#a gin for every occasion
femmefatalevibe · 1 year
Femme Fatale Guide: Healthy Habits To Look & Feel Your Best Without Restriction or Unrealistic Routines
Realistic ways to maintain a healthy life/body/appearance (size and weight are all personal, not the most important metric – for certain). No diet culture or delulu-land tips here.
What I've done to maintain my 30-pound weight loss for over a decade, glowing clear skin (no pimples or discoloration, etc.), and super healthy, full & shiny hair, still living life and enjoying it – the mindful way.
Eat home-cooked meals & (plant-based) whole foods – 90-95% of the time
Incorporate at least 1 salad into my daily routine (either a large, hearty lunch salad or a simple green salad as a starter with dinner)
Include at least 1 fruit/vegetable in every meal or snack
Never restrict food groups – whole grains/potatoes, healthy fats, protein-rich plant foods, and produce are all essential to consume every day
Focus on meals, but have whole food snack options on hand to enjoy if genuinely hungry (mainly fruit, lupini beans, edamame, carrots/celery/cucumber with hummus, plain popcorn, handful of almonds/cashews)
Have breakfast after one coffee (before a second) and have dinner late enough (8-9:30 pm) to curb late-night hunger
Only have fruit and tea after dinner; Always stop consuming food at least 3 hours before bed for better sleep/digestion
Order whatever I want when going out to eat, but split dessert
Have at least one indulgent meal/dessert per week
No sugary cocktails – wine, champagne/prosecco, martinis, gin & tonic, margarita, French Connection, Sambuca, Grappa, tequila on the rocks, etc. are great options. Bellinis/fruit plus wine/spirits cocktails are a good middle ground. Sugary drinks worsen the hangover – big-time
Perceive healthy eating as a form of enjoyment, creativity, and nourishment, not restriction or deprivation (it's not if done liberally enough)
Consume a vitamin B12 and vitamin D supplement daily. Keep digestive enzymes on hand for when they're necessary
Always have a large glass of water first thing in the morning (before coffee) and by my side all day long
No soda, juices, sugary drinks, etc. Black coffee, tea, and water only on the daily – wine and no-sugar alcoholic drinks on rare occasions. Smoothies can be a great snack or breakfast, though!
Incorporate an (almost) daily walk into my schedule as a form of exercise and a mental health reset (I aim for 4-5 miles/10Kish steps per day on average)
Do short, low-impact strengthen training exercises 3x a week (15-30 mins each usually) for bone health & toning
Never forcing myself to do strenuous exercise/workout formally in a gym – it's not for me; it doesn't make me feel/look better and throws my hunger & energy levels way off. To each their own, though
Have a variety of playlists ready to go for waking up, working, dancing, walking/workouts, doing chores, and reading/relaxing
Internalizing that sexual health is a core aspect of your health & well-being – on all counts
Maintaining a simple skincare routine 2x per week with high-quality products and a couple of weekly treatments
Prioritizing my body care routine with as much as my facial skincare routine
Wearing at least SPF 30 daily
Exfoliating 2-3x per week
Learning what hair products work for my hair type; Using a deep conditioning mask and a scalp mask weekly
Using only cold water when washing my hair
Incorporating face & body massages into my weekly at-home routine
Using Uriage lip balm, hand cream, and deodorant religiously
Flossing 1-2 times a day/using an electric toothbrush
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whatswrongwithblue · 2 months
The Hunt pt. 1
Read on AO3.
Part 2. Part 3.
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Summary: Alastor x Reader (reader is afab, uses she/her pronouns.) Date nights in Hell are done a little differently, especially when you're dating The Radio Demon.
Trigger warnings: Canon typical violence. Reader and Alastor in Hell for a reason. Horror with some twisted romance.
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Today had been a particularly drab day.
Acid rain had been falling all afternoon and Pentagram City was shut down because of it. And you could feel yourself shutting down as well.
These bad days used to fall on you much more often. Back when life was simpler and less stimulating. When there were less options to hyper fixate on and stimulate those delightful hormones that didn’t always help you to feel happy but allowed you to . . . feel.
But today you felt that numbness creeping in; a slithering, creeping, darker cousin to boredom. You were so tired and every forced smile and polite reply aimed at the other hotel residents drained your battery little by little by little by little . . . .
You were on your fifth cup of coffee that afternoon, the bitter caffeinated beverage the only thing left that seemed to cause any kind of chemical spark in your dead gray matter, but unknowingly, you had stopped sipping it several minutes ago. Rather, you were just mindlessly staring down into it, watching the little tendrils of separated creamer swirl around the top. At least it was far more interesting than anything else going on in the lobby.
“Are we having a bit of a . . . down day?” Alastor’s voice said remarkably close to your ear and you jumped, turning to find him bent over at his waist, his head right next to yours.
“I’m fine,” you insisted, turning away from him.
He had pampered and fussed over you too many times on days like these, even when – no, especially when they became so bad you couldn’t get out of bed. But things were different now; since his return to Hell, Alastor was busier than ever and you didn’t want to bother him. The guilt would be worse than the emptiness you were currently struggling with.
“I think not,” came his sing-song reply and you shut your eyes against the enthusiasm you heard in his tone.
“Don’t I look fine?” you challenged and when he stood up straighter, his smile pinching just a little at the corners, you heard how snippy you sounded with him and sighed. There was the damnable guilt you had been trying to avoid.
“You look beautiful as always, darling,” came his quick reply. “I just thought you could use a little cheering up.”
He leaned back in, whispering conspiratorial into your ear now. “I was hoping you would join me . . . on a date . . .” His eyes glowed as he let his words sink in. “But if you’d rather sit in here and sulk the rest of the night, I’ll leave you to it.”
“Like . . . a date, date?” you asked, feeling a little bit of the weight leaving your chest as hope bloomed in you.
“Precisely.” His smile stretched ear to ear. “There is someone I need to collect a debt on and the weather tonight seems just perfect for such an occasion. I would more than welcome your company.”
You felt your first genuine smile of the day grace your features, nearly matching the wickedness of Alastor’s own features, and that little spark you had felt turned into an entire flood of dopamine.
“Where to?” you asked and Alastor took your head, pressing a kiss to your knuckles, before leading you out the front doors.
The prey dragged itself up the stairs, stumbling on every other step and grasping the handrail for balance as he went. Although the rainstorm had kept him from the bars that night, it hadn’t kept him from his personal stache of liquor and in his lonely anger, he had downed several gin and tonics before his stomach began to protest and he had passed out in his armchair. He’d woken up a few minutes ago, his bladder protesting the diuretic effects of the booze. By some miracle he had made it to his downstairs bathroom to relieve himself and then decided it was time to crawl into bed.
He made it to the top of the landing after a considerable struggle with the staircase and almost forgot to the turn the lights off behind him. Fumbling with the switch, he just happened to glance down the stairs as the lights flickered out of existence.
The prey blinked in the darkness, trying to adjust his eyes, as he thought he saw a strange shadow at the bottom of the stairs.
He was sure he was alone in the house and he couldn’t quite be sure of what he was seeing, so he flipped the lights back on.
Shaking his head and rubbing his eyes, he turned the lights back off.
And there it was again.
A shadow. Taller and definitely there.
Feeling his heart begin to race, the prey flipped the lights on, certain he wasn’t imagining it this time but as the staircase became illuminated once more, the shadow was gone.
He had perhaps had too much to drink.
One last time, he flipped the switch, inviting the darkness back in, and this time when the shadow came back, the prey swore there were faint glowing green eyes and the hint of a smile playing across its features.
And was it a little closer this time? He had sworn it was at the bottom of the stairs but now it seemed to be a few steps up.
“Now that’s enough of that!” the prey shouted and flipped on the lights.
He breathed a sigh of relief when once more, there was nothing.
Maybe it was best to sleep with the lights on tonight, just to be certain.
The prey turned away from the stairs, leaving the switch flipped in the on position, and came chest to chest with The Radio Demon.
“Good evening, Daniel,” Alastor said, smiling wider as the prey’s face turned several shades whiter. “I see you’ve changed residences.”
“Hey there, Al’ . . . I-I mean, Alastor . . . sir. M-Mr. Radio D-demon,” the prey stuttered, stumbling backwards and just barely catching himself on the banister. “You uh . . . you like my new digs, huh? Paid a pretty penny for it but you know, it’ll be good for business.”
Alastor remained at the top of the stairs, watching his prey make its slow decent down and away from him.
“And who’s business would that be? Certainly not mine, I don’t deal in real estate after all.”
“You know, ha, it’s funny you would say that because I’ve been meaning to talk to you- ”
“You made a mistake, Daniel,” Alastor told his prey, all the politeness leaving his tone, although his smile remained.
The prey swallowed audibly.
“Did you really think going to Zestial, of all demons, would save you from our deal?”
“I-I don’t know what you’re . . . talking abou- ”
“You see, Daniel, Zestial and I may not necessarily be friends, but we are colleagues. And we have an understanding. A certain level of respect for each other, if you will.” Alastor narrowed his eyes and his voice turned cold as ice. “And neither of us like having another Overlord’s leftovers.”
Daniel turned and fled, racing down the rest of the steps with a grace that only adrenaline could provide in such a state of inebriation, though he did fumble quite a bit with the locks of the front doors.
Alastor let his prey make it out the front door before he went in pursuit, though he let his deep laughter follow Daniel the whole way down, enjoying the sweet tangy smell of his fear as it spiked at the sound.
In his panic, the prey forgot all about the inclement weather and dashed thoughtlessly out into the rainstorm and ran down the deserted street. It took a minute for the effects to kick in but eventually he started to feel the itching on his skin and then the burning set in. The prey stopped in the middle of the sidewalk, beneath a streetlamp, and watched as the skin on his hands began to turn red and break out in a terrible heat rash.
With a sob, he dashed under an overhang of a nearby business and shook at the doorhandle, but it wouldn’t budge. He thought about breaking the window to get inside but then he heard that laughter again and the streetlights above flickered and then went out, one by one.
Looking down the street, he watched as The Radio Demon stepped out into view, his antlers now wide and pointed above his silhouette, and turned his head down the street, looking in his prey’s direction.
A smell wafted off of him, even from this great distance. A dank, swampy, animalistic smell. The musk filled the prey’s nostrils and burned his sinuses, and he knew it was the smell of a predator about to pounce.
“That’s alright, Daniel, go ahead and run. Please do.”
To the prey’s horror, Alastor began walking quickly down the sidewalk, completely unaffected by the burning rain.  His limbs and entire body stretched out and elongated with every step, closing the distance between them faster than previously possible, until Alastor was a towering demonic presence chasing down the street after him.
“I like my meals warmed up!” he shouted, and the prey screamed as he took off again.
It was either face the rain or be eaten and the prey chose the rain as it sprinted down the street, screaming and crying out for help but not a light flickered on in the buildings as he passed them.
Eventually the burning became unbearable and the prey darted blindly into the nearest alleyway, praying to Roo herself that there would be some shelter to hide in and protect him from the rain.
And there it was, a small overhang by a bar’s backdoor, with a conveniently placed dumpster to hide next to that blocked his view of the street.
That was where the prey found you, standing innocently by the door, shielded from the rain, and he didn’t question why you would be there on a night like this. He only fell at your feet, clinging to your legs and shaking, his hands and face now beginning to blister, his tears hot and stinging his flesh as they fell down his cheeks.
“Please! Please, help me! Let me in! Please! He’s going to eat me, please!”
“Who is going to eat you?” you asked sweetly, tilting your head as you considered the pathetic demon at your feet.
“Alastor. Th-the Radio Demon. He . . . he . . .” the prey fumbled for words, his sentence trailing off as he risked peaking up over the top of the dumpster and seeing nothing but an empty street at the end of the alleyway.
“Oh, right. Him,” you said, nodding. “Well, that’s his thing, isn’t it? Going after demons that try and break their deals. Especially ones like you, who preyed after helpless young women when he was alive. Isn’t that right . . . Daniel?”
The prey’s breath caught in his throat as he glanced over his shoulder at you, a new kind of fear lighting his eyes.
“Who . . . who are you?” he asked in a quiet voice.
“That’s not important,” you scoffed. “Who was the girl you raped and left for dead in the park on the night of your 18th birthday? Or the sex workers you then tortured and killed and left their bodies out in the desert? Do you even remember their names? Do you know how many family members are still looking for their daughters, sisters, mothers?”
“I don’t . . . I didn’t . . .” he stammered, getting to his feet now.
“You did. No use denying it now, Daniel. Not when Alastor and I are so . . . very . . . hungry.”
A crackling noise, like the sound of several joints popping at once filled the air, and the prey looked up and up and up as he saw Alastor’s gigantic form peeling away from the darkened side of the building, turning from nothing but shadow into a very corporeal and deadly form before his very eyes.
Behind him, you shoved at his back, forcing him to fall onto his knees into a puddle of acid rain.
Then you stepped out from under the cover of the overhang, letting the rain soak your hair and clothes, and the prey looked up at you with renewed horror as he realized the acid water had no effect on you either.
“Please,” he whimpered and then began to scream as Alastor bent over and lifted him into the air.
You watched as the prey’s tiny body was lifted higher and higher until the rain and the shadows hid him mostly from view but you could still hear him screaming. Then there was a crunching noise and a wet sound, followed by a thin stream of blood that fell from the sky.
The screaming continued.
“This will be quite unpleasant until it’s over,” Alastor’s voice said from high above you. “But my darling companion does love the taste of demon heart.”
Another sound of stretching and tearing and then you saw it; the warm mass of your meal falling towards you, and you reached up and caught it with skilled precision.
With the prey’s heart now in your grasp, you brought it to your lips and took an eager bite, never minding the blood that ran down your forearms and coated your lower face.
The screaming above you came to a sudden halt with the sound of one final loud crunch and just as you were taking the last bites of your own meal, Alastor was standing before you.
His antlers were still larger than usual, their six points gleaming beautifully in the dim light of the alley, as rain ran down them in rivulets, soaking the red and black hair beneath them.
Alastor gave you a loving smile as you swallowed the last bit of heart.
“Feeling better, my love?” he asked.
“Much,” you said with a satisfied sigh. “Thank you.”
He reached a hand out, wiping away a bit of blood from the side of your mouth with his thumb, though he had hardly succeeded in getting it all.
“You always look positively stunning like this,” he said as he brought his bloody thumb to his mouth and gave it an appreciative suck.
And there in the rain and the dark, you and your lover shared a private and tender kiss, the perfect ending to a perfect date.
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Tag list for part 2? It will be smutty.
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back2bluesidex · 7 months
Your Lips, My Lips - Apocalypse - JHS (18+)
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Pairing: Demi God!Hoseok X Fem!Reader
Theme: Angst, explicit SMUT, open ending, fantasy au
Wordcount: 2.0k
Summary: You are lonelier than anyone he has ever witnessed. Your loneliness comes with an intensity that matches his, maybe that’s why he is so attracted to you? Maybe that’s why he wants to give you his final moments of existence?
Warnings: Mentions of drinking, loneliness, kind of philosophical, explicit sex, unprotected sex (it's a no no), it's kind of sad. NSFW!!
Minors are not allowed in this blog!!
A/N: It's my man's birthday in less than 24 hours! Yoo-hoo! *sigh* only if he knew that I exist and I love him with my everything. *another sigh* but it's okay! Jung Hoseok, I love you regardless. And I hope you are happy and healthy.
and to my precious readers. hope you guys enjoy this short babie. let me know how is it, if you want! (also if you feel this is My Demon coded then that's right. But I haven't even watched the drama lmao!)
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Hoseok can’t read humans’ minds and he thinks it's a handicap. 
No matter how much he loathes the fact, he, still, is a demi-god. One prefix in his title has pushed him down in the hierarchy, taken away his right of authority, his right of serving the verdict and he hates it all. 
But what he hates the most is that he is left with this half-assed power of sensing despair in humans but is totally unable to do anything about it. 
His hand itches to right all wrongs whenever he comes across something that should not be happening, that should be mended by the gods above. On those occasions, he curses those so-called gods a little more than usual. 
What did they say? That Hoseok meddles too much in human business? Just because he saved a 5 years old from a deadly accident? That he has no right to change their fate? That he is just a lowly god that is not even worshiped? That he is to be perished into ash as soon as he changes another human's life directly or indirectly? 
Huh! As if he cares. 
He actually does. Not that he is scared of turning into scattered dust and disappearing into air, but he wants to change someone’s life before he does. 
If he is going to disappear, then he might as well do something worthy of disappearing. 
Like getting to know you, offering you with his company and changing your fate of being alone even if it’s just for a night. 
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It has been 2157 years since Hoseok has descended to earth and he has been keeping receipts of every single day. 
He has come across a lot of humans and their despair but he hasn’t done anything. He held himself back and waited for that one final occasion. 
He knew that final occasion was going to be you as soon as his eyes landed upon your figure a year ago. 
That day, he walked into this dimly lit pub to enjoy a glass of whiskey that he came to love so much and to observe some humans for his own record. 
That was then, you walked in. 
More beautiful than some of the goddesses they worship, more mysterious than those unearthly creatures and you made him more intrigued than he had been for 2156 years of his time on earth.  
And also, you are lonelier than anyone he has ever witnessed. Your loneliness comes with an intensity that matches his, maybe that’s why he is so attracted to you? Maybe that’s why he wants to give you his final moments of existence? 
Just like any other Friday night, you are sitting in your usual spot. Tonight you have chosen Gin and Lime to be your companion. 
You look as unapproachable as ever, so much so that even Hosekok feels weak on his knees while gliding smoothly towards you. 
Your eyes are trained on your smartphone when Hoseok slips beside you and heaves a little “hey” to grab your attention. 
You look up at him, your eyes meet him and he knows he is going to be one of those very few lucky men whom you don’t ignore.  
And then you smile, an unusual, non-formalitic and genuine one, and greet him back, “hi”. 
He is astonished to find you keep smiling at him, “Do you mind if I-” 
“Not at all. I have been waiting for you to approach me for a good 10 months now.” you cut him off. 
Hoseok is astonished yet again, or maybe shocked will be a better word. He knows not everyone can notice him. He is noticeable only when he actually wants to be, for instance by being noticeable to the bartenders, so that he can enjoy his drinks. 
But he never intentionally allowed himself to be noticed by you. Or maybe he did? Because all along that’s what he actually wanted? 
“Ah really? You noticed me then?” he breathes slowly, trying not to scare you away. 
“It’s impossible not to notice someone as good-looking as you. On top of that you are a regular here and you look as lonely as I am.” you voice fades by the time your sentence ends. You punctuate it with a sigh. 
He gives you a tainted smile. It’s the first time someone has caught upon his despair too. For the first time he doesn’t feel things are terribly one-sided. For the first time he is not pitying a human but resonating with her. For the first time he feels his ending inching closer. 
“I am Hoseok, by the way.” Hoseok introduces himself while ordering his usual.
“I am Y/N” you reply. Your name rings in his ears, even though he already knew who you were and what you do, but hearing you introducing yourself to him has some weird effects on him. 
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“Do you always have the same thing?” you point towards his whiskey. 
“Yeah. I’m not a great fan of alcohol.” he replies calmly. 
“Oh. then what is it, you are a fan of?” 
You laugh at it. A clear, ringing laugh that sends tingles to every corner of his body. 
“As if you are not one of us.” you say breathlessly when you are done laughing. 
“Maybe I am not.” Hoseok adds quietly. 
You look intrigued now. Your eyes are filled with a playful glint that has replaced the hazy loneliness. 
“Good then. I hate human beings, even though I am one of them. Maybe I hate myself as well? Who knows.” and within an instant, your despair is back. It is now clouding above your head. Hoseok can see it clearly and he wants to blow the smoke away. 
“Why so?” He places his question delicately. 
“They have done nothing to be loved. At least not the ones I have shared or am sharing my time with.” you sigh. “Even though I am moving on with time, moving on from people and situations, I am going nowhere. It’s as if I am stuck in an endless loop of time and things keep repeating on their own accord.”
Hoseok feels your every word deep in his bones. He has been stuck in this limbo for a long time as well. Feeling people’s pain and being able to do nothing about it is even more painful. And he can’t take it anymore. But tonight he will end it all.. 
“Do you want me to change it? Do you want me to take away your despair?” he says finally, “just answer in yes or no.” his voice feels hoarse all of a sudden. 
