#Castor clones
backpackingspace · 2 months
I have had a cursed thought and it won't leave me alone for days. Not quiet ready to actually share it (bc i havent fleshed it out) but I am going to rant about it in the tags
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rynmaru · 1 year
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Happy Birthday, Echo…
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🍉: Does your OC have a particular piece of jewellery that they always wear or refuse to part with?
🍍: Where does your OC feel most comfortable?
🍑: What sort of traits does your OC look for in a Significant Other?
🍆: Does your OC have any favourite form of affection, physical or otherwise?
🍰: What's something your OC counts as unforgivable?
CLAWS MY WAY UP FROM HELL ITSELF I GET TO OMURAPOST EVEN MORE???? and finally back on my laptop can i get a hohyeah?
putting this under the cut bc it got so long oh my god leo ilysm
🍉: Omura has a beskar pendant in the shape of a mythosaur skull that its mother, Usokya'Varhis Vane, placed in its carrier. For years it was used as a teething toy, then pounce practice, and now as a focusing element for prayer. There's a custom headpiece that @calamity-aims' Rishh made for Omura as well, adorned with crystals from Mandalore's underground cave systems, centered around the kyber crystals Omura found from the same systems - although this piece is typically saved for ceremonies or when it has to attend a formal High Council meeting later on in its 30s-40s.
🍍: Usually in a created nest, and surrounded by any number of loved ones. Mace Windu (dad <3), Kit Fisto (dad <3), Dara Idella (@spacerocksarethebestrocks, gender neutral mom and ultimate. yes <3), Agen Kolar (dad <3), Cin Drallig + Serra Keto + Bene McCallum (Kiwigiiii), baby sister Losnook, Bastra (you! Leo!!), Altair (@dilf-archivist the one i would actually heave oceans for), its partners in crime Zeyil and Tan, literally any of its partners - Latil (@penguinkiwi the most beloved), Anakin (mine <3), Sirajaat Tott, Jess (@chiafett my adored), Chomp (@keys-to-the-stars the realest) Kimni Tadodena (shared w/ Leo), Zarthi.. any of its plethora of children both adopted and born, Rishh (Cal's!) just for the fact that she is such a beloved friend... even if you're just in proximity and it's time for Omura to flop.
🍑: That's a hilarious question, since its partners are all have a very wide array of personalities - the polycule web stretches far and wide, with love for every single one of them. Omura couldn't even begin to tell you its real type besides "you are good to me, you love me, you are genuine, and I will put the same love in with you", to sum it up into words? Omura fell in love with Anakin the same as it fell in love with Latil, and the same as it fell in love with Kimni and Sirajaat and Chomp and Zarthi and Jess. All of them bring different things to the table. // Anakin is like, this certain sense of intimacy and trust. // Latil is like the calm and the quiet that settles right after the sun sets and the moon rises. // Kimni is like a rush of overwhelming devotion, but not in the intoxicating sense - more like waking up for the first time to something you adore. // Sirajaat was the first time Omura learned to open its eyes and see beyond what it knew, see beyond fear of the unknown when it came to knowing someone else. But also finding something that was much closer to home and comfort than it even realized. // Zarthi was the love of taking it slow, taking someone in and finding something natural. // Jess was the first time Omura was able to reach out to a Force sect outside of its heritage (Jedi, Mandalorian, Togrutan) and learn more, while connecting with someone in the process. // Chomp was the most happenstance thing to ever happen and it blossomed into a love so fucking true that Omura was genuinely surprised that it was mutual, and wasted no time in ensuring that it felt the exact same. If there is love, and the love is real and mutual and trustworthy, then Omura will nurture it.
🍆: Omura is a very physically affectionate person, and honestly always has been. It's preferred to show its love and care by pressing close to others (if wanted) and purring to comfort them, gently "grooming" them or asking if they want to talk about what happened to upset them. Or just being a quiet pillar to lean on for a moment. Omura likes to bite and kiss and hug and hold (and lick, depending on who you are) when playful. Very much just!! Being present, reminding the other that it's there with them, rubbing cheeks or chinning against them, man I just think Omura really really likes holding people. A good small-space heater for the chilly, a good bed for littles to lay on, MAN!!!
