upload a video about the situation on YouTube, she reported my video immediately, and it got taken down for bullying and harassment. I tried to re-upload it, but since my kids were in the background of my video, I think it’s safer, if I don’t.
She always tries to silence everyone who calls her out. She cuts her friends off and blocks us. Then she pretends as if she doesn’t know us. She has never manifested anything in. This is not her first time using social media to scam people. She has admitted to us that she steals other peoples videos. She has sent me links of other peoples post and videos, saying she was going to make a video like it. She talks shit about her coaches, and even tried to scam some of them. Which is why her coaches are constantly leaving. She always says she doesn’t care about her clients, she just wants to make money. She always complains about her clients and her situation is calling them names and laughing at them for being desperate.
Around the time of her father‘s passing, and I reached out to her and told her that I pray she stops lying and does the right thing. She got mad at me and wouldn’t talk to me for a few months. When she did reach out to me she told me she would confess publicly. me and Tallia, are used to create google accounts, and Facebook, pages and fake success stories for her. We were commenting, 20 or 30 success stories under all of her post. When she started her Facebook group, we would post success stories from accounts we created. She literally asked us to do this, so that people would buy her coaching and think she was legit. And she used to buy her Instagram followers. She used to tell people she was Hispanic, which is not true. She would lie about where she is from. All she does is lie. She never manifested Bobby, I have no clue how she made him agree to even filming videos about it. But I’m sure she Gaslite him or manipulated him as she did so many people we know.
She has a burner Twitter account that she used to use to bully people online. The account is still active and she uses it to defend herself, pretending to be someone else to anyone who sends her hate online. She pretends like it’s a supporter but it’s actually her. You may have noticed this account around. She blocked all of her friends on this account along time ago, so I don’t remember the name of it. I’m sure one of you can find it and figure it out. I years ago, she would always create fake accounts to bully people or make herself seem better. Since she is a good liar and manipulator, it’s usually easy for her to get away with everything. I’m sure she has brainwashed her followers into believing everything she says. she loves playing the victim and always has. Every time she starts some thing with someone, it’s always their fault. She is constantly throwing rocks at people and then hiding her hands. This has been going on way before this YouTube channel.
I’m sure like always. She is going to pretend like she doesn’t know me. The same thing she did to TALLIA I will see if I can find a picture of us together. Please help me get this message out. I worry for her son Major Devon Ingram every single day. I pray he doesn’t end up like a pathological liar like his mom. I tried to tell her for years she needs to confess to all of the fucked up stuff she’s done. She continues to say she will, but I doubt she will ever. I cannot wait to see how she will lie and manipulate her way out of this.
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silvermaplealder · 1 year
Modern Day Head Cannons
I like to imagine the lost boys characters having modern day quirks since I like to write in the present time. So I compiled a list of random head cannons for each of the characters from the vamps to gramps, on random quirks they would have in the modern day.
Is quite awful with technology. Like he has a phone but cannot change the wallpaper for it. So the other vamps are constantly changing his wallpaper to stupid little things
Though, he would be great with slang. He would know all the up-to-date slang just from reading people's minds and listening to them talk. The vamps would see some new slang or abbreviation and David would know exactly what it meant
His only social media would be a facebook profile he made in like 2010 that has 0 updates since the day he made it. Also it has his real birthdate on it.
He'd also be opposed to his face being on the internet. Like, he doesn't mind pictures as long as they're not posted. He's paranoid like a parent in 2008 who's children are getting a test of the world wide web. But since he doesn't have social media nor can really work a phone, the others will still post stuff of him without him knowing
Dwayne would have his own Etsy shop for oddities. He'd find and clean bones and sell them online and make a surprising amount of money. Like it started as a little fun thing back when Etsy first began, and then next thing he knew he became very popular.
He treats his little shop without a care, and never responds to messages or actively tells people to fuck off, but people keep on buying. He's a star seller (somehow without responding to messages) and has 5 star reviews.
