#C: Rhaenys Targaryen
driftwoodthrone · 2 years
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HIGH TIDE (A Velaryon Family Modern!AU)
Corlys and Rhaenys are thrown into the fight of their lives when an old Valeryon foe returns to tear apart everything they've built. It's a race against time to gather their children before the Triarchy hunts them down. Can they trust their oldest allies, or must they stand alone?
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legends-and-savages · 10 months
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@amongthevipers sent: it’s just like being home again. (For Rhaenys from Odessa)
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Rhaenys looked at the young girl. "Oh?" She asked. "In what way?"
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notenoughmuses · 2 years
"You misunderstand me, I have lived my life quite well. It is you, your pain and loss and the life stolen from you...that is what my heart aches for."
Rhaenys looks over at Katya, her constant companion and reminder of why she is in Dorne. Why she is hidden away posing as her Uncle’s bastard daughter. Naming herself Nymeria to keep her real name hidden. Katya’s words made the Princess look at the Lady and she clasps her hands within Katyas. 
“Kat, my dearest friend. What would I do without you by my side?” Rhaenys asks as the afternoon sun filters in through the windows of the Dornish palace. “I didn’t mean any rudeness towards you with my words.” Rhaenys let Katya know, an apologetic smile on her face. “Don’t burden yourself anymore with my stories pain. It will get better soon. I’m sure of it” Dark eyes turn to look out at the Dornish landscape and she sighs. Her Aunt and Uncle are across the Narrow Sea and so far news of them has gotten worse. Viserys is dead and Dany sold off to some Dothraki leader with no word on if she’s alive.
“Do you think Uncle Doran will move to place me on the throne? Or will he hide me away forever?”
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graunblida · 2 years
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the northman starters   //   accepting  @dracharenae​​ sent: ❝ my heart knows only revenge. ❞
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         emerald eyes study the woman before her. so young ( much like herself, really ) yet so set on this PATH. but can she be blamed? lexa knows not of the fine details, only that the other has been wronged. “ i understand, ” voice flows with empathy for she too wishes to vanquish her enemies. “ you must feel a great weight on your shoulders. ”  arms drape lazily over the balcony as lexa turns her attention to the sun setting on the horizon. “ should you require it, i offer my assistance in your quest for RETRIBUTION. ” 
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aphroditelovesu · 6 months
Yandere Team Black Headcanons (Platonic)
''There is no war so hateful to the gods as a war between kin, and no war as bloody as a war between dragons.'' — Rhaenys Targaryen, the Queen Who Never Was.
❝ 🐉 — lady l: I needed to get this out of my mind, so here it is. It's more focused on the Black Council, so only they appear, but if anyone wants, I can do it with the other allies of the Blacks. I hope you like it and forgive me for any mistake! 🖤❤️
❝tw: obsessive and possessive behavior, mention of murder, unhealthy platonic relationships, messy writing.
❝🐉 pairing: yandere!team black x gender neutral!reader.
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After the death of King Viserys I Targaryen, the Seven Kingdoms was divided into two factions. The Greens, who supported the succession of Aegon II Targaryen, son of Queen Alicent Hightower and Viserys, and there were the Blacks, who supported the succession of Rhaenyra Targaryen, the first woman to be chosen as heir to the Iron Throne and the legal heir of Viserys. There were these two sides to the war and you were a supporter of the Blacks, of Rhaenyra.
Your family had long ago sworn loyalty to Rhaenyra and you would not dishonor that oath. You would fight alongside the Blacks and follow the Queen to the death if necessary. You would protect her and defend her honor until your last breath. It was this oath that you swore and it was what brought you to meet her face-to-face, along with the other members of her family who supported her.
Rhaenyra received your support with great enthusiasm and affection, smiling at you and hugging you, saying how much it meant to know that you, and your family, stayed true to their oath. She hugged you tightly, and you melted into the Black Queen's tight embrace.
She was so kind, just like the stories said. You were proud to call her the Queen. Rhaenyra touched your cheeks warmly and introduced you to the rest of her supporters, her family. Rhaenyra quickly became attached to you, developing her obsession and becoming possessive and protective. She doesn't want anything to hurt you. She had already lost too much.
You were introduced to Daemon Targaryen first, Rhaenyra's husband and prince consort. He was a little skeptical of you at first, looking strangely like he was sizing you up and your intentions. Which in fact, he was doing. After deciding you weren't a threat, Daemon was more open and welcomed you.
He wasn't the kind of person you wanted to mess with. Always so cruel and using violence to resolve conflicts, Daemon is not easy to deal with. But you can deal with him in the right way, being his listener and eventually his friend. Someone he can truly trust. Very possessive and short-tempered, Daemon doesn't hesitate to claim you for himself and will burn alive anyone who says anything about it.
Rhaenys Targaryen, the Queen Who Never Was, was all the stories said. Stormy yet with a gentleness and grace you had never seen before. She was courteous and distant at first, as you would expect a princess to be. But as she got to know you, the more Rhaenys opened up and trusted you.
She is very protective of you, Rhaenys does not want you to fight, preferring you to become part of the council and act solely as a strategist. The war was very dangerous and she wasn't going to risk your life. Not when she already liked you so much and had already lost her two beloved children.
Corlys Velaryon became close to you quickly. You met him when he was still in bed, injured. Rhaenys was the one who introduced you to him and he quickly warmed up to you. He smiled in gratitude every time you helped him feed or get out of bed. His eyes seemed to always follow you, with affection shining in them.
He could see what his wife saw in you. Something new, something lasting. When he had doubts about whether or not he should join the Blacks, you convinced him and he found himself admiring you even more for your loyalty. Corlys knew he had to protect you. You were so pure for this world and the war that was to come. He couldn't let something bad happen to you.
Jacaerys Velaryon took a liking to you at first sight, warming up to you and becoming the linchpin of his mother and brothers' obsession with you. He saw a lot of himself in you for some reason and enjoyed your company immensely. Jace is always asking for your approval, trying to please you in any way.
He is quite protective and this only intensified after the deaths of people dear to him. Jacaerys enjoys reading to you and would love to teach you High Valyrian if you wish. When he becomes King, he would love to name you his Hand.
Lucerys Velaryon became especially close to you after you arrived in Dragonstone. Not just because you supported his family, but because you were you. So kind and so loyal, he was immediately attracted to you and started following you like a baby duck. Luke loves spending time with you, reading, or when you watch him train with swords. Just your presence is enough.
He is very possessive and clingy towards you, constantly wanting your attention and approval. Lucerys does his best to be with you, clinging to your arms, as if he were hiding behind you.
Joffrey Velaryon is the baby of the Velaryon family, so young and unaware of what is happening. He usually stays close to you, holding your hand and looking at you with curiosity and affection. It's common to see him following you through the hallways of Dragonstone.
Although young, Joffrey is very intelligent and is possessive of your attention, often fighting with his brothers for it. He wants you with him all the time, close and protecting him.
