#CBF Labels
eilidh-eternal · 5 months
here to share brainworms on this:
Imagine being a friend of theirs and sleeping with both of them on seperate occasions without knowing that they're friends (perhaps you met them at different times in different places) and noticing the tattoo and you think back to that one time you slept with some other Sergeant and know you've seen that exact tattoo before while he's making a mess of you on his cockđŸ„Ž
Oh my god

A fwb type situationship with Gaz—who honestly would like to be more bc he’s a SWEETHEART—but you’re still a little hung up on cbf JohnnyđŸ˜”â€đŸ’«
Maybe it was a right person wrong time thing, or maybe there was an argument over a miscommunication, but you’ve never been able to forget about the time you shared with him, even though you know you need to move on.
And then came Gaz. Sweet, loving, wants to be whatever you need Gaz. But you’re still so traumatized from loosing the person you thought you were going to spend your whole life with that you’re not ready to let him in, at least not into your heart, so you let him fill the void of physical affection. You let yourself believe that if you hold him at arms length he won’t get close enough to hurt you, like he did.
But Kyle is a smart man, emotionally intelligent and perceptive, and above all else—patient. He takes things slow with you, lets you set the pace and stays firmly on the other side of your boundaries, even if every time you see him they’re slowly starting to crumble. He knows someone before him hurt you, knows that’s why you don’t want to label what you two are, don’t want to get attached.
You’ve only hooked up with him a few times, still sort of getting to know one another without getting too personal. So, clothes have stayed on, for the most part. In your mind, this is purely about taking care of your physical needs, and the gods gave pants zippers for a reason, right? Right, so you don’t really know what Kyle looks like. You sure as fuck know what he feels like though, and it keeps you coming back.
But those walls
 Kyle is right about them. You start getting comfortable with him, don’t feel the need to wear your clothes like armor the more you see him and he proves that he won’t push you into anything you aren’t ready for. And the first time you both get to see each other laid bare? Oh, Kyle is a goner. Fucks you deep and slow, really takes his time getting to know all of you.
It’s when you’re on top that you see it, the dark whorl of ink peeking out at you between your fingers where they’re planted on his hips, holding you steady while he rocks up into you. You move your hand higher, dragging your fingers up the ridged plane of his abdomen, and look a little closer at the tattoo through half-lidded, lust-addled eyes, at the familiar shape of the revolver inked into his skin.
Familiar, but you can’t quite place where you’ve seen it before when he’s got you crying on his cock.
A few weeks later, you’ve reluctantly started to grow fond of Kyle, and he invites you out for drinks with his friends. Of course you two are early, he out of habit and you out of nervous anxiety, and while you wait for everyone else to arrive he’s showing you something on his phone, scrolling through his camera roll when you see it, the photo of him and what must be one of his friends at the tattoo parlor together, skin still red from the fresh ink.
“Wait, what’s that?” You point to the photo.
“Oh! That’s my best mate and I. Said if we came back in one piece we’d finally get some matching ink.” He clicks on the photo and you nearly fall out of your chair. Nearly pass out from the lack of oxygen when the breath is punched out of you when you realize why you recognize that tattoo.
Johnny’s face stares back at you, arm slung over Kyle’s shoulders with the same easy smile you remember him with plastered on his face.
Kyle’s saying something, telling some story, but you don’t hear it, can’t hear the music or the chatter of the other patrons over the panic shrieking in your mind. It’s not until you feel a hand on your shoulder that you surface from your thoughts, Kyle’s voice reaching you through the churning depths of your mind.
He’s introducing you to his Captain, and his Lieutenant, but you can’t stop staring at the Sergeant, the ghost from your past, that he calls his best friend.
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jflemings · 1 month
— in the garden where no one can find us
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pairing: katie mccabe x reader
synopsis: you’re getting married off and katie finds a way to stop it
warnings: a teensy tiny big of angst, legit minuscule
a/n: lmk if y’all like au’s hehe (this will have a part 2 purely for the fact that i cbf writing it all in one part soz xx)
à­§ ‧₊˚ 🌿 ⋅ ˚ àŒ˜ àł€â‹†ïœĄËš
you and katie had spent your entire lives together. your mothers were the best of friends and had wanted to raise the two of you the same way.
during your summers the two of you would vacation together, spending your time running amuck in the grounds and playing. you’d pretend to be mermaids and swim in the lake before you’d get called back in for lunch where you would all sit at a banquet table and feast.
it was nice being with katie’s family. she had lots of siblings and her dad would always let the two of you raid the sweets before dinner, her older siblings would let you guys stay up with them to watch movies and would hide you under the mounds of blankets whenever your parents came looking. you’d play football during the day and tell scary stories around a bonfire at night, have dance parties and do gymnastics in the long hallway that lead to the sunroom.
in moments where you wanted to escape the chaos you’d go into the garden and listen to the birds chirp overhead, their song bringing you peace as you sat in the middle of the big hedge maze and took in the otherwise silent garden. one time katie found you and you had told her that it’s where you would go for a bit of quiet. at first she didn’t understand it but the more she went with you into the maze the more she got the appeal of listening to the birds.
your first kiss was in that maze, the birds chirping brightly as the two of you embarked on a new chapter of your story together.
when you got of age, you were both sent off to boarding school to continue your studies. katie was already well known among the staff because of her big family and everytime the teachers would read her name off the register they’d sigh, always dreading having another mccabe come through their class.
you on the other hand only had a younger sister, lily. your parents weren’t able to get pregnant more than twice even though they tried, it had broken their hearts. before he passed, there had been issues with your grandfather since they hadn’t produced a son. he was a very traditional man and expected his family to have the same values. on more than one occasion you heard him and your mother in the study arguing over the way she was raising you, him always leaving more disappointed than when he came when your mother stood her ground.
your parents loved the two of you all the same though and they made the conscious effort to show you that everyday.
which is why it was such a shock when they informed you they would be marrying you off in the spring.
you had outright refused and cursed them for enforcing such an outdated tradition. your protests had ultimately fallen upon deaf ears, the two of them telling you that it was strictly for ally reasons and that it was just something that needed to be done.
their reasoning made it worse and since then things between the three of you had been frosty. you couldn’t understand why they would do this to you, especially since it was a well known secret that you and katie had been in love with eachother since you were teenagers. it wasn’t something that was outright addressed but both of your families knew and would often make jokes about your own wedding and how grand it would be, how the two of you would be the first public royal lesbian couple.
you and katie did everything normal couples did without the explicit label. you went on dates, said i love you to eachother and slept in the same bed when your families would vacation together. you were there for all her family events and she was there for yours, the two of you constantly getting papped together looking too cozy to be just friends.
like at this very moment. katie’s arm is around your waist as she leans into your ear snickering about a distance cousin and his distaste for the little tea cakes on display in front of him. she continues to talk lowly to you despite the media personal that are hovering the morning tea, all of them eyeing the two of you skeptically as they try to get a sneaky photo.
“are you okay?” she suddenly asks you, leaning away from you face to hold eye contact “you’ve hardly laughed at anything i’ve said”
“maybe you’re just not funny” you retort before reaching for a scone and some jam.
katie rolls her eyes and gives your waist a quick squeeze before passing you the butter and sipping her freshly poured cup of tea “i’m serious, are you feeling alright? you’re not sick are you?”
you shook your head “no, i’m not sick”
she furrows her brows and subtly puts her hand on your knee, giving it a squeeze before jerking her head in the direction of the entrance “let’s go to the garden”
“katie they’re gonna notice we’re gone!” you protest, subtly looking to where your mother’s eyes were boring into you “we can’t”
katie puffs her cheeks out before tossing her napkin on the table and beginning to stand “who cares” she says, pulling your chair out “they won’t miss us”
despite your protests, you link your pinky finger with hers and follow her out the door. she pulls you out of the tea room and down the hallway half skipping as she goes. you can’t help but laugh at her antics as she skips ahead of you, the sound of her short heels on the polished floor echoing off the expensive art lining the walls. the ochre red curtains are drawn back like they usually are in the summer allowing the mid morning light to shine through and illuminate everything it touches. fresh flowers from your mother’s garden sit in old matching vases on marble columns, bringing a sense of life to the otherwise dull coloured hall.
katie reaches the end of the hall before you and holds open the door before taking your hand and leading you down a set of grand stairs and through a hedge maze the two of you have memorised.
she links your arms as you stroll, her voice soft as she speaks “seriously are you okay? you’ve not been yourself”
you bite your lip “there’s- uhm, something i need to tell you”
the shake of your voice makes katie’s stomach drop and she subconsciously tightens her arm around yours. she remains silent, knowing that if there’s something bothering you that it would be better to just let you get it out without her interrupting.
you abruptly stop and unlink your arm from hers before nervously picking at your cuticles. you aren’t sure how katie is going to react. there’s no doubt that she’ll be angry, and probably hurt, but you have no idea where she thinks this will leave the two of you.
you’ve thought about it over and over, fantasised even, about getting married to a man you don’t even know but leaving him at the alter and running straight into katie’s arms. maybe she’d stand up and interrupt when the minister says speak now or forever hold your peace, maybe she’d find you before you walk down the isle and whisk you away. you can see the headline now: princess y/n l/n, runaway bride!.
the thought makes you feel a little bit better, but not much. “i’m getting married” you whisper “my parents they’re
 they’ve found a man for me to marry. the wedding is in the spring”
tears well in your eyes as you keep your gaze on the ground. you can’t look at katie and you honestly don’t know if you want too, too scared of her reaction. the silence between you is so thick that you can hear the birds chirping above you, their song somehow only making your foul mood more bitter.
it wasn’t fair. how could they continue to sing when you were telling the woman you loved that you were marrying someone else?
katie’s inevitable blow up, however doesn’t come.
