mariophotographies · 18 days
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France by Mario. H. "Cour intérieure"
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photos-de-france · 9 days
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Henri Guérard, Une courette de la rue des Amandiers, Paris, 1981.
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moulin-girault · 2 months
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La cour au printemps
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tigerandbunnyftw · 2 years
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A new PV for cour 2 will be debuting tomorrow (30th September) at 18:00 JST, so get your alarms set!
Pre-warning as there will be potential minor spoilers of what’s to come for the remaining episodes of TIGER & BUNNY 2.
Are you ready?
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interieur · 9 months
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illustratus · 2 years
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The courtyard of Château de Chabenet
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weeblmaodotcom · 11 months
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You ain't fooling no one Dani Trejo ! ( Bleach TYBW cour 2 ) , Meme by Weeblmao.com
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niobe-loreley · 2 years
Hey! I love your series with Sierra Six x reader! Please continue w part 3 ! <3
well, since u asked so anonymously eheh HERE IT IS
(see author's notes far below)
disclaimer: pictures are NOT MINE, but the edited version of it is for the fic. still, credits to the rightful owners and to canva + weheartit. additionally, i am not a subic/zambales native so my apologies for any wrong locations or descriptions or language.
Heaven Is In A Shortcake {iii}
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Six x Fem!Reader / Courtland Gentry x Fem!Reader
warnings: occasional swear words. slow burn. fluff. trust issues. culture shock. check word count.
CHAPTER SELECTION is in the✨Masterlist✨ Chapter 2 - why hello there, previous chapter here, look for me in the masterlist Chapter 3 - this is it [next chapter link is posted below for suspense & convenience hehe]
words: 3.3k (N/N) = nickname *Kiara = Claire *Kurt = Court *cover names / reader doesn't know (except you really do know #wreckthe4thwall)
Eighteen years.. two hundred, sixteen months.. six thousand, five hundred, seventy-four days… That’s how long he’s been a Sierra.
For almost two decades, Court has killed two cemeteries worth of people. He only felt nervous during the first month, and after that, everything was easy.
Except now.
He stays behind you and Claire as the three of you march around the mall. You’re pointing at stores and sharing relevant information about them, Claire is actively listening and asking questions.
In all his Sierra years, Court has never felt as nervous as he is now. He feels so exposed, even though no one is watching the three of you. And the paranoia ceaselessly courses through his nerves.
Are you leading them to your mercenary friends? How are you contacting them? How many knives do you have hidden in your cropped shirt and black joggers? Maybe the knives are in your Chucks. 
Court heavily scrutinizes every inch of you, from head to toe. Looking for any wires, holsters, or knife handles— but to no avail.
And then he switches to the other half of his consciousness where he thinks you’re just a civilian— Claire is his top priority, but how can he protect you too? Can you fight? What will you do when you’re held at gunpoint? Will you leave them in the face of danger?
You suddenly cry out. "Ah—!"
Court immediately stops scouring the vicinity. He looks over to find you and Claire stepping towards three women each with their own dogs.
"—May I pet your dogs?" you asks energetically.
Clair is excited. "Me, too?!"
The ladies chuckle. "Sure!"
Court quietly huffs, adjusting the cap on his head, he waits for you and Claire to finish petting the dogs. He glares at you for a second before taking another gander. It's not that he has an entirely bad feeling that something may happen, he just feels anxious for having someone else's company besides Claire.
"Aww, those dogs are too cute!" you coo, reluctantly walking away.
"I don't think you're good for me, (N/N)." Claire breathes out, "You're very vigorous."
"Oh, fuc— fudge!" you stop your tracks, gently gripping Claire's shoulder, you take the paper bag from her. "Kiara, are you okay?"
Court is quick to squat down in front of her. "Is it bad?" he solemnly asks.
She shakes her head. "No... Just need—" she pauses to pull down her facemask, "—to catch my breath."
"Just another Thursday."
Court decides to trust her words and reassuring smile.
"There's some benches out there." you say, "Lucky that we're near the exit."
