#CPAP Machine Store
cpapmachinesstore · 12 days
Struggling with sleep apnea? CPAP therapy can help. This treatment ensures uninterrupted breathing, improving sleep quality and overall health. Learn more about CPAP and how it can benefit you.
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cpap-depot · 2 years
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In Toronto, the CPAP Machine Store boasts one of the broadest collections of CPAP units. Browse Toronto's selection of ResMed CPAP masks. Please contact us right away for additional details. Invacare, ResMed, Philips Respironics, Fisher & Paykel, Breas, Kego, SoClean, and Transcend are just a few of the top manufacturers whose CPAP and BiPAP products are available from CPAP DEPOT at the lowest prices. The most up-to-date travel CPAP, bi-level, CPAP humidifiers, CPAP masks, accessories, and power supplies can all be found right here.
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tentabs1 · 1 year
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BMC Resmart GII Auto CPAP with Humidifier - Advanced Sleep Apnea Solution | TenTabs
Explore the BMC Resmart GII Auto CPAP with Humidifier, a cutting-edge sleep apnea solution available at TenTabs. Our BMC CPAP machine combines advanced technology with user-friendly features to deliver effective and personalized therapy for sleep apnea patients. With its intelligent algorithms and automatic pressure adjustment, this CPAP machine ensures optimal airway support throughout the night, promoting restful sleep and improved well-being.
The integrated humidifier adds comfort by providing moistened air to alleviate dryness. Experience the benefits of the BMC Resmart GII Auto CPAP with Humidifier for enhanced sleep apnea treatment. Shop now and discover the power of this advanced BMC CPAP machine at TenTabs.
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earlgraytay · 5 months
If you're going to make a post about not buying cheap random binders maybe give some cheap alternatives instead of "uwu I only CARE about you and don't want you TO GET HORRIBLY HURT," holier than thou, hyberbolic garbage. Give some alternatives other than "buy expensive stuff uwu" lmao
Wow. What an incredibly rude and hostile way to talk to someone you don't know. Anyway. I'm the wrong person to answer this question, for three reasons.
I haven't had anything to bind since 2017, and wasn't able to bind for a good few years prior, on account of, you know, fucking up my ribs with a crappy Amazon binder. It's been nearly a decade since I've been on the market for a binder. I do not know what the scene looks like right now. Miku Hatsune could have descended from heaven, dropped a binder that's so good it blows your tits off, and I wouldn't know, because I haven't had to buy a binder since 2014.
The notes on my original post are a fucking gold mine of information that I wouldn't have been able to give you- both up-to-date information on which companies are most reputable, and information on what to do if you're too low-income to get a full price binder, including folks from the Global South talking about where to get binders if you don't live in the US or UK. If you actually want information on where to get a reasonably priced binder, look there.
..... I'm going to reiterate what I have been saying this entire time.
A binder is a piece of medical equipment. It is not a fashion statement, it is not just a form of gender expression, and it is not something you can afford to take lightly.
There are things in this world you can cheap out on. You can buy store-brand cheerios, or dollar store dish soap, or gently used jeans, and you will be okay.
Medical equipment is not something you can cheap out on. If you cheap out on medical equipment, you can seriously injure yourself. You should be just as careful about buying a binder as you should be about buying a CPAP machine, a mobility aid, or a wrist brace.
The alternatives are not "buy expensive stuff", "buy cheap stuff", or "go without."
The alternatives are "buy high-quality stuff- which is expensive because it was designed by skilled medical professionals and/or sewists to work with your body's needs instead of against them", "buy low-quality stuff that could seriously injure or even kill you", "go without", or "get assistance from one of the organizations that exists specifically to help transmascs/NB people with this kind of thing".
Yes. I'm going to be self-righteous about this. The sheer number of trans guys who are putting themselves at risk of rib damage, pneumonia, and other permanent injuries because they're buying cheap, dangerous crap that's getting pushed at them... how can you see that and not want to warn them?
FFS, dude.
