#I collect gin like other people collect... stuff they collect
iamthemess · 7 months
More fic stuff! Halloween skk
one shot, witch Chuuya, cat Dazai
somehow completely free of any profanity or mature themes which an accomplishment for these two.
3365 word count
Black cats are bad luck.
There’s a well known fact about Port town, Everyone who’s ever lived there knows that it used to be a town of witches, now days it’s filled with ordinary people but if you believe so called tall tales of the children playing in the square and the rambling of elders in the pub you’d know that the quaint little town is still home to one witch.
He comes into town two or three times a week to buy the strangest of herbs and ingredients and if you play in the woods you might find him collecting the wild plants and the bones of small creatures. The townspeople don’t believe that he’s a witch but that doesn’t stop them from keeping their distance from his cabin in the woods.
Children do not heed the warnings of parents and teenagers in particular are famous for breaking such rules and sneaking out into the woods to spy on the alleged witch.
“Your footsteps are so loud you’ll get us caught!” Gin whispered as the group of three snuck through the forest at dark
“What? Are you scared the witch will curse us?” Tachihara teased and rolled his eyes, he wasn’t much of a believer in the supernatural.
Higuchi on the other hand was shaking like a leaf beside him which was appropriate for the bush they were hiding in. “Why did we have to come out at midnight again?”
“Witches come out at night.” Tachihara replied but Higuchi didn’t believe that. “Isn’t that vampires and werewolves?”
“Shut up and look.” Gin whispered to the other two as she turned their attention to the open window of the cottage.
The house wasn’t as hard to find as the older townspeople had them believe, it was actually very easy as it emitted a bright glow in the dark being the only place lit up with candles at the darkest hour of the night.
In the light they could see everything around the cottage, pots and jars filled with water, left outside and the hanging herbs covering the inside and the drawings in ash on the window of weird symbols and a large triangle with a cross through it. The witch was inside mixing ingredients into a bowl in what must have been an evil way like how witches stand over boiling cauldrons as they conjure curses.
“We’re totally going to get cursed.”
Gin smacked the back of Tachihara’s head as the witch's attention turned to the bush outside his window. It continued to rattle and shake, the three all looked at each other to stop moving around but they were completely still. A shadowy figure jumped from the bush and a crow flew from within the bush into the sky.
The fright had them dashing back home in the dark of the woods. The witch, Chuuya, opened his door and watched the backs of those three fade out into the forest back toward the town. He looked down at his feet to see a thin cat with short black hair standing proudly at his door. The little thing must have been what scared them off, Chuuya smiled at the small creature “Good job.” He whispered.
The cat ran between his legs into the cottage as if it had been invited inside. Chuuya closed the door behind him.
He watched the cat wander around the room, looking at all his things.
“Look only, don’t touch.” Chuuya said as the cat jumped onto one of shelves, a glass bottle shook in fear as the small animal sauntered by without a care whether it would fall or not.”I said be careful!”
Chuuya wished cats were more like crows, they always listened to him unlike this curious feline who was tapping at his baskets and pots. Chuuya desperately dived to catch a fallen jar, falling into the table where the cat sat in his foraging basket. “Not for cats.”
He picked the cat up only to find mushrooms growing in the bottom of the basket so he picked that up too but they were infesting his walls. The wild mushrooms had climbed onto the ceiling without him noticing. He really should’ve given more attention to the messy state of his house. The cat slipped out of his grasp as if it was made of jello and continued the it’s rampage through the cottage.
It jumped up onto furniture and knocked over containers of old water that had started to grow algae and the flower petals that had wilted and started to mould. Chuuya should’ve been mad but it was more of a wake up call about checking his ingredients rather than the nuisance cat who was wrecking his house.
It managed to shove a few more things to the ground before Chuuya got a proper hold on it again. This time he had the cat trapped under a blanket that he shook out the window, getting rid of the dust and old leaves sticking to it along with the cat. After that he made sure to close the window so it couldn’t get back in.
He gazed out at the moon feeling a vibrant connection, or the realisation that it was very late and he shouldn’t keep staying up so late trying to make his spells work.
When the sun rose Chuuya got up from his bed as he did every morning and opened the window. A crow cawed, perched on the sill of the window, Chuuya greeted it pleasantly and it dropped a pretty rock into his hand as it had been doing for sometime now. There used to be two crows that would bring gifts but lately they would only come one at a time in turns.
He decided not to speculate too much and got on with his day. He ate his breakfast, put on his cloak and took up his mushroom covered basket, leaving his cosy home behind for the deeper woods that morning.
The ruckus from that night made him realise he hadn’t forraged in some time and found himself drawn to the idea of wandering out into the woods to find new plants and fungi.
His boots left tracks in the grass, one foot in front of the other leaving behind footprints, one, two, three?, four?, five?, six? Four extra small tracks were left beside his own.
That damn cat was following him. A small meow came from his side where the cat happily sat in his basket. He tipped it to the side, forcing the feline to jump out, even so it kept following him, it even swam across the river to meet him on the other side after he had jumped on a moving log to cross the water. There was a bridge not far down but he preferred the adventure.
For a brief moment he watched the cat walk with him, only now noticing something like a collar or more of a strong with a gem tied to it around his neck. Maybe it belonged to someone. Chuuya shook the idea out of his head, he didn’t care much for that cat so he wouldn’t let it worry him.
Chuuya tried to ignore the cat, opting to look up at the trees instead of on the ground at the cat. There were more crows than usual today, he counted them, eight crows. Unfortunately he was too focused on the trees to see where he was stepping as he walked over a fallen tree trunk and slipped on some moss. He landed in the dirt, at least the cloak protected his clothes from getting dirty, that was the reason he bought it after an unfortunate incident with a mud puddle.
While his clothes were fine he couldn’t say the same for his face, he landed face down in the dirt, leaving little scrapes on his nose and cheeks as well as smeared dirt everywhere. He cursed the little bits that fell into his eyes and the ones that covered the scratches that made them sting.
That mangy cat only looked at him with what he assumed was a pleased expression. “Damn cat.” He scowled.
His anger was only interrupted by a loud gasp. He looked over to see a kid, one of the ones from that night staring at him wide eyed.
"Witch." She said allowed as she stared
"So what?" Chuuya stared back at her. She looked like she would faint at any moment under his gaze.
She heard his voice for the first time in a menacing tone. "Oh warlock?"
"Don't lump me in with those bastards! I'm a witch!" He yelled in a menacing tone. The kid was frightened and ran off.
Chuuya returned home with no new ingredients and a bruised ego.
The next morning was the same as always, only this time that stupid cat had taken up residence on the other side of his bed. He was too tired to complain and kept on as usual. Today there was a large number of crows watching from outside.
At first he thought there were only six but their numbers grew to nine or even eleven but only one brought him a gift, today a silver coin.
He readied himself for the day, this time he dressed to go into town. He picked up one of his baskets as he left and called out into the air of his house "I'm going out now."
Satisfied with himself he left for the town. Just as the day before the cat followed along, this time with more difficulty. The cat was only a small creature after all and was easily swept away among the crowds of people at the market.
Chuuya didn't pay any mind, his only goal was to stock up on the herbs for his new spell and replace anything the cat had broken.
His eye was caught by a stand selling dried rosemary and lavender as well as other scented plants, the lady behind the stall encouraged him to try putting them in some water for a nice bath. He inspected a stalk of rosemary as he gave it some thought.
His eyes wandered around meeting familiar brown eyes. The girl stared back shocked. Under her breath she whispered "witch." And quickly shuffled away into the crowd.
With his attention averted he missed the sneaky antics of the cat as it snatched the rosemary right out of his hand.
"You jerk! Stop causing trouble."
The cat looked back at him and started running away, Chuuya gave chase after it as it bounded under another stall. Chuuya stopped not wanting to disturb the stall owner, the cat had disappeared but Chuuya was now greeted with spices.
Salt and pepper, cinnamon, bay leaves and other useful tools. The stall also had a small selection of dried flowers hanging from the frame of the shop.
He needed more salt and having bay leaves was always useful. Despite having some, Chuuya didn't use many flowers in his practice but he found himself drawn to them.
He reached out to touch the petal of a rose and the wood of the stall squeaked. In a second the top of the frame fell down over him while the legs of the stand gave out causing the poor seller's products to fall out onto the path in a mess.
He pushed himself out from under the wooden frame and apologised profusely to the store owner and offered to help clean up, meanwhile the cat was snooping around at the goods fallen on the floor.
As he helped pick up the flowers he noticed the little thief pawing at the gold coins, the shop owner's earnings. The little jerk picked up a coin and scampered off. Of course Chuuya couldn't let such injustice slide and gave it a chance again, demanding the cat stop running at once.
Sadly the chase ended much like the day before with Chuuya tripped and fallen onto the ground. This time into the water of the fountain in the middle of the square where the cat proudly sat on the centre piece and dropped the coin, hitting Chuuya on the head before falling into the fountain.
"I wish you were dead, you little trouble maker."
Chuuya went home in defeat.
While his shopping trip didn’t go as planned he wasn’t going to let that stop him from finally completing his spell without failure. He had his candles lit, his space cleansed and all of his ingredients on the table with the jar he would be using for the spell. This time he picked out a new jar from the last one that had been through dozens of failed attempts. Hopefully this one will change things.
He wanted to start with sun water but as he reached for the bottle he saw the water dripping down onto the floor and a calm cat sitting on his work space. “Get down from there!”
He yelled at the cat which it did but not without grabbing one of the candles and running off with it, luckily the flame blew out but that just left a trail of smoke around his house as the cat ran off with it.
“You little-!” Chuuya picked up his broom, chasing the cat as it jumped around on his furniture “You! Since you’ve been here I've had nothing but bad luck! I want you out of my house right now!”
He chased the cat around with his broom, swiping at it as it frantically ran around, knocking down baskets, bottles and books off of shelves and tables. Chuuya got one good swing at the cat which sent it flying in a puff of smoke, barrelling towards his work. The sound of the cat hitting the table was much larger than it should’ve been for a small creature.
Chuuya watched the smoke clear to find that there was no longer a cat but a person laying over the top of his table, dazed and dizzy.
“What! You’re- You’re!” Chuuya stumbled over his words as he gawked at the sight.
