#Cahira scenarios
Good Luck, My Golden Girl
I’ve decided to start writing small oneshots and scenarios of Cahira’s life on Quotev on her blog. Started off simple with her departure from Kakoro for her mission to Earth. Hope you like it!
Breath in. Breath out.
Inhale. Exhale.
Cahira repeated to herself as she placed a hand on her chest to feel her heartbeat as she performed her breathing exercises. Feeling a steady heartbeat, Cahira returned to packing her bag with what she deemed to be essential items for her long term mission.
The young woman had been given a position on the planet classified as Earth. It was far, far from home. She had been on off-planet missions before, but her last one was years ago and for a good reason. The idea of leaving the safe haven made her anxious, sending small tremors to her hands as they held a photograph of Elion - her best friend - and herself.
Kirk's voice broke Cahira's train of thought, startling her in the process but luckily she didn't lose her grip on the photo. "Oh D... Dad! Hey," Cahira relaxed once she turned to her human father. Kirk smiled faintly as he approached his daughter, "How's the packing going? Need a hand?" He offered gently.
"N...Nah. I got it dad, thank you though."
"Ra-Ra, you're nervous."
"Doesn't sound like a surprise, does it?" Cahira tried to joke, cracking a small smile. But her obvious nerves made it hard for Kirk to enjoy his daughter's smile as he would normally. With a quiet sigh, he pulled her into a hug while pressing his bearded cheek to hers. He gave her a gentle squeeze.
"It's just so far from home." She whispered into his shoulder. "I know how it feels, honey." Kirk reassured, pressing her kiss to her hair "You've made it this far and we're proud of you, Cahira. But if you really feel as if you cannot handle it, don't be afraid to call us, okay?" He questioned her in a whisper, receiving a nod into his shoulder. "Now come on, I'll help you pack and carry your stuff to your ship" Kirk pulled away from the hug, brushing Cahira's hair away from her face.
Cahira cracked a small smile, "'My ship'? That's still weird to hear out loud."
Kirk laughed at her comment "How do you think I felt when I could call you mother 'my wife'?" he added, finally earning a louder laugh from Cahira.
"Alright, that's everything...." Cahira took in a slow, deep breath. "Thanks for helping me Dad," she smiled to Kirk, who returned a loving grin. "I'm always here for you, Ra-Ra." Kissing her forehead, before turning to the ship's exit where Tulin, Tyrell and Arcadia anxiously waited to see Cahira again for their farewells.
Cahira, knowing better, started with her youngest sibling Arcadia, who was trying not to cry. Cahira smiled softly as she pulls her into a hug, Arcadia returning it tightly and burying her face into Cahira's shoulder. "Shhh, don't worry, Dia. You can call me every day if you wish to." Cahira tried to reassure the younger hybrid, who smiled up at her with glistening eyes.
Arcadia pulled away, lifting her glasses to wipe her eyes. "Don't have too much fun without us, Hira" the teenager murmured.
Cahira turned to her brother, Tyrell, who still had his arms crossed over his chest and a dull expression on his face. "You're not gonna miss me too much are you, little Ty?" Cahira's lips rose into a small smirk. Tyrell rolled his eyes and groaned "Shut up," before wrapping his arms around Cahira's neck and pulling her flash again him.
Cahira smiled and returned the hug with similar strength. Tyrell will always be Tyrell, actions speak louder than words when it comes to the younger male. Cahira pressed a kiss to his forehead anyway and ruffled his hair only for Tyrell to push her away so he could fix his hair. Cahira grinned before moving onto her mother.
The Full blooded Saharamph ejderhalar latched her daughter in a hug, wrapping her sand coloured wings and arms around her daughter. The Gregory family laughed at the matriarch's antics. "Mother," Cahira murmured into her Tulin's scaly shoulder
"Just be careful, okay? Make sure to call me when you can. Talktomewhensomethinghappensorifyouadvice-" "Mum! I promise I'll keep in contact." Cahira interrupted her mother's rambling. Tulin stopped, looking at her daughter with furrowed eyebrows. The rest of the family knew Tulin's concern, they all shared it. But Cahira didn't want to think about it.
Even though she was nervous, she didn't want her mother to share her nerves. Tulin rested her forehead to Cahira's before pressing a kiss to her forehead. "I love you, my daughter"
"I love you too, mum"
Last but not least was Dad. Cahira melted into Kirk's warm arms as they embraced her. Her dad's beard rubbed against the shaved side of her head and Cahira giggled at the ticklish feeling. "You'll do great, Cahira. You'll love it on Earth, I'm sure of it" He reassured her. After exchanging their 'I love you's before Cahira returned to her ship.