“marry me”
your head snaps up and your eyes widen “i beg your pardon” katie’s wearing the slightest of smiles and she’s got that same wild look in her eyes that she would get whenever you were kids and she was going to do something that would definitely get her in trouble.
“they can’t marry you off if you’re already married, right?” she begins to reason as she takes your hands “we’ll find a minister who will do it and-and we’ll get ella and lily to be our witnesses. we don’t even have to tell them until after”
“katie are you insane” you question her, your jaw going slack
katie’s subtle smile widens “only for you” she jokes softly as she takes your hand. “i’m serious. marry me”
your lip quirks “okay”
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hmcb96 · 2 years
4t2 Caspian Skirt - Mesh Edit!
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Phew have I learned a lot with this project!
This is a mesh edit of @platinumaspiration's 4t2 conversion of the Caspian Skirt, made by @oydis for Sims 4.
Firstly I'd like to express my gratitude to @digisims2, @platinumaspiration and @shastakiss for their wonderful support. You are so patient with me and are always happy to teach me new things and answer my questions. Thank you!
Now, down to business.
AF + TF. Bottom only. All morphs included! 12 colours each: a couple originals and a bunch from me.
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I'm aware that the teen conversion is not perfect - it has some very minor misalignment on the waist, and a little annoying 'split' in the bottom front hem that I cbf getting rid of, but to me they aren't overly noticeable. I may fix it one day.
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Polycount: AF 2101 polys | TF 2039 polys
Files are labeled clearly and descriptively and the matching swatch is included. Please let me know if there are any problems, and feel free to show me your sims enjoying their new skirts! Files are compressorized :)
Credit to: @platinumaspiration for the 4t2 conversion @oydis for the original mesh
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gulshanwhydonate · 2 months
10 Meilleures Plateforme De Crowdfunding En Europe
Qu’est-ce que le Crowdfunding?
En demandant Ă  de nombreuses personnes de donner de l’argent (de donateurs), gĂ©nĂ©ralement de petites sommes sur une longue pĂ©riode, les plateforme de crowdfunding vous permettent de collecter des fonds pour une cause ou un projet particulier. bref, comme quelques mois, par exemple. Le cagnotte en ligne, qui se dĂ©roule frĂ©quemment sur les rĂ©seaux sociaux, permet aux participants de partager facilement une cause ou un projet de cause avec leurs contacts. Le financement participatif est un outil que les organisations, les entreprises et les particuliers peuvent utiliser pour tout type de projet, y compris la collecte de fonds pour les dĂ©penses personnelles, le dĂ©marrage d’une entreprise, les causes philanthropiques et les efforts crĂ©atifs.
Comment Décidez-vous de Quel CÎté Vous Pencher?
La recherche Google pourrait ĂȘtre votre premiĂšre pensĂ©e. À l’inverse, Ă  l’heure actuelle, si vous avez entrĂ© « crowdfunding France » ou « crowdfunding association« , vous recevrez respectivement 1 370 000 et 133 000 rĂ©sultats. Bien qu’il soit formidable qu’il y ait autant de rĂ©sultats pour votre recherche aujourd’hui, cela signifie Ă©galement que vous ne savez toujours pas oĂč rechercher des solutions spĂ©cifiques.
Nous souhaitons vous aider un peu en raison de ce fait. Nous ne vous fournirons pas de liste des 10 meilleurs site de don ou financement participatif ; au lieu de cela, nous mettrons simplement en évidence ceux qui sont les plus importants en termes de revenus. Cependant, nous vous fournirons une liste adaptée à vos besoins.
CrĂ©ez une Campagne de Financement pour n’importe Quelle Cause avec WhyDonate et inscrivez-vous.
Quel est le Meilleur Site de Financement Participatif ?
Il existe un certain nombre de critĂšres Ă  prendre en compte avant de lancer une collecte de fonds via une plateforme de collecte de fonds. Le premier est la fiabilitĂ© de la plateforme de financement participatif, les autres options Ă  considĂ©rer sont l’accessibilitĂ©, l’expĂ©rience utilisateur et la comprĂ©hension du systĂšme derriĂšre les plateformes.
1. WhyDonate
WhyDonate est une plateforme spĂ©cialement conçue pour collecter des fonds pour n’importe quelle cause. Ici, vous pouvez donner de l’argent ou commencer vous-mĂȘme Ă  collecter des fonds pour une association caritative. Elle soutient Ă©galement des projets privĂ©s de collecte de fonds.
Si vous ĂȘtes une entreprise enregistrĂ©e en cagnotte participative sur WhyDonate, ils vĂ©rifieront si vous ĂȘtes enregistrĂ© auprĂšs de l’ANBI et si vous avez un label de qualitĂ© CBF. WhyDonate, l’une des plateformes de crowdfunding gratuites, aide Ă©galement les entreprises et les organisations qui souhaitent mettre en place leur propre plateforme de collecte de fonds de financement participatif. Si vous cherchez un bon espace pour vous aider avec le financement participatif en Europe, pensez Ă  WhyDonate et commencez Ă  faire un don Ă  votre cause sans tracas.
2. FundedByMe
En mars 2011, FundedByMe a Ă©tĂ© fondĂ©e Ă  Stockholm, en SuĂšde, et est l’une des premiĂšres plateformes de financement participatif au monde Ă  proposer Ă  la fois un financement participatif basĂ© sur les rĂ©compenses et sur actions. Afin de promouvoir les investissements transfrontaliers qui soutiennent Ă  la fois les entrepreneurs et les investisseurs afin de contribuer Ă  la crĂ©ation d’emplois et au dĂ©veloppement Ă©conomique, la plateforme se concentre principalement sur les entrepreneurs europĂ©ens.
3. Funding Circle
Cette plateforme accorde des prĂȘts de 5 000 € Ă  250 000 € aux entrepreneurs. Funding Circle est une meilleur plateforme crowdfunding dans laquelle investir si vous avez un projet en lequel vous avez confiance. La meilleure partie est que l’inscription est gratuite et que les rendements financiers peuvent atteindre 18,9 % par an. Vous pouvez commencer Ă  investir avec aussi peu que 100 €.
4. Crowdcube
Crowdcube est l’une des plus grandes plateformes de crowdfunding en Europe et la premiĂšre au monde, destinĂ©e uniquement aux investisseurs suffisamment avisĂ©s pour prendre en compte ces risques et faire leurs propres choix d’investissement. Via Crowdcube, plus de 26 millions de livres sterling ont Ă©tĂ© investis avec succĂšs jusqu’à prĂ©sent.
Crowdcube a lancĂ© le « Crowdcube Venture Fund » en fĂ©vrier 2014, qui permet aux investisseurs de financer des start-ups avec l’assurance supplĂ©mentaire qu’un gestionnaire de fonds qualifiĂ© indĂ©pendant investit, gĂšre et suit leur capital. Des entreprises comme Crowdcube ont facilitĂ© le financement participatif en Europe grĂące Ă  leurs excellentes options.
LancĂ©e en 2010, la sociĂ©tĂ© de Darren et Lang Ă©tait en tĂȘte du peloton du financement participatif par actions.
5. Goteo
Goteo est une plateforme de crowdfunding ou de financement collectif (contributions monétaires) et de collaboration distribuée (services, infrastructures, microtùches) pour des projets qui, en plus de récompenser individuellement, génÚrent également de la performance en promouvant des biens communs, open-source et/ou sans connaissance.
En tant que membre du rĂ©seau, vous pouvez avoir un ou plusieurs rĂŽles : prĂ©senter un projet, ĂȘtre co-fondateur ou collaborer Ă  un. Goteo Ă©tant l’une des meilleure plateforme de crowdfunding offre des perspectives intĂ©ressantes lors du financement participatif en Europe.
6. Boomerang
Booomerang.dk est la premiĂšre et la plus grande plateforme de financement participatif basĂ©e sur les rĂ©compenses au Danemark, oĂč les entrepreneurs, musiciens, groupes et autres artistes peuvent collecter des fonds auprĂšs de nouveaux et anciens rĂ©seaux grĂące Ă  un soutien financier. Booomerang est l’une des plus grandes plateformes de crowdfunding en Europe, qui a dĂ©butĂ© il y a 4 ans.
Établissant un bureau Ă  Berlin, en Allemagne, d’ici la fin de 2014 et se dĂ©veloppant Ă  une vitesse rapide, la derniĂšre tournure qui sĂ©pare Booomerang des autres crowdfunding sites est une collaboration avec le financement participatif. Au Danemark, lorsqu’une lĂ©gislation sera en place qui transformera Booomerang en un site de financement participatif hybride lĂ©gitime, des plateformes de capital et de prĂȘt sont en prĂ©paration.
7. Ulule
L’une des plateformes de financement participatif pionniĂšres en Europe, Ulule permet Ă  des projets crĂ©atifs, innovants et solidaires de tester leur idĂ©e, de construire une communautĂ© et de la faire grandir. Notre objectif : Autonomiser les crĂ©ateurs et les entrepreneurs, en gĂ©nĂ©ral.
Comment ça marche? C’est simple : des particuliers, des associations et des entreprises crĂ©ent votre projet en prĂ©cisant son objectif financier, sa durĂ©e et les rĂ©compenses non financiĂšres offertes en Ă©change d’un soutien. S’ils atteignent leur objectif, ils reçoivent les fonds rĂ©coltĂ©s et donnent leurs rĂ©compenses Ă  ceux qui les ont soutenus. Dans le cas contraire, ceux qui sont pris en charge reçoivent un remboursement sans aucun frais. Ulule prĂ©lĂšve une commission sur les fonds transfĂ©rĂ©s.