The man looked up at him with the same smug grin as that cat “Cat got your tongue?”
“A man! What are you doing?” Chuuya yelled out, pointing his broom in the man's direction like it was a weapon.
“My name is Dazai and I was hoping you would take me on as your familiar, and give me the pampered life I deserve but you're really rude you know!” He looked offended as he got up from the table, dusting himself off.
Chuuya looked livid as he shouted back “Me! Rude?! You’re the one who came in here looking to leech off of me and bringing your bad luck with you!”
“How rude! Bad luck, I have no such thing! And to think I wanted to help you.” Dazai Huffed, turning his nose up at the shorter witch.
“I’m going to curse you!”
Dazai didn’t contain his offensive laugh. “You can try but without a familiar you won’t have much luck. You can’t even make wishes come true, little witch.”
“Get out.” Chuuya pointed to the door and started sweeping him out.
“Fine but when you regret it I might not be so easy to find.” Dazai willingly walked out of the house, poofing back into a cat and scampering out into the woods.
Chuuya closed the door with a sigh, happy to finally be rid of his bad luck. He picked everything up off the floor and started the spell again, calming his mind. He reached for his other bottle of sun water, perfectly stored in a glass bottle with a handle which promptly broke off as he picked it up, sending shards of glass all over the floor.
A minor setback, he swept up the glass and returned to the spell one more time. By now he’d run out of his sun water but substituting for moon water wouldn’t cause any problem. He had his list of ingredients written down but the list had disappeared somewhere amongst all the chaos.
Chuuya tried to list the ingredients off in his head, quartz and maybe rosemary or thyme? He looked around at his ingredients not being able to find any of what he prepared earlier. Somehow his luck seemed to get worse and that stupid cat's words lingered in his head. He was regretting getting rid of that cat, he probably had the answers to his horrid luck.
He grabbed his broom and stomped outside to the bush by the window.
“What way did the cat go?” Chuuya demanded the three hiding in the bushes answer, they looked up in horror, pointing to the town with some shaky hands.
Chuuya got on his broom and flew away. Yes, like all those fairytales and speculations about witches riding brooms, Chuuya could fly on a broomstick, something he didn’t do very often on account of his terrible landing skills which were demonstrated when the front of his broom collided with the walkway.
Luckily no one was around to see it but it was still embarrassing at best. He dusted the dirt off of his shirt and looked around for any suspicious looking black cats. He did find a few but they all ran off like ordinary cats and they hissed and scratched at him if he got too close.
It was safe to say Chuuya became a menace to the town's cat population as he ran around angrily screaming at felines.
“Where is that stupid cat! Dazai I swear I will curse you!”
“You couldn’t even if you really did want to.” Dazai’s mocking voice rang out behind him.
Chuuya turned around to find Dazai practically standing on him but this time in his human form, which was stupidly tall for such a small cat.
“Help me finish my spell.” Chuuya demanded, refusing to hear no as an answer.
“You’re so rude. But I suppose I could-” Dazai couldn’t even finish his sentence as Chuuya started to drag him by his tie into the square where Chuuya threw down his broom.
“I can’t carry you like that so transform.” Chuuya made more demands much to Dazai’s unenthusiasm about being thrown around.
“The least you could do is say please.” Dazai argued back but only got a stern glare from the witch. He rolled his eyes and complied, turning into a cat and hopping up onto the stick of the broom with great balance.
Chuuya followed after, scooping Dazai into his lap and holding onto him with one hand while the other stayed on the handle of the broom. As if they were feathers they were hoisted up into the sky and flying over the forest.
Cats weren’t ones to be afraid of heights but Dazai had never flown before so he made sure to stick tightly to Chuuya. Unfortunately it didn’t matter how hard he held on, even with his claws hooked in Chuuya’s shirt it didn’t stop him from flying off as they crashed through the window of the cottage.
Chuuya brushed it off like it was nothing but Dazai on the other hand was stiff with fear as he stood in the middle of the room with his hair standing on end. “What kind of maniac witch are you!”
“I’m still in training you ass!!” Chuuya yelled back as Dazai once again took his human form, straightening out his clothes and tidying his hair.
“Come over here and make yourself useful.” Chuuya patted the side of the bench for Dazai to come stand at.
Dazai stood in place, trying to look offended. “I am not a dog nor did I agree to be your familiar so stop trying to boss me around.”
“What? You don’t want to anymore, I thought you wanted a cosy life but if you want I can dump you back on the street.”
“I might prefer that over a rude little witch like you!” Dazai argued
“My door is right there.” Chuuya said as he gestured to the still open door.
“... I’ll help you. With one spell but if you feed me I just might have to change my mind.”
“Good kitty, now come show me what to do.”
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tinypuppaws · 4 months
Hi hi if it’s not to much can you do headcanons of little!Tachihara michizou (bsd)
・❥ Tachihara Michizou | Regressor HCs
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age regressor, little age 5-9
regresses without a caregiver and involuntarily
has one stuffed animal that he carries around with him in fear of losing it
when on the smaller side, he is more quiet and giggly
when bigger, he's his usual self but softer
if there are other regressors, he takes on a big brother role
likes bugs and nature and plays in dirt
when in the mafia, he and gin would play sometimes
collects stuff (leaves, rocks, flowers etc) and puts them in his pockets
with the hunting dogs, him and techou are like regression brother and he reads stories to him
slips with teruko but tries to pretend it isnt happening, though she knows and enjoys it
he is very protective over the people he has grown close to
pretty well behaved and always cleans any mess he makes
(ps; i hope this is okay, I went off vibes since i dont pay enough attention to tachihara :3)
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ar-lene · 4 months
Hello fellow yttders!!! Tis i!! The midori connoseuer who drew him once during jeandori takeover.
Under cut is a midori centered (Though The main cast have alot of elaboration on them, too.) yttd bungo stray dogs au me and 3 other people thought on a bit.
I intended to do something bigger with it. But since im working on the midori dating sim. I just cant. So im using this as a sort of hivemind post for anyone to compile ideas for this au!!!
So! Let us start with the *new* ability users and their abilities
Sou 'midori' hiyori:
Ability: "the silence of the lambs"
Affiliation: Armed detective agency. (Early story)
Rats in the house of the dead (later in the story)
This ability, allows anyone with contact to midori to establish a mental connection to, midori. Where they can swap out conciousness, speak telepathically. Or even hear the other persons thoughts and emotions. Midori is the one in control of all of that, though.
Now, as you might have guessed. This *does* have something to do with shin. Specifcally, midori ripped a layed of his skin, sew it into a scarf. Which shin now wears!! Meaning as long as that scarf is on shin. They can swap out conciousnessnesses! Shin is aware of this.
Funfacts: in yttd we see that midori has a very slight hunch. In this au, its due to shins bad posture, blowing his cover whenever he was in midoris body. So after many horribly gone attempts in fixing shins posture, Midori had to compromise.
Midori mostly uses shins conciousness in situations where his "non human way of thinking" would be a hindrance like: when he was passing the ada entrance exam.
Gin ibushi:
The switch is instant. And happens in the blink of an eye.
The name "midori" was given to him by the ada
Ability: "Knuffle kitty"
Affiliation: port mafia
Gins ability, allows any plushie animal, organ, or essentialy 'living tissue' made by gin. To become functional as if it were a living thing. With gins ability, you can easly replace someones organs or limbs as long as theres a surgeon to attach the plushie limbs to the actual host. He can also create poisonous animals to then throw at his enemies. Which is whoever is watching over him most of the time. (Lets face it. Its shin and sou who're getting stuff thrown at them.)
Fun facts: gin was transferred to the port mafia via saras request.
Kyuusaku and gin were buddies before Q witnessed the horrors.
Mori views gin as a sort of "mini yosano" and has a little collection of poisonous insects which gin has made for offensive use.
When dazai first met gin, in chuuyas presence. When gin began speaking in his "woof, meow" s. Dazai pointed at chuuya and said "he talks like you"
Joe tazuna:
Ability: 「トリプルドッグデスバラージ」 (TRIPLE DOG DEATH BARRAGE!) (Sorry i had to)
Affiliation: port mafia
His ability. Is self explanitory.
There are three dogs.
They will death barrage you.
And they regenerate atsushi style.
Funfacts: hes here due to!! Sara!!
He tried to get ryoko (was that her name??? Doner kabab gurl.) Into the port mafia too, but sara said its too dangerous for her.
Sara chidouin:
Ability: "Muses, mad men and prophets."
Affiliation: Port mafia
Her ability is meant for crowd control, and large, quick genocide. Whenever sara kills someone. They manifest as a "hallucination." Of themselves. Which wander around like normal passerbys. She, can swap her location with any of these "hallucinations" . No matter how far.
Hallucinations cannot be contained. And pass through walls. Hallucinations will dissipate after an hour has passed.
Funfacts: she works with kouyou for her training.
She was introduced to the port mafia via her father.
She kicks ass
Reko yabusame:
Ability: "perfect pitch"
Affiliation: port mafia
Juonos hearing. She can detect sound waves. She is all hearing. She detects them snitches.
Funfacts: she came to the port mafia for alice.
She and nao are girlfriends
Tia safalin:
Ability: "Babushka's doll"
Affiliation: none (sort of.) She does freelance work for whatever faction needs her. She has the most expirience working for the special ability division, rats in the house of the dead and the port mafia.
Her ability allows her to create dolls which she can give a portion of her memories to, they will then function as normal people. And can go through with tasks.
Funfacts: i got none
Ability: "The tea party in the woods"
Affiliation: none (because she deserves happiness)
Her ability causes the person shes using her ability on, to expirience a vision in their mind. Which time does not pass in. The vision will display the most comforting envoirment for the person the ability is used on. Maple, can interact with the other person during this vision. And the vision can only be stopped once the host, has drunk a whole cup of tea. This room can be used as a sort of quick therapy room, or somewhere to share confidential information with. Only 3 can enter at a time.
Funfact: she comes to the cafe under the ada very often, and has made great friends with lucy and atsushi. Shes also met midori, but its just a little baby crush.
Now, we get to characters with no ability, and their affiliations.
Alice Yabusame:
Hes part of the port mafia due to reko
Yelling. Alot of it.
