ampreh · 1 year
[TRF] Astie's departure
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The Rust Factory- Astie/Post-ler & @chimneycoal-yuntzler What if their Mr Once-ler in chief wasn't their Mr Once-ler in chief anymore ? Where is @1940s-onceler ? What, Cap-lers vs Cap-lers ? I had a day off, I wanted to do something for T.R.F. (๑´•.̫ • `๑) I repeat it again : I wish I was paid to draw a full comics but eeeh not even sure if people would buyt it haha • My site | Commissions Info • • Instagram | Twitter | Youtube  | Artfol | Artfight •
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How's the air at camp?
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Coal/Smog-ler : "Incomparable with factory's. Smogulus-smog may have killed my lungs, but the air at Camp Weehawken makes me cough less and have less respiratory crises. In short, I revive."
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Pls, I beg of thee, anything with Shotty and Cap. They're so underrated (I mean they appear for two seconds but still)
Guys I think he got too excited
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I also made another one of them with Lee!Shotty and Ler!Cap here
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cutesmokes · 8 months
My friend has a bunch of OC's and they're freaking adorable
I hope I did them justice ❤️
Day 12: bites/ nibbles
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eunchancorner · 1 year
Enjoy chaotic cops
“Poke!” Shotty poked at Cap’s side with a giggle. “Poke poke poke!”
“Sh-Shotty, stop…” Cap snorted and held back giggles at each little poke. He knew what Shotty was doing. They made it too obvious. Still, he could always try to just tell his partner off.
“Whyyyyyy?” they cooed, laying on their back beside him. “You gonna stop me? Hm? Hmm? Poke poke poke!”
The ravenette was starting to have enough of his partner’s shit. The pokes seemed to be getting more and more ticklish as time went on. It was only a matter of time before he snatched their wrists up and dragged them into his lap, glaring down at them.
“How well did you think that was going to end for you, Shotty?” he questioned his tan-haired bestie, who just grinned up at him.
“Very well, actually!”
“Well…” Cap started before looking Shotty up and down, noticing their outfit. More specifically, their shorts. Seemed as though they really wanted to get wrecked today.
“You were right,” he finished as he quickly dug into Shotty’s ribs, prompting a squeal and that chaotic laugh he lived to hear. He smirked as his roommate kicked and squealed, twisting and turning in his hands, and still kept up perfectly with their thrashing. Of course he did. He was used to it by now.
Shotty, however, could never get used to how easily Cap could tickle them to pieces. Maybe they were just too ticklish, or maybe it was because Cap knew exactly what got them going and how, but nevertheless, Shotty never failed to be surprised with how badly it tickled.
“Cahahahahap wahahait!! Wahait nohohoho! Ihi’m sohohohohorry!” they squealed out, wiggling in their friend’s grip, but Cap wasn’t deterred.
“Why are you suddenly fighting back? I thought you wanted this, Shotty? Hmm? Are you regretting it now, or, maybe, you’d wanna play your favorite game?” Cap cooed sweetly.
“Ihihi- It’s YOUR fahavorihihite gahahahame!!”
“Hm, guess that’s true, too… still, we’re gonna play it.”
The ravenette quickly dragged Shotty farther over his lap, grabbing their shin and lifting their leg up at a diagonal angle. He smirked at Shotty, who shook their head quickly, trying to push down spluttery, nervous giggles as they realized how fucked they were.
Without another word, Cap strummed on their thigh, similar to how you would a guitar, even going so far as to lightly press on their calf.
Shotty let loose with the loudest, chaotic, most hysterical laugh, the very same laugh that happens every time Cap played ‘Leg guitar’ with them. He knew how bad it was, how bad it got Shotty going, so of course it quickly became his favorite.
However, that spot also quickly brought Shotty to their limit, so when Cap heard their laugh become more hiccup than laughter, he backed off.
He gently scooped his partner up and held them close, letting them let out their residual giggles as they melted. He noticed their lack of stimming and fidgeting and figured he’d tired them out really bad with the tickles.
“Finally gonna stop bugging me?” he asked, and all they responded with was a small snuggle and a quiet sigh, which told him all he needed to know.
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finnscozycove · 1 month
Edit: The vids will not be started till 3:00Pm EST and will probably start coming out at 5 EST or later.
And no i do not know why i wrote it all in caps.
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ghostlee · 2 months
My absolute FAVORITE double life trope is soulmates being able to feel when the other is getting tickled bro ITS SO GOOD
Like imagine Tango is getting into a bit of a Ler Mood and he’s getting all fidgety and so he starts tickling Impulse or sumn and across the maps BDubs just collapses in a puddle of giggles while he’s trying to do sumn and Jimmy walks over and is like uh oh someone’s feelin in a ler mood here.
And then suddenly Bdubs sees a thing come in from impulse that’s super badly typed out just saying TANGO in all caps and Bdubs tried to look up to Jimmy before grabbing his ankle and pulling him down to the ground and reaching up to dig his fingers into Jimmys sides when he feels the tickling on himself get lessened for a moment so he takes that chance to jump up on Jimmy and tickle the hecc out of him.
WHICH THEN TANGO on the other side of the map screams and tumbles off of Impulse feeling ghost hands dig into his sides and just rolls on the floor unable to do anything but laugh.
Impulse stands up and is like “HAHA! It worked!” And starts tickling Tango as well and on Bdubs side he can see and hear Jimmys whole body like jump as his laughter goes up another octave that he’s being double tickled.
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ampreh · 2 years
I love your work!! And your OCs! I must know more about the cap-lers, I’m new to the once-ler fandom ❤️
[OOC] Oh first of all, welcome to the fandom! (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)ﻭ I'm new too (since April!) and it's nice to meet new people! Thanks to you, I'm glad to have the opportunity to explain...
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Once-ler : "You all know my wonderful invention, the Thneed! It does the job of a thousand ! But do you really think that all the Thneeds that come out of this factory are made only by the strength of my arms? Ha ha ha! As much as I would love to be able to sell make you all happy personally with my little wonders, I have to rely on my superb family. There are so many of us spread out all over the world!"
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Once-ler : "First of all, there is me, the genius inventor, the Onceler-in-chief! Secondly, there is my close family, which we call "The close circle". I could never have started my business without them. Then, my personal assistants, Miss O'Schmunsler and Miss Funtzler. and finally my dedicated Cap-lers!
Hundreds and hundreds of hands ready to help me, devoted to my service and to the service of all the other myself in all the other universes. Workforce, cheap to pay, simple to replace. We are all together for a common interest: profit the interest to make you all happy and to revolutionize the world! So, aren't we a tight-knit family that makes you dream? The Cap-lers, in addition to having beautiful gloves and head covers matched to MY designs, are involved in various trades: administration, secretarial, cleaning service, delivery service, accountant, chimney sweep, machinists, architects, lumberjacks, harvesters, inspectors, couturiers, AND MORE, so varied are their occupations! All of them are under the orders of their section chief, who is called: The starred!"
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Once-ler : "Ah, my dear starred are basically workers like any Cap-ler who have distinguished themselves by their great merit, their exploits, their performance. A bit like "employees of the month", but year-round since the opening of my wonderful factory.
They received a special reward for their merit: a key to a future home in Thneedville, as soon as it opens! Ha! I wish I were them!…. … no wait, I don't have to be in their shoes, as mayor I'll have my mansion! Ha ha!"
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Once-ler : As I said, Cap-lers are at the service of Once-lers! Everyone, without exception, can ask them for services, a helping hand or tasks, and this for free. (A fee is charged to anyone who is not a member of the Once-ler family!) So, what do we say, Cap-lers?
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gaybananabread · 5 months
Hello, beautiful soul!! For the fruit shop, could we have lee!Hawks and ler!LoV? With banana, orange, and watermelon? Maybe some of those tickle bites/kisses land on those extra sensitive wings...lord knows how he'd handle a raspberry. He's canonically vibration sensitive.
Fruit(s): Bananas, Oranges, Watermelon
Aww hi Anon! I’ve never written for the LoV besides Dabi, so new experience! I do have the character limit capped at four for these fics, so I just picked the league members that I thought would be most fun. Love writing for KFC, definitely one of my MHA favorites to get got (). This is gonna be pre-PLF because it’s just easier for me that way. Thank you for requesting, and I hope you Enjoy!
Lee: Hawks
Lers: Dabi, Twice, Toga
Summary: Hawks is sassing his fellow LoV members, collectively pissing everyone off. While some more violent methods are suggested, the most interested trio finds a way to get back at the birdie without injuring their “asset.” 
Warnings: none! This is a tickle fic, so if you don’t like that, scroll away!!
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The League of Villains were gathered in their “meeting room,” though only two members were really paying attention to Shigaraki’s spiel. Kurogiri was…probably listening? It was hard to tell with him. Mr. Compress seemed to be engaged, nodding along and occasionally humming. Then again, he almost always indulged Shigi’s rants; it was just the kind of man he was.
Dabi was practically laying on the table, his head resting on his folded arms; he couldn’t care less about the precautions. If heroes ever found them, he’d burn them all to a nice crisp. Twice and Toga were trading a piece of paper back-and-forth, writing little notes and doodles to pass the time. Spinner idly twirled one of his blades, sharing most of his teammates’ boredom.
