startswith0 · 1 month
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cashmoneychiyo · 4 months
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Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun Chapter 150 © Cash Money Chiyo (@grolia, shire and @waxlightjohn!)
this marks shire's final chapter with CMC, as they wish to focus on busy real life stuff! ty for your service and best of luck o7
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101suouexpressions · 2 months
Symbols of Takiishi and Umemiya in Ch.150
Contains Chapter 150 spoilers!!!
I was working on symbolisms in WBK and chapter 150 came out and I LOST MY MIND GRRRR
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Continue under the cut.
The panel of Takiishi vs Umemiya was directly accompanied with another panel:
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In my previous post, it was (not really subtly) implied that Umemiya, being the Boufuurin leader and surrounded by the Four Heavenly Kings, carries the same role as Buddha. Thus, you can see Budda on the right.
But what about Takiishi? We have so little information of him, but from this frame, I'm pretty certain that here, Takiishi is Garuda, or Karura in Japanese Buddhist version.
Garuda in Buddhism is invoked as a symbol of impetuous violent force, speed, and martial prowess.
Karura (迦楼羅), sometimes can go by the name of konjichō (金翅鳥, lit. "gold-winged bird", is a gigantic, fire breathing bird that feeds on dragons/serpents. In Journey to the West, Garuda was subdued by Buddha and served Buddha from then on.
"Ume is associated with fudo myoo, not buddha. He has a sword and fangs, which is how he's usually depicted." - Anon
TYSM anon this really sheds some light into me, I'm rewiring all my thoughts rn!
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such-a-downer · 2 months
I sure would love to know what's the freaking deal with chika and why why why... he's so fixated with destroying ume
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psychicwavementality · 2 months
FUCK YOU TUmblr ENDOSAKU NEG DIFFS IN TWO CHAPS 😭😭😭😭😭🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹 WHHHAAAT THE HELL LMAOOOOOOOOO i'll also analyze THAT certain two spread panel of chiitan and ume later when i'm less tweaky
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tenebriskukris · 4 months
Oshi No Ko Chapter 150 - My Thoughts/Analysis
Well, this chapter was certainly a trip. I have plenty of thoughts about it, but I’ll dig into all of that in a moment. As always, spoilers for Oshi No Ko Ch150 below.
We start of this chapter with an interesting sequence. Aqua in that bloodied hallway again and an apparition of Goro alongside him. This is different from how we’ve seen this happen during Tokyo Blade—which was a flashback to that scene when Aqua was conscious, and spoilers for later in the chapter, when he’s dreaming. 
There might not be much distinction, but the fact that Aqua has gone into this state without anything re-igniting his trauma is also a good sign. Every time he’s been haunted by his past and that bloody hallway he’s always had some trigger to bring him there, but it’s made very clear within this dream sequence itself that now that he knows that Sarina’s alive and smiling happily that that is the reason why he was able to have this amiable conversation with the embodiment of his own trauma, more or less.
I think it would be prudent for me to note here before we go forward that this dream sequence absolutely does not mean that Hoshino Aqua is fundamentally a different entity from Amamiya Goro. We see it quite well throughout the narration during the earlier chapters that the person who is Hoshino Aqua is a continuation of the life and experiences that Amamiya Goro had lived before his soul moved to Aqua’s body. Goro is dead, yes, but to say that they’re separate and completely unrelated entities is a bit of a stretch and goes against what we fundamentally see both here and in all the previous chapters. 
What Aqua is currently experiencing—this disconnect between his past and current self—is quite obviously a trauma response stemming from this dissociation due to the effects of Ai’s death. Aqua hasn’t been dealing with his emotions in a healthy way since Ai’s death, and while on the surface he appears to be relatively stable, the reader knows that that’s further from the truth with his behaviors and actions. Healing hasn’t been on his list of priorities even during that time where he thought Hikaru was already dead. 
But back to the chapter. The apparition Goro says that it won’t be long until he disappears—which is a good sign. With Aqua’s revenge plot via the movie starting to wrap up it seems possible for him to heal from his trauma in a healthy way—I say that as if Hikaru isn’t still walking around. We don’t actually Know how the specifics on how this movie is going to take revenge against Hikaru, especially since as I’ve already stated previously, the majority of the public is fickle and will move to the next interesting topic as soon as it rears its ugly head. If Aqua is counting on the public to unmask Hikaru on its own, he’s going to be in for a rough awakening.
I also find it curious that the apparition says that it’s Aqua’s choice whether or not to kill Hikaru or “enjoy your youth with the girl you like”. The way that this entire conversation is portrayed in the succeeding panels is quite suspicious. That dissociation that Aqua experiences when he says that Ruby only likes Goro instead of Aqua is a really bad case of it. He’s delegating all of the happiness that Ruby’s accrued by being close to him to his past self and accepting none of it for his present identity. Get some therapy! 
