ranger-of-estel · 6 years
Finding Refuge
Day three of #CCWeek2018 by @writing-multifandom
This one is actually part of a project I’ve been toying with for a little while. Figured this was a good way to find out what you all think (That said, since it’s an early chapter this is a pre-relationship CC fic)
Alternate Universe
               Sara’s whole-body aches as consciousness slowly returns, but she finds her hip is the worst as she takes inventory. She remembers being chased by the pack, nips to her heals and calves as branches scratch her arms and face. But then one of them had lunged, caught her hip and… “Vampire!” she jerks up, crying out as the pain intensifies in her side.
               “Easy Sara, you’re safe.” A woman is at her side now, dark hair tumbling over her shoulders in waves and concern in her eyes. “You need to rest,”
               “Where am I?” she pushes down the panic that’s threatening to bubble up.
               “You’re in Refuge Manor,” she gives a gentle smile, “My name is Gideon, I’m one of the caretakers here.”
               Sara looks down to where the woman’s skin is touching her arm. “Your skin is cool.”
               The woman nods, “I am an android, I do not produce heat like most other beings.”
               Sara nods, though part of her is still processing the words. “What happened?”
“I appear to have ended your would-be execution last night.” A male voice drawls, looking up she finds the blue eyed vampire that had stepped in, throwing the wolf off of her and frightening the others.
“I suppose you’re expecting a thank you.” His keen eyes remain focused on her as her own gaze roams. He’s dressed entirely in black, the only skin she can see his face and where his long fingers hook into the pockets of his tight jeans.
“Hardly,” his smooth voice draws her attention back to his face, lips curved in a smirk as he pushes away from the wall. “Gideon sent me out to find you.”
Her attention turns curiously back to the woman at her side, “Let’s get you back on your feet, then we can answer whatever questions you may have.”
“I’m fine,” she swings her legs over the opposite side of the bed, absently noticing that she’s never seen the cargo pants and baggy shirt she’s wearing. The observation is short lived as her leg attempts to give out beneath her.
A cool hand catches her arm, waiting until she’s steady to release her. Part of her is unnerved at how quickly the man was able to move, the other part is too distracted by his eyes. His brow is furrows in something dangerously close to concern, and she quickly pulls away with a mumbled, “thanks.”
“Just didn’t want to have to pick you up off the floor.” He replies with an uninterested shrug. But still remains within arm’s reach of her.
“Leonard,” Gideon draws both of their attention. “Why don’t you take Sara for a walk on the grounds?” she motions out the door, “Then Rip and I can explain things in the study?” she turns her attention to Sara, “If you do not oppose?”
Sara shrugs, “Can’t see why not.” She glances back at Leonard, “he seems as safe as anyone right now.”
“Then it’s settled!” Gideon claps her hands together, smiling at them. “We’ll see you soon.”
Leonard motions toward the door and while having him behind her is not ideal, she wants out of the room. He moves to walk silently beside her, and she allows herself to admire the paintings and photos lining the walls. Footsteps pull her attention back up as a brunette approaches them.
“Lenny!” the girl grins, then turns her attention to Sara. “And Sara, right?”
As she gets closer Sara can see the small fangs in her smile. “That’s right…and you’re?”
“Lisa,” the woman offers her hand. “I’m Leonard’s sister.”
Sara accepts the gesture, again surprised at the difference in temperature. “It’s nice to meet you…I think.”
Lisa just laughs, eyes sparkling with a life Sara didn’t know was possible in her kind. She turns to her brother, “I’ll catch you later.” She presses a swift kiss to his cheek before dancing away.
They begin walking once more, and she glances up at her escort. “This isn’t what I pictured Coven’s looking like.”
She gets a short chuckle in return. “This is not a coven Miss Lance.” There’s a hint of real amusement in his features, “and most of the team here would take insult to being called such.” He indicates his head to a room on their right, and she follows him in.
It’s a gathering room, with couches and recliners spread around a large TV. As they enter a large man rises from one of the cushioned seats to approach them. He’s the opposite of the one beside her, his jeans and shirt loose fitting and crumpled. He radiates a heat and energy that Sara is familiar with, a slow anger building as light reflects off something around the man’s neck.
“Sara,” Leonard speaks from her side, “Meet Mick Rory, our-“
“Werewolf,” Sara finishes, looking up at the man who’s watching her curiously. “Collared like a family pet,” she growls.
“I like this one,” Mick grins, “She’s got fire.” He looks back down at her, “But the collar ain’t a form of ownership Blondie.”
“I made it,” a new woman, dark skin and jet black hair, steps up beside them. She only reaches his shoulders but has a powerful presence all the same. “It has properties to help keep his…hotter emotions…manageable.”
He smiles down at her, “Saves a bunch on clothes,”
The new figure turns back to her, “It is good to see you awake.” She rests a hand over her chest, “I’m Amaya,”
“You’re…not a wolf or a vampire.” Sara looks at her curiously.
“No, I’m a practitioner of the old arts.” She offers a wry smile, “Or a witch, by most people’s standards.” She shrugs, “But aside from a little magic, I’m quite human.”
“An android, two vampires, a werewolf and a witch co-existing…The more I see the less I understand,” she frowns.
“Refuge is a place for outcasts.” Mick shrugs, “all kinds of us ‘ere.”
“You hardly strike me as the type to be tossed aside by society,” she gives Leonard a side glance.
He’s smirking at her again, but there’s something self-depreciating this time. “You’d be surprised.” He motions back to the main hall, “Come, I’m sure Rip and Gideon are waiting.”
“Lead the way,” she motions, following him out.
She doesn’t realize she’s started to limp until he’s slowed to walk beside her. “Perhaps touring the grounds was not the best of ideas with your injuries.”
“I’ve managed with worse.” She glares, and he just watches her with a distant curiosity, but doesn’t move from his place alongside her.
The next room they enter appears to be a lab, a young man turning from one of the tables as they enter. “Snart! Good, I was hoping you could –” he trails off as Sara comes into view. “Ah, I see the newest guest is on the mend.”
“This is Sara,” Leonard replies.
“Oh!” he gives her a blinding grin. “I’m Raymond, but everyone calls me Ray.”
“Human,” Sara raises a brow.
“100%” he nods.
“So what’s your story?” she asks, looking around the room. “This seems like a strange place for a man of science.”
Before he can answer a new voice comes from a second doorway. “Ray, are you done with that plant yet? Amaya want’s it back.” Sara’s attention is caught as the light reflects off twin pairs of sheer wings on the woman’s back. They flutter impatiently as she stands with arms crossed, inky hair pulled back to reveal her dark eyes and features. She gives Sara a half-glare, “What are you looking at? Never seen a fairy before?”
“Zari, be nice!” Ray half sings as he turns, “Lily went to water it, I’ll take you to her.” He turns back to wave at Sara, “It was nice meeting you Sara!”
As Leonard leads her toward another doorway she looks back. “I’m not sure what I find more strange. The human size fairy, or the scientist in a hideaway for the supernatural.”
“Well, Dr. Frankenstein is the reason Zari is our size. She can also be small, and it’s far more irritating.” Len makes a distasteful face before shaking his head.
Sara stops, staring at Leonard’s back in surprise. “Wait, did you say Frankenstein…as in the Frankenstein?”
