#CRK is a different story
quibbs126 · 4 months
Honestly if I were to ever rewrite CRK, first thing I’d do is streamline and solidify the timeline
Because I feel like there’s millennium long gaps in the timeline where nothing much happens, and it’s really vague when certain things happen. And also the lore doesn’t necessarily need to span across several thousands of years. I mean I’m pretty sure actual human civilization hasn’t lasted as long as the lore of the Cookies has, and they had to be made by Witches first
Not only this but as I’ve referred to before, while the Ancients have been established as living for thousands of years, they’re still too young to have witnessed other known important eras in the timeline aside from making their kingdoms and the Dark Flour War (which even some mortals still are around to remember), such as the Beasts or the disappearance of the Witches. Which to me feels like their longevity is mostly inflated to make them sound older, despite it not meaning much in the grand scheme of things
And then there’s the inconsistencies as to when things took place in the timeline. Most famously, the Dark Flour War, since there’s information that tells us it was a very long time ago, but other information that implies that it couldn’t have been that long ago
I also have no clue when the presumed Age of Dragons was, or when it ended. The whole prehistoric era in Ovenbreak confuses me as to its presumed place in the timeline, but considering we’re talking about Kingdom and this was a very recent thing in Ovenbreak, I’m willing to consider that an alternate universe difference. But we know in the Kingdom universe that dragons used to be all over Earthbread but are mostly gone now, so there was an end to their era, but I have no clue when, especially since Tea Knight was there prior to it and was a factor in it. He may be old but as far we know he’s still mortal. Though maybe it’s not established because the dragons aren’t really focused on as their own storyline. Pitaya and the twin dragons have more to do with their respective kingdoms than their relation to dragonkind
I think I’ve rambled on a bit but you get what I’m saying. The timeline is…not great and it needs some work
Personally if I were to do it, I’d streamline the lore to take place over maybe a couple thousand years, and the Ancients are at most 1000 years old. Maybe I’d have them be baked right at the end of the era of Witches, and so their rise to power is like the start of a new era without Witches, where the Cookies pave their own path on Earthbread. Like when the Witches left the Cookie civilization was left floundering somewhat, and so the Ancients stepped up to lead their fellow Cookies. Not entirely sure how to fit in the Beasts and particularly Beast Yeast into this new story, but whatever. Also I’d probably establish the Dark Flour War as happening like, 70 years ago. And subsequently change all the information relating to it to fit in with that time frame. Maybe it could be a bit longer or shorter, but that’s the best time frame I can think of in relation to the Crème Republic elders, since that’s who I tend to base it off of
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pikapup131 · 5 months
guys I have an idea. timekeeper, sugar sawn, abyss monarch, longan dragon, and millennial tree as this. one singular friend group in a larger friend group of all legendary (and dragon/ancient) cookies. they often go on picnics or play games or. do whatever in various places picked by longan or millennial, rarely sugar swan,, and. they chose the kingdom this time (millennial) kingdom is overrun with jelly walker virus. how fun. they didn't actually KNOW what this is (except teeky and millenial, but millennial did not know it came back and teeky completely forgot about it.) so their basically. in an apolocolypse au. 3 outcomes 1) timekeeper(in this au) doesn't do her job for once, and messes up the timeline to save them. dangerous for her and tbd but saves EVERYBODY else, so she rings them up and gets majority confirmation. (string gummy is furious.), does this, ends up trapped in that timeline. 1a) she doesn't get trapped happy ever after guys. they have their picnic. 2) they just wipe out all the cookies reluctantly, and return to their jobs. they do not speak of this. they all feel awful and millennial tree/sugar swan work together to try and bring them back after, but longan stops them due to being closer to their goal of a new world from what I understand. please correct me if I am wrong, i'd like to properly write this au. 2a) they just don't try and revive them and live with the stress. OB place has like 50(??)% less cookies now and gingerbraves missing. gingerbright and dozer r scared. 3) Sugar Swan tries to undo this, since in this au jellywalkers r zombies essentially (kill host and use body) so she. uses her feathers to bring them back. bad plan, the cookies r essentially suffering for however long the feathers stick to them, before dying again. some just die from the feather itself. 3a) timekeeper stops this in fear, as she saw this timeline happen; not good. sugar swan reluctantly stops her plans so they enact either 1 or 2. 3b) millennial tree helps her, teeky tries fighting them off and. almost dies in the process due to seeing space doughnut as a jellywalker, which broke her down somewhat, almost to tears. abyss monarch saves them,, and then just?? goes back to hiding???? she keeps fighting as they eventually revive them all 4) they just fucking leave lmao. please give thoughts and ideas. this has sincerely been a pikapost131 oh right @ivorydragondaily bcz I forgot to post this and I think you'd be interested.
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yawnderex · 7 months
This is what ya signed up to
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fallen-kingdoms-crk · 3 months
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"Really? Well, thank you, Pitiful Vanilla."
"Welp, I really don't need this disguise anymore..."
[a skulk tentacle rises out of the ground and dresses Warden Skulk Cookie in his royal attire, his
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[sighs] "That's better"
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"Ohhh- you look interesting-- er-"
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"That sounds rude- um... you look very... nice??"
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dreamyzxn · 7 months
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⋆⁺⋆ ⁺₊⋆ ☁︎Self-aware!CRK x Reader
they waited and waited for so long, where have you been now?
Time flew by, days turned weeks and weeks turned into months and that app you downloaded remained untouched. You almost forgot about it, but then a thought crept into your mind... why not give it a go and open the app for a little while? Who knows what kind of adventure awaits you in there!
soon then as you opened the app, a silly sugar gnome appeared in your screen as they greeted you, attempting to rouse you from your slumber. How adorable! However, you couldn't help but feel a twinge of guilt for neglecting the game for several months.
upon tapping the bubble chat to continue, you were woken up by the sugar gnome. Shortly then, a cookie by the name of Gingerbrave appeared on your screen, extending a warm welcome back greeting and surprising you with various missions and new mails.