You sit straight. It seems as if you can tell how serious he is being. And maybe that’s why you nod a yes. 
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Hoseok’s nails dig into your naked waist. His lips trail down the path of your throat, painting bruises on your skin. 
You moan his name when he bites down on the crook of your neck. He feels alive after all these years. The beating of our heart, vibrates into his own chest making him want to be a human like you, for you. 
Your fingers are tangled on his jet black hair. The delicious friction of your nails on his scalp is everything. He works his way to unclasp your bra, throws it away somewhere in your dark room and sets his eyes on your chest. 
“Beautiful. So beautiful for me.” he murmurs as he takes a nipple in his mouth. One of his hands slips into your underwear and finds your sensitive bundle of nerves while the other one massages your unoccupied breast. 
“Oh Hoseok!” you sigh in containment. 
It’s been so long since anyone has called him by his name. Things feel unreal at this point.
Hoseok drives you towards your bed and gently lays you down without breaking the contact with your skin. 
Two of his fingers play with your clit while his mouth dives down the valley of your breast, reaches your naval, and heads towards you core. 
“Hoseok! Quit foreplay! I need you inside me.” You whine while tugging at his hair. Your fingers join his inside your underwear. You take his hand out, pull it towards your mouth and suck your juices from his fingers. 
Hoseok can clearly see his end approaching. But he doesn’t regret it. 
You are warm, slippery and incredibly addicting when he enters you. His cock glides smoothly through your entrance. He thrusts with a force that will satisfy you but won’t break you, reaping out melodic moans from your mouth. 
“Fuc-fuck Hoseok! You feel so-so good! I can’t- ngh” and you cum on his godly cock.
Hoseok sees stars at this point. How can a human being be this addictive? How is he supposed to leave you behind if you keep holding him back like this? How? 
He spills inside you, ropes after ropes of cum shoots inside your pussy, some even leak out and drips down your inner thigh to your bed sheet. 
Both of you are trying to catch your breath but it’s time he ends both of your sufferings. So he climbs on your bed and hovers above your freshly fucked body. Your body glistens with a sheen of sweat, he can’t get enough of you. 
“Y/N” he calls your name and you open your eyes, look directly into his eyes and offer him a weak but genuine smile. 
“I am going to kiss you now. After the kiss, I will disappear, but so does your loneliness, you despair. I will take away the pain you suffer from.” he says in a breath. 
“Hoseok..” you murmur weakly, but before you can say anything any further, Hoseok is kissing you. He cups your face and dives into the kiss. 
The kiss is full of passion and pain, rainbow and rain.. 
Two pairs of your lips mold perfectly with each other, tasting every ounce of your mouth, your life, your soul.
But Hoseok feels it. His legs are not on your bed anymore, those have started to dissipate into air in the form of fine ash. It reaches to his torso, his chest and then his face. A single tear leaves his eyes before he fades away completely. 
And all of a sudden everything is blank. 
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It’s been two weeks since you had that weirdly realistic dream. You can still remember his face, his voice but somehow his name has slipped out of your memory. As if he himself doesn’t want you to remember what he was called. 
Or is it just you? Is it because your loneliness has become way too overbearing for you now that you are making up sex scenarios with non-existent perfect men and hallucinating them everywhere? 
You should book an appointment with a therapist. You need it. 
“Excuse me, Ms. Y/N?” the voice comes from right beside you. You were so lost in your thoughts that you didn’t even notice that the bus stop wasn't empty anymore. 
“You dropped your employee ID on the way” the voice speaks again as the man comes to stand before you. 
“Oh shoot! Thanks a lot.” you take your ID from him and look up with a smile. 
But it vanishes and you are shocked to find out that the man of your dream is standing right before you. 
The voice, too, is similar. The only difference you can find is that this guy is filled with boisterous energy, he is less dark than the man in your dream. 
“Did I scare you? You look like you have seen a ghost?” the man laughs. 
“I- I ah..” you fumble with your words, “you look like someone I knew.” you laugh back awkwardly. 
“Oh I see.” he pauses for a bit, “I am Hoseok, By the way.” he continues, extending a hand towards you. 
“Hi Hoseok. I am Y/N” You wrap your palm around his. 
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@phenomenalgirl9 @variety-is-the-joy-of-life @sukunabitch @chimchimmarie @coffeedepressionsoup @meowstake @vonvi-blog @nochuel @chimmisbae @i-have-no-life-charlie @violetsiren90
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valeriianz · 9 months
Smutty fic idea prompts - 36 is just perfect for Dreamling please?
36: A rolls sleeves up/takes shirt off, revealing body hair to B. B has no idea how to act normal around A anymore.
Hob dresses up as Sexy Santa for a staff party and Dream absolutely loses his cool <3
These days, Dream finds himself as the newest addition to Johanna Constantine’s friend group. It’s quite nice of her, if not a little presumptuous, to drag him along to nearly every social outing and local music show in order to introduce him to as many people in her network as possible. The only reason they are still friends, Dream and Jo, is the small mercy of her not putting up a fuss when his social battery has been drained and he awkwardly dips out.
The best thing to come out of these adventures, at least, is meeting Hob Gadling.
Hob and Jo go way back, or so she’d announced the first time he and Dream had met. At a bar where the lights were low but Hob’s natural charisma and warm smile had radiated through anyway. They got along immediately, exchanging intellectual conversations where Hob had surprising takes and kept Dream’s interest; kept the dialogue fresh and spontaneous. Dream didn’t even need to contribute much while sharing a space with Hob, he could simply sip on his gin something-or-other and listen as Hob went on passionate rants about revolutions or human invention over the past centuries– each time they met up he’d go down a 100 years. Or complaining about how washed up Shakespeare was (an argument Dream allowed himself to fall into and they’d talked about all night, much to Johanna’s chagrin and massive eye roll, muttering a very clear “nerds” under her breath).
Chemistry aside, Dream also couldn’t deny how… effortlessly attractive Hob was.
Deep brown eyes that seemed to sparkle with barely contained mischief, chocolate dark hair with brush strokes of greys that unfairly complimented his face, and a seemingly permanent five O’clock shadow that Dream never imagined would leave him staring and daydreaming… alas, he’d discovered quite a few new things about himself around Hob.
Like how he’d imagined on more than one occasion, how easily he’d be able to lift Dream, how those broad shoulders and chest, thick biceps that even a cable knit sweater couldn’t hide– might manhandle his own body, lifting and bending him into submission. Dream ached with it; the possibilities. Was dying to kiss Hob’s plush mouth, his gaze fell to it enough, or feel the stubble of Hob’s jaw under his own palm, under his lips, along the inside of Dream’s thighs.
Hob was everything Dream was not; roguish, masculine, and unbearably kind. It was no wonder Dream had developed a crush from their very first meeting.
And maybe Hob was interested too, if you squinted. He always offered Dream a ride home, set his hand on the small of his back, his shoulder, and never seemed to stop smiling in his presence. Dream was never very good at picking up cues though– his prior relationships had been him making the first move, striking immediately at what he wanted, courting in the most by-the-book manner, before he was ultimately either rejected or caught up in a love affair that burned out before the year was up.
He didn’t want to do that with Hob. Dream held back, kept his desires at bay… because he truly enjoyed Hob’s company. It would be devastating if Hob rejected him, or worse, fell into a relationship and then realised Dream was… too much, too fast, too methodical. Dream wasn’t sure he could handle not having Hob in his life now that he’d met him. He was determined to keep him around, even if it meant remaining friends. Dream could work with that, could suffer quietly and go home after a long night of drinking or dancing and being subjected to Hob’s ever-present smile, his unwavering gaze, the warmth his body radiated, even feet apart. Could hold onto those images and sensations and close his eyes, take himself in hand, and work himself to climax in the safe darkness of his own bedroom, clenching his teeth and imagining how it might feel if it were Hob’s hands on him instead.
All of Dream’s self restraint comes crashing down about a week before Christmas, at the staff holiday party Johanna had invited him along to.
Because Hob is sitting on a large red velvet chair at the back of the venue, surrounded by cotton snow and boxed presents, wearing absolutely nothing but a Santa hat, explicitly short red and white trousers, and black boots.
It’s a mockery of what you’d see at perhaps a mall: Santa waiting to greet children and ask what they want for Christmas while his elves putter around and keep order. This is…
Obscene, is what Dream’s brain provides before it completely resets and replaces the word with animal noises.
He’d overheard Hob and Johanna talking about this, how they had a “sexy Santa” every year (because Jo’s office was mostly comprised of women who voted on it every year, vastly sweeping the competition to the point of tradition). And to save on money this year, decided to find a Santa who would do it for free, hence Jo asking Hob to do her a solid.
Dream felt heat rush through his entire body, unable to look away as Jo, Matthew, and him walked out of the foyer and into the thick of the party. Dream heard Johanna speaking, but couldn't decipher her words, his brain wiped clean by the reveal of Hob’s body, something Dream had only imagined in the safety of his own head, and kicked himself over the exclusion of hair.
So much body hair. Thick, dark hairs covered Hob’s chest like a pelt, rolling down his abs and scattered out around his soft belly. It was enough to make Dream’s mouth water, a ringing sound began in his ears, making him dizzy as he forced one foot in front of the other.
Dream had only met Hob a couple months ago, while the weather had just turned cold and they’d both only seen one another buttoned and bundled up in high necklines and long sleeves. To see Hob nearly completely nude was a shock to Dream’s system. And holy shit, Dream wanted. He had to know how those thick hairs felt between his fingers, digging them in while he sat on Hob’s lap, grinding his hips down while his own naked chest slid along Hob’s. What sounds Hob would make while Dream petted and pulled and rubbed his cock along the swell of Hob’s furred stomach.
And then Hob spotted them coming in, his smile dazzling as he stood up and waved.
Giving Dream a fantastic view of his legs, which were just as thick and strong as Dream had fantasised, and just as hairy as his top half. As well as a view of how those pants rode up enough to make Dream question if the man was wearing underwear.
Dream stumbled to the nearest restroom, locking himself in a stall and attempting to breathe and calm his erratic heart beat.
Friend, friend. Hob is your friend. Dream chanted to himself, keeping his hand out of his pants and taking deep breaths as his blood circulation regulated itself. Don’t make it weird.
Dream didn’t know how to socialise on a good day, and how with a half naked Hob in the building– shamelessly on display and humouring drunk female staff as they boldly sat on his knee– Dream felt himself shutting down entirely, spluttering and stumbling over his speech with enough velocity that he feared he'd glitch and spark out, setting the place on fire. Or at the very least, melt into a puddle of goo, the remains of his dignity soaked into the hardwood floor.
Dream tossed back drink after drink, matching Jo’s pace if only to distract his wandering thoughts, losing his jacket somewhere in the scuffle and rolling up the sleeves of his black button down.
Johanna’s laughter snapped Dream back to the present, looking down at the red solo cup in his hand and Jo standing across from him, visibly swaying on that spot. Dream doesn’t remember what he’d said to elicit such a reaction, but felt his lips curl anyway. 
“What’s so funny?”
“You, dreamboat!” Jo’s laughter simmered down to a pleasant chuckle, if not a little devious. “I thought– nah, can’t be. But holy shit, you like Hob, don’t you?”
It took several long, embarrassing seconds to figure out what Jo just asked him. Dream felt warmth spreading up his ears.
“Of course. He’s my friend–”
“Nonono–” Jo stepped into Dream’s space, landing a heavy hand on his bony shoulder. “You like him. I can tell, because you haven’t spoken to him all night.”
Dream swallowed. The alcohol was affecting his brain, sloshing it around and rendering him speechless.
Johanna smirked. “Am I wrong?”
“You’re a menace, Constantine.” Dream said, pushing her hand off him and sliding his gaze sideways to find Hob rubbing the tops of his thighs. It’d been well over an hour since they’d arrived, Dream wondered how long Hob had been sitting there, playing a role he clearly wasn’t enjoying anymore.
Jo inclined her head.
“He likes you too.”
Dream’s head snapped back to meet Jo’s eyes, searching for that tell of humour or sarcasm, and finding none.
She leaned in conspiratorially. “He told me not to tell you. Thinks your eyes are ‘dazzling’ and your hands are pretty–” she makes a face at that one. “And that your hair looks– and I quote– ‘like raven’s feathers’.”
Dream swallows, his throat suddenly dry.
“When did he tell you this?”
Jo huffs a sigh, taking a sip from her beer, her lips making a smacking sound off the bottle’s mouth.
“The night after I introduced you two.”
Dream’s heart flips over at the revelation. 
Johanna winks and shoves at Dream’s shoulder. “Now go say hi before you break his heart.”
Taking Johanna’s advice seems like a death sentence, but Dream is just drunk enough to summon courage, finishing off his drink and setting the empty cup on a random surface, before forcing his shoulders back and finally making his way towards Hob.
The smile that breaks across Hob’s face once he spots Dream is staggering, and it strikes Dream down more so than before, informed with the knowledge that Hob might like him as much as Dream does.
Dream slips his hands into the pockets of his slacks, affecting nonchalance as he finally stands before Hob.
“Hello, Hob.”
“Hey, Dream.” Hob tugs on his ear, looking up at Dream. His entire body seems to relax, even slouching a bit in the chair. “Was surprised to see you here.”
“Yeah, I know parties aren’t really your thing.”
Dream hums, his eyes selfishly taking in their fill. This close to Hob, he can catalogue every hair, curve and freckle in greater detail, storing the information away for later.
And with Hob looking up at him, giving the illusion of superior height, an unmistakable flicker of arousal begins low in Dream’s belly. 
“I can be persuaded, from time to time.” Dream smiles, coy. The alcohol gives him a confidence boost and relaxes him further. “I apologise for not visiting you sooner.”
Hob waves it off. “I honestly didn’t expect you to. I know this is… a lot.” He gestures to himself and laughs self-deprecatingly. “I only agreed to be Sexy Santa because I owe Jo a favour.”
“It’s a fetching look on you,” Dream says, flinging himself into the deep end. He bites his bottom lip as Hob actually looks twice up at Dream, his smile falling into something like disbelief.
“O-oh. Really?” Hob laughs, but it’s small, doubtful. Dream will have to remedy that.
Dream takes a long breath, grounding himself, licking his lips before speaking what he’d wanted to say to Hob all night.
“I believe it’s my turn to ask Santa what I want for Christmas?”
The prettiest pink flush rises up Hob’s cheeks. His lips part as his eyes rove across Dream, down and up.
Despite what Johanna said, Dream feels himself shake with nerves as he tips forward, touching the top of Hob’s thigh before slowly lowering himself onto it. His eyes never leave Hob’s as he goes, silently asking for permission and receiving a nod once he’s fully seated.
Hob’s hand instantly curls around Dream’s narrow hips, holding him steady, locking him into place both upon his lap and in his gaze; wide and dark and focused.
Dream crossed one leg over the other, settling his hands on his knees, which inadvertently causes him to sway that much closer to Hob. He can feel the heat of his body, this close. Can smell something sweet and earthy, like sandalwood and pine, mixed in with something tangy that makes Dream’s mouth water. He has to hold back the urge to close the gap between them and shove his face in Hob’s chest, into the crook of his neck, under his armpit and lose his sanity. Abandon all pretence and inhale Hob like a wild animal, scent and mark him with his teeth and tongue and–
Hob swallows. Dream watches the way his Adam’s apple bobs, fascinated.
“Are you messing with me?”
Dream cocks an eyebrow. “You think me capable of jokes?”
Hob laughs, soft, wonderful. “You are. You’re the funniest person I’ve ever met.”
His thumb is pressing into Dream’s side, caressing back and forth, sending spikes of electricity through his veins and heating him up from the inside.
“No one thinks I’m funny,” Dream says matter-of-factly. 
“Well, you make me laugh,” Hob says simply, his other hand coming across Dream’s front to lace his fingers together, forming a snare around Dream that ignites something within him. “You challenge me, keep me on my toes… keep me guessing.”
Dream’s heart beats so hard against his ribs it nearly hurts. He wonders if Hob can hear it, how he makes his blood race a mile a minute. 
“I’m being very serious,” Dream takes a breath. “But if you deny me, I’ll just say I’m drunk.”
Hob laughs again, his hold around Dream tightening and nearly causing Dream’s knee to bump into Hob’s crotch.
“Are you drunk?”
Dream is very aware that they are in the middle of a party, and although the people around them seem to be paying them little attention, it would probably be inappropriate to follow the path enticing him to resituate himself on Hob’s lap to instead straddle him. To grind his barely contained semi against Hob’s flimsy excuse for shorts, while winding his arms around his shoulders and kiss him stupid.
Dream leans forward, brushing his lips along the shell of Hob’s ear and lowers his voice.
“Not enough to not know what I want.”
Hob groans, Dream can feel the vibration in his own chest as he pulls back just enough to see how his eyes have fluttered shut, swallowing again before opening his eyes and focusing on him.
“And what do you want, Dream?”
“Whatever you’ll give me,” Dream wets his lips. His hands venture up, tentatively brushing his knuckles against Hob’s bronze skin, fascinated at how snow-white his own appears against it. His fingers uncurl as he dares himself to properly touch; pushing into the soft flesh at Hob’s sides and drinking in the unmistakable sound of a choked off whine from his friend.
“I’ll take anything, Hob.”
“Holy shit–” Hob whispers, his head lolling back, exposing his throat which Dream violently refuses to latch his mouth on to.
“Okay…” Hob clears his throat, his eyes swinging over to gauge Dream again. His pupils are blown wide, hunger clear in its depths. “Okay.”
He’s looking at Dream’s mouth as he speaks again. “Meet me out back in 10 minutes?”
Dream bites back a smile and nods, his heart soaring as he climbs off Hob.
Johanna gives him a knowing look as Dream stumbles back into the crowd to find his jacket and coat, managing a wave (great, now he owed her a favour as well) before all but running out of the building to make good on his promise to Hob.
Hob makes good on his offer as well; indeed giving Dream everything he’d wanted. All night.
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starlightshadowsworld · 8 months
Akutagawa: We're the Port Mafia, I can't kill you, but you'll wish I could.
Chuuya: We're the Port Mafia, of course I have a wine bottle picked out for every occasion.
Kouyou: We're the Port Mafia, flattery will get you nowhere but don't stop on my account.
Gin: We're the Port Mafia, if you see me outside of work no you haven't.
Tachihara: We're the Port Mafia, no one does it better than us.
Hirotsu: We're the Port Mafia, every kill is better with a cigarette in hand.
Higuchi: We're the Port Mafia, of course everything goes exactly as planned... Most of the time.
Kyusaku: We're the Port Mafia, I look forward to breaking you all.
Elise: We're the Port Mafia, everyone is better than Rintaro.
Mori: We're the Port Mafia, we are constantly getting the Agency out of trouble.
218 notes · View notes
ineedhaikyu · 2 months
Chapter 4
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Summary: It was a bittersweet moment when Inarizaki lost to both Inarizaki's manager and Karasuno’s ace. What will happen next? Do the feelings stop there?
Word Count: 11.7K
Warnings: A lot of fluff. The slow burn is intense. This chapter is long because I wanted to add meaningful conversations. Spoilers for Season 4/Chapter 291! Dialogue from both sources. I don’t own anything. Haikyu belongs to Furudate Haruichi! Also, I added a scene that I found adorable. The Tiktok creator (astrq.ella) translates the fanmade manga into English and it's so cute!! Go check it out!
A/N: Obviously, the dialogue of the twins, Aran, Kita, etc are from the anime and manga. I tried my best to keep the flow of speech going throughout this chapter. Lol idk if I can keep up but I’ll do my best! When am I going to edit that dialogue in the previous chapter? Well, your guess is as good as mine! Also, I apologize for the sudden hiatus, my life is crazy but I hope you enjoy this new chapter.
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The match ended with a score of 30-32. With each team winning a set, the third and final set was their last chance to win, to advance, to stay alive in Nationals. The hunger to win was there. The sheer determination to win was there. The will, the passion, the… Well, everything. Each player on the Inarizaki had it all. They played with everything they had.
Atsumu proved to everyone, whether they were familiar with volleyball or not, how his setter skills were top tier and worthy to be labeled as the best high school setter. With his opponent being a setter that attended the same All-Japan Training Camp, he was pushed to another level to become a star setter.
