calumsash · 2 years
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it's the idiot bisexual in me i stg
i see a hot man sporting a nice looking mullet and i get a little stupid
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and to that's i say amen!
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uniteds · 1 year
part 2 of stuff that happened in the 2022/2023 football season that should send us into a coma but we’re too desensitized:
for part one go here.
1. the bayern board deciding to sack nagelsmann before the most important game of their season because he showed up to work on a skateboard
2. related: nagelsmann finding out he was sacked through social media while he was away on a ski trip
3. also related: nagelsmann getting dumped the same weekend he lost his job. 
4. todd boehly getting advice on what to do with chelsea from james corden (known west ham fan) and hiring frank lampard
5. tuchel and conte fight
6. the ghana coach taking a selfie with heung min son while son is sobbing after losing in the World Cup
7. the five minutes where both spain and germany were out of the World Cup
8. mourinho being in (and being sampled in!) stormzy’s music video
9. psg’s director of football going down to the field to curse them out
10. aguero turning up to the world cup celebrations in a full kit 
11. the pope summoning atletico madrid’s physio all the way to the vatican to treat him
12. arsenal bottling the title (2023 version)
13. rebekah vardy tried to trademark the phrase wagatha christie
14. luis enrique saying ferran torres will never play football again if he did the pacifier celebration after scoring
15. jose saying the only club he doesn’t have any feelings for is tottenham hotspur
16. mason mount having a stalker
17. jack grealish discovered what a camel is
18. the saudi team getting new cars during the World Cup
19. cho gue sung telling ronaldo to fuck off and then getting flooded with marriage proposals 
20. the princess of spain having a crush on gavi
21. luton town promoted so now you have to walk through some guy’s garden to get to their stadium
22. the gio reyna and gregg berhalter usmnt saga
23. the pogba/mbappe witch doctor saga
24. ac milan sacked maldini and now the players all wanna leave
25. conte’s press conference where he basically said “it’s the history of the tottenham” 
26. barcelona winning the league at espanyol and then the espanyol fans chasing the barca players off the pitch
27. the one pitch invader who pushed eddie howe
28. ac milan having to answer to their ultras after a match
29. calum wilson and antonio laughing at richarlison for flopping
30. klopp doing his hamstring and adding to liverpool’s injury problems
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calpalirwin · 1 year
Ice Breaker
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Summary: Thea had her reasoning as to why she didn’t like hockey players. Until Calum makes her re-evaluate her opinion.
Word Count: 6.1k
And away, and away we go!
Thea didn’t mind the frigid air of the ice skating rink. What she did mind was the group of hockey players already on the bleachers, their gear scattered around as they laced up.
Thea hated hockey season. She hated how their brutish nature of yelling and slamming into each other was a constant cause of distraction. Hated the smell of sweat that always clung to their gear and their bodies, as if they had no idea how to operate a washing machine or a shower. And she hated their sense of entitlement. Not to the rink— no, that was rightfully theirs— but their sense of entitlement to her. As if she was there merely for their sake and desires.
Coach Anderson had always held a zero tolerance for disrespect or harassment, to the point of banning players from his team. But even the strictest of policies hadn’t been enough to deter the most determined.
She kept her face neutral of any contempt or disdain as she staked her claim at the bottom of the bleachers.
“Excuse me, miss?” one of the men called out to her. “Were you planning on using the rink?”
Thea clicked her tongue in her cheek as she looked over at the man. Dark brown curls, wild and loose framed his face, and equally dark brown eyes studied her closely. His black jersey lay slung over his broad shoulders. “No,” she smiled sweetly at him. “I just came to the ice rink with a bag of gear to sit here for three hours.”
The man laughed. “Real funny, princess. But I got the schedule from the coach right here in my bag. And I hate to break it to you, but this is our practice time for the next eight months.”
“Four months,” Thea corrected. “Your season is four months.”
“For the regular season. But we’re in training for the first two months. Then the actual season. And then playoffs which are an extra two months. And that, princess, is how to count to eight,” the man clarified.
“So I’ll be rid of you in six,” she grinned. “I shall count the days!”
The man laughed again. “Tell you what, princess. Since you’re already here, and we would hate to see you freeze waiting on us, I’ll talk to the coach, and see if we can’t work something out for today.”
“Or I can talk to the coach myself. See if I can’t work something out for today. Wouldn’t want you boys to freeze or anything.” Her voice was rich with sweet sarcasm.
The man scoffed, sweeping a large hand in the direction of the hallway that led to the offices. “Be my guest, princess. Fair warning through, Coach Anderson can be a bit of a hardass.”
“Ooo, I’d be careful how you refer to your coach,” Thea winced.
“As would I,” Coach Anderson said as he walked into view, his co and assistant coaches a step behind. “Thea, sweetheart, how are you?” he asked with a warmth that had his team looking at each other in surprise.
“I’m good,” she smiled, giving the coach a hug hello. “Although there appears to be an issue with your scheduling. You double booked yourself.”
Coach Anderson pinched the bridge of his nose. “Shit. I always want to think you end at three, not start at three.”
“You know, if I didn’t know any better I’d say you do this on purpose as a chance to see me.”
“I don’t do it on purpose,” Coach Anderson said with a laugh. “I’ll look everything over and find a work around. As for today… Peter, let’s get set up on half the rink. We’ll let Thea use the other half.”
Peter Steele, the assistant coach nodded once before jogging off.
Coach Anderson clapped his hands together. “Alright! Thea, have you met the team?”
“Briefly,” she said, her eyes sweeping over the twelve men who sat on the bleachers, still watching the interaction between the head coach and the figure skater with both intrigue and shock.
“Thea, this is the team. First line I have Hood, Irwin, and Hemmings as my forwards. Fleming and DeLuca are the defensemen. And then Clifford’s goalie.”
Each man waved a hand in greeting, first the dark haired man whom she had spoken with, a man with light brown curls, two blondes, another brunette, and another blonde.
Coach Anderson then prattled off the names of his second line, but Thea kept her focus on Hood and the arrogance that radiated off him as he stared blankly back at her. “And I’m still working on a practice schedule for the third and fourth lines. Gentlemen, this is Thea Anderson, my daughter.”
Eleven men coughed uncomfortably. The twelfth— Hood— only widened his eyes, the only indication he gave of the news shocking him. “I apologize for the overlap of schedules and will work on getting that fixed. However, I think we’ve wasted enough time, so let’s get to it.”
Thea paid them no mind as they all headed out on the ice. As she readied herself, she let the sounds of the sticks hitting ice, the yells and grunts of the players, and the shouted commands and whistles of the coaches all fade to a nonexistent hum.
By the time her skates were laced and she made her way to the ice, her focus was solely on her own movements: each push off, jump, spin, and landing. Flawless and graceful execution. No room for error.
For the twelve hockey players and three coaches, playing with only half a rink was a challenge, given the less than ideal space. Cramped, but not impossibly so.
Hood, in a state of hypervigilance, saw how Thea pushed herself into a backwards skate with her right foot. He also saw the left defender shoot the puck, the trajectory destined to cross the figure skater’s path. Hood rushed towards it.
Thea noticed the black blur of the puck hurtling towards that red center line, saw its trajectory same as Hood, and adjusted, jumping as Hood continued to race towards her to stop the puck.
Thea completed her spin as Hood slid to a halt, his skates showering her in sparks of shaved ice, and he sent the puck flying across the rink towards his left forward. Breathless, and a little pleased he’d managed to pull that off without colliding with Thea or even crossing the center line, he shot a grin at her. “Pretty jump there, princess,” he complimented.
She scoffed at him, brushing the shards of ice off her skirt. “And I suppose I should thank you for saving me from nothing?”
“That puck would have tripped you if I hadn’t stopped it,” he pointed out.
“No it wouldn't because unlike you, I’m aware of my space.”
Hood glanced down at the red center line, the toe of his skate right along the edge on his side. “As am I,” he said smugly.
“You’re a brute,” she hissed.
“If it so pleases, Your Highness,” he grinned like the fool he was, before he sketched a bow that even Thea had to admit was rather graceful despite his size and gear.
“Hood!” Coach Anderson barked with a sharp look at both his player and his daughter.
Hood pushed himself backward, still bowing. Thea scowled at the theatrics, at the smug look on his face, as he skated away and turned his attention back on his teammates and that infernal black puck.
The following day when Thea walked into the arena, the men that made up her father’s team were already out on the ice.
She scowled as she stalked over to the bleachers and laced up. If Coach Anderson was so insistent on sharing the ice, then he could have the burden of making sure his players stayed out of her way.
“Thea, sweetheart!” her father greeted, skating towards the edge of the rink closest to her.
“I thought you fixed the schedule.”
“I did!” the man beamed. “We have…” he glanced over at the clock on the wall, “a half hour left. They’re gonna start their cool down exercises so we won’t have any pucks flying around. It was the best solution I could come up with.”
“Mmm, how thoughtful…”
“Thea…” Coach Anderson said in a low warning.
“It’s not you I have the problem with, Dad. It’s them,” she clarified with a pointed glance at the team.
“They haven’t done anything to you, have they?”
“Not them specifically.”
Coach Anderson’s jaw tightened. “I traded that entire part of the roster, and made it very clear to this team that I won’t tolerate any indication of disrespect or harassment.”
“I know. And I hope you know I appreciate the lengths you have gone through for my sake. But they view kindness as a weakness, so it’s easier if I’m a bitch from the start.”
Coach Anderson rested a hand on his daughter’s shoulder. “Your kindness is your greatest strength, don’t let anybody make you feel that it’s not.”
“Thanks, Dad.”
“Of course. Now, feel like showing these men what you’re capable of?”
“Suicides? Let them think they have a chance, at least?”
The father and daughter shared a grin, as Coach Anderson blew his whistle. “Line up!” was the barked command.
The twelve men scurried to line up along one of the goal lines waiting for the next order. They kept their focus straight ahead even as Thea joined them in the line up. “Alright, gentlemen. We had a good practice, so I’m gonna give you the opportunity to earn a little reward here. One suicide across the rink.”
The men blinked in confusion. “That’s all, Coach?” one of them asked.
“That’s all,” Coach Anderson nodded. “One suicide stands between you and an early end to practice. However, if Thea finishes before you, you all will be doing suicides until practice officially ends.”
One of the players raised their hand.
“Yes, Hood?”
“To clarify, does place matter? So as long as Thea doesn’t finish first, we win? Or does she have to finish thirteenth for us to win?”
“You’re a team, Hood. If one member finishes before Thea, you all win. That’s what? A ninety-two percent chance at success? Sounds more than fair, right?”
“Yes Coach!” was the uniform response.
“Full rink. On my mark. Ready. Set.” Coach Anderson blew the whistle.
The players were quick to fly back and forth across the ice, gaining the lead early. Thea skated towards the end of the pack, pacing herself, playing the long game.
By the center line, the players started to fall on the return, as Thea made her way to the middle of the pack, still keeping a comfortable pace.
The men ahead of her pushed themselves harder to keep their lead as they skated for the goal line.
“Dig deep!” was the encouraged shout from the coaches as they hit the goal line, and skated back across the rink.
Thea passed more of them as they reached the second blue line. And as she headed out for the last round of goal line to goal line, only Hemmings, Hood, and Irwin were ahead of her.
Despite their longer strides, Thea passed Hemmings by the center line, and then Irwin as she hit the goal line. Hood was only a few feet away, passing the blue line.
All that lay between Hood and victory was a clean shot across the rink. He had a small but decent lead, and a longer stride.
Thea lengthened her own stride, feeling the stretch in her leg muscles. By the center line she was half a step behind.
Hood grit his teeth, and put as much speed in his strides as he could, already having maxed out how far he could extend his legs between each stride.
The toes of their skate hit the final goal line at the same time.
Thea nodded at Hood, conceding graciously. She opened her mouth to extend her congratulations, but Coach Anderson spoke up first. “Good effort, but not quite good enough. Line up!”
“Coach,” Hood replied, his voice coming out as heavy as his breathing. “With all due respect, you said Thea had to finish first. She didn’t. We both did.”
Coach Anderson’s eyes darkened, ready to tear his player apart for daring to question orders.
“Dad,” Thea interjected. “He’s right. You were very clear that I had to make it to the line first. And I didn’t. So unless Hood is up for a tie-breaker, your team’s free to go.”
“What kind of tie breaker do you have in mind?” Hood asked, intrigued.
“3 laps around the rink. If we tie, you lose. If I win, you lose.”
“You got yourself a deal,” Hood agreed, offering her his hand.
She shook it, sealing the bet.
“Take your marks then,” Coach Anderson relented. “But, Hood, if Thea wins, I’m adding an extra 5 minutes for your impertinence.”
“Understood, Coach.” Then he focused those intense brown eyes on Thea. “Am I allowed to shed some gear to make the odds more even?”
“You could skate in your underwear for all I care, Hood. I could even skate backwards and blindfolded, you’re still going to lose.”
“That’s a bold statement. Hope you can back it up,” he told her as he shucked his helmet, gloves, and jersey, discarding them on the lip of the wall surrounding the rink. “And it’s Calum.”
“I didn’t ask.”
When Coach Anderson blew the whistle, Calum skated like his life depended on it. Not only did he want to prove her words wrong, he wanted to pull through for his team. Ten minutes of suicides— fifteen in Calum’s case— would be an excruciating end to practice. Then there was the scathing lecture the team would receive about their lack of discipline for failure, and the personal one-on-one reaming Calum would get afterward for his attitude.
But a victory… A victory might earn him only a stern reminder at most. And the gratitude of his team.
