#Camara Laye
sivavakkiyar · 11 months
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from Toni Morrison’s introduction to Camara Laye’s The Radiance Of The King
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lionofchaeronea · 3 months
Current reading is The Radiance of the King by Camara Laye. First published in French in 1954, it's a fascinating novel that deconstructs African colonialism (Laye was from what is now Guinea) through complex layers of allegory, symbolism, and magical realism. There are points of contact with other great 20th century novels--Kafka's The Trial, most notably--but at the same time, it's something uniquely African and uniquely itself. Definitely worth a read.
(Incidentally: Laye was all of 26 when he published this novel. ...And now I'm going to go huddle in the corner and weep over what I've failed to accomplish in my life.)
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deadassdiaspore · 2 years
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thesimplyone · 1 year
"Ces leçons (...) se résumait à la ligne de conduite qu'un homme doit tenir dans la vie: être franc absolument, acquérir les vertus qui en toutes circonstances font l'honnête homme, remplir nos devoirs envers Dieu, envers nos parents, envers les notables, envers le prochain."
::: Camara Laye
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ccnountche · 2 years
Du 13 au 15 mai 2023, s’organisera un colloque international à l’Université Général Lansana Conté de Sonfonia-Conakry, sous le thème « La littérature guinéenne, 70 ans après la publication de L’Enfant Noir : bilan et perspectives critiques ». Voir plus de détails en cliquant sur le lien ou la photo.
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iishmael · 1 year
Global Reading Challenge: 113/200
A personal reading project, where I endeavour to read a book from each of the 193 United Nations member states plus 7 extra* ones. My main goal is to have fun and to learn, but I do have rules for myself:
The book should be fiction, and preferably a novel. I allow plays and poetry, but non-fiction only as the very last resort
The author should have the nationality of their country. If they have lived a good portion of their life there and genuinely represent the local culture, then it's ok if they've been born somewhere else
I want to read books that represent the local literary tradition. Preferably a "classic", a book that illustrates the local culture, or a book that is famous within the country. I avoid popular and contemporary fiction, and books that play outside of the country.
*Extra states have been determined based on UNESCO membership and personal interest where I want to read more books from. This is not a political statement.
The List
Afghanistan: Atiq Rahimi - Earth and Ashes
Algeria: Albert Camus - The Stranger (FR)
Andorra: Teresa Colom - Mlle Keaton et autres creatures (FR)
Angola: José Eduardo Agualusa - The Book of Chameleons
Antigua and Barbuda
Argentina: JL Borges - Fictions
Armenia: Raffi - The Fool
Australia: Doris Pilkington/Nugi Garimara - Follow the Rabbit-Proof Fence
Bahamas: Telcine Turner - Woman Take Two
Belarus: Uladzimir Karatkievich - King Stakh's Wild Hunt
Belize: Zee Edgell - Beka Lamb
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Botswana: Bessie Head - Maru
Brazil: Paulo Coehlo - The Alchimist
Brunei Darussalam: K.H. Lim - Written in Black
Bulgaria: Elias Canetti - Komödie der Eitelkeit (GER)
Burkina Faso: Norbert Zongo - Le parachutage (FR)
Burundi: Samoya Kirura - La femme au regard triste (FR)