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kabillieu · 6 months
My big kid doesn't have school today, so instead of getting up to take him, I slept in until 9:00. I'm trying not to feel bad about it because I do have so much work to do today, plus I need to go to the store and buy a few Easter treats for the boys.
It's hard to prioritize rest when my schedule is so ridiculously, inhumanely packed, and I have small children. The baby has been up in the middle of the night every day this week. I'm the only one who gets up with him and then when I can't get him settled back in his crib, I'm the one who holds and snuggles him and pops his pacifier back into his mouth over and over all night.
I get up with the baby because overall I get more sleep than Dominic, even while wrangling a fussy toddler all night. In general, I'm just empirically a better sleeper. I don't have any issues with sleep other than my baby won't let me. Dominic had a sleep study done recently and now has to use a CPAP, so he's literally tethered to a machine and as a result I'm officially the only one on baby duty at night.
So I needed the two extra hours of sleep I got by sleeping into 9am. Even if now I'm behind. But I'm always behind. I live in the behind. So I guess at least I'm better rested if not on top of things.
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fluorescentbrains · 2 years
there’s reams and reams of data stored on cpap machines and the actual users of the machines are not allowed to see most of it because we are presumed to be too stupid to understand it. meanwhile doctors can’t or won’t invest the time to thoroughly examine their patients’ cpap data. and the companies that design the machines intentionally make it as difficult as possible for patients to hack their machines, even though doing so is technically completely legal.
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wowbright · 11 months
National Clean Your Home Month Day 12
Today was a big production because of the first item on the list:
- I cleaned all my CPAP machine parts that needed cleaning (for the tubing and headgear this generally meant rinse, wash with soap, soak in vinegar-water solution for some of the parts, wash in soap again to get the vinegar smell out, rinse again; the reservoirs got wiped down, soaked and vinegar solution, and then put through a dishwasher cycle in the top rack). I have not been working nonstop on it all day since a lot of it is just waiting around for things to soak, but the project has been going all day. The tubes and headgear aren't dry yet but hopefully by tonight all of them will be. I really need to pay attention to the calendar reminders that tell me to do this in smaller increments on a more regular basis lol.
- Inspired by @likearumchocolatesouffle to make a dent in my online banking and balancing my statements with my registers. A good thing, too, because I found out that the automatic credit card payment that was supposed to go through on Thursday didn't, so even though I don't want to spend any time tomorrow calling up the credit union to complain and try to get any late charges dropped, at least now I know I need to. And I paid it manually.
- Currently soaking the kitchen faucet in vinegar solution because might as well make as much use of it as possible before dumping it down the drain.
- Put away my remaining laundry from Friday/yesterday.
- Put away the bike saddle bag that had dried (the other one is still wet but wow I can nonetheless tell how much cleaner it is than before I washed it)
- Put a rain cover on the bike to store it for winter
- Stared at and thought about the comforter project I mentioned yesterday
The podcasts I listened to while cleaning and things I read while waiting for things to soak/wash:
I listened to the most recent episode of Nobody Should Believe Me, which focused on disheartening breaking news. To get in a better head space, I then listened to the most recent episode of Overcoming Compulsive Hoarding, which was about the pros and cons of ethical consumerism. (The podcaster's main focus is always on how whatever topic she's covering affects people with hoarding disorder, which I don't have, but a lot of what she talks about is applicable to people in other circumstances as well. This week's episode was super thought-provoking, and I know I will keep thinking about it in the coming weeks. I really enjoyed it.)
I stared at Tumblr a lot but then I ran out of new post to read, so I then read Living Bird magazine, which is published by the Cornell Lab of Ornithology. Most interesting articles to me were one about the effects of geomagnetic fluctuations on bird migration and another on the encroachment of woodlands into Nebraskan prairie due to inappropriate land management post-colonization, and how people are now trying to reverse the trend.
Oh, and I posted a new chapter of my fic!