8. Companisto
Avec de nombreux soutiens d’entreprises renommĂ©s, des professionnels de la finance d’entreprise et des sociĂ©tĂ©s de capital-risque dans son rĂ©seau, Companisto est l’une des principales plateformes de financement participatif en Europe. La plate-forme permet d’offrir de nombreuses mĂ©thodes de paiement disponibles dans le monde entier, telles que le paiement par carte de crĂ©dit, le transfert d’argent instantanĂ© et le virement bancaire (paiement anticipĂ©), afin que les investisseurs puissent ĂȘtre mondiaux. Les investisseurs peuvent investir jusqu’à 5 € dans des start-up innovantes.
La plateforme a financĂ© avec succĂšs 30 startups et a jusqu’à prĂ©sent investi prĂšs de 6 millions d’euros et est considĂ©rĂ©e comme l’un des meilleurs sites de financement participatif en Europe.
9. Seedrs
Seedrs est une plateforme internationale de financement participatif qui aide les entrepreneurs Ă  vendre des actions de leurs entreprises. C’est un excellent moyen pour les moyennes et grandes entreprises d’augmenter leur capital. Pour dĂ©marrer le crowdfunding Europe, vous pouvez investir Ă  partir de 10 € via Seedrs.
10. Betterplace.org
Toutes les entreprises s’engagent Ă  ĂȘtre transparentes et indiquent quels dons sont nĂ©cessaires et utilisĂ©s. Ils rendent compte de l’avancement du projet Ă  travers des photos et des vidĂ©os. Alors que le financement participatif en Europe, Betterplace offre aux entreprises une plus grande portĂ©e grĂące Ă  des campagnes de marketing, des portails partenaires ou des dons supplĂ©mentaires de nos partenaires commerciaux. Les donateurs peuvent Ă©galement mettre en place des dons permanents. C’est pourquoi il figure sur la liste des meilleure plateforme de crowdfunding.
FAQs Sur le Crowdfunding : 
1. Quel Site de Financement Participatif a Les Frais les Plus Bas ?
Parmi toutes les excellentes options ci-dessus, WhyDonate a le coĂ»t le plus bas de tous les temps en matiĂšre de financement participatif en Europe. Conçu avec des stratĂ©gies prudentes, WhyDonate ne facture que des frais de transaction minimum de 1,9 % + 0,25 € pour ses collectes de fonds, tandis que les donateurs ne paient que le montant qu’ils prĂ©fĂšrent donner et rien de plus.
2. Quel est le Principe du Crowdfunding ?
Le principe du crowdfunding, ou financement participatif, repose sur la collecte de petites sommes d’argent provenant d’un grand nombre de personnes pour financer un projet, une entreprise ou une cause. Cette collecte de fonds se fait gĂ©nĂ©ralement en ligne via des plateformes dĂ©diĂ©es. Les contributeurs peuvent choisir de faire des dons ou d’investir de l’argent en Ă©change de rĂ©compenses ou de participations. Cela permet aux porteurs de projet de rassembler les ressources nĂ©cessaires tout en engageant la communautĂ© et en offrant souvent un accĂšs prĂ©fĂ©rentiel Ă  leurs crĂ©ations.
3. Quelle est la Forme de Crowdfunding la plus Populaire ?
Il existe principalement 4 types de modĂšles de financement participatif qui sont populaires dans le monde. Ceux-ci sont
Financement participatif basé sur les dons
Financement participatif basé sur les récompenses
Financement participatif de ÉquitĂ©
Financement participatif de prĂȘt
4. Quels sont les risques du crowdfunding ?
Les risques du financement participatif comprennent la possibilitĂ© que le projet ne soit pas rĂ©alisĂ© comme prĂ©vu, entraĂźnant une dĂ©ception pour les contributeurs. De plus, il peut y avoir des retards dans la livraison des rĂ©compenses promises aux contributeurs. Certains projets pourraient ne pas atteindre leurs objectifs de collecte de fonds, ce qui pourrait entraĂźner une perte d’argent pour les contributeurs. De plus, il existe un risque de fraude ou de mauvaise gestion de fonds par les porteurs de projet. Enfin, les retours sur investissement ne sont pas garantis, ce qui pourrait signifier un rendement infĂ©rieur aux attentes.
5. Est-ce que le Crowdfunding est Rentable?
Le crowdfunding peut ĂȘtre rentable, mais cela dĂ©pend du projet, de la plateforme utilisĂ©e et de la maniĂšre dont il est gĂ©rĂ©. Les projets populaires avec un solide plan de communication et de marketing ont souvent plus de chances de succĂšs. Cependant, tous les projets ne parviennent pas Ă  atteindre leurs objectifs de financement, et il y a des coĂ»ts liĂ©s Ă  la gestion de la campagne. Les contributeurs peuvent Ă©galement avoir des attentes diffĂ©rentes en termes de retour sur investissement. La rentabilitĂ© dĂ©pend donc de nombreux facteurs.
6. Comment se RĂ©munĂšre les Plateforme de Crowdfunding?
Les plateformes de crowdfunding se rémunÚrent généralement en prélevant des frais sur les fonds collectés par les projets. Ces frais varient en fonction de la plateforme et du type de campagne (don ou investissement). Certains crowdfunding sites facturent également des frais de traitement ou des commissions sur les transactions. Il est essentiel de lire les conditions de chaque plateforme pour comprendre les frais associés avant de lancer une campagne
7. Qu’est-ce qu’une Plate-forme de Financement Participatif ?
Une plate-forme de financement participatif est une plate-forme en ligne qui permet Ă  des individus, des entreprises ou des organisations de collecter des fonds auprĂšs d’un large public. Elle facilite la mise en relation entre les porteurs de projets et les contributeurs potentiels, Ă©liminant ainsi les barriĂšres traditionnelles de financement. Ces plate-formes offrent des outils pour crĂ©er des campagnes, partager des histoires percutantes et recevoir des contributions de maniĂšre transparente. Elles couvrent une variĂ©tĂ© de domaines, allant des projets crĂ©atifs aux causes sociales, ouvrant de nouvelles voies pour rĂ©aliser des projets et soutenir des initiatives novatrices.
8. Qui peut Faire un Crowdfunding?
Toute personne, entreprise, ou organisation ayant un projet ou une initiative Ă  financer peut faire du crowdfunding. Des particuliers avec des idĂ©es crĂ©atives, des entrepreneurs cherchant Ă  lancer des produits, des artistes, des associations Ă  but non lucratif, et mĂȘme des entreprises en dĂ©marrage peuvent utiliser le crowdfunding. C’est une mĂ©thode accessible pour mobiliser des fonds en ligne en s’appuyant sur un large public. Les plateformes de crowdfunding offrent une opportunitĂ© de partager des projets avec une audience mondiale et de collecter des fonds pour transformer des idĂ©es en rĂ©alitĂ©.
9. Comment RĂ©cupĂ©rer l’Argent d’un Crowdfunding ? 
AprĂšs la fin rĂ©ussie d’une campagne de financement participatif, les fonds collectĂ©s sont gĂ©nĂ©ralement transfĂ©rĂ©s sur le compte de l’organisateur de la campagne. Les plateformes de crowdfunding facilitent ce processus en fournissant des options de retrait, telles que des virements bancaires ou des transferts PayPal. L’organisateur peut sĂ©lectionner la mĂ©thode de retrait prĂ©fĂ©rĂ©e et suivre les instructions de la plateforme pour effectuer le transfert. Il est important de prendre en compte les frais de traitement et de retrait imposĂ©s par la plateforme lors du calcul des fonds Ă  rĂ©cupĂ©rer.
Faites Votre Choix de Plateforme de Financement Participatif
SĂ©lectionnez la plateforme de crowdfunding qui correspond Ă  vos besoins. Choisissez le site de financement participatif qui est en accord avec vos exigences. DĂ©cidez de la plateforme de financement participatif qui convient le mieux Ă  votre projet. Optez pour le site de donations qui correspond Ă  vos objectifs. Faites un choix concernant la plateforme de financement participatif la plus appropriĂ©e pour votre entreprise. Commencez votre collecte de fonds dĂšs aujourd’hui. Cliquez ici.
Keywords; Cagnotte en ligne, cagnotte sans frais, crowdfunding, financement participatif, collecte d'argent en ligne, sites de donation
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whydonate20 · 1 year
10 Best Crowdfunding Platforms In Europe
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The recent field of crowdfunding platforms has witnessed significant growth in Europe. Crowdfunding is used for charities, investments, financing companies, and personal needs. Many people spend their fair share of time using crowdfunding to donate to countless causes for philanthropic activities.
With the rough usage of technologies, especially social media, crowdfunding has developed to a new level. But with several options, there are just a few reliable options for crowdfunding platforms in Europe. That is why knowing which crowdfunding platform suits your needs is essential.
Even after the Covid-19 pandemic, many crowdfunding platforms have remodelled their business models for their users and have seen a substantial crowdfunding market volume in 2020-21. This blog will help you to choose the ideal platform for you among the best crowdfunding sites.
What Do Crowdfunding Platforms Do?
Crowdfunding Europe allows people to contribute to a campaign, project or company. It involves gathering small amounts of money to provide the necessary capital to get the project or company off the ground. Individuals can also contribute to a campaign for their favourite cause.
Instead of relying on traditional funding sources, such as bank loans, crowdfunding is a more innovative approach to raising funds. It allows individuals and organisations to start a new business or fund a charity without going through the laborious process of creating a business plan and market research.