He turns, amusement in his eyes. “A descendent yes.” He frowns, “apparently attempting to conquer death runs in the family. It’s why he’s here.” Leonard motions forward, and they resume walking. “Raymond’s fiancé was killed, and so, struck with grief he decided to bring her back.” He shakes his head, “It failed, but was enough to catch Rip’s attention…which is a story I will let him tell.”
“Okay…so if there’s not a monster, then why is he still here?” Her body is beginning to ache, and she attempts to focus more fully on the conversation.
“The scientific community aren’t huge fans of his work. And, despite his painfully bright personality, he’s good to have around. In fact, he and the other resident science geek, Lily, are the ones who made Gideon’s current form,”
“And Lily, is she?” she cocks her head.
“Also human. Rip rescued her from a changeling nest, she’s grown up here.” He offers a half smile, “She’s some of the more tolerable company in this place.”
If he says anything else Sara misses it, her attention captured entirely by the immense library they’ve stepped into. Sunlight comes in from windows, many of which have reading nooks tucked neatly inside. Two figures rise from a table at the center of the room as they approach. One Sara recognizes as Gideon; the other, a thin man with sharp eyes and short hair in disarray, is unfamiliar.
“Hopefully Leonard was not to terrible of company,” the man has a distinctly British accent, brown duster shifting as he approaches.
Sara offers a half smile, “I’ve spent time with worse.”
“And with that,” he offers a half bow, “I have other matters to attend to.” He gives Sara one last look, “Miss Lance.” And then he’s gone.
“Vampires, they do enjoy their dramatic exits.” The other man shakes his head, making a sweeping motion toward the table. “I’m Rip, the head of this..”
“Household.” Gideon finishes as Sara sits across from her. “Dysfunctional as it may seem.” She has that little half smile again.
Rip nods, “And we’d like you to join us.” He settles next to Gideon once more, “But I’m sure you have questions, so please,” he makes an open gesture before him.
“Who are you?” she narrows her gaze, “How did you find me?”
He chuckles, “By trade I am a Hunter, one of Van Helsing’s line.” She tenses, and he waves a hand dismissively before them. “But I assure you I mean no harm.” He offers a depreciative laugh, “I have not been part of the order for many years.” He motions to the woman at his side, “As for locating you, it’s one of Gideon’s skills.”
“I am able to sense out non-human lifeforms using a vast array of information alongside my algorithms and probabilities.” Gideon picks up, “It is how I located you, and also how we knew you were not like the others of your pack.” She frowns, “I just wish we could have reached you sooner.”
Sara shakes her head, “I would not have come.” She gazes out one of the windows, “Even now there is a pull…to return to them, even though I know it would end poorly.” Her attention shifts back to Rip. “But why leave hunting?” her gaze narrows, “Why walk away from that to build this place?”
“Have you ever been in love Miss Lance?” he asks in return, sadness in his eyes.
“Yes…I think.” She frowns, “But that’s hardly an answer.”
“On the contrary, it is entirely the answer.” He runs a hand through his hair, leaving it in some disarray. “I fell in love with a woman, we were married, had a beautiful son.” He sighs, “But eventually the order learned she was not human,” there’s darkness in his eyes, “And they took my family from me.”
“I’m sorry,” she drops her head slightly, “I didn’t-“
“It’s quite alright,” he gives a small smile, and she notices how Gideon’s hand has moved to cover one of his on the table. “But that is why I made this place. Somewhere that others like Miranda; who are victims, not monsters, can live.”
She looks down to where her hands fidget against the table, and then back up to the pair before her. “You must understand, this is a lot to process.”
“Of course,” Rip nods, “Life in the Refuge is very much different than any home you have had.”
“We do not expect an answer now, only that you think on it.” Gideon offers her an encouraging smile, “Come, we have a room you can stay in while you decide.”
Sara takes the offered hand, allowing the woman to lead her up a set of stairs and down a door lined hall. “How many of you live here?”
Gideon shrugs, “It varies.” She motions to one of the doors, “Leonard likely introduced you to most of our full time residents. But there are a few that are in and out.” She motions to Sara’s clothes, “Kendra was kind enough to offer her clothing while she is away.” She shakes her heads, “Shifters do not settle anywhere very long, but she and Carter will be back I’m sure.”
Gideon stops, unlocking door and allowing it to swing open. “I must insist you remain with us until your wound has healed; but regardless of your final choice the manor is at your disposal for as long as you wish to stay.”
Sara nods, and Gideon leaves her with her thoughts. Rip is waiting when she reaches the main platform, his mouth set in a thin line. “Will she stay?”
“I cannot be sure,” Gideon shrugs, “But I do not believe she has many options.”
“I do not want to frighten her, but she is in a great deal of danger.” He sighs, “Phoenix are a rare breed, and their power is sought out by Hunters and creatures alike. The wolves already know of her existence, it is only a matter of time before others join.”
Gideon pats his arm, “Let’s not rush things, there is a good chance she will choose to remain with us for other reasons.” Her hand slides into his, fingers linking as she pulls him toward their own room. “One challenge at a time my love. One at a time.”
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stillthewordgirl · 6 years
LOT/CC fic: Dilemma
Just a double drabble, very rare for me. But it's something! For CaptainCanary Week: Date night. (It sorta fits, right?)
Thanks to @larielromeniel who helped me get this under 200 and fix a few things.
On one level, Leonard supposes, it's not much of a quandry.
He despises the heat. This is a hot tub. Easy decision. Right? Plus, going into that...that...kettle of churning water would require him to strip down to far less clothing than he's comfortable with in an outdoor situation.
Yes. An easy decision.
"C'mon, Len. The water's really nice."
He sighs, folding his arms and staring down at Sara, who's in said hot tub, wearing a very small blue bikini… so small, it barely counts as clothing.
And she's beckoning to him, leaning back against the lip of the tub, giving him THAT smile...which grows as she sees him wavering.
"No one else is going to be showing up," she notes, and her voice is a purr now. "I told my friend I'd house sit while we're on shore leave. She and her wife are in France. The team doesn't even know precisely where we are. C'mon in here with me. We're all alone."
She beckons again...with a foot. And a long. shapely leg, which leads his gaze farther...
Sara grins at him. Len sighs, and begins to strip off his shirt.
Like he said.
Easy decision.
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flabbergabst · 6 years
CC Week Entry 5: Thank You
Captain Canary Week Day 5 Entry: First Holidays
Thanksgiving, anyone?
The entire STAR Labs was quiet. Everybody off to their devices, patching each other up or waiting for Caitlyn to attend to them. A metahuman decided that Thanksgiving was a good time for him to attack citizens having dinner with their families. It was a good thing that most of the Legends were currently in town to see their families. They aided Team Flash without any doubt and when all was done, it was them that didn’t get the chance to celebrate Thanksgiving.
Not until Cisco stood up from where he was sitting to grab a few bottles of wine to place it on the console.
“I know this night sucked,” Cisco started, “but I’m thankful that I’m alive and I’m thankful that I’m with all of you.” He uncapped the bottle and took a sip.
Ray, unable to stop himself, stood up and had Cisco hand him the bottle. “I’m thankful for another chance to see you all, despite the fact that we always run across trouble.”
And one by one, both heroes from the Legends and from Team Flash shared the bottles of wine and said their thanks one by one. All are thankful for their lives. All are thankful for being with each other.
