#By pretentious white people.
rosypeachblossoms · 6 months
Gene Wilder is a man written by a woman 🥺🩷
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hegodamask · 8 months
It's so funny watching these Star Wars YouTubers who thrive off outrage try to come for Andor. They be like "It was BORING. It put me to SLEEP. Only PRETENTIOUS people like it." Then a second later be like "It was a good show though."
They know Andor is too solid to be taken down by the normal drivel they churn out and they know a lot of their own viewers like it as well.
But being positive about something doesn't get the views or fit with the "evil Kathleen Kennedy is ruining Star Wars on purpose" narrative. So they just end up tying themselves in knots over it and making an ass out of themselves.
Living in their heads rent free, babey!
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queer-reader-07 · 5 months
Another Way to Die by Disturbed is such a "listen to this and tell me again how metal is just screaming" song for me because it has such a distinct message it's telling
it's literally a song about the catastrophic effects of climate change on the planet and how our complacency in it is killing us. it's creating another way for us to die. and it touches on how greed (in my personal interpretation, capitalistic greed) is a huge contributor to the death of our planet.
and so many of Disturbed's songs are like this, they frequently write songs with clear, strong themes about the state of the world. about climate change, abuse, loss of loved ones, mental illness, corrupt governments. the list goes on.
but people are so quick to dismiss metal as a genre that has something to say because their idea of it is just men screaming. and it hurts my head and my heart because there's so much substance and worth in these songs.
you don't have to love metal, but i am so sick and tired of hearing people say that it's "just screaming." tell that to the past version of me who was sobbing in my room the very first time i listened to Save Our Last Goodbye. tell that to me 6 months ago who was holding back tears at the Disturbed concert as the lead singer, David, introduced one of the songs with a speech about losing so many of his loved ones to suicide. tell that to the people who write these songs and put their heart and soul into them. it's not "just screaming" and to say it is diminishes the impact metal has had on me and people like me.
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hella1975 · 5 months
Hi hella!!!
I feel like i always start these off or end them by saying that these things are going to be incomprehensible in some way, mainly bc i have trouble translating whats going on in my mind into written words so i really dont know how much of my list thingies make sense to you but this one is especially probably going to not make much sense. (also bc i send them a lot when im either very tired or not sober, but i am sober and wide awake rn so this might be a different kind of incomprehensible)
I found one of my old drafts for an ask from around a year ago and it was a follow up response to the last chapter you posted at the time, so im not sure how its going to sound without the context of that specific chapter, but i also mentioned in one of my other asks that i add stuff in last minute and that ask i added a shit ton of stuff so i dont have any of that pretyped out so im going by memory.  But im sending it again bc i havent seen you answer it 
(please do not interpret this as ‘why didnt you answer my ask >:/’ or me rushing you to answer asks or anything like that, but like I said its been a year so im assuming tumblr ate it.  If not and you just havent cleaned out your ask box and you find the original, congratulations you’ll know what i originally said.  Bc idk how accurate this will be)
Theres two different ways that you seem to write metaphors (idk if thats what theyre called im not caught up on my literary terminology)
 (im scrolling through your blog rn looking for my other asks and tumblr really did you dirty in your asks system like i started scrolling and the third one down was from 2021 and im fighting for my life trying to find my tag (thank you for my tag btw its very useful to me))
Anywho, most of your metaphors ( to me) can be split into two categories.  Theres the simple ones and the complex ones.  Now this might seem obvious but im going to explain to you how these have different effects on my brain.  
An example of the ‘simple’ ones is  
““If Nanook’s tone had a note of seriousness, then Zuko’s was the entire orchestra.”” (idk what chapter this is from its been a while)
You have a lot of these kinds of whatever the haick kind of literary technique this is (is this a metaphor i’ve been trying to google it for like ½ an hour and i cant figure it out) BUT these type of things that are simple and easy to process is one of my favorite things about the way you write.  I think this is a very common technique but the way you do it to me is just a lot more unique than the ways ive seen it done before.  Its extremely fluent with the voice of the characters and brings a perfect kind of vibe to the ‘conversation’ (or story, text, whatever) and it paints the picture of what your trying to say perfectly.  I also really like how these types of things arent ever in Zukos pov a lot (sometimes it is, but not nearly as much, I’ve noticed) and its not in the more serious like revelations that you drop these in.  Like I said, it adds to the voice of the characters, bc of the contrast of Zuko constantly having revelations and dramatic archs and stuff, and the other characters just in general being a lot more calm.  Its like when youre listening to a song and you have the lyrics and the like ‘main’ music behind the lyrics, but then when you listen to the song a lot you notice the smaller, like backup music that adds a lot to the song and makes it a lot more enjoyable than if it was just the lyrics and the louder more up front music.  