Using the best crowdfunding websites can help achieve their goal in less time and with the utmost ease. Another thing about reliable crowdfunding platform europe is that you know where your money is going or where it comes from.
How Do I Choose A Crowdfunding Platform?
Your first thought might be to Google this. However, if you type “crowdfunding Europe” or “crowdfunding charity”, you will get tons of hits. On the one hand, it’s fantastic that you get so many results on your search; on the other hand, you still don’t know where to look for answers and which one to choose among the best crowdfunding sites.
That’s why we want to give you a little hand. We’ll provide you with 10 top crowdfunding sites that will show you which crowdfunding platforms are the most prominent crowdfunding platforms that can ease the pain and help you to donate sooner.
By the end of this informative writing, you will likely choose your favourite platform from the best crowdfunding platforms Europe.
Which Crowdfunding Site Is The Best?
There are several criteria to consider before starting a fundraiser through a fundraising platform. Number one is the reliability of the crowdfunding platform. The other options to consider are accessibility, user experience, and understanding of the system behind the platforms. Let us now have a look at the most prevalent crowdfunding platforms Europe.
1. WhyDonate
WhyDonate is one of the largest crowdfunding platforms in Europe. The platform is specifically designed to raise money for any cause. Here you can donate money or start fundraising for a charity yourself. It also supports private fundraising projects. Among the best crowdfunding websites, this platform is undoubtedly the best one.
If you’re a registered company crowdfunding on WhyDonate, they will check if you are registered with ANBI and have a CBF quality label. WhyDonate, one of the free crowdfunding platforms, also facilitates companies and organisations who want to set up their crowdfunding fundraising platform. If you want a perfect space to help you with crowdfunding in Europe, consider WhyDonate and start donating to your cause without hassle.
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2. FundedByMe
In March 2011, FundedByMe was founded in Stockholm, Sweden, and is one of the world’s first crowdfunding platforms to provide both reward-based and equity crowdfunding Europe. To promote cross-border investments that support entrepreneurs and investors to help job creation and economic development, the platform has a significant focus on European entrepreneurs.
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3. Funding Circle
This platform gives out loans of €5.000 to €250.000 to entrepreneurs. Funding Circle is an excellent platform to invest in if you have a project you’re confident about and start crowdfunding Europe. The best part is that the registration is free, and financial returns can get as high as 18.9% yearly. You can start investing with as little as €100.
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4. Crowdcube
Crowdcube is an equity crowdfunding platform in Europe aimed solely at investors who are sufficiently savvy to consider these risks and make their own investment choices. Via Crowdcube, over ÂŁ 26 million has been successfully invested so far.
Crowdcube launched the ‘Crowdcube Venture Fund’ in February 2014, which enables investors to crowdfund start-ups with the extra reassurance that an independent skilled fund manager invests, manages and tracks their capital. Companies like Crowdcube have made crowdfunding in Europe easier with their fantastic options.
Launched in 2010, the company of Darren and Lang led the pack for equity-based crowdfunding.
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5. Goteo
Goteo is a crowdfunding or collective financing platform (monetary contributions) and distributed collaboration (services, infrastructures, microtasks) for projects that, in addition to giving individual rewards, also generate performance through promoting common goods, open-source and knowledge free.
You can have one or more roles as a network member: present a project, be a co-founder or collaborate on one. Goteo, one of the tremendous crowdfunding platforms, offers some excellent perspectives while crowdfunding in Europe.
6. Booomerang
Another great option among the top crowdfunding sites is Booomerang. It is the first and largest reward-based crowdfunding platform in Denmark. Entrepreneurs, musicians, groups and other artists can raise money from new and old networks through financial support. Booomerang is one of the largest crowdfunding platforms in Europe, which began four years ago.
Establishing an office in Berlin, Germany, by the end of 2014 and expanding quickly, the latest twist that separates Booomerang from other sites is a collaboration with crowdfunding. In Denmark, when legislation is in place that will turn Booomerang into a legitimate hybrid crowdfunding site, equity and lending platforms are in the works.
7. Ulule
One of the pioneering crowdfunding platforms in Europe, Ulule allows creative, innovative and community-minded projects to test their idea, build a community and grow it—our goal: is to empower creators and entrepreneurs, in general.
How does it work? It’s simple: individuals, associations, and companies create your project, detailing its financial goal, duration, and non-financial rewards offered in exchange for support. If they reach their goal, they receive the funds collected and give their rewards to those who support them. If not, those who are supported receive a refund without any fee. Ulule takes a commission from funds transferred.
8. Companisto
With many renowned business supporters, corporate finance professionals, and venture capital firms in its network, Companisto is one of the leading equity-based crowdfunding platforms in Europe. The platform offers many globally available payment methods, such as credit card payment, instant money transfer, and bank transfer (advance payment), so that investors can be global. Investors can invest upwards of €5 in innovative start-ups.
The platform has successfully funded 30 startups, invested almost €6 million, and is considered one of the best crowdfunding sites in Europe.
9. Seedrs
Another great option among the best crowdfunding websites is Seedrs. It is an international crowdfunding platform that helps entrepreneurs sell their company’s shares. This is an excellent way for medium to large companies to increase their capital. To start crowdfunding in Europe, you can invest from as little as €10 onwards via Seedrs.
10. Betterplace.org
All the top crowdfunding sites are committed to transparency and state which donations are needed and used. They report on the progress of the project through photos and video. While crowdfunding in Europe, Betterplace offers companies more reach through marketing campaigns, partner portals or additional donations from our business partners. Donors can also set up permanent contributions. This is why it made it to the best crowdfunding sites list.
Crowdfunding FAQs
Which Crowdfunding Site Has The Lowest Fees?
Among all the great options above, WhyDonate has the lowest cost of all time regarding crowdfunding in Europe. They are crafted with careful strategies, WhyDonate charges only a minimum transaction fee of 1.9% + €0,25 for its fundraisers. At the same time, donors only pay the amount they prefer to donate and nothing more than that.
Is Crowdfunding A Good Idea?
Yes. The sole purpose of crowdfunding is to provide people with a platform to ask for funds to fulfil their absolute needs. However, finding a legitimate crowdfunding platform for any fundraising campaign is essential.
Which Type Of Crowdfunding Is Most Popular?
There are primarily four types of crowdfunding models that are popular globally. These are
Donation-based crowdfunding
Reward-based crowdfunding
Equity crowdfunding
Loan Crowdfunding
Check Out Our European crowdfunding platforms Now!
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orange1896 · 1 year
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403056 gear 49t lonking cdm855 LG853.03.01-013 36201100014
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hannahsmithyen · 2 years
Affordances and Sociality in RuneScape
An academic blog post written for a module exploring gaming, during my anthropology degree.
RuneScape is a massively multiplayer online role playing game set in a medieval fantasy world. New players name and customise an avatar to represent them in-game. There are a variety of activities on offer: players can engage in combat, mine, steal, cook, fish, pray, and trade, among many other options. Interaction with other players is possible by clicking on them (for options including trading and duelling) or speaking to them in public/private chat channels. It is both collaborative and competitive. I played mostly by myself but at times my brother, who played it years ago, joined me (both in-person and in-game).
The game begins in a tutorial area that teaches you some of the mechanics of the game through directing you to complete actions. You learn how to mine, cook, fish, light fires, and engage in combat, as well as basic avatar and camera movement. After this, you are directed to leave the tutorial area and embark upon your first quest, in which you receive the base weapons of the game. RuneScape gave me the distinct impression that a more combat-focused playstyle was meant to be the ‘right’ way to play, in that game prompts directed me to complete combat challenges first and complete combat-based quests – until I checked the wiki, I was not fully sure whether there were non-combat quests. I completed some of the initial quests but soon decided to focus on exploring the other ways to play as I found the combat sluggish and dull, and the movement system unresponsive and slow. My brother had played RuneScape years ago and he told me he followed a similar path in that soon after joining he decided that it would be more interesting to see how wealthy he would be able to become in-game rather than focus on levelling up combat skills. I predominantly focused on trading at the Grand Exchange and crafting-related activities. 
I found that, for an MMO, RuneScape was in some respects curiously un-social. For example, an affordance such as automated trading via the Grand Exchange greatly lessens the need to directly trade between players (which requires some level of social interaction) simply because it is more convenient, and it is possible to get better prices for your goods as the price does not have to be filtered through the lens of social relations. This arguably negatively affects RuneScape’s social community as trading between players is often considered important for the establishment and maintenance of social bonds, and this loss can represent a push towards solo play over social play (Crenshaw & Nardi 2016). 