Baela Targaryen is fearless and a free spirit, much like her father. She approached you firmly and quickly, encouraged by her grandmother and father. She really liked you and you quickly became friends with you.
She is quite demanding when it comes to you, Baela has a tendency to get angry quickly but she never stays with you. She likes it and is very patient and calm, smiling charmingly and holding your hand affectionately. Quite possessive, she will often get into fights to defend you.
Rhaena Targaryen is more delicate and calm than her older sister, all gentle and sweet. She is more courteous and also less demanding, taking whatever she can get and inwardly happy when you approach her of your own free will.
She's more subtle in her obsession, watching you from the corners of her eyes and smiling sweetly when she thinks no one is looking. Rhaena takes every opportunity to be close to you. She loves dancing and would be honored if you wanted to dance with her.
The Blacks cared deeply about you. Not just the Targaryen and Velaryon family, but others as well. The Lords and knights also created their own obsession with you and they knew they must protect you at any cost. Especially when you were the pillar of that faction.
They will go against anyone who dares to hurt you. Ready to destroy and burn, the Targaryens have no qualms about getting rid of anyone who threatens your life. The Velaryon fleets are at your disposal at any time and always ready to protect you.
They would only become even more suffocating after Lucerys' death. They had already lost him, they couldn't lose you. There's no way you can leave Dragonstone alone. Always accompanied by one of them or of guards.
You have become important to them. Important to the Black Queen and her allies. You have become their obsession. They would rather raze King's Landing, and burn the Iron Throne than lose you.
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hxmocrastic · 1 year
Yandere!Aegon I x M!Reader + NSFW HCs
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— pairings ; Yandere!Aegon I x Male!Reader
— a/n ; There's barely any M!Reader fics in ASOIAF Tags so I wanted to make my own ! (And bc I was curious 🤭)
— warnings ; NSFW ; 18+ TWT Links ; Coercion ; Dark Elements ; Yandere Behavior; Hinted Homophobia ; Affair ;
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You're a Lannister boy, The youngest of your four brothers and considered the weakest because of your stature, frame, and meek personality. Your father —Loren I Lannister— has always looked down upon you, He shunned and spurned you relentlessly even claiming that you weren't a Lion but a insolent rat. You're brothers were worst, Like your father they maligned you any chance they got hindering your self esteem to a crippled sheet of parchment. Though despite their belittlement, You were determined to prove yourself.
You caught Aegon's Attention when you attended a Tourney, Adorned in Red & Gold Armor representing your house colors. You were up against Ser Dayken Tyrell, A formidable knight but viscous as well. You fell from your horse more times than you could count surely making a mockery of house Lannister. Tyrell came charging at you atop his white stallion until his grace, King Aegon abruptly halted the knight ceasing the tournament.
Aegon took an interest in you and started to unintentionally eye you in the courtyards, Though very discreetly. His stare would linger as you bowed and sulked past him. He began wondering why you always held that glassy look in your eyes.
After watching you for long enough he decides to make you his cupbearer, Deeming you unfit for tourneys. Truly he just wanted to get closer to you. To know you.
During this time the both of you became close with one another, You vented to him about your problems and he'd listen. With his permission of course, It was almost impossible to get this information out of you.
A year passes and Aegon feels something stir within him, The Dark desires he tried to keep down boiling to the surface.
His behavior started to...shift within the last couple of months. He grew overwhelmingly possessive of you, You could barely pour another lords wine without his violet eyes burning holes into your form. You couldn't even go out and speak with your friends without him requesting your presence. Seriously you couldn't even eat by yourself !! And the worst part is you couldn't question him about it either...
It was only a matter of time before His sister-wives started to grow suspicious. I mean who could blame them, He spent more time with you than he did with rhaenys which said something.
Anytime they'd bring this to light to him, Aegon would just chuckle and reassure them that you were a mere servant— a cupbearer at that, And he would never have any relations with you.
Oh boy was he wrong. He'd sabotage and oppose any & all of your marriage proposals. Even going as far as having one of your bride-to-be's killed in her sleep. But for some reason, Even after all the marriage annulments they'd always end up missing.
This put a far greater stain on your reputation, on your house. There was rumors that you were cursed and you started to believe them yourself. But Aegon with that stupidly handsome smile on his face placed your sobbing form in his lap and cooed into your ear with sweet nothings. You couldn't see the twisted grin on his face.
Aegon would pull you from his chest to stare into your (E/C) eyes as he'd persuade you into Bed with him. You stared at the man in shock, mouth agape with no words spewing. You tried to reject him but he'd subtly threatened the Livelihood of your brothers and father, Cornering you. You had no other choice...
— 𝐍𝐒𝐅𝐖 18+
✪ The Faith already had issues with the Targaryens Incestuous polyamory but lying with another man—A Lannister at that, If they were to find out chaos would erupt. Good thing they weren't ever going to. You two had your affairs in secret, You would sneak into his chambers at a certain time and not the other way around.
✪ He's never laid with another man before, But he's willing to try for you. Though Same sex relations weren't entirely scorned upon in his childhood, They weren't praised either. Aegon figured it worked just how a Man & Woman had sex, Let's just say he's a fast learner.
✪ His pace is rough and quick almost unforgiving, He likes to use you as a stress reliever especially when he's aroused. He's quite big, Cut and pink 9'8 but his girth certainly makes up for it.
✪ Aegon can be just as possessive in sex as he is when you're speaking with your brothers. After all the hell they put you through, He dislikes having you around them so more often then not he has you face down ass up on the table with hips slapping against yours. ⭐
✪ He loves taking you on your back with your legs over his shoulders and you underneath him. It gives him a sense of dominance and control over you as if he doesn't have already. But it's also intimate and passionate, He can gaze into your eyes and witness your face contorting into different motions of pleasure. ⭐
✪ When he's feeling gentle, Best believe he will absolutely WORSHIP YOU. I'm talking Shoulder kisses, Feet Massages Etc.
✪ Even though you two were quiet in your affairs, By this point Both Rhaenys & Visenya had put two and two together and already discovered your affair. Rhaenys encouraged him and Visenya could care less.
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Art By @chillyravenart
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linaartsblogsworld · 5 months
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Queen Alysanne and Rhaenys Targaryen ✨
A ruler needs a good head and a true heart,” she told the king. “A c•ck is not essential.”
“If Your Grace truly believes that women lack the wit to rule, plainly you have no further need of me.”
_ Alysanne.
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multifandomfix · 1 month
Rhaenys Targaryen Smut Alphabet
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Flushed but flirty, doesn’t mind a bit of pillow talk after. She’ll have a bath made ready for you if you want one.
B = Body part (favorite body part of their partner’s)
Your thighs. She loves to spread them open nice and slow.
C = Collar (do they mark you as theirs in some way?)
It’s by no means a requirement, but if you wanted to wear something that showed others that you belonged to her, she wouldn’t be opposed to such an idea.