Shoved in here by midori so he pays for the attempted murder
Tries his best.
Keiji shinogi:
Affiliation: Armed detective agency.
The wahaha man.
Hes a little like ranpo, in that he has no ability but is very preceptive.
When he joined the ada midori was so panicked he forced shin to interact with him. So now midori has to act like shin whenever keiji is talking to him.
Its not fun.
His arrival at the ada was NOT expected.
He was transferred to the ada from the speacial ability division.
Kanna!!! :
Affiliation: port mafia, because she kicks ass.
She helps out with mais bakery alot since its right below her house.
Shes learned alot from sara. And it shows in her fighting style.
She fights with her FISTS
She likes kyoka alot. Kinda sad shes in the ada, and sneaks to go to the cafe to see kyoka.
During one of these sneaking sessions shin (in midoris body) spotted her. And now shin has to cover for her whenever shes off to see kyoka.
Just. Genuinely a very kind girl
She doesnt deserve to be in the port mafia. And everyone knows that.
She could probably beat chuuya in a fist fight if chuuya didnt use his ability.
Shin tsukimi:
Affiliation: port mafia.
Shoved in here by midori.
Everyone and everything is out to kill him so he has a gun and several knives under his very large coat.
Most of his time is spent yelling at computers because theyre too slow for his liking.
Picks fights with sara over the stupidest little things, which sara wasnt even disagreeing with him on.
The unfortunate person who has to watch over all the children
Koyou scares him.
Higuchi is like the only non intimidating person to him, and exclusively because of how non-decietful she is.
Hatred for dazai osamu
Admiration of chuuya nakahara
Hatred of mori
Confusion of akutagawa ryuunosuke
People i dont have much thoughts on:
Megumi is a part of the special ability division.
Hayasaka is a member of the port mafia
The satous are part of the port mafia.
Mishima and nao live normal lives.
Q-taro is a part of the guild.
Hanako is an ex port mafia member
Clown girl is leading a normal life as a clown. (But im kinda considering throwing her in rithod and giving her an ability)
Ranmaru joined the port mafia for sara
Miley works with tia. But has ties to the port mafia
Teki....is teki???
Shes like..the miku of bsd i guess.
Main plot points im experimenting with: (midori exclusive)
Midoris motive from joining the ada being finding fyodor due to more information on "god" and assuming they follow the same god for this.
Midori being found out by dazai/ranpo/keiji , because midori is forced to switch into shins body to save shins ass during an ada raid. (Probably during the cannibalism) because midori isnt skilled enough in combat to hide his combat style. And shin cant fight for shit.
Midori getting his ass beat by keiji due to giving him piss hair and trauma.
Midori and fyodor kiss and make out (aka midori magically manifests in the tower during dead apple because his ability would just...be a copy of shin)
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yuugen-benni · 9 months
Helloo!!! — author-san! How have you been? I hope your year has been well because 2023 has come to an end! Oh, and I'd also like to add, happy new year! ⤵️
[✉️.] A LETTER FROM ANNON? — Dear Author-san, I wish you all the best this year, for the stories you write and those that will come after! And I don't think i've said it enough, but I'll tell you time and time again - I really love the content you put out and the little things (all others) you write! I don't think half of my year would be complete without your stories to accompany my stash of heart-wrenching stories I collected all over throughout this year! — and ofcourse, I'd be happy to see your stories this year too. Lets make a memorable year this time! (Oh- but please take your time, stories go through love and care too and I hope you don't feel pressured by this! I enjoy any content you put out! <3) — FROM ANNON. 🖊 happy new year.
[📃.] REQUEST! — Could I request for BSD characters? Where—If they would ever have an s/o, would they call them with pet names or no? If yes, what pet name?
—TYT & Thank you in advance, author-san! 🎆 ◝(๑꒪່౪̮꒪່๑)◜ 🎆
''Romantic, Sweet, Quirky or none ?''
A/N: ANON I LAVA YOU. I loved your message and thank you for all the support you gave me together with my other followers. I only got here to this day because of people like you who send me such beautiful things. Happy new year, I hope the universe blesses you and everyone who reads my posts. XOXO <3
Romantic - Fukuzawa, Kunikida, Katai, Hirotsu, Koyo, Sigma, Odasaku, Tecchou
Classic pet names are their favorites because they are simple but loving and not embarrassing - for those who are always victims of teasing -. Pet names like these are normal for most couples, but I guarantee that their form and intonation when they call you bring a fuzzy feeling inside your chest.
Some on the list are: Dear, Love/Lover, Darling, (my) Beloved, Heart or Sweetheart
The frequency will depend on where you two are, especially if you are their co-worker. In moments of intimacy or simply when the two of you are alone, in a quiet evening, the chance is 100%
Sweet - Yosano, Atsushi, Tanazaki, Gin, Higuchi, Kenji, Teruko
They like pet names that make your heart melt every day. They're creative and cute, especially when that nickname references things they/you love! In other words, they are created just for you.
Some on the list are: Babe/baby, Honey, sweetie
Bunny (By Gin because she loves cuddling with her s/o), Sunshine or Sunflower (By Kenji, do I need to explain?), Butterfly (By Yosano obviously), Bear (By Teruko, she's so tiny)
Frequency? 24/7
Quirky - Dazai, Ranpo, Chuuya, Tachihara, Mark Twain, Nikolai, Fitzerald
Provocative as hell, which is why they choose pet names that express that side of them. These nicknames range from embarrassing to ones that make you feel good - and that's their ambitions.
Some on the list: Hot Stuff, Pumpkin head, Muffin, Goat, Boo, Butt or Bun, Lolipop (We know, you know, Ranpo know), Bug
They call you these names at any time, whether to make you blush or laugh - then in front of your friends/family they turn into your handsome devil. If they want your attention, you can hear them moan all the pet names they have for you, I wish you luck.
None - Ango, Akutagawa, Fyodor, Mushitarou, Bram
It's nothing personal, but… You know. They are quite stubborn in admitting that they like to be all nice to you, which means they don't call you affectionately. But there's always a loophole in the law, right? Then there are times when they accidentally slip out pet names like ''Darling'' and ''Beatiful'' OR they call you in a sarcastic way - But we're already used to living off crumbs -.
either way, they love you. Without a doubt.
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hollowmend · 11 months
Counter-Side Dev Log #1 - 11/03/23
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In an attempt to seem much more professional than I am, I've decided to give monthly dev logs a shot!
I'll keep individual projects sperate, so if you're here for Fetch Re;Quest stuff, keep an eye out for another post later this month.
Please bear with me as I figure out what the hell I'm doing 😂 And let me know if you like this kind of content, or if I should just stick to my random updates!
So anyways...
As a quick catch-up; Counter-Side is a kinetic BL sci-fi drama. It's about two men who live and work in a capitalistic hellscape- A mining facility on the barren, atmosphere-less planet of Ikarus.
But the story's not really about that. It's about two men who've been unlucky in relationships becoming friends and hanging out at a bar. It's a BL, so I think you see where this is going.
The Boys
Counter-Side has lots of fun (and not so fun) characters, but let's just focus on the two protagonists for now.
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Transferred from his home facility to this one for mysterious reasons, Rae is the new Human Resources Manager for the software engineering department.
Rae is calm and collected... or so he'd like people to think. In truth, his inner thoughts are much more fiery than his reserved persona lets on. With a short temper and a protective streak, it's a constant struggle for Rae to keep his head down and his thoughts to himself.
Rae is not interested in dating at the moment, because as much as he hates to admit it, someone else still occupies that place in his heart.
His drink of choice is the gin and tonic 🍸
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Stationed at the facility for military training, Rosco works as part of the mining crew by piloting a mech that houses an experimental sapient AI named MARC.
He may have only been here for half a year, but he already has a reputation; Everyone knows that Rosco, the hotshot playboy pilot, never turns down a date. Little do they know that rather than playing the field, Rosco is a hopeless romantic who simply doesn't want to miss an opportunity to find his one true love.
Currently in his longest running relationship, Rosco is determined to make things work and prove that he's not the flighty, promiscuous one-night-stand that everyone makes him out to be... no matter what he has to give up in the process.
Rosco's preferred drink is anything colorful and fruity 🍹
Chapter Select
And now on to the more technical aspects of the game!
Counter-Side is kinetic, which means there are not choices or multiple endings. It's a linear story told in three acts, but there is a bit of interactivity when it comes to how the chapters work.
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(The UI is just a placeholder for now, if it wasn't obvious from Rosco's rather... colorful outfit.)
The story is told from both Rae and Rosco's perspectives, so after each act's linear opening, you'll get the option to choose what order to read things in, chapter by chapter. Once you reach the end of the act in one character's chapters, their option will be locked until you finish the other character's side.
Most chapters are completely unique scenes, but sometimes, Rae and Rosco are in the same place. These key moments are called Counter-Side chapters, and you get to experience them from both men's perspectives. The dialogue may be the same, but Rae and Rosco will have different narration and inner thoughts about what's happening, and they often start and/or end the scene apart.
Counter-Side chapters account for about 35% of the total number of chapters.
The Demo
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We're currently working on a demo that will feature the entire first act- Over 50k words! It might be missing the final UI design and some cut-in art, but other than that it will be feature complete.
After that, we don't expect the full game will be more than a few months away.
The script for the game is about 3/4ths finished and we have the rest of it already outlined. The current word count clocks in at over 130k words 😭 It's gonna be a long one.
We haven't settled on a price yet, but the full game will not be free.
Wrapping Up & Discord
There's a lot more I could talk about, but I think this is getting pretty long already. I'll post again next month, but in the meantime, let me know if there's anything specific you want to know!
And if you're interested in a slow trickle of content instead of a monthly tidal wave, I post updates as they happen in my ✨ discord server ✨
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abigail-writingstuff · 9 months
The Morning Briefing: Biden to Celebrate Dem J6 High Holy Day With White Supremacy Fairy Tale
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In just a few short years, January 6 has become the holiest day on the Democrat calendar. While Christians have long celebrated the Feast of the Epiphany on Jan. 6, Democrats venerate it as the excuse they've been using since 2021 to eliminate political opposition through incarceration, legal harassment, and a general shredding of the United States Constitution. 