The experience of being pleasantly surprised by the cookie's missions and warm welcome evokes a sense of happiness within you. This feeling has reignited your interest in playing the game, reminiscent of the initial excitement you felt upon downloading it. then a,
"Whoah, welcome back!"
exclaimed Gingerbrave with a huge grin on his face. He was positively beaming as he directed his attention towards the exciting quest called 'We Missed You!' story, as you completed the quest, you then let out a small chuckle and just when you thought it couldn't get any better, a surprise gift appeared, accompanied by a warm welcome from Wizard Cookie aswell.
As you delved deeper into the game, a sudden light giggles escaped your lips again, instantly lifting your spirits. It was as if a weight had been lifted off your shoulders, and you couldn't help but think that maybe, just maybe, playing this game more often could be the key to unlocking your happiness again....
as you continued playing the gameplay, it appears that you have failed to take notice or acknowledge the fact that your cookies are watching you with great delight, sporting broad smiles on their faces. They are astounded by your return after all these days and find it to be a most delightful occurrence. The cookies are now eager to capture your attention and bask in your presence.
mainly, Pure Vanilla Cookie is thrilled to see you again! With a huge smile on his face, he knows that you, a human outside of their own world, have returned. Despite being just a silly pixelated character, he is determined to make a difference and show you his worth. He won't give up until he proves himself to be a valuable part of your experience and same aswell for other cookies.
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"I-I can't believe it! is it really Baker?!"
"they're back! oh thank earthbread!"
"Our Baker has returned! they have returned!!"
the air was electric with the sound of many voices, all talking with an excitement that was palpable. The crowd had gathered to welcome back their dearest baker, and they were positively bursting with joy. It was clear that they would do anything to spend their lives with this beloved baker, who had captured their hearts.
"Please remain calm, everyone." Pure Vanilla exclaimed, urging everyone to hush up and lend an ear. he patiently waited for their undivided attention, ready to address the situation at hand. Finally, the cookies heeded the king's call and directed their focus towards him. with unwavering obedience, they followed his commands and maintained a hushed silence.
"Now that our dear baker has finally returned, we must celebrate and welcome them!" with a cheerful and enthusiastic tone, he conveyed his message to the audience, announcing the return of their baker and urging them to make preparations to warmly welcome them back.
the roar of the crowd echoed through the stadium as they erupted in a thunderous cheer, their voices rising in unison to create a symphony of excitement and energy. It was a moment of pure joy, as the crowd continued to cheer, it was clear that this was a moment that made the cookies feel so much alive more than before!
The cookies are eagerly planning to celebrate their beloved baker's return, spending quality time with them, and most importantly, doing everything in their power to bring you back into their world.
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You were completely immersed in the game for a solid hour, but as fatigue started to set in, you knew it was time to take a break. With a sigh of satisfaction, you exited the app and gently placed your phone on the table. as you stood up, you stretched your limbs and made your way towards the kitchen to grab a bite to eat.
now that you've just returned from a quick snack break, plopped down on your comfy couch, and grabbed your phone. But as you excitedly opened the gameplay, something strange began to happen. glitches started popping up on your screen, causing you to freak out a bit, you managed to keep your cool and reassure yourself that it was just a pesky bug... right?
"That's odd. It's probably just a minor glitch," you reassured yourself as you clicked the start button. Suddenly, your phone screen was illuminated with a blinding white light, but you remained calm for a second. This now freaked you out alot as you began to wonder if this is the end of your phone.
just as you were about to let out a scream, you suddenly found yourself sucked into the depths of your phone, and everything around you went pitch black.
As you slowly emerged from your slumber, you attempted to pry open your eyelids, your vision was a bit blurry and couldnt see who was trying to wake you up but all you could think was... a figure of familiar cookie, as you sat up and rubbed your noggin with a slight groan, "what the?..." you couldn't help but wonder if you were still dreaming.
"—ke up... Rise and Shine my dear—!"
The words echoed through your mind, jolting you awake. As you shook off the grogginess, causing a slight disorientation as your sight gradually sharpened. cookie...? wait... Pure Vanilla?!
you can't believe your eyes as you stare at the cookie in front of you. Did it magically appear out of nowhere? Is this some kind of illusion? a prank?! this must be a dream! right?! You blink, hoping to snap out of it. Pure Vanilla extended his hand, ready to help you up. But as you looked at him, your mind was still reeling and you hesitated to take his hand. You tried to figure out what's happening and your heart was racing.
The cookie patiently awaited your gesture to take his hand, as he sought to establish a sense of trust with you. Eventually, you reached out and grasped his hand, allowing him to assist you in rising to your feet.
as you rose to your feet, you couldn't help but take in your surroundings with a sense of bewilderment. everything feels so weird! the sky is normal... you then return your gaze back towards the cookie which appeared to be grinning radiantly.
"a-are you real?" You stammered, your finger trembling as you pointed towards him in disbelief. "t-this has to be some kind of joke... right?" You whispered the final words, feeling as you were about to lose your mind but then Pure Vanilla emitted a slight chuckle and stated, "Oh my dear, don't be silly, this is real indeed and this is no joke. " The cookie spoke in a gentle tone as he patted your head.
what?!... real??... theres no way you're here... could it be possible you're stuck in the game..!? how! just how!?
i literally have this draft saved.💀🏳️
anyways, hope u enjoy ig, bad ahh grammar LMAO
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imaginariumwanderer · 16 days
So I finished the latest story...
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This is pretty horrifying from a cookie's perspective. One of cookiekind's main forms of happiness is their ability to express their various colorful flavors/personality. I suppose it's the same thing as tripping a living human of their sentient and individuality. Ego death. Leaving behind hollow flesh
We be committing unspeakable crimes against nature with this one✨
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We be crumbling our colleagues while slowly losing our mind with this one✨
On another note, "eyecing" make its glorious return. I have no memory of it being used before the Mystic Flour update. Can anyone point out the other times it was used, if there's any?