On one side of the STAR Labs, far in the corner, were Sara and Snart. It was supposed to be their first Thanksgiving dinner officially together, but as all things go, plans didn’t go well. Not that they minded. Everybody was too tired to take notice that the two were huddled close, cradling sore limbs. Snart was leaning on the wall and was wearing his big old parka, with Sara leaning on his chest. Both wrapped around the ridiculous coat. Leonard has his arms wrapped around her waist, not even minding whether anyone could see or not.
He’s been listening to every hero’s thanksgiving speech while Sara lays peacefully on him. He was about to doze off too when he heard Sara murmur something.
“What was that?” he asked, leaning a little closer to hear her better.
Sara made an effort to turn her head sideways to be able to repeat to him what she said and for him to heat her clearly.
“I said,” she began, “I’m thankful for you, Len.”
If it was ever possible to pull Sara in tighter, he did, kissing her temple. “Me, too, Sara.”
“I love you. You’re warm,” she whispered, the fatigue obvious from her voice.
He’ll tell her he loves her too tomorrow, when she’s a hundred percent awake. For now, he keeps her safe and warm. And he’s thankful that she’s with him.
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darkangelofsorrow · 6 years
Tumblr media
#CCweek2018 is over 😭 but there’s still a bonus free day that I decided to take advantage of with this edit instead of a story. I couldn’t help myself lol @writing-multifandom
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firesoulstuff · 6 years
My final entry for #ccweek2018! It’s been a blast! Here is a soulmate AU!
Read on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/15601929
For the first time in a long time Leonard can’t bear to look down at his wrist.
His soul mark has almost always been a soothing thing for him, a source of comfort, to know that no matter how bad things got there was someone out there who would love him. The best description he’s ever heard for soul marks would be that of they look like someone hooked up a heart monitor to an Etch-a-Sketch. It’s a little faint line, gray and located just below the pulse point on the wrist of his dominant hand. The spikes of it move through the course of the line but never disappear, ever, and show him the heartbeat of his soul mate.
Some people are born with their marks, though it’s also common for that to not be the case. Those who are born without their marks aren’t supposed to worry, as they usually show up within the first five years of life.
That was not the case for Leonard.
He turned five, then he turned six, and seven and eight, but his mark still hadn’t shown up.
Not having a soul mate, that’s a rarity. It’s something believed to only be reserved for the most damned of souls, and nobody knows why. Regardless it was a favorite punishment of Lewis’s, his father just loved to grab him by the wrist and remind him there was no one out there who loved him. But one day when he was fifteen that all changed.
He still remembers the moment he noticed, the hope exploding in his chest. He had been falling asleep in sophomore English class for crying out loud, when he’d decided to pick up a pencil and try to at least look like he was taking notes. In doing so the fabric of his sleeve had caught on the edge of the desk and pulled his cuff back just enough that it exposed a sliver of skin on his wrist, and he saw it. After a few seconds of just gawking at it, his heart hammering in his chest, he’d promptly sprung up and informed the teacher that he really needed to use the bathroom. He’d then gone there as quickly and inconspicuously as he could managed and locked himself in a stall, shoving his sleeve out of the way so that he could see if what he believed was true.
It was.
There it was, a little gray line, with jagged V’s both upside-down and right-side-up moving throughout it’s duration. He couldn’t believe it; he did have a soul mate.
He’d told Mick that day, even if they didn’t normally do feelings, and Mick was the one to sway him from telling Lewis. His plan had been to rub his father’s face in it, but Mick brought up the very good point that Lewis was the type of man to somehow twist this around and use it as torture. So instead he had gone to a drugstore and shoplifted some concealer from the make-up aisle, just to wear at home.
He got into a habit of pulling out a flashlight on nights when he couldn’t sleep, watching the steady heartbeat of his soul mate until he was lulled into a peaceful unconsciousness.
He went on like that for years. Watching that line on his wrist got him through countless trips to both Juvie and prison, not to mention the remaining time that he lived with Lewis. Whenever things were tough he could always rely on that heartbeat, the assurance that his soul mate was out there.
For the most part the line was the same, steady, rhythm of a calm heart. He noticed that it wasn’t particularly uncommon for it to start moving faster at certain times of the day, especially as the years went on, and so he concluded that whoever his soul mate is they must be fairly active. Sometimes when he was locked up and had nothing else to do he would lie on his bunk pretending to read, but really he would be trying to guess what it was his soul mate was doing that got their heart beating so fast. It had to be some kind of sport, he concluded, as even when racing the line of his mark was still steady, and the increased speed only lasted for an hour or two at a time. That’s how it was, for years, until one week it wasn’t.
He wasn’t concerned that the line had stopped moving fast, that could be easily explained. The fact that it was far slower moving than normal was what had him worried. As he watched it at night, trying to fall asleep on his prison bunk, he found himself holding his breath after one beat finished, the next one following too long after.
If only he could have known it was just the beginning.
Following that week the line did pick back up to steady, and then so fast he was worried, then steady, slow, fast, faster, slower, etc. His soul mate’s heartbeat had become impossible to predict, and he couldn’t for the life of him figure out what could be the cause. He was always worried about it to some extent, but eventually this became the new normal for his mark. Unpredictable, but always there, always beating.
Until one day it wasn’t.
He’d gotten into the habit of looking at it in the mornings, to make sure it wasn’t concernedly low or fast, not that he had any idea what he might do if it were. So he pulled up his sleeve in his morning routine, and felt his own heart freeze.
The line was straight.
He just stared at it for an immeasurable amount of time, holding his breath and waiting for the little v’s to come crawling their way through the line, but they never came. They were gone; his soul mate was dead.
Mick was the only person he told, as he had gone through the same torment years ago. He’d tried his best to comfort Mick back then, but now he knew something like this hurt far deeper than he ever could have imagined. He lived with the pain for over a year, assumed he would live with it all his life, until one day whilst he was in the shower his mark caught his eye, and he froze.
It was beating.
The v patterns were appearing steadily, like they had for so many years. Somehow, his soul mate was alive.
So, why is he having such a hard time bringing himself to look down at his wrist now, if his soul mate is in fact alive?
It’s because he thinks he might have finally found her.
They’ve only been on The Waverider for a few weeks, their latest attempt to stop Savage ending in them getting their asses handed to them yet again. This time was worse than any of the other’s though, for Sara at least, and she’s currently unconscious in the med bay and hooked up to a heart monitor; the display on the screen a perfect match to the one on his wrist.
It all makes sense.
He was fifteen when his mark finally appeared, the same number of years that are between the two of them. The periodic quickening of her heart at specific times of the day that only increased as the years went on, it coincides perfectly with a schedule of the dance lessons she’s said she took as a child and into varsity sports during the same years she would’ve been in high school. The period that the heartbeat on his wrist became unpredictable is the exact same as when she said she was on that boat. The year she was dead the same that his mark went flat, and the mirror image now.
It can’t not be her.
He used to think about the day he’d meet his soul mate, but after everything he had stopped truly believing the day would ever come. Now that he’s here, now that she’s here, he isn’t sure if he should do anything about it.
Sara has suspected for a while now that Snart might be her soul mate. She gets along better with him than she does with anyone else on this ship, not that that is sufficient evidence to put him has her soul mate. Her first real clue came one night during their third round of war, when they stumbled onto the topic of marks and he mentioned his didn’t appear until he was in high school, and she casually mentioned that she isn’t such a rare case, as she was born with hers.
