gothalokhabar · 2 years
दोलखामा एमालेको अग्रता
काठमाडौँ, १९ मङ्सिर । दोलखामा प्रतिनिधिसभा सदस्यमा नेकपा (एमाले) र नेकपा (माओवादी केन्द्र)का बीचमा कडा प्रतिस्पर्धा देखिएको छ । हालसम्म ७८ हजार नौ सय ७९ मतगणना गर्दा एमालेका बालकृष्ण शिवाकोटीले  ३४ हजार एक सय ९९  र माओवादी केन्द्रका  गङ्गा कार्कीले ३४ हजार एक सय ८४ मत प्राप्त गर्नुभएको मुख्य निर्वाचन अधिकृत डिल्लीरत्न श्रेष्ठले जानकारी दिनुभयो । दोलखा प्रदेशसभा–१ मा सत्ता गठबन्धनका उम्मेदवार…
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kathmandutimes · 1 year
Gold smuggling investigation risks political interference
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KATHMANDU, Aug 15: After the government handed over the responsibility of investigating the recent gold smuggling case to the Central Investigation Bureau (CIB) of Nepal Police, the main opposition party in Parliament, the CPN-UML, has been demanding a high-level investigation committee to probe the scam.
The UML has been obstructing the Parliament meeting for the past few days demanding a parliamentary or a high-level investigation committee on the smuggled gold case. Experts say that there is no need to doubt the competence of the CIB, which is skillful in the investigation of organized and transnational crimes. They claim that the formation of a new committee will hamper the ongoing investigation and will not give the expected results.
Former DIG of Nepal Police Hemanta Malla Thakuri says that there is no need to form another investigation committee as CIB is capable of conducting result-oriented investigation. “The CIB is continuing the investigation in a comprehensive manner. There is a possibility to mislead the investigation when a political committee or other committee is formed. The political motives can hamper the investigation,” he says. According to DIG Malla, who resolved the mysterious Ranibari murder case when he headed the CIB, the investigations conducted from the political and administrative levels in the past were not able to provide any tangible results. 
“The investigations and studies conducted at the administrative levels have not been able to solve the rape and murder case of Nirmala Panta yet. There are many other incidents like this,” says former DIG Malla.
In the past, when KP Sharma Oli was the prime minister, a special investigation team was formed according to Section 11(1) of the Organized Crime Prevention Act, 2070. Even at that time, a report was submitted to the then Prime Minister Oli detailing the smuggling of up to 38 quintals of gold. The provisions of that report have not yet been implemented.
Relief to smugglers due to lack of coordination between the two agencies
The lack of coordination between the two government agencies – the Department of Revenue Investigation (DRI) and the CIB– in the investigation of the gold seized by the DRI on July 19 seems to have provided relief to the smugglers. 
Coordination between the two agencies is lacking because the CIB was assigned with investigation of organized crime and transborder crime 18 days after the gold was seized by the DRI.
It is also evident from the reluctance of the police to investigate those people blacklisted by the DRI and arrested by the Department of Immigration and sent to the CIB. 
On August 11, the Department of Immigration arrested two Chinese nationals from the TIA in connection with gold smuggling. Those arrested were Lijia Lin and Liu Fuyan. Along with them, the DRI blacklisted seven others, who were arrested and handed over to the DRI by the Department of Immigration. The DRI then forwarded the case for investigation to the CIB. But the CIB refused to charge them, stating that the DRI did not reveal the grounds for blacklisting them.
Similarly, controversial businessman Rakesh Adukia and his son Rohan Adukia were also blacklisted by the DRI. The Department of Immigration had arrested Rohan on August 12 and sent him to the CIB, but the CIB refused to investigate him and released him after signing an agreement to be present whenever required. 
“The gold was recovered by the DRI. But the department is not ready to share the source of information with us. Apart from written documents, nothing has been made available,” said a CIB officer involved in the investigation. “We have started the investigation from scratch. Clues have been received from some of the people who have been arrested but it will take some time to come up with a conclusion. The network of gold smugglers is linked with the Chinese nationals,” he added.
Police officers claim that if the DRI had taken the help of police at the beginning, it would have been easier to investigate the gold smuggling case. The government gave the responsibility of investigating the case under organized crime to the CIB only after widespread pressure. The police then formed a special team under the leadership of Superintendent of Police (SP) Sanjay Singh Thapa and started investigation. A week has passed since the team started its work. DSP, inspectors and junior officers working in CIB raided various companies operated by Chinese nationals but they could not reach the mastermind behind the gold smuggling. 