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????!!!!! OMG HIIII
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Don't do it, don't give me hope...
I know he's the last to be released u don't need to tease me like that
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So the other-space here clearly refer to the Dark side of the Moon, right? Is there any other-space I don't know about? Also, I guess this confirmed Shadow Milk is the only one able to do this astral projection thing. On one hand, it increases his chance of appearing a bit more before his own update, on the other hand, we most likely won't see the other Beasts having any talking-role any time soon
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The implications here...
So the Beasts may likely have their own voices of their Light just like the Ancients does. And "Soul Jam"... Without an (s), Shadow Milk is specifically referring to his Soul Jam here, I can't believe my headcanon of the Light of Deceit/Knowledge whispering things to him is becoming true
It's a thing unique to Shadow Milk and not the other Beasts too. Interesting how both the voices of the Light of Truth and Deceit operate differently from the other Lights' (referring to the theory that the Light of Truth have never make an actual appearance since all instances of it in-game were all Shadow Milk's disguise)
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... Clownage. Whelp! time to integrate that into my daily vocabulary!
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Alright, so we got confirmation Smilk is not only aware of Dark Enchantress' plans but he's actively helping her out. Whenever he's oblivious to her other, secret plans (stealing the Beasts' Soul Jams) or he's aware and already have a counter measures to it though, is still up in the air.
My money is on the latter. Shadow Milk have shown time and time again he's way more knowledgeable than he let on. The way Dark Enchantress was depicted in his previous "play" does show us a certain level of... Appreciation(?) but who's to say he actually trusts her? It really does feel like a "I rub your back if you rub mine and then we'll backstab each other" kind of deal. Now I'm curious about the other Beasts' opinions on Dark Enchantress as well.
Where's Dark Enchantress anyways? We haven't seen her make any on-screen appearance in a while. I, um, I missed her a lot actually. I missed the diabolical meema
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Laughing at Wind Archer cookie repeatedly telling Smilk to stfu from the moment they've met. He's saying what we've all been thinking
Also laughing at Shadow Milk basically only here to make cryptic riddles and mocks our Wind Archer. He really does have nothing better to do lol
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Yeah that's right, FRIENDSHIP will save the day!
For real tho, tons of intriguing implications about the Ultimate Cookie with this one. I gotta mulls over them for awhile...
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"In conclusion, this changed nothing!"
Kidding, kidding! I was getting real worried for Wind Archer there despite knowing full-well it's not crk's style to let something happen to a character unless they're a minor villain or an elderly *grinding my teeth trying not to bring up Elder Faerie again oops too late-*
The unexpected yet sweet moment of empathy Wind Archer have toward the Ultimate Cookie combined with the stunning animation toward the end were definitely my favorite part of this little adventure. Although I half-expected for him to have his magical girl transformation like White Lily and Dark Cacao right then and there-
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"Beast-Yeast EP 5 coming soon to theaters near you! Remember to stay tuned, mkay? Okie dokie? Pinkie promiseee?"
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djljpanda · 8 months
Can you do the self aware CRK for White Lily Cookie:
Imagine the magical girl!Baker (Sailor Moon or Precure-like) to meet White Lily Cookie
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{Spoilers For Beast-Yeast}
Now while White lily cookie was looking into on the truth she had heard stories not of witches but a baker.
White lily was confused at first as that to many they believe that it was only witches who made them, so what are you. In White lily’s dreams she can see you and she wanted to know more so bad. What was keeping you two apart?
Some say your aesthetic does look like one of a magical girl but you kind of brush it off. That was until you were playing cookie run that was when a cookie who shouldn’t be out yet came into view, now looking at it everything looked different where was all your cookies?
For white lily cookie she was amazed by you as for now she can stare up at you with a smile. Now how does she get you here.
If you ever do go into cookie run, before the true events of the story. White lily cookie tries to keep you a secret from everyone as she would sneak off to see you, her baker. You are more magical in person and she couldn’t take her eyes off you.
She had tried to ask you about cookie life but at the time you didn’t have a good grasp on it, you didn’t want to tell her the truth just yet, or you didn’t want to ruin the timeline.
During this time you and white lily Cooke had formed a bound and I believe that’s how you notice white lily Cooke would being spilt. So with your powers as the baker you used all of it to protect your precious white lily cookie hoping one day to see her again.
In white lily cookies dreams you and her are together building a kingdom where every cookie is happy along with her friends. Deep down she knew all it was a dream but she couldn’t be to happy.
So when she awoke and saw you there along with pure vanilla cookie she started to apologize but mostly to you as she felt like she failed you, you were just happy to have her back.
As you want the white lily Cooke you remember meeting for the first time. She was a bit shy at first but thinking you might have been hurt from your decent to earthbread she tried to help you. She was still a bit shy but as you started taking to her she opened up more and more.
You are just happy to have White lily cookie here with you.
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nutterzebutters · 17 days
Yk now that we got a taste of shadow milks true intensity due to the new CRK trailer today I think it's safe to say that behavior is exactly why pure vanilla had to go through 12 whole trials, or at least a good damn reason. Knowledge governs the principles of being able to do something, and therefore governs the nature of the virtues, similarly truth governs over the nature of the lights the ancients inherited, bc without it you really can't achieve the true form of these lights; to be in tune enough to actually carry the soul jams.
A jam so powerful that it can fold the mind of a cookie literally baked for it in half and then some, a principal so encompassing that it's only natural for it to be the worst offender when something goes wrong, and the brightest light when things go right. I believe you can also use the word "polarity" and slap "extreme" in front of it and it would fit the description of this seemingly clover shaped gem.
Now I haven't checked the ep 9/10 story as of recent, I'm sure it's since changed, but at a very early point in the runtime of this game dark enchantress cared about that jam the most. The rest were like bonus powers, trophies next to the big one. The light of truth in particular was quoted to be the one that would help her mold the world in her image (which I'm sure is one of the reasons she's reviving the beasts, is if she can't get PVs she might as well try for shadow milks while the beasts help her create that perfect cookie business) and I hope they haven't forgotten about that.
