science-sculpt · 8 months
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Within the cell, a symphony untold,
A dance of molecules, secrets unfold.
DNA's twisted ladder, a spiral divine,
Holds blueprints of life, in each intricate line.
From single-celled whispers to towering trees,
A tapestry woven on life's swirling seas.
Bacteria's whispers, fungi's hidden might,
Insects on wings, taking flight at twilight.
The beating of hearts, a rhythmic command,
Blood's crimson river, coursing through the land.
Lungs inflate, exhale, a symphony's breath,
A delicate balance, defying death.
Brains ablaze, firing synapses' spark,
Memories flicker, emotions leave their mark.
Eyes that behold, a kaleidoscope's view,
From vibrant landscapes to skies bathed in blue.
Flowers unfurl, their petals ablaze,
Nature's grand canvas, painted in sunlit daze.
Evolution's whisper, through eons it weaves,
A tapestry vast, where life truly believes.
But mysteries linger, in shadows they hide,
From consciousness' depths to diseases that ride.
Cancer's dark secret, locked in a twisted cell,
And the origin of life, a story to tell.
With microscopes' eyes, we delve into the small,
Unraveling mysteries, standing tall.
Genetics unlocks, the code life bestows,
A future unfolding, like a blooming rose.
So join the adventure, explore and ignite,
The spark of curiosity, burning ever bright.
For biology's secrets, like stars in the night,
Beckon us onward, with wonder and light.
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tamisdava2 · 10 months
You know, I have a lot of regrets. One of them is the fact that in the past semester my lector of English asked us to do presentation on whatever we wanted. I could do presentation about ANYTHING, like Undertale for example, but instead I did presentation about bacteriophages! Don't get me wrong, I love bacteriophages, but my love for Undertale is bigger.
@themousefromfantasyland what regrets you've got when it comes to university?
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blueweavelaltusinha · 4 years
Bioinformatics in Covid
Bioinformatics allows in acknowledgment of the molecular bases of the diseases and infections. Also, it’s been actively used to virtually screen and to visualize the relevant compound, infectious virus, or microbe, and its outcome without even lab testing takes place.
The application of bioinformatics in developing the vaccine is crucial for the aforementioned reasons. The leading vaccine manufacturers work with bioinformatics tools that possess the data. Some of the major database and tools used in bioinformatics are: 
     DATABASE with their respective links        
BLAST: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/
European Bioinformatics Institute: https://www.ebi.ac.uk/services
JASPAR: http://jaspar.genereg.net/
GenBank: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/genbank/
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/ 
National Centre of Biotechnology Information: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/
OMIM: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/omim
PubMed: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/
The pandemic hit that took place last year has taught us a lot about ourselves. The end of this decade didn’t sure end well as Covid-19 made sure of it. The emergence of the spread took place unexpectedly and exponentially as everyone was unaware of the fact that something of this capability, unknowingly could hit the world. Even when we are at our peak times of inventions, innovation, and discoveries, etc. The infection covid couldn’t be cured for obvious reasons but the world’s leading scientists, doctors, and researchers are working intensely and restlessly for finding a cure that would be a vaccine.
For insights in the related market- Global Bioinformatics Market
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jagjiteducationzone · 3 years
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biotecnika · 4 years
ICAR-NBPGR Genetic & Genomics Discovery Project Recruitment ICAR-NBPGR Genetic & Genomics Discovery Project Recruitment. BSc/MSc Botany/ Biotechnlogy/ Life Science/ Bioinformatics Jobs. MSc/BSc candidates can walk-in for the research vacancies that are available at ICAR-NBPGR. Interested and eligible candidates can check job details, application procedure and such below: This job expires in :   ICAR-National Bureau […] The post ICAR-NBPGR Genetic Diversity & Genomics Assisted Discovery Project Recruitment appeared first on BioTecNika .