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pragnificent · 4 months
Went to the store pretty much specifically to get a new gallon of distilled water for my CPAP machine and then I dropped the bottle on my kitchen floor and it exploded. :)
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jenroses · 11 months
I took care of two longstanding annoyances this week and I'm kicking myself for not doing it sooner.
1. My phone had gotten very weird about dropping calls and missing texts and making calls. I managed to get around it until it went into a boot loop and wouldn't come out.
2. I was waking up every morning with a very dry throat. I thought maybe my mouth was open and the cpap was drying it out. I finally called the medical supply company and said I thought it might be the machine and they swapped for a loaner and boom, not only is my mouth not like the Sahara, but the machine didn't use up the water absurdly quickly. So there's a bad gasket somewhere in the old machine letting the moisture out and fucking with the pressures. I slept so much better and am in less pain oh my God.
I got a new phone, and y'all it is so good. 256g storage, 6g RAM, sd slot, 5000 whatever battery, 50mp camera with hdr, it takes beautiful, fast photos, and it was 249 bucks what the fuck. AND I was able to roll into a local store and pick it up same day. I lost very little because Google has my photos backed up and sync took care of the rest, and I'm slowly getting things organized.
I can photograph colors that just wouldn't be accurately captured before. It struggles a tiny bit with teal but gets closer than I thought possible and within color correction.
Without flash or color correction
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Prioritizing the color I see irl and sacrificing contrast in color correction, all but the upper left are dang close to what I see irl
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So the flash correctly got the blue in the upper but completely blue washed the two teals.
Keep in mind that most cameras flat out can't capture these colors well at all and if you don't have an hdr monitor you're probably wondering what I'm going on about.
Anyway the phone is a moto g power 5g 2023 and the system is so much friendlier than my Samsung m31s, like in every way. And Samsung can get fucked over their price structure and system limitations and difficulty of accessing repairs.
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Feeling really impotent. I know there are so many things happening in the world that need attention and action, and so many people in the world that need help and just a shred of compassion, but...
In my local queer community, we share a discord server for the whole region, basically all the cities and towns within like 100 miles. Today, one of our members from a neighboring city about 20 minutes away told me that they and their fiance are homeless as of Friday and will have to go camp in a tent. They have many needs, some less important than others, but they have give up their CPAP machine because they won't have any electricity to power it, let alone the supplies needed to make it work. And I'm just thinking, we have a million and a half recreational stores in the region. A generator would solve part of this problem, at least, and parts and supplies are relatively cheap if bought one at a time.
But there is so much more to it than that. Gas for the generator, being able to keep it and themselves safe, being able to get mail, having transportation for getting mail and gas, all of it.
There's so much hurt in the world. Millions of people are dying of war, genocide, starvation, poverty, and so many more things. And I just feel useless rattling the tin cup of "mutual aid is how we help each other" because aid necessitates money sometimes, and that's just not what many in my community can afford. That's something much of the world has little of.
I wish I had a magic wand.
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buggybugzxo · 2 years
XJocked Epilogue
(This story takes place 5 years after XJocked Part 7.)
Logan wheezed and grunted. It wasn’t necessarily easy getting out of bed at 570 lbs. Devon tried to help him out but they eventually just called the feeders to help him out. “Thanks, guys.” Logan said, breathing heavily. He wheezed and waddled to the kitchen and plopped down on the couch. Rick had to get a new one because they were all to heavy. “I’m hungry!” Logan barked. Luckily, Uncle Rick had made an entire pound of bacon and carton of eggs for him. He also put gainer shake in a wine glass for him. Logan pigged out on it, while the feeders rubbed his gut which hung so low it dragged on the couch.
Devon talked with Rick in the kitchen. “So, do you need help cleaning up?” Devon asked. “I would appreciate that!” Rick said, with a smile on his face. Devon and Rick cleaned the dishes and the counters in the kitchen. “Thank you, Devon!” Rick said, slapping him on the back playfully. Devon laid next to Logan and snuggled with him. Logan had crumbs in his beard, which reached to his huge moobs. His hair was streaked with all different shades of grey. If you looked at him, you’d never guess Logan was only 35. After gaining over 300 lbs he could’ve passed for someone in their 50’s.