I also feel that he would LOVE fanfiction. He would read a book and then immediately have a ship and look up fanfiction for it. Sometimes he would write fanfiction, but he never feels like his work is good enough so he doesn't post it.
Since they don't have power at the cave, he'd be the one who would bring all the electronics to a cafe to get them charged. He would love his little cafe trips and it gives him a chance to have a break from the others
I feel like he would be experimenting with different pronouns, and the other vampires would be super supportive of him and do their best to ensure they use the proper ones.
Marko would have ALL of the social media. Everything. He'd have facebook, instagram, tiktok, tumblr, twitter, everything. You know he had a MySpace and was in the aol chatrooms. He'd have a shit ton of email addresses as well so he could have multiple accounts.
He knows every vine reference
He posts at least a couple times an hour for whatever pops in his head. He's been temporarily banned on most of his accounts for posting gore-y stuff that was flagged
He has a surprising amount of followers and he jokes about being a vampire all of the time
Paul would love pictures on his phone. He would have so many pictures of the other vampires and anything that he sees.
He would also have all of the music apps, and the paid versions specifically. Youtube Red. Spotify Premium. He's got apps to create music, though he's really bad at it.
He and Marko definitely tried to make a youtube channel and it did not work out very well
He also loves to make memes. He and Marko have thousands of saved memes on their phones of things that happen in their day to day life
Star accidentally became very popular on tiktok for a stupid little video she never expected to get any views. She ends up as a mini influencer with little videos that she spends twenty seconds making
She's also slightly jealous about Dwayne's Etsy shop doing well as she tried jewelry making but nothing was selling. And yet she was always adamant about good customer service and Dwayne ignores most of his messages.
She also has her own bike at this point and somehow she's more scary on it than the other boys
He loves cars. He's the kind of guy that would go to car shows and he'd drag the other vampires with him. Paul would take pictures of his favorite cars and print them out for him.
Michael would also have a part-time overnight job to be able to afford getting a nice car of his own
He's also not a fan of memes and tries very hard not to end up in one of Paul or Marko's memes, though it happens so frequently he just has no idea
Sam would have amazing fashion. With access to the internet he'd be copying a lot of famous people's styles
He'd be obsessed with pinterest. So many ideas saved, fashion styles, etc.
He'd also have some self image issues that he'd need to work through
He really, really wants to go to a convention but with his family struggling with money he's never been able to
He'd want a cell phone so bad. Star and Dwayne refuse to buy him one because they're afraid of internet safety. But Marko and Paul are happy to led over their phones for Laddie to play games on
David definitely leaves his phone "unattended" for Laddie to take and use
Sometimes David leaves his phone with Laddie so Laddie can text the other vampires when they're out
OBSESSED with Fortnite. Like so obsessed. He's certain Donald Mustard is some sort of undead being and hypnotizing children with the video game. But yet Edgar plays it every moment of free time he has
He also is on top of every conspiracy theory. He believes anything that he reads on the internet, even if it sounds a little far fetched
He also most definitely follows Marko's social media and has zero idea that Marko's a vampire
Alan likes Fortnite too, but is not as obsessed about it as Edgar is. He's not as quick to jump onto conspiracy theories as Edgar is, but if Edgar gives him a good reason he'll believe it.
He and Edgar most definitely send each other memes/videos of toxic family relationships and they both will give a brief laugh and look at their deadbeat parents
He's the one that makes friends and brings them to Edgar so that Edgar can have a friend. They don't have many friends, but all their friends are ride-or-die types
His video store he would have switched to be a tech store so he can still continue to get the personal information of people in the area. People come to buy big ticket items and he can collect their addresses for deliveries, or payment plans, etc.
He'd be very informational about technology in general, but you'd find that he still has a flip phone and does not own any sort of modern piece of technology
He constantly warns the younger vampires about the dangers of the internet
She'd be on a lot of mom blogs, trying to relate with other mothers who have sons
I feel like she'd also be the kind of mother who would have lots of pictures of her children growing up and she'd look at them a lot, or share them online.
