spnsmile · 4 years
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Everything will be alright ✨
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I hope the scene (whenever it is) with Dean and Cas stitting in the chairs (not the one in the kitchen) is a scene just between the two of them. Cuz I want the tension
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spnsmile · 5 years
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“Hey, what’s going on?” Dean calls when he spots Cas and Jack preoccupied with the table.
“Oh.” the Nephilim flickers dull, soulless eyes over the hunters who just came back from a wild goose chase.
“Jack-” Castiel begins warily but too late.
“Cas was just telling me to eat his heart.”
Absolute silence reigns in the Bunker. A stillness too painful with hiking tension and pounding of hearts.
Jack couldn’t possibly understand it, but the way he saw how Dean had looked at Castiel scared him. Sam’s stare was pure bafflement, but Dean’s?
It was indescribable. The Nephilim couldn’t even put it into words. What was it that made him wary of Dean when he woke him up inside the cowboy room?
That feeling with a gun pointed on his head? It’s the same feeling except… Dean didn’t need his gun to have the same effect. The Nephilim couldn’t help glancing at the angel who tried to keep up with the hunter in a battle of eye contact, but he soon failed. And when Cas fails to have eye contact with Dean? There’s that one word that popped up his head and it spelled one thing.
It’s Sam. It’s always Sam who breaks the ice and for that, Jack will always be grateful.
“Cas, that’s not helping.”
Castiel diverts his eyes to Sam with tightness on his throat. “I know, I just…”
“He did tell me it’s only for the last resort.” Jack pipes up, trying to be helpful. He wondered if it was, but the way Dean’s eyes glints dangerously in his direction has him clamping his mouth. It’s like that gun again, heavy and… Much more. But Dean’s expression closes at once and he is turning away before anyone can speak again.
“Great. Uh, yeah you guys have some good talk. I’m gonna go take a shower.” he waves his hand and goes, leaving Sam sighing heavily while Castiel swallows hard.
Very hard. And then the angel just stands up too and trails after Dean’s footsteps. Jack exhales so loud and leans back on his chair with large eyes at the entrance to the corridor where Castiel’s back disappeared.
He turns to Sam with dry lips.
“That was… Scary.” he shifts on his chair while Sam slowly takes the space Castiel just left. By the looks of his face, Sam has plenty to say and Jack would rather have that than Dean’s whose silence can kill.
“Jack… Let’s talk.”
The footsteps in the corridor are heavy. The scurrying footsteps behind him are lighter and barely touching the floor with his pace.
No answer.
The hunter doesn’t bother as he turns to the next corridor till he’s in front of his room. He pulls on the doorknob when a hand slams it shut from his back.
Castiel finally catches up behind him.
Dean grits his teeth but he doesn’t turn. He closes his eyes patiently with a throbbing vein at the side of his head. He gotta cool it down.
“Cas, I want to enter my room.”
“Dean, I-” Castiel’s voice is all over the place the way it cracks and hesitates over his words.
That’s unfair. He shouldn’t be the one feeling broken. Dean hates the shaken tone. The way it sounded to him, Cas was certain wit what he wanted to happen.
“Your hand. Take it off, I want in.”
“Dean, you know I only said that as a last consent in case there’s no other choice. And I-”
“It’s okay. I get what you want to do.” Dean opens his eyes.
Clarity is there. Cas is doing, saying what he thinks must be done. And Cas has always been right about stuff, always looking far ahead unlike him who can only see as far as his shoes, only live in the moment and act at the moment.
If it’s being objective compare to being emotionally controlled, then it’s probably Cas who gets the right call.
Dean isn’t good when it comes to his priorities and he thinks he never will be, so he left the table before he could say anything horrible.
He’s done being horrible to Cas.
“Dean, let me at least explain. It’s not anything sacrificial or me throwing myself away-”
“It’s alright, I just gotta sort stuff.” he can’t look Cas in the eyes. He chews his dried lips and at least gives a side glance to his best friend. “It’s fine, Cas… I’m not…”
“I still want to talk,” Cas says quickly, eagerly.
