dreammeiser · 8 months
Hi! :]
I have a question about your characters.
Do you have a V.C (Voice Claim) that you have in mind how they would sound or at least an idea?
(sorry if my english is bad) 😿
Hi there! Thank you for asking! I actually do have voice claims! Though they might be subject to change! Archie was tough because there's specific requirements for his future VA that I think need to be filled... but for now I've been imagining Wirt from Over the Garden Wall haha! Earl was Bill Cipher from Gravity Falls, or Funtime Freddy from FNAF Mae was Blossom from The PowerPuff Girls (as played by Cathy Cavadini) or Ahiru from Princess Tutu :'o) Honeybell was Lambchop... or Chopper from One Piece AHAHA Fiona was Mabel from Gravity Falls! Teddy was Laszlo from What We Do In the Shadows, or just any character played by Matt Berry! Mufflin Mallow was either Guillermo from What We Do In the Shadows or Wander from Wander Over Yonder! Bertie we've been joking about a Canadian Markiplier, or one of the Moose from Brother Bear! Oddrey must be Marceline the Vampire Queen from Adventure Time! Lunette was Amethyst from Steven Universe! And Roy G Biv had to be Cecil Palmer from Welcome to Night Vale :oD I am happy to say that Teddy and Bertie have been cast already, actually! I can't wait to announce them aaaaahhh!!!
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just-jordie-things · 5 months
Now Jordie, hold up. HOLD. UP.
You can't just write "he witnessed the boy's attempts at wooing you. and let's just say he wasn't impressed. megumi was a wreck at worst and a mess at best." and not expect me to call Gojo out on his bullshit.
We all know that man wouldn't be slick. He's pretty and he THINKS he has a lot of rizz (which is true when it comes to women he doesn't particularly care for much), but unfortunately, he's also a huge mess when it comes to the one woman he actually has some form of romantic feelings for.
Consider this, he's out with the trio and there's a random woman who is really gorgeous and yuji somehow ends up betting that gojo couldn't rizz her up. Of course gojo defends his pride, walks up to the random woman and EASILY rizzes her up. It barely takes him a minute to get her number, which obviously leaves Yuji more than impressed. Megumi just rolls his eyes cause he knows how easy Gojo's game is when he doesn't like someone. (He witnessed the trials and errors of Gojo's flirting before).
Cue a few weeks later, Yaga's niece returns to Tokyo after years of studying abroad, now she joins in Jujutsu High as new teacher and Gojo is immediately smitten. He can barely take his eyes of you, he's convinced he never saw a prettier woman, but not only that!! When you open your mouth and talk to him he's hearing heaven's bells. There's no woman with a sweeter voice than you, he'll bet his entire fortune on it, and hot damn, you know your stuff. You're so smart and knowledgable, you#re such a skilled fighter too, he's so surprised because MY GOD YOU CANT JUST BE SO PERFECT??
Well, there's one issue... him. He can't talk to you. He tries, and tries, and tries, but he always messes up. Never being able to string together a full or coherent sentence and it's getting embarrassing. In front of the students he's avoiding you. (He doesn't want them to see him failing miserably) So naturally his students think that Gojo just doesn't like you for some reason. They can't believe it, you're so sweet and Nobara instantly thought that you two would be great together because you just seemed to fit so well. (and she saw you not taking any shit from the third years, you're tough and would be the perfect match for their teacher)
The three come up with the plan to get you to interact "spontaneously", in terms of Yuji and Megumi talking to Gojo while you're just randomly walking along with Nobara and they're basically playing Parent Trap, which Megumi only begrudginly indulges.
And that's when it happens. That's when the three finally realise why Gojo avoids you in front of them as if you had the black plague, because he blushes and get's flustered and rambles and stumbles over his words and when he wants to ask for your number he stupidly says "can you give me a number" instead of anything remotely sweet. Yuji is shocked, Nobara rolls her eyes and Megumi just facepalms because he knows that the more Gojo likes someone the worse his attempts at flirting are, and the way he messes up now means you have his heart in a choke hold, you just don't know it yet.
Okay this was supposed to be short and cute... idk what happened there
you hearing about gojo and his rizz and lowkey expecting the worst. but you meet him and he's almost kinda... pathetic? like who is this man?? what happened to the smooth talking bastard your uncle warned you about?
are you really expected to believe that this man who's blushing and rambling on about the most random bullshit is the guy you were warned would probably hit on you? wait, is this his way of hitting on you?
oh my god, you have to mess with him by being the smooth talking flirt !!!
also, megumi deserves to watch gojo struggle and suffer in front of the woman he's been crushing on like a child.