While Calum had more reasons to win than he could count, Thea had zero. It didn’t matter to her whether or not she won. No threat of punishment loomed over her head as she and Calum raced around the rink. Just the pride that came with putting hockey players in their place. To show that she was a force to be reckoned with in her own right.
Every part of Calum was on fire as he fought to at least keep pace with Thea as they entered the final lap. Calum raced down the straightaway letting his speed carry him through the turn, using the chance to catch his breath, determined to hit the last straightaway with everything he had. His lungs burned. Sweat trickled down his spine. Even though a tie would mean he lost, it was still better than a complete blow out.
Thea pulled ahead as they hit the last turn, and he mentally braced for the inevitable defeat. But as she came out of the turn, Thea slowed. At first Calum assumed it was so she could stop just over the line, and she had somehow misjudged the distance as he went past her, crossing first. But the soft smile she flashed his way told him that she had let him win. But what for? “Good race,” she continued to smile, offering out her hand.
He didn’t dare question her reasoning for throwing the race in his favor now. He engulfed her hand in his larger one. “Good race.”
“Alright,” Coach Anderson said, a slight edge of confusion in his tone. “Hit the showers and I’ll see you all tomorrow. Hood, hang back a second, please.”
Calum squared his shoulders. While he knew he should consider himself lucky, and was indeed grateful to Thea for saving him and his team a grueling five extra minutes of practice, he hoped whatever Coach Anderson wanted to discuss didn’t include being benched to curb Hood’s impertinence. “Yes, Coach?” he replied once the rest of the team made their swift exit towards the locker rooms. None wanted to be privy to whatever hell Coach Anderson had planned.
Even Thea had managed to make herself disappear out of immediate earshot as she started to practice a series of jumps on the other side of the rink.
“Good effort out there today.”
“T-thank you, Coach,” Calum faltered over his words. This was so far from how he imagined this conversation happening.
“But if you ever have the boldness to act disrespectful in regards to me, the other coaches, or any of our judgments again, your time on this team will be incredibly short-lived.”
“Understood, Coach,” Calum nodded.
Coach Anderson clapped the younger man on the shoulder. “And at some point I would thank Thea. Rightfully so, she’s not overly friendly toward hockey players. And she wasn’t being overly confident about being able to outskate you blindfolded and backwards. I’ve seen her do it before. So the fact that she threw both races in your favor is beyond me. Now, hit the showers and get out of here.”
“Yes, Coach. And thank you.”
Calum wasted no time in heading for the locker room, in the event Coach Anderson changed his mind.
“Why did you let them win?” Coach Anderson asked as soon as Calum had left, and Thea skated back towards her father.
She skidded to a halt in front of the coach. “Same reason you let him off easy. Kindness is our greatest strength, isn’t it?”
Coach Anderson shook his head, chuckling lightly. “That it is. But I didn’t expect you to be so quick to set aside your reservations.”
“I’m not. I’m merely giving them a clean slate to work on. And there’s a fine line between being confident and being cocky,” she began to skate around the coach in a lazy loop as she elaborated further. “They’re confident. As they should be, they have all the markings of being great players. I assume you saw as much because they’re on your team. But I also know you don’t put players on your team solely because they’re good at hockey. I don’t know your team enough to pass my own judgment on them, so I’m trusting yours. I’m willing to see in them what you see in them, until proven otherwise.”
“I wonder who you learned such wisdom from.”
“Mom,” Thea laughed, jumping into a perfect spin. “Plus, your team was at a disadvantage. You had been running them ragged for who knows how long, whereas I just got here, fully energized. A few of them might have genuinely beaten me in the first run if it had been the beginning of their practice. If I want to win, I want it to be because I’m truly better.”
“Fair enough. So you think you can manage to share a half hour with them?”
“Yeah I think that’ll be fine,” she smiled.
Coach Anderson bid his daughter farewell, and Thea returned to running through her practice routine. The team slowly filtered out of the locker room, offering her a friendly wave or a shout of thanks on their way out the door. And while she acknowledged them in return, neither her nor the players engaged in further interaction. Not until Calum finally trudged out, his bag slung over one shoulder, and his skates slung over the other.
He dropped both of them at his feet, mindful to not damage his skates. Then he leaned against the wall of the rink dividing him from her. “You let me win. Why?”
“It wasn’t a fair match. You had already had your practice. I was just beginning mine.”
“All the more reason you should have mopped the floor with us. You had the upper hand, and you don’t like us. So to give up an easy win like that…”
“If I win, I want it to be because I’m truly better. Not because you’re already fatigued. And I never said I didn’t like you guys.”
“You didn’t have to. Your attitude towards us speaks for itself.”
“Not being fond of hockey players doesn’t equate to me outright disliking them.”
“Fair enough. I wouldn’t be fond of hockey players either. I’ve heard some of us are brutes.” He flashed her a knowing grin.
“As long as you’re aware you’re a brute,” she responded airly.
Calum laughed. “Well, I prefer to earn my victories too. So any time you want that rematch…”
“I’m sure we’ll be able to find each other.”
“See ya tomorrow, princess.”
“Rest up, brute.”
The next few weeks, Thea set aside her reservations as she utilized the hockey team’s cool down exercises as her own warm up.
She learned a lot about the team in daily half hour increments. Most of them had girlfriends. They all enjoyed a drink or two, except Ashton who was sober and more than happy to play designated driver. All twelve players that made up Coach Anderson’s first and second string had almost always played together on the same team, and as a result were all really decent friends, but the bond that the first string players had was a lot stronger than the bond the second string players shared.
In return, they tried to learn what they could about their honorary thirteenth, but Thea offered them as little information as she could. Opening herself up meant dealing with their questions, or worse. From what they were able to gather, they could reasonably assume that Thea practiced daily, but only worked with her coach during competition season, and that she was closest in age to Luke.
Usually, Calum hated how much his life was on display. Hated the unfair power dynamic it created with someone knowing so much while he knew so little in return. But with Thea, he found himself enthralled by it. He knew what he needed: that she was elegance and grace incarnated, and that she was more disciplined than any one he’d ever encountered before. As far as he was concerned, everything else was a matter of details. And he was certain that details would only enhance the big picture that was Thea Anderson, and he didn’t need to be more distracted by her presence than he already was.
As training came to a close in preparation for the opening season, Coach Anderson gathered his men at the end of one of the practices. “Gentlemen. Our first game of the season is tomorrow, so we won’t have practice. However, you need to be here at five. You don’t want to know what happens if you’re late. Is that understood?”
“Yes Coach!”
“Dismissed. Thea?”
“I’ll keep an eye on the time so I don’t conflict with your game, I know,” she told him.
“Thank you, but that’s not what I want to discuss.”
“The team we’re playing tomorrow… As much as you are welcome to the rink for your practice, and as much as I would enjoy having you with us for our first game… Estrada is on the other team’s roster.”
Thea paled. “Oh…”
“So I understand if you need to be elsewhere.”
“No.” Thea shook her head and drew up her body as tall as she could. “No. He took enough. I won’t give him the satisfaction of thinking he took this away from me, too.”
Coach Anderson nodded once in understanding. They both knew Thea could face whatever bullshit Donovan Estrada threw her way. She’d done it once before.
The following afternoon, Thea was surprised at how off she felt as she began her practice. She chalked it up to nerves about potentially running into Donovan, but when Calum walked in fifteen minutes early, she was shocked to realize it wasn’t nerves about the game at all.
She had become used to starting her practice as they ended theirs. Used to their loud laughs coming out of the locker room, and their friendly waves goodbye. Used to their presence, Calum’s in particular. She swallowed the patheticness of it all.
He offered her a two fingered wave and a broad smile. “Hey! Glad to have the whole rink to yourself the whole time?” he asked, leaning his forearms against the wall.
“It’s so quiet,” she said, flashing him a wide grin.
Calum laughed, his head tilting back. “Aw! The princess misses the brutes!”
“Shut up,” she laughed with him, pink coloring her cheeks.
“You staying for the game?” he asked.
“Aw, the brute misses the princess, too!” she mocked. “I’m still undecided. Not the biggest fan of who you’re playing.”
“Oh yeah, some of ‘em used to play for your dad. Hmm… Damn, that’s something.”
“What?” she paused.
“Nothing,” he said with a small shake of his head. “Just wondering if it’s all connected. Must have been pretty bad if it is.”
She stiffened. “It’s none of your business, Hood.” The words came out colder and harsher than she had ever spoken to him before, even on that first meeting.
Calum raised his hands in surrender. “Not trying to make it my business. But I know it would mean a lot to the team if you could find the strength to stay. Hell, it would mean a lot to me.”
She would have teased him for that, and he knew she was about to based on how a slow smirk spread across her lips. But he was saved from the back and forth taunting as the rest of the team slowly started to trickle in. So Calum pounded his fists against the lip of the wall in two quick thuds. “Be real cool if you stayed,” he said before following his team towards the locker rooms.
Thea stayed frozen in place until Calum was out of her line of sight. She took a few deep cleansing breaths to steady her racing heart. She didn’t want to leave. She didn’t want to give Donovan the satisfaction of thinking he had ruined her safe haven. But Calum wasn’t stupid. He knew too much. And while she had zero plans to interact with Donovan, on the off chance she did and Calum witnessed it, he would be able to put all the pieces together. She wasn’t sure which reality was worse: one where Calum knew the truth about why Coach Anderson had a brand new team and judged her for it, or pitied her for it. And if he shared any of his suspicions with the rest of the team…
She shook her head. No. She was certain that Calum had been honest when he told her he wasn’t trying to make her business his business. She had to put her trust in that. In him.
In the end she decided to stay, setting herself up right behind the players’ bench on the home team’s side. And she felt sure she had made the right choice by the excited smiles that lit up the team’s faces when they all came out. “Glad you stayed,” Calum told her, his gloved hand resting on top of hers. A brief moment of warmth that would have been over as quickly as it happened if it hadn’t been for a harsh bark of laughter.
Calum’s head whipped to the source of the sound, noting how Thea’s hand stiffened under his. “Estrada,” she said coldly.
Donovan ignored her, his sneer focused full force on Calum. “I’d be careful getting close to this one. Her daddy might trade you, too.”
“You got traded because you’re as shitty a player as you are a man,” Thea spat, the tightness in her body that once was fearful panic now tightly controlled anger.
Donovan’s hands clenched into fists and Thea laughed, an eerily lifeless sound that chilled Calum down to the bone. “Oh? You’re gonna hit me again, Donny? Go ahead. Seeing as how that worked out for you so well the last time.” Her voice was low and lethal as she took a dangerous step forward, leaning up on the tips of her toes to get as close to Donovan’s face as she could. “Be more than happy to break your nose again. Straighten it back out.”
Quick as a flash, Donovan’s hand snaked around Thea’s other wrist. And the way her breath hitched in pain was the final straw in this meeting for Calum. “Let her go,” he said with a steady calmness.
Donovan turned his attention back to Calum, hand still gripping Thea, a terribly cruel smile on his lips. “And what are you? My replacement? The princess’s bodyguard?”
“Nah, mate,” Calum replied, his tone almost bored. “Thea doesn’t need a bodyguard for one thing. And for another, I don’t play anybody’s replacement, especially not some shitty excuse for a man like yourself.”
Donovan dropped Thea’s wrist as more players from both teams started coming out of the locker rooms.
Thea watched the silent stand off between the men. Donovan’s face was twisted in a sneer, barely containing the rage radiating off him; Calum the epitome of relaxed ease, his anger tightly restrained. Two sides of the same coin. Thea cradled her wrist to her, the skin tender and red. She gave the barest shake of her head as Coach Anderson walked by, worry in his eyes.
“Count your days,” Donovon hissed after Coach Anderson passed before stalking off himself.
Thea felt her knees go weak. “Whoa, steady,” Calum said, his hands flying to her waist, his hold delicate. “Are you alright?”
Thea shook her head. “No. And I wouldn’t suggest making an enemy out of him. Not for my sake.”
“What if I wanted to make him an enemy for my sake?” Calum asked, the corners of his lips pulling up in a playful smirk.
“Don’t,” she said, her voice strong. “He’s part of my past for a reason. Leave it that way.”
Calum dropped the smirk. “With all due respect, I’m not sure if I can.” And without saying another word, or entertaining another argument from her on the matter, Calum walked off to join the rest of his team.
“That one,” Coach Anderson overheard as Calum fixed his stare on Donovan. “Number 83. Find any excuse to hit him. Hard.”
Ashton snorted, “And what could he have possibly done to already royally piss you off?”
“None of your damn business,” Calum snapped. “Hit him, or I’ll hit you into him, is that understood?”
Ashton clicked his tongue in his cheek, taking note of how Calum’s eyes flickered to watch Thea settle herself behind their bench, before flickering back over to Donovan. Watching. Studying. “What did he do to her?” Ashton asked, keeping his voice low.
“I’m not sure of all the details, but there was some sort of abuse.”
Ashton cracked his knuckles.
The game was brutal, even by hockey standards. The crowd cheered and winced whenever a player was slammed into the plexiglass barrier. No one seemed to note, however, that oftentimes it was Estrada who was shoved up against the wall. No one except those involved, and Thea.
Thea couldn’t control the gasp that escaped her as the plexiglass barrier in front of her shook with the force of Donovan being slammed into it.
The referee blew his whistle, calling a penalty on Calum for boarding. Calum merely shrugged as he skated off towards the penalty box, Donovan shooting daggers at him the whole time. Thea slowly made her way through the crowd to get closer to the penalty box. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?” she hissed at Calum.