Also would like to add voice acting is done with multiple takes, for the purpose of finding the correct tone, empathsis, what have you. It's one of the reasons games like CRK will go back and work on the story of earlier chapters, and in Odyssey clotted cream purposely empasized that against Holly and cacaos jams, pure vanillas didn't seem to share many common properties other than what made it a soul jam like it's kin, and likely still doesn't share properties with cheeses in any real regularity. Freedom can be arguably like truth and it's interesting to see how these lights tend to reflect their previous natures regardless of the purity process. Even going as far as to select cookies that share the same traits, or are prone to the same mistakes as the beasts, the only difference is that these cookies have the tools, the experience to push through while the beasts really didn't.
I don't actually have any predictions, usually I would. Ik that I would like to see some conflict with wind archer that does NOT prevail or save the day and it does seem likely he's either going to fall, no message sent
He's going to fall, but at least the message is on its way to the others
Or he does get out (which wouldn't make for a very fun plot point tbh)
The trailer for those who haven't gotten to it yet
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brittle-doughie · 1 year
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CRK Twitter is shitposting again. Also might be using a different writing format for these shorts lol
The six of you were all aboard the Red Velvet Dragon, there was a new movie playing very soon and you all have to get there before a large line forms.
You: *sighs*
This irritated Pomegranate Cookie, how dare Affogato Cookie keep her Master and Lord/Lady waiting.
Pomegranate: Where is Affogato Cookie? He’s testing me and my Lord’s/Lady’s patience…
Licorice: He said he had to do his makeup or something before we left.
Dark Choco: It’s been 15 minutes.
Pomegranate: It’s a simple movie showing, I fail to see the need to try and woo my Lord/Lady at this occasion.
This statement ended up just making Pomegranate even more irritated, the scowl on her face worsening. You could sense it, so you try to change the subject to something that needed to be addressed.
You: So why was it the Barbie movie again?
Dark Enchantress: It was done by the draw of a slip of paper in a hat…
You: And who placed that suggestion in there?
Pomegranate: ….
Dark Choco: ….
Licorice: ….
Poison Mushroom: Licorice Cookie, I saw you place it in the hat-
Licorice: WHA-NO! I saw you write it and put in the hat! Why would I want to watch a movie around Barbie?! PAH!
Pomegranate: Are you lying to them?
Licorice: I’m not, I SWEAR! Y/N Cookie, you believe me, right?!
You: I am willing to give you the benefit of the doubt.
Pomegranate: Be grateful for their generosity, Licorice Cookie.
Licorice: Phew…
Dark Enchantress: It’s rather unfortunate that Red Velvet Cookie will not be joining us.
You: The theater doesn’t allow pets, he’s not going anywhere without Chiffon. So Dark Choco gets his ticket.
Poison Mushroom: Dark Choco is back yaaaayyyy
Licorice: I still don’t get why it had to be the traitor prince himself though-AAH!
Licorice is spooked when Dark Choco Cookie brandished his sword in front of him.
Dark Choco: Watch your words…
Dark Enchantress: Oh hush with your arguing, remember who paid for these tickets..
Licorice: Me!
Pomegranate: You could barely afford your own, again it was the generosity of my Lord/Lady to pay for all of us…
Licorice: That’s 1/6th, still counts as a portion of it.
You: It’s nothing, you can pick up on a lot of coins if you know where to look.
Pomegranate: May I get the seat next to you, my Lord/Lady? Between you and my Master?
Pomegranate fantasized being seated between you and Dark Enchantress Cookie, she imagines as you wrap an arm around her to bring her close. She sighs contentedly at the prospect.
Licorice: I’ve worked hard, lemme get the seat next to them!
Pomegranate: What?
Poison Mushroom: You’ll sit next to me, Y/N Cookie, rrrright?
Dark Choco: Their soul is already corrupted enough, I will get the seat.
Pomegranate: Let a traitor sit next to my Lord/Lady? I will not allow that! My efforts far exceed your own, Licorice Cookie!
Licorice: You always get cozy with our Lord/Lady, it’s bad enough that you always seem to follow them around. Let me relish this.
Dark Choco: You two get to be around Y/N Cookie more often, this movie may be the only time I get to be close to them.
Pomegranate: I get the seat next to them and that is the end of the story.
Licorice: You wish!
Dark Choco: Stubborn fools!
Dark Enchantress: Enough, all of you!
Affogato: Apologies for being late, I had to make sure I look dazzling for the occasion. Especially when I’m seated next to my Lord/Lady.
Everyone: What?
Dark Enchantress: The seats are designated by the purchase and Affogato got the one next to Y/N Cookie. I’m not even seated next to them. A load of rubbish is what I’m seeing
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The whole ride to the movies was Affogato, smug as a cat, cuddled to your side as he completely ignores the burning glares of 4 cookies, Poison Mushroom was just bummed out :(
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lalovi · 6 months
nice story but can you make dark cacao vs affogato x male affogato's priest reader but in original universe like reader meet affogato again outside kingdom during mission
also add against and injured ( not too much )
AN: So, I kinda forgot a lot of the crk kingdom lore, but I think I got this! Been procrastinating on this one, sorry. In Affogato's wiki, it says that after his banishment, he practiced magic and stuff, so I mentioned that in the story. Um, and I tried to find out where he went after the banishment, but I couldn't find anything so I'm just assuming he's just in a small camp or set. Idk man. If things aren't right in this, please just lmk and I can make some edits or maybe just another story. I SWEAR IM TRYING. Also I'm calling reader the prince since him and Dark Cacao are dating
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Dark Cacao vs Affogato x Male! Affogato Priest's Reader
Warnings: Mild Injury, not proof read
A radiant, pure, and glistening snow. It covered the ground, and trees... everything. A beautiful sight to behold, and luckily for you, you were experiencing the light snowfall firsthand!