Right as Shigaraki got to the extra repetitive part of his speech, a smug yet smooth voice spoke up. “Don’cha think you should talk about something new, Shigaraki? This is getting kinda old.” 
Six pairs of eyes shot over to Hawks, though most were more excited than shocked; it was something other than the same “we’re the ultimate fighters” speech. Shigaraki, however, seemed less than amused. “Really, hero? And what would you say, since you’re so amazing at speeches?” The word “hero” was said very bitterly; his way of reminding Hawks that he was still on thinner ice.
“Well, ya really haven’t gone over the next moves for the League. We’ve tossed ideas around, but do we have a clear idea? Seems kinda important ta me.” The Decay user frowned, though he couldn’t say Hawks was wrong. He had been laying the hero slander on a little thick, but he was getting angry. Besides, he had a clear idea of what was to come next. He just wasn’t ready to share that big a plan with the bird yet.
“That…isn’t ready for sharing. I do have plans, you just… don’t get to know them.” That wasn’t a lie, either. He wasn’t telling them more than the bare minimum until the day grew closer. Upon hearing this, a few league members huffed and chuckled under their breaths. Even though they knew their leader did have plans, it was funny to see someone make him squirm. 
Hawks normally wouldn’t act like that; his main goal was to blend in and find out the League’s big plans without getting caught. That day, however, he was bored of the same unhelpful information, his casual attitude and snark slipping out without him realizing it.
That week, it had slipped out a lot. Everyone’s patience was wearing thin, to the point of them discussing various torture methods and violent solutions. A few were particularly pissy, having a group discussion about what the hell to do with their newest member.
“I’m gonna kill that ungrateful newbie.” Shigaraki growled in a scratchy, annoyed tone. “Who does he think he is, hijacking my fine meeting?!” Toga giggled, though didn’t make any comments.
Dabi spoke next, huffing. “Told you lunatics he was trouble. But no, none‘a you listened to me. Reap what you sow, assholes.” He really didn’t care about minding his language; everyone was a bit pissed, giving him an excuse. Twice decided to put his two cents in, quite literally.
“C’mon, it’s probably just an off week for him or something. Let’s main him; I’m sure nobody would mind!” Toga giggled again, catching the attention of the hothead. Dabi glared at her, crossing his arms as his snarl somehow deepened. “What’s got you all giggly, psycho? Maiming get you going or somethin’?”
The blonde just shook her head, a shit-eating yet lax smile on her face. “You boys are going about this all wrong~! If he’s making jokes, you gotta make him laugh for it to stop! Izuku-kun does it all the time~” She sounded oddly reminiscent at the end… Still, Dabi just scoffed.
“Make him laugh? And you’re still stalking that hero kid? Seriously?” She disregarded that second part, nodding and smiling widely. “Yeah! He’s looking for a giggle or snicker when he sasses you guys; why not return the favor~?” The answer was cryptic, as things usually were with Toga, but it got a certain man interested. 
“Return the favor? How do we do that, jokes? That’s idiotic, let’s just do it my way!” His first statement sounded intrigued, so Toga went with it and explained. “Well, that’s one way, but Izuku’s friends make it a lot more fun!”
Dabi interjected, sick of the short back-and-forth. “Fuckin’ hell, just say it, you nutjob! Sick of this!” She rolled her eyes, pouting. “So grumpy, Dabi! Well, I say…we tickle him!”
Every man in the room paused, looking at her with varying degrees of “what now?” for her statement. 
“Tickle him? What is this, fuckin’ preschool?”
“Toga, we’re respectable villains, not children.”
“Oh…I mean, uhm, why. What the hell?!”
“C’mon boys, you’re no fun! It would teach him a lesson, and he’d probably stop interrupting your meetings~” Toga said the last bit in a sing-songy voice, making Shigaraki huff. She had won. “Whatever, I don’t care. If it doesn’t work, though, I’m putting chicken wings on the menu.” Their leader left, done with that entire conversation; Toga had his permission, though.
“Are you really not gonna take the opportunity to get back at Hawks? Even after he called you crispy?” The flame user’s nostrils flared; she knew how to play her cards. “FINE! Fine, ya shit, I’ll help! You’re lucky I need revenge…  Twice, c’mon.”
The multi-opinionated villain jumped up, seeming mostly curious and a bit excited to carry out their plan. Well, if you could call the vague outline of “tickle Hawks until he stops being an ass” a plan. Still, they were ready.
Hawks was sitting at the bar counter, scrolling aimlessly through his phone. He was bored, and the news was rather unhelpful in keeping him up-to-date. He was in a sort of daze, so much so that he didn’t notice the three villains sneaking up behind him. 
Twice took one more step, though that seemed to be a wrong move; the floorboard squeaked, alerting Hawks of their presence. He whipped his head around, seeing the three of them “sneaking” towards him. Oh hell no…
He immediately tried to fly away before realizing that he couldn’t; he had depleted his wings in a fight a few days prior. He was stuck with running. The hero took off, zipping into the back room of the bar. 
The villain trio followed, though Dabi wasn’t putting his full effort into it. Twice ducked through one of the roundabout doors, running through the back halls. Right as Hawks flung another door open to try and escape, he was greeted by two wide cloth eyes. Not good!
Twice tackled him, calling out to Dabi for the taller man to restrict the winged hero. Dabi grabbed Hawks, keeping his hands pinned behind his back as he practically marched the other man back into the main bar. The flame user forced Hawks to sit, using Toga’s red scarf thing to bind his hands together. “Let me go! When I get loose, you guys are-”
Toga pretty much cut him off, too eager to wait any longer. She bent her fingers into claws, running them down both sides of him. He squeaked, biting his lip to restrain the giggles bubbling in his throat. He failed pretty quickly.
The blood enthusiast cooed, speeding up her tickling fingers. “Heya birdie~! You’ve been trying to get us to laugh aaall week! Figured we could give you your turn!” Hawks thrashed a bit, realizing two things: one, dabi was behind him and very close to his wings, and two, he was completely stuck. Shit. “G-gehet off mehehehe!”
Dabi spun the stool a bit, exposing more of Hawks’ front and giving the two other villains more access. His own fingers wormed their ways between his wing bases and his back, tickling furiously; man was wasting no time. The duality of Toga’s gentler teasing and Dabi’s ruthless scribbles drew deep, panicky belly laughter from him. “H-HEHEHEY! DAHABI, NAHAT- GYAAHAHA!”
“Ooooh, bad spot~ Get ‘im, Dabi!” Toga cooed close to Hawks’ ear, her fingers teasing along his ribcage and sides. Now that the man was more exposed, Twice joined in, his hands as split as his personality. The left was lightly clawing at his stomach while the other was digging into the back of his knee. The most wonderful noise Toga had ever heard left his lips; a snorty squeal.
“Awwwww, Hawks~! That’s soooo cute! Twice, make him do it again!” The man continued to torment Hawks’ knee, pulling more loud laughter and a few snorts from him. “TWIHIHI- *snrk* FUHUHAHACK OHOFF!” “Wow, you’re ticklish! He’s like a human squeak toy!” Toga giggled, absolutely delighted; it was like a deranged kid in a candy store.
While those boisterous reactions were great and all, Dabi was out for revenge, not playtime. Looking over the bird man’s wings, he noticed just how much they were twitching from the scribbling on the bases. The most they would move, though, was when Dabi got closer, his breath slightly ruffling a few feathers. Oh…oh that’s perfect.
Leaning in closer, Dabi whispered in the hero’s ear, the smirk clear in his voice. “Get ready to sing for me, birdie~” Hawks squeaked at the buzz on his ear, his eyes widening when he realized just where Dabi was. Toga and Twice were still going to town, giving him no reprieve. It wasn’t as bad as when Dabi was on his wings, but that would soon change. “Dahahabi noho! Ihi- I’ll kihihill youhuhuhu!”
Completely ignoring the other man’s pleas, Dabi lowered his mouth to the depleted wings, gently nibbling on the very top of the frame. 
Hawks practically shrieked, his back arching as he tried to get away. Toga grabbed his waist, both wanting to continue and help out her fellow tickler. “DAHAHAHAHA! *snrk* NAHAHAT THEHERE!”
Dabi just chuckled against his wings, sneaking small kisses in with the nibbles. The other man’s reactions, while adorable, were fulfilling his need for revenge quite nicely. It was also hilarious to see a pro hero absolutely destroyed by something so simple. “What’s wrong, bird brain? Does it tickle?”
At that point, what Twice and Toga were doing was nothing; his wings were horrid, especially with bites and the like. If he could, he’d send his feathers after Dabi to get him off. His wings were left with only smaller feathers, however, and he couldn’t focus enough to control them if he tried.
As much as the man hated to do it, he was really close to his breaking point. Throwing in the white flag, Hawks tried to call the mercy plea, though he had no idea which one to use. “S-STAHAHAP! REHED, UHUNCLE, C’MOHOHON!”
Dabi snickered, taking a quick break from the nibbles and kisses to tease Hawks’ ear once again. “You gotta promise to behave, songbird~ No more sass.” Then, without giving the winged hero a chance to speak, he blew a raspberry right on the base of one of Hawks’ wings. 
That man lost his shit.
“NYAAAAHAHA! *srk* DAHAHA-” The man’s laughter went silent as Dabi blew another raspberry, the killer vibrations spreading all throughout his wings and flooding his senses. The vibration sensitivity in his wings was amazing for flight combat, but it was like an Achillies heel in that moment. Tears of mirth gathered in the corners of his eyes, his thrashing almost tripling.
