#Candace Andersen
the-book-queen · 1 month
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lboogie1906 · 6 months
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Sheila Minor Huff (born March 15, 1947) hidden amid a photograph of mostly male, white attendees at the 1971 International Conference on the Biology of Whales was one young African American woman. She was unnamed in the caption despite her presence there amongst experts in marine biology. Candace Jean Andersen, a writer, received the photo from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration for her research and launched a search on Twitter for the unnamed woman. With the help of thousands of respondents, the woman was unveiled as Sheila Jones née Minor, and now remarried as Sheila Huff, who had worked as a biological specimen analyst at the Fish and Wildlife Service.
She was not a support staff at the Conference who happened to have slipped into the photo: she was an educated, hard-working scientist. She received a BS in Biology from American University and worked as an animal technician after turning down a job as a typist at the US Bureau of Sport Fisheries and Wildlife. She worked full-time and received an MS in Environmental Science from George Mason University.
She spent 35 years dedicated to her scientific career, including the instance where she was photographed but did not feel slighted by being unidentified in the conference photo because she knew the depth and strength of her career. She ran a Department of Interior office in Chicago and worked with K-12 schools to further science education. She had participated in a study of mammals near Poplar Island in Chesapeake Bay, Maryland, and presented her work on species extinction in that area to the 55th Annual American Society of Mammalogists Meeting in 1975, a group of which she was a member. She was appointed to the Smithsonian Women’s Council. She was a high-ranking environmental protection specialist at the U.S. Department of the Interior. #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence #womenshistorymonth
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swynlake-spill · 2 years
any secret santa theories?
yes its me i am everyone's secret santa!!!!!!!!!!
ok srsly i feel like it would be #spoilerz if i were to guess for real and no one wants that so i'll tell you who SHOULD be everyone's secret santa for max messiness are u ready
pip -> kim possible
kim possible -> phineas flynn
phineas flynn -> laurette de la croix
laurette de la croix -> edric blight
edric blight -> riley andersen
riley andersen -> mim ambrosius (this one is just cute)
mim ambrosius -> candace flynn
candace flynn -> anna sommers
anna sommers -> vanessa doofenshmirtz
vanessa doofenshmirtz -> hunter belos
hunter belos -> eilonwy llyr who isnt even in the dorms so u know im full of it
jeremy johnson -> jenny foxworth
jenny -> ashleigh quinlan (they kissed u know)
ashleigh -> nemo bae
nemo bae -> pip seville
emira blight -> mirabel madrigal
mirabel -> gabriella marino
gabriella marino -> cruz ramirez
cruz ramirez -> su qin
su qin -> emira blight
me -> jeremy johnson fuck i ran out of names. its ok im obsessed with him i’d give him curly hair shampoo, pajamas, and aftershave. u take care of YOU jeremy
some of these are harmless i know but i stand by like 70 percent of these for good results. alas no one asked me until it was too late :/
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Swallowed In the Sea || Gabriella + Eric
After The Game Plan, Eric runs into Gabriella by the lake. 
[TW: brief mentions of violence, kidnapping, murder, and The Order being The Order]
ERIC By the time Eric had left from the Acheron’s (Tom’s side, really) to go prepare for for what tomorrow would bring, it was late enough that the shadows cast across the ground were long and slanted, taller than their successors. He had been looking down at his phone, telling Grim he was coming over to fill him in on everything that was going on— because by god there was so much to tell. It was exhausting to even think about, let alone relay to someone. 
It was quiet as he passed by the lake, the water lapping up on the shore in hushed tones like it, too, was tense with what the past two days had brought this town. Eric paused, turning off his phone to shove back in his pocket, and walked closer until he was standing on the bank. The smell was so familiar now it was almost as comforting as that of the salty ocean— he needed to go back there one day. Maybe after all this was over, he would. See if Danny would still be willing to go sailing with him or go on one of those beach trips Grim, Max, and Eric would go on when they’d lived right next to one. It’d be a bit of a drive, but worth it surely.
He sat down, knees bent so he could rest his arms across them and his chin on the platform of them to watch the water, needing the moment. Of all the pain and heartache he felt right now for his cousin, all the anger and resentment he felt for those fucking piss ants— he just had to sit with it all, watching the stead back and forth of the water.
GABRIELLA: The trap was no longer in the lake and yet Gabriella still hesitated to swim in it. The memory of being inside that lightless box still fresh in her mind, kept that way due to nightmares that made her relive it. She didn’t want to be scared anymore, though, which was why she was at the lake. To show herself that there was nothing to be scared of anymore.
She knew she should have probably waited until nightfall, Aquata’s warnings not something she had taken lightly and knew very well she didn’t want to endanger the lives of any of her fellow merfolk by getting caught. But Candace wasn’t in the room and she had no other plans for the evening so she figured if she headed down there, she could wait until the sun had set and then get back home before it got too sus. As opposed to sneaking out in the middle of the night and coming back even later.
Only, when she got there, who else would she see sitting by the shore but one Eric Andersen.
His back was to her, seemingly not noticing her presence just yet, and it was giving her the chance to turn back.
Instead she walked forward and sat down beside him. She raised her eyebrows at him when he turned to look at her, as if to ask what he was doing there looking out onto the water like some sort of lighthouse keeper waiting for their ships to return safely to harbor.
Because, while at one point she had decided that she was going to hate him and ignore him should they ever cross paths, she had come to terms with the fact that she couldn’t just erase her feelings for him anymore. If they had gone unchanged by his confession, even after some time had passed for her to think it over countless time, then there was no point in fighting them. Bruce had seemed to have a better attitude toward him than Gabriella had, and he had all the more reason to dislike him. If he could learn, why not her?
ERIC He startled at the sound of footsteps approaching only to relax all over again when he turned to look and found Gabriella’s brown eyes staring back at him in that judgemental way of hers. He was a bit hesitant, unsure of what she meant by the expression she was giving him but he knew she must be wondering what he was doing there.
Why she cared was beyond him— after she and her friend had pulled the trap from the water he figured that would be the last time he ever saw her. Aside from in passing or from far away when she wouldn’t notice him but he would always notice her if they were in the same room together.
Eric sighed and turned his phone over, pressing it on and going to the notes app to give her a version of the story. (His cousin’s baby had been kidnapped and Eric was going to help find him.) He passed the phone over to her to read.
GABRIELLA: To say that had not been what she had been expecting was an understatement. Holy shit. Kidnapped? That was intense. She looked up, eyebrows creasing in concern, and typed back before handing the phone back over to him, No wonder you look so exhausted. I’m so sorry. Is there anything I can do to help?
There were a lot of other questions she wanted to ask, like if he knew who had taken the baby or if his cousin was okay or if they had gotten the police involved or… but she knew he had probably already been through that story a hundred times today. She didn’t want to make him relive it and this way, if he wanted to share that information, she had left it open for him to do so.
Gabriella glanced down to his arm, a fleeting thought of tucking hers around it and leaning her head against his shoulder came to mind before she shooed it off. No, he probably didn’t want anything like that coming from her of all people. She had no idea if he still felt the same way he had confessed to in that letter of his, the one tucked into her desk drawer underneath all the other random junk she threw in there. How could he? After the way she had reacted and all this time they had spent apart?
ERIC Reading her message made a corner of his mouth tug up— even when she hated him, she could still find it in herself to be compassionate, no hesitation necessary. It was one of the many things Eric liked about Gabriella, how she could put aside her anger in favor of something like this. So kind and caring that it was hard to grapple with that someone could be capable of such a thing.
He shook his head, No.
No, because there was genuinely nothing she could do to help. The plan had already been set into motion, Eric having called the Order up and been given an address and time to be in London the next morning. (Figures.)
No, because he didn’t want her involved with these people. They had already harmed her, their puppet strings on Henry had made their reach just far enough to threaten her life. There was already a baby’s life on the line, he didn’t want to mark it up with her’s, too.
“Thank you.” He had learned this sign, at the very least. (She had been the one to teach it to him.) Eric looked back out on the lake for a moment before going back to his phone.
The people who did this are the same people who taught me that people like you were nothing but monsters. It took me far too long to realize the exact opposite was the case.
GABRIELLA: She figured that was the answer she was going to get and nodded at his reply, having to bit the insides of her cheeks to keep from smiling at his sign language because now was so not the time to be thinking of the moment she had taught it to him, having to watch him curse at her before he finally got the placement right.
Then he started typing again and Gabriella waited for him to offer the phone to her again. Her eyes flickered over the screen, widening when they finally found him again because, again, holy shit! Who were these people? Taking kids from their parents? Teaching people these horrible things about Magicks? How to kill them? How did…?
Her heart sank, an anchor plopping below the surface and continuing down, down, down.
Quickly, she took his phone to ask, How old were you when you learned all of this?
ERIC He gave a shrug, corners of his mouth pulling down into a brief frown as he tried to remember.
I’ve no idea. I can’t remember a time when I wasn't being told these things.
In the short time he and his father’d had together, he had told Eric all of these things. Alongside stories of their ancestors who had protected the innocent lives who lived near water or were trying to find safe passage across the ocean. It had hooked him, ensuring that Eric would want to be just like the brave heroes in the story, too. That he would want to live up to the name of Andersen properly, not just tote it around like a medal that he hadn’t earned for himself.
Then he had died, leaving behind the legacy in the form of journals and books that those before had written. Outlining their findings, how best to trap and kill their prey. (Now they were just a pile of ashes.) The Order had taken over from there— working to make himself into a Squire and moving on up the hierarchy from that starting point.
I didn’t start training on how to do anything properly until I was 14 though. Then when you’re 16 you actually get out into the world to do things.
GABRIELLA: He had been a child when all of this began. Raised from the beginning to believe a lie by adults he had no doubt trusted at the time. It was hard for her to believe the man he loved so dearly and who was as polite as Mr. Grimsby had been would have done such a thing, but what did she know?
Nothing clearly. There were people in this world who trained children to become reckless killers! Who thought the best way to go about their problem was to hop in a boat and lure it to them. They had also kidnapped a baby, probably to do the same with them! Anger surged in her chest and she wanted to ask who they were so she could go tear them apart for hurting the boy next to her, and all the others that had suffered by the hands they had lied to into thinking they were doing the right thing.
And yet, here he was, sitting right next to her like they were…not enemies. He had helped to get the trap from the lake, he had tried to tell her that he had gotten away from them. The only way he’d been able to was by running away, pretending he was dead. She shut her eyes, having to let all of this process without anything new entering her system, even something so simple as the images of the world around her.
ERIC The look on Gabriella’s face had him regretting telling her all of this— but he had to admit it felt good to have her know the truth, to finally be able to just tell her everything without worrying. He should have been doing it from the beginning but he couldn’t turn back time. It was what it was and he had to live with the mistakes he’d made.
He had missed her though— so desperately, he was willing to take this scrap, even if it was just out of pity. Maybe he would mind if she was willing to give more but right now? It was nice to be able to simply be in the same vicinity with her without a harsh glare on her face directed his way, and it was nice to be able to tell someone all this who wasn’t involved with the Order at all.
It wasn’t fair to her, though. They weren’t even friends anymore.
Eric gave a sigh, cringing at himself before his thumbs quickly tapped at the keyboard. Sorry. I don’t mean to upset you. I know I don’t deserve your company, let alone to be burdening you with all of this.
GABRIELLA: She didn’t even get to the end of reading his message before she snatched his phone from his hand, shaking her head.
You were just a kid, she typed, thinking of his cousin’s poor baby out there in the clutches of these people who had done this. I would do anything for my family. They mean everything to me. So how can I hate you for believing in yours? They’re supposed to be the people who protect you and love you, not turn you into a murderer.
ERIC I let you believe I was someone I wasn’t just because I wanted to know if what they said about mermaids was true.
GABRIELLA: I’m not angry at you for that. I spent so long thinking that Mundus and nonmerfolk were all the same. That they all thought merfolk were monsters or game to be hunted and sold for our parts. When you stopped your friends from killing me and looked at me like I wasn’t scary, I thought you different. So when you lied to me that broke my heart. I was angry at myself for allowing that to happen.
ERIC It’s not your fault that I let you down.
GABRIELLA: That’s the thing, I still believe you’re good. I believe that you’re trying to change.
ERIC Unsure how to respond to that, he merely looked at her and nodded, thankful.
He didn’t know what that meant for them, but he appreciated her honesty. It made his chest feel warm where it had only been growing colder and colder with one lost after the next. It gave him hope— if Gabriella, a mermaid, could forgive him, a mermaid hunter, then maybe there was a chance all that was going wrong could be corrected. They would get Tom’s baby back, they would turn the Order inside out, and he could convince Henry to finally abandon them to the ashes as they all fell down, leaving everyone that mattered left standing.
Gabriella was willing to understand other people and their situation, even when she had every single right to not even bother. The Order had been the opposite— there was no understanding of others. There was only one truth, and that was theirs. Now Eric knew what a great big lie that had been to get them to fall into submission instead.
That’s what he would tell her, he decided.
I think I need to be more like you to do that.
GABRIELLA: She worried as he waited to reply, wondering where she had gone wrong, and was eager to read when he finally started typing once more. Gabriella gave a face of bemusement, glancing between his face and the screen as if to make sure that she had seen him type that and he was being completely serious.
More like her? What?
Why would you want to do that? she replied, quickly giving him back the phone and crossing her arms over her chest, suddenly feeling very self conscious. She wasn’t trying to change for the better. In fact, it felt like she was regressing into some scary internet troll who hated everything and found no joy in life. Outlandish with her actions, having been emboldened by the anger and sadness that had consumed her.
ERIC You’re a good person. You’ve saved my life. Twice.  
GABRIELLA: I’m a mess, she replied, frustrated. Her lips pressed together and she gave a sharp breath from her nose. I think you’ve been holding onto the image of some fantasy from that first time around. I get angry, too. I’m not perfect at all. You should know that.
ERIC Eric’s brow furrowed a little— as if he didn’t already?
I do. I never said you were. I know you do, and I know you’re scared but try to pretend like you’re not. About your family and home, about your studies, your dance. I know you get overly defensive. That you get very frustrated when you’re late for anything, and that you think bubblegum is a suitable flavor for anything other than actual bubblegum. I know you’re not perfect, but that doesn’t make you any less kind and caring and someone I wish I was more like.
GABRIELLA: She tried not to watch him this time as he typed, and kept typing! It made her get nervous, both wanting and not wanting to know what he was explaining in the absolute wall of text his thumbs were laying out before them. Gabriella turned to look at the water and the forest across the way, the trees bending and swaying to the evening breeze.
Then he gave her the phone and she had to read it all. She blinked, looking up at him.
All this time she had believed him to think of her as his savior. As someone to be put upon a pedestal and thanked at any given moment for saving his life twice over, as if it wasn’t the right thing to do, as if she hadn’t been doing it partly for herself, for not wanting to think of herself as a murderer for sitting by idaly as a mundus drowned when she could have done something to stop it.
Turns out he had actually seen her as her. As Gabriella, just as she had always seen him as Eric.
Suddenly filled with affection and desire, a hand shot out to grab hold of the curls on the back of his neck and pull him toward her to press a kiss against his mouth.
ERIC Despite looking directly at her Eric had not seen that coming.
His eyebrows jumped up on his forehead as he was yanked forward, utterly unprepared for her lips on his, so much so that it probably made for a hard landing place rather than something that was supposed to be pleasant and soft. Confusion quickly turned into surprise which then melted away into Dear, god, yes.
He didn’t touch her (had to actively resist by letting the hand that had shot out to catch his weight dig his fingernails into the sandy dirt beneath and the other into his trousers) except for where she had initiated the contact— the kiss. Gabriella Marino was kissing him and he, after getting his wits together, was kissing her, too.
Eric couldn’t help what came over him, after all this time of waiting for her, of finding her, of getting to know her, of losing her all over again, only to now have her come back. He didn’t want to lose her ever again, not if she was willing to give him this, which he hadn’t even known was an option but was very on board with. He tilted his head to fix the angle, let her nose press into his cheek and deepen the kiss into something more, something he felt like he needed more than air at present.
GABRIELLA: It was supposed to be quick, especially after the initial feeling like she had just rammed her mouth into a wall, but after Eric responded with such gusto, she let it linger. Then went back for another and another before pulling away slowly. Her eyes opened, jumping back and forth between his own to survey his reaction.
That’s when she took notice of his hands, the way his body was angled away from her, like he was trying so hard not to crowd her or…make her feel trapped. It made her feel embarrassed considering she hadn’t even asked to do that! She had just reeled him in a planted one on him! Agh, had she misread this whole thing?
Surely, not, right? If he hadn’t wanted to kiss her then he wouldn’t have responded the way he had…right?
ERIC (Right!)  
When she pulled away he couldn’t help the absolute goofy smile that formed across his face, eyes flicking down to her lips and back up again.
He saw the uncertainty there and wanted nothing more than to smash it to bits, making sure that it could never come back when it came to his feelings about her. If only it was a tangible object for him to get his hands on.
Eric shifted, turning his body toward her now and allowing himself to sit up without the use of his arm like a kickstand— he raised it, holding it close to her face but not quite touching. He raised his eyebrows at her, first asking for permission.
GABRIELLA: His smile and unspoken question made her break out into a silent giggle, her hand falling away from the nape of his neck to take hold of his and press it against her cheek. Yes, her answer was yes. It always had been, probably always would be when it came to the likes of him. With a smile like that, it was kind of hard for it not to be.
They stayed like that for a while, her thumb swiping back and forth across his hand, happy to sit there with him with this newfound understanding. It had taken a while to get there but it had been worth it. She knew it would be, all this time waiting for him had to have been.