But if he was in high school and there are fifteen years between them… the math checks out.
That was her first clue, her second came later, after a mission gone south landed her in the med bay. Suddenly he avoided the topic of marks at any and all costs, as well as picked up a habit of throwing his cards down with his left hand. He also started reaching for their shared bottles of whiskey, the glasses, basically anything that ever involved him moving his hand within close proximity to her, all with his left hand. It was like he didn’t want to risk the cuff of his right sleeve moving even an inch, like he didn’t want her seeing his mark.
The thing that cinched it for her, though, was the engine room.
They were freezing, too cold to move and huddling together for whatever warmth they could manage. With her head pressed to his chest and hands curled into the fabric of his sweater she had taken notice her own mark had begun to move slowly, much slower than she had ever seen it before, and in perfect sync with the sound of Leonard’s heartbeat against her ear.
“Leonard,” her voice had come out in a weak rasp, and he barely hummed in acknowledgment. They were minutes from death, if they even had that long, and she needed to know.
Then, as if on cue, Ray fixed the hole.
They never talked about it, not really. They were silent as they let their limbs thaw and the next thing she knew they were facing Mick’s betrayal. After everything was said and done and Mick was gone Leonard came to her room that night, looking utterly defeated, and there was a silent understanding that passed between them at the door.
He knew.
She knew.
He would only come in if she wanted him to.
She did.
After that night they found themselves in some odd in-between sort of relationship. They each knew what they were supposed to be to one another, they each felt it, but things were messy and complicated.
She would give anything to get that time back.
“Get him out of here.”
“No.” Her response is quick, final, and desperate. What the Time Masters are doing is awful, controlling every person who ever lived as though they’re nothing more than pawns in an elaborate game of chess. It needs to be stopped, but this can’t be the way. After everything they’ve been through, both separately and together, it can’t end here.
“Just do it.”
He’s pleading with her, and she can feel the moisture starting in her eyes as it sinks in that there is no other way. This is bigger than they are, and after leaving Mick to die once he isn’t about to do it again. It has to be him.
Stupid hero bastard.
She goes over to him, up the steps to The Oculus and presses her lips to his in a desperate kiss, trying to convey everything she never said into the action. When they finally have to part he holds her gaze, dragging out their last few seconds together before they have to be warriors again and she has to go.
Later, on the ship, with the ruins of The Oculus vanishing behind them Sara shuts herself in her room and yanks down the sleeve of her jacket. It will destroy her if she sees a flat line, but she has to know.
She let’s out a choked and startled sob as she falls to her knees, there is no flat line to greet her; there is nothing but the blank canvas of her skin.
They destroyed The Oculus, the Time Masters, and their control. They returned free will to the world. No more strings, no more destiny.
No more marks.
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CC Week Day 4
Day 4: Date Night. Drabble!
Finding time for dates while saving the world and wrangling enthusiastic misfits isn’t easy, turns out.
Eventually, Sara snaps and assembles the team, Leonard behind her.
“Leonard and I are going to have some time to ourselves. We are not to be interrupted unless the ship is on fire and you’ve failed to put it out yourselves. If I hear one word of teasing, you’ll find out exactly how frustrated I am.”
The snickers start almost immediately, and she talks over them.
“Not. One. Word.”
In her room, Leonard sasses: “Am I allowed to talk?”
She kisses away his smirk.
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CC Week Day 6: Waves
Okay so I know this was yesterday’s prompt, but I couldn’t quite finish it in time so I figured what the heck. Also, this is a bit of a sneak peek for a new installment in the Unconventional series, that I'll be starting to put up after I finish Voices Carry!!!
Read on AO3
Read on Fanfiction.net
“Look, Elsie, there it is,” Sara pointed up ahead to a white sand beach less than thirty feet away from where she and her four-year-old daughter were standing.
“Woah!” Elsie exclaimed, “Mommy, look, the water’s so blue!”
“I know,” she replied, “Do you know where we are?” Elsie shook her head, “We’re in Norway.”
“That’s where I’m from!” she yelped.
“Yep. Different year, though,” Sara told her as they continued down the sandy boardwalk, “We thought about taking you back to one of the beaches in Spain, but we thought this might be more special.”
“And Cece and Sammy really aren’t coming with us?”
“We told you it’s just you and me and Daddy.”
“But where is Daddy?”
“He’s just parking the car,” Sara told her, “I promise we’re not gonna, like, sneak-attack you with siblings.”
By now, they had reached a spot on the sand only a few yards away from the water. As Sara spread a pale blue blanket out on the ground, Elsie started pulling her yellow sundress over her head.
“You wanna go in the water?” Sara asked.
“Wait a second and I’ll come with you.”
“But I can swim all by myself,” Elsie said.
“I know, but I still wanna come,” she replied. She looked up and smiled when she saw Elsie hopping from one foot to the other in excited impatience, “C’mere, let me do your hair.”
Elsie went over to her and stood still as Sara began pulling her blonde hair up into a bun.
“Why’d you wanna put my hair up?” Elsie asked.
“So it doesn’t get all in your face while you’re swimming,” she answered, then added, “The water’s gonna be a little colder than at the beaches we went to in Granada, just so you’re ready.”
“Okay,” she said.
A moment later, Sara said, “Ready?”
“Yeah!” Elsie exclaimed. She took off for the water, Sara following at a more comfortable pace behind her. Elsie stumbled to a stop when she reached the water.
“It’s cold!” she shrieked.
“I told you,” Sara called to her. A moment later, she was standing beside Elsie as the cool waves lapped onto their feet.
Elsie pointed to a spot behind Sara, “Look, there’s Daddy!”
Sara looked over her shoulder to see Leonard standing by the beach blanket, watching them from the sand.
“How come Daddy’s wearing normal clothes to the beach?”
“Because Daddy’s a weirdo,” she replied.
Later, when Elsie was done playing in the water, she and Sara returned to the blanket to eat lunch with Leonard.
“You having fun, Else?” Leonard asked.
“Uh-huh,” Elsie replied, her mouth full of peanut butter sandwich. After she swallowed, she asked, “How come Sammy and Cece didn’t come with us?”
“Because,” Leonard said as Sara pulled Elsie into her lap, “it was just you and me and Mom for a while, and we love Cece and Sammy, but that doesn’t mean that we have to stop doing things just the three of us sometimes.”
“Yeah, we wanna spend some time with our little baby before she turns five on us,” Sara said.
“Sammy’s actually a baby,” Elsie said, giggling as Sara planted little kisses on her cheeks.
“Yeah, he’s actually a baby,” she nodded, “but you’re our first little baby, and we’re never gonna forget that.”
“Yeah, and then one day I’m gonna grow up and die, right?”
Sara stilled. She furrowed her eyebrows, glancing up at Leonard who was holding in a chuckle. She looked back down at Elsie.
“I’m just kidding,” she giggled.
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Lance-Snart Family Christmas
by FireSoul
The Legends are home for the holidays and Sara and Leonard decide to spend Christmas with Sara's mother, who is determined to find a way into her daughter's chaotic world of heroing. Even if it means inviting the chaos into the apartment.
