#Cassia Kis
noveleironoir · 2 years
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Cidália joga y joga.
Apesar da atriz Cassia Kis não estar exatamente enfrentando uma boa fase em sua vida socialmente falando, devido suas opiniões polemicas, não é de negar que como atriz ela nunca teve tempo ruim.
Cidália é o braço direito de Guerra na novela Travessia. Com uma personalidade fria, a personagem já entregou diversas cenas cheias de deboche e ironia, sempre pronta para irritar ou abalar o emocional de quem convive com ela, e ela faz isso das formas mais educadas e venenosas possíveis. Tudo, claro, para o bem da empresa do Guerra.
Travessia havia começado morna e demorou muito para que seus personagens engatassem, mas não para Cidália que já chamava a atenção desde o primeiro capítulo, fosse por sua estética ou por sua personalidade severa, mas contida.
Acredito que se não fosse pelas opiniões políticas extremas de Cassia Kis, as pessoas estariam reconhecendo mais o seu papel em Travessia. Mas a vida tem disso, nem todos separam o ator do personagem.
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saturniasxenos · 24 days
Maybe EPIC the musical NPTs? Odysseus, Telemachus, Poseidon, or Hermes mostly if any please :D
EPIC: The Musical ID Pack
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Inside this pack you'll find a full collection of Pronouns, Titles, and Names relating or connecting to Epic: The Musical (An adaptation of Homer's Odyssey by Jorge Rivera-Herrans, who wrote music and lyrics, orchestrated, and produced the tracks!)
Some focus on Odysseus, Telemachus, Poseidon, and Hermes, this pack will also include many Greek related pronouns, titles, and names since Odysseus originates from Greece. You will also find many references to the musical!
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Olympic God
Olympic Goddess
Olympic Deity
Warrior of The Sea
Epic Hero
(X) Who Fought The Cyclops
(X) Who Fought Poseidon
(X) Who Sung With Scylla
(X) Who Survived The Gods' Wrath
The One Who Became a Monster
Survivor of The Ocean
Survivor of The Thunder
The Hero of Ithaca
The Prince of Ithaca
The Princess of Ithaca
The Messenger
The Messenger God
God of The Ocean
Goddess of Wisdom
Traveled The Underworld
(X) Who Survived The Underworld
Lover of The Ocean
Lover of Music
Singer of The Ocean
Messenger of The Ocean
(X) Who Dances With Kelpies
(X) Who Sings With Sirens
(X) Who Betrays
The Seafarer
Captain of The Sea
Captain of The Ship
(X) Who Waits With Fate
The Horror of Life and Fate
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Fem: Anastasia, Asteria, Astraea, Acacia, Aphrodite, Amaryllis, Andromeda, Althea, Ariadne, Alexandra, Alexandria, Agnes, Agatha, Athena, Anthea, Alethea, Ambrosia, Arcadia, Apollonia, Angelia, Beryl, Cassia, Chloe, Catherine, Cassandra, Calliope, Callsa, Callie, Cosima, Cressida, Cora, Clio, Circe, Christina, Calista, Calypso, Cynthia, Diana, Desdemona, Dorothea, Dorothy, Doris, Delia, Daphne, Enyo, Elara, Eulalia, Gaia, Hestia, Helena, Hera, Hermione, Helen, Isadora, Ilya, Io, Iris, Ianthe, Irene, Katherine, Katie, Lydia, Lyra, Lois, Myra, Melody, Maya, Magdalena, Margaret, Maia, Melia, Melissa, Nyx, Nicole, Nerissa, Narcissa, Olympia, Ophelia, Pandora, Phoebe, Petra, Philippa, Philomena, Persephone, Penelope, Rhea, Stephanie, Siren, Scylla, Sophia, Selene, Sofia, Sybil, Thalia, Thea, Theresa, Xanthe, Zoe, Zoey, Zephyrine,
Masc: Anastasios, Aeneas, Aeson, Aetas, Anax, Ajax, Alec, Alexander, Acacius, Atlas, Apollo, Ares, Anatole, Andrew, Ambrose, Achilles, Bastian, Chryses, Cyril, Crius, Cosmo, Charon, Cassius, Cadmus, Christian, Cole, Chronos, Castor, Christopher, Deimos, Damian, Damon, Dion, Dionysus, Darius, Dorian, Draco, Deacon, Eugene, Eros, Elias, Erebus, Galen, Gregory, George, Helios, Hypnos, Hyperion, Heracles, Hercules, Hector, Hermes, Homer, Isidore, Icarus, Ion, Jonas, Jason, Kratos, Kronos, Kastor, Leander, Lysander, Linus, Lex, Leonidas, Leon, Lazarus, Luke, Lukas, Lycidas, Midas, Morpheus, Nicholas, Nico, Neilos, Nestor, Orpheus, Ozias, Oceanus, Odysseus, Philip, Peter, Perseus, Percy, Phaedra, Phoenix, Poseidon, Pollux, Prometheus, Proteus, Rhodes, Simon, Stephen, Sebastian, Tobias, Telemachus, Theseus, Theodore, Theo, Titan, Thanatos, Timothy, Ulysses, Vulcan, Xander, Xanthos, Zeus, Zeno, Zander,
Neu: Asterios, Areti, Arete, Aether, Akakios, Andreas, Aris, Adonis, Artemis, Afroditi, Boreas, Bronte, Basil, Chrysanthos, Chara, Cassiopeia, Damaris, Evdokia, Eryx, Eirini, Effie, Etimia, Eos, Echo, Evangeline, Fotini, Fotios, Hyacinth, Iakovos, Ione, Iro, Indigo, Khaos, Kore, Keti, Kostas, Kyriakos, Meropi, Myrto, Nefeli, Neophytos, Nektarios, Nereus, Narcissus, Orestis, Orion, Paris, Styx, Serafim, Sotos, Stamatis, Stavros, Stelios, Theano, Theodoros, Varvara, Venetia, Voula, Xene, Xenofon, Zinon, Zephyr, Zoi, Zelos,
I spent a good hour scrolling through an entire site of names originating from Greece, Ancient Greece, and Greek Mythology. So enjoy. ❤
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mundo-sem-pirralhos · 10 months
Ai me vem a tonga da Cassia Kis cheia das bença, (e jah fez aborto) militar contra o aborto. Veia caduca... No programa da Fátima Bernardes ela deu umas militadas e os pró-nascimento desmiolados bajulnado a caduca. hipocrita de merda é...