The officials of CIB claimed that despite having skilled manpower and resources for the investigation, it will take some time for concluding the investigation because the case was not handed in time to the police.
However, they have been stating that they will conduct an investigation to identify the root cause of the crime and solve it.
Past investigations conducted by the police also led to the peddlers at the initial stage. The mastermind of the 35 kg of smuggled gold recovered from Koteshwor by CIB in 2070 BS was not found at first. About 33.5 kg of  smuggled gold recovered in 2073 BS were recovered from outside the TIA. The investigation identified the mastermind but he could not be arrested immediately. The police were able to arrest only the peddlers in the initial stage in the case of smuggled gold seized by the police themselves. Similarly, the police were able to arrest only the transporters in the 88 kg of gold seized in 2074 BS and 33 kg of gold seized in 2074 BS. Even now, neither the DRI nor the police have reached beyond the investigation of the peddlers. 
“In the past, the investigations were concluded but the main leaders were not arrested. It cannot be said that similar problems will not occur even now,” said an officer at the police headquarters.
Nepal Police spokesperson Kuber Kadayat said that the CIB is investigating the case and it would be inappropriate to comment before the investigation concludes.
Due to the high demand for gold in India, Indian nationals are also involved in the smuggling of gold from Nepal, so the Nepal Police is also coordinating with the Indian Police. “We are also coordinating with the police of other countries as we have to investigate transnational crimes,” said a CIB source. Since a few days, CIB has been arresting suspicious people and releasing them on bail. According to CIB sources, three people were arrested four days ago but they were released as their involvement in gold smuggling was not confirmed.
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nepalenergyforum · 9 months
Parliamentary Committee Deliberates with Energy Minister Basnet on Nepal-India Power Trade Agreement
The Infrastructure Development Committee under the House of Representatives (HoR) has decided to take updates about Nepal-India Power Trade Agreement (PTA) and other relevant matters from the Minister for Energy, Water Resources and Irrigation. In a meeting of the Committee today, its members were of the view of inviting the Minister to the next meeting and take information on the matters, citing…
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zvaigzdelasas · 7 months
With a history of short-term governments in Nepal’s 15 years of democratic progression, the current reconfiguration is no surprise, and it will be no surprise if the Maoists get back again with the Nepali Congress in months and years to come.
Power sharing, political discontent, ideological differences, underperformance, and pressure to restore Nepal to a Hindu state – a long list of reasons reportedly forced the Maoists to sever ties with the Nepali Congress. While the Nepali Congress expected the Maoist leader and current prime minister, Pushpa Kamal Dahal (also known by his nom de guerre, Prachanda) to leave the alliance, it did not expect an overnight turnaround. [...]
Dahal reportedly conveyed to the Nepali Congress chair, former Prime Minister Sher Bahadur Deuba, that external pressure forced him to join hands with CPN-UML and form a new government.
If this assertion is true, China emerges as a plausible factor, given its historical inclination toward forging alliances with leftist parties in Nepal. This notion gains credence in light of China’s past efforts, such as its unsuccessful attempt in 2020 to mediate the conflict between Oli and Dahal.
On the other hand, India has enjoyed a comfortable working relationship with the Nepali Congress and the Maoists. Although Maoists were a challenging party for New Delhi to get along with when Dahal first gained the prime minister’s seat in 2008, the two have come a long way in working together. However, the CPN-UML has advocated closer ties with the northern neighbor China; Beijing suits both their ideological requirements and their ultra-nationalistic outlook – which is primarily anti-India. [...]
India faces challenges in aligning with the Left Alliance for two key reasons. First, the energy trade between Nepal and India has grown crucial over the past couple of years. However, India strictly purchases power generated through its own investments in Nepal, refusing any power produced with Chinese involvement. With the CPN-UML now in government, Nepal may seek alterations in this arrangement despite the benefits of power trade in reducing its trade deficit with India.
Second, India stands to lose the smooth cooperation it enjoyed with the recently dissolved Maoist-Congress coalition. During the dissolved government, the Nepali Congress held the Foreign Ministry, fostering a favorable equation for India. Just last month, Foreign Minister N.P. Saud visited India for the 9th Raisina Dialogue, engaging with top Indian officials, including his counterpart, S. Jaishankar.
As concerns arise for India regarding the Left Alliance, there is also potential for shifts in the partnership between Nepal and the United States, a significant development ally. Particularly, there may be a slowdown in the implementation of the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) projects. Despite facing domestic and Chinese opposition, the Nepali Parliament finally approved a $500 million MCC grant from the United States in 2022, following a five-year delay.