Osamu covered for any tiny mistake his brother made during the match. The unspoken intuition between him and his brother every time he scored a point through their version of Karasuno’s quick attack. Never before had he felt so hungry during a match.
Aran played his role as the ace more than ever. With each difficult pass that was made, he made sure to call out for the ball and with his strength he scored a point for his team. The title of ace suited him as he proved it with each service ace and spikes that broke through Karasuno’s blocks. Gin followed his senpai’s footsteps closely as he scored points through difficult blocks and receiving difficult passes. 
Omimi kept up his blocking skills all throughout the match, turning Karasuno’s possible points into their points through his blocks. The same can be said with Suna. The middle blocker, despite his deadpan expression, didn’t slack off as per usual. He lived up to his title as one of the best middle blockers in Nationals as he kept his sharp game sense and surprised his opponents with his wide-range spike.
Akagi did his best as lead libero. He saved the team on multiple occasions through his receives. His eyes focused on the ball more than anything as he commanded his body to follow after it. With each received he made, it brought a sense of security to his teammates to continue playing. He was the cornerstone for his team’s defense and wasn’t about to slack off, not even for a second.
Kita kept his plays consistent all the while keeping the rambunctious second-years in check. But ever so often, the match brought out a side of him that hasn’t been felt for a long time. Karasuno wasn’t like any other team. Every player on that team pushed his teammates to their limits so many times that it made him crack a smile or two throughout the game. Karasuno were worthy opponents.
Even the first years challenged themselves to play. They didn’t hold anything back. 
And yet… 
“It’s a madhouse in here!” The announcer’s loud voice filled the arena of the crowd’s uproar. “The entire Tokyo gymnasium is shaking with the roar of the crowd!”
The Inarizaki manager was the first to snap out of it. She didn’t realize how loud it was before until now. The last sound she heard was the sound of the ball hitting their side of the orange court. Everything after that felt muffled in a sense as she stood there motionless.
(Y/N) looked at her team. With the exception of their chests moving, no one made an effort to walk off the court. Whether they were too tired to move or they were in disbelief at their loss, (Y/N) knew that her friends were taking this loss harder than usual. 
They were so close…
“We lost.” It helped saying those two words out loud. It didn’t lessen the sting obviously, but it confirmed her reality. 
Even more so when she saw how unbelievably happy Karasuno looked. Her eyes automatically looked for Asahi. When her eyes landed on his jersey number, her wounded heart swelled up with admiration. Under the bright gym lights, Asahi looked unbelievably happy as his arms wrapped around his teammates. He, along with his friends, were hugging the two first-years that made the incredible block against the twins’ attack. 
The scene made her smile bittersweetly. While she was sad that her team was no longer able to advance, losing the match to Karasuno didn’t feel too awful. The match was almost like a battle of wills. Everyone was fighting for a point. No one gave up, not even when the odds were against them. 
There was no way around it, Karasuno won fair and square and while this didn’t mean the end of the world for her… Today marks the end of her Spring Tournament journey… Wow. Third year brings out a different perspective more than anything.
(Y/N) reminded herself to breathe. She looked for Kita. Unsurprisingly, the captain’s observant gaze was on her already. He always had a knack in knowing what she was feeling. It has been like that since their first year. The two smiled at each as they were thinking the same thing.
They couldn’t be any prouder of their entire team.
“It’s time to line up.” Coach Kurosu instructed with Coach Ōmi following behind.
She nodded and wordlessly grabbed the white picket sign that showed her school’s name. The manager waited for her captain to step next to her. Once he did, she gave the sign in his hands. Their eyes met and (Y/N) knew he was going to be okay. 
Everyone lined up on either side of the net; their Karasuno counterpart right in front of them. (Y/N) looked ahead and she smiled when she was met with Kiyoko’s teary-eyed expression. She hoped those tears were of happiness and not of pity for her and her team. In unison, everyone bowed down and thanked each other for the game.
After standing back up, the players stepped forward to shake hands. (Y/N), along with the coaches, did the same. 
“That was a great game.” (Y/N) told her when they shook hands. “Anyone who says Karasuno’s a fallen powerhouse is kidding themselves.”
Kiyoko wiped away the tears that threatened to fall at her new friend’s words. “Thank you. You don’t know how much this means to us.”
(Y/N) let out a good-natured chuckle. “You have a great team, Kiyoko. Take care of them because the competition is going to be even fiercer.”
“I will… And (Y/N)?”
“I’m sorry-
“Don’t be.” The Inarizaki manager cuts her off. “Don’t apologize. You never know what’s going to happen. All we can do is our best and keep moving forward. Okay?”
The girls smiled at each other. To Kiyoko’s surprise, (Y/N) gave her a tight hug. It took her a second but Kiyoko managed to hug back. The loud cheers of the arena along with the announcer’s voice almost made it impossible to hear (Y/N)’s next words but she still heard them all the same: “Keep winning.”
Kiyoko pulled away first as she gave her friend a determined nod. “We will.”
(Y/N) smiled at her one last time before following her teammates. She stood next to Kita in front of the Inarizaki cheer section. She scanned the crowd to see her fellow classmates and friends. They had tears streaming down their faces but it didn’t stop them from clapping or shouting words of encouragement. 
In the corner of her eye, she saw how frustrated Atsumu looked. Anyone who had eyes can tell by the expression he wore. 
With furrowed brows and a small pout to accompany it, Atsumu muttered under his breath, “C’mon. Boo us. Losers don’t need no consolation applause.”
To his surprise, one of the older fans called him out. “Shut yer mouth, Atsumu, ya little dimwit!”
(Y/N) smirked when her underclassman was taken aback; he’s probably thinking how on earth did the man see right through him. 
“It’s scrawled all over yer face, ya idjit!” The fan yelled at him, confirming (Y/N)’s theory from before. She didn’t miss the way Osamu smirked at his brother, most likely thinking he was a idiotic moron.
While the loss did sting, the fan’s words gave her a sense of pride. Everyone rallied behind the fan’s statement. The claps became louder. They shouted each member’s names, including her own, telling them it was a great game. They even brought out the hand-made signs that had their names on it and carried them proudly over their heads. (Y/N)’s eyes swept over the crowd until she was met with Kita’s grandmother’s gaze.
She met the older woman before on multiple occasions. Kita Yumie was the ideal grandmother as she wore a gentle smile that matched her kind eyes. The fact that she showed up to their game only proved how much she cared for her grandson and his team. Not to mention she wore a hand-made sweater that said ‘Good Luck Shinsuke’.
It didn’t help when the elder woman mouthed, “I’m proud of you all.”
(Y/N) could feel her tears well up around her eyes. She blinked rapidly to gain control but there was always that one tear that ended up escaping down her cheek. Her hand quickly wiped it away before her team saw. But, as always, the Inarizaki captain was watching.
He patted her back and gave her the same gentle smile that he shared with his grandmother. The smiles were almost identical. 
Wordlessly, everyone bowed to the Inarizaki cheering section and shouted, “THANK YOU VERY MUCH!”
As Coach Kurosu and Kita delivered their post-game interviews, (Y/N) busied herself with packing everything up. Once she deemed everything was accounted for, she zipped up her bag and took one last look at the orange court. It was bittersweet to say the least. 
“Can’t forget this.” Aran came up to her, her maroon Inarizaki jacket in his hand. “Y’alright?”
(Y/N) smiled at her friend and nodded as she put on her jacket. “I should be asking you that, Aran.”
The ace shrugged. “It hasn’t sunk in yet, y’know?”
She hummed in agreement. “I keep expecting to wake up but I pinched myself enough times to know this is real.”
The two third-years walked towards the crowd of journalists where their friend/captain continued to answer questions. As they waited on the sidelines, Aran couldn’t help but steal glances at his manager. Which of course didn’t go unnoticed by her. 
“Something wrong, Aran?”
He took a moment to find the right words before he spoke, “That samurai guy… He made some great plays.”
“He did, didn’t he?” (Y/N) recalled Asahi’s top moments of the match. A smile graced her lips when she remembered the moment Asahi feinted a spike that surprised both Aran and Akagi. She can tell by the look of his face that he didn’t mean to do that, all the while Inarizaki’s ace and libero glared at him. “Even our own fans cheered him on at one point.”
“I know right? But I couldn’t blame them for cheerin’.” Aran sighed as he crossed his arms in front of his chest. He mentally winced as he recalled the time Karasuno’s #3 received his spike with his shoulder. He didn’t want to brag but he knew for a fact that his spikes were strong. No doubt Azumane is going to have a bruise that will last a few days. “He’s definitely a strong ace.”
“You guys shook hands, right? Did you tell him something?” (Y/N) asked her friend, curiosity getting the best of her. 
Aran nodded. “Yeah, I told him something.”
(Y/N) waited for him to continue but when he didn’t say anything else she stepped in front of him. “Well? What did you tell him? You didn’t say anything mean, did you? He’s sensitive and-”
Her mini interrogation was cut off when Aran laughed and said, “Relax, (Y/N). I didn’t say anything mean.”
“Then what did you tell him?” She asked again, getting slightly annoyed by Aran’s secrecy.
“Don’t worry about it. It’s a guy thing.”
Oh, you suck.” (Y/N) pouted as she punched his arm repeatedly. “And here I thought you were the one guy that I can trust unconditionally. Guess Kita is the only one.”
“Aww. Don’t be like that.” Aran swung his arm over her shoulder and brought her in for a side hug. “After all we’ve been through these last three years, you’re just gonna toss me away like that?”
(Y/N) let out a small yelp when she felt Aran’s hand ruffle her hair. “Hey! My hair! It took me all morning to make it look good.”
“Oh?” Aran gave her a teasing smile that could rival the twins’. “You never do your hair for matches. You tryin’ to impress samurai guy?”
“S-Shut up! What’s wrong with me trying to look good?” (Y/N) defended, hoping Aran didn’t see through her tough act. “Are you really not going to tell me what you told him?”
Aran laughed and shook his head. “Nope!”
“Fine. I’m sure Kita would tell me.” She said before pulling away from the ace’s embrace. She wrinkled her nose before covering it. “You stink.”
(Y/N) opened her bag and gave him a clean towel. Aran huffed but didn’t argue because he knew he didn’t exactly smell like roses. He wiped away the sweat around his face and neck when he noticed his captain coming towards them.
“Looks like Kita’s done.”
“You guys were waiting for me?” Kita asked his friends. “You didn’t have to.”
“It’s tradition.” Aran pointed out. “We always walk together off the court.”
“It’s been like this since our first-year, Kita. Remember? Why would we change it now?” She added.
Kita hummed as his heart stirred at his friends’ words. “I guess not but let’s go. The next match is going to start soon and we shouldn't get in the way.”
He walked forward, missing the way his friends shared a knowing look. Together, the Inarizaki captain, ace, and manager made their way to the rest of the team that were patiently waiting for them.
Along the way, (Y/N) took the chance to ask the same question she asked Aran and hoped he would give her the answer she was hoping for. To her dismay, Kita gave her a soft smile and said, “Aran only told your friend the obvious.”
(Y/N) sighed. “You wound me, Shinsuke. I thought you were my friend. My best friend who would tell me everything. My good friend who should have my back after everything we went through. My-”
“Give it up, (Y/N).” Aran laughed at her attempt to guilt trip Kita. “I told ya it’s a guy thing.”
“That’s the lamest excuse I’ve ever heard.” (Y/N) complained as both captain and ace smirked at her. 
The third-year trio met up with their team and together they departed to the sub-arena. As they walked down the stairs, (Y/N) could practically feel her underclassmen heavy stares on her back. It was only a matter of time before someone said something.
It’s almost comical how she was able to call stuff out before they even happened, especially when the twins asked for Kita. Judging by the guilty expressions on their faces, it wasn’t hard to figure out what they were going to say.
In unison, the twins began their apology. “Um… We’re sorry-” 
But, as usual, Kita was one step ahead of them as he interrupted their speech. “What? Gonna apologize to me so you can feel a bit better about yourselves?”
Standing next to the captain, (Y/N) shivered under her jacket at Kita’s seemingly ice cold words and she wasn’t the only one who felt the effects. The Miya twins straightened up their posture and with similar embarrassed expressions they yelled, “Wha?! N-No! Course not!”
(Y/N) grinned at the second-years’ panicked response. She’s going to miss those two when she graduates in a couple of months. 
Kita smirked to himself and waved his hand in dismissal. “I know, I know. Sorry.” His expression changed into a pensive one. “But… I think you should save the apologies for when you’ve done something wrong.”
Atsumu and Osamu’s eyes seemed to glimmer under the light, taking their captain’s words to heart.
Kita continued. “I don’t think you made a mistake by choosin’ to do that quick set right then. I thought you were gonna score too… Though I hafta say I hate the idea of tryin’ stuff in real games that we ain’t done in practice first.”
The twins grimaced as their eyes looked at the ground with great interest. They looked so guilt-ridden because they knew Kita had a point. 
“Still,” (Y/N) spoke up, causing everyone to perk up. “The fact you guys were able to copy that quick attack on your first try was amazing. I’ve never seen anything like that.”
Aran nodded. “And that last rally there… We probably just picked the wrong guys to try it against.”
“I agree.” Kita said as he recalled the match’s final moments. “When you two get all fired up and gung-ho-like… You usually leave everybody else back behind you in the dust.” He paused, recalling Karasuno’s so-called ‘freak’ duo before continuing. “But this once, the other guys were just as fired up and gung-ho-like as you two… It was amazin’ right?”
The captain couldn’t help the smile that grew on his lips and (Y/N) couldn’t help but smile as well. It was a rare sight to see her friend smile but it never failed to warm her heart. Kita began his descent down the stairs but not before saying, “It ain’t every day you get to play a game like that against a team like that. We got real lucky… Good for you.”
(Y/N) chuckled at how her underclassmen looked so shocked after hearing Kita’s touching words. They must have thought he’d be his stoic self. They don’t realize that he’s happy that his teammates found worthy opponents in Karasuno.
“Wait…” Atsumu said. “Kita-san was smiling just now, wasn’t he?”
“Yeah.” Osamu confirmed, his eyes following his upperclassman.
Riseki stepped beside Atsumu and added, “I caught him smiling bunches during the game.”
“Bunches?!/Yer kiddin’.” The twins exclaimed at the same time, not believing the first-year’s statement.
They looked at their manager, mentally asking her if it was true. Their jaws dropped when she nodded and said, “He’s not a robot, you guys. Kita can smile. Don’t act so surprised when he shows his feelings.”
Kita stopped in his tracks when he heard his manager’s words. He stood there in silence, contemplating his next words that could leave a lasting impression on his team. 
After a moment, he admitted his feelings, “Still, for some reason I’m awfully frustrated. Now, I did everything I could proper and I did it right. I can say I don’t have any regrets and mean it as the honest truth. Results like winning and losing, they’re still just side effects that happen when I’m doin what I oughta be doin’. But… It’s funny.”
The captain of the Inarizaki volleyball team turned to look at his teammates. His eyes met with each one along with his rare gentle smile that surprised the first and second-years. 
“‘Well? Isn’t my team amazing?’ I wanted to say that even more.”
(Y/N) opened her mouth to say something but she was left speechless after listening to Kita’s speech. She tried so hard to contain her tears but it was no use. Her strong facade crumbled with each tear streaming down her face. Kita’s words etched into her heart and she hoped her juniors will continue to work hard in the future. At the thought of her juniors, (Y/N) glanced up at them only to see they were tearing up as well. Suna was the only one who remained tear-free but (Y/N) knew him well enough to know he’s feeling the same way as everyone else.
As she tried to compose herself, Osamu tearfully spoke up, “Please keep saying it, senpai.”
Atsumu followed up and declared, “We’ll be the kind of teammates you can brag about to your great-grandkids.”
Kita looked up to the ceiling with a hopeful look on his face. His smile grew even more after hearing the twins’ promise.
“I look forward to it.” 
And with that, the third-year captain turned around and continued to walk down the stairs. The rest of the Inarizaki team were left spellbound, too stunned to move an inch. 
“Come on. Let’s hurry up and get changed.” Kita advised them. He looked at his friends and his eyes softened when he saw the state (Y/N) and Aran was in. “You guys okay?”
(Y/N) couldn’t help the small chuckle that escaped her lips. Automatically, her arms wrapped around him and hugged her friend tightly. It took a few seconds but she soon felt him hug back. Then she felt another pair of arms around them and it didn’t end there. In less than ten seconds, her and Kita were in the center of a massive group hug.
Inarizaki’s motto stated that they didn’t need the memories, but with this heartfelt moment she was experiencing… (Y/N) hoped her teammates would make an exception because she will definitely hold this memory close to her heart.
“You guys are the best. I wouldn’t manage any other team. Thank you for the last three years!”
It went without saying there wasn’t a single dry eye amongst the group.
~Meanwhile in the baggage storage area~
Asahi never felt so exhausted before in his entire life. This match was, without a doubt, on his list of top three most difficult matches. The adrenaline from before seemed to evaporate the moment he stepped away from the court. He was sure he looked like the dictionary’s definition of tired. Despite the exhaustion and the victory under his belt, he felt conflicted.
He hasn’t seen (Y/N) since the final line up and he wondered if she was okay. Her team came close to winning. The last rally was really a battle of wills between his team and hers. He could only imagine the sting of hurtful defeat the moment the ball fell onto their court. And with (Y/N) being a third-year, it was her last chance to be with her team in Nationals.
Now her chance is gone… Asahi couldn’t help but feel a bit responsible for that. 
Which is why his eyes keep glancing at the entrance every five minutes, hoping to see her and talk for a minute. Even after he cleaned up and dressed back into his normal clothes, there was still no sign of the girl that made him nervous yet confident all at the same time.
It didn’t help how tired he felt. He yawned for what seemed like the fourth time today, but his tired eyes kept focus on the entrance. 
“Yo Asahi! You look like the walking dead.” Suga jested, sitting down next to him. “Everything okay?”
“Just tired. My arms feel like they’re going to fall off.”
Suga laughed and repeatedly slapped his aching back. “But you were great out there! You looked so dependable.”
Asahi let out a nervous chuckle. “Thanks. I didn’t want to let the team down.”
“Oh yeah? And here I thought you were just showing off for a certain Inarizaki manager. I caught (Y/N) smiling when you made that awesome service ace.”
“You did?” He hoped Suga wasn’t pulling his leg. The thought of (Y/N) smiling because of him felt too good to be true. 
Asahi wished he could have seen that smile but with how intense each set was he could only afford the briefest of glances in her direction. Thankfully, there was a moment they shared together that felt like an eternity. 
It was during a time out and he was intensely listening to Coach Ukai’s instructions. Kiyoko just handed him his water bottle and a clean white towel to which he gratefully took. He wiped away the beads of sweat that formed on his neck and face before taking a drink. As he took in the cold refreshing drink, his eyes drifted to the other side of the net where the Inarizaki players were huddled together. And there was (Y/N), doing the same thing as Kiyoko as she handed her teammates their water. She just gave her setter his water when she looked up and met his gaze.
His heart began to beat wildly against his chest and it had nothing to do with the high caliber game that was going on. Then she gave him that smile, the same smile that made him all warm and fuzzy on the inside, along with a small wave. His face began to burn bright red and for a few seconds he forgot how to breathe. Unfortunately, during those few seconds he was drinking his water which led to him having a small choking episode. Luckily, it wasn’t too bad so when he looked up and saw (Y/N)’s worried expression, wordlessly asking him if he was okay. Touched that she was worried for him, Asahi gave her a small nod and hoped it was enough to reassure her. 
The interaction lasted about maybe 45 seconds before the referee signaled for the game to continue but those 45 seconds were committed into memory, something he will cherish for a long time. He wondered if (Y/N) thought the same… 
“Are you remembering how you choked on your water when you looked at (Y/N)?” Suga laughed. “I thought you were going to pass out! Then we would’ve been in real big trouble!”
“I-It wasn’t that bad.” Aashi protested though he could feel his cheeks beginning to warm up. Trying to hide his blush, he grabbed a towel and wiped away the nonexistent sweat from his face. “She just surprised me, is all…”
Suga grinned at him. “How is it that you two are so adorably cute yet you guys aren’t even together?”
“Sorry?” The ace apologized with a confused look on his face because honestly he didn’t know what he was apologizing for. 
“Never mind. By the way, did Inarizaki’s ace say something to you when we shook hands?”
