#walhart fire emblem headcanons
fayesdiary · 2 years
Chrom and/or Robin for the ask game :)
I'll do both!
First impression: I don't even remember when I first got properly introduced to him. Heroes, maybe? No, I think it was before Heroes got released. It's definitely not when I first played Awakening though, since that was just last year.
Impression now: Truly the most male character of all of Fire Emblem. He's amazing. The perfect combination of Marth and Ike. His voice is perfect. He singlehandedly puts my sexuality into question.
Favorite moment: It's got to be either his battle convo with Walhart or his reaction to Lucina's reveal, immediately believing and comforting her without asking how or why.
Idea for a story: Something about his journey in search of Robin after the ending, that and him fitting into the role of Exalt (granted he's already been at it for two years by this point, but you don't exactly learn how to govern properly in just two years)
Unpopular opinion: I feel that Chrom's approach to trusting people is, as always, really misinterpreted by the fandom (and honestly one of these days we need to have a whole discussion on how this fandom treats naive characters and the belief that naive = stupid).
He knows the danger of trusting everyone, but he still chooses to- as he explains in his support with male Robin, he'd rather risk falling into a trap than turn his back on someone in need. Heck, if he didn't do this, Robin wouldn't be with him now.
Besides, he's got Frederick to watch his back and do the suspecting for him.
And you know, the fact a good chunk of fans just shrug it off as "lol he's so stupid" is just annoying, when the whole philosophy is yes, dangerous, but also fascinating and noble!
Favorite relationship: Romantically with Robin, no question. The two pair each other so well it's baffling, especially with male Robin. I feel they have even more chemistry there!
Platonically with Lissa, mostly because I like they act like actual siblings. Well, besides the occasional "big brother".
Favorite headcanon: He's a huge mythology nerd. He knows a lot about the lore of other worlds, even if he doesn't know they're real until Heroes or his trip through the Outrealms. He actually learned Aether by reading about Ike's stories and imitating him.
First impression: Again, no idea. They're one of those characters that feel they've always been there.
Impression now: I'm just so fascinated by them. They're by far one of the most intriguing characters in the entire series, through their personality, their relationships, their special connection to Grima and their metanarrative role. I literally wrote a whole essay about it! Of all the FE avatars, they're the only one who I think actually works better as an Avatar, even if I still thing they get restrained by the role sometimes.
Also I like female Robin (those pigtails are iconic and her map sprite looks so fluffy), but I still like male Robin a lot more. His default look and voice is just perfection, and I feel his supports are overall better!
Favorite moment: Their ending where they sacrifice themselves and the bad ending of Future Past. Those scenes are just *chefs kiss*
Unpopular opinion: They're a lot more interesting than people give them credit for, and it saddens me that a lot of fans think they're just one-note and generic. (But really, you can say this about almost every 3DS FE character, they just shrug them off as "lol anime stereotypes" and then some of them go on explaining why a character of the Kaga games that only has three lines is better written than all of Fates or some other bs)
Favorite relationship: Romantically again, with Chrom. But I really like Cordelia and Tiki too!
Favorite headcanon: I love the idea of the line between them and Grima being even more blurry than normal and they keep rubbing off on each other, like for example Robin feeling this near unstoppable rage when their loved ones are being horribly threatened or wronged, or Grima having a strange fondness for the Ylissean family despite them being technically their enemy.
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friedfriedchicken · 1 year
Day 31 of Fire Emblem Awakening
The game won't launch and it's blocking my Fire Emblem brainrot outlet therefore I am drawing a lot now. No pictures since it's 10:33 PM and all my doodles are elsewhere but I'm going to draw my headcanon Chrobin fam and it'll be the only thing I think about now. I really hope my emulator works tomorrow please I just want to finally bonk Walhart QwQ
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convxction · 1 month
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Walhart: You forget your place, BOY. I am the Conqueror! I will unite the world! Chrom: No! ...I will. And not by FORCING all the people to choose the sword or the knee. Peace will only come by stoking people's hearts...not their fear.
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🇨​🇴​🇳​🇻​🇮​🇨​🇹​🇮​🇴​🇳​: a STRONG belief that is not likely to change, or the strong feeling that your beliefs are RIGHT.
Independent & Selective & canon & *headcanon compliment & **mix between Eng. & Jp portrayal & multi ship & multi verse & oc friendly ♔𝐂𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐦 of Fire Emblem: Awakening / 覚醒Kakusei / 13 Roleplay blog. Shepherd by Faty and you can find me also @/sentofight a multi muses blog.
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*headcanon: I have built chrom for years now so he is mostly based on how I interpret some events & dialogues & interactions featuring him or other characters who have mentioned him.
**mix of eng & jp: I do not entertain the idea of chrom being the butt of jokes in the f.e. h.eroes universe or any other eng. localization. don't get me wrong, i love a good humor but only when it does not rib and butcher a muse's character. i add some elements from the japanese lines to compliment my own portrayal of him. you are free to ask me to elaborate more about this. i love to share no worries! that does not mean that all eng lines are crap ok? i stand by the "You deserved better from me than one sword and a world of troubles." best line for chrom and it is the english one. in your face haters.
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the three big rules: ♔have fun & ♔be patient & ♔be respectful & ♔drink water--ah, these are four LOL
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emotionaldepravity · 5 years
Walhart lover anon here asking for maybe some walhart with a summoner is very sleepy but is trying to stay awake because they haven't spent much time with Walhart lately and want to stay awake to be with him?
Even as the hours ticked by, your worked never seemed to cease. The paperwork seemed insurmountable, but you managed to cut it back down the the level it needed to be so that you could comfortably work on it. You had been staying up later and later it seemed. In fact most nights you never even went back to the room you and Walhart shared. Though he seemed to understand your need to continuously working, he never seemed pleased to see you turn in so late if you could. However, the moments during the day when you were free, he trained less experienced  soldiers. He had a lot of responsibility as your right hand man, and he was willing to act as a proper general and lover of the tactician should. 
Unfortunately, that meant that neither of you could even see each other until late into the night, and that was usually when you would have to work on battle plans for the next day or work on the receipts and logs for the armies finances. On your more reasonable nights, he would watch over you, and chat till you had a moment of reprieve. Anytime you began to nod off, he found it hard not to chuckle. Your eyes would be droopy, and you would just keep yawning. He would try to keep a small conversation up to prevent your mind from turning off, but most nights he would find himself picking you up and taking you to bed. Tonight was no different.
He had felt a bit adventurous, and decided to read tonight with the red reading glasses you had gifted him. The book was on the chronology of agricultural techniques in Hoshido, a read that few others would enjoy. Occasionally, he would look up to see your head bob and awaken you from your encroaching slumber. He laughed.
     “Don’t you think you should go to bed, my star. I know you act as if you shine brightest now, but certainly nothing is being accomplished with you barely awake?”
You sighed.
     “As much as I’d love to just go to bed right now, I can’t. You know that. The three kids ‘running’ the Order of Heroes can’t be expected to do this work accurately.”
You finished you stack of receipts and turned your attention to drills that needed to be run. 