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zayflamahapi · 1 year
Lida kapsül 350mg 6X5 jelatin kapsüldür.
Bitki krallığı olarak tanınan Yunnan’da yetişen ve binlerce yıllık geleneksel kullanımı ile bilinene bitki ve ekstrelerinden elde edilmiş bilimsel teknikler ve GMP normlarına uygun tesislerde yüksek teknoloji ile saflaştırılıp üretilmiştir.
Lida İçeriği
Citrus aurantium 87.5mg
Cassia Tora 59.5mg
Citrus reticulata 52.5mg
Morus alba Leaf 45.5mg
Medical Amylum 105mg
L-carnite 12mg
S.M.H 15mg
Kullanım Şekli
Lida zayıflama hapı kahvaltıdan önce veya sonra günde bir kapsül bir bardak ılık su ile alınır. Yağ yakıcı etkinin en iyi şekilde çalışabilmesi için gün içerisinde 2-3 litre civarında su tüketilmesi önerilmektedir. Ayrıca lida zayıflama kapsülünü detox çayları ile beraber kullanabilirsiniz.
16-65 yaş arası kişilerin kullanımı içindir.
Gebe ve emzirmekte olan kadınlar kullanamaz.
Ayrıca Kalp-Damar, Böbrek, Karaciğer hastalığı olanlar lida kullanamazlar.
Üretici Firma
Kumming Dali Industry & Trade Co. Ltd no:372 Yunnan eyaleti- Çin
Ayrıca lida kullanıcı yorumları sayfamızdan tüketicilerin neler düşündüğü hakkında bilgi edinebilirsiniz. Kullanıcı yorumları %100 gerçek kullanıcılar tarafından yapılmaktadır.
Sıkça Sorulan Sorular
Lida Nasıl Kullanılır?
Lida günde bir adet sabah kahvaltı öncesinde kullanılır. Gün içerisinde bir kapsülden fazla kullanmayınız.
Gün içerisinde ki etkileri nelerdir?
lida kullanmaya başladığınız ilk günden itibaren ağız kuruluğu, iştahta azalma, az miktarda halsizlik yapabilir. ilk hafta sonrasında gün içerisinde enerji verdiği müşteriler tarafından iletilmektedir.
Kimler lida kullanamaz?
Kalp-Damar hastaları, Tansiyon hastaları, Kronik böbrek yetmezliği olan kişiler, Hamileler ve emzirenler lida zayıflama hapı kullanamaz.
Ne zaman etkisini gösterir?
Ürünün etkisi ilk günden itibaren başlar. Ama gözle görülür sonuç için 1 aylık kullanımı tamamlamalısınız.
Lida kullanırken alkol kullanabilir miyim?
lida ile beraber kesinlikle alkol kullanmayınız. lida ile alkol arasında en az 8 saat olmalıdır. Örneğin sabah 9 da lida kullandınız diyelim. Siz alkolü 17:00 dan sonra alabilirsiniz.
Ürününüz orjinal mi?
Çok fazla sahte ürün satışı yapılıyor. Ürünlerimizi topluca dönemsel olarak üretici firmadan ithal ediyoruz. Ürünün orjinal olup olmadığını anlamanız için yazı hazırladık. Yazımızı linke tıklayarak okuyabilirsiniz. https://ww.lidaformoficial.com/orjinal-lida-nasil-anlasilir
Kaç günde teslim ediliyor?
Gün içerisinde 17:00 a kadar vermiş olduğunuz siparişler genellikle bir sonra ki gün teslim ediliyor. Her hangi bir aksama durumunda maksimum 2 gün içerisinde teslim ediliyor.
Kapıda ödeme yapabilir miyim?
Evet kapıda ödeme yapabilirsiniz. Ayrıca kargoyu teslim almadan önce kontrol edebilirsiniz.
Hangi durumlarda iade edebilirim?
Ürünün orjinalliğinden şüphe ederseniz, Kargoda ezilme gibi durumlarda ilk 7 gün içerisinde iade edebilirsiniz.
Kaç kilo veririm?
Tam net bir oran vermek imkansızdır. Lakin 7kg ve üzerinde fazla kilonuz varsa ayda 3-12 kilo arasında kilo verebilmeniz mümkündür. Bu oranı müşterilerin geri dönüşleri kaynaklı oluşturduk.
Hangi yaş aralığında kullanılabilir?
Ürünü 18-60 yaş aralığında ki fazla kilo problemi olan ve belirtilen kronik rahatsızlıkları olmayan herkez kullanabilir.