You were recently sent out on a mission to survey a certain area in the woods. Nothing too difficult. In fact, it was very simple. Survey, collect data, and then return to the kingdom, and with the light snowfall, it should have been that hard.
Well, the snow used to be light. You don't know what caused such a sudden change, but it was now practically a blizzard. If you didn't retreat to somewhere more warm, you were going to freeze to death!
The only problem is... where would you go? Everything was all forest as far as the eyes could see.
"Feeling cold doll? Looks like you could use some help.." said a voice. You couldn't see who it was through all of the snow, but... you couldn't shake the feeling that you knew them.
"Oh, yeah! Is there anywhere we can go get out of the blizzard..?"
You could hear a subtle chuckle.
"Of course there is." A bright light would flash and you were now in a completely different area.
A nice, warm, and cozy cabin. A fireplace was lit in the corner, but.... you could also now see them.
"Affogato Cookie?" You'd shout in bewilderment as you took a step back.
"Yes. Did you miss me~?" He'd take a step closer to you and take hold of your chin, forcing you to look at him.
Immediately, you swatted away his hand and sent him a glare.
"Do not touch me," you would hiss.
"Ahaha, you've still got that vicious personality, I see! But... this is no way to treat the person who has just saved your life, is it?"
He stared at you with those cold and uncaring eyes, still weilding that sly smile he always had all those months ago.
"Fine then. Thank you for saving me," you would say half-heartedly. You were grateful, just a bit on edge since it was Affogato who had saved you.
"So doll, how have you been? Is the king doing well?" He would ask. You only nod your head.
"How... unpleasant."
Affogato would swirl around his staff, and a pain would shoot through your body.
You knew exactly what this was. It was the poison he would use on his enemies... but he's improved.
"Ah, I've missed you're charming little expressions! This is why you've always been my favorite little doll~" He would pinch your cheeks while giving you that taunting smile.
"It hurts, doesn't it? I can make it stop," said Affogato Cookie.
"Then stop it," you would say with a glare.
"Of course! Under one condition though. You have to bring me to meet Dark Cacao Cookie. This is something you can do... yes?"
Oh. He was planning something for sure, but... all you could think about was the venom running through your blood.
"Fine! Just cut it out already."
He'd flick his staff once more, and the pain would lessen. Of course, poison cannot be cured so easily.
"The burning sensation will only last for a little while. Anyway, I'm glad we could come to an agreement! Now then, shall we head there now?"
That scowl never left your face, but you would nod your head all the same. It's not like you could take Affogato in a fight anyway.
As Affogato and you walked into the gates of the kingdom, some guards would immediately ready their weapons.
"Prince, what is that traitor doing with you?!" They would ask in a panic.
You took a look at Affogato, who had never looked so calm and collected before.
"Stand down. I'm bringing him to the king," You'd order. Afgogato would chuckle before giving a viscious side eye towards the guards.
They looked shocked, but ultimately followed your lead since going against you was like going against the king himself.
"Yes sir." They said with a bow.
You started walking towards the castle, getting scared looks from the normal citizens.
The dizziness from before has also yet to fade.
"This kingdom looks the same as last time.. though, you are looking as darling as ever," Affogato would say with a grin.
"I don't want to hear it from you."
Affogato only hums, not bothering to push much farther.
It did not take long before you had reached the king's chambers.
Dark Cacao noticed Affogago instantly.
"What is he doing here?" Dark Cacao would ask with a booming voice. His blade was already at the ready.
"Ah ah ah, I wouldn't be so hasty to attack. You're little lover here might get hurt,"
Affogato would snicker before waving his staff, and that dark bubble would come back to consume you.
"You-" Dark Cacao would grit his teeth while glaring daggers into Affogato.
"Hand over the kingdom, and I'll stop the curse on him."
Dark Cacao's eyes darkened, and in an instant, he'd dash over to Affogato and strike him.
The blade would barely graze Affogato's shoulder, but it still drew blood. In a panic, Affogato would fall to the ground and start backing away.
"Ah, this isn't how the plan was supposed to turn out-"
Dark Cacao pointed the Swords edge at his neck.
"Stop the spell and leave. Next time you come here, I won't hesitate to take your life," said Dark Cacao.
He laughed nervously before swiftly undoing the curse. He flicked the staff once more again and teleported to who knows where.
Dark Cacao rushed to your side quickly.
"Are you alright?" He'd ask, holding you up.
"Yeah..." you began to cough a bit before looking at him with weary eyes.
"Here, let's get you some rest..."
《☆》 Fin
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Hey so the Black Hole looks like Stardust cookie
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I know it's two different timelines (CRK and CROB), but the lore seems consistent:
Stardust cookie was extracted from Moonlight's dough because stardust would give Moonlight powerful, but unstable powers (see CRK Chp 16 main story, Stardust's Wizard's journal).
Stardust does have unstable powers: he can turn into a bird-like form called Fiery Star's Wrath, which if overused will turn him into a dark vortex (black hole equivalent in CRK).
The Black Hole here looks pretty similar to Stardust's bird form.
It all matches up! I'm not saying that this is Stardust (it's likely he never even existed in CROB), but this is consistent lore-wise with how a black hole would look like if it was alive, and in this case, the Black Hole is alive! Note I didn't finish the Xylitol story yet, so I don't know more details.
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you know what?? Fuck it, there's something I've GOTTA talk about:
(don't worry this isn't like a serious post or anything. also its gonna be really badly written with grammar errors because I'm just really excited to finally be talking about this and I'm shaking like a leaf) (also, if you don't agree with this that is completely fine; everybody ships different ships, this is just one that I personally love and me explaining how it came to be and how I image it. I'm not trying to convince anybody of anything, this is just for fun. If you don't like, that's fine! All I ask is that there is no hate and that you just move on. Thank you!)
I love rairpairs. Like, LOVE them. Anyone who's seen my old transformers art knows that I ship DreadOp which is like, a nonexistent ship. like, the ship equivalent of being an endangered species (there's like 10 fics about it on AO3, so you KNOW it's rare). There's a few examples of me being like this but this is the best example that i have.