Throughout my time playing, I received one request to trade from another player, and it was quickly cancelled as presumably they had only mistakenly clicked that option. Every other transaction I engaged in went through the Grand Exchange – you list items, set a price, then continue about your day until an unnamed player buys your item. It is possible to play for hours without speaking to a single person or witnessing a single public conversation. Furthermore, while I’m sure that with time I would be able to differentiate between NPCs and player avatars on sight, the fact that they are not labelled distinctly contributed to the somewhat deserted atmosphere of the world as it meant everyone appeared on first glance to be an NPC. This was in part due to the fact that my server was quite empty, as the below conversation illustrates (usernames changed for anonymity).
kats: Omg what happened to world 108, only 170 people?
smj: I think you mean what happened to rs
kats: Yeah well, you"re not wrong but, still aha
smj : Does anyone actually play this legitimately f2p?
kats: Hey, I'm guilty right now lol
smj : Just out of bonds or?
kats: I don't play enough to get membership tbh
smj : Yeah fair enough
kats: Wbu? Just ran out of bonds?
smj : Na cbf after I compd, mems ran out like yesterday
smj : No more goals
kats: :( maybe play some old school runescape
smj : Dont think I could go through ita ll again haha, otherwise i would
kats: Im exactly the same hey
smj : Anyway got a queue pop on cs, cya later
kats: Okay,cya later
The lack of players is viewed by both as a RuneScape-wide problem. This conversation brings up multiple affordances – the ability to buy membership, the split into different worlds, and the non-transferability of accounts between RuneScape and Old School RuneScape (OSRS). OSRS was originally an exact copy of the 2007 version of RuneScape, but has since differentiated itself through engine improvements and added content. It has over twice the active players of RuneScape (Anon 2018). OSRS is a modernised version of past Runescape, but that past is rendered inaccessible to either player unless they choose to abandon their avatar’s life history and start anew. In a sense, they are caught in an endless present – neither seem to see much of a future in RuneScape (as neither of them feel it is worth it to buy membership again, though they continue to play) but they are unable to revisit the ‘past’ by continuing their existing RuneScape life in OSRS.
The reason that 'smj’ brings up playing RuneScape ‘f2p’, free-to-play, is because RuneScape worlds are restricted by membership status and I was playing on a non-member world, which requires no fee. There are currently more member worlds than non-member and players must therefore pay to access the wider social community. Presumably the more committed players will buy membership, meaning that the free-to-play areas are more akin to stepping stones to a greater commitment and a more permanent community, rather than fully realised worlds unto themselves. For an MMO, sociality is an essential part of what ties players to the game (Taylor 2006), and so the quiet, empty, F2P world creates a play experience that is fundamentally more transient and less consequential. This is perhaps supported by the fact that 'smj’ leaves the conversation to play ‘cs’ (from context I assume this is Counterstrike: Global Offensive, though I cannot be sure) indicating that RuneScape occupies a less important place in their life.
An additional affordance related to membership is the existence of items (often awarded as prizes) that can only be used in members-only worlds. These function as a frequent reminder of non-member status and of the in-game benefits of membership, continually underscoring the experience of play with the knowledge that becoming a member would make it even better. The items take up space within the inventory and cannot be sold or banked, only destroyed. This was incredibly frustrating to experience – it means that non-paying players are forced by the game to specifically choose to destroy valuable items, turning them into active participants in the enactment of their own non-member status. 
This frustration continued with the realisation that there are level caps for certain skills in the F2P worlds. The format of the free game with paid memberships essentially creates “one game, two experiences” (Lin & Sun 2011:276) where poorer players will always be at a disadvantage, and at times it felt as if RuneScape was essentially punishing me for choosing not to buy membership. The continual, assertive emphasis on purchasing membership represents the invasion of the market and material interests into the game, and therefore the blurring of the boundaries between the ‘real world’ and the limited space that characterises play (Huizinga 1970). This damages immersion into the online world and arguably lessens enjoyment of RuneScape.
With regards to the affordances for learning, RuneScape’s tutorial and in-game prompts offered very little guidance on massively important aspects of the game such as switching between servers, navigating the landscape, interacting with other players, and trading. I was not aware that it was even possible to play different worlds until I had written most of this post. While this might be argued to be a way to push new players to ask others for help and thus to encourage the formation of social relationships, because of the low player population on the server this meant that in practice the early periods of gameplay were simply confusing. When I mentioned this to my brother, he replied, “Oh yeah, you kind of just have to figure it out. It’s not an intuitive game.” 
If there is no longer any real community in the F2P sections of RuneScape to implicitly relay social rules to new players, the informational gaps in the tutorial phase and the lack of actively pro-social affordances within the game are exposed. It is difficult for a new player to internalise and acculturate themselves into the social world of RuneScape with neither a player community to observe and imitate, nor affordances that specifically promote the game’s forms of sociality.
Crenshaw, N. & Nardi, B., 2016. ‘It Was More than Just the Game, It Was the Community’: Social Affordances in Online Games. 49th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, pp. 3781-3790.
Lin, H. & Sun, C., 2011. Cash Trade in Free-to-Play Online Games. Games and Culture, 6(3), pp. 270-287.
Huizinga, J., 1970. Nature and Significance of Play as a Cultural Phenomenon. In: Homo Ludens: a study of the play element in culturež pp. 1-27. London:Maurice Temple Smith Ltd.
Taylor, T. L., 2006. Play Between Worlds: Exploring Online Game Culture. Cambridge:MIT Press.
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vera-farmiga · 5 years
aren't bisexuals part of the lgbt community?? isn't queer an umbrella term for said community??? wouldn't someone that likes other women be sapphic, as sappho, the greek woman it was named after, was bisexual herself? how did you try and uplift bisexuals and completely erase them at the same time
The point
 that we’re not part of these communities. The POINT is that biphobes on Twitter are AVOIDING calling Valkyrie bisexual by calling her “LGBT” or “sapphic” or “queer” when she’s already been given a canon label, so that they can shift around it and try to label her something ELSE. (ie: people calling her pansexual, I even saw someone call her a he/him lesbian, i saw someone call her heteroflexible, etc).
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ctenanthe · 5 years
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🌿my ungrateful green children
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ninaneuro2021 · 3 years
Psilocybin for Treatment-Resistant Depression: fMRI-Measured Brain Mechanisms
Authors: Robin L Carhart-Harris, Leor Roseman, Mark Bolstridge, Lysia Demetriou, J Nienke Pannekoek, Matthew B Wall, Mark Tanner, Mendel Kaelen, John McGonigle, Kevin Murphy, Robert Leech, H Valerie Curran & David J Nutt
As explained by Carhart-Harris, Roseman and colleagues in their 2017 study, the classic psychedelic drug psilocybin is a serotonin agonist and naturally occurring prodrug compound produced by over 200 species of fungi. Along with psychological support, it has shown promise in recent studies as a treatment model in psychiatry. It is known for its mind-altering effects, helping to facilitate emotional breakthroughs and a renewed perspective on life. These rapid, positive effects have been used to safely treat patients with end-of-life anxiety and depression, addiction, OCD, and, as discussed in the present study, treatment-resistant major depression. Most neuroimaging studies of psychedelics have focused on their acute effects, showing the entropic state they create in the brain by dysregulating cortical activity and creating the traditional and well-documented “psychedelic experience.” However, these studies neglect >12 hour post-acute effects as well as possible anatomical changes. Since the drug’s therapeutic mechanisms are not fully understood, further research is needed before psilocybin can be considered an option in safe, routine psychiatric treatment.
To address this gap in knowledge, the researchers in the present study decided to investigate the changes in brain function before and after two doses of psylocibin, 10 mg and 25 mg one week apart, in patients with treatment-resistant depression (TRD). Arterial spin labelling (ASL) and blood oxygen level dependency (BOLD) resting state functional connectivity (RSFC) were used to measure changes in cerebral blood flow (CBF) and functional connectivity before and after treatment. Psilocybin use is characterized by an “afterglow” including mood improvements and stress relief in the days subsequent to treatment. Therefore, the researchers hypothesized that resting-state CBF and FC are altered post-treatment and correlate with both immediate and long-term clinical improvements in depressive symptoms.
To assess these functional and structural changes, researchers collected fMRI data from 16 of 19 patients both pre- and post-treatment (three were removed from analysis for excessive movement or other artefact). Psilocybin treatment produced rapid, sustained antidepressant effects in all patients; the mean depression score for the week prior to treatment was 16.9 ± 5.1, and for the day post-treatment it was 8.8 ± 6.2. All patients saw decreased depressive symptoms 1 week post-treatment. In addition, 47% met the criteria for treatment response at 5 weeks. As predicted, whole brain analyses revealed post-treatment decreases in CBF in the temporal cortex, which includes the amygdala. This decreased amygdala CBF was correlated with a reduction in depressive symptoms. RSFC analyses focused on a priori circuitry based on previous studies implicating their involvement in depression and its treatment. Increased RSFC was observed post-treatment within the default-mode network (DMN). Increased ventromedial prefrontal cortex-bilateral inferior parietal cortex RSFC as well as decreased parahippocampal-prefrontal cortex RSFC were predictive of treatment response at 5 weeks. Overall, these results help fill the critical knowledge gap in the post-treatment effects of psilocybin in depressed patients. They differ from previously observed acute effects yet still show association with significant clinical outcomes.
The results of this study have important implications for future research and treatment involving serotonergic psychedelics like psilocybin for patients whose depression has failed to respond to traditional treatment. They demonstrate that post-acute changes in brain activity even one day after a high-dose psychedelic experience are very different than those observed during the acute psychedelic state. The acute psychedelic state is characterized by modular disintegration and global integration, whereas post-psilocybin effects trend towards modular reintegration and minimal global integration or segregation. This suggests a “reset” therapeutic mechanism. Interestingly, an acute “peak” or “mystical” experience during high-dose psilocybin treatment may also mediate post-acute changes in parahippocampal RSFC, which is predictive of treatment-response and associated with a reduction in depressive symptoms. This study is in fact the first of its kind to demonstrate the changes in resting-state brain blood flow and functional connectivity post-treatment with psilocybin for treatment-resistant depression.
The researchers conclude their paper by acknowledging the limitations in sample size and lack of control conditions in their study. They suggest that future research should implement more rigorous controls to build upon the present study’s findings. In particular, they recommend assessing the contribution of and potential interactions between different aspects of psychiatric treatment, both drugs and accompanying psychological support. They explain that this will be informative in future research and clinical applications and offer a hopeful path towards psilocybin’s safe and effective therapeutic use in psychiatric treatment.
