#Canfeda Hatun
10 most Influential women in the Ottoman Empire (plus five non- sultans)
I must say in advance, this is purely my opinion and it doesn't include legal power,but general influence. For example if one woman had more legal power but still was limited to some actions, that another woman could get away with, I will rank her higher. Let's start with non sultans.
Part I: Non-Sultans
Number 5: Çevri kalfa
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Çevri kalfa was a woman of Georgian origin and previously loyal servant to Nakşidili Sultan (also Georgian). She became mistress head treasurer( Baş hazindar usta) after accession of Mahmud II, who she saved from executioners by throwing them hot coals and sneaking the prince out. After becoming Head treasurer, she attained so much wealth that she could afford expensive clothes not even sultans wore. A girls school, built in her name, is one of the first schools for girls and the biggest primary school in Istanbul. She remained in her office until her death and was Sultan's trusted and favoured advisor.
Number 4: Meleki Kalfa
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Meleki kalfa was a servant of Kösem and Ibrahim, however following the deposition of the sultan, she secretly switched sides as an agent of Turhan. Meleki played an important role in Turhan's rebellion by giving her information about Kösem's plan to dethrone Mehmed. After Kösem's death and Turhan's accession, she became an important person in Valide Sultan's court, was freed and married to Şaban Khalife. The couple built a residence in Istanbul, where Meleki not only conditioned her line of information to Turhan, but also acted as a negotiator in the palace on behalf of people. The political influence of her and her husband grew so much and they were murdered in 1656 for abuse of power.
Number 3: Gulfem Hatun
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I have spoken about her in my previous posts
Number 2: Mahidevran Hatun
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I have thought a lot about where to put her. People would expect her to be Number 1,mostly because they are used to her being sultan. That is what I first thought,for other reasons,but here we are. She has several significant influences that not many other women had:
1. She was popular with janissaries and people
2. Had a spy network, allowing her to hear major events happening in the capital.
3. She had strong allies. Ibrahim Paşa supported her and Mustafa later in his life, Hatice and her husband were supporting her openly or indirectly.
4. She was a considerable rival to the first and one of the most powerful women in the ottoman empire.
5. She had powerful characteristics: Was an intelligent, educated woman. Could mask her resentment towards Hürrem and act calmly around him.
6. She was a trusted advisor to her son. Actually, she supported the idea of Mustafa revolting against Suleiman,but only after she received information about his imminent execution, through her spy network.
Number 1: Çanfeda Kalfa
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Çanfeda was the woman of Circassian origin, who served as second in command of Nurbanu for 18 years and the ruler of harem for another 11, so we can say she was de-facto Valide sultan.
In her almost three decades of service, she acquired wealth, so great that it attracted negative attention of Janissaries and even the grand Vizier. Although she collected such affluence through her salary(that was extraordinarily high consisting of 200 akches a day, it was the average salary of an imperial princess) and bribery, she used it for selfless purposes. She built three mosques, fountains, hamams, two schools, irrigation systems and fixed the roads, costing her several million akches, still she remained as one of the wealthiest people in the empire. In 1595, when Safiye exiled her, she needed dozens of carriages to carry her holdings, which apparently did not consist of much of the furniture, because she bought it from Venice the next year. It's also considerable that as an exiled person, she had to give up some of her wealth to imperial treasury.
Apart from her vital involvements in harem management in which she dominated Safiye, she had considerable influence over state matters as well. Çanfeda used her connections to install her not so bright brothers as paşas and after the series of mistakes,they were imprisoned, Çanfeda not only defied Grand viziers orders and had them set free,but restored them to their offices as well. Her power, wealth and influence came to the attention of Janissaries, who demanded her dead, but she got away with this as well. Another indication of her power, was her attempt to free the second son of sultan Murad. Even though she was caught red handed, the power it would take to infiltrate the prison is still considerable.
P.S. I did not list Halime and Handan,because after becoming Valide Sultans and regents they reached a whole different level, leagues above almost every single woman in ottoman history, however their power and influence was immense even when they were Hatuns.
As there is only 10 images/Gif limit. I will speak about 10 most powerful women in second posts.