Toga, of all people, felt a bit bad for Hawks. She liked the bird a bit and had already gotten her fill of his laughter. Plus, the silent stuff was no fun. “Awe, Dabi, give him a break. We don’t wanna kill him; he won’t be able to laugh anymore!”
Rolling his eyes, he pulled his head away; it was almost cute how quickly the man slumped back onto his chest. He was exhausted. 
Panting and trying to regain his composure, Hawks giggled off the residual tickles. Both of his wings were buzzing with ticklish energy, his face red and his mind reeling. “Hoho- hohohoholy shihit…” Looking around, he noticed the expectant looks he was getting. He’d rather not risk that happening again so soon. “Ihi prohohomise to…to stohop sassing youhu guhuhuhuys. Hahappy?”
A small sound came from behind him; something strangely close to an amused snort as Dabi chuckled. “Ecstatic. You’re a mess, bird brain.” Toga leaped forwards, getting very into Hawks’ personal space and smiling. “Oh my, that was adorable! You look so cute when you beg~!” Twice chuckled behind her, both sides of him amused with what happened.
The moment Dabi untied his hands, Hawks stormed off, shutting and locking the door to his temporary room in the bar. Having achieved their goal, the three villains split ways, each going to do their respective business. Dabi went to stalk the city’s nighttime scene, Twice decided to play video games, and Toga updated her tabs on poor Midoriya. While they all did their own thing, all three of them were thinking about what had just happened. 
Even Hawks, who would have preferred to forget it ever happened, laid on his bed with the event running through his mind. He’d definitely be watching his mouth from then on…
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tickling-giggles · 1 year
may i please have a drabble of ler miles and pav getting revenge on a lee hobie? thank you!!
Cool? More like Cute
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TW: wee bit of swearing
“Pav let me up” Hobie demanded. “ Eh sorry no can do Hobs” Pav shrugged his shoulders smiling at Hobie who was currently trapped underneath his webs. “Yo Miles can you remove Pav’s webs for me” he called to Miles.
“No dude” Miles smiled at him. “Don’t make me kick both of your asses especially you Pav” He squinted at both of them before looking directly at Pavitr. “Woahhh see me personally, I wouldn’t let no one speak to me like that but hey that’s just me though” Miles instigated.
“It’s okay Miles he’s only acting like this because he’s in his Cool, Emo, Bad boy phase” Pav rolled his eyes smiling at Miles.
“I’ve always been cool and you know it now let me up” Hobie corrected Pav, as he once again demands to be released. “Ah ah ah not until you’ve had your daily dose of laughter” Miles chimes in as he began to tickle his sides.
“Jokes on you kid I’m not ticklish” Hobie scoffed smirking at the boy. “He’s a liar Miles he’s ticklish, you just gotta tickle him here first and then he’ll be ticklish everywhere else” Pav explained as he kneeled down near his feet.
“Pav I swear on spiders if you tickle me I’ll beat you to a bloody pulp” Hobie threaten as he eyed Pav’s fingers wiggling near his foot. “That’s a new one too bad it didn’t work” Pav giggled, as he locked his around his ankle and began lightly scratching his foot.
“P-Piss off Pahav”
“Uh was that a giggle I just heard?” Miles teased. “Sh-shut it kihid Pahahav k-knock it offehe” Hobie began to crack letting his giggles slip out.
“Never this is a adorable moment I can’t let go to waste” Pav giggled as he scribbled faster.
“Stahahap ihihit”
Miles began rapidly squeezing his sides. “Mihihihiles stohohop it ahahaha”. “Why does it tickle too much already?” Miles teased. “Nohoho you suhuhuck at teheheheasing”
Miles took offense to that and by random he just gave his knee caps a quick squeeze which rewarded him some pitchy laughter from hobie.
“hahaAHAHA WAHAHAIT AHAHAHAHAHA MILEHEHEHES” Hobie laughter jumped an octave. “Oh wow now you remember my name?” Miles scoffed.
“How cuteeeee” Pavitr cooed as he began to tickle his neck. “NAHAHAHA SHUT UHUHUP PAHAHAHAV IM NOT CUHUHUTE AHAHA”
“Oh yes you are super cute infact” Pav added on. “AHAHAHAM NAHAHAHAT IM COOL NAAHAHAAT CUHUTE”
“Oh yeah?” Miles smirked as he lifted up his leg and tickled the behind his knees. “OHOHO MY GASHAHAHAHAHAHA *snort* FUHUHUCK YOHOHOOHU AHAHAHA”
“oh my gosh wait that was cute” miles teased shocked at the fact he made Hobie snort. “Cool? More like Cute” Pav teased some more.
“Ok alright don’t want to be minus a spider-man” Miles giggled as him and Pav ended the tickles.
“Yohou both are so deahad” Hobie giggled as he was catching his breath.
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casos ilícitos
Matias Recalt X f!Reader
Cap. 1
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“E esse é o problema dos casos ilícitos. E de encontros clandestinos e olhares roubados. Eles se revelam uma única vez. Mas eles mentem e mentem e mentem. Um milhão de pequenas vezes”
Não sei se alguém vai chegar a ler isso, mas essa é a primeira fanfic que eu escrevo aqui ou em qualquer outro lugar, espero que gostem e se percam na história tanto quanto eu fiz.
Sinopse: Após meses nebulosos, repleto de inseguranças e incertezas, você decide terminar com Matias, após ele não te assumir para os amigos, e o pior, para a ex dele.
Palavras: 3.1 k
Avisos: Angst, linguagem imprópria, sem uso de S/N
Esse relacionamento, ou tanto faz como você queira chamar, não estava acontecendo há muito tempo, apenas há alguns meses, quase três meses para ser mais específica. Você o conheceu em uma daquelas palestras idiotas abertas ao público, que a sua faculdade oferecia, só se dando o trabalho de comparecer para ganhar créditos extras no seu curso. E obviamente, você sendo você, é claro que se atrasou e se perdeu nos corredores, até que ele veio e te ajudou, te guiando até a sala correta e se sentando ao seu lado para ver a mesma 1 hora de explicação sobre um assunto ao qual você realmente não estava prestando atenção, e com aquela personalidade engraçada, sorriso sarcástico, provocador e muito bonito, você se encantou no mesmo segundo.
Ele se apresentou depois com mais calma e você descobriu que ele cursa a mesma área de estudos que você, estando apenas um ano na frente, e que vocês compartilham até mesmo algumas aulas, o que te deixou feliz e pensando como você nunca o tinha notado antes.
Surpresa não é o bastante para explicar a sua reação quando ele te convida para um café, e após isso vocês mantiveram contato desde então.
Não demora muito até que ele te beije em uma dessas suas saídas, para não dizer encontro, e vocês comecem a ficar e passar a maior parte do seu tempo juntos. Ele nunca disse o que era, o que ele queria de você, quais eram as expectativas dele, ou visão de futuro com você, quer dizer, ele ao menos vê um futuro com você? Mesmo tendo a ansiedade te consumindo e querendo ter logo uma resposta, você não queria pressionar muito e acabar estragando algo que mal tinha começado.
Conforme o tempo foi passando, as coisas foram ficando mais sérias, ao menos para você. E para ele? isso era sério? Ou apenas uma aventura até ficar entediado e encontrar outra pessoa? Você estava cheia de dúvidas e questionamentos em sua mente, mas como não poderia? Você queria chamá-lo de seu, andar de mãos dadas e fazer planos juntos, saber se ele estava vendo mais alguém, pois você não estava, você não precisava de mais ninguém, não quando tinha ele, e te afligia não saber se ele sentia o mesmo. Mas estava tudo bem, só se passaram três meses, e mesmo que para você não pareça apressado pois essa parece uma conexão única na vida, vocês ainda estavam se conhecendo, ainda tinham tempo de resolver e descobrir as coisas.
Mas quando ele te ligou e disse que queria te convidar para uma festa de um amigo, você ficou superfeliz, porque isso significava alguma coisa, certo? Ele estava inserindo você no mundo dele e no círculo social dele, e isso realmente significou algo para você, até que ele te apresentou aos amigos dele como amiga também.
-Essa é a amiga de quem eu estava falando, ela é incrível… – Matias disse e começou a contar como vocês dois se conheceram, mas você não conseguia escutar nada, entorpecida pelo peso das palavras dele, se sentindo decepcionada e estúpida por esperar algo diferente disso. Vocês estavam saindo há apenas alguns meses, é claro que ele não iria apresentá-la como namorada ou algo mais. Você queria gritar e brigar com ele, dizendo que amigos não se beijam, não se fodem ou mesmo se abraçam na cama à noite e conversam sobre o que quiserem porque se sentem confortáveis com o outro corpo nu deitado ao lado deles. Mas você apenas manteve um sorriso e acenou com a cabeça para as perguntas enquanto eles tentavam conhecê-la melhor. Você até se divertiu naquela noite, riu e cantou em uma daquelas máquinas de karaokê, e quando chegou o fim da noite e ele te deixou em casa, você não perguntou ou questionou nada, apenas deu um beijo de despedida, acenou e foi para a casa. Vocês podem superar isso, era questão de tempo até vocês se acertarem e estabelecerem o que ambos tinham.
