#local 2100
jaegeraether · 24 days
Sunsets and footballers (Part 85)
Alexia Putellas x Character (41)
Masterlist (other parts here)
Due to popular demand, I'm going to post a chapter bi-weekly, every Thursday and Sunday night until we hit Part 100!
Ridley was staring at Alexia’s thigh, desperate to reach out and rest her hand there. If only they were at that stage. There was a good chance she wouldn’t have brushed her off, but Alexia had made it quite clear where she stood.
She was strong, independent and proud. She’d let Ridley know she’d fucked up, and would need to earn her back. Luckily for her, Ridley was patient, and her mind was already made up. It was made up when she knelt in front of her in that plane. When she’d asked her to come with her. When she’d let Sasha see her, and vice versa. Ridley was fine with playing the long game. She just so happened to be fighting with her usually iron-clad discipline which seemed to be wavering the longer she spent with her.
Watching her tanned thigh reflecting the setting sun as she sat next to her in shorts. Watching her body in nothing but bikini bottoms as she strode through the water at the beach. Watching her sleep in the plane, her cheek cuddled against Ridley’s hand as she held it. And she’d never forget the show she’d put on for her just a few hours prior. Fuck. She almost ripped the arms off the chair.
The way her body moved. The way she used her to get what she wanted. And not only that, but to prove her point.
‘Earn me, Lee.’
Ridley had already planned on that. And she’d already known that she’d never take her for granted again. She was Alexia. And she deserved much more than how closed off Ridley had been thus far.
“Set the new MDA.”
She watched as Alexia put in the new minimum descent altitude and smiled at her eagerness. She’d be taking her on many more flights in the future, and Alexia was a quick learner thus far.
“I have control.” She said in English.
“You have control.”
Most definitely a quick learner.
Ridley flew down the approach until they could see the lights of the runway and continued as per the arrival procedure. Alexia watched interested the entirety of the time, whilst stroking Chiquito. She did wonder if they should leave him on the island, but he was too well behaved, and to be honest, she still felt guilty for leaving him. She loved him.
“No… water?” Alexia asked, staring at the lights and realising it was a bitumen runway.
“This is an amphibious aircraft. It can land on both.”
“But… how?”
Ridley couldn’t help her own smirk. She answered without words. As she was approaching her DA, she called, “Gear down,” and selected it.
Alexia watched out the window as the landing gear extended from the floats on the aircraft with wonder. She’d officially caught the flying bug, and Ridley was loving every second.
They landed around 2100 local time, and parked up the aircraft in a hangar that she’d been given for use by the Thai military. She’d done a bit of work with them, and they were aware of her current situation. While they were in their country, they were under their protection. Everybody was on alert.
The public, however, did not need to know.
They’d offered her the hangar so as to keep the aircraft private and limit her exposure. She already felt uncomfortable having to come into town, but she knew they were safe.
They were picked up in a ‘taxi’ and brought to town. The taxi was just that, though the driver was also military, dressed as a civilian. Alexia didn’t need to know that.
“Thank you!” She said as she exited the vehicle. Ridley exchanged glances with him in the rearview mirror as he handed her a card with a number to call for their ride back.
“Thank you,” she murmured in Thai and exited.
As she did so, she scoped the surroundings, tense. There were many people. That meant many opportunities for danger. She needed to back them into a corner.
Ridley moved right up against Alexia who looked at her with those intelligent hazel eyes of hers. She could tell Ridley was nervous, though she wondered if she knew why.
Ridley leant in to kiss Chiquito as he sat on the footballers shoulder.
“It’s busy,” she murmured.
“You should have seen the fake festival a few nights ago.”
“The fake one?”
Ridley gave her a reassuring smile as she took her arm and led her through the crowd towards a specific shop in the corner.
“The festivals are religious, and very popular with tourists,” she explained. “They celebrate Yee Peng, the floating lanterns in the sky, and Loy Krathong, the floating lanterns down the river to honour Buddha. They tend to happen on the same day – the 12th full moon of the year. Yee Peng is a celebration to ask for good luck and wisdom. Loy Krathong honours the water goddess and frees you from the sins and burdens of your past. At midnight, we release our floating lanterns into the sky at Tha Phae Gate, and then we make the journey down to the Mae Ping River to release the Krathong.” A man stumbled backward and she stopped, letting him fall past in front of them before continuing. Alexia hit her back with sound that Ridley very much enjoyed in her ear. “This tends to be done separately, and there are thousands of tourists who show up. But the locals are smart. They choose a date that looks like the full moon and have their festivals for the outsiders. They leave a day in between before the actual full moon.” She stopped at their destination and found who she wanted to. He nodded at her with a smile. They’d met before, and he knew she always came every year.
“So they trick the tourists into a fake celebration so they can celebrate alone?”
“But what about the full moon? They can’t hide that.”
“People can’t tell the difference between a 99% moon, and a full one.” She took hold of Alexia’s jaw gently, relishing the feel of her skin, and tilted it up to the full moon. Her eyes widened and her mouth opened. Ridley couldn’t look away from her.
“It’s full.”
“Tonight is the real festival for locals and friends only, ” she murmured lowly enough that Alexia turned back to her with a smile. Ridley turned to the man who was sitting with his items in between his feet. “Alexia, this is Kiet.” She said in Spanish, and switched to Thai. “Kiet, this is Alexia.”
He nodded politely and gestured to the seat in front of him. Alexia looked to Ridley who nodded and then sat. She sat next to her.
“Kiet is a monk. He doesn’t speak. He’s going to help us to make our khom loi sky lantern and our floating krathong.”
She gave an excited smile. There she is. That was Alexia. Not the person she had to be for the cameras.
“Much better than buying them. This is respectful, and traditional. I’ll make the sky lantern, and you the krathong with Kiet. Follow along with him.”
She did exactly that as Ridley made the sky lantern like she’d done many times before. Alexia seemed to notice.
“You’ve done that before…” She was wanting information. More of Ridley.
“Every year I’m here celebrating with Kiet and the locals.”
Alexia’s surprised eyes met hers and flashed with something similar to sympathy. Did she think she came here because she didn’t have a family?
She looked over Alexia’s shoulder and saw Chiquito introducing himself to the local cats. He’d only ever been with her once, last year. He was very young and a lot more shy then, and so she didn’t know if he’d remember it. He did, of course, and then he wandered out further to where Ridley spotted a familiar face. She gave a wink of an acknowledgement and looked back to her task at hand.
Ridley finished her sky lantern quickly, and Alexia looked a little disheartened.
“It’s much, much more simple and less significant than the krathong, Lex,” she reassured. “Most first-timers can take five hours to make one of those. You’re doing exceptionally. Even Kiet looks impressed.”
That earnt her a grateful smile with… maybe a little blush? Ridley couldn’t stop herself from reaching out and touching her cheek gently where it reddened.
She caught herself before Alexia could say anything. “I’m going to get us some drinks. Do you have a preference?”
“Anything will do.”
She looked at Kiet and gestured a drink. He gave a wordless smile and nod.
Ridley stood gingerly, feeling the strain of her stitches and walked over to the familiar vendor with the drinks.
“So she’s the one, huh?” Duce asked as she pet Chiquito. “The one to tame our feisty Romeo.”
Ridley rolled her eyes. “What are you doing here?”
“We needed to know you were safe,” she gestured over at Becks who was hiding in the corner, eating. They exchanged a knowing look, though their expressions didn’t change. He was the only person who she’d seem eat more than Lucy. Understandable for such a big guy.
“The Pa Wai are hanging around,” she said, her eyes wandering and locating them one by one. The Pa Wai Airborne were the special forces of the Thai military, and they’d worked with them on more than multiple occasions.