The sun had long set, casting the world into the blueish tint that came with the night, when she finally grabbed his phone. It had locked, so she had him type in the password so that she could type, We should go, it’s getting late. Can I see you tomorrow?
ERIC Now, given permission, he felt like he no longer had to hold back watching her with a fond look in his eye. (He had barely kept from doing so before, but ever since he had confessed he had tried to not look at her at all to keep from doing so.) He reluctantly let her hand when she made him unlock his phone, knowing she’d need the both of hers to type.
He nodded enthusiastically— then paused and shook his head, holding out his hand for the phone so he could tell her why. I’ve got to go to London tomorrow. To help find the baby. But I’ll text you and when I’ll be back soon. I promise.
As soon as Tom had his son safe and sound, then Eric wouldn’t have the lingering worry simmering in his guy. Things were all falling into place, they just needed the one last piece to find its way back home. It did not seem fair that Eric could be this happy and miserable all at the same time, but so was the human condition.
GABRIELLA: You better.
Gabriella stood, not wanting to keep him any longer, and helped Eric get to his feet. She smiled and leaned forward to kiss the corner of his mouth simply because she could now, after all the times of staring at that spot and wondering what it would be like. She didn’t have to wonder anymore. Their hands were still connected, she gave his a squeeze before stepping back, letting their arms reach full length until their fingers slipped just out of reach.
She waved and then started walking off into the water. When she was deep enough, she transformed into her tail and stripped her clothes off, annoyed that they would be wet but willing to deal with it in favor of the other option. She wadded them into a ball and tossed them back up toward him before diving, flukes slapping down on the surface to push her down into the water and away from shore.
ERIC The father she got the more he wished to pull her back in but knew he had to go, too. Tomorrow would be a big day and the following ones would no doubt be even larger. Grim was waiting on him. (If the missed calls were anything to go by, he was getting rather impatient.) There was much to be done yet before he could settle down and have time to enjoy this.
They had waited this long— what was one more day?
He smiled as he watched her wade deeper into the water. Apart of him wanted to follow. He remained in his spot, watching as her ball of wet clothes landed in front of him with a fwump. Shaking his head he dripped down to pick it up and carry it a ways away from the water’s edge, hopefully they’d be a bit drier when she’d come out later. He glanced back just in time to see her tail slip beneath the water’s surface and smiled to himself, letting the image linger in his mind for a moment, before carrying on into the night towards Grim’s.
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thehomemadehooligan · 5 years
10-64K Jenkins - Cody Saintgnue
Aashi Stone - Naomi Scott
Aayan Shaw - Jackson Rathbone
Abilene Wagner - Natalie Portman
Ace Chase - Sebastian Stan
Ace Spade - Taron Egerton
Adam Elliot - Leland Chapman
Addi Valiant - Allison Scagliotti
Addie Brewster - Idda Van Munster
Ae Chihu - Wooshin
Agent London Clark - Chris Evans
Agent Peter Burke - Tim DeKay
Agron - Dan Feuerriegel
Aiden Wright - Dean O’Gorman
Akkeri kom Podakru - Alex Høgh Andersen
Alana Meridian - Ksenia Solo
Alaric Saltzman - Matthew Davis
Alastair York - Jai Courtney
Alec Lightwood - Matt Daddario
Alec MacDowell - Jensen Ackles
Aleda Kingsleigh - Dove Cameron
Aleks Lubomirski - Bartosz Gelner
Alex Avanyu - Avan Jogia
Alex Fierro - Avan Jogia
Alex Rider - Alexander Ludwig
Alex Taylor - Richard Harmon
Alex Wright - Richard Harmon
Alf Tungri - Will Peltz
Alfred Pennyworth - Sean Pertwee
Alice Rula - Madeline Brewer
Aline Penhallow - Arden Cho
Alix Kirkland - Daniel Sharman
Allanon - Manu Bennett
Amber Amberjack - Dom Sherwood
Ambrose Spellman - Chance Perdommo
Amity - Elizabeth Gillies
Anand Morrígu - Sean Maguire
Anastasia Cloe - Eiza Gonzalez
Anders Johnson - Dean O'Gorman
Andreas Vasilescu - Luke Camilleri
Angel Eyes - DJ Cotrona
Angie Landers - Tatiana Maslany
Anjisnu - Kim Coates
Anya Price - Gina Rodriguez
April Hare - Theo James
Arawen Annwn - Stuart Reardon
Archie Andrews - Kat McNamara
Archie Andrews - KJ Apa
Ardal Cody - Kendall Schmidt
Arika Longan - Harry Shum Jr
Arrow kom Boudalankru - Tatiana Maslany
Arsena Larken - Zendaya Coleman
Art Gremellion - Daniel Gillies
Arthur - Joseph Gordon-Levitt
Ash Houndsworth - Sean Teale
Atticus Bane - Will Tudor
Atticus Philo - Grey Damon
Austin DeSantos - Ludi Lin
Avery Durin - Aaron Paul
Axe kom Boudalankru - Aiden Turner
Azmodeus - Landon Liboiron
Baby Collins - Ansel Egort
Baby Driver - Ansel Elgort
Baby Grant - Garrett Hedlund
Balance Grant - Charlie Hunnam
Bane - Tom Hardy
Barclay Kirby - Zane Holtz
Bard Sinclair - Cameron Monaghan
Barnabé Klausen - Bradley Soileau
Baron Remi Goldwyn-Mayer - Michael Fassbender
Barren Guilderson - Iwan Rheon
Bart Putnam - Aaron Taylor Johnson
Bas Norsewood - Sam Steele
Bash de Poitiers - Torrance Coombs
Bax Adamson - Finn Roberts
Bea Cres - Bill Skarsgard
Bea Porter - Rachel Skarsten
Bela Talbot - Lauren Cohen
Bellami Blake - Shay Mitchell
Bellamy Blake - Bob Morley
Belle Amanita - Freeman Agyeman
Ben Bartlett - Jensen Ackles
Ben Fringe - Matt Daddario
Ben Hargeeves - Justin H Min
Ben Kilmartin - Jacob Elordi
Benjamin Heritage - Kellan Lutz
Bent Williams - Tom Payne
Bertie Cooper - Will Tudor
Berto Vega - Jai Courtney
Betsy Shrivatsa - Dichen Lachman
Betty Cooper - Lili Reinhart
Big Grant - Travis Fimmel
Bika kom Azgeda - Michael Eklund
Billy Barton - Brandon Flynn
Billy de Lauro - Cody Christian
Billy Hargrove - Dacre Montgomery
Billy-Ray Sanguine - Michael Fassbender
Bishop Smith - Jack Falahee
Black Hat - Karl Urban
Blade Hood - Grace Phipps
Blaise Caelia - Joe Manganiello
Bliss - Matt Daddario
Bo - Henry Cavill
Bo Grimm - DJ Cotrona
Bobby Mercer - Mark Wahlberg
Bobo Del Rey - Michael Eklund
Bod Chayton - Booboo Stewart
Bosse Ljung - Anson Mount
Bothain Gladstone - Skeet Ulrich
Bowyn Coke - Ian Bohen
Brad Coleman - Jaren Brandt Bartlett
Brennan Mulwray - Victor Webster
Brian O'Connor - Paul Walker
Briar Eglantine - Evan Ross
Briar Jones - India Eisley
Bridget Barker - Natalie Dormer
Brigid Nic Dagda - Kaya Scodelario
Brodie Reston - Jordan Connor
Bunnymund - Norman Reedus, Shawn Mendes
Burke - Michael Fassbender
Burn Milburn - Chris Wood
CA Cupid - Dove Cameron
Caden Lovell - Keiynan Lonsdale
Cai Ryers - Cody Saintgnue
Caine Dunbar - Jonathan Rhys Meyers
Cairns West - Alexander Skarsgard
Cal August - Aaron Jakubenko
Caleb Danvers - Steven Strait
Calleigh Rousseau - Sammi Hanratty
Cam Thompson - Max Thieriot
Capp Hertz - Mchine Gun Kelly
Captain Barbie Barbara - Mike Vogel
Captain Dutch Deadwood - Anson Mount
Captain Harriet Hook - Emeraude Toubia
Captain Jack Sparrow - Johnny Depp
Captain Jim Kirk - Chris Pine
Captain Mal Reynolds - Nathan Fillion
Captain Steve Rogers - Chris Evans
Cara - Allison Scagliotti
Carl Gallagher - Ethan Cutkosky
Carlos DeVil - Cameron Boyce
Carny South - Finn Jones
Carol Danvers - Brie Larson
Casi Riqui - David Castaneda
Cassidy - Joe Gilgun
Cassie Diaval - Lindy Booth
Castle Baxter - Jon Bernthal
CC Clair - Claudia Lee
Cerise Hood - Marie Avgeropoulos
Champion Barrow - Tyler Posey
Charlie Bradbury - Felicia Day
Charlie Stephenson - Willa Holland
Chase Collins - Sebastian Stan
Chase Stein - Dom Sherwood
Chef Daniel Addams - Christian Kane
Cheka kom Trikru - Blair Redford
Chelle Reilly - Sonequa Martin-Green
Cherry Cash - Colin O'Donaghue
Cheryl Blossom - Madelaine Petsch
Cheshire Liddell - Sebastian Stan
Chess Cat - Harry Shum Jr
Chev Arthur - Jason Statham
Chibs Telford - Tommy Flanagan
Chic Smith - Hart Denton
Chief Osprey - Tyler Posey
Choi Trio - Jeonghan
Chris Argent - JR Bourne
Chryso Brach - Hart Denton
Chuck Hansen - Rob Kazinsky
Chul Bora - T.O.P
Ciaran Byrne - Skeet Ulrich
Ciel Quinn - Hale Appleman
Cinda Wocky - Lucy Hale
CJ Hook - Kat McNamara
Clark Griffin - Austin Butler
Clarke Griffin - Eliza Taylor
Clary Helstrom - Tyler Blackburn
Clint Barton - Jeremy Renner, Luke Mitchell
Clove Sageseed - Jonathan Whitesell
Coco Cash - Dave Franco
Cody Pine - Logan Lerman
Col. Basher Moran - Michael Fassbender
Cole Higgins - Monty Geer
Colonel Jack O'Neill - Richard Dean Anderson, Michael Welch
Colonel John Sheppard - Joe Flanagan
Colossus - Danila Kozlovsky
Connor Angel - Vincent Kartheiser, Chandler Riggs
Connor Kent - Robbie Amell
Connor MacManus - Sean Patrick Flanery
Conrí Faolán - Cole Sprouse
Coop Lachlan - Dacre Montgomery
Cooper Rose - Konstantinos Laios
Copper kom Yujleda - Kristin Stewart
Corbin kom Ingranronakru - Shane West
Costin Comescu - Scott Eastwood
Cotton Thistle - Hansol Vernon Chwe
Countess Marishka Tepes - Kiara Glasco
Court Silver - Richard Harmon
Crawford Leather - Charlie Weber
Crina Demetra - Lyndsy Fonesca
Cyneric Ashworth - Nick Bateman
Daci Larken - Tammin Sursok
Dag Ryden - Daniel Di Tomasso
Daisy Diaz - David Castro
Dalia kom Azgeda - Sophie Turner
Damon Salvatore - Ian Somerhalder
Daniel Hale - Tyler Hoechlin
Danihel Ranger - Alexander Calvert
Dante Fischer - Dylan O'Brien
Daria Sabriel - Jaimie Alexander
Darien Hale - Tyler Hoechlin
Darius Sabriel - Samuel Larsen
Darko Pover - Dom Sherwood
Darling Charming - Eliza Taylor
Darya Ryden - Meghan Ory
Daryl Dixon - Norman Reedus
Daya Kitchell - Zendaya Coleman
Deadpool - Ryan Reynolds
Dean Winchester - Jensen Ackles
Death of the Endless - Summer Glau
Deck Chelios - Joe Manganiello
Declan Hale - Tyler Hoechlin
Declan Harp - Jason Momoa
Del Clover - Jordan Connor
Delia Midford - Allison Scagliotti
Delirium of the Endless - Hayley Williams
Delta - Clive Standen
Denny Toombs - Greyston Holt
Deputy Avi Callahan-Constantine
Derek Hale - Tyler Hoechlin
Des Carter - Frank Grillo
Desire of the Endless - Ruby Rose
Det. Kee Cavanagh - Tom Hardy
Detective Ainsley Mansfield - Christian Kane
Detective Danno Williams - Scott Caan
Detective Danny Messer - Carmine Giovinazzo
Detective Dyson Thornwood - Kris Holden-Reid
Detective Javan Bengal - Michael Fassbender
Detective Konstantinos Cruz - Colton Haynes
Dew DeWitt - Francois Arnaud
Diana Derrick - Brooke Williams
Diana Prince - Gal Gadot
Diego Hargreeves - David Castañeda
Dirk Gently - Samuel Barnett
Dmitry Kelso - Jay Ryan
Doc Holliday - Tim Rozon
Doc Holliday Jr - Matt Daddario
Domino - Keira Knightley
Dot Baum - Becky G
Doug Reston - Joe Manganiello
Dr Bones McCoy - Karl Urban
Dr Gryphon Trent - Chris Hemsworth
Dr Hank McCoy - Nicholas Hoult
Dr Harley Quinn - Hart Denton
Dr Hart Hansen - Tom Mison
Dr House - Hugh Laurie
Dr Jake Stone - Christian Kane
Dr Jill Holtzmann - Kate McKinnon
Dr Johann Stein - Richard Harmon
Dr Juneau Moone - Dane Dehaan
Dr Lane Reston - Skeet Ulrich
Dr Paddy Doyle - Andrew Scott
Dr Palmer Isley - KJ Apa
Dr Pamela Isley - Natalie Dormer
Dr Sindri Vidarr - Dane Dehaan
Dr Trick Grimsby - Ian Bohen
Draco Malfoy - Tom Felton, Miles Heizer
Drak kom Trishanakru - Alexander Dreymon
Draki Astarot - Troye Sivan
Dru Vritra - Santiago Segura
Dsimu Runihura - Michael Fassbender
Durant Fischer - Dylan O'Brien
Dusty Djura - Kat Dennings
Dwalin, Son of Fundin - Graham Mac Tavish
Eames - Tom Hardy
Eddie Brock - Tom Hardy
Eddy Williams - Adam G Sevani
Edric Lange - Anthony Mackie
Eggsy Unwin - Taron Egerton
Eight - Bob Morley
Eira Candace - Alycia Debnam-Carey
Eirlys kom Azgeda - Kit Harington
Eli Barros - David Castaneda
Elijah Mikaelson - Daniel Gillies
Eliot Spencer - Christian Kane
Eliot Waugh - Hale Appleman
Elise Gerard - Troian Bellisario
Elodie Kerstoph - Abbey Lee
Emerson Topper - Zach McGowan
Emery - Miss Psycho Cat/Minja Cvetković
Emma Austin - Scout Taylor Compton
Enzo Ferris - Brock O’Hurn
Enzo St John - Michael Malarky
Erik Lehnsherr - Michael Fassbender
Erin Strife - Ash Stymest, Cher Lloyd
Ethan Connors - Derek Theler
Evan Bilingham - Daniel Gillies
Evan Williams - Dan Stevens
Evgeni Shankarov - Paul Wesley
Evie Weiss - Max Schneider
Exy Enger - Caitlin Stasey
Eyes Auriemma - Rob Raco
Fabien Mariani - Bob Morley
Faith Firenze - Zoey Deutch
Faith Zora - Arielle Kebel
Falco LaPointe - Francois Arnaud
Fangs Fogarty - Drew Ray Tanner
Faolan Finn - Shawn Mendes
Faraday Jones - Chris Pratt
Farmer Quentin - Vin Diesel
Father Daine - JR Bourne
Father Gothel - Kim Coates
Father Robert King - Gabriel Macht
Felix Mosley - Jade Hassouné
Fergus Carter - Cole Sprouse
Fey Sprite - Natalia Dyer
Fi Kapua - Jungkook
Filarion Gaelin - Chanyeol
Fili, Son of Dis - Dea O'Gorman
Finn Collins - Thomas McDonell
Finn Liebrecht - Charlie Carver
Finnlee Camdyn - Hart Denton
Fionn Collins - Nina Dobrev
Fitz Luck - Lucas Till
Five Hargreeves - Aiden Gallagher
Five Voelkel - Dan Feuerriegel
Fletcher Herangi/Searanke - KJ Apa
Flick Fawkes - Lindsey Morgan
Flint Gladstone - Rob Raco
Flynn Addams - Norman Reedus
Flynn Rider - Jared Padalecki
Foma Comescu - Armie Hammer
Ford Waters - Jon Bernthal
Foster - Jade Hassouné
Fox Asterphilos - Michael Fassbender
Fox Tempest - Harry Shum Jr
Frank Castle - Jon Bernthal
Frank Martin - Jason Statham
Frazer Parkes - Zane Holtz
Fred Walter - Ellen Page
Freddie McClair - Luke Pasqualino
Freya Mikaelson - Riley Voelkel
Friday Ginger - Bradley Cooper