🍰: Betrayal and/or being lied to. Cough cough. O66 AU. Omura was willing to kill all those it loved just to keep Anakin closeby, following him into Darkness and becoming his Grand Inquisitor, just for it to find out that Anakin lied. And boy did Omura fucking LOSE IT. Imagine that the Living Force, corrupted and twisted into a walking amalgamation of death and decay that siphons off life just by walking past someone .. who has taken great care to not physically touch you because it knows it will kill you .. has suddenly turned its cosmic eye to you and is in the process of tearing a wall of solid durasteel apart out of sheer incomprehensible rage. Because you lied. And you killed its loved ones.
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theatrical-penguin · 7 months
I have worked with actors for over 25 years. Some very talented actors — including a future Tony/BAFTA nominee. But Tatiana Maslany in Orphan Black confounds me. I have to continually remind myself that this is one actress. Helena to Rachel to Cosima.
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When Allison disappears for a couple episodes I think “I wonder if she had a conflict? are they covering a pregnancy or something?” before remembering that IT’S THE SAME ACTRESS!
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The voices, the physicality - far beyond the costuming because there’s the times the clones swap and there are subtle ways to tell the differences.
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Ari Collins’ Castor clones are way more similar. And things like the Battlestar Cylons don’t touch what Tatiana accomplished.
It’s an acting masterclass that she should have won way more awards for.
I’ve just finished Season 2 on my rewatch and it’s just crazy. Plus the character development of the core clones in what for them is basically 2 months? And from here out Helena’s pregnancy shows the rest of the series is less than 9 months. 50 episodes of a year in the lives of this family of Sestras.
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thelocalconstellation · 11 months
okay okay okay. so we all like us a good danny damian twins au, yeah? I'm a sucker for duos who are twice as dangerous together than alone, either adapting to or being taught to cover each others weak spots.
Samurai typically carried three swords on them, if what I recall from 8th grade and what my 10 minutes of googling tells me is correct, a longer sword that was used for longer-range combat, a shorter sword used for close range combat, and then the third was a smaller sword, if it really counts as a sword, that would be used to honorably kick the bucket in case of failure. Anyways.
now this could work with three people, I dunno make it more interesting or whatever, but the primary two swords, a longsword and a shortsword, (technically there were five swords (???) , but I'm not going too deep into it right now) they were to be used in different scenarios, to cover different weaknesses. Do you see where I'm going with this? Now obviously they'd be trained to use both, but Damian uses a katana specifically, a longsword and one of the longer swords used by a samurai. I know they aren't samurai. Doesn't change the fact that the weaponry is at least similar in some regards. Damian learned to use a katana, the longsword of the pair primarily used, where Danny could have primarily used a shortsword. Damian, taught more longer range with the sword, meant to cover the broad majority, being more comfortable with everything and the older twin. Danny, younger by only a couple minutes raised with the shortsword, usually being less comfortable with the whole killing thing with the exception being when it comes to Damian. Whereas Damian would cover the broad majority, Danny more agile and ever sneakier would cover blind spots.
They both still learn to use the others weapon. They both still learn to have their own backs. But when they're nine or so, something goes wrong, an intentional test to both where Danny can't move fast enough, and to avoid the heir taking the hit, takes it himself. He doesn't quite get back to base soon enough to survive. Talia rolls him into the pit, and Danny is sent away, practically kicking and screaming. Gets picked up by the fentons, and learns to fight differently. He learns to shoot, he learns all kinds of ranged combat, and he is gifted a proper katana that can be used against ghosts for his 14th birthday, three days before he walks into the portal. He learns to fight in ways that the league hardly ever considered, so that when Damian finds him again, or the day that he can go back arrives, Damian will never be at risk from Ra's and neither will he. He never uses the katana.
Eventually, someway somehow, Danny finds Damian again, out in Gotham. I'm impartial to trying fenton parents, who don't quite know how to react, never poorly, but unsure regardless. Danny doesn't know how to deal with the tension in the house and follows Jazz to gotham, locking the portal finding ways around it on his own.
Whether it be a night that Robin is out on his own, or maybe seen with another bird, but not the bat himself, he is on his own, and he missteps. A wrong footing, an instinctual move that cannot be followed up without a partner to battle with, regardless, Danny is there in a moment, eyes as green as the day he rose from the pit, to fill in the blanks again. A moment, a word, a name exchanged (Pollux, to Castor. The Demigod who survived after his mortal brother died, an ironic tale for the two now.) and the scuffle lasts no more than a few moments after.
Damian thinks he'll keep this one to himself for a moment, ensure it's him, not another twisted clone, and learning about the time spent apart. A week later, Bruce is hearing of Robin's shadow coming to life, before Danny is brought into the fold. The first time there's an Arkham breakout is when the bats and the birds really understand why the simple slip ups on the training mats happened, why Damian seemed to much better and clumsier when fighting alongside somebody else.