Cabo Verde: Germano Almeida - The Last Will & Testament of Senhor da Silva Araújo
Cameroon: Francis Bebey - King Albert
Canada: S. Alice Callahan - Wynema: A Child of the Forest
Central African Republic: Étienne Goyémidé - Le dernier Survivant de la caravane
Chad: Told by Starlight in Chad - Joseph Brahmin Seid
Comoros: Ali Zamir - A Girl Called Eel
Cook Islands*: Kauraka Kauraka- Oral tradition in Manihiki
Costa Rica: Carlos Luis Fallas - Mamita Yunai (Die Grüne Hölle, GER)
Côte D’Ivoire
Cyprus: Kyriakos Charalambides - Selected Poems
Czech Republic: Jan Neruda - Prague Tales
DPRK (North Korea)
Dominica: Jean Rhys - Wide Sargasso Sea
Dominican Republic
El Salvador: Horacio Castellanos Moyà - Le bal des vipères (FR)
Equatorial Guinea: Trifonia Melibea Obono - La Bâtarde (FR)
Eritrea: Helen Berhane - Song of the Nightingale
Estonia: Jaan Kross - The Czar's Madman
Eswatini: Malla Nunn - A Beautiful Place to Die
Fiji: Rajni Mala Khelawan - Kalyana
France: Pierre Louys - Aphrodite: Ancient Manners
Gabon: Daniel M Mengara - Mema
Germany: Thomas Mann - Buddenbrooks
Ghana: Ayi Kwei Armah - The beautiful ones are not yet born
Greenland*: Knud Rasmussen - Eskimo Folktales
Grenada: Merle Collins - The Colour of Forgetting
Guatemala: Miguel Angel Asturias - Strong Wind
Guinea: Camara Laye - The Radiance of the King
Guinea Bissau: Abdulai Sila - The ultimate tragedy
Guyana Haiti
Honduras: Froylan Turcios - El Vampiro (SPA)
Hungary: Arthur Koestler - Darkness at Noon
India: Rabindranath Tangore - The Home and the World
Iran: Sadegh Hedayat - The Blind Owl
Iraq: Andrew George - The epic of Gilgamesh
Ireland: James Joyce - Dubliners
Italy: Italo Calvino - If on a Winter's Night a Traveller
Jamaica: Andrew Salkey - Hurricane
Jordan: Amjad Nasser - L'ascension de l'amant (FR)
Kiribati: Teresia Teaiwa & Vilsoni Hereniko - Last Virgin in paradise
Kosovo*: Flora Brovina - Call me by my name
Kyrgyzstan: Chingiz Aitmatov - Jamila
Laos: Outhine Bounyavong - Mother's Beloved
Liberia: Bai T. Moore - Murder in the Cassava Patch
Lithuania: Vingas Kreve - The Herdsman and the Linden Tree
Luxembourg: Norbert Jacques - Dr Mabuse der Spieler (GER)
Madagascar: Jean-Joseph Rabearivelo - Traduit de La nuit (FR)
Maldives: Abdullah Sadiq - Dhon Hiyala and Ali Fulhu
Marshall Islands: Kathy Jetnil-Kijiner - Iep Jaltok: Poems from a Marshallese Daughter
Mauritania: Moussa Ould Ebnou - L'Amour Impossible (FR)
Mexico: Mario Bellatín - Beauty Salon
Micronesia: Emelihter Klieng - My Urohs
Monaco: Louis Notari - La légende de Sainte Dévote (FR)
Mongolia: Galsan Tschinag - Die Karawane (GER)
Montenegro: Petar II Petrovic Njegos - The Mountain Wreath
Morocco: Abdellatif Laâbi - Le bâpteme chacaliste (FR)
Nauru: Nancy Viviani - Nauru, phosphate and political progress
New Zealand: Witi Ihimaera - The Whale Rider
Nicaragua: Rubén Dario - Azul… (SPA/ENG)
Nigeria: Chinua Achebe - Things Fall Apart
Niue*: John Puhiatau Pule - The Bond of Time: An Epic Love Poem
North Macedonia
Norway: Henrik Ibsen - A Doll's House
Pakistan: Jamil Ahmad - The Wandering Falcon
Palau: Hermana Ramarui - The Palauan Perspective: a poetry book
Panama: Ricardo Miró - Las Noches de Babel (SPA)
Palestine*: Ibrahim Nasrallah - Prairies of Fever
Papua New Guinea: Vincent Eri - The Crocodile
Peru: Mario Vargas Llosa - In Praise of the Stepmother
Poland: Isaac Singer - The Magician of Lublin
Republic of Korea
Republic of Moldova
Romania: Ioan Slavici - The lucky mill
Russian Federation: Leo Tolstoi - The Death of Ivan Ilyich
Saint Kitts and Nevis: Caryl Philips - Cambridge
Saint Lucia: Derek Walcott - Omeros