Cahira stepped into the small ramp but stopped at the doorway to look back at her family, who were watching her with sad but hopeful eyes. Her father stepped forward though and said
"Good luck, My Golden Girl."
Cahira smiled, her eyes become glossy before really entering the ship and taking her place in the pilot's seat, starting the engine and taking off of Kakoro's surface.
Earth awaited her now. As well as new adventures in the future.
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emotionaldepravity · 6 years
Day 11: Space
This is obviously a modern/ university AU piece. 
Cahira pulled her laptop out of her backpack so she could properly type up the results from her current experiment.
  “I have to ask, why is your background Galaxy themed? I know you aren’t that into the space aesthetic. Why isn’t it an anime character or something?”
Lloyd had already finished with his part for today, and he couldn’t help but wonder why she never seemed to express her interests on her laptop. Even he had some stickers on his, and his background was of his family. It just seemed odd to him that she didn’t customize her stuff like everyone else seemed to.
  “So here is the deal. As much as I’d love to run around with half naked guys as my background, but come on, we both know that people are going to look at me weird if I don’t have something inoffensive.”
Lloyd laughed.
  “You aren’t wrong, but why that specifically. You could have just gone with the default you know.”
She minimized Excel to see the current picture. It was of a blue nebula surrendered and consisting of many bright stars.
  “I guess, but I love how soothing and pretty galaxies are. The fact that it changes sometimes makes me happy too. It is like a little break to see it in between assignments.”
She opened up her Spreadsheet as she continued to transfer the data.
  “That’s fair. And of course, you wouldn’t want to give the Professor the wrong impression about you when you are having those private lab sessions,” the GA teased.
She was a bit shocked. Was it that obvious to tell just how close she had gotten with Walhart?
  “Don’t worry, I won’t tell, but you two really should be careful. Just because he isn’t grading you anymore doesn’t mean you can’t get in trouble.”
Her face was on fire. How much did he really know? Was it possible that he knew the number of rules you had broken?
  “I don’t know why you think I’m interested in him, but I assure you its nothing like that. I’m sorry if you think he is giving me special treatment.”
  “Uh huh. Whatever you say Cahira. I’m sure that no one can tell just how intently you listen to him, or tell the fact that he likes to give you the more interesting parts for the experiments. Or that he likes to keep his hand on your thigh at conferences or how you are his plus one to special overnight events. I could go on, but this is all I have to say: just don’t fly to close to the sun. Icarus and I both know just how fucked up this can all get if you aren’t careful.”
Lloyd closed his notepad and put away his cleaned beakers. Yes, he knew very well how bad it could get for her if she didn’t try to keep her relationship more private.
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emotionaldepravity · 6 years
Day 6: Autumn Insects
Cahira smiled as she watched her daughter play with the Monarch butterflies in the palace gardens. It was really nice to see how happy she seemed. It was quite the odd thought since Cahira never even thought she would like to have kids or be able to have them at all.
   “Andromeda, dear, maybe if you stay still they will stay right there so you can properly watch them. Mr. Butterfly will fly away if you bother him.”
The little girl flashed her mother a smile.
   “Well I guess you’re right Momma, but I just want to touch him. He looks so pretty and soft!”
    “I know honey, but you’ll scare him away if you reach for him. He thinks you might hurt him. You are much bigger than him so it’s very likely you would.”
    “But, but I won’t I promise I won’t! Please tell Mr. Butterfly I won’t.”
Cahira didn’t know whether to laugh or smile. As if she could tell the butterfly that her daughter wouldn’t hurt it, she slowly approached the flower it was resting on.
    “Mr. Butterfly, I’m sorry to bother you while you are most likely eating, but would you mind playing with my daughter for a bit. She would really like to play.”
Just as if the butterfly understood, it flew over to Andromeda and landed on her arm.
    “Oh thank you Momma!! Mr. Butterfly came over here and look Papa did too!! Hee hee.”
Cahira turned to see her husband surprisingly without his armor or weapon. She thought only about how much less intimidating he looked without them, and how handsome he looked in a much more causal outfit.
    “I see. It seems your mother knows how to get a man to do what she wants,” he says teasingly.
    “Walhart,” she gasped at him.
He gave her a smirk and a quick kiss on the lips.
    “Oh Papa don’t tease Momma too much, you know you’ll make her face all red.”
Cahira shook her head and sighed. Even her daughter had picked up the bad habit of poking fun at her. She really should have asked her husband to not be so open about it in front of Andromeda, but she did enjoy it and would have missed the playful banter without it. She was going to say something, but the butterfly flew off when Walhart laughed. Andromeda immediately pouted at her father and ran off to catch it. They both just watched their daughter chase the winged creature. After a minute, he put his arm around his wife.