China perceives the MCC as a component of the U.S.-led Indo-Pacific strategy, countering its BRI. Hence Beijing aims to increase Chinese loans and subsidies to Nepal to enhance its influence.
To conclude, the re-emergence of Nepal’s Left Alliance signals a shift in power dynamics, impacting domestic politics and regional geopolitics. With China’s influence growing, Nepal’s foreign policy may tilt further toward Beijing, challenging India’s interests. This shift poses challenges for India, particularly in trade and diplomatic relations, while also affecting Nepal’s partnerships with other key players like the United States.
[[The Author,] Dr. Rishi Gupta is the assistant director of the Asia Society Policy Institute, Delhi]
6 Mar 24
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kneedeepincynade · 2 years
A little step toward a better world has just been achieved today,as the communists form a government in Nepal openly challenging Indian imperialism and the buthan puppet government
The post is machine translated
The translation is at the bottom
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🇨🇳|🇳🇵 Il 12 settembre, Li Zhanshu - Presidente del Comitato Permanente dell'Assemblea Nazionale del Popolo Cinese - si è recato in Nepal, per un incontro sia con Bidhya Devi Bhandari - Presidente del Nepal - che con i vertici dei due partiti comunisti:
🔺CPN-UML - il cui Segretario è Khadga Prasad Sharma Oli 🚩
🔺CPN-MC - il cui Segretario Generale è Dev Gurung, ma la figura più importante del partito è Pushpa Kamal Dahal, conosciuta come "Prachanda", un ex-guerrigliero maoista 🚩
✈️ Si trattava, al tempo, della terza Visita di Alto Livello di un membro del Partito Comunista Cinese in Nepal, dopo quella di Wang Yi - Ministro degli Affari Esteri della RPC, e Liu Jinchao - Direttore del Dipartimento degli Affari Esteri del Comitato Centrale del Partito Comunista Cinese, che si occupa delle relazioni tra il CPC e partiti politici esteri, come il Partito Comunista del Vietnam o il Partito Rivoluzionario del Popolo Lao ⭐️
🧾 Il 20 novembre, in un clima "bollente", si sono svolte le elezioni in Nepal, e le formazioni si sono presentate in questo modo:
📄 La "Coalizione dei 5 Partiti", una sorta di miscuglio - essenzialmente guidato dall'opportunismo - che aveva iniziato a guidare il paese dopo il litigio tra Oli e Prachanda nel 2020. In tale coalizione, che presentava i medesimi partiti della coalizione di governo, vi era il Partito del Congresso, un partito politico pro-India e pro-USA, così come l'MC di Prachanda (❗️), che si trovava lì per motivi opportunistici più che ideologici.
📄 L'UML - guidato da Khadga Prasad Sharma Oli - come unico partito d'opposizione.
📊 Le elezioni in Nepal si dividono in "Party List" e "Constituency" - l'UML aveva preso 26,95% nel PL e 30,83% nel Constituency, mentre il Congresso 25,71% e 23,19%, e l'MC 11,13% e 9,37%.
🏵 Alle elezioni, l'UML ha trionfato in quasi tutte le regioni, ma la C5P - se unita - superava di gran lunga l'UML, anche se mancavano due seggi per l'ottenimento della maggioranza.
🇮🇳|🇺🇸 In ogni caso, sembrava fatta per una vittoria di una coalizione pro-India e pro-USA guidata dal Partito del Congresso, che aveva in mente di accettare un pacchetto da 500 milioni di dollari dagli USA, un vero e proprio "acquisto di sovranità" da parte degli imperialisti statunitensi, che avevano intenzione di trasformare il Nepal nell'ennesimo fantoccio anti-Cinese e anti-comunista.
↩️ Invece, nei giorni precedenti, Prachanda - leader dell'MC - ha iniziato a mostrare un dissapore nei confronti della C5P, rea - secondo lui - di aver tradito le promesse pre-elezioni.
⭐️ Inoltre, Dev Gurung - SG del Centro Maoista - ha iniziato a proporre l'idea di una coalizione comunista, e così, sia lui che Prachanda, hanno iniziato a dialogare con Khadga Prasad Sharma Oli 🚩
🇨🇳 Wang Xin - Ambasciatore Cinese in Nepal - ha intensificato gli incontri politici con i partiti comunisti del Nepal, con l'obiettivo di costruire l'unità per poter governare.
🇳🇵Inoltre, Barsaman Pun - membro del Centro Maoista, ed ex guerrigliero - è tornato velocemente in Nepal dalla Cina, per contribuire - come affermato da Khabarhub, media nepalese - alla costruzione dell'unità tra i comunisti.