D = Dominant (who is in control? are they a top or bottom?)
Whether top or bottom Rhaenys is always the one in control.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
She knows what she’s doing. While she likes to keep a little mystery to her past experience, it’s easy to tell she’s had some history with the way she so easily adapts to what you like.
F = Fuck (do they prefer to fuck or make love?)
Either or, really. She’s perfectly content making love, but if you want to get a little rougher, she can work with that as well.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
She’s often more serious, but catch her off guard and a little bit of playfulness might seep through that stoic exterior.
H = Hot (what turns them on, gets them going)
Fealty. While she’s long ago given up the idea that she may be Queen, the thought of such devotion and service from you does still get her going.
I = Insatiable (how do they act when they’re desperate to have you?)
Barring anything of major importance for her to tend to, she will just drop everything, tell you she wants you and then just fucking have you (if you’re agreeable, of course).
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Though she doesn’t indulge as often as she once did, she finds no shame in a bit of self pleasure, and she loves it if you get turned on while watching her.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
It’s not a big thing for her, but she can be into some light impact play, with you on the receiving end. Praise and punishment in general tends to do it for her, as long as it doesn’t get too out of hand.
L = Location (favorite places to have sex)
Anywhere she feels remarkably sure she can get away with it. She does tend to prefer the assured privacy of her own quarters, but she can make do elsewhere should the mood strike.
M = Mood (what’s the foreplay like? how do you get them in the mood?)
Though she doesn’t consider herself to be a vain woman, the way you tell her how beautiful she is as you trail kisses down her body never fails to warm her up and get her wet.
N = Naked (how do they undress? do they like to watch you undress?)
She likes you to help her undress and she does like to watch you as well. Bonus points if you’re shy, but willing to do it since it’s for her. Words of encouragement and praise will surely be heaped upon you.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
She actually prefers to give, and she’s really quite gifted at it. She has this one trick with her tongue that you can’t ever quite figure out how she pulls off, but it always blows your mind.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
It’s a mixed bag. She’ll change up the pace on you just to keep you on the edge a bit longer. It’s wicked, but she loves it.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
She’s fine with them, even likes them on occasion, but it’s not her preference.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
She’ll definitely experiment and risk is fine with her to an extent as well. If there’s something you’re dying to try, bring it up and she’ll usually go for it.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
Sometimes just one, but two or three rounds are not unheard of with her.
T = Tryst (are they into casual sex or one night stands?)
Not so much. She has done in the past, but they aren’t something she seeks out.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
She loves to tease. Wouldn’t be a complete experience without it as far as she’s concerned. And she does love to hear you beg.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
She’s not extremely loud, unless you want her to be. But she’s certainly not silent, either. She’ll let out long moans or repeat your name on her lips until you’ve made her come.
W = Wait (how long do they wait before having sex with their partner for the first time?)
As long as she deems necessary. She’s not going to jump into bed with you if you’re not ready, but she’s not going to hold off if you are.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Rhaenys is a beautiful woman who takes great care of her body. You even like to tease her that she’s no mere princess but a goddess.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Moderate to high, depending. She enjoys sex, but it’s not an innate need for her like it seems to be for some.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Generally she likes to stay awake with you and cuddle or talk for a bit. She’s not a fan of just turning over and going right to sleep afterwards.
For @yellowbird-flying
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Forever Tag: @baubeautyandthegeek, @ghostsunderstoodmysoul, @immyowndefender, @valencethefriendlychangeling, @crimsonwidow666, @rebelbossheart, @thedailyspiritualist, @orangeisnttheonlyfruit, @woman-simp, @aperol-with-izzy, @leonoralessoem, @ellepossum69, @lakita-fisher, @nclgsticore, @analuw, @luvlesavyy, @malfoyfeed, @aliciabrower, @bitchr-mkay, @sparrowspixie, @imaginationismyworldlypleasure, @og-kxsh-420
Rhaenys Targaryen: @thekirbishow, @astrogrande
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Fixing Ep. I of House of the Dragon.
First we should establish a timeline, which is something the show hasn't really done. Given that they insist in having Rhaenyra and Alicent be friends there are ways to do that. Swap Daella's birth with Vaegon's and have Aemma born a year earlier. Have Rhaenyra be Aemma's first pregnancy instead of the third. That ages her up a bit, making her be born in the year 94 a.C
Have Alicent be a little older than Rhaenyra. Alicent could have been born in 92 a.C and their friendship would stay the same.
Aemma's death should be in 107 .C making Rhaenyra thirteen years old in the first episode and Alicent fifteen.
Laena could be the same age as Alicent and Laenor the same as Rhaenyra, keeping with their book's ages.
Establish the year of the episode. This being put the number at the beginning in the screen.
During the Council of 101 the narrator could say "Tragedy claimed both his sons. The choice now was between Rhaenys, the only child of his eldest son and Viserys the eldest child of his second son". And the general audience would understand it perfectly.
During the ride in carriage back to the Keep they could have the smallfolk calling for Rhaenyra and her waving at them and smiling. That way we establish the "Realm's Delight".
Have Aemma mention Rhaenyra's age in their little scene. "You are three and ten, nearly a woman grown" it would fit perfectly.
The next scenes are just fine if the story is done right.
Daemon and Rhaenyra. In the throne room scene they should have more dialogue of the like of. "What have you brought me this time?" This way we establish that Rhaenyra is spoilt by Daemon and her parents.
Viserys and Aemma's scene are just fine if the rest of the show follows this logic. They could mention their relation, however. "Our grandmother had thirteen children, but I don't have her luck". This establishes that Aemma is part of House Targaryen by more than marriage .
Have Rhaenyra and Alicent talk about doing charity during their studying scene, establishing why the smallfolk likes them.
During the small council scene with Daemon Otto could ask him how he knows who was guilty and he could say he has a good relationship with the smallfolk. While I believe in "show, don't tell" this particular thing could show that he spends time with the smallfolk and that they like him.
The Mysaria and Daemon scene could have been pillowtalk. There was no need for a sex scene, but they could show us the after. Have Daemon show his resentment to his brother "I am the reason he wears a crown yet he still has me married to my Bronze Bitch". Doing this we don't only inform the viewers that Daemon is married, but we also establish that Mysaria is important for him and that he trusts her.
Nothing particularly wrong with the tournament scene, just should be less gory because it doesn't make much sense.
During the tournament we could have Rhaenys and Corlys talking like in the show but different. Saying something like "Viserys inheritated our grandparents years of peace and I hope our children do as well" that way we show she is a Targaryen and that she is married to Corlys and have children.
Cole and Daemon's scene is fine.
Aemma's death in itself is also not incoherent, but the show is so if the show wasn't it would be fine.
The funeral scene is fine.
In Alicent's and Otto's scene they could mention Otto's hate for Daemon and the fact that Alicent at fifteen is a woman of age to marry. Something like "You are five and ten, you can't stay a lady-in-waiting for the princess forever"
The "heir for a day" is fine.