“Playing,” he answered with that same bored tone.
She rolled her eyes. “I told you to leave him alone. You don’t know what he’s capable of doing.”
“And I told you,” Calum replied, his words coming out cold and harsh, “that I can’t let it go. And I can handle him.”
“Calum, please.”
The plea in her voice and body language irritated Calum. Thea was scared, and he hated it. “I’m sorry, Thea. I’m so sorry,” was all he said before he jumped back into the game.
To his credit, Calum laid off Donovan for the remainder of the game. But Ashton and Luke picked up his slack, and Donovan still had it out for Calum.
Donovan bided his time, taking the hits from Ashton and Luke and adding it to the specific style of hell he would leash upon Calum, and when he saw his opening, he didn’t hesitate.
“Hood!” Calum heard the shouted warning moments before his head slammed into plexiglass.
Helmets clattered to the ice and a fist was on a collision course with his jaw. Calum never heard the whistle as he tackled Donovan onto the ice, both of their fists flying. If Donovan wanted a fight, he was gonna get a fight, consequences be damned. Calum didn’t care if he got thrown out of the game, if Coach Anderson benched him for the rest of the season, or if he even got blacklisted from the league entirely. All he cared about was making sure Donovan knew that there were no lengths Calum wouldn’t go through for Thea’s sake.
Calum wasn’t aware of Ashton and Luke physically dragging him away down towards the locker room, the rest of the team and the coaches following in a hurry. He wasn’t aware of anything except a blinding desire to go back out and finish his fight with Donovan. Nothing until Thea’s face appeared in his line of vision, worry making her eyebrows crease together.
“Oh, Calum,” she mused, her touch gentle as she traced the bruising on his face.
“You should see the other guy,” he tried to smirk. “And since when do you call me ‘Calum’?”
“That is your name, isn’t it?”
“You know what I mean.”
She sighed, and there was a beat of silence as the locker room emptied. “Why’d you do it?” she asked, her voice a low whisper despite them now being alone.
“It’s stupid to explain. But I feel… protective of you, in a way I don’t fully understand. I don’t know the full history between you and Estrada, and it makes no difference to me if you tell me it all, or you don’t. Well it does make a difference, but not that way, if that makes sense. Like I still would want to beat him to a pulp. I still do want to beat him to a pulp. I want to make him pay for every ounce of hurt he ever caused you because I’m not the type to stand to the side. And the way you reacted around Estrada… I know I would do anything to make sure nobody ever makes you feel that way because… because you, Thea, are… you’re…”
“I’m what?”
“You are… unexpected. In the best way possible. Every time I think I got you figured out, you find a new way to surprise me. So, for what it’s worth, I’m sorry if I overstepped, or made you feel that I don’t think you can handle your own shit.”
She pondered on his words, saw the sincerity in his face, his beautifully bloodied face. “You’re right. That was stupid to explain.”
Calum scowled as much as he could. “Gee, thanks. Pouring my heart out over here.”
“Pouring your heart out? ‘Sorry I pummeled your ex during a game where I’m supposed to be a professional, but you’re just so unexpected!” she mocked, batting her eyes at him for extra effect.
He chuckled. “I didn’t say I was sorry for fighting him. I said I was sorry if you found me defending you offensive.”
“Well I accept your apology, Calum.”
“That’s four times now you’ve actually called me by my name. You can’t tell me that’s coincidental.”
Thea shrugged “I’m unexpected, what can I say?” Then, her lips brushed lightly against Calum’s cheek. “And for what it’s worth, I care about you, too. More than I ever thought I could care about a hockey br— Sorry. Hockey player. Not brute. Matter of fact, let’s just agree that I’ll never call you a brute again, so long as you never call me a princess.”
“Deal,” Calum easily agreed, as his playful nickname for her had been tainted the moment in rolled off Donovan’s lips with such disgust. “And Thea? Provided I’m not about to walk out of here and lose my job, and uh, maybe after my face heals up, would you maybe wanna go out to dinner?”
“You owe me a rematch on that race, first. And if you win, then you can take me out.”
“And if I lose?”
“I don’t see that happening.”
Tag List
@aquarius-hood1996 @creator-appreciator @philthepegacorn @myfavfanficsever @youngblood199456 @stormrider505 @iknowyouthinkimbulletproof @hoodhoran @metalandboybands @maybeememez @1weekago @simpracha @binxiboo @xxxlaura @victoria432stuff @maedesculpaeusoubi @hfkait @moviefangirl17 @vc55bughead
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Lashton + Malum Masterlist
17 Again (ao3) - carolinagirl178, Pink_Strawberries G, 12k
Summary: Or when high school drop out Michael Clifford is given a cake with 28 candles by his 2 best friends and told to make a wish, he wishes for a second chance, which is exactly what he gets.
all that counts is here and now (my universe will never be the same) (ao3) -  ashisonthefloor G, 9k
Summary: Michael bumps into the cute pet store worker named Calum and develops a crush. hijinks and lots of pining ensue. Ashton and Luke might fall in love along the way.
and I breathe disaster, ever after (ao3) - expectopatronuz T, 25k
Summary: The Winter Soldier lands, and if Calum felt heavy before, now he feels empty. Everything inside of Calum, his heart and lungs and stomach and throat, they all drop right down to his feet. Calum is dizzy, he’s breathing but nothing is coming in. His mind is blank, every moment of his life up to this minute, gone. None of it matters, not a moment, except for this; Calum reaching out, the handle tearing away from the side of the train, and the way his heart fell out of his chest when he realized that there was nothing he could do, that it was too late.
or, Calum is Captain America and Michael was his best friend (and maybe more)
Butterfly (ao3) - merlypops M, 29k
Summary: Luke is depressed and Ashton makes him feel loved (and maybe Luke returns the favour too). Also Malum. Yes.
changing flights so you’d stay with me (ao3) - bellawritess T, 9k
Summary: Or: five times Calum saw Michael in an airport, and the one time Michael saw Calum.
Club of Misfits (ao3) - felixandtae T, 274k
Summary: ❝Everyone has flaws. You me, Michael and Ashton - we’re all just a club of misfits.❞
A club for those who need a friend created by two best friends.
Coffee Boy (ao3) - Jay_isnotokay M, 12k
Summary: Calum Hood has a crush on a barista, plenty of coffee making ensues.
Court Five (ao3) - takemymoneycth E, 21k
Summary: A story in which a young college tennis player maybe likes his new coach a little too much.
flowers in your hair (boys can’t be pretty) (ao3) - prettyluke (parting_ways) N/R, 71k
Summary: Ashton has been in love with the pretty boy next door since he was seven. Luke has called Ashton home since he was five. They grew up with the daisy field behind their houses, but nobody told them that they couldn’t love anywhere else.
Hold my hand and kiss my cheek darling (the world is watching us) (ao3) - Abbypd G, 23k
Summary: “But why do I need a fake boyfriend to come out?” Ashton asked, glaring at his manager – a woman in her forties who usually knew exactly what she was talking about. This time, the young singer wasn’t too sure. “Because why else would you have waited for two whole years to come out? With a boyfriend you can just tell them you didn’t know you were into guys until you met him. It will be romantic and everybody will love it.”
Or Luke and Ashton are both idiots who are too scared to admit that their kisses aren’t just for the cameras.
It must be Magic (ao3) - tigerlily_sunshine T, 120k
Summary: It’s only Calum’s words playing on repeat in his mind, “Michael’s my friend,” that keeps Michael firmly planted in place. He doesn’t quite believe them. He hasn’t really spoken to Calum since the first few months of their first year at Hogwarts when they finally realized what everybody’d been telling them all along: Slytherins can’t be friends with other houses.
(In which Michael is a friendless Slytherin who doesn’t really belong anywhere, but Calum is bound and determined to prove him otherwise.)
Le Chatelier’s Principle (ao3) - LyricalPary (hoseoky) E, 54k
Summary: Ever since being promoted to head waiter, Luke had had one problem that came in the form of a six foot, curly-headed, hazel eyed demon. And by demon, he meant his frustratingly stubborn, unfairly attractive co-worker, Ashton Irwin.
Line Work (ao3) - ashtonhours (heartandmindxx) M, 21k
Summary: Ashton Irwin, 07/07/94, no known medical conditions and not under the influence of drugs or alcohol – and originally from Sydney, as it turns out – is looking to get a bird on his neck.
“A California condor,” he says for about the twelfth time, “on my nape.”
a story about boundaries, trust, and a line in the sand.
Mixology (ao3) - dafeedil E, 23k
Summary: In which Michael is reeling from a recent breakup, Calum has just flunked a semester of university, Luke has never taken a risk in his life, and Ashton has taken too many.
One night, four boys, one Los Angeles bar. A recipe for…well, quite possibly, not disaster.
(or, they all meet at a bar and fall hopelessly in love for the night. Only, it’s actually a lot more than that.)
Popstar (ao3) - L4sht0n T, 54k (WIP)
Summary: Luke didn't need a fake boyfriend. He had some problems, every celebrity had some problems. Drug, sex and alcohol was Luke's getaway, but there was nothing wrong with it. A bit problematic yes, but he did nothing wrong. Luke was losing fans because of his bad behaviour, and he was kind of an asshole. Luke could admit this. But he didn't need a fake boyfriend. He didn't need Ashton Irwin to play his fake boyfriend and clean up his mess. If Luke's management wanted to clean up Luke so badly they should just hire a cleaning lady. Luke didn't need a fake boyfriend, didn't want it. Then why did the fake relationship feel so real?
Tell Me I’m Pretty (ao3) - felixandtae E, 84k
Summary: “Wearing skirts and putting make up on doesn’t make me a girl. I have a dick and I can very well show you it. Just tell me I’m pretty, Luke.”
Ashton likes to wear make up and Luke likes when Ashton wears make up. But, Luke doesn’t like Ashton and Ashton doesn’t like Luke. So how did they end up fucking in the auditorium every Friday night?
the situation is like a mountain that’s been weighing on my conscience - @sup3rbloom (haveufoundwhaturlookingfor) T, 2k
Summary: Luke is closeted and nobody outside of the band, and close family, knows that he has a secret husband. During promo for Youngblood, Luke suffers a panic attack when the interviewer asks a personal question. Cue, Ashton to the rescue and comfort.
tie me to your fingertip (don’t let me float away) (ao3) - diets0dasociety T, 22k
Summary: or, the malum soulmate fic nobody was waiting for in which Calum and Ashton are sort of brothers and Luke and Michael keep popping up.
Where the Heart Is (ao3) - LyricalPary (hoseoky) E, 86k
Summary: By the time that Ashton Irwin is twenty-seven years old, he’s already a widower and a father of three. After his third nanny quits on him, he comes to the conclusion that life in general doesn’t seem to like him very much—that is, until his luck turns around when he discovers a particular nanny by the name of Luke H.
The question now is, can a twenty-two year old man with mile-long legs and a smile made of gold really be the super nanny that Ashton needs?
Perhaps so.
Without You (ao3) - ofmonstersandmayhem M, 67k
Summary: Nothing made Ashton happy anymore.
He was slowly drifting away.
Everyday he prayed for a savior. He had the tiniest sliver of hope in the back of his mind that someone would come and save him from all this darkness.
His prayers were answered in the form of a tall blonde boy with a lip ring. But was he able to save Ashton in time?
(or the cliche fic where Ashton’s depressed with an abusive father but when Luke Hemmings moves into the neighborhood, his dark clouds open up to reveal a sunshine)
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talkfastromance4 · 2 years
18 on the dialogues list with Calum 🥺
I changed the dialogue a smidge but it’s still the same! Presenting hockey!cal x figure skater!reader!
I also HAD to do a moodboard…
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Disclaimer: I know basically the most basic parts of hockey and figure skating so there are fallacies I’m sure. And the Olympics are mentioned but in this world, this is how it goes😅
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The first time Calum saw you skate was as he was leaving the locker room after hockey practice. He heard music echoing through the tunnel and he followed it to investigate. Michael, his best friend and teammate jogged to keep up.
“Who practices after us?” Calum asked.
“No one, I thought.”
When they emerge from the tunnel you race past them on the ice, your skates scraping with speed and the small practice skirt flaring up from the breeze you created. After your wide arch on the ice you do a double axel landing perfectly with a flourish of your arms.
“Woah,” Calum mumbled impressed.
“Oh! I know who that is!” Michael snapped his fingers in realization. “She’s here training for the Olympics.”
“What’s her name?”
“No idea. C’mon, I’m hungry.”
Calum stayed for a moment longer adjusting the strap of his hockey bag watching you skate and add your own flair to the routine.
It wasn’t until a month later that you finally met. Calum stayed on the ice to practice his shots when you stomped out on the rink.
“Oh! Sorry, I thought you guys were done,” you say.
“I can share,” he smiles then swats at a puck lined up.
“You sure? I use the whole rink.”
“It’s fine, I’ll be in my own corner.”
“Okay,” you sigh.
Calum tries to keep his attention on his own practice but he’s easily distracted by you moving around him. Eventually, he stops altogether to watch you twirl and leap in the air. It’s a wonder how you get yourself airborne like that. He comes to the conclusion that you’re simply magic.
When you’re both done on the ice and unlacing your skates, you speak up.
“I heard you scored two goals in your last game. That’s awesome.”
“Thanks, it’s always a nice feeling. I heard you’re training for the Olympics?”
“Yeah. I qualify in a few months to find out if I made the cut. So it’s crunch time.”
“You’ve got it in the bag. I’ve seen you skate and it’s insane how you can do all of that.”
