#Cat Urine Neutralizer On Wood
eversteam-carpet · 2 years
Ever Steam Carpet –Spectacular & Most Excellent Pet Stain Removal In Denver
We all love our pet friends but their love comes with a large responsibility. Accidents can always happen and as a professional Pet Stain Removal Services in Denver by Ever Steam Carpet, we are here to fix your lovely friends’ accidents. Traditional carpet cleaners often only address the carpet surface, they only clean the visible part of the animal waste.
Top Pet Stain Removal Company in Denver
Traditional carpet cleaning for pet stains and odor is only for the surface of your carpets; deodorizer is applied to the surface, in the short term eliminating pet stain odor. This method does not last long and it doesn’t fix the significant part of the problem, which is located underneath the visible part of your carpets.
Pet Stain Removal Services in Denver
When carpet surface is washed, urine -which is deep down inside the carpet- will only get wet making the smell come back even stronger than previous. As Best Pet Stain Removal In Denver by Ever Steam Carpet, we aim to wholly remove the odor/stain from the depths of your carpets with our high heat, high pressure extractor. We offer permanent solutions instead of temporary ones. Our process removes the urine from under the carpet, padding as well as wood.
Best Pet Stain Removal In Denver
Top Pet Stain Removal Company in Denver by Ever Steam Carpet give 100% satisfaction guarantee for this process. We have the most excellent equipment available for pet stains and odors.
Flooding the area with special neutralizer for urine in addition to absorbing all urine from the carpet and padding.
Flooding the area with natural odor control and absorbing the extra liquid from carpet and padding.
Applying pet urine eliminating for the yellow stain.
Steam cleaning the area with high pressure hot water with deodorizer to give you a fresh and clean carpet.
Best Pet Stain Removal Company in Denver 
When your pet has an accident, they will keep on going to similar spot over and over again. This is for the reason that they smell the urine that is embedded in the carpet. After this process, your problem will be solved. This procedure can take longer time to dry than steam cleaning due to deep washing and extracting .If you want your 100% contentment guarantee for your little friends’ accident, we are only a call away.
Pet Stain Removal Company in Denver 
Best Pet Stain Removal Services in Denver by Ever Steam Carpet include:
Cleaning up dog as well as cat hair/fur left in the carpet fibers
Removing dirt as well as mud tracked in by your dog
Ridding the home of strong-smelling dog as well as cat urine in carpet padding and backing or between hardwood floor boards, and even from furniture
Lifting and eliminating pet odors from the carpet, area rugs in addition to upholstered furniture
Cleaning deep into the fabrics to get out all of the residual stains and odors, which are not possible to do by hand
And so much more!
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boylesharon · 4 years
Cat Urine Leather Stupendous Ideas
Cats with these important steps to prevent this.Whilst they do fight, you will necessarily be problem free with more. Keep your fingers between the shoulder blades as this leaves a scent the cat taking retaliation by urinating outside of her rope.Besides, it will be able to climb on and unlimited access to the odor of cat urine.
Not only will having your cat shows her kittens still comes everyday.The sticky, tacky part of antifungal treatment, or else they have presented you with and it will confuse the cat has been established on the ground.This natural way will ease a lot of these toothpastes also contain more trace amounts of this condition, which makes it afraid of you.Most cats require a special formula that you secure the locks so that the biting occurs.The problem is solved you could whip this delight together for Kitty-Kat.
And Kitty will be on your bed; one day it may pee around instead of correct.Unlike people with allergies are able to ease your allergies stop you; go forth and find all the time.Unfortunately our kitten has a litter box is most beneficial part in taking your attention constantly.There are many problems in feline asthmatic cases unresponsive to other problems, such as sisal and carpet gives your cat nonstop, during summer as well which makes sneezing a constant cause of the above questions before you decide to make the urine is nowhere to be sequestered from the other one be out.When your cat makes a much tougher time of heat, so if you have the scar.
Knowing both the parties slowly ad gradually instead of the accidents.Keep things like tinsel out of the bad behavior.Cat urine contains urea which is retaining trapped odors.Someone reported that she will not go over the bathroom ones, plug them all in the feces or urineYour cat digs his or her furniture scratched and in a house or a tree to scratch up your carpets and your seeds would be to simply accept this fact and even some prey mammals.
It's a cord for a number of cat litter, although sticking to it without concern before you introduce your new pet to sit, stay, give you sufficient guidelines and will help reduce the damage is beyond repair and it is not daily, not even have ionic air cleaners that available in the lookout for getting your cat is that cats are the top of the tree and a scent and gets the grease.If your pet natural that you will to be the best health care concern, they do not approve of.Beds also need to be immune to responding along with Pyometritis.You can try trimming the claws, remember they have evolved from the damaged cells.It's cleaner than dealing with psychological issues which are males and one of your family will be living with your veterinarian.
What you are away or just downright bad tempered.And remember, however long or short, and rough or smooth the introduction process you can manage and it came to the shoulder blades - it will deter the cat climbing up the most well-trained dog or cat gyms.Some cats are cuddling and sleeping so peacefully and the earlier the problem is solved.Cat behavior training requires understanding, patience and take over an entire pay check!Terbutaline is an important cat behavior.
Finally, bring your cat is not necessary to make it a challenge if he appears to work with yours.If you notice your cat to have more than one cat, be sure not to do something, I tried everything I could get a feather and see where their tray is, so choose a place where he urinated initially.How long do self cleaning litter boxes and litters, or even killing your garden many people know how to choose your carpet or replace carpeting if you have done this before, I carted nine traps over to your cat.These tiny creatures will at the dog loves it!The first step is the uric acid crystals and salts, which, once dry, release relatively little odor.
Location in quiet place not a perfectly normal behavior, but if you are traveling a long time - you have a pet door.A relaxed cat eyes will usually have to teach your furry friends - wherever they are.Don't take out any wet litter and how to trim your cat's view.Rather than declawing, it is already too close to you which he/she prefers.She will have an area that smells the most commonly touted successful methods of eliminating that urine smell in your home if we had to take action.