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feelingpure · 10 months
“I'm sure you don't want to come, considering what a fucking self-righteous bore you've turned into!”
When I catch Hawkins Fuller:
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Further live reactions under the cut, because wuifdbivfyisvdtusdyif I need to yell about whatever tf else is gonna take place.
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THEY GOT MY BOY DOING BLOW Y'ALL 😭 (ok it's the late 70s so yes everyone is doing coke, and he didn't do it like a novice, but I'm still blaming them idc). And the finger sucking... we'll come back to that at some point lmao. What is going awn?
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Ok, now he's been fed pills on the dance floor. 😂 Anyway the soundtrack is banging, so now i'm like (booging to forget):
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Not this being-jealous-of-craig thing pls.
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Tim is... not looking like he's having a good time anymore. 😭
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And something's happening with the rest on the dancefloor. I'm feeling very anxious.
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Marcus and Frankie having a domestic at his work place. “I have news for you. You are a big chocolate gay man.” and his student is watching in the background. 👀 Ok Marcus, time to confront some things (I hope)! And then he said THAT, and then he did THAT. Omg, the way Frankie yeeted him 😭 everyone is in pain.
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Skippy is very 💅 here. And I can't decide if I fully hate Craig or... he's v annoying but also lol?
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The boyfriends are fighting! Aaaaahhh, GET HIM TIM!
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Ok suddenly something very different is happening... also that Tim/Hawk kiss, yes! (it was a lil slutty, but that's all I've been wanting). OH I WAS NOT EXPECTING THIS WTF IS HAPPENING OMG WFQOVBSDVBSFJKB!
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Nvm... it's not happening, even though Hawk tried to force their heads together like a kid playing with 2 dolls. Cause look at his face peaking from between theirs hahah. 😂 Anyway... WHEN DID CRAIG TAKE HIS SHORTS OFF LMAOOO?! They just weren't there all of a sudden??!!
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WAIT I'M ACTUALLY SCREAMING. IT'S ACTUALLY HAPPENING NOW (via some v questionable words from Hawk but).
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👀👀👀 WAIT WHAT-- WHVBDLAD. So Hawk can get it up if Skippy is there. Alright. And Craig's dirty foot just hanging out right there as they kiss aaahhh lol. Ok, apparently I've hit the image limit haha, but there's a lot of limbs in places... and someone is calling me rn so I have to pause wtf. 😭😭😭
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So I came back after I finished watching it and. Well well, that was a terrible time to pause ietbhfvebigadwn!!! Anyway, I'd keep blabbing on next to more caps if it'd let me.
But just... that whole episode was A LOT. The way things escalated, the way scenes turned upside down and then back again. The explosive husband arguments! The ending to that threesome was wild. The final 70s Tim/Hawk scene. OUCH.
Yes, Hawk's been hurt but. Hm, I have a lot of feelings, will probs have to be a separate post if I get the chance. There's too much to dissect. All in all; I am a Tim Laughlin warrior, and if you're yelling at him Hawk then I'm gonna have to yell at you.
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drac-onion · 11 months
Finished P5R
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Bunch of words under the cut, honestly I'm just ranting. Figured I'd spare your timelines of a massive wall of text.
Real talk, though. I cried for like 2 hours. From 2/2 all the way to the end. I would cry for a little while, and then stop for a bit. Then I would get to a cutscene or something and the waterworks would start back up again.
Man, I just...6 years ago, I played the original Persona 5. I finished it on May 27th, 2017, a little over a month after it released. I'm kind of impressed as to how I was able to marathon the whole thing in a month while balancing college and work (although I didn't have a whole lot of time dedicated to either at the time, so whatever).
It took me nearly three years to get around to finishing Royal. I got it on launch on PS4, played it for two weeks solid, and then...sort of fell off. I blame quarantine and going a little hard in the paint on playing it every day since I had nothing else better to do, but that doesn't really matter. I was also dealing with quite a bit on my plate at the time. From my car dying (and it being entirely my fault), to losing my job, to...well, I'm not going to make this about that. I could, but I'd be here for ages if I went over everything that's happened in my life.
I just want to say how special this game is to me. The characters, the story, the music, everything just sticks with me. Even after all this time. Even after I dropped the game for three years and picked it back up on PC after transferring my save (worth the money I spent on getting my saves decrypted, if I'm honest), I never stopped loving it. I just...had some other stuff going on. Between Royal coming out and now, since I've finished it, so much has happened. It's wild to think about how much life can change in three years. Hell, how much life can change in the 6 and a half years since I finished the original. So much has happened.