None of the clothing stores would have clothes that would fit either of them, so they lazed around at home with Rick. They both felt so big, so powerful. Logan put on his cpap machine and fell asleep. Devon waddled outside and noticed something. The feeders had started to grow beer guts. One took a swig of a beer and Devon chuckled. “What’s so funny, Devon?” The one asked. “Don’t drink too much beer! Don’t want ya’ gettin ahead of me and Logan!” Devon said, rubbing his gut. They all went back inside and chilled in the living room. There was a case of beer, melted ice creams, and a bong. They all got high and chugged the melted ice cream and beer.
It was now nighttime. “Another day spent being an absolute hog” Logan said, with a feeder rubbing his massive belly. They put on Logan’s cpap and he fell asleep. Devon wrapped his arms and him and they fell asleep together. From two chiseled jock bodies to two obese hairy slobs.
The end 💕
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cpapmachinesstore · 1 month
Unveiling the benefits of full-face masks for CPAP therapy - CPAP Machines Store
Unlock the benefits of full-face masks for CPAP users. Enjoy a snug fit and peaceful nights. Visit us today for top options and tips.
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tentabs1 · 1 year
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ResMed Sleep Solutions - Cutting-Edge Products for Restful Nights | TenTabs
Discover the exceptional range of ResMed sleep solutions at TenTabs. We proudly offer a comprehensive collection of cutting-edge products from ResMed, a renowned brand in the sleep industry. Whether you're seeking CPAP machines, masks, accessories, or other sleep-related products, ResMed delivers exceptional quality and innovation. Experience unparalleled comfort, precise therapy, and reliable performance with ResMed's advanced technologies designed to improve sleep apnea and sleep-related breathing disorders. Explore our extensive selection of ResMed sleep solutions and take a significant step towards rejuvenating, restful nights. Shop now and experience the transformative power of ResMed at TenTabs.
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gothmods · 1 year
Fun fact i learned today - my cpap machine (when in its carrier bag) sets off store entrance alarms
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iapetusneume · 2 years
Its Friday!
We had Coney Loose for dinner and I did a really good job seasoning it!
1/1 hasn't been nearly as chaotic in this department than it was last year, and I'm super grateful.
We had some cookies from the corner store, and they were incredible.
We thought Navona's CPAP machine was broken, but its not. We fixed what was wrong with it.
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taiblogcomics · 2 years
Little Book Shop of HorrorLands
Hey there, bootleg Foo Fighters albums. Well, if it wasn't evident by the previous update, it's that time of year. It's the spooky month! And since we got a nice three weeks left, and a gap in our schedule, I have the perfect thing to slot in~
Hey did you know there were Goosebumps comic books~?
Here's the cover:
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Ah, it's a metaphor. The series has more and more been a lifeless puppet dancing on strings pulled by Slappy. Did you know he's gotten his own series in the meantime since we last reviewed a book? That's scary for all kinds of reasons, none of them the author's intent. But now this series! This started up in late 2017, so the movie was already two years old by then, and the sequel won’t come out for another year. Fantastic timing all around, I guess!
So, rather than an ongoing, this series is divided into a number of small mini-series. I'm gonna count them all as one series for reviewing purposes, but technically this is merely Goosebumps: Monsters at Midnight #1. Anyways, this is definitely a first cover that tells you exactly what you're getting into. I also like the nods to other Goosebumps titles in the shop window, that's the kind of small reference I appreciate~
Speaking of references like that, kind of expect a lot of them going into this. You know exactly the sort of series this is. The comic literally opens with our main character, Mia, sighing that she should be at Camp Jellyjam right now. I'd keep a running counter of these, but it might get astronomical by the end, especially for this arc. Anyways, Mia's got an injured leg and an annoying little sister, so she's missing out on camp and not having the best summer even besides that. And Grandma won't take her go-karting or even to the candy store. Kind of a lame excuse for a grandma, then.