During the Daemon and Viserys confrontation we could have again Daemon lashing out against him saying how he helped him. Something like "I am the reason you have that throne! Corlys was preparing his ships to fight for Rhaenys so I raised an army for you! And now you won't even give me an announcement for a marriage our grandmother forced me into!"
The rest of the scenes are fine
Other things
Rhaenys's hair should have been dark, with the quote I mentioned is enough to make the general audience realize she is a Targaryen.
Rhaenyra should have worn more jewellery and more lavender and violet colours.
See HBO? is not that hard!
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witheredoffherwitch · 7 months
Speculations and Spoilers: A Breakdown of the Trailer
Overall, here are my initial thoughts on the trailer: it exceeded my expectations. I was prepared for the rumoured "leaked" version but I am pleasantly surprised with what we got instead. The aesthetic of this season has already improved - the colour grading, costumes, and makeup all seem to have upgraded from previous seasons.
Now let's get to the trailer itself. I won't analyze every single scene, but rather focus on a few intriguing ones and share my own theories. Just a heads up, there may be some spoilers mentioned in the following observations. So, proceed with caution!
The first shot of Rhaenyra is absolutely heartbreaking. She appears shattered and defeated, likely searching for her son's body by the Shipbreaker's Bay:
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Both shots seem to be part of the same sequence as she is wearing the same outfit.. and the first shot could be the aftermath of her unsuccessful attempt to find her son's remains.
In the next scene, we are presented with two dragons on opposite sides: Syrax and Rhaenyra on one side, and Seasmoke on the other. This will potentially show Addam or Laenor swearing allegiance to Rhaenyra's cause.
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The third scene I wanted to highlight is Alicent caught in the midst of a riot. While many assume it will occur during the funeral procession, I believe it takes place much later in the series. One hint is from the leaks revealing Alicent's funeral attire, which looks quite different from what we see here.
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The first image is from the leaked footage, while the second one is what we see in the official trailer. It's possible that they may have reshot the scene with different costumes, but it seems unlikely. In the second scene, which I assume will be set much later in the season, it seems likely that they might finally introduce the Shepherd. Personally, I will be thrilled if they bring him into the series earlier on as he becomes one of the most prominent voices against House Targaryen. His early introduction will showcase his growing hatred for their dragons, and his sermons will only become more antagonistic as Rhaenyra's rule progresses. Eventually, it will lead to the infamous storming of the dragon pit where the mob will eventually slaughter all of their remaining dragons.
A brief glimpse at Helaena's scenes with B&C and her attending Jaehaerys' funeral procession:
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The second scene captures her gazing upwards, likely indicating one of two possibilities: 1. she is giving the command for Dracarys to Dreamfyre, or 2. she is looking up to see Aegon on Sunfyre, who may perform the final rites himself.
In addition to Rhaenyra's dragon-riding scene, we are shown Baela and Aemond on their dragons. Baela is decked out in armour, possibly indicating her involvement in a war. This supports the popular theory that she will be present at Rook's Rest.
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Baela's scene has many fans speculating that it may be when she witnesses the death of Rhaenys.
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Moving on to the Aegon scene, I am thoroughly amused by his attitude. I was afraid we would be stuck in another sombre period with Aegon, but thankfully we have moved on and entered his cunty phase.
Lastly, I won't delve deeper into these two scenes since I've already addressed the question here.
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However, I have heard the theory about it being a dream sequence, which is something I personally prefer over the idea of it being about Alys.
Now, my final thoughts: Rhaenyra looks more pro-active as most of us had expected earlier. However, I still doubt if they will include her in any of the war sequences. Her role will be much more covert (which the maesters wouldn't have known to record in the history texts.) On the other hand, Alicent appears to have given up this season altogether. A side note: both women look stunningly beautiful in the trailer.
Aemond continues to dominate as the most interesting character, and it seems we can anticipate his reign as Prince Regent this season. Even in his brief appearances, he manages to captivate our attention and leave us wanting more. Aegon will be taking charge and we can expect a major comeback now that he is leading the Green faction.
AND that concludes everything for the time being! I may come back to this post later and make some revisions, but for now, this is all.
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legends-and-savages · 2 years
@lysenixdragon​ liked for a starter with R.haenys
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She looked forward.  “Tell me have they offered you a dragon or do you just like being here?”  She asked.  She had come to the dragon pit to check on her own.  “I would have thought Daemon’s daughter would be offered a dragon or at least an egg.”
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notenoughmuses · 2 years
It was a bold move. Her Uncle would call it a stupid move. 
She was so close to her true home, to what her family had once held. Now she was on the shores of Kings Landing. Her Uncle Oberyn hadn’t known she was on the ship until one of the crew members half way through had noticed a crew man who looked more woman then man. Rhaenys was kept close to Oberyn as he made his way through the keep, attending to his small council duties before he was sent to meet with Cersei. 
Dark eggplant colored eyes stared at the Queen Regent and Rhaenys wondered how easy it would be to just kill her, in private with guards outside the doors. How quick she could do it. How much blood she could get out of Cersei’s body before guards could find her. Maybe a knife across the throat would work. Rhaenys was forced from her thoughts as her Uncle introduced her. “My daughter, Ashara Sand” Rhaenys did her practiced courtesy to Cersei, dark eyes dipped down as she spoke. “Good Afternoon Your Grace. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”She says, faking her smile at Cersei. 
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importantchaosgiver · 2 months
Where Loyalties Lie:
Where It Began
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Summary: What if (Y/N) wasn't from Concordia? What if Concordia never existed? What if... the gods had a greater destiny planned for her?
Warnings: Canon typical swearing, mentions of death, dragons being dragons, characters might be slightly ooc
P.S: Set when Viserys was around fourteen years old.
(Y/N)'s POV
I was no one in the grand scheme of things. To the gods, in my opinion, I was a nobody. Just another child living on the streets of King's Landing, mingling with the other children, trying to make their way in life. With no house or land to myself and my mother's name. We were just in the background. The people no one glanced twice at down the street. And, even then, those who did know me didn't like to talk to me. That's what happens when you're a bastard child. My mother worked on the Street of Silk, so I never knew my father. But I didn't look like my mother. With my long (h/c) and (e/c) eyes, it was vastly different to my mother's. Despite her being a street worker, she did tend to me, some friends helped teach me some simple things. And, from the beginning, I knew that there was something different about me. But I could never guess what. Anyways, to make my living, I helped down at the docks, I helped vendors set up their stalls in the early mornings. I just helped where I could. That's what perplexed so many people. A little girl such as myself with no political or social standing... just helping? Unheard of, right?
But, even from a young age, I knew I just wanted to help. To help those I could, no matter what. It was a day such as this I was helping a nice man and woman (a married couple) set up their food stall. I was carrying crates. Despite my rather short height - which wasn't abnormal for a girl of three-and-ten -, I had gained some slight muscle from carrying, pushing and pulling things. I even gained a tendancy for climbing.