     “You shoulder far too much of the burden. As admirable as it seems, you are far to exhausted to even think properly. I’ll decide what drills should be run in the morning.”
You smiled. How could you tell him no? He was trying to hard to help you out, and perhaps it really would be better if he was in charge of that. 
     “Well since I have a bit of free time, why don’t we spend some time together. We do rarely get to see one another besides when its time for bed.”
     “And what do you suggest,” Walhart asked setting his book down for a moment.
     “Well you could tell me about what you are reading to start. I’m interested in knowing what the Conqueror considers an interesting read. Maybe you could even read it to me.”
     “If that’s what interests you, my love,” he said patting his lap.
You practically ran to him and swung your arms around him. He put his arm around you so that he could turn the pages. As your head rested on his chest, and his words filled your ears. Your sleepiness returned. You tried your best to keep your eyes open, but being so close to the man you loved made it very difficult for you to keep your eyes open. His warmth comforted you, and his voice relaxed you. It didn’t take Walhart long to realize you had fallen asleep in his arms. He tossed the book aside so he could pick you up and take you to bed. Though he didn’t want  to wake you, he wanted to make sure that you woke up comfortable. Unfortunately, the sudden shift in positions caused you to open your eyes and whine a bit.
     “Shh, close your eyes my dear. Let us rest tonight. I promise we will spend some time together tomorrow.”
It only took that for you to return to sleep. After he had finally settled you in bed and snuggled in next to you, he placed a small kiss on your forehead. 
     “Sweet dreams, my star.”
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freaquin · 4 years
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wanted 2 draw some walharts pre vs post t + magic roids
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arkus-rhapsode · 4 years
Random Fire Emblem Headcanon #6
The reason Walhart wields his Wolf Berg axe insteead of the Valentia Falchion is because he lacks the Brand of Duma.
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iturbide · 5 years
So is Walhart essentially the Aim and Celica version of Chrom? As in, he's descended from the heroes of his continent?
At the absolute most, I think Walhart would be the Valmese version of Chrom’s dad -- you know, the one that committed genocide. 
Personally, though, I prefer not to think of him as Alm and Celica’s blood descendant.  I have no idea if this is canon or not, but @lamphoera has this absolutely phenomenal idea that Walhart is in no way related to Alm and Celica, but is jockeying the whole Golden Age image of unification they embody in order to legitimize his own violent rhetoric and thirst for conquest.  I think that’s delightful personally and at this point I get whiplash when I think about there being any potential blood relationship between them. 
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kingdomofnerds · 7 years
Fire Emblem: Awakening Request
Requester: Underrated Anon
Prompt: Oooh! Hi! Can I request some romantic relationship headcanons for those Fire Emblem Awakening guys; Gangrel, Gregor, Kellam, Walhart and Brady, please? Thanks!             
○ Two words: Show off. Guy is so into PDA. Everyone is going to know that you’re his and his only, and no one will ever be that lucky.
○ Lavishes his lover with so much materially. He partially does it to make up for what he feels he lacks in every other area, but he gets them the most extravagant, expensive gifts at every opportunity
○ Easily jealous and his s/o will have to absolutely stop him from going off on someone who gives them a little too much attention
○ If it’s with a friend he’s not so violent, but does get pouty and clingy. Also might (read as more than likely) insult the ‘perpetrator’
○ Often insecure, Gangrel has some really bad days. He will need his s/o to reassure him that they really do love him, everything is real, and he’s not a monster. Especially just after the beginning of a relationship
○ Makes a lot of jokes about being an old man compared to his partner. A lot. Whether he’s complimenting them (’you must have biggest heart to love someone so old yes?’) or just fooling around he makes reference to it a lot
○ Only gets insecure about it the odd time but does occasionally need a little reassurance when he realizes that his partner’ll pretty well be the age he is now when he’s old and wrinkled
○ Cheeky ok so cheeky. He will make innuendos in the middle of group conversations just to make them stop and blush
○ Will also touch their butt in public, either when no one is looking or when a certain person is. Usually it’s the former, just to tease them, but sometimes it’s the later to show off
○ Tries to impress his lover half-playfully pretty often in large part to try and make them laugh. Probably put his back out trying to lift a heavy load with one arm in front of them once
○ Still gets surprised when his lover notices him sometimes. He loves it, but he dropped and broke a plate once when they called his name.
○ Likes to kind of drape himself over their back lightly when he isn’t wearing his armor.
○ Very considerate and often brings his lover tea or other drinks when they’re up late or early working and will keep them company even if it needs to be in silence
○ His lover will have rumors about being haunted there’s no escaping it. (’that teacup appeared out of NO WHERE and there were TWO of them!’)
○ Not used to sharing so he gives you like a foot of space in bed the first time you share one. He needs to be eased into these things
○ Will call his lover his Queen.
○ Respects his lover a great deal and often goes to them for advice, generally military wise but sometimes with other matters as well.
○ Likes to carry them around or have them sit on his lap. He likes to feel powerful like he is protecting them, but also likes having them close to him
○ Very protective. He has a lot of enemies and if he’s not around his lover will have like thirty layers of security, no matter how strong they are.
○ Likes shared baths or showers
○ So easy to fluster. So easy. Simple gestures like hand holding get him red in the face in the beginning, and if his lover dares get any more tactile he’ll start steaming from the ears and probably shouting.
○ Loves to get gifts and play it off like it’s no big deal. ‘I made you this no big deal’ ‘this is a photorealistic sculpture of my favourite thing’ ‘I SAID IT WAS NO BIG DEAL OK I WAS LEARNING IT ANYWAY.’ He doesn’t need credit he just wants to make them smile
○ His lover is one of the few people he’ll let listen to him play the violin because he knows they wont make fun of him. He likes to play new pieces he’s written or learned for them
○ Brady actually has a decent voice and will hum his lover to sleep if they’re having trouble
○ Actually gives the most amazing hugs when he’s not stiff and embarrassed like they’re so comforting and he’ll probably cry a little with you if you’re sad but it’s warm and personal and nice ok
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nowis-scales · 4 years
The Fire Emblem Awakening Cast but I give them Middle and Last Names
Alright. Part two of the “giving middle and last names to characters who don’t have one”, this time with Awakening. Hope you like it, and feel free to not agree with my naming choices! I’m sure there’s much more to disagree with this time around, given that we aren’t given so much ‘this was inspired by this place’ in Awakening. Still, please be kind! This is all just in the name of fun.