Garnet Porter - Danielle Harris
Garrett Burroughs - Amadeus Serafini
Gem Topaz - Jade Thirlwell
Geniy Kirova - Danila Kozlovsky
Geo kom Ingranronakru - Christian Kane
Geo Tyson - Christian Navarro
Gideon Kirkland - Nate Buzolic
Gil LeGume - Dylan Playfair
Ginger Breadhouse - Vanessa Morgan
Gladys Jones - Morena Baccarin
Gleb Mychajlovich - Luke Guldan
Glenn Dixon - Robert Buckley
Grace Zora - Claire Holt
Griffin - Jamie Bell
Gus Speedle - Jesse Metcalfe
Gwaine the Younger - Will Tudor
Ha Minsu - Yongguk
Haf kom Podakru - Clive Standen
Haihefa Roan kom Azgeda - Zach McGowan
Haiplana Rowan kom Azgeda - Olga Kurylenko
Han Seong-Jin - Seo In Guk
Han Seoul-Oh - Sung Kang, Jung Ji Hoon
Handsome Rob - Jason Statham
Hannibal King - Ryan Reynolds
Harley Keener - Ty Simpkins
Harp Wilson - Ashley Rickards
Harper - Gordon Michael Woolvett
Harry Addams - Sharlto Copley
Harry Hook - Thomas Doherty
Harry Osborn - Alex Høgh Andersen
Harvey Kinkle - Ross Lynch
Hayley Gold - Alberto Rosende
Hazel Haven - Kyle Gallner
Heave - Brock O’Hurn
Heda Lex kom Trikru - Greyston Holt
Heda Lexa kom Trikru - Alycia Debnam-Carey
Hendrix Mars - Odiseas Georgiadis
Henry Greyson - Brenton Thwaites
Henry Mikaelson - Richard Harmon
Herc Hansen - Max Martini
HG Graham - Jaime Murray
Hiram Lodge - Mark Consuelas
Hope Zora - Penelope Mitchell
Hush kom Azgeda - Tasya Teles
Hyde Jackson - Lucas Till
Ian Gallagher - Cameron Monaghan
Ianto Mumbles - Idris Elba
Iefan Mumbles - Idris Elba
Illyiad Barakan - Johnny Strong
Indigo Basile - Will Tudor
InDo Montoya - Cole Sprouse
Ink Marburg - Stephen James
Isaac Lahey - Daniel Sharman
Isias Apgar - Kim Coates
Issac Lawson - Luke Evans
Iva Malone - Stephanie Bennett
Ivo Ramsey - Keegan Allen
Izzy Swango - Matt Ryan
Jace Lightwood - Dom Sherwood
Jack Frost - Troye Sivan, Sean Patrick Flanery
Jack Morton - Jake Manley
Jacob Finnegan - Ian Bohen
Jade Jordan - Hailee Steinfeld
James Moriarty - Andrew Scott
Janet McCullogh - Emma Roberts
Jannick Boden - Robert Sheehan
Jareth the Goblin King - Brett Dalton, David Bowie
Jarvis Huish - Jake Abel
Jason Schuchard - Logan Henderson
Jason Todd - Bob Morley
Jasper Jordan - Devon Bostick
Jax Harley - Ricky Whittle
Jax Lewis - Noel Fisher
Jay Abanazar - Booboo Stewart
Jazz Hills - Nick Jonas
Jean Morau - Eliza Dushku
Jefferson - Sebastian Stan
Jem Fenrirson - Michael Fassbender
Jensen Ames - Jason Statham
Jensen Slick - Stephen Dorff
Jeremy Gilbert - Steven R McQueen
Jerry Lucas - Sam Heughan
Jess Gambino - China Anne McClain
Jett McCreighton-Hill - Cole Sprouse
Jia Nix - Justin H Min
Jim Moriarty - Andrew Scott
Jimmy Malone - Landon Liboiron/Tom Sturridge
JJ Jenkins - Megan Fox
Joaquin DeSantos - Rob Raco
Joe Addams - Joseph Gordon-Levitt
Joe McAlister - Colin Ford
Joel Bissainthe - Andy Biersack
Joel Gregory - Benedict Cumberbatch
Joel Shmishlyaev - Ash Stymest
John Avanyu - Karl Urban
John Constantine - Matt Ryan
John Mbege - Keiynan Lonsdale
John Murphy - Richard Harmon
John Silvini - Ryan Reynolds
John Vaako Grimm - Karl Urban
Johnnie Cooper - Tom Ellis
Johnny Jaqobis - Aaron Ashmore
Johnny Law - Vincent Ventresca
Jojo Cash - Chris Pine
Jon Byers - Charlie Heaton
Jon Snow - Kit Harington
Jonah Howard - Joseph Gordon-Levitt
Jones Templeton - Brock Kelly
Jordan Howard - Joseph Gordon-Levitt
Jory Kulkarni - Tyler Hoechlin
Jostus kom Sankru - Brock O’Hurn
JR Murphy - Richard Harmon
JT Jones - Bill Skarsgard
Jughead Jones - Cole Sprouse
Juice Ortiz - Theo Rossi
Jukebox Jones - Hannah Marks
Julio Richter - Diego Boneta
Jumpcut Jones - Dylan Sprouse
Kacey Patton - Dylan Sprouse
Kade Arcino - Zachary Quinto
Kaede Oshiro - Sehun
Kai Anderson - Evan Peters
Kai Parker - Chris Wood
Kaios Godfrey -Bill Skarsgard
Kaleb Westphall - Daniel Sharman
Kara Kaa - Eiza Gonzalez
Karolina Dean - Virginia Gardener
Kaya Carter-Reston - Dove Cameron
Kayla Doll - Emily Browning
Kaylee Sanderson - Gal Gadot
Kelly Benton - Darya Goncharova
Kelly Pryor - Brandon Larracuente
Kensington Banning - Will Tudor
Kenzo Malikov - Kim Heechul
Keri Graves - Marie Avgeropoulos
Kerry Holt - Richard Armitage
Kesa Brandt - Tom Hardy
Kevin Keller - Casey Cott
Ki Tilo - KJ Apa
Kid Loki - Cole Sprouse
Kili, Son of Dis - Aiden Turner
Killian Salvatore - Scott Caan
Kim Hart - Naomi Scott
Kincaid Jericko - Victor Webster
King Aim Dagonet - Jordan Connor
King Asnee Ambrocio - Choi Min Ki
King Beem - Jordan Connor
King Ben French - Mitchell Hope
King Christoph Henderson - Henry Cavill
King Lionel Reginus - Jason Momoa
King Papi Palma-Picarzo - Rob Raco
King Ragnar Lothbrok - Travis Fimmel
King Rey Bolivar - David Castro
King Rí - Joseph Morgan
King Rook Smith - Thomas Doherty
King Rory Reagan - Richard Madden
King Sigourney Algernon - Francois Arnaud
King Tru I Tania - Clive STanden
King Vlad Tepes III - Luke Evans
Kingsley Hopkirk - Kris Holden-Ried
Kintsu Kuroi - Jhope
Kisa - Eiza Gonzalez
Kit Barton - Luke Mitchell
Kit Corwin - Rob Raco
Kit Pryde - Dylan Sprayberry
Kit Rook - Colin Ford
Kito Jewel - Kit Harrington
Kitt Banning - Dom Sherwood
Kitten Byrne - Kit Harington
Kitten Kirk - Chloe Grace Moretz
Kitty Cheshire - Alyssa Claire Joynson
Kitty Kole - Kay Victoria
Klaus Mikaelson - Joseph Morgan
Knight Jack Knave - Dom Sherwood
Kol Mikaelson - Nate Buzolic
Kona Leilani - Dacre Montgomery
Kostia kom Trikru - Adelaide Kane, Emilia Clarke, Nyane Lebajoa, Hannah John Kamen
Kostin kom Trikru - Kit Harington, Lucky Blue Smith, Jordan Calloway
Kozik - Kenny Johnson
Kristoff of Arendelle - Chris Hemsworth
Ku Yejun - Jaejoong
Kuba Kowalski - Antoni Porowski
Kurgan Reina - Daniel Gillies
Kyda kom Trishanakru - Josefin Asplund
Kyle Bathory - Jake Manley
Kyra Badd - Alexa Davalos
L Lawliet - Ken'ichi Matsuyama
Lace Rainer - Jason Ralph
Lachlan Camdyn - Reilly Dolman
Lady/Lord Lara Croft - Alicia Vikander, Tom Hardy
Lán Sé Límíng - G-Dragon
Lanta kom Trishanakru - Harry Shum Jr
Lara Montgomery - Shelley Hennig
Lark Malone - Chloe Bennet
Laveau McQueen - Richard Harmon
Lavrenty Comescu - Mike Vogel
Lee Christmas - Jason Statham
Lee Druitt - Brett Dalton
Leigh Trace - Christian Slater
Leith Camdyn - Will Tudor
Lena Crighton - Hannah John-Kamen
Leon Strong - Johnny Strong
Leonard Snart - Wentworth Miller
Leone O'Ray - Dylan Sprouse
Levi Livingston - Jackson Rathbone
Lexington Wallander III - Travis Fimmel
Lia Santiago - Eiza Gonzalez
Liam Dunbar - Dylan Sprayberry
Liander Tybalt - Harry Shum Jr
Libby Tazzno - Mollee Gray
Light Yagami - Tatsuya Fujiwara
Lightfingers Bourne - Colin Ford
Lilah Sanderson - Danielle Campbell
Lily Highsmith - Crystal Reed
Link Fawkes - Thomas McDonell
Link, Last of the Hylians - Austin Butler
Lip - Jared Padalecki
Lip Trembuey - Reilly Dolman
Lissa Anderson - Jessica Lu
Logan - Hugh Jackman
Logan Cale - Michael Weatherly
Lola Locorant - Eiza Gonzalez
Lolli Baxter - Vanessa Morgan
Lonnie Li - Dianne Doan
Lord Albrecht Holmes - Tom Hiddleston
Lord Marshall Richard B Riddick - Vin Diesel
Lorelai Vierra - Lana Parilla
Loren Knowles - Shannon Kook
Lorna Lexington - Emma Dumont
Lou LaBelle-Ferretti - Tasya Teles
Louisa Giroux - Danielle Campbell
Loullabelle Jones - Allison Scagliotti
Lt. Col Switch McKenna - Alex O’Loughlin/Brock Kelly
Lt. Col. Anders Fontaine - Chris O'Donnell
Lt. Faceman Peck - Bradley Cooper
Lucien Judith - Michael Johnston
Lucifer Morningstar - Tom Ellis
Lucilla Nike - Charlize Theron
Lucius Philo - Kellan Lutz
Luke Castellan - Jake Abel
Luke Collins - Zak Henri
Luke Dusk - Mark Pellegrino
Lupe Lito - Miguel Ángel Silvestre
M’Ari Walker - Ksenia Solo
Macallan - Shawn Mendes
Mack Wilson - David Guintoli
Maddie Moreau - Sarah Hyland
Maddy Trevor - Bella Thorne
Madrigan Hatter - Landon Liboiron
Mae Coombs - Lili Reinhart
Maeve Aella - Phoebe Tonkin
Magnus Bane - Harry Shum Jr
Magpie TwoSpirit - Ruby Rose
Magret Spector - Vanessa Morgan
Maj. Ty Fontaine - Stephen Amell
Mak Timoti - Wentworth Miller
Makena Kysely - Colton Haynes
Malachai - Nicholas Hoult
Mangjol Ji-Tae - Minhyuk btob
Marc Wilder - Avan Jogia
Marcus Addams - Kim Coates
Marcus Berry - Godfrey Gao
Margo kom Sankru - Natalie Dormer
Marie Thompson - Meryl Streep
Mark Hobb - Jensen Ackles
Marley McCaffrey - Skeet Ulrich
Martin Rowdy - Michael Eklund
Mary Qazi - Sofia Boutella
Marzio Altamura - Jimmy Quaintance
Mathew Paterson - Tom Holland
Matilda Zolnerowich - Sygin
Matt Jeevas - Luhan
Matt Murdock - Charlie Cox
Mattie Brightley - Asa Butterfield, Cillian Murphy
Maven King - Diego Barrueco
Maz Lorne - Charlotte Best
McCorrigan Holmes - Tilda Swinton
Mekhi Kennedy - Bill Skarsgard
Mel Putnam - Jackson Rathbone
Meliorn - Jade Hassouné
Merlin Emrys - Colin Morgan
Merrick Finn - Dylan O'Brien
Mi Se-Yeon - Jimin
Mick Sweeney - Pablo Schreiber
Mickey Finn - Callum Blue
Mickey Milkovich - Noel Fisher
Midge Conlon - Colin Ford
Midge Klump - Nick Robinson
Mikael Whistler - Wentworth Miller
Mike Plisskin - Colin Ford
Miles O’Shaughnessy - Robert Sheehan
Miller Petroff - Mike Vogel
Million Pearce - David Castro
Milos Toplaski - Tommy Flanagan
Mim Fayette - Katie McGrath
Minka Vodnik - Olivia Wilde
Mira Bellami - Victoria Justice
Misty Lombardo - Adelaide Kane
Mitchell - Aiden Turner
Monroe Lorenzo - Michael Malarky
Moose Mason - Cody Kiersley
Morbid Kitchell - Machine Gun Kelly
Morgan Julius - Landon Liboiron
Morrigan Wallace - Lena Headey
Morrison Wallace - Tommy Flanagan
Ms. America - Gina Rodriguez
Murphy MacManus - Norman Reedus
Murtagh Reston - Thomas Doherty
Natalia Miller - Ashleigh Murray
Nate Spooner - Toby Hemmingway
Nathan Miller - Jarod Joseph
Nathaniel Barton - Grant Gustin
Natshana kom Trishanakru - Chai Hansen
Nell Reba-Barnes - Steve Howey
Neptune Hollins - Noah Centineo
Nia Bradbury - Andy Biersack
Nic Janson - Troye Sivan
Nick Agave - Dom Sherwood
Nick Scratch - Gavin Leatherwood
Nick St North - Kris Kristofferson
Nico DiAngelo - David Mazouz
Nico Minoru - Lyrica Okano
Nico Prentís - Cody Saintgnue
Nicolai Duchamps - Joseph Gordon-Levitt
Nik Ellis - KJ Apa
Nile Gwynnne - Nate Buzolic
Nix Arthur - Charlie Hunnam
No Preston - Max Riemelt
Noah Johnson - Mitchell Hope
Nolan James - Norman Reedus
Nonna Narrington - Caleb Landry Jones
Note Scofield - Cameron Boyce
Nova - Adam Lambert
Nysse Hamilton - Dayana Melgares
Nyx Greymark - Nyané Lebajoa
Oaklee Zaharis - Marie Avgeropoulos
Oddmund Bodilson - Brett Dalton
Oli Delfino - KJ Apa
Ong Minjae - Sehun
Onyx Frost-Haddock - Cole Sprouse
Opie Winston - Ryan Hurst
Orin Suelita - DJ Cotrona
Orion Hunter - Jai Courtney
Os Avanyu - Oscar Jaenada
Owen Anton - Devon Sawa
Owen Grady - Chris Pratt
Owen Palomino - Sean Patrick Flanery
Oz Keen - Cody Christian
Patricia Llewelyn - Scout Taylor-Compton
Paul Rumancek - Landon Liboiron
Paul Tristan - Nick Jonas
Paul Trubel - Miles Heizer
Paw Cavanaugh - Alisha Wainwright
Peg Simon - Joe Manganiello
Peilani Salvatore - Jason Momoa
Pen Carpenter - Hale Appleman
Percy Jackson - Cole Sprouse
Pern Sorrows - Colin Morgan
Perry Avanyu - Drew Fuller
Peter Hale - Ian Bohen
Peter Parker - Tom Holland
Peter Quill - Chris Pratt
Peter Rumancek - Landon Liboiron
Peyton Bennett - Dove Cameron
Philip Pearson - Reilly Dolman
Pike - Milo Ventimiglia
Pitch Black - Jude Law
Pixie Trix - Lena Scissorhands
Poe McCreary - Ruby Rose
Prali Kus - Sendhil Ramamurthy
Prince Alby Escamillia - Bob Morley
Prince Ali Ababwa - Avan Jogia
Prince Arthur Pendragon - Bradley James, Nikolaj Coster-Waldau
Prince Babylas French - Tom Holland
Prince Dubh of Dunbroch - Matt Daddario
Prince Fin Bratomil Leonidus - Jamie Campbell Bower
Prince Fionn of Dunbroch - Matt Daddario
Prince Greyson Rutherford - Robbie Kay
Prince Hans of the Southern Isles - Max Martini
Prince Hung Tae-Hee - TOP
Prince Kieran of the Wild Hunt - Nils Kuiper
Prince Kory Westergaard - Eddie Redmayne
Prince Mee-Dee Pendragon - Dom Sherwood
Prince Rapunzel - Jensen Ackles
Prince Tobias Morei - Pedro Aurelian
Princess Amberle Elessedil - Poppy Drayton
Princess Anna of Arendelle - Karen Gillan, Molly C Quinn, Miranda Otto
Princess Beth of Crims - Adelaide Kane
Princess Evie Grimhilde - Sofia Carson
Princess Merida of DunBroch - Rachelle LeFevre, Kat McNamara, Sadie Sink
Princess Ruby Henderson - Adelaide Kane
Princess Shuri of Wakanda - Letitia Wright
Professor Charles Xavier - James McAvoy
Professor Chuck Marks - Joe Manganiello
Professor Dai Ignotus - Frank Grillo
Professor Hartley Badeau - JR Bourne
Prudence Night Blackwood - Tati Gabrielle
Pubert Addams - David Mazouz
Pugsley Addams - Cole Sprouse
Q-ee Quire - Aaron Yoo
Quade Reeves - Froy Gutierrez
Queen Becci Doherty - Lucy Hale
Queen Elsa of Arendelle - Kathryn Winnick, Dove Cameron
Queen Juno Smith - Ariana Grande
Queen Lyria of Leah - Vanessa Morgan
Queen Rosalee Lette - Taylor Momsen
Queenie Scarlett - Bailey Jay
Quentin Coldwater - Jason Ralph
Quentin Cruikshanks - Zane Holtz
Quentin Quire - Machine Gun Kelly
Quinlan Cruikshanks - Zane Holtz
Quinn Dolan - Richard Harmon
Race Tabytha - Christopher Gorham
Rachel Summers - KJ Apa
Radley Finch - Stephen James
Radovan Zivkovic - Tom Hardy
Rainy Bright - Osric Chau
Raiven Reyes - Avan Jogia
Raleigh Beckett - Charlie Hunnam
Ran-Mao - Brianna Hildebrand
Randall Carpio - Adam DiMarco
Raphael Santiago - David Castro
Ratchet Rosston - Cher Lloyd
Raven Reyes - Lindsey Morgan
Ravi Enrico - Robert Sheehan
Ray Mantle - Ross Butler
Rayner Pope - Seth Gabel
Reggie Mantle - Charles Melton
Rei Kawahara - Dichen Lachman
Reid Garwin - Toby Hemmingway
Rell Hartfield - Chloe Bennet
Remus Godfrey - Bill Skarsgard
Rev. Jesse Custer - Dominic Cooper