"Ah, thanks little one," the nice woman said, ruffling my hair softly. "Yes, you're certainly strong for a young lass such as yourself," the nice man chuckled after I helped put some fresh apples out. I chuckled, smiling widely at them. Then, I heard people muttering as someone came walking down the street. Curious, I peeked from behind the stall to see a man with silver-blonde hair and bright violet irises, dressed well as he walked with some knights. "It's Prince Baelon," the nice man whispered. Oh, King Jaehaerys's second son. Everyone bowed their heads when he walked past. He didn't come nearby the stall, but I swore I saw his eyes flick over. To which I just shrunk back. Why was a Targaryen prince out here? Just then, I heard a roar. I knew what a dragon sounded like. So, I turned my head to the skies and saw a dragon soaring through the air. These creatures were magnificent. What I wouldn't give to look at them up close. I saw the dragon descending to the Dragonpit. I mean... it wouldn't hurt to take a sneak peak.
Soundlessly, I scurried out from behind the stall, carefully making my way in the direction on the Dragonpit. I've heard stories of what it was like. That the mighty Balerion the Black Dread and Vhagar were still alive. Despite being rather old. When I saw the Dragonpit, I noticed the guards at the entrance... but not around the edge. It's not like I was going to stay. I just wanted to take a small look. So, with stealth even I didn't know I had, I snuck around the edge and clambered up the rocky side. Once I reached the very edge, I carefully looked over to see into the large crater of the Dragonpit. I saw some other Targaryens. I could spot Prince Aemon and his wife (Jocelyn Baratheon), King Jaehaerys, two boys and one girl. The girl looked to be the oldest, so I'm guessing the two boys were Prince Baelon's. I heard about Princess Alyssa's death back in 84 AC.
Anyways, I looked at the second oldest and he was probably close to my age with the third being perhaps ten years old. I think these were Princess Rhaenys, Prince Viserys and Prince Daemon. If memory serves correctly when my mother's friend helped educate me. I was taught about the Conquest and Targaryen history. Then, I shifted my focus to what dragons I could see. I could see Vhagar! And some smaller dragons. They looked even more magnificent this close. I couldn't imagine staring one down, let alone riding one. A smile found its way to my lips as I looked at the Targaryens with the dragons. The children mostly looked at the younger ones which was pretty cute, not that I'd say that to their faces. But, Prince Viserys then moved back. At the same time, Vhagar lifted her large head, a low growl emitting from her throat. A curl of worry formed in my gut. Something didn't feel right. The growl reverberated in my bones.
Even Prince Aemon and King Jaehaerys noticed. When I saw Vhagar open her jaws to show the rows of jagged teeth, I felt heat begin to build. Then, I saw the light of fire in the dragon's throat. Oh no. I didn't know why I did what I did next. I had no idea I was so fast. Or brave. But, I stood up and jumped in, sliding down a banner, jumping from a wooden railing down to the ground, cushioning my fall with a tucked roll. Then, as Vhagar roared and spat her flames, I shot forward, my arms wrapping around Prince Viserys and tackling him out of the way and to the ground. My arm hit the gravelly and stone ridden ground, making it a slightly painful landing as I felt them dig into my skin even through my shirt. I grunted as we hit the ground, Viserys letting out a short yelp too. My heart pounded in my chest as my ribs hurt slightly from how heavy and quick I was breathing. Vhagar's flames stopped and I looked back up. Viserys's violet eyes locked onto me in complete shock. I gulped and turned my head to where the other Targaryens watched. In a flurry of movement, Prince Aemon, King Jaehaerys and Princess Rhaenys began running over. I quickly got to my feet and resumed my running. I quickly ran out of the Dragonpit, ignoring the surprised guards as I left through the obvious exit. "Wait!" Prince Aemon shouted. As much as I didn't want to disobey the prince's order, I had a feeling a worse fate awaited me if I stopped.
I did sneak into the Dragonpit and tackle down a prince of the realm. Thankfully, I was small and fast despite my short legs. I weaved in-between people and jumped over carts. Grabbing onto the frame of a stall, I used it as leverage to turn a sharp corner down an alley. But, just then, I smacked into someone, sending me back and causing me to hit my head on the hard cobblestone ground. A surge of pain erupted in the back of my skull as my vision blurred momentarily. "Careful there," a man's voice said. Shaking my head, my vision cleared and I saw... Prince Baelon. Oh, I was in deep now. Gulping, I quickly stood up and looked around for a way out. I could heard the Prince Aemon getting closer. "Hey, hey. What's wrong?" Baelon asked, raising an eyebrow. "Sorry, my prince," I apologised quickly before jumping onto some crates and using the uneven bricks of an old abandoned building to lift myself up and onto the roof. "Baelon! Did you just see a little (h/c) girl?" Aemon panted as he turned the corner. "Yes, she just scaled that wall," Baelon chuckled, pointing at the roof. Aemon saw her foot just before she disappeared entirely. "Fuck, I lost her," he cursed, wiping the sweat from his brow. "What's so special about her?" Baelon queried, wondering what got his older brother so riled up.
"Somehow, that girl snuck into the Dragonpit and saved Viserys from the flames of Vhagar. Father is asking for us to find her," Aemon said, taking moments of pause to catch his breath. Baelon's eyes were wide. That girl whom just climbed up a building with all the grace and expertise of a someone far older... had saved his first-born son?! "Damnit," Aemon muttered. "I will ask about the street. We will find her," Baelon nodded, helping his brother in the search. Meanwhile (Y/N) had made it home safely, quickly shutting the door and diving under the covers of her bed. She felt sick to her stomach. What would happen if anyone were to find her? Surely it wasn't going to be good... would it?
And so, the AU begins. I hope you like it because I am trying to keep everything true to what is canon. Although, sorry if the characters are slightly out of character. Hope you like it!
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coaxed you into paradise - c. 14
Description: The life of Saera Targaryen told in four acts. She was her father's forgotten daughter, cast aside as she looked nothing like her mother. Her younger days were spent beside her uncle. Years following her marriage with Ser Harwin Strong, she catches him in an affair with her older sister. She returns to seek solace in the arms of her uncle, that she's loved all her life.
(Coaxed You Into Paradise and High Infidelity Rewrite.)
masterlist for this series
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Chapter Fourteen: Reformation
Daemon slams his hand loudly on his brother’s desk - rage simmering inside his purple irises. “Your city has fallen to greed and incompetence.” he bemoaned - teeth bumping into each other with the last syllable. His brother takes a deep and cautious breath, thinking of ways to shoot down his accusations. “What is the meaning of this, brother?” the King asked. 
“My men tell me that Ser Harwin is not properly executing his duties.” he accused, still staring at his brother with a dragon’s wrath. “You mean, he’s not executing people.” Viserys mocked, laughing at his humor. 
“Well he’s not saving people either.” Daemon defended. 
