ultroid2068 · 8 months
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purpurrock · 9 months
Christians genuinely scare me sometimes. They're always talking about jesus's coming and how it's almost the end of the world.. I know it's coming from a bigoted point of view but it genuinely scares me. A teacher was once talking about how in revelations it talks about people being able to pay for things with their hands, and that he saw a video of people paying things with their hands, because they have their credit card chip things surgically placed in them. I don't know how to feel about these things. What if it's all real?
It's really scary, considering that we're near the end of the world. When I was younger, I had a Bible book that summarized some passages, and in revelations it talked about the end of the world. The sky would be red, the moon would be bleeding, there would be earthquakes and the ground would split as the sky would curl up like papers. And once it starts, it's too late to repent.
Its so worrying. it's not fair. The way my brain works, most of the time I struggle big time with being sure that the people around me are sentient human beings like myself and aren't just NPCs in my story. Yet I'm supposed to believe in an all knowing, all powerful, all loving God? One that supposedly outdated everything, has no beginning or end, created the world? One that's supposed to be all loving, yet he's all knowing and does so little? He watches as the innocent people in Palestinian are tortured and genocided, he watches as people are manipulated into cults, he watches as people are mentally, physically and sexually abused, even as children- hell, ESPECIALLY as children. He watched me grow up, feeling alienated from everyone else, like there was something wrong with me, he watched the abuse I endured, he saw how I felt and didn't even let me die? He sees the way the 1% controls the entire rest of the world, killing us slowly, and doesnt help us? He sees people like me, desperate to believe in some sort of savior, God, something- and doesn't even reveal himself to me? He doesn't even confirm his existence to me? Yet he does so to the people causing all the harm in this world?
I already know that if I were face to face with God, he'd hate me. Reject me completely. My beliefs, my morals, my personhood in general, God would hate me. God points to people like me and tells his real children that they are to never to be like me, that Im the furthest thing from him. It doesn't even matter because I'm so fucking stubborn that I can't even think there's a god without solid proof.
It's scary hearing Christians talk about the end of the world. They're so calm about it, like it's a fact of life and they're ready for it. Because they know God will love them and accept them. Because they aren't me.
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bizarrobrain · 1 year
"Hunting Dance" by Latitudes - From "Agonist" (2009)
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drnic1 · 9 months
Chasing the Silver Bullet
New Obesity Medications Offer Hope But Not a Panacea This week I am talking to Carolyn Jasik, MD, (@DrJasik) CMO for Omada Health, a virtual-first chronic care provider helping members make lasting changes to improve health and reduce care costs for organizations Excitement is growing around new GLP-1 receptor agonist medications for treating obesity, with promising weight loss results. However,…
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deinheilpraktiker · 1 year
Wissenschaftler entwickeln Organoide menschlicher Speicheldrüsen, um die Infektiosität von SARS-CoV-2 zu testen In einer kürzlich in der Zeitschrift veröffentlichten Studie NaturzellbiologieForscher zeigten in vitro mithilfe eines organoiden Kulturmodells die Anfälligkeit der Speicheldrüsen für eine schwere Infektion mit dem akuten respiratorischen Syndrom Coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2). Lernen: Vom Menschen induzierte pluripotente, aus Stammzellen gewonnene Speicheldrüsenorganoide modellieren die SARS-CoV-2-Infektion und -Replikation. Bildnachweis: NIAID Hintergrund Obwohl das At... #ACE2 #Agonist #Angiotensin #Angiotensin_Converting_Enzym_2 #Atemwege #B_Zelle #Cas9 #Coronavirus #Coronavirus_Krankheit_COVID_19 #CRISPR #EIWEISS #Enzym #Fibroblast #Gen #Genbearbeitung #gene #Genexpression #Genomik #Gewebekultur #in_vivo #in_vitro #Induzierte_pluripotente_Stammzellen #Intrazellulär #Kalzium #Lunge #Mesenchym #Organoide #Palindromische_Wiederholungen #Phänotyp #Radfahren #Rezeptor #Ribonukleinsäure #SARS #SARS_CoV_2 #Schwere_akute_Atemwegserkrankungen #Schweres_akutes_respiratorisches_Syndrom #Serin #Speicheldrüse #Stammzellen #Syndrom #Test #Transkription #Vorläuferzellen #Wachstumsfaktor #Zelle #Zellen_Biologie
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neptuniite · 6 months
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Maniacally posting hal & erres sketch crops at 2 AM
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(ive posted this one before i just wanted to look at it again)
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lunjetlyd · 4 months
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i love the imagery of these deer by @magpiecrown
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catgrandpa · 4 months
I wish the characters weren’t all so great because Kabru should be my favorite character he has everything for me but then the autistic monster fucker guy opens his damn mouth and says something so god damn stupid and I’m done for.