She's also definitely a facebook mom who doesn't post updates much, but she's always looking at other people's posts and commenting. She'd also low-key try to stalk her children's new friends all the time. She'd find David's facebook and she'd be like why does it say he was born in the 1800's. And we all just hope she doesn't find any of Marko's accounts
Gramps would LOVE the modern day taxidermy community. He'd be on a very niche online taxidermy forum (not to name names, but taxidermy. net).
He'd love the new forms for taxidermy that he could order online that make his life a lot easier and no asbestos.
He'd still know about all the different vampires in the area
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laurellavenderhaze · 2 years
rant because I’m pissed off at the world: (TW: domestic abuse)
if you ever believed johnny depp you have no critical thinking skills sorry because yes there was propaganda but if you’re that easily manipulated by a couple of tiktoks then that is a sign you need to start using your brain a bit more because the evidence she was innocent was right there the whole time. So either you have no ability to form your own thoughts and just followed what everyone else was saying without bothering to find information for yourself, or you actively enjoyed harassing and mocking a DV survivor. Like you can’t just turn around now and say “oh society has messed up I was manipulated” because some of us saw those hateful things against her and actually made the effort to think about it and look into it more before forming an opinion.
Also for people saying now “oh they were both bad” mutual abuse is not a thing and the idea that it is is very harmful to survivors and even if it was mutual abuse (which again - literally impossible) you should still be outraged that she lost (because mutual abuse would mean she wasn’t lying in the article) and outraged that she received about 10x as much vitriol than he did.
I still see people spreading and saying stupid shit that they’ve see in other comments like “oh she was caught lying” or “oh but he admitted his faults but she claimed to have never done anything” when those things are simply not true but you see it in a comment somewhere and for some reason unequivocally believe it.
People claim to be feminists or progressives but still have opinions and biases which influence how they see cases like this, but many people don’t understand domestic abuse. So instead of listening to abuse experts telling you she’s the victim and he’s the abuser you watch ‘body language’ (a pseudoscience based on: nothing) videos and listen to the opinions of lawtubers who just want to make money (which they clearly aren’t making being a lawyer since they have that much time to spend making videos and tweets about a case they’re not involved with.) And then you claim to have watched the trial but don’t know the most basic things that happened or only watched his arguments in the trial (just look at the views of her teams part of the trial versus his) or watched through a biased streamer or commentator telling you what to think.
Just because you aren’t your great aunt believeing anti-vax things on Facebook and supporting trump does not mean you are immune to propaganda. And many in this generation seem to think they are but then go say “my dog stepped on a bee😂😂😂😂😂😂” and then act like they formed an anti-Amber opinion based on fact they obviously looked into and not because tiktok and Facebook told them to believe that. But the fact that some people are changing their minds now is telling. So maybe next time use your critical thinking skills whilst something is happening not months after because this type of shit keeps happening, and this is probably the worst and most extreme example.
Not to mention a lot of the initial propaganda and misleading information and pro-depp stuff was pushed by right-wing people and companies and MRAs (aka huge misogynists). And everyone bought into it. And then started spreading it even more! This case has given many people a gateway into these things and anti-feminist ideas, ideas of lying whores etc. have spread so much more and become more normal. And that is what these disgusting right-wing misogynists wanted; to get more people on there side but in an entertaining subtle way people would buy into so they could spoon feed them their anti-women, anti-‘woke’ views. A big reason for the publicity of this case is just societal backlash to the me-too movement. ‘Me-too has gone too far’ they say but not much has really changed that’s made a big impact and it’s all gone backwards now because so many fell for it, because your hatred for amber (and your hatred for women you were putting into hating amber) was more fun for you. This has been an MRAs wet dream. You are on the same side as Ben Shapiro in this. That should tell you all you need to know about the real reason this case has become so popular. Because they paid (literally: the daily wire put 10s of thousands of dollars into pro-depp propaganda) to make you think he was innocent, in order to push their right wing misogynistic ideas. And so many fell for it.