“Thank you,” you smile impishly. Calum thinks it’s cute.
“I know you’re training but…do you want to grab a bite to eat?”
Thus started the skating romance between you two. After practice the two of you would get dinner, coffee, or hang out listening to music. You’d attend his home games and even bought his jersey to wear.
“I wish I could wear something of yours,” he told you leaning over the half door of the rink. The rest of the team is behind him doing some warm-ups before the game starts but Calum always has to talk to you first.
“You don’t want to try on one of my skirts?” you smile flirtatiously.
“You know I can rock a skirt, sweetheart,” he laughs. “I mean like a jersey or something. I love seeing you in mine. Figure skaters should have jerseys.”
“Well…I do have a scrunchie,” you pull the sparkly purple scrunchie from your ponytail. Your hair falls over the fuzzy headband and Calum gets a pleasurable whiff of your shampoo, it made him a little lightheaded. It smells like apples and cherry blossoms. “You can wear this if you want.”
“Yeah. Maybe it’ll bring you luck.”
“You already bring me luck,” he grins but holds out his hand. You slip the scrunchie onto his wrist and tuck it under his black sleeve. “Thanks babe.”
“You’re welcome.”
He leans closer but pauses so he can watch your eyes flutter shut and press his lips to yours. The buzz of the crowd disappears and all of his focus is on you and the gentle way your fingers skate up his cheek and into the curls around his ears. Your lips are so soft and there’s some whistles from the fans but he only pays them half a mind.
If it was up to Calum, he’d spend all of his time kissing you.
“Hood! Get your ass over here!” his coach shouts from behind.
You break the kiss first but Calum chases your lips.
“You’re going to get into the penalty box before the game even starts,” you giggle.
“You’re worth it.” He pecks your lips twice. “I’ll see you after.”
“Go get ‘em, tiger,” you kiss his nose and he pushes off the wall. Michael tosses him his helmet, he catches it one handed and slips it on his head.
January 2nd is when you qualify and Calum has helped you during practice by being moral support and your biggest cheerleader. Your coach scolded him numerous times for interrupting your training sessions so he watched you proudly in silence.
To help ease your anxiety a little he decides to take you on a date at an outdoor rink.
“I don’t want to think about skating right now,” you whine as he pulls your skates from his backseat. “Can’t we go to the movies and makeout like we’re teenagers breaking curfew?”
“It’s only eight o’clock, your curfew was eight o’clock?” he asks.
“That’s besides the point.”
“This is all for fun, babe. No spins or tricks or double axels. Tonight is about being that cheesy couple making googly eyes under the twinkle lights.”
You skate around a few times holding hands then you spot a little girl trying to skate backwards and another one attempting to do a jump. Calum feels your fingers slip from his as you approach her. He hears you speak kindly then offers your help to the little girls.
After five minutes, you have them skating backwards and doing a perfect little jump off the ice. Their father comes by thanking you and then it starts to snow. You wave at the little girl then skid to a stop in front of Calum, his fingers weave through yours easily.
“Sorry, they reminded me of me at that age. Once you skate backwards, you can do anything.”
“It’s fine,” he shakes his head smiling, “you taught them pretty quickly.”
“I just showed her what worked for me. Ugh, snow is getting in my eyes.”
“They’re on your eyelashes,” he pulls you into him. “Looks cute. You’re my snow princess.”
Calum’s sitting with your coach at the qualifiers waiting anxiously for you to go on. He wished you luck and a promise that you’ve got this. Your purple scrunchie is on his wrist and his nails are painted the same color as your silvery sparkly outfit. Your makeup is striking and he can’t believe he’s with you.
He watches you take a deep breath then you step onto the ice with a radiant smile. There are some cheers of your name–his included–and the music starts. Cameras are rolling and flashing, tracking your every move as you skate to the center of the rink.
When it comes to your triple double axel, Calum leans forward on his seat.
“C’mon baby, c’mon baby,” he cheers for you silently. You execute and land each double perfectly. Calum hoots and claps with other fans that are happy with your accomplishment.
When it’s finally time for the final results, Calum is standing behind you holding your hand as your coach holds the other.
“And from the D12 qualifile…Y/N Y/L/N!!”
You shriek and jump in excitement hugging your coach then launch yourself into Calum’s arms.
“I did it!”
“I knew you could, princess,” he hugs you tighter. “I’m so proud of you.”
In his minds’ eye he saw himself at the winter Olympics with you, cheering you on.
Taglist: @calumance  @in-superbloom @calpalirwin @karajaynetoday @wiiildflowerrr @sunshineeeluke @littledrummeraussie @suchalonelysunflower @hoodhoran @thew0rldneedsmcreycghurt @sunshineeashton @ashtonsunflower​ @mymindwide​ @itjustkindahappenedreally @seanna313 @mulletcal @pandaxnienke @celestialams @in-a-world-of-fandoms @blairscott
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msclaritea · 26 days
/ 🧵 There's a growing trend of men deceiving others about their sex to gain access to women's spaces & sports. This isn't about "identity"; it's about destroying consent.
From the UK, US & Europe to Canada & Australia & NZ the lie is everywhere.
Let's look at a few examples:
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2/ Justin Dennis a former North American YouTuber was vocal about smashing the 'Cotton Ceiling.
During the pandemic he moved to Sydney, Australia & now plays for the Flying Bats, a women's football team.
A fully intact male with fetishistic moobs.
He uses the SD name "Riley."
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3/ Adrian Buckley a Queensland Paramedic forced his own child to suck his nipples for his sexual gratification.
He sold this story to the Daily Mail.
With the help of Australian eSafety & AHCR he stalks women.
He uses the SD name "Jennifer" to further his predatory behavior.
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4/ Calum Mouncey a former Australian men's international handball player is another sex deceptionist.
He began lying about his sex to gain entry into women's sports, initially handball & then forced his way into women's AFL in 2018.
He goes by the sex deception name "Hannah".
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5/ Dean Laidley a former AFL player & coach developed an ice addiction & was caught stalking his ex.
Faced with potential prison time DEAN suddenly discovered he was a "woman" to avoid jail.
Lauded by Prime Minister Anthony Albanese.
He now uses the sex deception name "Danni".
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6/ These cases highlight a disturbing pattern: predatory perverted men using Sex Deception - so-called "gender identity" as a cover for predatory behavior.
This isn't about genuine identity issues; it's about exploiting the system to destroy consent & infringe on women's rights.
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7/ Women have fought hard for safe spaces & fair competition in sports.
Sex deception is not unfair—IT'S VERY dangerous.
Women's rights must be protected from those who would exploit them for personal gain.
It's not really about sport at all, it's ALL about destroying consent.
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You've heard the saying, "Not all men are rapists, but all rapists are men."
All Sex Deceptionists are potential rapists paedophiles & worse because they bare-faced lie with impunity about a delusional sexual fetish they have.
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They will do ANYTHING to breach female consent.
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ashtcnirwin · 1 year
anna where's my coach calum content i need you to bring it out of thin air i know you're hiding your powers
coach calum is being kept locked away for public safety reasons
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ghost-of-you · 2 years
we just danced backwards into each other - ch - part 7
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Paring: Calum Hood x Original Female Character.
Warnings: Swearing, mentions of an er visit and vague descriptions of an injury and how it happened, also Lena's team sucks.
Word Count: 9.4k
Authors note: okay, this took a long time to post, sorry about that, i cant even say i hit a writer's block patch because i have been writing a lot about them, i just hit a bit where i could only write flashbacks, i even briefly considered to post a part that was just flashbacks, but that didn't fit the plan, but here we are, hopefully, the next part wont take this long, i already have a solid chunk written. That being said the flashbacks are getting more elaborate, and theres quite a bit of them in this part. As usual, italics are flashbacks.
Read it on AO3
Part 6 Part 8
Lena wasn't exactly sure what to expect from the meeting she was called in for, she thought it would be about the conversations surrounding her and Calum and when she would be allowed to start putting songs out, but she sure as hell didn’t expect to find herself in the situation she is in.
“What do you mean, supporting act?” Lena asks as calmly as she possibly can.
“You’ll get your own tour next year, but they need an opener and it makes sense-” Her manager sounds calm and slightly condescending and that makes her cut her off. 
“No, it doesn’t,” she shakes her head, and Sylvia sighs.
“Lena, you can’t do arenas alone, it will be good for you."
“No, I’m not doing it,” she says, crossing her arms but the look she gets in response makes her shoulders tense.
“You already agreed,” she says and Lena frowns in confusion.
“No, I didn't." She sounds a bit childish. Probably looks it too, arms crossed, hands clenching the ends of her sleeves, a pout she can't really fight on her lips.
“Yes, you did," Sylvia says and the look on her face it's what finally makes the situation make sense.
“The ‘a few concerts’ part of the deal is a whole tour?" She air-quotes, feeling exasperated, "are you fucking kidding me?”
“Lena,” she says, pinching the bridge of her nose and Lena rolls her eyes.
“Fine, great, I’m going on tour with my fake boyfriend, yeehoo," she says, making a dramatic motion with her hands, "does that mean I’ll get to release something?”
“Yes." The word sounds too careful and it makes Lena groan.
“But the first thing will have to be the duet, right?”
“Yes.” The word rings in her ears and it makes her blood boil. It makes her want to start a fight. But she just takes a deep breath, pressing her lips together.
“Okay, can I go now? I have a song to finish and a deadline now."
“Thank you,” she says, pushing her chair back loudly and making her way out the door. She wants to slam it. She wants to slam something. But she ends up slamming into someone. The last person she wants to see at that particular moment.
Lena was slowly walking through the schoolyard, dragging her feet, wishing she didn't have to go to the quad and stay there for another period. She wanted to leave. She wanted to hide. Actually, she wanted to cry and she felt stupid for it, so she wanted to run. But not literally, and if she went to PE, Coach would make her run laps or something and the thought made her want to scream. 
To be fair, all her thoughts were making her want to scream. She wanted to scream at herself for failing that test. She wanted to scream at herself for caring so much about one stupid grade she could easily make up for. She wanted to scream for wanting to scream. It was all very frustrating. 
It was why she ended up hiding in the corner beside the bleachers where she would sit when she didn't want Coach to force her to participate. Or where she would hide to watch the football team practice sometimes. The second occasion had happened more times than she would want to admit, but she liked understanding when Calum went on about the games and the team, so she started watching it more. It was just about being a good friend. It definitely had nothing to do with the way he would smile at her, a smile that would light up his whole face and he'd even get dimples on his cheeks, when she had an input that made sense. And she was growing to enjoy the sport, even if just because of his sheer enthusiasm. 
She wasn't watching the field that day though, too busy feeling sorry for herself to do anything other than stare at the floor, twisting a pebble between her fingers, waiting for the hour to be over. It was why she didn't hear the footsteps approaching her until they were too close for her to run. So she settled to furiously wiping the tears off her cheeks with the back of her hands, letting out a frustrated huff as the tears wouldn't stop, trying to come up with an excuse to give Coach as she turned to look up at whoever it was when they stopped.
But it wasn't Coach, and she watched as Calum, dressed in the school team's uniform, sat down beside her, leaving about a foot of space between them, making her frown. Why wasn't he playing? Coach might not miss Lena, but he would definitely notice that Calum wasn't there. 
She was looking at him trying to figure out what to say. Maybe tell him she didn't want to talk. That he should go back. That she wanted to be alone. But before she could say anything he offered her his water bottle, raising his brow in a silent question: do you want me to go? And Lena surprised herself by shaking her head while taking the bottle from his hand. 
He didn't say anything, just nodded and looked forward, at the field. And Lena watched him, stunned for a few seconds while taking a big gulp of the water while feeling a rush of affection for him she couldn't quite understand, before shaking her head and scooting closer to him.
They sat there in silence until the bell rang when Calum scrambled to his feet and offered her a hand to help her up too, giving it a comforting squeeze before running back to get his stuff from the locker room, leaving Lena unsure of why she felt like she could follow him anywhere.
“Woah there, love,” Calum chuckles, holding her up, but frowning when he notices the look on her face, “you okay?” He asks, and she groans, closing her eyes, and exhaling sharply before stepping back from him.
“Fine, I gotta go,” she mumbles, stepping around him and moving toward the break room at the end of the hall. She doesn't know exactly what she wants there as she moves to get a glass and stops by the water fountain, hand clutching at the cool metal edge and watching as the water slowly fills the cup. Too slowly.
"Lena," Calum's voice is careful as it comes from somewhere behind her and she groans, staring at the wall.
"Calum, I mean this in the nicest way possible but get out," she says, as calmly as she possibly can, closing her eyes as she takes a sip.
"Lena," he tries again and she sighs.
"Look, really wanna do something self-destructive, picking a fight with you right now would definitely do that and I don't wanna say something I can't take back, so please leave me alone, I promise I'll talk to you once I stop feeling like wanna smash something," she says, clutching the cup with both hands, still staring at the wall.
"Okay, just call me if you need me," he says and she nods.
"Yeah." She is actually surprised when she hears him walking away, but she stays there, slowly counting her breaths as she sips on her water, trying to get a grip on her feelings when she hears footsteps behind her again.
"Calum, I said please," she groans, putting the cup down, but the voice that comes from behind her makes her head snap back.
"Not Calum," Andy says, and she finds him leaning against the doorway, "he did send me, though, he said he didn't think you should be alone," he explains and she stares at him for a few seconds before crossing the room straight into his chest, making him huff out a laugh as he wraps his arms around her, "what happened?" 
"We're going on tour," she says, stepping back so she can look at him.