Then in contrast you have the bigger ‘metaphors’ 
An example of this is ‘You curse in words already invented’ 
When I tell you I could not figure out what this meant for months I am AWFUL with stuff like this and interpreting it my english teachers hate me bc of it.  Id have the question ‘why were the curtains blue’ and my answer would be ‘bc the people who decorated the room like blue maybe theyre interior designers and it goes with the room 😊 and thats so hot of them bc i love blue too’  
But even thought i couldnt figure it out it stayed in my head and i probably thought about it once a day (i mean this literally, i think about that part all the time) and i cant remember the context for that or anything but i do remember that i knew it was a wonderful phrase.  
I’ve mentioned in my other asks how whenever im reading anything at all that you’ve written (whether its tams, or toab, or in the tags of something even if its like 10 words), everything you type comes out so fluidly like a formula or a color wheel or however i put it last time i talked about this.  And this is on the prodigious end of the spectrum of this.  
But phrases like that are another part of the fic, theyre like the lyrics of the song.  Like the phrases that gets all the attention and gets put in fanart and that gets quoted in comment sections because they deserve that recognition and you deserve that recognition and are just a reminder of how incredibly talented you are.  
I mean that in the most sincere way that i know how to express.  
I am constantly in awe of you and your writing style, and i really do think of you as one of the most talented writers of everything ive ever read.  
And something else worth mentioning is that it isnt just your ao3 that portrays that.  Like if I were to just read your ao3 I’d be like ‘oh wow this person is an amazing writer’ But your tumblr persona plays into it a lot more (In my opinion).  Because then you see like more ‘backround’ stuff on ao3.  And more of your system (im not articulating this in the way i mean it very well) and you get privy to the fact that you’re not a 30 year old with a masters in english and that you’ve never had any formal education on writing.  I vaguely remember you talking about a story about a sailor (??? i might be misremembering that) that you wrote when you were a child and thinking ‘oh wow so she’s always been like that’.  And its stuff like that that you dont get on ao3 that kind of reaffirms how incredible of a writer you are.  
And this (to me) makes you a really easy person to admire.  (ik i touched on this in a different ask but i dont remember if it was one of my list asks or not) but as someone who probably isnt going to ever be able to get an education around writing, it kind of reassures me that i dont need that to be great at it.  
(i kind of feel like a lot of the stuff in this ask is too like ‘simple’ or obvious to be given a lot of weight, but this whole thing is about the kinds of things you do that brings me personally joy and the metaphors are one of them so)
Also on an off note when i was looking through your asks to try to find my tag, I noticed that i send you a heavy percentage of your anonymous asks (mainly without my alias) and I thought that was funny.  But also i hope it doesnt come across as obsessive or weird, I swear i do that to a lot of people on here, I’m just a very social person.  .😂
Also Im in your tbos server (lurking in the shadows) and someone pointed out that whenever you do the reaction emojis you always do the white ones, and thats going on the official ‘my favorite things about hella’ list because that was genuinely one of the funniest things ive seen. 
Also the ‘anytime you type its very fluid (im too lazy to scroll up and see how i put it rn) also carrys on to discord.  I think that i could probably block out the user names and be able to figure out that its you talking every time, you have a very distinct way of talking.  
Also i wanted to mention that every time you answer these i read them again and i want to say like 1/3 of what i sasy, i have no recollection of. And i never have any idea what im talking about. so i think thats funny.
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moonzzzzi · 1 year
Seeing Gringos thirsting for Cellbit when most Brazilian Gen Z had A Phase of crushing for this man is literally so fucking hilarious you don’t understand. I started watching him when I was 10. In 2014.
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peachiyyy · 5 months
I don’t give a fuck about pronouncing European names correctly. I don’t know why bipoc are expected to be so well-versed in European culture or do ‘white people shit’ to be respected and taken seriously when our own cultures are rich, elegant, and beautiful. These people don’t even take two seconds out of their day to pronounce the easiest ethnic names but I have to know how to say every single Russian or French name properly or else I’ll be deemed as ‘unintelligent’? Don’t piss me off.
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tls123 · 1 year
i'll be honest, the more i go into the orv tag and see parts of the webcomic the less interested i am in reading it
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filmenjoyr · 5 months
i have never met a white cis man in my life who has made interesting art or who has had worthwhile opinions on film. i'm thinking back to every time i have been in a film space and they were consistently the least pleasant people to be around. it was like a numbers game: how many films have you seen? how many films do you watch a week? the one time i volunteered at a film festival, the guy i worked with quizzed me on the oscars. they just don't have the minds of artists to me idk
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bluesey-182 · 9 months
my bookclubs' inability to understand nuance and to either misinterpret or completely ignore things blatantly stated in the text continues to drive me up the wall and yet i keep going because im desperate to get out of the house and make connections with people, especially people who also read. but after this last bookclub, where im still angry and frustrated a whole 24 hours later, im wondering if i should just stop because it doesn't get better and maybe i need to accept that it's not going to
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dreemurr-skelememer · 2 years
What degree of mischaracterization can you tolerate?
Like a lighter degree of: “I don’t think this character’s favorite color actually is blue” sort of thing?
