#C Programming Language
queen-of-bad-opsec · 1 month
integer length function in C using printf. i think this is optimal??
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it doesnt compile under windows tho.. not sure yet how to make it work there....
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fingors · 2 years
C — The Way It’s Written — Types
This is the first part in a possibly multi-part series of posts about the C programming language. It’s based not on common examples or what you’ll see your particular C compiler output, but on what’s written in the actual standard(s) that define the language. That being ISO/IEC 9899, in particular the 2018 revision (often named C17 or C18), however due to upcoming significant changes in the next revision (C2X), I’ll be skipping over a couple bits here and there that will be deprecated or removed by said revision, I’ll also revert to older versions if needed for special cases. All that being said, unless stated otherwise these posts are about C17. This series also assumes a baseline level familiarity with programming in general and expects you to know the general syntax style of C (if you’ve written or read and C++, Java, C#, or any similar language you’re good).
Due to the nature of C17 being an ISO/IEC document, it is not freely available for download, however the final working draft version of it is freely available, and there should be no significant changes between it and final. Link here.
Now, in what might seem like a very odd choice, we’re going to instantly skip to section 6 of the standard, not only that we’re skipping directly to 6.2.5 (page 31), because this is what defines the fundamental types of the language. Paragraphs 2, 4 and 6 are the important ones right now. From 2 we learn that the type _Bool (just bool in C2X) is at least large enough to hold the values 0 or 1 (hence its name, bool, short for boolean). Then we come to paragraph 4, which states there are 5 standard signed integer types: char, short, int, long, and long long (there’s also a statement about extended types but that can be ignored for the moment). Finally we hit paragraph 6, which simply states that all signed integer types have an unsigned equivalent that can be written by simply attaching the word unsigned to one of the types (ex. unsigned int), and that these 5 unsigned types combined with _Bool make up the set of unsigned types, and that any unsigned type takes up the same amount of storage/memory space as its corresponding signed type.
Moving back slightly to paragraph 5 we learn that signed char and char take the same amount of memory (and as such so does unsigned char), it also states that the int type should be the natural operating size of whatever machine architecture the code is being written for (so long as it satisfies a minimum value requirement). Moving forward to paragraph 9 we learn that, as you would expect, the signed types can store negative and positive values, and that the unsigned types can only store positive (or zero) values. We also learn that by definition unsigned values can not overflow, instead their value simply wraps around the range, however this is often referred to as overflow regardless.
Yet further down (paragraph 15, next page) we learn that char, signed char, and unsigned char are all different types, however char must match either char or unsigned char (the reasoning for this is that a compiler is free to choose the most efficient match for processing).
So with all that jumble out of the way what did we actually learn? Well: there exist 5 fundamental integer types: char, short, int, long, and long long, and that signed and unsigned versions of each exist, we also know there’s an unsigned type, _Bool that can represent the values 0 and 1. Together these make up the integer types of C.
Beyond integers there’s also floating point types, float, double, and long double, but those are a much more complicated subject that are outside the scope of this post. There’s also the void type, which has confusing wording that basically boils down to “you can’t use this, it represents nothing” (which is why functions with no return value have their return type marked void). And finally that you can make arrays out of these types (except void), make structure types that contain any number of these types (except void), make union types (complicated subject, think a box that can store only one type (except void) at a time), you can declare functions that return any type, you can have a pointer to any type (including void in order to represent a pointer to an unknown type), and finally that any type can be made atomic (safe for access from multiple threads).
Most of that statement can be freely ignored for now, it’s a mess that we’ll (hopefully) get into later. The important bit to know is that you can build other types out of the fundamental types.
Moving beyond that section and into 6.2.6 we learn from Paragraphs 2-4 that objects (any type’s representation in memory basically) is made out of a continuous sequence of bytes. Moving to we get to the representation of integer types, which is pretty much what you would expect for unsigned values (an unsigned integer of size n value bits can store 2n values from 0 to 2n-1), signed integer types in C17 list three different representations, however C2X is reducing that down to just twos’ complement (a signed integer of size n bits can store from -2n-1 to 2n-1-1, negative zeros are not possible).
So far: there exist integer types, and these store values in the expected way, but what are the range of values they must store?