    “So is this the peace you desired to see,” she asked leaning into his chest.
    “This is much more than I could have hoped.”
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emotionaldepravity · 6 years
Day 4: Mermaid
When Kana and Tiki asked Cahira to go search some beaches for mermaids, she was surprised. She hadn’t really played very much with either of these kids, but maybe they just wanted to be her friend.  Perhaps it was just in a young dragon’s nature to be excited by fairy tales since they too were like fairy tales to her. When she woke up early the next morning to prepare, she was visited by the two to “help” her pack. She couldn’t say no to the two’s sweet smiling faces. Though it took much longer this way, it was very sweet to see Kana try his best to find stuff with Tiki. All three of them brought their bags down to the front of the castle.
   “Oh Cahira we are forgetting someone!!”
Kana looked quite alarmed as the woman started to undo the scroll to start the ritual.
  “We are,” Cahira asked with an expectant expression.
  “Yeah! We mustn’t forget him!!”
Tiki and Kana ran off to find the last person going on their journey. Perhaps Kana’s father or Marth would be accompanying them. Cahira wondered as it took much longer than she expected it would to reach either of them from this spot to their rooms. The longer she thought the more worried she got that the kids had gotten lost on their way to fetch the last member of the search party. She felt a bit more relieved as she heard the young girl’s laugh.
   “Here he is,” the young manaketes shouted in unison.
To her surprise, Zephiel approached hand in hand with the two young dragons. He was already wearing swim trunks, and an open short sleeved button up. Cahira tried not to stare to long at the man before her, but she failed causing him to clear his throat.
   “Summoner, I suppose we should get going, those mermaids might swim off if we don’t hurry and get to the beach.”
She wanted to clutch her chest at how sweet the children acted after that and how bright their smiles seemed. Who would have thought that King of Bern could act so much like a dad when it came to the dragons? If Cahria knew anything, she knew that it was going to be very difficult to look for mermaids when she was much more interested in watching him.
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emotionaldepravity · 6 years
Day One: Chilly Weather Wear
Warning I use daddy in a playful way here to address someone who isn’t the other character’s father. Also I’m sure this is really weird to read, but Cahira is my summoner so hfjdvfcdbhf.
Cahira sighed as she pulled her thicker coat out of the closet. Though she loved the cold, she couldn’t say that she loved the thickness of the clothes she needed for it. She would much rather wear her normal coat, but she knew Walhart would reprimand her if she didn’t at least try to keep warm. 
   “You know, love. I’m having to wear this thick coat, but how are you going to keep warm? I don’t see you pulling out any long sleeve shirts to wear under your armor.”
   “It’s unnecessary. I can keep warm without the need for extra clothes.”
Cahira pouted.
   “Walhart, I’m not going to wear this coat if you aren’t going to wear anything else either.”
   “You can, and you will. What sort of husband would I be to let you run off and get a cold?”
   “Not one. You sound more like my dad.”
He laughed.
   “Well you don’t seem to mind calling me daddy. I’m just living up to expectations, baby girl.”
Cahira bit her lip. He was right, but she couldn’t help but be a bit embarrassed at him using their very special names against her. Though it still caused a shiver run through her. 
   “Well, Daddy, I don’t want you catching a cold either. It would make me so sad for me having to keep you in bed, making sure you comfortable, and help you sweat out your fever all night long. I’d hate to see you so weak and needy for my aid.”
Cahira kept her pout as she twirled a small lock of loose hair. At the very least, she could get him excited.
   “You make it sound like a good idea, I have no issue letting you take a bit of control, but only if you earn it. Wear the proper coat. After all, you can’t take care of me if you’re the one who is ill in bed.”
   “No, but you can take care of me,” Cahira said with a grin on her face.
   “Oh, I’ll take care of you alright,” he said as he pulled her close to him kissing the top of her head. Then he whispered, “But only if you wear the coat.”
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emotionaldepravity · 6 years
Day 13:DnD
Odin was super excited to learn about this “Dungeons and Dragons” game Cahira mentioned. Though she hadn’t played it before the idea that he could basically be the hero of legend that he acted like he was very exciting to him. He could play any persona he wanted or even make up story lines in any fashion he desired. Though when he asked her if she was willing to make a game for them to play together she declined. They were in the middle of a war after all, and she really didn’t need to make up a game that in truth she hadn’t played before.
    “You know why don’t you come up with your own story, and then invite others to make characters for it? That way you’ll get to have more creative control over everything. I don’t know if I could actually come up with something like this myself. At the very least I could help you. ”
He beamed at the suggestion.