Now that we've entered an election year, the commie puppet masters who run what's left of Joe Biden's brain are adjusting the uppers/downers cocktail so they can send him out in public and turn up his hate-filled rhetoric volume to 11. 
Lincoln writes about the plan for this year's J6 unhinged festivities: 
Yes, with the anniversary of JANUARY 6 coming up on Saturday and with Joe Biden apparently planning to run for reelection (as far as he knows), the campaign is coming out swinging on Saturday and Monday. Biden is set to deliver speeches on JANUARY 6 and white supremacy. Not the economy, not the wars overseas, not finding a way forward from the vicious hate and the rise of anti-Semitism. Not even a pretty little lie about the border. Nope, we're headed right back to Mega-Mecha-Mooga-MAGA white supremacists. (They're robots in disguise.)
Roll Call reports the Biden campaign announced on Tuesday that its strategy for the new year would be to focus on Trump as a dictator. Biden will be at Valley Forge on Saturday to gin up hysteria for JANUARY 6. 
In recent months, I've noticed that many of the Democrats' flying monkeys in the mainstream media have toned down the J6 "insurrection" talk and are using the word "riots" a lot more. The majority of the legal haranguing of former President Trump that they're doing requires that they keep the insurrection lie alive, however, so look for it to make a comeback. 
In reality, what happened at the United States Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, fit the Dems' pet "mostly peaceful protest" description far more than their actual riots. 
Because Biden can't run on his disastrous record, the Democrats will have to lean more heavily than ever before on their habit of demonizing Republicans. They'll insist that it's only BECAUSE TRUMP that they're being so harsh, but demonization has been a part of their political arsenal for as long as I've been old enough to vote. George W. Bush was Hitler before Trump was Hitler. Mitt Romney gave a woman cancer. This year it's the "dictator" stuff. 
It isn't just politicians who they smear, it's anyone who might vote Republican. I don't know if the Democrats keep records of such things, but I would like to know how many election year grannies I've pushed off of cliffs at this point. 
This year's shiny object to distract voters from the Biden disaster will be WHITE SUPREMACY. 
While there no doubt is a scattering of white supremacists throughout the land, Sir Sniffsalot will spend the year saying that anyone who is even thinking of voting Republican has a collection of Klan hoods at home. This will be the case even if someone other than Trump is the nominee. Again, they can't let any undecided or independent voters' eyes wander anywhere near Biden's record. 
Remember kids: the real internal threat to the country is white supremacy-fueled domestic terrorism. The various criminal elements who have access to our southern border? NOTHING TO SEE HERE... MOVE ALONG. 
I hope they keep Biden squinting at teleprompters and barking "MAGA Republicans" like a trained seal with a saliva problem. He's going to scare people all right, just not the ones they're hoping he will. 
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Two of my old Crash Bandicoot OCs, Twist and Desirée! I can't remember exactly when I made them, but it was definitely sometime before 2015. I feel old jfhdjg
When I first drew Desirée, I had given her this pink and sort of plastic look, since she was intended to just be the annoying girly rival chick for Twist to despise. But I messed around with the colors and fell in LOVE with this new design, and I'm low-key a little mad about it gkshgj
Twist on the other hand remains pretty unchanged - I always adored her original design and I can't bring myself to stray from it 😂
some backstory for them under the cut:
Twist has been stealing ever since she was young, and was always pretty great at it - it's in her genes! It wasn't until her teenage years that she decided to enroll at Madame Amberly's Academy of Evil, to learn how to make her thieving even more efficient and effective. It also doubled as a place for her to crash, as she never had a permanent home otherwise.
She ends up making quick rivals with Desirée, a star student at Madame Amberly's who's as conniving as she is popular. She's well-versed in mechanics, chemistry, and some even claim she uses some kind of dark magic or hypnosis - though maybe that's just be the effect she has on all her little followers...? She plans to use her charm, wit, and strange supernatural aura to effectively brainwash the entire student body into being her loyal servants, and one day she'll sway the entire world to wait on her hand and foot.
Desirée thinks someone like Twist, whose whole schtick seems to just be stealing people's stuff, doesn't belong at such a prestigious school, and most of their time is spent trying to one-up each other in various ways.
One day, a fight between them results in Desirée's reputation at the school being forever ruined, and as revenge, she gets Twist expelled from the academy. With nowhere to go, she's forced to survive on whatever she can get her thieving little hands on - including a hoard of these shiny purple crystals that seem like they'd be worth a fortune.
She stashes them and herself safely behind a waterfall, until one night she's discovered by Dr. N. Gin. He's so impressed that she's managed to collect all of these Power Crystals by herself - some of them even swiped from Dr. Cortex's own facilities - that he enlists her help in gathering more. Twist happily agrees so she has another place to bunk, and ends up getting along strangely well with the two doctors in question.
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12 May 1994 Jarvis Interview - Acrylicafternoons.com
The week before Pulp began their French tour to promote the newly released His 'n' Hers LP, Jarvis was interviewed by a journalist from a French newspaper in what sounds like a busy London café. The following is edited from the transcript of their 45 minute chat. Complete interview transcription: Here
Could you describe the other musicians in the band and tell me what kind of people they are?
Well, I'll have a go. Russell has been in the band the longest apart from myself. He joined at the end of 1984 [actually end 1983!]. I'd say he's probably the most intense person in the group as people will probably guess because of his stare. He's always had a piercing stare. It was always his method of getting girls. If he liked someone, he would just stare at them until they got so intimidated by it they'd come up and ask him why he was staring at them. And then they'd start talking! But because he's so intense, he's not the easiest person to get on with. I think sometimes people find him difficult, but he is a father now and I think that's calmed him down a bit. You can't stare at your child or it'll start crying! So it's kind of smoothed the edges off him a little bit.
He is quite unique - I've never met anybody else remotely like him... ever, so that's quite good. He's also a very good cook. He's unpredictable. I think that's the main thing he provides in the group - he's quite a random factor. Sometimes he'll play things completely out of tune, and you'd think 'what are you doing?', and then other times he'll play something that nobody else would think of playing. Like everybody in the group he's self-taught, so none of us know anything about scales or which notes should follow which, so it's always a bit of a lottery. But I think you get more interesting things that way otherwise you might just follow a formula. So that's Russell.
The next person to join was Candida. I think it's very important that she's in the band because she's a girl. I think often with bands if it's all boys together then no matter what you're like, it tends to get a bit kind of rugby club mentality. You know like when you hear men talking in a pub, most of what they're talking about is a load of crap. They just brag-off to each other, and most of it's lies. And it can get like that in groups sometimes so it's good to have a female influence. People always used to think Candida was a child because she's so small. She's probably the most stable person in the group - she's very reliable. Well, she's not very reliable in things like turning up on time, but you can always rely on her to be even-tempered and level-headed.
She also collects very bright things. She's quite funny because she gets a bit self-conscious at times. We were doing a video yesterday and she doesn't like being photographed or anything, so she drank a bottle of gin just to mime playing the keyboards, which was funny! She didn't even seem drunk either. Again, she's unique as well because I've never met another person like her.
So the next person to join was Nick. I suppose Nick is most normal person in the group - being the drummer - and he's strange in some ways in that sometimes he seems to want to put on this exterior of being a gruff northern man who's just interested in eating pie and chips. But he isn't really like that - he's quite well educated. He worked as a teacher - design and technology or something like that - and I suppose he's probably the most cagey person in the group in that you don't know what he's thinking about a lot of the time because he doesn't volunteer information about personal things. He prefers to talk about football and things like that.
And then there's Steve the bass player who was the last one to join in 1988. He used to be in a very bad heavy metal band. Well it wasn't heavy metal - they kind of missed their time because they were a bit like the Stooges and stuff like that. But since then there've been lots of groups that have tried to do that kind of thing, but no-one else was really doing it at that time. But he left to come down to London. I'd say he's the most efficient person in the band. He's good at being organised. When we make videos he produces them because he can phone people up and organise things to be at certain places at certain times.
He's currently homeless and living in a hotel. I think his life's in a bit of disarray at the moment which I feel a bit sorry for him about. He's probably the best looking person in the band and lots of girls like him. And I don't blame them! He's also the tallest member of the band - he's about an inch taller than me. I suppose I kind of know him best because we both live in London and so we tend to see each other more than the rest of the group who still live in Sheffield. So we go out to concerts together and things like that.
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fandombead · 2 years
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@eyydhyeet aight bet 😎 FOR INKY and boy do I have a lot of stuff to say
(Credit to the kind @/Comyet for this skelly, p.s. I loved the prism collection to pieces)
I love this character, I have defended his case for a long time~ he’s so complex and gets a lot of flack for being how he is— and a lot of people’s only impression of him is from Underverse but even that Ink version is misunderstood in his actions, I think it’ll be cleared up in future episodes~ he’s chaotic, afraid of being forgotten and alone again, and his backstory is just so sad man :,) he gets depicted to be an evil scapegoat, which in my own opinion does a disservice to what he could be~ and I hope to show ppl that with my upcoming fics 😆💜
So first I do love canon aroace Ink, I feel like that’s the most true to form for him, it works very well narratively too (aside from, haha, soulless reasons). I just have head canons on “what ifs” I use for angst and cute fluff scenarios that are just fun to see him in Xd Error or Dream are who I go for with him, but I’m open to several others thanks to artists I follow who expand on the ideas (like Ink with Gin!Sans or x-Tale!Sans)~ I alternate between having him uninvolved romantically and involved depending on the story I’m telling and the interesting relationships that are relevant
Non-romantic OTP is also Errink XD they’re just chaotic and a good fit for each other’s…quirks XD their banter and rival relationship is fun to write and read~ (His friendships with Dream and Blue are my bread and butter, it hurts to see any of them against eachother in fics :,) aaa let him care about friends! the vials help him have a normal range of emotions that are his, even if they’re allotted without a soul present)
Unpopular opinion: people constantly do him dirty 😂 for every fic of him being his decent but still chaotic self, I’ve seen 6 with him kicking babies (not literally—but I wouldn’t put it past those Inks). Some ppl also hate that he’s a Sans…but don’t care to see why he is, or see his backstory~ People can have their own opinions, I just think he gets a lot of unnecessary targeting that is out of spite more than genuine interest ^^’ he’s a gremlin I am not denying that, but he’s not evil! I get having to do it if you wanna make the bad guys look better; I disagree, but we’re allowed to both do our own things! and at the end of the day it’s just fiction squabbling, not serious
Uhhh I’m not sure? I adore “canon” Ink as he is, and his story ^^ Comyet is a sweet person who just created an amazing piece— a nice counterbalance to Error for UTMV stuff and the potential for a greater story because of that! Ink is very versatile character, and a fantastic narrative tool that makes the AUs feel more connected. He’s a vessel for typing the whole thing together and something I would argue a story like the one the Undertale fandom’s Multiverse needed. The UT fandom is unique in that all it’s AUs form a greater story to a whole, with shared characters and “ocs” created being traded around and molded and accepted into the bigger narrative like one giant group rp. It was as if it was destined something like him would come along, and I’m very glad he exists for it. He walks around as almost a parallel to Flowey: a soulless being who found a way to still feel and how that effects his relationship to other people. How he decides to still act mostly good even in his chaotic neutral way, but he’s learning morality without an inborn compass for it. It’s probably one of the deeper reasons I love Ink, with all his little quirks. Aside from him being complex and fun to write and a relatable creative spirit.