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egobrazil · 2 years
Chiara entra em pânico ao saber que está grávida de Ari
Mais tensões em “Travessia”, trama da faixa das 21 horas, da Gobo. Agora, Chiara (Jade Picon) tem mais uma história para contar, mas essa, assusta bastante a Patricinha. Sentindo algumas tonturas há um tempo, ela passa mal na frente do pai, Guerra (Humberto Martins) e ele ordena que ela vá ao hospital para um check up geral. Quem se oferece para acompanhar a menina é Cidália (Cassia Kis), por…
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romulovieira2007 · 2 years
Cassia Kis: Se tivesse ouvido o coração do meu filho na barriga teria tido este filho que não tive
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gossipify · 2 years
Daniela Mercury's daughter asks Cassia Kis to be indicted for LGBTphobia
Daniela Mercury’s daughter asks Cassia Kis to be indicted for LGBTphobia
Lawyer Márcia Verçosa de Sá Mercury, daughter of singer Daniela Mercury and entrepreneur Malu Verçosa, has filed a criminal case in the Public Ministry of Rio de Janeiro (MPRJ) against the actress Cassia Kis, after a direct dispute with the reporter Leda Nagle in homophobic statements. Márcia accuses Kiss of promoting LGBT phobia, of inciting violence against the LGBTQIAP + community and stated…
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fofoqueaqui · 2 years
Famosa atriz anuncia aposentadoria após Travessia, primeira novela de Jade Picon
Famosa atriz anuncia aposentadoria após Travessia, primeira novela de Jade Picon
A Globo mostra o seu poder na teledramaturgia mundial. Neste momento, a emissora produz 3 novelas das 21 horas simultaneamente. Além de “Pantanal”, que fica no ar até 7 de outubro, “Travessia” e “Todas as Flores” também estão sendo gravadas. “Todas as Flores” será exibida exclusivamente no Globoplay. Cinco capítulos serão liberados de uma só vez por semana. No total serão 90 episódios de 50…
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smartbanshee · 7 years
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Brazilian Novelas (Telenovelas): O Rebu (2014) (The Fuss/The Party) “The party of the year”. While having a big party to celebrate a recent business sucess, a body is found in the pool of multimilionary Angela Mahler’s mansion. The dead is Bruno, boyfriend of her adopted daughter, Duda. It’s known by flashbacks that Bruno was using Duda to have access to her mother’s confidential business plans, while also sleeping with Angela’s best friend Gilda. The police arrives at the scene. Right away the investigators Pedro and Rosa do a “light” lock out: the guests can’t go home until they answer some questions. And while interviewing the guests, both discover most of the presents at the party had motives to assassinate Bruno.
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desafioshpf · 3 years
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Despacho del director Antar Saudade.  Pista 1. Foto de Esyuanith
Esyuanith Saudade, era la esposa de Antar, y subdirectora de Castelobruxo hasta su muerte, en el año 2018, cuando fue sustituida en su cargo como Subdirectora, profesora de Transformaciones y Jefa de Mapinguarí, por Wanderley Branko. Esyuanith, ocupó el cargo de Transformaciones en el año 1997, tras la jubilación de la anterior profesora.
 Conoció a Antar siendo ella estudiante Mapinguarí en Castelobruxo, cuando él iba dos años por delante de ella, en la casa Uirapurú. Sin embargo no fueron pareja hasta el año 1970, y tras cinco años de noviazgo y compromiso, se casaron en 1975. Murió en el año 2018, con setenta años, tras haber enfermado como consecuencia de una vida trágica.
Información proporcionada por: Flavia Nazare @faithsallow
//FC: Cassia Kis (”Desalma”)
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mondomoda · 2 years
Segunda temporada de Desalma estreia na quinta, 28 de abril
Segunda temporada de Desalma estreia na quinta, 28 de abril
A segunda temporada da ótima série Desalma estreia na quinta-feira, 28 de abril, na plataforma do Globoplay. Entre as novidades, as presenças de Fábio Assunção e Malu Galli, que se juntam Cassia Kis, Cláudia Abreu e Maria Ribeiro. Três décadas se passaram desde que Halyna (Anna Melo) morreu na noite da celebração de Ivana Kupala, a tradicional festa pagã. Desde então, a vida de sua mãe, Haia…
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buginateacup · 4 years
Bug’s Fic and Gin collection
It’s wednesday night and I’m in the mood to do something a little weird so I’m pairing my gin collection to my Megamind fics. These will be in order of first posting.
Shut up and Ki(ss)dnap me - A short two chapter fic, my first foray into the fandom (though not the first thing I wrote for it). Short and zippy but a delightful finish. Pair with: Ambleside Small Acre gin. Heavy on the botanicals. Rhubarb, bay leaf, apple and cloves give a savoury zing on the palate. On the Palate: Juniper, pine, notes of white pepper, herbaceous and earthy body, slight bite to finish.
The Shoal - A Cthuluesque oneshot mostly about the gods of Megamind’s species and how they followed him to Earth Pairs with: Amphitrite Gin Elixir. A sweeter gin, milder than most but ooh take it slow because it will change your life
Bad Idea  - A songfic and the first of the Feral Roxanne iterations. Pairs with: It has to be Chase Sloe and Mulberry gin. Sweet gins aren’t for everybody but this one has a strong flavour and quite strong. If you’re going to indulge in something over the top you might as well make it worth it.
Fishcakes - Why did I torture Minion this way? Minion’s POV but mostly revolves around “Oh good they worked it out...could they stop working it out for five minutes maybe?” Pairs with: Queenscliff Distillery Dry gin. Bitey, very dry. Poor Minion deserves better.