Isso era o que você pensava, mas com o se aproximar do quinto mês, você estava ficando frustrada e mais ansiosa. As coisas tinham mudado, mas ao mesmo tempo não tinham mudado em nada. Você mantém o moletom dele de Rugby no seu guarda-roupa para quando ficar com frio, ele tem uma gaveta só dele na sua cômoda, e pelo amor de Deus, ele até tem uma escova de dente extra no seu banheiro! Ele sempre tem o seu sabor favorito de sorvete no freezer e todos os seus doces favoritos no armário dele, e até mesmo te comprou sua própria toalha para quando você for ficar lá, já que você disse que se recusava a usar os trapos que ele e o colega de quarto Fran compartilhavam. O colega de quarto dele era engraçado e simpático, e você desconfiava que ele já deveria suspeitar de alguma coisa, ele já tinha pego você se esgueirando do quarto do garoto a noite inúmeras vezes, mas sempre é um doce e não comenta nada na manhã seguinte, nada que acha que possa afetar vocês.
Vocês estavam agindo como namorado e namorada, mas Matias nunca realmente admitiu isso. Quando o amigo dele estava por perto, os toques doces e carinhosos param e ele fica te chamando de amiga toda vez, e toda vez, você tenta agir como se não te machucasse ou ficar muito sensível pelo fato de que talvez ele só te veja como um amigo de foda no melhor de casos. Se ele quisesse algo sério com você, ele já teria agido ou te dito algo. Ele não era tímido, nem inseguro, ao contrário disso, estava sempre fazendo piadas, e cheio de confiança em cada frase que falava, então você estava tentando encontrar maneiras de justificar por que, POR QUE, ele não fala com você sobre as coisas que realmente importam?
Mas a gota d'água para você foi quando vocês dois estavam em um restaurante jantando com os amigos dele e a ex dele apareceu. Era uma noite consideravelmente calma, e um lugar bem tranquilo. Como você estava sentada de costas para a porta do estabelecimento, não conseguiu ver imediatamente o que tinha acontecido para prender a atenção de todos, mas quando você se virou e viu uma mulher linda e deslumbrante entrando, você sentiu um calafrio, sem saber exatamente o motivo. Ficou ainda mais confusa ao ver que ela estava se dirigindo para a mesa em que vocês estavam, com um olhar confiante, nunca vacilando em nenhum passo. Ela cumprimenta a todos com seu sorriso simpático, trocando abraços e beijos, até que os olhos dela pousam em você e seu sorriso estremece:
- Olá, sou Malena, prazer em te conhecer - ela disse e te abraçou também logo em seguida, mas ainda assim você conseguiu ver o olhar questionador que ela lançou para Matias que estava ao seu lado. Você começou a se apresentar, e pôde sentir o silêncio que havia inundado a mesa e a sensação de que algo estava errado. E quando ela pediu para falar um momento com o garoto de cabelos castanhos em particular, você entende o porquê.
- Ela é a ex do Matias - Enzo diz ao ver você olhando para os dois com a cara fechada – Mas fica de boa, eles terminaram já tem um tempo.
-Uau, que sorte a minha- você responde com uma voz amarga ao ver a garota tocando o braço dele.
Isso é uma das várias coisas que te deixam desconfortáveis nessa bagunça que você tenta enxergar como relacionamento. Obviamente os meninos enxergam sinais claros de atração vindo de você quando se trata do Matias, mas não dele, nunca dele, então simplesmente assumiram que você tinha um amor não correspondido pelo garoto, o que a cada dia, você estava começando a pensar que era verdade. Eles criaram essa dinâmica onde diziam que você era legal e para não perder as esperanças, pois o garoto ainda iria ser seu, menos Fran é claro, o qual já sabia a verdade há algum tempo.
Os outros meninos vendo a clara tensão que o lugar estava se transformando, se levantam e dão a desculpa de que vão buscar mais bebidas, deixando só você e Enzo na mesa.
Enquanto você continua encarando para testar a teoria de que olhares matam, você decide aproveitar a oportunidade para ver o que mais descobre a respeito da garota.
-Eles namoraram por muito tempo? – Melhor começar por uma pergunta básica.
Enzo solta um suspiro, claramente se arrependendo por ter te dado abertura e não ter se juntado aos rapazes, e hesita antes de te responder:
-Dois anos.
Uau. Ele nunca te disse antes que tinha uma ex, você esperava aventuras passadas, mas não um relacionamento tão sério.
Eles mantêm contato? E se sim, quão próximos eles são? Ela sabe onde eles comem normalmente, ele já a trouxe aqui? Como droga ela sabia que eles estavam aqui?
- Como ela chegou aqui? – Você não consegue se segurar - Você ou algum dos meninos a convidaram? – você questiona, porém não fazia muito sentido, se eles a tivessem a convidado, por qual motivo pareceriam tão surpresos quando ela apareceu? E outra, você achava que eles gostavam de você, eles convidariam e ex dele mesmo sabendo que você estaria lá? Mas então você se lembra que eles poderiam ter feito isso sim, afinal, você era só uma amiga.
Está claro que Enzo não quer encrencar o amigo, mas ele também ficou próximo de você nesses últimos meses, então não consegue negar te responder, e com seu olhar insistente ele continua:
- Não convidamos ela- Ele diz, e você consegue sentir honestidade em suas palavras - Não sabíamos nem que ela estava na cidade- Vendo que esse novo fato te deixou confusa e não satisfeita com a falta de explicação, ele decide elaborar mais e passando a mão pelo pescoço em um óbvio sinal de desconforto ele continua- Até onde eu saiba, nenhum dos caras ainda conversam com ela, não sei como ela nos encontrou aqui. Coincidência, talvez?
- E ele? Manteve contato com ela depois do término?
Enzo não fala nada, só te lança um olhar, e acredite esse olhar diz tudo.
- Acho que descobrimos a “coincidência”. – Você diz fazendo aspas com os dedos.
Você odeia não conseguir conter suas palavras, e não esconder o seu descontentamento com a situação, sendo tão transparente em como você está se sentindo. Com ciúmes, com raiva e insegura. Era pra ser um jantar divertido, e por causa de uma garota, você está deixando tudo te consumir e levar o melhor de você, mas não é totalmente sua culpa, já é horrível você se sentir pouco suficiente sendo o segredo de alguém, e não é como se o Matias, te desse apoio emocional nessas situações, pelo contrário, ele piorava tudo enquanto falava com ela e escondia coisas de você.
Então eles mantêm contato, mesmo após o fim do relacionamento. Mas por que? Por qual motivo ele a chamou aqui? Ele tem ficado com ela ao mesmo tempo que tem ficado com você? Seu estomago se embrulha a mera possibilidade disso ter acontecido e você decide parar com os pensamentos intrusivos antes que piore.
Quando eles retornam para a mesa, ela com um sorriso provocador e ele com uma cara pensativa, recomeça todo o ritual de abraços, mas dessa vez para se despedir da garota. Ela recusa o convite por educação dos meninos, e se desculpa por não poder ficar por mais tempo pois tem outros planos. O que você não queria admitir, mas ficou muito grata quando ela o fez, e torcendo para que quaisquer que fossem esses planos, que fossem bem longe de onde você se encontrava.
Quando você pensa que aquele pesadelo acabou, Malena se vira para você e diz:
- É tão bom finalmente conhecer um colega da faculdade do Mati que não é menino e só fala de Rugby, quando ele está comigo ele só fala daquele jogo idiota – Ela diz, e revira os olhos enquanto toca de novo o braço dele, como se fosse uma marcação ou estivesse tentando mostrar o que todos naquela mesa sabem: eles podem ter terminado, mas ele ainda é mais dela do que seu. Ele não a afasta ou demonstra estar incomodado com os toques dela, eles ainda conversam, e aparentemente ele fala muito sobre jogos, e só Deus sabe o que mais ele faz com ela.
Quando ela finalmente vai embora, você fica quieta e estacada em seu lugar, sem saber como agir ou como não reagir a isso. Com os olhares dos meninos em você, fica difícil não recorrer a alternativa mais fácil, que é rapidamente pegar sua bolsa, pedir licença a todos e ir até o lugar mais próximo e se esconder. Então com passos apressados você se dirige até o banheiro e fecha a porta sem olhar para trás.
Chegando lá, você se encara no espelho e tenta fazer com que suas lágrimas, que você nem sabia que estava segurando, caiam e estraguem sua maquiagem. Coloca a bolsa sobre a pia e começa a lavar as mãos, tentando ocupá-las para ver se param de tremer.
Após a tentativa falha, você se seca com um guardanapo de papel e pega o telefone tentando chamar um carro para voltar para casa, sem disposição para passar os próximos minutos em um carro com algum dos garotos e encarar seus olhares de pena, ou com o ser que você não quer nem ver ou pensar agora.
Você escuta o som da porta abrindo e alguém se aproximando, e nem precisa tirar os olhos da tela do celular para saber que é ele:
- Tá tudo bem? Você saiu rápido de lá – Ele começa a se aproximar, mas ao ver que isso só te faz dar um paço para trás, se afastando, ele para. Fica um silencio absoluto – Se estiver passando mal, eu posso te levar pra casa – Ele tenta de novo.
Você finalmente levanta o olhar o encarando. Não importa se ele vir que você está quase chorando, ou te achar sensível demais. Realmente você já está farta.