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far-side-skies · 1 year
This one is for Harvestman
Questions 1, 4, 5, 8, 10
1. What is the character’s go-to drink order? (this one gets into how do they like to be publicly perceived, because there is always some level of theatricality to ordering drinks at a bar/resturant)
He wishes, he wishes he could order vodka, or gin, or anything with alcohol. Unfortunately this crusty old man has been so deeply changeed by his time in the Black Gorge that he'll be wiped out before he even gets through the first shot of alcohol. So now he's forced to order non-alcoholic stuff or face the wrath of the doctors on Cyclonia.
4. Do they have any scars or tattoos? (good way to get into literal backstory) 
Tons of scars. Mostly bites, claw marks and various other injuries he's gotten from the beasts of the Black Gorge. There's a few old burn scars from his days fighting Murk Raiders when they got a lucky hit on him, but those are mostly covered by his newer ones.
Tattoos, I want to say he has three. A Cyclonian insignia on one shoulder, a full back piece of mechanical wings and a scythe that's broken up by scarring, and an odd set of symbols on one forearm that he got in his mid-teens and refuses to share the meaning of.
5. What was the last time they cried, and under what circumstances? (Good way to get some *emotional* backstory in.)
Oh, ouch ;w; Good question.
Probably the funerals of the squadmates who crashed with him in the Black Gorge. Their deaths hadn't been officially confirmed for the entire thirty years he was down there until he was able to say "yes, they're all dead". Those were his friends, they fought with him until the end. He might have had to mercy-kill a few of them. After all that, and thirty-plus years of struggling to survive in the Gorge, getting to lay them to rest was the relief he needed to finally grieve properly.
That was about seven years before the events of the show, and a few months after being fished out of the Gorge. Aside from maybe a few tears here and there in private, he hasn't broken down and cried like he did in the funerals since.
8. Describe the place where they sleep. (ie what does their safe space look like. How much (or how little) care / decoration / personal touch goes into it.)
So for starters, Harvestman's room is dark. He never turns the lights on because why would he need to? He's blind lol
In all seriousness though, it's a fairly nice room. The bed's a comfortable four-poster with curtains that block out most noise, he's got some little statuettes to decorate the place, and there's a fancy gramophone record player that he has a huge collection of records for. He had help putting the whole place together so the colours aren't completely mismatched. There's a lot of mementoes hanging on the walls from friends and old escapades. Not many photos but he's got some photo albums on the shelves that he likes to show people when they ask about 'the old days'.
10. What objects do they always carry around with them? (What do they need for their normal, day-to-day routine? What does ‘normal’ even look like for them.) 
His cane, gloves fitted with magnesis crystals, and some compact weapons (i.e. daggers) that he can just slip out whenever he needs to. Harvestman might be retired, but he's still a soldier on near-constant high alert, even in places he'd be considered safe. Most days he also carries other crystals on his person for use in tutoring Cyclonis.
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awrldalone · 2 years
16th January 2023, 6.40pm
*about the days after Christmas and before the new year, as defined in the previous entry
31st December 2022 —
I ran to the train station to get to Padua. I forgot the times of home, how long busses take to go places, how far walking takes me, so I missed the tram and I put on my headphones and I walked for a while to get to the station, just in time to get a ticket at the machine and jump on the train with Ma.
She’s always late too, so in a way we were late together, which in turn made us a bit more on time because we were not alone in being late.
I was wearing a dark brown cardigan with a white t-shirt and black straight-legged jeans; my clothes for New Year’s were in my bag, next to two bottles of prosecco. I like the idea of being the one who brings some prosecco to parties, and I find it delicious when it’s actually good. A family friend, a friend of my mother’s, has a winery, and he makes a batch per year just to gift his friends and sell at farmer’s markets. It must not be too profitable, but the wine is sweet and fresh, light and bubbly.
When we arrived in Padua, we bought some ice. It’s unusual, but I had offered to bring some and apparently you can buy it in supermarkets. I got three bags. V. texted he got three too. And so we went at Cl.’s, where we would sleep, and I got changed into a lace shirt I bought second hand and some leather pants I stole from my mother’s closet - I did not like how they fit, but it was the best I could do; they are too big around the waste, and there’s too much excess fabric around the hips, which makes me look bigger than I want to appear. Regards of that, I still liked how I looked. I put on some silver eye shadow and some glitter. The idea was some kind of glam rock look. 90s does 70s.
The party was a few houses over, at G.’s place. My friends from Padova are all very well off, living in the center in big apartments. Hers was huge, it must have been two apartments connected. The living room’s ceiling was beautiful, decorated with a tasteful trim which must’ve been there for more than half a decade. The walls of the room where lined with bookshelves: a vast collection of colorful Adelphi, some hardback Einaudi, an encyclopedia.
During the night I had fun. I spent time between the living room, the terrace and the second living room. The first was where we put together a small bar, setting up the bottles and the ice and the glasses on a table, and where we turned off the chandelier lights in favor of some colorful ones to danced under. The terrace was for smoking, but smoking at parties is not only a vice, but also a way to socialize, so sometimes I stepped outside just to chat away from the dancefloor. In the last room, we ate food. Some people brought food, there was anything I could have thought of: some torte salate, charcuterie, vegetables and hummus dips, lenticchie, pizza, and other stuff I cannot remember. The lenticchie made me happy, because lentils are usually eaten at new year’s in sign of good luck, but that is not a tradition my family has. My family has no traditions, and participating in them with my friends makes me unbelievably happy.
I talked a lot with B. She’s studying in Paris. I talked a lot with Cl.M. too. She left her university and I did not know. She was studying in Ireland, but she said life abroad just was not for her, and so she decided to come back to Italy.
1st January 2023 —
At one point, a bit after midnight, I really felt happy. Simply happy. Maybe it was the gin or maybe the prosecco or maybe I was truly happy or maybe I was happy both because of everything around me and because of the drinks.
I even felt hopeful. Being there with all those people, feeling their warmth again, hearing that most of them are doing good and that those who aren’t probably soon will do well. I looked up while everyone was singing and dancing and laughing and I felt grateful. It happens once or twice a year.
I almost did not think of M. He’s usually a constant thought in my head. I thought that I did not think about him, that I was okay not being with him tonight, and then I realize that in thinking that I had thought of him.
We went home at something past three. V. and I stayed out a bit more to walk G. home. I ended up in some mattress on the floor, and I woke up again at nine.
My friends always make fun of the fact I wake up early after parties, clean up a bit and leave at six or seven. This time I decided to stay, because usually I just happen to be in a rush: usually I have to go somewhere else, and I want to pass home to wash up and get ready for the day.
I had nothing to do on the first of the year, besides going at my grandma’s or at my father’s, so I stayed there and we ate panettone for breakfast.
2nd January 2023 —
The day after I went to Padova again, after lunch, to meet Y.
We had not seen each other in months, because when I went back home to vote we did not manage to hang out.
3rd January 2023 —
And then I went to Florence, Firenze, with my father and sister. We woke up early and he came to pick us up with his car to go catch a train. I read A Room of One’s Own in silence for some hours, sitting alone.
I think my father needs to stop trying like this. We certainly did a lot, but he really does not understand how to act. He does not get that being nice, being a father, does not mean simply spending money, or passively spending time with us. He does not try hard enough and he tries too hard at the same time: he just doesn’t try to do what we need him to do and he does what he thinks should fix things. He thinks this is all a punishments for him. He thinks the way my sister reacts to him is a court sentence to be served, and he thinks this sentence should have been shorter than it is.
Florence is absolutely stunning. Ivory and dark green and tall. Piazza Duomo left me breathless, completely enamored with the architecture that filled up the view completely. I went up the Campanile di Giotto, a poor lady in front of me slowed everyone down because she was panting and sweating, but the view on top was incredible. All the brown roofs, all the monuments, all the churches were visible. I took off my jacket, it was not cold at all. My father took a picture of me that made me want to die. It happens sometimes: someone shoots me with a lens and I feel like I’ve been shot at the heart. I should not be this dramatic, but some pictures make me want to rip off my skin and teeth and hair.
Inside, the basilica is quite empty, but we visited the foundations and I was mesmerized by how many times the building had been rebuilt. There were some mosaics of North African craftsmanship. Some things were just stones, but the thought they held up a whole church once made them special.
Lunch was disastrous. After that we went to Piazza della Signoria, where there are a copy of the David and other beautiful statues. Some were Roman copies of Greek originals. Things that old being so intact make me feel so insignificant, but also so peaceful. The bronze Perseus holding Medusa’s head stood tall above me as I looked at it, but my favorite might have been that of the Lion, with the inscription “Opus Flaminii vaccæ Romani” between its legs.
We also visited a temporary exhibit by Gucci, on which I have mixed feelings on. I think clothing is art. Fashion, couture, dresses can be just as impactful as a painting or a fresco. But this was not a clothes exhibit, like a YSL one I visited in Paris. It was some sort of immersive art that felt like a huge ad. It was clear that the point of it all was creating a space where people could take pictures, to then post them on social media and give exposure to the brand and the place.
