kirkoid-music · 9 months
My Inner Mystery (Kirkoid Mix) - November 2014
My remix of a track by Stefan Kartenberg, it was my entry in a 2014 ccMIxter competition. I remember I was a bit stuck to start with, then discovered an Indian drum track sample that made me think of thunder, so then I decided to add some thunder, rolling across the verses.
I took the stems and distorted some and flanged the rest. Initially the vocals were very phased, but then I came back to it undid that to made them stand out a bit more. Then, I missed the phasing so I redid the backing vocals to get the best of both worlds. I think now I need to make the distorted guitar louder.
Reviews for My Inner Mystery (Kirkoid Mix) on ccMixter
Great great work!!!
As they say in ReBoot this is “Alphanumeric!”.
Quite a transformation, from source material to mix. Very inventive.
This is freakin crunchy fantastic… Auto tuned campfire music :)
Wow! Love your treatment. Has a great sound and feel — totally unique despite familiar sonic references. Great job. Thanks so much for being part of the ccMixter musical family!
So much amazing guitar work in this! i love the static and the driving acoustic tracks. feels like a modern day Simon & Garfunkel song - the use of the thunder is awesome. divine from start to finish.
A nice mix - thank you very much, Kirkoid.
This is amazing!
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jimisunsets · 2 years
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Camera Dump #28
Happy Birthday Eya 💋🙌🏾💕
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witchinatree · 2 months
"Gwen Bouchard; Too Close to the Sun"
third time's the charm except this one was a disaster and i just want to be DONE with it 😡
i was waiting hoping for more sad gwen and then 23 handed me exactly what i needed. and alice i love her too
this also made me think about like 1. babygirl blackmailed lena into letting her icarus herself, and 2. alice never doubted her for a moment, even when sam was cackling about the bonzo thing, i hope gwen and alice talk more because they need it/each other
so originally i was going to use the song "the rockrose and the thistle" by the amazing devil but i listened to the lyrics a bit more and realized it's way better for basira and daisy. guess what the next one is gonna be LMAO
i'm exhausted though so pls don't hold your breath you will suffocate ‼️
the podcast is the magnus protocols, song is "bubble gum" by clairo, and i used capcut (evil) to do this
sorry this one is kinda all over the place, i didn't have great scenes to transition between. it was so much easier with jon we got 200 episodes of him never shutting the fuck up (/pos)
if anyone ever asks me who my favorite tmagp character is pls show them this, it will not answer their question but i want internet points for my labor (it is gwen and alice though)
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starryluminary · 2 years
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Ridonculous Race but Noah is friends with Owen part one: Let’s get this started right!
Why is Noah so mean to Owen in rr. Why doesn’t he like him at all. Why does he treat him so coldly when Owen’s just trying to engage. It makes me mad so I’m starting this series out of spite. I want them to be FRIENDS
Image 1 Don, offscreen: Owen and Noah: seasoned reality TV participants!
Image 2 Owen: Yea- ha- ha- ha!!! WOO!!
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yellowmagicalgirl · 8 days
On one hand, there's a current deal for DriveThruRPG/DM's Guild creators in which we get 12% royalties if you purchase through the affiliate link instead of the usual 8%. On the other hand, the purpose of the current sale is to get you to buy a game I'd rather not advertise due to recent controversies. Instead, I'll advertise some indie games that I'd like to play one day using their premade banners:
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Thirsty Sword Lesbians! It's a PbtA game set up similarly to MASKS, and is rather setting-neutral compared to all the other PbtA games I've seen. Do note that the focus is more on being thirsty lesbians (or at least, queer people desperate for connection) than about swords considering how easily they can be reflavored. (IDK what the other two are about.)
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I really wanna play Girl by Moonlight one day, and I love how it's one of the few magical girl TTRPG's I've seen that has both Madoka-style rules and Sailor Moon.-style rules, as opposed to insisting on one or the other. There's also rules for two other genres in there (mecha and magical realism).
And I'd also like to play the regular Blades in the Dark game one day as well. I wonder if my friend ever got that game she was gonna invite me to off the ground...
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kirkoid-music · 1 year
Swanker (Tangent Remix) - April 2009
Having discovered the joy of using vocals in music, I started to revisit some of my instrumental back catalogue to see if I could find vocals to fit. It had often bothered me that I didn't have vocals for my tracks. This was one of those times, and the track was Tangent, a track I had recorded three years previously.
