#Canon single blog
dykedvonte · 5 months
I think we need to start ignoring media again. There is media made for things I love that I ignore cause it is inevitably inconsequential to how I experience and enjoy the thing in my specific way. Like you can still watch or read or take in whatever it is but you don’t need to incorporate into how you enjoy the thing. It can just not exist for you in that aspect and it’s honestly less stressful and easier to do that than figure out how to make something you don’t care for into something you like.
When you try to force that connection or link or whatever you just end of tainting your own view of what you liked and now your even more upset than if you just went “huh… anyway back to my thing.”
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marioxdk · 1 year
The Mario Bros really are just attracted to royalty aren't they
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treeba-rk · 3 months
those weeks when i was obsessed with so american olivia rodrigo was so uncanny bc i don’t brainrot over american characters at all. the fic / animatic part of my head was just uncannily empty 💀 nawt a single american came to mind help
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xflashbastardx · 4 months
{ it's been an unofficial thing for a bit now but I'm gonna go ahead and say official hiatus for Aziraphale, Zi, and Kabaiel. I'm still on the fence about whether or not to switch this blog to only Crowley, but I'll at least feel less bad abput it in the meantime if the others are officially hiatused lmao }
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burstfoot · 8 months
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Time for me to introduce some more characters into the fold!!
Meet Rae, one of Bill and Liam's Moms. Yes you heard me right, Moms
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She is almost a perfect, but not quite. And she works in one of the Pline farms.
She's where Bill and Liam get their more childish, and chaotic nature from.
Rae got married to Thersa (who is Bill and Liam's other mom), though it wasn't romantic. The two decided to get married so they didn't have to have kids with someone they either didn't like or barely knew.
Thersa and Rae are besties tho, so despite them not being romantically together they still cherish and cared for one another.
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fallenclan · 1 year
- 🐆
UR ALL GOOD was it this one????? i don't answer every ask that i get bc if i did my blog would literally be nothing but asks. i get so many its unreal
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anghraine · 2 years
I forget what the opposite of strawmanning is called, but it's like ... I don't doubt that Tolkien genuinely disliked feminism, I just find it rather odd that his way of addressing this in his work seemed to be writing bitter, hard-edged, and incredibly eloquent women who give fantastic speeches about being fucked over by patriarchy. And either there's no real response from other characters or the response is deeply underwhelming, so I'm like ... okay, what are you even trying to do here?
These women are also usually very beautiful, in the interests of full disclosure, so you get all these ... like, tall hot women who do not fear pain or death!!! and are full of towering resentment at very real injustice and/or suffering. The details and nuances of these characters are quite different, but these characters obviously represent a type that Tolkien found compelling and kept returning to without really finding a solution to the problems these characters raise and pose.
I've read a lot of female characters by a lot of authors, and maybe it's just because my personal taste in female characters is really similar to Tolkien's, but few things click with me so much as Éowyn's speech to Aragorn, or Erendis's to Ancalimë, or Andreth's and Morwen's... everything, or even the shorter defiant responses we hear from Haleth, Aredhel, Niënor, Galadriel. There's even a trace of this with someone as improbable and deliberately unlikable as Lobelia Sackville-Baggins, who confronted Saruman's men, survived imprisonment, and tottered out to hobbit glory.
I don't know, really. Maybe giving angry female characters kickass speeches was as far as he was willing to go with them. And to go by his favored types in male characters, he did have a taste for proud, attractive, talented, often abrasive, and hubristic characters regardless of gender. But it's not only a general type, IMO, when you've got a bunch of these women talking about gender specifically and its impact on them, so—I don't know, sometimes I just shrug and get on with my fandom life without trying to navigate the quagmire of intent. But it's definitely a question I return to.
So there's no real conclusion here. I guess I'll just leave you with my personal favorites! Here's Éowyn's response to Aragorn:
"All your words are but to say: you are a woman, and your part is in the house. But when the men have died in battle and honour, you have leave to be burned in the house, for the men will need it no more." (LOTR 767)
But also Erendis, my love:
"...Númenor was to be a rest after war. But if they[men] weary of rest and the plays of peace, soon they will go back to their great play, manslaying and war. Thus it is; and we are set here among them. But we need not assent. If we love Númenor also, let us enjoy it before they ruin it. We also are daughters of the great, and we have wills and courage of our own. Therefore do not bend, Ancalimë. Once bend a little, and they will bend you further until you are bowed down. Sink your roots into the rock, and face the wind, though it blow away all your leaves." (Unfinished Tales)
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ingo-ingoing-ingone · 7 months
could you do me a favor and tag whenever there are ocs in your reblogs? thank you very much
I've so far didn't see much of it on your blog but I just noticed it and I would appreciate it very much.
