#Cars next-gens
I think more people need to acknowledge the fact that the sponsors in Cars actually have SLOGANS and theyre adorable
"We found something in the ground that makes you go go go. So, go Dinoco!" - Dinoco
"You won't leave your garage without us!" - HtB (Hostile takeover bank)
"My IGNTR Liquid adrenaline will make you faster than lightning." - IGNTR
"Feul full of vim and vigor... with Vitoline! For older, active cars!" -Vitoline
"A quart a day keeps roadside assistance away!" - Octain Gain (my personal favorite)
"Guarantees you Leak Less with our Adult Drip Ban protection!" - LEAK LESS (THEY HAVE 2, THE OTHER IS MY FAVORITE- "WATCH YOUR WHEELS!" @teeful-corner 's suggested the first one)
"Do long drives make you want to crash? Keep awake with Nitroade." -Nitroade (TIM TREADLESS IS MY FAVORITE your never changing my mind)
IGNTR and Nitroade's slogans further prove my theory and headscannons that Tim and Jackson are hooked on energy drinks 😭
And as for HtB's slogan, that just... makes a lot of sense on why Chick is the way he is- it's practically a criminal law group. It's a banking company for hostile acquisitions-... yeah. And his Next-gen racer replacement popped up in my view? Oh, absolutely it makes sense. (For those who don't know HtB got a diecast for a Next-gen racer- His name is Rowdy Revvin' Busch.)
Vitolines also made me laugh bc its basically vitamin water for cars 😭 its so cute- Chase and Brick having to say that in commercials makes me giggle,,
Octain Gain's my favorite- thinking of Danny and Bobby having to say thay makes so much sense to me
Dinoco having that's also cute because it's just imagining Cal and Strip in their little accents- and Cruz later on-
News of the day: Sponsor slogans
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dataentryspecialist · 4 months
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Brent Spiner then and now
Happy birthday, you blue eyed silver fox 🦊💞
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Yesterday a follower of mine on Instagram reminded me that other than Lewis Hamilton's birthday, it was also Daniel Suárez's birthday and since he had a voice role in Cars (as Danny Swervez in Cars 3) I had to make something for him too 😅, but unfortunately it was too late, so I decided to make post the drawing the next day
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en-wheelz-me · 14 days
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marslovescars · 5 months
What is this Autosport top 50 list? Genuinely wondering if I am in a simulation seeing this list...
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aurora-ze-aquarius · 2 years
Unfortunately I wasn't able to make any Halloween posts yesterday (I was exhausted)
So here's some Halloween Headcanons to make up for it:
Radiator Springs
Ever since McQueen stumbled into Radiator Springs, the town has become incredibly vibrant and filled to the brim with decorations during holidays. Halloween is no exception.
With lots of haybales, pumpkins, and spook-tacular decorations that litter every part of town.
The corn mazes and hayrides are fan favorites.
Lightning's the guy who's easily the most spooked, but often laughs it off. Well, he did pass out that one time when Raoul (dressed up as a mime) scared him.
Mater loves candycorn. We should all agree on that lol
Btw, speaking of the WGP, once every few years, they stop by and celebrate the spooky season here in Radiator Springs. Though, Francesco has vowed never to go back through the cornmaze ever again.
Filmore brings out his special pumpkin ale, while Flo brings out her best autumn treats.
Ramone has a blast painting everyone's colors.
A great concert is also held by the local trouble makers themselves, the Delinquent Road Hazards
Costumes I feel like the guys would wear! (Haven't included everyone, just some personal favorites)
Lightning: either a superhero, paleontologist (or something Indiana Jones inspired), or an astronaut
Mater: A dinosaur or a sheet ghost
Sally: A witch
Cruz: A pirate or an angel
Jackson: he doesn't like dressing up, but if he has to, the grim reaper
Bobby: A zombie
Cal: Either a skeleton or a cat
Francesco: A vampire or a siren/mermaid
Raoul: A mime. Bonus; he has good patience, and doesn't speak so long as the costume stays on. It freaks everyone out.
Rip: A werewolf or a scarecrow
Luigi and Guido: Mario and Luigi, I am not taking no for an answer
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disneyprincessabby · 1 year
Can I please get a small writing prompt of lightning McQueen ( if him and Sally were just friends) is a single bisexual and all the new gen racers try to get him a date lol 😆 or get him to go on a date with them 😉
My favorite part of these next gen asks you send me is that it implies that the next gens actually like Lightning and try to involve him in their shenanigans, and it just makes me really happy okay?!
Not sure if your looking for a fic/ficlet or if you just want some headcanons, so I’m gonna go with headcanons if that’s okay! (I wrote most of this out during my lunch break at work so if it’s not great that’s why)
Here’s how I think the next gens would react to finding out Lightning is bi and single:
Tim: surprised to find out McQueen is single, not surprised at all to know he’s bi. He’s seen the interviews from the WGP and there’s no heterosexual explanation for how him and Francesco interact.