Duce nodded as she fixed her drinks. “We saw that. They’re looking nervous.”
“Should they be? I assume you have an update.”
“My update is to stay on the fucking island. No transponder.”
“That bad?”
Duce caught her eye and it was serious.
“Mmnhmn. He’s going after you. The price he has on your head has all sorts of people coming out of the woodworks.”
“Alexia’s family…” She looked over at the Spaniard who was laughing with Kiet, as he gave her a thumbs up. She looked over at Ridley which made her melt. She was happy, and wanted to share it with her. When she looked away again, Ridley’s jaw locked.
“We’re on lockdown. The general is in contact with the special forces in Spain. They’re keeping a close eye on her family. They won’t be touched. Before you say anything – Blue and Lucy are also well taken care of with the SAS. Along with their family and friends.”
Ridley’s jaw twitched and tightened further. She’s mentioned Blue, of course. But never Lucy. Obviously they all kept tabs on each other, but it was a little confronting to hear it out loud.
“They’re safe then?”
She nodded, “All teams are on board. Bashir now has a shoot to kill order. He’s number one.”
Replacing his dad already. She knew he’d be an issue.
“So what you’re saying is that we can’t leave the island until he’s dead?”
Duce took a deep breath as she put the drinks up on top of the cart. Her eyes flickered to Alexia and back to Ridley. “I know it’s not ideal, but we need you to stay there as long as possible. My team is tracking him. We’re getting more help than I’ve ever thought possible. You have some powerful friends, Romes. It’s only a matter of time.”
Her business. All of the favours she’d done. The things she’d accomplished when it shouldn’t have been possible. If her business went down, it would effect almost every business with an aircraft in the world, including the military contracts.
“Alexia needs to get back to train and play.”
“What are you giving me to work with?”
She took a moment to think. “Until the seventh.”
“Just over a week…” she pondered, thinking. Ridley knew her brain was calculating whether they’d be successful by then.
“Alexia needs to be back fresh and training by the 8th. Barca play on the 9th.”
“You can always call management directly and go above everyone’s head.”
Her eyes found Alexia again as she crafted her krathong. Chiquito rubbed his head against Ridley’s cheek and then returned to the footballer. “I’ve thought of that… but I’m not going to mess with her career. She needs to be back for her mental health. She thrives around friends. And she needs to get back playing again. She’s going through a mental block with her knee at the moment. She’s worried it’s going to go again. It’s not. I need her to strengthen it and get back to confident la Reina again. She won’t be satisfied until she gets that back.”
When she didn’t receive a response, she turned to see Duce’s sly grin. “You really love her.”
Ridley’s response was to turn back to Alexia and watch her again.
“Becks was right to push you towards her,” Duce admitted. She looked around before quickly pressing a kiss to Ridley’s cheek, hard. “We love you, Romes. We’ll do everything to keep you and your girl safe. Stay off grid. I’ll give Sash the updated message when you switch back aircraft on the seventh.”
“Thanks, Duce.”
She rolled her eyes as she picked up the three drinks. “Love you too.”
“Girl, you have it bad. Old Romes would have told me to fuck off,” she chuckled with a wink.
Ridley let out a defeated groan as she wandered back over to the pair, placing their drinks in front of them.
Just before midnight, Ridley stood opposite Alexia inside the old walled city of Chiang Mai, right by Tha Phae Gate. It was much less crowded than when the tourists were around, and much more respectful and quiet. She clocked Duce, Becks and a few others and relaxed a little as she looked at the woman opposite her.
She held the lantern Ridley had made, and looked confused at the small bowl the Australian was extending towards her.
“Wax, for the fire.” She gestured to the hollow ring in the centre at the bottom.
Alexia covered it with wax, and Ridley couldn’t help but enjoy the sight of her fingers spreading it on.
“And now?”
“Now we wait,” she murmured. “We’ll release it together.”
The clock struck 11:59pm and Ridley took Alexia’s free hand in her own, placing the lighter in it, and covering her hand. When the other lanterns started to light up, she flicked their lighter on and together they raised it to light their lantern.
When midnight struck, Ridley’s eyes were on Alexia and Alexia alone as they released it together. Her head tilted back, the smile on her face heartwarming as she watched it float away with wonder. She closed her eyes. To make a wish, perhaps? She couldn’t help but take a photo to preserve the memory.
When she opened her eyes, they were staring straight at Ridley. She didn’t hide the feelings she knew were portrayed obviously on her face.
Only then did she let herself look up at their lantern floating away, and she herself, made a wish against the sea of lanterns rising in the sky.
They were towards the front of the procession for the kilometre walk down to the river. The krathong Alexia had made was beautiful and better than she’d ever made one. It was traditional, made from banana stems and leaves, with incense and lotus flowers, and a candle in the middle. When the banks were lined with the local procession, they lit their candles one by one, and together again, gently placed it in the river. Chiquito stepped down from Alexia’s shoulder and put his paw on it, patting it. They watched as it floated away, taking the negativity of sin and burden with it, she hoped. She couldn’t help but take another photo of her.
As they stood close, watching the stunning image of the krathongs floating away with the river, Alexia reached out and took her hand. Ridley twitched, her body not liking that she wouldn’t have a hand free should she need it but she shoved that aside and interlaced their fingers, holding her hand and stroking the back with her thumb. Alexia relaxed against her. She was tired, and ready for sleep.
Kiet came to them before they left and took Ridley’s wrist, tying a white cotton bracelet around it, like he did every year. She thanked him. He turned to Alexia and gestured for hers. She extended it, trustingly, and he did the same. She followed in Ridley’s footsteps by thanking him. He put a hand over his heart in a gesture of goodbye and disappeared into the crowd. She’d see him next year.
Alexia turned to Ridley with a question in her eyes.
“It’s called a sai sin bracelet and it symbolises purity. The thread is blessed by monks. It’s said to provide protection and good health.”
She looked back down at the bracelet and inspected it further.
Ridley took that opportunity to text the ‘taxi’ driver.
She squeezed her hand and led her back through the crowd of locals, acknowledging her friends with her eyes. Alexia held onto her hand and the back of her shirt as they waded through the people, Ridley very much on the lookout.
They met the taxi where it’d dropped them, and he drove them straight back to the airport.
When they arrived, and Alexia had gotten out, she reached over with some money to pay him, and clapped hands as a sign of respect. This was how the world worked, really. Alliances. Friendships.
Alexia fell asleep on the flight back, her high cheekbones reflecting the full moon as she gently slept, her head facing Ridley and her lips parted slightly. She woke during the descent and looked out over the blackened water.
“You’re allowed to land on water at night?”
“No unless it’s an emergency or you’re exceptionally well trained.”
She turned to Ridley with an eyebrow raised and rolled her eyes at the cocky grin she received.
“It’s a full moon. You should see it when there’s none at all.”
They landed around 0400 and Ridley taxied them in carefully, turning the engines off and floating up to the buoy where she tied off.
They used the dinghy to get back to shore, and once there, Ridley pulled it up onto the sand.
Once back inside their cabin, she could relax. Their phones had their batteries removed. She hadn’t used a transponder during the flight. There was no way to track them there. They were safe.
She let out a sigh as she removed her shirt and bra.
From nowhere, two hands slid around her waist, and a body pressed up against her back. She could feel Alexia was naked from the waist up and let out a small groan as her tension eased.
The Spaniard placed a lingering kiss to the top of her spine and then hugged her for what seemed like an eternity and not long enough all at once.
Alexia let go, only to take her hand and lead her to the bed, and onto it. Ridley lay down and Alexia moved on top of her, straddling her hips with her hands on her abs. They spoke more in looks than in words.
She leant forwards, her blonde hair framing their faces, giving them privacy from the outside world as her lips found hers.