Exalt Emmeryn Damica Lowell of Ylisse
Exalt Chrom Saros Lowell of Ylisse
Princess Lissa Moriah Lowell of Ylisse
Sir Frederick Flynn Bronnenberg
Stahl Marius Strassner
Sumia Alessia Ghannam
Sudeley “Sully” Catriona Weldon
Vaike Henrik Westergaard
Duchess Maribelle Serafina Springmour of Themis
Nowi Dewspirit
Ricken Lukas Spranger
Donnel Lorcan Dunne
Miriel Ismeria Andiveron
Kellam Finlay Underhill
Cordelia Ximena Leanos
Edan “Gregor” Fergus Lothian
Libra Halston Evangelatos
Phila Agathe Cirollo
Tiki the Divine
Robin Kadri (Robin Maisah Kadri if female, Robin Ilyes Kadri if male)
Tharja Neryssa Vaidya
Henry Elimar Nasri
Aversa Chiara Calligaris
King Gangrel Frode Hexum
King Validar Elif Kadri
Gaius Lucio Albanesi
Mustafa Abdullah Farouq
Virion Gaspar Bettencourt
Cherche Eloise Collignon
Say’ri Chie Fuji’ka
Yen’fay Shunsuke Fuji’ka
Walhart Aboloft Eklund
Priam Deukalion Sagona
Cervantes Bonavento De Fiore
Excellus Voudim Rethik
Regna Ferox:
Khan Flavia Clymene Spyros
Khan Basilio Fivos Megalos
Lon’qu Yok’to N’guchi
Olivia Annalise Carlisle
Raimi Karyme Essa
BONUS - Second Gen:
Lucina Aviana Lowell
Morgan Kadri (Morgan Samira Kadri if female, Morgan Zakaria Kadri if male)
Owain Tyrian Lowell
Inigo Sebastian Carlisle
Duke Brady Harte Springmour of Themis
Gerome Fabien Collignon
Cynthia Angelica Ghannam
Kjelle Honora Weldon
Severa Gloria Leanos
Laurent Niro Andiveron
Noire Leena Vaidya
Nah Dewspirit
And here comes the part where I explain myself:
‣ Names were infinitely harder this time because I had less to base it off of, and had to play the headcanon game. Most characters will have their full name chosen based on what went with their first name’s origin, and what names suited their personalities (and flowed well).
‣ One such instance of headcanon is Chrom being “Chrom Saros”, which was decided by the fact that I’d called his father “Saros” in fanfiction before. I imagine Chrom detests his full name because of its ties to his father.
‣ The name Sumia is of Arabic origin, so she gets an Arabic last name. Maybe she is biracial? Fun idea to toy with.
‣ Like Keaton and Kaden in the previous ones, Nowi made her last name up. She just picked something she thought sounded cool and cute, and went along with it.
‣ Panne was given the option to choose a last name, but chose nothing. If it wasn’t a taguel thing, what was the point? She was already the only taguel. Panne would always be Panne.
‣ Names for the most part in Plegia were inspired by desert countries, such as Algeria. Given Plegia’s desert aesthetics, I figured it would only make sense that those who hailed from there would be given names that were popular in real life desert countries.
‣ Any of the characters originating from Chon’sin were given Japanese names (with some slight adjustments to account for the Chon’sin love of apostrophes). There is not much sourcing on the background inspiration for Chon’sin other than the wiki briefly mentioning that it’s “sort of Japanese, a bit like Hoshido but much less influenced”. So I played around with some names and got that together.
‣ Some characters straight up have names without backgrounds. It happens in fantasy settings. Where it did, I just decided to flat out substitute in fantasy names. Miriel, for example, is a name that originates from fiction already. So I just slapped on some other fantasy names and voila.
‣ Walhart’s last name is linked not to his name’s origin, but to Alm of Echoes. If I remember correctly, Walhart is meant to be Alm’s descendant, so I figured it would make sense for the two of them to have names that match in some way. Plus, Walhart is another one of those fantasy names.
Anyway, that’s all I’ve got for now! I’d say “I’ll do Three Houses next”, but they’ve already got them haha. I suppose I could do any of the older games if someone wanted me to, but I’m afraid I don’t know the characters as well. Still, doesn’t mean I’m not willing to try ;)
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sentofighta · 6 years
The Theocracy of Plegia Headcanon post
In this post, I will try to write some headcanons for Plegia, kind of world-building to be a reference for myself and anyone who is interested to read it.
Please remember, these are mere headcanons, they are my own interpretation. If you disagree with something then I don’t mind discussing the points you don’t find accurate. There is no harm in checking other views, but please be polite or keep it to yourself. Suggestions and feedbacks are highly appreciated.
Special shout out to Jee @/stratesia for giving her opinion on some points~
Please don’t Reblog.
Plegia ペレジア, Perezia
I thought at first it might be a play on word (spelling i think) Plegia> Persia
Perezia is the name of a flower just like Iris (Ylisse)
I tried to look for the flower meaning but there is nothing. The only link is stated below in the headcanon of Religion.
Origin and History
Plegia is originally part of Ylisse, the content before the Schism event when The First Exalt with Naga’s help fought Grima and because of the immense power, the content was divided and thus having the awakening world continent.
After the schism, three counties were formed, Ragna Ferox to the north, Halidom of Ylisse in the middle and the Theocracy of Plegia to the west.
Some of the content here is shared with my previous ylisse headcanon so copy pasting some info here to connect the two posts together.
With the separation of the three counties, each country took a different path from the others. Ferox being in a harsh climate, was more of active of the two countries in terms of manpower and parties. Plegia to the south with its scorching desert life, the development was steadily but not very fast like Ferox and Ylisse in terms of trading business due to the lack of earthly materials like in Ylisse (farm yields and animals), Ferox (Ore, and furs.) Though, there are things that only found in Plegia like certain food spices, herbs, unique clothes textiles and dyes, exquisite make-up, etc.
The Grimleal in Plegia are a minority in Plegia and only grew with time especially in the game events. King Gangrel and his men were not Grimleal but they had to follow the cult for their own safety and the services they will gain from the cult.
After the separation, it was hard for the Plegian to fully operate with how harsh the weather is especially after they became independent from Ferox and Ylisse. Their livelihood was in a tie with Ylisse’s agriculture and meat products. and Ferox’s ore, manpower, and fur. They worked tirelessly to be a fully functional nation on its own that does not rely on its neighboring countries. Being a nation that is known for its dark magic, this enabled this to advance despite the harsh circumstances.
Plegia prospered during the time between their separation until the great war against Ylisse which Plegia suffered a lot. The truth that normal citizens of Plegia were the true victim of the war meanwhile any Grimleal were plotting from the back and escaped the war’s damage. The Grimleal played with its nation’s emotions saying that Ylissean wants them to become their slaves so they can enjoy their lives as their masters. Naga told them to take over Plegia and make it their own as it was once before. People were agitated with these false claims and sought to stop the Ylisseans--Chrom’s Father from invading Plegia. The cost of war was Ylisse’s almost destruction and Plegia while the Grimleal watched in the background this war. The Grimleal used their people to act as a human shield to protect their experiments and projects to revive their fell dragon god.
Reviving Grima was the Grimleal’s wish. As Validar said in the game that his Grandfather and father were failures to be the host of Grima even himself until he had Robin (Avatar) who was of pure blood to host Grima in them. The process of creating a suitable vessel was an ugly and disgusting one. A lot of experiments on subjects, children were torn from their parents. Subject after the other to create the right formula for the final product which was Robin. Whether Validar or Robin’s mother was a close being to Homoncluos (Grima in a way) that made Robin with a high success rate of being able to host Grima. Going by the events of SOV, Grima was made by Forneus and by the description, Grima resembles a homunculus in the way he was created and Forneus is an Alchemist so that kind of allude to that. Wouldn’t be surprised if Robin’s mother was a created being, homunculus to be able to give birth to Robin. Alchemy was lost because there was no mention to it in Awakening world. But surely the knowledge remains in the hidden abodes of the Grimleals.