Claire suddenly grasps your hand when you're about to lead the way. Court exchanges incredulous looks with you; Claire knows how to be cautious, he's taught her well. But if she's willing to take your hand, then he hopes, for your sake, you won't do anything to hurt her. Rising up, he takes the teen's other hand.
"Want me to piggyback you?" you inquire before he could.
"No, I should walk this off." Claire grins, "Maybe some other time, though."
You laugh. "If I didn't know any better you, you were setting me up for that."
"Not in my original plan, but guilty as charged.."
Court follows your pace as the three of you exit the mall. You guide them through the garden pathway and find a vacant bench. The weather is cloudy, but not enough to induce rain, patches of sunlight successfully streaks through from time to time. You let Claire sit down near the armrest before you take the spot on her right. Court takes a gander before he crouches down in front of Claire.
"Would like some water?" you ask, placing the paper bag on your lap, you open up your pouch. "I have a small bottle here for emergencies."
"It's so tiny," she coughs a laugh. "Are you sure?"
"You're kinda having an emergency, so yeah."
Claire and Court share a look before she nods at you. Even if it's a sealed bottle, there are ways to bypass it, but evidence would show. You open up the bottle and hand it to Claire. Court forces himself not to take the bottle for inspection first, instead he furtively slips a hand in his left pants-pocket, feeling security in the cold steel that brushes against his finger.
"Thanks," Claire returns the bottle after taking a mouthful.
You place the bottle back in your pouch, gently running your palm on Claire's back. "Maybe you should lean back," you say, "Or lie down on the bench."
"Nah, people might stare."
"I'll gouge out their eyes for you."
"Please tell me you're joking."
"I am— slightly. But seriously though, take a gentle breath in.. and then out."
Claire mimics you until she swears she feels her heart is as normal as it can be. "I'm sorry, I got too excited." she sheepishly says.
"Oh, don't be. I should be the one apologizing," you scratch your head, looking down in shame. "It flew over my head that you may get tired easily."
"Maybe we should drive by the hospital before going home." Court suggests.
Claire sighs. "Alright.. but I don't wanna go yet."
"That's okay," Court nods, standing up.
"But the second you're in more pain than before, you and your dad are going to the hospital!" you say in an authoritative voice.
The father-daughter duo stares at you like you've grown another head. "Sorry, too much?" you laugh, reddening. "Though I was a tad bit serious about it."
"You're funny, (N/N)." Claire remarks amusedly.
You flourish your hand with a bow. "I'm glad that I can entertain you, milady. But I was still serious."
Claire snickers. "Okay, okay.."
"My name is (Y/N), by the way.. (N/N) is my nickname when working at the cafe." you disclose chirpily.
"(Y/N)," Claire says slowly, testing it out, she shakes her head, "Nah, I'm sticking with (N/N)."
As you share a laugh with Claire, Court can't help but think how better off the young girl is if she's with someone like you. Someone who can be a strong emotional support while simultaneously being hilarious. Court can only be the latter. He can feel Donald smacking him upside the head for letting such thoughts dwell. Claire may not have a normal life anymore, but Court will make sure she'll have a long one.
He sits on the spot beside you when Claire inquires what else you do besides working at Flour Cake De Liz. You disclose your weekly schedule as though you're talking to an old friend: Monday and Tuesday mornings at the cafe, while on the evenings at the Ril Steak. It's a family restaurant and bar during the day, still the same during the night except it turns into a night club on Wednesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays.
"And on Sundays, I typically man the pharmacy below my apartment. But it's also practically a general goods and merchandise store." you pause, deeply inhaling and exhaling. "Isn't that the most non-heart racing disclosure you've ever heard? I actually wanted to share my ghost stories, but I don't want to be the reason you're sent to the hospital."
Court is surprised.
Claire chuckles, lightly patting you on the arm. "Some other time, then." she says with a broad smile, "Thank you for that, (N/N)."
Court turns away as his astonishment doubles. He doesn't realize your intentions until now; he thinks you're just an eloquent chatterbox, but there's always more than meets the eye. Although, your unpredictability proliferates dread through his nerves immeasurably.
"There's some cotton candy!" you suddenly exclaim, pointing at an incoming vendor strolling through the path. He has to stop when people began crowding him.