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publicsituation · 6 years
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RT @SIPRIorg: SIPRI will be a thematic partner for the international conference '2019.Capturing Technology. Rethinking Arms Control.' at the @GermanyDiplo. Click here to register: https://t.co/rnr7EeaglE Conference website: https://t.co/47259JzMFt #armscontrol19 #biotechnlogy https://t.co/Ve8ttdXDkP
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myemploymentportal · 13 years
2012-13, Admissions, Biotechnlogy, CBEE, CBEE-2012, CBEE-2012 Notification, education, Featured, Jawaharlal Nehru University, JNU, M.Sc, M.Tech, M.V.Sc, News, notification, universities, university
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science-sculpt · 8 months
A Dive into CAR-T Cell Therapy
Imagine training your own soldiers to fight cancer. Not just any soldiers, but elite warriors genetically modified to recognize and demolish the enemy with laser-like precision. That's the essence of CAR-T cell therapy, a revolutionary approach turning heads in the medical world. In the fight against cancer, CAR-T cell therapy embodies this very concept, harnessing the body's own immune system to wage war against malignant cells. T cells are the special forces of your immune system, constantly scanning for and eliminating threats. But sometimes, cancer cells outsmart them, hiding in plain sight. CAR-T cell therapy steps in, equipping these T-cells with a unique weapon: a Chimeric Antigen Receptor (CAR). Think of it as a GPS that locks onto a specific protein on cancer cells, guiding the T-cells straight to their target.
How does it work? Here's the simplified version:
Recruitment: First, T cells are extracted from your blood. Modification Station: In the lab, scientists use a virus or other tools to insert the CAR gene into the T cells' DNA. This equips them with the cancer-targeting GPS. Bootcamp Boost: The modified T cells are grown in a special environment, multiplying into a powerful army. Redeployment: The CAR-T cell troops are infused back into your bloodstream, ready to seek and destroy.
Sounds amazing, right? But like any powerful technology, CAR-T comes with its own set of challenges. The treatment process is complex and expensive, and there can be serious side effects like cytokine release syndrome, where the immune system goes into overdrive. So, is CAR-T a miracle cure? Not yet. But for some patients with aggressive blood cancers like leukemia and lymphoma, it has shown remarkable results, offering hope where other treatments have failed. Researchers are constantly working to improve the safety and efficacy of CAR-T, making it a potential game-changer for even more cancers in the future. CAR-T cell therapy has demonstrated remarkable efficacy in the treatment of certain types of hematologic malignancies, including acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) and certain subtypes of non-Hodgkin lymphoma. Clinical trials have shown unprecedented response rates and durable remissions in patients who have exhausted all other treatment options. Furthermore, ongoing research is exploring the potential of CAR-T cell therapy in treating solid tumors, extending its therapeutic reach to a broader spectrum of cancers. The future is bright for CAR-T. It's a testament to the power of human ingenuity and our ongoing quest to conquer one of humanity's greatest foes. While there's still a way to go, this groundbreaking therapy is a beacon of hope, reminding us that even the seemingly impossible can become reality.
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science-sculpt · 8 months
A Journey Through Time: Exploring the History of Cancer
Cancer, a disease that has plagued humanity for millennia, holds a complex and fascinating history. Our earliest encounters with cancer date back to ancient Egypt, where fossilized bone tumors and descriptions in medical papyri like the Edwin Smith Papyrus (3000 BC) offer chilling glimpses. The "Father of Medicine," Hippocrates (460-370 BC), coined the term "carcinoma," inspired by the crab-like appearance of tumors. While treatments were limited to cauterization and surgery, these early observations laid the groundwork for future understanding.
The Middle Ages saw a decline in scientific progress, with cancer often attributed to imbalances in bodily humors or divine punishment. However, glimpses of hope emerged. Arab physicians like Avicenna (980-1037 AD) categorized tumors and advocated for early surgical intervention. Microscopes revealed the cellular nature of tumors, and anesthesia paved the way for safer and more effective surgical interventions. The 18th and 19th centuries witnessed a surge in scientific curiosity. Percivall Pott (1714-1788) linked scrotal cancer in chimney sweeps to soot exposure, marking the first identification of an environmental carcinogen. Microscopes unveiled the cellular nature of tumors, and Rudolf Virchow (1821-1902) proposed the revolutionary "cell theory," laying the foundation for our modern understanding of cancer as a cellular disease.
The 20th century ushered in a new era of cancer research and treatment. Wilhelm Röntgen's discovery of X-rays in 1895 paved the way for radiation therapy, while the development of chemotherapy in the 1940s offered another weapon in the fight against cancer. Screening programs and early detection strategies emerged, leading to improved survival rates for certain cancers.
Today, we stand at the precipice of a new frontier in cancer research. The Human Genome Project has unlocked the secrets of our genetic makeup, leading to targeted therapies and personalized medicine. Immunotherapy, harnessing the body's own immune system to fight cancer, is showing remarkable promise. The future holds hope for even more effective and personalized treatments, potentially leading to a world where cancer becomes a chronic, manageable condition.