After the Great war, Gangrel assumed his role as a King to the nation, a plan woven by Validar to dart everyone’s eyes away from the Grimleal as they plot their scheme to revive Grima from the shadows. When Emmeryn died, a lot of people who were affected by her sacrifice stopped fighting but sadly some were killed by true Grimleals or during the battle against the Ylissean army. Whoever could escape hid away and decided to start a new life.
When Gangrel was defeated, Validar took over as regnant King, making sure that the Grimleals are now the controlling force of the country; making it clear that the Grimleals are in power now. There was no need to hide their motives after finding Robin is still alive so the plan B they had, using the future Robin to assume the role. Validar aided Chrom’s army to defeat Walhart because he knew that Walhart if he reached Plegian, no one will be saved, not even the weakened Future Robin (Grima) from his wrath.
Once Walhart was out of the picture, Validar ought to steal the Fire Emblem and then fuel the Future Robin with power to regain the lost power they lose during their travel (and i assume reviving Validar as well?) even though the plan was to use the current Robin’s body but when they refused time was of essence so they had to move to use the future body (which is odd because they are not older even after they said that they did came with lucina so??? Maybe their aging stopped when they killed chrom or something idk man this game got a lot of ??? for me to think of answers im but i weak moogle.) Validar used the strong faith of the Grimleals to call them over to the Dragon Table to be Grima’s lunch. When confronted by Chrom and the company, these people were brainwashed, only speaking in gibberish
...the appointed...time...
...to the Dragon's...Table...
...our prayers...Grima…
Using these people so Grima can feed on them to be resurrected to its true form, however, the future robin mortal body remained as well. This could mean that the true form is mindless while the mind and conscience remain in the human body thus why Robin could kill Grima and end it. If Grima chose to get rid of the human body, I only assume that Robin would not be able to kill Grima and severe the ties between because his power is not equal to the current Grima so perhaps Robin should accept this current Grima’s powers if they want to destroy the future grima?? 👀
With the defeat of Grima, Plegia was left in shambles with the Grimleals are out of the picture as well. There is no information to what happened to Plegia next but I imagine with Ylisse’s help and Ferox, the people slowly regained the control of their country. Either Robin (Avatar) take their role as King/Queen but i kind of doubt that the people would just ‘yes we accept’ knowing that Avatar is Validar’s kid--the man who killed half of their people for a big ass dragon. This could require a lot on Avatar’s part to reassure the people that they can grant them the peace they want or surprisingly the people will accept avatar after knowing that they are the one who fell the dragon. Or it will be a democracy, they will elect someone to be their leader.
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Plegia comes between Halidom of Ylisse to the east and Ferox to the north. Plegia is a country in the Ylisse continent that was once one country with its neighbor.
Plegia is known to be a desert country evident with a map up there. There are little to no forest areas like its neighbor country, Ylisse. A lot of mountains and sand dunes. Plegia as any desert country, it is bound to have dangerous areas of quicksands often used by bandits to lure helpless merchants and villagers towards them so they can trap them. Unlike Ylisse, Plegia’s bodies of water are more active because the Plegian made a lot of ports to make the trades between them and the Valmesean easier.
Because unlike Ylisse, Plegia is pretty much has the same climate all over its land. Very hot humid, even scorching at summer, and slightly cold at winter. In summer, the days are humid and hot while at night, it can get a little chilly and even freezing at certain times. In winter, the days are sometimes cloudy little chances of rain depends on the circumstances and at night extremely cold due to the desert winds and being exposed to the sea. Nearby the sea, the air can be salty and suffocating for newcomers.  
Flora & Fauna
Since the climate is the same, the flora and fuana are pretty much the same across the land as well. Short plants in the desert area, different types of reptiles, a lot of wild birds like falcon and hawks, wild rabbits, coyotes and gazelles which often found near the border pass between Plegia and ylisse. Between Ferox and Plegia at the border wastes, some giraffes and elephants might be around.
As the name of the country suggests, it is religion based country, more like a forced one. The government is hereditary from one leader of the Grimleal to another, most likely as Validar said, his grandfather, father then him and possibly Robin (Avatar).
Gangrel, as stated before he was placed to fuel the war between plegia and ylisse because he had the charisma and the drive to get people around him for that purpose--the revenge on the ylissean.
After the battle with Grima, the line of Validar--the Grimleals is over. The people either pick their own leader or accept Robin (Avatar) as their King/Queen if they wanted to serve their country alongside their friend Chrom being the Exalt of Ylisse.
The Law
The Law in Plegia is simple, Worship Grima, and hate Naga. The same rules that the previous Exalt had to not trade with Plegian or marry into them applied in Plegia as well. Who is caught to be trading with a Ylissean was immediately killed on the spot.
This to be changed slightly when Gangrel ruled because he wanted to use Ylisse for his revenge to he allowed some sort of trading to happen but with a lot of restrictions.
After the end of Grima, the laws are loose to let both trading and wedding from both countries without any sort of restrictions following after Chrom’s Laws.
The Hierarchy is simpler than Ylisse because it is simply:
The Hierophant (Grima)
The Grimleal leader and the country Leader, the King (Validar)
Right hand and trusted advisor (Aversa)
The Grimleals is definitely set to ranks but for my sake, they are three levels according to what the enemies we have seen.
High ranked Grimleal: Priests & Dark Mages & Scholars (Chalard & Algol)
Middle ranked Grimleal: Loyal Military Soldiers & Spies (Campari)
Lowest ranked Grimleal: Believers and worshipers of Grima
Military Commander (Mustafa etc)
The commoners
After the Grimleals ranks, who comes next kind of does not have any authority nor power except on those who are around them. Mustafa being the commander of the army that fought Chrom, it should be apparent that his loyalty to his people not the religion should be known by the Grimleal so I doubt he has any power except on the men around him.
The forced religion is worshiping the fell dragon Grima even though there are many around Plegia who do not worship Grima at all. The Religion was founded when the first fathers saw the destruction that Grima caused in his first war with the First Exalt. They sought his power for their own misguided ends. They wanted to obtain that power knowing that Grima had a pact with a human, they thought they could control this ‘God’ to do what they want. When Plegia was founded, I imagine it was their goal; to revive Grima so they can use him. Naga helped humans on her own, they wanted their God to be same; to help them realize their dreams and wishes; their own God that they don’t have to share with anyone else. These wishes developed and reshaped to be wanting destruction about everyone so no one can be better than them; total damnation to all even if the in the process they died at least their selfish wishes that no one be happy happen. Validar was revered among the Grimleal because in a way he was the host or almost was going to for their God. If Robin remained in Plegia, they would be worshipped as the Human that has the pact with Grima, their own God, their messenger for their God.