(As opposed to the more egregious mischaracterization where the character is flanderized or demonized.)
i can tolerate up until "that sounds like something (character) would say but at least they got the personality right!"
honestly, the personality is what really deals it for me. as long as someone gets it right, i can handle most of it!
this is especially the case for ink, where as long as you portray him as NOT an outright dickhead without any reasoning, you're okay in my eyes imo.
it's very much not hard to make an optimistic, a bit annoying, starry-eyed guy with mild apathy problems. i promise. it's not difficult, just don't make him act like he hurts people on purpose and you'll do better than literally most portrayals of him 😭
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declanscunt · 1 year
seven husbands of evelyn hugo was Not Good
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alilaro · 2 years
white people will watch movies with people of color and say the most insane out of touch shit
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satellite-blossom · 2 years
Tumblr people learn how to inform people and ask for reblogs without insulting/belittling others challenge (very hard)
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museenkuss · 2 years
Recently, having had to interact with (certain not all of course etc etc) BA students has made me want to reconsider my plans of becoming a prof. Not sure I’d be able to handle the pretentious edginess gracefully.
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feywildfox · 2 years
Mm i left bandom space a long long time ago. I mean I'm not that old but ten years ago is still pretty long. And frankly if i overstep lemme know.
Honestly at this point i shouldnt be surprised so many people are actually still inherently racist towards Ray, but also i think, i should be. Because i genuinely expected better from mcr bandom, but again, left bandom spaces a decade ago...
It's pretty sad? Like. I'll admit, I didn't realize Ray was actually a man of colour when i was younger. I think i realized right around the time i left at 15 or so. Which also really goes to show that racism towards him and making him seem as white as possible which definitely i think was a thing. Like in comparison, I knew pete wentz was mixed long before i figured out Ray was a poc. It says a lot about the space at the time and i had honestly thought it'd be better now.
I've loved mcr for years, but i havent been IN love with them for a while. It happens, relationships and feeling wax and wane. But this tour, the excitement and love recently ignited in not just Gerard with all their gender fuckery, but the whole band, has brought a love and joy back into my life for music that hit me in the heart as a preteen and teenager.
And none of that would be possible without Ray Toro putting his all into the feelings and conveying of in his music. Mikey made the band, but ray MAKES the band. He is absolutely fucking integral and it is disgusting & disheartening to see him treated such a way. What the fuck even, hearing that streamers are zooming in on frank during Rays solos?? Like do the fuck better? I'm honestly disappointed as fuck in that shit. Like I know this whole thing is a little disjointed stream of consciousness type post but really. White people do better challenge! Its literally SO fucking easy. The real camera guys are RIGHT THERE showing what to fucking do!
You can love the others as much as you want but jesus fuck give Ray the same fucking courtesy. Stop ignoring your racism, start recognizing the issues that plague you from being white and growing up in white privilege. I sure as fuck still have plenty of shit to work on but at least i can say i can do the bare fucking MINIMUM of giving Ray Toro the respect and attention he absolutely fucking deserves.
Like I do hope this is understood I am not trying to speak over anyone but simply say from one white to another: you need to do better. If that's how you treat a member of supposedly one of your fav bands, i genuinely fear for the poc you encounter in your life. The harm you cause by staying blind may be incremental but it builds up until it's a mountain. Do fucking better.
#not the picturesque emo#fans#its 1 am so this is not. the modt coherent thing but i hope it gets the point across as someone who has been outside of bandom space#i mever realized how big an issue it was but honestly i should have known#im not going point at myself as a pure example of what to do because honestly ive loved mcr from a distance for a while#i have always loved them all but literally its ridiculous coming back ten years later#and finding out that yeah no. rays apparently or whatever the fuck#like uh what. emo is a style#its a sounds a love language a voice for people an expression#sure there are certain clothes or jewelry or makeup that can play into it but NONE of that actually means shit#because it can be turned corpo and ripped up and spat back all sanatized. ray is emo. ray is a man of colour. he's a rock god on the guitar#NONE of that is mutally fucking exclusive! ray toro is just as important as anyone else in the band#ray toro deserves SO much respect and he does NOT deserve to have people claim they are of mcr then treat him like that#you are not an mcr fan you are a pretentious racist asshole who needs to check ther privileges at the fucking gate thank you#fox squawks#im tired and angry now and im sorry to all the poc in the fandom who have to deal w this on a constant basis you all deserve a lot better#im sure yall feel way worse than i do and i genuinely hope people can realize the shit theyve been doing.#i am always happy to go toe to toe w other dumbass white ppl and call them out on their bs#i dont see it because i curate my dash to the point drama is usually a mild breeze at best but i am more than willing to#weaponize my whiteness to force other white ppl to think. if you gotta point me at em do it idc. like a lil attack chihuahua or something.#idk#im lagging now but my fingers dont want to stop typing bc i am nervous abt posting this but yknow. whatever if i fuck up i learn & move on!#we Do Not succumb to white guilt we gracefully say im sorry for that thank you for pointing it out even though you didnt have to i know its#exhausting to do constantly i will keep that in mind and then we do! and we modify our behavior! and we DO. BETTER
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polyphonial-old · 2 years
god how i hate when people try to judge complex real-life political situations by their idealistic standards all while knowing none of the history behind them
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