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
Samoa: Albert Wendt - Leaves of the Banyan Tree
San Marino: J. Theodore Bent - A freak of Freedom: or, the Republic of San Marino
Sao Tome and Principe:
Saudi Arabia
Seychelles: Antoine Abel - Coco Sec (FR)
Sierra Leone
Slovakia: Milan Rúfus - Strenges Brot
Slovenia: France Prešeren - Poems
Solomon Islands: John Saunana - Cruising Through the Reverie
Somalia: Hadraawi - The Poet and the Man
South Africa: JM Coetzee - Disgrace
South Sudan: Nyuol Lueth Tong - There is a country
Spain: Miguel de Unamuno - Abel Sanchez and Other Stories
Sri Lanka
Sweden: August Strindberg - The Red Room
Syrian Arab Republic: Ibn al-Nafis - Theologus Autodidactus
Tajikistan: Shavkat Niyazi - At the Foot of Blue Mountains: Stories by Tajik Authors
Timor-Leste: Xanana Gusmão - Mar Meu
Tonga: Epeli Hau'ofa - Tales of the Tikongs
Trinidad and Tobago
Tunisia: Albert Memmi - The Pillar of Salt
Turkmenistan: Magtymguly - Poems from Turkmenistan
Tuvalu: Neil Lifuka - Logs in the current of the sea
Uganda: Okot p'Bitek - Song of Lawino & Song of Ocol
Ukraine: Andrey Kurkov - Death and the Penguin
United Arab Emirates
UK: Virginia Woolf - Mrs Dalloway
United Republic of Tanzania
USA: John Steinbeck - Grapes of Wrath
Uzbekistan: Abdullah Qoqiriy - Bygone Days
Vanuatu: Grace Molisa - Black Stone
Vatican City*: Andrew Graham-Dixon - Michelangelo and the Sistine Chapel
Viet Nam
Yemen: Abdul-wali - They die strangers
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afrotumble · 2 years
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America's foremost novelist reflects on the themes that preoccupy her work and increasingly dominate national and world politics: race, fear, borders, the mass movement of peoples, the desire for belonging. What is race and why does it matter? What motivates the human tendency to construct Others? Why does the presence of Others make us so afraid? Drawing on her Norton Lectures, Toni Morrison takes up these and other vital questions bearing on identity in The Origin of Others. In her search for answers, the novelist considers her own memories as well as history, politics, and especially literature. Harriet Beecher Stowe, Ernest Hemingway, William Faulkner, Flannery O'Connor, and Camara Laye are among the authors she examines. Readers of Morrison's fiction will welcome her discussions of some of her most celebrated books--Beloved, Paradise, and A Mercy. If we learn racism by example, then literature plays an important part in the history of race in America, both negatively and positively. Morrison writes about nineteenth-century literary efforts to romance slavery, contrasting them with the scientific racism of Samuel Cartwright and the banal diaries of the plantation overseer and slaveholder Thomas Thistlewood. She looks at configurations of blackness, notions of racial purity, and the ways in which literature employs skin color to reveal character or drive narrative. Expanding the scope of her concern, she also addresses globalization and the mass movement of peoples in this century. National Book Award winner Ta-Nehisi Coates provides a foreword to Morrison's most personal work of nonfiction to date.
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yaworldchallenge · 2 years
🇬🇳 Guinea
Region: West Africa
Author: Jordan Ifueko 
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368 pages, published 2020 - Part of a series
Original language: English
Native author? N/A
Age: Teen?
Nothing is more important than loyalty. But what if you've sworn to protect the one you were born to destroy?