Words: 1821, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 5 of Captain Canary Week 2018
Fandoms: DC's Legends of Tomorrow (TV)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Sara Lance, Leonard Snart, Lisa Snart, Dinah Lance (Arrow), Mick Rory, Amaya Jiwe
Relationships: Sara Lance/Leonard Snart
Additional Tags: Fluff, Christmas, Found Family, CCweek2018, Established Relationship
from AO3 works tagged 'Sara Lance/Leonard Snart' https://ift.tt/2neRwY1 via IFTTT
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aliengearholsters · 6 years
Best New CCW Guns Of 2018
2018 is rapidly approaching its close, but some fantastic concealed carry guns came out this year. In fact, a concealed carry pistol could be found for nearly any and every sensibility from 2018's crop of CCW guns.
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Let's take a look back at the best concealed carry guns of 2018. You either can right now or will soon be seeing them in gun stores, so these are some carry guns to keep an eye out for.. Continue reading at: https://bit.ly/2CnZ8xf
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ranger-of-estel · 6 years
Pieces of a heart
First entry for #CCweek2018 put on by @writing-multifandom This is also a REALLY late prompt fill I got from an anon.
Set in an extended/alternate S1
               Sara walks into her quarters, sparing only a quick glance to the figure sprawled across her bed. “Comfortable Crook?” She asks, moving to the small closet for a change of clothes.
               He makes a hum that she takes as affirmation, flipping another page in whatever book he’s brought tonight. It’s become so normal, to find him in her room (or for her to show up in his) that they’ve stopped being surprised by the others presence.
               Sara makes her way to the shower, washing away the seat of training and humming softly to herself. She returns to find Leonard exactly as she’d left him, shaking her head at his sprawled out form. She tosses her dirty clothes into a pile, swatting lightly at his foot so he will pull his legs up.
               “So,” he drawls, book lowering to rest on his knees as she props herself up at the free end of the bunk. “How was training with the hawk?”
               She shrugs, “she’s doing well, still a lot to learn.” She tilts her head slightly, “tired of chess with the professor?”
               A smirk plays at his lips, “figured I would give him a break, pretty sure he’s still puzzling over how I beat him yesterday.” She chuckles, grabbing one of her knives and a wetting stone from the shelf near the bed. They fall into a companionable silence; Leonard returning to his book while she sharpens the knife.
               Eventually Sara’s attention is drawn back up at the sound of cards being shuffled. The game begins wordlessly, both shifting to make room for the cards between them. Sara fetches a bottle of Rip’s scotch they’d stolen earlier in the trip, the pair drinking straight from the bottle tonight.
               Leonard loses the first hand, looking at her expectantly as he reshuffles. She thinks a moment, then tilts her head curiously. “You ever have pets?”
               “No,” he shrugs, “though there was a stray cat that would come around the house sometimes.” He frons, dealing out the next hand. “Disappeared after one of my trips to juvie.”
               They bounce back and forth a few rounds, sharing childhood stories, guilty pleasures and old flames. Sara’s lost another hand, waiting expectantly for his next question. He sits quietly for several long seconds. “You’ve spent a lot of time seducing the locals lately.”
               She raises brow, “is there a question in there, Crook?”
               “You seem so willing to give pieces of your heart to strangers,” he shrugs, “makes one wonder what is so different about the people who have your back.” His voice drops, and she’s not entirely sure she’s supposed to hear the next words. “Why keep me at arms length?”
               She looks at him in surprise, “Len…”
               “Forget I asked.” He gathers the cards, flashing a smirk before beginning to shuffle them once more. “none of my business.”
               “It’s because you scare me.” She replies; instantly regretting the words as she sees the flash of horror in his eyes, quickly hidden under ice. She shakes her head, words tumbling from her lips. “I’m not afraid of you Len. I’d trust you with my life, no hesitation.” She toys with the knife in her hands, “I’m afraid of what happens if I take that step.”
               His frown says she’s still not been clear, so taking a moment to settle herself she begins again. “The others you are talking about, one night stands through time.” She waves a hand dismissively toward the door, “Ships passing in the night, a physical distraction.”
               Leonard is watching her, suddenly more guarded than she’s accustomed to when they are alone. But he doesn’t speak, doesn’t move, so she presses on. “But with you…” she shakes her head, “it could never be just sex. Not when I…” she cuts off, cursing the scotch even when she knows it’s not at fault. She’s on her feet then, hand running through her hair as she wills her heart to quit racing, prays to whatever is out there that she’s not just broken the first real friendship she’s had in years.
               “Good,” she spins at the word, finds Leonard has also risen, leaning against the shelf at the head of the bed.
               “What?” it’s the only word I can find, a million new questions racing through her head.
               “If all I wanted was a warm body, to blow off steam, I would hardly choose someone on the team.” He pushes off the wall, only advancing a couple steps. “To messy, choosing someone who knows how” He frowns, “…damaged…I am.”
               “Yeah,” she offers a self-depreciating look. “We’re both pretty screwed up I guess.”
               “That’s the point,” he sighs when she offers only a questioning look in return. “The others here, the heroes.” He motions to the hall, “they’ve had the moral high ground their whole lives, believe that everything is a choice between good and evil…but you.”
               “Know what it’s like to be pushed into a corner where there are no heroes or villains, just people doing what it takes to survive one more day.” She finishes, an understanding that had drawn them together to begin with.
               He nods, “you said we could change our fate.” He shrugs, coming another step closer, but careful to respect her personal space. “Maybe it’s thinking about that…about becoming something different. Has a way of making one think about what it is they really want.”
               Sara’s drifted closer, captivated by the warmth of his icy eyes. “And? What is it you want, Snart?”
               “You,” his voice drops, usual drawl all but gone. “And me.” He reaches out, fingers just brushing against her wrists. “together, changing the hands we’ve been dealt.”
               “I don’t know that I’m a white picket fence kinda girl.” She raises a brow, but doesn’t pull away from his lingering touch.
               He scoffs, “I’m not changing that much, assassin.” He smirks, “but maybe it’s time we stop trying to be what others say is good, is right?”
               Her fingers curl around his, gazes locked. “It won’t be pretty.”
               “Real things rarely are,” his head tilts slightly, “it will likely require a fight.”
               A smile is curling at the corner of her lips, “The best things in life always do.”
               “So how about it, Lance?” His voice is soft, “willing to risk your heart on a criminal?”
               She smirks, “Guess we’ll see how good of a thief you really are.”
               He chuckles, free hand coming up to settling along the side of her neck. “Challenge accepted.” He leans in, lips brushing hers in a kiss that sparks something inside. Awakening a little girl who used to believe in happy endings.
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stillthewordgirl · 6 years
LOT/CC fic: Resurrection
Soulmates get an extra chance, if they choose to take it. When the Oculus blows, Sara takes that chance. 
For Day 7 of the CaptainCanary Week: Soulmate AU. I couldn't find one that I liked enough on the lists I found, so I made up my own. Can also be read here at AO3 and here at FF.net.
Thanks for @larielromeniel for the beta, and also to @pir8grl!
“I think we need to talk.”
No one—not Rip, not Ray, not Mick, not Miranda—argues. The energy from the Oculus is still buffeting them, and they’re still on a mad race to catch Savage, but no one is going to get in the way of this.
Not even Leonard, who, still looking stunned and a bit disoriented, follows Sara to her room. He stumbles, once, as they enter the corridor, and she reaches out without thinking about it, their bare hands brushing.
Electricity surges, and Sara restrains a yelp, Leonard emitting a low “oof” of reaction. It hadn’t been unpleasant, not at all, but...