It was soft at first. Loving. It slowly grew to beyond that though, as more of their emotions for each other seeped through. Ridley’s hands found her hips and Alexia stopped immediately, pulling back. She took Ridley’s hands and placed them up the bed, shaking her head.
She wasn’t ready to let her touch her again just yet.
Alexia’s mouth found hers again, kissing and eventually their tongues met, brushing over each other as they exchanged so many deep, longing feelings between them.
Her fucking mouth.
She’d dream about that again.
Alexia broke off their kiss to move her mouth down her body, exploring over her skin. She kissed and stroked her way down, taking her time, stopping to suck her nipples and focus love onto the areas that held impurities like her scars and tattoos.
She looked up at her for each one, a question in her eyes, and Ridley knew she’d ask about them one day. But not today. Today Alexia’s expression showed that they wouldn’t be having a conversation for the rest of the night. Not verbally, anyways.
As she reached past her hips, she wriggled Ridley’s shorts and underwear off, discarding them onto the floor.
What had she done to deserve this? Fuck.
Alexia worked her way down her legs and back up, being gentle with her injury, and then giving much more attention to her inner thighs which she settled between.
Ridley spread her legs without shame, because what was there to be ashamed about? She had a good body. Everything was natural and normal. She felt safe and comfortable around Alexia. And she certainly wasn’t ashamed by the state her body was in just being around her.
Alexia’s eyes found her core and darkened, her attention taken completely. She put Ridley’s good thigh over her shoulder as her mouth found her and the excitement she’d drawn from her.
At the feel of her lips and tongue lapping up her wetness, she moaned, her eyes shutting.
She wanted to grab Alexia’s hair to hold her there. To guide her. But she was being good. As her tongue entered her, Ridley’s body shuddered and Alexia moved with her, with one hand holding her by the waist and the other flat on her abdomen as if to hold her down.
She moved up and latched onto her clit, starting slowly and working her up to a state where Ridley had to grab at the bedhead above her to not use her hands. Her cast hand complained but she completely ignored it, instead letting herself be taken by the overwhelming distraction that was Alexia eating her out.
“F…fuck. Lex.” She let herself groan so vocally.
Alexia seemed encouraged by that and her efforts increased somehow as she moaned her excitement into her cunt. She worked Ridley right up to the point of strangled gasps, whimpers and moans, and held her body still as she came into her mouth with a large, much-needed release of tension.
Ridley couldn’t remember the last time she’d ever come like that. Or the last time she hadn’t controlled her orgasm.
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reasonsforhope · 1 year
Is it true some parts will be under water in 2025? I'm kinda of worried cause someone told me about it bc it was on the news
Eh, not really. Like, technically, but that's a very dramatic way to put it.
What that person told you about was probably this prediction, which says that some roads on some of the Florida Keys might be underwater by 2025.
Does that suck? Yes. But it's also pretty limited in scope.
(And by the way, that's probably not "underwater all the time." There will probably be a number of years of "the roads will be underwater at high tide specifically." I can't currently find a source on this, but that's how tides work, and the Florida Keys article does specifically mention them as a main problem.)
The areas in danger first are pretty universally small, very low islands. Actually, a dozen or so small islands have already gone underwater in the Pacific Ocean, but very importantly, none of those islands were inhabited.
They were mostly small reef islands (that is, the entire island is exposed coral reef detritus) and other uninhabited shoals. Mostly, they were so small scientists had to check old satellite images to even figure out that they disappeared. Literally, we're talking about chunks of land that are just 100 square meters/300 square feet. Again, not great, but still very limited in scope.
As this Live Science article thankfully explains, it's pretty unlikely that any countries at all will disappear before 2100.
Also, just because land is below sea level doesn't mean it will be underwater, and there are very real steps we can take to defend a lot of endangered cities/islands.
For example:
Much of the Netherlands is already below sea level, but the country isn't disappearing, because the Dutch have put a lot of work into building and maintaining coastal defenses.
Multiple surveys (including the one that found the missing islands in Micronesia) also found that not all low-lying islands are vulnerable to erosion and flooding. This is because many islands are protected by mangrove forests, lagoons, or both
Mangrove reforestation in particular is genuinely a super effective anti-flooding strategy that is being deployed pretty widely, and is expected to increase a lot in the coming years. Mangroves are effective at not only preventing short-term flooding, but also mitigating sea-level increases (in part by preventing erosion)
Some islands, esp Pacific Islands, have actually grown during the past couple decades, not shrunk. It really depends on what the island is made up of. Not all land is automatically doomed
You can read more about how sinking countries are fighting back here, and the lessons we can learn from them:
-via Time, June 13, 2019
And finally, and this is good news for reasons I'll explain in a second:
Some of the largest and wealthiest cities in the world are at the top of the danger list. (Note: the predictions at that link are based on some fairly severe warming predictions. They do NOT necessarily reflect what's going to happen or when.)
The cities that are going to be in danger the soonest (still away btw) include New York, London, San Francisco, Tokyo, and Dubai. Lots of very rich people in those cities! Who would really like to not have to move (any of their ten different homes lol)
So, flooding aside, we're going to (by necessity) get a lot better at figuring out the quickest, cheapest, most scalable, and most effective types of coastal defenses real fast.
Are rich countries going to be way more able to get strong coastal defense systems up quickly? Yes. Does that suck? Sure fucking does!! But these solutions don't all require a lot of money or tech to implement, even at a large scale, especially when it's local communities driving the effort.
And, importantly, when rich countries pour a ton of money into figuring this out, that will hugely expand our understanding of what techniques work best, why, and how best to deploy them in different situations. Unlike physical structures, that's valuable knowledge that can be shared very, very widely.
And any technology that comes out of this is going to work like solar panels and other green energy: as more people use it, it will get cheaper and cheaper. Probably really quickly.
So, all told, no one's going to be swallowed up in the next few years. We have time to work on this and a lot of people are already doing so.
Mostly, experts predict that the first wave of large-scale issues will be happening around 2050.
Three decades doesn't sound like enough time, in the face of something like this. But you know what? Responses to climate change are speeding up exponentially, and different types of responses are multiplying and magnifying each other.
We went from inventing flight to landing on the moon in just 66 years.
I wouldn't count us out of the climate change fight yet.
(...I wouldn't count on retiring to Florida either, though)
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sleepanonymous · 8 months
This is a reminder to everyone in North America who is unable to get tickets for the pre-sale and general sale of Sleep Token’s Teeth of God tour. DO NOT buy resale tickets through third-party vendors like StubHub, Seat Geek, Vivid Seats, etc. Tickets for the Teeth of God tour are mobile-only and non-transferable. This means the seller will not be able to transfer the tickets you purchased from them. The only reliable way to purchase tickets to this tour is through Ticketmaster or your local venue’s ticketing system. Please protect yourself and do not get scammed. If you do not have tickets and need tickets, check out the list I’ve created below the cut. Once pre-sales/general sales are over, I’ll update this post with more links. For more context, check my post here.
Saturday, April 27 – Las Vegas, Nevada Sick New World Music Festival Purchase Tickets through Sick New World’s Website. Third-party sites and sellers can transfer mobile tickets.
Tuesday, April 30 – Phoenix, Arizona Arizona Financial Theatre 400 W Washington St, Phoenix, AZ 85003 (602) 379-2800 Purchase tickets resale through Ticketmaster.
Wednesday, May 1 – Albuquerque, New Mexico Revel Entertainment Center 4720 Alexander Blvd NE, Albuquerque, NM 87107 (505) 321-0406 Purchase tickets resale through Prekindle.
Friday, May 3 – Austin, Texas H-E-B Center 2100 Ave of the Stars, Cedar Park, TX 78613 (512) 600-5000 Purchase Tickets resale through Ticketmaster.