He wanted to kill the Commander of the ‘Yellow Cloaks’ for his irresponsibility. He’s built the entire thing from scratch - and now all that’s left of his legacy - turns tarnished. “The nobles are satisfied with his work.” Viserys asserted, leaning on his chair with particular uneasiness. 
“Nobles like Otto and Lancel.” he snides. 
“I’d be happy if you were commander, brother - but I am King. I cannot give positions just because I desire it.” Viserys reasons, and his brother’s posture grows weak and without confidence. The only person who could hurt Daemon was Viserys - and he has done so countless times. 
“Do I not deserve the position?” he insinuated, Viserys’ eyes softened. “Of course you do.” His brother was quick to comfort. “ - but Harwin has only started his post, it would be rude to take it away.” he chuckled nervously, thinking that Daemon would agree with him. 
“You are dismissed, brother.” Viserys dismissed, not waiting for his reply. 
Saera’s hair was a sacred thing - only few were allowed to touch it. Mysaria continues braiding her hair, careful to not strain or pull on her hair. “I heard something last night, my princess.” she conveyed, placing a ruby clip on the silky locks. “What is it?” Saera raised her eyebrows. 
“It is about your husband, my princess.” Mysaria whispers. 
“And?” she hums - finding herself caring about his well being. They’ve been married for a year, and it was normal at this point. “ - and your sister.” Mysaria gossiped, pausing for a while to create suspense. 
“They’re friends - Harwin told me.” Saera shakes her head. He wouldn’t, right? They had a promise that they’d never lay with another person - despite having romantic feelings for them. Saera has held her bargain, denying her uncle from sleeping with her, but has he? 
“More than friends.” Mysaria reports, finishing the braid with ease. “One of my worms told me that - they could be heard last night.” She eases the information, not wanting to keep a single detail away from her lady and friend. 
“Heard?” she inquires, aware of the inflictions against her sister’s maidenhead. “ - Lord Laenor asserts that it was him, but the servants saw Ser Harwin enter.” Mysaria informs.
Saera bites the inner corner of her lips. 
“What an interesting turn of events.” she ponders. 
A year has passed since the start of Rhaenyra and Harwin’s affair - now they are blessed with a child. The Princess placed a hand on her stomach, it was swollen and round with pride. “The child will come any time now.” she smiled, sitting on one of her father’s garden beds. She was surrounded by her family, Saera, Daemon, Viserys and Harwin. 
“Have you thought of names?” Saera asks, reaching for a pastry on the round table. “Laenor insists upon Jacaerys and Aegon if they are boys, and I have chosen Daenerys and Rhaenys if they are girls.” Rhaenyra beams with pride - a smile that reaches her eyes. 
Saera was happy for her sister - glad that she was about to become a mother. Saera was yet to be with a child. She looked to her side, and Harwin was smiling at Rhaenyra. She was fuming at the sight of him - anger burning through her lungs. 
He was a man, it’s what they do. 
He can sleep with her sister all that he desires - but Saera? Gods be damned if she was in the presence of a man for more than a second. Rumors would spread and her reputation would be ruined. She did not hate her sister for finding love - but she hated Rhaenyra from hiding it, and flaunting her pregnancy. It was a punch on the face - hurting her pride. 
Daemon senses the deep thought within his niece - so he wraps his arms around her, smiling at her throughout the entire ordeal. They were together - but not sleeping with each other (she wasn’t comfortable with that yet.) He was happy, inquiring about the possibilities of him and Saera staying in Dragonstone. 
“Jacaerys is a wonderful name.” Harwin pipes out, smiling at the Princess. He was happy to provide comfort. “Fit for a prince, I say.” Viserys agrees. 
There was no doubt in her heart that Jacaerys would be loved. Loved by his fathers, and grandfather. “Prince Jacaerys Velaryon, the next King of the Seven Kingdoms.” Viserys breathes, his legacy was written in stone. 
The next rulers lay in front of him. 
Saera slams the door loudly, shaking the paintings on her uncle’s walls. “Qogralbar pōntoma! (Fuck them all)” she yelled, throwing a pillow in a random direction. “Saera, gīda ilagon. (calm down.)” Daemon commands firmly, and her eyes bolt in his direction. 
“Skorkydoso? (How?) Rhaenyra never wanted to become a mother - I wanted to be, and the gods have denied that.” she fumes with rage. 
Daemon takes a step in her direction, wrapping his arms around her body. Embracing her with a warmth that only an uncle could provide. He lifts his hand, combing through her hair - comforting her through her rage. “There is a reason for everything, little girl.” he hums, pressing a small kiss on her cheek. 
“I feel useless, they all whisper behind my back - my marriage with Harwin is longer, and yet I am the last one to have a child.” She rested her head on Daemon’s shoulders. Allowing the tears to flow out of her eyes. “Do you want a child, ñuha riña?” he asked playfully, and she nodded her head. 
“Kessa, tepagon nyke iā riña kepus. (Yes, give me a child.)” she whispered, breaking the embrace and starting their kiss. 
He removes her corset with ease, allowing her gown to drop on the floor. It was the fastest that a piece of clothing has ever been taken off her. “How many?” he joked, slithering his hands to be pressed upon her chest - pushing her down the bed. His bed. 
“As many as you desire,” she responds - staring at him while he removes his tunic. She attempts to stand up and help him, but he pushes her down with a stare.
“Tubī iksis mirre nūmāzma ao, (Today is all about you,)” he proclaims, throwing his tunic in a random direction. 
He frees his cock, pumping it a few times at the sight of Saera in her underclothes. “Gevie,” he whispers - sending electric sparks all throughout her body. “Qogralbar nyke, (Fuck me,)” she cried out - the warmth in her legs began to pool. “Mazverdagon jorrāelagon naejot nyke, (Make love to me.)” he corrected with a smirk and she nodded her head. 
“Please,” she whispered and he lifted the hem of her underwear, exposing her unclothed body. His hands grazed the tops of her cunt. She smelt like strawberries, and he craved that. He leans down, taking a lick of her pearl - a smile playing at his lips as they share a stare. He taps her thighs, telling her to look at him - and she does, ignoring the pleasure that told her to close her eyes. 
He takes another lick - slurping and lapping at her insides. His tongue expertly reached her g-spot in no time. Tonight wasn’t about Daemon. It was about pleasuring his gorgeous girl. She was divine - and he knows every part of him. Every indent, every scar - he memorized it. 
A moan escaped her mouth. 
He stops licking, moving to her level. He presses a kiss on her collarbone, and she lifts herself to a sitting position - both hands pinned by his own and her back in an angle that allows her to slump on the bed-frame. “I love you,” she whispered in his ears, hot breath sending shivers down his spine and engorging his lust. Saera, his god, one whose touch provided him comfort. He would die a hundred times if it meant sharing her bed. 
