twinkdrama · 2 years
hey sorry i used crispr on your boyfriend. yeah it deleted his whole dna. im so sorry you had to find out this way
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scichores · 1 year
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zeck143 · 2 years
ideas for Cas9 tactical:
Yes they're all puns, fight me
snap draggin
bites enemies for 10-15 dmg to health, and pings for Cas9 on map
pulls multiple enemies to a center point (like ash's snare) for 5-10 dmg, immediate release
take stalk
attaches to first enemy to come by, alerts Cas9 pins outline to them for 5 seconds, can plant multiple stalks
(kind of like Hound, but is triggered rather than instant and can only attach to one player at a time)
(...so sort of like ash’s passive but better)
branch out
creates a small platform to walk across, up to 6(stealing Catalyst's concept tact because I’m still bitter)
thorn down
thorny patch that deals damage and slows because Alec was right when thinking of it first
(fucking catalyst)
aloe there
pulls players within range to 1-2M away, causes 5-10 dmg to enemies(after typing it out, i thought “oh fuck that's just Roadhog's hook”)(or path’s zipline if you attach it to an enemy)
at bay / bushed away / bush back
pushes enemies back a small distance (like 2-5M) for a small amount of damage, pretty much a punch at a distance(might rework this because the image of it funny as hell to me)
patched up
something something health
power plant
something something shields
names without abilities
bark's bite
rough patch
plot twist 
thyme crunch
party thyme
hem locked
feeling vine
log in/out
I’m already dead set on his passive being called “Upsy Daisy” which, revives allies in a quicker time and gives them a small bonus of health
He was supposed to be named Catalyst because his ult relied on vials of catalyzing agents (technically they can also be called an enzyme). He holds out his bowl and you can choose to heal or harm and throw a distance (either the L or R button). Sort of like Moira? Only it doesn’t bounce around and is grounded, lasting for... 8-10 seconds? Not sure if that is a fair amount of time.
I remember when the dev’s were testing out abilities with the Dummy’s Day Out event. They had an ability that allowed an immediate heal for a certain radius. Problem with that included you being the center of the heal, and it also healing enemies (from this event, they fixed Mirage’s ult into ‘dance party’. remember seeing 6 mirages standing in a field? good times).
If you think it takes too much time, think of Newcastle’s, Path’s or Ash’s ults. You need to aim those strategically and can’t immediately spam throw them down without tact like you can with Lifeline’s, Caustic’s or Horizon’s. I mean you can, but it might not be as accurate if you want to plan things out.
The ult still needs a name though. Hm.. Vile vial? The plant’s named Captain Fuzzy Britches... Fuzzing around? It’s based on oleander (appearance), venus fly and guarana (as a mouth and center), lotus flowers (roots), and vine snakes (body). As well as a made up plant called “whistler reeds” (typha sibilus aurae) to explain the noises it makes. It sounds like when you blow through a leaf or grass to whistle. So like a chimera. I wanted to add more animal genes, but too much and it’ll be obvious. Nature’s course?
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civilmentor1 · 2 months
CURRENT AFFAIRS - 31 July 2024
1.CRISPR Fncas9 ● Indian scientists build breakthrough gene-editor, are aiming for patent ● A CRISPR system built to use the FnCas9 enzyme was found to editgenomes more efficiently and with less unintended damage than existingtechnologies, researchers at CSIR-IGIB and the L.V. Prasad Eye Institutehave reported ● Scientists from the CSIR-Institute of Genomics and Integrative Biology,New Delhi,…
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maisha-online · 10 months
The Essential Role of Cylicins in Sperm Development and Fertility
Sperm development, known as spermiogenesis, is a complex process involving various stages and intricate structural changes. Recent research has shed light on the crucial role of Cylicins in spermiogenesis and male fertility in both mice and humans. Cylicins, specifically Cylicin 1 (Cylc1) and Cylicin 2 (Cylc2), are essential components of the perinuclear theca (PT), a critical part of the sperm…
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deinheilpraktiker · 1 year
Wissenschaftler entwickeln Organoide menschlicher Speicheldrüsen, um die Infektiosität von SARS-CoV-2 zu testen In einer kürzlich in der Zeitschrift veröffentlichten Studie NaturzellbiologieForscher zeigten in vitro mithilfe eines organoiden Kulturmodells die Anfälligkeit der Speicheldrüsen für eine schwere Infektion mit dem akuten respiratorischen Syndrom Coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2). Lernen: Vom Menschen induzierte pluripotente, aus Stammzellen gewonnene Speicheldrüsenorganoide modellieren die SARS-CoV-2-Infektion und -Replikation. Bildnachweis: NIAID Hintergrund Obwohl das At... #ACE2 #Agonist #Angiotensin #Angiotensin_Converting_Enzym_2 #Atemwege #B_Zelle #Cas9 #Coronavirus #Coronavirus_Krankheit_COVID_19 #CRISPR #EIWEISS #Enzym #Fibroblast #Gen #Genbearbeitung #gene #Genexpression #Genomik #Gewebekultur #in_vivo #in_vitro #Induzierte_pluripotente_Stammzellen #Intrazellulär #Kalzium #Lunge #Mesenchym #Organoide #Palindromische_Wiederholungen #Phänotyp #Radfahren #Rezeptor #Ribonukleinsäure #SARS #SARS_CoV_2 #Schwere_akute_Atemwegserkrankungen #Schweres_akutes_respiratorisches_Syndrom #Serin #Speicheldrüse #Stammzellen #Syndrom #Test #Transkription #Vorläuferzellen #Wachstumsfaktor #Zelle #Zellen_Biologie
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pseud0knots · 6 months
I just have to make it to june and then I get to go to an RNA conference headlined by jen doudna (and also see all my hoes in east coast area codes)
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Rise of the TMNT Donatello Headcanons
(Based on things I or people I know have experienced.)
