#Cantique des cantiques
c-etait-ailleurs · 1 year
Aux courbes de tes cuisses est un joyau façonné au doigté d'un orfèvre : C'est au bas de ton ventre une coupe en croissant de lune où le vin parfumé ne saurait pas manquer ! — ton ventre est mont de blé que parsèment des lys… Et tes seins sont deux faons, jumeaux d’une gazelle, Et le port de ton cou, une tour en ivoire ! Tes yeux, aussi profonds que les lacs de Heshbon, portes de Bath-Rabbim, luisent en ton visage, une tour du Liban qui guette vers Damas. Couronne de ta tête — altière : un mont Carmel ! —, tes nattes empourprées ont capturé un roi, enchaîné à leurs flots ! Splendeur, ma toute belle, mon amour, mes délices ! Dressée comme un palmier ! tes seins en sont les fruits. J'ai rêvé mes mains remontant le palmier pour en saisir les fruits, tes seins, "ces grappes de ma vigne" ; le parfum de tes effluves, leur arôme de pommes m'enivrant de ta saveur comme du meilleur vin… — Il se répand pour mon bien-aimé, coulant suavement entre ses lèvres ensommeillées.
Cantique des Cantiques 7, 2b-10
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nextposition1 · 5 months
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philippequeau · 1 year
Les yeux et les cheveux de la Sulamite
“La vallée du Mont Galaad” Le Cantique des cantiques, ou « Chant des chants » (Chir ha-chirim), cèle ses sources, ses silences, ses abysses. Chaque mot, à la fois, voile, invite, cache, révèle. Densité de ses sens, scansion de ses secrets. Une brève analyse des deux premiers versets du chapitre 4 (Ct 4,1-2) en donnera peut-être une idée. Dans la version de la Bible de Jérusalem, ils sont…
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galliaestomnis · 2 years
Mon bien aimé est à moi, et je suis à lui ; Il fait paître son troupeau parmi les lis.
Le Cantique des Cantiques, 2
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mote-historie · 8 months
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George Barbier, In early Art Deco style: Dix-sept dessins de George Barbier sur Le cantique des cantiques - Traduction française de 1316 (Seventeen drawings by George Barbier on The Song of Songs - French translation from 1316), Paris: La Belle Édition, 1914.
For sale: EditionOriginale.com
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ascendandt · 11 minutes
I LOVE SINGINGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i wish my choir practice was 4hours legitimately. i am having so much fun :DDD
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Song of songs
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dixvinsblog · 5 months
Frédéric Manfrin - Ballades parisiennes - Saint-Nicolas des Champs
J’ai pris quelques minutes ce matin,Pour passer à l’église Saint-Nicolas des Champs.J’ai pris le temps de réciter ce cantique appris enfant :Rédempteur admirable,Sur la croix attaché,Traité comme un coupable,Brisé pour mon péché,Ton angoisse suprême,Ta douleur, ton tourmentMe disent : « Vois, je t’aime ;J’ai pris ton châtiment ». Et pendant un instant,J’avais à nouveau sept ou huit ans.
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beatriceportinari · 1 year
yen a marrrrre des catho sur insta laissez moi regarder mes pliages tranquilles
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c-etait-ailleurs · 2 years
Le bas de ton ventre est une coupe ronde, où le vin parfumé ne devrait pas manquer.
Cantique des Cantiques 7, 3 (trad. BFC)
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aoki-minz · 1 year
Psaume 121 cantique des dégrés. Je lève mes yeux vers les montagnes ... D'où me vient le secours? Le secours me vient de l'Eternel qui a fait les cieux et la terre. Il ne permettra point que ton pied chancelle; celui qui te garde ne sommeillera point. Voici, il ne sommeille ni ne dort, celui qui garde Israël. L'Eternel est celui qui te garde, l'Eternel est ton ombre à ta main droite. Pendant le jour le soleil ne te frappera point, Ni la lune pendant la nuit, l'Eternel te gardera de tout mal, il gardera ton âme; l'Eternel gardera ton départ et ton arrivée, Dès maintenant et à jamais.
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vmfresf · 1 year
10/09/2023 - [15h GMT +1] Église Chrétienne Maranatha - École Biblique D...
Cantique des Cantiques de Salomon.
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alapagedeslivres · 2 years
Au coin du feu... Charles DICKENS
Au coin du feu… Charles DICKENS
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thebeautifulbook · 4 months
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LE CANTIQUE DES CANTIQUES [aka THE SONG OF SONGS] (Paris, 1925) Art binding by Francois-Louis Schmied (2020) 3 volumes.
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prosedumonde · 10 months
Et moi, Sylvius, je tourne et je m’épuise autour de ta beauté, sans doute un soir je mourrai de t’avoir aimé. 
Marguerite Burnat-Provins, Cantique d’été
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hymnsofheresy · 2 years
Truly He taught us to love one another His law is love and His gospel is peace Chains he shall break, for the slave is our brother And in his name all oppression shall cease Sweet hymns of joy in grateful chorus raise we With all our hearts we praise His holy name Christ is the Lord! Then ever, ever praise we His power and glory ever more proclaim!
“Since that first rendition at a small Christmas mass in 1847, "O Holy Night" has been sung millions of times in churches in every corner of the world. And since the moment a handful of people first heard it played over the radio, the carol has gone on to become one of the entertainment industry's most recorded and played spiritual songs. This incredible work--requested by a forgotten parish priest, written by a poet who would later split from the church, given soaring music by a Jewish composer, and brought to Americans to serve as much as a tool to spotlight the sinful nature of slavery as tell the story of the birth of a Savior--has become one of the most beautiful, inspired pieces of music ever created.” (x)
Learn about the abolitionist history of O Holy Night:
“Things start in 1843 or 1847—there’s some discrepancy about the year—in Roquemaure, a small town in the Rhône valley region. Placide Cappeau, who had followed his father into the wine business, was also known for the poetry he composed. Though a critic of the Catholic church, Cappeau was asked by the local priest to write a few stanzas in celebration of the town cathedral’s newly refurbished organ. He is said to have written the song’s words while in transit to Paris on business, with the biblical Gospel of Luke as inspiration. On the advice of the same clergyman who had commissioned him, Cappeau took his completed work—then titled “Minuit, Chrétiens,” or “Midnight, Christians”—to Adolphe Adams, a composer of some renown. Adams, who was of French-Jewish descent, arranged the music, and the song was newly christened as "Cantique de Noel.” The carol would make its world debut, with opera singer Emily Laurey belting lyrics, during Christmas eve midnight mass at the Roquemaure church...
Though "Cantique de Noel” would quickly become a French Christmas favorite, it was later denounced by the French Catholic church—a reported consequence of Cappeau being an avowed atheist and socialist, along with the discovery that Adams was Jewish, not Christian. One bishop reportedly dismissed the song as having a "lack of musical taste and total absence of the spirit of religion.” There was also some resistance to Cappeau’s overtly anti-slavery lyrics in the third verse, which were perhaps made more glaring by his emergent political outspokenness. In any case, the ban reveals where the French Catholic church stood on matters of abolition...
In any case, "Cantique de Noel” would make its way across the Atlantic to John Sullivan Dwight, a white American abolitionist, Unitarian minister, musician and classical music aficionado who published a magazine called Dwight's Journal of Music...
Dwight gave his translated verse the title “O Holy Night” when he published it in his music periodical in 1855. It apparently became a hit in the U.S., gaining popularity among the abolitionist crowd during the Civil War. Even as the song was being banned in its home country, it was becoming a staple of Christmas, and a song of protest, thousands of miles away, in the U.S. It’s long since become part of the broader American Christmas songbook.”
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