Saturday, May 4 – Dallas, Texas Toyota Music Factory 316 W Las Colinas Blvd., Irving, TX 75039 (469) 840-9730 Purchase Tickets through Ticketmaster.
Monday, May 6 – Tampa, Florida Yuengling Center 12499 USF Bull Run Drive, Tampa, FL 33617 (813) 974-3111 Purchase Tickets through Ticketmaster.
Tuesday, May 7 – Atlanta, Georgia Coca-Cola Roxy 800 Battery Ave SE #500, Atlanta, GA 30339 (470) 351-3866 Purchase Tickets through Ticketmaster.
Wednesday, May 8 – Asheville, North Carolina ExploreAshville.com Arena 87 Haywood St, Asheville, NC 28801 (828) 259-5736 Purchase Tickets through Ticketmaster.
Friday, May 10 – St. Louis, Missouri The Factory 17105 N Outer 40 Rd, Chesterfield, MO 63005 (314) 423-8500 Purchase Tickets through Ticketmaster.
Sunday, May 12 – Morrison, Colorado Red Rocks Amphitheatre 18300 W Alameda Pkwy, Morrison, CO 80465 (720) 865-2494 Purchase Tickets through AXS. Third-party sites and sellers can transfer mobile tickets.
Tuesday May 14 – Des Moines, Iowa Vibrant Music Hall 2938 Grand Prairie Pkwy, Waukee, IA 50263 (515) 895-4980 Purchase Tickets through Ticketmaster.
Wednesday, May 15 & Thursday, May 16 – Chicago, Illinois Salt Shed 1357 N Elston Ave, Chicago, IL 60642 (708) 967-2168 Purchase Tickets through Ticketmaster. Third-party sites and sellers can transfer mobile tickets.
Saturday, May 18 – Columbus, Ohio Sonic Temple Art & Music Festival Purchase Tickets through Sonic Temple’s Website. Third-party sites and sellers can transfer mobile tickets.
Sunday, May 19 – Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Petersen Events Center 3719 Terrace St, Pittsburgh, PA 15261 (412) 648-3054 Purchase Tickets through AXS.
Monday, May 20 – Philadelphia, Pennsylvania The Met 858 N Broad St, Philadelphia, PA 19130 (800) 653-8000 Purchase Tickets through Ticketmaster.
Wednesday, May 22 – New York, New York Radio City Music Hall 1260 6th Ave, New York, NY 10020 (212) 465-6000 Purchase Tickets through Ticketmaster. Third-party sites and sellers can transfer mobile tickets.
Friday, May 24 – Boston, Massachusetts MGM Music Hall 2 Lansdowne St, Boston, MA 02215 (617) 488-7540 Purchase Tickets through Ticketmaster.
Saturday, May 25 – Laval, Quebec Place Bell 1950 Rue Claude-Gagné, Laval, QC H7N 0E4, Canada (514) 492-1775 Purchase Tickets through Ticketmaster.
Monday, May 27 & Tuesday May 28– Toronto, Ontario Massey Hall 178 Victoria St, Toronto, ON M5B 1T7, Canada (416) 872-4255 Purchase Tickets through Massey Hall.
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agbpaints · 5 months
My local battletech group is doing a random custom mech free for all, and in order to make things spicy, I've opened up the techmanual to pike around the guts of the BV formula to make something as dumb as possible. I've got a hard 2100 bv limit and I think I managed to make something
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Behold! Coming in at exactly 2100 BV, the Wallfacer! You know how expensive ERPPCs can be BV-wise? Well, what if you mounted one backwards to discount all your other torso mounted guns? Oh, it also adds discounts a second time 'round because it's a huge fuckin heat hog and it means *technically* if it were to fire it and every other weapon while jumping it'd have problems, but because it's going the wrong direction it probably won't.
As for the game plan, the armor gives it away- the Wallfacer is a pair of bad hellbringers stapled together. Going forward it has a bunch of missiles and accurate efficient lasers to sandblast the enemy appart, going backward it has a big, long range 'fuck you' gun to snipe with. Advance to a firing position ass-first, dome the enemy with the particle cannon a couple of times, and then flip around to finish with the rest of the guns. Hopefully splitting damage between the front and rear arcs will make up a bit for the thin rear armor but it does mean you can get double tapped by your own main gun with that isXLFE.
I don't expect this to perform well oerse but if someone pulls it it'll be funny
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dilf-din · 1 year
Chapter 1: Spring
Din Djarin x Florist!Reader
WC: 2100
Warnings: absolutely none, all fluff and domestic cuteness, no use of y/n but reader does have a nickname and is female presenting
A/N: I told y’all I was going to exploit this little house and the time has come. I was planning on this just being a little one shot, but I fell in love with the dynamic so it’ll be a short series, just 4 chapters! Listen to Venus by Sleeping at Last to get the inspo for this little story. Enjoy 💖
Chapter 2
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After a while, I thought I'd never find you
I convinced myself that I would never find you
When suddenly, I saw you
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“It’s good to have you back, Mando,” Karga smiled warmly sliding a bag of credits across the table in exchange for the cleared pucks he had brought into the High Magistrate’s office. Mando sat relaxed in a large leather chair across from Greef Karga, open arms draped lazily across the seat. He was tossing a small green fruit up into the air and catching it with a gloved hand listening to the man’s booming voice brag about the shops that would be opening in the newly renovated town square.
“We’d love to have you at the opening ceremony, you are a vital part of our economy here on Nevarro, after all.”
Mando hummed in response. “I’ll do my best to be there.”
While he did feel some sense of obligation to the man who had gifted him a house, he also didn’t do things that he didn’t want to. Karga knew that. For years their relationship had been a bit of a power struggle, but Mando always came out on top.
He looked over at Grogu who was quietly watching a children’s program on a holopad in the seat next to him.
“Time to go, kid,” he said, rubbing his ears gently.
Grogu nodded, lifting up the pad for his dad to tuck into the pack that hung on his hip. Mando tucked the bag of credits next to it and rose to shake Karga’s hand.
“Two days from now! I’ll save you and the little one a seat to watch the parade!” he called after the pair as they made their way out of his office.
When they stepped outside on the warm path, Grogu held his hands up and chirped, “Buir!”
Din chuckled and scooped him into the crook of his arm. “C’mere ad’ika.”
The morning sun climbed higher into the cloudless sky casting warm rays onto the crowded market place. Din’s boots made a padded thud as he marched down the black stone path towards the booths selling local treats and produce. A sea of voices chattering with the vendors, the smell of roasted meat in a sweet marinade, bright colored banners advertising their wares, Grogu loved coming to the market. His ears turned in every direction at each new voice, nose pointed up to follow the wafting scents.
Din purchased a dozen of his favorite sweet rolls, passing one to the child to munch on while he stocked up on the rest of the supplies they would need for the coming week. With a pack sufficiently full, Mando made his way to the edge of town, where he had parked the old speeder bike he bought off of the Anzellans. It wasn’t anything high tech, parts of it rusted with age, but it got them from their little cabin to the bustling town and back. The ride out was twenty minutes of silent bliss. Some scraggly trees and shrubs dotting the otherwise barren landscape, no other homes around for several kilometers. He reveled in the solitude. Din had considered planting a small garden come summer, something to add some color to the greys and browns.