- Vou perguntar apenas uma vez e quero que você seja honesto comigo – Surpreendentemente sua voz não sai embargada.
- Ok – ele diz simplesmente, e você espera que ele entenda que essa vai ser uma conversa séria, e não adianta mais tentar fugir.
- Quem era aquela garota?
- Uma amiga – Mentiroso! Você sabe que ele está mentindo, e quer perguntar se ele te acha tão idiota ao ponto de cair nessa farsa. Mas decide jogar o joguinho dele:
- Uma amiga mesmo ou uma amiga como eu? – Você rebate arqueando a sobrancelha e cruzando os braços.
- O que? Não! – ele solta um suspiro e passa as mãos pelos cabelos- não como você, não tem ninguém como você.
-O que você quer dizer com isso? – Silêncio. É só o que você recebe.
Como ele não responde, você continua ao se lembra de algo, que tem te incomodado desde então:
- Ela disse que era legal conhecer uma colega sua – Agora fica perceptível o tremor na sua voz - Quando você foi falar com ela, você me apresentou como o que? Você disse que eu era sua colega? – Descruzando os braços, você caminha até ele e fita seus olhos:
- Eu… eu disse que você era uma amiga – Ele abaixa a cabeça abandonando o seu olhar e ao menos tem a decência de parecer envergonhado ao admitir isso.
Pronto. A confirmação que você precisava, ele não contou a ex que estava com alguém pois queria manter as opções em aberto.
- Algum dia eu vou ser mais que isso? - você diz colocando a mão no ombro dele para que ele volte a te olhar, ele merece ver a dor escancarada neles– ou vou ser sempre só a colega de classe com quem você transa ocasionalmente?
Nada. Nenhuma reação. Ele não argumenta e nem responde. Será que você não merece nem isso? Uma resposta para conseguir ter uma conclusão e seguir em frente? Ao menos ele não se deu ao trabalho de mentir de novo, dizendo que queria levar as coisas a diante com você até ele se sentir pronto, já está claro que ele não planejava isso.
-Se você não consegue ser honesto então pelo menos eu vou ser – Você diz se recompondo e tomando coragem - Eu gosto muito, muito mesmo de você, e é mais que óbvio que você não sente o mesmo.
Pela primeira vez, você admite isso em voz alta. O fato dele talvez não retribuir os seus sentimentos sempre te assustaram tanto, que você nunca parava muito para pensar nisso ou manifestar de alguma forma, sempre enterrando o medo dessa possibilidade no fundo do seu peito, pois pensava que se, não pensasse muito nisso, então não é real. Mas depois de hoje, nada importa mais, pois no fim tudo se provou verdade. Ele não te deixa chegar muito perto, só são íntimos na cama e não te assumindo, nem para seus amigos ou qualquer outra pessoa.
- Você não se comunica, não me conta as coisas, e se não fosse por hoje eu nem saberia que você tem uma ex. Eu sei que você queria ir com calma, mas podia ter pelo menos dito pra ela que a gente estava se conhecendo ou algo assim – Você respira fundo, tentando controlar seus batimentos cardíacos, até que você decide falar outra das coisas que vem te assombrando a algum tempo – Os seus amigos olham pra mim com pena, por que sabem que eu gosto de você, e pensam que você não retribui, nem um pouco.- Você solta uma risada sarcástica - Acho que eles estão meio certos né? – Com as lágrimas já escorrendo livres, você solta um soluço e por instinto contorna a sua cintura com os seus próprios braços, te firmando, te dando o único consolo que você vai receber essa noite, o seu. - Eu tentei te dar um tempo, e ser paciente, mas... – você respira fundo- eu não consigo mais fazer isso.
Você se sente patética, estando nessa posição. Dando meia volta e checando o telefone, você vê que o seu carro chegou, e te aguarda do lado de fora do estabelecimento. Você pega sua bolsa na pia e se vira uma última vez pra ele, e dessa vez, finalmente, ele está te olhando:
- Acho que isso é óbvio, mas eu tô terminando com você, amigo! - Você diz e passa pela porta, a soltando e deixando que feche com um baque alto, e só espera chegar o mais rápido possível em casa para esquecer que essa noite aconteceu.
É isso, espero que tenham gostado. Esse foi um capítulo mais curtinho, pois foi mais focado na introdução da história. Prometo que os próximos serão mais longos 🤭 . Caso tenha ficado alguma dúvida, podem deixar nos comentários.
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becki-here · 2 months
This is all so gratifying
Hi everyone! I translated my old fanfiction about the Once-ler into English so I guess someone will be interested in it and I decided to share it here.
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Here is the link to the AO3 or you can read it below in the post <3
Summary: Doubts lead to even more doubts, or this is what happens when you don't want to go to the doctor when you're hallucinating.
Relationships: The Once-ler/the Greed-ler, Oncest.
Warnings: smut🔞, self-cest, PWP, dirty talk, anal sex, anal fingering, swearing, different interpretations of what is happening are possible, inspired by Biggering (demo version).
Words: 3,198.
For him it was a terrible day. There was like a cloud was following him around, not giving him a second to relax. Even now, in his office, where he usually felt comfortable enough, something felt off.
The landscape had only become more depressing, so often the windows were covered with shutters. He took off his hat and glasses, pulled off his long gloves and uncomfortable jacket, and threw them all on the blood-red sofa that perfectly complemented the chair and the overall picture of his office. He rolled up his shirt sleeves to his elbows. It is just some stupid habit that only his servants suffered from. The tie hung more loosely around his neck now.
"Maybe I should have a bigger office," he thought as he looked around the room and finally sat down at his desk.
"He wouldn't approve of that either," he immediately thought. The words of the little guardian of the forest replayed in his head sometimes, interfering with his work. The Once-ler knew he was wrong. He knew and understood perfectly well that his actions will soon have consequences. It strangled him in those lonely moments, and not in a metaphorical way, his throat tightened as if someone's hands were really squeezing him. At the same time, guilt gnawed at him from the inside so much that it seemed like something was going to tear in his chest.
What is right and what is wrong. He couldn't divide his decisions by these two criteria. He saw pros and cons in everything. But the thoughts of stopping everything, of ending it, began to creep in more and more often and argued with those that told him to continue to biggering.
Now the thoughts seemed to materialize and press on him physically. Their presence could be felt in the air in the room, as if there were indeed someone else here besides himself.
The Once-ler put his head on his hands on the table and sighed heavily.
"A cigar," he twitched and reached for a cigarette box that was a little further on the table. With a guillotine he easily cut the cap and began to quickly feel through his pockets for a lighter. Once-ler had no doubt that he had taken it with him in the morning. But perhaps it was in his jacket pocket. With a cigar in his hand, he tiredly stood up from his chair and looked toward the couch.
He saw a man in the same outfit and as tall as he is. He was propping up the wall next to the armrest of the couch. Once-ler froze for a moment. Before he could say anything, the man came closer and easily snatched the cigar from his hand. At the same moment, holding the same lost lighter in his hand, he just as easily brought the cigar to his mouth and began to light it. A couple of weak puffs and the spacious room began to fill with light sour smoke.
"Oh, shit..." Once-ler rolled his eyes.
The fright had gone, and now Once-ler just watched. He sighed and went back to his chair, the urge to smoke disappeared as suddenly as it had appeared.
"Oh, Once-ler... Why are you suffering so much?" a loud voice was heard in the room.
That voice again. So similar to his, only with terribly scathing and slightly frightening notes.
"Come on, do you really want to have such depressing evenings every week?" the dismissive rhetorical question made Once-ler look at the man's face again. The same soft features as his own were strangely combined with this mocking smile.
Once-ler have already thought he was going crazy. Such realistic hallucinations are not okay for a healthy person, right? Ignoring hasn't worked for a long time. So he began to call him the Greed-ler, as a part of himself that advocates favoring greed and pride and rejecting most other feelings. This is definitely not normal.
"Do you really have to show up here?" Once-ler blurted out in exasperation, rubbing his face with his hands.
"Have you forgotten who you're talking with, Oncie?" the man grimaced and started to smoke again.
"With whom? With a hallucination? A figment of my brain?" he said, looking into his clear eyes and waiting for an answer.
Greed-ler's superior gaze did not disappear, only intensified. But he ignored the question.
"You could have listened to me right away and lived your life peacefully, without engaging in meaningless self-examination."
"How do you know if I want that?" Once-ler hummed.
"Believe me, I know. I can feel your thirst for biggering... I would even say that I personify it."
"If my thirst for biggering is so great that it has 'materialized’..." he made a gesture with his hands. "...in your form, then why do I still not know if I am doing the right thing? Why do I still have doubts?"
"Because you're a fool, Once-ler," he almost hissed these words. "You contradict yourself all the time. How much can you doubt when your business is so profitable and so glorifying? It would seem that the choice is obvious."
"You're not the one to can lecture me on morality," he said, and instantly felt Greed-ler's gaze grow harder.
"You know you can’t stop... You'll continue anyway, now you're just stalling for time, and I don't understand why," he took a couple more quick puffs.
Once-ler grimaced at these words and looked away. His mind was still torn into two parts, one of which could not help but have thought about biggering and the other have tried to control it.
While Once-ler was thinking about it, he didn’t noticed how Greed-ler came closer to him. Until he suddenly jerked his hand and pressed the hot end of the cigar to it.