A band called Drip from Manila uploaded the vocals from one of their tracks, Swanker, for a remix competition. I mixed the vocal track into Tangent, and Swanker (Tangent Remix) was born.
It's interesting how much of the track gets 'lost' or 'covered up' by the vocals. The original track had none so I had worked to keep it interesting using just the sounds. Some of this doesn't come through in the remix version the way it does in the instrumental. Because of this, I decided to keep both in my active back catalogue and include both in my Chronology.
Reviews for Swanker (Tangent Remix):
I enjoyed listening to your track - the whole vibe was pretty cool. Thanks.
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magic in asoiaf is genetic. and that is intresting. and the fact that grrm doesn’t shy away from the implications of this makes me love asoiaf even more.
because it’s very understandable that these people who could ride dragons would see themselves as more gods than men. it’s understandable that the practice of sibling-sibling incest would become common in order to keep this ability in the family/to not lose said ability. it’s also understandable that these people would see their race as superior because they are able to do these things that others could not.
it also makes complete sense that this human civilization collapsed in a horrific magical event due to their own hubris because they saw themselves as gods when they were always only men.
and that is peak world building.
some more peak world building is that the noble houses of westeros also clearly gained power and held onto their power through the use of their magical abilities inherited from their ancestors.
a godlike existence like Garth the Green being the ancestor of all the oldest and most noble of the reach houses makes perfect sense for this world!and it also makes sense that the lords without this ancestry are discriminated against in this region that still holds onto the values their society cultivated in the past in order to maintain their magical superiority, even though most of these noble and old houses no longer exhibit these abilities.
and it also makes sense that these people no longer have access to these abilities as they no longer practice the religion that was centered around these powers; plus their blood is simply diluted at this point as these houses have married into a different ethnic group so often that the magical gene just doesn’t surface anymore.
but the fact that it still matters if you can trace your ancestry back to Garth the Green? peak! peak! peak!
george does such an excellent job showcasing the stagnation of westerosi society here because why should it matter if you’re connected to this magic guy if magic is no longer commonplace? however, it also makes total sense that the ruling class of the reach still harps on and on about this as it’s how they maintain the status quo and differentiate themselves from those they consider lesser now that they no longer have access to magic themselves.
and this is also why it’s very important that the Starks still retain the blood of the first men. because the first men interbred with the children of the forest and other elder races, which is what gave these humans these powers. it’s also worth noting that before the direwolves connected with the Stark children, none of our current Starks were able to awaken their abilities by themselves, which shows that even now they are very far removed from their ancestor who’s genetic makeup gave this bloodline these abilities. and it makes sense that the Starks experienced this slow magical decline because magic itself was declining in the world after the doom of valyria.
another reason for this decline is because Andal culture started heavily influencing the North and slowly changed the way magic was perceived. so now in the present, a warg/skinchanger/greenseer has become something to fear being because that’d make you different and therefore puts your life at risk, which means that there’s now practically no safe environment to cultivate these abilities and no secure way to pass down any knowledge you do have about said abilities.
i can’t help but be reminded about how Jon Snow has rejected his nature and how that has led to the stagnation of his abilities, and then i think about Arya and Bran and how their new environments have led to an astonishing growth in their abilities, which shows that it’s not just genetics that matter, environment is also just as, if not more, important.
i bring all of this up because magic being genetic in asoiaf is not as problematic as people try to make it out as. in real life, sometimes people just have genetic gifts. some people can become olympians, and some people are disabled. some people are born 10 times smarter than the average human, and some people believe that covering their faces in lemon juice would turn them invisible. that is reality. and in this universe, some people have access to magic and some don’t, and it’s all based on genetics. it’s unfair! and that makes it realistic.
not everyone gets to ride dragons and not everyone gets to travel back in time, and that grounds asoiaf, which is what grrm was going for.
and how these societies have organized themselves in response to these genetic abilities and the dangers they pose makes absolute sense. on one hand we have the valyrian freehold, which was a magic hotspot and the people who lived there used magic to propel their society to new heights, and on the other hand we have the seven kingdoms that demonize anyone too different, and all magic practitioners are different from normal humans.