Before going home, we stopped at Paszkowski, a fancy bar where I got a deconstructed martini that tasted too much like gin.
5th January 2023 —
I went ice skating in Venice with Ma.F. and her friends. I knew none of them, but they were nice.
I did really miss M., though. We were seven, so I was left alone sometimes and I skated on the ice smoothly, dodging children and wishing I could hold his hand.
We had an aperitivo afterwards, but I had to leave earlier, because my father arranged for my sister and I to meet his girlfriend, or mistress, or whatever she is that is shorter than “the woman he cheated on my mother with”.
She’s short, a fake blonde with impeccable make up on and an accent from the country side she tries to mask. I ordered a moscow mule and she said she should have gotten one too. I tried being nice. She tried too, I think, but every time I looked at her and at my father I only saw the rot in them. Even when she faked being interested in my sister and me, what we were doing, what we liked, she stumbled on her niceness a few times, betraying some prejudice on gender norms and other bigotry. I ordered an americano, and she left, and I wanted to leave too because I wanted to go home and call M. to watch a movie. My father insisted I stayed. I ordered a third drink, a cosmopolitan, and I told myself I needed to stop.
Afterwards, my father basically kidnapped me. My sister managed to escape, he let her go home, but I had to go to his apartment with the excuse that I needed to fix his phone.
9th January 2023 —
Plane. Maastricht. I arrived at my apartment at 11pm.
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And i mean yes, he has that "staring without blinking" autistic charm but that's not too important
Alright, lore time: political history from the ner world gets t) a point where the closest thing to a princess of a relatively small territory figures out the puddles (by stealing a certain chrysanthemum child's life work and getting "rid" od him → he's in a vegetative state. Which is funny because they're plents. Please laugh.
She sent several scouts (one of them was younger Gin, before his "death") to the human world, some came back and some didn't. Finally, she went on an exploration to the human world without dying first, and her brother helped preserve the body (in a vegetative state as well) and she wasn't quite-so-prepared for the effects that switching sides like in algebra would have on her. Picture this: that's not your world, you have 5o substain your existence in some way, shouldn't you?
Well, that way is cannibalism 👍at first it is hintedcat with the blue iris lady, then with gin (neri figured out with the plant lady that she has to eat them, and got gin some chrysanthemums before he dissintegrated) but you'll start to deform if you consume stuff that's not of the same origin as you- for humans it should be easier, because humans are of the same genus (although there are very few humans in the ner world, obviously), but for ner? They have to consume the same plant as their origin. If they don't, they fade. If they eat a different plant, they become... Creatures
Like in myths, picture dangerous w*ndigos and kelpies and gnomes that bite your eyes off. Nahuales. Depends on the original strength of the ner and the things they consume, and that's how i will try to incorporate multiple mytholoies and folklore from all parts of the world. As many cultures as possible, although that's research i still need to do :)
The princess (she doesn't have a name yet) is a rare ass plant and she didn't know that she was rare when she got to the human world (she had a shifty understanding of everything, with her scouts. They informed her that she shouldn't, under any circumstance, eat plants that weren't her own, but she didn't know that not every single type of flower could be found in Convenient Little Spots in the human world. She hurried a bit, ahe wanted to know all of the human world first-hand, and didn't wait foe her sacrifices scouts to collect enough information for a safe mission. She waited barely 5 years. (Gin was 12 when he was first sent as a scout, equivalent to like 24 here but still a child mentally and biologically for a ner). Timeline will be fixed later, i need some plot to fix the plotholes. Ages will be adjusted, probably)
Well, neither she nor the people who went with her cpuld find a specimen of her mother plant, and ‼️‼️she couldn't come bqck empty-handed, she hhad a bet to win against her brother‼️and she was dying. And, she reasoned, if she couldn't eat the other plants, what other option was there but to eat a human? (Try to picture a creepy flesh plant. That's what she started turning into). She tried to hide it from what was left of the crew, but. Yeah (i still need to think of the effects and in-universe plausible explanation for the transformation) and when she was getting pretty used to eating humans (whole humans) and a human child (human children could usually see ner, while most adults couldn't, made them harder to eat because, somehow, if they can't see you it's like you can't touch them. Interesting) from a city nearby her camp who she had talked to before came (willingly, mind you, she must have made friends with someone from your team) and offered her a flower of hers ("it looks like you, ms. Fairy"). Well. You bit her hand off, alongside the flower.
But the flower, combined with the fact that the child tried to run and that you were already weak and getting weaker, something happened and you felt your face glue to the child's arm. It was terrifying, it was horrifying, being the parasite qnd AAAAAAAA yeah you got incorporated like those fish that bite into the female fish to become portable testicles. And the child, well. They don't remember anything of it, luckily, but they were kept there and alive by your team for about a human month, they tried to save you but it was futile (you tried to eat the human and the human- in a way- ate you). When they saw the child start to wake up, with no trace of you lying there, an eye inside their brain, they gave it back to its parents (you remember the Ye Olde Days stories of "my child got taken by changelings and now it's a weird kid (autism hadn't been invented yet)"? That's kind of what happened to Neri, from their parents and siblings' point of view.
So hurray! He grew up with a bit of the magic-soul-subconscious-eye of a magic plant princess on their brain! The princess' brother was still trying to get her back so he kept sending scouts (some stayed, like the blue iris lady. What was the guy going to do, go himself to get them back? Nah, they were living happily as creatures of the forests and jungles and meadows. Alone, most of them, but happily). Some of the scouts sent to the area where Neri lived as a kid sensed something, and when he wandered too far they started chasing him (most of them just wanted answers, but Neri's fight or flight instinct kept the trauma response to seeing plant people approach. Some of them did hurt him, but the other kids at school did too, so there wasn't any proof to show to their parents or siblings that it happened).
Talking abour siblings, Neri (at 17) was an older brother to a 10yo and a 9yo, (they're thought of after two of my siblings (i have one 13yo brother and 2 10yo sisters) :) and that's what i always say about projecting too much onto Neri, i need to cut that off and make him a real character)
So he finishes highschool and gets sent to the city where the main sroty happens (before they cross the puddle), to work a bit before starting college and whatnot. And stuff happens, as you might know
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thebatmandiaries · 2 years
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hello and welcome to my blog! i write lots of different fics, but am currently writing for supernatural! below are the links in which you can find my stuff. 📚
⭐️ my ao3 ✍️
⭐️ the masterlist of champagne for my real friends, real pain for my sham friends (now complete, and with a prequel!)
⭐️current wips:
oh baby, when they made me they broke the mold
Dean is back and better than ever. Now he needs to find the Colt and deal with Sam's burgeoning new powers, all while hiding the true reason he came back.
sending postcards from a plane crash
“Dean. What the hell are you doing here?” Sam asked him. “How did you find me?”
Sam had filled out from the gawky snot nosed brat he had been when Dean had last seen him. It wasn’t that he hadn’t expected Sam to grow in the ten years he had been gone, but it was still a shock to see how…grown up…Sam had gotten. Dean could only hope it was the same for his maturity and emotional responses.
Otherwise this would be even more awkward.
“We need to talk.” Dean said.
Dean and Sam meet again after ten years. It doesn’t go well.
⭐️ current series:
the family jewels
the series collection of “champagne for my real friends, real pain for my sham friends”, including the (eventual) sequel and prequel to the story.
saving people, hunting things, the family business
spn, but with Claire as Dean's kid throughout the series.
Come Hell or High Water
Basically season one and two rewritten with the context dean is a demon.
ten years 'verse
How Sam and Dean finally reconnected as brothers after ten years.
⭐️ stories to highlight (not already listed)
of all the gin joints in the world (written for the pb exchange “hot entity summer”)
"But on a beach somewhere, you know? Can you imagine? You, me, Cas, toes in the sand, couple of them little umbrella drinks. Matching Hawaiian shirts, obviously." -Dean Winchester, 13x23 "Let the Good Times Roll".  In which Dean finally gets his beach vacation, Sam has a freak out, and Cas is just here for the ride. 
The (After) Life of the Party (written for deancas horrorfest)
After a fight with Sam one night, Dean wakes up in a world he is unfamiliar with. This world only has one rule: kill or be killed. As a designated Killer, he must kill all the Survivors before they have a chance to complete their task. If he doesn’t, he ruins the risk of becoming a Survivor himself. With the help of Charlie and Benny, other Killers, he slowly finds his footing in the new world he was thrust into. If only there wasn’t a strange blue eyed man to distract him…
The Patron Saint of Liars and Fakes (written for dcbb)
Dean Winchester has known he was in love with his best friend for a long time. He never planned on saying anything, at least, not until friends and family convinced him otherwise. Only the confession doesn't go as planned: Cas rejects him. Distraught and hurt, he heads to a bar to drink his sorrows away, and upon meeting a woman named Ruby, enters a whole new world. Now battling his broken heart and new substance dependance, he needs to decide what is more important: his (still ever-present and strong) feelings for Cas, or his new found "freedom" with Ruby.
we're the lifers here to til the bitter end (condemned from the start)
It had been days, weeks, months, years. He had been everywhere and nowhere and now he was here. It was…bright. After spending so long in a place filled with dark reds and low lighting, the only thing he remembered was pain. it was strange to see the world filled with bright colors and sunshine. It was pure. And it made his skin crawl. It was time to leave. Sooner or later someone would find them, and he didn’t want to be here when they did. “Alright then.” He smiled as he cleaned his blade off one of the clothes of one of the bodies on the floor. “Looks like I’m going to California. Can’t wait.” or Dean Winchester came back as a demon, and there is hell to pay.
the best of us can find happiness in misery
After he demonstrated them, Azula stalked over and clicked some type of cuffs on him. “Alright then, you’re our prisoner.” Confusion crossed Aang's face. “What? Why?” “Because you’re the avatar? And we were ordered to capture you?” She turned to Zuko. “Were we not clear about that?” Zuko shrugged. “I thought it was pretty clear, especially since we were going to burn down the village to find him.” Aang eyes widened. “You were actually serious?!” Together they said, “Of course were were.” Azula rolled her eyes. “I never make an empty threat.” "Exactly." Zuko nodded his head in agreement. "Father always says that if you are not willing to follow through on your threat then you shouldn’t make one in the first place.”