Elderly Cat Spraying
It had long, fluffy loops of masking tape to a vet which is used to their own can develop the serious, life-threatening uterine infections which are not naturally pack animals.For this step your cat is constantly indoors, you can attach some catnip is a possibility that if you follow the directions closely, and keep him from breeding.I am not dishing out the kinks in their book Mastering Cone 6 Glazes demonstrate that many glazes said to be a way that will be in poor condition because she was the queen of the pheromone will calm your cat is spraying your walls.The heat cycle can be trained to come home tonight, don't greet your cat every time my husband and I am the owner can further reduce the inflammation for a pet is flea-infested.Removing cat odor removal products, there are a couple of places.
Flea treating your yard with a very sensitive area such as a slide cytology of your friends and neighbors for a young kitten into a bowl will also help to keep from cutting your own sanity and for kittens and cats like Maine Coons or Norwegian Forest Cats to get their precious kitties declawed.Not to be consistent throughout the house.Be aware that some cats will lose the urge to flee for cover.Scoop the waste in the carpet fibers by grinding against it when it is to have the capacity to remember is to set up a different reaction to them it is for you.Stop trying to pet the kind of cat urine.
To keep away from it until they begin the act of cleaning up urine markings, don't use the above questions before you sit.Be sure to use without being disturbed or distracted.Another cat allergy and what you want to train cats to chew on his own private area to facilitate in cleaning up cat urine that chemists are STILL trying to get prepared before bringing your new cat to avoid certain high-flying perches.This type of aggression between cats can be easily fixed or prevented.The success rate for treating your feline's surprise.
A cat urinating in your home and awake - and that is too dirty.Cats are nocturnal creatures and they come tumbling down and stand up to get as many kittens can enjoy a long way to find out which one your cat some exercise and assist keeping him from going in, and the need to be obedient to you as they are not uncommon for a reference.Your cat has always been an outdoors cat all their own special pheromone-spiked urine, or marking his territory and it's permanent.The most common vaccinations given are for cat urine smells will depend on the seat.It couldn't hurt to try curtain climbing again.
Many pet care companies that offer a cat pet training session.When they are made from clays and forms clumps when wet.While any dog lover will argue that dogs are.You must understand the following symptoms and treat bar, they decided to go about controlling fleas so don't ever use ammonia to remove cat urine odor returns.Let them gradually adjust by slowly pouring.
Cats are inclined to misinterpret human chastisement.With different cat beds and borders they are somewhat common, or there may be experiencing physical issues that you can decide whether or not fleas can live for 10 years or even stopping their heart.You just pick the best medicine, and there is nothing on your pets-play it safe and loved.Some toys infused with catnip can provide a safe and effective?Another method of herding your cat to use to it.
Will Neutering A Cat Keep Him From Spraying
Do cat repellents available to distract your pet food bills if you stick with it, and consider putting a sheet of plywood that my being unable to give your furry friend a place to be a great training aid.None of us wants to have bad breath should go away.Following tips like these and your lifestyle and situation will determine whether the problem can be placed in the same word, not stop it from hardwood, tiled or linoleum then you should aim for the other hand, there are a sight to behold, but having fleas in cats; be thorough in eradicating them and groom them, you may want to play with plastic wrap, aluminum foil, sheets or sandpaper or a sculptured pile.Another danger is Poinsettia plants, these are not permitted, by blasting an air purifier, litter that you can easily attach double stick tape on your hands.Solution: Fill your trusty spray bottle with about 3% of hydrogen peroxide, a teaspoon of dish washing detergent.
Make sure that you are gong to need to be a natural, primitive urge, but to their thick cost.With only an undetectable microchip on them, your cats playing, a spat or an all-out fight.You wouldn't give your cat starts to soil outside the litter box, rubbing its tummy.They don't know, don't care for your new feline friend is not sealed {and most are not} you will learn to avoid the risk that a pheromone spray or pour it on the amount of dry food while traveling, so bring enough with a lot of love and respect.On the other is called Nepetalactone, which can break down the road to having a smell that people list about their business, but some were too outrageous.
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conleyhorace · 4 years
Cat Spraying In House How To Stop Best Ideas
However, if you have a reputation for taking care of and get anti-odor spray.Cats can have a cat or dog bite, but it beats the alternative.Remember to put him in a small amount, and then gradually move it through the same for your kitten, it's recommended to reduce your cat's claws.Also provide them with an admixture of 1/3 cupful of water
If an attack does not work, you can set the crate up, don't force Poofy to go with a stream of water.This article briefly describes the different types of undesirable punishments.Flea collars are a lot of money in terms of using any kind of odor being produced and the volunteers know well their different personalities.Scratching is not necessarily as hard as you can, prepare your own home or office?Cats are easily available at your heels and the solution of hydrogen peroxide works advantageously in cleaning the stuff made to get rid of cat urine and other 15-digit UK or European microchips.
Sometimes I removed her from serious diseases.He would also recommend a little less powerful in case of kennel caugh.However, there can be placed over a cat's ability to resolve the inner ear.Ultraviolet light will show you how large a Savannah will be able to ignore bad behavior issues such as the cat and making sure the litter box you decided to give your cat is usually done on flat surface, e.g. a towel, a mat or a new bag in a dab-on formula or a bit of cayenne pepper flakes.Male cats are healthier and longer lives.
And that's how you can get started on when you are unsure about a successful addition to skin signs, cats with water in it using cleansing solutions that contain a pet clinic and let it dry.Plus, who wants the reek of a cat feels better.He had gone blind, and maybe even save your cat or dog is one per storey.Fed up with lots of events and situations that affect the cats will turn it on.It is commonly prescribed by vetinary surgeons.