He wiped his boots on the mat in front of the door before entering their small home. Grogu did a flip to the floor and took off after a ball Greef Karga had gifted him with. The cabin came fully furnished but minimally decorated. There was nothing about it that told you anything about who lived there other than the basket of toys that sat in the living area hinting at a small child’s presence. The kitchen and living area were connected in one large space, the only separation provided by a lengthy island across from the stove. Two bedrooms sat at the far end of the house separated by a bathroom in the middle. The second bedroom was made up for a guest if he ever had one. A bedside table with a lamp, an empty closet, a nice sized bed with white sheets covered in delicate grey leaves and vines. Din had purchased a bassinet for Grogu, it stayed tucked in the corner of the main suite he slept in. They preferred to sleep near each other after all their travels and time spent tucked in the sleeping nook of the Crest.
Grogu giggled and babbled about his ball, contentedly smacking it around the room, weaving in between the couch and arm chairs. Din chuckled to himself. The bag of groceries sat heavy on the counter, threatening to spill over at any moment, so he set to unpacking their little haul. Fresh fruit and bread laid out on the counter for easy access. Some meats and cheeses stocking their fridge unit alongside some of Grogu’s favorite juice. Din had even picked up a fresh bag of caf to brew from some far off, mid rim planet.
He breathed in, lungs full of thankfulness. When he first laid eyes on Grogu those years ago that felt like a lifetime, he never imagined their story playing out the way it had, that he would be so lucky as to live out a quiet life with him between jobs. Din felt like the puzzle was finally coming together. There was no box to match it to, but he could see the picture coming into focus with just a few missing pieces. He paid no mind to those blurred out areas, he was more than content, he was happy for the first time in his life.
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Din stood behind the crowd, arms crossed over his beskar plated chest. Karga had Grogu in his lap as they watched the small parade circle around the town square. All the school aged children in bright colors waving and grinning, a few of the older kids from the secondary school beating drums and playing a light melody on flute. There were a few dancers and people handing out flowers and candies to the townspeople lining the street. Grogu was clapping and waving, that’s when Din saw you for the first time. His breath caught in his chest in an inexplicable way. Your hair was braided back with flowers tucked in carefully, a crown of daisies atop of your head. You had on a white, billowy shirt that hung off your shoulders tucked into a long, flowing turquoise skirt with a thick belt of brown leather separating the two garments. You were hand in hand with one of the younger kids, skipping along beside them. When you passed by the section they were watching from, you plucked the flower crown off of your head and set it atop Grogu’s.
“Buir!” he squealed in joy turning to face Din. Your eyes followed Grogu’s and you gave a small wave to the silver plated man before dancing further along the stone path.
Din felt a rush of heat to his cheeks, an ache in his chest he wasn’t sure he was capable of feeling again until this moment. Suddenly, the blurry parts of the picture started to come into focus, and it looked a lot like you. No, this was crazy, he was jumping way too far ahead. He didn’t even know your name.
He didn’t even know your name, and yet he felt drawn to you, captivated by your kind smile, the gentle rhythm of your feet as you danced away. The lilt of your laugh carried to him on the breeze, and he knew he was a dead man. His gaze returned to Grogu who was bouncing with excitement, his little hands drawing up to touch the flowers resting on his head.
Din kicked off of the wall he was leaning against to bend his head into Karga’s earshot.
“Who was that?”
“That was my lovely new flower shop owner!” Karga beamed. “She just moved here from Naboo! I think she’s going to make this little town a lot prettier, ‘eh, Mando?” he asked with an elbow to the ribs.
Although he couldn’t see his face, Karga could imagine the exact expression painted across it and he laughed heartily before pointing out a juggler to Grogu.
Din leaned back against the wall with a slight shake of his head. The parade was nearing a close, and he wondered about seeking you out when the festivities died down.
He decided to make a few stops around the market before heading to see if you would be at your shop to speak to you. He tried to calm down the race of his heart as he assembled a small welcome basket to present you with. He tucked a black kerchief with delicate silver stars stitched across it into the bottom of a small, woven basket before filling it with a fresh loaf of bread, a jar of jam and local honey, a brick of hard cheese imported from another system, and a magnet that said “Welcome to Nevarro!” across a background of two volcanoes with a river of lava running between them.
What if you thought this was silly or too forward. He almost talked himself out of it, but his feet on autopilot pulled him to the front of your shop. “Bloom” stretched across the top of the large window in a curling font, the space below filled with blue and lavender floral arrangements. A small wooden sign that appeared to be hand painted swung above the door when he pushed it open. A small bell tinkled alerting whoever might have been there to his presence, so he decided it was too late to back down.
“Be right there!”
You were up on a stool, in the same white shirt as before, but paint covered overalls now hanging from your lower half. A paintbrush in hand as you carefully listed your prices in thin white paint strokes against the navy blue wall behind the register. From here he could see that top of what seemed to be a delicate geometric tattoo running the very center of your spine. You finished the number you were carefully outlining and hopped down, recognizing them instantly.
“Well hey you!” you smiled warmly at the pair approaching your counter. Grogu hopped up wiggling his little legs as he got his footing and waved at you. You knelt down to his level and waved back.
“Here,” Din said extending the basket, “I wanted to get you something to say thank you for today.”
Your eyes wide at the kind gesture, “Well thank you, but that isn’t necessary. It was nothing.”
“It wasn’t though.” Din hesitated, his words coming slowly as if carefully choosing them, “He’s had a very hard life, endured much more than anyone should have to, so anything or anybody that allows him to just be a kid is something I’ll always be thankful for.”
Your gaze softened even more somehow as you rubbed his soft head. Grogu leaned into the touch, big brown eyes squeezed tight.
“Well thank you again,” you trailed off, the empty space searching for a name.
“People call me Mando, and this is Grogu.”
You gave him your name with a smile, “But a lot of people call me Milla.”
“Like the flower?”
You cocked your head to the side, “Yeah, how do you know of millaflowers? Have you been to Naboo?”
“A handful of times. My work takes me all over the galaxy.”
“Well I’m sure you’re full of stories,” you grinned straightening up from where you had been bent over to talk to the child. “You’ll have to tell me some sometime.”
“I’ll be seeing you around I’m sure, I was thinking of planting a small garden soon. I’m sure you can recommend a few things that will take well to the soil here.”
“Come by any time. It was a pleasure to meet you, especially you, Grogu,” you smiled once more reaching out to rub his ear.
“Take care, Milla,” Din called as he exited the shop. You smiled at the nickname and the gentle tingle of the bell as they disappeared from your view.
Grogu grunted in disapproval as his father carried him out of the shop and back towards their parked speeder.
“I know kid, I didn’t want to wear out our welcome, but trust me, I could’ve stayed there all day.”
He was already thinking of excuses to stop by your shop again. He’d open a kriffing landscaping company if it meant he got to see your smile every day. Maker, he was in over his head.
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Mando’a translations
Buir: father
Ad’ika: little one
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Taglist: @harriedandharassed
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allthecanadianpolitics · 10 months
Education workers with the Peel District School Board, including educational assistants, early childhood educators and child and youth care practitioners, have voted in favour of strike action as negotiations continue between the school board and the Ontario Public Service Employees Union Local 2100. About 3,200 of the 4,000 employees in Local 2100 participated in the vote, with 98 per cent of them voting in favour of strike action, according to a news release issued Friday. 
Continue Reading
Tagging @politicsofcanada
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[[ log 53]]
~Cloudy Conditions All Day, with Rain from 1430-PRESENT~
~Wind Speeds Up to 16 km/h~
Time of writing this log is 2100
Duties done at the station:
𓇼 Fog Watch
𓇼 Mail Check
𓇼 Grocery
𓇼 Winding of the Clockworks
Today marks the first day of doing tours of the station! Now I ofcourse did do all my duties beforehand, however the day went by splendid nonetheless. After the singular tour, I decided it was time to learn more about the humans, so that I may understand them more, and be able to blend in more. I stopped by the local library, where I grabbed a book on upkeping ones health, a book on something called psychology, which is apparently the study on how humans think, and a final book on different forms of communicating as a keeper. Reading through the book on health, I got to learn that all humans suffer of this reflex of fear, in where if one is in a "life or death" situation in an animalistic sense, they will either want to run, fight, or freeze. A bit odd, to freeze, in such a situation, but I suppose thats humans for you.