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redxluna · 5 months
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"Until 1595, when she was dismissed by the new sultan Mehmed III, she frequently contacted the Venetians in order to obtain commodities for the harem. She was not in favour with the new sultan since she had chosen to protect the second son of Murad III, prince Mustafa (1578-1595), who was killed with his eighteen brothers on the eve of Mehmed’s accession. Canfeda had at least two brothers: Mahmud paşa, who was beylerbeyi of Halep in 1594, and Divane Ibrahim paşa whom she always protected. When Canfeda lost her power her two brothers lost their lives."— Maria Pia Pedani, Safiye’s Household and Venetian Diplomacy
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magnificentlyreused · 8 months
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This brown and red kaftan was first worn by Mahidevran Sultan in the first episode of the third season of Magnificent Century. The kaftan was used three times in the fourth season where it was worn by Nazenin Hatun in the fourth episode, by Canfeda Hatun in the twenty-first episode and by Fahriye Kalfa in the twenty-sixth episode.
It also appeared in the spin-off Magnificent Century: Kösem where it can be seen on Menekşe Hatun in the seventh episode of the first season. The kaftan was also worn by Meleki Hatun in the first episode of the second season as well as by an unnamed harem member in the twenty-fourth episode.
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palaceoftears · 2 years
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she comes in colours everywhere, she combs her hair, she's like a rainbow.
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ottomanladies · 3 years
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(OTTOMAN) WOMEN’S HISTORY MEME | 5 harem servants: Canfeda Hatun
The Circassian Canfeda hatun was the housekeeper of the harem and responsible for the training of the women who lived there; she had been an ally of sultan Murad's strong-willed mother, Nur Banu, whose control of the harem she assumed on the latter's death. Until 1595, when she was dismissed by the new sultan Mehmed III, she frequently contacted the Venetians in order to obtain commodities for the harem. She was not in favour with the new sultan since she had chosen to protect the second son of Murad III, prince Mustafa (1578-1595), who was killed with his eighteen brothers on the eve of Mehmed's accession. Canfeda had at least two brothers: Mahmud paşa, who was beylerbeyi of Halep in 1594, and Divane Ibrahim paşa whom she always protected. When Canfeda lost her power her two brothers lost their lives — Maria Pia Pedani, Safiye's Hoursehold and Venetian Diplomacy
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magnitoria · 3 years
Wasn’t Gazanfer castring himself for Nurbanu way too much? Like okay he loved her but losing a big part of his masculinity , in this period of time , for a woman that rejected him many times a little far fetched?
Also wished they showed more of Canfeda Hatun since as we know later she will rule the harem after Nurbanu’s death.
I did discuss this somewhere down below that people back in the day were too heehee hoohoo for us to judge by modern standards, peepees were yoinked left and right just for a hypothetical possibility of achieving a goal so like whatever dude, your peepee your rules, guess the workplace benefits at the harem were worth it.
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netbilge · 3 years
Cerrahilik Nedir, Cerrahilik Ne Demektir?
Cerrahilik Nedir, Cerrahilik Ne Demektir?
Halveti tarikatının bir koludur. Kurucu Şeyh Nureddin Mehmed Cerrahi 17. Asırda Cerrahpaşa semtinde doğduğundan ve ikamet ettiğinden bu adla anılmaktadırlar. İstanbul Karagümrük’teki Kethüda Canfeda Hatun Camii’nin alanını dergah olarak kullanmaktadırlar. Zikirlerinde genel olarak müzik ve ibadet vardır. Bu durum belki de birçok sanatçıyı buraya çekmiş olabilir. Zira Ahmet Özhan, Ali Taran,…
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radyobalfm · 5 years
Yurt dışından gelenler Kocaeli'de karantinaya alındı
Yurt dışından gelenler Kocaeli’de karantinaya alındı
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İstanbul Havalimanına gelen yolcular, buradan otobüslerle Kocaeli’ye getirildi.
Sıhhat denetimlerinin akabinde yolcular, polis eşliğinde 4 otobüsle karantina için evvelce boşaltılan Kredi Yurtlar Kurumuna bağlı İzmit kazasındaki Canfeda Hatun Öğrenci Yurdu’na yerleştirildi.
Sıhhat ekiplerinin maske dağıttığı yolcular, 14 gün boyunca karantinada tutulacak.