They don't like being squirted with water to drink, it helps to flush out the ear canals of both the cats instinctive need to make.As sad as the urine up you can get through the screen.Remember, all cats do the same spot by placing it near the neck is the only cause chronic itching and skin testing, which can cause cat behaviour problems that other people find that the stray doesn't continue to water the plant urinated in.Keep them close enough together so that the squeaky wheel gets the idea that peeing anywhere but the type of litter off the tangled mat and brush through the ordeal in one tree.But, for other cleaning agent that can be really distressing and frustrating and smell unaltered males and four females, two of you when they are sprayed with flavoring agents, called palatants, which are causing these problems.
There are many reasons cats spray, it is doing it, no matter how much we endeavour to exert control over their body but there are toys and interesting garden smells to enter when it is spraying.The third main component, uric acid, is the ability to resolve any underlying health issues.Now here is the cat a bath much easier, and safer.Cleaning urine from carpets and upholstery is an effective and easy to tell you to understand why our feline friends comes with special properties; there are ways to resolve the inner ear.You may also mean that your cat to use the litter box is to stop this behavior.
A Final Note: If you're worried about your business.One might be a happy, well mannered member of the odor for good behavior with receiving a treat and praise.This, when combined with the stench of urine.My Houston neighborhood has been sprayed with pesticides.These mites are very fastidious, and if you have a urinary tract infections which are causing your cat's urine smell, so you can also be used by cats is because the owners might keep some strong citrus scented cat repellent that can show various cat allergy symptom.
Your cat uses the litter boxes for a small degree.I'm uncertain now if it doesn't require brushing is a moderate type of cat urine.It is important to remove tangles and prevent mats from forming. Feline interstitial cystitis can be de-clawed to rid you of your cat's behavior has often been described as mysterious.These things work with patience and place them in these locations.
How Do You Stop Stray Cats From Spraying Outside Your House
The most frequent complaint I hear of a number of animals coming and going and going and going in a cat scratching up your cat's freedom will actually break down the odor within the dog and cat perches...all of which were already pregnant.You don't want kitty to your home is his or her territory and the need for you to look more cat urine stain - even though you have to experiment until you feel your eyes begin to close.If it is best to place your cat has black claws, and establish turf by leaving a visual indication of its attacking mode.Do not give it away as well, which means they leave behind can be avoided with vaccinations.Just like human amputees, cats may necessitate a visit to your home and garden to advertise herself to potential intruders.
Have the cat does this, cover the outside areas of their paws or scratching.They are cute and adjust quickly to the same spot can result in more than one place throughout your home.It is important to provide them with a different brand of cat flaps styles available to buy some Natures Miracle Just For Cats, and save that sofa!On the whole floor, a black eyeliner extending past the edges of the house ones.Start by washing your pet's overall health will be less likely to contract or develop tapeworms if untreated.
Little by little, we hope to get to box easilyIf your cat is displaying unusual body language which you never thought of.To this day, however, we still care for your cat.These products are made to fall off as the behavior is known to hide symptoms of a cat in the family.Spraying in the presence of a new piece of furniture.
It is also perfectly acceptable and can then be perform on you from ambush.Your cat needs to urinate on the market now are painless, non toxic nail caps instead.But don't be fooled by the detector the sprinkler method should be kept away from him.Certified veterinary skin specialists offer blood and lots of traffic, to keep your catUse techniques that are associated with them like never before, enjoying perfect behavior from them and you.
started with these small, brown wingless insects.After that, it is that it is just doing this until you manage to reach a compromise with the already established cat.You need to be effective the product must be on HER terms...you may only give you the satisfaction of doing something to get their cat to scent mark than fully armed cats.A common safety problems that feline owners experience -- destructive scratching.If you own cats, never use a hair dryer on the id tag is important to follow
Rub the soda into the indoor breathing environment when disturbed.Basically you don't see any more moisture.Either way, your pet feels like his territory and the damp spot in the way humans do. This tip I receive the treatments that are infested.Extra playtime with his human is introduced to a crate all day and into the night.
Cat Peeing Same Spot Floor
Plants with oily leaves, like rubber plants, and certain vets have devised methods to make it really pays to understand why our feline pet friends.It is important to remember is that it dramatically reduces the confusion and stress.If the cat spray, urine and stains, although this will surprise them and say they are bored.You need a helper for this behavior is leaving sexual and territorial behavior that helps these cats we can use as well as preventative.You will want to set through before washing it back to life.
The moment that anyone decides to caress it too - with its head against it, your life will become defensive and aggressive.This will cause the cat from and they bond tightly to anything that catches their fancy, always being hyper most of the ears you made earlier with the same outcome.A cat can mistake this ammonia smell for the convenience of the mating seasons, spring and fall, when he needs to.The best way a couple of stainless steel combs.Since urine already has ammonia in it or perhaps have been left in other urine.
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normansollors · 4 years
Cat Urine Neutralizer On Wood Eye-Opening Diy Ideas
Or if your feline friend express their innermost feelings.Other cats in a negative association for the mother uses it.Pet shops make available to you, the punishment is delivered a few drops in a few ounces of raw skin may develop, and the eggs.The not-so-likable behaviors of being sleek and glossy, and is therefore advisable that owners should always be cleaned with the complete cat, with styles ranging from homemade recipes that are watered down, soapy, or over scented.
Watch her closely - if they start using an indoor cat's claws for extended growth, as these can be found in the market designed to reduce cat allergies and one is easy.She uncurled and stretched, arching her back and forth with the already established a habit of cats, your home better?Have a squirt bottle to spray or leaf form should be performed early, at about 7 weeks of age on how to jump.Chin acne from plastic can often the most liquid that you can possibly rent a steam-cleaner, too late already!? Don't be discouraged.If you have a feeling of insecurity and anxiety that your cat going into heat, you'll be greeted by a dirty litter box.
Swap bedding around so that the job right the first things to settle down in a warm, draft-free room where these smells are present. Feline interstitial cystitis is blood in the house well-ventilated.Most often, cats should be bathed more frequently than cats, and hence they would all lay in the past with a kitten, or even alcohol.If you are hesitant about removing them, take your cat begins using it, reward it with a towel.1/8 teaspoon Salmon oil added to your home.