It’s also interesting that the apparition pushes Aqua toward Kana when Aqua himself “denies” that the person that Ruby likes is Goro and not Aqua himself. That’s a whole lot of baggage implied in just a few panels. If this Goro-projection wants Aqua to become happy, then pushing him towards Kana makes some degree of sense here—but it isn’t the whole story, not by a long shot, not when we’re already see how much Ruby meant to Aqua.
The entire conversation ends with the Goro projection giving Aqua a choice is one that I plainly dislike for a majority of reasons. How is Aqua going to use this knife? Personally I really dislike this knife metaphor they’re using because it’s so ham-fisted. It’s thematic, yes, but they really couldn’t have done it with more subtlety? We’ve already known that Aqua was hesitating with his whole revenge scheme for 20 chapters or so but just letting us end with that question in mind for this scene after this entire spiral and not going deeper into Aqua’s psyche is frustrating. His narration and thought process has been sorely missing for almost an entire arc now with little substance to justify Why that is.
And now we’re back with Kana. Her reaction to all of this is quite funny because she’s basically being played like a fiddle by Akane as a proxy for “fixing” Aqua. And now we’re finally getting Kana’s thoughts on Aqua throughout the series. It took 3/4ths of the entire series for her to make a move and the only reason she did so is because of Akane’s machinations! She’s had these feelings this whole time and literally only acted on them because of the narrative literally pushing on her to do so! Come the fuck on, girl. You didn’t even have the decency to stand up and fight for him for a good chunk of the manga. This entire bit where she’s being manipulated to be pushed towards Aqua doesn’t make me think more of Kana as a character, personally. It’s actually kind of sad, but Kana isn’t a character that makes me feel anything but pointed annoyance and disdain for awhile now. She’s a romcom character insulated from the majority of the genre and only lifted up to relevance by the narrative itself.
There really isn’t anything more to say about Kana’s part of the chapter, really. Kana asking Aqua if he’s free on a Saturday is—well. During the movie arc we apparently didn’t have time for these small, character-defining moments in exchange for plot—which it did horribly in many aspects, really, and the second it ends we’re back to things being more character focused??? The plot has been stewing in a stagnant lake for literal months out of universe by now. A digression like this is already a slog.
What a completely ass chapter. Ironically enough it’s not for the reasons that a lot of people have been screaming about online. While I dislike the content of may parts of the chapter on an individual level, I have to grudgingly admit that, IF we’re going back to the love triangle plotline then focusing back on Kana’s feelings for Aqua is a necessary move.
The issue is that going back to this love triangle plotline when a) the movie arc’s pacing was complete ass, b) we didn’t get enough insight into Ai and Hikaru in said movie arc, c) Kana’s feelings were already resolved because she said to Aqua that, and I quote, “I don’t see you as a love interest and I never will.” thereby capping out her aspirations for Aqua directly to his face with an extreme amount of difficulty walking it back, d) the fact that both the progression of the story and the revenge plot itself has been stuck in stasis since the movie arc and going back to this love triangle stuff is only going to delay it further.
In any case, while I don’t particularly want to go in depth about the shipping side of things, since we are unfortunately now back to this love triangle bullshit, there's no longer any choice since the revenge plot has now been intertwined with the romance plot. Don’t blame the player, blame the manga. If Oshi No Ko could just get a better handle on its genres, then I wouldn’t have to rub too many braincells together on why romance is supposed to be just as relevant if not moreso to this “revenge” manga. 
This is not going to end well for Kana. While this chapter may be pointing in the opposite direction, it ignores all the chapters that came before it for a simple short term victory for Kana’s sake. It ignores all the context that was given in the past chapters, ignores Kana’s character and the actual main characters around her, and ignores the fact that we already know that they likely don’t actually get together. 
How do we know that? Because of the flashforwards that were handed to us in the first ten or so chapters. I have my own qualms with those interviews that I won’t reiterate here, but the relevant one is the interview that Aqua gave during Chapter 9. We see in said chapter that Aqua gives an interview on how he acts and that, in his words, he doesn’t love anyone. I was wondering about this interview for so long because it essentially takes a sledgehammer to Akane’s chances at the Aquabowl since he’d have little reason to lie to the reporter if he was hitched up with Akane during the time of the interviews.
The main thing to be gleaned here—and what this interview is trying to hammer in—is the fact that, if we take Aqua’s words at face value(and I’ll get to the idea that he’s lying out of his teeth here later), he’s pretty much Done with romance as of this interview. Now, why would the writers decide to add in this interview so early in the Oshi No Ko’s serialization? What are they trying to convey beyond adding things to look forward to during the manga’s runtime? If we believe Aqua here, then he’s still single at the time of the interviews, and any attempts to get in his pants in the meantime are already doomed with failure. Not exactly the best look for Kana’s chances with getting together with Aqua when we’re presented with these interviews.