Tea with Topsy - Ah yes...the big one. The slowburn falling in love Evil Queen AU. Specifically without an external catalyst. No Hal, no other big bad, just flirting and phonecalls and a slow slow steep into the darkside with no interest in redeeming the villain or setting them on a path to light. Still a feral Roxanne but also just two actual adults just coming together with the kind of inevitability of a fuse burning down to the explosives. Pairs with: Brookies Byron Slow Gin. Made with Davidson plums rather than sloe berries. Bright and flavourful with a hint of bite. I prefer it over ice.
Behind the scenes - Its just horny guys. What feral Roxanne wants, feral Roxanne gets. Pairs with: Tiny Bear distillery Brew. Coffee infused gin. delicious. Punches your lungs out with the fumes if you’re not careful.
Layers - Roxanne makes self destructive decisions. Megamind makes self sabotaging ones. Nothing is going well. And yet it ends lightly? Pairs with: Larrikin Barrel Aged Gin. This gin has been ‘aged’ in small American Oak barrels, that once held bourbon and then Tasmanian whisky. Strong whisky scent but none of the afterburn. Lingering flavours, best served over ice.
Presentation - Ultimate Alien Megamind, written for a Gift Exchange. Megamind rescues Roxanne, makes better decisions than she does. Quiet and painful. A sequel is coming (eventually) Pairs with: Archie Rose Coast. Strawberry gum, sea lettuce and lemon myrtle, the second most Australian tasting gin I’ve ever had. Delicious.
Rings - The crackfic idea that should not have turned into 80K+ with feelings. And yet here we are. Pairs with: Dasher + Fisher Sloe Gin. One of my favourite gins, very sweet and a serious indulgence. Comes from Tasmania. Extremely delicious and very sweet.
Run - Still might actually be my favourite oneshot. Brains/Brawn/Boss. Roxanne disappears and Megamind and Metro Man team up to find her. Everybody goes Evil because Evil has Standards. Pairs with: Underdog Gin from Applewood Distillery. Anise myrtle my love.
Liminal Spaces - Outtakes and alternate scenes from Rings. Pairs with: Brogan’s Way Hearts Afire gin. Cassia, aniseed myrtle, lilly pilly. Warm and winter.
Date Night - Accidental Evil fake dating, written to have two bastard ferals bang in the car. Somehow needed 10K+ of logistics beforehand. Sigh Pairs with: Tiny Bear Sailor Gin. Extra strength Navy gin and fucking hell I need to finish this fic.
Better the Devil you know - Another Roxanne runs to a supervillain for safety. Happens very early on in their relationship before they trust one another well enough that things would have progressed if it happened a few years later. Pairs with: Roku Gin, a very smooth Japanese gin with a very pretty bottle.
Pomegranate Seeds - Kind of fucked up Hades/Persephone AU Pairs with: Dasher + Fisher Cherry Gin. Sweet but cruel.
and the taste of you sweet on my tongue - Sweet soft soulmate AU where I was more interested in the worldbuilding than the outcome. Pairs with: Dasher + Fisher Strawberry Gin. Very sweet. Nothing to it after that.
No one calls you honey when you're sitting on a throne - Heheheh. Similar to Run wherein we see Roxanne choose Evil. But a lot bitier and immediately destructive. Pairs with: Copperwave Gin from Hunter Distillery. Aromatic and citrusy with a licorice finish.
Hey kids lets rob a bank!    - Based on an anon prompt. Two old marrieds just as in love as ever. Pairs with: Greenall’s Wild Berry Gin. Its sweet and light. What more do you want?
Waiting - Very silly. Diary style fic. Means I get to avoid all the awkward bits I don’t feel like writing. Pairs with: 78 Degrees Sunset Gin. DELICIOUS. Could drink it forever no effort.
Mirror Mirror - Extremely fucking horny fucking. Pairs with: Teddy & The Fox from Bellarine Gin. Its bitey.
Please break me gently - Oooh how badly do you want to hurt? A continuation is planned. About 4 chapters in total eventually. Pairs with: Brogan’s Way Everyday Salvation. White pepperberry and strawberry gum. Don’t talk to me while I’m drinking this. I need to be alone.
Wake Up Call - Short with a twist. Pairs with: Ginny Pig Spiced Fig Gin. Enjoy with ginger ale.
Bonus unwritten fic: Paperwork Polycule, specifically because there are bits of it floating around Tumblr. Pairs with: Threefold Distilling Aromatic Gin. Grapefruit, Rosemary and Lavender. Self explanatory really
(The most Australian gin is Lyrebird. It tastes like a hills hoist in a backyard with dry summer grass and birds calling on a hot evening.)
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orangemix · 3 years
The Medicinal Properties of Traditional Incense
We make use of medicinal plants in may means. We consume them (infusion, product, blossom significance, alcohol tincture, glycerine cast, syrup, honey essence, oxymel), eat them (pill, tablet, homeopathic pills, electuary, cooking flavors, veggies, pot natural herbs), absorb them via our skin (salve, cream, poultice, mask, hydrosol, oil, lotion, balm, cream, compress, vapor rub, vital oils, ear drop, bath, saturate, sitz bath), absorb them via our mucus membrane layers (suppository, sinus clean, enema, douche, eye decrease), and also use them in spiritual ways (amulets, beauties, medicine packages, spots, incense). We additionally inhale their medicine via cigarettes, pipelines, steams, necessary oil diffusers, atomizers, and, yes, incense.