But this has gotten to the point where i have done something absolutely ridiculous: I have created an entirely new ship- no, TWO entirely new ships (I'm only going to be focusing on one rn). AND I'VE GOTTA TALK ABOUT THEM because honestly? I love them! so, what monstrosity have I created? Whoo... prepare yourselves (especially you, dark cacao cookie fans...)
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Yep. Don't hate me. Please hear me out because honestly iv'e seen more heinous ships in my time on the internet.
so, first of all, the white dude is known as the milk village elder in CRK, and we only see him once in the entire game (that i know of). I love taking npc's and giving them characters, so this is kinda how this happened. I'm gonna start by talking about the milk dude and how i headcannon/ imagine him because it will come into play later.
I gave the milk village elder the name Whole Milk Cookie, because i couldn't exactly call him Milk Cookie; that names already been taken
Whole Milk Cookie isn't actually anyone's grandfather, despite him being called grandad/ grandpappy in the actual game. We never see anyone his age in the milk village, and I like to imagine that its sorta like an honorary title. Like, he acts like everyone's grandpa, so everyone calls him grandpa but no one is actually related to him.
Whole Milk Cookie is like, ungodly sweet. Like, diabetes kind of sweet. its ridiculous. there are only a few ways to get him angry; and trust me, you don't want to...
He's strong. Like, think Hollyberry type strong. Gives the BEST hugs too.
Nobody knows exactly how old he is, but people suspect that he's actually much older than he looks. This could be caused by his extreme talent with the milk that comes from the villages well; if its used right, the milk can cure disease, help pains, or even extend someone's lifespan/ help retain youth. either that or he's some sort of demon but hey, who's counting?
got all that? good. Now the question everybody's asking; why the hell do i ship this? What's the story here? What's the origin? Well hold onto your pants folks because this is where we get into me overanalyzing shit.
behold the line that started it all:
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This is so SO vague. why the hell did they put this in here it is SO VAUGE. what does he mean by "THAT king"? you know what it sounds like? someone reminiscing of their time with a loved one who has now changed....
they never elaborate on what exactly this line means and this is the very last line we hear Whole Milk Cookie say in the main story
wondering where exactly he's gone instead of wondering when he's coming back? idk man you sound worried about him...
also saying "laid your eyes upon" just sounds so gay/loving and i don't know why. yeah your laying something thats for sure glfbnvbrfnjkrb (im so sorry)
There's also this line:
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The ally thing is kind of given, but why and how isn't this guy talking shit about dark Cacao? Like, he has EVERY right to! but he's not.... its almost like he cares.... and sure he mentions the generation thing but just because your parents were friends with some dude doesn't mean you necessarily like them right? so what gives??
Then there's the matter of Dark Cacao Cookies SON:
now Dark Chocolate usually doesn't have any milk/dairy in it, but it DOES need a fat, which whole milk DOES have!!
So, in theory, it would make sense for cacao and milk to make chocolate of some kind, AND it would account for Dark Choco Cookie having a lighter skin tone than his father (lighter eyes and the double white hair streak too)
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I also like the story implications outside of cannon:
two people who would generally not be allowed to be in a relationship due to differing status keep a relationship going for years behind the backs of their communities
Dark Cacao Cookie taking full responsibility for taking care of their son, only for everything to become too overwhelming and he begins to remove himself from everything emotionally, wanting to give his son over to his other father to be properly taken care of but can't due to the dangers that poses for everyone in his family
Dark Choco nearly kills him and Dark Cacao has to exile him and (because of a mix of psychological manipulation, grief, and regret) locks up the citadel, leaving Whole Milk Cookie out of the picture entirely
Whole Milk Cookie stews in anger due to everything that's happened and Dark Cacao cookie not taking proper care of their son but eventually falls into guilt as well because he saw the signs of stress and overworking from his partner and didn't step in, assuming that everything was fine (but is still mostly mad at Cacao because he REALLY fucked up and it's not an excuse)
Gingerbrave and the crew comes strolling up and gets the citadel open, and Dark Cacao admits to Dark Choco that he didn't care enough and that he should have done things differently, and that he loves his son. Dark Choco leaves the cookies of darkness and begins a journey of recovery while Dark Cacao vows to do better for his family and kingdom in the future.
Dark Cacao meets up with Whole Milk Cookie to truly apologize to him, admitting everything he's done wrong and that he should have done far, FAR better. He tells WM that he deserves better than him
Whole Milk is obviously still angry and will never forgive Dark Cacao for what he's done. but he still loves him despite everything and would much rather the two of them work together to fix things (not necessarily romantically, more just not hating each other wise) moving forward instead of breaking things off and stewing in grief and anger.
The two of them take things extremely slow and carefully because it's been a long and difficult process, but they, eventually, get back to where they were.
Their recovery process takes years, but by that point Dark Cacao has improved himself exponentially, wanting nothing but the best for his partner and kingdom (and now knowing exactly what NOT to do) They also eventually find Dark Choco Cookie and fix things with him, but that's a whole other can of worms I'm not going to open here.
Just generally a story of two very different people, who despite goin through unimaginable hardships, do their very best despite the circumstances. they love each other more than even they realize and the fact that they are able to fix what was broken by their own hands is a testament to that, despite all of the arguments and tears along the way.