Carhart-Harris, Robin L, et al. “Psilocybin for Treatment-Resistant Depression: Fmri-Measured Brain Mechanisms.” Scientific Reports, vol. 7, no. 1, 2017, doi:10.1038/s41598-017-13282-7.
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caitrionabalfefashion · 4 years
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Leaving Good Morning America in NYC | 11th February 2020
What: Celine Trio in Glazed Nut Purchase: Not Available Online 
Worn With: Hermes Trousers & Jacket, G Label Blouse
PLEASE NOTE: Please do not take exclusive content from CBF without prior permission from the administrator. Thank you.
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beatles-lover24 · 4 years
Tag thing #10000
@feel-the-sunshine thanks for tagging me to complete a little survey for followers to get to know me a little better. Tag 10 other people you’d like to know better.
Relationship status: single but talking to someone (no labels yet, until we meet after lockdown)
Favorite color: purple and blue
3 favorite foods: my spaghetti bolognese, vegetables cooked basically any way, garlic bread
Song stuck in my head: Daydream Believer by The Monkees
Last thing I googled: luigi costume ideas (for an online halloween party)
Dream Trip: Germany
Anything I want: for lockdown to end
Anyone is welcome to do this, I cbf tagging lol
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feelingbluepolitics · 5 years
This article reflects utterly irresponsible right-wing media style reporting. The fact that this information is being presented this way, through a news source that reputedly leans left, is very bad news -- in every way.
Here is what Christine Blasey Ford's [CBF] lawyer said:
"Speaking on the theme of 'Applied Feminism and #MeToo' earlier this year, Katz told attendees: 'In the aftermath of these hearings, I believe that Christine's testimony brought about more good than the harm misogynist Republicans caused by allowing Kavanaugh on the court.'
..."'We were going to have a conservative [justice] ... Elections have consequences, but he will always have an asterisk next to his name. When he takes a scalpel to Roe v. Wade, we will know who he is, we know his character, and we know what motivates him, and that is important; it is important that we know, and that is part of what motivated Christine.'"
This language is being painted as a revelation of a political attack, a hatchet job by CBF against Kavanaugh...just as conservatives always suspected! This woman gratuitously revealed agonizing and personal details, and wrecked her life in most ways, just to pick on Kavanaugh! All along, she was a stealth pro-choice plant! This attorney helped her! So did Democrats! Every conservative should be outraged and should work to destroy these people!
It's the same old, but now freshly inspired. It's deliberately warped and politically opportunistic lies. It's Republicon strategism to try to build up pro-Kavanaugh momentum. Republicons will be using the disgusting intrusion of Kavanaugh onto our highest court:
- to help campaign for trump and Republicons, because they deem it a victory;
- to rehabilitate Kavanaugh's image, as if they can, by reasserting him as a "victim" cruelly smeared by Democrats, because that might help Susan Collins' election, to help Republicons hold a Senate majority; and
- to diffuse and distract from the knowledge -- everybody's knowledge -- of why he was installed, so that when the conservative-tainted Court flips more and more legal precedents upside down and hard right, it might not all look so corrupt and politically disgraceful.
Step back, and consider confirmation hearings. Every single one is supposed to be a "job interview," a process of understanding the nominee, including background, and character, and motivation, and intentions, and whether the nominee is appropriate and suitable for the position being considered.
What Republicons consider "appropriate and suitable" in a judge -- and we have terribly extensive evidence of this -- is an extreme conservative bias in a person who will not hesitate to impose their political and other beliefs onto the jurisprudence of our country, in order to drag our judicial system out of the justice zone, and into the zone of hard right, arbitrary, politically and judicially corrupt rulings imposed on this country.
What Democrats consider "appropriate and suitable" in a judge is someone of good character, a finely honed legal mind, and a balanced and judicial habit of well-reasoned and impartial assessment of facts and legal arguments, so that our judicial system is secure in steady justice and trustworthy legal principles and laws. "Justice for all."
Republicons nominated and confirmed Kavanaugh to torque the Supreme Court hard right, and to work relentlessly to personally warp laws to reflect his personal extreme conservative beliefs.
When Kavanaugh was nominated, with a strong likelihood of being confirmed, CBF stepped forward to her great detriment and sacrifice, to make clear that she knew Kavanaugh as a person of longstanding bad character, who would take opportunities to seize power, and who would then abuse that power in line with his personal inclinations, uncaring of any cost to others affected.
The means of CFB's knowledge happened to be available to her because young, drunken, entitled Kavanaugh attempted to rape her.
Her lawyer correctly realized that this information provided powerful insight, so that
"we will know who he is, we know his character, and we know what motivates him, and that is important; it is important that we know, and that is part of what motivated Christine."
So when Kavanaugh, the unprincipled hyper partisan political conservative hack specially chosen for the role, overturns Roe and other longstanding principles of American law and rights, we know it is not a better understanding of cumulative law that leads to this result, but disgusting personal and political corruption, instead. As CFB's lawyer said.
Why did a "left biased" news source pick up this despicable mess and run with it as "news"?
That points to another critically important issue, of the need for transparency in the sources feeding us news and shaping our perceptions.
This is some information that should be considered about Newsweek, for example, such as who has ownership stake and, perhaps, why.
"[I]n 2013...the current owner—then known as IBT Media—bought Newsweek, [and] revived the print edition that had been mothballed the year before.
..."IBT Media, a privately held firm founded by evangelical Christian friends Etienne Uzac and Johnathan Davis in 2006 when they were in their early 20s, seemed an unlikely candidate to restore Newsweek’s good name. Its flagship publication, the International Business Times, used cheap aggregation and search engine optimization to build impressive online readership figures. But IBT remained relatively little known, even within the industry, until the company purchased Newsweek.
"[I]n March 2017...[a] major update to Google’s search algorithm, designed to crack down on low-quality, ad-heavy sites and 'private blog networks' that are widely viewed as traffic scams, hit IBT Media hard. The flagship IBT publication’s organic search traffic plunged by 50 percent, according to the analytics site SEMrush, as did search traffic at other IBT Media properties."
A "left-leaning" "news" source quietly owned by a pair of evangelical Christians, which suddenly comes out with a distorted story like this, which is intended to be politically explosive?
We must demand from our news sources more transparency, more factual and fact-verified information, and more accurate labeling of the gamut from news to speculative or hysterical or explosive opinion pieces.
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gulshanwhydonate · 8 months
10 Meilleures Plateforme De Crowdfunding En Europe
En demandant Ă  de nombreuses personnes de donner de l’argent (de donateurs), gĂ©nĂ©ralement de petites sommes sur une longue pĂ©riode, les plateforme de crowdfunding vous permettent de collecter des fonds pour une cause ou un projet particulier. bref, comme quelques mois, par exemple. Le cagnotte en ligne, qui se dĂ©roule frĂ©quemment sur les rĂ©seaux sociaux, permet aux participants de partager facilement une cause ou un projet de cause avec leurs contacts. Le financement participatif est un outil que les organisations, les entreprises et les particuliers peuvent utiliser pour tout type de projet, y compris la collecte de fonds pour les dĂ©penses personnelles, le dĂ©marrage d’une entreprise, les causes philanthropiques et les efforts crĂ©atifs.
Comment Décidez-vous de Quel CÎté Vous Pencher?
La recherche Google pourrait ĂȘtre votre premiĂšre pensĂ©e. À l’inverse, Ă  l’heure actuelle, si vous avez entrĂ© « crowdfunding France » ou « crowdfunding association« , vous recevrez respectivement 1 370 000 et 133 000 rĂ©sultats. Bien qu’il soit formidable qu’il y ait autant de rĂ©sultats pour votre recherche aujourd’hui, cela signifie Ă©galement que vous ne savez toujours pas oĂč rechercher des solutions spĂ©cifiques.
Nous souhaitons vous aider un peu en raison de ce fait. Nous ne vous fournirons pas de liste des 10 meilleurs site de don ou financement participatif ; au lieu de cela, nous mettrons simplement en évidence ceux qui sont les plus importants en termes de revenus. Cependant, nous vous fournirons une liste adaptée à vos besoins.
CrĂ©ez une Campagne de Financement pour n’importe Quelle Cause avec WhyDonate et inscrivez-vous.
Quel est le Meilleur Site de Financement Participatif ?
Il existe un certain nombre de critĂšres Ă  prendre en compte avant de lancer une collecte de fonds via une plateforme de collecte de fonds. Le premier est la fiabilitĂ© de la plateforme de financement participatif, les autres options Ă  considĂ©rer sont l’accessibilitĂ©, l’expĂ©rience utilisateur et la comprĂ©hension du systĂšme derriĂšre les plateformes.
1. WhyDonate
WhyDonate est une plateforme spĂ©cialement conçue pour collecter des fonds pour n’importe quelle cause. Ici, vous pouvez donner de l’argent ou commencer vous-mĂȘme Ă  collecter des fonds pour une association caritative. Elle soutient Ă©galement des projets privĂ©s de collecte de fonds.
Si vous ĂȘtes une entreprise enregistrĂ©e en cagnotte participative sur WhyDonate, ils vĂ©rifieront si vous ĂȘtes enregistrĂ© auprĂšs de l’ANBI et si vous avez un label de qualitĂ© CBF. WhyDonate, l’une des plateformes de crowdfunding gratuites, aide Ă©galement les entreprises et les organisations qui souhaitent mettre en place leur propre plateforme de collecte de fonds de financement participatif. Si vous cherchez un bon espace pour vous aider avec le financement participatif en Europe, pensez Ă  WhyDonate et commencez Ă  faire un don Ă  votre cause sans tracas.