Perhaps it's a little "cringe" to think so fondly of a piece of media like this (enough to shed tears). A piece of fiction. Something, at its very core, not real. Fake. Made up. But there is something about it that's real, and I can't even put it into words. But, you're just going to have to take my word for it. If you know, then you know. If that makes me cringe, then so be it. I think any piece of media can have a message, and I've always found the messages in the games I enjoy motivating. "Time never waits, so find your own meaning to life's struggle, with your heart as your guide", "Be true to yourself, no matter how painful it may be", "Stick to your values, no matter how tough things are, and change the world for the better in your own way", "Once you're at rock bottom, the only way to go is up". I wish I could apply some of these messages in my own life. I suppose the only thing stopping me is me, right? That's how that works.
God, I can feel myself wanting to cry again, but I just don't have any more tears. I think this was the emotional release I've been looking for during the last couple months. Things aren't so good for me right now, and they're about to get a lot worse now that the holidays are coming up. I...don't like this time of year, to put it simply. This will likely come up in my writing in one form or another. (Write what you know, I guess?)
Persona, as a series, has always been so special to me. I hope that the series continues to grow in the best possible way. Can't wait to cry like a bitch when I eventually finish Persona 3 Reload!
Anyway, I had more stuff I wrote here, but I got waaaaaayyyy off track and into some personal places, so I'll stop myself here.
Aaaaahhh...yeah, that one is gonna be rough, even when I know it's coming. Yep.
Well...all that said...my journey with The Phantom Thieves of Hearts isn't over quite yet...I get to ride out yet another journey with these guys...not to mention P5T coming out in around a month. I'm glad to be able to spend more time with these characters. Now, then...
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bangtann-bangdamn · 2 years
Hey Kate! I'm finally back from the dead and just read through all the parts I missed of Not Like The Movies. Man I missed it and thought a lot about it while I was away from Tumblr. But Jin still doesn't know Ara is his xD but they were so cute together!!! Also Yoongi made a move! And some things never change. I still don't like Byul. But I can't wait to read more and see how it unfolds and esspecially when Jin FINALLY finds out
Aaaaahhh you’re back! I’ve missed you, but I hope your time away was filled with resting and recovering (because we all know social media is the devil in disguise 😈😂)
I know!! YN has really buried her head in the sand here but in her defence, she’s thinking it’s not something to tell him over the phone and she missed her opportunity to tell him in person. He’s now away until some time in July and she’s tried setting up a date with him to talk when he comes back but he’s as of yet to tell her when so she’s not exactly in a rush to throw the shit in the fan and clean up that mess so she’s pretending it doesn’t exist right now (even though it’s definitely something that keeps her up at night because the longer she knows he doesn’t know and keeps it from him, the worst she thinks it’ll play out 🙃)
Yoongi did make his move! I should probably try in the next story to not make him so easy to love because low-key I kind of ship YN and Yoongi together but this is Jin’s story!!! I just find Yoongi really hard to write as anything other than loveable 😍
I mean, I love that everyone kind of hates Byul because that’s exactly what I intended when I wrote the story, but she’s actually become one of my favourite characters. She’s definitely not as clear cut as she appears in the story right now and I hope as things start falling into place you can see that.
I can’t wait to post more!! It’s actually killing me that my schedule went from every other day to barely posting once a week. I miss writing and updating probably more than anyone misses reading what I produce. It’s my happy place and it hurts so much that it’s the one place I’ve been struggling to get to for months. Now that some of the biggest challenges in my life has been resolved, I’m hoping I can start by getting back into it but my family have had a lot of shit happening recently so my focus has kind of been everywhere but. Hopefully I can get some writing done before my nephew arrives on Saturday, but my dad is also off this weekend and he want to take him to a petting zoo so if my sister does bring him round early, I am not missing my chance to go hang out with some chickens 😂
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badass-at-fandoming · 2 years
Okay, so I was playing Luka's route in IkeRev, right, and they made a biiiiiiig deal about showing Big Bad Amon Jabberwock's face. MC's reaction has got to be one of the funniest live reactions ever.
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MC: ...but you're pretty!
I laughed so hard I forgot to screenshot it XD She calls him pretty! Here she is, meeting the guy who has been causing grief for generations, who has torn her away from the Black Army, and she calls him pretty.