 Tarisai has always longed for the warmth of a family. She was raised in isolation by a mysterious, often absent mother known only as The Lady. The Lady sends her to the capital of the global empire of Aritsar to compete with other children to be chosen as one of the Crown Prince's Council of 11. If she's picked, she'll be joined with the other Council members through the Ray, a bond deeper than blood. That closeness is irresistible to Tarisai, who has always wanted to belong somewhere.
 But The Lady has other ideas, including a magical wish that Tarisai is compelled to obey: Kill the Crown Prince once she gains his trust. Tarisai won't stand by and become someone's pawn--but is she strong enough to choose a different path for herself? With extraordinary world-building and breathtaking prose, Raybearer is the story of loyalty, fate, and the lengths we're willing to go for the ones we love.      
Other reps:
Genres: #fantasy world #competition #royalty #magic
My thoughts:
A West-African-inspired fantasy world, not related specifically to Guinea. But looks like a great book nonetheless.
The only Guinea book I could find is the memoir The Dark Child by Camara Laye
Review to come.
Bookshop.org link | Kindle link
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elfdafrique · 2 months
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To All Translators and Publishers, We Appreciate You Today.
Let us go back memory lane. Are you ready?
Do you know the book 'African Child' written by Camara Laye?
It was one of the books in the African Writers Series.
We are very sure you know the book. You may have read it in secondary school.
You may not have known that the book was originally written in French as an autobiographical novel with the title, L'Enfant noir (The Dark Child in English) and published in New York by Farrar, Straus and Giroux.
The interesting part is that as at when we read the book, we never knew that it was first written in French even though we knew that the author, Camara Laye was Guinean and the official language of Guinea is French.
As Anglophone citizens, we read and digested the book in English. We were unaware of the fact that some day we will be reading, writing, speaking and translating from French to other languages and vice versa.
We had to give this backstory through memory lane because today, 23rd April, 2024 is World Book and Copyright Day and the theme for 2024 is “Reading Our Way”.
We wouldn’t have read our way into Camara Laye’s book without #translators and #publishers who translated the book from French to English.
Offering translation and other language services, École de Langue Française d'Afrique salutes the efforts and industry of:
1. James Kirkup, and
2. Ernest Jones .
They translated Camara Laye’s book from French to English and published it in the United States by Farrar, Straus and Giroux in 1954 as The Dark Child. In the United Kingdom, this translation was published under the title The African Child in 1959.
Like James Kirkup and Ernest Jones, École de Langue Française d'Afrique is here to make reading and learning in other languages worthwhile for you.
We join all book lovers around the world in general and the translators of the African Child, in particular, and in this appreciation post to mark 2024 World Book and Copyright Day.
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Guinée : le Directeur général d'EDG et d'autres cadres du département limogés !
À travers un décret rendu public ce samedi 16 mars, le président de la transition, Général du corps d’armée, Mamadi Doumbouya, a limogé quatre (4) cadre à la Présidence de la République. Il s’agit de : 1- Laye CAMARA, Directeur Général d’Electricité De Guinée (EDG);2- Fodé SOUMAH, Directeur Général chargé de l’exploitation d’EDG;3- Abdoulaye KONE, Directeur Général adjoint chargé de…
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Here's an insano list that will be continually updated so I have an online record of all that Im currently receptive to include. Consider this spoilers actually.
Greens got a spot on the timeline finalized.