They also learned how dangerous the two can really be.
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This blog exists because I’m bored and thought this would be fun. Besides, someone had to do it eventually. But yeah this is a SAMS/LAES x/& Reader blog.
I’m not doing oneshots or fics, just imagines and HCs. All readers will gender neutral unless you request a specific gender (not ABGB please). You must specify where in the timeline you want this to take place. 5 characters is max per requests
Heavy angst
Platonic and Romantic x readers (found family and biological family is fine! But so are readers who are just friends with them)
Queer readers
AUs (like the fanmade ones)
Minor x Adult /MAP/p*do
Anything political
Self Harm and eating disorders
Anti-religious stuff
Homophobic or transphobic stuff
Characters I will write romantic stuff for
💥Ekleipsis🌑 (OG Eclipse)
🩸Harvest🌙 (OG Bloodmoon)
🌞Solar Flare🗡
🌟Lord Eclipse💥
📚Servant Sun☀️
💫Lunar⚡️ (Post-Death)
🔥Sunburn☀️ (Dark Sun)
🎭Tragedy🩸 (“Infected/Jigsaw” Ruin)
🎭Comedy🕹 (“Cured” Ruin)
🌗Ruin🎭 (with no act)
🔪Reaper🩸 (Clone Bloodmoon)
🪓Entropy🩸 (Clone Bloodmoon again but alone)
🌙Mono☀️ (Clone Eclipse)
Platonic ONLY characters
🌙Old Moon🌕
🌙New Moon🌑
💫Lunar (Pre-Death)🧸
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I’m incredibly late but Sundry Sydney meeting Edwina castor is so sad omg
And Barry saying that Barry 1 was really cool… I’m thinking about the sundry and Barry parallels again. A clone and a droid finding independence and autonomy is so delicious.
This ship is unmatched for me
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stonecoldsilly · 2 years
I love a starstruck odyssey it’s one of my absolute favourite seasons and I’ve rewatched it so much it just gets me that barry has the clones, sidney has auma liu and professor edwina castor, gunnie has dora valentine and even captain dan scrap, margaret has lucienne, norman/skip has technically both prilbus and gust weatherall, but riva doesn’t have any backstory npcs/antagonists at all…
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backpackingspace · 2 months
Okay I'm watch orphan black again bc I never finished it as a teenager and I have thoughts and opinions so yall get to here about it now. Just started s3.
First off it'll never not be weird that my friends compared me to helena. As a teen it never bothered me all I saw was weird girl with my hair who was an assassin but like the fact that they were constantly comparing me to the extremely abused and tortured and easily manipulated character is..... not great. I hadn't even been tortured yet what the fuck.
Second off NOBODY tell if cal is evil I don't want to know he's amazing and is great with Kira. Like he bought a house for her?? The three of them playing hockey together???
Okay but Sarah walking away from ms.s was actually heartbreaking.
I know the theme of the show is torture Helena for no reason but like why is castor torturing her??
Im sure the show will explain but what's even up with castor
Allison selling drugs is not your answer PLEASE
Oh shit the boy clones are sick too. The regular torture probably didn't help.
The scorpion hallucinations are a fascinating insight into helenas mind. Honestly Helena deserves to murder these people I support woman's wrongs.
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rynmaru · 1 year
Not a Human, and not an NHP, but a secret third thing!
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moistvonlipwig · 3 months
spicy hot take about orphan black incoming. i think vic should’ve been the castor clone
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freshlyjuicedbeetles · 3 months
Random Beetlebabes thoughts...
Supernova is so much one of their songs. I can't.
"And I can love you like a pro Like I'm supernatural Just like you, my supernova"
I think Lydia and Beetlejuice have a lot of songs. I think Lydia likes the star motif that Beetlejuice lives by.
I cannot watch Orphan Black without seeing the Project Castor clones, especially the clone Mark (Ari Millen) as Beetlebabe's love child. Something about the eyes and hair.
I headcanon that Beej is a Star Wars fan. Ever since he called out Adam Driver, and it kinda fits with his name.
He calls the tricks he plays on people's minds and perceptions Jedi Mind Tricks. I'll be using this in another fic!