I did however get the chance to see Mr. Keely today! He was kind enough to offer me a nice and warm meal, using some of his left over pickles. Thanks to Mrs. Osslik, I know what pickles are, and didn't look too odd to the elderly fisherman. Unfortunately, I had plans to go out and buy a mirror for my quarters, but with the rain, I did not want to risk getting soaked or dropping it while making my way back. Hopefully I'll find one this week.
May the Seas Guide You~~
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rjzimmerman · 4 months
Rising seas could swallow millions of U.S. acres within decades. (Washington Post)
There’s no longer much doubt about that, as scientists have increasingly documented how the warming of theplanet has acceleratedsea level rise along coasts around the world.
Sign up for the Climate Coach newsletter and get advice for life on our changing planet, in your inbox every Tuesday and Thursday.
But an analysis published Thursday by the research nonprofit Climate Central reveals a troubling dimension of the economic toll that could unfold in the United States, as hundreds of thousands of homes, offices and other privately owned properties slip below swelling tide lines over the next few decades.
Here are five takeaways from the research about the people and places that stand to lose most, the likely ripple effects and reasons the world must cut its emissions of greenhouse gases in order to eventually stem the rising waters:
1. Sea level rise will shift coastlines — and property lines
Researchers at Climate Central took scientific data on projected sea level rise, as well as information about state tidal boundaries, and combined that with records on more than 50 million individual properties across hundreds of U.S. counties to identify parcels most likely at risk. Their conclusion: Nearly 650,000 individual, privately owned parcels, across as many as 4.4 million acres of land, are projected to fall below changing tidal boundaries by 2050. The land affected could swell to 9.1 million acres by 2100. According to Thursday’s analysis, properties with a collective assessed value of $108 billion could be affected by the end of the century, based on current emissions. But, the authors noted, because complete property values were not available for all counties, the actual total is likely to be far higher.
2. The Gulf Coast and Atlantic Coast stand to lose most
It’s no surprise that Louisiana, where the seas are swelling and land is sinking, faces a daunting loss of property in the years to come. The Climate Central analysis estimated that more than 25,000 properties, totaling nearly 2.5 million acres in the state, could fall wholly below tidal boundary lines by 2050 — a number that far exceeds any other place in the nation. That would amount to 8.7 percent of Louisiana’s total land area, the report found. But other states also appear to face widespread threats. The top three at risk behind Louisiana are Florida, North Carolina and Texas, all of which have large swaths of low-lying, imperiled coastlines.
3. It’s not just about flooded homes. It’s about eroding tax bases.
The loss of homes and other properties — especially those along the waterfront — isn’t just a tragedy for owners. It is a surefire way to erode the revenue municipal governments need to operate. “Ultimately, this is a local problem and a local story,” Bain said. “We finance local government through our property taxes.”
4. The potential ripple effects are vast
Eroding tax bases are a big problem. But hardly the only one. The study also found a litany of other complications that likely will result as sea levels inch higher and higher. “The legal and political ramifications of these changes are complex, and will likely vary among locations,” the analysis found. “Those ramifications extend well beyond loss of tax revenue as property owners object to paying taxes on submerged land.” Beyond those initial shocks, municipalities and individuals will also be forced to confront the significant costs for removing inundated structures and flooded septic tanks. Governments could be on the hook for properties that get abandoned, adding additional expenses not covered by their budgets.
5. The future is not (entirely) set in stone
The world’s foremost scientists have found that given the carbon built up in the atmosphere after generations of burning fossil fuels, the rate of sea level rise is increasing and will continue over the next several decades.Those findings are in line with a major report earlier this year from the NOAA, which found that sea levels could rise along U.S. coastlines by roughly a foot between now and 2050 — roughly as much change over the next three decades as over the past century.
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*GIF by TV Land
Save Tonight
Casual sex, road gigs, and trysts — they are one-of-a-kind and one-time-only things. Here's a helping of my favorites!
Angeles - Jensen Ackles x female reader/you
Summary: “It started with being in the same place at the same time, friends in common, similar interests in music and movies. Then you touched his knee and laughed when he said something funny – and the look in his eyes left you hot and shivering.”
Warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY
Words: 1,600
Crazy On You – Dean Winchester x female reader
Summary: You’ve had a shitty day, but this beautiful, unfamiliar boy will make it all better.
Warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY, Impala Sex, there’s a knife but not in a bloody way
Words: 4K
Deep - Dean Winchester x female reader
Summary: Dean shows you more about pleasure than ‘deep’.
Warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY, Dean being perfect, sensual massage, Dean being the best lay ever, biting, Dean being a fairytale prince, the jockey is my favorite sexual position, try it, it’s amazing, talking during sex, gratuitous use of terms of endearment bc it’s Dean
Words: 3K
For Whom The Bell Tolls - Soldier Boy x female reader
Summary: In the books, Soldier Boy calls out the names of US states when he fights. What if live-action Soldier Boy made his sex partners list all 50 states and the federal district in alphabetical order before he lets them come, and if they slip up or pause for too long or say anything other than the name of a state in the correct order, he withholds and makes them start over?
Tags/warnings: 18+ ONLY, condescension during sex, edging
Words: 2100
Foxholes - Annie Hawkins x Bobby Singer/Dean Winchester/Sam Winchester
Summary: Annie recalls time spent with each man and what their facial hair told her about them.
Warnings: mature language and references to sexual activity
Words: 340
Hide Your Love Away – Dean Winchester x female hunter reader
Summary: Mutual hunters seek comfort for a night and a lifetime of memories.
Warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY, ass play
Words: 3,600
Lifting the Veil - Choose Your Own Winchester
Summary: You’ve been missing something of paramount importance - until now.
Warnings: 18+ ONLY, infidelity, squirting
Words: 1230
Mirror, Mirror - William Butcher x female reader
Prompt: Butcher filthy talking while getting busy i feel in like an alleyway or the service hallway in a bar or similar. Somewhere crowded and dirty, like actually dirty
Warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY, rough sex, dirty talk, public sex, Winchester brothers cameo bc this is Kripke’s world, reader is female AFAB
Words: 1,500
One Night Only (23 in 1) - Dean Winchester x Mila (OFC)
Summary: While on a job in the middle of America, Dean enjoys a rigorous night of mutual gratification with a local art student.
Warnings: 18+ ONLY, ass play, shower sex, dirty talk
Words: 5,500
Plus One - Dean Winchester x Vanessa (OFC)
Summary: Vanessa hates weddings until she meets a handsome stranger who agrees to help her mix things up for the night.
Warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY, fingery things, squirting, and Dean has no refractory period bc this is fic
Words: 9,600
Spark, Flicker, Blaze - Dean Winchester x female reader
Summary: Somewhere along the line, her life became something she didn’t like. On her 35th birthday, she makes a decision to change all of that.
Warnings: 18+ ONLY, overly descriptive orgasms, Dean’s the best birthday present ever
Words: 2,200
Territorial Pissing - Soldier Boy x female reader (1st person POV) x William Butcher
Summary:  My decades’ long crush on Soldier Boy was squashed when my career as a journalist taught me the real Soldier Boy story. Now, my career brings me full-circle. I promise this is not a Magic Dick trope.
