#Captain Future
diabolikdiabolik · 10 months
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The strange inhabitants of planet Megara.
Captain Future, 1978
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olivrsm · 5 months
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chernobog13 · 5 months
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Captain Future #8 (Fall, 1941). Cover by George Rozen.
Captain Future and his android buddy, Otho, stop the wicked alien who's trying to steal Cap's rocket order bride.
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itscuriosu · 4 months
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commission • captain future
this was so much fun to work on! finally finished this commission for a dear friend. drawing anything mecha is always super fun, i should do it more
does anyone here remember captain future?
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I know, I'm all over the place with my sujets, but here it is: my reinterpretation of a DVD cover of my favourite science-fiction series back in the days when I was wayyy younger and still had golden hair - but I digress.
Back to the picture: I changed the poses of the captain and Joan a little bit, to make them more dynamic, I changed a lot when it comes to Grag and Otto (they are basically just standing around in the original). Also, I added the Comet, because the picture appeared incomplete without it. Also, I wanted to challenge myself, since I'm not really good with starships and mechanical stuff... I hope you like it!
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cccovers · 6 months
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Startling Comics #5 (February 1941) cover by ?.
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superherobriefings · 9 months
Captain Future
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Creator(s): Kin Platt
Alias(es): Andrew Bryant
1st Issue w/Uniform: Startling Comics #39
Year/Month of Publication: 1946/05
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esonetwork · 4 months
'Captain Future In Love' Book Review By Ron Fortier
New Post has been published on https://esonetwork.com/captain-future-in-love-book-review-by-ron-fortier/
'Captain Future In Love' Book Review By Ron Fortier
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CAPTAIN FUTURE IN LOVE (The Return of Ul Quorn, Book 1) By Allen Steele Amazing Stories 108 pgs
Once again we find ourselves playing catch up with a new pulp series. Last year we found “Captain Future – The Guns of Pluto.” Seeing that it was a new adventure based on Edmond Hamilton’s classic pulp hero, we eagerly snatched up a copy and loved it. At which point we learned it was the third entry in the series by veteran writer Allen Steele. The first chapter had been released by another publisher with the title “Avengers of the Moon.” We found it, read and give it major thumbs up.
Sadly things went awry and that publisher chose not to continue the series. Steele then partnered with the good folks at Amazing Stories and wrote two more action packed entries. In “Captain Future in Love,” he picks up the story of orphaned Curt Newton who was raised by an android, cyborg and robot in a hidden cave on the moon. Newton’s obsession is to find the corrupt millionaire politician who murdered his parents.  
But first Captain Future must deal with possible terrorists  on attack Venus installations. This triggers flashback memories wherein we learn of his first visit to that planet as a teenager and his encounter with a lovely young thief who steals his heart. It’s a fun tale and told with the proper emotional sensitivity. As with his other Captain Future stories, Steele combines elements of both hard science fiction with the more romantic elements of pulp space operas. What are two radically different styles merge seamlessly in his storytelling. Having read both the first and third, we’re delighted to have filled in the missing chapter of this truly enjoyable saga. Ed Hamilton would have loved these.
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dangerzone334archive · 3 months
The English dubbed intro to Captain Future from the early 80s by Ziv International based on the Science fiction pulp magazine of the same name!
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squaunch · 7 months
Feinde greifen an
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just-1other-nerd · 6 months
Okay, so I was watching anime in the living room and my dad walked in during an intense fight scene and then he said that it reminded him of a show that he loved when he was a kid. So after I finished that episode he looked up where to watch "Captain Future", a sci-fi anime from the late 1970s. We watched episodes 29-31 and he told me fun facts about it, I had a great time. He told me how a person from a public German tv channel decided that sci-fi for older kids would be good for them, like make them interested in science while still being entertaining and then they went and edited out some stuff like more violent scenes before they aired them. My dad said that angry parents protested against it because of all the light effects and the action and so on. They created a different soundtrack than the original Japanese one for the German dub and let's just say it's one banger after another. My dad also said that he was so oblivious about Joan and the captain being in love and I was like: "even if they don't kiss, it is so painfully obvious that they love each other, like the dialogue, the fucking music, the long looks they give each other, the way other characters react to their intimacy!!! It's all right there!" Also I'm convinced this one male presenting android is gay, I know a buff twink when I see one.