White is sorted by era for workload
Agar.io, Saurian,Ancestors,Far Cry,Civ,History channel,The sumerian game,Hammurabi,Ass cred,Ryse son of rome,Ghost of Tsushima,evil dead,Kingdom come deliverance,western gun,Turok,Oregon trail,Samurai western,Call of Juarez,Red Dead Revolver,GUN,This land is my land,Bioshock Infinite,Valiant Hearts,Call of cthulhu,Sea wolf,Battlefield,Mafia, front line, endless war, the saboteur,Medal of honor,Call of Dutygenesisnoir,Capcom 1942,Commando,Castle wolfenstein?The incredibles,Cathode ray tube amusemen device,La Noire remember da whorient,Bertie the Brain,Nimrod,Destroy All humans,Christophers draughts,Fonzie road race,Atomic Heart,Tennis for two, gta,Spy hunter ,Spacewar!, xcom, metal gear, resident evil, 1967 world series, team fortress, afterburner, galaxy game, computer space, pong, silent hill, night driver, elevator action, E.T, space ace, uncharted, firewatch, jalopy, contra, gone home, portal, postal, prey, max Payne, illbleed, blood, FEAR, venture bros, manhunt, dead island, dead rising, kane and lynch , bully, cherry 2000, hell comes to frog town, burt reynolds flick, socom, saints row, mercenaries, half life,Alpha protocol,Outlast,Life is strange,Payday,Sleeping Dogs,Lollipop Chainsaw,Duck dynasty, hatred, tomb raider, Evil within,Dying light, edith finch, control, trad meme, alaskan road trucker, tume pilot, disco elysium, octodad, tacoma,Van Buren Tech Demo,Five lesbians eating quiche, thag cute radioactive couple,Fallout: Zero,System Shock,One man and a crate of puppets,Fallout: Frost,Wasteland,Fallout nevada,Atom RPG,Metro,Soma,Ashes twentysixty three,Fountain of Dreams ,Organ Trail,Employee of the month,Fallout 1.5 Resurrection,Squidward suicide,Stray,Horizon,Fallout Yesterday,Jazzpunk,xcom classic, breaking badFallout New Califnornia,Mad Max,Hwarts of Iron OWB, soace station 13,Storyteller,Fallout Lanius,Fallout nuka breakFallout 4 miami,All roads,Death Stranding,Morrowind,Outer Worlds
Fallout minecraft map,Fallout:Dust
Post war:Spongebob, 60 seconds, the story must be told, fallout revelation, starcraft, space quest, dead space, broken roads, breath of death, star heroine
Prewar: 2050+, idealized-era retroscifi jetsons, overwatch, series of unfortunate events, deathloop, f zero x, afro samurai, thief reboot
Prewar 2025-50, dystopia class struggle sci fi deus ex, cyberpunk, mirrors edge, cruelty squad, final fantasy
Pre war (big mess of speculative future) home front,dishonored, naissancE, space station 13, crackdown, timesplitters, kentucky route zero, red faction, dreambreak, attack of the saucermen, metal slug
My lived yearss that one 4chan comic in france, plants vs zombies ,the boys, slender, sniper assassin, stalker, hitman, the quarry, pandemic 2, black watchmen, alien hominid, police quest, tony hawk, ape out, ace attorney, the beginners guide, arma, aemy of teo , chimamande adichi, crysis, just cause, just dance, prototype, skate, various sports, dangenrampa, true crime, post void, burger tycoon, dino crisis, the cat lady downfall devil went through here lorelei, science adventure, goldsrc counter strike, detectives united, deadly premonition, freedom fighters, eternal darkness, unboxing, that unity game abt the painting, subnautica, perfect dark, famicon wars, the darkness