The medicinal impacts of incense rely on our feeling of scent. The procedure occurs when particles take a trip up the sinus cavities, dissolve right into the mucous cellular lining, as well as are discovered by the olfactory receptors on the ideas of the olfactory sensory neurons. How these molecules are noticed is arguable as to whether the neurons are noticing the resonance of the particles or their form, with the theory alternating between both ideas to and fro over the centuries. Either way, our feeling of smell is really weak contrasted to other animals. For example, human beings have 10 centimeters square of olfactory tissue in their sinuses, while dogs can have up to 170 square centimeters of olfactory cells with a hundred times a lot more receptors per square centimeter. Odor is the only sense viewed in appropriate mind which is the side of brain focused on instinct as well as creativity, versus the left mind which is focused on evaluations and reasoning. As a result of this the impacts of scent are physical, psychedelic, and psychological. Surprisingly, fragrance is taken into consideration to be the spirit of the plant therefore impacts our spirit. Smell is likewise processed via the limbic system, which takes care of feelings, lust, memory, creativity, and appetite. this is why odor can cause emotions and also memories. Smell is also our earliest feeling, part of the prehistoric "reptile brain" which is 450 million years of ages and precedes various other old senses like sight and also balance.
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There are records of making use of incense throughout the old world. The earliest recorded use though it was also utilized extensively in ancient times in various other . dutch orange is really various in composition from natural incense. Synthetic incense is generally made with a binder, normally starch, a bamboo core, which generates copious smoke and also adds the smell of melting bamboo, as well as ignition source such as charcoal, sodium nitrate, paraffin, or an oil solvent. The paraffin and petroleum solvents are especially unsafe due to the fact that they are neurotoxic and the breathing of their smoke can cause bronchial asthma, skin responses, queasiness, dizziness, sneezing, and also frustrations. The smoke is likewise an irritant for the eyes, nose, and throat. Synthetic incense also normally consists of synthetic fragrances, 95% of which are derived from petroleum as well as create the same signs provided above. These synthetic aromas are favored by specific suppliers due to the fact that they are lower in cost, even more constant, can be used to produce novel scents not discovered in nature, and are an ethical replacement for ingredients from jeopardized types like musk, ambergris, and also civet. Synthetic aromas are not the same in intricacy to all-natural fragrances so they can scent artificial. They do not have the very same physical, psychological, and also psychoactive properties of natural scents, and have the negative impacts noted above. Sadly, there are no legal limitations on the amounts or mixes of synthetic fragrance chemicals, the ingredients of these synthetic fragrances do not need to be detailed, as well as just a portion of them have actually been checked for safety.
Natural incenses, on the other hand, are typically 100% plant. In natural incense is made with a base of makko, a.k.a. tabu no ki. This is a water soluble, adhesive, unsmelling material that burns smoothly and also equally. It is the powdered internal bark of Cercidiphyllum japonicum (Katsura Tree, Japanese Judas Tree), an evergreen in the Magnolia family, and operates both as an all-natural binder and also as a source of ignition. Fascinating to note is that the Magnolia family members is the most primitive of all angiosperms (blooming plants), evergreen yet with leaves, and the flowers develop right into cones comparable to those found on conifers. The fossil record for these plants returns to100 million years! Other examples of plants in this household consist of cinnamon, cassia, bay laurel, champa, nutmeg, mace, star anise, ylang-ylang, camphor, avocado, hill magnolia, laurel, and rhododendron. In  the traditional incense base is halmaddi, the resin of the Tree of Heaven, which has an unusual hygroscopic residential property (it draws water out of the air) that makes n incenses feel damp to the touch. Hamaddi incorporated with honey, adds the wonderful honey/vanilla note to champa (spice blend) incenses. To the base of makko and also hamaddi is added ground and powdered herbs including materials, barks, blossoms, seeds, origins, leaves, fruits, branches, roots, light bulbs, timbers, lichens, algaes, as well as pet ingredients like ambergris, musk, pangolin scales, and conch shells.
Incense is traditionally utilized for various reasons, particularly medicinal, ambient, and spiritual applications. Medicinal usages consist of enhancing power, avoiding as well as dealing with ailment (fumigation), inducing and promoting restful sleep, excitement the sex drive, boosting positive feelings, as well as a decrease of anxiety, anxiety, fear, fear, sadness, or temper. It is additionally used for atmosphere, to clear and/or specify an area, generate a certain state of mind among a group, to scent room, clothing, hair, or writing paper, to cover unpleasant odors, to influence imagination, or to develop focus for research study. Historically, prior to mechanical clocks, it was also used to track the flow of time throughout reflection, meetings, or at the geisha residence. The spiritual uses of incense are many. For prayer the incense smoke is viewed as a means to draw in and also please the gods, sweeten your prayers, and the climbing smoke is stated to carry both prayers and also the spirit of the deceased as much as paradise. Incense is additionally made use of spiritually to generate introspective states, desires, and also visions, and to aid with emphasis throughout petition. It can even boost the acoustics in churches as well as various other huge areas as well as help one accept interactions from plants. It detoxifies and sanctifies space, individuals, and ceremonial objects, and repel evil spirits, insect pests, condition, as well as unfavorable energy. It is utilized thoroughly to mark parties as well as initiation rites as well as is burned as a sacrifice itself. Lastly, it is utilized to mask the smell of cremation as well as pet sacrifice.
Incense ingredients come from all parts of plants as well as have a variety of activities: bark, blossom, fruit, fallen leave, material, wood, and also seed. Cinnamon is a frequently used bark that counters exhaustion, depression, as well as weak point, as well as tones as well as calms the nerves. Cloves are an instance of a blossom that is used (they are actually a blossom bud) and they are thought about to be a mental stimulant. Juniper berry, a fruit, stimulates and also strengthens the nerves, enhances the spirit in difficult circumstances, and eases anxiety, nervous tension, and psychological fatigue. Eucalyptus leaf boosts as well as gets rid of the mind concentration, while benzoin resin is soothing and uplifting, comforts the depressing as well as lonely, and acts as an anti-depressant as well as sedative. A common incense seed is fennel which boosts courage, resolve and also strength in the face of adversity. Sandalwood, among one of the most usual bases for incense, is relaxing and also harmonizing, reduces tension as well as tension, serve as an antidepressant, and combats anxiety, stress and anxiety, nervous exhaustion as well as anxiety.