I’m not gonna go into why she’s innocent or the evidence rn but you can find it in many places and it is obvious to anyone with a brain she is telling the truth. Unless you would rather believe she fortified evidence of abuse since 2012, got people to go along with it (with no trace that she did this) just to not take all the money she was entitled to in the divorce, and then only use any of the evidence to write one vague op-Ed in which no details were even brought up up, than believe a known substance abuser may have hit his significantly, younger, less-powerful wife a few times, in which case I don’t know what to say to you. Johnny Depp is a truly evil, despicable man. Hopefullyy amber will win her appeal and get the justice she deserves. Imagine being her sat in a court room with your abuser and a bunch of his fans, a jury who will decide your fate, with millions at home mocking you and tearing you to shreds whilst you recall traumatic instances, then walking out to people screaming horrible things at you. I could not do it. Nor could most people.
I don’t wanna hear “we all owe Amber an apology” because who is we? I, and many others have always been on her side.
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celeste-i · 22 days
I really think Disney just keeps hiring brown/black women to be leads because they know that otherwise nobody would give a fuck about their stupid live action remakes. but by getting conservatives up in a tizzy about white princess #73 being played by the latest doe-eyed lightskin, they subsequently get the attention of all the liberals who then feel the need to defend Disney's newest cash grab against the hoards of racists. and then every time these movies finally release, you see a slew of regular brown/black people posting pictures to their 89 follower twitter/Facebook/Instagram page of their little niece/daughter/sister looking at the TV in awe, which then queues all the liberals of the internet to hit that share button so they feel as if they're doing an activism by not only looking in on someone's (brown/black) family but also by sticking it to miscellaneous evil racists who are apparently chomping at the bit to make little brown/black girls cry. nevermind the fact that they've been doing the advertiser's job for them. truly Disney doesn't even need to buy billboard ads anymore, they just need to slip a $50 to an SNL writer to make a god awful skit like "Donald trump on trial in the court room but he keeps bringing up the black Disney princess because he's a racist lol" and then liberals will put on their "I ❤️ evil corporations" hats and dutifully rent it from Disney+ and then tweet about how excellent it was, all the while imagining getting into a heated twitter argument with random disney racist #842 and totally pwning them
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xanadontit · 10 months
Last Sunday with MIL and SIL was fun. It was also maybe 4 hours tops so that helped lol. We met up for lunch and wine tasting and having an activity definitely makes a difference.
Some updates:
Niece 2 and her boyfriend and baby are in the process of moving out of her dad and stepmom’s house. They found a cute place with a yard to rent about 30 minutes away from their house. After kicking them out with little notice the dad and stepmom are shocked! shocked I say! that they didn’t try to stay closer. Amazing. Anyway, I think this will be good for Niece and her family. Multigenerational living can be great but not if your dad is a spineless twit and your stepmom is on a power trip. This is the first time Niece (and I think the boyfriend?) have lived without a parent. And they are parents now. Wild. Oh, and when Niece said they should go to WalMart or Target to buy towels (oh yeah, they have nothing - I had more shit when I moved into my college dorm) he scoffed at the idea of that cheap stuff and suggested they go to “the towel store.” When I asked SIL if he meant Bed, Bath, and Beyond she said “Who knows?” This is going to be hilarious.
SIL is no longer seeing the cop Niece 1 and Mashed Potatoes pimped her out to at their wedding. He moved to East Jesus Nowhere to be closer to one of the prison camps he supervises (VOMIT) and it wasn’t going to work. 
Speaking of everyone’s favorite cop, Mashed Potatoes’ dad has been in the hospital and had surgery on Sunday. Because I am a normal human, I reached out and expressed our support and such, which Niece appreciated. I’m pretty sure E could drop dead in front of him and that caveman wouldn’t say shit to me. 
Grifter Sister did her usual attention whoring on Facebook Saturday, talking about how “hard” the day was for her. It was FIL’s birthday. SIL, uncharacteristically, was annoyed. “It’s hard for all of us!” E was like “She knew him for five years. She needs to chill.” LOL.