1900s fnaf, calvin and hobbes, papers please, mother, zaxxon, heros journey, stalin vs martians, x files, tom clancy, spec ops, gorillaz, the sims, GI Joe, leisure suit larry, pathologic, cold war game, hammer and sickle, jurassic park, evil dead, james bond Tropico, sims city, ikari warriors, spy hunter, time crisis, alone in the dark, syphon filter, gabriek knight, arma cold war, chinua achebe, camara laye, persona, shenmu, yakuza, brothers in arms, company of heroes, punchout, operation flashpoint, professor layton, sniper ghost warrior, sniper elite, undying, stanley parable, hotline miam, war in the east, wings of orey, men of war, 9th company, red orchestra, iron front, death to spies, mother russia bleeds, roller coaster tycoon, counterspy, esrls day off , gaiden, shin megami, suda 57, fatal frame, gorogoa, hotel room dusk
1800s thief, amnesia, samurai champloo, jojo, dark pictures anthology, wadjet games multiverse, bloodborne
1500s sekiro
1400s Europa Universalis
1300s Demons souls classic
1100s lionheart
1000s crusader kings, chrono trigger
800s prince of persia
200 silk
100 romanc eof the three kingdoms, dynasty warriors
Ancient 0ad, pharoah, the scorpion king, sphynx and the cursed mummy, age if mythology, noahs ark, empire esrth, rise of nations, total war, tak and the power of juju, hades
Cavepeople: dawn of man, jawa mammoth, age of empires, tork, tail of the sun, echo secrets of the lost cavern,roots of patcha
Old af: jurassic the hunted, nanosaur, a prehistoric tale, id software timeline, AVP TIMELINE OLD AF, evo, evolution games of itnelligent ligr, lynn margulis, civ dinosaur war like cthulhu mythos, robert howard books, cthukhu saves
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danieljbc · 8 months
Le gouvernement de Satan et les femmes sirènes diablesses de Lucifer.
Le monde de polionne ( sirènes et Dragons continentaux )
* bête totem de l’Afrique ( lion et léopard).
* l’ aigle de l’Amérique
* Asie de l’anaconda
* Europe de l’ours
* Océanie  de l’autruche.
Département de la magie sainte, Maison Blanche de Satan.
Département monde amstrong du domaine mariale de la déesse de la religion sur l’antechrist du Vatican 🇻🇦 : Magie sainte / satanisme chrétiens basé sur le cute des morts et la fornications .
* on utilise le nom de Jésus-Christ et la bible mais sous l’influence du démon christ / Zeus de la magie rouge .
Le Vatican siege de la magie sainte dans le monde des humains.
Maria / la mère de tout les dieux du système Solaire / monde differets des Dominations des jours de la semaine en les enfants dieux .
*Organigramme du cosmos sataniques .
1. L’oeil de belzebuth / Lucifer le princes des démons.
2. Les anges de la semaines, 7 dominations .
Lune /Lundi
Mars /Mardi
Mercure /mercredi
Jeudi /Jupiter
Vendredi /venus
Samedi /saturne
Dimanche /Soleil .
3 . Les autorités
4 . Les princes des Nations / Démons des peuples.
* Principautés des villes et villages.
5. Les esprits méchants / les esprits de morts.
6. L’occultisme
7. La sorcellerie.
Marie sous différents visages et images d'idolâtrie
Amerique / Macarena
Arabie / Aïcha
Cannaneen / Astarté Achira
Japon / Madone
Scandinavi / ISSA
Ephese / Diane
Indien / Devaki
Chine / Shidou .
Sataniste camara laye : sorcellerie scolaire ( à ma mère) envoûtement des enfants par les rivières.
Le monde zeplim
Le monde zecaitus
La sirène maimouna
Le monde de buldes des dragons des montagnes de roi Zeus .
Le monde de la déesse marashatie ( monde de la sirène hèlene mayigoulou succubes).
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thesimplyone · 1 year
"Garde-toi de jamais tromper personne, dit-il; soit droit dans ta pensée et dans tes actes; et Dieu demeurera avec toi." ::~~:: Camara Laye, L'enfant noir
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conakrylemag · 8 months
La décision de rebaptiser le Centre de Formation Professionnelle (CFP) de Donka au nom de Camara Laye n'est pas simplement symbolique.