TLDR: Dark Cacao fucks up, his husband is mad but still loves him because he knows him better than anyone else, Dark Cacao actually makes an effort and succeeds to be much much better, and the two of them eventually figure things out. An unlikely love story :)
Ok, wow, that was a lot and kinda sad. But there are a few thiings that i couldn't fit into the rest of this so imma just stick them here:
Whole Milk Cookie finds Immense joy in picking up his husband and throwing him across his shoulder like some kind of really important sack
Whole Milk calls Dark Cacao "Cacao bean"
Dark Cacao loves Whole Milk Cookies cooking to a stupid extent
Dark Cacao loves playing with his husbands fluffy hair
the two of them will often help each other do their hair because they both just have SO MUCH of it
Dark Cacao, despite popular belief, is a flustered mess around his husband and can very often be found blushing like a madman whenever Whole Milk uses his strength
these two have the ABSOLOUTE WORST bedheads. Like, Cacao HAS to braid his hair before going to bed because otherwise the two of them will wake up tangled in it. And Whole Milk will just have an untamable afro.
uhh anyways. thanks for coming to my ted talk
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yanderes-galore · 1 year
Hi, can ask for romantic hcs of Affogatto Cookie with a Royal Darling? Tbh I don't remember much from the Cacao part of Kingdom
Honestly I stopped playing when the Dark Cacao Kingdom released, I watched some cutscenes though so I hope I got the basics of his character ^^ It feels a bit rushed but I hope I got my ideas across. I wanted to expand on this but the plot feels butchered :(
I really should play CRK again but I don't want to grind again, LOL.
Yandere! Affogatto Cookie with Royal! Darling
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Manipulation, Obsession, Attempted murder/just murder, Forced marriage, Trust issues, Forced relationship, Drugging.
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In this story you are a royal of the Dark Cacao Kingdom.
You are another of Dark Cacao's children, persisting after Dark Choco's betrayal.
Safe to say you have some trust issues due to your brother....
Affogato is a very charismatic shaman (?) character.
He's manipulative and does his best to be trusted in the eyes of the Dark Cacao Kingdom.
He's simply someone looking for a place to belong!
He's definitely not some usurper to the throne.
When Affogato first meets you, he sees you as his key to the throne.
If he can gain your trust... your father will only ever trust him more.
Affogato is someone you don't trust as easily as most.
He shows up out of nowhere then tries to play himself off as your friend?
Yeah right....
You and your father have very different opinions on Affogato.
Dark Cacao trusts Affogato and his judgements, an idea you don't approve but can't fight.
"Father... can't you see it in his eyes? He lies to you with fake smiles!"
"Hold your tongue... Affogato is aiding us. He is no liar."
You only dislike the shaman even more when he accuses Caramel Arrow of stealing rations.
You felt that only you and Caramel Arrow knew of Affogato's lies at times.
Which is why you whispered that you were sorry for your father's actions when she is exiled.
You truly miss your first watcher... now the outside villages were bound to fall.
Affogato no doubt knows about your distrust.
He can tell you are annoyed at your father's obsessive need to fortify defenses... and his oblivious behavior towards the shaman's scheming.
Affogato knows he can't exile you like the others as your father still adores you, he also knows he can't convince you to go against your father fully... as you still love him too.
Affogato comes up with a new plan...
He'll simply try to be on your good side.
While Affogato's obsession started out as trying to be nice and gain your trust... it transitions to ulterior motives.
After all, what better way to gain the throne than to marry the king's child?
The shaman would try to play his cards right.
You are not easy to convince, Affogato knows this too.
It's frustrating to him, yet he'll try to be patient.
You notice Affogato become increasingly friendly towards you.
Your father sees nothing wrong with this...
You ignore Affogato's attempts to gain your favor, but he never goes away.
Affogato plans to marry you just for power st first.
In order to do that he has to prove himself.
Although... the deceptive man gets obsessed with the idea of you more than power the longer he tries.
You had a certain beauty towards you...
You held loyalty towards your father and hate towards anyone who was similar to your brother.
You hated deceivers... you scoffed at betrayal...
Such harsh beliefs didn't ward Affogato off in the slightest.
The shaman always brewed you the sweetest drinks and spoke to you in a tone as soft as velvet.
You narrowed your eyes at his cat-like orbs, scoffing at how he giggled mischievously in conversation when you answer or accuse him.
"Why do you try to be close with me, snake." Is your response each time Affogato wished to talk.
"Your majesty, I only think we should know each other more. You are awfully stuborn... it hurts my feelings. Is it so wrong to just talk? Our kingdom would fall if you held any false accusations towards those who wish to help."
You're never going to be able to fully trust the shaman after the betrayal of your brother.
This only ever annoys Affogato, as by the time his plan is almost in place, he's actually fallen for you.
You tolerate him... that's as far as he can get.
That is until he allied with Dark Enchantress and gets Dark Choco to rid the Dark Cacao Kingdom of its king.
It's a newer better plan....
When you hear the news of your brother coming back to kill your father... Affogato actually sees your personality change.
You break.
He sees your stern and hateful persona that's always up around him change to that of grief and vulnerability.
Something the shaman pounces on.
Affogato claims to the kingdom that you are in no shape to rule... alone, that is.
He makes a proposal that he becomes king with Dark Cacao gone.
Just until you are fit to lead....
Then, on top of that, he even alludes to the idea of a marriage between him and you.
When you hear of this news from him at your door, you're furious.
You blame him for your father's death.
Him taking the throne is enough already... then Affogato pauses your rage with one sentence for a moment.
"Not only am I king now... you are meant to be married off."
"Married off...? What nonsense do you speak of!?"
When Affogato gives you a cheshire grin, you freeze.
"Don't you get it? I've planned a marriage between you... and me!"
You feel your blood run cold when he laughs.
"Trust me... it's what your father would've wanted."
Affogato is devilish enough to not only have your father killed and steal his thrown... but he also has the audacity to force your marriage.
"You have enough power. Why must you marry me now that my father is dead?" You ask with fury, tears dribbling down your face.
"Don't cry, dear. Maybe I don't want to marry you for power? I promise despite our differences, I have fallen for you... your beauty is as beautiful as the sugary white snow outside our kingdom walls. I was bound to want you someday...."
Affogato expects your resistance, you have always been so stubborn around him.
You don't have much of a choice in the matter, unfortunately.
"I'll kill you for this...." He hears you whisper through tears.
The murderer only laughs again.
"You won't."
Before he leaves the room, the shaman would place a cup full of brew on the table.
"Now, drink up will you? You're so worked up...."