"What the fuck are you doing?!" Once-ler cried out in pain trying to escape but Greed-ler didn’t care about it. He pressed Once-ler into the chair blocking all his movements. Greed-ler was rubbing the cigar in his forearm until the last light went out. Then he let go of his hand and Once-ler saw a fresh small burn appear on his fair skin. He shook his hand and then clenched his fist, trying to ease the pain. He looked at the man with a look of incomprehension.
"You're a fucking pathetic, Once-ler, and you know it," his eyes widened and looked right into Once-ler's heart, searching his insides. He was still standing close, almost hovering over him, his hand was on the back of the chair.
"If you can't stop me now, why don't you just give up?" Greed-ler said, his eyes were burning.
Once-ler rubbed his hand, his gaze still pierced with unconsciousness and focused on Greed-ler's eyes.
"Just submit to me," he continued. "And you'll finally stop being so miserable."
Once-ler looked away again, because he felt that there was some truth in his words, but he didn't want to admit it. How much longer would he beat himself up and force himself to make a choice, was it really that hard to make a final decision?
His thoughts were interrupted by something pressing between his legs. Greed-ler's knee was pressing down on his groin as a grimace, something like a smile, spread across his face.
"Come on, Oncie," he leaned into his ear and whispered. "I know you want to keep biggering".
Once-ler flinched as the other man's breath touched his face and ear.
"As I said..." he rubbed his knee against his groin again.
Thoughts in his head suddenly jumbled, trying to understand the absurdity of the situation. Doubts rushed in different directions while his legs shook slightly from the manipulation. Once-ler didn't think that his visions were so real and that he was being molested by himself. "This is getting out of hand," he thought and let out a nervous laugh, followed by a light groan.
"How is this going to help me?" Once-ler exhaled.
"You'll understand," said Greed-ler, continuing to play with his lower body.
"I didn't agree to this," he said, but he didn't interfere with the man's actions.
"But you didn't say no either..." Greed-ler's hand slid around Once-lerr's waist and teased his back. "Go ahead, take it off".
Now Once-ler was overwhelmed with shame for everything that was happening, for all his actions. But some part of his brain was forcing him to take part in this game, it was clearly craving it so much that it was dulling all other feelings. But he was not going to give up so easily either.
"I'm not doing this alone," Once-ler said, looking at the man with a challenge, unsure of his next move.
Greed-ler grimaced, stepped back a little, and looked down at his body. Once-ler slowly and easily removed one shoe, then the other, and now he just waited. He just couldn't stop it. His hesitation and a bit of common sense still prevented him from accepting what was happening. His gaze was fixed on Greed-ler's eyes, hoping to see him retreat and it would end in an awkward, empty silence like his other visits.
But with a couple of quick and clumsy movements, Once-ler's pants were on the floor. His light underwear with hearts looked terribly funny in the whole situation and covered his boner just as terribly.
"So you have money, but you can't buy new underwear," Greed-ler said with a sarcastic smile.
"Does this really bother you?" Once-ler was embarrassed, but he clearly didn't want to show it. But the presence of this underwear separated them, gave him another chance to stop, and made him doubt everything even more. To doubt the possibility and logic of this situation in general. But the desire grew unnaturally fast, especially when Greed-ler slowly spread his legs and then suddenly pressed his pelvis against him. Pressing against him, barely moving, clearly playing with him, he smiled genuinely for the first time, as it seemed to Once-ler.
"Are you going to continue to be naughty or are you going to go on by yourself?"
These actions and his talk turned Once-ler on even more, while he still tried to hold back his soft sighs. Once-ler still wasn't ready to give up completely. So he only slowly brought his leg up and pressed down on the man's chest, creating distance between them.
"Today you serve me completely," he said quietly, keeping his voice as confident as he could.
Greed-ler's eyebrow arched in sheer surprise at the look on his face. He roughly grabbed Once-ler's leg and pulled it away from his chest.
"This is the first and last time I will submit to your whims," he growled.
Once-ler felt a certain victory, though it wasn’t one. He was only pretending to have some control over the situation, over Greed-ler. They both realized this, and now Greed-ler was giving in to his every whim without much resistance. He pulled his underwear down impatiently, touching every millimetre of his legs. This attracted Once-ler even more, as did the fact that he still had his long socks on.
"Oh, Oncie, we haven't even started," the man said, but not to Once-ler, but rather to his big boner.
Before Once-ler could respond to this remark, the man had already moved his hands closer to his buttocks. He fondled them as lewdly as he had done everything before.
"Will you ever stop commenting on everything?" said Once-ler, squirming against his movements. Greed-ler only smiled at that.
Now his long fingers moved closer and closer to the centre. They were touching the entrance barely, even delicately, causing Once-ler's breathing to quicken. The middle finger entered without much effort, but Once-ler must have shuddered and clenched even more.
"Oh, has Oncie been playing with his toys again for so long that I can insert so easily? Or maybe you finally found someone to fuck you?" Greed-ler said dismissively, searching his eyes and slowly moving his finger inside.
"It's none of your business," Once-ler squeezed out, holding back moans caused by both discomfort and skillful movements.
Greed-ler waited a moment and hummed.
"You're really pathetic, Once-ler," he abruptly pulled out a finger and inserted two more. "The only thing you're good at is being a boy to fuck, nothing more." A sharp pain pierced his entire lower body, and he let out a distinct moan. But the wave of pleasure quickly washed it away and now only his excited whimpers could be heard in the room.
"You're worthless, Once-ler... You gave up so easily. I thought you'd at least try a little," he continued to move his fingers in different tempos, teasing as his other hand caressed his hips.
Once-ler's slight whimper echoed through the room along with his thoughts.
"What a vivid reaction, Once-ler. No way you’re really gonna come just due to my fingers.
"S-Shut the fuck up... Stop it..." Once-ler barely managed to say, feeling that these words pleased him too much.
"You seem to be forgetting yourself again," Greed-ler said and grabbed him by the hair, forcing him to look him in the eye.
"Hey, did you hear me?" he said, pulling and trying to inflict a little pain. Once-ler just hummed with pleasure, looking into his constricted pupils.
"You're so disgusting..." Greed-ler spat out contemptuously and unclenched his hand.
Now his fingers began to move rapidly, forcing Once-ler to tighten his grip on Greed-ler’s shoulder and twist the arm of the chair with the other. This picture clearly satisfied Greed-ler more.
"Well, enough playing around," he said with ferocity and pulled his fingers out sharply, causing Once-ler to yelp. When Once-ler looked up at him, he noticed the appraising look again, while hungry teeth spread into a smile. Greed-ler began to slowly unbuckle his belt.
Seeing his throbbing dick, Once-ler could barely keep from apologizing for his earlier words and begging him.
"Come on... hurry up..." he said quietly, even a little roughly, his breathing quick and intermittent.
"Just look at him…" instead of finally getting to the point, Greed-ler wrapped his arms around both of their dicks and slowly began to move his hand. The movements were light and even gentle, especially compared to the previous ones. He gently caressed both dicks, completely focused on it. The more Greed-ler touched him, the more Once-ler wanted to belong to him completely.
Greed-ler stopped it suddenly as soon as he decided for himself that it was enough. He shamelessly pulled Once-ler's legs up so that they were wrapped around his hips. The chair was terribly uncomfortable for this, but he didn't care much. He wrapped his hands around Once-ler’s thighs and rubbed the protruding bones. Once-ler once again felt that appraising, haughty look on his face.
Greed-ler moved the head of his dick teasingly around his anus. Once-ler's impatience had already reached its limits and was making him almost gasp for breath with every Greed-ler’s movement.
He saw a sharp smile appear on Greed-ler's face again. Once-ler was distracted and only closed his eyes completely for a second when Greed-ler abruptly put it inside. Once-ler’s muscles were contracting and his voice was trembling, but in his mind, Once-ler was only begging for a quicker continuation.
Greed-ler was playing with him, teasing and exciting him, he was barely moving, smoothly and slowly, rocking his hips. With each stroke he entered deeper, but he still advanced in a stretched manner, forcing Once-ler to clench his lips and stop each moan. The intensity of the vibrations increased as Once-ler squeezed his shoulder. Each thrust felt special to Once-ler like endless comfort, boundless knowledge, a gracious feeling that increased his already unbridled desire.
Shame for his weakness no longer overwhelmed him. The word "terrible" flashed through his mind for the last time, and the same strong "pleasant" replaced it at the end. A little more and he won’t have no regrets at all, because now only bliss enveloped him. Once-ler's mind went completely blank when he felt Greed-ler finally move as fast as he should. He could no longer hold back his violent, frequent moans, and there was no point in doing so anyway. The belt buckle periodically hit his buttocks, making him feel a tantalizing pain.
At some point, the sensations became too abstract, and therefore even deeper, and Once-ler forced himself to look up. His eyes widened with shock, as he thought he had completely lost his mind. He could see clearly, but he could still see the lower parts of their bodies gradually merging. He could not tell where his body began and Greed-ler's ended. Either because of the euphoria he had never experienced before, or because of other factors he was not able to think about, reality was becoming unattainable for him. He looked into Greed-ler's eyes with a mute question, and the eyes were as clear as ever. But a horrible grimace stretched across his face with a triumphant smile.
"Shhh..." the man tilted Once-ler's head back with his hand. "You'd better enjoy it without seeing anything."