Section (page 20), paragraph 1 states that all implementations of the language must have the integer types be able to represent at least the values in the ranges listed below, meaning an implementation is free to expand the range if it sees fit (like how many do with int). From here we learn that a char must be at least 8 bits, and as such a signed char must be able to represent -127 (-128 in twos’ complement) to 127, and that an unsigned char is 0 to 255. Helpfully the actual (minimum) number of bits for each type is specified in a comment next to the definition. short is 16 bits/2 bytes, int is also 16 bits/2 bytes (again often expanded to 32 bits/4 bytes), long is 32 bits/4 bytes, and long long is 64 bits/8 bytes. _Bool due to its nature as a boolean type is not mentioned (actually any values placed into an object of type _Bool will become 0 if the value is 0 or 1 otherwise).
In summary: 6 types, _Bool (0 or 1), char (at least 8 bits), short (at least 16 bits), int (at least 16 bits, often 32), long (at least 32 bits), and long long (at least 64 bits).
So that’s it? For now yeah, those are the basic integer types of the C programming language, I know it was messy and weirdly formatted and confusing at times but I hope it helps understand the language a bit more, or at the very least was entertaining (even if that entertainment derived from “what the hell is this language?”). However, these complexities are part of the reason I love this language so much, everything is well defined but still variable depending on the system and compiler, there’s a reason for everything in this language ranging anywhere from “old” to “for performance reasons we can’t mandate this”, which if this series continues we’ll really get into. But for now, I hope this was enough of a taste of the standard to either make you interested in seeing more, or scare you the hell away forever. Thank you for reading and have a good time. If you have any suggestions for future parts or ways I could improve these writings please inform me. I need to go to sleep now.
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sacoder · 2 years
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SA Coder is a free online platform that provides easy-to-understand tutorials and projects to help you learn to code. This is C Programming Tutorials
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bluemanedhawk · 2 months
A recent paper for C2y has made it so that generic selection expressions can match on a type instead of an expression, and doing this will not perform lvalue conversions. This means that an array-length macro that performs typeċḣecking can replace the confusion it induces with nested generic selection expressions with an entirely new kind of confusion induced by nested typeofs.
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tccicomputercoaching · 2 months
C is a high level language and structured programming language that was originally developed by Dennis M. Ritchie to develop the UNIX operating system at Bell Labs. While C++ contains object oriented concepts which has so many advantages as compared to C lang.
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sizzlingcreatorcycle · 3 months
Learn Best C Programming Language Courses
C Language is one of the most basic or beginner C Programming Languages Course, C Language has had a direct bearing on most of the programming languages that have evolved out of it, and one must at least have an understanding of what is C Language in order to be able to boss any language around. As getting complete knowledge of programming languages is very crucial and essential to enter the world of development which is considered to be the most competitive ad prestigious profession and high paying job in today’s world. So to begin the journey of learning C, you can do so with some of the best courses.
Takeoff upskill today we are going to discuss the 10 Best C Programming Courses for Beginners: these are the best courses offering you good content for learning and at the meantime issued a certificate after completion of the course. To summarize, let’s consider each of them in detail, and perhaps you will decide which method is more suitable for you.
Takeoff upskill should first read some of the C programming language information before explaining the best courses to take for C programming.
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Introduction to C Programming:
An overview of C language and where it fits.
Environmental planning (IDEs- for instance VS Code, Dev-C++, etc.).
The bare structure of a C program includes the following categories:
The first process that you need to go through when writing a “Hello World” program involves writing your first program and compiling it.
Variables and Data Types:
Knowledge regarding the different variable types that are available like integers, floating-point numbers, character, etc.
Declaring and initializing variables.
Basic arithmetic operations.
Control Flow:
Conditional statements (if-else, switch-case).
Control of experiments through looping structures such as for, while, do while.
Annotation of code using breaks and continues.
Functions and their significance for calculating regularities.
Function declaration and definition.
Passing arguments to functions.
Returning values from functions.
Arrays and Strings:
Declaring and initializing arrays.
Accessing array elements.
Input-output (printf, scan, etc.), string manipulations (strcpy, strcat, strlen, etc.)
Multi-dimensional arrays.
What pointers are, why there are used, and how they and memory addresses?
Pointer arithmetic.
Pointers and arrays.
Malloc, calloc, realloc for dynamic memory allocation and free to free the memory space allocated dynamically.
Structures and Unions:
Defining and using structures.
Accessing structure members.
Nested structures.
Introduction to unions.
File Handling:
Reading and writing files from C (structuring, opening, accessing and closing).