Bound. Forever.
It’s a lot to digest.
They’re safely in her room, the door closed behind them, when Sara puts her hands on Leonard’s shoulders and pushes him back to the bed and into a seated position there. He subsides, blinking at her in a way that’s thoroughly unlike his usual sharp gaze.
She can’t blame him. She’s been resurrected, after all, although via the Lazarus Pit and not through a soulmate bond. If disorientation is the worst of his issues, he should take it and run.
They should.
Sara sighs again, closing her eyes, keeping her hands on Leonard’s shoulders, feeling him, warm and breathing and wholly problematic, there in front of her.
No one knows precisely how it works, but every soulmate pair gets one resurrection—only good for one of the two, initiated by the other, and only within a few minutes after death. It’s a curiously complete free pass—any injury is healed, any illness cured, and the resurrected one physically restored right to the other partner. People have been dragged from sinking ships at sea to their soulmate across the world, restored whole from burning buildings and earthquake wreckage, traumatized and disoriented, but whole and breathing.
However, it’s not without cost, and that’s why people don’t risk it as much as one might think. Many older, longer-term couples simply chose to let go—in part to spare their partner the trauma, in part because who really wants to find that, after years together, your spouse or long-term love isn’t your soulmate, after all? Or even in a short relationship—heaven knows Ray’s trauma at his fiancee’s death had been compounded by being unable to save her.
There are hints and clues, but no one’s ever managed to figure out an airtight way to know, not short of feeling that breaking tether in your soul and reaching out and yanking...
Rip had saved his wife, Miranda, after Savage killed her, sending the pair of former Time Masters on their headlong quest to save their son and so many others from the immortal dictator. Kendra and Carter’s situation was complicated by the other aspects of their situation, their souls taking turns hurtling forward to their next stop on their ceaseless chain of reincarnation rather than pausing to be saved by the other.
Sometimes it’s simpler. Sara’s sister had made a leap of faith and pulled Tommy Merlyn from death to life back in the Glades, and now they’re expecting their second child.
But soulmates, once acknowledged in this way, are bound. There’s a limited mental and emotional link there, after the experience, and a physical attraction that’s electric. Some report that being too far from each other physically, for too long a period of time, is uncomfortable to excruciating. But on the other hand, sex between soulmates is said to be life-changing, and some say that children born of this bond are special.
And when one soulmate dies after a resurrection, both die. No second chances. No wriggle room. Hostages to fortune, in a very literal way.
If it any wonder, then, that people sometimes don’t even bother seeking a soulmate?
“How long did you know?” Leonard’s voice, jolting into her thoughts, is rough, broken. Sara’s eyes fly open, and she stares into the gray-blue of his eyes for a second before pulling her hands away and gathering her thoughts.
“Know? Only the moment it worked.” She bites her lip, studying him. “I’ve suspected a while. You?”
“Same.” He shakes his head as if it hurts him. “In Russia...I knew I had to stop...and when Mick made me choose...”
There’s pain there, and Sara’s new sense of him can’t decide if it’s physical or mental or both. She reaches out, then recalls the earlier sparking sensation and pauses, loathe to cause any more pain. Leonard sees her pause and freezes himself, and somehow that makes things worse.
“Are you OK?” she asks, trying to fill in the space full of feelings with words. “I mean, we saw the explosion...you held the failsafe down long enough...”
Len drags in a breath and looks past her, his eyes blank and staring. “I...it ripped me apart,” he acknowledges numbly as she flinches. “It hurt like hell and I couldn’t breathe...” He blinks and there’s sense back in his eyes as he looks at her. “And then I was on the ship, in front of you. It’s still a little much to take in.”
There’s an echo there, of the first words he’d said to her on the ship, and it unexpectedly makes Sara smile a little. But under it, she can still feel Leonard’s turmoil and oh, hell, if they can’t learn to just talk to each other like they used to, this is going to be bad...
But the crook persists, and she feels his sincerity as he stares into her eyes.
“Sara,” he says, voice still a little ragged, “why?”
Sara frowns at him. “What do you mean?” she asks. “Why are we...soulmates? No one’s ever really been able to figure...”
“No.” Leonard shakes his head, meeting her eyes a moment longer. “You’re stuck with me now,” he says roughly, looking away. “You can’t tell me that’s what you wanted. When I mentioned the future, I didn’t...I wasn’t trying to...trap you...”
He seriously can’t figure why she’d invoked the bond they’d both suspected was there. Sara stares at him, looking for words, then decides to just go with her prevailing emotion, which he’s probably feeling anyway.
“You jerk,” she hisses at him, reaching up to grab a handful of his black jacket and getting a blink of surprise. “I chose to do it. To try to save you. You think I’d just let you blow yourself up without even trying, once I suspected?” She gives the jacket a shake. “I’m not the type to walk away from a challenge, Snart. You know that.” They’re gazing into each other’s eyes again now, and Sara takes a deep breath. “And you’re a challenge. I didn’t plan on this. But damned if I’d just hide and let you die!”
Her voice has risen steadily throughout the response, until she pretty much yells the last three words into his face. Leonard blinks again, but tilts his head and considers her, and she can feel his mind working, the effect of her words sinking in, the reverberation of the link.
“Wow,” he says finally, staring at her. “You are pissed.”
“No shit, Sherlock.” Sara scowls at him. “You know me better than that.”
“I...do.” She sees him consider the truth of her words and then nod, acknowledging them. Acknowledging, further, her actions, and their bond, and what...what the future might hold.
“This is going to take a lot of getting used to,” she tells him gently. “But we’ll handle it together.”
And with that, she lets go of his jacket, moving her hand down to take his hand again.
As skin touches skin, Sara can hear his intake of breath and her own. The sense of attraction, electric and arousing, is overwhelming for a moment, and she wonders for a moment if it will fade with time, into something warm and comfortable or if this...intensity...is permanent. Laurel would have mentioned it, she thinks, dazed, wondering if she’ll always want to jump him...think it, her soulmate...if they so much as brush fingers.
Leonard, apparently feeling much the same thing, licks his lips, gazing down at their joined hands.
“Now, this,” he says, glancing back up at her through his lashes, “could be very interesting.”
There’s a sparkle there that’d been missing earlier, and Sara feels a matching spark of mischief in the sense of Leonard that’s there in her heart, the one that now will never go away.
“It could,” she acknowledges, grinning at him. “But first, we have a world to save and a tyrant to defeat. You with me, crook?”
They both know the answer. And, now, it’s never going to change.
“Always, assassin. Always.”
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flabbergabst · 6 years
CC Week Entry 1: The Time is Now
Captain Canary Week Day 1 Entry: Pre-relationship.
Better late than never, amirite?
“You couldn’t take your eyes off of him,” Sara heard Iris say from where the Waverider captain was leaning. “Still couldn’t believe he’s alive and as snarky as ever?”
Sara turned her head to face her friend. She gave Iris a small smirk, then looked at the group of people at the other side of the room.
“I’m just glad we have our resident crook back,” Sara replied. “I have to admit, being captain is a lot easier with him on the ship. Someone who could argue with my decisions better than anyone else makes missions easier. Which ultimately makes life easier.”