"And you're upset why exactly?" He frowns at her and she purses her lips.
"With 5sos," she says and understanding floods his face.
"We're opening?" He asks and she nods slowly, "so you're not sad, you're pissed."
"Got it, wanna go find something for us to break?" 
"Yes, please."
The wait was agonizing. And it was throwing him off. It wasn't like this was the first time Calum and Lena had gone for days without hearing from each other. It wasn't the first time they had a fight that ended with one of them storming off. Granted, this was the first time Lena was the one that initiated the divide between them and stuck with it. But he thought she would come back. She always came back.
Their silly arguments used to end fairly quickly and when he was the one storming out after tearing them apart in one swoop, he felt like he didn't have the right to miss her. He regretted walking out on her the second the door had closed behind him but some part of him still thought it was for the best. 
But this time, there wasn't a piece of him that didn't desperately want to fix this. He needed to fix it somehow. 
But Lena was gone, no one exactly sure where and it was agonizing because he was terrified he had lost her for good. He was terrified of what she would do. 
Most of all he was terrified of how much he missed her. 
Their relationship had been about distance for long enough for Calum to be able to compartmentalize the feeling. It came with the job. He was always missing someone.
But this time it felt different. Maybe because he couldn't just call and have the ache softened by the sound of her voice. Maybe it was because there was no escaping it when even looking at a picture of them just made him feel worse.
Someone else might've seen the irony in the way Lena was out, somewhere in the world, convinced he didn't love her while Calum was finally understanding how much he actually did. 
Not that he wasn't aware of how non-platonic his feelings for her were. How non-platonic they had always been. But letting himself admit it had him seeing how deep those feelings ran and he couldn't believe how stupid he had been. 
She loved him. He knew that for years. He loved her. He also knew that for years. So why had he fought so hard to keep her out? And how had he left himself make her believe he didn't love her?
Granted, he thought she was over him. He thought he had lost his chance. That his time to do something had passed. That a somewhat mended friendship was all he could have after what he did. So he convinced himself that it was what she wanted. That it was what he wanted. And because of that, he had no reaction to give her when she made her feelings known. Again. 
The worst part is that he couldn't even blame her for leaving. He sure as fuck would've too if the roles were reversed. He would've done more damage as he left too. It wouldn't be as graceful. 
The calm in which she had taken his hand and done the exact same thing he had all those years before, just leaving the piece of them she held onto when he didn't deserve it, all while looking him dead in the eyes, daring him to stop her, was not something he could have achieved.
She walked away and he had to let her do it. He couldn't offer what she wanted. But then again, all he wanted was to get her to stay. 
It was how he ran into Andy. The roommate who most definitely hated him. Not that Calum blamed him. 
"She's flying back," Andy told him after an awkward greeting, turning back to Calum, “tomorrow if she gets on the plane,” he added before Calum could ask, sliding to the booth across from him.
“You talked to her?” Calum asked and he nodded, "is she safe?" 
"She said she is."
"Do you believe her?" 
"I don't know," he said, rubbing his forehead.
“How is she?”
“How do you think?” Andy huffed, rolling his eyes.
“I’m still asking,” he said simply and Andy studied him for a few seconds before answering. 
“Well, she sounded a lot like she did last time,” he finally said and Calum frowned.
“I don’t know what that means." Those words frustrated him. He used to think there wasn't a part of Lena he didn't know and he didn't like to be confronted with the fact that he didn't know her as well as he thought. 
“She sounded numb, dude, avoidance is something she mastered, it was like she couldn’t handle all she was feeling, I’m relieved she’s coming back, the numb stage was a bad one,” he ran a hand through his hair and for a second Calum wondered if he really wanted to know, but he couldn't stop himself from asking.
“She cried for like a whole week and one day she just stopped, it was like she decided she didn't want to feel it anymore, but she wasn't feeling anything else either, she was moving on auto-pilot, burying herself into distractions, she landed herself in the hospital once."
“I didn’t know that."
“She passed out on campus, it sounds worse than it was," Andy's voice was dismissive as he crossed his arms in front of his chest and leaned back on his seat.
“What happened?” 
“She was dehydrated, pushed herself too hard, she was actually at the campus health center when it happened, not that anyone thought to tell me that when they called me, it was all ‘Lena is in the hospital, you gotta get here now’," he breathed out a puff of air and Calum considered his words. He really couldn't blame the guy for the way he reacted whenever he was around Lena.
"That sounds like a lot."
"I've spent the whole week waiting for that call again," Andy said, voice low, sounding as if he didn't want to admit what he'd been thinking but also as if he needed Calum to know how bad it could get. 
"I know what you think of me, but I'm not trying to hurt her," he defended himself but the other man shook his head.
"You wanting to do it or not doesn't change how it's always happening," he challenged and Calum felt stunned for a second.
"Did you talk to her about-"
"Your situation and why she ran? Yes," he nodded and Calum looked expectantly at him.
"She's hiding, she does that, hide until she can handle what she’s feeling," he said and Calum nodded. That he knew. He used to have a list of places she usually hid back home for the days she would run without telling him where she was going. Under the bleachers at their old school, the lookout not far from her mum's house, the park a few blocks from his place, the old playground by Michael's. He used find her and just sit with her until she was ready to talk. "I remember at the beginning of our second year she disappeared for a few days and then came back like nothing happened, I still don’t know where she went,” Andy added with a frustrated huff, and Calum frowned at him. He knew what happened.
“She came to see me," he said and got a puzzled look in return, "We were doing promo back home and she just showed up and followed us around, I think we were telling people she was our hairstylist or something like that.” 
Lena had called him one day, saying she was at his hotel lobby. He had not believed her at first but went down anyway, grinning when he saw her, clutching the straps of her backpack while she bounced on the balls of her feet waiting for him. It took until he saw the anxious look on her face as she turned to him for him to start to question why she was there, it was a nine-hour drive after all, but she just hugged him and shrugged the question off. He knew she needed a distraction and he was happy to provide it. Their manager had been annoyed about it, but still made the necessary arrangements for her to be able to stay with him. She went to interviews, and a photoshoot, standing in a corner laughing as she fluffed Michael’s hair with a comb sticking out of her back pocket, saying Calum needed more hair gel, and sat next to him in the back of the van as if she belonged there. The night before they left she curled up on his bed and cried telling him about the fight she had with her mother, and how she just got in her car and drove. The same car he closed the door to in the hotel parking lot because she needed to go back to uni and he had another plane to catch.
“She stayed with us until I had to leave."
“She went to you?” He asked, sounding skeptical and Calum nodded.
“She used to do that a lot, come to me when she wanted to run, I always tried to be there if I could." 
"It's just been a while since she ran without telling me." He was back to looking frustrated and Calum narrowed his eyes at him.
"You really care about her, don't you?"
“She’s my family, and honestly, I’m sick of hearing her cry over you, I can’t say I understand why she loves you."
“We had good years before things got too complicated."
“Complicated,” he huffed out a chuckle and Calum frowned.
“When she was angry she would pace around, going on about how you kept saying it’s complicated, and calling you very creative names," the blonde explained with a chuckle and Calum narrowed his eyes at him.
"How much did she tell you?"  He asked, genuine curiosity in his voice.
"Enough. I think she downplays some of the parts that hurt her the most, but I'm not sure if she's trying to get me not to hate you or if she's just sparing herself." 
"It's probably both."
"Definitely both."
"I've been thinking about what you said," Calum said after a beat of silence and Andy looked confused. 
"About being someone who deserves how much she loves me," He explained and Andy narrowed his eyes at him. It was unsettling to see how much they looked like Lena's when he stared at him like that.
"Right," he said, sounding skeptical.
"I can't change the shit that already happened, I would if I could, go back and smack some sense into myself, but if she lets me I'll try for as long as it takes to fix it," he paused, but Andy looked unconvinced, "you think she'll talk to me?" 
"Honestly? No. Not right now at least," he added after a beat, "but maybe, if you are serious about this, she'll come around."
"I am serious," Calum said and Andy studied him carefully, before seemingly deciding he was being sincere by giving him a small nod. 
"Then maybe you still have a chance."
Lena lost track of how long she had been sitting in her car, phone in her hand trying to decide what to do. Calum said to call him if she needed him, so she could call even if she didn’t necessarily need him at the moment. She just feels bad for the way she reacted. And she always hated fighting the urge to talk to him. 
The decision shouldn’t be this hard. She should just call him if she wants to talk to him. At least that’s what she’s been telling herself for at least the last thirty minutes, music blaring through the car while clicking in and out of Calum’s contact. 
“Just do it,” she tells herself, pausing the music, leaning back against the seat, and closing her eyes as she clicks the call button.
"Hi, L," Luke's voice comes through the phone when she thought the call was about to go to voicemail and Lena frowns slightly, pulling the phone off her ear and checking the screen to see if she dialed the right number, finding Calum's name on it.
"Luke?" She asks, sounding confused and he giggles.
"Cal is occupied, but I didn't want to leave you hanging." 
"Oh, you didn't have to, I can call back later," she says, scratching her neck as she hears Calum's voice at a distance.
"Is that my phone?" Calum asks and Luke must've agreed because he adds, "why are you on my phone?" sounding a lot closer.
"It's L, you've been checking it compulsively," Luke says and there's a commotion where she assumes the phone is being passed around because she stops understanding what they are saying.
"Lena? Is everything okay?” He asks, sounding concerned, making her chuckle.
"You said to call if I needed you." 
"I did." 
"But you're busy, we can talk later, it's fine," she says, scratching her neck but he's quick to stop her dismissal.
"We're pretty much done, I'll be off, in like ten, twenty minutes?" 
"Can you meet me then?"
"Yeah, you want me to stop by your place? You wanna come over? You wanna go somewhere? I don't have my car so I would have to go get it but-" He sounds eager and that makes her giggle, looking around herself before interrupting him.
"I can pick you up,” she offers, adjusting in the seat.
“I’ll wait for you then."
“You got your license?” Calum said, sounding skeptical and mildly jealous as he leaned against the open window, making Lena pout, as she gripped the steering wheel tighter.
“Just get in, some of us still have a curfew," she complained and he opened the door, sliding into the passenger side.
“You didn’t answer,” he said while she watched him.
“Seatbelt,” she said and he rolled his eyes, buckling in, “of course I got it, you think mum would let me get the car if I didn’t have a license?” 
“When did this happen?”
“About a month ago,” she shrugged, carefully making the car move again and she didn't have to look at him to know he looked offended as he shifted in the seat.
“A month? And you didn’t tell me?"
“And miss the look on your face when I rolled up? No chance," she teased, glancing at him.
“I can’t believe you got your license before me,” he complained, pushing the seat back so he could sit more comfortably and she rolled her eyes.
“No, you’re not allowed to complain, you were just on a world tour, who cares about cars?”
“Says the one with a car."
“It’s not like it's my car.”
“You’re driving it."
“It's not that exciting, but sometimes mum lets me drive myself to school, so that’s cool.'
"So, where are we going?"
"I have no idea, I didn't think that far," she laughed, tapping on the steering wheel. 
"We can drive around until we find someplace to stop," he offered and she considered it while he leaned forward to mess with the radio.
“Wait, wanna go to the lookout?” She said, suddenly, looking at him and he grinned at her as he finally got the radio to work.
Lena parked the car, still far from the edge, but close enough for them to be able to look at the lights of the city below, before getting out, moving to the front of the car, Calum following her, looking amused as she moved so she could sit on the hood, patting the space beside her as she leaned against the windshield. 
"You've been coming here alone?" He asked once he was settled beside her, and she shrugged, glancing at him.
"Nah, it's weird being here now," she pressed her lips together while he watched her. Everything they used to do together felt lacking when he wasn't there. It just made the constant ache of missing him that much more intense, "and mum doesn't like me being out here by myself so…"
"It's probably not a good idea," he chuckled, eyes still on her making her slide closer to him and drop her head on his shoulder, holding on to his arm. She couldn't quite believe he was really there. Not just a voice on her phone or a face on a screen but within her reach. It made her want to hold on and never let him leave again. And that was stupid all things considered. It was never going to happen. She knew she needed to get over her feelings for him. But that was a problem for future Lena. At that moment the only thing that mattered was that Calum really was there.
"I've been meaning to tell you something," she said, looking forward and she felt him moving beside her.
"What?" He asked and she chewed on her bottom lip.
"It's okay if you're gonna be too busy, I didn't think you'd be here, but you are and well, I can't not invite you but really is okay if you can't go-" she was rambling and she knew she should just say it but the words wouldn't come out until Calum interrupted her.
"Go where?" He chuckled, and she pulled away so she could look at him.
"I booked a gig," she blurted out, pressing her lips together and anxiously watching him. But as his face lit up with a smile she felt stupid for being anxious about telling him. Of course he would be happy for her. 
"It's not, you know, one direction, stadium world tour, but they told me they sold like few hundred tickets and I'm just opening and no one is gonna be there to see me and it's okay if you can't go," she was babbling and he looked amused.
"I'm going," he told her and she pressed her lips together.
"You think I'd miss it?" 
"I didn’t think you’d be here," she chuckled and he rolled his eyes.
"But I am, so… When is it?"
"The day before you're set to leave."
"I'll be there," he said, sounding determined and that just made her smile at him.
Lena’s about to reach for her phone to let Calum know she’s there when she hears a tap on the passenger window, and she’s startled for a second before unlocking the door.
“How did you know I was here?” She laughs, watching as Calum gets in.
“I didn’t,” he says, making her frown at him, “I saw the car,” he explains, adjusting the seat and buckling in and she nods.