Long post ahead.
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Donnie is a huge puzzle lover and every time he finds a new puzzle game to play, he rants/explains it to his brothers. (Leo tunes him out every time.)
On one such occasion, Donnie was ranting about the glorious creation of RegEx Crossword and Leo told him it seemed boring, so he's taken to writing Leo insults in RegEx shorthand.
When he was younger, Donnie would mess with his brothers by eating something that tasted disgusting and not reacting at all, then saying, "that was good," and giving his brothers the food to try.
Unfortunately for Leo, Donnie would usually go to his twin to infodump about a new topic, but it made Leo very good at gift-giving to Donnie.
Donnie is definitely touch-averted, but the kind where he will not tolerate touch from anyone at any time unless he initiates it. When he does initiate it, it is hard to get rid of him. (And in those cases it is rarely ever hugs, more like attacking Leo.)
Donnie frequently uses words like "hath," "doth," and "thou."
Donnie hates the phrase "me neither," and will get annoyed when his brothers say it. (It's NOR DO I or NOR HAVE I)
When Donnie is working in his lab, he gets very frustrated at any noise, even ambient noise, so when people walk into his lab during one of these moods, he will get very snippy with them.
When playing games like Headbanz or 20 Questions, Leo gets very annoyed because Donnie is way too specific. He will ask questions like "am I a vertebrate?" or argue semantics like whether ketchup is technically a fruit/fruit based. Eventually, this leads to both of them asking questions like, "in a nutrition label, would a fruit be one of the first three ingredients listed?"
Donnie is insanely curious and will constantly ask questions. Splinter used to lecture him about whatever topic he asked about when he was a child, but as he grew older he resorted to google or the library. (He is constantly bringing out his phone to google niche questions like, "the volume of a typical human body when fully liquefied including connective tissues.")
If he is into a task or project, he physically cannot sleep because his brain is thinking too much, and will stay up for hours without realizing it, but if he does not want to do something, it will take him literal days to do it, if at all.
He loves documentaries and video essays.
However, he also is a huge fan of any and all TV and movies. He has a list of movies he has heard people talk about that he wants to watch.
When watching sad movies, his brothers will periodically look over at him, trying to "catch" him crying because they cannot believe he does not cry during movies. Despite not crying though, Donnie gets extremely into movies and has to sit for a while afterward to process and then rant.
Donnie chews on things when he is preoccupied (especially because softshell turtles typically have a strong bite). This can be things like bottle caps, pens, and especially the hem of any shirt if he is wearing one. As such, all of his "human" clothes have holes in the collars.
Donatello is a very fast reader when he is interested in a topic, but if he is not interested, it is almost impossible to read because he just starts thinking about something else.
Similarly, he cannot read aloud because he reads too fast for his mouth to speak. This also causes him to frequently stutter or stumble when info dumping because his brain is going too fast to convey through spoken word.
He is extremely pretentious about grammar. For example, he constantly annoys Leo by pointing out any dangling participles.
Donnie is a very adept sarcasm user, but he frequently misses other people's sarcasm, especially Leo's.
He is a major perfectionist. When things go wrong or he is not immediately an expert at something, he gets very frustrated and snaps at those around him.
Donnie loves coffee, of course, but not to wake him up. He drinks coffee because it slows down his endless stream of ideas and plans enough for him to think. However, too much caffeine makes him sort of dazed or spacey.
Donnie is the type to be super organized and neat, but as soon as he starts a project, that goes out the window and his workspace becomes his own version of organized chaos.
Both he and Leo sign swears and insults at each other from across the room.
He loves cryptograms and fictional languages and will write messages in writing systems like Anglo-Saxon runes or alien languages (like from Jupiter Jim).