Iris walks closer towards her friend. The two became closer when the Legends stayed in Central City for a month after their discovery of Snart’s survival. They helped clean the city, as well as Star City, and Sara spent her free time training Iris. They exchanged stories during training, sometimes while spending the night drinking. When the Legends left, Iris and the rest of Team Flash had to wait three months for them to visit again and by then, half a year has already passed for the time-travelling heroes.
“So,” Iris started, “have you planned on telling Snart about your little crush on him or should I do it for you?”
Sara rolled her eyes and faced her friend. “I don’t have a crush on him. And ‘crush’ is such a juvenile term, Iris.”
“’Crush’ is juvenile, huh? What, you love him now?”
To be fair, Iris was half-joking when she said that. But as she looked at Sara’s face, she saw the same expression she wore whenever Barry goes out in his suit, off to battle whoever metahuman decided to ruin their evening. It was a mixture of so much affection and so much fear.
With the lack of response from Sara, Iris decided it’s better to pull the woman in for a long, warm hug. She then felt the blonde pull her even closer, hanging onto her for strength—for anything.
“I do,” Sara replied, her voice muffled on the other woman’s shoulder.
“Then go tell him,” her friend urged, breaking away from the hug.
Sara once again looked at Leonard from across the room. Now he’s looking at her, too. He must’ve seen the hug between the two women because there’s this concerned look on his face, just like the ones he used to flash her after dangerous missions. Similar to the one he had when Sara got sent to the Medbay that one time after being shot on the abdomen a couple of missions back.
She nodded at him and smirked, then pausing to face Iris again. “Iris West-Allen, the time is now.”
Before she could even go towards him, Len’s already walking in her direction. She felt Iris squeeze her hand before letting it go, but the warm presence told Sara she hasn’t left her side.
“Allen over there,” Leonard started, then nodding towards Barry’s direction,” dared me to say one single truth since I have been messing around with their team the whole time we’ve been here.”
Sara looked at Barry who just gave two thumbs up, but not at her, but to Iris behind her. Oh, damn this couple.
“One truth?” Sara asked.
The man before her nodded. Sara’s right eyebrow was raised, waiting for whatever Snart has to say and wondering if whatever truth that will be could help her or now.
“You, Sara,” Leonard started, “are the most wonderful woman I have ever met in my entire life. And I’ve been alive for a long while so that’s saying something.”
Sara could’ve sworn her heart skipped a beat. The way Leonard’s eyes stared into her like she’s the only bright thing in the room. She knows, because she’s sure she looks at him just the same.
But he doesn’t seem to be finished.
“But that’s not the truth I was planning on telling you because you probably know that already,” he said. “The truth is, I’ve been meaning to ask you out for a drink.”
Sara smiled and looked down, afraid to let Len see her blushing. “What’s been stopping you from asking?”
He actually chuckled at her question. “It’s not like we have a lot of free time from our day jobs, do we?”
Sara looked at Iris, who has been giggling like a teenager behind her, and winked.
“I guess the time is now.”
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darkangelofsorrow · 6 years
Countdown Conversations
Fanfiction Link
AO3 Link
Written for Day 5 of #CCweek2018 with the prompt First Holidays! @writing-multifandom
"You actually think this was the best idea?" Leonard questioned, a brow quirked as he looked at Sara. They were standing near the front window on the Bridge, admiring the night sky of Central City. Once it was acknowledged that it was New Year's Eve, the whole gang wanted to spend it out of the temporal zone and with civilization.
As close as they could in the Waverider anyway.
Sara stood in front of Leonard with her arms folded, and her eyes scanned their surrounding area. It was only them on the Bridge, but Zari and Amaya were close by in the Captain's Office. They hadn't said anything exactly, but the occasional glance from Amaya and the sly grin from Zari said enough.
Jax and Wally were more than likely being hounded by Ray and Nate, and Stein was off doing…something scientific Sara was sure.
Wherever Mick was, there was a beer in his hand.
"What could go wrong?" she asked, shrugging innocently.
"Stein isn't in here, but I feel like he would say something similar to when we went to the West, Sara," Leonard drawled.
Sara scoffed. "Come on, this won't be so bad. It's so simple."
Leonard glanced to the side before meeting her eyes. "The problem isn't doing this," he said gesturing between the two with one hand. "The problem is the location."
Sara unfolded her arms and held the sides of Leonard's arms. "You won't even notice anyone around," she explained, "and this is the perfect view on the ship. Can't get that in the quarters."
"I could get something else in the quarters," Leonard suggested with a small, sly grin. "Captain."
The blonde rolled her eyes. "You're a captain too, Captain," she retorted, ignoring the first part of his statement.
"We're great captains," Leonard said.
"You're getting off topic, Leonard," Sara pointed out. "It's just a little tradition; what do you have to lose?"
He prepared to answer her question, but she held up a finger. "Don't you dare."
His only response was a mock grin, and Sara huffed.
Leonard looked up at the ceiling in exasperation before returning his glance to the woman in front of him. "Fine. We can do this 'New Year's Kiss' thing," he said before lifting a finger. "As long as it continues in our room later."
Sara only grinned. "It'll be a great moment," she told him. "Just wait and see."
"We'll see about that," he told her, releasing his arms from their fold and shifting his weight to one side. "Time's almost up."
A small smile graced Sara's face as she met his eyes. "I know."
The couple stared at each other in the eyes, nothing but messages of love and adoration with a hint of something more was sent between the two.
Sara took a short step forward, and Leonard reacted by resting his hands on her sides.
Small beeping and happy cheering signaled that it was time.
"Happy New Year, Crook," Sara said gently before pressing her lips against Leonard's. Her arms snaked around his neck while his hands held onto her sides firmly, pulling her closer to his body.
There wasn't a care in the world whether their teammates could see them at that moment; it was all about them beginning the new year together while it was in the current timeline.
They pulled apart from one another as the booming sound of the fireworks reached their ears. Leonard's lips parted as he was getting ready to say something when the moment was disrupted.
Neither Sara or Leonard flinched as Mick made his way onto the Bridge, arms holding a plethora of beer bottles. "Mazel Tov!"
Leonard rolled his eyes before running a finger under Sara's chin. "Happy New Year, Assassin." He captured her lips again, and not even Zari and Ray arguing (whenever he managed to find his way towards the front of the ship) in the background could ruin their moment near the bridge windows and fireworks.
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firesoulstuff · 6 years
Thought Through
My first entry for #CCWeek2018! Just a little fluff piece.
Read on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/15523341
From the very beginning of the mission Leonard has been the one that Sara has gravitated towards, and him towards her. He even said as much at the beginning, when Mick stayed back in the parking lot in order to give Stein a hand with Jax he had sidled up to her side; she was the lesser of about six equals.
They moved quickly from tolerating each other to actually not minding each other, and from there to genuinely wanting to be around each other. After Mick betrayed the team and Leonard left him stranded in the woods they became friends, close friends. It was during that time, even though she had spent the majority of it trapped in the 1950’s, Sara stopped referring to him as Snart and started using Leonard. She hadn’t even realized it’d happened until Mick returned and asked her about it, to which she didn’t have much of an answer.
Now, with Savage defeated and the team still traveling through time, they’re still close friends. But she’s sitting here at the breakfast counter thinking about it, because it’s been five months since he asked about a future with her, since she nearly lost him at The Oculus, and since she lost Laurel.