Revolver - Lucas Till
Rex Rexford - Daniel Sharman
Ric Road - Gustaf Skarsgard
Richard Amore - Adam Levine
Richie Brooks - Andrew Scott
Richie Gecko - Zane Holtz
Rick Hobb - DJ Cotrona
Riko Velli - Niko Pepaj
Riley Barrick - Luke Bilyk
Rina Dust - Kat McNamara
Rip Finley - Arthur Darvill
River Green - Ezra Miller
Robert Lockshood - Taron Egerton
Robin Downes - Cole Sprouse
Robin Locksley - Colin Ford
Rocket Jameson - Alberto Rosende
Rogue - Jacob Elordi
Rogue - Victor Webster
Roman Godfrey - Bill Skarsgard
Roman Mercer - Avan Jogia
Roo Carter - Luanna Perez
Rory Harker - Cole Sprouse
Ros Carman - Emeraude Toubia
Rosco Domitan - Tommy Flanagan
Rose Parker - Sasha Lane
Rosie Dainty - Sarah Hyland
Ruairí Gunnrarr - Sean Patrick Flanery
Rune kom Azgeda - Jason Momoa
Rusty Ryan - Brad Pitt
Ryl Lytvynenko - Jamie Campbell-Bower
Ryl/Lyra Connors - Caleb Landry Jones, Holland Roden
Sadie Rosati - Jon Kortajarena
Saiya Erembour - Kiernan Shipka
Sam Lee Fisher - Kiersey Clemons
Sam Shankerov - Joel Kinnaman
Samael Abigor - Tom Hardy
Sameen Shaw - Sarah Shahi
Samira Avanyu - Rihanna
Samoset Ramirez Avanyu - Theo Rossi
Santa Muerte - Riae Suicide
Sassy Caitsidhe - Asa Butterfield
Schrödinger Cat - Godfrey Gao
Scorpius Malfoy - Troye Sivan
Scott Canterbury - Nate Buzolic
Scott McCall - Tyler Posey
Scott Summers - Tye Sheridan
Scout - Richard Harmon
Scud Buchanen - Norman Reedus
Sean Gallagher - Dane Dehaan
Seb Reid - Toby Hemmingway
Seb Shankerov - Joel Kinnaman
Sebastian Michaelis - Jared Leto
Sebastian Morgenstern - Will Tudor
Sébastienne Morgenstern - Dove Cameron
Seth Gecko - DJ Cotrona
Severin Moran - Michael Fassbender
SFC Bob Brown - Scott Foley
Sgt. Axel Miller - Jonathan Scarfe
Sgt. Bucky Barnes - Sebastian Stan
Sgt. Cougar Alvarez - Oscar Jaenada
Shalimar Fox - Victoria Pratt
Shalimar Rose - Emeraude Toubia
Shane Kilmartin - Noah Centineo
Shelby Kiyaya - Jason Momoa
Sheriff FP Jones - Skeet Ulrich/Cole Sprouse
Sherlock Holmes - Benedict Cumberbatch
Sherry Holmes - Benedict Cumberbatch
Sicario Montoya - David Castaneda
Sigla kom Podakru - Katheryn Winnick
Silas Kyle - Charles Melton
Silas Prince - Avan Jogia
Sim Chunho - Kiseop
Simon Bellamy - Iwan Rheon
Simon Cooper - Grant Gustin
Simon Jogia - Rami Malek
Simon Lewis - Alberto Rosende
Sinclair Lorentz - Aidan Turner
Siobhan Mbege - China Anne McClain
Siobhan Murphy - Lyndsy Fonesca
Sion Brass - Wentworth Miller
Sir Percival of Albion - Tom Hopper
Sky Vance - Dylan O'Brien
Sol Whitecrest - Nadia Hilker
Song Xieren - Xiao Meng
Sonnie Smythe - Dane Dehaan
Sophie Brightborn - Kat McNamara
Soubi Agatsuma - T.O.P
Sparkle Soleil - Virginia Gardener
Spot Conlon - Bill Skarsgard
Spring Heeled Jack - Jordan Connor
St.John Allerdyce - Aaron Stanford
Staff sergeant Jake Stingman
Stan Rotor - Machine Gun Kelly
Steffen Dumah Vigo - Aaron Stanford
Steve Harrington - Joe Keery
Steve Hopper - Tyler Hoechlin
Steve McGarrett - Alex O’Loughlin
Stiles Stilinski - Dylan O'Brien
Stirling Argent - Joel Kinnaman
Stuart Twombly-Stilinski - Dylan O'Brien
Sue Cash - Jeremy Renner
Suk Hyun-Woo - Jin Young
Suk Jung-Hee - Kim Jaejoong
Suk Pyong-Ho - Hong Bin
Sully Harper - Norman Reedus
Sunny Magnum - Ash Stymest
Sweet Pea - Jordan Connor
Syl Maier - Alex Watson
T-Bag - Robert Knepper
Takeshi Kovacs - Joel Kinnaman, Will Yun Lee
Takuya Rain - Jung Ji Hoon
Tali Bell - Stirling Knight
Talia Trent - Arden Cho
Tara Blackfeather - Taylor Momsen
Tara Orlov - Ksenia Solo
Teasaidh Addams - Aidan Turner
Teddy Altman - Alexander Ludwig
Teddy Lupin - Noah Centineo
Terry Jasper - Dwayne Johnson
Tex Malcolm - Dave Franco
Theo Abbott - Evan Crooks
Theo Crain - Kate Siegel
Theo Putnam - Lachlan Watson
Theo Raeken - Cody Christian
Thomas Addams - Jensen Ackles
Thomas Teller - Travis Fimmel
Thor Odinson - Chris Hemsworth
Tig Trager - Kim Coates
Tiger O’Hanigan - Sebastian Stan
Tihomir Bosko - James Marsters
Tim Blaise - Ben Barnes
Tim Drake - Cole Sprouse
Time Thorin - Brock O'Hurn
Tinkerbell - Dove Cameron
TK Bell - Emilia Clarke
Toby Cavanaugh - Keegan Allen
Todd Brotzman - Elijah Wood
Tokala Ramirez - Raphael Alejandro
Tolly Nichols-Dix - David Castro
Toly Sorrows - Cam Gigandet
Tommy Conway - Jensen Ackles
Toni Topaz - Vanessa Morgan
Tonio Oliver - Luke Pasqualino
Tony Parker - Dom Sherwood
Tony Stark - Robert Downey Jr
Tony Stonem - Nicholas Hoult
Tony Topaz - Keiynan Lonsdale
Tori Markham - Maggie Q
Torrance Green - Parker Hurley
Trace Georgia - Shiloh Fernandez
Tracy Rose - David Gandy
Travis Buchanen - Norman Reedus
Trevor Holden - Jared Abrahamson
Treyu kom Sankru - Charlie Hunnam
Tribute Jones - Thomas Doherty
Tristan Gaheris - Bradley James
Tulip O'Hare - Ruth Negga
Uma Scylla - China Anne McClain
Unity Candor - Dom Sherwood
Urban Candor - Theo James
Uriah Reyes - Peter Gadiot
Urumi Bello - Ben Barnes
Valentine Morgenstern - Nikolai Coster-Waldau, Ryan Kwanten
Van Torrence - Max Martini
Vanya Hargreeves - Ellen Page
Vanya Kalantarova - Theo Rossi
Vasily Kalanatrova - Ksenia Solo
Vel Grant - Garrett Hedlund
Ven Kuznetsov - Zane Holtz
Venus Van Dam - Walton Goggins
Verity - Ekilateral
Verity James - Cole Sprouse
Verna Piette - Victoria Campbell
Verona Lodge - Michael Trevino
Veronica Lodge - Camilla Mendes
Vex - Paul Amos
Victor Mancha - Alberto Rosende
Viktoriya Nadedja - Ivanna Anatoliyivna Sakhno
Vilko Rosenfeld - Tyler Hoechlin
Vivien Tancredi - Taissa Farmiga
Vogel Rowdy - Osric Chau
Vu Inlustris - Matt Lanter
Walden Sommers - Dylan Sprayberry
Walker Simon - Adam Levine
Warren Avanyu - Steven Strait
Warren Fafner - David Gandy
Warren Peace - Steven Strait
Wart Addams - Evwan McGregor
Waverly Earp - Dominique Provost-Chalkley
Wednesday Addams - Camila Mendes
Weiryn Cernonnus - Adam Copeland
Wes March - Avan Jogia
Will Herondale - Andy Biersack
Willow Queen - Katie McGrath
Win Palencia - Frank Grillo
Witchita Nichols-Dix - Jared Padalecki
Woda kom Floukru - Joe Manganiello
Wolfgang Bogdanow - Max Riemelt
Wood Woodley - DJ Cotrona
Wyatt Halliwell - Wes Ramsey
Wysteria - Aaron Stanford
Xander Harris - Nicholas Brendan
Xav Tanner - Richard Harmon
Xavier Nichols-Dix - Bill Skarsgard
Ya Min-Ki - Kan F.Cuz
Yara Preston - Armie Hammer
Ygraine Artio - Depika Padukone
Young Fred Andrews - KJ Apa
Yuki Musume - Freya Tingley
Yukio Hamada - Shiori Kutsuna
Zac Nicwood - Joseph Morgan
Zana Trembuey - Carlson Young
Zane Gallo - Andrew Lee Potts
Zarina Dust - Clara Paget
Zarina Tintagel - Holliday Grainger
Zeb Avenue - Chris Hemsworth
Zef Doe - Evan Peters
Zeke Benton - Manu Bennet
Zhu Bái - Park Soo Young
Zhu Jiāháo - Leo
Zhu Zhēn - Niel
Zin Kuznetsova - Dove Cameron
Zo Cezoram - Hale Appleman
Zuck Florentine - Luke Evans
17 notes · View notes
nsula · 6 years
Dean’s List Fall 2018
NATCHITOCHES –  One thousand two hundred sixty students were named to the Fall 2018 Dean’s List at Northwestern State University. Students on the list earned a grade point average of between 3.5 and 3.99. Those named to the Dean’s List by hometown are as follows.
 Aberdeen Proving Grd, Maryland -- Adrian Borel
 Addis -- William Seaman
 Alexandria – Iris Barrera, Marquita Benjamin, Morgan Bryant, Katylyn Cox, Ashley Day, Qurshea Decoste, Destiny Dotson, Selena Elmore, KelVina Ford, Daryn Freeman, Maeghan George, Khloe Jasper, Leslie Katz, Taylar Lee, Kelli Leone, ShaKiyla Lindsey, Jimmie Magee, Madalyn Mayer, Lauren McLeod, Olivia Mosley, Lashanda Moss, Kellie Pebbles, Ragan Richey, Imani Ricks, Sydney Roseman, Kaitlin Roshto, Caleb Ross, Shakera Shorts, Kizzy Slaughter, Avery Tharp, Alexander Trotter, Hailey Urena, Alysha Walker, Christopher Warren, William Welch, Aalyiah Williams;
 Anacoco – Alan Cosio, Danielle Egan, Elizabeth Guy, Andrea Halladay, Madeleine Hensley, Karington Johnson, Kelen Kay, Jason Ortiz, Clarissa Owens, Brooke Phillips, Amanda Sorg, Erica Wade, Emily Williams;
 Angers, France – Sophie Podevin;
 Angola – Ursula Poarch;
 Arlington, Texas -- Samantha Bell, Devin Gipson, Charles Rogers;
Arnaudville –Bailey Dautreuil;
Athens – Ryan Carroway;
Atlanta – Jonathan Friis, Alexis Hanson, Peyton Howell,
Aurora, Colorado – William McCullough;
Austin, Texas – Skylar Besch, Ysmina Smith;
Avondale – James Brown, Mikala Clark;
Ball – Stephen Carpenter, Lauren Nugent, Vanessa Toney;
Barksdale AFB – Victoria Charles, Jeanine Matthews;
Bastrop – Anna Akins, Alisha Bolton, Haleigh Irby, Chadwick Jones, Haleigh Vollmar;
Baton Rouge – Merodac Beraki, Randy Blackwell, Rosa Campbell, Joshua Cheatwood, Peyton Clark, Emmanuel Dunn, Bryn Edmonston, Maisyn Guillory, Kelly Guillot, Melvin Hudson Misterie Jarrell, DJacqulyn Johnson, Elizebeth Ledet, Bethany Lee, Sarah Lovern, Madalyn Mullins, Mary Pourciau, Colleen Reese, Ethan Smith, Reagan Smith, Haley Sylvester, Sarah Talbot, Jessica Joseph;
Bayside, Nova Scotia – April Trowbrige;
Baytown, Texas – Norma Trejo;
Belcher – Jessica Herbert;
Belle Chasse – Hayley Barbazon, Alexander Melcer, Jade Talazac, Natalie Wilson, Annie Wright;
Belle Rose – Thomas Daigle;
Belmont – Jayce Gentry;
Bentley – Stephanie Hayes;
Benton – Haley Crosby, Holly Crosby, Jessica Gates, Joshua Johnson, Kara Knippers, Abigail Lauterbach, Hannah Schott, Daniel Scott, Ted Scott, Jadyn Sepulvado, Torea Taylor, Audrey Trujillo, Kimberly Umphries, Jackson Mathews;
 Berwick – Brittany Vidos;
Bossier City – Christian Baker, Clayton Brown, Amber Engel, Sydney Gootee, Sydney Shannon, Austin Averitt, Alexandra Borrmann, Courtney Brooks, Abigail Castillo, Emily Cheatham, Lacy Chism, Caitlin Cover, Ri’Kaela England, Kelly Flores, Matthew Flynn, Kelsey Gallman, Candace Guillory, Rebecca Hickson, Jodi Hill, Anqumesha Jeter, Elizabeth Jones, Abigail Kent, Tina Kile, Marci King, Rebecca Markle, Arielle Martignetti, Claire McMillan, Brittany Morris, Kennedy Parson, Brittani Phillips, Khayla Pugh, Litzy Rivera, Kassidy Robideaux, Andrew Robinson, Rheagan Rowland, Jeffrey Ruiz, Elisha Scott, Hope Spaw, Brittany Spence, Tori Spraggins, Terrence Stewart, Susan Stone, Savannah Swaim, Benjamin Tanner, Avery Tibbets, Kortney Toellner, Jirneicia Ward, Courtney Wilson, Dominique Wineglass, Jennifer Woods, Nour Zeidan, Andrea Holley, Ashley Bennett, Ashanti Hill, Brittney Malmay,
Boyce – Bo Bowers, Sarah Hill, Amanda Land, Hannah Miller, Wyatt Miller, Miranda Perry, Ashley Smith, Jessie Turner;
Breaux Bridge – Blythe Duvall, Shayla James, Ashtin Mouton, Tyler Thibodeaux;
Brookeland, Texas – Morgan Horn, Paige West;
Brusly – Emma Wallace;
Buda, Texas – Kathryn Wristen;
Bullard, Texas – Brandon Duecker;
Bunkie – Brett Baker, Izola Williams, Kearia Wilson;
Burleson, Texas – Eric Neeley;
Bush – Saige Tassin;
Callisburg, Texas – Maycy English;
Calvin – Chris Price;
Campti – Destiny Potts, Stoney Slaughter, Alexis Smith;
Canton – Tiffany Cayson;
Carencro – Malik Babin, Destiny Kennerson, Jasmin Thibodeaux;
Cartagena, Colombia – Edwin Castro Frias, Jose Colon-Marrugo, Valeria Correa Meza, Victor Lopez Ramos, Romulo Osorio Herrera, Cristian Paez Geney, Daniel Racero Rocha;
Cartagena Bolivar, Colombia – Alejandro Dager Carrasquilla, Luis Osorio Betancourt, Saily Romero Marrugo, Valeria Perez Espinosa, Veronica Perez Espinosa, Ramon Sarruf Monroyl
Carthage, Illinois – Nicole Clark;
Castor – Kaycee Collinsworth;
Center, Texas – Chelsea Henderson;
Central – Christian Chustz;
Chalmette – Dylan Fuselier, Sara Mendoza;
Cheneyville – Fontana Mitchell;
Clayton – Glendalyn Boothe, Ruben Smith;
Cleburne, Texas – Patrick Murr;
Clifton – Toni Smith;
Clinton, Mississippi – Adam Moncure;
Cloutierville – Alexia Gistarb;
Colfax – Camren Bell, Alison Churchman, Mikayla Richardson, Evan White;
College Station, Texas – Jasmyn Hunter;
Columbia – Tyler Duchesne, Jackson McCann;
Converse – Zachary Faircloth, Nicolas Farmer, Ashley Forgues Brock, Skyler Laroux, Elaina Richardson, Noah Sepulvado, Ashley Sims;
Coppell, Texas – Jada Freeman;
Cottonport – Rayne Canoe, Zachary Gauthier, Justin Tigner;
Coushatta – Kori Allen, La’Zaria Clark, Elizabeth Cummins, Dillon Foshee, Jason Gross, Ashley Guye, Tawanda Johnson, Sidney Jones, Emily King, Jeremy Lawson, William Lee, Aaron Murray, Allison Pearah, Jon Russell, Amey Sepulvado, Carmie Williams, Caroline Wren;
Covington – Kayla Keys, Andrea Mier, Cathleen Oviedo, Etienne Blanchat;
Crowley – Alyssa Huval;
Cumberland, Maryland ­– Rebekah Apple;
Cypress, Texas – Alexis Gomez;
Dallas, Texas – Nadia Carney, Natalie Robledo;
Darrow – Micheal Douglas;
DeKalb, Texas – Jaquan Jackson;
DeQuincy – Austin Nichols, Hayden Robertson;
DeRidder – Carson Brown, Maygin Chesson, Alphonse Engram Ashleigh Fedderman, Bambi Hardesty, Michael Keeper, Dustin Lauderback, Kyla Lockhart, Kimberly Nolen, Don Prater, Hayley Richard, Shynikia Roberson, Mikalyn Russell, Lauren Taylor, Ebony Terry;
Deer Park, Texas – Patrick McDonald, Blake Stephenson;
Denham Springs – Caitlyn Cutrer, Caitlin Griffin Halle Mahfouz, Jonathan Rodriguez, Stephanie Ryals, Amy Thomas, Emily Williams;
Denton, Texas – Ian Edwards;
Derry – Hannah Antee;
Des Allemands – Dilaney Deroche;
Destrehan – Patrick Juneau, Kiera Robinson;
Deville – Kealee Anderson, Hailey Bolton, Alexis Dennis, Kayla Dewilde, Candice Dryden, Amy Henderson, Karlee Littleton, Marlee Paulk, Vivian Vallery;
Dike, Texas ­– Brynn Offut;
Dodson – Kierstyn Cyrus, Nolan Griffin, Lydia McGaha, Brittany Walker;
Donaldsonville ­– Natalie Landry, Madeline Sotile;
Doyle – Mackensie Ulrich;
Dry Creek – Kayla Mandelin;
Dry Prong – Jacob Boydstun, Sarah Desselle, Christy Gough, Alisabeth Lockhart;