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fillianore-moved · 5 years
this is just a very long and unfortunate list of incorrect quotes i’ve compiled for the fe3h squad + my oc (aka cassia montal, who’s the assistant teacher at the monastery and is romancing jeritza)! i just needed a way to develop her and all the relationships there more, and this is the result, so it’s completely self-indulgent, lazy and frankly pretty silly, but still i had fun and developed her and her relationships a lot during this process! @highoverseer and @koroleyva i’m tagging you two because idk anyone else who’d care at all for this flaming pile of trash packed into a fe3h package uwu ����🌼🌸
byleth: how long have you been sleeping with cassia?
jeritza: that’s disgusting. and wrong. i don’t even get… why would... i…i’ve never had sex with anyone, anywhere. it’s none of your… you have… the nerve, the audacity… cassia is my colleague, technically. and she is terrible, face-wise. and how… how... do i know, frankly, that you’re not sleeping with her? maybe you are. maybe you’re trying to throw me off? hmm? check and mate.
cassia dies.
annette is sobbing
dimitri is heartbroken
edelgard is trying to do a satanic ritual with hubert to bring her back
claude is stapling memes to her coffin
byleth: you dropped your dyn- dy- dyna… mite…
byleth: uh… what else have you got in there?
cassia: oh… gunpowder, nitroglycerin, notepads, fuses, wicks, glue, and… paperclips. big ones.
cassia: uou know. just office supplies.
cassia to annette: when you turn 18, people are gonna try and tell you to buy drugs or cigarettes because you can. no. you know what else is legal to buy at 18? blades. get yourself a damn sword. a big knife is also okay.
cassia: we both look very beautiful tonight.
jeritza: you know, if you- if you’d just said I look beautiful, I would’ve said “so do you”.
cassia: i couldn’t take that chance.
dorothea: you need a hobby.
cassia: i have a hobby.
dorothea: staring at jeritza’s face isn’t a hobby.
cassia: you’re right. it’s a profession and i excel at my job.
cassia, looking in the mirror at 3am trying to practice self love: you’re doing great you stupid bitch..
manuela: i didn’t want to do this, but i know one way we can get the money.
cassia: you’d make a decent prostitute.
manuela: i’d make an amazing prostitute, but i was actually talking about this guy I know.
byleth: admit it! you like cassia!
jeritza: oh, come on. i mean, am i attracted to cassia? sure. do my days feel better when I’m around her? yeah. does she get me in ways no person ever has? indubitably. do i fantasize about her? sure, of course, but only in two positions. but do I like her? the answer is no.
cassia: when have i done anything rash or irresponsible?
claude: i keep a list if you wanna see. it’s alphabetized.
byleth: whose turn is it to give the pep-talk?
cassia: (sighing) felix’s…
felix: fuck shit up out there, but don’t die.
annette: is anyone else scared?
cassia: not really. i’ve already lived longer than i expected.
flayn: what is the best way to kill someone?
byleth: kindness.
cassia: If we’re being stealthy, potassium cynaite. otherwise, anything from a knife to a bazooka works...
cassia: *crying*
byleth: i would like to join you in acknowledging the difficulties of your life
cassia: you are the WORST at this comfort thing
claude: if edelgard, dimitri and i were drowning, who would you save?
cassia: you morons can’t even swim?
edelgard: teacher, it’s a hypothetical question.
dimitri: yeah, who would you save?
cassia: my time and effort.
annette: The cookie isn’t sweet enough, and the texture is runny because it’s not fully baked. if I have to rate this, i would give it three points.
cassia: i made it myself…
annette: it’s out of three points.
edelgard: if I ask you a boy question, will you promise not to be weird?
cassia: i promise.
edelgard: so, there’s this guy-
cassia: you can do better.
cassia, torturing a prisioner: we have ways of making you talk…
cassia: flayn, what are you doing here? you’re not allowed in here
flayn: (hands her a drawing)
cassia: did you draw this? this is so good! i promise we’ll hang it in the entrance of the dungeon so everyone can see it before they get tortured!
sylvain: i rarely give compliments, teacher, but that shirt looks great. i bet it would look even better on byleth’s assistant’s bedroom floor.
jeritza: …
cassia: sylvain, are you … hitting on jeritza for me?
cassia: it’s hard being byleth’s assistant teacher sometimes, but i love the my students and that’s all that-
caspar, in the background: teacher cassia! I tried to make spaghetti in the coffee pot and accidentally broke it!
cassia: *inhales*
post time-skip, black eagles route
cassia: i need some peace and quiet...
edelgard: i’ll be quiet!
hubert: and i’ll be peace!
jeritza: everything’s going to be fine. it’s just a crush.
cassia: hey, jeritza!
jeritza: i love you.
post time-skip, blue lions route
dimitri, talking about cassia: i know you think my judgment’s clouded because i like her a little bit.
dedue: you doodled your wedding invitation
dimitri: no, that’s our joint tombstone.
dedue: ... my mistake.
post time-skip, hubert’s support
edelgard: (whispering to hubert) start with a compliment! tell her she looks thin.
hubert: (to cassia) you seem malnourished.
post time-skip, edelgard’s support
ferdinand, watching cassia train: she can’t be good at everything. maybe she’s a bad kisser.
edelgard: no, she’s good at that too.