I can try, but anon, I don't always know what's an OC and what is a canon character in the vast world of Pokémon that I've just never seen before.
Do like minor OCs to fill in gaps in fics count? What about characters who are truly blank slates, like some of the depot agents?
I can try and tag when there's like major OCs but when it comes to minor characters that's where I'm not gonna split hairs.
I guess the tags will be #others ocs and less commonly #my ocs
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thecruellestmonth · 1 year
Normal Batman fans: I don't want to engage with parts of canon in which my fave is an abusive asshole. I choose to engage with other stories instead, and I ignore stories that I dislike.
Nasty toxic Batman fans: Ooh, Bruce is being totally gross again, don't mind if I do~
Good Dad Bruce™ stans: Yes, I fully acknowledge that every single one of Bruce's kids is deeply—at times suicidally—traumatized by his parenting failures in canon, but he is NOT a bad parent! Bruce LOVES his family. Sometimes COMPLICATED PARENTS make their children feel WORTHLESS and ISOLATED, and then don't do anything to fix it! It's totally NATURAL, Bruce is just a COMPLICATED parent! He's COMPLICATED! Bruce LOVES his family. COMPLICATED, I say! NOT ABUSIVE! Would an abusive parent put a hand on his child's shoulder in a vague display of warmth once every few years??? Hm??? Yeah, I DIDN'T THINK SO, YOU STUPID ABUSE VICTIMS!! Bruce LOVES his family. He does nice things—why are you ignoring all the nice things that he's done? He is just an IMPERFECT person, he has made some teeny tiny mistakes repeatedly with 5+ separately acquired children over a twenty-year period. Bruce is just a regular IMPERFECT human being—which means that you critics are the UNREASONABLE MONSTERS imposing PERFECTIONIST standards on a poor innocent middle-aged baby adult man! Bruce LOVES his family. How could we expect exceptionally privileged hyperintelligent parents NOT to regularly use their position of power to make 4-6 children feel inadequate, unsafe, and alone?? What ridiculously high standards! Bruce LOVES his family.
#I hope you impressionable youngsters are learning the warning signs of abusive families and cults during your time in this fandom.#Bruce Wayne hate club#COMPLICATED PARENT BRUCE WAYNE#You know I personally like my own cobbled version of Bruce Wayne too. I like to ignore canon as I please.#But some of you stans work overtime to come up with the cruelest most hurtful insensitive and vomit-inducing IGNORANT opinions about abuse.#So eager to sanitize decades of a grown rich white male hero living his power fantasy on the backs of vulnerable and traumatized kids#--in your zeal to make sure that the world's most popular superhero doesn't suffer a whisper of criticism--#you choose to echo the excuses given to powerful people who use their power to hurt and control smaller people.#'He is complicated—' His behavior is abusive.#'He didn't intend to—' He did something abusive.#'But he LOVES his family!' He is an abusive piece of shit and he needs to do better.#'Well he is just an imperfect human—' Nobody is asking him to be perfect. Not everyone perpetuates abuse and refuses to change.#'But you have to understand that he had a very terrible childhood.' Every single one of his kids has had an inarguably worse childhood.#'Hm. That version of Bruce really is an abusive asshole. My homebrew isn't and he wouldn't do that.' DING DING DING! WINNER WINNER! 🥳👑👑👑#'Bruce is an abusive asshole. He is the perfect meow meow for my fiction about toxic families and dark themes.' YES. YOU WIN. 💗👏👏👏😘😘😘#IMPERFECT PARENT BRUCE WAYNE#negativity#fandom discourse#anti Bruce Wayne#child abuse mention cw#The funny thing is that this blog discusses Jason Todd the most but I'd say he probably suffered the least abuse.#At least he's a villain. What is Bruce's excuse for the way he mistreats and neglects the others?
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katyspersonal · 11 months
Mending Runes thoughts
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Okay, me and @val-of-the-north smoked a few Scarlet Rot mushrooms and tried to actually analyze the fact that some Tarnished created mending runes on their own (Goldmask, Fia, Dung Eater). ...Okay, not on their own, with our help, but still.