2. FundedByMe
En mars 2011, FundedByMe a Ă©tĂ© fondĂ©e Ă  Stockholm, en SuĂšde, et est l’une des premiĂšres plateformes de financement participatif au monde Ă  proposer Ă  la fois un financement participatif basĂ© sur les rĂ©compenses et sur actions. Afin de promouvoir les investissements transfrontaliers qui soutiennent Ă  la fois les entrepreneurs et les investisseurs afin de contribuer Ă  la crĂ©ation d’emplois et au dĂ©veloppement Ă©conomique, la plateforme se concentre principalement sur les entrepreneurs europĂ©ens.
3. Funding Circle
Cette plateforme accorde des prĂȘts de 5 000 € Ă  250 000 € aux entrepreneurs. Funding Circle est une meilleur plateforme crowdfunding dans laquelle investir si vous avez un projet en lequel vous avez confiance. La meilleure partie est que l’inscription est gratuite et que les rendements financiers peuvent atteindre 18,9 % par an. Vous pouvez commencer Ă  investir avec aussi peu que 100 €.
4. Crowdcube
Crowdcube est l’une des plus grandes plateformes de crowdfunding en Europe et la premiĂšre au monde, destinĂ©e uniquement aux investisseurs suffisamment avisĂ©s pour prendre en compte ces risques et faire leurs propres choix d’investissement. Via Crowdcube, plus de 26 millions de livres sterling ont Ă©tĂ© investis avec succĂšs jusqu’à prĂ©sent.
Crowdcube a lancĂ© le « Crowdcube Venture Fund » en fĂ©vrier 2014, qui permet aux investisseurs de financer des start-ups avec l’assurance supplĂ©mentaire qu’un gestionnaire de fonds qualifiĂ© indĂ©pendant investit, gĂšre et suit leur capital. Des entreprises comme Crowdcube ont facilitĂ© le financement participatif en Europe grĂące Ă  leurs excellentes options.
LancĂ©e en 2010, la sociĂ©tĂ© de Darren et Lang Ă©tait en tĂȘte du peloton du financement participatif par actions.
5. Goteo
Goteo est une plateforme de crowdfunding ou de financement collectif (contributions monétaires) et de collaboration distribuée (services, infrastructures, microtùches) pour des projets qui, en plus de récompenser individuellement, génÚrent également de la performance en promouvant des biens communs, open-source et/ou sans connaissance.
En tant que membre du rĂ©seau, vous pouvez avoir un ou plusieurs rĂŽles : prĂ©senter un projet, ĂȘtre co-fondateur ou collaborer Ă  un. Goteo Ă©tant l’une des meilleure plateforme de crowdfunding offre des perspectives intĂ©ressantes lors du financement participatif en Europe.
6. Boomerang
Booomerang.dk est la premiĂšre et la plus grande plateforme de financement participatif basĂ©e sur les rĂ©compenses au Danemark, oĂč les entrepreneurs, musiciens, groupes et autres artistes peuvent collecter des fonds auprĂšs de nouveaux et anciens rĂ©seaux grĂące Ă  un soutien financier. Booomerang est l’une des plus grandes plateformes de crowdfunding en Europe, qui a dĂ©butĂ© il y a 4 ans.
Établissant un bureau Ă  Berlin, en Allemagne, d’ici la fin de 2014 et se dĂ©veloppant Ă  une vitesse rapide, la derniĂšre tournure qui sĂ©pare Booomerang des autres crowdfunding sites est une collaboration avec le financement participatif. Au Danemark, lorsqu’une lĂ©gislation sera en place qui transformera Booomerang en un site de financement participatif hybride lĂ©gitime, des plateformes de capital et de prĂȘt sont en prĂ©paration.
7. Ulule
L’une des plateformes de financement participatif pionniĂšres en Europe, Ulule permet Ă  des projets crĂ©atifs, innovants et solidaires de tester leur idĂ©e, de construire une communautĂ© et de la faire grandir. Notre objectif : Autonomiser les crĂ©ateurs et les entrepreneurs, en gĂ©nĂ©ral.
Comment ça marche? C’est simple : des particuliers, des associations et des entreprises crĂ©ent votre projet en prĂ©cisant son objectif financier, sa durĂ©e et les rĂ©compenses non financiĂšres offertes en Ă©change d’un soutien. S’ils atteignent leur objectif, ils reçoivent les fonds rĂ©coltĂ©s et donnent leurs rĂ©compenses Ă  ceux qui les ont soutenus. Dans le cas contraire, ceux qui sont pris en charge reçoivent un remboursement sans aucun frais. Ulule prĂ©lĂšve une commission sur les fonds transfĂ©rĂ©s.
8. Companisto
Avec de nombreux soutiens d’entreprises renommĂ©s, des professionnels de la finance d’entreprise et des sociĂ©tĂ©s de capital-risque dans son rĂ©seau, Companisto est l’une des principales plateformes de financement participatif en Europe. La plate-forme permet d’offrir de nombreuses mĂ©thodes de paiement disponibles dans le monde entier, telles que le paiement par carte de crĂ©dit, le transfert d’argent instantanĂ© et le virement bancaire (paiement anticipĂ©), afin que les investisseurs puissent ĂȘtre mondiaux. Les investisseurs peuvent investir jusqu’à 5 € dans des start-up innovantes.
La plateforme a financĂ© avec succĂšs 30 startups et a jusqu’à prĂ©sent investi prĂšs de 6 millions d’euros et est considĂ©rĂ©e comme l’un des meilleurs sites de financement participatif en Europe.
9. Seedrs
Seedrs est une plateforme internationale de financement participatif qui aide les entrepreneurs Ă  vendre des actions de leurs entreprises. C’est un excellent moyen pour les moyennes et grandes entreprises d’augmenter leur capital. Pour dĂ©marrer le crowdfunding Europe, vous pouvez investir Ă  partir de 10 € via Seedrs.
10. Betterplace.org
Toutes les entreprises s’engagent Ă  ĂȘtre transparentes et indiquent quels dons sont nĂ©cessaires et utilisĂ©s. Ils rendent compte de l’avancement du projet Ă  travers des photos et des vidĂ©os. Alors que le financement participatif en Europe, Betterplace offre aux entreprises une plus grande portĂ©e grĂące Ă  des campagnes de marketing, des portails partenaires ou des dons supplĂ©mentaires de nos partenaires commerciaux. Les donateurs peuvent Ă©galement mettre en place des dons permanents. C’est pourquoi il figure sur la liste des meilleure plateforme de crowdfunding.
FAQs Sur le Crowdfunding : 
1. Quel Site de Financement Participatif a Les Frais les Plus Bas ?
Parmi toutes les excellentes options ci-dessus, WhyDonate a le coĂ»t le plus bas de tous les temps en matiĂšre de financement participatif en Europe. Conçu avec des stratĂ©gies prudentes, WhyDonate ne facture que des frais de transaction minimum de 1,9 % + 0,25 € pour ses collectes de fonds, tandis que les donateurs ne paient que le montant qu’ils prĂ©fĂšrent donner et rien de plus.
2. Quel est le Principe du Crowdfunding ?
Le principe du crowdfunding, ou financement participatif, repose sur la collecte de petites sommes d’argent provenant d’un grand nombre de personnes pour financer un projet, une entreprise ou une cause. Cette collecte de fonds se fait gĂ©nĂ©ralement en ligne via des plateformes dĂ©diĂ©es. Les contributeurs peuvent choisir de faire des dons ou d’investir de l’argent en Ă©change de rĂ©compenses ou de participations. Cela permet aux porteurs de projet de rassembler les ressources nĂ©cessaires tout en engageant la communautĂ© et en offrant souvent un accĂšs prĂ©fĂ©rentiel Ă  leurs crĂ©ations.
3. Quelle est la Forme de Crowdfunding la plus Populaire ?
Il existe principalement 4 types de modĂšles de financement participatif qui sont populaires dans le monde. Ceux-ci sont
Financement participatif basé sur les dons
Financement participatif basé sur les récompenses
Financement participatif de ÉquitĂ©
Financement participatif de prĂȘt
4. Quels sont les risques du crowdfunding ?
Les risques du financement participatif comprennent la possibilitĂ© que le projet ne soit pas rĂ©alisĂ© comme prĂ©vu, entraĂźnant une dĂ©ception pour les contributeurs. De plus, il peut y avoir des retards dans la livraison des rĂ©compenses promises aux contributeurs. Certains projets pourraient ne pas atteindre leurs objectifs de collecte de fonds, ce qui pourrait entraĂźner une perte d’argent pour les contributeurs. De plus, il existe un risque de fraude ou de mauvaise gestion de fonds par les porteurs de projet. Enfin, les retours sur investissement ne sont pas garantis, ce qui pourrait signifier un rendement infĂ©rieur aux attentes.
5. Est-ce que le Crowdfunding est Rentable?
Le crowdfunding peut ĂȘtre rentable, mais cela dĂ©pend du projet, de la plateforme utilisĂ©e et de la maniĂšre dont il est gĂ©rĂ©. Les projets populaires avec un solide plan de communication et de marketing ont souvent plus de chances de succĂšs. Cependant, tous les projets ne parviennent pas Ă  atteindre leurs objectifs de financement, et il y a des coĂ»ts liĂ©s Ă  la gestion de la campagne. Les contributeurs peuvent Ă©galement avoir des attentes diffĂ©rentes en termes de retour sur investissement. La rentabilitĂ© dĂ©pend donc de nombreux facteurs.