Duson – Autumn Ritter, Lane Royer;
Duvall, Washington – Jason Smigelski;
Effie – Jaydan Perkins;
Elizabeth – Clyde Hurst;
Elm Grove – Gabrielle Smith;
Elmer – Jerrica Beebe, Mikayla Deloach, Halston Rachal, Joseph Rachal;
Enon Valley, Pennsylvania – Jennifer Smiley;
Eros – Alecia Smith;
Ethel – Abby Guillory;
Eunice – Carli Esters, Tammy Richard, Emily Deshotel;
Evans – Lakin Smith;
Evergreen – Shelby Riche;
Farmerville – Jalissa Loyd;
Ferriday – Shanequa Tyler, Dalenesha Wimley;
Fisher – Hayden Courtney;
Flatwoods – Jasmine George;
Florien – Gabrielle Bryant, Ashley Carter, Travis Cook, Faith Hopkins, McKenzie Kuhlow, Megan Lampkin, Noah Parker, Emma Ray, Ashley Ross, Elizabeth Squillini, Shari Wilson;
Forest Hill – Andrianne Dore, Rachel Humphries, Claudia Marie, Charli Stanley;
Forest Park, Illinois – Kimberly Murray;
Forney, Texas – Kaymi Wheeler;
Fort Polk – Laura Cerqueira, Amanda Dhondt, Jasmine Dyer, Clarrissa Lancour, Jennifer Lara Hager, Andrea Marquez, Clare Masa, Blaise Nkengafac, Madison Popp, Lindsay Romero, Shiela May Tabonares, Whitney Tipton, Christian Wood;
Fort Riley, Kansas – Breanna Bryan;
Fort Sill, Oklahoma – Iryana Burrus;
Fort Worth, Texas – Charles Gregory Meade;
Franklin – Chaqaire Jenkins, Cheyenne Smith;
Franklinton – Brian Geragthy, Aron Stephens;
Freeland, Washington – Paul Aune;
Fresno, Texas – Terres Anderson;
Frierson – John Rachal, Valerie Smith;
Frisco, Texas – Adam Trupp;
Gardena, California – Cole Llorens;
Geismar – Kristi Contreary;
Georgetown – Laura White;
Gibsland – Tyler Sneed;
Glenmora – Kristopher Devore, Precious Goins, Abbie Johnson, Megan Johnson, Nellie Johnson, Savannah Thompson, Tiara Baker;
Gloster – Kylee Causey, Jennifer Simmons, Johnette Whorton;
Goldonna – Alexander Guillory;
Gonzales – Addison Adams, Ryan Gremillion, Victoria Gardner, Legand Lilly, Corey Payne, Jamien Sampson, Zoe Tapp, Jaci Templet, Trencia Washington;
Gorman, Texas – Kourtney Seaton;
Gramercy – Amber Theisges;
Grand Cane – Nathan Graham, Emily Miller, Matthew Raybon;
Gray – Cassie Becnel, Tevyn Johnson;
Greenwell Springs – Katherine Bryant, Katherine Langlois;
Gretna – Chloe Johnson, Jasmine Myles, Trinity Velazquez;
Gueydan – Hannah Sedatol;
Gulfport, Mississippi – Tamara Benton;
Gun Barrel City, Texas – Colton Banghart;
Hahnville – Catelyn Errington;
Hammond – Andrea Hidalgo, Kaylon Willoughby, William Woodworth;
Harlingen, Texas – Frances Knight;
Harvey – Tajalai Evans, Christiana Johnson, Alexis Taylor;
Hattiesburg, Mississippi – Mary Mitchell;
Haughton – Matthew Bailey, Benny Broadway, Arneshia Brooks, Katelynn Edwards, Shelby Grubbs, Kobe Jackson, Kylee Jackson, Daniel Langen, Sarah Ledford, Nicklaus Lowery, Angie Nguyen, Jamie Phillips, Makenzie Rains, Licentra Randolph, Kaylee Swart, Valerie Taylor, Zoey Thomas, Logan Turner, Lomia Watkins, Larissa Wells, Hunter Woods;
Haynesville – Eriel Fields, Sabrina Sowell, Allyssa Dodds;
Heflin – Rachael Vickers;
Henderson, Texas – Andrew Blackmon, Christina Marie Colley;
Henderson – Asha Cormier;
Hessmer – Kaitlynn Burke, Laney Jeansonne;
Hineston – Richard Clark, Madison Morrison, Karlie Taylor;
Homer – Francene Ferguson, Shannon Rhodes;
Honolulu, Hawaii – Melissa Baker, Hans Andersen Tan;
Hornbeck – Sarah Ceballos, Jerry Hughes, Jr., Carrie Wilson;
Hosston – Alaysia Fredieu;
Houma – Kelsey Chauvin, Anna Gautreaux, Zoe Hebert, Dylan LeBlanc, Venessa McKinley, Sara Rebstock, Kyle Siddle;
Houston, Texas – Bruce Beth, Brittany Davis, Oai Lee Huynhl
Hutto, Texas – Tommi Long;
Ida – Madison Campbell;
Independence – Chloe Whiddon;
Iota – Morgan Gotte, Katie Latiola;
Iowa – Marvette Williams;
Jamestown – Kylie Knotts;
Jeanerette – Brandy Jackson;
Jefferson – Matthew Broekman, Codi Vernace, Amanda Wilburn;
Jena – Tiara Brown, Candace Decker, Jessi McNeely, Dena Ray;
Jennings – Emily Benoit, Destany Brown, Phillip Gotte, KaTierra Lewis;
Jonesboro – Natalee Gray, Tia Moore;
Jonesville – Rachel Eichmann, Kayla Robertson, Kameron Stevenson, James White;
Kalaupapa, Hawaii – Kamamalu Nishihira-Asuncion;
Keatchie – Brittany Miller, Amber Nash, Sarah Plaisance;
Keithville – McKenzie Knotts, Shleby Loftin, Cara Lorensen, Dominique Jackson, Jerry Parks, Deja White;
Kemp, Texas – Katelynn Messer
Kenner – Gennyfer Pena;
Kerens, Texas – Brandon Brumbelow, Diego Maldonado;
Killeen, Texas – William Hooper, Nathalohn Nanai;
Kinder – Teralyn Plumber, Stewart Wheeler;
Kingwood, Texas – Alexandria Bailey;
Konarskie, Poland – Elzbieta Iwaniuk;
Labadieville – Jacelynn LeBlanc, Logan Simoneaux;
Lacombe – Casey Casler;
Lafayette – Taylor Aucoin, Bailey Begnaud, Natalye Bradley, Javian Bush, Amari Carmouche, Joshua Delaughter, Shaniya Fuselier, Ashley Guidry, Adele Hebert, Bryce Hernandez, Julia Laperouse, Collin Monaghan, Joshua Monaghan, Sarah Palmintier, Christina Poole, Jordan Redd, Madison Weathers, Ireland Williams;
Lake Arthur – Nicole Andrews, Tuesdi Stipek, Hannah Worley;
Lake Charles – Rebekah Nicholas, Emily Roller, Isaiah Roy;
Lake Wales, Florida – LaRon James;
Lakeside, California – Amanda Lee;
LaPlace – Melvin Bates, Jalen Haydel, Jacob St. Pierre;
Larose – Nicholas Hebert;
Las Vegas, Nevada – Caitlin Schweighart;
Lavon, Texas – Berenice Bretado, Matthew Howeth;
League City, Texas – Kennedi Carter, Mary Gilbert, Emily Ornelas, Lacee Savage, Christopher Zirkle;
Leander – Karissa Boswell;
Leavenworth, Kansas – Anuhea Iyo;
Lecompte – Logan Cheek, Allison Williams;
Leesville – Dakota Abrams, Kimberly Alwell, Summer Atkins, Kaitlyn Bailey, Hannah Baker, Marilyn Brooks, Rachal Brown, Kaylee Busby, Victoria Carbaugh, Jessica Clare, Angie Culbert, Baylor Dillon, Raegan Dotson, Brandon Fredieu, Miranda Fulks, Ashley Garcia, Sean Grady, Morgan Hall, Britney Harvey, Kimberly Henley, Haley Hood, Kelly Kealaula, Zachary Keeton, Lane Koury, Samatha LaMonte, Daniella Lowry, Karl Marzahl, Kylie McAllister, Amy McKellar, Kelly Mitchell, Emily Moore, Taylor Newman, Joseph Orchi, Kaitlyn Pajinag, Victoria Perkins, Elizabeth Rios, Amber Rose, Chloe Rouleau, Destiny Sanders, David Santos, Erin Schwartz, Riley Shackelford, Brandy Sherman, Joseph Slaughter, Claire Smyth, Heather Snell, Alicia Stanford, Collin Strickland, Sydni Striedel, Matthew Ward, Marissa Weldon, Mikayla Zills;
Lena – Lashae’ Lucas, Courtland Smith;
Lettsworth – Meilyn Woods;
Lindale, Texas – Eden Cook;
Little Elm, Texas – Jasmine Ealy, Daniel Larin, Brian Lenox, Kaitlyn McCullogh;
Livingston – Chase Crane;
Logansport – Kendoyle Cox, Megan Holmes, Maci Martin, Charles McClintock;
Longview, Texas – Hannah Dunn;
Lonoke, Arkansas – Rachel Terry;
Loranger – Cambree Bailey, Jessi Dominique;
Luling – Macie Barrios, Nathan Roth;
Lumberton, Texas – Joshua Terry;
Mabank, Texas – Dustin Huffman;
Madisonville – Sarahjane Ladut, Bailey Perrilloux;
Magnolia, Texas – Kyle Moore;
Mamou – Melissa Soileau;
Mandeville – Maci Burt, Mya Holmes, Sheridan Smith, Jalen Willis;
Mansfield – Canessia Johnson, Samantha Powell;
Mansura – Beau Barbry, Magen Hegger;
Many – Chelsa Arthur, Victoria Barnhill, Rachel Bensinger, Toby Bruce, Maegan Burkett, Hannah Chanler, Patrick Colston, Sarah Cross, Timothy Early, Tiarra Frazier, Brittney Garcie, Emily Holcomb, Mayci Lewis, Jenifer Meadows, Athena Mitchell, Kasey Moore, Seth Ozsoy, Chelsea Parrie, Andrew Penfield, Heather Trichel, Krisha Williams, Tyler Colston, Sheridan Gowen;
Marble Falls, Texas – Sarah Lewis;
Maringouin – Laura Scronce;
Marksville – Olivia Johnson, Shelby Lemoine, Madeleine Morrow, Tanner Nugent, Mackenzie Stanley;
Marrero – Tara Brown, Jade Duthu, Dorothy Gioia;
Marshall, Missouri – KaNeeshia Gay;
Marshall, Texas – Sydney Swilley, Abigail Upton;
Marthaville – Dylan Daniels, Mallory Powell, Hannah Sattler, Frank Lester;
Maurice – Jenna-Clair Courville, Adele Vincent, Elise Vincent;
Meraux – Sophie Stechmann;
Merryville – Aric Johnson;
Metairie – Kathryn Bancroft, Anna Birbiglia, Taylor Crawford, Cameron Duhe, Mary Gaffney, Ellie Mandel, Andrew Pitari;
Midlothian, Texas – Rachel Fowler;
Midlothian, Illinois – Daniel Hlad;
Minden – Roxy Easley, Abby Greene, Peyton Gray, Fisher McLemore, Kirsten Sibley, Amber Slater, Asata Sylvas, Edoard Talamayan, Madison Tanner, Jordan Young;
Minneapolis, Minnesota – Jenna Carlson;
Missouri City, Texas – Cayla Jones;
Monroe – William Adcock, Allie Ellerbe, Jaronda Griffin, Parron Jones, Skylar Sorrell, Jarviar Wade, Brittany Wilson;
Montegut – Megan Pellegrin;
Montgomery – Morgan Bartlett, Morgan McManus, Erikk Sluss, Hannah Vercher, Michael Waxley;
Moreauville – Austin Dismer, Nicholas Jackson;
Morrow – Quaniqua Joseph;
Murcia, Colombia – Cristina Gonzalez Corchon;
Natchez – Jackson Carroll, Jacorrian Davis, Courtney Sarpy, Morgan Slaugher, Patricia Wise;
Natchez, Mississippi – Victoria Bradford;
Natchitoches – Adedayo Adeniji, Jordan Alex, Tyler Anderson, James Armstrong, Aaron Averett, Brock Barrios, Gracie Bennett, Gavin Bergeron, Ciara Blade, Keaton Booker, Charles Bouchie, Shenita Braxton, Taylor Burch, Deasia Burrell, Ladiamond Burrell, Morgan Burris, Ebone Burton, Kezia Butler, Savannah Bynog, John Byone, Maria Carmona-Ruiz, Kiondra Clark, Lane Clevenger, Kaia Collins, Leanna Coy, Whitney Crooks, Kenneth Darcy, Kara Davis, Kelsy Davis, Sean Day, Leah Deford, Trenton Downs, Ashley Dranguet, Peyton Ebarb, Virginia Falgoust, Daniela Forero Salcedo, Hannah Forsythe, Eric Fredieu, Katlynn French, Luis Gallo Quintero, Abbie Gandy, Jeffrey Goff, Samuel Greene, Julian Guerrero Acevedo, Laura Guzman Rodriguez, Brianca Hall, Valentina Herazo Alvarez, John Howell, Jared Hulsey, Emily Johnson, Zachary Johnson, Abagael Kinney, Lyndon Knueppel, Karlee Laurence, Carlomagno Leon Jimenez, Maya Levo, Alba Maloff, Brooklyn Martin, Paula Martinez Marrugo, LiZhang Matuschka, Tyler McCain, Michael McClung, Kristin McQuillin, Jasmine Milsap, Sarah Moody, Coy Morgan, Matthew Nelson, Jorgia Nevers, Kevin Nutt, Kiara Padilla, Griffiana Paige, Kenneth Penrod, Chaka Palm, Kevin Price, Shalondria Rainey, LaKendria Remo, Alejandro Restrepo Cardozo, Kierstin Richter, William Rogers, Maria Rushing, Chandler Sarpy, Gabrielle Scarborough, Natalle Sers, Anise Settle, Anna Sibley, Jonathan Simmons, Patrick Sprung, Josie Stamey, Nicholas Swank, Carosha Taylor, Samuel Taylor, Harrison Thomas, Enonedria Thompson, Margaret Thompson, Caitlyn Tobin, Austin Townsend, Ricardo Ventura, Eva Venzant, Lauren Vienne, Ryan Wade, Daniel Whatley, Thomas Wiggins, Sherri Williams, Rylee Wyer, Naoko Yoshida,
Navasota, Texas – Shelton Eppler;
New Braunfels, Texas – Charli Fouts;
New Iberia – Tara Bonvillain, Kyrsten Freyou, Jacob Gary, Jeannette Hardy, Nicole Moore, Madison Romero, Alexis Trosclair;
New Llano – Laura Cowell, Sylvia Milerski, Dennis Stein, Collar Wilson;
New Orleans – Faith Burke, RyShaneka Kirsh, Trevor Morgan, Gloria Smyly, Rishard Winford;
Noble – Savannah Anderson, Landen Funderburk, Joshua Ray;
Nolensville, Tennessee – Joseph Tappel;
Norfolk, Virginia – Samantha Broughton;
North Richland Hills, Texas – Cody Germany;
North York, Ontario – Alexander Comanita;
Oakdale – Clayton Ashworth, Staci Brown, Kirstin Richard;
Olla – Morgan Barbo, Cierra Evans, Tanner Terrell;
Opelousas – Jordan Brisco, Kenya Gradnigo, Amy Levier, Sheridan Mayo, Kayla Pitre;
Paincourtville – Hannah Brister;
Panama City, Florida – Adam Normand;
Paradis – Kaitlyn Dunn, Kallie Lutz;
Pearland, Texas – Clent Jones;
Pineville – Victoria Bordelon, Raegan Brocato, Kaitlyn Burns, Taylor Campbell, Caitlin Crawford, Deanna Daniel, Katlin Ernst, Victoria Gambino, Brooke Gongre, Kaitlyn Jackson, Landon King, Laura Lachney, Carlee Lake, Jeffery Lepage, Emily Litton, James Perry, Cinnamon Player, Hannah Pusateri, Diane Richey, Rachel Rudd, Amaria Sapp, Jordan Sensat, Micah St. Andre, Reygan Taylor, Jaclyn Whatley, Rodney Williams;
Plain Dealing – Nicholas Cason;
Plano, Texas – Asher Van Meter;
Plaucheville – Matthew Armand;
Pleasant Hill – Makenzi Patrick, Yasmine Maxie;
Pollock – Tanner Brazil, Erika Clark, Dalton Kopp, Samantha Wilber,
Pollok, Texas – Katelyn Boles;
Ponchatoula – Kaitlyn Hawkins;
Port Allen – Kennedy Cullen, Evan Daigle, Samantha Moses;
Port Barre – Lauren Deville, Skylar Guidroz, Kirsten Sonnier;
Prairieville – Donesha Blount, Lauren Breaux, Claire Credeur, Chloe Lambert, Kyle Munson, Ellise Vice, Derek Walle, Brady Wilson;
Princeton – Micah Larkins, Alyssia Mobley, Katelyn Nattin, Ariell Shield;
Provencal – Rachel Head, Christopher Jennings, Samantha Toro;
Puyallup, Washington – Aine Oh;
Quitman – Cassie Tucker;
Raceland – Paige Parks, DQuincy McGuire;
Rayne – Bailey Beard, Bishop Breaux;
Rayville – Emily Rawls, Terry Rogers, Leslie Sharbono;
Reno, Nevada – Olivia Marazzo, Sydney Oren;
Richardson, Texas – Riley Cantrell, Lauren-Ashley Clarke;
Ringgold – Joseph Hays, Terreny Langford, Lauren Nelson, Olivia Prado, Aileecia Tipton, Darrion Sims, Caleb Vining, Tyler Weathers;
River Ridge – Alexander Thibodeau, Taylor Young;
Robeline – Chad Berly, Jonathan Chism, Hunter DuBois, Alecia Eddleman, Kelsey Elkins, Hannah Hennigan, Richard McCollum, Morgan Neugent, Ember O’Bannon, Megan Palmer, Lillian Rachal, Tyler Tousek, Jeffrey Watley;
Rosepine – Emilee Johnson;
Rosharon, Texas – Whitney Washington;
Ruston – Irene Hild, Lara Schales, Jamesha Woods;
Saint Amant – Kylie Nix;
Saint Bernard – Emily Snyder;
Saint Francisville – Robert Burke, Claire Leming, Ryan Reed;
Saint Gervais la Foret, France – Marcelline Poitevin;
Saint Martinville – Chaselyn Lewis;
Saline – Isabella Jones, Malayna Poche;