"Where are we going?" He asks when they start moving and she laughs.
"I didn't think that far." 
"So we're just driving around then?" He asks and she shrugs, "what happened that got you that upset?" He adds and she can feel him watching her.
"You don't know?" She asks, glancing at him and he frowns at her, "I'm your opening act," she adds and she can see he's fighting to keep his expression neutral.
"You are?" He asks, failing to mask the excitement in his voice. She thinks she'll be excited about it soon enough, she liked performing too much to be upset for long. And she knows he's excited about the thought of having her around while on the road again. But she's unsure how she feels about being on tour with him. It's just hard not to think about how badly the last tour they did together ended for the both of them. And they went in with a relationship that was a lot more stable than whatever's happening between them at the moment. 
"Yep," she nods and he's still watching her carefully.
"Okay," he says, sounding unsure and she sighs. 
"You know the agreement for the relationship?" She starts, looking at him at a red light and he nods, "I didn't know that I was agreeing to the tour too. I'm not mad I'm going on tour with you guys because of you guys, it just felt like a step back you know? And I know I ain't selling out arenas and that this is a good opportunity but I am annoyed." Most of all she's annoyed about the way she keeps getting tricked into doing things, but there's a part of her that doesn't want to do the tour simply because she feels like her career moved so much since the last time she opened for them. Two albums out, a third on the way. Was it crazy for her to not want to do the thing that started it all again?
“Why?” Calum asks and she chews on her bottom lip trying to figure out the right thing to say to get him to understand the issue she has with the situation.
“How would you feel if I told you you need to tour with one direction again?” She asks in return, stealing a glance at him and seeing the emotions on his face as he processes her words: confusion being replaced with understanding being replaced with uneasiness.
“Got it."
“I am sorry about earlier though, so you can stop with the monosyllabic answers-" she chuckles, feeling restless over the way his reactions feel too careful.
“You didn’t do anything wrong,” he says before she can finish her thought.
"-and you're allowed to be happy I'm going on the road with you again," she continues and he laughs.
"I am?" He sounds equal parts unsure and excited and it's a bit disarming.
"Are you? All things considered?" He asks, genuine concern in his voice, and she considers the question.
"Well, it’s fun, so I'm sure I'll be excited about it soon, but if I'm being honest the idea of spending months seeing you on a semi-daily basis again it's a bit unsettling," she admits, fighting the urge to look at him because she doesn't want to know what she would see in his face if she did. 
"I don't know, okay? It's just, I'm trying not to shut you out, but it's weird." 
“Not fighting the urge to talk to you, I got used to it,” she says, tapping her thumbs against the steering wheel, “we need to finish the song, though,” she chuckles, glancing at him, wanting to change the subject.
“I like the way it is now," he says, simply. She does too. That version may only exist as a voice note recorded with Calum's phone but there's something about it. She really hopes they can capture that in the studio.
“Yeah, me too, but you really think it's gonna work with just the piano?" It's definitely not her usual style and she's worried about how it would sound. 
"We could try it out,"
"We can work on it."
“Whenever you want."
“Not now though, now we’re doing something stupid,” she giggles, finally realizing where she wants to go. 
“How stupid are we talking here? ‘Cause you have really high standards for stupid,” he jokes and she pouts.
“Hey!” She complains, sounding offended and he laughs.
“I’m just saying, are you just planning on driving until we run out of gas, or are you skipping that and just going straight to the airport? I'm down if you wanna flee the country again, you just need to tell me first,” he tells her and she can't help the way her heart flutters. 
“So you would run away with me?”
“Always,” he says, making her have to press her lips together to control the smile threatening to take over her face. It feels unfair, the way he keeps getting these reactions out of her without even trying.
"Do I need a plane ticket and a shiny ring with your name on it?" She jokes, more in an attempt to keep the conversation lighthearted than anything else, but she starts laughing when he groans, rolling his eyes. 
"I take it back," he says, and she glances at him, trying to determine how much he means it, but he seems to be fighting to keep a straight face.
"Too late, you're already in the car," she shrugs and he fakes outrage.
"That's kidnapping." 
"Hey, you got in willingly," she laughs, looking at him when he laughs too, the sound making her heart beat faster. "I just want ice cream though," she adds, and he nods.
"Of course you do, but why is that stupid?"
"Because we are gonna go out into the world, I don't wanna sit in the car."
"The stupid part here is the risk of getting recognized then, got it."
"For all intents and purposes, we're selling the idea you're my boyfriend now so who the fuck cares if we get spotted together?"
"That's the spirit."
For some reason, Lena hadn't thought about what the batch of promo she would be doing between the legs of the tour meant for her and Calum until she had all her stuff taken down and was about to be ushered into the van to catch a plane to somewhere she wasn't sure where it was. They had three weeks off, at least the band had, she would only get a few days before having to meet the boys for the first show of the North America leg, she was in full promo mode and her team was driving her crazy. 
But as she thought about how Calum had said goodbye, too quickly for her to fully process it, she couldn't help but feel anxious. This would be the longest they would be apart since whatever was happening between them had started. And she didn't know what to expect. Things between them had been easy enough she didn't think she had anything to worry about until she was standing in an empty hotel room, looking around to see if she had forgotten something only to find one of Calum's flannels on the couch in the corner. 
And suddenly worrying was all she could do, even though she knew she couldn't make any demands. What would they do when the tour started again? Go back to just being friends? Stay in the routine of sneaking into each other's hotel rooms and hooking up in what sometimes felt like any space where they could get alone long enough for sex to happen?
Sure, it wasn't just sex. No matter what Calum said about not giving her a relationship, something more was going on between them. They talked more, they laughed more and Lena couldn't remember the last time they were in a hotel and she fell asleep alone. It was as if removing that line between them that they had danced around for years had them settling into a level of comfort with each other she never had with anyone else. But sometimes she did worry if it was all about proximity. So she was worried about whether the distance between them would change things again. She knew how quickly their relationship could shift. Had things been permanently altered or would this put them back the way they were before they acted on the attraction between them? Could she ever go back if he wanted to, knowing what it was like to have him, all of him? She wasn't sure.
But standing there wasn't going to change anything. She had to leave. There was a plane she needed to be on and she would have plenty of time to wonder if that morning before Calum left had been her last chance to kiss him and just pretend he was hers for a while. 
She had just finished checking the front pocket of her backpack to make sure she had her passport and was clutching the fabric of Calum's flannel as she glanced around one more time when the door opened. 
"Hey," Calum said, walking in, looking a little breathless under the carefree expression he was wearing as he closed the door behind him.
"Hi," Lena answered, eyeing him suspiciously, "you forgot this," she added, offering him the flannel and he nodded, taking it and putting it on over his t-shirt so he wouldn't have to carry it, "I was about to go find you." 
"I thought I should walk you down," he said, stepping closer to her. He was staying there another day, doing some exploring, like Ashton liked to say, so there was no rush for him to leave. 
"Okay," she giggled, "let's go then, 'cause I don't need Sylvia yelling at me," she added, adjusting the straps of her backpack on her shoulders and moving to walk around him. She knew not to wait for anything other than him just walking next to her, there was no telling who could see them, so she was surprised when he grabbed her hand.
"Wait," he told her, pulling her to him and she barely had time to react before he was kissing her. And there was nothing calm about it, the way he was kissing her made her head spin as she held on to him.
"Okay, now we can go," he said, pulling away from her, leaving her chasing his lips before she grabbed hold of his shirt and pulled him back to her. She wanted more. She wanted to map out the way kissing him felt like in case she didn't have the chance to do it again and that was what she did. She focused on the feeling of his lips on hers and his hands on her body and the feelings coursing through her.
"Now we can go," she laughed, a little breathless, pulling away from him and moving to the door. She knew he would follow her. And they walked down to the parking lot, after giving the key cards to her manager, Lena rambling about how excited she was for this round of interviews while Calum watched her with a grin on his face that made her heart beat faster. 
He pulled her in for a hug, after checking to see if the parking lot was in fact empty, and she breathed him in before pulling away.
"I'll see you in a few weeks," she said, standing on her tiptoes to kiss his cheek before going into the van, putting the backpack on the seat before sitting closer to the open door to wait, leaning into the frame.
Lena half expected him to turn around and leave, but he surprised her again by looking around, hoisting himself into the van, kissing her one more time, way too fast for her liking, before going back out, at the same time her manager showed up with the rest of her team.
"Bye, love," Calum said, winking at her, making her laugh, "call me when you land." 
“Did you ever think about how fucked up it is that we spend so much of our lives moving?” Lena asks, slamming the car door closed as Calum stops next to her.
“Are you getting philosophical on me?” He asks, narrowing his eyes at her and she shakes her head.
“No, I mean literally,” she explains, and they start moving to the ice cream shop.
“That somehow makes even less sense,” he chuckles and she looks up at him.
“We are always on vehicles, you know? Cars, vans, buses, planes,” she lists, counting her finger and his eyebrow furrow as he studies her.
“Why are you thinking about that?”
“You mentioned running, I started thinking about planes, got into a little existential crisis,” she shrugs, pressing her lips together. 
“And decided to drag me with you?" Calum teases, raising an eyebrow at her. 
“It’s because you have a headstart on me, I was wondering if you ever had that moment, so, you know, thought I’d do some dragging, ask if you ever wanted to just stop moving." Lena sounds more frustrated than she expects and she chews on the inside of her cheek as she waits for him to say something.
"So you are getting philosophical on me." He looks so understanding, it's disarming.
"I guess," she sighs, scratching her neck and he cooks his head looking at her before reaching around her to open the door. 
"Yeah, I have," he says, holding the door open for her to walk into the shop and she murmurs a thank you as she walks in. 
"What do you do about it? How do I make the feeling go away?" She asks, stopping suddenly, looking at him and he has to hold out his hands, landing them on her waist so he wouldn't hit her.
"What makes you think I'm any better at it than you?" He laughs, guiding her to the line and she doesn't miss the way his hand stays on the small of her back.
"I mean, everyone seems better at this than me right now, so," she shrugs, trying to sound nonchalant but he can clearly see through it. 
Calum seems to be trying to find the right words to say but before he could it's their turn to order and it's not until they are sitting on opposite sides of one of the booths that he speaks again. 
"I know that's the worst possible answer, and I sound like a bad self-help book, but you gotta find what works for you."
"Running really works for me," she says, digging into her sundae and he laughs.
"Maybe try calling it a vacation the next time."
"But that's boring," she fake-complains, pouting a little too hard.
"You can always lean into the chaos," he chuckles and she sighs.
"But then I have to deal with the consequences and I'm tired of the consequences," she says, looking down and swirling the spoon around the glass dish.
"Love," Calum's voice is careful and she looks up at him, not letting him continue.
"There's gotta be a better way than imploding my life, that's all I'm saying," she shrugs, shoving ice cream in her mouth in an act that doesn't seem nearly as carefree as she would hope. 
"Well, you can find different outlets, but knowing you that would just distract you from the problem, maybe try therapy? That helped me."
"Oh, I am," she tells him, and he laughs at the look on her face.
"Not as instantaneous as you thought it would be, right?" 
"Why can't she just fix me?" She complains with a laugh, moving her arms dramatically around her and getting a pressed-lip smile as an answer. Calum's watching her and the look in his eyes makes her feel uneasy. She can't tell what he's seeing in her face but she can't tell he doesn't like seeing it. 
"I'm sorry," he says after a beat. So that's what the look was. Guilt. 
"What I did is not on you, you know."
"Yeah, but what I did to you is, and I am sorry for my part in it."
"And I forgave you already so, if we want this to work, I need you to stop apologizing."
At first, Lena thought she was imagining the taps on her window. She was still feeling loopy and she was exhausted after the day she had but she couldn't get comfortable. She didn't know if it really was the stitches and the bandage or if it was just how she was extremely aware of them. But the sound happened again and she could swear she heard her name, so she got up, moving to the window. She frowned as she opened it, feeling confused. Were the painkillers enough to get her hallucinating?
"Why are you on my window?" She whispered, carefully leaning forward so she could talk to Calum.
"You weren't answering and your mum won't let me in." He looked anxious, trying his best to scan her through the window as he moved closer to her. 
"Because you're an idiot who told her it was your fault," she rolled her eyes because her mum was driving her crazy over what happened, but she regretted the action when he flinched, guilt twisting his features.
"It was my fault." His voice was small even for the rushed whisper conversation they were having and it twisted her heart.
"I fell, it was not your fault," she assured him, but his eyes were still filled with guilt.
"How are you?" He asked, studying her as best he could through the window.
"I'm fine," she assured him but he gave her an unimpressed look. 
"I got some stitches, there's some bruising, nothing to worry about." She was downplaying it and they both knew it. She knew it because she had nine stitches under her ribs on her left side towards her back on top of the bruising that came with landing too hard which made it hard for her to even move her arm. He knew it because he saw it as it happened. She didn't see the cut, it was out of her line of sight and she wasn't tempted to try, but the panicked look on Calum's face as Coach ran to her was not something she would forget any time soon.
"I'm sorry."
"It was an accident."
"But-" he tried and she knew he would continue to try and take the blame if she let him talk.
"Calum, were you trying to hurt me?" 
"Of course not!" He exclaimed, loud enough for her to worry her mum may have heard it, but she didn't really care.
"Then accept it wasn't your fault, and that I'm fine," she said, but he was still looking anxiously at her. "Just get in," she said, sounding exasperated and moving back so he could climb through the window. "See? I'm fine," she joked, motioning to herself once he was in and he stopped, looking at her. 