    “Oh man this going to be so cool!”
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emotionaldepravity · 6 years
Day 7: Blankets/Sleep
Cahira yawned as she snuggled deeper under the covers. Her room was extra cold from the change in temperature, and she was very thankful for it. She always found it much easier to breathe and sleep when the air was colder. Though she was very comfortable, her bed felt quite empty without someone to share it with. Her mind wandered, wondering if she was to ever summon someone who could love her. At the very least, she wanted someone to hold her when she felt exactly like this: alone and starving for affection, afraid for the lives of all those around her, and anxious about the days and battles ahead. If there was anyone willing to be there for her maybe they would come home soon, and maybe they would stand by her for forever. Without missing a beat, her thoughts turn to never finding a love like that. It upset her a bit to think that there wasn’t anyone out there in any of the worlds, but she managed to only cry a few tears. Something about the chill in the air made her introspective, but perhaps that is what she liked most about it. She wondered if she would have a pleasant dream, maybe of some handsome prince to sweep her away and make her his tactician. Cahira giggled at the idea. Maybe, just maybe that could be her reality or at the very least be her dream.
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emotionaldepravity · 6 years
Day 5: The Stars
Cahira searched for a place in the clearing that looked the least muddy. She had forgotten her blanket, and even if she had brought if she probably would have dropped it before even getting here. She sighed as she sat down knowing that her pants were most likely ruined, but she couldn’t stand much longer as her knees almost gave out. She laid back to enjoy the stars. Though a bit cloudy, there was plenty of stars for her to enjoy. The stars shimmered like the little speckles across the ocean in the midday or as if they were diamonds each being ready to be mined to be placed in an expensive setting. The moon was out as well giving much needed light for her very strained eyes. It was very calming to her to look up into the heavens as she left her mind wander. Part of her wished to have someone to share this moment with, but she wiped away the tears threatening to fall down her cheeks. Her next thought was of home. Her friends, family surely had no idea about where she was, and she had no way to contact them since her phone had no signal. She tried to refocus her attention at the twinkling lights above her.
   “Lovely,” she whispered to herself.
She wasn’t sure how long her had been there, but she began to feel very tired and it was much more difficult to keep her eyes open. The only noise she heard was that of the crickets surrounding her until she heard a voice.
   “Summoner? What are you doing here?”
Cahira shot up and looked around for who called to her. Though no one was there. It was curious, but she just attributed it to her being tired. Her head often played tricks on her and she assumed that this time was no different. Her heart raced wildly and then she simply laid her head back down to fall asleep. Her eyes drooped and made it difficult to enjoy the last few moments she could of the stars, but it looked as if there was one shining just a bit brighter than all the others that caught her attention as her consciousness faded. If nothing else, she would try to rest and make her way back to the castle in the morning.
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emotionaldepravity · 6 years
Day 2: Mythology
This is technically barely filling the prompt, but oh well.
“They say that the dragons Muspell and Nifil were always at odds, but damn if I understand any of that. All I know is that I had a job to do, and I wasn’t strong enough to keep people safe. If you really wanted to know about that stuff you should go bother that Askrian princeling or that Ice princess.”
Cahira frowned at the Muspellian general.
   “I suppose so. I’m sorry for asking, Helbindi. I was just curious about the history here is all. I didn’t mean to bring up something painful. I’m sorry for bothering you.”
Cahira stood up to leave and bid him farewell.
“Summoner wait,” Helbindi shouted which surprised even himself.
   “Look, I don’t really want you to leave. I know I’m more trouble than I’m worth, but you have grown on me. I mean it just be patient with me. “
Cahira nodded. She didn’t really want to leave, but she also didn’t want to force him to think about his sister more if he didn’t want to. Either way she sat back down in her chair.
   “Well then what would you prefer to talk about then? Maybe you have some questions for me? Something you’ve been dying to know?”
He smiled.
   “Heh, well I had to die to know so sure. I’ve got a couple questions for you. Would you really have recruited me on the battlefield if I had said yes?”
   “Of course! I would have made you a Gold General immediately. I appreciate how strong you are, and in all honesty, I was very interested in getting to know you then.”
Cahira gave a shy smile. She still wanted to get closer to him, but she left that out.
   “Then tell me, would you have been willing to let me kill Surtr if I was there in the throne room with you?”
She bit her lip.
“I can’t say I would have. It still needed to be me. You and Fjorm had more at stake than me. I couldn’t have been able to say that one or the other would have been better to kill him. I also couldn’t be sure that either of you would have been able to keep a clear head. I’m sorry.”
   “Then I made the right choice. At least now, those two kids are safe, and I got my brief chance at him.”