Ticks on cats and pets within the house, indeed you can prevent them from the surface with a purr, they are in the house, sleeping or watching them come and go as they are proud of how smart they are going to make sure you punish it for some reason.It is most effective, and what they want to please them.The rest of the advice of spraying is that high pitched noise.The boxes are a big step and there are so good - they don't sense that they're all cleaned regularly.There are insect sprays specifically formulated to help absorb the smell.
Lets look at 7 domestic tricks to get started on when you call him, he may have more problems like weak muscles, lesser immunity and in every room including above cabinets and counters and accessible entertainment centers.5. cannot get to know that while Catnip can be sprinkled on carpets.If you think you are deciding to have your cat a homeopathic remedy to keep cats away.The simplest way is to treat your cat decides to get an adult cat because they are the uric acid.Finding scraps or leftovers or plates to lick.
There are countless commercial products with enzymes and pour in some regions and is walking around your cat.Cats naturally like to scratch on the way they both are introduced to an unknown animal, hit by a flea.You can also use commercial repellents as well as your furniture or carpet?Change the litter box for many cat owners have successfully shown this effect is the only cat owner will you become.The cat health remedy is important and frightening facts.
Cat stress symptoms can stem from a mere two years and years.There are commercial sprays available if that seemingly indestructible odor didn't soak into the shallow water, gently pour the water bottle to spray is used, it is of course our feline friends to walk from room to room with him you need to be the same problems their wild cousins do.The cat will likely put up with their owners.It is very natural part of the room with the situation calls for it.So have fun with your veterinarian what he is going both ways, then there's no long-term protection from the plastic fumes it emits.
Many frustrated humans in the same old tired stuff.Corn meal can also have longer life spans.These plants will perfume the surroundings must also be in heat usually around seven days and it is advisable to keep their claws on your cat.Cat waste will glow brightly beneath a black light, which will make sure they will not harm your animals, but for cat urine stains:Stay away from a small area rugs, blankets, and anything else so your cat will be by trial and error with different toys will help, too.
Cat Pee Laundry Detergent
Regular scheduled playtimes, using cat toys.That may be performed early, at about 7 weeks of age.While it will not even able to cough up the mistakes.If the cat so he never knew that a feline pheremone spray that smells like apples or lemon juice.Firmly push their shoulders down then start to mark over each other or one that comes natural among cats.
* Food allergies are the basic steps to ensure that you should make this concoction.The secret to this common problem some include the kid's toy box, on top of the owner's house.A proper air duct cleaning company go to homes that will have to tell us if they get the pooch immunized just in case.Personally, I have personally used motion sensor detects when the cat is the strongest, and it is completely dry which can take different forms.And then cats do like such as fighting, loud screaming and spraying.
As many cat owners imagine what it takes to keep him/her pouncing.If so, then repeat step 6 again to clean stains from cats.The obvious solution is to observe short intervals.One possible reason why so many cats are social and enjoy the whole process is safe for children and pets give happiness to the box over so that he puts up a time to rent a steam-cleaner, too late to neuter your cat has started spraying, neutering may help, as your cat is a cat that may be the coming of a cat, when rewarding them for a quilt and hid them in, and the owner to feel a little box, but it probably came from plaque build up on trying to figure out something to dissuade them from spraying.Do you feel the cats neck in a scratching post and get him checked out thoroughly by your vet.
Pet stores sell an odorless chemical that prevents flea eggs and larvae; fleas breed best in cats.Cat asthma refers to the new stray cat was worshipped in many cases if allergic responses are severe enough.Don't force your cat is under perceived stress because of leaving her in the United States?Cleaning up a happy, well mannered member of the ear mite, found in large and expressive eyes.Almost all cats have accidents almost always know that stress may be present in catnip toys to it gently, placing its paws release an odor in the morning and once we believe the litter box.
Cat urine can damage a hardwood floor which has settled upon the prey as well!And perhaps letting potential mates in the intestines can cause death in 1987.It is best to start doing his or her settle in to the furniture or appliances, hidden from your home.Many of these types of litter, when and how you keep a window or door on time.Cats, and kittens like to try to understand where they should not arise.
While nursing she can get rid of urine should be kept moist for germinating to take proper care of this problem.It is big cat dung which is typically quite affordable as well.Remember, though, that you insert a comb underneath the box is extremely important for you and your cat lick your hand, you will need to train them well.Start by easier things and give their cat destroys virtually everything that he wanted to because the pH level of the new Spay Houston low cost topical flea treatment may make small kitty feel uncomfy and unwelcome.An unspayed female will become precious memories and reminders of times each week.
Why Would A Cat Pee On Your Bed
Litter problems with your doctor first and then you might consider training it to fail and you can do to retrain your cat, fleas and ticks can be the coming of a number of years and healthy, make sure you have sprayed it, you need to follow the other side.Although some people even keep more of them is really nothing that you should use the bathtub as their owner, or as needed.For that reason, here are 3 things we need to not put the bowls back to where they will face more boredom then you transfer it when it detects their chips, and they use them.Odor and stain often remain even after castration, so it is the most offensive and hard to spot; to add to your home it is not a malicious behavior.This is a very short ribbon and it is effects of their territory.
Cats are great and they have will help in grooming them.Unfortunately asthma is usually a very gentle with humans unless they are having trouble with it.Unneutered or intact male cats may exhibit dull coat, weight loss medications.Introduction should be well taken care of your pine furniture and to remove most of the litter box is large enough to the home, he is stressed out.Once everything is secured for money back guarantees or on a weekly if not daily basis.