Greed-ler was pushing him harder and harder on his dick, now moving his hips roughly, if they could still be called that. Once-ler gave in to his movements, his legs pressing harder and harder against his back, and he could no longer keep his eyes on Greed-ler’s face.
Suddenly, a warm mass spilled into Once-ler’s stomach, his eyes closed, and he could only feel it spreading inside him. Too much, too strong, too pleasant.
For a moment longer, and pleasure became a purely material concept for him. Now it was actually filling his entire insides, leaving no free space. He felt it reaching his head, and then it was also filled with something barely familiar, incomprehensible to him, but terribly languid. His own brain seemed to melt, as did his entire body, and he was overcome with frenzy. And then, it seemed, the last particles of his own consciousness disappeared along with the final moans, the sound of which will forever remain within these walls.
Once-ler found himself in his chair, dressed in his usual clothes, but a little disheveled. His head hurt terribly, and his body felt too vulnerable. Rubbing his face, he stood up and looked at the wall. The golden clock read almost four o'clock in the morning. He walked over to the window, which was usually covered by a shutter, and opened it wide. Fresh morning air filled the room, but it still couldn't displace the strange smell he felt. Rubbing his arm, he noticed a small, bright irritation in one spot, but he didn't pay much attention. He went out to the balcony and tried to breathe in with a full chest. From there, he could see a view of a colorful, sometimes bald, forest filled with machines waiting for workers. His body was covered with pleasant orphans from the mild cold and the realization of the scale of his project. A slight, satisfied smile stretched across his face and a small laugh escaped his lips in relief. He turned around and looked around his office. It also had a great view from the balcony. He remembered his thoughts from yesterday.
"I need a bigger office."
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tickly-giggles · 10 months
Could u do prompts 22 and/or 24 with aizawa and present mic? If u do x reader could you do with the reader otherwise I would enjoy reading it with eachother! ❤️
Yes yes yes, so cute!! I ship EraserMic so hard so yes! Also, for future reference, I don't do x reader fics. Sorry bout that
BUT onto the fic~!
Warning: Tickle fic ahead! Also very light bondage
Prompt: "When I find you, you're dead!" / "Please be gentle~!"
Characters: Mic, Aizawa, very short amount of Shinso
Shipping: EraserMic
Lee: Mic
Ler: Aizawa
Word Count: 1,343
“When I find you, you’re dead!”
The words rang throughout the house like an explosion. Mic giggled childishly, diving into the closet in his and his husband’s bedroom. It may have been an obvious hiding spot, but Mic would be lying if he said he didn’t want Aizawa to find him. The circumstances that led up to him hiding in a closet played back in his head, and he couldn’t help but giggle again at the memory.
“Come on, it’ll be fun~,” Mic grinned at Shinso, who was currently doing his best to ignore his honorary father by distracting himself with a video game.
“No offense, but that doesn’t sound fun, it just sounds like we’d annoy him,” 
the purple haired boy paused his game and rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly,
“I’d personally rather not get in the middle of it.”
“Aww, but it’s not permanent! It’ll wash off, c’mon!”
Shinso couldn’t stop the small smile that tugged at his lips from Mic’s childlike excitement over something so silly, though he rolled his eyes and shook his head in response,
“It’s still a no. Sorry, Yamada-sensei.”
Mic smiled softly at him and playfully ruffled Shinso’s hair,
“Fine, I’ll do it myself. And you don’t need to be so formal with me, Hitoshi.”
Shinso blushed and nodded, smiling wider and starting his game back up as Mic exited his bedroom.
From there, the prank was set in motion. Mic had snuck back into his and Aizawa’s bedroom with a black marker, knelt down beside him while he was curled up under the covers, and hesitated. His husband looked so peaceful. Strands of his disheveled, black hair spilled over his content face in a way that perfectly framed his gorgeous features. His lips were slightly parted, rhythmic breaths escaped his nose with the occasional, gentle snore, and his eyelashes rested against his cheeks.
Mic smiled. How did he get so lucky? His eyes twinkled with pure joy and love for his partner. Joy was quickly replaced with mischief, and a smirk spread across his face as he popped the cap off of the marker.
Aizawa’s sudden, angry voice snapped Mic out of his reminiscing, and he grinned nervously as he listened to his footsteps gradually get closer.
“I’m going to find you, hiding from me is irrational,”
Aizawa huffed, looking under the bed, then mentally smacking himself for thinking Mic could fit under it. He stood and glared around the room, his eyes eventually falling on the closet. He grumbled and made to open the door, but stopped. He steadied his breathing as he thought for a moment, then grinned slightly,
“I suppose he’s not here. Oh well.”
Finally, he started tapping his feet against the floor, gradually slowing his movements to mimic the sound of him leaving the room.
Mic smirked and rolled his eyes. Like he would fall for the oldest trick in the book. Aizawa was smart, there was no way he would leave without checking the most obvious hiding spot. About a minute passed and there was no sound coming from the other side of the closet door. Mic felt his confidence sinking. Maybe Aizawa did leave? It couldn’t hurt to check, right? 
He swallowed nervously, his hand shaking as he reached for the door handle. Slowly, the door slid open, and he peeked into the room. A triumphant grin replaced his previously anxious expression. The room was empty.
Mic chuckled airily, stepping further into the room,
“I don’t know why I was so nervous. He had no idea I was– WAAHH-!!”
The boisterous pro hero shrieked as he was tackled to the bed. He craned his neck to see Aizawa sitting on his lower back, eyes glowing red, hair defying gravity, and his scarf held tightly in his hands. Most importantly, his face was decorated with random drawings and words in black marker. He smirked and let his hair fall majestically,
“I’m surprised you didn’t hear me hooking myself to the ceiling.”
Mic blushed slightly in embarrassment, and smiled shyly,
“You know my hearing isn’t what it used to be.”
Suddenly, he couldn’t stop the amused giggles that bubbled from his throat at Aizawa’s face. The quirk erasing pro smirked back at his husband and grabbed his wrists, tying them to his ankles with his scarf in a swift motion,
“I’ll give you something to laugh about.”
“W-Wait wha–” 
Mic’s face erupted in even more red, and he experimentally tugged at his bindings, to no avail,
“Shota, what are you doing? Let me go!”
“I don’t think so. In fact,”
Aizawa leaned down and pressed his lips against Mic’s ear, making him shiver,
“I think you wanted me to catch you~.”
Mic swallowed nervously, panic and excitement filling his mind. He didn’t bother replying as Aizawa got to work, carefully taking off his husband’s socks. Aizawa grinned at the way Mic curled his toes when the cool air in the room hit his feet. 
“Something wrong, Hizashi~? You seem nervous.”
Mic bit his lip at Aizawa’s teasing tone, wishing he could bite back with a snarky remark of his own, but he knew that would only get him into more trouble. Aizawa could be quite merciless when he wanted to be. So, he simply replied,
“I’m fine.”
“Are you sure? Is it the fact that I’m going to tickle you, no matter what you do?”
The teasing tone in Aizawa’s voice only worsened how vulnerable Mic felt. He shook his head, trying to fight off the anticipatory tingles that danced across his bare soles. A sigh of resignation escaped his lips, a small, nervous smile creeping onto his face as he addressed his husband once more,
“Just… Please be gentle.”
Aizawa smirked, remaining silent as he started slowly dragging his nails up and down Mic’s soles. The touch was so sudden that he squealed in surprise, then soft giggles escaped his quivering lips.
“Here’s how things are going to go, Hizashi,”
the quirk erasing pro hero started, pulling Mic’s toes back and lightly scratching at a spot just below his big toe,
“You’re going to apologize for playing such a juvenile prank on me. But before that, you’re going to laugh to your heart’s content,”
Aizawa grinned at Mic’s whimpering at his teasing words and light strokes on his ticklish soles. He began running his index finger underneath every single toe while his other hand held them back, causing his ticklish victim to whine and squeak with each new touch,
“That’s why you pulled such a stunt, isn’t it? Because you wanted me to punish you?”
“S-Shuhuhut up, Shohohota!”
“Oh? Is that any way to speak to someone who has you in such a position?”
“Wait, noho I’m sorry! I’m sohohorry, Shota, please, nohohot THAHAHAHAT!! SHOTAHAHAHAHA!! NOHOHONONONO PLEHEHEHEASE~!”
Mic thrashed frantically as his husband began mercilessly raking his nails up and down his helpless soles. Aizawa knew exactly what to do to drive him up the wall, and this was one of them. He also knew what Mic could and couldn’t take and, while he couldn’t take being tickle tortured like this, he knew he loved it regardless. 
The two had their session well into the afternoon, much later than either of them had expected to go. Mic’s soles were on fire with ticklish electricity coursing through each and every nerve by the time Aizawa was finished with him. The stoic pro hero never skipped aftercare, and he made sure Mic didn’t protest as he rubbed a cool lotion on his sensitive soles. Mic had, indeed, ended up apologizing far before the tickle session was finished, but Aizawa only stopped once he yelled out their safe word. As the two cuddled in bed by nightfall, Mic looked up at his calm husband. They were both freshly cleaned from a warm shower, and Aizawa’s face was finally rid of the marker doodles. With a slight grin, Mic closed his eyes and cuddled into his husband’s warm chest, unable to stop thinking about what his next prank would be.
