molotovbliss · 1 day
Car Bomb 💣 - Black Blood
Car Bomb is an American mathcore band from Rockville Centre, New York that was initially formed in 2000. Their debut album, Centralia, was released through Relapse Records on February 6, 2007.
The human metronome. 🫨🤯 Eliot Hoffman. One of my favorite drummers.
Him covering/improving on an Aphex Twin song. He doesn't use a metronome only when planning songs with Greg the guitarist. Mike (ala Neck, should my first eye 👁️🤜🏼) comes in after them and lays down vocals.
Lots of Demoscene looking VFX, to one of their more weird tracks. Which is nice to see, kinda looks like cables.gl 😎
Recommended other songs of theirs;
Meta album, Secrets within secrets, from the dust of this planet. Mordial, scattered spirits.
The sentinel on w^w^w^w^w is another good one.
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xxhwoarangxx · 1 year
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dangtattoos · 2 years
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New #DANGstyle #flashart : " #boomboom #Bouquet " 💐💣 . . . #floral #bomb #morningglory #roses #sunflower #tropical #flowers #batman #firecracker #timebomb #lei #nuke #casino #carbomb #dinomite #grenade #daisy #plasticexplosives #bottlerocket #mntattooartist #stpaultattooshop (at RCKT Tattoo Arts) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ck1ooXBufSf/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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riphimopen · 6 months
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sprnklersplashes · 6 months
argued about palestine with my friends bf and he geniunely tried to claim isr*el is not an apartied state and that palestinians have equal rights there. and then he tried bringing up ireland to me (an irish person)
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pocketramblr · 2 years
AU where Stain's creed isn't just an excuse to ambush random heroes and he actually does only attack the worst. Rip Endeavor.
Can you imagine tho an au where Stain is actually tracking down heroes who are corrupt, not this stupid "three per city" rule, just methodical research and hunting. Sometimes there's multiple bribe takers and makers killed in as many weeks. Sometimes he makes no move for months until suddenly another hero is found dead on top of pictures of their wrongdoings. He hunts like this for years, terrifying, because no one knows if it's one person or a group or copycats. He doesn't go after anyone to live and tell others about him.
I like to think after years of this though, perhaps when he goes after Nagant, he realizes she was fed bogus information straight from the commission and wasn't just taking out her own personal aggression on the innocent, and he realizes it isn't just corrupt licensed heroes he needs to go after- the Commission President is now on his hit list too, along with several other burocrats
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miami2k17 · 3 months
truly there is a special place in the pits of hell for people who go into a store >5 minutes to close and pay in cash
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tropiyas · 3 months
sometimes when i fill up my car's gas tank I have a very small flash of fear that my engine will just explode like that one scene in breaking bad. I start the car anyways because the odds are just astronomically low, and if I get unlucky that would at least be a really funny way to go
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sanstropfremir · 1 year
Everytime you think that's the worst hyb3 will get they sink lower like I expect the worse of that company but they still manage to surprise me
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#uh. you guys know that eta stands for Estimated Time of Arrival right. you know thats an extremely common acronym. right.#that pretty much all eng speaking ppl use in daily life....?#i dont like hybe and i never will but the teaser is literally just 15 sec of a car driving and the song is called eta. as in.#ESTIMATED TIME OF ARRIVAL. which is something that you would say when telling someone about travel plans.....like....when you are driving..#the names are a very unfortunate coincidence but maria eva mikel are EXTREMELY common first times.........its literally mary/eve/michael#it could just be actor or character names#like yes the coincidences are there. i do not blame spanish ppl for noticing them right away bc of course they would. its natural#but currently there is nothing in what theyve shown in the teaser that 'actively promotes terrorism'.................cmon now.#tbh saying that the car in the teaser is alluding to how the group used carbombs is like. hysterical to me#its not even blowing up ITS JUST DRIVING#like there arent a million kpop mvs with cars ACTUALLY blowing up in them...#carbombing is like. literally the number one terror method used by literally every group. IF the car was blowing up in the teaser#i would be significantly more skeptical. but once again. it is literally JUST DRIVING#FOR A VIDEO OF A SONG CALLED ESTIMATED TIME OF ARRIVAL#also this tweet got deleted literally five minutes after i looked at it so.#text#answers#newjeans w#look. yes the coincidences are fuckin weird and if it turns out that thats actually what they were doing thats so fucking unhinged#but i can very very easily see how this is just a series of unfortunate actual coincidences.
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hazel-rah · 4 months
Tell me why I just saw someone with an Irish OC whose name is Teague
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dr-carbomb · 1 year
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my most hobby
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arthrobug · 6 months
Accidentally ate a whole cupcake infused with an Irish carbomb last night, just had the weirdest sequence of dreams in my life
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cuntstable · 1 year
thinking that going to the store should not be making people feel suicidal but. well. thats life now i guess
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riphimopen · 6 months
bobby de niro has two bitch ex wives in Casino and one of them, is joe pesci. And the other one, is nicky santoro as portrayed by joe pesci
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seraymerichateblog · 9 months
calling irish people british-adjacent is a special kind of moronicallty ignorant
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dyklopces · 1 year
hell is contained entirely within the fucking cvs app
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