🇳🇵E così, nonostante le alte probabilità di un nuovo governo pro-India e pro-USA, ieri - 25 dicembre - è stata annunciata l'alleanza tra i comunisti, tra l'UML e il MC, con Pushpa Kamal Dahal - Prachanda - come nuovo Primo Ministro.
🇳🇵|🇮🇳|🇨🇳 Il Nepal è da sempre in orbita pro-India, pertanto un tale capovolgimento - il secondo, per giunta, ma questa volta dovrebbe essere più stabile - rappresenta un'enorme vittoria geopolitica, nonché ideologica, del Partito Comunista Cinese.
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🇨🇳|🇳🇵 On September 12, Li Zhanshu - Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress of China - went to Nepal, for a meeting with both Bidhya Devi Bhandari - President of Nepal - and with the leaders of the two parties communists:
🔺CPN-UML - whose Secretary is Khadga Prasad Sharma Oli 🚩
🔺CPN-MC - whose General Secretary is Dev Gurung, but the most important figure of the party is Pushpa Kamal Dahal, known as "Prachanda", an ex-Maoist guerrilla 🚩
✈️ It was, at the time, the third High-Level Visit of a member of the Communist Party of China to Nepal, after that of Wang Yi - Minister of Foreign Affairs of the PRC, and Liu Jinchao - Director of the Foreign Affairs Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, which deals with the relationship between the CPC and foreign political parties, such as the Communist Party of Vietnam or the Lao People's Revolutionary Party ⭐️
🧾 On November 20, in a "hot" climate, elections were held in Nepal, and the formations presented themselves as follows:
📄 The "Coalition of 5 Parties", a sort of hodgepodge - essentially driven by opportunism - which had started to lead the country after the quarrel between Oli and Prachanda in 2020. In this coalition, which featured the same parties as the government coalition , there was the Congress Party, a pro-India and pro-US political party, as well as Prachanda's MC (❗️), who were there for opportunistic rather than ideological reasons.
📄 The UML - led by Khadga Prasad Sharma Oli - as the only opposition party.
📊 Elections in Nepal are divided into "Party List" and "Constituency" - the UML had taken 26.95% in the PL and 30.83% in the Constituency, while the Congress 25.71% and 23.19%, and the MC 11.13% and 9.37%.
🏵 In the elections, the UML triumphed in almost all regions, but the C5P - if united - far exceeded the UML, even if there were two seats left to obtain a majority.
🇮🇳|🇺🇸 In any case, it seemed made for a victory of a pro-India and pro-US coalition led by the Congress Party, which was planning to accept a 500 million dollar package from the US, a real "buying of sovereignty" by the US imperialists, who intended to turn Nepal into yet another anti-Chinese and anti-communist puppet.
↩️ Instead, in the previous days, Prachanda - leader of the MC - began to show a disagreement with the C5P, guilty - according to him - of having betrayed the pre-election promises.
⭐️ Also, Dev Gurung - SG of Maoist Center - started proposing the idea of ​​communist coalition, and so both he and Prachanda started dialogue with Khadga Prasad Sharma Oli 🚩
🇨🇳 Wang Xin - Chinese Ambassador in Nepal - has intensified political meetings with the communist parties of Nepal, with the aim of building unity in order to govern.
🇳🇵 Furthermore, Barsaman Pun - a member of the Maoist Center, and a former guerrilla - quickly returned to Nepal from China, to contribute - as stated by Khabarhub, Nepalese media - to the construction of unity among the communists.
🇳🇵And so, despite the high probability of a new pro-India and pro-USA government, yesterday - December 25th - the alliance between the communists, between the UML and the MC, with Pushpa Kamal Dahal - Prachanda was announced - as the new Prime Minister.
🇳🇵|🇮🇳|🇨🇳 Nepal has always been in a pro-India orbit, therefore such a reversal - the second, moreover, but this time should be more stable - represents a huge geopolitical, as well as ideological, victory for the Party Chinese Communist.
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ashmitasapkota · 1 year
Political Campaign Strategy of Gokul Baskota
-a political leader of Nepal
Gokul Baskota is a Nepali politician. He belongs to the political party CPN UML. He served as Minister of Communication and Information Technology of Nepal and is currently serving as the member of House of Representatives elected from Kavrepalanchok-2, province number 3 for the second term. He was born on August 29, 1970 on Kavrepalanchok district. He has spent his childhood in Kavrepalanchok. Later in his teenage days, his father shifted to Kathmandu.