San Antonio, Texas – Hayden Brown, Paris Finkbeiner, Kelli Gamble;
San Pedro Sula, Cortes, Colombia – Jose Bustillo Aguero, Cesia Corrales, Bella Trimino Gutierrez;
Saratoga, Arkansas – Christie Sain;
Scott – Hannah Durgin, Taylor Joseph;
Scurry, Texas – Rebecca Blackshear;
Shantow City, China – Zhixin Lin;
Shongaloo – Kayla Mouser;
Shreveport – DayJah Alexander, Maria Awwad, Shakendra Bailey, Erin Batts, Antanae Baylock, JiKeeriya-Jontay Bowden, Rakeisha Brown, Anquaneshia Burnham, Kaylan Campbell, Neeley Caudle, Kesherion Collins, Hannah Crnkovic, Kendall Crosby, April Daniels, Joslyn Davis, Destiny Deal, Kevin Denks, Kimberly Dennis, Kaitlyn Doyal, Chenara Dredden, Laura Mary-Katherine Duhon, Shalanda Duncan, Reagan Escude, Chloe Farrar, Jenna Fielder, Sterlin Foster, Jamie French, Tyler Gardner, JaSae Gatlin, Rayvin Gaudet, Evan Gibson, Karina Goodnight, Lauren Gore, Ashleigh Grace, Anna Green, Elaina Guerrero, Matthew Haltom, Jennifer Hardey, Regyne Hardy, Kelsey Harlow, Madison Harper, Kimberly Housley, Shleby Hunter, Madyson Istre, Jazzmine Jackson, Caitlin Johnson, Carly Johnson, Christopher Johnson, Jada Johnson, Zachary Johnson, William Mahoney, Caitlyn Malloy, LaTonya Martin, Aysia Mills, Acquiria Mitchell, Dylan Molenhour, Shanautica Montgomery, Kelly Moody, Kendall Murray, Aaron Navarre, Hannah Nicholls, Olivia Noonan, Annabelle Parker, Soleil Paterson, Mary Murray, Michael Phelps, Hayden Pilcher, Laura Pritchard, Bailey Rech, Nahjee Reid, Mallori Sanders, Kendall Sanford, Angelica Satcher, Yuriana Sauseda, Katherine Sawyer, Lawson Scott, Cynthia Shahriar, Shermaine Shorter, Mary Sibley, Ciara Sipes, Richard Sloan, Jessica Sowers, Lindsey Sullivan, Jordan Taylor, Joyce Taylor, Rodnisha Terry, Anne Tibbit, Chloe Vance, Kayla Waller, Lajayda Williams, Suzanne Williams, Kristy Wilson, Jonathan Zavalydriga;
Simmesport – Olivia Draper, Taylor Myers;
Simpson – David Marquis, Christina Snider;
Singer – Emily Smith;
Slidell – Rikki Ayers, Brittany Brooks, Jacqueline Coleman, Shakera Dixon, Jordan Garcia, Thomas Garner, Claire Harvey, William Jensen, Tristan Johnson, Allyssa Marshall, Isabel Melhado, Kha Nguyen, John Norvel, Theresa Sharp, Raina Woods;
Spain – Judit Castillo Gargallo;
Spring, Texas – Victoria Harris;
St. Francisville – Emeria Jones;
St. Martinville – Cassandra Zenon;
Starks – Sara Hyatt, Melina Royer;
Stonewall – Carolyn Davlin, Emmy Hinds, Tobert Mcallen, Hunter Tuck, Jonathan Perot, Hunter Tuck;
Sulphur – Andrina Ferguson, Madeline Fortenberry, Derek Henry, Helen-Lois Mancil, Trevor Molitor, Elisabeth Perez, Makenzie Simon, Justin Sittig, Andrew Stephens, Shelby Sullivan, Sonya Wren;
Sunset – Deandra Eaglin, Sonia Vidrine;
Talihina, Oklahoma – Heidi Couch;
Taylor, Texas – Jake English;
Texarkana, Texas – Sydney Cowgill, Cody Hambly, Jasmine Neal;
Texarkana, Arkansas – Monique Walker, Kenneth Williams;
Thibodaux – Beth Olin, Cierra Winch;
Tobyhanna, Pennsylvania – Brianna Morosco;
Trout – Harley Lisenby, Kalee McGuffee;
Tupelo, Mississippi – Bailey Griffin;
Vidalia – Charles Johnson, Brittany Kennedy;
Ville Platte – Regan Hazelton;
Vinton – Shae Cramer, Kelsie Rayon, Madison Zaunbrecher;
Vivian – Jaylon Berry, Hannah Campbell, Chase Lewis;
Warrenton, Virginia – Melissa Martinez;
Washington – Madelyn Dupont, Ambrieanna Lazard;
Waskom, Texas – Mary Alexander, Blakely Canfield;
Waynesboro, Mississippi – David Hodo;
Welsh – Edna Hofmann, Daniel Menard;
West, Texas – Nathan Nors;
West Monroe – Abigail Beck, Brandy Chapman, Alexandra Clack, Kirstin Elrod, Brianna Fife, Evelyn Maguire, Cassandra Phillips, Candyce Steele, Melissa Taylor, Syroi Webb, Christopher Wynn;
Westwego – Tja’h Edwards;
Wills Point, Texas – Rebekah Clark;
Winnfield – Jermesia Anderson, Taylor Burnett, Mia County, Ashlyn Duck, Rhonda Duff, Jourdan Fitzgerald, Hunter Johnson, Kayla Jones, Caitlyn Martin, Tenisha Phillips, Avonna Wilson;
Winnsboro – Samantha Browning, Hunter Cooper, Darrel Doyle, A’Lexus Johnson;
Winter Springs, Florida – Justin Garretson;
Youngsville – Blair Fontenot, Charli Fontenot, Brette Reaux, Isabelle Vivien;
Zachary – Lydia Johnson, Chasity Matthews, Demetriona Goudeau;
Zwolle – Kierstyn Cartinez, Hillary Charles, Michantwana Lacey, Courtney McDaniel, Holly Laroux, Konner Parrie, Treveon Perrty, Marcelina Remedies;
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levinletlive · 2 years
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It's over 100°F today and we're 9 unions strong turning up the heat on the Contra Costa County Board of Supervisors.
We are the 4th wealthiest county in California, yet we are one of the worst compensated county workforces in the state! We can't hold onto new hires because we're so understaffed and overworked that they get overwhelmed and leave within a couple of weeks. Our workers go to Solano and San Francisco County to get better pay for the same work.
If you're on public assistance of any kind in California, but especially in Contra Costa County, this is about you too. Our clients' cases get discontinued and benefits get delayed through no fault of their own because we literally don't have enough people to stay in compliance. Tour food stamps could be late this month or next month. Your medi-cal could take weeks to get approved while you sit in the hospital. Even the Public Defenders are understaffed and underpaid, so if you're facing incarceration your representation is at risk. Rent, gas, child care, and medical costs are skyrocketing. Most of us are a paycheck or two from losing our homes.
We have confronted the BoS about this, and their response, verbatim, was "it's not a priority." Not "we can't afford it", not "we can't do it". Fairly staffing and compensating the workforce is not a priority. Therefore, our clients and communities are also not a priority.
Our contracts are up in 9 days. If you are in Contra Costa County or the surrounding area, or even if you just want to give the BoS a piece of your mind, you can contact them here and give them a piece of your mind.
Contra Costa County Board of Supervisors
Federal Glover, Diane Burgis, Candace Andersen, Karen Mitchoff, and John Gioia
1 (925) 655-2350
1025 Escobar Street
Martinez, California 94553
Emails and other info here:
When we fight, we win! Tell Contra Costa County to staff up!
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matbaynton · 3 years
Book recommendations:
The Boleyn King trilogy (The Boleyn King, The Boleyn Deceit, and The Boleyn Reckoning) by Laura Andersen.
Fatal Throne: The Wives of Henry VIII Tell All by M.T. Anderson, Candace Flemming, Stephanie Hemphill, Lisa Ann Sandell, Jennifer Donnelly, Linda Sue Park and Deborah Hopkinson.
I'm not sure if you're familiar with/into The Tudors, but you honestly don't have to know too much about them to enjoy these stories!
oooooooh, thank you so much holly! i'll definitely check these out! 🥰
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artists-table · 5 years
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Totoro by Candace Jean Andersen via /r/AdorableArt http://bit.ly/2KOiwfq by Slow-moving-sloth
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marcusssanderson · 6 years
70 Cute Quotes for all Areas of Life
Our latest collection of cute quotes on Everyday Power Blog. Enjoy!
Reading inspirational quotes can boost your motivation and help you lead a happier and more fulfilling life. Cute quotes are a great way to improve your mood and brighten your day.
If you’re looking for the best quotes to cheer up your day or to share with the people you love…look no further. We’ve collected these beautiful quotes just for you.
These cute quotes cover many different aspects of life, including love, happiness, time, beauty, and much more. They are positive, witty, poetic, beautiful and inspiring.
  Cute quotes for all areas of life
  1.) “Whatever you are, be a good one.” – Abraham Lincoln
  2.) “Cute is when a person’s personality shines through their looks.” – Natalie Portman
  3.) “Man may have discovered fire, but women discovered how to play with it.”— Candace Bushnell
  4.) “Wherever you go, go with all your heart.” – Confucius
  5.) “Always wear cute pajamas to bed, you’ll never know who u will meet in your dreams.” – Joel Madden
  6.) “As hard as I try to sound tough and dark, I still sound cute.”- Jenny Lewis
  7.) “Life must be lived as play.” – Plato
  8.) “I believe in a lively disrespect for most forms of authority.” – Rita Mae Brown
  9.) “Just give me a comfortable couch, a dog, a good book, and a woman. Then if you can get the dog to go somewhere and read the book, I might have a little fun.”— Groucho Marx
  10.) “I’ve never been that cute kid that was forgiven for being naughty.” – Richard C. Armitage
  Cute quotes about love
  11.) “Love is the answer, but while you’re waiting for the answer, sex raises some pretty interesting questions.”— Woody Allen
  12.) “It wasn’t love at first sight. It took a full five minutes.”— Lucille Ball
  13.) “We were together. I forget the rest.” – Walt Whitman
  14.) “Love thy neighbor — and if he happens to be tall, debonair, and devastating, it will be that much easier.”— Mae West
  15.) “I have a crush on your mind. I fell for your personality. Your looks are just a bonus.”— The Notebook
  16.) “Love is like Pi: natural, irrational, and very important.”— Lisa Hoffman
  17.) “Love is like an hourglass, with the heart filling up as the brain empties.”— Jules Renard
  18.) “All you need is love. But a little chocolate now and then doesn’t hurt.”— Charles Schulz
  19.) “The being in love is better than the falling in love.”— Simply Irresistible
  20.) “True love stories never have endings.” – Richard Bach
  Cute quotes about life
  21.) “Everything looks cute when it’s small.” – Cynthia Rawley
  22.) “I think people should look cute all the time.” – Rachel Zoe
  23.) “Life is a succession of lessons which must be lived to be understood.” – Helen Keller
  24.) “That’s the secret to life… replace one worry with another…” – Charlie Brown
  25.) “Character develops itself in the stream of life.” – Wolfgang Von Johann Goethe
  26.) “The chief danger in life is that you may take too many precautions.” – Alfred Adler
  27.) “If life is a bowl of cherries, then what am I doing in the pits?” – Erma Bomback
  28.) “Those people who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do.” – Isaac Asimov
  29.) “The obvious is that which is never seen until someone expresses it simply.” ~ Khalil Gibran
  30.) “Half our life is spent trying to find something to do with the time we have rushed through life trying to save.” ~ Will Smith
  Cute quotes for girls
  31.) “A real girl isn’t perfect and a perfect girl isn’t real.” – Harry Styles
  32.) “I am good, but not an angel. I do sin, but I am not the devil. I am just a small girl in a big world trying to find someone to love.”— Marilyn Monroe
  33.) “My style is simple, kinda girly, but with a bit of an edge.” – Erin Heatherton
  34.) “Cinderella is proof that a new pair of shoes can change your life.”
  35.) “A wise girl knows her limits, a smart girl knows that she has none.” – Marilyn Monroe
  36.) “We girls, we’re tough, darling. Soft on the outside but, deep down, we’re tough.” – Kristen Ashley
  37.) “Some girls are just born with glitter in their veins.” – Paris Hilton
  38.) “I love dressing up. It’s the best part of being a girl, I think.” – Emma Roberts
  39.) “A girl should be two things: classy and fabulous.” – Coco Chanel
  40.) “Every girl should use what Mother Nature gave her before Father Time takes it away.” – Laurence J. Peter
  Cute quotes for him
  41.) “Come live in my heart and pay no rent.” – Samuel Lover
  42.) “I am in love with you and this reality is far better than my dreams.”
  43.) I love you not only for who you are, but for who I am when I am with you!~ Roy Croft
  44.) “Everyday I fall in love with you more and more. Except yesterday, yesterday you were pretty annoying.”
  45.) “If I know what love is, it is because of you.”~ Hermann Hesse
  46.) “I love you from my head tomatoes.”
  47.) “Sometimes I wonder how you put up with me. Then I remember, oh I put up with you. So we’re even.”
  48.) “My night has become a sunny dawn because of you.”~ Ibn Abbad
  49.) “You make me smile for no reason whatsoever, You make me laugh at the unfunniest things, But most of all, you make me love you.”- Anonymous
  50.) “Forever isn’t long at all when I’m with you.”~ Winnie the Pooh
  Cute quotes for her
  51.) “You don’t love someone for their looks, or their clothes or for their fancy car, but because they sing a song only you can hear.” – Oscar Wilde
  52.) “The power of your smile should never be underestimated. It melts my heart and touches my soul.”
  53.) “Love is like the wind, you can’t see it but you can feel it.” – Nicholas Sparks
  54.) “No one else matters when I look into your eyes.”
  55.) “You’ve a place in my heart no one else could have.” – F. Scott Fitzgerald
  56.) “I’ve fallen in love many times… but always with you.”
  57.) “I love you the way a drowning man loves air. And it would destroy me to have you just a little.”- Rae Carson
  58.) “I am absolutely, definitely, positively, unquestionably, beyond any doubt, in love with you.”
  59.) “Romance is the glamour which turns the dust of everyday life into a golden haze.” – Elinor Glyn
  60.) “You`re not only my love… you`re my air, and I cannot live without you.”