Of course, if Aqua and Kana do get together, there’s an interpretation to be made that he’s just saying all this as a lie because it’s a public interview and whatnot, but that doesn’t make sense when we know that Kana’s going to graduate from being an idol in-universe. Where the interviews take place in the timeline is still up in the air, but there’ll certainly be some sort of timeskip if we’re to believe Aqua’s longer hair and piercings. Either way, Kana’s going to go back to being an actor, so any hint of romance between her and Aqua would’ve been more accepted by now. There’s little reason to lie in this case. But even if the interviews take place before Kana graduates from being an idol, Aqua’s final words within that page almost seem to seal the deal against Kana. 
To me, acting is revenge. It was a strange thing for Aqua to say openly and a strange thing to hear now that the manga is 150 chapters in. Whether or not it’s also a lie is also up in the air because we see him here with a singular white star eye. Whether or not he’s lying in this instance is irrelevant because in both cases they don’t spell anything good for Kana’s chances to get together with him. Aqua has been consistently keeping Kana in ignorance regarding his revenge plan and the sheer mention of revenge here during the interviews goes against the idea of them getting together. If they did get together by the time of the interviews, it’d be difficult for Aqua to explain to Kana just exactly what he means by his statement when he’s already insulated Kana from his revenge plot in the first place. Aqua’s not stupid enough to self-sabotage like this, especially when he has a singular white star eye.
That’s all my reasoning on a textual level. Subtextually, there’s even more evidence that this isn’t going to go Kana’s way. For one, the events of the most recent three chapters all happened in quick succession. Aqua’s last conversation with Akane was basically Akane showing her hand that she still wants to keep Aqua from achieving his revenge. Soon after that Kana starts doing out of character proactive things in order to win Aqua for herself, and with an insight that she didn’t have previously because of Akane’s help. Do people really think Aqua isn’t going to detect this strange behavior or press Kana on her reasons eventually?
The moment Aqua ferrets out that Akane has been pushing Kana towards Aqua is the moment that the other shoe’s going to drop. It’s kind of a deal breaker in a relationship when your ex tries to pair you up with someone in an attempt to fix you. I think that’ll put Aqua off Kana right quick if and when he figures that out, assuming he doesn’t press Kana about her reasons outright. It’s a dumpster fire waiting to happen, and I’m intrigued to see how bad the fallout’s going to be. Give this girl some lasting goddamn consequences for her actions! It’s almost embarrassing to see her get off scot free for being such an absolute bitch and hypocrite.
There’s also the fact that any sort of relationship with Kana as an idol is teetering towards scandal. Aqua himself noted down the fact that it was dangerous for him to be around Kana when he was under the impression that Hikaru was dead, and while his reasoning may have been motivated by trauma, his analysis there wasn’t wrong. Just another thing people have forgotten with this chapter, but even though an embodiment of your trauma tells you to go for a person in a dream doesn’t immediately mean you’ll get together with them. Please. 
All of this to say that we haven’t even talked about the elephant in the room. Ruby. There is absolutely no universe that she is going to just let Kana take Aqua. Sitting on your hands is a more Kana thing, really. If Akane hadn’t pushed kana in Aqua’s direction, she likely wouldn’t have done anything. In twenty chapters we’ve seen Ruby race forward beyond where Akane and even Kana have been running towards Aqua despite having more than half the manga to fester. She’s not going to take Kana as a romantic rival lying down. 
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himitsuuuy · 10 months
I was reading ch150 in public and my heart sank. FUJIMOTO WHEN I CATCH U
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catcas22 · 10 months
Prince of Death ch150
Prince of Death - Chapter 150 - catcas22 - Elden Ring (Video Game) [Archive of Our Own]
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tarathijewels · 1 year
Choose The Best Imitation Jewellery Online For Wedding
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When it comes to choosing the best imitation jewellery online or buy imitation choker online for a wedding, there are a few factors to consider, including design, quality, and customer reviews. Here are a few options to consider:
AD Statement High Neck choker CH180
AD Statement High Neck choker.
Make material: This beautiful choker is made of copper and brass and American Diamond Stones and has a gold look alike finish to it.
Jewellery details:
Neckpiece — Backrope
Earrings — Pushback
Delivery Time: We take 3 business days to ship any product. After the shipment, it takes 5–7 working days to deliver the product.
Amazing Ad Choker CH150 (Ruby color)
Amazing Ad Choker (Ruby color)
Make material: This beautiful necklace is made of copper and brass with American Diamond stones.
Jewellery details:
Neckpiece — Backrope
Earrings — Pushback
Delivery Time: We take 3 business days to ship any product. After the shipment, it takes 5–7 working days to deliver the product.
It is a popular choice for weddings due to its intricate design and luxurious appearance. Look for online platforms that offer a wide range of Kundan jewellery sets, necklaces, earrings, and maang tikka with high-quality craftsmanship and detailed work.