Note to Grima’s design, which is just my own opinion again but look at the picture
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The true form of Grima resembles Perezia, the flower that the nation is called after in the Japanese release. I don’t know if this was intentional or just me diving deep where it is not necessary. The right images are from here if you like to look at the other Perezia’s types because they are A LOT, i picked these two because they looked close enough to grima’s design imo. Just like Ylisse (Iris) the symbol is the flower itself, I think Plegia is the same. Ferox (Felia) on the other hand, their symbol is two wolves(?) animal motif instead of plant perhaps to represent the fierce nature of Ferox.
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Holidays & Celebratory Days
The day when Grima was fell the first time, is a day that all Grimleal spend it mourning their God’s long slumber and prepare a lot of sacrifices in hope for the day Grima is revived come closer.
If Robin remained in Plegia, I am sure their birthday would be a day to be celebrated because the messenger of their God, his vessel was born on this day.
With how Plegia is under the Grimleal, there are a lot fo celebratory events unlike Ylisse and Ferox but common folks do enjoy summer festival and such in their cast away villages.
Grimleal’s customs
To get into the Grimleal is not an easy as it sounds like. Test of loyalty and such would be asked for the recruiters to do. Often raiding and killing people, offer sacrifices, be ready for any job whatever it is to be done. Who can’t fight, must assist in a way or another. Scholars and Scientists were expected to keep experimenting on different projects, more strong Risens and whatnot.
Commoner’s customs
Plegians are like the Ylissean in terms of upbringing. Respect is a must to teach their children, they might be little more strict with that than the Ylissean. The family may hold the Grandparents, the parents, their kids, and their kids. The extended family may live in the same house with how the living in Plegia in the years are getting harder with previous war and the current one, it is hard to save up money to live in your own.
It is not a custom but perhaps an explanation to why most Plegian are seen devoted of emotions or if they had them they are considered cold and distant. Basing the information on the real world, desert people are affected by the heat and being constantly under the sun thus they are more hot-tempered and emotionally distant (of course this does not apply to ALL desert living.) The heat damped their emotions but they are there but only visible to really close knit of people, for example, Mustafa and his company. They were moved by Emmeryn which does not necessarily they are cold but to the outsiders they seem like it.
First Grima war
  The Events of the [First Grima war] against the First Exalt with Naga VS. Grima and the human he pact with was the first war in ages the people faced their first trial. There are no records of the war but a point to note that the whole continent was against Grima unlike the 2000 years later where The Halidom of Ylisse was against Grima alone, mostly. Another thing to note, that the human that had a pact with Grima was known, however, these little details ‘human pact’ was not known for anyone outside the Grimleal in the game (during Awakening) timeline. Evidence that everyone was shocked to hear of Avatar’s relationship to Grima and the whole plot to use them as a vessel. A lot of Grima’s secret was swept away when the three nations were made, means that the Grimleal in their early days, made sure to cover up Grima’s tracks to make sure that his next revival would be the last and no one can interrupt him.
The Grimleals made sure only to keep who will hold their tongue from blurting any information that could threaten their plan to revive Grima. Who was suspected to leak anything was murdered on the spot. It might have shaken them in numbers but that made the new generation even more stronger and loyal to the cause.
Ylisse-Plegian situation
  It is no secret that these two countries have always had troubles and skirmishes. Ylisse worshiping the divine dragon and Plegia worshiping the Fell Dragon. Both contrasting counties of faith and beliefs. Ylisse wished for more peaceful negotiations, but Plegia saw it as a way to silence them--it agitated them because they thought Ylissean are simply provoking them due to their past.
  Pre the previous Exalt’s time, the relationships were already on a thin ice. The Grimleal experimenting with everything they got to get the results they hope for-- a perfect vessel for their master. What kept the relationship at bay was on both sides, Ylisse’s Exalt was still going for the peaceful route and the Grimleal trying to maintain a low profile until they finish their experiments.  
  In the previous Exalt’s time, the situation got worse when Validar who had hopes that he will be the perfect vessel for Grima, was provoked by the Exalt who got a whiff of the situation tried to pursuit Validar to explain what is he doing but Validar did his best to conceal it that until Validar had Avatar who was, by all means, THE perfect vessel then it all hells went loose. With Avatar’s mother escaping, all spies who were around Plegia and the borders reported back of the scheme that plegia is making which made the first Exalt more determined to wage war against Plegia in name of Naga and peace. Thus the war 15 years pre awakening happened. It was a mean to stop Validar from making the vessel but it failed. The only success was that the vessel, Avatar was lost and their whereabouts were unknown. Sadly, this information was only shared by the Exalt and the Clergy and his personal knights so the news of vessel and Validar’s scheme died when the Exalt fell in battle.
  During the game situation was the follow up of the previous war. Plegia did not forget the war even though 15 years have passed. The wounds did not heal and the people wanted a revenge, an end to their pain, a closure that no more of that cruel war is going to happen. With Emmeryn’s sacrifice, it showed that even Plegian were not sure of their emotions and deep down they want an end to all the fighting and when Gangrel was defeated, the situation calmed a little bit until Validar came back into the scene. Fueling the people against Ylisse and using every possible opening to rekindle the hatred. Who followed him were mostly long rooted Grimleal who would gladly give up their lives for Grima. Anyone else was fighting for other reasons, some because they fear for their families who were captured, some for glory, some for money, etc.
A lot of problems emerged after the first war, a lot of dead plegian, poverty, lack of funding. These were somehow fixed by the Grimleal in order to shut the people up and use that anger and direct it at the Ylissean. Some of course, knew that the Grimleal at fault too but couldn’t speak about it or death will be their end. People were living in horror from the Grimleal and from the Ylissean to strike again.
Plegia and Valm situation
Validar understood that Walhart was smart for his own good and decided to do something about Plegia when Ylisse failed to act, he used Chrom and his company to take Walhart down so there will be fewer people at his doorstep asking him to stop resurrecting Grima. If Walhart was not stopped, all what Validar planned with Future Robin (Grima) would have been under threat.
The Last Grima war, Avatar’s ending
  In the second Grima war in game, there are three outcomes for the battle. 1) the shepherds lose to grima, 2) chrom’s ending where he delivers the last strike sending grima into another 1000 of slumber, 3) or avatar’s ending where they sacrifice their life. Since this is the true ending of the game, it is the best outcome of the three endings. The world was saved from Grima and history wrote about its savior. Naga did tell Avatar that if they have strong bonds they are to fight and come back to this world. During the time the avatar went missing, everyone continued to grow and develop in their name. The scars of the last battle did not heal quickly but they are surely coming along. There is no set of time to when Avatar came back but it is not that long taking that from the game ending where there are no visible changes on both Chrom nor Lissa; between a year and two max. The duration is a controversial topic so it is not that of important at this point. Meanwhile, Plegia is gathering itself after losing so many of its citizen for being Grima’s food and in the war itself.
Chrom’s ending
Avatar has the choice to return to Plegia and rule it as King/Queen.