  Other cute quotes
  61.) “I don’t think you can define love.” ― Harry Styles
  62.) “I always knew looking back on my tears would bring me laughter, but I never knew looking back on my laughter would make me cry.”― Cat Stevens
  63.) “The purpose of life is a life of purpose.”― Robert Byrne
  64.) “Life is a great big canvas, and you should throw all the paint you can on it.” ~ Danny Kaye
  65.) “I like girls who eat Carrots. ~ Louis Tomlinson” ― One Direction
  66.) “Life is the game that must be played.” ~ Edwin Arlington Robinson
  67.) “Because I have loved life, I shall have no sorrow to die.”― Amelia Burr
  68.) “Maybe I’ll just give up on boys. Okay, maybe not. I mean they’re just so cute!” ― Jillian Dodd
  69.) “Life is like a beautiful melody, only the lyrics are messed up.”― Hans Christian Andersen
  70.) “Life is like an onion: You peel it off one layer at a time, and sometimes you weep.”― Carl Sandburg
  Which are your favorite cute quotes?
Reading inspirational quotes is a great way to enhance our mindsets and improve our lives. Hopefully, these cute quotes have uplifted your mood and brightened your day.
Did you enjoy these quotes? Which of these cute quotes was your favorite? Tell us in the comment section below. We would love to hear all about it. Also, don’t forget to like and share with your friends and fans.
The post 70 Cute Quotes for all Areas of Life appeared first on Everyday Power Blog.
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jazzworldquest-blog · 6 years
USA: The International Songwriting Competition (ISC) Announces 2017 Jazz Winners
Contact: Candace Avery
International Songwriting Competition
The International Songwriting Competition (ISC) Announces 2017 Jazz Winners
Judges Include Billy Cobham, Lonnie Liston-Smith, Danilo Perez, John Burk (President, Concord Label Group), And More
April 19, 2018 -- The International Songwriting Competition (ISC), widely recognized as the most prestigious and respected songwriting competition in the world, is pleased to announce its 2017 winners. Created in 2002, ISC received more than 16,000 entries from almost 140 countries. Total prizes include more than $175,000 in cash and merchandise, including a Grand Prize consisting of $25,000 in cash (USD) and over $35,000 in additional prizes.
The Grand Prize winners this year are Nicholas Miller (better known as Illenium), Annika Wells, Kate Morgan, and Michael Biancaniello for the EDM song “Crawl Outta Love Ft. Annika Wells."
Taking home First Place in the Jazz category is Hiroe Sekine (Kiryushi, Gumma, Japan) for the song “Nippon Barre.” Second Place is awarded to Hayley Lam (New York, NY, USA) for “The Unknown Bell II,” and Third Place goes to Mads Mathias (Copenhagen, Denmark) for “I’m All Ears.”
“The winners reflect a wide range of styles within the jazz idiom, “ says Candace Avery, ISC Founder and Director. “However, the common thread in the winners is the depth of songwriting talent displayed. They are extraordinarily accomplished, and we are proud to honor them and celebrate their artistry.”
ISC winners hail from all over the world (61% of this year’s winners come from outside the USA) and range from talented amateurs to seasoned songwriting veterans. The 23 categories include all genres of contemporary music, from Jazz to EDM to Rock to Pop to R&B/Hip-Hop and more.
For a complete list of ISC 2017 winners and to hear the winning songs, go to: http://www.songwritingcompetition.com/winners.
The complete panel of 2017 judges includes:
Recording Artists
Lorde; Tom Waits; Ziggy Marley; American Authors; Nancy Wilson (Heart); Martie Maguire (Dixie Chicks); Booker T. Jones; The Mavericks; Sara Evans; Bastille; Keane; Hardwell; Danilo Perez; James McNally (Afro Celt Sound System); Billy Cobham; Gerald Casale (Devo); Natalie Grant; Krewella; Matt Nathanson; Amadou & Miriam; John Tibbs; Kaskade; John Mayall; Joe Louis Walker; Nicholas Gunn; Ashwin Batish; Lonnie Liston Smith; Walter Trout; Trilok Gurtu; Tommy Chong; and Tony Joe White.
Industry Executives:
Gregg Nadel (President, Elektra Records); Seymour Stein (Chairman/CEO, Sire Records); Daniel Glass (President, Glassnote Records); John Esposito (Chairman/CEO, Warner Music Nashville); John Burk (President, Concord Label Group); Ed Vetri (President, Wind-Up Records); Bruce Iglauer (Founder/President, Alligator Records); Steve Yegelwel (Sr. VP, Island Records); Nate Albert (Executive VP of A&R, Capitol Records); Jacob Edgar (Founder, Cumbancha); Aaron Bay-Schuck (President of A&R, Interscope Records); Mike Easterlin (President, Fueled By Ramen/Roadrunner Records); Josh Bailey (Senior VP of A&R, Word Entertainment); Gordon Kerr (CEO, Black River Entertainment); Richard Stumpf (CEO, Atlas Publishing); Steve Greenberg (CEO, S-Curve Records); Kim Buie (VP of A&R, New West Records); AJ Tobey (Head of A&R, Rough Trade Publishing); Cory Robbins (Founder/President, Robbins Entertainment); Angel Carrasco (Latin Music Consultant); Julie Kertes (Editor/Manager, Hot Diggity Media); Laura Margolin (Publishing, Glassnote Records); Leib Ostrow (Founder/CEO, Music For Little People); Katherine Danes (Co-President, The Children’s Music Network); Claire S. Green (President, Parent’s Choice Foundation); Benjamin Groff (Founder, The Brill Building); Sas Metcalfe (President, Global Creative, Kobalt Music); Golnar Khosrowshahi (President, Reservoir Media Management); Carianne Marshall (Partner, Songs Music Publishing); Tamara Conniff (EVP, Roc Nation); Dara Frank (Head of Comedy Central Records/Viacom); Carl Caprioglio (Founder/CEO, Oglio Entertainment); and Elena Epstein (Director, National Parenting Product Awards).
ISC is sponsored by: AKG By Harman; Berklee College of Music; Celebrity Access; D'Addario; Dark Horse Institute; Disc Makers; Eventric; Gig Salad; JBL Professional by Harman; Lurrsen Mastering; Merch Cat; Musician Wellness; Musician’s Institute; ONErpm; PreSonus; SongU.com; Sweetwater Sound; PAWW Premium Sound; and Tunedly.
Entries are now open for the 2018 competition. For more information and to enter, go to https://www.songwritingcompetition.com.
For low-res photos of all winners, go to https://songwritingcompetition.com/winners
For high-res photos, please contact Candace Avery at [email protected]
Jazz Winners
First Place
“Nippon Barre” – Hiroe Sekine – (Kiryushi, Gumma, Japan)
Hiroe Sekine, an accomplished jazz pianist, vocalist, composer, and arranger, studied at the University of Southern California Thornton School of Music and has performed at many venues, including the highly prestigious Jazz Concert Series at Los Angeles County Museum of Art. Her debut album, a-mé (rain), was released in 2010 and was selected one of the best 25 jazz albums of the year by the prestigious “All About Jazz”. Her most recent album, “One World One Sun,” was released by Sony Music Direct in 2017. The New York-based Aquarian Weekly magazine chose this album as the best Worldbeat CD of 2017. More recently, nationwide Japanese FM station J-WAVE adopted Hiroe’s arrangements for their station jingle for use on air.
Second Place
“The Unknown Bell II” – Hayley Lam – New York, NY, USA
Hayley Lam is an award-winning composer who specializes in both contemporary jazz and classical music. She began her studies in music at a very young age, earning her Associate Diploma, ATCL Recital Piano from the Trinity College of London when she was just eleven. She then proceeded to earn her Licentiate Diploma, LTCL Recital Piano and Associate Diploma, ATCL Recital Violin a couple of years later. With a profound interest in contemporary and jazz music, she was awarded a scholarship to further her studies at Berklee College of Music.
With her musicianship compared to as "Stravinsky meets Brookmeyer," she was selected as the Finalist at the Seattle Women's Jazz Orchestra (SWOJO) Annual Jazz Composition Contest for Women Composer in 2016. She is also the Global Music Awards (GMA) bronze winner in the Composer and Jazz Big Band category. In 2017, her piano solo work won the Contemporary Piano International Composition Competition held at Athens. She was also selected as the composer showcase winner of the International Jazz Conference JEN at New Orleans. Her other accomplishments include 2018 The American Prize in Composition, 2018 KMEA Composition Competition Winner, 2018 Semi finalist of Maurice Ravel Composition Competition, and many more. 
Third Place
“I’m All Ears”– Mads Mathias – Vancouver, BC, Canada
Mads Mathias is a singer, saxophonist, and composer who was brought up partly in Tanzania and partly in Denmark in a home with 46 musical instruments that he explored from an early age. He began concentrating on playing the piano at the age of seven and saxophone from the age of 11. He played his first gigs as a saxophonist and singer at the age of 14. He later attended the Music Conservatory in Copenhagen, from which he graduated. Since then, he has toured with different bands, among them his own band, Six City Stompers. His album, Free Falling, won him a Danish Music Award for Best New Danish Jazz Artist of the Year.
Honorable Mention
 “Africa Suite” - Andy Atwill, Greg Heath (Andy Atwill) - Gisborne, GI, New Zealand
 “Algebra Of Chaos” - Martino Vercesi - Milan, MI, Italy
 “Biorhythm” - Towa Kitagawa - Yokohama, Japan
 “Harlem Hoedown” - Jason Yeager (Jason Yeager And Jason Anick) - Framingham, MA, USA
 “J-HO, From The Block” - Adam Waldmann (Kairos 4Tet) - London, England
 “Mobius” - Pete Levin - Boston, MA, USA
 “Moon Longing Sun” - EIshin Nose - Otaru, Japan
 “Probing Steps” - Thomas Winther Andersen (Winther-Storm) - Amsterdam, Netherlands
 “Sanctuary City” - Cat Toren (Cat Toren's HUMAN KIND) - Vancouver, BC, Canada
 “Schizma” - Slawek Dudar (Slawek Dudar Quartet) – Poland
 “Step Right Up!” - David Laborier – Luxembourg
 “The Great Journey” - Jonathan Saraga - New York, NY, USA
 “Waterfall” - Mamiko Watanabe - Fukuoka, Japan
  “Word Games” - Bruce Gertz (Bruce Gertz Group) - Melrose, MA, USA
via Blogger https://ift.tt/2HQngMq
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Denouement || Gabriella + Eric
(Set March 21st)  Eric finally tells Gabriella the truth. 
[TW: mentions of the mermaid trap and others, references to murder and violence, but no explicit descriptions]
It was not that Eric had needed the full 24 hours in order to figure out the lake trap situation considering that had been figured out in full within half an hour of that promised time stamp. He had needed it in order to prepare what he was going to say. 
This was why he had needed the time. To figure out how to word it, to explain it all in full without room for error. There was so much to tell, so much he wished he could convey properly but he knew there was no way he would achieve what he wanted to. Whether it was speaking or writing it down, Eric was not someone who could use words to their fullest extent— but he was going to have to try. 
He hadn’t slept that night (how could he?) and by the evening he had finally worked up the nerve to text Gabriella, asking her to meet him at Grim’s address, where he had run from the university to, having needed someone who could understand in full to explain it all to. The man who had remained silent throughout until the end when he had passed by Eric to place a hand on his shoulder and say, You’re doing the right thing, my boy. 
Max had been sticking closer to him throughout, somehow knowing that Eric needed the support. 
The invitation was sent. There was nowhere else to hide and there were no more excuses to give. 
When the text came through that Gabriella was outside the front door he went to open it, unable to help the smile that bloomed on his face at the sight of her. (Maybe it was because this was going to be the last time he did see her.) He waved a hand, welcoming her in. Max wagged his tail, shooting past Eric to greet the newcomer with enthusiasm if only because he remembered her from that summer night when Eric had been in the hospital. 
To be perfectly honest, she had not expected to hear from Eric Andersen ever again. She thought he was going to go get his friends, tell them their jig was up, and then be out of town before the sun could set on them. 
Imagine her surprise when, not even a day later, he was asking her to come over. It made her wonder what his play was here. To lure her somewhere alone so that they could take her out or something?
No, she told herself. No. He wouldn’t do that. She had to believe that. 
Instead, she had made sure people knew where she was going to be that night. Bruce, first and foremost, had gotten that message almost as soon as Eric had texted her. Then she had told Candace where she was going to be but that she would be back later that night, so if she didn’t come back then someone would know for sure. And a few people from dance, who had asked if she’d wanted to hang out that night also got the message that she would be with him that night. They, of course, all sent back cute and excited messages as they had seen him whenever he would come by to get her for their weekly hang out. It sort of made her feel sick, and not in the good way it used to. 
She went, though, as stupid as it sounded to do. But she had to know what he had meant when he said he had been keeping things from her and she had to know who it was that put that thing in the lake. 
Gabriella went to the address she had given her and when he opened the door, smiling softly at her, she almost forgot the context of her visit and this wasn’t just another day for them. The feeling of something brushing against her legs, thankfully, broke her gaze from his and she smiled down at the familiar fluffy dog. She crouched down to greet him, scratching at his head and wrinkling her nose as he tried to lick her cheek. 
When both parties were satisfied she rose back up, looking back at Eric. 
In that moment, Eric also forgot what this was all about. Seeing Gabriella and Max interacting warmed something in his chest because it was just another tick in the box of reasons why Gabriella fit into his life. 
She looked back up at him and he moved out of the way to gesture for her to come inside, Max following beside her. 
Grim walked out from the living room, jacket and hat on his head with the dog’s leash in his hand. Max scrambled over, circling around him to nose at the leash and wiggle with excitement. He smiled at the pair of them, waving to Gabriella as he, too, remembered her from the night at the hospital and had listened to countless descriptions of her from Eric. There was so much he wanted to say to her, as the individual who had saved Eric’s life from certain death— but now was not the time. 
(What if she leaves? Eric had asked him only hours before.
To Grim, he did not think this was such a bad thing. From what he had heard, Gabriella was a very kind person. Kind enough to have dived into the ocean and haul a complete stranger to shore despite knowing the consequences to herself could have been as life threatening. He did not know of all the inner workings of the Order but he knew enough. And if Eric’s tale of what had happened between him and Henry Charming was anything to go by, then he thought it best that the girl get out before anything dire happened.) 
He waved with his free hand before offering it to her as Eric turned sideways, glancing between the pair of them. 
Suddenly, Gabriella felt awkward as the man, who she had learned was Eric’s sort of surrogate parental figure through conversations about their families. Apparently, besides a few cousins, this was all the family Eric had left. She could tell how important he was to Eric and this is what made her feel self conscious because if he was important to Eric then she wanted him to like her. Which was such a stupid thing to be thinking about right now. 
Still, she brushed her hair behind her ear and took his hand in hers to shake. 
It also made her think about her own parents and how they would react if she had brought Eric to meet them. Her mother would think he was adorable, cupping his face in her hands as she looked him over and decided that he didn’t eat enough. Her father would size him up, probably not like him at first until Eric said something stupid enough to break his resolve, making him chuckle and clap Eric on the shoulder too hard. 
Her cousins would pounce on him, the ones closer to her age with questions and the little ones would actually pounce on him, like he was a new toy. And she would watch it all, smiling and laughing to herself but overall pleased as he became a part of the scene with little to no effort. 
But that wouldn’t happen any time soon, not while Avalor was still the way it was. …if her family was even still there, or alive. 
She put a lid on all of that, pushing it out of her mind because who was to say she would even want any of that after tonight? 
Gabriella nodded to Grim and waved to Max, assuming that they were both going on a walk. She didn’t know if this was a good thing or not, being left alone in this house with Eric. 
“Come on, Max. Let’s leave them to it.” The dog agreed, prancing past the two of them to go sit by the door, tail wagging against the floor as he waited patiently. Grim put the harness on over his head, having to bend over to clip it, and then opened the front door to step outside. He poked his head back inside for a moment to give Eric a final small smile. “Good luck.” 
The door shut quietly, the shuffling of their feet fading into the evening. 
He looked back at Gabriella, swallowing— there was no more distractions left, nothing besides his own excuses if he had any left to give. There was always something that could be, lies could be made in an instant. He didn’t like lying, though, and had been doing it to her for so long now that it wasn’t fair to continue the trend right when they were at the edge of the truth. 
Pressing his lips together he continued into the house, gesturing to the living room. Whether that meant you can sit or it’s free to roam was up to her. Eric held up a finger and then disappeared down the hall to Grim’s office to fetch the things he needed. 
First, the bag of books. He had wanted to rip them into shreds as soon as he walked in last night, still hot off of his conversation with Henry. He’d stopped himself (just barely) and decided that he would need them for this, instead. Second, the letter. 
It was his confession. He had written everything down, knowing that he wouldn’t be able to do so one at a time over texts as she asked one question after the next— so he had gotten it all out beforehand. 
He returned with both of them in hand, chest having begun to rise and fall faster as the moment drew nearer. 
Eric placed the bag on the coffee table, turning to face Gabriella. He didn’t hesitate to hand her the letter, papers all folded up neatly into a blank envelope. Taking out his phone, he texted her, This is everything. If you have any questions afterwards you can ask me. But read that first. 
She peered around, nodding as he held up a finger and walked down a hallway to turn into a room. At first she was going to keep her eyes firmly on that hallway to make sure he didn’t come out of it bearing a weapon or that no one else followed him out of it. But then, as she glanced around to find an exit strategy, her attention was caught on photos. Gabriella approached a shelf that was home to a few alongside books and a stack of mail. 
