#Canadian BFRB Support Network
canadianbfrb · 6 years
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Self-Care Kit
= Okay, so there are a few really fun posts that I’ve been saving for this blog and this is one of them. I have had a Pinterest account since it came out in 2010 and one of the best things that has come from Pinterest is the amount of beautiful quotes and self-care tips. I found one that I particularly wanted to share on this blog. This is a link to blog run by a woman named Jessica Dimas who focuses on what she calls “sacred self-care.” Her posts are positive and about taking time to care for yourself and learning the right ways to motivate yourself.
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Another great idea I found is called a coping kit. This article was put together by a group called the Canadian BFRB (Body-Focused Repetitive Behaviors) Support Network. They focus primarily on obsessive-compulsive related behaviors, but I feel like their list is good for coping with any mental illness. What I liked about this list is that it’s not over-whelming with anything and focuses solely on getting you through an episode of whatever mental illness you have. It’s great for obsessive-compulsions, but it’s also great for getting through anxiety attacks.
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trichsterfilm · 7 years
Eddie’s Story
This week's story comes from a friend of ours, Eddie. It was previously posted on the Canadian BFRB Support Network, but Eddie has asked us to share it as well.
Want to tell your story? Write us and we may share it on our social media!
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eastcoastblondeme · 8 years
The Cycle.
The Cycle- the inner dialogue and life of someone with #Trichotillomania
Those who don’t have Trichotillomania must wonder what it’s like. Do I constantly pull? Is there always an urge? What starts it? There must be a lot of questions.  Maybe here’s some answers. It generally starts with some boredom. A day in the car, a long movie, an evening by myself. Activities I generally enjoy, cherish even- but ultimately my Trich loves to take advantage of. It begins with a…
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realityhitme · 11 years
Volunteer work.
I was thinking about how in high school I hated doing volunteer work. Here in Canada (or at least in my little corner of Ontario), we had to complete 40 hours of volunteer work in order to graduate high school. It always sounded like slave labour to me, considering I ended up doing things I didn't like or didn't much care about anyway because I had to find something that would get me the hours. It was just something I had to do or else I wouldn't get my OSSD (which I think is utter bullshit, to be honest).
But now I've found something in which I can happily and fully invest myself. In fact, I rarely think of it as volunteer work. It's just what I do because I want to. The Canadian BFRB Support Network was not something I anticipated being as involved in as I am. When I first came across it (when it was still the Canadian Trich Support Network), I was thrilled to find a Canadian organization that dealt with disorders like mine. Organizations, even ones as small as the CBSN, always have an air of intagibility to me; like I can be involved by posting about them, or by following their works, but they're not something I can help from the inside out. I figured it would be the same with the CBSN, that I would just be an outside party to their efforts, which wouldn't have been a bad thing at all. I began to follow their movements--their posts, their campaigns and their growth. And then I submitted a guest blog post, and slowly became more and more immersed in those inner workings that I never thought I'd be able to touch.
And now I find myself as a volunteer. I'm finding myself investing myself into it because I truly believe in what the CBSN is doing and what it would like to ultimately accomplish. I want to help it move towards its goals of helping others with BFRBs and spreading awareness because I feel like they can and that it is necessary.
THIS is something I can believe in and be proud to contribute to while needing nothing in return. I feel like what my high school required was some tainted version of volunteer work, and that this is what it's truly about. I love being able to help out however I can and working with Sarah and the other amazing individuals who are with the CBSN. I'm always excited when there is an event or some way I can contribute.
If you had a tainted view of volunteer work like I did, just wait. You might find something about which you can be passionate, too. :)
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diaryofaskinpicker · 11 years
Why Not BFRB Awareness Month?
The Canadian BFRB Support Network has been doing great work recently. I'm talking specifically about their campaign around the BFRB Awareness Posters. People are taking pictures holding up signs to explain why they are raising awareness for BFRBs like skin picking and pulling.
But why stop at just one week? We as a community can keep it going, and I think this poster campaign is awesome. The CBSN said they would continue to collect pictures to make into a video. Isn't that great? I love seeing these pictures. Especially people who are showing their faces and scars to erase the stigma surrounding skin picking.
I'm making my own later today and I encourage more people to join in on this campaign. Who cares if BFBF Awareness Week is officially over? Why can't it go on for a month? Or a year? Let's keep making these posters!
On a related note, I'm so excited by what the CBSN is doing. The TLC has been doing great work for many years, but it's great to have a second non-profit dedicated to BFRBs. These are the only two non-profits in the world to support us so we should support them too. I can only imagine that other countries will start their own organizations. 
Anyway, way to go CBSN! 
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canadianbfrb · 6 years
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It’s nearly back-to-school time! (For some of our international friends, it’s already begun.) as usual, we’re hoping to have some back-to-school posts rolling out for you and we’re hoping that you’ll contribute. Check out the image for more details. 🙂 Can’t wait to hear from you!
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canadianbfrb · 6 years
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canadianbfrb · 6 years
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canadianbfrb · 6 years
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For all of our new followers, let us introduce ourselves and tell you a bit about us! http://www.canadianbfrb.org/our-vision/
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canadianbfrb · 6 years
There are many of us who are eager to share our BFRB stories. Sometimes it's an effort to free ourselves from the shame and sometimes it's an effort to raise awareness for the conditions and let others know they aren't alone. Unfortunately, BFRBs are pretty easy to sensationalize and exploit. Here are some tips from us about how to avoid having your story twisted if you're being interviewed.
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canadianbfrb · 6 years
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Guys... CBSN is 5 YEARS old today! A huge thank you to every single person who has:
- Volunteered with us - Follows our social media - Attended an event - Liked our posts - Shared our posts - Donated - Participated in social media campaigns
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canadianbfrb · 6 years
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Our headquarters are officially open! Head to: http://www.canadianbfrb.org/get-involved/bfrb-week-2018/ and get all your essentials! 
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canadianbfrb · 6 years
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Can you believe CBSN is run only by a small handful of volunteers?! If you’d like to help our cause in any way please email [email protected]
We’re looking for volunteers to help with the following: social media advocates, writing, blogging, website maintenance, outreach, graphic design etc. 
P.S. be sure to follow us on Instagram, Twitter & Facebook too! Just look up CanadianBFRB 
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canadianbfrb · 8 years
New blog post on the website! Check it out!  
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canadianbfrb · 8 years
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