Ruined Future ending (Future Kids timeline)
Plegia prospered even further to become the land of the Fell Dragon, the land of the risens. A lot of plegian escaped to Valm or Ferox leaving the country in fear for their lives. Who remained were the loyal Grimleals and commanders.
  In Fate, Anakos asks Owain, Severa, and Inigo if they had a request after helping him and they asked to revive their families and friends but he could not do that so they asked to make revive their original world that was tainted by Grima and in the process make graves for their fallen families and friends. I assume that fixed Plegia too.
Ruined Present ending
If The Shepherds failed to take down Grima, an ending close to the future that the kids escaped from will happen. However, this time, Falchion and the Fire Emblem might be either lost or be confiscated by Grima’s puppets. A worse ending than the future they escaped from. The Grimleals will take over command of everything and the new place people will start pilgrim to is Plegia’s castle to worship their new God, Grima.
Plegia units are [Barbarians, Dark Mages, Wyvern Riders, Myrmidons and Thieve] a balanced army. Plegian considers having a better strategic approach to battle so they can be hard to deal with especially with the wyvern riders who can travel a long distance and have a decent defense to close ranged and magical attacks. Though, with proper planning and using the archers they can be an easy target. Their advantage is only if they are fighting on their land where the movement is quite restricted to everyone but the mages and riders.
Same with Ylisse, education was for people who could afford it. Priests, Dark Mages, and scholars are the highest people in rank of education, of course after the Grimleal leader themself.
Because of how the Grimleal is, a lot of experiments and projects are involved, thus why scholars are important in the country for their continuous experiments and researches.  
Unlike Ylisse, we did not get to see official letters for Plegian nor any other nation (correct if im wrong please). Looking at the in-game sprites, you can see the spells are identical so I couldn’t get anything out of them to link to plegia.
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All the spells have the same writing so it did not give away anything special. Weak spells and the powerful spells; all alike.
One could headcanon that the writing is the same what is different is how each nation pronounce them? Because of all magic stem from one place??? Idk.
The warp spell pattern is different
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The letters are kind of, slightly, different to the above one. Maybe because they are skewed they look different. But for me, they kind of resemble the arabic script because it looks cursive at the first part to me and we saw that ylissean counts on the symbol and they are not cursive. I will bite the bullet and say that Plegian script resembles the Arabic script, written from right to left to be just different from the ylissean. Out of spite lolololol
Health & Services
Due to the aftermath of the first way, poverty struck the country and famine. People died because of the heat and lack of food and clean water. It was a lot of work to provide food and water across the country and health services. Healers are not common around plegia that is why scholars work on more effective medicines to replace the lack of the able arms to cure and heal with items that can be used by the laymen. Of course, it is not because they ‘care’ because every soul is important in order to revive Grima. Plus, they are the human shield that the Grimleal will use to provoke the new war to happen. War can’t happen if there is no one to fight back.
Art & Entertainment
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The overlook looks similar to how Persian castle looked like, no color a lot of castle towers. I imagine that small villagers only have somewhat colors in their building because they are further away from the Plegian Castle and the Grimleal.
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The inner design, however, has dark colors. The windows are above only assuming because to avoid having the heat of the sun come through them so they are strategically built to only let cool air in during the day and night and only enough of the sunlight depending on the position of each window and the sun circle.
I imagine the music would be, all poetry of praising Grima and the soon fated hour of his return. Commoners might sing about their daily life struggle and whatnot, somehow melancholy fill all their songs. little when you find happy songs.
Painting / Statues
I looked all over the castle for any hint of painting like in Ylisse’s castle but nope. Nothing. I think Plegia is more famed for statues more than painting with how they build their houses from stones.
The same as their music, all written art is based on imaginary days of Grima’s arrival. Recording the feat of the Grimleal, and the history against the Naga worshipers.
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'Walhart' is actually Walhart's surname. His given name, Byron, was only ever used by his parents long and long ago, and by Robin if they marry.
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convxction · 6 years
//i made one before but i want to add the future version of the events as well  edit some of the things i had for the present, the in-game timeline. Please remember that i do not take the first scene in the game ‘The Prolouge’  as from the future  but a premonition that the avatar saw of their own distant future, not the actual future the one that Avatar/Grima lived through. In short, the plan that Grima wanted to happen when they tried to merge with Avatar.
F!Lucina: the future lucina
P!Lucina: the present lucina
The age gap between Chrom and Emmeryn is 6 years
The age gap between Chrom and Lissa is 4 years
The Current Timeline, the present Timeline, the In-Game timeline whatever naming you prefer.
Pre-game [15 years before the game itself]
    The main events:
1) Lissa’s birth Chrom was 3 years and 10 months [because she was born in March and he was born in may]
2) The day his father died + Emmeryn becoming the new Exalt: he was 4 years old.
3) Forming the what is known as the shepherds, Chrom’s vigilantes at the age of 15 years old.
In game
  First Part of the Game from Chapter 1 till Chapter  11.
    The main events:
1) Beginning of the game + Finding Avatar at the age of 19
2) The start of the Ylisse-Plegia War
3) The trip to Ferox + tournament
4) Going back to Ylisse + Maribelle kidnapping
5) Emmeryn’s first assassination + Grima’s first appearance
6) Emmeryn’s last negotiations with Gangrel but ends with her death
7) Retreat to West Ylisstol then regroup to come back and defeat Gangrel
8) The Ylisse-Plegian war ends Chrom now at the age of 20.
    All span of one year and a couple months.
Second Part of the Game from Chapter 12 till Chapter  20.
  The main events:
1) Time skip two years, Chrom is 22, P!Lucina is few months old.
2) Declaration of a second war, Ylisse-Valm war
3) Aid from Plegia and discovering Avatar’s true lineage,
4) F!Lucina revealing herself and her Future
5) Sea battle and meeting Say’ri
6) Freeing Chon’sin and defeating Yen’fay
7) Defeating Walhart and retrieving Vert Gemstone.  
   Chrom turning 23 during this time
Third Part of the Game from Chapter 21 till the End.
  The main events:
1) Validar reveals his intention for the Fire Emblem right after defeating Walhart 
2) Losing the Fire Emblem
3) F!Lucina confronts Avatar  
4)Going to the Dragon’s Table and Fighting Aversa
5) Avatar’s true purpose (Grima’s plan) + Fighting Validar + The Prologue events (killing chrom)
6) Basilio’s arrival (faked his death) + Avatar’s plan to counter Validar’s and Chrom is not dead (hooray~) and Validar is dead (hooray~x2) retrieve the Fire Emblem
7) Hierophant appearance
8) Plegian people turned to Dragon lunchtime.
9) The party goes back to burn Chrom in Naga’s flames to gain powa.
10) Blue pill, let chrom strike and put grima to slumber, red pill, let avatar strike and end grima for good.
    *Blue pill: grima goes to nap for 1000 year and avatar feels salty. [good ending]
   *Red pill: avatar strikes down grima themselves and disappear.