Yurtta, Gençlik ve Spor Bakanlığı…
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havahaber · 5 years
Yurt dışından tahliyeler bitti! (Kocaeli'deki yurda böyle geldiler)
Corona virüs nedeniyle bulundukları ülkelerden Türkiye'ye getirilen vatandaşlar, Kocaeli'de hazırlanan Kredi ve Yurtlar Kurumu'na ait öğrenci yurduna yerleştirildi. Cumhurbaşkanı Yardımcısı Oktay'dan, 9 Avrupa ülkesinden tahliyelerin tamamlandığı açıklaması geldi. Çeşitli sebeplerle yurt dışına çıkan ve corona virüs salgını nedeniyle bulundukları ülkelerde mahsur kalan Türk vatandaşları, özel uçuşlar ile Türkiye’ye getirilmeye devam ediyor. Salgın nedeniyle karantinaya alınan vatandaşlar, gün boyu İstanbul’da belirlenen yurtlara yerleştirilmelerinin ardından, sabaha karşı 05.00 sıralarında İzmit’teki yurtlara getirilmeye başlandı. İzmit’e ilk gelen 164 kişilik kafile, Canfeda Hatun Öğrenci Yurdu’na yerleştirildi. Yabancı ülkelerden dönen toplam 869 kişinin 14 günlük karantina süresini İzmit’teki yurtlarda geçireceği öğrenildi. Cumhurbaşkanı Yardımcısı Oktay'dan, Ayrupa'dan tahliyelerle ilgili açıklama geldi. Oktay, "9 Avrupa ülkesinden Türkiye'ye dönmek isteyen 2 bin 807 vatandaşımızın tahliyesi saat 06.00 itibarıyla tamamlandı" dedi. Oktay ayrıca, "Tahliye esnasında karantina şartlarına aykırı uygulamalarla ilgili inceleme ve soruşturma başlatılmıştır" ifadesini kullandı. Oktay şunları da kaydetti: "Vatandaşlarımız 14 gün boyunca misafir edilecekleri KYK yurtlarına yerleştirilmişlerdir. Yurtlarda Sağlık Bakanlığı ve Bilim Kurulu’nun belirlediği “kurallar” çerçevesinde barınma, beslenme, sağlık ve güvenlik dahil ihtiyaçların karşılanmasına ilişkin tüm tedbirler alınmıştır." Read the full article
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This green, golden and blue bolero jacket was first worn by Esma Hatun in the second season of Magnificent Century. It can be seen again the same season on an unnamed harem member as well as Nazlı Hatun. Another unnamed harem member wears it in the third episode of the third season. The jacket makes another appearance on Canfeda Hatun in the fourth season.
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yaziyorsonhavadis · 5 years
Avrupa'dan dönen vatandaşlar karantinaya alınmaya devam ediyor
Avrupa’dan dönen vatandaşlar karantinaya alınmaya devam ediyor
Avrupa’dan dönen vatandaşlar karantinaya alınmaya devam ediyor Avrupa’dan dönen vatandaşlar Kocaeli’ye getirilmeye başlandı. 5 otobüsle gelen 164 vatandaş, İzmit ilçesindeki Canfeda Hatun Yurdu’na yerleştirildi. Avrupa’dan dönen vatandaşlar Kocaeli’ye getirilmeye başlandı. 5 otobüsle gelen 164 vatandaş, İzmit ilçesindeki Canfeda Hatun Yurdu’na yerleştirildi.
Avrupa’dan dönen vatandaşlar…
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ottomanladies · 3 years
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Intrigues inside the Ottoman Imperial harem -- requested by anon
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reallifesultanas · 4 years
Portrait of Canfeda Hatun / Canfeda Hatun portréja
Origin and post
Canfeda Hatun was probably a woman of Circassian origin who, according to some sources, had a brother named Ibrahim who lived his life as a moderately influential statesman. The exact date of her birth is unknown, but Canfeda was roughly similar in age to Nurbanu, so there is also the possibility that the two women may have known each other since childhood. Nurbanu then left the Old Palace as Prince Selim's concubine, while Canfeda remained there and rose higher and higher on the ranks of the harem servants. Nurbanu,  soon after Selim's accession to the throne asked made Canfeda tha head of the harem. With this Canfeda became one of the highest ranked harem servants in the harem. In fact, later she became the first woman to manage the harem after moving to Topkapi during Murad III's reign. Her responsibilities included assigning the jobs of the harem, overseeing the education of young girls, selecting girls, overseeing the households of all women living in the harem, and teaching servants of the personal service of the Valide and the Sultan.