“Fine. Talk."
Cas seems ready for the crossfire. He never did back down from the hunter.
"Dean, you're angry about the "heart but it isn't what you think it is."
"Oh sure. Because there's a metaphor for offering their hearts to get eaten! Jack said it clear! How else am I supposed to interpret that, Cas!?" Dean bites down his bottom lip tight. The pain doesn't even register, he could make it bleed and it wouldn't make a difference.
What bothers him is the angel still acting like it's no big deal.
"This heart thing isn't a coincidence. Just how many angels do you think are still out there?" Cas doesn't even know any pedal breaks and Dean's just itching to tackle him but at that closed space?
"Yeah, noticed that huh? Good. Spot on."
Castiel frowns while he clasps his hands together.
"I think we would be blinding ourselves at the possibility. But, it's as Jack said... it's a last resort if needed be, Dean and I... I am just as much willing to bet my life on Jack if that's what it takes to win."
A win. Dean hung his head as he remembers. This isn't just about them anymore.
"I know." he just nods again, throat burning like he's just taken the strongest whiskey. A win they needed badly where sacrifices will happen. How could he forget? "I know," he repeats more firmly with heart sinking. 
"If you know..." Cas tilts his head, voice gravelly. "Then why are you still angry?"
"I'm not. I mean... What do you want me to say?" he flickers a lookup, the force in the meeting of their eyes are full static this time, silent with intensity and meaning but its the quiver of resignation in his deep voice that gets Cas leaning forward with all intent to invade space.
"At least don't leave me behind. Stop walking away from me while we're both here." Castiel says behind his ears and the shiver that runs on his spine jolting a reaction over his pants. "I'm trying here, Dean."
Try harder." Dean's voice is rough as he wills calm, summon it with all his heart for his body to stop aching for touch.
"Dean..." Cas's voice now turns resigned and it's unfair. Dean turns his head from the front seat and locks eyes with the angel and just lets him see everything. It's futile to pretend a wall still exists between them. Not with the pooling heat inside his jeans.
Not that he needed Cas to know...
"I'm not angry that you think you have to make that call... Hell, every year I make one single wish you and Sam would kill me."
"Dean-" Cas just looks hurt so Dean finally gives in and raises his body from his chair, feet stepping carefully on the front sear before hooking it on the other side.
Castiel watches him dive on the next empty seat at the far end with his bowlegs making it easier to land. After a few more shifting of legs and ass, Dean sits up beside the angel and sighs.
"S' matter with me saying it? How this ends, its gonna be ugly, you just gave a very good example of one. There's no happy ending here, Cas, and there's no point pretending. We know what's waiting for us there. There's no saving the day without all of us kicking god's bucket list, but..."
He looks up with as much determination enough to gey Cas attention when he adds-
"You will not lose yourself to Jack. Don't make it horrible for him, man. I've been there...me wanting you guys to kill me, I just want it to end." Dean peers at the blue round eyes, initiating the end of distance this time when he slides closer to the angel. Dean nods at the angel seriously.
"Jack may be soulless now, and he got a mission. But you don't let yourself die on his hands because at the end of the day? That blood? It's what will make Jack. You make him promise to do the horrible and he will do just equal horrible to everything. That's what you need to see. You get to die... and you get to destroy Jack at the same time. D'you really want that to happen, Cas?"
Castiel stares at him. Just looks and this time, the blue eyes don't look as confident. Dean blames himself for doing that so he gives him an apologetic look.
At least Cas looks like he will listen now. That's enough for the rocks grinding down Dean's stomach to disappears much to his relief.
He can convince Cas. He can convince his angel to take it all back. Convince Cas there's still a way other than him being another sacrifice. Dean can do all that part later on, but at least, he wants Cas safe. Wants him okay. Just... Wants him.
He wants Cas.