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bebemoon · 9 months
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look for the name: SIREN
subsurface mother-of-pearl drape "bra"
dolce & gabbana grey floral lace skirt, s/s 1999
agonist "onyx pearl" eau de parfum
alexander mcqueen black beaded thong heels w/ cross charm detail, s/s 2oo3
faris "calla drops" silver earrings w/ onyx and pearl caps
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ddarker-dreams · 11 months
ur mention of neurotransmitters and sympathetic nervous system gave me an intense shock bc i had just studied all that in med school today and was not expectimg to see it in a gojo fic 😭 but oh my god if only words could express how wonderful that was and how much i adored it
thank you very much AAAA <3
i was going to have his dialogue get even more technical with it but i made myself exercise restraint 😔 at first, i wondered if gojo would even be the type to start randomly lecturing people about things, but then i remembered his whole 'achilles and the tortoise' bit. he's a nerd. he wanted to make sure reader understands just how much of her his six eyes ability lets him see.
i've always found the physiological/biological similarities between love and fear interesting. obviously, there are differences, but they share a lot in common too. dilated pupils, increased respiration and heartrate, adrenaline 📈, stuff like that. the idea of a yandere being able to see your limbic system going !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! freaked me out. it's beyond invasive. and, quite frankly, really weird.
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purpurrock · 9 months
I really don't like my school.
I'm tired of being surrounded by bigotry everyday. I'm tired of seeing the concept, casual ableism, racism, classism, homophobia, fatphobia, etc.
I'm sick of being surrounded by Christianity all the damn time. I hate not being able to be my true self. Not being able to come out is one thing. But i don't feel safe to even say that I'm an agonist. It's so. So aggrevating.
I hate that these people are Christians. Not because they are christians, but because they're think they're good people. They're not. They're shallow and disrespectful and bigoted and OBLIVIOUS. Its like the chorus to that one song. Blow my brains out by tikkle me.
I hate how much of a hypocrite it's made me. I talk about how they're all bigots, but I'm one too. I'm also fatphobic, transphobic and ableist on a daily basis. Even at my own expense. It didn't bother me at first because it's always been like this. But becoming more politically aware, seeing how fucked up everything is and how ingrained hatred and bigotry are in our everyday lives, it really really fucking hurts.
I hate the girls in my class. Me and my friend refer to them as the songs. They're pieces of shit. They mock us if we tell a joke to eachother and laugh about it. They look at us weird and say stuff behind our backs, like saying that I stink. We're the only "girls" (quotes because im closeted) in the class that aren't apart of their little group, other than this one girl who's always on her phone and doesn't really care about anybody.
I'm sick of hearing slurs on the daily. I'm sick of hearing fat-shaming on the daily. I'm sick of hearing the word monkey and gyatt. I'm sick of being apart of all these problems.
I hate that there's no room to change. If I try to change my jokes, or call people out on their bigotry, I'll be labelled as "that guy" and excluded. My friend? She'd definitely get annoyed. My other friend might start to get with the program, but at the same time, I don't know. And the first friend was,, well, my first friend at this school. She's already mad at me today I think- at the very least, she's feeling left out because of me and second friend. I don't know what to do. I don't want to be at this school. I never wanted to be at this school.
I'm going to try to change. I won't have enough time to write an entire research paper over break, and I doubt both friends would read the whole thing. But I'm gonna send them a string of texts, maybe. I'll probably say it's a new years resolution thing, even though it's not. I'll tell them, for starters, that I won't be making fatphobic and ableist jokes anymore and that if I make any I expect them to call me out, and that I'll be doing the same to them. If I end up being "that guy", they'll leave me and I'll have no friends. But it's the right thing to do. I think.
O just don't wanna be a bad person anymore.
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transmutationisms · 1 year
what are your thoughts on the current ozempic/semaglutide ‘craze’ ? weight loss drugs are obviously nothing new but it does seem like these ones are being marketed as being uniquely ‘safe’ with some doctors/medical experts/shareholders hoping that they’ll be prescribed to everyone eventually (red flag to me right there lol)
i don't know enough about the pharmacology of diabetes to judge the consequences of these drugs for their initial purpose, but as weight loss drugs, yeah i find them pretty concerning. i mean, they're just appetite suppressants that work by fucking with the endocrine system rather than (as with most prev weight loss drugs) being stimulants. so, as far as i can tell the claims that they're uniquely or newly safe are coming from the fact that they don't cause the side effects that stimulants would (racing heart and so forth). but the side effects people are reporting are just like... the effects of chronic food restriction lmao. like, losing weight by eating less is kinda the same process no matter what.... it's starvation at a subclinical level, or rather, starvation prescribed by the clinic and experienced as consciously unconcerning because of the drug's effect on the endocrine system. the fact that people are experiencing micronutrient deficiencies, bone density loss, hair loss, the same skin/nail problems as with any other self-starvers, and so forth doesn't bother these doctors because in their minds weight loss is inherently 'healthy' and so ipso facto the biological effects of energy deprivation are nbd. it's pretty ghoulish.