"I'll buy some for us!" Claire declares, hopping off the bench.
"You sure?" you asks as you stand up.
"Yup!" she briskly walks away, fishing out her wallet.
"There's no stopping her, huh?" you chuckle, sitting back down.
"You should be more careful.. with Claire, I mean."
Your eyes widen at the girl's father, he's looking at you like you took candy from his baby girl. "I thought I was.. I'm sorry." you cast your gaze down, ashamed.
He shakes his head. "Sorry is not enough when she's fighting for her life in those damn hospital beds."
"I get it, okay?" you tighten your jaw.
"You get it?" he heaves a brow mockingly.
"Yes, I understand. That's why I'm apologizing."
"How would you understand when your life's not the one on the line here?"
“Because someone else is!" you instinctively raise your voice, breathing out a sigh to calm yourself, you soften your volume. But it's blazing with fury as you speak. "You know what.. if you’re so annoyed with me, then you should’ve just told Kiara that you don’t want me hanging out with you two.”
"She didn’t ask me because she knows what I’ll say. She asked you— you should’ve declined her offer.” he proclaims chidingly.
“Have you seen your daughter? She’s charming and lively despite her condition.”
“So, you’re doing this for pity.”
“No, I’m doing this because I have compassion. I’m guessing you don’t have that in your vocabulary, Mr. Dipshit—”
That stung more than Court has anticipated.
“—Better write it on your forehead with permanent marker!”
“Leave, then.. if you’re so mad.”
"I’m not leaving because you’re making me, I’ll leave when Kiara tells me to. But just so you know, I don’t like you anymore."
"Here~ are~ the cotton candies!" Claire skips back to the bench, holding three cotton candies, she halts as she perceives the dark clouds above you and Court's heads. "Is everything all right?"
"Yup!" you beam, rising up like the morning sun, clearing the clouds away. You grab two of the cotton candies and outstretch one to him. "We're all right, right?"
He looks at you for a good five seconds—yes, you counted— and grabs the cotton candy. The stick holding the fluffy sweet is short, it's inevitable for his fingers to brush above yours. But what can be avoided is the blood heating up your cheeks.
You're vexed at him, right? He's looking at you like you're a child, right? And he thinks you're careless with his daughter, right? 
That's right— putangina niya!
His daughter doesn't even resemble him. Fortunately, her good looks may have come from her mother.
"Mine tastes like apple!" Claire giggles, sitting beside her dad.
You continue to stand, finding pride that you appear to be towering over him like this. "Mine is," you pause to take a mouthful of the blue threads, "bubblegum!"
Claire turns to Court, who accidentally tears a strip of pink cotton candy instead of biting on a chunk. He pulls on the piece, splitting it into two, and mindfully chews. "Strawberry," he says with a smack of his lips, extending half of the piece to Claire.
She laughs and takes the half, popping it in her mouth. "Strawberry," she nods with a toothy grin.
Court lets a small smile etch on his blank face, and you feel your stomach churn in delight. The way he's gentle towards her is very sweet, it nearly softens your anger at him until you remind yourself that he can be a dickwad. But that's probably due to his overprotectiveness of his daughter.
Maybe he is right about you.. being careless to such a charismatic girl with a frail heart.
Damn— first, he gaslights you, you got angry at him. And now, you're gaslighting yourself.
At least, you're being honest with yourself.. right?
"(N/N)? What's wrong?" Claire asks.
You snap out of your daze. "Huh? What do you mean?"
"You're staring out into space."
"Oh.. sorry. I saw a comet."
Claire snorts and gestures to the bench. You see Court watching you from your peripheral as you plop down beside his daughter, so you secure a respectable space. The three of you decide to eat in silence, you try not to look awkward as you feel like he doesn't want your presence near them anymore.
Maybe that's just a wild assumption. You focus on the way the cotton candy melts at the touch of your tongue, and as you give it a little chew, it feels like you're softly chomping on bubblegum. For a moment, you're a child, thinking about nothing yet everything at once. Like how cotton candy is made, why doesn't it fall apart instantly, what other flavors are good to be cotton candy..