Temple Jewellery: Temple jewellery is another excellent option for weddings, especially for those looking for a traditional and elegant look. Look for online stores that offer temple jewellery sets with intricate motifs, including necklaces, earrings, bangles, and waistbands.
Amazing Floral Antique Ad stone Neckset N022
Antique Finish Ad stones Necklace set.
Make material: This beautiful necklace is made of copper and brass with American Diamond stones and has a gold look alike finish to it.
Jewellery details:
Neckpiece — Backrope
Earrings — Pushback
Back chain if needed:
Rs.50 extra cost ( ADD ON BEFORE CHECKOUT)
Delivery Time: We take 3 business days to ship any product. After the shipment, it takes 5–7 working days to deliver the product.
While selecting the to buy imitation necklace online for a wedding, pay attention to customer reviews and ratings to ensure the quality and customer satisfaction. It is also important to check the return and refund policies of the online platforms to make sure you have options in case the jewellery does not meet your expectations.
For any queries, call us via WhatsApp on +91 73052 03958
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startswith0 · 1 month
And then ofc i had to look for another case after ch117-121, where Heiji appears and that's ch150-ch153
Love their shenanigans really. Conan needs a friend who can walk at the same pace as him figurativelyand Heiji is very funny lol. I love their friendship
If anyone's truly watching they'll see one kid being very casual calling Heiji by his name, no seniority label, and just acting downright buddies with each other xD
Firstly, this amazing gag by Kudo-san, lmao
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Then their shenanigans xD
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Ik I shall be going thru the rest of Heiji's appearances in the series lol. Not to mention I've forgotten how Kazuha was finally introduced hmmmm so i gottaaa
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fenrhi · 2 years
If it's any consolation, he might not be dead because Lily can't kill people with is scythe so it's more than likely an illusion.
oh my god anon, I just saw your ask two seconds ago when checking Desktop Tunglr..... Mobile Tunglr (which I use 90% of the time) must have sent you to the Shadow Realm or something. You might have been waiting for a long time to get an answer?? Sorry about that.....
I want to say thank you for telling me about Tsurugi, because my fragile heart could not handle him being permanently dead
Maybe he'll show up again in ch150 and say "hello guys, did you miss me? <3" (delusional)
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nagirambles · 2 years
Rambling about Fairies - Manga Chapter 150
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I’ve always wondered if this victory had a purpose outside of comedy. It reminds me of the comedy-victory Naruto vs Kiba, and for the longest time, I felt this was an appropriate win, but kind of a disservice to Cobra, which was a shame. 
But now that I think about it, the duality of real vs fake dragon slayer can be seen in this ending, in a way.
In the Fantasia arc (or wherever it was in the manga), there’s a cutaway scene of Grandine approaching as an orb of light to converse with Igneel. 
That time, to chase her away, Igneel roared. 
Not with his element, but verbally, very loudly, He yelled at her to get the fuck out of his sight. And that’s... well, that’s what dragons do. That’s what beasts do, to establish their territory and superiority over critters that step out of their lane. 
Natsu won here, not with the power of friendship or anything, but with something Igneel taught him from young. It’s not planned or strategized-- it’s just instinct, because that’s more common sense of a predator beast, than an actual tactic. 
He is a real dragon slayer after all, and when a dragon is cornered, he roars to intimidate. A ‘fake’ dragon like Cobra stands no chance against a fierce and animalistic declaration of territory like that, and that’s why he’s caught immediately off guard, and he skitters away, terrified. 
Natsu won, as a dragon slayer. 
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mqfx · 2 years
Pei Su finally raised his head from the mud and croaked, “This, is…m, arks left behind by L, ord Rain Master’s Protection St, eed.”
“Pei Su-gege, your commas are all over the place,” Banyue remarked.
Pei Su replied, “I’m al, right. Lord Rain Master, lord, lord…”
He was stuck on the word “lord”, and couldn’t continue anymore.
Xie Lian wondered, “Could…he be poisoned by the scorpion-snake?”
“Their poison doesn’t work like this…” Banyue said.
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abybweisse · 2 years
Hey Umm…I haven’t been keeping up with the manga and i want to ask you if there’s any other glimpse of Sebastian’s true form after chapter 138?
Ch139's cover/title page shows some of his shapeshifting abilities, and a few pages in, there's a quick flashback to ch138, but that's all that I can think of.
Ch150, however, is kind of notable. Not for demon form but for behavior very much befitting his demonic nature. He shows Lau how he would lure a woman in to trying opium. 😆
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art-heap · 3 years
given that Maki trained with all the dudes from the Kukuru Unit, I’m assuming the guy she slit in half vertically from his waist through his groin had it coming
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every-sanji · 4 years
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Spider Sanji running away to find Nami
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