Post Awakening
   The main events
Chrom is 24 (soon turning 25), P!Lucina is one year old and a couple of months, at this current period Chrom’s wife can have another child.*
1) Chrom’s true Coronation to became the Exalt**
2) One year later, avatar is found by chrom and lissa again thanks to their bonds. they came back.[true ending]
*if chrom is married to Robin, they won’t have the twins until the next year.
**If chrom is married to Robin this will be delayed until Robin comes back.
Please note again some changes between the present and the future because of the events that happened but overall the same structure.
The Future:
First part
1) Beginning of the game + Finding Avatar (soon to be pact with Grima) at the age of 19
2) The starter of the Ylisse-Plegia War
3) The trip to Ferox + tournament
4) Going back to Ylisse + Maribelle kidnapping
5) Emmeryn’s assassination and Chrom’s gravely wounded (check here for headcanon of the injuries.)
6) Bedridden Chrom until he recovers. War continued longer than the present timeline, three-four months.
7) Chrom recovers and succeeds Emmeryn as the new Exalt
8) The Shepherds take down Gangrel and the end of the war.
Part Two
Time skip two years, Chrom is 22 turning 23, P!Lucina is few months old.
2) Declaration of a second war, Ylisse-Valm war
3) Aid from Plegia and discovering Avatar’s true lineage,
4) Sea battle and meeting Say’ri
5) Freeing Chon’sin and defeating Yen’fay
6) Defeating Walhart and retrieving Vert Gemstone.  
Part Three
1) Validar reveals his intention for the Fire Emblem right after defeating Walhart
2) Losing the Fire Emblem
4)Going to the Dragon’s Table and Fighting Aversa
5) Avatar accepts the offer of Validar and becomes one with Grima (unknown to anyone.)
6) Fighting Validar but he manages to run away
7) The shepherds return to Ylisse with the fire emblem
8) meanwhile, validar plans his attack with the help of the possesed avatar
9) After five years, Grima is in full power and commence the plan (chrom is 29, F!Lucina is 6, if there is a sibling they will be newborn)
     Validar’s plan to throw off a deversion while avatar kills Chrom, stabbing him the back and endig his life causing an uproar in the castle.
10) The Shepherds in disarray, some gets killed and some manages to escape but later on dies
11) The advance of the Plegian army into the Ylissean territory
12) Ferox sends reinforcement but fails upon Grima’s power
13) Slow invasion to across the country, engulf Ferox in the north
14) F!Lucina (and her siblings) will be in the care of Lissa until she passes away shortly and after that, they are sent to Caemlyn--Chrom’s mother’s family to guard them and raise them until they are old enough.
Part Four
1) ten years (and more) later, Lucina is 16 years old. She returns back to the castle to assume her role as the exalt after many soldiers gave up their lives to protect the castle for her return.*
2) The children of the Shepherds join Lucina in her mission to fight off the risens and Grima.
3) years of strugglers until Lucina’s only option is the rite of awakening now she is old enough to not only wield Falchion but accept the power out of that ritual.
4) The children travel to Mount Prism for the rite and discover that they can go back to the ‘past’ and alter the history.
5) Accepting Naga’s offer the travel back in time to the past--to the current in-game timeline.
*This is heavily headcanon basing on my personal headcanon for Chrom’s mother’s lineage. As general, child Lucina would have been taken care by the maids away from danger.
Something to point at that, with this structure the idea of a second child for chrom precisely does not fit. The only explanation that I can come up with that knowing how dire the situation is, Chrom and his wife decided to immediately have another child after Lucina unlike how in the present, after the war is over since neither the world nor Chrom sees to have the power to last given the lord’s injuries. Plus, in a way to give Lucina someone to be by her side as well. Though this also does not make sense since all children said that their parents fought till the end so I kind of hard to imagine pregnant ladies or just gave birth ladies fighting. One thing can you know explain this plot holes....Magic. Yes, black magic. Perhaps they managed --henry and tharja to find a hex that can fasten the pregnancy duration?? I can see herny, tharja, and miriel to have children through the use of magic. anyway, that is another topic. 
This might be, for sure, altered in the future if new information or suggestions were brought up. All ears to listen to them.
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emotionaldepravity · 6 years
Walhart x Reader where reader is upset about the end of their first successful? campaign. Let’s see how well this holds up after the new update.
Walhart found you lounging on the couch in your room. You had been trying to recover from the war with Muspell, but it was so difficult for you to want to do anything. All you could think about was the suffering the war caused. Nifil and Muspell faced countless civilian deaths and lost several members of their respective royal families. When you thought of how lonely Laevetain must feel, you just couldn’t help but cry. It didn’t seem fair to celebrate a victory what felt so hollow. You had tried to work on some plans if Embla attacked, but all you could do was break down at the thought of destroying another family to end a war.
     “Summoner, you act as if we were the ones who lost. Sit up for a moment.”
You did as you were told still sniffling occasionally. It was hard to even look at him. What were you supposed to do? You never thought you’d have to kill, but you struck so many soldiers that were only following orders.You knew that nothing could have been done, but the blood on your hands made you feel numb. It hurt knowing that you had no other choice but to kill. When Walhart sat next you, you leaned over trying to get closer to him. Everything hurt, and the future seemed so unclear for everyone. You could feel that some thing big was going to happen. 
     “I can’t help but wonder if this is truly the end. I should feel relieved right? But I don’t. Nothing about this seems just right.”
You felt the fear inside you grow at his silence. Eventually, he spoke.
      “Your fear is understandable. This will not be the end of our journey. There is still much we must do if there ever will be lasting peace in all the worlds. Our work may never be done but that isn’t really what is bothering you, is it?”
He grabbed you chin to turn your head to finally look at him. You wanted to keep your eyes averted, but you couldn’t keep your eyes off him for long. His eyes looked so kind to you as his thumb stroked your cheek.
     “You’re right. I’m not worried about the efforts toward our goal, but I fear that this victory will have deep repercussions that we have yet to know.”
     “Then, we should further prepare our forces, but remember that you have done well for a fledgling tactician. Grieve the losses if you feel the need, but do not let this stop you. You have take the helm, and for that I am proud. Together we will pierce the heavens and bring about an age that is worth living in. So please don’t lock yourself away. I desire nothing more than to comfort you. ”
Any fear and sadness began to fall away as you felt his arms wrap around you. He could be a bit dramatic, but his words were exactly what you needed to hear. 
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softcoresuffering · 7 years
Hey!  Did someone ask for Fire Emblem headcanons about my AU where the FE games all take place in one continuity???  NO???  Too bad!  Heeeeere they are!
These headcanons get pretty shippy, so keep in mind that this is all just my preference.  Things in italics are ideas I’m considering, but haven’t settled on.  For this AU, the continuity goes; FE9/10 > FE7/6 > FE4/5 > FE8 > FE1/3/11/12 (FE2/15 somewhere in there) > FE13 > FE14 > FEheroes
In canon Priam is a descendant of Ike.  I go with the theory that his bloodline is from Mist and Boyd.
Reinhart and Olwen are descended from Makalov and Astrid, as is Sumia.  