Asahi recalled that moment with Ojiro Aran. “Yeah, he did. He didn’t say anything bad. Just wished us luck in the next round.”
It was true…ish. His Inarizaki counterpart did wish him luck as well as some advice, something he wasn’t quite ready to share with his friends just yet.
“Huh, well that’s nice of him. He looks like a cool guy. The kind you want to hang out with, you know?” Suga remarked.
Asahi nodded. His eyes took a quick glance at the entrance, hoping to see the familiar maroon-colored Inarizaki jackets. He tried not to look disappointed when he didn’t see anyone on the team.
“I just can’t believe that Aran guy!” Suga exclaimed. “He was on a roll so many times. I can’t believe he jumped for the ball not once, not twice, but THREE TIMES!”
Suga furrowed his brow at his friend’s lack of active response. He was just about to ask him what’s wrong when he took one look at his face. It didn’t take a genius to figure out what was on his mind.
“Lighten up, Asahi, I’m sure your future girlfriend will walk through those doors any minute now.”
Another wave of heat washed over him as he tried to stutter out a reply. “I-It’s been a while. I wanted to talk with her before we go back to the inn.”
Initially, Suga was going to poke fun at the fact Asahi didn’t deny the ‘future girlfriend’ part but he decided against it. 
“I’m sure she’s with her team right now, Asahi. They lost their place in the Spring Tournament so they must be torn up. After all, they were the favorites to win this whole thing.”
“Yeah, I know. That's why I want to talk with her to see if she’s okay. I mean I know she’s a third-year so this is her last year, so I can’t help but feel bad.”
“I thought you guys agreed on being cool whatever the outcome was?” Suga asked.
“Doesn’t mean I can’t feel bad for her.” Asahi countered. “I mean, I’m happy we won but… I don’t know… I wished it was different.”
Suga sighed but he understood where his sensitive friend was coming from. “I get it, Asahi, but you also need to stand proud for what you accomplished, it’s almost like a slap in the face to her and her team if you don’t. I’m sure if (Y/N)-san was here, she’ll agree with me.”
Asahi slightly grimaced but he couldn’t find any fault in Suga’s advice. After all, he did make an agreement with (Y/N) before the match started that they would stay on good terms whatever the results may be. Still, the thought of her being sad, especially when he was the cause of it, made his heart tighten in anxiety.
The ace was brought out of his thoughts when he felt Suga’s hand on his shoulder, “Just breathe. Everything will work out in the end. So quit giving yourself a panic attack.”
Following his friend’s advice, Asahi took a deep breath to calm his nerves and to get rid of the worst case scenarios in his head. It was difficult to say the least with each passing minute and there was still no sign of (Y/N) or her team. During the time he waited, he made the choice to sit on the bench closest to the entrance. 
Asahi was very much aware of the stares from the other players but he didn’t take it to heart. Instead, he kept his cool composure while his hands were balled up inside his black jacket. That’s when he felt his phone and an idea formed at once. He quickly pulled out his phone, clicked (Y/N)’s contact, but then stared at the blinking cursor.
‘What should I text her? Something short and sweet? No, it should be something meaningful. But if I do that then it will be a super long text and it might freak her out… Gah! Why is it so hard making a good text?’
“Listen up everybody!” Coach Ukai announced loudly. “We leave in a few minutes. Get your stuff and head outside.”
Focused on the task at hand, his mind wracked for the right words that would check off the metaphorical checklist of the perfect text. After a few rough drafts and deleting a few words here and there, Asahi was more or less sure, 85% sure, he wrote a good enough text. All he had to do was press the send button.
His thumb hovered over the button for a moment and at the same time his heart was beating like crazy. It’s unbelievable how nervous (Y/N) made him even when she’s not physically there next to him. He wished he could at least see her.
“Chop! Chop! Man-bun! Our ride is here!” 
Asahi shuddered under Coach Ukai’s nickname designed specifically for him. Without thinking, he hurried to pocket his phone, grabbed his bag, and joined his team. He looked over his shoulder one last time before following his team to the bus. Once he sat down, he took out his phone and opened up his messages when his heart jumped to his throat.
Message sent.
His message to (Y/N) has been delivered. 
He must have accidently sent it when he was getting his stuff together when Coach Ukai called him out. Maybe it was for the best. He wasn’t mentally ready to send the text but perhaps it was for the best. A little push from the gods to give him a little boost of confidence.
Now all he could do was wait for her reply. The anticipation of her response was suspenseful to say the least. Either way, at least he could breathe a bit more easily now that his text message was sent. He just wished he had another chance to talk with her.
(Y/N) stood right next to Suna as they all stood in line underneath their Inarizaki banner. Her attention focused on Riseki who was pointing the camera, ready to take the commemorative photo Kita had asked for. She put on her best smile and placed her hand on her hip, ready for the picture to be taken.
She felt a subtle shift in her hair and automatically her other hand went to pinch Suna’s arm as she knew how childish the middle blocker was for making bunny ears from behind. 
“Really, Suna?” She quietly chided, making sure to keep her smile on for the camera. “Bunny ears? What are you? Nine?”
“Don’t know what you’re talking about, senpai.”
“Watch yourself, Suna. I know your phone’s passcode. Don’t tempt me.” 
Suna pouted slightly before removing his hand away. He’ll just have to time it the moment the picture is taken. Easy enough.
“Ready? Say cheese!” Riseki called out.
Ding! (Y/N)’s phone alerted her that she received a text message.
Bi-Bip! Kashik! The camera took the picture without a hitch.
Multiple events happened at once the moment Riseki took the picture. What was supposed to be a normal commemorative picture that enshrined Inarizaki’s great volleyball players turned out nothing of the usual. Everyone gathered around the first-year to look at the picture, hoping it turned out alright. It didn’t take long for opinions and excuses to start flying all around.
“What the heck, Samu!” Atsumu exclaimed to his brother. “Look at the camera, wouldja!”
Osamu shrugged his shoulders and offered his excuse, “I thought I caught a whiff of curry comin’ from outside.”
“Curry? You’re imagining things!” Ginjima laughed but he wouldn’t be surprised if the ever-so-hungry Miya was right.
Suna joined in on the banter as he said, “You’re hallucinating smells now? Scary.” 
“Like you’ve got room to talk, Suna!” Aran called out the middle blocker. “You weren’t lookin’ at the camera, neither! Or you, Akagi!”
The libero offered the ace a smile. “I was thinkin’ maybe we oughta go call coach.”
Ōmimi sighed while closing his eyes at his team’s antics. He looked at Riseki, who stared wordlessly at the camera’s screen with a sweatdrop rolling down his face. “Time it better next time.”
Suna took one more look at the picture and his lips formed a smile when he saw his bunny ears hand gesture behind (Y/N)’s head. Even with the silly hand gesture unbeknownst to (Y/N), the manager looked effortlessly beautiful with her smile. He was sure if the president of the yearbook club were to see this picture, he wouldn’t hesitate to put it front and center of the dedicated pages because of their lovely manager that could charm any guy with a smile.
Speaking of their manager, Suna never heard her opinions about the picture. He looked up and his eyes searched for her. It didn’t take long to find her. She was in the same spot as she was in the photo though this time with her phone in hand. Come to think of it, he remembered her phone notifying her that she received a message.
Who could be texting her? He had a pretty good guess.
“Yo.” He called out to (Y/N) before peering over her shoulder. His eyes strained to read the screen before she quickly pressed her phone to the chest. “Is the samurai guy texting you already?”
She turned around and gave him a soft glare. “Quit sneaking up behind me, Suna.”
Suna ignored his manager’s words as he swung his arm over her shoulders. “Don’t dodge the question. I’m right, aren’t I?”
“... Maybe.” (Y/N) smiled up at her friend. “How did the picture come out? Are we taking another one?”
“Nah. I think Kita-senpai liked it. Said it looked just like us or something like that. You looked great compared to the rest of us.”
(Y/N) playfully rolled her eyes, “I would hope so. You guys need a shower. Like badly.”
“I take it back. You looked horrible.” Suna huffed in what was supposed to be annoyance but the third-year manager knew better as she saw the playful glint in his eyes. “Now I don’t feel bad for doing bunny ears behind your back.”
“You’re such a rascal. Just wait, I’ll get even with you.” (Y/N) informed him with a mischievous glint in her (E/C) eyes.  
“I like to see you try.” Suna remarked as he removed his arm away from her. 
Ever the observer, he looked for any signs of sadness that (Y/N) may be hiding. Today’s loss was a harsh reality for the entire team’s expectations to make it far into this competition. He’ll never admit it to anyone but he did try his hardest to help his team win. He wanted to keep playing more matches with the third-years… 
“You okay?” He asked her after sharing a moment of silence. “You can tell me the truth. I won’t tell anyone.”
(Y/N) couldn’t help but let out a light chuckle, leaning her head back to look at the gym lights. She replayed all the best moments from the match with a fond smile across her lips. There were no regrets at all as she answered, “Honestly and strangely, I feel fine. I know you guys played your best against them so that’s all I could ask for. If anything, I’m grateful for Karasuno because I know for a fact this loss will only push everyone, including you, to become better. ”
Suna frowned at the idea of the extra drills and long practices that will no doubt be inevitable. But before the tiring thought could take over his entire mind, the sudden urge to win against Karasuno grew tenfold. By this time next year, Inarizaki will come out victorious.
“I haven’t lost you, have I, Suna?” (Y/N) asked in a teasing tone. “How on earth are you going to manage your third-year?”
“Don’t ask.” Suna groaned. “You’ve been with us since day one. It’s going to be weird without you and the rest of the third-years around. We’ll miss you.”
(Y/N) bit her lip in order to contain the laugh that threatened to slip out. “I’m not dying, Suna. I can’t stay in high school forever.”
“Not forever. Just stay another year with us.” Suna clarified.
“Tempting offer but this girl would like to step out into the real world. Besides, don’t pretend you aren’t going to send me daily texts. I’m counting on your videos to cheer me up.” (Y/N) smiled one more time at Suna before patting his back. “Now, come on. Let’s get going. We wouldn’t want to keep everyone waiting.”
“Oh? What’s the rush? Eager to see samurai-guy again?”
She could feel herself getting warm from Suna’s line of questions. Though it didn’t stop her from saying, “His name is Azumane Asahi.”
Suna exhaled but still smiled nonetheless. “If he cares for you, the same way you care for him then I guess I’ll remember his name.”
(Y/N) smiled at Suna and nodded. As the middle blocker made his way to follow the rest of the team, the manager slowly trailed after him. She took out her phone and reread the text Asahi sent her.
Hey (Y/N)-san. I don’t know if you want to hear from me or not but I hope you do. I wanted to talk with you face-to-face but I’m about to leave. I was waiting for you but I guess you were busy? I mean, I understand if you were. So if you’re free and if there’s any chance we could talk in person somehow, could you text me back? I want to explain myself to you (if that makes sense). Please… Thanks.
Even with words on a phone screen, (Y/N) can feel how anxious Asahi must have been when writing this message. It was almost adorable in a way. Then again, the fact that he said he waited for her really had her heart skip a beat.
She quickly typed her response:
Hi Asahi! I’m sorry we couldn’t meet up after the match. We were taking a picture and it took longer than expected lol. I’m sorry you waited for me. I wanted to talk with you too. Congrats on winning! It was a great game! If it’s okay with you, do you want to meet up tonight? Our coach is taking us out to eat so I’ll text you when we’re back at the hotel. 
It didn’t take long for another message to show up and she felt herself smile like a fool in love when she opened and read Asahi’s text.
If it’s no trouble then yeah let’s meet up. Enjoy your meal and see you soon.
(Y/N) smiled to herself once more as she held her phone close to her heart. She couldn’t wait to see him again. 
~Hours Later~
(Y/N) sighed for what seemed like the hundredth time today but the amused smile never left her lips as she watched the twins continue to bicker. The other third-years sitting next to her also watched in amusement while adding their own comments.
“I’m gonna miss this.” (Y/N) confessed when she took a sip of her drink. “You can always count on the twins for entertainment.”
“Right? It’s going to be weird without hearing their arguments.” Aran laughed.
“Or separating their fights once every two weeks.” Akagi added.
“They’ll be fine.” Kita spoke up from the center of the table. “They all will.”
And strangely enough, no one doubted the captain’s words. (Y/N) had no doubt in her mind that by this time next year, their juniors will make it to Nationals once again and when that time comes, she’ll be there. 
“Hey (Y/N)-senpai? You’re still treating me to dessert, right?” Osamu asked from across the table. Sticky pieces of rice danced around his mouth but still had that hungry look in his eyes. 
“HUH?! If he gets dessert, then I should too!” Atsumu proclaimed.
Yeah. She’ll definitely be there for them. 
After leaving the restaurant with stomachs filled with ramen, curry, onigiri, and other delicious meals, the Inarizaki manager took her phone out and texted Asahi that she was on her way back to the hotel. With each passing minute, (Y/N) could feel herself become excited yet nervous at the same time. It wasn’t long until the familiar building of her hotel was right in front of her.
On the walk back to the hotel, she was laughing along with the rest of the third-years when she heard her name being called from outside the group. 
“Asahi!” (Y/N) greeted him with a wave. It was almost natural to have a smile on her lips; the crush she had on Karasuno’s ace was so obvious. She can practically feel her face burn with all the warm fuzzy feelings against January’s chilly air. 
“H-Hey (Y/N)!” He waved at her before giving the crowd of boys a nod of acknowledgement. His mind racked for the right words to say to them, but having ten or so guys staring (were they glaring at him?) made it almost impossible. Still, Asahi found the ability to speak and without stuttering he said, “Hey guys. Er, nice to see you again.”
While the first-years were too scared to reply and the second-years tried to maintain their silent dominance, it was Aran and Kita that finally broke the tension.
“Nice to see you too. Azumane, right?” Kita asked, giving the ace a warm smile. “You played a great game.”
“Oh, thanks! You guys did too.” Asahi returned the compliment, meaning every word. 
“Your receives were impressive, Azumane-san.” Aran followed up. “How’s your shoulder? Hope I didn’t hurt you too badly.”
Funny how at the mention of his shoulder, Asahi felt it throb in pain. Still, he made himself smile and lied, “It’s nothing I can’t handle. I’ll be fine by tomorrow.”
“That’s good to hear.” Aran laughed in good nature. “Karasuno is definitely a team to watch out for. Hope you’re ready for tomorrow.”
There were a couple of scoffs and a few mumbles but Asahi was sure he heard someone say, “Day three is always hell.” But before he could ask, (Y/N) clapped her hands together and stood in front of him. 
“Guys, let’s not make Asahi nervous. He doesn’t need the extra stress.” She told her friends, making sure to give the second-years a pointed look just as Atsumu opened his mouth to say something. “Why don’t you all head inside? I’ll catch up with you guys later.”
Kita nodded. “Alright, don’t stay out too long. You’ll catch a cold.”
“I’ll make sure she stays warm.” Asahi was quick to say, not realizing the slight innuendo his words sounded until it was too late. “I-I mean-”
Atsumu stepped forward with Osamu right behind him. “Oh, now we’re definitely staying.” 
“No you are not.” 
The Inarizaki setter flinched under Kita’s ice cold words that felt like a punch to the gut. 
“B-But (Y/N)-senpai-”
“Let’s go, you two.” Aran placed his hands on each of the twin’s shoulders before forcing them to the hotel’s entrance. “I’m sure your company isn’t needed.”
“What are you talking about? I make great company.” Atsumu argued.
Osamu scoffed. “Not really.”
“Shut yer trap, ‘Samu!”
Kita sighed before facing (Y/N) and Asahi. “Sorry about them. They mean well. Go ahead and have your conversation.”
“Thanks, Shin.” (Y/N) told him as she hugged her friend. “You’re the best.”
“No problem.” 
With one final wave, the Inarizaki captain followed the rest of his team. He helped Aran push the resistant twins into the hotel, but not before Osamu yelled, “No funny business!” 
“Yeah! What ‘Samu said!” Atsumu called out from over Aran’s shoulders. “(Y/N)-senpai is our manager. Don’t hurt her!”
“QUIT TALKIN’ AND GET INSIDE, YA STUPID TWINS!” Aran yelled as he gave one last push to make the Miya brothers enter the hotel.
(Y/N) sighed before facing her crush. It wasn’t until now she realized how warm she felt until a cold breeze flew by. It was funny how a crush can emit such feelings. She wouldn’t deny she never had a crush before. Perhaps there were fleetings moments of admiration and adoration to some guys at school and an embarrassing fangirl crush on famous celebrities.
But never before have the butterflies in her stomach felt so impactful. Asahi has unknowingly made his way to her heart and caused the warm feeling of love to bloom.
Which is why she couldn’t help but smile up at Asahi. He looked taller up close. Broader too. His hair wasn’t in its usual style, instead it was in a low man bun with a few strands framing his face very well. His eyes remained kind and warm and she could feel herself fall deeper in love with him. 
“So,” (Y/N) began, her hand instinctively tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear. “Your text said you wanted to talk? 
“Y-Yeah.” Asahi confirmed nervously. “I hope I wasn’t interrupting anything with your team. You guys look close.” 
She smiled at how anxious Asahi was behaving and a small part of her hoped it was because of her. “I could say the same thing about your team, but don’t worry about them. We spent the entire evening together so they should be fine without me for a while.”
“Are you sure?” Asahi asked, the worry in his voice was evident and (Y/N) knew she had to do something to help him calm down. “I-If y-you rather be with t-them-”
Without a second thought, (Y/N) took his hand and held it reassuringly, “I want to be with you.”
Her heart swelled when she saw how Asahi’s eyes seemed to light up as he asked, “Really?”
“Really.” She confirmed, her voice firm yet gentle that washed away all doubt in Asahi’s mind. “Now, come on. Let’s sit down and have a friendly chat.”
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Never before has Asahi felt his heart beating so fast against his chest than it was at this very moment. He was feeling hot and cold at the same time. His stomach was in multiple knots with those metaphorical butterflies dancing between his ribcage. Was it weird for his mind to go a million miles a minute yet he couldn’t figure out what to say to the most beautiful girl he’d ever laid eyes on? 
(Y/N) looked like an angel sitting under the strings of outdoor lights. Even while wearing casual winter clothes with her maroon Inarizaki jacket and a red scarf, Asahi thought she looked ethereal. Her (H/C) hair looked so elegant, almost magical in a sense when he noticed tiny snowflakes decorating her head, like shimmering diamonds. Then there was that smile of hers. A smile that made him feel like he could do anything in the world. He wished he could see that smile of hers for the rest of his life.
“So, what did you want to talk about, Asahi?” (Y/N) asked, her eyes were bright and inquisitive. “Your text said you wanted to explain yourself?”
“Y-Yeah, I did.” He admitted, his hand rubbing the back of neck. He took a deep breath to calm down before facing his crush. “I-I wanted t-to apologize.”
(Y/N) furrowed her brow upon hearing this. “What? Asahi, what are you- H-Hey!”
He was bowing his head and before she could ask further questions, Asahi spoke, “I-I’m sorry that w-we ruined your chance to advance. Y-You guys were the favorites to win this whole thing! A-And it’s y-your last year too! I’m sorry we took your chance away. Please forgive me!”
Asahi didn’t dare raise his head after spilling everything he felt ever since the match ended. He could feel his ears beginning to burn against the cold air. The silence was unnerving and it didn’t help when his mind was overtaken by anxiety.
‘Why would (Y/N) ever forgive me?’ He frustratedly asked himself. ‘She probably hates me. No. I’m sure she hates me and probably everyone on my team.’
‘(Y/N) is not like that. She’s kind, considerate…’ The tiny voice of hope spoke up. ‘She doesn’t hate you. You’re friends-’
But the dark voice of anxiety and doubt took over. ‘For now. (Y/N) probably only agreed to talk to you so she can say it’s over. She doesn’t want anything to do with you. Why would she be friends with the person who stole her and her team’s chance to win?!’
“Asahi.” (Y/N)’s voice sounded so soft and full of care. It may sound crazy but just hearing his name in her voice made Asahi feel the warmest he has ever felt. “Please look at me.”
He didn’t want to but something in her voice reassured him, similar to a ray of sunlight after a hurricane. Slowly, Asahi looked up and his eyes immediately found comfort in (Y/N)’s eyes. His heart skipped a beat when he saw (Y/N) was smiling up at him, not an ounce of hate anywhere.