Calum seemed to determine she was fine because, after a few seconds, she was being pulled into him. The hug would've been tight enough to leave her breathless on a good day, and it felt good after the day she had, but she couldn't stop the pained whimper that escaped her when his arm hit the stitches.
"Shit, sorry," he reacted by letting go of her, taking a few steps back, guilt back to twisting his features when she winced as she touched her side, "are you okay?" 
"We already established that I'm fine," she said, closing the distance between them again and wrapping her arms around his middle, "but you won't be if you don't hug me back in the next second," she threatened, hiding her face on the crook of his neck when he didn't move, "I know you got scared but I was the one that was stuck in the ER, so can you just fucking hug me?" She complained, grabbing his arms and placing them around her shoulders and he laughed, tightening his arms around her.
"Are you sure you're fine?" He asked, his face hidden in her hair and she chuckled.
"They let me out of the hospital so how bad could it be?" She mumbled into his skin, before stepping away from him. 
"I'm so fucking sorry," he said and she cocked her head, looking at him.
"Hey, all you did was kick a ball," she said, fighting the urge to reach for his hand or caress his cheek given the way he was looking at her.
"I shouldn't have-" 
"Oh sure, the footballer shouldn't have kicked a ball,” she interrupted him, rolling her eyes and giving him an unimpressed look, “it was a streak of bad luck, Cal, you had no way of knowing I wasn't gonna be able to catch that, no one in the school had any idea that nail had been dislodged and it sure as fuck was bad luck that I managed to miss the step and land in a way that made that nail drag across my-" she stopped talking when he flinched, and they stared at each other for a beat before his expression softened.
"You're not usually this logical," he pointed out and she shrugged.
"I've been trying to convince mum it wasn't your fault all afternoon," she complained, letting out a dramatic groan and he shook his head.
"She took my phone because you wouldn't stop texting, I needed to do something.”
"So that's why you haven't been answering?"
“Obviously, when did I not answer you?” She said, giving him an annoyed look and he chuckled, “also I had a feeling I might have to convince you you didn't do anything wrong."
“I’m still unconvinced,” he said and she frowned at him. 
"If you need me to say it, I forgive you for forgetting I have no athletic inclination," she joked, playfully hitting his chest and he nodded. 
"Yeah, what was I thinking believing you could catch a ball without landing yourself in the ER," he deadpanned, and something about it had her breaking down laughing before feeling the stitches and stopping, touching her side.
"Don't make me laugh, it hurts," she complained with a pained chuckle and his face went serious again. 
"Did they tell you how long?" Calum asked, scratching his neck.
"I have to go back next week to get the stitches out, but the doctor said the bruising from the way I landed may last longer.” 
"This sucks."
"Maybe it will leave a cool scar," she shrugged, pressing her lips together, and he sighed.
"I should go before your mum catches me in here," he said, pointing back to the window and she nodded.
"I'll see you in school tomorrow?" He asked and she shook her head.
"I have a doctor's note, so probably not."
"Right,” he agreed, thinking for a second before adding, “I'll stop by after practice then, bring your homework, maybe your mum will let me in then."
"I'll continue to try and convince her it wasn't your fault."
"Thanks," he kissed the side of her head, moving back to the window, but he stopped before he reached it, "Lena?" He said, turning back, and she scratched her neck.
"I love you," he said, stepping back closer to her and she blinked at him a couple of times.
"I know, I don't need to hear it just because I got hurt," she said, tucking her hair behind her ear. It was not like they had never said that to each other before, hell, Calum would end every call with a cheerful “love ya” when he was in Brazil a few months back, but the look on his face felt too serious.
"But I need to say it, you're my best friend, and today sucked, so I need to say it,” he explained, his face intense and Lena wasn’t sure how to react.
“Sweetheart,” she breathed, but she wasn't sure what she wanted to say, so she just moved to wrap her arms around his waist again, "I love you too," she said, head on his chest when he wrapped his arms around her, "you're, like, my favorite person in the planet."
"So can we not go all deep and emotional? At least not right now," she asks, crossing her arms on the table and leaning her chin on top of it, looking at him with pleading eyes, making him laugh and lean back in his seat.
"I'm all for following your lead, remember?"
"Right," she nods, feeling her cheeks heating up as she watches him.
She's not really thinking when she pulls out her phone and snaps a picture of him, the spoon in his mouth and chocolate on his cheek making her act before she processes what she's doing.
"What was that?" Calum asks with a chuckle, raising an eyebrow at her and she shrugs, putting the phone facing down on the table before she can stare at the picture for too long.
"You have chocolate on your cheek."
"So you just took a picture?"
"Yeah," she nods, smiling when it takes him a few tries to clean his cheek. 
"Because you're cute," she blurts out, her eyes widening when she notices she said it out loud and he laughs.
"Yeah," she drops her forehead to her arms for a second, before looking back at him, letting out a "hey" and sitting up straight when he takes a picture of her too.
"Gotta keep things fair," he teases and she can't help but laugh.
"Idiot," she complains, focusing on her almost-finished ice cream.
"You started it," he shrugs, smiling at her. It's not until that moment that it occurs to her that this feels like a date. And she doesn't know how to feel about it. "Love?" He frowns at her, maybe she's wearing her feelings on her face, and she shakes her head.
"Sorry, I got-" she starts but her phone buzzes in a familiar pattern that lately makes her skin crawl. And she stares at it as it does it again. And a third time that makes her grimace at it like it's radioactive.
"What's wrong?" Calum asks, eyebrows furrowed as he studies her and she sighs.
"Sylvia," she explains, picking the phone up and unlocking it, it would be worse if she ignored it, clicking the notification to find an inquiry as to what she's doing and if she was with Calum and a link. To fucking Twitter. With a picture of them.
"Fuck that was fast," Lena mumbles, sliding in the seat so she could get closer to him to show him the texts.
"Still don't care?" He asks when he finishes reading it and she shakes her head.
"Nah, we look cute," she says, pulling the tweet her manager had linked her to and showing it to him. The picture really is cute, the wilder angle getting the whole booth, her arms crossed on the table, her chin leaning into them as she looks at him, and he's smiling at her, leaning back against the seat. But it does have her looking at the window from where she thinks it was taken.
"What do you think would happen if I liked this?" Calum asks, snapping her out of her thoughts and making her giggle.
"And if I retweeted and tagged you?" He has a mischievous glint in his eyes that makes her raise an eyebrow at him.
"I thought I was the one doing stupid shit?" 
"Why is it stupid?" He challenges and she presses her lips together.
"I don't know."
"Wait, I have a better idea," he says, pulling out his phone and she laughs when she realizes what he's planning.
"You do remember I don't have access to my official accounts anymore, right?"
"Good thing you're not the only one in this then," he teases, bopping her nose, making her laugh.
"Can I at least see the picture before you do whatever you're about to do?" 
"Relax, it's a good picture," he says, posting it to his story and she shakes her head, feeling resigned. 
"Okay then, give me your phone." 
"We might as well go all out," she says, sending the picture she took earlier to him and putting her phone down while taking the phone from his hand and sliding closer to him. 
"No soft-launching then, huh?" She laughs, after hitting post, clicking on the bubble with his picture to see the picture he posted of her. And it's a bit weird for her to see the fond look in her eyes as she looks at a point slightly above the camera, so she leans back in the seat. Only realizing Calum had his arm on the seat behind her when she hit it, and suddenly she's extremely aware that she's pressed against his side. Even more when he drapes his arm around her shoulders.
"It's not like I never posted anything with you before," he says, accepting the phone she's handing back. 
"You haven't in a while, though, or me posting you for that matter," she says, relaxing into him, even if just unconsciously, her head dropping to his shoulder. "Should we get out of here before someone finds out where we are and decides to come check?" She adds after a beat and he nods.
"I think yes," he says, sliding out and offering her his hand, she takes it and lets him hold it on the way back to her car. 
"I don't wanna drive, though," she tells him, crinkling her nose while offering him her car keys. And the laugh she gets in response is enough to keep her smiling all the way home. 
I don't have a taglist but hit me up if you want to be tagged.
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daydadahlias · 1 year
I know it’s been done before but god what I would GIVE for a slow burn fic where Luke is a single dad and is crushing on his kid’s soccer coach Calum
he's definitely the first parent to volunteer to chaperone when the kids travel
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calumsash · 1 year
maya i think coach calum should get to be a barbie
you are SO RIGHT sam!!!! here we go 🫶
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Sub!Luke Masterlist
and I’ll always let you (ao3) - mercutionotromeo luke/ashton E, 3k
Summary: Overhead, the speaker tells them it’s ten minutes to showtime. Luke freezes and gives Ashton a questioning look, but Ash just fits his mouth over the head of his cock again.
“Mm-mm. Not done with you.”
Luke cries out at the feeling of Ash’s tongue on him and grabs the edge of the makeup table to steady himself, his rings clinking against the smooth surface. Ash pulls off of him and looks up at the wrecked expression on Luke’s face. He has him right where he wants him.
better than anything you’ve tried (ao3) - mercutionotromeo luke/ashton E, 2k
Summary: “Good puppy. Want you to shake that pretty ass for me. Show me what I’m missing, hm? Show off for me.”
Ash bites his lip as he thinks about gripping Luke’s hips, about leaving nail marks on his ass, about slapping one of his soft thighs just to hear him squeak.
“Perfect. My perfect, pretty puppy. You want to touch yourself, puppy? Would that feel good?”
Bottom Boy Baptism (ao3) - plushyluke luke/ashton, michael/luke E, 5k
Summary: Ashton and Luke have been sneaking around since they got together.
Court Five (ao3) - takemymoneycth luke/ashton, michael/calum E, 21k
Summary: A story in which a young college tennis player maybe likes his new coach a little too much.
Ease (ao3) - Grace_Williams calum/ashton, michael/luke G, 138k
Summary: In a world where everyone was a dominant or a submissive and everyone had an assigned soulmate, Ashton was remarkably unsure of himself. Nothing is going as he planned and his soulmate, Calum, is, to put it simply, not who he expected.
Michael is Calum's best friend and an all round terrible example when it comes to navigating relationships.
Calum's assistant Maggie, along with her soulmate Carla, seem to be the only ones who do understand how a relationship is supposed to work.
Are they the only people can put those around them at ease?
Everything That’s Come and Gone (ao3) - MCRmyGeneral ot4 E, 6k
Summary: Mostly he just sat and stewed on the fact that apparently he’d been fucking as least Ashton, if not all his boyfriends, for months while they laughed behind his back.
Or, Ashton says the wrong thing and it makes Luke think too much.
for you are not beside but within me (ao3) - elysianhood luke/calum E, 11k
Summary: Calum pulled Luke up with his blonde locks by his right hand and wrapped his left tightly around his throat, restricting his airway, and leaned in close to the teary blue eyes, hissing threateningly, ‘You never – ever – speak to me like that ever again, you filthy slut. Ever. You don’t fucking tell me what to do. You’re just a fucktoy, remember? A dirty, fucking whore. That’s all you’ll ever be.’
or; Luke was a bad boy and Calum isn’t happy.
Green Light (ao3) - SpencerKnight ot4 E, 181k
Summary: Class is an age old concept–almost as old as the concept of human slavery, and in a world where buying humans is a standard behavior by those who can afford it, Luke’s only hope as a member of the lower class is that he falls into the hands of a decent buyer–the hands of Ashton Irwin and his partners. Luke knows he has one chance to please his buyers or he risks getting put back on the market, but he’s thrown for a loop when Ashton admits that Luke is the one that gets to call the shots. In an attempt to find security with the trio, Luke braces himself and gives them the green light to do whatever they want with him.
He had no idea they would refuse.
It's Okay, Princess (ao3) - lashtonaf luke/ashton E, 2k
Summary: Luke likes being a tease, if he knows that Ashton will punish him for it.
i want you to want me this way (ao3) - orphan_account luke/ashton T, 6k
Summary: Luke just wants to show Ashton how pretty he looks. Ashton wants to ruin him.
Never On The Ground (ao3) - fourdrunksluts luke/ashton E, 4k
Summary: Just before their performance of No Roots, Luke bites off more than he can chew.
Permanent Chase (ao3) - valiantnerd (arareads) luke/ashton E, 7k
Summary: “I don’t know what you’re trying to get out of this, Luke, but I’m not falling for your attention-grabbing bullshit,” Ashton hissed and it was deliciously threatening, Luke half-wondered how much pushing his boundaries could take before threats became actions. He licked his lips, not caring about hiding his growing smile. “You already did, though.” - Luke drags Ashton to a party, puts on a little show and gets what’s coming to him.
tell me what your worst fantasies are (i bet they look a lot like mine) (ao3) - orphan_account ot4 N/R, 8k
Summary: :+: or where Luke has twisted fantasies and the boys have twisted minds:+:
the Light in Your Eyes and the Dark in Your Heart (ao3) - twinkylukey luke/ashton E, 3k
Summary: Luke’s a sweet rope bunny. The end.
We’re classic together like egyptian gold (ao3) - orphan_account luke/ashton E, 3k
Summary: It’s been two months. Luke picks up on the third call.
Yes Daddy (ao3) - cinnamonhood ot4 M, 2k
Summary: Luke and Calum are caught breaking the rules and are punished by their daddies.
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talkfastromance4 · 2 years
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Decided with Calum and dialogue 40 for day 11! Also, hockey!cal is already back🥰
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Calum watched you from his permanent perch on his large couch as you fluttered like a bird around his apartment. It’s his first day with the brace from tearing his MCL in one of his games. You were watching from the sidelines when Cal got shoved by an opposing player and when he didn’t get up after thirty seconds, everyone was on alert.