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abookishidentity · 5 months
Books read in April 2024
-A Quantum Love Story by Mike Chen started March 29, 2024 and finished April 2, 2024 - 4/5 stars. This is a time loop story with love in it. Time loops are always so angsty and devastating. I like how the main character initiated the love story. Its very interesting how the only way to stop the loop from repeating again is to go back in time to fix mistakes. Its devastating that the main character doesn’t end up with the man she likes but she makes it so her past self can end up with him. Did not see that coming 
-Light Years from Home by Mike Chen started April 2, 2024 and finished April 5, 2024 - 5/5 stars. Oh man what an amazing book. Imagine having such an estranged relationship with your family that when you and your dad are abducted with aliens you are like “Yeah, I’ll fight this alien war but I’ll send my dad back though” I don’t know what I would do if my twin was abducted by aliens and then returned years later. Such good family drama in this book. Lots of “Why didn't you come back?” and “It’s your fault that dad died!” 
-The Afterlives by Thomas Peirce started April 5, 2024 and finished April 8, 2024- 4/5 stars. Man dies and comes back and sort of has a crisis about not seeing anything. Interesting characters and plot. This was going to be 3 stars but the part with the main character going through the machine was interesting. Main character was a tad annoying but I have read worse. 
-The Echo Wife by Sarah Gailey started April 9, 2024 and finished April 10, 2024 - 4/5 stars. What do you do when you find out your husband essentially made a clone of you and marries her? I’m so glad the clone murdered the abusive husband. It sounded like the main character and her husband were toxic to each other. I was thrown a bit when the clone and the main character decided to make a clone out of the asshole cheating husband but whatever. Asshole husbands are buried in the garden it seems. Interesting ending. 
The Mimicking of Known Successes by Malka Older started April 11, 2024 and finished April 12, 2024- 4/5 stars. Cozy murder mystery in space with lesbians. What’s not to love? The dynamic reminded me of Sherlock Holmes and Watson a bit. This was a short book so I read it pretty quickly. 
-The Imposition of Unnecessary Obstacles by Malka Older started April 12, 2024 and finished April 15, 2024- 4/5 stars. The sequel was a tad longer but it was still pretty good. I would be interested to see where this series goes. 
-The Devil You Know by Mike Carey started April 15, 2024 and finished April 19, 2024- 4/5 stars. Now this is the urban fantasy that I really fucking love. It makes me think what the hell Felix was doing before this book took place. It amuses me to no end that Felix plays the tin whistle to do stuff with ghosts. Imagine going about your business and see a man playing a flute and playing popular british songs. Anyway good book. I need to read the entire series. Felix Castor is an interesting man living in an interesting world. 
-The Veiled Masters by Tim Pratt started April 19, 2024 and finished April 22, 2024- 5/5 stars. Oh man what an excellent book. It’s the third book of a trilogy. There’s just something about mind controlling spores that I just fucking love. It actually works in this book. I also love the mind control is added with feelings of bliss and happiness when a task is completed. This trilogy was entertaining as hell and I love the diversity of characters. It’s also queer which is good. I think I ought to look into Tim Pratt books more. 
-Vicious Circle by Mike Carey started April 22, 2024 and finished April 28, 2024 -5/5 stars. Holy crap I think I like this series as much as the Sandman Slim series by Richard Kadrey. Felix is incredibly interesting. He inserts himself into certain situations though as if he’s the only one that can fix things but whatever. I’m a little confused as to why a certain dude injected him with truth serum. Didn’t even get to read if it actually worked or not. It’s very interesting to see how Felix will get out of situations and or fights. He can get hurt and has to recover like any normal person. It makes a lot of sense that at the end of the book his landlady/friend is like “Yeah you aren’t living here anymore” 
-dhalgren by samuel r. delany started April 28, 2024- I am half way through this book at the current moment. I am unsure if I’m going to finish it. The main character doesn’t seem particularly picky with things including where he’s sleeping and who he is sleeping with. I hope protection still exists. Like the main character will sleep with women and men and there isn't any mention of protection. Like fucking hell I just got to the part where he does stuff with the 15 year old boy. I'm pretty sure it's considered rape. This book was written in the 70s and I have to remind myself with that. This book doesn’t always make sense but I guess that’s fine. Perhaps I’m reading it for a change in scenery. Sometimes you got to read things that make you uncomfortable.