Cas looks soft and lost the way his eyes fall down his hands, bottom lip caught between his teeth as he takes in Dean's words. Out of instinct, Dean caresses his smooth cheeks without thinking. Cas looks broken and maybe Dean feels the same way too because that's how it's always been. They damn broken people together, repairing the other.
His touch lights life back in the blue eyes. Before he knows it, Cas grabs a fistful of his collar but stays an arms-length away, leaving Dean with heart up his throat and butterflies flapping inside his guts.
"I don't want to... I can't leave Jack..."
"Yeah, sure." Dean feels a tinge of jealousy, but he cannot be selfish now. Cas has found another reason, another being to be faithful to, to be loyal to and Dean's not cutting it with him being at the center of all death and destruction.
He gotta let go of his angel too.
"Stay with Jack. He'll need you when all of this is over. He's already lost his mom and I don't think we need to look up my hand for palm reading, we know I won't make it there,"
Cas grip on his collar tightens.
"I told you to stop saying that," he growls,  pulling Dean even closer enough to leave the hunter crosseyed. "I'm not going to lose you, Dean."
"It's okay. I'll get there in the end anyway."
"I don't want to lose you." Castiel falls silent for a moment.
"You won't." Dean wished he could believe that himself. "It's you I'm worried about."
"Why?" Cas wraps an arm across Dean's chest, head comfortably on top of the man's chest.
"Cas, you basically just told Jack to go all "The Ripper on you. And you know who's the big bad wolf behind my back... Let's not make promises here."
"Dean." Castiel pulls Dean so they're facing each other again. I don't want to lose you."
Dean just kisses his lips in answer. Sweet and very much in need, he lets Cas lead this time until he is breaking away.
"Tell me," Cas says gruffly, letting Dean up a little so their eyes meet again.
"Tell me to stop wanting to take you away." he confesses, "To bring you somewhere safer where nothing like this can hurt you... Can take you away... Please, Dean."
Dean opens his eyes. He could feel Cas's body tensing. Could feel Castiel's forlorn soul in need of consolation. Half of him wants to tell the angel he can't. Half of him wants to tell Cas there's no escaping their fate this time. No resurrection, no reruns of the show but just...fucking cold-
It was said with urgency and need that has the hunter reacting on instinct. Dean slinks his hands around the angel's chest  He grazes his forehead past the wet lips and damp cheeks. Cas had been crying.
Pained, Dean reaches and cups Castiel's face like its everything he needs on his hands. The angel looks at him, eyes wet from tears and how could Dean not say it? How could he even doubt it?
"Then we win."
Cas blinks. "What?"
Dean grits his teeth. "We win..we don't let that bastard win. Cause as much as you want to take me away, I wanna do the same thing. But... Our feet wouldn't take us far. Running away will only give us grace time, but it won't solve anything..."
He wipes the tears away, hating the way Castiel is breaking to pieces about something that hasn't passed. Dean decides he doesn't want that. He embraces Cas again.
"We're gonna win this with us both living... All of us... We're gonna win this to live, not to die, you hear me, Cas? Let's not think of dying while living, hear me?"
Castiel nods, burying his face on Dean's neck with fingers holding the man's arm tight and at that moment, Dean's heart swells. He remembers everything he has been fighting for since the beginning. At that moment, he felt like he can protect everything. Protect Cas and his family and they'll be damned if anyone tries and stops him.
The nip on his neck reminds him of another thing. He pulls back to look the angel in the eyes, Castiel who follows his neck with lust dancing in those blue eyes, eager and wanting. In love.
Protect Cas he will. ✨
Aw! I found the keep reading hehe. Also full form on A03 but that's EXPLICIT tag so... ❤ anyways :)
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spnsmile · 5 years
"Dean, I figured it out. Destiel is what happens when you kiss me right now."
"Guys, not in front of the kid."
"I just wanna become the US President, not a Destiel Shipper. "
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what actually happened 😂
Crazy! Cas is fun #s7x23
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spnsmile · 5 years
Someone please tell me what happens to human souls that die in Purgatory? Asking for a friend 👀😅
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