Tags/warnings: 18+ ONLY, mmf threesome, Dom/sub, rough sex, ass and clit slapping, name-calling, sex with murderous misogynists,   bruising, like I said it’s rough, forced orgasms, Butcher refers to himself as Daddy and Soldier Boy mocks him for it, rimming, anal sex (both m/f and m/m), come marking, squirting, choking/breath play,   showering, sensation play (cold), Butcher checking in (bc we all know Soldier Boy won’t), illicit drug use, bondage
Words: 8K
Wait Till My Brother Gets Home - Winchester brothers x female reader
Summary: She wants to lose control.
Warnings/tags: 18+ Only, rough sex, hair pulling, mfm spit roast, bruising and chafing during sex, W*ncest adjacent
Words: 2,450
Wrecked - Jensen Ackles x female reader/you
Summary: After the show, alone in a dark corridor, he shows you exactly what that song means.
Warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY, biting, Jensen Ackles in that fucking CBGB t-shirt and hat and the wallet chain WTF dude
Words: 1,050
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tomorrowusa · 3 months
Predictions for seats in Parliament in the UK election
Although it's almost universally assumed that the Conservative Party will lose bigtime in the general election, the forecasts for number of seats in the House of Commons are more varied than one would expect. Survation predicts 470 seats for Labour while Britain Elects (at The New Statesman) predicts a mere 418 seats for them.
So I created this chart to compare predictions from five sources. In the right column are the number of seats for each party at end of the previous Parliament in May. If the image below is too small, try this direct link.
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The Guardian Electoral Calculus Nowcast Britain Elects (The New Statesman) Survation
326 seats out of the total 650 are needed for a majority. The numbers in the Nowcast prediction add up to just 649 because they aren't counting the Speaker who does not vote.
Polls close at 10:00 PM BST which is 2100 GMT. To determine when that is in your local time, click here.
According to this election night timeline at The Guardian, results from the 650 constituencies will start flooding in around 3:00 AM BST. Though some interesting results may be announced as early as a couple of hours before then.
What time will we know who won? Hour-by-hour guide to election night
Some constituencies which I'll be paying particular attention to tonight...
Richmond and Northallerton – Rishi Sunak's seat. The odds are (slightly) that he will keep his seat though it's far from certain. One of his challengers is a candidate who goes by the name Count Binface.
Godalming and Ash – Jeremy Hunt, the Conservative Chancellor of the Exchequer, who is said to be in serious danger of losing his seat.
Chingford and Woodford Green - Iain Duncan Smith, leader of the Conservative Party for a few years in the 2000s.
North East Somerset and Hanham – Jacob Rees-Mogg, a particularly annoying Tory grandee who would be lucky to get voted back to the House.
South West Norfolk – Liz Truss, Rishi Sunak's immediate predecessor whose time in Number 10 was famously outlasted by a head of lettuce.
Clacton – Nigel Farage, head of the far right Reform Party and infamous Brexit fanatic. Because Farage seems to be leading there, Clacton may be the only constituency where it's possible to justify voting Tory — just to block him.
Holborn and St Pancras – Sir Keir Starmer, the next Labour prime minister. Should be an easy win for him there.
Kingston and Surbiton – Sir Ed Davey, head of the Liberal Democrats. If the Lib Dems have a particularly good evening then it's within the realm of possibility that they could replace the Conservatives as the official opposition.
So why should you take an interest in this election? If you're reading posts in this blog then you are likely a political nerd. Also, UK elections are interesting and fun. Monty Python devoted several sketches to UK election scenarios.
But frankly, unless Putin is overthrown in a coup or a major hurricane strikes Mar-a-Lago, this will be the best political news of the month. So savor every minute of coverage of it.
There should be live coverage at the BBC here. ITV News and other reputable UK news providers may also offer live coverage. One source to avoid is GB News which is roughly the Fox News of the UK. *shudders*
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justbeingnamaste · 3 months
I Hope This Makes The Idaho Water Shutoff To Farmers Real For People
🚨 Idaho is fining Farmers $300 PER ACRE for using water
Farmers are already declaring bankruptcy
Here are 2 farmers from eastern Idaho who have just received their water shutoff orders
“We just got our curtailment letter from the Idaho Department of Water Resources and they're telling us we have to shut our eight wells off.”
“Shut our water off?”
— “They want us to shut our water off. — They want us to turn our wells off.”
“The reservoirs are full, yet we're being told we cannot water 500,000 acres of crops”
“Thing. If you decide that you're just gonna keep watering, they're going to fine you $300 per acre. Well, if you're just growing a crop like hay, it doesn't make $300 an acre. You're just gonna lose money on that.”
“you look on the curtailment paper it's not just farmers it's commercial businesses.”
They give lots of details about the water shutoff order (see video)
They talk about more locations being effected and what the result of that will be:
— “They want to shut off just in Bingham County. So Bingham County grows more potatoes than any other county in the state and just in Bingham County there's $1.3 ish billion dollars spent in the county. And if that water was curtailed, it would reduce the amount of money spent in the county by three to $400 million.
So you wouldn't just be putting out, you wouldn't just be putting farmers out of business, you'd be putting people who deliver gas out of business, people who sell groceries, you'd be putting all the equipment people out of business, the repair, the repair men, the service men.
We just had people coming out, working on our pivots and stuff. You'd be putting all those guys out of business, which would hurt everyone”
“Trucking companies would go out of business. Yep. You have a lot of guys who have storages for potatoes. All those guys, they would no longer be getting rent for their potatoes. It would just devastate the entire Idaho economy.”
“There's already guys, there's already local farmers who've shut their wells off and their fields have already dried up because of this curtailment order and they're going to be out millions of dollars they're going to end up declaring bankruptcy and if the farmers declare bankruptcy the banks that finance the farmers are going to declare bankruptcy and then the whole economy is just shot. It's literally going to destroy the Idaho economy.”
“We gotta get this thing spreading like wildfire to make sure everybody knows about this. Because like it or not, it's gonna affect everybody.”
There is so much information in this video and I highly recommend taking the time to watch it
Idaho government destroys farming! Idaho water curtailment
Call Governor Brad Little, and urge him to solve the problem. His number is. (208)334-2100
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srldesigns6277 · 4 months
Hi sam :) do you know what time louis will be on stage in the away from home festival? And how long is his part?
Hi lovely,
At the current moment I haven't seen anything about the times for AFHF but I would assume that it would be around 9pm/2100 local or maybe 10pm/2200 local. I believe that's what it was during last year's AFHF. I'll tag some people below to see if anyone else knows about the timing.
@goldcrumble @statementlou @thechavier @dreamings-free has anyone heard anything on the timing for AFHF 2024?
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transgender-scout · 11 months
thinking about...her... (the $2100 couch at my local vintage store thats like 12 feet long and made of plastic but it looks so fucking cool you have to trust me)
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mariacallous · 3 months
From wildfires in Canada to flooding in India, people across the world are dealing with the realities of climate change. The world recorded its highest temperatures ever this summer and the climate models for 2100 make sobering reading.
To tackle climate change we need a data-driven approach, using technology to help decarbonize the sectors that contribute to it. The transportation sector is the largest contributor to climate change in the US and Europe. Simply put, travel is in need of a long-overdue update. The good news is that, in 2024, we will kickstart that much needed moment for green mobility.
The International Energy Agency estimates 55 percent of the reductions needed to cut all greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 are linked to everyday consumer choices, particularly driving.
Over two-thirds of consumers cite the lack of electric charging stations as the biggest barrier to buying electric vehicles (EVs). However, new legislation, such as the European Green Deal and universal EV charging standards in the US, will help to put new chargers on the road.
The infrastructure is growing, but the information is still catching up. That’s why, to empower drivers with the information they need, Google has updated its Search experience to make it easier to research the costs and incentives associated with EVs. Google Maps also shows nearby EV chargers and offers eco-friendly routing—providing directions optimized for fuel or battery efficiency. In 2024, drivers will not only be able to more easily purchase an electric vehicle, they will be able to more easily charge them. The theory is simple: When billions of people have the tools to make more informed decisions, meaningful change is possible.