Position(s) of the file (open, read-only, write-only or append)
Different methods, which should be implemented for error handling while processing the files.
Preprocessor Directives:
Significantly, one of the areas that most students face great trouble in is tackling pre-processor directives (#define, #include, #ifdef, etc.)
Taking advantage of macros throughout the program’s code to reduce code redundancy and increase signal-to-clutter ratio, thus improving code readability and maintainability.
Advanced Topics:
Bitwise operations.
Command line arguments.
Best Practices and Tips:
Coding conventions and standards.
Debugging techniques.
Memory management practices.
Performance optimization tips.
Projects and Exercises:
Giving out a few Specific tasks and activities that come under the topic in question so as to ensure that the knowledge imparted is put into practice.
So if you’re looking for a project that will allow you to use C programming, the following are some suggestions to consider.
All of these topics can be developed into full-scale articles, with various examples and subtopics further elaborated with actual code snippets and describes. To encourage the reader, they can also include quizzes or coding challenges at the end of each section for the reader to solve before moving to the next section. However, using the samples for download and the exercises which are usually included in the lessons make the lessons more effective.
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takeoffupskill253 · 3 months
Learn Best C Programming Language Courses
C Language is one of the simplest or entry-level C Programming Language Courses, C Language has caused a direct impact on most of the C Programming Languages that have been derived from it and it is a fact that if you have to at least have some idea of what is C Language in order to at least tell off any language.
Hence, it is a very important must for getting complete knowledge of programming languages so that it may easily enter the world of development which is one of the most competitive and prestigious professions and highly paid jobs of the modern world. Therefore, if you want to start the process and learn the basics of C, you are welcome to start with some of the courses listed above.
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Takeoff upskill Today we are going to discuss the 10 Best C Programming Courses for Beginners: these are some of the best to choose from; they provide you with good content for learning and at the same time when you complete the course you are awarded with a certificate. In conclusion, we might want to expand on all of them and maybe you will be able to make your choice as to which of the methods is the most helpful to you.
Takeoff upskill is still new to C programming language information, then, before pointing beginners to the best courses to take for C programming language.
All of these topics can be built up into a whole article on their own, where the various examples can be expanded upon with actual code snippets, and where they can describe in detail more subtopics. For motivation, the authors can also include questions and sometimes coding problems that the reader solves before advancing to the next section. However, employing the samples for download and the exercises which are often a part of the lessons help to make the lessons efficient. Takeoffupskill, a leader in technology and business education, exemplifies these principles in its courses.
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Are you interested to learn C language? Here are our free course you can check it out. On development for C programmers, specifically tailored for those interested in expanding their skills to include Raspberry Pi and sensor integration. In this course, you'll dive into coding with Raspberry Pi and Sense HAT, learning how to write code in C# that operates on a Raspberry Pi, handle joystick input, read data from motion sensors, collect meteorological data, and even flash LEDs and LED matrices.
Get your free course -
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priyamergecomputer · 1 year
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C Language
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ezradaniel1 · 2 years
Assignment on Computer Programming Languages!
Are you looking for assignment help in Computer programming languages? Aren’t you aware of programming languages? Then you should consider taking our programming language assignment help in UK. These are the machine languages that work as interpreters and translators to execute any task on the computer.
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javatpoint · 2 years
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fingors · 2 years
int favs[5] = {1, 7, 9, 42, 8};
I got polls
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fornaxter · 6 months
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Xenia and Chujin are K&R friends
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bluemanedhawk · 2 months
#define A(...) for (int _a = (__VA_ARGS__), _0A #define _0A(...) _b = (__VA_ARGS__), _1A #define _1A(a, b) _c = 0; _c == 0; _c = !0) \ for (int a = _a; a <= _b; b a)
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david-goldrock · 1 month
My program crashed for an hour or so and I tried to fix it
I finally fixed it
Twas a fucking compiler command gone bad
My code was good
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andmaybegayer · 4 months
Look I don't hate C you can write good code in C if you try and I understand the reasons for its popularity but so many people who don't know shit about C give insane made up reasons for why C is good. C is like if after world war 2 everyone decided to pattern every single gun on the sten because it was really easy to make. And now people retroactively were like actually the sten is the original gun and it's good because it interacts very closely with the bullet and has fewer moving parts. This is nothing, the sten is like that because it's cheap as fuck and when it breaks you can fix it in a burned out French cottage with some sheet metal and a rock and a cigarette.
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