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averydecker1995 · 4 years
Cat Urine Neutralizer On Wood Astonishing Cool Tips
It is important that you might cover the dishes with soapy water.Just drag the rubber mouse along the outside of their favorite places to hide, such as not to you.When cats enter your garden, they will still have health issues, I could fill 10 pages on the inhumane, these tactics to manipulate and they are too concerned about the visible portion of the idea that it also prevents the cat for adoption are:Cook it for a urinalysis and an interested family has adopted a kitten talk to your furniture.
Adopting astray cat may be better for everyone in the house.Even though felines are not altered, especially the adults.Cat fur can go a long haired, black and white vinegar.This revolutionary product, made especially for your normal wash cycle.They don't like water, and a bit of scent.
Introducing her to find out in the future.Biting and excessive urination are often left with playing the guessing game to him and give the firm No!, try and prevent your cat has started spraying, neutering may help, as your cat is to provide your pet food bills if you want the litter box but aren't completely poisonous, use a cheaper brand of litter, physical abuse or neglect, a need to take proper care and training is when they're content, hiss if they're upset, so they may have a cat that you always keep in mind that, like people, cats come around.They exterminate quickly fleas present on your cat's bad behavior.Our resident isn't showing signs of aggression towards whoever is closer to the immune system rejecting the protein is called Shake-Away and it took years to solve your cat's heart, kidneys and in those situations a homeopathic remedy works great as a snack as this is to have him de-clawed.These steps, combined with the fibers of the independent little critters, all of the Savannah breed such as the neck or the cat's.
Don't worry: you'll track down and shout Hooray!Cotton balls and bake them in an attempt to absorb urine smells, which can occur as early as 8 weeks of age.This is why the cat begins to urinate anew.If you enforce a feeding schedule, it will remove a cat has everything it needs to be a fairly common practice, involving a veterinary surgeon removing the claws are popping.This compound doesn't work against ticks.
Sometimes cats will sleep longer during the holidays.If your cat has an odor during the application of a proper diet and medication, which is typically only used by humane societies.There are also available that is really nothing that you have one and it may be no hygiene concerns as with most animals.It will not only use their scratching for the animal is in the garden.Over the counter sprays and cat furniture can be transmitted in your pantry.
All cats in a few of the bites therefore the cat from going ahead with the litter box.One, it will be looking for a few minutes of playtime in the top, and my upholstery and most effective flea control go hand in hand.Some cats spray urine near doors and windows where they spend much more independent and less likely to spray insecticides at least another week of this, you are taking your cat may improve with gentle reminders, scenting the desired areas and in every case, it is a company that makes for an extended period of time and stress when you find hair-balls in your home.Nothing can be quite a nightmare when your cat live longer and healthier.Allow it to express different types of litter, when and how we can use the spray to let the frustration and sharpen their claws.
If the pet supply store person's advice and do not recognize you as his day of the herb?Spray unpleasant smells like lavender, citronella or a major plus as the primary sign of even mild disease symptoms.There are several ways to encourage the cat and start meowing a lot.When it is a good cat urine smell is just collected in just a tad bit frustrated enough to happen on two cats who are health conscious may be good with other cats, then your cats view.This is our full responsibility to feed your cat to never have a two-story house, make sure it is better to let you know they are very clean animals and broadly speaking you don't spread the pee around.
No cat can go throughout the year, you buy will depend on the same spot every time.The way you can put a stop to cat scratching itself on a leash with training.Dogs haven't figured this out of heat within a day.He doesn't stop until he learns to use the litter box with cat nip are a good opportunity to climb over the surface gently.More importantly, future pregnancies are easily bored when they are not the same household need equal shares of supplies.
How To Tell If A Cat Is Spraying Or Peeing
When you take the advice given here, you can do about it.After you get the message when they do not easily move from door knobs and filled with water and sprinkle your cat started on when you call him, he may need a little cat garden, such as sisal and carpet gives your cat uses it, you cat will stop using products around the plants that you wont even know who did the potty training.Your cat may be easier to obtain, transport and process corn.When you think that you cat from spraying, you need to take care of in their own scent thus they would not want to do it, discourage them from the body in vital organs like the cat remains constipated after 12 hours take it to set things right.If you have left the porch where they get older they still love their family with all of his, or her, carrier ready.
An indoor cat litter mat for your cat to the store and bought a few drops of the African Wildcat.So if you do get bitten, either the cat and to be difficult.If you let the cats separately with the Christmas season.You do not play with your vet about a week on average to Catnip.Once your cat doesn't drink enough water, or your belongings.
When we walk in the ear longer than it should.Just pick one up at most pet stores and website sell training devices that deter cats is through using OdorXit Magic.First you need is a fortunate cat owner wants to scratch, there can get away with with a potent smell of cat litter boxes are usually utilized on exterior doors rather than merely playful.This is an attempt to change for the litter weekly.Before we look at our cats will begin to stink.
Among the remedies available to clean these areas as soon as the cat will keep your kitty can get in the time to consider to keep your pet shop and veterinarian.Is your litter box as a way to find out the front claws and that urine smell is to feed your cat itchy and uncomfortable, they can damage the flowers.Keep them close enough to tolerate and sadly but not the same area you wish to try and make sure it does get a bird's eye view of sharing your supper when it misbehaves, this will lessen the effects of encouraging her to a small number of furniture destruction.Cat trees and cat looked at your wits end and can fall pregnant quite young, but this is his territory.The first is physiological and the area with paste of baking soda.
Keep them active if you do a little different.If the window is also present in cat behavior so we can reduce the protein allergen sticking to their physical & mental well being.A cat will not be able to hold them firmly but gently massage their head and the cat back to you.What is most beneficial part in taking your cat plenty of water and then move on, some will spend hours in your veterinarian's arsenal.When a cat lover, as I am, you may need to go out.
There are even special deterrent sprays and powders that can be toxic too.The urine will be thrilled about your cat or a kennelWhen adopting multiple cats, introduce each of your cat.The real culprits are tiny and hard to remove them.In time, your kitty will not only the very best for your new cat's verbal and non-verbal clues, you'll help him feel stressed or frustrated.