Gokul Baskota is frequently known for his uncharacteristically brash attitude, using derogatory language towards political opponents, and remarks for attacking the free press. An audio clip of Baskota bargaining for 700 million in bribes with an agent of a Swiss company based on Kathmandu over the procurement of security printing for government was leaked to media outlets. He was accused of demanding Rs 700 million bribe in exchange for a contract to print e-passports in Nepal. He subsequently resigned from his ministerial position. He has opened the way for fair investigation. No any proof of guilty has found on him. Then, he shortly filed a defamation lawsuit against Mr. Vijay Mishra.
He has win the election held on Mansir-4, 2079 BS and been elected as a member of House of Representatives from Kavrepalanchok-2. He has received 45,345 votes. He beat his nearest rival Shiva Prasad Humagain of the Nepali Congress by 5,863 votes. He has been re-elected here 2nd time.
What makes him re-elected?
Many outsiders thinks, after such the blame against him of 700 million how can he again win the election. But us the residents of Kavrepalanchok-2 has eye witnessed his followers inside the Kavre and very sure of his victory again as well. The main reason most people liked him here is his truth specking capability. He appeared in media as a fighter. Every time the opponents backbite him, he faces it with weight in speech. He is a kind of manipulator as well. He knows what the people needs. He fights with the words of opponent in a funny way. So that the people don’t take much grudge on him.
Apart from this, many constructive work has been done after he elected as house of representative in kavrepalanchok. Hospital is going on under construction. Roads here are being pitched. People has got the sufficient facility of education and water supply and many more.
Beside this, he has good ability to attract the media and its audience. He has utilized the local media during the political campaign before election. He clearly knows that it is very important to utilize the local media for attracting the local audience. He knows local media works effectively in political campaigning rather the national media in his case. Because many common people listens the local media because they have more concerns in local issues rather than in national issues. Baskota has used the local media of Kavrepalanchok district to convey his messages to the audience of Kavre district.
He even reach at each one’s home and convey his messages to the voters. He mostly talks about his previous activities during the political campaign. He convey the voters that if he will again win, he will work for the betterment of Kaveli like he has done before. His good sense of humor and direct specking behavior also helps in influencing the voters. This is because most people prefer humor and direct specking person.
From all the above discussions, it is clearly known that Gokul Baskota effectively use the local media as a political campaign tool.
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bigtitlesnews · 21 days
Controversial businessman Adukia suspected to have flown abroad; DRI yet to raid his factory
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Controversial businessman Rakesh Kumar Adukia, wanted by the Department of Revenue Investigation (DRI), is suspected to have left the country. It is assumed that the Adukia father-son duo who was involved in the smuggling of around 100 kilos of gold has left the country. Merely a week after the successful recovery of the smuggled gold, the DRI’s raid on his house proved futile, as the team returned only with a handful of documents. The DRI team that raided Adukia's house in Kamalpokhari hasn’t yet paid attention to his factory in Maligaon.
Adukia, who opened an office in Hong Kong and engaged in gold smuggling, was smuggling gold mixed with silver. It is said that he opened a factory in Maligaon to separate the gold mixed with silver. A businessman said that the DRI team only raided the house without reaching the factory. “He had been dealing in silver for a long time. They used to pay the revenue of silver at the airport customs and bring gold and separate the precious metals in Kathmandu," he said.  
The businessman added, “The team of DRI has not reached there. Also, only after he escaped did the department's team raid his house.” The businessman estimates that Adukia has now reached Europe from India via Dubai. But the revenue officials are not ready to accept this. “We are searching. Nothing more can be said about him right now,” said an employee of the DRI. Two Hundi businessmen in Nepal are also involved in this gold smuggling case. But the DRI has not taken any formal view on this matter. “We are investigating. Everything will be revealed after the investigation is over,” said Nawa Raj Dhungana, director general of the Department.
Suspicious businessman Adukia is believed to have fled from Hong Kong after opening his office in Kowloon, Hong Kong and after the Department of Customs asked for his details. It has been revealed that he was involved in gold smuggling 28 years ago as well. It has been found that Adukia was arrested on 26th July 1995 with 2.88 kilograms of gold. In the report submitted by the  Parliamentary Joint Committee, 1999 on the investigation of revenue leakage, which includes the names of various smugglers, it is mentioned that businessman Adukia is also involved in gold smuggling.