Their conversation about the future was put on the back burner after that. He had held her that night whilst she cried, even though they weren’t on the ship and he should’ve been visiting his sister. Instead he’d spent it with her, in the guest room of her father’s apartment, soothing her nightmares away. He never brought up “me and you” after that, and neither did she, but now…
“You still with us Canary?”
She blinks herself back to reality, where Leonard and Jax are looking at her with mild concern.
“Yeah,” she promises them, taking a sip from the steaming mug in front of her. She smiles as the coffee touches her lips, not too hot and the bitterness curbed out by four packets of sugar and one cream, just the way she likes it.
It should be noted that Leonard was the one to place the mug in front of her.
“Stein and Ray need to stop fighting over the lab,” It’s times like this when she’s grateful that her league training has left her incapable of completely zoning out, because they return to their conversation about the two scientists without suspecting a thing.
The next time Sara thinks about her and Leonard’s relationship it’s a very brief thought in the middle of battle when she bumps her shoulder against his and doesn’t even bother looking, the familiar whirring of a cold gun telling her all she needs to know about who is covering her back. It’s natural for them to fight like this, back to back, and she actually doesn’t think much about it until after the mission when they’re all trying to explain to Rip what happened in the fight and every question that Sara can’t answer Leonard can, and vise versa. He was covering her back, so he saw everything she didn’t, and only then does she realize that there was never a moment in that fight in which she was worrying about whatever was happening behind her; she knew he was covering her.
The final time that their relationship crosses her mind, for this week anyway, comes after yet another mission; though this one was rather bloody. Everyone is ok, thankfully, but they’re all strewn about various locations of the ship trying to heal themselves of their injuries. With the med bay full she and Leonard have wandered down to the cargo hold with a first aid kit to share between them. They talk about the mission as they patch each other up, and eventually they fall into a companionable silence.
Currently it’s her turn to be patched up, Leonard carefully wrapping her wrist with a bandage. His touch is gently on her bruised and swollen skin, his eyes focused on his task.
“Are we ever going to talk about it?” She blurts out almost without realizing, almost. It’s not like she can’t control her words, but she hadn’t exactly meant for them to come so… out of nowhere.
She didn’t want this face she’s getting from Leonard, this sudden expression of surprise mixed with both understanding and confusion as his hands freeze where they are, waiting for her to continue. When she doesn’t he goes back to his work, cradling her hand even more gently than before as he finishes off the bandage.
“Talk about what?” He asks innocently, though she’s sure that he knows exactly what, but he needs her to confirm.
She waits until he’s finished with tying off the wrap to speak again, thinking through her words a little more carefully this time.
“Me and you?”
He flicks his eyes up to her at that, surprise still there, but joined by a new kind of softness.
“I wanted to give you time after your sister…” He can’t say it, but she nods just the same.
“And I appreciate that. But it’s been five months now, I think I’ve had enough time.”
He smirks at that, his eyes sparkling and she can’t help but to smile when he takes her hand in a firmer grip, his reasons suddenly beyond those of securing a wrapping.
“Ok…” He drawls, glancing down at their joined hands before looking back to her eyes. “Well I for one would still like to see what the future might hold for me, and for you, and for me and you.” She smiles at his words; suddenly feeling like a giddy teenager who knows she is about to be asked to the prom. She wonders if maybe he has wanted to bring this conversation back up but just hasn’t known how. “What about you?”
She pretends to consider the possibilities for a moment, leaning herself forward whist still maintaining a hold on his hand, and using her free hand to tap at her chin rather dramatically.
“I think,” she says, clicking her tongue. “That you still have a kiss to steal.”
He smirks, and then uses their joined hands to pull her closer until he’s capturing her lips in a soft kiss.
When it ends she pulls back a little breathless. The kiss was light and gentle, certainly not the type to normally leave her feeling this way, but it all just hits her at once that they’ve actually gotten this far, actually had this conversation, and now the ball is back in her court.
She kisses him again.
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CC Week Day 5
Day 5: First Holidays. Drabble!
It’s quiet in the tiny, studio apartment. It’s sparsely decorated; Sara and Leonard aren’t here that often.
They’re here now, though, asleep on the pull-out couch, the light of the diminutive LED Christmas tree shining on them. Nestled under the tree are four gifts, carefully wrapped. Two are weapons, each carefully chosen for the other.
Two are wedding rings, because both Sara and Leonard are tired of waiting for the other to ask.
Tomorrow, they’ll both say yes, and they’ll enjoy the teasing from their respective sisters, to be followed by teasing from their team. For tonight, though, they sleep.
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CC Week Day 2: Space
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“I can’t believe you,” Sara said angrily. Leonard walked silently down one of the Waverider’s many metal corridors, always a few steps behind her — not his choice, but he was wise enough not to push it, “I can’t believe you tried to pull that sacrifice bullshit again.”
“No, you don’t get to talk yet. I told you not to go down that hallway and then you did and—” Leonard almost collided with Sara when she spun on her heels to face him, “Look, just go to the med-bay. I’ll be there after I make sure everyone else got back okay.”
Without argument, Leonard walked past her in the direction of the med-bay. Sara watched his retreating form for a moment before heading towards the Bridge. She didn’t stop until she reached the holo table.
A moment later, Amaya appeared by her side.
“That didn’t seem like a pleasant conversation,” she commented sympathetically.
Sara shrugged.
“You guys doing okay?”
“At this rate, he might not be alive long enough to find out,” Sara muttered.
“Hey,” Amaya said, a hand on Sara’s shoulder, “That man loves you so much.”
“He almost died. Again.”
“You almost die every other day, Sara,” she pointed out, “You think that doesn’t completely destroy him?”
Sara didn’t respond.
“Go talk to him,” Amaya urged, “I’ll make sure everyone made it back.”
Sara sighed, and then nodded before turning and heading towards the door.
She slowed as she neared the med-bay, stopping in the metal doorway. Leonard was sitting on the edge of a medical chairs with his back to her, his legs hanging over the side.
“So what’s the verdict?” Sara asked, taking a step into the room. Leonard raised his head slightly at the sound of her voice.
“Gideon says I don’t have a concussion, so…that’s something,” he answered, not turning around.
“Good,” she replied.
Sara crossed the rest of the space between them, snaking her arms over his shoulders to hug him from behind. He reached up to rest a hand on her forearm.
“I’m sorry I got mad,” she said, “I mean, what you did was stupid, but I understand why you did it. I’m sorry I got mad.”
Leonard nodded slowly. Sara pulled away and moved so she was standing right beside him, the top of his head level with her shoulder. She gently took his chin in her hand, pulling his head towards her so their eyes met. Her eyebrows were raised, her expression serious.
“Hey,” Sara said, “I sorta like you. I’d really appreciate it if I didn’t have to think I’m losing you every ten minutes.”
She dropped her hand as he smiled, looking to the floor. She nudged his side with her hip until Leonard shifted over on the medical chair and she sat beside him. Sara leaned against him, her arms wrapped around his middle.
“I’m sorry too,” he said, his voice quiet.
“What for?” Sara asked, looking up at him.
“For not listening to you,” he replied, snaking an arm around her back, his hand settling on her waist, “Although ignoring would probably be a better word.”
Sara let out a huff of laughter.
“If I wanted a team of people who actually listened to the things I said, I wouldn’t even have bothered to become captain,” she said, “Just…take care of yourself, okay?”
“Okay,” he replied, “and you too, assassin.”
“I’ll try, crook.”
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