Cancer's history is a testament to human resilience and ingenuity. From ancient observations to modern marvels of science, the fight against this formidable foe has been a constant struggle. The fight against cancer is far from over, but the progress made through research and innovation is remarkable. As we delve deeper into the complexities of cancer biology and explore novel technologies, the future holds immense promise for improved prevention, early detection, and personalized treatments.
While the journey through history highlights the significant progress made, it also serves as a reminder of the ongoing battle and the unwavering hope for a future free from this formidable foe.
As we mark World Cancer Day today, February 4th, 2024, it's a stark reminder of the immense global challenge cancer presents. This year's theme, "Close the care gap: Access is equity," compels us to acknowledge and address the disparities in cancer prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and palliative care that exist across different communities and regions. But amidst the statistics and struggles, there's also hope – hope fueled by the tireless efforts of researchers, healthcare professionals, and individuals like you and me.
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science-sculpt · 8 months
CRISPR-Cas9: A Gene-Editing Revolution
Imagine wielding a microscopic scalpel, sharp enough to snip and edit the very blueprint of life itself. Sounds like science fiction, right? Not anymore! CRISPR-Cas9, a name that has become synonymous with scientific breakthroughs, holds immense potential to revolutionize various fields, from medicine to agriculture. But what exactly is this technology, and how does it work? Let's delve into the world of CRISPR-Cas9, unraveling its complexities and exploring its exciting possibilities.
The story begins not in a gleaming lab, but in the humble world of bacteria. These tiny organisms possess a unique immune system that utilizes CRISPR (Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats) sequences and Cas9 protein. When a virus attacks, the bacteria capture snippets of viral DNA and store them as CRISPR arrays. The Cas9 protein, guided by these arrays, then snips the matching viral DNA, rendering the virus harmless.
Scientists, inspired by this natural marvel, realized they could harness the power of CRISPR-Cas9 for their own purposes. By tweaking the guide RNA (the mugshot), they could target specific locations in any genome, not just viral DNA. This opened a new era of genome editing, allowing researchers to add, remove, or alter genes with unprecedented precision.
CRISPR-Cas9 holds immense promise for various fields:
Medicine: Gene therapies for diseases like cancer, sickle cell anemia, and Alzheimer's are being explored.
Agriculture: Crops resistant to pests, diseases, and climate change are being developed.
Biotechnology: New materials, biofuels, and even xenotransplantation (animal-to-human organ transplants) are potential applications.
As with any powerful technology, CRISPR-Cas9 raises ethical concerns. Modifying the human germline (sperm and egg cells) could have unintended consequences for future generations, and editing embryos requires careful consideration and societal dialogue.
So, is CRISPR-Cas9 the key to unlocking a genetically modified future? The answer is as complex as the human genome itself. But one thing's for sure, this revolutionary tool is rewriting the rules of biology, and the plot is just getting started. CRISPR-Cas9 is still in its early stages, but its potential is immense. As we continue to refine the technology and address ethical concerns, it has the power to revolutionize various fields and improve our lives in countless ways. However, responsible development and open discussion are crucial to ensure this powerful tool benefits humanity without unintended consequences.
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jagjiteducationzone · 5 years
Scope in Biotechnology for Students Article By: Jagjit Gupta Biotechnology has made a significant place in India. Under this field, all the possible fields, such as pharmaceuticals, food manufacturing, healthcare, agriculture, education, and research related work have become involved. In addition to the said fields, contributions to biotechnology cannot be overlooked in many other fields. Regardless
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biotecnika · 5 years
NIMHANS Research Jobs 2019 PhD Biotechnlogy and Life Sciences vacancy for eligible candidates at NIMHANS. NIMHANS is recruiting for research vacancies for biotech & life sciences candidates. NIMHANS recruitment April 2019. NIMHANS is hiring phd biotech & life sciences candidates. Interested and eligible candidates check out all of the details below: This job expires in […] The post NIMHANS Biotech & Life Sciences Scientific Officer Job With Rs. 67,000 Salary pm appeared first on BioTecNika .
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jagjiteducationzone · 5 years
Biotechnology Job And Scope For BSc Students 1, What is Biotechnology.? Biotechnology is commonly known as 'Biotech' and it is one of the most preferred courses among candidates desiring to do engineering. Biotechnology is a branch of science in which raw materials are transformed into amazing
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