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The kethüda hatun
As the right-hand of Nurbanu, Canfeda gained immense influence and recognition and certainly helped the Valide in everything she needed. Thus, perhaps indirectly, she may have been part of the fierce struggle between Nurbanu and Safiye. When the health of the Valide began to deteriorate in 1583 and she left the Topkapi Palace, Canfeda took control of the harem. Then in December of this year, the health of Nurbanu was finally shaken. On the deathbed of the valide, she made her son to swore that he will entrust the leadership of the harem to Canfeda. On the one hand, Nurbanu wanted to leave her son and the harem in good hands, but she also had the undisguised aim of limiting Murad's Haseki, Safiye, from gaining excessive power.
With the death of Nurbanu, Canfeda became the first kethüda hatun, the servant to control the harem, who essentially completely took over the duties of the deceased Valide Sultan, thus acting as a defacto Valide Sultan. According to some sources, Canfeda tried to send  beautiful concubines to Murad, but he soon recalled and probably also married Safiye, who was exiled by Nurbanu. Although Canfeda continued to control the harem, and although she was a highly influential figure, she still had a lower rank than Safiye Sultan. No concrete evidence remained about the relationship between the two women, however, the fact that Canfeda openly supported one of Murad’s sons, Mustusta and his mother, presumably suggest that Safiye and Canfeda were not too close together. Canfeda’s support and special commitment to Prince Mustafa may suggest that the little prince’s mother may have been gifted to Murad by her. But is it also possible that the prince was an orphan, so Canfeda took special care of him? We will probably never know the answer, but in any case, although Canfeda was not close to Safiye, there were no open enemity between them, their relationship could have been respectful.
Charity and clash with the janissaries
Canfeda was a particularly intelligent woman, thanks to which she was able to be a part of the intrigues inside the palace's harem. Thanks to her influence, many concubines sought her favors, which Canfeda cleverly exploited and amassed a huge wealth by accepting bribes and expensive gifts. However, she did not use her vast wealth arbitrarily. She donated a great deal, setting up several foundations, through which she established, among other things, a mosque and a fountain in Istanbul in 1584. There was also a school in her mosque complex. Then in 1593 she also established a mosque and a bath in the village of Beykoz. In addition to these outstanding architectural projects, she also received permission from the Sultan to renovate and expand a water supply canal that transported water to her mosque in Istanbul and a nearby spa.
Although she never used her vast wealth in a selfish manner, the displeasure of the Janissaries was nevertheless provoked by her wealth. In 1593, during one of the janissary mutinies caused by a delay in the payment of the salaries, the discontented soldiers demanded the heads of the Grand Vizier, the head Defterdar, and the loathsome Canfeda. Canfeda presumably came into the view of the Janissaries not only because of her great fortune, but also because of the actions of her brother (Crazy) Ibrahim Pasha. Ibrahim Pasha served as a beylerbey of Diyarbekir, but was imprisoned for his numerous abuses. Canfeda, using her influence, rescued his brother from prison and reached to put him back in his position. Maybe the Janissaries didn't like it either. Only with great efforts did Murad manage to calm the mutineers and save the lives of his associates.
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Later life
The fall of Canfeda was brought by Murad’s death, for Canfeda tried to smuggle one of Murad’s sons, Mustasta, out of the palace to save him from fratricide. The fact that Canfeda also risked her own life, wealth, and influence for the prince raises the possibility that perhaps she could indeed have been close to the prince or had a close bond with his mother. However, she failed to accomplish her deed, so the ten-year-old prince was executed by the new Sultan Mehmed, and Canfeda was immediately retired, thus moved to the Old Palace. Witnesses reported in detail about Murad’s harem moving to the Old Palace, highlighting how many chariots were needed to carry Canfeda’s belongings. Canfeda received 100 aspers as a daily salary after her retirement. When her salary proved insufficient to continue her construction projects and charity, Mehmed immediately raised the salary to 200 aspers. This clearly shows that although Canfeda’s action annoyed the new valide and the Sultan, the Sultan did not want to make Canfeda’s charitable actions impossible.
Canfeda presumably died around 1600, during the reign of Mehmed, probably due to natural causes.