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giggly-squiggily · 4 months
hey hey! can i please ask for 🧡 love bug with lee muichiro and ler genya? just thought it would be pretty cute! if not, totally fine, just ignore! happy (early) valentines day 🫶🫶
Hey friend! :D Oo, Lee!Mui! I love this prompt so much ajejrkaejkrjkej Happy Valentine's day to you too :D
Love Bug: "What's so funny?"
Muichiro- Genya learned, had an odd sense of humor.
“What’s so funny?” He asked upon seeing the mist hashira smiling, soft titters muffled by long sleeves. They had just finished spending the evening in the hot springs, refreshed and in the beginning of heading to bed. “Seriously- what are you laughing about?”
“G-Gehhehenya! Whahaht is thahaht on your heahahad?” The younger boy wheezed, nearly doubling over as he shakily pointed towards the silk night cap Genya donned.
“What? It’s good for my hair!” Flustered, the scarred slayer nearly pulled it off, but decided to leave it be after seeing what an effect it had on his friend. “The inn has tons of them; you should get one too. We can match.”
Muichiro wheezed, falling completely over onto his face as he cackled himself silly. Genya rolled his eyes, more amused than annoyed. It was rather nice hearing him laugh so much.
In fact…
“Aheha-ah! Aahehhahaha nohohohooho!” Muichiro all but yelped when Genya charged him, scribbling his fingers all over his back and shoulder blades. “Aheahhaha Gehehhehehenyahhahahahha!”
“You know- I was joking earlier but I do think you need to take better care of all this hair.” Genya grinned as he carried on tickling with one hand, running the other through some of the tangled strands. “There’s a knot here- and here- oh and here too.”
Each ‘knot’ left the smaller boy squealing with mirth as Genya poked through his mane, drilling into his back with relentless tickly pressure. “Gehehehhehnya pleahhahahhahhase!”
“Heh, okay, okay.” The gunner stopped, opting to properly sort out Muichiro’s hair as the other boy gasped and giggled breathlessly beneath him. “I suppose you do need to breathe.”
“Ihiihihdeheheally.” Muichiro groaned, growing quiet as Genya threaded his fingers through the roots of his hair. “Keep doing that, it feels good.”
“What do I look like, a human comb?” Genya rolled his eyes but kept at it, going until the hair was smooth and Muichiro was fast asleep. “Dork.”
Send me a candy heart and I'll write a dabble for it!
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chaoticklesblog · 6 months
Let Me Show You How it's Done
Ler! Charlie Lee! Nick with some Lee! Charlie
Heartstopper Tickle Fic Incoming! It's no secret that Nick always tickles Charlie every chance he gets. Charlie, being a bit smaller and weaker than his boyfriend, never seems quite able to turn the tables, that is, until he recruits the assistance of Nick's older brother David who wants to help Charlie get some well deserved revenge. (Set in a context that David isn't a jerk of a brother/human being).
Charlie and Nick spent plenty of time spending afternoons and evenings together doing homework, playing Mario Kart, and on particularly nice evenings, walking Nellie.
This was a particularly rainy and chilly evening, and Nick and Charlie had just finished their end of term essays for literature and history and were getting ready to watch a movie. They were at Nick's house this evening and Nick's mother was working a bit later than usual. She'd promised to pick them all up a pizza later when she returned. Nick's older brother David just so happened to be home for spring break from university and had left Nick and Charlie alone in the den to finish homework and enjoy each other's company in peace.
Well, as much peace as the couple could have, considering that Nick frequently would wrestle Charlie onto the sofa during movie nights and video game sessions to tickle the snot out of his lanky and curly headed boyfriend. This was nothing new, of course. Nick felt that Charlie's squeals and snorts were precious, and Charlie could hardly mind. After all, he deserved it for laughing at Nick for his choice in cinema taste for their impromptu movie night.
"NihihihIHIHICK, stahahahaHAHAHPIT," Charlie squealed as his brawny and much stronger boyfriend pinched at his tummy, easily a bad spot for Charlie.
"I don't think so, Charlie," Nick chuckled down at his boyfriend teasingly. "You enjoy laughing at my expense so much, laughing at my movie selection. Besides, there's nothing wrong with The Princess Bride! It's a fantastic film!" Nick dug into Charlie's sides with renewed vigor, pretending to be insulted.
And poor Charlie was now realizing he never should have commented that it was ironic that the Captain of the rugby team's favorite movie was something as hokey as The Princess Bride.
"ALRIHIHIHIGHT! I'M SORHEHEHEHEHEHEEEEEEEEEE!" Charlie screeched as Nick reached for his sensitive knee caps, squeezing into the muscle right above and relishing his boyfriends precious laughter.
"Hmmm, I don't know if I believe you," Nick smirked as Charlie squirmed desperately.
Eventually, Nick ceased his tickle attack in favor of making them some popcorn, leaving Charlie to giggle and rub the residual tickly sensations from the backs of his knees. Man, some days he wished Nick never discovered just how ticklish the backs of his knees were.
Charlie heard a soft chuckle from the staircase. Unknown to Nick, David had observed their one-sided tickle fight from the stair landing.
"You really make him happy," David commented.
"Er, thanks..." Charlie replied awkwardly.
"I'm sure Nick is happy not to be on the receiving end of tickle fights anymore as well," David snorted slightly.
"Oh, believe me, I've tried," Charlie could hear the popcorn in the microwave from the kitchen start popping. He dropped his voice, "Nick just isn't that ticklish."
"Rubbish. You just aren't getting his tickle spots," David supplied with a wink.
"But he's a lot stronger than me," Charlie grumbled. "Anytime I try to tickle him, he quickly turns the tables."
David laughed fondly. He was rather amused watching their antics. But David was Nick's big brother. He had loads of experience tickling the snot out of Nick and had no problem with teaching Charlie his little brothers worst spots.
"Why don't I give you a hand?" David dropped his voice upon hearing the microwave ding. Nick would be on his way back with the popcorn in just a few moments.
Charlie nodded, excited at the idea of learning how to tickle Nick and getting some well-deserved revenge for all the times Nick tortured him.
David walked over near the entrance of the kitchen, just out of view, to sneak attack Nick.
When Nick returned with a giant bowl of popcorn, David tackled him sending the buttery popcorn flying and Nick letting out a surprised yelp.
"David? What the hell?" Nick attempted to escape the expert hold but was unsuccessful and still in such shock that the popcorn lay scattered about, forgotten. Charlie watched with a smirk, enjoying the show.
"Come here, Charlie, let me show you how it's done!" David plopped Nick down on the sofa, still confused before Nick felt his heart drop.
"Now Nick has two death spots," David winked at Nick, who was now pinned beneath his brother and the sofa, writhing about, knowing all too well where this was going.
"D-David, don't!" Nick yelped.
"Don't what?" David asked innocently.
"Tickle me!" Nick screeched, suddenly realizing what a fatal mistake he made. He could've kicked himself! How could he fall for the teases he pulled on Charlie all the time?
"Hear that, Charlie? He's given us permission. Hell, he's basically asked for this!" David crowed.
David had Nick's arm pinned above his head and had his fingers wiggling just above Nick's underarm.
"His hips and armpits are really ticklish, if I remember right..." David chuckled darkly. Of course, he remembered correctly. Big brothers don't forget tickle spots of younger siblings.
Charlie climbed over to smirk down at Nick. "Not so tough now, are we?"
"Bite me!" Nick growled, but it sounded more like a whimper.
"You better get your revenge now, Charlie!"
Charlie looked into Nick's pleading eyes and almost took pity on the older boy. Almost.
And that's when Charlie latched onto Nick's hips, and David dug roughly into his underarms, and Nick absolutely shrieked with laughter. Charlie couldn't help but chuckle at Nick's plight.
"Jeez, Nick! You're worse than me!" Charlie crowed triumphantly, digging harshly into the hip pockets, causing Nick to flop around uselessly.
Nick hadn't been tickled in two of his worst spots in a very, very long time. Even when David had tickled him in their younger days, it was only one person tickling him. Now, both his older brother and boyfriend were torturing his two worst tickle spots. Not fair!
Nick continued to gasp and spultter as Charlie and David exploited his worst tickle spots.
Charlie enjoyed watching Nick come apart at the seams. After all, the rugby captain deserved it for tormenting him so many times.
Finally, David gestured for Charlie, who had gotten too carried away with tickling Nick to tears, to cease their tickle attack only after Nick's laughter had gone silent and wheezy.
Charlie had reluctantly stopped tickling his boyfriend and gave him some space as David released his hold and affectionately ruffled Nick's already messed up hair.
"Sorry, Nick, but I felt like your boyfriend could use some revenge. You were pretty brutal while you were tickling him earlier," David chuckled.
"Did we go too far?" Charlie peeked sideways at his boyfriend after David retreated upstairs after cleaning up the popcorn mess scattered on the floor.
"Just wait until I get you back." Nick wrapped his arms around Charlie, not tickling him, not just yet, as he knew anticipation would drive Charlie mad. Charlie tensed but giggled as he enjoyed knowing he could now reduce Nick to a squirmy puddle of laughter.
"I would be careful if I were you," Charlie murmured. "I now know your worst spots, and I'll just get you back."
Nick shivered, but he couldn't help but be excited to find out if Charlie really would get him back. Nick really didn't mind it so much, after all.
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