Some princes don't become kings (even at the best times I'm out of my mind)
Billy finds his dad much earlier. While his dad may not be the best person, surely he only wants to connect with Billy to be family again, right? Not anything else, regardless of what Freddie says. Along with juggling super powers and a nosy family, what is Billy to do?
Blessed be the boys time can't capture
There is a lot things Five doesn't talk about from the years he was alone. This is one of them.
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buginateacup · 4 years
Bug’s Fic and Gin collection
It’s wednesday night and I’m in the mood to do something a little weird so I’m pairing my gin collection to my Megamind fics. These will be in order of first posting.
Shut up and Ki(ss)dnap me - A short two chapter fic, my first foray into the fandom (though not the first thing I wrote for it). Short and zippy but a delightful finish. Pair with: Ambleside Small Acre gin. Heavy on the botanicals. Rhubarb, bay leaf, apple and cloves give a savoury zing on the palate. On the Palate: Juniper, pine, notes of white pepper, herbaceous and earthy body, slight bite to finish.
The Shoal - A Cthuluesque oneshot mostly about the gods of Megamind’s species and how they followed him to Earth Pairs with: Amphitrite Gin Elixir. A sweeter gin, milder than most but ooh take it slow because it will change your life
Bad Idea  - A songfic and the first of the Feral Roxanne iterations. Pairs with: It has to be Chase Sloe and Mulberry gin. Sweet gins aren’t for everybody but this one has a strong flavour and quite strong. If you’re going to indulge in something over the top you might as well make it worth it.
Fishcakes - Why did I torture Minion this way? Minion’s POV but mostly revolves around “Oh good they worked it out...could they stop working it out for five minutes maybe?” Pairs with: Queenscliff Distillery Dry gin. Bitey, very dry. Poor Minion deserves better.
Tea with Topsy - Ah yes...the big one. The slowburn falling in love Evil Queen AU. Specifically without an external catalyst. No Hal, no other big bad, just flirting and phonecalls and a slow slow steep into the darkside with no interest in redeeming the villain or setting them on a path to light. Still a feral Roxanne but also just two actual adults just coming together with the kind of inevitability of a fuse burning down to the explosives. Pairs with: Brookies Byron Slow Gin. Made with Davidson plums rather than sloe berries. Bright and flavourful with a hint of bite. I prefer it over ice.
Behind the scenes - Its just horny guys. What feral Roxanne wants, feral Roxanne gets. Pairs with: Tiny Bear distillery Brew. Coffee infused gin. delicious. Punches your lungs out with the fumes if you’re not careful.
Layers - Roxanne makes self destructive decisions. Megamind makes self sabotaging ones. Nothing is going well. And yet it ends lightly? Pairs with: Larrikin Barrel Aged Gin. This gin has been ‘aged’ in small American Oak barrels, that once held bourbon and then Tasmanian whisky. Strong whisky scent but none of the afterburn. Lingering flavours, best served over ice.
Presentation - Ultimate Alien Megamind, written for a Gift Exchange. Megamind rescues Roxanne, makes better decisions than she does. Quiet and painful. A sequel is coming (eventually) Pairs with: Archie Rose Coast. Strawberry gum, sea lettuce and lemon myrtle, the second most Australian tasting gin I’ve ever had. Delicious.
Rings - The crackfic idea that should not have turned into 80K+ with feelings. And yet here we are. Pairs with: Dasher + Fisher Sloe Gin. One of my favourite gins, very sweet and a serious indulgence. Comes from Tasmania. Extremely delicious and very sweet.
Run - Still might actually be my favourite oneshot. Brains/Brawn/Boss. Roxanne disappears and Megamind and Metro Man team up to find her. Everybody goes Evil because Evil has Standards. Pairs with: Underdog Gin from Applewood Distillery. Anise myrtle my love.
Liminal Spaces - Outtakes and alternate scenes from Rings. Pairs with: Brogan’s Way Hearts Afire gin. Cassia, aniseed myrtle, lilly pilly. Warm and winter.
Date Night - Accidental Evil fake dating, written to have two bastard ferals bang in the car. Somehow needed 10K+ of logistics beforehand. Sigh Pairs with: Tiny Bear Sailor Gin. Extra strength Navy gin and fucking hell I need to finish this fic.
Better the Devil you know - Another Roxanne runs to a supervillain for safety. Happens very early on in their relationship before they trust one another well enough that things would have progressed if it happened a few years later. Pairs with: Roku Gin, a very smooth Japanese gin with a very pretty bottle.
Pomegranate Seeds - Kind of fucked up Hades/Persephone AU Pairs with: Dasher + Fisher Cherry Gin. Sweet but cruel.
and the taste of you sweet on my tongue - Sweet soft soulmate AU where I was more interested in the worldbuilding than the outcome. Pairs with: Dasher + Fisher Strawberry Gin. Very sweet. Nothing to it after that.
No one calls you honey when you're sitting on a throne - Heheheh. Similar to Run wherein we see Roxanne choose Evil. But a lot bitier and immediately destructive. Pairs with: Copperwave Gin from Hunter Distillery. Aromatic and citrusy with a licorice finish.
Hey kids lets rob a bank!    - Based on an anon prompt. Two old marrieds just as in love as ever. Pairs with: Greenall’s Wild Berry Gin. Its sweet and light. What more do you want?
Waiting - Very silly. Diary style fic. Means I get to avoid all the awkward bits I don’t feel like writing. Pairs with: 78 Degrees Sunset Gin. DELICIOUS. Could drink it forever no effort.
Mirror Mirror - Extremely fucking horny fucking. Pairs with: Teddy & The Fox from Bellarine Gin. Its bitey.
Please break me gently - Oooh how badly do you want to hurt? A continuation is planned. About 4 chapters in total eventually. Pairs with: Brogan’s Way Everyday Salvation. White pepperberry and strawberry gum. Don’t talk to me while I’m drinking this. I need to be alone.
Wake Up Call - Short with a twist. Pairs with: Ginny Pig Spiced Fig Gin. Enjoy with ginger ale.
Bonus unwritten fic: Paperwork Polycule, specifically because there are bits of it floating around Tumblr. Pairs with: Threefold Distilling Aromatic Gin. Grapefruit, Rosemary and Lavender. Self explanatory really
(The most Australian gin is Lyrebird. It tastes like a hills hoist in a backyard with dry summer grass and birds calling on a hot evening.)
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i don't wanna know (ii)
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pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
summary: when you learn that Bucky knows nothing about music, you start introducing him to some of your favorite bands. as your hang outs become more and more frequent, you start to catch feelings for the super soldier.
warnings: alcohol, references to a family death, implied sex
word count: 633 (sorry, I know this one is short)
series playlist
series masterlist
“So what is this Fleetwood Mac?” he asked you, making himself comfortable on your sofa. You had pulled out your Rumours album and placed it on display by your record player.
“Fleetwood Mac is arguably one of the most successful bands of the 70s. And Rumours was created from scandal and drama, yet it's one of their most successful albums.”
“What kind of scandal?”
“A couple of the band members were married and went through a divorce while making this album. And then Lindsey Buckingham and Stevie Nicks were in an on again, off again relationship and they were fighting all the time. A lot of the bandmates weren’t even on speaking terms when they were recording. Yet they made this incredible album.”
“How do you know all this?”
You shrugged, “My dad taught me a lot about this stuff. When I was younger we would listen to a record every Sunday together. And he would tell me all about the artists and what the songs were about.”
“You must be pretty close.”
“We were. He actually passed away about five years ago.”
“Oh Y/N, I’m sorry.”
“Oh it’s fine. I’ve come to terms with it. I’m just happy we got to spend those moments together. And he left me his collection when he passed so I always have something to remind me of him.”
“And now you’re sharing all that knowledge with me.”
“Well someone has to!”
“Alright, alright. Let’s get into it.” You started up the record player and brought over two gin martinis. Bucky insisted on drinking with you even though he never felt the effects of alcohol. Truthfully you were happy for the company so that you weren’t drinking alone.
“What’s your favorite song from the album?” he asked. You learned your lesson from your last session and kept quiet as you both listened, letting Bucky forge his own opinions.
“What’s your favorite song?” you echoed.
He held up the vinyl cover, studying the track list, “I liked...The Chain.” You smiled and gave him a nod. “What about you though?”
You sighed, “Every time I listen to this album, a different song speaks to me.”
“What was it this time?”
“I Don’t Wanna Know.” Bucky looked at the track list and nodded his head. “How does this compare to Bowie?” you asked.
He let out a big sigh, “I mean, it’s different right? I don’t feel like I can pick one over the other. It sort of just depends on the kind of mood you’re in.”
You gave him a big smile, “What, is that a bad answer?” he asked.
You shook your head, “That is the correct answer.”
“Phew, glad I passed the test.”
“You’ve earned yourself another session.”
“Just tell me when and where.”
“Do you have any missions coming up this week?”
He shrugged, “I’m sure I will. They don’t exactly give me much notice.”
“Fair enough. Well I’m always around so why don’t you figure out your week and let me know what works for you.”
“That I can do.” He collected himself and headed toward your front door. You followed behind him and he paused at the front door. You both stood there in silence for a moment, unsure of what to do next. Part of you thought maybe you should hug him, but you hadn’t crossed the touch barrier that often and you didn’t want to make Bucky uncomfortable. He stood there, looking at you nervously and just as you were about to speak, he broke the silence.
“Thank you for sharing all this with me. I didn’t realize that music was such an important part of your life.”
You smiled at him, “I’m happy to do so. Music has brought me so much joy and has helped me deal with so many things. I think that you of all people deserve that too.”
He gave you a smile and stepped out the door.
“Bring wine.” The thought came out of nowhere and suddenly you had blurted it out.
“For our next session.”
“Oh,” he chuckled. “Red or white?”
“I’ll let you decide that.”
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starglow-xx · 3 years
hello! may i request headcanons for chuuya having a crush on someone who's dense? like he could ask them out in the most straightforward way possible and it would still go over their head?
yes, yes of course you may!
sorry this took so long! my computer was out of commission for abt a week (or two..??)
but this is also my birthday writing piece for chuuya!! (4/29/21) i even added a small drabble thingy in addition to the hcs for the occasion hehe
from where i am, it is about fifteen minutes past midnight so it’s officially chuuya day here!!
happy birthday chuuya i love you! you deserve the whole world and everyone is willing to fight tooth and nail to ensure your happiness! we love you! 💗💗
anyways, i hope you all enjoy this! i kinda had some writer’s block but it was still a lot of fun to write! there might be some mistakes, but i’ll scan over it again later. reader is gender neutral! have fun!