La rénovation de l’école a été possible grâce au soutien du colonel Mamadi Doumbouya, ministre de l’Enseignement technique, de la Formation professionnelle et de l’Emploi, qui a pris l’initiative de vendre des véhicules de luxe appartenant à la présidence. Alpha Bacar Barry, le ministre en question, a expliqué en détail comment les fonds issus de cette vente ont été utilisés pour reconstruire les…
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sistazai · 1 year
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Happy Birthday, Toni Morrison. Thank you for showing us how to Love ourselves fully, writing Black stories with nuanced and complex characters, despite “the gaze”. Below is an excerpt I read @wheelercentre’s 2019 showcase, “The Year That Was”. Deeply honoured to speak of the impact Morrison’s work (as an editor and a writer) had on my own praxis as a writer & @papoets curator. . . “At that time African literature was not a subject to be taught in American schools. Even in so-called world literature courses it had no reputation and no presence. But I was determined to funnel the delight, the significance, and the power of that literature into my work as an editor. The publication of Contemporary African Literature in 1972 was the beginning of my love affair. But the more profound and more personal consequence was the impact Chinua Achebe’s novels had on my own beginnings as a writer. I had read his essay in Transition, on the struggle with definitions of African literature, and knew its ramifications for African American writers. In that essay, Achebe quoted James Baldwin’s comments on the subject of language choice and manipulation in defining national and cultural literatures and its resonance with marginalized writers. “My quarrel,” said Baldwin, “with the English language has been that the language reflected none of my experience….Perhaps…I had never attempted to use it, had only learned to imitate it. If this were so, then it might be made to bear the burden of my experience if I could find the stamina to challenge it, and me, to such a test.” But theorizing a definition is one thing. Executing a theory is another. Achebe’s “answer,”so to speak, was in his work. He (along with Camara Laye, Bessie Head, and others) constituted a complete education for me. Learning how to disassemble the gaze that I was wrestling with (the habitual but self-conscious writing toward a nonblack reader that threatened and coated much African American literature); discovering how to eliminate, to manipulate the Eurocentric eye in order to stretch and plumb my own imagination; I attribute these learned lessons to Chinua Achebe.” Excerpted from “The Source Of Self-Regard (2019) https://www.instagram.com/p/Co0i4dVhVHi/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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jeanetjeannepatin · 2 years
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Mercredi 21 septembre 2022 à 19H, nouvelle émission de la Petite Boutique Fantasque qui traitera du départ de Paris vu par les collaborateurs parisiens de l'émission. Ils ont choisi et lu un texte en rapport avec ce que l'on pourrait appeler Retour d'ostracisme pour mon retour à Toulouse. Les aléas du montage et la disponibilité permettent de diffuser cette émission avec seulement un an de retard. Mais ne le faisons pas trop remarquer et disons que cela correspond à la première bougie. Cette émission est montée au studio de RadioRadioToulouse mais enregistrée un peu partout à Paris. Elle est diffusée en hertzien à Toulouse sur le 106.8 Mhz ou en streaming https://www.radioradiotoulouse.net/ et pour tout le reste du temps sur les podcasts de mixcloud.
Programmation musicale : 1) Adagio du concerto pour clarinette (W.-A. Mozart) Orchestre du XVIIIème siècle, Franz Brüggen, Eric Haeprich 2) Pavane (Gabriel Fauré) Thomas Enhco, Vassileva Serafimova 3) Underwater (Ludovico Einaudi) 4) Shadow of walk (Yoran Herman trio) 5) Deux extraits de Loops II (Philippe Hurel) Adelaïde Ferrière + la lecture d'extraits de Détective des sons (Luisa Etxenike) choisi et lu par Sophie Peregrins (Olga Tokarczuk) choisi et lu par Juliette L'énigme du retour (Dany Laferrière) choisi et lu par Sophie L'enfant noir (Camara Laye) choisi par Guillaume et lu par Jeanne
Pour ceux qui auraient piscine indienne, ou toute autre obligation, il y a une possibilité de rattrapage avec les podcasts de la PBF : https://www.mixcloud.com/RadioRadioToulouse/retour-dostracisme-la-petite-boutique-fantasque/
Allons-y gaiement et sans mollir !
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