You stop your internal musings when you notice Claire turning to look at you. You lift a curious brow, and she beams at you, so you beam right back. She then whirls to Court and beams at him, he gives his usual tiny smile, which somehow reaches his eyes.
Claire then faces forward, chuckling delightfully. This astonishes and amuses you simultaneously. You exchange looks with Court, who appears just as clueless as you are, but it makes you pft. He looked absolutely perplexed, it's so unnatural from his monotonous demeanor that you can't help stifling a laugh.
After finishing the cotton candies, the three of you throw the sticks in a nearby trashbin. You see Court holding a gum packet, and you ask for one in exchange for four Tic Tacs. He gives you a piece while Claire takes the Tic Tacs. You walk with them through the mall since they parked at the other end.
"This is my stop," you say once you've exited the mall. The heat easily blasts off the coolness in your skin. "See you two around?"
You wanted to ask if they'll come by the cafe tomorrow, but you didn't want to sound too eager. You're starting to like their company, the girl especially, and as for her dad.. he's tolerable to have around.
"You don't want a ride?" Claire asks without warning.
You nearly swallow your gum. "No, I'm fine. Thanks for the offer," you glance at Court. "I'm heading to SM Olongapo. Eliza, the cafe owner, just texted me that Mindy texted her about buying several baking supplies."
"How'd they know you're here?" Court asks, taking a step towards you.
You furrowed your brows. "They saw my IG story—"
"Are we in it, too?" he's now toe to toe with you, towering over you menacingly.
Somehow, you stand your ground. "No," you reply frankly, "Why would I take your pictures without permission? Plus, we're not that close for you to be in my IG Story."
Sure, he looks scary. But his accusative tone irks you too much for you to be frightened.
He narrows his eyes incredulously, searching your own sharp gaze for any falsity. But he only finds fire and a very deep dislike growing towards him.
"Dad," Claire hisses at him.
He steps back, glances around, and grabs her by the arm. "Let's go," he murmurs.
Claire looks at you, ashamed. "I'm very sorry, (N/N)."
You shake your head. "It's okay—"
‘Your dad is just a menacing paranoid, who may think both the government and aliens are after him.’
"—If you still wanna borrow the books, find me in the cafe. Except on Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays."
She nods and gives you a wave. Before you can wave back, she takes her dad's hand and they jog to the parking lot. You don’t wait for them to reach their car, you look at the list that Eliza sent you and begin your trek to the other mall.
If you’re weird, you think that this father-daughter duo is weirder. But mainly the father.
You sigh as you deadbolt the door, secure the latches, and flick the shutters close. It’s been a long day— a full day. At the start of the working hour, a group of joggers began sweating up the place. You had to open the door and air-freshen the place after they left. They’re a nice bunch, so you gave them each a fruit for dessert. Though three of them are first-time customers,  they received an extra apple. The last customers were a group of friends and two couples on a double date, they all left at 22:30— right exactly on closing time.
It’s those busiest days of business. You didn’t even have time to lounge around and play mobile games, you’re gonna have to do your daily tasks as soon as you arrive home. And it nearly made you forget about the pair of customers you’ve been waiting around all day.
“Bye, (N/N)!!”
“Bye-bye!” you wave at Eunice, Troy, and Justin. They’re the afternoon workers on Fridays, but because of the customers ceaselessly piling in, they had to over-extend— fortunately, they’re happy to.
You switch your work shoes for your sneakers, you’ll just get here early tomorrow and clean them. Once you’re done changing into your out-of-work clothes, you look at your copies of TFIOS and Paper Towns tucked in the locker before you shut its door and turn—
“Ay, puta!” you exclaim, jumping back, you place a hand on your chest and wish it can pass through so you can pat your drumming heart. “Ano ba, Miranda Torres?!”
“Mas nagulat ako sa’yo, te!” she pushes herself off the lockers and slaps you on the shoulder, “Ano ba kase nasa isip mo at di mo namalayan andito ako?”
I was more shocked than you, sis! — What was on your mind that you didn’t notice that I’m here?