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piscesseer · 1 year
Gemini Season 👯‍♀️🪻🍃 May 21 - June 21
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Symbol: The Twins Mantra: I Think Element: Air Ruling Planet: Mercury Modality: Mutable House: Third House Crystals: Agate, Tiger’s Eye, Citrine Anatomy: Arms, Hands & Lungs Flower: Lavender Tarot Card: The Lovers
About Gemini
In the Northern Hemisphere, the days are getting longer and there’s a feeling of change in the air as Spring moves into Summer. Gemini is excellent for guiding transformation and change. Born with a playful and curious disposition, Gemini finds it easy to adjust to new things. They feel engaged with the world around them, curious and are sociable.
Gemini is represented by The Twins talking back and forth in constant conversation, reinforcing that this sign is social with an affinity for gossip and a strong need for mental stimulation. The Twins symbol is based on Castor and Pollux from Greek mythology. Also known as The Dioscuri, they are the children of Leda and  Zeus. Castor and Pollux are present in many Greek and Roman stories, known for their mastery of horses and protection of guests and travelers. The Dioscuri bonded eternally and the two were cast in the heavens as the enduring Gemini Twins constellation, immortalizing the magical and mysterious duality of the sign’s archetype.
The Tarot card that relates to Gemini is The Lovers. Two people are in partnership, or connecting in love and attraction. It echoes the Twins’ sense of joined purpose and duality. The Lovers remind us of the interdependent nature of life and the relational facet that lives in all of us.
The ruler of Gemini is Mercury, the planet of communication, language and travel. It’s named for the only Roman God who could freely travel between the heavens and the underworld, explaining Gemini’s desire to move between realms, chat with many different people, and go after what peaks their curiosity.
The inventiveness and thirst for knowledge comes forward in the mantra: ‘I think’. It could be extended into the phrase, ‘I think, therefore I am’ highlighting their sense of purpose bent toward discovery and expanding their mental awareness.
Gemini represents two personalities in one. You may never be sure which one you might face. They are sociable, communicative and ready for fun, with the tendency to suddenly become serious, thoughtful and restless. They are versatile, comfortable with being introverts and extroverts. They are perceptive, analytical, but social, fun-loving and very funny. They can adapt to the energy for a room. 
Gemini are the social butterflies of the zodiac. They connect with people through dialogue, communication, debate and questions. They are the ever-curious child asking Why? They like to pick things apart to understand them. They tend to relate to people through language. Gemini love texting and tweeting almost as much as they love talking IRL. The act of expression tends to be more important to Gemini than what is actually being said. 
Have you ever been so busy you wished that you could clone yourself to get things done? That’s the Gemini experience in a nutshell. They constantly feel as if there isn’t enough time for them to experience everything they want to see. Adventuring and socializing comes naturally, but relaxing proves more difficult. They can be emotionally evasive, using humor to deflect from deeper feelings. Their witty and mischievous button-pushing can be annoying, relentless and cruel if it’s not measured with a healthy sense of social boundaries and respect. Some blind spots for Gemini are rooted in their greatest strengths. They can be overly intellectual, overthinking and over gaining information without actually learning how to utilize it. 
Gemini holds the power to be a change-maker, making them naturally adaptable, able to explore ideas, languages, and information. They can socialize and communicate to form new pathways of awareness.
Do you have a Gemini Sun? Learn More Here.
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How Can Gemini Season Affect You?
The lazy, sensual groundedness of Taurus Season transitions into a sharper, less solid energy of Gemini Season. This offers us a chance to turn our energies outward onto the social world. You might be more likely to go out or attend events during Gemini Season. It’s a great time to meet new people. You might find yourself being more talkative. Find time to spend with your friends!
This drive to connect can manifest in a desire for new things! You might seek more intellectual stimulation. While exchanging ideas in a social situation might be great for some, others may need to absorb knowledge. It’s a great time for reading, writing or learning a new skill. Regardless of your sign, it’s a great time to switch things up; take a new route to work, talk to someone new, or watch a movie that might not usually interest you. Gemini is a champion of finding new things in our everyday lives. You might be more adaptable to new situations or be more likely to embrace different experiences. 
Gemini’s energy can manifest in duality. You could feel more aware of your own contradictions. Beware of feeling extra indecisive. You might feel more scattered and restless than usual. Be sure to remember rest is just as important as getting shit done. It’s important to find balance.
In Gemini Season you can let go of the idea that you can only act one way, that you can only be one thing, that you have to choose between all sides of yourself. You can recognize that every part of yourself is authentic. You can follow your curiosity and don’t ever have to be bored!