He LOVES drawing blueprints. He is decent artistic already (as shown by the chainsaw-made snow sculpture), but he really enjoys drawing blueprints with a straightedge and ruler and ends up hanging his favorites on the wall.
Donnie has a very high pain tolerance and would do things like poke needles through his epidermis to freak his brothers out.
He is a collector of junk. While most of it is sectioned off and organized, he also has bins of spare wires, screws, and tubes.
When he was young, he took apart everything. Nothing was ever safe. Radios, music boxes, flashlights, etc., all would be taken apart and strewn about to be studied.
Donnie is a proud Oxford Comma supporter!
He cannot use the same dish twice. If it is out of his sight for a minute, it is automatically contaminated. (Splinter hates this)
He loves nerdy science songs or science parodies of songs.
However, he also loves musical theatre and does mini performances of soundtracks.
He is constantly over-prepared. He keeps a first aid kit, flashlight, swiss army knife, pen, pencil, etc. in his battle shell at all times.
Because Donnie is much more flexible than his brothers due to his soft shell, he often sits in weirdly contorted positions that they cringe at.
When he was 5, Splinter wrote "good job" on a slip of paper and Donnie has kept it ever since.
He talks like an old man. For instance, he complains about "punk youths" and the state of the younger generations, despite being one of the said punk youths.
This is all for now. I always think of more, so I may make a second post of this with new ones I think of. Most of these are just from my own childhood.
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bpod-bpod · 1 year
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Axon Ax-off
Like trees growing in the wild, the branches or axons of our nerve cells reach out as they develop. In the optic tract of a zebrafish, some branches of these retinal ganglion cells are ‘pruned’ to guide the accurate shape of circuits behind its eyes. Like snipping at a bonsai tree (although about 1000 times smaller), cells on one side of the tract (highlighted in red) send signals that help to cut off stray axons of cells on the other side (blue), leaving grouped or 'sorted' neurons behind (seen on the right). Researchers using CRISPR/Cas9 technology block the activity of ones of the genes involved, gpc3, leaving the optic tract in a disorganised unpruned state (left and middle). Insight into this molecular tree surgery might influence therapies for the human brain, which also uses a form of gpc3 – offering a helping hand in shaping neural circuits that develop errant branches.
Written by John Ankers
Image from work by Olivia Spead, Trevor Moreland and Cory J. Weaver, and colleagues
Department of Biological Sciences, University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC, USA
Image originally published with a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
Published in Cell Reports, February 2023
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cbirt · 10 months
The UK has achieved a historic milestone by becoming the first country to authorize a revolutionary new treatment for two serious inherited blood conditions – sickle cell disease and beta-thalassemia. The cutting-edge therapy utilizes CRISPR gene editing technology to precisely correct errors in patients’ blood stem cells, potentially curing them of debilitating symptoms.
Announced earlier this week, the treatment called Casgevy (exagamglogene autotemcel) has been approved for use by the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA). This landmark decision opens the door for this powerful gene editing approach to start benefiting eligible patients after final assessments by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE).
Casgevy targets two blood disorders sharing an underlying mutation that reduces normal hemoglobin levels. Sickle cell disease distorts red blood cells into inflexible sickled shapes, causing severe pain, organ damage, and shortened lifespan. An estimated 15,000 people in the UK live with this painful condition.
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science-sculpt · 8 months
CRISPR-Cas9: A Gene-Editing Revolution
Imagine wielding a microscopic scalpel, sharp enough to snip and edit the very blueprint of life itself. Sounds like science fiction, right? Not anymore! CRISPR-Cas9, a name that has become synonymous with scientific breakthroughs, holds immense potential to revolutionize various fields, from medicine to agriculture. But what exactly is this technology, and how does it work? Let's delve into the world of CRISPR-Cas9, unraveling its complexities and exploring its exciting possibilities.
The story begins not in a gleaming lab, but in the humble world of bacteria. These tiny organisms possess a unique immune system that utilizes CRISPR (Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats) sequences and Cas9 protein. When a virus attacks, the bacteria capture snippets of viral DNA and store them as CRISPR arrays. The Cas9 protein, guided by these arrays, then snips the matching viral DNA, rendering the virus harmless.
Scientists, inspired by this natural marvel, realized they could harness the power of CRISPR-Cas9 for their own purposes. By tweaking the guide RNA (the mugshot), they could target specific locations in any genome, not just viral DNA. This opened a new era of genome editing, allowing researchers to add, remove, or alter genes with unprecedented precision.
CRISPR-Cas9 holds immense promise for various fields:
Medicine: Gene therapies for diseases like cancer, sickle cell anemia, and Alzheimer's are being explored.
Agriculture: Crops resistant to pests, diseases, and climate change are being developed.