“I thought we agreed that whatever the outcome of the match, we’ll be okay?” (Y/N) asked before taking hold of his hand, the very hand she shook when they made the agreement. “We shook on it, remember?”
Asahi felt himself flush under her words but he still found the courage to speak as he said, “I-I just thought… You would, I-I don’t know…hate me after what happened today.”
“I would never! Today’s match was the result of everyone’s hard work. Everyone played amazing. You guys won fair and square. If there’s anything I should feel, I think being grateful comes to mind. In fact, I feel like I should thank you.”
“Thank me?” Surely, he must have heard her wrong.
But (Y/N) flashed him a bright grin and nodded, “You and your teammates gave motivation to my team the next time they get to Nationals. I’m not sure if you realized this, Asahi, but you guys represent Nationals to a lot of people now.”
“Are you sure? I feel bad. I want to do something, anything, to make you feel better.”
Out of everything that came to mind, Asahi wasn’t expecting to be punched in the shoulder by the girl he has a major crush on. It was just like yesterday, (Y/N)’s punch wasn’t as forceful as Suga’s nor was it delicate and yet it was enough to send shivers and goosebumps all throughout his body. Then when her eyes met his, Asahi swore his breath was taken away with how close she was to him.
“First, you can stop feeling bad. I’m okay, really.” Her hand lifted again and Asahi mentally prepared himself to be punched again only to have her hand on his shoulder. (Y/N) offered a gentle smile before continuing on. “And second, if you really want to make me feel better then take the win. Take it and do the same thing tomorrow. Play each set and win some more. I promise if you do that, I’ll be more than okay because I’ll be rooting for you.”
Just hearing her words of encouragement was enough to make his head spin. All the self-doubt threatening to take over his mind washed away. How does she do that? Say these words so easily that brought him back from the edge? Words that held such meaning that easily helped him calm down and breathe.
“Asahi? You okay?” 
“Ah! Yeah! Sorry! It’s just…” Asahi looked at his feet, his hand scratching his cheek. “You just surprised me is all…”
(Y/N) was taken aback before smiling, “I hope that’s a good thing. But I meant what I said, Asahi. Though if you’re still worried about me being sad and you were serious about making me feel better then maybe… You could do me a favor?”
Asahi jumped at the chance and nodded furiously. “Anything!”
It was hard to hide the laugh that threatened to escape but (Y/N) can’t help how adorable Asahi was behaving. He’s a teddy bear. Ugh! She just wanted to hug this gentle giant!
“Win the next match for us.” 
He opened his mouth to say something, anything really, but his mind was still reeling of how sincere (Y/N) was with him at this moment. His eyes never left hers, searching for any hint of sadness or bitterness. Instead, he felt himself getting lost the longer he gazed into those beautiful, kind eyes. 
After what felt like a lifetime, Asahi found his voice and for the first time his voice did not waver, “We will.”
(Y/N) smiled before nudging her shoulder against his. “That’s the spirit! Plus look on the bright side, Karasuno is getting popular. I’m sure after today you guys earned some fans cheering you on. You’re definitely going to have fans cheering you on.”
Asahi let out a nervous chuckle. “I guess so. I just hope I don’t disappoint them tomorrow.”
“Hey!” A series of soft pats made their mark on his shoulder and Asahi could feel himself flush under her touch. “Think positive! Remember you’re not alone. You have your friends and the rest of your team that you can rely on.”
There was a moment of hesitation. He can see it in her eyes though it was gone because (Y/N) smiled at him and said words he won’t be forgetting anytime soon, “And if it helps, you have me too.”
She didn’t physically hug him but she might as well have with her words that filled Asahi’s whole being with warmth. 
“It does. Thanks, (Y/N). You-” Asahi stopped himself when he realized he was about to say something embarrassing. Instead he said what he always thought since yesterday, “You’re amazing.”
This time it was her turn to flush under his gaze. His warm brown eyes had her melting in her seat. Out of habit, (Y/N) let out a nervous laugh before playing with a strand of her hair, “I’m not as cool as you, Asahi, but thank you for saying that.”
The two high schoolers sat in comfortable silence underneath the twinkling lights and while neither one of them said a word they found themselves gazing at the dark sky full of stars. Maybe there was a stolen glance or two but no one said anything. 
“Hey, Asahi?”
“This is going to sound a bit weird but… What’s your star sign?”
Asahi furrowed his brow but he answered nonetheless. “I’m a Capricorn.”
For some reason, a childhood memory played in his mind and the thought of it made him smile. It was a bit silly thinking about it but it was a precious memory all the same. 
“You know, when I was a little kid I used to spend all my time looking for the Capricorn constellation.”
“Oh? Any reason why?” (Y/N) asked with genuine curiosity.
Asahi looked up at the sky full of stars. It was a shame they were in Tokyo as the bright city’s lights made the stars look faint, almost dim.
“Well, I thought that if I could find my constellation in the sky and make a wish it would come true.” The ace felt his neck grow hot when he confessed the next detail. “But whenever I couldn’t find it, I would go crying to my grandma.”
“Aww, Asahi.” (Y/N) cooed though there was a faint glint of amusement in her eyes. Her imagination took over as she thought of how cute Asahi must have been as a kid. He must have been the sweetest little kid with the biggest heart. “That’s adorable. Do you still look for your sign or did you grow out of it?”
“Will you think it's embarrassing if I admit I still do?” Asahi asked.
“Course not. I think it’s sweet to carry on your childhood tradition. I hope you made a lot of wishes.” (Y/N) looked back at the sky and sighed. “I wish I could see my star sign right now. I don’t even know what mine looks like.”
(Y/N) rubbed her hands together, trying to bring back some warmth. “You can’t really see the stars well back in Hyōgo.” 
Asahi rubbed his neck. “Well, if you want… I could show you.”
Surprised, (Y/N) looked at him before asking, “You would do that for me? You know you don’t have to, right?”
“I want to. You did a lot to help me. Besides, after looking at the stars for so long I’m sure I can find your star sign.” He looked at the sky and his heart physically deflated when he saw how faint the stars looked above the Tokyo city’s lights. “Though I won’t have any luck seeing any constellations tonight. I’m sorry.”
(Y/N) giggled before nudging her shoulder with his. “You really like apologizing, don’t you Asahi? It’s not like you could control the weather or light pollution. But it’s nice of you to offer. Maybe one day I can visit Miyagi and see what the stars are like from your perspective.”
Asahi felt his heart skipping a beat at the sound of her laughter and the smile in her eyes. While he only met her literally yesterday, he felt comfortable enough to relax around her, even if his heart was going a hundred miles an hour and his skin felt like lava.
He didn’t know where he found this extra boost of confidence to say, “I could show you around if you want. Miyagi has a lot of hidden gems that only locals know about. We can hang out i-if you want to.”
“I’d like that. Can’t wait for the tour.” (Y/N) said as she clapped her hands together in glee. “Maybe one day, you could visit Hyōgo and I could show you around too!”
“If it’s not a bother to you then yeah, I could pay a visit.”
“Great!” (Y/N) exclaimed. “Hyōgo has a lot of tourist attractions we can visit. I’ll show you all my favorite spots! Oh, like the Kobe Port Tower! It’s 108 meters high and it's designed to look like a traditional Japanese drum. It has an observation deck where you can see for miles! It even has a revolving cafe! Or if you don’t like heights, there's the Himeji Castle. It’s a very popular tourist spot because of its architecture-” 
It was only then she realized how much she was rambling. She glanced at Asahi only to find him already staring at her with those warm brown eyes, as if she did something amazing. Embarrassed, (Y/N) tried to hide herself behind her red scarf.
“Sorry.” What was she apologizing for? (Y/N) didn’t know. Maybe Asahi’s habit of excessive apologizing was starting to rub off on her. “I got excited for a second. I ramble whenever it’s a topic I’m passionate about. I know architecture is a bit boring to some people but I think it’s so cool to see the different kinds of designs buildings can have and- Oh. Sorry I’m rambling again.”
“I don’t mind.” Asahi told her along with a soft smile. “I think it’s cute.” 
(Y/N)’s eyes widened when she heard her crush calling her cute. Did he realize what he just said? Or did she imagine it? So she had to ask, “Did you just say cute?”
The look on Asahi’s face quickly morphed into one of panic as he tried to jumble out a reply with an obvious blush painting his face, “I- Uh? No? I mean, I did. B-But I-I meant you’re rambling. N-Not you specifically. W-Wait! I think you’re cute too! P-Pretty even!”
(Y/N) couldn’t hold back her laughter at how panicked Karasuno’s ace was currently behaving. So strong on the court and yet he was practically shaking like a fall leaf. 
“Asahi, it’s okay. Breathe.” She placed her hand on his shoulder, hoping it offered comfort. “It’s just me.”
“I-I know.” He took a deep breath before facing her. “But I meant what I said. A-About you.”
There goes her heart again, beating like crazy against her chest. “Thanks Asahi… I… I think you’re pretty cute too. And you’re an amazing player.” She sighed longingly. “I just wish I can see you guys play again.”
“Wait,” Asahi furrowed his brow, concerned . “You aren’t coming to the match tomorrow?”
“I…I don’t know. I heard the coaches talk about it during dinner. Apparently, the principal called. He expected us to place further along in the tournament and since we didn’t… Well, there’s a chance we might go back to Hyōgo tomorrow morning.”
“Oh.” He couldn’t hide the bitter disappointment in his voice. Now more than ever, he didn’t want this night to end. It might sound a bit silly but he wanted to keep seeing (Y/N). Today’s victory dimmed in comparison now that he learned this might be the last time he’ll see (Y/N) in a long time. “Sorry again.”
“Hey, come on, Asahi.” (Y/N) got up from her spot and stood in front of him. “You don’t have to keep apologizing. There’s nothing to forgive.”
“Are you sure?” His eyes pleaded for the truth. 
(Y/N)’s light chuckle pulled his heartstrings and the vibrations sent warmth from his chest all the way to his fingertips. He can feel himself falling in love with her all over again when she surprised his soul out of his body the moment her hands touched his. She pulled him towards her and he was so anxious he almost tripped over his own feet as he stood in front of her. 
Then Asahi felt it. Her arms wrapped around his torso bringing him close. It was a hug that sent a huge swarm of butterflies in his stomach. She was so close, closer than he has ever been to her. Wait… That’s not exactly true. Yesterday, when he saved (Y/N) from getting hurt, he was able to pull her aside just in time. (Y/N) stood right next to him with his arm around her. It was the first time he ever did something that brave and he remembered every second of it in that short moment.
But that moment of (Y/N) being next to him so close only lasted a minute. Asahi thought nothing could top the moment he met the girl that made his heart race. 
Boy, was he wrong. Maybe his so-called bad fortune from his new year shrine visit was wrong. Or maybe the gods thought it was time to cut him a break. Perhaps he did something in his past life that granted him this moment right now. Whatever it was, he didn’t want this moment to end.
(Y/N) had her ear pressed into Asahi’s firm chest as she continued to hug him. She could hear how fast his heart was beating and she smiled to herself because of it. It was cute that she had this kind of effect on her crush. 
“(Y/N)?” His deep voice reached her ears and while she couldn’t see him she could imagine the nervous expression on his face. “Is this okay? You hugging me? I mean, w-we only met yesterday…”
“Are you uncomfortable with me hugging you, Asahi?” 
“No!” He was quick to reply. “I just meant… You don’t have to hug me.”
“You’re my friend and this is my way of showing you that there’s really nothing to forgive. You don’t have to apologize anymore.” She pulled away and smiled brightly up at him. “Deal?”
“Uhh… Warm?”
(Y/N) raised an eyebrow at him. “What?”
Asahi let out a nervous chuckle. “I-I don’t know. You’re warm so I said what was off the top of my head.”
The two high schoolers stared at each other before they laughed together. They were still in each other’s arms but they made no movement to separate. If anyone were to walk by and saw them together, no one would have any doubts about how genuine young love can be.
Which is why they were surprised to hear a familiar voice that broke the calm, soothing atmosphere around them. 
“Oh? Asahi-senpai! I didn’t know you had a girlfriend!” 
(Y/N) pulled away but she didn’t stray too far as she stood her ground by Asahi’s side. Her eyes met with the innocent yet excited eyes of Karasuno’s #10, Hinata Shoyo and not far from him was the other half of the terrifying duo, Kageyama Tobio. Well, at least no else was here- Oh. Wait. Was that Tsukishima on a bicycle? 
“Hinata!” Asahi shouted before turning back to (Y/N). “Sorry about him. He doesn’t know what he’s talking about.”
The manager smiled and reassured him that it was okay. She then turned to face Karasuno’s first years and introduced herself. They did the same and Asahi was just about to sigh in relief when-
“So are you Asahi-senpai’s girlfriend?” This time it was Kageyama who asked.
(Y/N) felt her neck warm up and it wasn’t because of her scarf. Out of habit, she tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear before answering, “No, I’m not. I’m just a friend.”
Hinata and Kageyama looked satisfied with the answer. However, Tsukishima looked unconvinced. His calculated eyes looked at his upperclassman as if asking for the truth. Asahi tried to convey the silent message to leave them alone to the middle blocker, hoping they could leave them alone. Preferably before the duo could ask any more embarrassing questions.
“Hey, Asahi-san, why are you holding hands-”
“Come on, you two,” Tsukishima, Asahi’s savior right now, grabbed their collars. He bowed before his upperclassmen before dragging his teammates. “We finished your nightly jog. It’s time to get back.”
“Ack! You’re choking me!” Hinata cried.
“You don’t have to push! Besides, Asahi has to come too!” Kageyama argued, clearly frustrated at how he was being manhandled by the snarky middle blocker.
“No. Asahi’s right where he has to be.” Tsukishima stated. “You idiot.”
(Y/N) watched in amusement as the trio of first years entered their little inn. “They sure are interesting.”
“Sorry about that. They can be a bit much.”
“Oh, that’s okay. The Miya twins are like that too. But I think… I should let you get back. It’s getting late and you need your sleep. Tomorrow’s a big day for you.”
“Right. Tomorrow…” Asahi wished there were more than 24 hours in the day. “So I guess this is it?”
Her hand was still interlocked with his but did not make the effort to leave. She still wanted to spend time with him. Instead, she said, “So, um, good luck tomorrow. I might not be there in person but I’ll be cheering for you.”
“Thanks. That means a lot.”
“You got this Asahi.” She gave him one last hug. “I know you do.”
The ace hugged her back one last time before he awkwardly pulled away. (Y/N) cleared her throat before smiling.
“Keep in touch?” She asked.
Asahi nodded. “Of course. I’ll call you before and after the match.”
“Okay… You know, Asahi, I’m glad we’ve met each other. You’re not like any guy I’ve ever met.”
“That’s a good thing, right?”
(Y/N) laughed but nodded. “Yes. I’m glad we've become friends. I would have hated for you to be someone I used to know.”
“Me too… So I guess, this is goodbye?” Asahi couldn’t hide the sadness in his voice. His eyes landed where their hands were still connected. 
“Mmm, it’s more like see you later. We’ll see each other again.”
It was a silent promise under the endless night sky where the moon and stars were the only witnesses to see how enchanted Karasuno’s ace and Inarizaki’s manager were with each other. 
~ Meanwhile inside Inarizaki’s hotel room~
“Say Aran-kun.”
“What’s up, Osamu?”
“I wasn’t going to ask but (Y/N) brought it to my attention so I’m curious. What did you tell Azumane when you shook hands?”
“Oh that?” Inarizaki’s ace smiled to himself as he recalled that specific moment. “I just gave him friendly advice.”
“Which was?”
“Please don’t hurt my friend.”
Next: Chapter 5
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heartpiratedrabbles · 8 months
Insecurities Part 4
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Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 ~
Buggy X Fem Reader
You were starting to calm down the closer you got to Gin’s house. You’d somehow made it home before sundown and were quite happy at the idea of taking over the later show for the night. As you walk in there is very clearly one thing that strikes you, “Benji what did you do to your hair!” It was a mess, he was already reckless with his hair, sometimes teasing it to go every which way. But right now, it was frizzy and very clearly haphazardly cut. One side was the length it was when you had left and then it abruptly got short, jaggedly getting longer around his head.
        “Oops, thought you wouldn’t notice so quickly,” Benji beamed smiling up at you and even Azure snorted at the absurd thought, “I got in a lil trouble but it’s fine!” He reassured while spinning to show no other ailments besides the renegade hair.
        You sigh going to Gin’s storage closest and grabbing a box with some stylist scissors, “Well I can’t have you going around like that, sit down.” You scold both of them over being reckless as you cut his hair into something much more manageable for the more reckless of the two boys.
        You swipe some stray hair’s off Benji’s shoulder before asking them if they’d like to go home for the night. Gin wasn’t home yet but you’re sure he wouldn’t be worried knowing you were coming home today.
        “Mistress Zazel! I’m glad to see you made if back safely, although a little earlier than planned,” You wave your hand as acknowledgement towards your bookkeeper Mertle but motion your head towards the boys in your arms. Despite them being 5 and rather large, you were still able to carry them with ease, one over each shoulder as they had started to fall asleep on the walk over, one after the other asking to be picked up before passing out. It was a little strange that they were asleep this early, they were used to staying up for the shows, but you assumed it was just a nap from the excitement of the day.
        He bows his head before getting closer to talk to you, “It does seem like the boys have angered another person, He was asking about one of them today, although that was about an hour ago. So, I’m not sure if he’s still around” He whispered, opening doors to the sleeping quarters for you.
        “Thank you for the warning, I’ll take care of it, also let the crew know I’ll be leading the show tonight” You whisper before heading to your apartmentlike quarters. You tuck both your boys into bed before heading out to look for the angry customer, most of the time people would calm down enough when you appeared in front of them to forget their transgressions, others demanding compensations, and depending on the situation sometimes a fight. You were happy to oblige most anyone’s concern, and were always thrilled for a fight, staying on land for so long had made you miss the sea and the battles that came with it.
        You go towards the rehearsal tents, it’s where most people sent the angry customers to wait for you, looking for a disgruntled person. But after a while you couldn’t find anything and went to go prepare for the show. Nothing could take your mind off of stress more than preforming, it’s when you felt the freest. The lights, the costumes, the applause of it all.
Your boys were allowed to come with you every now and then, but only for special occasions. Most of the time it was the side acts and smaller shows that you allowed them to take part in. You’re sure this little sleep would only be a quick nap and hoped they’d wake up by the end of the show to meet you rather than go off causing mischief.
        Buggy gave up looking for the boys after it was clear that every child he saw, was not imitating his look or making fun of his nose. He pulled his cloaks hood up and decided to buy a ticket for the main event. It had been a while since he’d seen another circus act, maybe he could scope out talent for his own crew. And this Zazel had become a bit of a hot commodity at the beginning of the Grand Line, most people called her show a celebration of making it safely into dangerous waters, and He was curious as to what so many people had been saying about it.
        Sitting down in the middle of the crowd, where he thought he’d get the best view he looked around. It was certainly a stationary set-up; the building may give the look and feel of a tent but Buggy could see how the wooden supports and walls were hidden by fabric draping about. He looked up and towards the walls where there was walk ways high above everyone, lights and fixtures attached every couple of feet. He’d give it to them, the set up was truly ideal, it didn’t seem like there was a single bad seat in the house.
Before he could look around more the lights dimmed and a spotlight turned on in the center of the arena. Music had amped up the great reveal for there to be nothing, a missed cue. Amateur. The music took a dip and the spot light turned off before they began again, still nothing. Then, without a beat the music amped up, the spotlight flashing a bit before a woman falls from the ceiling in an aerial silk, barely missing the ground by inches. The wide smile evident on her face as she swon high in the air, jumping out without any supports much higher than any sane person would do. And yet Buggy was amazed to see her somehow fall gracefully and landing with barely any disruption to the sand on the ground.
Buggy’s breath hitches as she stands up and takes a few bows towards the crowds while applause and cheers go wild, “I am Mistress Zazel” the women stands straight up, both hands going into the air as lights go wild and other acts swing in view, or move around. So many small details grouping of people that no one could watch them all. And despite that, Buggy’s eyes were fixed on the woman, they were fixed on you, how you shined so brightly. “And this is my Dazzling Circus!”