"I'll never accept anything from you-"
"That's unfortunate...."
Affogato has surprising strength when he wrenches your jaw open, dumping the sweet drink down youd throat before cocking your head back to swallow.
The entire experience leaves you surprised... and tired...
"You should really stop fighting me, love..." Affogato hums, placing you back on the bed in your room.
"After all... I'm your king now... and you'll learn to obey me in the end. Sweet dreams... you have a big day tomorrow, dear."
The Dark Cacao Kingdom's fate was no longer in your hands... as you drift off due to the drink shoved down your throat, you dread of what awaits next for you and your home.
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beepborpdoodledorp · 2 years
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Well, today’s the day! And I was so focused on posting about the new update that I almost forgot to post what I had actually planned for the anniversary, oops.
I tend to get a bit emotional around anniversaries for games that I like so I’m just gonna try and keep this short and sweet. Especially considering my story with CRK is hardly all that notable - I saw all the fuss that was being made about it during it’s popularity spike around fall of 2021, decided to play it just to see what all the hype was about and figured I’d have fun with it for a week before deleting it off my phone, and a year and a half later it’s taken over every aspect of my life. And I’m sure that’s the same experience as a lot of people! 
So, for the 2nd anniversary, I decided to draw my four favorite updates from 2022! Initially they were all supposed to be one piece but I messed up by making the canvases different sizes and therefore couldn’t find a way to do the composition I was hoping to do, so you just get four separate pieces. Considering I did basically nothing for the 1st anniversary and how much I loved some of the update to come from this year, I felt like I needed to do something big. So, here’s to another year of talking Cookies and the weird world they inhabit. 
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sweetandsourcookies · 5 months
while im all in for new dragon cookies just like the next person, i have my doubts about how longan could get implemented?
i would have to elaborate, so im willing to do. all the other crob dragons i would absolutely love to see, but with longan i have a big problem. first and foremost, in crob, we know that their plan pretty much involves fucking the universe up and rebuilding it to how they want it. that now is a very high stake goal. i think the story's villains would get oversatured a lot if longan was involved - considering we got not 1, not 2, but, counting all the beasts, SIX over-arching antagonists (beasts + dark enchantress). i dont take cookies of darkness into consideration for this matchup, simply because they are servants of dark enchantress, and while they are one of the main antagonists, they are not "overarching" bad, like dark enchantress or the beasts.
i absolutely also do know that crob and crk cookies can have different motivations and goals - like pitaya dragon cookie, whose stories are vastly different in both games, but there are still points in their character that do matchup in both of the games. throwing out a character's whole personality for a different game might not be the best thing to do.
so, to summarize, my point is that longan's plan would more likely just oversature and overblow the story - we already need to deal with dark enchantress. oh wait, now we gotta deal with the beasts. WAIT, NOW THE IVORY DRAGON? the stakes could be raised higher, but i feel like it would create an unitentional mess. i also cannot see the connection between DE, the beasts and longan - de and beasts are clear, the former wants to free the latter, but what about longan? their relationship chart with dark enchantress says well that their goals are contradicting, like longan wanting to wipe out all the cookies.
if deviss does implement longan, i think the best way would be either:
a) in a "new big evil has risen" fashion, when all evil is defeated and we get the sweet epilogue.
b) an unexpected threat that cookies of both sides could not see, so now they have to work together to defeat longan. this could lead to some awesome characterization, though.
id love to hear my followers thoughts and i encourage a nice discussion! just please be civil, correct me if i got anything wrong, and i hope to have a nice convo! :]
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monavii-790 · 6 months
the liar of the witches (crk lore)
So i have this theory that might people think fast after shadow milk was revealed.so the tale of the first kitchen is when the earthbread was exist it was chunk of dought that escape from the witches oven and crumble into peace making it the perfect dought that left in the sun.
After that maybe one of the 3 witches was actually the one who created the beast and pretend that they care for them and making the soul jam to crumbled them when we see the beast yeast story it mentioned that the five has their virtue of their personality knowledge,happiness,volition,change,and solidarity. since shadow milk is the virtue of knowledge maybe he find out that the cookies are actually made to be eaten just like white lily but he didn't the first one that got corrupted, after a year of searching shadow milk friends slowly begans corrupted of their power shadow milk gets more conflicted where is the truth or lies after he gave up thats when the corrupted fills him making him the last of the heroes. making them the opposite of their personality deceit,sloth,apathy,destruction,and silence when they almost begans to destroy the earthbread the witches seeing this has no choice but to sealed them and taking their half of the pieces soul jam to purify it they finally making the perfect soul jam.
We introduced the new heroes that is the new holder of the soul jam,the five first met at the blueberry yoghurt academy pure vanilla,hollyberry,dark cacao,golden cheese, and white lily spending their time before their graduated and that time white lily want to search for the information about this ancient school that was founded by the first headmaster but because she's to young to handled it so she abandoned her searching. years go by the five still friends and that time they owned they're kingdom (except white lily) white lily curious about why cookies are existed then she goes to the pastry order to learn more about the witches or their existensed and now she seeing it on her own eyes that the witches are eating cookies she's trying to save them but instead she fall into cauldron,the witches seeing this realized and then trying to rebaked her with different dought and that's when dark enchantress existed (the witches actually realized the soul jam that white lily has, but after she realized that she saw everything the witches has no choice but to make her gets her trauma) after that crispia has to dealed with the darkness they have cookies burn to dead,the scream and the pain they have...and the kingdom being attacked.the five trying to defeated her but because they're no matched ended up defeated easily, she take their soul jam the five were miserable and devasted but pure vanilla cookie stand up to sacrifies himself making the big explosions.the five heroes and dark enchantress cookie defeated the cookies having lost their greatest heroes.
Part 2 is coming soon, sorry if it's weird because i just woke up 😩👍
when their mentioned that they crumbled under their own streight that line was suspicious like.. THEY GAVE THE SOUL JAM TO THE BEAST WITHOUT LOOKING THE CONSEQUENCES
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