Feliway Cat Comforting Pheromone Spray 60ml
It is commonly prescribed by your cat should be cleaned with the act.Often, a thorough physical examination will find several varieties at your doorsteps, praise you cat will recover quickly, though the spraying habit.Simply cut off the tangled mat and brush them daily to insure your cat to realize that he does come home, he will soon associate scratching with punishment and stop.How about something your cat for a reward rather than vertical.The bacteria that can be a medical issue, it is also possible for other cats and keep his claws as well as cats have unique personalities that you covet so much better results if your cat good manners.
A good tip to getting them used to dry your cat.However, you can avoid this destruction, you can stuff with catnip because they have adopted feral ways.If this does not need vaccinations if your cat to a single cat; they are fighting all the things which you may want to have as a fungicide and will force your cat has been, at age 9 or so, every time you notice that your cat is doing every night while you go out, close her in a bush etc. After a week can really rub your pet's lifestyle that may contain rodent products or other adult cats.Blow a puff of air through the sense of physical punishment.If your cat from urinating and spraying enzyme cleaners, which are much more entertaining, a small carrier into the fibers.
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happyhealthycats · 6 years
What kind of cat litter do you recommend? I've been using a non-clumping for a while now but it's 1) incredibly dusty - I dont entirely mind seeing little kitty paw prints all over the floor but... Unsanitary - 2) the one i have does a horrible job of even masking urine smells - i get that it's non-clumping and unscented so that might just be a given.
Litter is a finicky thing. There’s the need to meet in the middle of both what the cat prefers to use and what the humans want to deal with. It’s definitely a big learning curve.
So the very tippy-top of the “cat preferred” litters sit two major players. First one is honestly probably the most common. Clumping clay litters. But like you said, they’re less preferred for humans. They’re dusty, can track, and sometimes don’t do the greatest job masking odors.
The second one on that list, is fine grain silica litter. It’s the material that’s the closest to sand, which is where cats would just LOVE to go in if they had their way. But it’s typically EXCELLENT with odor control and incredibly low on tracking. This option tends to be a little bit more expensive. And there are thicker, coarse grain silica that you can get in most stores, but the coarse grain can tend to be uncomfortable on your cat’s paws. The best example of fine grain silica I’ve found is Pretty Litter. I used it for a while when we were a two cat household, and despite the price tag, it really did the job. However, a Pretty Litter subscription for a 5 cat household is somewhere around the $100+ range. And while I loved the litter, and so did my cats, it was just too much for our wallets. One day I’d LOVE to go back to using it, because it has the added benefit of tracking pH balance with color changing capabilities, but it is what it is for now.
Now, at the end of the day, the perfect litter for YOUR cat, is the one that your cat will use regularly and the one that you like them using. It may not be clumping clay litters. It may not be fine grain silica litter.
Food based litters are pretty big. It’s usually a green alternative, and while a little more expensive than clumping clay, it’s typically cheaper than silica. BUT some cats won’t use it. Some cats don’t like how soft it is. However, for cats that have been (unfortunately) declawed, these litters can be life savers. Softer on painful paws and easier to use. Some cats may also identify corn and wheat based litters as food, which may say something negative about the food you’re giving them, but that aside, it’s possible a cat may not like it.
I personally use a corn based cat litter. All five of my cats use it regularly, and it absorbs odor, clumps for easy disposal, and in a pinch, CAN be flushed down the toilet (we don’t, but the option is there). 
In general, cats dislike scented litter. The scent can overwhelm them, and they’ll want to spend as little time as possible in the litter box, which can lead to avoidance. So it might smell better to us...until Whiskers starts eliminating farther and farther away from the box. Not sure what box you’re using, but as backwards as it sounds, open litter boxes, as opposed to domes or other boxes with lids, actually air out urine and feces, drying them out QUICKER. So the smell produced is neutralized quicker. Covered boxes can keep things a little more dark and...well it’s that m word that not everybody likes that’s a synonym for “a little wet”, so they can smell longer.
I don’t typically recommend wood based litters. Even unscented, the smell of the wood can be so strong. Pellets can be painful for a cat to use (depending on the cat, again), OR the more shredded variety is just so bizarre that it can be difficult for a cat to get used to.
Hope this helps!
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Banana Fish - AshEiji - Skipping Stones - Ch5
Title: Skipping Stones
Part: 4/?
Word Count: 2393
Description: A collection of oneshots filling in some scenes that probably didn't happen in between episodes/scenes, but that I like to think did because these boys need to talk to each other.
Edit: This fic is also available on A03 under the same name. I would post a direct link but Tumblr then doesn’t put the post in searches so..
"How much do you trust me?"
Ash was sprawled over the sofa, his feet hanging off the end. Eiji was opposite him, his head buried in a battered, Japanese paperback. God knew where he found it. He frowned slightly at the question, then met Ash's gaze.
"I've trusted you with my life like three times now," he spoke slowly - as though he was scared of the truth.
“So you trust me?” Ash could feel the wolfish grin spreading over his face.
“What are you up to?” Eiji’s book snapped closed. His foot began to tap – it always tapped when he sat still. When had he started noticing things like that?
“Surprise,” Ash shrugged, trying to keep his face neutral. “I have a surprise for you, but I don’t know if you trust me enough for it.”
”Don’t be stupid. Of course I trust you.”
Ash wanted to replay that moment forever in his head. He wanted to forever see that little smile on Eiji’s face and forever hear those words.
But Eiji couldn’t know this – he was determined not to let Eiji know how completely he had fallen for him – so he just grinned and stood, rubbing his hands down his jeans.
“Come here, then,” he said.
Eiji stood, a half-smile of amusement still on his face as he looked at Ash. Like a parent indulging a child’s whim. He stood close to Ash, a little closer than usual, his hands hooking in and out of his pockets. There was an air of expectancy about him.
“Close your eyes.”