Used sources: L. Peirce - The imperial harem; R. Ekrem Koçu - “Canfeda Hatun”; Kayaalp-Aktan - The Atik Valide Mosque Complex: A testament of Nurbanu’s prestige, power and piety; Ömer Düzbakar, Charitable Women And Their Pious Foundations In The Ottoman Empire: The Hospital of The Senior Mother, Nurbanu Valide Sultan; B. Tezcan - The Second Ottoman Empire: Political and Social Transformation in the Early Modern World
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Eredete és beosztása
Canfeda Hatun valószínűleg cserkesz származású nő volt, akinek egyes források szerint volt egy Ibrahim nevű bátyja, aki közepesen befolyásos államférfiként élte életét. Pontos születési ideje nem ismert, de Canfeda nagyjából Nurbanuval hasonló korú volt, így felmerül annak eshetősége is, hogy a két nő talán gyermekkoruktól ismerte egymást. Nurbanu aztán Szelim herceg ágyasaként elhagyta a Régi Palotát, míg Canfeda ott maradt és a háremszolgálók ranglétráján emelkedett egyre feljebb. Innen kérette magához aztán Nurbanu szultána, II. Szelim trónralépése után. Canfeda lett a hárem egyik legmagasabb beosztású háremszolgálója. Tulajdonképpen ő volt az első asszony, aki a Murad trónralépése után, Topkapiba költöző háremet igazgathatta. Feladatai közé tartozott a háremen belüli munkák beosztása és kiadása, a fiatal lányok oktatásának felügyelése, a lányok kiválogatása, a háremben lakó minden nő háztartásának felügyelete, valamint a valide és szultán személyes szolgálatában álló szolgálók kitanítása.
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A kethüda hatun
Canfeda Nurbanu jobbkezeként hatalmas befolyásra és elismerésre tett szert és minden bizonnyal igyekezett a valide szultána segítségére lenni mindenben, amiben csak kellett. Így talán közvetve része lehetett a Nurbanu és Safiye szultánák közötti kiélezett harcnak is. Amikor a valide szultána egészsége 1583-ban romlani kezdett és elhagyta a palotát, Canfeda vette át a hárem irányítását. Ez év decemberében aztán Nurbanu szultána egészsége végleg megrendült. A valide halálos ágyán megeskette fiát, hogy az halála után Canfedára bízza a hárem vezetését. Nurbanu ezzel egyrészt jó kezekben akarta tudni fiát és a háremet is, azonban nem titkolt célja volt az is, hogy korlátozza Murad Haszekijét, Safiyét a túlzott hatalomszerzéstől.
Nurbanu szultána halálával, Canfeda lett az első kethüda hatun, a háremet irányító szolgáló, aki lényegében teljesen átvette az elhunyt valide szultána feladatköreit, ezzel mintegy defacto valide szultánaként működve. Egyes források szerint Canfeda igyekezett szebbnél szebb háremhölgyeket küldeni Muradnak, ő azonban hamarosan visszahívta, sőt valószínűleg hites feleségévé tette a Nurbanu által száműzött Safiyét, aki így visszatérhetett a hárembe. Bár Canfeda irányította a háremet továbbra is, és bár kiemelten befolyásos személy volt, rangban akkor is Safiye szultána alatt állt. A két nő viszonyáról nem maradt fent konkrét bizonyíték, azonban az, hogy Canfeda nyíltan támogatta Murad egyik fiát, Musztafát és annak anyját, feltehetőleg nem álltak túl közel egymáshoz. Canfeda támogatása és különös elkötelezettsége Mustafa herceg iránt arra utalhat, hogy a kisherceg anyját talán ő ajándékozta Muradnak és az ő nevelése volt. De az is lehetséges, hogy a herceg árva volt, így Canfeda különös gondot fordított nevelésére? A választ valószínűleg sosem fogjuk megtudni. Mindenesetre bár Canfeda nem állt közel Safiyéhez, ellenségek sem voltak, viszonyuk tiszteletteljes lehetett.  
Jótékonykodás és összeütközés a janicsárokkal
Canfeda különösen intelligens nő volt, melynek köszönhetően remekül tudott belefolyni a palotán belüli intrikákba. Befolyásának köszönhetően sok ágyas kereste a kegyeit, melyet Canfeda okosan kihaszn��lt és hatalmas vagyont gyűjtött a megvesztegetések és drága ajándékok elfogadásával. Hatalmas vagyonát azonban nem önkényesen használta. Nagyon sokat adakozott, több alapítványt is létrehozott, melyeken keresztül többek között egy mecsetet és egy kutat is létrehozott Isztambulban, 1584-ben. Mecsetkompexumában helyt kapott egy iskola is. 1593-ban aztán Beykoz faluban is létrehozott egy mecsetet és egy fürdőt. Ezen kiemelt építészeti projektjei mellett pedig a szultántól engedélyt kapott arra is, hogy rendbehozasson és kibővíthessen egy vízszállító csatornát is, mely a vizet szállította isztambuli mecsetjéhez és egy közeli fürdőhöz.