MIL is definitely having difficulty hearing and I sincerely feel for her. You can tell she’s struggling to follow conversations. Yes, there’s probably some cognitive issues going on, but I think straight up not catching every word isn’t helping. And probably frustrating! Her one attempt to engage in conversation was to start shit talking Mashed Potatoes’ sister. We all ignored her lol. 
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artblogart · 2 years
Cheap flying
What is the best way to buy cheap airline tickets? Cutting back on your travel costs is certainly profitable, because it involves relatively large amounts, so every cut is extra hard. In other words: optimizing your travel budget. The most beautiful trips, already earned with savings elsewhere, in the most inexpensive way. That is double the win, but it is a matter of smart choice. Here are the tips.
Flash sales for cheap airline tickets
In technical terms it is called Flash sales. Dirt cheap tickets. You never actually see them in the newspaper and on TV and that's because everyone would think that those are the normal prices. And the airlines don't want that. They can be booked a few (two to seven) days before departure. So no early bird discount, but just filling up empty seats for a bargain price. The best way is to actively look for it yourself. Check the airline's website every few days. If you want to leave within now and three months, this is the cheapest way. Unfortunately, the tickets get even cheaper after the next round.
Limit your choice
There are so many sites and offers. It is better to search on a few good sites such as D-Reizen, Cheap tickets and a number of foreign sites and therefore the sites of the airlines. Compare them with each other and that's how you book your own candy trips. It's not free, but it can't get any cheaper.
Fly app
Most airlines these days have an app. With this you can check in, but also arrange a cheap upgrade of your flight. You can also keep an eye on the delays. You can also follow KLM on Facebook. There you will find even more interesting information.
Those last minutes are more expensive
Except for charter flights, most scheduled services are more expensive just before departure. The airlines collectively stop with the last minute offers in order to keep prices artificially high. Yet they want the chairs full, so look for those bargains, because they are there. About twelve days before departure, many prices are fixed or even very much more expensive (sometimes 250 euros more expensive). So in some places you can find cheap tickets and in other places you pay the main price just before departure. That is to serve the entire market: people who opt for comfort and have enough money or people who are forced to leave book the expensive flights just before departure and the currants forage for the Flash sales.
Fly on Tuesday
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday are the cheapest days to fly. The weekend is expensive. We all want to leave for the weekend and the airlines know that. June, July, August and Christmas are the most expensive months because of the holidays and school holidays.
Booking costs of 60 euros on top of your ticket price
Does the price you see on your screen include or exclude booking costs? You hope inclusive, otherwise you just pay 50 to 70 euros extra in booking costs. The Dutch also charge the top prize for payments with credit cards. In the U.S. it's free, so book your trip smartly with an American travel agency. Ideal is completely ideal, because it is free.
You think that switching with the same airline will be cheaper... Wrong!
It is sometimes better to fly on with a reliable budget airline. Certainly outside of Europe: you can fly to Bangkok and continue there cheaper locally with, for example, a local airline like Easyjet (air Asia). Everything is more expensive in Europe. If you book through those cheaper oriental airlines, you can also take a look around Bangkok.
Luggage costs of 60 euros
Luggage costs can add up. The employees of some budget airlines even receive a premium if they 'caught' travelers with too many kilos of overweight. A kilo of excess weight in your luggage is already ten euros extra. Your hand luggage will also be checked extra.
Book cheap travel through foreign companies
If you really want to book a bit cheaper when you fly to the East, take a look at the sites of the United Emirates, Qatar and the like in the Middle East. Belgium is cheap if you can fly via Antwerp or Brussels with KLM and, for example, Joker.be.
It's still a good search. But once it's done, it becomes a sport to get from A to B so efficiently. Cheap flights exist and can seriously compete with train and car travel. The advantage is that you are there quickly. Handy if you have to return the same day. Travel lightly packed, then you pay nothing and you can go through all the gates in no time. Good trip.
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