ferdinand: what?
edelgard: what?
sylvain: I'm grounded?
cassia: yes, you're grounded.
byleth: you disobeyed an order.
dimitri: and now we're going to bury you until you learn your lesson.
byleth: dimitri, that's not how grounding works.
dorothea: i promised byleth we wouldn’t do anything illegal.
cassia: Why would you lie to our resident parental figure like that?
linhardt: i slept for almost 12 hours but I might still be tired so let’s go for 12 more just in case
cassia: linhardt that’s a coma
linhardt: sounds festive
cassia: don’t worry, i have a permit.
seteth: …this just says ‘i do what i want.’
cassia: there are no mistakes, just happy little accidents
cassia: ... and lorenz
post time-skip, golden deer route
cassia: this is it
cassia: this is the darkest timeline
hilda: we just ran out of alcohol you dramatic little bitch
post time-skip, blue lions route
felix: cassia?
cassia, sighing: jeritza used to call me cassia…
felix: because it’s your fucking name
annette: it was me.
post time-skip, black eagles route
edelgard: so what are we gonna do?
cassia: i don’t know... pizza maybe?
edelgard: about the war, cassia
during a mock battle
ferdinand: start waving your white flag!
cassia: ... Yikes...
cassia: hey flayn, do you think I could fit fifteen macarons into my mouth?
seteth: you're a hazard to society.
flayn: and a coward. do twenty!
byleth: your trainee said a swear word in class.
cassia: i’ll talk to them about it..
cassia, to lysithea: what the fuck, dude...
rhea: this was a 100% successful trip.
byleth: we lost cassia.
rhea: this was a 100% successful trip.
sylvain, flirting with a girl: so, are you from heaven?
cassia: yes, she's a ghost...
cassia: she died fifteen years ago...
cassia: like that pick-up line of yours.
dedue: felix lost cassia…
dimitri: how do you lose a woman?!
ashe: you forget to cherish her.
cassia: you like me? you like my personality?
byleth: i was surprised too.
lysithea: [covers cassia’s eyes] guess who? she’s sweet, she’s adorable~
lysithea: and she’s gonna be really mad if you get it wrong!
ignatz: i lose at everything. i even lost my glasses.
cassia, staring at the glasses on top of his head: i’ll help you find them for five gold...
jeritza: what are you, a cop? fuck off!
cassia: jeritza...
jeritza: okay, sorry, one more time.
priest: do you take this woman to be y--
rhea: cassia, can we speak privately for a minute?
cassia: ooooh, someone’s in trouble!
cassia : no, wait.
cassia : it’s me.
cassia: wait, stop, think!
caspar: no, no, and no.
bernadetta: i’m just worried about hurting their feelings!
cassia: hurting their feelings…? you just walk around all day caring about peoples’ feelings?
bernadetta: yes, of course. don’t you?
cassia: no.
byleth: you’re smiling, did something good happen?
cassia: can’t I just smile because I feel like it?
dorothea: seteth tripped and fell in the courtyard.
claude: i trust cassia.
hilda: you think she knows what she’s doing?
claude: ... i wouldn’t go that far.
cassia: oh, yes, i’ll live.
cassia: but i won’t enjoy it.
cassia: you piss me off so much.
rhea: i literally just said “hello.“
cassia: yet here i am, boiling with rage.
cassia: don’t worry, you’ve got everything you need to defeat them.
marianne: the power to believe in myself?
cassia: no, a knife.
cassia: stab them.
petra: i’ve never done anything wrong in my life
cassia: i know this and i love you
ignatz: *trips on nothing*
cassia: ha, you’re so clumsy.
(5mins later)
cassia: *aggressively punching the air* what’s your–fucking problem huh?? what–did he ever–do to you??
byleth: now we’re going to compliment the person to our right.
cassia: *looks at seteth fondly*
cassia: nothing brightens up a room like your absence.
shady guy, coming up to cassia: if you care about your student you’ll come with me..
cassia: which student?
shady guy: lorenz hellman gloucester
cassia: *turns around and walks away*
cassia: did it hurt?
jeritza: *rolls eyes* let me guess, when i fell from heaven?
cassia: no
jeritza: what?
cassia, grinning: did it hurt when you fell for me?
jeritza: ...
marianne: does this make me a bad person?
cassia: marianne, there is not a force in history that could make you a bad person...
cassia: you and me? we both want the same thing.
cassia: but we’re gonna have to work... near each other.
seteth: you mean together, cassia?
cassia, turning around angrily: did you hear me say together??
cassia: annette’s at that very special age where she has only one thing on her mind.
manuela: boys?
cassia: murder.
cassia: *hugs dimitri*
dimitri: what's this? what's happening?
cassia: it's going to be alright.
dimitri: why are you squeezing me with your body?
cassia: it's a hug, dimitri. i'm hugging you.
cassia: claude, can we talk, one ten to another?
claude: i’m an eleven, teacher, but continue.
mercedes: oh fiddlesticks.
cassia: look, i understand this is a tense situation but let's watch the fucking language.
linhardt: i’m busy.
cassia: do you think drinking 36 glasses of wine consecutively would make my battle senses and crest powers even more heightened or would I just die?
linhardt: i’m on my way.
cassia: we’re engaged
jeritza: IN COMBAT
jeritza: *pulls out his sword*
manuela: why does everybody always assume I'm having a stroke?
cassia: age.
dorothea: diet.
leonie: i sort of did something and i need your advice. but i don’t want a lot of judgment and criticism.
cassia: ... and you came to me?
cassia: what do we say when life disappoints us?
dimitri: called it.