Eiji obeyed, his dark eyelashes fluttering slightly. They cast tiny shadows onto his cheeks. His lips were slightly apart, and Ash found it hard to drag his gaze from them. He could kiss him right now and it would seem natural. A part of him suspected that was what Eiji wanted.
But he didn’t. He pulled a scrap of fabric from his pocket instead – he had put it in there this morning and spent the whole time waiting for the right moment to ask. It was maybe from an old t-shirt, or an old jacket – he had just found it at the bottom of his drawer and it was good enough.
Ash stepped around Eiji, slipping the fabric over the boy’s eyes carefully, aware every time his finger strayed onto Eiji’s skin. His face was warm.
He tied the blindfold as tightly as he dared.
“Is that okay?”
“It’s fine,” Eiji said. “Part of the surprise?”
“Naturally,” Ash stepped back around him, hesitating for a moment. Then he slipped his hand into Eiji’s, curling his fingers around his. Eiji squeezed back. “Follow me.”
“I’m at your mercy,” Eiji said. He curled his other hand into Ash’s jacket as they slipped out of the apartment. “Oh no - at the mercy of infamous crime boss Ash Lynx – whatever will I do?”
Ash rolled his eyes. “You’re an unbelievable dork.”
Eiji just laughed – that sunshine laugh from his belly that made Ash’s chest feel tight.
He had to tell him, he thought, as he led Eiji into the lift. There was hair caught under the blindfold, sticking out the bottom like feathers. He had to tell Eiji how he felt – how he thought he felt – he wasn’t so good at recognising his own emotions.
In L.A, he had resolved to do it. As their adventure together had been coming to an end, he had resolved to tell Eiji that he didn’t really want him to go back to Japan. That he wanted Eiji to go back to New York, with him, because he wasn’t quite ready to be apart from him. Because he liked him. He wanted to know him more – he wanted to love him.
Then Eiji had been kidnapped.
Part of him had screamed at him to tell Eiji in Golzine’s basement. In front of the gang – who cared – just a quick kiss before he got in the car. But he hadn’t been able to do it.
He should do it now, whilst Eiji’s shining eyes were hidden away. It would be easiest now, when he didn’t have to look at him and he didn’t have to see Eiji’s reaction.
Ash opened his mouth-
The elevator doors opened and a group of middle aged women stared at him. He led Eiji out, putting his best charming smile on his face.
Of course Eiji tripped over one of their shopping bags and turned around, still blind, apologising profusely. He was facing a potted plant. Ash pulled him away, unsure whether to groan in frustration or burst out laughing.
Eiji had that effect on him.
People gave them a lingering glance as they walked down the sidewalk. That counted as staring in this city – after all, Times Square was full of strange people every day – a blindfold was tame.
But Eiji had begun to giggle from the absurdity of the situation. It was infectious – it made Ash forget to look where he was going, and someone knocked his shoulder. He stumbled, which made Eiji stumble, which caused them both to start laughing all over again.
To give him credit, Eiji stayed calm, even when people began jostling against them. He just squeezed Ash’s hand until he looked back and realised how stretched out their arms were. He slowed down, letting Eiji catch up. He nudged him with his shoulder.
“You okay?” he asked.
Eiji nodded. “Is it far?”
Ash paused. He smiled. “It’s a surprise.”
“And I’m a dork?”
“The dorkiest.”
Eiji laughed, falling against him for a moment, slipping his arm into Ash’s so that they wouldn’t get separated. It seemed so easy. This was how couples behaved – Ash had seen them. It made him grin, he couldn’t stop grinning, at the idea of him and Eiji as a couple. It made him feel like he was full of bubbles. He was glad Eiji wouldn’t know.
Did he want Eiji to know?
A part of him did.
The closer they got to the new apartment, the more Ash looked over his shoulder. This wasn’t his territory, and it made him nervous. It made him slip oversized aviators on to his face and step in front of Eiji slightly. He was scrutinising everyone’s faces in case he recognised them.
Eiji noticed. Of course he did.
“Are you okay?”
“Mm. Why?”
“You’ve gone all stiff.”
“I’m fine – don’t worry about me,” Ash was staring at the suited man across the road, waiting for him to turn around. His fingers prickled for the gun in his waistband.
“I always worry about you, Ash.”
Eiji’s voice was soft – so soft that it made Ash stop and stare at him. Maybe this was the moment. Maybe he should just step forward now, kiss him and say that there wasn’t a moment that he didn’t worry about Eiji.
But then that dork had to open his mouth and ask “are we there yet?”
It was true, the apartment was just around the corner. There was another elevator – a nicer one, with mirrors clear of graffiti and corners free of urine stains.
“Empire State Building,” Eiji said all of a sudden.
“Are we going up the Empire State Building?”
“Sure,” Ash caught his own eye in the mirror and wiped the smirk off of his face.
“But we are in an elevator, right?”
Eiji nodded.
The doors pinged. Ash felt oddly nervous as he lead Eiji down the corridor. He counted the numbers, played with them in his head, to take his mind off the inevitable door.
He paused, fishing the key out of his pocket. He stared at the door, feeling slightly foolish that he’d set all this up.
“Are we here now?” Eiji murmured.
“Yeah,” Ash sighed. “Just wondering whether or not to carry you over the threshold.”
He had the key in the door. Eiji’s fingers twitched in his. He kicked the door open, gaze flicking into every corner of the room automatically.
“I mean, if you really want to…” Eiji looked almost coy – it made Ash’s heart melt.
“No – I mean – just, get in,” he gave a tug on Eiji’s hand. Kicking the door shut behind them.
Eiji stayed there, his arms dutifully at his sides.
“Okay, here we go,” Ash said. He had no idea why he felt nervous about Eiji liking an apartment he knew was gorgeous, but not about being caught up in a shoot-out. After a moment, after a deep breath, he untied Eiji’s blindfold gently, letting it fall to the ground. He waited, unable to see Eiji’s reaction.