The trio of them pass by an old-looking bookstore, as depicted on the cover. "Cursed Editions" is at least a pretty clever store name, although I dunno if broadcasting that your merchandise is in league with the devil is the best business strategy. A cat in the window scares the younger sister, Ginny, who is kind of a nerd by the way, to contrast her athletic older sister. To demonstrate this, she calls the cat a "familiar" because it's one of her vocabulary words. She also has glasses and allergies and asthma, and so Grandma vetoes the bookstore as well, because Grandma is the least fun grandma in the history of fiction.
Further falling into her no-fun demeanor, Grandma falls asleep in front of the television while the kids are at home that night. And Ginny may be a nerd, but she's clearly the most adventurous of the lot, since she proposes to her older sister that they go out and check out that bookstore, which she remembers noting is open until midnight. Oop, she's back to nerd again. Her sister protests, since Ginny is literally hooked up to a CPAP machine right now, but Ginny offers the ultimate sibling persuasion point: she'll do Mia's chores for two weeks. Mia agrees, and the gals set out.
After a brief stop on the way due to asthma, they arrive back at Cursed Editions. Ginny's looking for a specific book she left at home when they came to visit Grandma, and figures it's scary enough that they'll have it here. Sure, but then you have two copies of the book when you get home, and what will you do then? The shopkeeper is pretty crabby at being interrupted when they walk in, but also mentions some aside of "He'll be glad you showed up" that neither girl notices in their hurry to apologise and get out of the clerk's rather wild hair.
The pair quickly get lost among the stacks and shelves, and I kind of get wistful and nostalgic for bookstores myself. I don't think I've been to one since pre-pandemic. But no bookstore I've been to had a section labelled "Sdrawkcab Skoob", and Ginny even starts speaking backwards once she pulls one off the shelf. Oh, Zatanna might find this section useful, at least. Also on the shelves nearby is the Necronomicon Ex Mortis, and a hardcover copy of The Werewolf of Fever Swamp with hair poking out of the pages. That's not what they mean by a hair-raising tale~
Mia brushes some dust off the shelf, which agitates Ginny's asthma and shakes her out of the backward-talking. She gets kind of pissed at Mia for this and storms off, and Mia has difficulty following her on her crutches. Ginny finds a mysterious voice and glowing pair of eyes in a darkened room, beckoning her to come into the room, where all the endings she could dream of are waiting. This is a really ominous thing to say, but Ginny's a little kid and is really set on finding that one book she's after. Mia turns up just in time to see Ginny cross the doorway and into the darkness.
Mia follows her sister as quickly as she can manage, and the pair of them turn around to see they're no longer in Kansas anymore, Toto. In fact, as a furry pink monster and elaborately painted sign both inform them, they're in HorrorLand! Oh boy, here we go. After reviewing two dozen or so odd books set in or around HorrorLand, I'm a little ambivalent towards it at this point. Like, I like the idea of a haunted amusement park as a setting. But like every Goosebumps thing, their good ideas are then surrouned by 20 dumb ones that drag it down. As we're about to see~
The girls scream in terror, since a furry pink monster with a gorilla-like posture is clearly in front of them. The monster, whose name is Irk, is first baffled and then delighted she elicted a scream from their throats. However, the shock of meeting a monster soon wears thin, especially when she's bright pink and the size of a lemur. She also gets pissed when Ginny comments that she smells funny--not because of the comment, but that she said she's funny, not scary. But if you want something really scary, the comic ends with Slappy appearing to welcome them.
I won’t say too much here, probably better to leave my thoughts on the full story when we see it all together. But this a pretty good start to the story, with your pretty typical Goosebumps setup: kids visiting a relative, one is an annoying younger sibling, something weird or mysterious or annoying shows up, the thing ends on a cliffhanger... Next week, we’ll likely see how our protagonists deal with true horror: Slappy’s sense of humour~
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