The juggling of knives, fire eating, and trapeze had dazzled people enough that they forgot of the world outside as the show continued. The entire time Buggy focused on you, on your ringmaster costume with a top hat that had to have been clipped into your hair. He watched as you moved in your own dance on stage, around the people, hyping everyone up before getting into your own routine. The shoe’s you worn looking dangerously high yet fits your perfectly.
Soon enough the show was over and Buggy had realized he hadn’t seen anything else but you, but just as how you appeared on stage in a blink of an eye, you disappeared. He was one of the first people to stand up to leave, rushing to try and find you.
The crowds around making it hard to move he was getting angry. He breathed in, I know where she is. She can’t just leave, it’s alright if I don’t find her right away, he rationalized while slowing down. There’d be plenty of time to get to you. Just as he was calming his anger down, he felt a slight jostle of his pocket and looked down.
        Azure and Benji had woken up just in time for the crowds to leave the main tent. They both decided to see who get the most on their way to their mom’s private tent and went in similar directions, targeting different people.
        The crowds had gotten thick which was perfect for them and Azure decided that the tall man in a fur coat would be the perfect target, after all anyone hiding their identity had secrets and treasures to hide. He snickered at the thought of finding a big score.
        But just as he passed by the man, delicately grabbing the first thing in the man’s pocket, he felt a hand grab his collar. He was lifted into the air, legs kicking underneath him and he realized there was no arm attached to the hand holding him up. “There you are, you brat,” An angry voice came out before Azure looked up, making direct eye contact with the man they had stolen from just hours before.
        He gulped, letting out a small whine for help as the disembodied hand shook the boy slightly, “Who do you think you are stealing from me twice?” Azure was the shy, timid one of the two twins and had only stayed silent in fear at the danger he sees in front of him. And despite all that he was also amazed at how similar his face was, the pictures on the bounty poster he had gotten glances off didn’t truly show off the clown’s true features.
        “And what’s with that ridiculous nose?! Are you making fun of me?” Some of the acts and tent merchants had started to make their way to the commotion.
        Azure finally snapped out of his state at the last comment, “My nose isn’t weird! Mom says it’s beautiful!” He cried out trying to punch and kick the man in front of him, tears brimming his eyes.
        Before Buggy could say or do anything more someone grabbed Azure and pried his shirt loose from Buggy’s grasp while another person had gripped the clowns’ shoulders. Azure turned to grab onto Antonette, a sword swallower, burying his face into her shoulder. “I’m sorry sir, but if you’d like to make a complaint, we’ll have to direct you to our main office,” The strongman act, Hubert, says while gripping Buggy’s shoulder with brute force.
        Buggy was angry, but he didn’t like the subtle circle of people surrounding him, and the boy had been whisked away in a blink of an eye. Benji following behind his brother to make sure he was alright. Angrily Buggy replies, “Well take me to whoever’s in charge then!” It seems like the boy was a part of this circus, he could at least bargain to try and get his belongs back, maybe even fight a person or two. The thought of you being in charge had completely left his mind at how angry the kid had made him.
        “Mistress Zazel.” An exasperated voice came through the tent that made you sigh, you had just gotten changed into a less revealing costume and called for the person to continue, knowing it had something to do with your boys “A uh. An angry customer grabbed Azure; we have him in Holding Tent 7 for you.”
        Your blood boiled at the news, swinging the fabric open, coming face to face with Mertle who seemed to have known you’d be pissed, “And why did this dearest customer dare to grab my boy?”
        “He seems to be the man from before. Claims that they stole from him twice today.” You let out a breath. “Antonette has both boys in her tent for now, neither of them seems to be injured in the slightest,” He adds in the report to try and make you calm down. You start walking with Mertle towards the Holding Tents. They were called tents, but they were much more akin too private rooms that locked. You had decorated them to look like small training areas for your own amusement but it had come in handy with calming some people down in the past, or of course taking care of said patrons. Mertle had been one of your first business partners and he took his job to heart, everyone in this circus did, and most people who had been here since the beginning looked after your boys as if they were their own. But you couldn’t help but feel that Mertle was holding onto some information, regardless you were about to teach another patron a lesson.
        As you passed by a couple of your main acts there were whispers about having to get ready for a body clean up. You were approaching the tent quickly and could see two people guarding the entrance, you usher them to open up and your let in, the door quickly closing behind you.
        The man in question had his arms crossed and was huffing in anger, back turned towards you. You take a running start, the man turning around at the sudden noise, and take a good hard punch at his face, covering your fist in Haki as you make contact, your blinding rage not granting you a look at his face.
        To your surprise the punch didn’t knock the man out, it had barely forced him to turn in the direction you hit. The sudden realization of a couple of blue strands popping out from the hood, making you freeze. The man took advantage of your frozen state and grabbed both your hands, pushing you to the ground, restraining you.
        And just as you had frozen at the sight of just his hair, you were now face to face with the man you still loved. The one you watched from afar but never tried to contact after he had kicked you out. Emotions overfilled you and you clenched your jaw to try and stop from crying.
        Buggy, on the other hand, had been just as surprised as you, he had somehow forgotten he was following you when the blind rage of boys making fun of his look had walked by. And now here you were. Alive and well. Pinned underneath him. He stared at your features, holding in his breath in case it was a dream. His eyes glance at your features that he had memorized from your wanted poster, but none of it could compare to the real you, the one that had aged slightly since the last time he had seen you.
        Overwhelmed with emotions himself he did the only thing he could think to do and slammed his lips against yours in a deep desperation as tears pricked his own eyes. You tensed up at the sudden contact, you weren’t sure what to do, your mind was flashing through the pain he had forced you to go through. You clenched your eyes shut, streams of tears falling down the sides of your face as your lips began to quivers.
        Buggy, leaned his forehead against yours, “Doll…” His voice was just above a whisper as he called you, “Please Doll,” The voice you heard sounded broken and you slowly opened your eyes, staring into his own. You were shocked to see tears falling down his own face, a trickle of water going from his eyes to his nose, a drop falling on you, “I’m so sorry Y/N” he cried out while staring right at you. Your heart skipping beats as your mind became confused, “I am such an idiot,” He continued, his grip on you loosening.
        You looked down his face, he looked like a toddler who gotten his candy stolen, it was an ugly crying face for sure and you couldn’t help but hold in a chuckle as your mind continued to race of what was happening. “Y/N, I love you. I’ve always loved you. I’m sorry.” You couldn’t tell if the tears drenching your face were your own or the man’s above you but your heart ached at every word, he was saying to you, “I don’t know how I could ever make it up to you” Your noses were touching now and you were sure that his face paint had gotten on your own forehead. “I’ve been looking for you for so long Darling, I’m sorry,” He was blurting things out faster now.
        You sucked in a breath to calm yourself down, you couldn’t stop the tears from falling but you could stop your face from scrunching up in the same way Buggy’s was. You slowly move your hands to either side of his ugly crying face and smooshed it together a bit as you wiped tears from under his eyes. Smiling a bit at how he willingly let you move him around as he continued to cry. He tried to apologize again even has his lips were puckered out like a fish with how you were holding him and you take one more final breath before pulling him in, kissing him yourself.
        This is not how Buggy pictured your reunion. He had pictured something less…. Pathetic. He didn’t want to cry, or show you his weak side. He wanted to come and sweep you off your feet, gently demanding you to join him at his side again.
        He hadn’t expected to be punched by you the second you saw him, and he was even more shocked to know that it was you who had punched him, he was expecting someone else entirely, security perhaps, but not you. You had sent his rage into desperate desire to be by your side again he was overwhelmed. He had pinned you down without realizing it was you but the second he caught your eyes; he couldn’t stop himself from initiating a kiss. He couldn’t miss his chance to feel you lips on his again, even if just this one time. And as he pulled away the tear ducts started flowing, there was no stopping them and he could only think of the sorrow he had felt these past years before thinking of how much despair you yourself had been in.
        He didn’t understand what you were doing to his face, he knew he was a sobbing mess and he was only expecting another punch, or at the very least a push away. He didn’t deserve you; he’ll never be worthy of you. He had truly ruined the chance he had with the love of his life and seeing you were mere inches from him again made him emotional. He was even more shocked when you pulled his face in, to kiss him yourself. Your own kiss being a desperate and hesitant one, that got stronger as time went by.
        When you finally pulled back, slightly gasping for air you finally let out a small wail that you didn’t know you had in you. Buggy wrapped his arms around you sitting up as you fisted his shirt in your hands. Pressing your face into his chest, “You’re awful.” You beat on his chest as he hugged you closer letting all your pain out. He stroked your hair as he agreed with you, and that he didn’t deserve to be forgiven. After swearing him out between your sobs, “I’ve missed you so much” he squeezed you as tight as he could at your words, “I didn’t think you wanted to see me ever again.”
        “Doll if only you knew how much I tried looking for you…” He whispered while rocking you back and forth. He added it was his own fault for this.
By the time you had both calmed down there was snot all over his shirt and bruises on his chest from where you were pounding him. He was silent and glanced at you, his make-up an absolute mess and you snorted between a few of your sniffles, “You look ridiculous.”
“You don’t look any better Doll.” But he quickly shut himself up, looking at you with what you could describe as puppy-dog like eyes, shifting back and forth slightly.
        “We want to see mom!” Benji yelled at Antonette who was starting to pull her hair out from the twins’ behavior.
        “You know the rules. When she’s dealing with an unruly customer you have to wait until the noise stops,” you never stopped them from seeing blood and gore, but you had set a rule that they couldn’t see how it had happened. Not yet at least. And thankfully everyone in your crew agreed with the sentiment, although some would prefer to shield their eyes, the boys were the ones who continuously tried to see it.
        “How are we supposed to know when the noise stops if we aren’t near the tent!” Azure exclaimed pulling on a curtain, digging his feet into the sand as he let the weight of his body fall.
        “Besides, I don’t want this one to die!” Benji yelled out and Antonette gave him a strange eyebrow, “He was too interesting! He looked like us!”
        Antonette snorted at the comment, “If you mean like a clown that should worry you even more, you don’t come to a circus looking like a clown if you aren’t apart of it, that’s just weird.” Benji sat on her feet and hugged them, “You ain’t getting sympathy from me pal, we aren’t going until someone fetches us.” She crossed her arms and leaned back in her chair.
        But as her back met the chair she heard a snicker and looked around, without her realizing it, Azure had taken down an entire curtain and was in the process of wrapping it around her. She tries to stand up, only to realize that Benji had already restrained her feet together with a small amount of rope. “Sorry Netty!” Azure yells as she watches them leave while she was yelling after them.
        They sneak around, avoiding any gaze from their many babysitters until they make their way to Tent 7. They see Mertle in front of it sitting on a stool while going through a ledger. The twins look at each other and nod.
        Azure stays behind the corner while Benji makes his way to Mertle, the man looks up surprised to see the boy, “Why aren’t you with Antonette?” He asks quizzically. He closes the book, standing up.
        “Netty left us. There was a loud noise and angry yelling and she went to go check it out-“ Benji sniffles a bit, “And now I can’t find Azure and. And” Mertle looks startled at the normally overconfident boy starting to cry.
        “Hey. Hey wait. Let’s go look for them alright?” Mertle goes to pick the boy up but Benji nods before running in the opposite direction as Azure. “Hey, Benji, Wait up you shouldn’t be alone” And with that Azure goes to the tent.
As per usual, the door is locked but he makes quick work of unlocking it. Benji already beside him again, leaning against the door to try and listen in on what’s happening. They can hear Mertle yelling in the background but the man hasn’t thought to look where he had just been. “Got it!” Azure says happily while turning the door knob.
“Hey mom did you kill the guy yet?” Benji clammers out as the door opens and he falls to the ground.
“Yea, this one was interesting we don’t want him dead” Azure adds as he trips over his older brother.
        You two had decided to talk for a bit, his legs in a v shape as you sat on top of him, with your own legs outstretched behind him. Your hands on his shoulder so you could shake or hit him whenever you wanted which he happily obliged too. You had demanded to know how much he missed you, enjoying the groveling man and letting it heal your broken heart slightly.
        He had regaled to you how he’d only become more infamous with a higher bounty in hopes of finding you, every island, ship, or marine base, destroyed or conquered in search of you. You didn’t know how you felt yet. You loved him, you missed him. And here he was right in front of you, begging and apologizing to you, telling you how much he loves you. And yet you couldn’t quite figure out if you could accept it. It had been years, and your heart ached to be with him, but was it right?
        You lean back, placing a hand on the Buggy’s leg behind you while brushing another hand through your hair, just as you let a sigh out you hear something from behind you. Looking behind you, you see Benji had fallen to the ground first, likely just falling from leaning on the door, while Azure had made it another step into the door way but fell over his brother, eating sand on his way down. Both of them clamoring out words you could barely understand.
        “Hey what have I told you two about disrupting Mommy’s work?” You scolded them, momentarily forgetting the man you were sitting on top of.
        “Did they just say kill?” You straighten your back as you remember your predicament, “Did they just say mom?” You turn back to look at Buggy. “Did you just say mommy?” His thoughts were reeling, processing everything. He looked over your shoulder to see the brat, or rather brats from earlier. He thinks of his last interaction with one of them, and the words the boy had said before being whisked away, My nose isn’t weird! Mom says it’s beautiful! You tense as you watch Buggy’s face slowly put the dots together, your face turning a slight shade of red, “Are those brats…” He points to them, “My brats?” and points to himself.
        The look on his face slightly in awe but mainly unreadable and you swallowed a bit and nodded. “They’re named Benji and Azure,” You croak out. You didn’t know how he’d react to realizing he was a father. You gripped his leg a bit and rub your arm with your free hand. The boys still coughing up a storm behind you from when they ate the ground.
        Buggy studies the two boys, in all their clumsy glory. Azures Blue hair slightly loose from a pony tail, but well maintained and Benji covered in dirt as he goes to pull at his brothers’ hair. They both seem to have forgotten their original mission, rather focusing on who tripped who. And to your surprise he turns to you with a grin across his face, “Aw Doll, why didn’t you tell me” He wrapped his arms around you and put his head into your shoulder before he slumps over a little bit, “I made you go through this alone,” He whispered.
        You still weren’t quite sure how to act, what to say, what to do. But you felt a little relieved at how Buggy was acting. You could still hear your boys arguing behind you and decided to slowly wrap your arms around Buggy. “They act a lot like you…” You whisper, as you can still hear the boys arguing with each other.
        Buggy straightened up a bit coughing a bit and avoiding eye-contact, “Maybe. Maybe they could learn a thing or two from their dad.” You were silent, more shocked than anything else at how eager he seemed at the idea, “O-only if you allow me.” He had taken your silence as a soft rejection and tried to reassure you he didn’t want to force anything.
        “No you grabbed my ankle!” Azure yelled as he tugged at his brother’s ear, trying to punch him. Benji had an iron grip on his hair as he proclaimed that Azure was the one that had tripped him. Both boys throwing punches and barely landing any in their tangled situation.
        “Boys!” The two immediately stopped, going to stand up straight and wiping any sand or dirt off of themselves at the voice of their mother. They both looked up at similar times and fully took in the sight in front of them, you had turned your body enough to see them and were scowling. Meanwhile the man you were sitting on had been looking at both of them in awe, perhaps a little nervous as he flicked his eyes between the boys and you. “Come meet-“ You had stopped halfway through your sentence realizing what you were about to say and a heavy blush filled your cheeks.
        You didn’t need to finish the sentence for them to understand though as both boys ran up on either side of you with curiosity filling their eyes. “Are you, our dad!?” Benji asked while tugging at Buggy’s sleeve, Azure giving him puppy eyes as the two boys stared at the man.
Buggy flipped his head to look at both boys before looking back at you, only to see you had turned your head to the corner to avoid eye contact, but even he knew it was out of embarrassment over anything else. “You have our nose! It’s real!” Azure beamed happily at the man as he poked the nose and even Buggy was flustered at the situation.
“Would you like it if I were your dad?” Buggy finally spoke cautiously, eyeing you every now and then to make sure he didn’t cross any lines. And you couldn’t help but let out a small snort as you saw admiration in Azure’s eyes as Benji had a wide smile.
You watch as Buggy, still very overwhelmed with emotions look to you for approval and you just give the slightest nod. Within a moment Buggy’s arms had wrapped around all three of you and squeezed you tightly making you gasp. “I’m gonna need to teach you two how to do make-up properly,” Was the first thing he said proudly still not letting go, “Cause whatever I saw this morning was god awful.” You could hear as Azure muffled his laugh into his fathers’ clothes and Benji straighten up a bit at the comment.
 As Buggy loosens his grip on all three of you, “I told you it looked awful!” Azure gleefully proclaimed while looking at his brother, who in turn tried to climb between you and Buggy to get at his brother.
Buggy laughed before grabbing both of them tightly on either side of him, “I see they like to fight.”
“Well, who do you think they got it from?” you laughed, relaxing quite a bit at the display in front of you.
Just as you were enjoying the moment you heard the door swing open behind you, “M-Mistress Zazel I have horrible news. The Boys they’re miss-“ You look behind you to see Mertle in a frantic state, stopping at the sight in front of him.
“Ah, don’t worry ‘bout it. The boys are with me.” You say waving him away, “Everyone’s dismissed for the night. No need for ‘clean-up’.” And Mertle gapes his mouth open but is able to let out an okay closing the door behind him.
“Were you gonna kill me doll?” Buggy let the boys go to gingerly place a hand under your chin, making you turn towards him as he leans in closer.
“Well, you did attack my boys” You smile glancing at his lips before looking at his eyes leaning in closer.
But just as your lips brushed against each other, Benji, not understanding anything, loudly shouts, “Mama kills anyone who touches us!”
“Yea! You woulda been number 34!” Azure agrees while beaming up at their father. Both boys trying to climb on top of Buggy as though he was a jungle gym.
“I see we have quite the trouble makers,” He smiles leaning close for an actual kiss that you happily accept.
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skkfujoshi · 3 months
As a girl I have some very specific opinions about Fem SKK,SSKK and Fukumori and now it’s your problem too
-Dazai wears grandma looking loafers.They are ugly as sin and everyone has told her as much but they are easy to slip out of so everyone can keep their opinions to their damn selves as far as she’s concerned.
-In the mafia she had very long hair.Couldn’t be bothered to cut it.So Mori would tie it up in one those half up half down hairstyles with some ribbons(mostly black ones)
-Flat as a board.
-She tends to wear a lot of oversized clothes.Did so back in the PM still does so in the ADA.It’s just more comfy for her
-Mori use to put her in a lot of babydoll dresses.Dazai absolutely hated it.How is she suppose to intimidate the enemy when she looks like a haunted doll!?
-This stopped around the events of Stormbringer but her clothes still leaned a bit more fem with long pleated skirts and puffy blouses.
-She leans more masc now,having cut her hair once she left the PM.It’s more of a bob situation now.
-Fidget ring queen.She has so many rings it’s not even funny.
-Never wore make up in her life.
-Probably sleep in boxers with no bra on.
-Grundge to office casual transition
-She use to wear sneakers now she wears high heeled boots.
-Every year she spends in the mafia the height of her heels increases.Kōyo taught her how to fight in heels and if she can’t show that off what is she even doing with her life?
-Will still dress grunge when just chilling and going for drinks though.Tank tops,Graphic tees,torn up jeans and hoodies.
-Will sometimes slip on her old Sheep bracelet when going out.
-On the job it is suits with flared pants galore though.If you have money use it on quality.
-Has a lot of different chokers actually,let’s Akutagawa borrow them on occasion.
-Not a lipstick girly,but huge eyeliner fan.
-Messy bun and ponytails are still her go to.Besides the hat will probably cover up the messy part.
-Has abs.
-Awful period cramps.She is miserable and cannot deal with it.
❤️💙Fem SKK Hc’s❤️💙
-Buy one another pads.
-Chuuya misses Dazai’s long hair.
-Chuuya still mostly wears the black choker Dazai got her.
-Dazai’s definitely shaved Chuuya’s legs at some point and royally fucked it up the first time it happened.
-Dazai loves when Chuuya steals her clothes.
-Chuuya has tried teaching Dazai to walk in heels to persistent failure.
-She definitely got ear piercings once she joined the ADA
-Tomboy,not because she hates dresses but because all boys and girls in the orphanage were put in the same clothes,so to her it makes no difference.