and the fact that george decided to go this route with asoiaf is so juicy to me cause:
we have characters like Varamyr and Euron who use their abilities to commit great evils and we know that their powers have influenced the way they see and interact with others. on the other hand we have characters like Dany who use their abilities to fight against evil violent institutions. and through characters like her we learn how vulnerable fledgling magic practitioners/characters with these abilities are to these older and more dangerous institutions and individuals who are perfectly aware about the knowledge gap between them and these younger characters and know exactly how to exploit them.
so, while it’s understandable that the fandom is uncomfy with the practices and values that grrm has written about, this isn’t bad world building by any means. it’s logical and well thought out. and i truly enjoy that grrm doesn’t shy away from writing about the more worrying aspects and implications of magic being a matter of genetics. i also like how the seven kingdoms and the valyrian freehold are kinda extremes on the matter of magic and how this is/was detrimental to both of these societies and at the individual level. a horrific magical firey doom is not any better nor any worse than a slow drawn out icey decline.
imo, what is important to remember is that in the world of asoiaf, people with magic are the ones who are discriminated against (bc most POV characters are in Westeros and magic is a no no there). so they are the ones who are in danger if they out themselves as magic users. now, it is true that some societies are more tolerant (Qarth is a great example of this and Valyria before the doom was likely the most tolerant to have ever existed in this world), but as of now most societies simply aren’t. remember jojens warning? he didn’t pull that out of his ass. bran would’ve been in a lot of danger if he came out and told the wrong people about his dreams/abilities. also, jon’s assassination may have been partly motivated by the mutineers fear of wargs. this is the life-threatening danger magic practitioners are in for simply existing in an intolerant society.
tbh the reason i typed all this up is because it’s very annoying when people try to ignore the reality, which is that the dragonbond depends on genetics. now, i’m sure there are other ways to ride a dragon, as dragons are magical animals so of course there may be a one in a million chance of a dragon allowing some rando to ride it, but this doesn’t change the fact that there is such a thing as a genetic ability that gives these certain humans the ability to form a connection with a dragon.
(another example that i can’t help but remember is that melisandre was able to get ghosts approval by using some of her tricks. of course there could be other reasons for ghost to have done this, but the most likely reason is that ghost simply fell for melisandre’s trick and this influenced how jon saw mel. but this doesn’t change the fact that melisandre will never have the kind of bond jon and ghost have because melisandre is not a warg. this is also another example of how vulnerable fledgling magic practitioners are to older ones.)
so, sorry not sorry that george decided to create a realistic representation of what a society would look like if only certain bloodlines were able to ride dragons <\3.
#this is interesting! it’s juicy! because these are humans with the power of gods!#of course there was a civilization where the elites saw themselves as gods!#of course their powers impacted the way they structured their society!#of course the stagnant westerosi society still holds onto values and practices from hundreds of years ago#…because they once had magical abilities that set them apart. and bc their society is so stagnant they still have these values and practices#…after they lost their magical abilities. and it makes complete sense that these magical abilities were lost!#magic is feared in westeros! anyone with these abilities is othered/an outcast. these inherent powers aren’t cultivated bc this is a society#…that fears and persecutes people with magic! and it makes total sense that this likely began with the arrival of the andals!#anyways magic is genetic ✌️#and it’s so cool that so many people in this universe may not know that they have these powers bc they live in a society that doesn’t care/#doesn’t cultivate said powers. jon snow is literally called a beast by other characters bc they think he’s a warg#westeros is not a safe space for my magical son#i’m ready to fight anyone who disagrees#it’s literally so fucking intresting and i’m glad that george doesn’t shy away from any of it#asoiaf#pro targaryen#asoiaf meta#also let’s not pretend that warging/greenseeing hasn’t been used for horrible things as well#hodor is right there. legends of the nights king show exactly what can happen when a very powerful greenseer is a horrific human#yeah anyways#maybe he wasn’t a greenseer but u get my point (i hope)#asoiaf fandom critical#ppl having issues w/ the dragonbond being genetic has always struck me as odd#but i’d lie if i said i didn’t know where this attitude came from#this whole post is a mess lmao#hopefully i got my point across but i dont rly care to edit 🤷‍♀️#this is def a word vomit
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AKIRA x MCR - The Only Hope For Me Is You
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welcometoteyvat · 7 months
too little gfx in the tags lately this is so unfortunate
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thistledropkick · 1 year
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I'm having a party because I defeated Charisma and won tequila as the prize but I wonder if I can drink 100 bottles of tequila ~
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"It has been decided.