And it actually does make a bunch of sense; after Scattering, Demigods were expected to fix the Elden Ring but they didn't and that is why Tarnished got called upon. So they should have the capacity to fix the Ring of course (not necessarily will happen, Age of Fracture is still a thing). Moreover, it seems that shards of the Demigods should have the capacity to fix the Ring into a new order too as they are adaptive (Malenia's rune rots, Rykard's rune is snakelike, Mohg's is cursed with blood and Radahn's is burning in resistance). But like.... what I did find weird is that all Tarnished that made a mending rune died?
It could have been coincidental with Dung Eater and Fia taking too much physical strain to survive (apparently Fia dies regardless of what we do with D, he just bashes a corpse thinking she is asleep dfshfhs). But what Goldmask dies from? Too much Insight?? Text seems to reflect that too, as it says the mending rune was 'gestated' for Fia and Dung Eater, but 'discovered' for Goldmask (same in Japanese text ( x ), the symbols go as が宿した (resided/stayed/etc) for Dung Eater and Fia and が見出した (was discovered) for Goldmask). So I thought maybe Corhyn could have murdered Goldmask in his disgust and insanity... But then Val said that Goldmask dies no matter what "so maybe he was already under a lot of strain from thinking too hard whether there is the result or not lol" and like... yeah, what if?? OKAY SO-
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This seems counter-productive if as soon as a potential new Lord discovers something actually substancial for Greater Will, they fucking die? Like they can't be a Lord then. Because they're fucking dead. WHAT IF this "system", by default, implied two people to participate, with one taking the role of either sacrifice or simply helping? Maidens exist to turn the golden runes gathered by their assigned Tarnished into their strenght, which might double as taking the strain off their shoulders. BB has a more boldly stated idea of turning the [level-up currency] into power doubling as a relief, but Souls games tend to reuse the mechanics, so... And ideally, if a Tarnished would come up with a mending rune (through physical strain or being too darn smart), their Maiden would help them to survive this discovery with the 'I will turn your principles and ambitions into your strength' 🤔
Soooo yeah... The big problem with this plan s that no one can have a Maiden anymore. Bernahl's Maiden threw herself into a fire, Vyke's maiden would have if Vyke allowed her to - there is a problem of needing to burn the entrance to the Erdtree! But even that aside, nobody in the Roundtable Hold has a Maiden, and our Tarnished never met their own (it could have been the corpse in the starting room). One way or another the intended bond of Tarnished and Maiden gets sabotaged, but if it didn't... yeah, I think Tarnished were NOT meant to die upon discovering a rune to fix the Ring! Unlike Demigods, they just needed help of the powers Maidens have to handle so much strain but too bad can't have shit in the Lands Between (though I don't trust that Dung Eater is missing his Maiden for a sympathetic or accidental reason)
P.S.: Val also suggested that Alberich would be an ideal Tarnished to discover a mending rune himself, since he had some very coherent ideas and aspirations. It did not happen, maybe everyone who focuses on blood and curses goes insane before they accomplish anything *looks at Mohg* , but yeah I agree that he had the potential
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theha1r · 1 month
every single day of my life i am fighting the urge to make a gwen stacy blog -
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infini-tree · 1 year
actually you know what. woe, dramatis personae for the theoretical next gen concept:
meena beard-bobeesa: fourth grade, a little too clever by half (she take’s after her dad that way)
nikolai ‘nik’ beard-bobeesa: quieter of the two siblings, third grade. bit of a mama’s boy
owen and kei h. doanbee-ahiro: twins in kindergarten. currently going through their own mini-separation anxiety arc a la the first movie after being put in separate classes.
holt peets: stanley peet’s nibling (from one of his older siblings). fourth grade, 4H kid, highly competitive, butts heads with meena but ultimately means well
principal chivess: currently starting a midlife crisis and trying so, so hard to not get crushed under the system
mr. palil: (“messed up a little”) third/fourth grade split class teacher that meena and nik are in. definitely got crushed under the system
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beananium · 1 year
hey what if i announce i'm may now be a romantic self shipper with my main f/o being kaito ...
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thebananwithaplan · 1 year
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. "This is a reminder that I'm not falling for the 'enn-eff-tea' thing that has been going on for a while now. Any one of them that claims to be my 'creator' and has been using my likeness for that shit, it's false and I never granted my permission to anybody for that. No 'cryptic-currency' stuff, either."
((Look, he's actually anti-AI replacing artistic integrity of multiple aspects and knows when to credit artists. You can't tell me with a straight face that he'd willingly agree to be one of the faces of these kinds of scams, as greedy as he may seem-))
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fitzselfships · 4 months
Hey tumblr stop recommending me canon x canon ships with Zooble and recommending me entire blogs that feature that content thanks
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