-Hair clip collection.
-Regular nail biter.
-Once again,abs.
-Long eyelashes.
-Her hair is so badly damaged it’s not even funny.
-Scraped knees at all times.
-Mismatched bras and underwear is a regular occurrence.
-The agency got her a bracelet with a small moon charm as thanks for saving the city from the Guild.She rarely takes it off.
-Blacks lipstick,eyeliner and eyeshadow.Full routine.
-Needs period meds due to her condition.Any loss of blood could be a big problem.
-Has a huge collection of ankle boots.Some are hand me down from Chuuya,but most of em she got on her own money. -The rest of her wardrobe is very victorian in aesthetic though.Not full on,but flowy,long sleeved,to her ankle dresses are pretty common in her wardrobe.
-She sometimes wears corsets,but only when she’s feeling fancy.
-Big tiddy goth gf.
-Her hair is quite short,to her shoulders, and she usually puts it up into a braided bun and tuck some hair pins in.
-Big locket fan and she actually has one with a picture of her and Gin in it that she wears under her clothes.
🤍🖤Fem SSKK Hc’s🖤🤍
-Akutagawa and Atsushi don’t smooch often.Akutagawa left behind evidence the first time,black lipstick marks were all over Atsushi’s face and Akutagawa was so embarrassed that she couldn’t look either Chuuya or Dazai in the eye for weeks.To be fair Atsushi couldn’t either. -Atsushi will rest on Akutagawa’s chest and bury her face into it after…activities
-Akutagawa has bought her girlfriend an egregious amount of hair product to try fixing whatever damage happened to her hair.
-She also bought Atsushi a little neck ribbon with a small tag on it.Dazai read it and lauged her ass off.She didn’t tell Atsushi why.
-Atsushi does Akutagawa’s make up and she’s actually surprisingly decent at it.
-Long hair that goes all the way down her back.
-Long pointy red nails.
-Very body fitting clothes.
-Short skirts and her blouses are halfway undone.
-Leg garters to keep knives.
-Sickeningly sweet perfume.
-Dies her gray hairs.
-Has a lot of drop pearl earrings and statements necklaces.
-Hates strappy heels,they leave marks on her feet.
-Thin lips.
-Has a way too long skin care routine.
Fukuzawa 🦊🗡️
-Say it with me people,A-B-S.
-Has a lot of handmade bracelets from her various kids(Kenji was the most recent and biggest contributor).She can’t wear them all at once,so she wears a different one every day.
-Constantly fiddles with her hair troughout the day,so her hair ties are mostly on her wrist and not seeing any use.
-Split ends.
-A lot of loose pants and kimono style shirts.
-She has a small bell bracelet to attract nearby cats.It hasn’t worked.
💜💚Fem Fukumori HC’s💚💜
Mori has begged Fukuzawa to get nicer under things,but Fukuzawa has refused.Mori thinks it’s unfair that she comes dressed in really nice lacy lingerie where as Fukuzawa is in the same sports bra from three days ago.
Mori used to braid Fukuzawa’s hair and Fukuzawa hasn’t worn a braid since they split.
Fukuzawa actually really likes the smell of Mori’s perfume but she’ll never admit it.
Mori has forbidden Fukuzawa to leave hickeys on her since her clothes won’t cover it up and there is no way she’s compromising an aesthetic.
Fukuzawa is convinced Mori has more scalpels on her every time they hook up.She can’t prove it,but she feels it.
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wordsinhaled · 1 year
oops i saw that video of ferdie watching ads and my brain was all “wake up new dreamling meetcute just dropped” and really ran away with me and became a ridiculous sappy improbable thing
AU where dream is the model in an ad and hob is traveling for an academic conference. he’s watching tv in his hotel room late at night and sees this ad with dream in it. it’s some silly and forgettable TV commercial but the man in it may possibly be the most gorgeous person hob’s ever seen in his life? anyway hob can’t sleep, partially because he’s nervous for his panel the next day, partially because he’s stuck on Gorgeous Guy From the Ad and feels incredibly silly for it. it was a two minute appearance. matthew really is right that hob needs to get out more if he’s crushing on people in random TV commercials now
so he goes down to the lobby bar to get his mind off of things. it’s late and the bar is deserted - the bartender is about to knock off for the night in maybe half an hour. hob orders a club soda and is reviewing his papers when someone slides onto the bar stool next to his. hob is about to be slightly irritated that someone is In His Bubble at this late hour, when he looks up and sees it’s The Guy. the guy!!!
it’s the fucking guy from the ad he just watched, and somehow he looks even more beautiful in person, and hob is like, oh, okay, the stress of academia has finally gotten to me and i’ve lost it because there is just no fucking way
it’s such a ludicrous coincidence that hob sets down his pen and just starts laughing. the way you laugh at things that aren’t actually amusing, because it’s the middle of the night, and everything’s just a little fuzzy around the edges?
“is something funny?” says mr. walking wet dream from the TV, in a voice like slow-melted chocolate, and also with the kind of curiosity in it that makes hob realize he’s being totally socially inappropriate
“no—no, i’m so sorry. it’s just—god, am i dreaming? because you’re here, but i swear i just saw you—upstairs. well. not like—i mean. in an ad on the TV?” (completely not helping himself in the smoothness department)
the breathtaking stranger’s lips quirk up in a sardonic smile. “ah, yes. that.”
“unfortunately, you are not dreaming. i did indeed feature in an advertisement several years ago. as my sibling dearly loves to remind me on every possible occasion, lest i let myself forget for even a moment.”
and hob expects the man to leave in a huff, or something. he goes back to his papers, dream orders himself a gin & tonic, but they’re watching one another in each other’s periphery until finally dream says, “i must admit why i sat beside you this evening. i noticed you were reading marlowe…”
to hob’s great surprise this stranger soon doesn’t feel like someone he’s just met. hob talks about his teaching post and the conference and the paper he’s presenting and the panel he’s on tomorrow, and how (“shhh, you mustn’t tell anyone”) his co-panelist tomorrow is an absolute pill so he’s dreading it. he finds himself sharing more easily than he expected in a way that you only can in the kind of liminal space that is an empty swanky hotel bar at midnight. they’re angled toward one another on their barstools so that maybe their shoes knock together or their ankles brush occasionally in a way they both pretend is accidental, and hob does his level best to be calm and collected about it
he learns his stranger’s story over several gin & tonics. dream’s ‘real’ name is morpheus. he wants to be a published author, studied creative writing. his father is the head of a major media/entertainment/publishing conglomerate and dream used to work for the company. when dream said he wanted to pursue something totally different (essentially… be a starving artist) his father saw it as a betrayal, and trapped him into continuing to work for the family for years on the promise of getting him the connections to publish his first novel or help him get funding to stage his first play… provided he could “actually” finish the manuscript
in the meantime his father had dream doing bit parts in forgettable commercials and made for tv theatre productions, partially as humiliation for daring to want to leave. (i really want him to be in a hair commercial where he broods about in silky black robes…) eventually dream lawyered up and severed ties. his father retaliated by setting up a kidnapping attempt on his own son that someone else conveniently took the fall for, and so on…
anyway - to make a long and tragic story short, now morpheus goes by dream, moved cities, has started his life over mostly estranged from the family, and he’s actually working on his novel - but he’s in town for a friend’s funeral and is staying at the hotel too
at the end of this story hob goes, “bloody hell. i’m sorry, my friend,” and it’s a bit over-familiar, isn’t it, for someone you’ve just met at a bar, even if you’ve just shared half your secrets. so hob is all, oh god oh god ohgodohgod, i’ve scared him off now—
then dream is all, “your friend. is that all you’d like me to be, robert gadling?” and he’s Looking at hob like he’s caught hob out in a lie. and hob’s breath is just… gone… gone away somewhere… and he has to admit that he may still barely know this man but there’s nothing he wants more than to know him in every way possible
and maybe they both go up to hob’s hotel room, and when hob kisses dream for the first time, cradling dream’s face in his hands, it’s more tender and intimate than it has any right to be and hob is just. flabbergasted because fuck. he just met this man and it feels like he could be content just to kiss him for hours and hours and hours. ok? like this is some accidental soulmates energy. their first time is slow and thorough after falling asleep curled together on top of hob’s covers and waking up in the blue hours before dawn
ok basically just my favorite thing is dreamling finding one another in very unlikely circumstances and having a Connection asdjfjf
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starlightsreigns · 2 months
same ol' mistakes | j. uso
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summary: ginger loves her man. her friends... want her to get over her man, but sometimes mistakes need to be made a couple of times.
warnings: none.
word counts: 1.6
author's note: welcome to part three of the anti one shots! find part one and two here! not really sure how I feel about this one, but here we are. might rewrite in the future. i have a couple ones left! pls ignore the lowercase and errors.. ofc x
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"feel like a brand new person (but you make the same ol mistakes)”
“ginger is now a ginger!” nia whistles. 
my hair flows down my back as she touches a piece. i can’t contain a laugh as cathy whistles alongside nia, gawking at the new look i picked up over the weekend. the higher ups agreed it was time for a new look to match my new persona. so, when it was time to sit in my stylists chair, my jet black hair was replaced with something a little more edgy. 
“you guys like it, honest, i wasn’t sure how it’d look with my skin tone.” i shrug, taking a seat beside bianca. 
bianca rolls her eyes, “you kidding? c’mon black women can rock any hair color they want.” 
it was the truth, i guess, so we sit in our group and watch the start of smackdown. in a rare occasion, the bloodline weren’t the ones to start the show. from the corner of my eye, i can see jimmy staring at me. he looks shocked at the hair change, and it takes everything in me not to react at him - not when bianca and nia were right beside me. 
“look who watchin” nia murmurs. 
caught. I feign confusion in her direction, but she can see through me. she’s always been good at calling my bullshit; that’s why she’s my accountability partner in figuring my relationship out with jimmy. 
nia leans in, “don’t do it, ginny.” 
of course, all i can do is nod. yet, it’s hard to ignore him. for two years, we were attached at the hip - correction: for two years we’ve been on-again-off-again boyfriend and girlfriend. my friends were tired of hearing the shitty things and consoling me every time we were off again. i don’t know what it is, but we just can’t seem to figure it out and we can’t seem to let each other go. love is a mysterious and trifling thing. 
“well, i don’t care, im in love” 
the match left my shoulders burning in pain. bianca walks ahead of me out of the guerilla. i’m nearly in stride with her until a hand touches my shoulder. jimmy smiles sweetly - that dumbass, goofy smile that i love so much. 
“you looked good out there with yo’ hair, gin.” he compliments with his sweet voice. 
“thanks jim, i appreciate that.” my voice soft, unsure what to say. 
jimmy opens his mouth to say something else, but bianca clears her throat. she sends me a death glare but gives jimmy a sweet grin. she comes back to take my hand, shooting a comment at jimmy before she pulls me away from him. 
“ginger, don’t piss me off, it’s been two weeks.” 
i sigh heavily, “he was just complimenting the match, B.” 
bianca whips her head towards me, “I don’t care if he was sayin’ a prayer, be serious.” 
how do i explain to my friends that this isn’t what i want anymore - the hovering, the pestering and questioning and disappointment. the disappointed looks when i even mention his name is killing me slowly. this wasn’t what i wanted anymore and when i glance back at jimmy, i knew it. 
“i can just hear them now, how could you let us down?”
happy hour came and went, but i couldn’t move from my seat at the bar for several hours. the uber ride home felt miserable and the text messages from the girls didn’t help the vomit that was threatening to spew from my lips. i barely made it through the door before i could rush to the bathroom. 
“fuck!” the scream came out of my mouth. 
this shouldn’t be my life. why am i scared to talk to the one person i want more than anything else in the world. fuck it. the ringing lasted a second before his voice came through the speaker. 
“ginny?” he was asleep. “you good?” 
my nerves set in for a moment - this was dumb but i couldn’t back out of this now. 
“i don’t want to do this anymore. i don’t want to not talk to you because the girls are telling me not to. i don’t want us to not try and figure it out when i know in my heart that we’re meant to be together and we just need to stop fucking around and make it work.” my words spill out before i can stop them. “i don’t care if it’s the same fucking mistakes, i want to make them until we figure it out.” 
he’s silent for a moment, but i can hear his breath on the other end before he clears his throat. “i love you, ginger, ain’t nobody gone change that or ever make me stop.” 
“not thinking in black and white.. thinking it’s worth the fight”
there’s a nervousness that’s settled in my chest. I wonder if they’ll know the second that they see me every time - will they know that me and jimmy are on again? that nervousness has overtaken every moment when im with them now. It’s been a month and I can’t sit and pretend like this isn’t happening. my mind is just a mess. 
“ginny, you okay, you have this weird smile on your face.” nia pokes my cheek. 
it’s become difficult to focus on anything else, while i was happy to be back with jimmy it’s been stressful to keep such a big secret from the women i trust more than anyone else in the world. 
“nah, im good, just lost in my own world.” i mumble back a quick reply. 
thankfully, the women turn back to their conversation. in the brief moment, i glance over at jimmy whose sitting with his cousin and of course he’s already watching me. he sends me a goofy smile that i can’t help but to smile back at before quickly glancing away. i just want to be near him. 
and as the night ticked on, my restlessness only increased. 
bianca kept an eye on me like i was a child who’d run the second they got their chance. it was suffocating. we sat in one of the makeshift viewing areas backstage, escaping the clutter of the women’s locker room, for a moment. jimmy sat not too far, sneaking glances at me. 
subtlety wasn’t his thing, because bianca threw random comments at me about needing to stay strong. 
“nia, please remind ginny.” bianca sighs when the older woman sits beside me. “she’s sharing looks with him.” her voice drops to a whisper as she leans across to me. 
my hands draw circles on my thigh as nia starts her pointless, and slightly demeaning lecture. 
“you’re better than this ginger…” she starts like a scolding mother. 
the tears sting the brim of my eyelids. i sneak a glance at jimmy who has a scowl on his face. he can see it written on my face. 
“we only want what’s best for you,” bianca chimes in. 
i couldn’t get a word edgewise as they continue. it's like a game of tennis and I'm the net in the middle, being jabbed by either player.
“your happiness is all that matters to us,” nia rests an arm on my shoulder. 
they continue, not sensing how over this whole situation i am, and finally i can’t help but let the tears fall. i’m not quick to wipe the tears, just stuck in my position trying not to go into a full blown anxiety attack in that moment. my eyes finds jimmy as he’s getting up and walking towards us. 
bianca looks up at him, “jimmy, this isn’t-”
“nah, Bianca,” he stops her immediately. “you know i got love for you and nia, but ease up on Ginger. She grown and don’t need y’all talkin’ to her like she a kid. I don’t appreciate you makin’ her cry over something like this.” 
the women stop, they look at me and finally see the result of their words. i can see the regret on their face. bianca wipes some of the tears off my cheek, whispering how sorry she was.
“y’all her friends, I get that, but she should be able to tell y’all anything. But y’all got her feelin’ like she gotta keep secret because you do shit like this. We got back together and we workin’ on us but she can’t do it because she worried about y’all.” 
jimmy grabs my hand, helping me up from between the women. all i can do is stare at him too afraid to look at them or the disapproval on their faces. we walk away as i try to wipe the tears that are streaming down my face. we’re halfway down the hallway before we stop, hearing nia’s voice. 
“ginny,” her and bianca wait until i turn to continue. “i’m sorry, love, we just wanted to protect you but we never want you to feel like you can’t talk to us.”
bianca nods, “we’re sorry gin, you know we’ll support you.” she looks at jimmy. “the both of you. we overstepped and we won’t do that again.” 
i stare at them for a moment before breaking out a grin and pulling them into a hug, “I love you guys,” i laugh before moving away. “I know you want to protect me, but i gotta figure my own shit out and i swear, i love this man and you don't have to hear the bullshit anymore.”
“girl, if you don’t tell us how are we supposed to beat his ass?” nia jokes, smacking jimmy’s arm. “you can talk to us.” 
jimmy takes me hand into his and twirls me into his arm. “so, we can kiss in public again, gin?” 
the girls groan playfully as I roll my eyes with a nod.
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should i start a tag list?? would people want to join it? x
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betbeton · 2 years
𓆸 Variety Hour ♡
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In The Bedroom With Various Blue Lock Men
HCs & Drabbles
Warnings - Rough Sex, Oral Sex (M and GN Receiving), Cucking, Distracted Sex, Consensual Somnophilia, Implied/Referenced Polyamory, Threesome
18 + Minors DNI
GN Reader
✎ purr
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⪧ Oliver Aiku
Enthusiastic Oral - Giving and Receiving
It shouldn't have surprised you as much as it did when Oliver first went down on you how feral he was. After all you had seen him play on many occasions, both before and after getting together. That little fact however didn't stop you from pressing against his head in a weak attempt to get him off your sex. The way his tongue smoothed over the heated flesh and those calloused hands grasped almost desperately at the plush of your thighs it was all too much, but also not quite enough. Every so often as you pushed at his messy head of hair Oliver took a moment to gaze up at you with a raised eyebrow, waiting for the magic word if you were truly trying to push him away. When nothing fell from your kiss swollen lips he would return to enjoying his meal to the fullest.
As your back tensed arching slightly the pushing of your hands on his head turned to pulling. Maybe if his mouth wasn't occupied with pleasuring you he would have dropped a remark over how desperate you were for him, but in the same vain he would be teasing you he was also desperate for you. Your body, your personality, he was your personal slut as much as you were his. Though as you hooked your legs around his shoulders causing those large hands to dig deeper into your thighs and forcing his eager mouth against you sex he was the one moaning the loudest. Oliver's lovely noises were muffled by your sex and his own breathy pants as he lapped up all you offered him as you finally peaked and came against his mouth.
Legs falling limp against his shoulders your joints protested with a post orgasmic ache as your muscles were forced to move as Oliver shifted to crawl above your body. Dropping to rest on his elbows large hands grasping your face as he placed a spit slicked kiss against your lips. "Don't fall asleep now, I'm not done enjoying you yet."
⪧ Gin Gagamaru
Rough Sex - Manhandling, Bitting, Spanking
He wasn't intentionally rough, truly Gin would gladly tone down his heavy handed approach to sex if you asked. Thankfully for him though you never did, happily feeding into his actions even now as he hoisted your leg to press as far upwards as it could into your torso as his cock bullied into your tight hole. Mouth falling open as his hands dug into your skin with a practiced roughness he seemed to reserve for this moment in time, breathy gasps of his name spilling into the warm sex riddled air. Wide eyes gazing down at you the urge to sink his teeth into your soft skin and mark you up for everyone to see was itching at the back of his mind. It wasn't something he would normally think to do, bitting and marking you, but something about seeing you keen and whine in the pleasure he brought you had his back bending forward head dropping to allow him to latch onto your shoulder.
Teeth sinking into the heated skin as his hips stuttered and breath caught in his throat. He knew the vice like grip your greedy hole had turned into would be the death of him those plush walls trying to milk an intense release from his heavy balls. And who was he do deny you what your body so readily craved and begged for? His Stuttering hips settled back to a deep harsh pace as the sharp planes of his slight hips dug into the soft skin of your ass. Trying to mold the warm gooey inner walls of your hole to match his cock, like he had attempted so many times before, only to cease their movement abruptly as he came. Warm thick ropes of cum painting your inner walls, coating them as if he were marking his place inside of you. Slowly coming down from his high Gin released your leg and shoulder only to drop his face on the spit soaked skin as his hand moved down to push his cum back inside of you the moment he pulled out of your warmth.
Long fingers prodding and rubbing at your walls as he urged you towards your own peak. Soft praises leaving his lips in half murmured scentences.
"... 's good?... baby... so warm and pretty... "
⪧ Mikage Reo
W/ Nagi Seishiro
Multiple Partners - Cucking Turned into a Threesome
It was an odd request. Not the fact Reo wanted to be cucked, no you knew he was into things similar so that wasn't too much of a surprise, but the fact he wanted Nagi to fuck you. Despite being your partner Reo was always a little possessive over Nagi and his time. Spoiling and doting on his friend to the point you considered Nagi the third to your relationship in all but name. Especially when you would try to spend time with Nagi to build a friendship with you partner's prince charming and Reo is lurking in the background, like a predator waiting to strike.