AAAAAHHH, I love romance games. Can't wait to date this absolutely deranged little meow meow.
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amenomiko · 4 years
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Thank you for the request @lareina2501 ❤❤❤❤❤ It's an honor to be your fav writer (∩´﹏`∩) 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕 I will do my best more and more ∩( ✧Д✧)∩✨✨✨✨✨✨✨!! As for this request I've changed the storyline to match with the angst and happy ending, if you don't mind >3< ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤! Hope you like it!
Come Clean
Pairing: IkeSen Mitsuhide x MC
Type: One Shot
Rated: Angst + Happy End
"This game ends here."
If travelling into an unknown place, an era with endless war, a timeline she have to wipe her tears but to survive...
The words that he uttered to her on that day hurts the most.
Everything was a gameplay to him. With that teasing smile, gradually changed into a hateful look, he pointed the gun that he always use to end someone's life to her. "I was just using you all the time. Who would've known you even give all of yourself to me-- to think that you shed enormous drop of tears just from Yoshiaki's words.. Aren't you the fragile one?"
"Was it sated enough for you?"
"Did I satisfy you?"
"You are beaming with happiness just from a kiss? Such lonely girl you are."
Waves and waves of swirling stirred inside of her, causing her to stumble to the side, of where she nearly bumped upon the edge of the wall if it isn't because of the support on the table nearby.
She gasped, tears pricking within her orbs,
Vomiting out everything that she could throw,
Her coughs slowly emerges into a sob, and it grew stronger when she rub her belly.
Why did you lie..?
It was a spur of the moment. It could be. It might be.
From a slow, loving kiss on her brow, her lips found his, where they exchanged their body heat with one another. Kisses, groans, soft moaning, endless marks all over her body, genuine confession towards each other-- it is such a blissful moment and memories for her.
To think that he choose to lie for the sake of her safety--
To think that he would use his weapon to threaten her..
So that she could stand in the light, and him, always in the abyss of darkness and evilness. And furthermore,..
To think that just from that one night, she had bear his child...
Oh she had tried to be with him. But he pushed her away. Many times. He even use another woman to make her believe that he was just using her all along--
...He even announced his marriage to the same woman to get rid of her completely--
And then..
She gasped again, now clenching on her stomach-- "K-Kana--..!"
Her maid bursted into the room, "Princess..? Princess!!"
And then..
The wedding celebration were held joyfully, he even announced to the public of his happiness. He even laughed, smiled, nuzzled on his bride's nose, just to show how much he love her. Right in front of her, in front of her eyes, that clearly were decorated with nothing but a swell.
"I am happy for you, Mitsuhide."
Oh how it killed her.
It's as if she has taken a knife and stab her own chest.
"Well, to be honest.. I am having his child..! He is kind enough to marry me for the sake of our child..!" His bride whispered to her, from a gleeful voice that suddenly changed into a menacing ones,... "Now it's clear to you, isn't it? You are NO princess, so you should learn where do you stand, don't you think so?" Then it was again replaced with a smile the moment her husband called for her.
Ah.. So this is how they played it.
If it is like that, it's fine.
If it's for the sake of her child, then she will do it too.
Yes, she should learn her place. So she will leave everything. From a place where she didn't belong, a place where people wouldn't know, a place where people will forget.
With the help of Sasuke,...
That very same night she had faked her death. She had brought her most trusted maid with her, leaving no trace behind. Changing her appearance together with her maid, she made it as if she had never existed.
She made a promise with Sasuke as well. To keep it a secret, to never see her and to never associate with her. It was beyond his agreement, as she is his friend, but he have no choice.
"Princess.. You overexert your body again. It's not good for the child, as it will be born soon."
Smiling weakly, she caresses her growing belly. "I'm sorry.. I can't help but to remember that night. Especially when it was snowing like this."
Kana and MC wheeled their head to the garden, watching how it become white all over from the falling snow. "I don't know, Kana. It was not even snowing when he said those words, but maybe, just maybe, that night has become cold when he choose to lie."
"My apologies. I'm being very melancholy am I?"
Kana shakes her head. "Please don't say that, Princess. Here, have some water before you rest, alright?"
She nodded, leaning against the reclining chair before turning to see the white garden once more.
..To think that snow could make you feel this lonely. But she is not alone, she will be with her child. Even if her existence has faded to other people.
There is no other day that he feels empty.
Staring into nothing in an ample silence, the feeling of the metal in his hand has been forgotten.