According to Article 65 of the then Constitution of 1990, a resolution was passed by both the Houses that a joint committee of both Houses should be formed to carry out an investigation of revenue leakage. According to the proposal, a nine-member joint committee was formed under the chairmanship of then MP Pari Thapa. Khagaraj Adhikari (CPM-UML), Dr Gangadhar Lamsal (Nepali Congress), Chanda Shah (RPP), Tanka Rai (CPN-ML), Narayan Man Bijukchhe (NWPP) Pari Thapa (Independent), Dr Mohammad Mohsin (RPP), Yuvraj Gyawali (UML) and Ramesh Rijal (Nepali Congress). The report mentions that 72. 812 kilograms of illegal gold was recovered from the airport in the fiscal year 1995/96.
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nptimesnews · 1 year
Gold smuggling investigation risks political interference
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After the government handed over the responsibility of investigating the recent gold smuggling case to the Central Investigation Bureau (CIB) of Nepal Police, the main opposition party in Parliament, the CPN-UML, has been demanding a high-level investigation committee to probe the scam.
The UML has been obstructing the Parliament meeting for the past few days demanding a parliamentary or a high-level investigation committee on the smuggled gold case. Experts say that there is no need to doubt the competence of the CIB, which is skillful in the investigation of organized and transnational crimes. They claim that the formation of a new committee will hamper the ongoing investigation and will not give the expected results.
Former DIG of Nepal Police Hemanta Malla Thakuri says that there is no need to form another investigation committee as CIB is capable of conducting result-oriented investigation. “The CIB is continuing the investigation in a comprehensive manner. There is a possibility to mislead the investigation when a political committee or other committee is formed. The political motives can hamper the investigation,” he says. According to DIG Malla, who resolved the mysterious Ranibari murder case when he headed the CIB, the investigations conducted from the political and administrative levels in the past were not able to provide any tangible results. 
“The investigations and studies conducted at the administrative levels have not been able to solve the rape and murder case of Nirmala Panta yet. There are many other incidents like this,” says former DIG Malla.
In the past, when KP Sharma Oli was the prime minister, a special investigation team was formed according to Section 11(1) of the Organized Crime Prevention Act, 2070. Even at that time, a report was submitted to the then Prime Minister Oli detailing the smuggling of up to 38 quintals of gold. The provisions of that report have not yet been implemented.
Relief to smugglers due to lack of coordination between the two agencies
The lack of coordination between the two government agencies – the Department of Revenue Investigation (DRI) and the CIB– in the investigation of the gold seized by the DRI on July 19 seems to have provided relief to the smugglers. 
Coordination between the two agencies is lacking because the CIB was assigned with investigation of organized crime and transborder crime 18 days after the gold was seized by the DRI.
It is also evident from the reluctance of the police to investigate those people blacklisted by the DRI and arrested by the Department of Immigration and sent to the CIB. 
On August 11, the Department of Immigration arrested two Chinese nationals from the TIA in connection with gold smuggling. Those arrested were Lijia Lin and Liu Fuyan. Along with them, the DRI blacklisted seven others, who were arrested and handed over to the DRI by the Department of Immigration. The DRI then forwarded the case for investigation to the CIB. But the CIB refused to charge them, stating that the DRI did not reveal the grounds for blacklisting them.
Similarly, controversial businessman Rakesh Adukia and his son Rohan Adukia were also blacklisted by the DRI. The Department of Immigration had arrested Rohan on August 12 and sent him to the CIB, but the CIB refused to investigate him and released him after signing an agreement to be present whenever required. 
“The gold was recovered by the DRI. But the department is not ready to share the source of information with us. Apart from written documents, nothing has been made available,” said a CIB officer involved in the investigation. “We have started the investigation from scratch. Clues have been received from some of the people who have been arrested but it will take some time to come up with a conclusion. The network of gold smugglers is linked with the Chinese nationals,” he added.
Police officers claim that if the DRI had taken the help of police at the beginning, it would have been easier to investigate the gold smuggling case. The government gave the responsibility of investigating the case under organized crime to the CIB only after widespread pressure. The police then formed a special team under the leadership of Superintendent of Police (SP) Sanjay Singh Thapa and started investigation. A week has passed since the team started its work. DSP, inspectors and junior officers working in CIB raided various companies operated by Chinese nationals but they could not reach the mastermind behind the gold smuggling. 
The officials of CIB claimed that despite having skilled manpower and resources for the investigation, it will take some time for concluding the investigation because the case was not handed in time to the police.
However, they have been stating that they will conduct an investigation to identify the root cause of the crime and solve it.