Hatalmas vagyonát bár sosem önző módon használta, a janicsárok nemtetszését mégis kiváltotta gazdagsága. 1593-ban a janicsárok fizetésével megkésett az állam, akik erre fellázadtak és több fejet is követeltek, többek között a nagyvezírét, a fő jegyzőét és Canfedáét. Canfeda feltehetőleg nem csupán nagy vagyona miatt került a janicsárok látószögébe, hanem testvére (Őrült) Ibrahim Pasa tettei miatt is. Ibrahim Pasa Diyarbekir helytartójaként tevékenykedett, azonban számtalan visszaélése miatt börtönbe került. Canfeda pedig befolyását kihasználva kimentette testvérét a börtönből és elérte, hogy újra pozíciót kapjon. Talán ez sem tetszett a janicsároknak. Murad végül nagy nehézségek árán képes volt megnyugtatni a lázongó katonákat ezzel pedig megmentenie emberei életét.
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Kései évek
Canfeda bukását Murad halála hozta el, ugyanis Murad halálakor Canfeda megpróbálta Murad egyik fiát, Musztafát kicsempészni a palotából, hogy ezzel mentse meg a kivégzéstől. Az, hogy Canfeda kockára tette a saját életét, vagyonát és befolyását is a hercegért, felveti annak a lehetőségét, hogy talán valóban ő nevelhette a herceget, vagy annak anyjához fűzte szoros kötelék. Tettét azonban nem sikerült kiviteleznie, a tíz éves herceget az új szultán Mehmed kivégeztette, Canfedát pedig azonnal nyugdíjazták, aki így visszavonult a Régi Palotába. A szemtanúk részletesen beszámoltak Murad háremének Régi Palotába költözéséről, kiemelve Canfeda rengeteg szekéren utazó vagyontárgyait. Canfeda 100 asperes napi fizetést kapott visszavonulása után. Amikor napi 100 asperes fizetése nem bizonyult elégnek, hogy folytathassa építési projektjeit és jótékonykodását, Mehmed azonnal megemelte a fizetését 200 asperre. Ez egyértelműen mutatja, hogy bár Canfeda cselekedetével bosszantotta az új validét és a szultánt, a szultán nem akarta ellehetetleníteni Canfeda jótékonysági akcióit.
Canfeda feltehetőleg 1600 körül, Mehmed uralkodása alatt halt meg, valószínűleg természetes okok következtében.
Felhasznált források: L. Peirce - The imperial harem; R. Ekrem Koçu - “Canfeda Hatun”; Kayaalp-Aktan - The Atik Valide Mosque Complex: A testament of Nurbanu’s prestige, power and piety; Ömer Düzbakar, Charitable Women And Their Pious Foundations In The Ottoman Empire: The Hospital of The Senior Mother, Nurbanu Valide Sultan; B. Tezcan - The Second Ottoman Empire: Political and Social Transformation in the Early Modern World.
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This green kaftan with golden or bronze trimming was first seen on Firuze Hatun aka Hümeyra in the third season of Magnificent Century. In the twenty-second episode of the third season, it is seen on one of Şah Sultan’s servants. It was worn again by Melek Kalfa at the beginning of the fourth season. The kaftan is also seen on an unnamed harem member in the twenty-eighth and on Canfeda Hatun in the thirty-sixth episode of that season.
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This purple cloak with a grey lined hood was first worn by Carmina, Princess Isabella Fortuna’s servant, in the second season of season of Magnificent Century. It is worn again by Nigar Kalfa in the third season. A servant of Gabriella Sfenza wears it in the twenty-eighth episode and the nurse of King John II Sigismund of Hungary in the thirty-eighth episode of the same season. The cloak appears again on Canfeda Hatun in the twenty-second episode of the fourth season.
The cloak is also worn by an unnamed harem member in the fourth episode of the second season of Magnificent Century: Kösem.
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This pinkish red and silver dress is first worn by Mahidevran Sultan in the second season of Magnificent Century. Canfeda Hatun wears it in the fourth season.
Magnificent Century: Kösem used the dress on unnamed harem members in the sixth, seventeenth and twenty-sixth episode.
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