Even now as Nagi was lazily guiding your hips while you bounced on his cock at a lazy pace Reo was watching, eyes practically glued to where the white-haired man's cock stretched out your lube slicked hole. He was like someone gazing at their favourite food after missing a meal. Beautiful eyes hazed with lust as he hungrily palmed his cock, a whine leaving his lips when you stopped riding Nagi in favour of grinding against him as you toyed with your own sex. Hands running across your own body before they shifted to grope at Nagi's chest, fingers tugging and pinching at his nipples. Your head rolled on your shoulders to fix a cheeky grin Reo's way as your hips began bouncing as you decided to give Reo the show he craved.
Though as your mind was occupied with the feel of Nagi's cock inside of you and the way Reo palmed himself you were caught off guard when the large white-haired man sat up. His chest pressing into yours as your arms folded into an uncomfortable position. Large hands settling on your ass as he stretched your ass further apart lazily stating there was still room in your hole for Reo. It didn't take long for Reo to join the fray, his lips messily locking with your own as he rutted against Nagi's cock inside your overstuffed hole.
⪧ Ryusei Shidou
Distracted Sex - While You're Watching Television, Bonus Slightly Rough sex
Shidou was a menace to both society and your mental stability, but more importantly than that he was needy. Not in the traditional sense of always wanting affection or wanting to be doted on. No no, he was needy in the way that your time even when you were busy relaxing after work was his to monopolize. Be it forcing you to play football with him in the back garden or having sex with you while you watched trashy television. The later was his favourite thing to indulge in.
Despite your eyes being glued to the television as the latest episode of some terrible show played, nothing was registering in your mind. The only thing occupying the majority of your tired post work brain being the searing stretch of Shidou popping the head of his cock on and out of your hole. The anticipation of what was to come when he finally sunk into your warm, waiting, hole had your nerves alight with excitement. Head dipping as fatigue and the anticipation of pleasure mixed to form a tiring concoction of emotions in your overworked brain, you were abruptly brought back to reality as Shidou plunged his cock into your hole at the same time as he grasped the from of your neck tilting your head up as he splayed his fingers.
"Eyes up babe, weren't you excited to watch this episode?"
If you weren't so tired and half drunk on his cock already you would have bit back with a snarky remark of your own. Sadly though as one of the couples argued for the umpteenth time on screen all you could think about was the large cock plunging into your guts and the mouth nipping at the shell of your ear. Maybe next time Shidou would let you get in a power nap before fucking you into the sofa while you watched television. It was unlikely though, and you wouldn't have it any other way.
⪧ Bachira Meguru
Consensual Somnophilia - Breakfast in Bed
Bachira was your biggest simp and you his. After all you both rightfully believed the other deserved the world and were more than willing to give it to them. Though you two had very different ways of going about it. Where you would make him his favourite meal or spray some of your body spray onto his night clothes before an away game so he could smell you, Bachira would fuck your hole like it owed him something or he would hungrily devour your sex and hole like a man starved. There wasn't any problem with his methods aside from your lack of sleep when he decided to have the most important meal of the day at all hours of the night. Though many times you were none the wiser until you were awoken by a warm wash towel being rubbed across your inner thighs.
From the leisurely pace Bachira was licking at your sex as his fingers gently stretched out your hole it seemed this early morning was going to be one of the good ones where you didn't lose any sleep. Though as tiny whimpers of pleasure left you lips and your hips jostled against his mouth he had to resist the urge to stop rubbing his cock against the bed and finger you in favour of fucking his seed as deep as he could get it into your greedy hole. Despite the monster in the back of his mind egging him on Bachira remained steadfast in his leisurely pace of pleasuring you sleeping body. The cute twitches of your thighs had him tugging his fingers free only for them to latch onto the outsides of your legs and urge them to crush his head. At the same time his hungry mouth latched onto your hole, tongue prodding at your hole before slipping inside as it writhed desperate for a taste of his beloved.
Even as sleep began to fade from your body as a rouge ray of sunlight wormed it's way past your curtain Bachira only tugged his head up from savouring your body to bid you a fleeting hello before diving back into his meal. "Enjoying breakfast in bed?"
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jjlovesgoodies · 6 months
I think you should make headcanons about the yttd cast playing Mario Kart
Alright!!! Ty for the ask!!
This is how I think the YTTD cast play Mario Kart:
(Spoilers for the 1st Main game)
Sara - Like most things, Sara gets super competitive when it comes to Mario Kart, and if someone beats her at it she’ll refuse to speak to them for at least a week. (And she sticks to it, even if it’s Gin). She’ll always play as Daisy.
Sou - He’s been playing the game almost all his life, and is a pro. Like Sara, he is really competitive and will most likely end up yelling if it isn’t going going well for him. I can see him playing as Shy-Guy.
*Sara and Sou will curse and insult anyone who passes them out
(More under the cut)
Joe - He’s pretty good at the game, and tends to get playfully competitive, but unlike some people (Cough cough Sou and Sara) he doesn’t curse anyone out while doing so. He chooses a different character to play as every time, but he’s particularly fond of Mario and Yoshi.
Kanna - She loves playing the game, though most of her experience of it is constantly getting her ass beat by Kugie, and unfortunately not much has changed when she plays with the others (Once again cough cough Sou and Sara) though she has gotten weirdly good at throwing green shells accurately. I think she’d play as Peach.
Gin - He gets so excited whenever they start playing, and he’s actually quite good at the game. Though he has started to take after Sara and Sou and will tell people to kill themselves if they wrong him while playing. He’d play as either Bowser or Donkey Kong.
Keiji - My guy cannot play this game for shit, whenever they play courses that you can fall off the edge of, that’s how he spends the whole race. Like everyone else would finish and would just be waiting a solid ten minutes for him to cross the finish line. Also he always plays as Rosalina, I just know he does.
Reko - Her and Alice have been extremely competitive at this game since the dawn of time, though she went a little easy on Gin and Kanna at the start, until Gin saw right through it and told her to actually try. She does her best to refrain from yelling/cursing at the two of them (she does slip up from time to time, but she does her best). But anyone else and it’s on sight, she is not holding back (ESPECIALLY Alice and Sou. She will bring up traumatic childhood experiences and every insecurity Alice has ever had just to throw him off during a race). She mains Waluigi.
Alice - Like almost everyone else on this list so far, he is also competitive, though when playing with ppl like Sou, Sara, Reko half of the time, and even Gin on a few occasions, he usually ends up losing, so he spends most of the time either screaming “fuck you” at anyone and everyone (except maybe Kanna) or muttering angrily to himself as he plays. I think he’d play as Dry Bones.
Kai - I haven’t played/seen his minisode but from what I do know abt him I doubt he had much experience with the game as a child, so he’s mostly new to it. I feel like he’s a quick learner though, and would be on the higher end of the cast in terms of skill. Unlike the others, though, he is completely silent as he plays. I get the vibes that he’d play as a Koopa Troopa.
Q-Taro - He’s not the greatest at the game, and has yet to win a race, though he blames it on the stupid shells, and makes sure to mention that at least he can play real sports (glance at Sou). He always plays as Bowser.
Nao - She’s alright at the game, like Joe she gets playfully competitive, and has accepted the fact that she almost always loses. She’d play as Baby Bowser or Wendy.
Mishima - Whenever someone asks him to play it with them, he politely declines, as he’s seen what that game does to the group. The only time he would play it is if it’s only Kanna, Nao and/or Gin (though he’s quickly removing Gin from that list bc the terrible swearing habit he’s developed). He’d either pick a random character or Lakitu when he does play.
Other related HCs:
-There was one time where Nao, to the shock of everyone (her included), somehow managed to beat Sou on Rainbow Road and has yet to shut up about it (This is a reference to something that happened irl, and like Nao I have yet to shut up about it).
-Sara and Sou, as mentioned, yell a lot while playing, but it gets so much worse when they’re playing against each other because they keep escalating the things they say to each other, attacking at each other’s biggest insecurities and stuff (Like Reko to Alice lol).
-Once in a particularly intense 1V1 race with Sara and Sou, Joe decided it’d be funny to unplug whatever console they were playing on before the race ended, just to see their reaction. And that’s how Joe actually died.
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rambling-idi0t · 1 year
Can you write some cute personal headcanons you have for the espadas excluding yammy and barragan
Of course i can! Thank you for requesting! I hope you enjoy!
Personal espada hcs (without yammy and barragan)
He talks in his sleep, the things he mainly talks about are lilynette, how tired he is and his loneliness. Lilynette sometimes teases his about this (except for when his rambling is sad)
He steals pillows and blankets from the world of the living. He just finds them so soft so he takes them
He enjoys hot cocoa, he tried it once in the human realm out of curiosity and loved it
She knows who to sew and teaches her fraccion how to as well. She once sewed a blanket for starrk who was extremely grateful
Shes cares a lot about the safety of her fraccion and would do anything to protect them and I mean anything
Shes nice to other fraccion as well, this has lead to her being extremely popular within the fraccion and most of them saying that if they weren't serving their current espada they'd go to her except for tesla who's scared nnoitra might kill him if he says that
Despite his monotone appearance and personality he's actually really ticklish, grimmjow found this out after accidently poking him in the side and ulquiorra threatened him to keep quiet grimmjow told nnoitra and yammy
He actually doesn't enjoy aizens tea, its too strong for him but he pretends it doesn't bother him everyone knows
He's actually somewhat nice to wonderweiss, he'll let him follow him for around 15 minutes before getting annoyed and telling wonderweiss to go away
Actually doesn't treat tesla that bad, he cares for his fraccion but he won't ever tell him that or make it obvious
He once found a stray cat in the human realm and took it back to hueco mundo, it took 5 minutes for him to kill it out of annoyance it was supposed to annoy grimmjow but he couldn't find him and got bored of searching
Actually likes aizens tea, he wont ever admit it tho and if you even suggest that he does then he'll kill you
Treats his fraccion like brothers who annoy him, especially di roy who he treats exactly like an annoying little brother
Feels a little bad for the granz brothers hating each other, this is only because he thinks its making yylfordt weak
Goes to the human world just to chill, he actually kind of likes it there and ever since he discovered bars and wrestling it was hard to get him back to hueco mundo
The only espada who actually tries to talk to and befriend aaroniero, he's tried to get the 9th espada to mediate with him but it always ends in rejection, he wont stop trying tho
Went to the human world and had a custom made poster of aizen with the quote 'do it for lord aizen'
Is nice to szayelaporro's fraccion, he knows how the mad scientist treats them and he pities them
Doesn't hate his brother as much as he says he does, he does it as to not look weak in front of others
Like ulquiorra he also doesn't like aizens tea but instead of pretending to like it he brings his own special ingredient to put in it nobody knows what it is
Gets along with gin well, the two tend to talk about random stuff it's mostly gin asking questions about arrancars and Szayelaporro jokes about how gin must be making some kind of arrancar encyclopedia
He has an outfit for every occasion
Has secretly always wanted a fraccion but is too scared to actually get one
He's scared of wonderweiss but at the same time he doesn't completely hate him, he'll let the odd arrancar hang around him for a bit
Actually enjoys espada meetings since its the only time this many arrancars are near him without being outwardly disgusted by him
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nerdieforpedro · 6 months
WIP Wednesday
A special day of the week this is! 😆
No worries I actually have like… 👀 three WIPs on display this week?! Nerdie is…concentrating. 🥹
The first one is from my series “The Lake Between Us” chapter six (chapter five will be out Sunday 😆 on my birthday) I also wrote two interludes because 👀 Reasons - I’m trying to structure all the stuff into chapters 7 & 8 because we’re going to end on 8. I like even numbers. 🤭
Another two months of dinners brought the two of them closer together, learning about each other. Studying their bodies and sounds. There were times they parted, back across the lake, but oftentimes the nightly partners remained intertwined among limbs and sheets. Still having a drink before bed but not nearly as many. They were dulling each other's edges, making it easier to slip into their dreams.
There were occasions when they laid awake, wordless as the radiance of the moonlight draped both of their forms; they did wonder if they were awake or asleep. It felt like such a pleasant notion to have someone who understands by your side.
WIP two: There are two things that @wannab-urs has gotten me into, both involve our trash panda Dieter and both are challenges - I think? One at least is. 🤔 The WIP below is from Gin’s ask challenge from the Hozier song “Fare Well.”
Side note: I meant for the beginning of this to be much more serious. It was not. But we’ll get there. Maybe 🫨 Like I’m working toward something, maybe some crawling if I can fit it in. Because… Gin and I agree on it. We touched and agreed on it. 😌
He’s been more careful about it, not something he’s been concerned about prior to his new leaf. In doing so, acts he’d normally attempt weight more heavily on his mind and keep little Dee from swelling when needed. Bravo knows the rumor that might be going around but it’s not true! Since his mind is clearer, he actually thinks about who he’s having sex with more and little D isn’t always on board. You know, one of those words his therapist mentioned – cognitive dissonance except it’s happening with his partner in pleasure little D. Big D when he’s feeling in the mood.
March Prompts will finish Sunday! 😆 I’m happy and sad, I’ve gotten used to writing one daily, now what am I gonna do? 😑
I am still working on my two Din series. I’m trying to be fluffy. Din deserves fluff from me every so often. 🤭
NPT: @trulybetty @undercoverpena @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin @alltheglitterandtheroar @megamindsecretlair @morallyinept @fhatbhabie @rhoorl @mysterious-moonstruck-musings @pedroshotwifey @atinylittlepain @yourcoolauntie @604to647 @secretelephanttattoo @goodwithcheese @joels-darlin @for-a-longlongtime @legendary-pink-dot @magpiepills @kteague @maggiemayhemnj @inept-the-magnificent @gwendibleywrites @alltheotps @exquisiteserotonin
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herecomethefuzzz · 1 year
heyy can u write something similar to your schlatt hcs, but with ted? not necessarily a podcast but maybe doing a video together and it being so apparent that ted has feelings towards reader ❤️
HIII ANON !!! of course i can !! this was very fun to write. you can probably tell i got a little bit carried away. i js love ted so much hes a silly man. anyway here you go !!!!! enjoy (⁠.⁠ ⁠❛⁠ ⁠ᴗ⁠ ⁠❛⁠.⁠)
- you n ted had known eachother for a while
- you had a very good friendship, you guys literally fit together like the pieces of a puzzle
- ted knew that he needed to upload another video, but he had literally no idea what to do. until one afternoon when he was brainstorming he realised he could invite you to film something with him!!
- his fans were familiar with you. he'd talk about memories he had with you in videos or in his very rare streams, and you'd joined him in a couple videos before. all his fans thought you had chemistryyyyy :3 (they all want you to kiss)
- the videos you were in ended up getting a shit ton of views, with many people loving the way you and ted bounced off eachother and always managed to make eachother laugh
- and so he messaged you, literally just sending you "hey you wanna make a video together?? like right now????"
- obviously you said yes, i mean, who wouldn't wanna make a video with THE ted nivison??? even though you had no clue what you'd be doing in the video, you were excited as fuck
- and now here you are. sat with ted behind the island in the middle of the kitchen, with a couple cameras facing you. your eyes wander over the very random assortment of liquids sat infront of you, and then they move over to the very large gin glasses directly infront of you both.
- "you're joking." you say, turning to him. he just laughs and turns to the camera. "so!" he begins, clapping his hands with a shit-eating grin on his face. "as you can probably tell, me and my very good friend, who you all know very well, are going to be making some absolutely terrifying cocktails!!"
- you sigh loudly, putting your head in your hands. "why'd i agree to do this." ted just looks over to you with a sympathetic expression. "awwww it won't be that baddd. i won't be too mean, i promise."
- you look up at him as he says this, and he winks at you before quickly turning back to the camera. if he looks at you for too long, he's gonna start blushing. you try SO DAMN HARD not to look overly flustered.
- and this is when shit gets crazy. all sorts of liquids are being thrown together, and jesus christ they just get worse. ted is constantly staring at you, hanging onto your every word. he just thinks you look so pretty, even when you're coughing and spluttering because of a god AWFUL cocktail he'd just made you.
- he's just staring the whole video. my boy is fucking 🤩ing at you. although whenever you make eye contact with him he turns to the camera, blurting out something to do with whatevers happening at that moment.
- on occasion he'd actually maintain eye contact and say something so stupidly funny that it makes you both crack up and ohhhh my god it's so wholesome
- that silly man is so in love with youuuuuu OHHHH MY GODDDD
- at one point he was like "hey. even if you are choking because i've just mixed pickle juice and mayonnaise in a glass and given it to you, you are still the prettiest friend i have"
- DEAD. ON THE FLOOR BRO. LIKE ACTUALLY. you kinda splutter on the beyond disgusting drink and stare at him, your face red from both choking and from what he said. he just laughs, again, and continues on as if nothing happened. he didn't know what else to say he was just taken aback by how ATTRACTIVE YOU ARE
- what a silly little guy. he is definitely in love with you you should kiss him
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musicalmoritz · 17 days
Do you have any Kousano headcanons?
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• Okay since BSD isn’t my current hyperfixation this might be tricky BUT I was hyperfixated on it for like half a year not too long ago so I still have loads of info stored up in my brain to be dumped out
• Their first time meeting was when Kouyou was held captive by the Agency during the Guild Arc. They had heard of each other prior to that and being from rival organizations, they went in expecting to be enemies
• Their first impression was a rough one, but there was an underlying thread of chemistry. They matched each other’s banter very well, despite being used to having the final word at their respective organizations. It was a welcomed change
• And they’re both raging lesbians so like…hot lady who is my enemy…many thoughts occur
• It’s very much an enemies AND lovers dynamic, they meet up for secret rendezvous and then fight each other during times of conflict
• The tragic part is that they both like each other, that’s why it’s become an ongoing thing. That’s why they start going on secret dates in disguise, although they both claim to not enjoy it
• In another life they would’ve been soulmates, but their conflicting ideologies and rival positions force them to be enemies (because I like to make things overly romantic, sue me)
• They have a lot of insignificant things in common- favorite desserts, favorite books, etc. Those are important, but they’re also similar personality-wise and with their backstories
• I imagine Yosano dates around a lot and this makes Kouyou insanely jealous. They aren’t official so she technically can’t have a problem with it but it still gets under her skin
• So Yosano’s like “hey if you want to be exclusive just say that, there are no rules to this secret relationship thing” but Kouyou is too stubborn to admit she likes Yosano that much
• Yosano initially takes a very “your trauma is not my business” approach to their differing jobs but as things get more serious she starts to develop a slight savior complex. She goes from being completely unattached to way too attached. She wants to show Kouyou the light the way Ranpo and Fukuzawa did for her
• Speaking of which, there’s only one person who knows about their situationship and that’s Ranpo. He figured it out himself and mentioned it casually to Yosano one day, nearly giving her a heart attack. She knew he would find out eventually but it was very sudden. At least she has someone to vent to when things get especially confusing
• Higuchi and Gin eventually find out too because they catch them at the same lesbian bar
• Pretty soon it becomes an open secret
• I like to imagine there’s a big moment of confrontation between the PM and Kouyou that goes down exactly like the “how long have you been fucking Nate Jacobs?” scene from Euphoria
• Kouyou addresses Yosano as “Doctor” in public and “Akiko” in private
• Kouyou likes to use her mafia money to send Yosano anonymous gifts on a whim. Yosano always knows who they’re from
• Yosano’s favorite physical trait of Kouyou’s is her hair, Kouyou likes Yosano’s sadistic smile
• Speaking of which, Yosano definitely appreciates having a relationship where they get to beat the shit out of each other on occasion. It keeps the spark alive
• But on dates or in settings that are generally more intimate, Yosano is a total gentleman. She def gives all her girls the princess treatment. Kouyou is used to being the one to spoil women so this makes her very flustered
• They had one big fight about Mori and ever since then they made a silent agreement never to bring him up. When things are tense he becomes an elephant in the room
• In traditional “ADA member has a PM-related secret” fashion, Kunikida was the last to find out about their relationship
• This is so completely random but they remind me of Kermit and Miss Piggy. Yosano is Kermit
• Kouyou pretends to be severely injured every time the PM and ADA team up so she has an excuse to see Yosano
• Yosano sends Kouyou pictures of particularly bad crime scenes or injuries at random to jump scare her
• Kouyou likes classical music and Yosano is a metalhead
That’s all I can think of for now, thank you for the ask!!
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