   “I’m glad you are confident that your choices were right. You and everyone else in Muspell deserved better than a pointless war.”
   “Yeah,” Helbindi was lost in thought for a few minutes.
   “Would it be too cruel to say that I wish you weren’t married, that I wish you could have come here before that bastard started the war, that you could even for a moment understand how much this means to me?”
   “Oh Helbindi…”
She could only stare at her hands.
   “Yeah, I know, but I want you to know that I’ll never be your friend. That just won’t work. But I’ll be your general if you promise that you’ll do what you can to make sure you that Ylgr stays safe”
   “You have my word,” she said trying not to cry. Yet again she failed to make someone’s life better in death.
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emotionaldepravity · 6 years
Day 10: Rainy Day
The rain fell loudly as Cahira watched from her window chair. She had been growing frustrated at the amount of paperwork and strategy plans left for her to do until she heard the rain begin to fall. Many nights she had been unable to sleep in the foreign bed, but tonight with the comforting and oppressive sound of the rain falling, made her feel as if she could enjoy her night for once. Sure, she knew that she would have to get up early to finish what she neglected do tonight, but at least for this moment she could close her eyes and feel like she is safe.
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emotionaldepravity · 6 years
Day 9: Fall Leaves
Cahira smiled as she watched the reddish leaves drift toward the forest floor. Seeing the leaves reminded her of her childhood when she liked to kick the leaves up as she imagined she was in a movie. She was the star in the movie of her life, and she was putting on a show for an interested audience. Sometimes she wondered if there really was anyone watching her. It was a thought that ran through her mind less and less as she grew older, but the nostalgia of the moment just made her reminisce on such a romantic thought.
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emotionaldepravity · 6 years
Day 8: Classic Fairytale
Cahira more than anything in the world wanted to go to the ball that the Prince was supposedly having tonight, but her step mother had forbidden her to go. For the whole month, she had put together a dress of scraps and tossed out beads so that she would have something to wear. Sadly, her step sisters found the dress to tear into a million little pieces. It took all of her strength to not fight back for she knew if she did, she would be tossed out into the street with not even a rough over her head. She finished all the days chores for not and had to watch her sisters and mother ride off to the ball without her. It was quite lonely in the large house, and she felt quite awful. All she had desired was to dance for one night with the Prince to feel as if her life had some happiness at all. The young woman just broke down. Nothing in her life seemed fair, and here her last chance to pretend she was special ripped apart with that dress. The tears kept falling and falling, and slowly she came to terms with herself and realized just what this was. Even in the dream, she knew no fairy would come to her to take her to the party. She was not Cinderella. She was just Cahira, a simple tactician. Even had she gone to the ball would it have mattered? She wanted to know. She wanted to know so bad, but in that moment, she felt powerless. Others were able to will themselves control of their dreams, but she couldn’t. As much as she wanted to go to at least see what the Prince looked like she couldn’t move.
 Then the doorbell rang, and she felt free and hopeful. Her feet were swift and light like a proper sword master as she opened the door to reveal her Step Mother and Sisters returned with guests. A servant and another man entered as well with the Servant having a peculiar look on his face. Cahira quickly realized that the other man must be the prince, but she every time she tried to look at him her head was forced downward. She wasn’t even sure she could hear his voice either. The idea was quite frightening that she couldn’t even see what was happening, but then for a few seconds she thought she heard him speak. His tone was not kind nor loving that was for sure, but all the same she felt compelled to hear it again this time with the intention of listening to his words. Though she did not get the chance, the servant, quite angry that she did not follow whatever order was barked at her, pushed her aside so she could complete the task in her stead. Shame colored her cheeks and dread filled her heart as if she had truly mad the royal angry, then she knew she would die. Every bit of her soul cried out in fear as the step sisters laughed in her face, and her step mother screamed at her.
    “Did you hear that Cahira? Did you? Hmm? Of course not! If you think for a second, I’d even consider letting this play out before we’re done with you, you’re wrong. The Prince isn’t here for you, and he’ll never be! You know why your purpose so stop acting like there is more. Maybe then, I’ll let him finally meet you.”
The smile on the older woman twisted in to something inhuman. Slowly her body turned to flames that threatened to burn the entire mansion down. Cahira began to run for the door lo escape but her sisters pushed her back into the house. The servant waited for his master to exit before looking at the girl with cold eyes.
    “You could be more if you wanted, but I’m not sure you do,” he said as the flames began to suffocate her.
Cahira woke with a start. The night was still young with how dark it was outside. She wondered what it all meant. As her eyes drooped down once more, she barely could even remember what she was even dreaming of.
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