6. Comment se RĂ©munĂšre les Plateforme de Crowdfunding?
Les plateformes de crowdfunding se rémunÚrent généralement en prélevant des frais sur les fonds collectés par les projets. Ces frais varient en fonction de la plateforme et du type de campagne (don ou investissement). Certains crowdfunding sites facturent également des frais de traitement ou des commissions sur les transactions. Il est essentiel de lire les conditions de chaque plateforme pour comprendre les frais associés avant de lancer une campagne
7. Qu’est-ce qu’une Plate-forme de Financement Participatif ?
Une plate-forme de financement participatif est une plate-forme en ligne qui permet Ă  des individus, des entreprises ou des organisations de collecter des fonds auprĂšs d’un large public. Elle facilite la mise en relation entre les porteurs de projets et les contributeurs potentiels, Ă©liminant ainsi les barriĂšres traditionnelles de financement. Ces plate-formes offrent des outils pour crĂ©er des campagnes, partager des histoires percutantes et recevoir des contributions de maniĂšre transparente. Elles couvrent une variĂ©tĂ© de domaines, allant des projets crĂ©atifs aux causes sociales, ouvrant de nouvelles voies pour rĂ©aliser des projets et soutenir des initiatives novatrices.
8. Qui peut Faire un Crowdfunding?
Toute personne, entreprise, ou organisation ayant un projet ou une initiative Ă  financer peut faire du crowdfunding. Des particuliers avec des idĂ©es crĂ©atives, des entrepreneurs cherchant Ă  lancer des produits, des artistes, des associations Ă  but non lucratif, et mĂȘme des entreprises en dĂ©marrage peuvent utiliser le crowdfunding. C’est une mĂ©thode accessible pour mobiliser des fonds en ligne en s’appuyant sur un large public. Les plateformes de crowdfunding offrent une opportunitĂ© de partager des projets avec une audience mondiale et de collecter des fonds pour transformer des idĂ©es en rĂ©alitĂ©.
9. Comment RĂ©cupĂ©rer l’Argent d’un Crowdfunding ? 
AprĂšs la fin rĂ©ussie d’une campagne de financement participatif, les fonds collectĂ©s sont gĂ©nĂ©ralement transfĂ©rĂ©s sur le compte de l’organisateur de la campagne. Les plateformes de crowdfunding facilitent ce processus en fournissant des options de retrait, telles que des virements bancaires ou des transferts PayPal. L’organisateur peut sĂ©lectionner la mĂ©thode de retrait prĂ©fĂ©rĂ©e et suivre les instructions de la plateforme pour effectuer le transfert. Il est important de prendre en compte les frais de traitement et de retrait imposĂ©s par la plateforme lors du calcul des fonds Ă  rĂ©cupĂ©rer.
Faites Votre Choix de Plateforme de Financement Participatif
SĂ©lectionnez la plateforme de crowdfunding qui correspond Ă  vos besoins. Choisissez le site de financement participatif qui est en accord avec vos exigences. DĂ©cidez de la plateforme de financement participatif qui convient le mieux Ă  votre projet. Optez pour le site de donations qui correspond Ă  vos objectifs. Faites un choix concernant la plateforme de financement participatif la plus appropriĂ©e pour votre entreprise. Commencez votre collecte de fonds dĂšs aujourd’hui. Cliquez ici.
Pour s'infos: https://whydonate.com/fr/blog/plateformes-de-financement-participatif/ 
Keywords; Cagnotte en ligne, cagnotte sans frais, crowdfunding, financement participatif, collecte d'argent en ligne, sites de donation
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geometricallyspocking · 7 years
Design Trends: What’s Driving Generation Z
When marketing and selling an apparel brand, it’s important to understand the trends and styles driving your target market. We’ve just discussed millennial trends — and how technology, minimalism and a splash of pink can win over that generation’s hearts. Now, it’s time to dive into Generation Z.
With many in their teens and early twenties, this group of young adults has an immense consumer influence that’s only poised to grow. Here’s how to tap into the right trends and develop brand loyalty with the next generation.
Understanding Generation Z
According to digital marketing expert Jennifer Shaheen, Generation Z commands a whopping 44 billion dollars in purchasing power each year. As an apparel brand, understanding what this generation wants is essential to your long term growth.
So where should you get started with this emerging demographic? For starters, brands need to understand how this generation values diversity and universal equality. In a study by Millennial Marketing, members of Generation Z said they prefer advertisements that promote racial, sexual and gender equality. They also prefer branded materials that feel realistic, rather than idealized.
One apparel brand that’s hitting both of these marks — and seeing huge financial gains because of it — is American Eagle. As pointed out by that company’s CMO, Kyle Andrews, Generation Z is less interested in big brands and designer labels. “They’re less brand-conscious and they are not spending as much as millennials do,” Andrews says.
The Importance of Value
In order to resonate with Gen Z, then, brands have to show what they value and how they make a difference. Simply being a big brand isn’t enough to sell.
Influencer and marketing strategist Nicolas Cole adds that just like millennials, Generation Zers are conscious about their collective ecological footprint. This means that they’re more interested in brands that are making a positive impact on the world. Accessories brands like Warby Parker and Toms are popular amongst this generation because they give back to people in need.
Another interesting point is that Gen Z’s commitment to ethical brands is inspiring change within the fashion industry. Emine Saner, feature writer at The Guardian, says this generation is introducing a change in mass consumption. Rather than gobbling up any new fashion trend just because it’s emblazoned with a certain brand name, members of Gen Z are careful and conscientious about their purchasing habits.
Yael Aflalo, founder of the clothing brand Reformation, explains that “people are actively looking to make a change. They want to know more about the “how” and the “who” behind the clothes they wear – to understand the story behind their clothes.” The moral of this story? Creating a message of giving, sustainability and authenticity — and incorporating that into your in-store retail strategy — can go a long way in helping to attract and retain these customers.
Self Expression
Generation Z’s desire for inherent value is just as important as their need for self expression. Wearing a brand that everyone else is wearing makes these consumers feel like everyone else, when in reality all they want is to stand out.
Investor and Gen Z consultant George Beall says brands help Generation Z stand out against their peers. This is especially true on social media, where trendy, expressive photos can thrust a teenager into instagram fame. To tap into this trend, try positioning apparel brands as vehicles for self expression.
The retail business blog Fierce Retail writes that nearly 60 percent of Gen Zers say they prefer to create their own fashion statement. Hang tags and other printed brand materials can be used to reinforce this message, helping consumers feel a sense of self ownership when they wear and interact with your brand.
Short Attention Spans
If there’s one thing brands should know about Generation Z, it’s that they can’t stay still for long.  Marketing expert and influencer Deep Patel says this generation has incredibly short attention spans.
That doesn’t mean they aren’t able to concentrate or get tasks done. It’s simply due to the digital environment in which they were raised, and how they learned to process information. To reach these customers and grab their attention, it’s important to make an impression as quickly as possible.
Marketing and creative agency Zion & Zion says that marketers can attract consumers by keeping all messaging simple and clear. Sometimes, this means eliminating wording altogether and opting for impactful imagery.
Photographer and design expert Igor Ovsyannykov says image-heavy hang tags are a great way to influence the consumer to buy your product. For example, on a hang tag for a blouse, an image might showcase that blouse being worn with a bottom or a skirt that your brand also sells. This strategy works well for gifts, because a compelling and visually-stimulating hang tag can make a person feel excited and happy — emotions you’d want your friend or family member to feel when receiving a gift.
Design Trends
Brands can also tap into short attention spans by utilizing the latest trends in graphic design and color. Digital Arts staff writer Miriam Harris points out that millennials and their younger counterparts are drawn to simple lines and bold color patterns, much like the designs seen on digital interfaces. Brands have also been modifying their logos to align with this trend. Simple, square-shaped logos that are unified in color work well both on digital and print surfaces.
Plus, having a logo that easily translates across different mediums helps a brand establish a consistent and more memorable image. Steff Yotka, fashion news and emerging platforms editor at Vogue, adds that unfiltered content is essential for today’s brands. She says that Gen Zers want to see authentic imagery and models that aren’t photoshopped. When incorporating images into a hang tag design, keep in mind the appeal of realness and truth.
The Power of Simplicity
Another way to keep your hang tag simple is add a clean, minimalist brand name.
Accessories designer Jenny Luckett of January Moon uses this strategy on her hang tags for teething jewelry — stylish jewelry for moms that’s safe for babies to bite. Featuring a white circle with a clean, gray font, these hang tags are bordered by a bright pop of color. This design helps allude to a childlike feeling, which supports the main theme of the jewelry. It also helps draw in young mothers and their friends and family, and the simple brand name gets to the point and remains memorable.
Full-service inbound marketing agency Weidert Group adds that content should be well-organized and created for skimming. Although this strategy is typically applied to digital mediums, remember: Generation Z lives in the digital world. So even when you’re printing print brand materials, you should be following this same approach.  
Real World Shopping Experience
Despite a recent trend towards online shopping, Generation Z is still committed to buying in stores. In fact, Fashionista associate editor Maria Bobila writes, a full 90 percent of Gen Zers prefer traditional in-store experiences. This means that apparel brands shouldn’t skimp on their in-store marketing and branding efforts even as they ramp up online selling goals.
Bobila adds that brick and mortar stores allow Generation Z to get closer to brand experiences, satisfying their need for authenticity. It also helps them discover brands and stores that represent their personality and goals in life, which in turn meets their need for self expression.
Images by: StockSnap, Jan VaĆĄek
The post Design Trends: What’s Driving Generation Z appeared first on CBF Labels Inc.
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