His teammates circled around him, the ones on the bench stood up, his coach and medic ran straight onto the ice and you were standing in fear with the rest of the audience. A buzzing hum filled the arena, the announcer listing some stats while they wait to hear and see how Hood is doing.
Through the legs of everyone on the ice you could see he had his helmet off, his face contorted in pain as he nodded or shook his head at the medic. The ambulance car appeared on the ice and he was helped in a sitting position. You were out of your seat as he waved to the crowd and they applauded him off.
You weren’t allowed to see him until he was properly diagnosed and then you had to meet him at the hospital. To say you were scared was an understatement. You paced in the waiting area until you were told to see him.
“Hey Princess,” he smiled tiredly and you did a quick scan of his body. No cast on either of his appendages.
“What happened? What’s wrong?” you rushed out standing next to him.
“Tore my MCL,” he sighed taking your hand, “Gonna need a brace and rest up for about 2-4 weeks.”
“Do you need surgery?”
“They don’t think so. Heat, ice, and elevation should fix on its own. Will you be my nurse?” he asked jokingly but you took it to heart.
And now here he sits watching you pull an assortment of food, beverages, blankets, candles, medication and other things he didn’t see because you went into the kitchen.
“Did you buy everything in Walgreens?” he grins.
“Huh?” you ask resting your hands on your hips. “I just bought the essentials. We’re gonna try and get you back on the ice in two weeks, mister. How’re you feeling? Any pain? When did you last ice or heat?”
“A few hours ago–”
“I’ll get the heating pad–”
“Are you hungry? I picked up some soup from the deli but if you want something more hearty–”
“Princess!” he shouts until you stop talking and stare at him. He motions you over with his fingers. “C’mere.”
You shuffle towards him and he pulls you onto his lap, you freak out not wanting to hurt him but he hushes your qualms.
“Take a breath,” he laughs. “You’ve done enough already. All I want to do right now is cuddle you and watch a movie.”
And you did just that, you watched nearly every holiday movie you could find on any streaming service. Even the corny Hallmark ones that he insisted on watching.
One night when you were over after your own skating practice, you brought over some cookies you made for him to eat. You’d been spending the night (purely accident) pretty frequently because you always fell asleep watching movies with him. This time, you actually brought an overnight bag because you were going to watch all of the Santa Clause movies with Tim Allen.
“Can you make me hot chocolate?” he asks, rubbing at your arm. You were nestled on his chest under a big fluffy blanket.
“Just like how Judy made?” you smile since that’s the part of the movie you’re on.
“No, how you make it. With white chocolate chips and marshmallows.”
“Mm name all the reindeer and I will.”
“Oh shit,” he groans closing his eyes.
“It’s only nine!”
“Nine?! I thought there were eight?”
“Rudolph is the ninth reindeer, babe,” you laugh.
“Well there’s one,” he teases kissing your nose. “Uhh there’s Comet…Blizzard?”
“Blizzard? What kind of name is that?”
“I don’t know!”
“Blitzen, so that’s close. Go on.”
“Cupid?” he asks and you nod ticking off your fingers. “Prancer…”
He ended up singing through the song until he finally got all of the reindeer names correctly.
“Good boy, you get extra marshmallows.”
“How about some extra kisses?” He pulls you in for a kiss, his hand on your lower back securing you against him.
Before you could get too carried away, you pulled away to go make his hot chocolate. Calum had to adjust himself under the blanket, he got a little too excited from that kiss and it’s been killing him that he can’t go further. Not that you don’t want to, but because he isn’t fully healed yet.
When you return with his hot cocoa, you take turns sipping it as you finish the movie.
“Thanks for taking care of me,” he tells you, his fingers are playing with your hair.
“Anytime,” you kiss his cheek.
Taglist: @calumance  @in-superbloom @calpalirwin @karajaynetoday @wiiildflowerrr @sunshineeeluke @littledrummeraussie @suchalonelysunflower @hoodhoran @thew0rldneedsmcreycghurt @sunshineeashton @ashtonsunflower​ @mymindwide​ @itjustkindahappenedreally @seanna313 @mulletcal @pandaxnienke @celestialams @in-a-world-of-fandoms @blairscott
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whiskeys-muses · 10 months
Calum Wyatt Abrams
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46-49. he/him. heterosexual. coach/boxer. jon bernthal.
Nickname(s): cal
General information: 5 ft 11 in. dark brown eyes. dark brown hair.
Date and place of birth: 23rd of november in seattle, washington
Family: maxwell (deceased) and jennifer abrams - one younger brother (carter abrams)
a few random facts:
cal is normally rather stubborn. if he allows you to see his softer side, you are someone he can trust.
due to a few unfortunate matches, cal doesn't spend much time in the ring anymore, but when given that chance, he leaves it all in the ring.
cal has a major sweet tooth. at any given time, you can find more sweets than healthy food in his home.
more information to come.
0 notes
soccerdailyuk · 1 year
Who is James McConnell? 18-year-old midfielder training with Liverpool first team
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Who is James McConnell? 18-year-old midfielder training with Liverpool first team James McConnell has been making the most of his time since joining Liverpool, and it's no surprise that he has now been recognized as part of the first team. Alongside more experienced players, McConnell and a group of young players have been invited by Jurgen Klopp to participate in the team's pre-season training camp in Germany. Although McConnell, who is 18 years old, may not have had as much exposure at the senior level as Bobby Clark, Ben Doak, and Melkamu Frauendorf, nor does he have the football legacy of Lewis Koumas, or the high transfer fee that brought Calum Scanlon to Liverpool, those who have been closely following the Academy have always recognized McConnell's potential. He is known for his energetic and attacking style of play, and he first made an impression when he joined Liverpool's under-18 team at the age of 16 after transferring from Sunderland's U15 team. McConnell made a strong impression during his first start in the U18 Premier League North, scoring a great goal that contributed to a 2-1 victory against Stoke City in February 2021. Throughout the 2020/21 season, under the guidance of U18s coach Marc Bridge-Wilkinson, he consistently played at that level and showed progress, leading to him signing his first professional contract shortly after his 17th birthday in September 2021. During that season, McConnell showcased his versatility by playing in various midfield positions, both in attacking and defensive roles. He even played on the left side and scored a goal in the 4-0 win over Everton U18s in the derby match. However, it was the following season when McConnell truly excelled. He started the campaign as a key player in the central midfield for the U18s and scored in the 4-2 victory against Manchester United. His contributions extended to Liverpool's UEFA Youth League run, where he made a significant impact in the 2-1 win against Napoli, setting the tone for the team. He went on to start six out of eight games in the competition, helping Liverpool reach the quarter-finals. In addition, McConnell had the opportunity to play for the U21 side in the EFL Trophy. He played the full 90 minutes in an unusual right-back position during a narrow 1-0 defeat against Rochdale in September. Liverpool's confidence in McConnell was further demonstrated when he signed a new long-term contract the following month. He then made his debut in the Premier League 2, playing in the second half of the 2-1 victory over Everton in the mini-derby. However, McConnell experienced a setback when he suffered an injury, which kept him sidelined for several months. Fortunately, in February, he made his return to the U18s squad and immediately made an impact by scoring goals in consecutive games against Manchester City and Nottingham Forest. "We have missed James when he has not been available due to injury," said Bridge-Wilkinson after an impressive showing by McConnell in a 4-0 win at Newcastle United in April. "I thought he was really good at Newcastle. Obviously he is one of the older players in our group and he played with a mature head. He has got a lot of quality and I thought he showed that." Towards the end of the U18s campaign, McConnell continued to make an impact by contributing a goal and an assist in a subsequent match. He also achieved another milestone by scoring his first goal in the Premier League 2 when he came off the bench and headed home the only goal for the U21s in their final match against Crystal Palace. With upcoming friendly matches against Karlsruhe on Wednesday and Greuther Furth the following Monday, McConnell will aim to impress Jurgen Klopp and the coaching staff in the hopes of earning playing time. Given his track record, it would not be surprising if McConnell adds another notable achievement to his growing list of accomplishments during these upcoming days. Who is James McConnell? 18-year-old midfielder training with Liverpool first team Read the full article
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mina-van1104 · 2 years
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♡ Here are cute/happy pictures of me. Feeling emotional these past few days because 1 of my cats who passed away in July of last year, (her name Teddy-Persephanie)-her birthday is tomorrow. I miss my cat. ❤️ Also was thinking about 1 of my aunts who also passed away last year in June-a month before my cat died.
Been fine for a couple of months then started thinking about my cat & aunt again. Had some good long cries. 😭I miss them. I have my 2 adorable dogs left, my other cat Nala, & my kitten named Binx. Binx is a reborn of Teddy-Persephanie both black & white colored fur. My dogs are getting older & started noticing grey/white fur growing on them. Makes me cry.😭Time is flying by fast. But this is life. I love them. My forever babies.❤️
I dedicate this song to my loving cat who passed away 7 months ago. (Her birthday’s tomorrow). It’s called “You Are the Reason” by Calum Scott-song played on Instagram. Also been very stressful this week & been stressed out about other things lately. Super busy week.
Also praying for everyone in Syria & Turkey through that big earthquake 3 days ago. Been so sad about some things lately. 😭On the bright side I’m still excited for all the new opportunities & grateful where I am in life. Thank you Jesus. Proud nurse, coach. Nevada born & raised. Family living in Nevada for 44 (forty-four) years. 18 years as an elite long distance runner. Always thinking positive. Hope it’s a good year. These pictures make me happy. Spread kindness. Love to all.❤️
✞♡ # Selfie # NativeNevadan # JesusChrist ✝️🦂# ProChoice (though, in politics) # Equality # Justice 💙 # Nurse # Coach # Healthcare # Running 🏃🏻‍♀️ # PositiveVibes # LoveDrivesOutFear # NevadaBornAndRaised # NevadaNative # athletic 🐾🏃🏻‍♀️💪🏼# HomeMeansNevada # Nevada # UNRnevadaAlumnaMay2016🎓 🐾 # PostUniversityGraduate 🎓 # Overachiever # WolfPackAlumna 🐾 # BachelorsHealthScience # PublicHealth 🐺 # 3CollegeDegrees # 3ExtraMedicalLicenses # AlreadyAllAchieved # TrueAccomplishments # integrity
•2019:Older sister Catherine Van&Adam Schwartz’s Wedding&their website on: https://www.theknot.com/us/catherine-van-and-adam-schwartz-aug-2019•Reminiscing more than 200 people came.
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daydadahlias · 2 years
*cracks knuckle* sleep? I don’t need sleep. Disclaimer-the only stuff I know about SPN comes from tumblr and the occasional fanfic, so, uh.
Calum-Family Business, on both sides. Māori have a lot of legends and most of them are true. Same goes for the Scottish. I think he met a Kelpi when visiting Scotland with his family as a child (6 or 7) and was promptly let in on The Secret by local elders.
Michael-Is dragged into it when he accidentally witnesses 14 year old Calum banish a demon from his assistant football coach. He just wanted to know if he wanted to play guitar hero after practice Calum WHAT THE FUCK. Decides there is NO WAY he is going to be dead weight when they are together (‘I’ve played lots of video games, Calum, how hard can it be?’ *loud screaming*)
Luke-Family Business, kind of? There had been Family Lore for generations that they had the potential to be Holy Vessels (angel vessels). No one REALLY believed it until Great Grandad Henry started glowing during WW1. The family was quietly brought into the hunting community after that. None of them had ever become actual hunters, but they had the knowledge. None until Luke, that is.
Ashton-IDK man I feel, in my soul, that it needs to have SOMETHING to do with his bio dad???? But that also feels, like, insensitive? Was his bio dad a hunter? A monster? Just an asshole? OH OH I GOT IT! Ash finds some stuff his dad left behind when he’s, say, 15? Among them a few old books and journals. His mom says his dad told her he inherited them from his grandfather, but that the old man had been off his rocker. He tossed them in the attic and never thought of them again, not even when he left. Ash reads them wanting to prove that maybe what he left behind had value (*cough* self projection *cough*) but thinks, ok, maybe the old man HAD been off his rocker. Until he sees textbook signs of-(idk some kind of monster? Maybe a demon possessing the neighbor?) and decides to lay a trap according to what the journal says. And it works. And Ash kills it, and then Freaks The Fuck Out bc he had no idea those were REAL and now THEY ARE SND HE KILLED ONE and oh my god it was so close to Harry and Lauren. He doesn’t tell anyone, just stumbles through The Beginning Stages of Being A Hunter entirely on his own (and armed with what he finds out are his great-grandads journals). And then he meets Calum, Michael, and Luke and discovers there is an entire hunting community after they see the journals on his bookshelf (there was lots of screaming that afternoon, he’s lucky they were home alone). The journals alluded to a community but that was DECADES ago, ya know?
Uh *coughs* I’ll take that Pepsi now, I guess?-💜
everything about this. everything about this. i need it. i feel strongly and i need it. give it to me now. i tell you what I'd really like, in my heart of hearts, is for Ash to be part monster. I always fuck so hard with those storylines.
also the IMAGE of Michael being just The Worst hunter but trying his hardest and thinking he's really good at it when Calum is just constantly saving him is SENDING me to the MOON. malum being young hunters together and then running into Luke on the same hunt and being like "bro?? is this the fucking?? guy from our school?? wtf are you doing here??" "wtf are YOU doing here" is actually something that can be SO personal to me.
i also have already drunk the pepsi i am so sorry.
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