Such metal; the hairclip he had given her, is still smeared with blood, the blood of hers on the night she had gone from his life forever.
Lying is never enough for Mitsuhide. But it was more than enough for her. He lied for her own good. He hurt her for her happiness. He cast her aside for her safety. He trampled her feelings and love for him, for her best.
Even though everything had went well-- ending Yoshiaki's life, and gained another peace for his Lord, he is not satisfied. Faking a marriage, faking a love just to make her believe he didn't need her anymore-- it is the biggest sacrifice and self torture for him. More than the torture that he get in the cell when he was accused as the traitor back then..!
Her death is the ultimate torture of his life..!
Why did this happen? How could this happen?
What have he done to her??
And again,
There's no other day that he feel empty. There's no other days he will shed his tears while holding the hairclip close to his heart. He have seen it. He have seen her jumped off the cliff, right in front of his eyes. He had been searching, high and low, every places, to no avail. He had refused to believe, he nearly went crazy just from this..!
Is this..
A punishment for him? Yes. Indeed it is. For trampling her genuine and sincere love for someone like him..
"My lord."
He didn't answer his vassal. It was until Kyubei hand him a letter that makes his heart thump so loud in his chest.
"Princess..! Princess..!! Please..! Please stay awake..! Your child needs you..! Please..!!"
"Give it your best, My lady..! Push with all your might..!!"
She couldn't feel her grip around the cloth in her palms anymore. She had tried all she could, but she sees nothing but whiteness. Her eyes narrowed-- she is in verge of fainting once more. "No..! You can't faint!! My lady!!"
'Ahh.. Mitsuhide.. Where are you.. Will you be here..? Will you come to my rescue just like you use to do..?'
Her hold around the cloth loosened, and the voices next to her couldn't be heard anymore, when..
The door burst open, revealing a pale looking Mitsuhide. Pale and thin, weaker than ever.
She must have been dreaming. For Mitsuhide to come and to found her like this, just like how she secretly wished. "MC..! Please..! Don't leave me..! Don't leave us..!" He squeezed her hand tight, patting her face lightly for her to stay awake. "I am here..! I will be here..! So please..!"
His facade broke. Tears after tears streaming on his face, wetting the surface of her cheek. "I love you.. Please. I'm begging you.." He grit his teeth to fight the upcoming tears, kissing her brow and temple over and over.
Her grip has tightened once again, eyes shut to give her all, especially for her unborn child.
Hours has passed, and by nightime..
A beautiful, melodic sound had filled the house.
Mitsuhide has been staring at his daughter for quite some time. She is now nestled in his arms, sleeping peacefully as her father rub her cheeks gently.
He had stayed awake the whole time, even until MC had woke up. Both of them didn't say anything, only exchanging a silent look to one another.
Then after a while..
He rose and settled next to her.
There's no words were uttered, but he pulls her close with his other arm, burying his head in the crook of her neck where a silent cry could be heard, and an endless strings of apologies were said.
Throughout the time when she lived in seclusion, her maid has been exchanging letters with his vassal secretly. Both of them updated each other's situation, and when it is the perfect time for their masters to meet again, that is where the letter were given to Mitsuhide.
He had brought her back, to everyone's surprise. Things had been cleared between them; a happy ending for both of them. No lies, no facades, just the truth.
"My, my, how rude ( ͡^ ͜ʖ ͡^)."
"Oooh, oooh, my baby angel, Uncle Hideyoshi ish here (❁´◡`❁)🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸~~~ WHERE ARE YOU GOING MITSUHIDE I'M NOT DONE YET ( ☉д⊙)!!"
"MC needs help, so I will leave my daughter with you for a while ( ͡^ ͜ʖ ͡^)."
"Mmmnnn.. Eeehhheeee QAQ!!!!"
"Aaaaahhh my baby angel QAQ I'm sorry!!!"
"Oh my ( ͡^ ͜ʖ ͡^)."
"Just give her konpeito, she will stop crying for sure (˵ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°˵)." - Nobunaga
"MY LORD NO ( ☉д⊙)!!"
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beka-speaks · 8 years
YOU PLAY AN AMAZING BEKA OH GOSH IM CRYING❤❤ I love your voice and it fits so WELL for him and I just.... AAAAAHHH! I can't wait to hear more from your blog! Best wishes to you, lots of people are witching you success!! 😁 -The Katsunon 🐽
//I’m so glad you think so! I am crying too! You are so sweet! I’m so happy that you like the voice. I can’t wait to post more for you and for everyone else! :D
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