i don't think these drugs have been on the market long enough to say much conclusively about their long-term effect, as in, if you stay on them forever do they actually keep you weight-suppressed forever. as far as i can tell most users do seem to naturally settle at a weight that is at least temporarily stable, suggesting it is a local set point, just one that's lower than the one they were at prior to pharmacological intervention. so maybe the drugs would keep you there long-term if you stayed on them---gold mine for the pharma companies, obviously. certainly the data are showing that people will pretty inevitably regain the weight if they stop the drugs, though. (as with any weight loss studies, there will ofc be a very very tiny percentage of the population who do not regain, because they have 'learned' how to continue energy-restricting at the required level to maintain the loss long-term; without the drugs this will ofc be pretty miserable and uh, no longer distinguishable in any way from regular old self-starvation.)
so i mean, basically what these drugs promise is actual appetite suppression, and tbf they do deliver on that (for most people; reports are that some users just don't lose appetite/weight on them). but the 'safety' claims are ignoring the fact that energy deprivation is inherently biologically stressful, and in the long term who really knows what fucking around with yr metabolism/endocrine system like this will do. i certainly don't fault people for seeking out weight loss drugs, ie wanting to be thin in a social situation that economically and socially punishes fatness! but i absolutely do think the doctors pushing these drugs are fucking despicable, and are lying/in denial about the simple fact that undereating is causing their patients to experience negative health effects side effects, plus whatever the long-term netabolic/endocrine consequences may be.
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queenlua · 10 months
ok this two-act history of "us politicians being schmaltzy/goofy about their dogs" had me in stitches
Nixon Agonistes referenced "Checkers speech" a couple times, right? so i have to go look it up, and:
The Checkers speech or Fund speech was an address made on September 23, 1952, by Senator Richard Nixon (R-CA), six weeks before the 1952 United States presidential election, in which he was the Republican nominee for Vice President. Nixon had been accused of improprieties relating to a fund established by his backers to reimburse him for his political expenses. His place was in doubt on the Republican ticket, so he flew to Los Angeles and delivered a half-hour television address in which he defended himself, attacked his opponents, and urged the audience to contact the Republican National Committee (RNC) to tell it whether he should remain on the ticket. During the speech, he stated that he intended to keep one gift, regardless of the outcome: a black-and-white Cocker Spaniel that his children had named Checkers, thus giving the address its popular name.
oh my god. "uwu why are u hating on me & my kids for loving our adorable dog." gotta love some emotionally manipulative campaigning lol
anyway, later on, wikipedia tells us: "The idea for the Checkers reference came from Franklin D. Roosevelt's Fala speech, given eight years to the day before Nixon's address, in which Roosevelt mocked Republican claims that he had sent a destroyer to fetch his dog, Fala, when Fala was supposedly left behind in the Aleutian Islands."
which inspired ANOTHER click and. here's the FDR quote
These Republican leaders have not been content with attacks on me, or my wife, or on my sons. No, not content with that, they now include my little dog, Fala. Well, of course, I don't resent attacks, and my family don't resent attacks, but Fala does resent them. You know, Fala is Scotch, and being a Scottie, as soon as he learned that the Republican fiction writers in Congress and out had concocted a story that I'd left him behind on an Aleutian island and had sent a destroyer back to find him – at a cost to the taxpayers of two or three, or eight or twenty million dollars – his Scotch soul was furious. He has not been the same dog since. I am accustomed to hearing malicious falsehoods about myself ... But I think I have a right to resent, to object, to libelous statements about my dog.
amazing. omg. "pivot to talking about dog" is apparently a tried-and-true maneuver in the political playbook lmao
bonus round: learned that Biden's dog is not the first presidential dog to go around biting people:
Major is not the first presidential dog to have biting incidents. In separate incidents, Franklin D. Roosevelt's dog Major (who was also a German Shepherd) bit United States SenatorHattie Wyatt Caraway, and attacked Prime Minister of the United KingdomRamsay MacDonald, tearing MacDonald's pants off.[19][20][21]Theodore Roosevelt's bull terrierPete bit numerous people, even tearing the pants off of ambassador of France to the United StatesJean Jules Jusserand.
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deinheilpraktiker · 1 year
Die überwiegende Mehrheit der Menschen mit Geschlechtsdysphorie nimmt weiterhin eine geschlechtsbejahende Hormonbehandlung in Anspruch Einer Beobachtung zufolge setzten 98 % (704 von 720) der Personen, die in einer Klinik für Geschlechtsidentität in den Niederlanden behandelt wurden und vor ihrem 18. Lebensjahr eine pubertätsunterdrückende Behandlung einnahmen und dann mit der Einnahme von geschlechtsbestätigenden Hormonen begannen, die Einnahme bei der Nachuntersuchung fort Studie veröffentlicht in der Fachzeitschrift The Lancet Child & Adolescent Health. Unsere Studie untersuchte Personen, die in ei... #Agonist #Betonen #Diagnose #Dysphorie #Eierstöcke #Forschung #Geschlechtsdysphorie #Hormon #Jugendgesundheit #Jugendliche #Pubertät #Testosteron
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magpiecrown · 6 months
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the inciting incident…
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djinn-ghul · 3 months
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alissa white-gluz
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