The impact of individuals grows exponentially when coupled with systemic investments by government officials and business leaders. We all know the feeling of impatience when waiting for the light to turn green. It’s not just an inconvenience, it’s bad for the environment—US Department of Energy data suggests that eliminating idling vehicles is equivalent to taking 5 million cars off American roads. In partnership with local governments, Google (where I am the chief sustainability officer) recently expanded Project Green Light—which leverages AI to improve traffic light efficiency—to 12 cities around the world. Early results show there’s potential to reduce the number of vehicle stops by up to 30 percent, lowering emissions for up to 30 million car trips monthly. Yet, we cannot focus exclusively on cars—providing sustainable public transport is also vital. Nowhere is the value clearer than in Japan, a leader in high-speed rail. One passenger traveling between Tokyo and Osaka emits 4.2 kilograms of carbon dioxide—one-twelfth the emissions of a passenger on a Tokyo-Osaka flight. That's why it's so important for people to have information on alternative, climate-friendly modes of transport at their fingertips—including comparable train routes, biking, and walking suggestions. This also illustrates the potential impact of projects like the Brightline train, designed to connect Los Angeles and Las Vegas by electric, high-speed rail.
Along with opportunities on roads and rails, in 2024 we will make progress on our skies. Aviation is responsible for 3.5 percent of global warming—35 percent of which is non-emissions related. The culprit? Contrails—the feathery white trails created by airplanes. They may look harmless, but they trap heat inside the Earth’s atmosphere. Using AI-based technology, Google partnered with American Airlines and Breakthrough Energy to reduce contrails by 54 percent—achieving the first proof point of verifiable and cost-effective contrail avoidance. Delta Airlines, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and others are also working to tackle the issue. In 2024, clean mobility will move closer to the norm across transportation, not the exception.
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navcommrelay · 4 months
JUNO 2-2
3153/10/04: D-Day+1 (?)
Fourth Deployment: 2100 Hours
SWMC Alpha Lance 
SWMC Bravo Lance 
SWMC Support and Logistics
CFRI 1C Alpha Mechanized
CFRI 1C Beta Lance 
CFRI 2C Alpha Lance 
CFRI 2C Beta Angel Squadron [KIA]
CFRI 2C CMD/Logi Unit
DropShip Deployment at LZ:
CFRI 1C CMD/Logi Unit
CFRI 2C Gamma Fire Support
Joint Force Resupply
Clan Sea Fox BattleMech Delivery
Objectives: Regroup and move to next nav point.
After-Action Report:
SWMC Support and Logistics, CFRI 1C HQ/Logi, and CFRI 2C HQ/Logi- collectively designated “CONGRESS,” completed comms mesh testing on arriving reinforcements before conducting FOB teardown at LZ JUNO in preparation for joint departure to LZ GOLD. Reinforcement ‘Mechs arrived via DropShip from Clan Sea Fox. New regimental Order of Battle assigned. On arrival of JTF “SENATE,” all elements proceeded southwest along the supply route to LZ GOLD. On arrival at LZ GOLD, JTF “DECLARATION” separated from “CONGRESS” to proceed to support TOUCHDOWN objectives in the region. “CONGRESS” conducted sweep-and-clear operations before completing construction of Forward Operations Base “KINSHIP” 35 klicks west of Coen City along Main Supply Route. KINSHIP LZ available for TOUCHDOWN DropShip and AeroSpace assets.
CFRI 1-C Gamma with SWMC Bravo 1 and Alpha 4, collectively designated JTF “SENATE,” contacted local command regarding the upcoming rendezvous with the 1st Canopian Cuirassiers and elements of the 1st Aurigan Rangers. On completion of all sweep-and-clear objectives at LZ SWORD, JTF SENATE returned to LZ JUNO along their initial arrival route. At that time, JTF SENATE was disbanded and constituent elements were assigned to JTF “DECLARATION.” CFRI 1-C Alpha, 2-C Alpha, and 1-C Bravo were joined by 2-C Gamma via DropShip insertion at LZ JUNO. All elements held position with “CONGRESS” until all field assets rendezvoused at LZ JUNO. All elements herein assigned to JTF “DECLARATION.”
Inter-Unit Combat Comms Log Excerpt:
SWB1: ”WESTWING, SENATE, and now CONGRESS; what's the reason for these task force names?”
CI1C1: “It’s traditional. Names come from some Old Terran thing.” CI1A1: “American, they called it back in training.”
SWB1: “Oh, wait, I know this one… Uhhh, blue flag with a sort of wind design in the middle?”
CI1C1: “No, that’s the United Nations, I think? Pre-Terran Hegemony.” CI1C2: “I think this was the one with the three panels and the star.”
SWB1: “Ah, I think I understand now. That’d be the ‘yeehaw, freedom’ types that begat the Taurians, at least indirectly?”
CI1C1: “...Ostensibly? That’s long after our involvement.” SWB1: “Alright, I think I have a name for our upcoming task force that should be in line. How do you feel about BILLOFRIGHTS– that would be all capitals and no spaces?” CI1A1: “Let me see… The name scheme checks out… let me plug it in.” CI1C1: “How the hell are we gonna call that out over comms?” SWB1: (Laughing audible) “It seems pretty simple to me. I just did it after all.”
CI/NL: “SOP says max two words, that’s three, y’all. Less is more.”
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eyeslikewatercoolers · 9 months
WIP Wednesday- Mirnetra childhood friends au
Here's the first WIP Wednesday of 2024! I have a lot planned for this fic, it's currently sitting at 2100~ words and I don't even think it's halfway done. Here are some elementary school sleepover antics. But we continue trucking along!
As elementary school rolled on, came with hobbies and after-school activities. Anetra started going to the local martial arts center in the neighborhood about once a week. At the end of each school year, she invited Mirage to the center’s spring showcase to watch her with the parents. 
Mirage and her mother were happy to cheer Anetra on from the sidelines as she showed the crowd the new skills she learned. She was proud of seeing her best friend get into higher rankings. 
By the last couple of years of elementary school, Anetra and Mirage started holding the occasional sleepover at Mirage’s house. Anetra’s house was busier with her toddler and preschool siblings, so Mirage’s house was the better option. 
“This summer is going to suck without you,” Mirage said during one sleepover in late spring. She worked on tying one of the beaded bracelets from the kit she got for Christmas as Anetra looked at the DVD collection. 
“I’m only going to church camp for two weeks in July. I’m not going to military school.” Anetra rolled her eyes as she looked at the back of one of the DVDs. 
“Still, two weeks is forever long in the summer. What do you even expect me to do without you to entertain me?” Mirage said dramatically, throwing her arms in the air. 
Anetra turned with an open DVD case, “You could work on your summer reading list.” 
“Netra, that’s a horrible suggestion,” Mirage said as she flopped to lay down on the couch with a finished bracelet. “And to even think, I made you a bracelet with a little duck on it!” She said as she showed off her work.
“I like it, it’s adorable,” Anetra said as she was shown two DVDs. “Now which one, Anastasia or Nim’s Island?”
“Anastasia is good,” Mirage shrugged as she switched the TV to the DVD player’s setting as Anetra placed the disc in the DVD player. “I can’t wait until my mom allows us to watch scary movies,” she said as Anetra sat next to her under the same blanket.
“Mire, I don’t think that’s going to happen for a while. Remember when you couldn’t sleep after watching Sky High?” Anetra asked as she placed the popcorn bowl in between them.
“Shut up, the glowing guy freaked me out! No person should ever glow like that.”
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