Ryan: tries to set him up on a blind date, but McQueen politely declines the offer; he’s okay being single for now.
Chase and Bubba: are very indifferent to the whole thing. This information changes absolutely nothing about how they perceive Lightning. They have no interest in McQueen’s love life, but are entertained by how much the other racers seem to care.
Danny: Thinks it’s great that McQueen is open about his sexuality and love life. He joins in with the rest in trying to set him up with someone. Starts a betting pool with the other racers to see who’ll get McQueen a date first.
Cruz: immediately half-jokes that McQueen and Jackson should go out on a date (I say half-jokes because she can totally tell they both find each other attractive so she’s really trying to play matchmaker here)
Jackson: acts like he doesn’t give af, but is secretly trying to work up the courage to ask Lightning out. He didn’t even realize Lightning was bi until all the next gens started discussing his love life, and while he won’t admit it to anyone he got a little excited/hopeful that he could have a chance with the racing legend
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atdhpgirl · 2 years
So a random thought of mine:
Harry and Ginny in the car with little James and teddy, baby Albus in Ginny's arms Harry's driving. When this happens:
James: Dad what's the name of the baby?
Harry: Albus Severus Potter
James: (trying to pronounce it) al-bus, sni-vell-es Potter?
Harry: WAIT! what did you say??
James: Albus snivelles Potter.
Harry: (dying of shock) YOU SAID SNIVELLES!!!!
Teddy: snivelles does seem easier to pronounce. If l am being honest..
Harry: gin..
Ginny: yes, Harry?
Harry: please arrange a meeting with the terrapist before I crash the car..
Ginny: WHAT??
Harry: (knowing full well he named the boy JAMES SIRUS POTTER) just a headache...
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dead-cat-batmm · 1 year
The lightning storm fam
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azulock · 5 months
I don't keep up With the episode Nagi Manga but I saw that they were doing the whole tarot thing and eeeeh, giving Chigiri the Devil card and saying it represents addiction and ruin is such a huge missed shot for me.
I may not care about those things but I lived with someone who does and the Devil of all things represents more of a ruin you bring upon yourself. The key is in looking at the image, the chains connecting the couple on the card to the devil are huge, they could escape if only they realized they were the ones perpetuating their own ruin by falling into their addictions and bad patterns of behavior.
The missed shot part here is: Nagi and Reo fit that perfectly. They fit the Lovers too, and the couple that shows up in the Lovers is the one that shows up in the Devil. Those two cards exist in a duality, and Nagi and Reo fit them perfectly. Missed shot right there.
Anyway if they wanted a card for actual ruin to throw at Chigiri the Tower is right there. The Devil is hopeful cause it points at you and says you can change your behavior and get out but Chigiri's problem is a ticking time bomb that he has no control over. Either he gives up his dream to save his leg or lives what he can of his dream until his leg finally gives out.
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thatonelightyear · 2 years
Next Gen HCs
first try for the next gens ayo?! (lowkey excited)
Jackson Storm
obsessed with keyboards - like - the clicky noises?? the lights?? (mechanical keyboards)
90% sure a cat is his spirit animal
addicted to energy drinks smh
staunch believer that diet coke is less sweet than normal coke (i beg to differ)
likes drawing - he does it in the trailer in between races - he's actually really good at it!
the kind to game until 2am
non-existent sleep schedule
Chase Racelott
intrigued by Brick Yardley's collection of plants
sometime during the off season, he asks Brick to teach him plant care
now has a million succulents in his trailer
secretly thinks green looks the best on him (i mean he ain't wrong)
can't ever turn down a fan
the first time he won, that's when he understood what it meant to truly love a sport
actually feels a ton of pressure from his... family history - tries not to let it get to him tho!
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CARSTOBER 2023 - Day 15
Favourite Next-Gen Racer: Tim Treadless
Posting this later than usual bc my pen had to be recharged and I also needed to go to bed 😅
Anyway, I find Tim interesting bc of his backstory involving Jackson Storm, which is told in the "Taken by Storm" book (I haven't read it unfortunately, but I know the plot in general from the Cars wiki)
I think I'll get that book and "Stuck by Lightning" as well for Christmas, but I'm not sure about that yet 🤔😅
Hope you like it ☺️
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mishkakagehishka · 9 months
I love reading manga that has a yandere as a protag but especially when the person they obsess over is just as big of an asshole. If i'm not thinking "i hope they both die" is it actually good?
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daia-red-panda10 · 1 year
World Cup headcanons I have for Cars characters although some time has passed since the final match (Argentina VS. France edition because I am Argentinian and I still can't believe we won)
The ones that supported Argentina are: Lightning McQueen, Cruz Ramírez, Danny Swervez, the Weathers family, most of the WGP racers (like Jeff, Carla, Rip, Francesco, etc.), all Radiator Springs folks and some Next-Gens racers (Tim Treadless is a big example) and Chick Hicks.