One was of Eric and Max, the other of a much younger Eric, dressed in what looked like a school uniform, and Grim. It made her let out an amused huff, seeing his hair brushed back off his forehead in some attempt to tame it for whatever this event they were going to was. She reached out to touch the frame, smiling despite herself. 
Movement made her look up, quickly retracting her hand to cross her arms over her chest. Eric approached her with a bag that looked like it was too small for the amount of stuff that was inside of it and an envelope. She took the letter when it was held out to her, eyebrows scrunched up. 
Then Eric had his phone out, typing something. She got out her phone in time to see his text notif pop up. 
Gabriella sat down on the couch behind her, on the edge of the cushion, and pulled the pages out. They were filled with his handwriting. Everything, his message had said. Her stomach turned over with nerves. 
She glanced up at him one last time, knowing that whatever she was about to read was going to change this for her, for better or for worse. Finally, with a deep inhale that expanded her ribs, she began to read. 
Dear Gabriella, 
I am sorry for the burden I am about to unbare onto you. But it’s what you’ve asked for and it’s the answers you deserve to know and that I should not have kept from you all this time. There’s no easy way of getting into any of this so I’ll spare you anymore of my procrastinating. 
Henry was the one who put the trap in the lake. I didn’t know until yesterday and had nothing to do with it knowingly, though I think I could have stopped him had I not been an ignorant git. For that, I’m sorry to the both of you. I know you wanted to go to the police but I would warn you against it as his family are lawyers who would probably ruin any chance of getting you the justice you seek. As well as only earning you a spot on their radar for going against their son, which I would beg you not to put yourself in that position of danger at the risk of your secret and life. 
As for my role in all of it, he used my family’s books to help him. I don’t know to what extent but he took them from me for some period of time, long enough to have read them at least. My family were hunters. A long time ago they decided that mermaids were dangerous creatures that lived in the oceans and were going to dedicate themselves to hunting them all down. Which they did. They learned, they wrote it down, and they passed it all down from one person to the next. Every son was taught by his father how to hunt and kill a mermaid. 
Point is, I was one of those sons. I am one of those sons. I have hunted and I have killed mermaids. I thought it was the right thing to do, had been told it was all my life. I had been on a hunting trip that night of the boat wreck. 
When you saved me, you saved me from more than just drowning. 
After that my whole world changed. I had been taught for years that all mermaids were killers who wouldn’t hesitate to drag you under. So if that was wrong, what else could I have been wrong about? In order to find out I let everyone I know believe I’d sunk with the ship and came here, to Swynlake, to figure it all out. 
That night at the lake I was trying to capture the creature, but not kill it. I wanted to see if I could talk to it, if it could be talked to. I had no intention of hurting it. And then there you were, saving me all over again. 
Ever since the wreck I have been trying to do better and be better. At first I was doing it because of you, thinking that maybe you were just an exception to the rule. Instead I found out that I had been lied to my entire life and that I had allowed myself to be, too. I had gladly put on the blinders and kept my head down without so much as thinking that I could look up for any reason unless ordered to. When I finally did, I found out that not only was the world so much more than I had thought but that I could bear the weight of my past inside of it once I accepted that reality simply was what it was instead of someone else’s made up version of it. And I knew that I could no longer hold you as the thing responsible for me wanting to change. The only person who can do that for me is myself. So I did. At least, I hope I have. I’m still working on it, but I never intend to stop so long as I live.
When I asked to be your friend I had been hoping to repay the debt I felt I owed you in some way. Really, I had just wanted to know you. You were such a mystery for so long that I thought I had dreamed it all up sometimes. My intentions had been to see how wrong my family had been about mermaids, the addition of friendship was just an added bonus. In reality, the opposite had become true. Our friendship became more important than proving them wrong. You became more important than that to me. 
If this is the last time we are to meet then I feel I must be truthful about everything, given this chance. I care about you very deeply. I know that this will change everything between us as I have known it would since the moment I decided to keep it from you. That was wrong of me, I’m sorry, but I’m not sorry I’ve gotten to know you as I have over these past months. Now that you’ve been in my life I could not imagine it without you. I don’t expect anything in return but you wanted the truth and I can’t in good conscience keep it to myself any longer than I already have. 
I make no plea for you to forgive me for what I’ve done. Any of it, all of it. Whatever you do with this is your decision alone. 
It took her some time to get through the letter, both due to the content and that it was not her first language. Though she did not look up from the pages at any point, sometimes she had to stop reading it just to take a breath and tell herself she needed to get to the end. When she finally did her throat felt tight and her fingers had gone cold, shaking as they held the pages between them. 
The realization didn't just hit Gabriella, it trampled all over her, making her feel dazed and wrung out. She felt like she was in a haze as she tried to comb through all this information and make sense of any of it. 
Eric Andersen was the villain of the stories her parents and uncles and aunts would tell their children of. Poachers in their boats, roaming the surface of the waters to lure in mermaids and kill them without any mercy. He and his family were a part of the reason she had to keep that part of her a secret, to hide it away and resent it because it would brand her as a monster, something to fear. When, really, it was people like him that should scare people. 
She blinked, not even realizing she had begun to cry. Out of anger or fear or hurt, it didn’t matter. It was spilling out of her now. How could she have done this? Fallen for someone who had killed merfolk? 
All that time she had looked at him and thought, thank goodness. Thank goodness I saved him. Now she didn’t know what to think. Because how? How could someone as sweet and funny and ridiculous as Eric be capable of all that he had admitted to? 
Gabriella looked up, but not at him, to the bag that was on the table in front of her. Setting the letter aside she opened it up to reveal books all shoved inside. She took one out, the smell of leather and old ink filling her nose. It rested on her lap as she flipped through it. Entries of hunting trips were logged between the pages. She slammed it shut and moved on to the next, finding diagrams of nets and traps, drawings of mermaids inside them with descriptions of how to build them. 
Finally she allowed herself to find Eric. Gabriella wished she could be angry, hoping that it would flare up inside of her so she could do something instead of just sitting there staring at him like the idiot she was. That he made her feel like. 
He had taken a few steps back, unable to sit, and stood next to the fireplace across the way. His arms were folded on his chest, one hand covering his mouth as he tried not to watch her but feeling like it was the only thing he could do. Her reaction was as expected— the harrowing look of betrayal as she finally looked up at him was as painful as a kick in the chest. 
Twice he had seen it in the span of a day. First Henry, now Gabriella. He didn’t know how much more he could stand to lose. 
That had been his reasoning behind what all he had done, wasn’t it? To ignore Henry’s words? To have kept everything from Gabriella? It had all been because he hadn’t wanted to lose them. Yet here he was, one after the other it felt like he had never been farther than them, even when Henry had believed him to be dead and Gabriella just a vague waterlogged memory in his mind. 
That was the thing about life, though. As he had said it was an acceptance of what was, not what someone wanted it to be. Even himself. He couldn’t control everything, especially the actions of others— but he could control his own. 
He moved, steps quick to get him into the kitchen to grab the lighter that was on top of the fridge, and then was back at the fireplace, kneeling in front of it. He moved the curtains out of the way to stick his hand in and open the flue. Then he threw the valve to let the gas through, his other hand reaching in to click the button on the lighter and flames shot out before stabilizing with the flow. Eric stood and turned his head back to Gabriella, eyes flickering to the books in her lap. 
She watched as Eric ran off until he was out of sight then shut her eyes to accept it. Fine. Fine, if he wanted to be a coward and not face the consequences of his actions then he was not the person she thought he was. After everything, she thought maybe…but now- 
When she opened her eyes Eric was crouched in front of the fireplace, the burst of warmth hitting her from where she sat. Gabriella blinked at it then up at him when he got back up. His eyes looked down at the books. His family’s books that had probably been around for hundreds of years, judging by the way they looked and the handwriting in them. Passed down from one generation to the next. Heirlooms to them, prized possessions, ties to the past that could never be recreated or found anywhere else. And he wanted to burn them? 
No, he wanted her to burn them. 
She pressed her lips together and looked back down at the pages. This was evidence. This was history. Proof of the things he and his family had done. She could take them, she knew he would let her. His letter had said so. 
Did she want that, though? To prove that he was the bad guy he had already claimed to be? 
He had said he wanted to change. That he was changing and that she could believe from the time they had spent together. It made her wonder what he had been like before. The photo, sitting on the table, had he been a killer then? Only a child who had been taught how to do such horrible things? 
He was still young now, wasn’t he? They both were. His birthday had come and gone at the top of the year, something she had been annoyed to learn after the fact and had made a note to remember for the next one. Could she really blame him for following in the footsteps of those who had been supposed to give him a life of love and protection, when instead they had brought him up to be a murderer? The more she thought about that the more she could wrap her brain around it because she had been a kid she had thought her parents were bigger than giants. If he had thought the same, then why would he question them? 
Until she had given him a reason to. 
He had faked his death. He had run away from everything he knew. I’m trying to be better and do better. 
She didn’t want to give him a reason to stop. 
She stood up, one of the books in her hand, and slowly crossed the distance to stand beside him in front of the fireplace. Gabriella looked up at Eric, eyes searching his own. The reflection of the flames cast the gray of them in a warm glow. 
It all came down to whether or not she believed him. If she believed that he had really done all of this soul searching and wanted to make amends for the things he had done. If he really did care about her the way he said he did. 
Gabriella turned and threw the book into the fire. 
He tried to keep steady as she approached him but his breathing became shallow, shaky, evidence of that found in the way his chest stuttered on every inhale. Eric didn’t break eye contact when she looked up at him, not wanting her to think he was trying to hide anything else— it was all out there now. Everything he was, everything he had been. No more secrets.
She tossed the book forward and the flames engulfed it. It landed face open, the pages down on the flames. Probably for the best since the paper went up quickly. The leather merely shrunk, the edges of it curling up from the heat instead of burning alongside the rest. 
Once that one was gone Eric turned around the grab the bag, hauling it over by the strap to rest at their feet. He took hold of the next one and threw it in next. One by one they put them in to burn, their information going up in smoke that was released out into the evening air. (The people around them were probably wondering who had a fire going when winter weather was no longer a talking point.) Then there was none left. Only the ashes at the bottom of the pit and his own memories of them that would eventually fade with time. 
He thought he would have felt guilty for having done that to his family, that something like regret may have turned up in his chest after they were actually gone and it would never be able to sit right with him. Instead he felt— free. 
Using the key (because while he was stupid enough to just use his hand to turn off the gas valve, he didn’t want to break whatever this was by going and burning himself) to turn off the valve. The flames were gone in an instant, only the dying light of a few embers still flickered inside the fireplace. 
Eric turned to Gabriella, waiting to see what her next move would be. 
It was cathartic for her, too, to see the books burn and to know that the information inside of them could never be used to hurt merfolk ever again. 
Then the fire turned off. Then Eric was looking at her and she was looking back up at him, wondering to herself what she was going to do. 
To answer her own questions, she found that she did believe him. That he was trying to change for the better, that he wanted to make amends for all the pain and suffering he and his family had no doubt caused from all they had done. He was a sincere person and it was hard to think that his letter had come from a place of anywhere else. She also believed that he did care about her. If he had been bold enough to confront his friend about the trap, because yes even she had learned about the yelling match between the two of them last night since word got around fast in the dorms, then it seemed as though he was true to his word. 
She cared about him, too. But she hated it in that moment. 
It felt like betrayal to her kind. To her family, to Aquata, to Bruce. How could she continue to spend time with him knowing what she did now? The answer seemed simple, she couldn’t. 
Pressing her lips together when she felt her chin start to wobble she almost reached out to touch him, hand coming up blindly. Maybe, she thought, maybe…
Gabriella closed her eyes as tears blurred over her vision, using her sleeve to swipe them off her cheeks before they got away. She took out her phone out and texted him, I never want to see you again. 
Without looking back at him, forcing herself into this decision, she stepped back over to gather up the letter and walked past him to get out the front door and out into the night. She hugged herself, hands clutching at the fabric of her shirt at her sides as she finally let herself cry, feet carrying her back to the dorms. 
True to his word, the decision was hers and Eric let her go. The instinct to follow her only got as far as his feet turning him to watch the front door slam in her wake, the sound echoing in his chest. 
She had pulled out her phone, presumably to text him something— he didn’t need to read it to know what it had said. He stood there for a long moment because maybe if he didn’t move then she would come back, see that nothing had changed in her absence, and would realize she could change her mind. 
In fact, the door did open and he breathed in, thinking, hoping— 
Max came barreling in. 
“Max!” Grim’s scolding voice came first, followed by his person. Max came to Eric, the leash dragging along behind him on the floor. “Sorry, he got away from me as I was opening the door. I was just—” 
He stopped what he was doing (taking off his hat and jacket) as soon as he saw the look on Eric’s face. His eyes scanned the area around him, dipping forward to check the room to find that he was alone. Ah. 
“She left.” His voice was quiet, more air than sound. Grim had heard it plenty of times before. The boy sniffled, tilting his head back as he tried to hide away his emotions and put on a brave face. “I uhm— I don’t think she’s coming back.” 
“Oh, Eric.” He came forward, tossing his things on the chair in favor of gathering Eric up in a hug. “I’m sorry.” 
Eric stayed rigid for a few seconds before he loosened, his weight falling forward against him as he curled his arms around Grim with an almost too tight grip, fingers winding into his shirt. Grim sighed, glancing around the room. There were no signs of damage and he had not seen any signs of cuts or scraps on Eric’s face (the only wound he had sustained could not be seen by blood or broken skin), so it must not have been a very violent ending. Not that he had thought it would have been. 
The only thing different about the room was the fireplace. The screen was open and embers still glowed among the ashes. 
Grim pulled away, holding Eric by his shoulders to repeat his words from earlier and hope they actually sank in this time. “You did the right thing.” 
Eric shook his head slightly, mouth pulling into a deep frown. “It doesn’t feel like it. She hates me.” 
“Did she say that?” 
“She didn’t have to.” 
“Well, even so, you could not have kept this from her forever— give it some time. Who knows what it will bring.” Grim tightened his hold before letting go. “I’m proud of you.” 
“Don’t be.” 
“I am, anyway.” He smiled when Eric looked up, eyes glassy, to glare at him though it held no real heat. Max gave a little woof catching both of their attention. He wagged his tail, head tilted back to get the fur to fall back and reveal his eyes. “I think someone’s feeling a bit left out.” 
Eric knelt down, hand unfastening the clip and pulling the harness off of him. “Come on, then.” 
Grim stayed back to watch him lead Max off into the kitchen to no doubt get him a treat of some sort, letting his own nerves run their course under the lack of scrutiny. Time. All this would need time. Whether that was to mend or heal would remain to be seen. He followed after the boy and his dog, ready to gripe at the pair of them as soon as he heard the fridge open. 
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creativemedicinehtw · 7 years
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“Candace Jean Andersen wanted to write a picture book about the Marine Mammal Protection Act of 1972, so she asked the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration for some information. It sent her an article on the subject. There, buried in dozens of pages of dense text, was a photograph of attendees at the 1971 International Conference on the Biology of Whales in Virginia, a gathering of some of the most prominent experts in marine biology. The 38 people pictured appeared to be mostly white and all men, except for one: a young black woman wearing a bright headband, her face partly obscured by the man in front of her.” #blackwomenmatter #blackgirlsrock #blackgirlmagic #hiddenfigures
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pinlink-pr · 7 years
How Smithsonian Helped Solve the Twitter Mystery of the Unknown Woman Scientist
How Smithsonian Helped Solve the Twitter Mystery of the Unknown Woman Scientist
Illustrator Candace Jean Andersen was researching a picture book on the Marine Mammal Protection Act of 1972 when she came across a photograph taken during a scientific conference. Her eyes locked on the only woman pictured, who also happened to be the only person who wasn’t identified in the photo by name and title.
“Seeing this lone woman in the group, I wanted to know who she was,” Anderson…
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lindecares · 7 years
Linde Opens New Hydrogen Fueling Station in San Ramon, California.
Linde North America, Inc., opened its new hydrogen fueling retail station in San Ramon, California. This is Linde’s third retail station in the state and is located at 4475 Norris Canyon Road, just east of Interstate 680.
Coinciding with the National Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Day, a grand ribbon-cutting ceremony was organized by Linde, Toyota, and the California Fuel Cell Partnership (CaFCP) on Oct 10, at the newly constructed station. Attendees included State senator Steve Glazer, Assemblywoman Catherine Baker, John Kato, Deputy Director of Fuels & Transportation, California Energy Commission; Mayor Bill Clarkson, City of San Ramon; senior management from Toyota Motors North America and Bishop Ranch officials.  Linde’s Michael Beckman, Vice President of Key Customers and H2 Fueling represented Linde along with other members of his team. Bill Elrick from the California Fuel Cell Partnership emceed the event.  
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(L to R):  Bill Elrick, CaFCP Executive Director; Catherine Baker, Assembly Member; Candace Andersen, Contra Costa County Supervisor; Steve Glazer, State Senator; Dawn Mercer, National Manager of  Advanced Technology Vehicle Marketing - Toyota; Phil Serna, Air Resources Board member and Sacramento county supervisor; Michael Beckman, VP/Head of Key Customers & H2 Fueling Technology, Linde Americas; Bill Clarkson, Mayor of San Ramon; Stewart Bambino, San Ramon Chamber Executive Director and,  John Kato, Deputy Director of Fuels & Transportation, California Energy Commission. 
The San Ramon station will be operated by Linde. In 2015, Linde, Toyota and the Bishop Ranch business park received a grant from the California Energy Commission development to help establish the station, the first of its kind in Contra Costa.
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Linde is a global leader in H2 fueling technology and has built the largest hydrogen fueling infrastructure in the world, with more than 150 hydrogen fueling stations in 15 countries. For more information, visit http://bit.ly/LindeHydrogen
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