I'm having a party because I defeated Charisma and won tequila as the prize, but I wonder if I can drink 100 bottles of tequila ~
I hate the titles of those wish-fulfillment isekai mangas but somehow the name of my own event sounds like an isekai
I defeated Charisma in a singles match that a Mexican tourism company was sponsoring, and the winner of the match was rewarded with Jose Cuervo.
Me and Charisma will sign the empty limited edition Day of the Dead bottles and sell them for charity (because the rules around selling unopened bottles of alcohol are complicated)
To do that, we need to empty the bottles!
Charisma's an alcoholic, but I can't drink every day like that!
That's why I need help!
If I put a link into this post it won't work but, if you go to DDT-san's homepage and NJPW's homepage you can get all the information about the event!
See you there, and thank you!"
This event sounds amazing. They're holding three of these total - one at Yano's sports bar EBRIETAS, and one at each of DDT's two bars, Dropkick and SWANDIVE. Tickets are 6000 yen (around $40) and distributed by lottery system. A ticket gives you either 90 or 120 minutes at the event depending on the venue. Desperado is hosting the events himself, and he will personally pour you shots of tequila for 500 yen a shot (around $3.50)
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kidfur · 3 months
i read a whole 44 pages of my pokemon magazine without opening my phone once!!! attention span repair is GO!!!
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six-sticks · 2 years
english translation of zhou shen and gai’s 玫瑰少年
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kirkoid-music · 1 year
Watch That Sound - December 2007
Occasionally some big names would upload some stems to ccMixter, leading to a bit of a remixing frenzy, and this was one of those occasions. The artist in question was DJ Vadim.
I remember putting this track together very quickly, at this point my source for samples was Freesound, some Magix sample disks I had and ccMixter itself.
Reviews for Watch That Sound
Fantastic! This is a great-sounding mix and (don’t tell DJ Vadim I said this) I like it quite a bit better than the original. Just a little something you whipped up in a few minutes? Very cool. I’d add something technical but frankly, I don’t want to spoil the joy.
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hell0mega · 1 year
i am also interested in the pronoun question you asked, because i use they/she as i prefer they/them and find she/her is fine but for me personally id rather people used they/them for me than switching it up. i think part of it is that in my own head i use both for myself but i’m not a massive fan of other people using she/her if that makes any sense? but then also some people have just assumed i use he/him for some reason and i haven’t corrected them so idk. hope you get some other answers!
this is exactly why i asked that question because I'm all for only displaying the pronouns you want people to use for you. for a long time i was "any pronouns" or "they/he/she" (in order of preference) but over time i said you know what, fuck it. they/them makes me the happiest so that's what I'm demanding from people
i will gender myself and still use binary pronouns to refer to myself sometimes and it doesn't typically cause dysphoria (cuz i know what I'm talking about lol) I'm also very pro-gender and people might describe me as fluid if i really explained my feelings but i like nonbinary the best as a label and gender neutral terms cause the most euphoria. so i go with that
i am still seen as binary in real life, I'm not out to everyone, and i decided it was more trouble than it's worth at this point to tell my school and future workplaces to use my chosen names and pronouns. so I'm kinda cosplaying as a cis person day to day, and i recognize that privilege
but if you really prefer one over the other, then just ask for that. you don't have to tell everyone in your life and you can have different requests and expectations for each corner you inhabit. i wouldn't put she as an option if you, in your own words, "rather people use they/them" and you're "not a massive fan of people using she/her." then your pronouns are they/them!! demand that if that's what makes you happy!
trust me i spent literally 7 years doubting myself over my identity. i felt like i was faking it or wasn't queer enough to demand that change from others. FOR SEVEN YEARS. AS AN ADULT. as soon as i realized nothing matters and i should just do what i want it opened me up to having the best time ever. I'm a girl I'm a guy I'm a mom I'm an old man. I'm all I'm nothing.
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lanarchive · 1 year
so so funny when certain ppl from certain countries make fun of other ppl for “being scared” of smoking like if it was the other way around u would be calling everyone who smokes disgusting and backwards
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maretriarch · 2 years
im really excited about the fang vote monster high thing. well at least that is until the tasteless public inevitably pick an ugly choice for the doll and I'll proceed to be mad about that Forever and sulk abt how much better the one i voted for was. also the fact that there's absolutely zero way ill (or most ppl) will be able to actually purchase the finished doll with the scalperbot problem mattel has been having w their mh dolls
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