Biotechnology: New materials, biofuels, and even xenotransplantation (animal-to-human organ transplants) are potential applications.
As with any powerful technology, CRISPR-Cas9 raises ethical concerns. Modifying the human germline (sperm and egg cells) could have unintended consequences for future generations, and editing embryos requires careful consideration and societal dialogue.
So, is CRISPR-Cas9 the key to unlocking a genetically modified future? The answer is as complex as the human genome itself. But one thing's for sure, this revolutionary tool is rewriting the rules of biology, and the plot is just getting started. CRISPR-Cas9 is still in its early stages, but its potential is immense. As we continue to refine the technology and address ethical concerns, it has the power to revolutionize various fields and improve our lives in countless ways. However, responsible development and open discussion are crucial to ensure this powerful tool benefits humanity without unintended consequences.
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onelmentarytalk · 9 months
Avances del CRISPR Cas9 y su Potencial en la Lucha Contra el Cáncer : La cura está en las manos de la edición genética
Exponencial desarrollo en la Edición Genética: El CRISPR Cas9 y su Impacto en la Medicina del Futuro En las últimas décadas, la ciencia y la tecnología han experimentado un progreso sin precedentes, llevando a descubrimientos y desarrollos que una vez parecían pertenecer solo al ámbito de la ciencia ficción. Uno de los avances más revolucionarios en este campo es la tecnología de edición…
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askpokeeosin · 2 years
Genetic modification has been tossed around for so long, but I do remember one thing in particular that stuck with me: Crispr Cas9. But on another note, how does magic work? Is it just another state of energy? Maybe it's actually physical matter? Or perhaps it's someplace on the electromagnetic spectrum? Or maybe something... more? I've got to know.
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On Editing Genes Part 2/2
Fascinating new developments (and ethical problems paired with said developments) every day! The bit about mosquitoes and malaria can be read up about here in this open access article. Hopefully, my explanation wasn't horrifically wrong. If so, mea culpa.
Hopefully, I'll be able to get to an explanation about how magic works soon!
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deinheilpraktiker · 1 year
Bahnbrechende Gene-Editing-Technik kann fehlerhafte T-Zellen bei Patienten mit CTLA-4-Insuffizienz reparieren Ein Fehler in Zellen, die einen Schlüsselteil des Immunsystems bilden, kann mit einer bahnbrechenden Gen-Editing-Technik repariert werden, wie neue Forschungsergebnisse unter der Leitung von UCL-Wissenschaftlern an menschlichen Zellen und Mäusen zeigen. Forscher sagen, dass die in Science Translational Medicine veröffentlichte Studie zu neuen Behandlungen für eine seltene Krankheit der weißen Blutkörperchen führen könnte, die normalerweise dazu beitragen, das Immunsys... #Autoimmunität #B_Zelle #Bakterien #BLUT #Bluterkrankung #BLUTKREBS #Cas9 #Chemotherapie #CTLA_4 #DNS #EIWEISS #Forschung #Gen #gene #Genetisch #Genexpression #Gentherapie #Gesundheit_des_Kindes #Immunität #Immunologie #Immunsystem #Intron #Kinder #Knochen #Knochenmark #Knochenmarktransplantation #Krankenhaus #Krebs #KRISPR #Medizin #OKT #Seltene_Krankheit #Stammzellen #Technologie #Transplantation #Virus #Zelle
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silverhorse123 · 2 years
Fuck cas9 constructs fr
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scienza-magia · 21 days
Conquistare lo spazio con l'editing genomico
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L'umanità potenziata dalla genetica andrà alla conquista dello spazio. Con insediamenti umani sulla Luna e su Marte, ci si concentra su tempi di viaggio, cibo e rischi di radiazioni. L'ambiente spaziale è ostile e l'editing genomico potrebbe permettere agli umani di tollerare tali condizioni.
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Lord Martin Rees e Dr. Robert Zubrin hanno discusso se l'esplorazione marziana debba essere umana o robotica. Rees sostiene l'uso di robot, ma entrambi vedono l'editing genomico come essenziale per diventare una specie interplanetaria. Dal 2011, strumenti come Crispr-Cas9 permettono modifiche genomiche precise. Tecniche come il base e prime editing consentono cambiamenti minimi nel genoma. Gli astronauti affrontano alti livelli di radiazioni nello spazio, aumentando il rischio di cancro. Con l'editing genomico, potremmo inserire geni da piante e batteri per ripulire le radiazioni. Geni che rallentano l'invecchiamento e contrastano il degrado cellulare potrebbero essere inseriti, e le colture resistenti alle radiazioni potrebbero garantire cibo. I tardigradi, che tollerano condizioni estreme, offrono un esempio interessante: inserendo i loro geni in cellule umane, aumentiamo la resistenza alle radiazioni. FONTE: sciencealert Read the full article
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