cassia: NO--
cassia: *sees someone do something stupid*
cassia: what an idiot.
cassia: *realizes it’s sylvain*
cassia: oh, that’s my idiot.
cassia: ferdinand, we tried things your way.
ferdinand: no, we didn't.
cassia: i did it in my head and it didn't work.
manuela: between claude, ignatz, lorenz, and raphael - if you had to - who would you punch?
cassia: no one! they are my golden deer! my students! i wouldn't punch any of them.
manuela: lorenz?
cassia: ... yeah.
cassia: you need them to think that you are stronger than you actually are.
ashe: that’s what you do, right?
cassia: oh, no. my power is no illusion. i can fucking demolish you.
cassia: before i do anything, i ask myself, would rhea do that? and if the answer is yes, i do not do that thing.
flayn: do you really think we should stay outside or do you just not want to deal with this right now?
cassia: two things can be true...
cassia: name a way to be nice to others.
dimitri: don't kill them.
cassia: setting the bar a little low, dima, but I'll allow it.
cassia: remember that time you made me lick the swing set?
dorothea: no, i said "cassia don't lick the swing set!" then you said "don't tell me what to do!" and then you licked the swing set.
cassia: what are the signs of depression?
byleth: why are you asking?
cassia: manuela was doing laundry earlier and she dropped a sock and i heard her say “why has the goddess forsaken me?”
cassia: i just realized. i had a terrible childhood.
manuela: yeah, i know.
cassia: what do you mean, “you know”?
manuela: look at the way you stand... people who had good childhoods don’t stand like that.
cassia: you have to learn to love yourself.
marianne: but don’t you hate yourself?
cassia: yes, but this is about you, stay focused.
cassia: stop it, it's 4 in the morning.
cassia: i did not.
cassia: i'm not feeding you.
annette: hey, can you do me a favor?
cassia: i’d kill for you, but go on.
in the garden
mercedes: annette, can you grab that hoe?
annette: *grabs cassia’s arm*
mercedes: wait, that's not what I meant...
flayn: hey cassia, can i go get some candy?
cassia: what did seteth say?
flayn: no.
cassia: then why do you think i’ll let you?
flayn: because seteth’s not the boss of you.
cassia, internally: it’s a trap it’s a trap it’s a trap
dorothea: if I die, my ghost is gonna haunt you!
cassia: then your ghost is going to see some disgusting stuff.
hubert’s support in a nutshell
hubert, in the margins of his notebook: mywife is soft nd ilikeher
hubert: my wiwwwfie wife is visiting a noble family with the empress and i miss her
felix: see? this is my “i don’t care” face.
cassia: that’s your normal face.
cassia: of course, i care about everyone in this house equally!
claude: we were attacked while you were away.
cassia: is marianne okay???
cassia: if edelgard jumped off a cliff, would you?
hubert: *stares into the distance with a blank expression*
cassia: hubert!
hubert: well- er- i mean, it depends.
hubert: well, i wasn’t planning on it.
cassia: but if edelgard did, you would!?
hubert: *stares into the distance yet again*
cassia: HUBERT!
lysithea: if i run and leap at cassia, she will almost certainly catch me in her arms.
lysithea: COMING IN! *runs at cassia*
cassia: *drops the cup and catches her*
leonie: why are you helping me so much?
cassia: because my life is a mess right now and i compulsively take care of other people when i don’t know how to take care of myself.
hubert’s support, post time-skip
dorothea, barging into the library: you two ARE having sex!
hubert: really? cassia, why didn’t you tell me? i would’ve put my book down.
cassia: we have fun, don’t we?
ashe: i have never been more stressed out in my entire life.
cassia: why are we laying on the ground?
sylvain: you got knocked down so i laid next to you so everyone would just think we were chillin’.
petra: i did something terrible.
cassia: it’s okay, i have a shovel.
petra: wait, what do you think i did?
cassia: it doesn’t matter, no one will ever know.
seteth: time for bed.
flayn: cassia says that I can stay up as long as I want, and YOU need to die.
seteth: what the heck, cassia-
ingrid: i think rhea is in trouble!
cassia: alright... struggling to give a fuck, if i’m honest.
marianne: i made a friendship bracelet for you!
cassia: i’m not really a jewelry person.
marianne: oh, you don’t have to wear it.
cassia: no, back off, i’m gonna wear it forever.
manuela: i’m playing a new drinking game. it’s called “Every time i’m depressed, i take a drink.”
dorothea: that game exists. that’s called alcoholism.
manuela and cassia: *take a swig simultaneously*
during hubert’s support
cassia: i love you. you’re the best thing that ever happened to me.
hubert: i’m the best thing that’s ever happened to you?
cassia: yes.
hubert: … now i’m starting to feel a little sorry for you.
cassia: alright, listen up you little shits.
cassia: not you, bernadetta. you’re an angel and we’re thrilled you’re here.
cassia: do you ever wanna talk about your emotions, felix?
felix: no.
sylvain: i do!
cassia: we know, sylvain.
sylvain: i’m sad...
cassia: we know, sylvain.
cassia: since when is babysitting them my—
cassia: oh, my god, that’s exactly my job.
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blogfamososnaweb · 6 years
Globo exibirá primeiro episódio da série Ilha de Ferro na TV aberta
Globo exibirá primeiro episódio da série Ilha de Ferro na TV aberta
A Rede Globo, usando a mesma estratégia que fez com as séries “The Good Doctor” e “Assédio”, exibirá o primeiro episódio da nova série Ilha de Ferro, da Globoplay, na TV aberta. Segundo informações, a exibição do episódio acontecerá ainda no mês de novembro.
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lcentretenimento · 6 years
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