Past investigations conducted by the police also led to the peddlers at the initial stage. The mastermind of the 35 kg of smuggled gold recovered from Koteshwor by CIB in 2070 BS was not found at first. About 33.5 kg of  smuggled gold recovered in 2073 BS were recovered from outside the TIA. The investigation identified the mastermind but he could not be arrested immediately. The police were able to arrest only the peddlers in the initial stage in the case of smuggled gold seized by the police themselves. Similarly, the police were able to arrest only the transporters in the 88 kg of gold seized in 2074 BS and 33 kg of gold seized in 2074 BS. Even now, neither the DRI nor the police have reached beyond the investigation of the peddlers. 
“In the past, the investigations were concluded but the main leaders were not arrested. It cannot be said that similar problems will not occur even now,” said an officer at the police headquarters.
Nepal Police spokesperson Kuber Kadayat said that the CIB is investigating the case and it would be inappropriate to comment before the investigation concludes.
Due to the high demand for gold in India, Indian nationals are also involved in the smuggling of gold from Nepal, so the Nepal Police is also coordinating with the Indian Police. “We are also coordinating with the police of other countries as we have to investigate transnational crimes,” said a CIB source. Since a few days, CIB has been arresting suspicious people and releasing them on bail. According to CIB sources, three people were arrested four days ago but they were released as their involvement in gold smuggling was not confirmed.
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bhaskarlive · 2 months
Former PM Oli appointed to head Nepal’s new coalition
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KP Sharma Oli, chairman of the Communist Party of Nepal (Unified Marxist Leninist) (CPN-UML) and a former prime minister, was tapped on Sunday to head a new coalition government.
“The president has appointed CPN-UML chairperson Oli as the prime minister under Article 76 (2) of the Constitution,” read a statement issued by the President’s Office.
Source: bhaskarlive.in
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xnewsinfo · 2 months
KP Sharma Oli, who is about to grow to be Nepal's new Prime Minister, on Saturday held consultations along with his alliance companion, the Nepali Congress, to organize the checklist of ministers to be included within the new coalition authorities that's more likely to be sworn in on Monday.President Ram Chandra Paudel is anticipated to nominate Oli, 72, as the brand new prime minister of the Communist Celebration of Nepal-Unified Marxist Leninist (CPN-UML)-Nepalese Congress (NC) coalition on Sunday.“Nevertheless, the president is more likely to swear within the new prime minister and different cupboard members on Monday morning. A slimmed-down cupboard is more likely to be introduced on Monday earlier than the swearing-in ceremony begins,” sources near the NC and the UML stated.Amid political turmoil within the Himalayan nation, CPN-UML chairman Oli, 72, is about to grow to be prime minister as soon as once more after incumbent Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal 'Prachanda' didn't win a vote of confidence in Parliament on Friday.Late on Friday night time, Oli claimed his proper to grow to be the subsequent prime minister with the backing of NC chairman Sher Bahadur Deuba and submitted the signature of 165 members of the Home of Representatives (HoR), 77 from his social gathering and 88 from the NC, to kind a authorities below Article 76-2 of the Structure.Of the whole 21 ministries, the Nepali Congress will get 9 and the UML eight, aside from the submit of Prime Minister, a supply near Oli stated.“Key posts like Dwelling, Overseas Affairs, Finance and Power will probably be shared between the Nationwide Congress and the UML. The Nepali Congress is more likely to get the Dwelling portfolio, whereas the Finance portfolio will go to the UML,” the supply stated.Earlier on Saturday, the CPN-UML held a high-level assembly to debate the long run plan of action and finalize the names of ministers to be included within the new cupboard.Nevertheless, there will probably be a small cupboard at first, which will probably be expanded later, in keeping with senior social gathering chief and Standing Committee member Rajan Bhattarai.The Nepali Congress additionally held its Central Committee assembly on Work Efficiency to debate and finalize the ministerial checklist and the coverage to be adopted by the social gathering.