acumtv · 7 months
Consilier local din Mănăstirea Cașin “colaborator al Securității”
Consilier local din Mănăstirea Cașin “colaborator al Securității” Aldea Gheorghe în prezent consilier local al comunei Mânăstirea Cașin, a fost acționat în instanță, conform legislației în vigoare, de către Consiliul Național de Studiere a Arhivelor Securității (CNSAS). Prin această acțiune instituția amintită urmărește să-i dovedească lui Aldea Gheorghe calitatea de “colaborator” al fostei…
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nicolafioretticom · 2 years
15 gennaio: giornata dedicata alla sicurezza sulla neve
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Torna “Sicuri con la neve”, giornata organizzata dal CAI e dal Corpo Nazionale Domenica 15 gennaio torna “Sicuri con la neve”, la giornata nazionale dedicata alla prevenzione degli incidenti in montagna durante la stagione invernale, organizzata dal Corpo Nazionale Soccorso Alpino e Speleologico in collaborazione con il Club Alpino Italiano. Numerosi gli appuntamenti e gli incontri con il pubblico in tutt’Italia, dedicati a specifici ambiti della sicurezza. Dall’utilizzo del dispositivo Artva, sonda e pala, veri “salvavita” in caso di valanga, alle buone pratiche per affrontare i pendii innevati, lo scialpinismo, le lunghe escursioni invernali, il rischio ipotermia, le tecnologie utili alla sicurezza. Gli incontri vedranno come formatori proprio gli uomini e le donne del Soccorso Alpino, affiancati dagli istruttori del CAI e dalle Guide Alpine. Per noi parlare di prevenzione è un dovere morale, oltre che essere una specifica competenza di legge, la prudenza a livello personale viene prima di qualsiasi competenza tecnica! Per consultare l'elenco degli eventi nelle varie località di rimandiamo al sito ufficiale Read the full article
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fabriziosbardella · 2 years
Parapendio finisce su un albero e il Corpo Nazionale Soccorso Alpino e Speleologico interviene per salvare l’uomo appeso che fortunatamente non aveva ferite gravi. #parapendio #incidenteaereo #voloavela #campodeifiori #carabinieri #crocerossa, #soccorsoalpino #vigilidelfuoco  #CNSAS #clubalpinoitaliano #albero #montagna #fabriziosbardella
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mindblowingscience · 6 days
China will send samples of bricks to its space station in the coming months to test their durability in extreme conditions and potential use in building moon bases. Samples of bricks made of varying compositions from lunar soil simulant will be launched to the Tiangong space station aboard the upcoming Tianzhou 8 cargo mission, according to a report from Chinese state media CCTV. The bricks will be subjected to three years of exposure tests in space. They will be bombarded by ultraviolet light and cosmic rays and subjected to temperature differences. This will test the strength and durability of bricks in extreme environments and how the materials behave in the vacuum of space.
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tolbachik-art · 3 months
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Just a quick little study of Enceladus and Saturn! I might do another piece like this in the future, with a lot more attention to detail; I really love Saturn's moons!
As always, image ID will be in the reblogs. :)
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thererisesaredstar · 27 days
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China races to space domination! (1970)
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comradecowplant · 5 months
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Launch of the Chinese National Space Administration's Long March 5 rocket, beginning the Chang'e-6 lunar mission to collect the first-ever samples from the far side of the moon. May 3 2024
Photos courtesy of the Information and Publicity Office of the [Chinese] National Space Administration via CNSA Watcher
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coucoumacherie · 15 days
NASAs next generation lunar suits will be made in cooperation with Prada and I just find that really funny
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moonwatchuniverse · 2 years
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This Tuesday morning, November 29, 2022, the Chinese Shenzhou-15 mission was launched from the Jiuquan Launch Center to the Tiangong space station. Taikonauts crew at walkout with what looks like Chinese-made “Fiyta” chronographs, strapped over left forearm, no extra wrist watches at first sight. Shenzhou = "divine boat" launched to Tiangong = "sky palace". (Photo: China National Space Administration)
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ufosightingsfootage · 2 years
OMG China's Astronauts Caught Blatantly Using Harnesses "Not In Space"
It's a farce, the Chinese expect to pull the wool over our eye's and the glass of water is on the table.
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sosehpad · 9 days
La CNSA organise une journée dédiée à l'expérimentation pour l'autonomie des personnes âgées et handicapées
📢 Participez à la journée de la CNSA pour valoriser la participation des personnes âgées et handicapées ! 🤝✨ #Inclusion #Autonomie #Participation
Le 1er octobre, la Caisse Nationale de Solidarité pour l’Autonomie (CNSA) organise une journée dédiée à l’expérimentation au service de la participation des personnes âgées et des personnes en situation de handicap. Cet événement, intitulé « Expérimenter au service de la participation des personnes concernées dans le champ de l’autonomie : enjeux opérationnels, potentialités et perspectives »,…
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alexanderrogge · 3 months
RT - Putin signs Moon-station deal with China:
LunarResearchStation #ILRS #LunarExploration #Moon #Roscosmos #CNSA #SpaceExploration #StrategicPartnership #InternationalRelations #Astronomy #SpacePolicy #Policy
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mindblowingscience · 1 year
China wants to put a small constellation of satellites in orbit around the moon to create a radio telescope that would open a "new window" into the universe.  The array would consist of one "mother" satellite and eight mini "daughter" craft. The mother would process data and communicate with Earth, and the daughters would detect radio signals from the farthest reaches of the cosmos, Xuelei Chen, an astronomer at the China National Space Administration (CNSA), said at the Astronomy From the Moon conference held earlier this year in London.  Putting such an array in orbit around the moon would be technically more feasible than building a telescope directly on the lunar surface, a venture that NASA and other space agencies are currently considering as one of the next big steps in astronomy. 
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tolbachik-art · 3 months
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The Third Lover
I had forgotten Father's Day was coming up, and I had only just learned that my father likes Ganymede and Io, so I decided to quickly paint this piece for him!
I really enjoyed working on this; I'm still definitely lacking experience, but I've seen a noticeable increase in the quality of my art since I started painting in values.
I've got a long way to go, but I'm happy to finally be making art I can finally almost be proud of. :)
As always, image ID will be in the reblogs and in the alt text!
P.S. Here's a timelapse of all my artwork this year so far! Please be careful though, as it is fairly flashy, and may trigger those who are photosensitive.
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thererisesaredstar · 1 month
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Our Past, Present, and Future by Li Du (1987)
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