The ones that supported France are: Raoul Çaroul (obviously), and some others Next-Gens.
The ones that don't care af about football, but still congratulated Argentina are: Jackson Storm and most Next-Gens.
(humanized au, very long text)
Radiator Springs
Everyone was watching on the TV in Flo's café and even there were Argentina themed decoration both outside and inside just for that day. Also, there were some people from Argentina watching and Cruz was chatting with them, laughing and singing with them and Luigi and Guido decided to join them at some moment.
Lightning was watching the whole match with Sally and they also were chatting with some of the Argentinian fans. Tim, Harvey and Danny decided to take some vacations and stay at Radiator Springs and when they saw how things were decorated and at how many people looked hesitant about the match, they decided to join and watch.
In the last penalty, all Radiator Springs was silent, waiting for the results. Lightning and Sally were watching the tv silently, Cruz and the visiting Next-Gens were crossing their fingers and sweating, Luigi and Guido were at the verge of tears. Everyone wanted to know what was going to happen and when Argentina's player Gonzalo Montiel scored, the café was a COMPLETE CHAOS. Almost everyone was hugging eachother, many others were crying of joy (including Cruz, Luigi and Guido), some people like Tim and Harvey were recording with their phones because they have never saw something like that in their whole lives and most people were clapping and shouting: "¡ARGENTINA CAMPEÓN DEL MUNDO!".
At some point, the Argentinian people were in the main street of Radiator Springs and started to celebrate. Obviously, everyone decided to go and join them after some time.
Chick Hicks watched the whole match and on his social media (with the help of some people) he congratulated Argentina.
(random fun fact about me: I headcanon that Francesco has family in Argentina and at his free time, sometimes, he visits them)
Francesco was watching the match at his house with his mother and some friends. At one point Francesco's nerves were such that his blood pressure dropped and he almost fainted (almost like me lol). In the penalties the nerves reached such a point that he was shaking non-stop and when Montiel scored the final goal, he screamed non-stop of happiness and at one point I imagine he hugged his mom and his friends while he cried along with them.
When he calmed down a little bit, he posted something on Instagram saying congratulations to Argentina and sent greetings to all his fans.
The WGP racers were having divided opinions. Some supported Argentina but others supported France.
Long story short, Argentina won and Carla, Rip,Jeff and Nigel were clapping and celebrating.
Raoul was obviously hoping for his country to win, but at the end he felt very bad and he went silent. Obviously the ones that were celebrating noticed that and they stopped for a moment to try to calm Raoul down, but every effort was useless because after a few seconds he began to cry non-stop and decided to go to his room.
When Raoul calmed down and came out of his room, he smelled a very delicious yet familiar smell in the kitchen. When Raoul went there as fast as possible, he got surprised that Carla, Rip, Jeff and Nigel prepared his favourite foods. He asked why they made such a thing like that for him and Carla said:
"We decided to make this because we wanted to see you happy for something. We know the results made you feel sad and you also haven't ate something for some hours, so…" she was about to finish, but then she felt how Raoul was hugging her.
At that moment, he thanked her and decided to go and eat with them.
So this is all!! Thank you for reading!
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Can't wait for next season when they're all 16 and Max gets a car and can fulfill her road warrior zoomer destiny and drive everybody around like an absolute lunatic all season
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disneyprincessabby · 2 years
Hey 👋 I still very much love you're blog I thought of this funny scenario were the young gen racers invented lightning to like a party and there showing him tik tok dance and they tell lightning to dance and he just starts break dancing and just out dances other gen what is most likely the next thing that happens 🤣 😂
Thanks for the love friendo!! I feel so appreciated on here lately because of awesome people like you!
I’ve been struggling all day to get the mental image of Lightning break dancing out of my head, because that is not something I should be focusing on during company time during tire season when we’re busy!
Anyways, I hope you enjoy what I’ve come up with!!
The video goes viral
Cruz is the one who posts the video cause Lightning doesn’t have TikTok and doesn’t want it
So. Many. Duets! Like so many fans duet the video trying to do the same dance moves as him and they just can’t seem to pull it off like he does
The next-gens duet him too in attempt to get more views than him but it doesn’t really work. If anything it gives McQueen’s video more views
Immediately after the video is recorded Lightning regrets his decision to pull out all the moves. His back and knees are now sore af; between the wreck and his age, he’s just not able to do certain things like that without any pain anymore
He pretends his not in pain in front of the next-gens, but Cruz has her suspicions.
Most of the next gens have a newfound appreciation for McQueen; who knew he was a good dancer? Not them!
Jackson acts like he doesn’t care, but secretly he’s impressed that “the elder statesman of the sport” can bust a move like that
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