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chuuya having a crush on a dense! reader
nakahara chuuya x gn! reader
im cackling somebody help him
he’s frustrated bc you can’t take a hint or a thousand but he can’t even be mad bc he’s whipped
“look at you all dressed up today, wanna go out later? my treat?”
“oh really? thanks chuuya-san! you’re such a nice friend. i’ll go invite the others right now, i’ll see you later!”
fast forward to later in the evening and he finds himself at a little restaurant with the black lizard + higuchi and akutagawa
in unison all of them go, “thank you for the meal chuuya-san!” (except aku and hirotsu are quieter & and gin just a nods hehe)
“no problem” (ꐦ ´͈ ᗨ `͈ )
gin only pats him on the back in sympathy
he spends a lot of time trying to think of ways to make it absolutely and undeniably clear that he has feelings for you
he always fails
“(y/n) i like you”
“i like you too chuuya-san”
“t-then will you—”
“you’re a really great friend! and superior too”
“oh were you saying something?”
“nah, just forget about it”
tachihara is laughing in the corner of the corridor
dont worry, chuuya made sure to get back at him
chuuya’s been pinning after you for years and frankly, his failed attempts to woo you has lead everyone to the breaking point
and i mean everyone
yes, even aku
hell even dazai
but dazai also thinks it’s funny, so he doesn’t mind all that much
okay bye bye dazai-san this headcanon set isn’t abt you rn
they knew even if he kissed you, you still might not get it
so they decided to help him
super secret mission get chuuya and (y/n) together is a go!
they’re still working on a proper mission name, don’t mind them
they had a super secret strategy meeting!
you can bet your ass that they nearly got nothing done
akutagawa & kaiji weren’t much help, neither was higuchi, mori, or elise
tachihara nearly got killed for a thoughtless comment
“just tell them chuuya-san!”
“i already fucking did you ass!”
gin, hirotsu, and kouyou were the most helpful !!
hirotsu and kouyou both agreed on the idea that chuuya should try courting with bouquets of flowers instead of flat out asking you bc they knew you found them pretty
(even if you don’t identify as a female, flowers are for everyone no matter gender or sexuality! so let’s normalize giving flowers to everyone <33 )
gin didn’t speak but she used cards to communicate
everyone knew that you weren’t stupid (you wouldn’t have survived in the mafia if you were) but they did know that you were only stupid when it came to all this lovey dovey stuff
i mean, if chuuya gave you flowers every so often, there’s no way that you wouldn’t piece it together at some point
but kouyou assured him that even though you wouldn’t get it right away, you’d appreciate the gestures and that he’ll stand out more
she even said that if someone gave her flowers, she would appreciate it, whether or not she reciprocated their feelings
it takes guts to be so up front with your feelings after all
gin and hirotsu only nodded with her explanation
once again, this only provoked a reaction out of tachihara
“what do you know gin? i get the old man and kouyou-san, they’re grown, but you? what do you know abt courting? or flowers? what are you a girl?”
akutagawa choked on his cough, higuchi on air, and on the other side of yokohoma at the ada, dazai is cackling
yes, dazai somehow placed a listening device onto chuuya’s hat and was listening in
don’t ask how, it’s dazai
the next day, chuuya did what was barely discussed and for once, things actually started to look up
until they started look to down again
at first, it actually looked like you understood his intentions after he gave you a bouquet of flowers
literally everyone was leaning against the opposite hallway you two were in and then they got excited !!
especially chuuya !
but then your expression sort of changed...??
and then in their heads they simultaneously went, “oh no”
they knew that expression
it was very familiar when you tended to friend zone chuuya
but boy let me tell you what you said next made them facepalm and or make their jaws drop
“ah, so you really are friend zoning me huh chuuya-san; what a shame, i really did like you”
you liked him??
him of all people??
he wasn’t complaining, no of course not, but he still couldn’t believe it
but that wasn’t what he was really focusing on right now
what in any form or language did it say he was friend zoning you?!
flower language apparently
chuuya chose to buy the bouquet of yellow roses, pink carnations, and yellow carnations bc he thought you would appreciate the brighter colors, and so that you’d remember them better (because remembering them, meant remembering him)
but ooh boy
altogether, they meant the exact opposite message he wanted to send
someone help him pls
“you see chuuya-san, yellow roses mean friendship, pink carnations mean gratitude, and yellow carnations mean rejection; sooo in a nutshell, these pretty much say ‘thank you for being my friend, but im rejecting you”
no one can tell if tachihara is crying or wheezing
and dazai is having the time of his life
yes, he started listening in on him again
and chuuya is just stunned
like speechless and unmoving stunned
is he just bad at this whole courting/dating thing?? it’s only been one day and of it and somehow he was the one doing the rejecting??
“thank you for the flowers chuuya-san, i’ll be going now; i’ll make sure to let this affect our friendship. i’ll see you tomorrow!”
you passed by the not so subtle group of people
“tachihara-kun..?? are you alright?”
just for context, he was leaning his forehead against the wall using his forearm
again, it was hard to tell whether he was crying or wheezing
“i-im okay (y/n)-san...i think c-chuuya-san has it worse than me”
he’s still frozen poor baby
but it’s okay bc after like 5 more seconds he’s chasing you down the hallway you were walking in
kouyou, with a knowing smile on her face, ushers everyone away towards the opposite direction
she received some whines (ahem, tachihara and mori) but silenced them by summoning golden demon
but it’s okay
if they run fast enough, they can see what happens through the security cameras
chuuya caught up with you and tried to explain everything but he was exhausted
emotionally, physically (bc since when did you walk that fast??), and generally just tired with the whole situation
he just wanted to call you his; was that too much to ask??
as explosive as he can be, he can be calm and collected too
and he really did try to be that way as he talked with you but it was very difficult at the moment
the dumbfounded and confused look on your face his face twitch with annoyance and his heart started beating faster bc god you were cute
thank goodness after what seemed like years, you finally somewhat understood what happened
you didn’t understand completely but it was something
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The two of you stood in the middle of the unusually empty hallway facing each other, you with the bouquet still in hand. It was quiet as you and Chuuya assessed the situation.
You looked at him skeptically and he stared right back you with his gorgeous blue eyes.
“...So you do like me Chuuya-san??”
“And you were trying to court me just now, not friend zone me??”
You got most of your questions out of the way, but there was something that you’ve been wondering about for quite a while.
“...So you’re not gay for Dazai-san??”
“Yes, im not wait—GAY FOR DAZAI?? THAT MACKEREL??”
Chuuya did a double take. What in heavens name made it seem like he liked that suicidal maniac?? Why would he choose him if he had you?
Like he would choose him anyways; or ever consider him as a possible romantic partner.
“Oh, so you are?”
“Well yeah, but I thought you liked Dazai-san too. As annoying as he is, he can be quite charming—”
He was out of patience at this point (nope definitely not because you were talking about Dazai who told you that?) and just decided to kiss you.
You immediately melted into the kiss and kissed him back with the same amount of love and feeling.
Letting the bouquet fall to the ground, you wrapped you arms around his neck and his put his on your lower back and brought you closer to him. After a few more moments, the two of you broke apart for air.
The two of you, slightly out of breath, leaned your foreheads against each other and just basked in each others presence.
Chuuya looked into your (e/c) eyes and asked you just a little bit above a whisper, “Now do you get my intentions and feeling?”
You blinked at him before breaking out into a grin, “Hmm I’m not sure; do you wanna do that again Chuuya?”
The red head only blinked back at you before rolling his eyes, a smile present on his handsome features, his heart fluttering at you using his name with the honorific.
Smiling cheekily at him, you pressed a kiss on his cheek and started dragging him towards the lobby to take a walk around the building perimeter, knowing that the two of you can’t be too far from work.
The way down to the lobby was mostly in comfortable silence until you said something that made Chuuya want to bash his head against the wall.
“You know, you could’ve just told me you liked me Chuuya. It’s not like I would’ve said no.”
Once again, as the rest of the more power mafia members watch from security cameras, it is hard to tell whether Tachihara is crying or wheezing of laughter.
omake !!
The two of you just started making your way around the building when suddenly a very familiar voice came from Chuuya’s prized hat.
“Chuuyaaaa!! It was about time you stopped being a chicken, Chibi!”
Removing his hat from his head, he started yelling at it not knowing exactly where the listening device was planted.
“And (y/n)! I would congratulate you, but I think I would rather offer you my condolences. Why him?! He’s just a slimy slug. OOH OOH how would you like to join me in a double suicide?! A shame it won’t be a lover’s suicide but it’ll annoy Chuuya so I think it’ll be worth it! ”
“And please don’t kiss while I’m listening in. You made me lose my appetite! And it was such a shame! I was eating crab using Kunikida-kun’s money! Do you know what you’ve cost me?!”
“Ah! Kunikida-kun is here! I have to go!”
You can hear something is the background that vaguely sounds like, “DAZAI YOU WASTE OF BANDAGES STOP USING MY MONEY”
The click sound from the hat revealed that Dazai disconnected.
Chuuya twitched and glared furiously at his signature hat hating that the voice he hated the most came out of it.
“Aww, I didn’t get to talk to Dazai-san”
Chuuya whipped his head towards you, a look of mock (or real) betrayal showing on his features.
You laughed at him before taking the hat out of his hands and placing it on his head.
He shyly looked away before muttering a thanks making you smile wider. Just as the two of you were about to start walking, a small explosion erupted from his hat; it was likely that Dazai made the listening device self destruct.
At the Armed Detective Agency, a certain suicidal maniac hid from the wrath of his current partner as he thought about the wrath his old one.
“Hmmm I wonder if Chuuya would finally stop wearing his ugly hats if I blow all of them up...”
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as always, reblogs and shares are appreciated! i hope you all stay safe! and just in case nobody told you they loved you today, i love you! you are enough! <3
writing belongs to me! please do not plagiarize! the reblog button is there for a reason
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