Journal Prompts and Reflection for Gemini Season:
💚 How can I improve my communication skills? 💚 Are there any relationships that need my attention or nurturing during this season? 💚 Who are the people I want to connect with or deepen my relationships with? 💚 In what areas of my life do I feel the need for change and how can I embrace it? 💚 How can I bring more versatility into my daily life? 💚 What books, articles, or podcasts do I want to explore? Are there any new skills or hobbies I would like to learn or develop? 💚 Are there any unresolved decisions or choices I need to address, and how can I approach them with clarity? 💚 Are there any aspects of myself that I tend to suppress or hide? How can I embrace and integrate them into my life?
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random-writerings · 1 year
Introducing My Queer OCs
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Happy Pride Month! I wanted to do something special for Pride but I've been so caught up in assignments, essays and exams that I completely forgot to prepare anything. So instead, here's a little introduction to (some of) my queer OCs. 🏳️‍🌈
Connie Winter - Bisexual
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Love interest: Bucky Barnes
Growing up in the 1920s/1930s meant that Connie never really questioned her sexuality. She knew she was attracted to men and that was all that mattered. Besides, every woman thinks other women are hot too, right? And everyone has at least a little crush on Peggy so it's not weird that she does too, right? It's not until she wakes up in 2012 and starts catching up on important social issues that she finally has the language to identify herself.
More about Connie here
Halley Castor - Pansexual
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Love interest: Poe Dameron
Halley has always been quite open-minded and has had a number of relationships with aliens from different species. So of course, when it comes to humans, gender doesn't really matter to her.
More about Halley here
Imara Dhawan - Lesbian
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Love interest: Natasha 'Phoenix' Trace
Imara knew she liked girls from a young age. When she was a teenager, she realised she had absolutely no interest in boys and she was worried about how her family would react. Her sisters were very accepting but it took her parents a while to come to terms with her sexuality. Even after they did, she still had to keep it a secret from her extended family who live in India. She’s quite a private person anyway so she doesn't really mind. She is also not out to anyone in the Navy. The first person she comes out to is Nikki, who assures her that the Dagger Squad are good people and they won't care. She still doesn't feel the need to properly come out. Instead, the Squad figure it out by themselves after she and Phoenix start dating.
More about Imara here
Kris Fletcher - Bisexual
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Love interest: Deke Shaw
Out of all my fics with queer OCs, I would say Kris’ is the one where sexuality is discussed the most. It's an important part of who she is and, being a historian, she is very interested in queer history. Like Joey, she knows what it's like to feel othered even before she becomes an Inhuman. Her previous relationships also play a significant role in how her character develops and so are discussed often. In the year between S5 and S6, she really bonds with Piper as they often make jokes about being queer. Her sexuality is also important in S7 as the bigotry associated with different time periods rears its ugly head. This is especially relevant in 07x07 (the 80s episode) as it takes place at the same time as the AIDS crisis.
More about Kris here
Kore - Demisexual
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Love interest: Druig
Kore has never been romantically interested in anyone; she is put on Earth with the other Eternals to do a job and that's it. Her focus is entirely on protecting humanity. That is until she forms a deep friendship with Druig which slowly turns into something more.
More about Kore here
Maia Callis - Demisexual
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Love interest: Obi-Wan Kenobi
Maia is only 18 when the fic starts and, being so young, she doesn't feel ready for a serious romantic relationship. She previously had a ‘relationship’ with a childhood friend, Atlas, on Alura, but it wasn't really anything serious. She's too busy trying to figure out what she wants to do with her life to be bothered with romance. Then, once she joins the Jedi Order, she believes that romance is completely off the table for her. She is fine with this at first, dedicating her time to studying the Jedi way and teaching Anakin and Suria. It's only when the Clone Wars begin that she realises her feelings for Obi-Wan are not simply platonic.
More about Maia here
Mari Park - Bisexual
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Love interests: Dick Grayson and Donna Troy
Mari’s relationship history is complicated. She dated Dick when they were teenagers and training to be Batman’s sidekicks together. They broke up shortly after starting college, then Mari and Donna started dating. But Mari broke up with Donna after she realised Donna still had feelings for Garth. After the Titans disband, Dick and Mari start dating again, only to break up around the time of Tony Zucco’s death. Dick leaves for Detroit without saying goodbye and Mari does vigilante work on her own for a while. Until she sees Robin on the news and goes to Detroit to investigate.
More about Mari here
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Dividers by @theprideful from this post
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fungi-maestro · 1 year
professor tells us we aren't allowed to collect samples for our cloning project from the castor bean plant on campus due to the ricin but she never told us we couldn't use nightshade >:3
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