“You want me,” he taunted, lining his cock with her warm gaping hole. She nodded desperately - not wishing to be gone from her peak. “Use your words my little girl.” he bites the insides of his lips, his gaze met hers. 
“Please, I want you.” she begged, his fingers dancing up to her face - resting on her lips. He pressed another kiss on her - allowing her to taste her own juices. He shifts again, his body straddling her own. 
He positions his cock - inserts it into her, a smile entering his lips as her eyes rolled back in pleasure. “Yes,” she moans and he lets go of her hands, arms resting on her shoulder while bouncing on her - doing his best to be gentle, wishing only to provide her with pleasure and not fucking. 
He looks at her eyes - not wanting to be robbed of any moment with her. “Daemon,” she prays, burying her face in his chest. The pleasure sending a thousand moans out of her mouth. In his ears, it was the sound of heaven - her voice was akin to melody. 
They were burning. As dragons were supposed to. 
He releases his seed inside of her - womb brimming with seed. Daemon cared less - the peak that mattered was his wife’s, and he was going to give it to her. Saera’s grip on his tunic softened, her eyes and mouth gently opened. Another moan exits her mouth and her body slumps back on the bed-frame. Daemon pauses for a while, taking his sweet time in removing himself.
“Thank you,” she moans - he places a kiss on both of her cheeks. “I know that you feel pressured to have a child, but you shouldn’t worry about it. Kepus will provide,” he promises, and she lays down on the bed. 
“I know.” she whispers, wrapping her body with a warm blanket. 
next chapter>>
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ride-thedragon · 1 month
Why Rhaena does not have Nettles' Narrative.
First things first, the tweet to launch 1000 posts.
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Everyone was freaking out because
A. It's so close to the premiere
B. It's been around for a while.
This whole Nettles being replaced by Rhaena theory started during the airing of the first show. People really got into supporting Daemon and Rhaenyra as a couple, and rather than viewing Nettles as a full character realised, she was viewed as a hindering plot point towards our favourite incest ship. So the first person I remember saying it said something along the lines of "What if Rhaena replaced Nettles?".
That spiralled within that space and became almost a counterpart to Nettles being Daemon's bastard daughter. Both of these arguments are often used to deter the romantic narrative Daemon and Nettles have, not to benefit Nettles in any way.
Now I can't vouch for the original poster's validity, but I can point out flaws with what they say.
"Rhaena will claim a sheep eating dragon (Sheepstealer) in the Vale after tracking it for some time."
1. Rhaena has her dragon eggs.
In the books, Rhaneyra gives Rhaena dragon eggs to take to the Vale, hoping that it will hatch to her. We see them in the trailer. Similar to Dany's eggs, which, if you're interested, I have a post on Nettles, Rhaena, and Daenerys.
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2. Claiming Dragons.
This one almost works as well, but it has a few issues. The time frame, what seems to be occurring in the Vale, and the dragonseed plot.
A. 8 episodes for one season is not a lot of time, but we do have a timeline for what occurs, and the start of the sowing is in episode 7. There isn't enough time for Rhaena to both track Sheepstealer and follow him, seeing as her and Baela seem to be in the Vale before Rook's Rest.
B. What's going on in the Vale?
Rhaena and Baela seem to be both at the Vale before Rook's Rest, and then Baela flies into combat alongside Rhaenys. Then Baela stays on Dragonstone and Driftmark during the sowing as she's at the table. RHAENA IS NOT THERE. This is after the sowing because we see Ulf, Addam, and Hugh but not Rhaena or Nettles. All riders so far are accounted for.
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C. This ties into the Dragonseed plot.
If Rhaena isn't there to fight, she doesn't have a dragon. But she is a ward of Jeyne Arryn with her Dragon eggs, like in the book.
3. Tracking it for some time.
This doesn't make sense for two reasons.
A. Why would she try to claim a hungry dragon?
If Sheepstealer is hunting in the Vale, why would Rhaena try to claim a hungry dragon? Rhaena, unlike Nettles throughout the season, would have no precident to assume Sheepstealer wouldn't bend to her as a Targaryen. No one would've been killed in order to facilitate that thought for her at that point if Silver Denys is being killed in Episode 7. She also lives on Dragonstone. Why would she not try to claim him where he lives like a person with common sense?
B. Why is she tracking a wild Dragon?
She lives on Dragonstone, unironically.
The home of all the unclaimed dragons like Vermithor, Silverwing, and Seasmoke. Why would she seek out the wild dragons. Why would she, as he stepdaughter to the Queen, not get to claim all the tamed dragons?
Then, if she decides that she wants to try a wild dragon after all the tamed ones fail to bond with her, who around her would allow her to take that risk? Her stepmother, who just lost two children? Her grandmother who grants her dragonriding sister permission to stand at the council? Or the grandfather who just lost his heir?
I don’t think this is likely. What I think is happening is that she might try and fail at best to give her a narrative, which inspires Jace to send out the Dragonseed call. Are we not tired?
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memarrymilf · 8 months
House of the Dragon (Dance Moms Au)
AN: This is based off of a fever dream i had while adjusting to my new anxienty meds, good luck.
The Targaryens had a long line of success within the world of dance, some even considered them royalty. Many flocked to the studios that they would dance at, though they had danced at the same studio since they were 2. Alicent Targaryen, nee Hightower is a real dance mom, and she loved her children equally.
Interview with Alicent Targaryen (Mother of Aegon, Daeron, Aemond, Y/N and Helaena Targaryen):
Alicent (31): “My children have danced with Criston Lee Cole since they were babies, and we never lose.”
Aemond (7): “I am the best, sorry.” (Clearly, he was not sorry.)
Helaena (8): “I just like the sparkly costumes.” (Queen of not giving a shit.)
Daeron (6): *Isn’t here. *
Aegon (9): “I don’t really care, I don’t try, but I win anyway.” (Unbothered.)
Y/N (9): “I hate being here, but I’m the best at what I do.” (Does Jazz hands, with no facial expression.)
Alicent: “We are on Criston’s competition team, and we love being here.” (Clearly, she does not love being here.)
Rhaenyra Strong, nee Targaryen had danced at Criston’s studio when she was a young girl. Her sons have made quite the name for themselves in the dance world, and she supported them all the way. She just wants to see them dance.
Interview with Rhaenyra Strong (Mother of Jace, Luke, Joffrey and Visenya.):
Rhaenyra (30): “We are all just so excited to be here.” (Looks like death.)
Jace (8): “I will be the next James Cordon, no one wants to see me but I’m always there.” (Seems to be giving up on life.)
Luke (7): “I really love my mom.” (Puppy dog eyes.)
Joffrey (6): “I like dance.” (No thoughts, head empty.)
Visenya (6): “Yall already know who I am, my names Visenya and I’m the best jumper on the team.” (Crazy Topher eyes.)
Rhaenys Velaryon, nee Baratheon was dance royalty when she was a coach for Criston’s studio. She decided to step down from her position when her children were born.