You sigh. “Wala lang..” There's nothing..
“Luh.. o baka naman sino?” Or maybe it’s someone?
“Hindi.” No.
Mindy pokes on your arm as you open the backdoor for her. “You can tell me, right?”
“Wala nga kase.” you chuckle, exiting after her, you lock the door.
There’s nothing to tell.
“Wala mo, mukha mo. Buong araw ka kaya tumitingin sa mga bintana o kaya naman tumatambay malapit sa pintuan!”
Nothing your face. You’ve been looking through the windows or even staying near the door!
“May nakilala ka kahapon sa mall?”
You met someone yesterday at the mall?
The father-daughter duo streaks through your mind. “None,” you make a face. “If I did, I would’ve been gushing to you and everyone about him or her.”
Mindy laughs. “True that, though”
“Ano pinag-uusapan niyo?” Muro puts out the cigarette he was using and throws it in the trashbin.
What are you talking about?
“Ba’t ka naninigarilyo?” Why are you smoking?
Muro and Mindy begin arguing as the three of you stroll to the parking lot. You usually tune them out, but right now, you listen to every word to try and forget about the father-daughter duo you’ve been waiting for. 
They didn’t show up. It disappoints you for some reason. But you remind yourself that most customers are one-time customers. Sure, this branch of the cafe has over 40 customers with a membership, and even those who aren’t a member still come by from time to time. You know several of those members and non-members, yet you don’t get attached to them.
But that’s because you haven’t spent one afternoon with them and enjoyed their company despite the momentary tensions.
As you start up your moped, you conclude that the father-daughter duo is a one-hit wonder. You mentally chastise yourself for growing attachments towards them when you haven’t even known them for 24 hours. They’ve probably fled the country because of your weirdness and superfluous hospitality.
"No, we're.. we're here indefinitely… I hope."
You hear Kurt’s voice in the back of your head as you drive home. And as you try to lock your memories of the father-daughter duo in a treasure chest, you begin to taste bubblegum cotton candy and watermelon gum on your tongue.
A/N: so omg? first off, thanks for all the love! i'm absolutely ecstatic that you're all enjoying this ridiculous fic/x-reader of mine HAHAHAHA
second off, i had a chance to pass by Subic Harbor Point. IT WAS LIKE A TOUCH OF DESTINY. but me and my fam went to SM Olongapo instead, which inspired me in having the reader buy those baking supplies (which my ma actually did)
third off, sorry for not updating in a while (⊃。•́‿•̀。)⊃ i was away from fri to sun, went to the beach for a last-minute vacay and then IMMEDIATELY i have classes this monday (〒﹏〒) my body still hurts from playing beach v-ball
and lastly, as much as i want to update daily.. i may have to update on either Wednesdays or Thursdays (timezone: PT) but i'll be checking on tumblr often ₍₍ ◝( ゚∀ ゚ )◟ ⁾⁾
The portal to the next dimension part is this -> Chapter 4
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postcard-from-the-past · 11 months
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18th-century Château de la Cour in Contest, Maine region of France
French vintage postcard, mailed in 1950 to Lucheux
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francepittoresque · 7 months
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7 novembre 1766 : mort de Jean-Marc Nattier, peintre de la cour de Louis XV ➽ http://bit.ly/Jean-Marc-Nattier Les talents qui le distinguèrent dans son art furent une touche légère, un coloris suave et brillant, une composition également gracieuse et spirituelle. Son pinceau, sans cesser d’être fidèle, ajoutait même à la beauté et embellissait jusqu’à la laideur
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stationnement interdit dans la cour
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onemanzerosquad · 8 months
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moulin-girault · 8 days
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Dans la cour, soir d’été.
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loudsnapdragon · 1 month
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fmarkets · 4 months
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The Software and Programming company declared surprisingly striking business elevation, all along the financial span ending December 31 2023 https://csimarket.com/stocks/news.php?code=COUR&date=2024-02-23121138&utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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weeblmaodotcom · 11 months
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You ain't fooling no one Dani Trejo ! ( Bleach TYBW cour 2 ) , Meme by Weeblmao.com
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