Azura, with her magic singing and the like, is a descendant of the heron clan. (Leanne and Naesala)  Lucius is also a decendant of Leanne’s daughter. * Henry is a part of this bloodline as well, just to get some raven blood in him
Aversa is related to Micaiah and Sothe.  Henry and Izana are too.
Nowi is related to Ena and Rajaion (I’m tempted to say they’re her great-great-grandparents, considering manakete lifespans, but I’m not certain about it)
Panne, Keaton, and Kaden are descendants of the Laguz, but I haven’t decided if they share blood with any specific characters.
Donnel is descended from Brom’s daughter Meg.  As is Tobin, although as Tobin has no children of his own, Donnel is not his descendant.  More like a.... many-greats-uncle.
Cherche is descended from Haar and Jill
Ephraim and Eirika are descended from Elincia and Geoffrey.  Maybe Hector is too???
While Chrom, Lissa, and Emmeryn are canonically descended from Marth and Caeda, I add that they’re also related to Seliph and Lana.
In addition, Alm is also descended from Seliph and Lana, although his and Marth’s bloodlines split not many generations after Seliph and Lana’s children.
Robin(s) are descended from Julius and Ishtore (on Validar’s side)
Lewyn and Ferry are the ancestors of both Ricken and Hayato.
Tharja is related to Tailto and Azel. * This makes her very distantly related to the Robins, now that I think about it.
I support Fee with Arthur, making Tharja distantly related to Ricken and Hayato (explaining Rhajat, huh???) I’ve been thinking about having Kliff be a descendant of Fee/Arthur too???
Linde is descended from Lillian and Dean.
Sumeragi was related to Larcei.
Both Garon and his first wife Katerina were somehow related to Eldigan, with Garon being descended from Ares and Leen.
Sheema, from her father Jiol, is related to Altena and Areone.
Jeorge is descended from Patty.  So is Clarisse.
Sumia is descended from Olwen and her unnamed husband.
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Miriel is descended from Lute and Arthur
On their mother’s side of the family, Robin is related to Kris and Katarina.
Stahl is related to Abel and Est.
Maybe Orochi is descended from Linde.
Walhart is related to Hardin and Nyna.
Predictably, many Annas are descended from Anna and Jake.  This includes Awakening Annas, Fates Anna, and Heroes Anna.
Considering giving Jagen a family, so that Frederick can be related to him.  Serving Marth’s bloodline for generations and such.
Gregor could be related to Athena???
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Xander’s lineage also includes Camus and Tatiana, through Xander’s mother Katerina.
Walhart is descended from Alm and Celica
I mentioned Tobin being descended from Meg???  Tobin has no kids, but one of his many siblings eventually lead to Donnel.
Vaike is descended from Gray and Clair.
Maribelle is descended from Clive and Mathilda.
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Heroes original’s Shareena and Alphonse are descended from Lucina.  Perhaps Lucina and Gerome.
Sully comes from the same bloodline as Kieran, Kent, Alen, Noish, Forde, and Cain.
Stahl comes from the same bloodline as Oscar, Sain, Lance, Alec, and Kyle.
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meltiverse · 4 years
(Mature)06 to 08 Kinks/fetishes headcanons
Note: I got an ask for my Fire Emblem F/Os’ kinks/fetishes and accidentally erased the ask, so this is your answer, dear Anon.
Warning: Obviously, mentions of a few different kinks/fetishes, but nothing too explicit.
With Gangrel, the question is more “What kinks doesn’t he have?” because this guy is up for trying pretty much anything. But if he had to chose only one, it would either be; Period sex, which, thankfully for him, Mel would happily oblige as her sex drive skyrocket during hers, or semi-public sex, as he love the idea of getting caught even though it never happened, much to his dismay.
Gregor isn’t particularly kinky, though he is more that happy to oblige any kinks Mel might want to try. He does like to ensure that Mel is thoroughly satisfied. Also, he has no shame and might let escape details from his intimate life when talking with other people.
Kellam is overall pretty vanilla… But he does enjoy just watching Mel pleasure herself while he pleasures himself… And he loves to cum as deep as possible inside Mel.
Walhart is another who is pretty vanilla overall, though he really enjoys the size difference between him and Mel. He also loves to praise Mel, pretty much worshipping her.
Brady is pretty much submissive, preferring to let Mel take control and do what she wants with him. Beside that, he prefers just sweet, soft lovemaking.
Gunter is a soft Dom, preferring to take control in the bedroom, but using that control to pleasure Mel as much as he can. He also like tying up Mel. Finally, he also like when Mel kiss his scars.
Izana have a pretty huge praise kink, both giving and receiving. Also, he loves getting frisky in the bath house. And some hair-pulling (receiving) but not too hard. And he would be interested in getting pegged.
Fuga is very much into something akin to tantric sex, long foreplay, massages, mutual masturbation, slow and sensual sex, with an almost meditative mindset.
Yukimura love to draw Mel when she’s naked, or even when she’s pleasuring herself. Also, he did invent some machines to spice things up…
Benny is very, very vanilla. He doesn’t really have any kinks. The only peculiar thing is that he insists on positions where Mel is on top, but it’s more out of fear of hurting her than because of a kink.
Arthur actually have a bit of a thing for overstimulation, both giving and receiving it. And while he probably would never admit it, he wouldn’t be against having a threesome with Mel and Niles…
Hubert like a mix of edging/orgasm denial and overstimulating, with some begging thrown in too; he would tease Mel, bringing her close to orgasm and then stop, repeating until she’s begging for release and then making her climax multiple times. He also like temperature play, both giving and receiving. Similar to that, he just thoroughly enjoys how warm and soft Mel is compared to him. And he likes to leave hickeys on Mel’s skin.
Hanneman honestly prefer the foreplay to the actual sex. He just loves to explore Mel’s body, mentally taking note of what get the cutest sounds out of her.
Jeritza loves to spar as foreplay, enjoying the feeling of Mel struggling while she’s pinned under him, but he also loves a good reversal of situation, with Mel pinning him, a hand around his throat… Also, he honestly does not care if he’s seen or heard, if he wants Mel, he’ll just ask if he can take her then and there.
Dedue put Mel’s pleasure above his, and honestly do not care if he gets to climax or not. But… he does love to see Mel riding his thigh. And once Mel convince him that it’s ok and that he won’t hurt her if he penetrates her, he starts to love the feeling of just being inside her and coming deep inside her. And while he’ll never admit it, the thought of Mel getting pregnant from him makes him feel all warm and fuzzy.
Raphael is just as insatiable with Mel than he is with food. He loves giving oral and is quite fond of receiving it too. He loves to show off his strength and consider positions where he’s the one to support Mel’s weight to be a great way to train. And of course, he loves when Mel praise his strength and muscles.
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iturbide · 5 years
Meanwhile, the continent of Valm- Well we weren't directly impacted by the troll, but eh *raises hands*
...considering that it’s entirely possible that Walhart was inspired by Chrom’s father, I’m pretty sure they have a solid argument for being indirectly affected by him to an extreme degree
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