“The assembly mentioned the continuing political developments and finalised the names to be included within the Oli-led cupboard,” former deputy prime minister and senior NC chief Prakash Man Singh stated.Though Deuba and Oli have already held preliminary discussions on the modality of the brand new coalition and the sharing of energy, the matter will probably be finalised on Saturday night.Throughout a vital assembly final week, Deuba and Oli agreed to share the submit of Prime Minister in rotation and that the CPN-UML chief would lead the federal government for the primary 18 months.Other than the CPN-Maoist, the CPN-U S and the Rastriya Swotantra Celebration, which voted in favour of Prachanda throughout the ground take a look at, the Rastriya Prajatantra Celebration and different smaller events are more likely to again the NC-UML coalition.Apart from, smaller events like Janata Samajwadi Celebration (JSP), JSP Nepal, Janamat Celebration, Nagarik Unmukti Celebration and Lokatantrik Samajwadi Celebration are more likely to be a part of the Oli-led coalition, in keeping with social gathering sources.Prachanda, 69, chairman of the Communist Celebration of Nepal-Maoist Centre (CPN-MC), confronted the arrogance vote when the CPN-UML withdrew its assist for his authorities final week after signing a power-sharing settlement with the most important social gathering within the Home, the NC.Prachanda misplaced the vote of confidence as he obtained solely 63 votes from the 275 members of the Home of Representatives, with 194 votes in opposition to the movement. Not less than 138 votes are wanted to win the vote of confidence.Nepal faces frequent political instability because the nation has had 14 governments up to now 16 years because the republican system was launched.In the meantime, a number one Nepalese newspaper commented that it takes a long time, even centuries, to construct a nation.The five-year parliamentary time period is the minimal required for a bunch of leaders to take selections that affect the nation. There are definitely provisions for modifications in authorities even in the course of the parliamentary time period, however these ought to be distinctive circumstances, The Kathmandu Put up wrote in an editorial this week."What we have now, nonetheless, is a perpetuity of coalition tradition. It's this perpetuity that has stalled the method of nation-building for many years. With the identical group of three outdated males taking part in the new potato recreation over energy, nation-building has grow to be a uneven spectacle at greatest."Simply when an artiste comes on stage and begins his efficiency, he's pushed apart in the course of the act," he added, apparently referring to Prachanda's departure as prime minister simply 18 months after taking workplace.Printed by: Akhilesh NagariPrinted in: July 13, 2024
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jobaaj · 3 months
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🚨Nepal PM refuses to resign from post🚨 🤔 What’s the latest buzz?
▪ Incumbent Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal stands firm, refusing to step down from his position in Nepal!
▪ In a bold move, he has declared his intention to face yet another no-confidence vote in Parliament, marking his fifth one to date!
🧐 Why is there a call for his resignation?
▪ Prime Minister Dahal has lost his majority support.
▪ Back in March 2024, Dahal’s CPN Maoist Centre party joined forces with the CPN-UML party, led by K.P. Oli, breaking away from the Nepali Congress alliance to secure the Prime Ministership.
▪ However, just yesterday, the CPN-UML withdrew its support, leaving PM Dahal’s party in the minority within the Nepali Parliament!
😲What else?: ▪ KP Oli and Sher Bahadur Deuba, leader of the Nepali Congress, have agreed on the division of ministries and will be sharing the PM seat! ▪ Oli shall serve as the PM for the next 1.5 years while Deuba shall serve for the remainder until elections 3 years later. ▪ Other parties are also supporting the Nepali Congress-CPN-UML alliance and are now asking for Dahal and the CPN Maoist Centre party to pave the way for the new government!!! 🥸Analysis: ▪ PM Dahal has somehow survived 4 no-confidence votes via shaky alliances over the last 2 years. ▪ However, surviving this fifth one would be difficult for him. ▪ This is the 13th government in the last 16 years in Nepal as the political landscape in Nepal still appears turbulent. ❓When will Nepal find political peace?? Follow Jobaaj Stories (the media arm of Jobaaj.com Group for more)
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Jobaaj Stories began as the storytelling branch of Jobaaj and has since expanded to cover news, inspiring stories, and informational resources. Our mission is to educate and inspire budding professionals and students through storytelling, enriching you with information and inspiration.
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gothalokhabar · 2 years
प्रतिनिधिसभा समानुपातिक मत : एमालेको अग्रता कायमै
प्रतिनिधिसभा समानुपातिक मत : एमालेको अग्रता कायमै
काठमाडौँ, १० मङसिर । प्रतिनिधिसभा सदस्य निर्वाचनको समानुपातिकतर्फ नेकपा (एमाले) ले १७ लाखभन्दा बढी मत प्राप्त गरेको छ । निर्वाचन आयोगले आज बिहान ५ बजेसम्म अद्यावधिक गरेको मतपरिणाम अनुसार एमालेले १७ लाख १७ हजार ३६ मत प्राप्त गरेको छ । त्यसैगरी नेपाली कांग्रेसले १६ लाख ३२ हजार छ सय ६४ मत प्राप्त गरेको छ । घण्टी चिह्न भएको राष्ट्रिय स्वतन्त्र पार्टीले सात लाख ४५ हजार पाँच सय ६१ मत प्राप्त गरेको छ…
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amitstrom-blog · 1 year
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filmishine · 2 years
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