Let's just say that I was surprised when I found out that my dad of all people is actually a fan of an old school anime, like the sci-fi part made sense but the anime part? Didn't see that one coming. Also I think it is so funny that watching only those 3 episodes it became very clear to me why he became an electrical engineer.
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w0-2013-365 · 7 months
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olivrsm · 8 months
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chernobog13 · 5 months
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Captain Future #4 (vol. 2, #1) Fall 1940. Cover by Earle Bergey.
While the super-strong robot, Greg, likes to take on space dinosaurs with his fist, Captain Future relies on his Spaghetti-O ray gun.
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nimblesdump · 7 months
Otto und Captain Future - identisch?
heute möchte ich eine kühne Theorie vorstellen, die sich um zwei beliebte fiktionale Charaktere dreht: Otto aus "Benjamin Blümchen" und Captain Future. Ich bin mir mittlerweile ziemlich sicher (😸), dass es sich um ein und die selbe Person handelt. Hier meine Indizien.
Äußerliche Merkmale:
Beginnen wir mit den äußerlichen Merkmalen.
Sehr offensichtlich trägt Otto nicht nur die selbe Frisur, sondern auch die selbe Haarfarbe.
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Bildquelle: benjaminbluemchen.de
Auch die Gesichtsform scheint sehr ähnlich zu sein. Nun gut, Aussehen hin oder her, es muss natürlich mehr geben als das.
Die beste Freundin:
Ein weiterer interessanter Punkt ist die beste Freundin. Sowohl Captain Future als auch Otto haben jeweils eine blonde beste Freundin. Bei Captain Future ist das Joan Landor, während Otto die enge Freundin Bibi Blocksberg hat.
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Ich will hier natürlich nicht andeuten, dass Landor identisch ist mit Blocksberg, aber man kann zumindest eine Präferenz für blonde Freundinnen festhalten.
Die Namen der Roboter:
Die Gemeinsamkeiten hören hier nicht auf. Betrachten wir die Namen der Roboter. In der Crew von Captain Future gibt es den Androiden "Grag". Und wer ist der zweite Roboter? Richtig, sein Name ist "Otho".
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Fun Fact: Otho wurde von Captain Futures Eltern gebaut. Otho ist dazu in der Lage, seine humanoide Form beliebig zu verändern. Man kann jedenfalls festhalten, dass sowohl Futures als auch Ottos Eltern eine Vorliebe für diesen Namen haben.
Das Interesse an Raumfahrt:
Dass Captain Future ein Wissenschaftler ist, und Interesse an Raumfahrt und Robotik hat, ist bekannt, das ist Prämisse der Serie. Aber was ist mit Otto?
In Folge 55 lernt Otto die Astrofanten kennen, und kommt so das erste Mal mit Außerirdischen in Kontakt.
Auch wenn Benjamin diese Szene nur träumt, liegt es aber doch daran, dass Otto einen Alien-Film schaut, bei dem Benjamin einschläft.
Als Benjamin in Folge 11 den Mond besucht, ist es auch wieder Otto, der ihn darauf hinweist, dass Astronauten gesucht werden.
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Auch mit Robotern kam Otto oft in Kontakt. Genau 100 Folgen nach dem Besuch der Astrofanten (Zufall oder Chiffre?) finden er und Benjamin einen Roboter.
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In Folge 46 der Fernsehserie baut Otto sogar zusammen mit dem Erfinder Eddi Eddison einen Erdbeereisroboter!
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Man kann also klar feststellen, dass Otto ein starkes Interesse an Raumfahrt und Robotik zeigt!
Für mich der überzeugendste Hinweis ist jedoch der Name. Natürlich nicht Otto - der hat mit Captain Future nicht viel zu tun. Aber Captain Futures bürgerlicher Name ist ein Hinweis. Während Otto der Kurze aus Neustadt (New-Town auf Englisch) ist, heißt Captain Future mit Klarnamen: Curtis Newton. Es wird also Neustadt zu Newton.
Für mich ist die Sache völlig klar.
Wie Otto nun in die Zukunft kam, darüber lässt sich nur spekulieren, ich persönlich habe eine gewisse blonde Hexe im Auge, die vielleicht sogar mitgereist ist und ihr Gedächtnis verlor und seitdem Joan heißt. Oder so.
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selketshaula · 2 years
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スーパーロボット&ヒーローARTWORKS 越智一裕画集
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