Interview with Rhaenys Velaryon (Mother of Laena and Laenor Velaryon):
Rhaenys (42): “My children are the dancers that they are because of me.” (Very proud of herself.)
Laena (9): “I am the duet master.” (Smug.)
Laenor (8): “My sister is insane.” (Looks around as if she would appear.)
Rhea Royce, divorced mother of 2, devoted Christian and very vocal about all of her thoughts. Pro guns and Pro-choice, she just thinks everyone should be dead.
Interview with Rhea Royce (Mother of Rhaena and Beala):
Rhea (28): “My girls love dance, and I want them to be happy.” (Sincere.)
Beala (7): “My mother is the best mom ever.” (Honest.)
Rhaena (6): “I love doing Acro and tricks.” (No thoughts, head empty.)
-Monday 13:54-
The mothers and their children enter the studio at the same time, almost rehearsed. Alys is sat at the front desk, shuffling through the papers that have slowly been piling up on the surface. Alys was the choreographer for Criston’s studio. She prided herself in being the best and producing the best dances.
The children all love her.
Interview with Alys (choreographer):
Alys (21): “I love working with the kids, I don’t love working with Criston though, he’s insane.”
She smiles up at them as they pass the desk. “Good afternoon, ladies, hi kids.” A chorus of responses floods the room, they all head to get changed and the mothers to help their kids. However, Alicent stops at the desk.
“Good afternoon, Alys.” the words are soft, tender. A soft smile plays upon her lips, she has always been kinder than the other mothers.
Alys smiles in response, “Hi,” she too has a tender smile upon her face. Alicent doesn’t linger too long before she heads back to help her kids get ready to dance.
“Kids get in here!”
The children flock towards the voice, Criston is stood at the front of the room, by the mirrors. On the mirrors, photos making a pyramid.
The mothers walk in after them standing to the side of the room. “Time for pyramid,” a sinister smirk appears upon Criston’s face, the children shudder with fear.
“On the bottom of the pyramid,” he removes the page covering the photo, “Jace, you fell out of your turns and boggled the pirouettes, I’m just glad that the judges were looking at Aegon and not at you.” Jace lowers his head in shame.
“Next, Rhaena, your jumps were slow, and your timing was off half the time.”
Rhaena too looks to the ground, unable to meet Criston’s eyes. “Next, Laenor, you missed half a step, I’m disappointed. Next, Joffrey, you didn’t stick out to me. Next, Beala, you were good, I’m waiting for you to be great.”
Criston starts revealing the next row, “Luke, you were cute, but we don’t want cute, we want compelling. Next, Helaena, you did good. Next, Laena, your turns were good, but you had sickled feet. Next, Visenya, you did the best jumps, very nice.” The children who were yet to be revealed what spots they received seem much more at ease now.
“Next, Aemond, you did what was expected, good job. Next, Y/N, you were the female lead, and you exceeded my expectations. And at the top of the pyramid, Aegon.”
Aegon does not react to this at all, because Aegon doesn’t care. “This week the group routine is intitled: Dance of the Royals, it is about a family at war over who gets the throne now that the king is dead. There will be two sides of this ‘war’ the greens and the blacks. Each side has a lead dancer who together will almost be preforming a duet in the midst of the ‘war’. Aegon, you will lead the green side, Y/N you will lead the black side. Then I also have 3 solos and one trio to give out.”
His eyes scan over them, “Aegon, Y/N, Aemond, you three have solos, as you are at the top of the pyramid. Laena, Beala and Helaena you are in the trio, the trio is called: Pigs and Us, it is about the struggles of being a woman in this world. It is contemporary, and very emotional. Aegon your solo is called: The Taker, it is jazz, and it is about the benefits that society give men but deny women. Aemond, your solo is titled: God’s Eye, it is contemporary, it is about a battle between two warring souls. Y/N your solo is titled: Dry-eyed and Docile, it is a ballet solo, and it is about a young girl who is taken from her life and married to a man much older than her. All the solos are designed to win, so you better win.”
The children are promptly dismissed to start learning the choreography.
-Upstairs: the mothers-
“Well, ladies, what’s new?” Rhea Royce, mother of two said enthusiastically. (AN: It took me several minutes of contemplation to figure out how to spell that, but that is mostly because I am an idiot.)
Alicent glanced over at Rhaenyra making an annoyed face, Rhaenyra covers her snickers by coughing. “I have decided that Luke, Jace and Joffrey will be taking a few extra privates this week and next week to help them out a little.” Rhea rolls her eyes.
Interview with Rhea (mother of Beala and Rhaena):
Rhea (28): “Rhaenyra will do anything in her power to give her kids extra help, its not right. Now, my little Beala, she would thrive with some extra privates.”
“That’s wonderful, I bet they’ll appreciate that.” Alicent smiled at Rhaenyra.
Rhea rolled her eyes once more, “Yes, I’m sure.” She pauses briefly trying in vain to regain her composure. “What do you ladies think of the dances for this weekend?”
“Oh, I’m very excited, I love the idea for the group and the solos for my kids, I’m sure they are going to love it.” Alicent practically gushes.
Rhea, ever the bitch, rolls her eyes once more (AN: I can’t stop.) “Of course, you would be thrilled, three of your kids got solos and the other one got a part in the trio.”
“What is your problem?”
Rhaenys makes no comment on the inevitable fight, simply enjoying the show.
“My problem is that Criston clearly has favourites, and your kids are at the top of that list. He keeps giving them solos even though they can’t dance.” Rhea is yelling now.
Alicent looks at her for a moment before replying, “Sis- you better be joking.”
“I’m not joking, and I’m definitely not your sis, bitch.”
“Oooooooohhhhhh.” Fucking Rhaenyra, her best friend is about to fight someone and yet she jokes around.
“You better back the fuck up before you get smacked the fuck up hoe, because I’m not the one.” Rhea actually looks pretty intimidated; you would be too if there was a scary lady dressed in a green power suit willing and ready to beat your ass.
Rhea: 0
Rhaenyra snickers again. “Haha,” that seems to hold a more mocking tone.
Alicent shoots her a look of disproval, Rhaenyra’s resolve seems to quickly fade upon meeting her gaze. “Sorry,” she mutters, clearly not sorry.
“Yeah, that’s what I thought.”  Alicent looks smug as ever.
-the children-
Aegon is doing pirouettes in the centre of the room, taking up so much space that everyone else has to dodge his feet in order to survive. He doesn’t seem at all bothered by the fact that Aemond keeps threatening him that if he doesn’t stop, he will shove his ballet shoe up Aegon’s rectum.
As Aegon continues to ignore his brother Jace makes his way over to Criston, “I’m sorry Mr Criston, but could you please tell Aegon to stop?”
Criston narrows his eyes towards the boy as he scrutinizes his choice of clothes. He straightens his posture before dropping down slightly to get close to Jace’s face. “Bother me again and I will kill you, you little twerp.” He whispers harshly to the literal child that he is beefing with.
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