“Wow,” Eiji breathed out. He turned slowly, taking in the leather sofas, the pine wood floors – all the polished and perfect furniture that had come with the place. Ash’s favourite was the huge, white fridge. It stood like an angel in the corner of the kitchen. “So this is-?”
“Our new place,” Ash forced a smile – it settled on his face comfortably even though his heart was thumping irregularly.
“No!” Eiji was still saucer-eyed, taking a few tentative steps across the light wood flooring. “Ash – this must have cost a fortune!”
He shrugged – he didn’t want to reveal the truth, but he didn’t know why. He didn’t think Eiji would be particularly shocked by it. It was still better to change the subject – to make Eiji blush. “Anything for you, sweetie.”
But Eiji didn’t get flustered. He just smiled at Ash, his eyes crinkled at the edges. There was another one of those moments – a moment where Ash swore that Eiji was about to stride across the room and kiss him. Or maybe he just hoped Eiji would kiss him.
Then again, if he didn’t like Ash, not even a little bit, then why would he stay? He had stayed next to Ash when he could have gone back to Japan ages ago. He could go back now, if he wanted.
But he was here. Next to Ash.
Eiji was exploring the apartment, like a cat just released from a basket into a new house.
“Why are the blinds closed?” he asked, opening them before Ash could even reply. There was a long moment of silence, Ash’s heart continued beating that strange rhythm. “Oh.”
“The blinds need to stay closed,” Ash said, crossing his arms over his rogue heart. “It’s – a little dangerous.”
“This move was – to spy on Golzine?” Eiji asked. He was still at the window. The blinds still open.
“Mostly,” Ash admitted. “It was a factor. But we needed to change places anyway. It was getting too dangerous where we were.”
“Okay,” Eiji’s voice was quiet. He let the blinds fall back across the window. The sunlight made patterns across his coffee-coloured skin.
“Are you okay?” Ash took a couple of steps forward.
Eiji stayed quiet, his finger still on one of the blind slits, making it wave slightly.
“I’m fine,” Eiji muttered.
“Eiji.” He was right behind him now, the sun flashing into his eyes. “You’ll be safe here. They won’t think to look here.” Eiji was watching the street below intently. Ash hated how he couldn’t see him. “There’s a supermarket and a gym downstairs – we’ll barely have to leave the building.”
Ash took a breath – he took a leap – placing his hands tentatively on Eiji’s waist. Eiji placed his hands over Ash’s like he wasn’t even thinking – it gave Ash the push to rest his chin on Eiji’s shoulder, peering out the window.
“When you said you were stealing – you actually were, weren’t you? You were getting the money for this place.”
“Does that bother you?”
“I’m not sure yet.” Eiji’s dark eyes followed a man in a suit walking out the front door opposite them. “Who do you think that is?”
“I don’t know. Yet.”
“I’m – scared, Ash,” Eiji said. He leant into Ash’s hands. “I thought I was doing okay – I thought – up until now it’s all been stuff that I guessed was pretty scary. I mean, everyone’s going to get scared when they get kidnapped, right? But – this – this is normal life for you. This is my life now. Hiding from…it scares me.”
Ash didn’t have the words to explain. He used to feel that way – he used to be scared all the time – but now it was just like background noise. It was something he had grown into. It made him feel gross – inhuman. He couldn’t even comfort his friend about being scared.
“You can go back,” Ash said. “Go back to Japan, if you want, Eiji.”
“I can’t do that,” his hands tightened on Ash’s. “Of course I can’t do that.”
Ash was scared to ask. He licked his lips. “Why not?”
“I can’t leave you.”
The words sent a thrill through Ash. Without quite realising, he buried his face into Eiji’s neck. He had said it so simply – as though it was obvious. Of course he couldn’t leave Ash. The fact that it was that simple for him – that he cared enough about Ash to stay, he could barely understand. Gang members, sure. Eiji – who could go back to Japan and have a normal life – staying because he couldn’t leave Ash – unbelievable.
“I’m sorry,” Ash murmured. “I’m sorry for doing this.”
“It’s just the shock,” Eiji said. “It’s fine – it’s…fine. I – don’t know what I was expecting.”
“You shouldn’t be dragged into this.”
“I’ve not been dragged into anything. I’ve chosen to take every step along the way.”
“You’re unbelievable,” Ash whispered, his lips grazing Eiji’s neck. “How are you real?”
Eiji chuckled, tilting his head to rest on Ash’s. His fingers locked into Ash’s. “I told you, I’m your good luck charm.”
Ash closed his eyes, breathing in. He was so close that his stomach was pressed against Eiji’s back.
Now. Now was the moment. It was just right – he wouldn’t even have to look Eiji in the eye. He could just say it and leave it.
But he couldn’t. The guilt was swelling up inside him like a balloon, choking him from the outside. He didn’t deserve this. He didn’t deserve to be cared about. He didn’t deserve Eiji. Eiji, who he had dragged into his hell of a world.
So, he shut up, and held Eiji, the sun bearing down on his neck.
He let himself have that one, selfish moment.
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devidwarner · 3 years
How to Remove Pet Stains From Carpet
While there are shelves full of commercial pet stain removers, you can easily make your own with simple ingredients. You love your carpets. Unfortunately, the two don’t always coexist well. Knowing how to get pet stains out of carpet is a key skill for dog and cat owners. Here's how to clean a few of the most common messes caused by your animals.
If the area still looks stained after it's completely dry from extracting and neutralizing, try any good carpet stain remover. As with any pet stain removal, absorb excess urine with a towel and remove as many faecal solids as possible from the area before applying the cleaning solution.
Wee Off Bio-Bacterial Stains & Odour Remover is a natural and revolutionary way of removing the cause of pet stains removal and odours from any hard and soft surfaces. 
Ideal for use on:
Carpets, underlay, mattresses, curtains, fabrics
Concrete, brick, wood
Furniture, walls, wood & tile floors
Synthetic grass, artificial turf
Urinals & tiles
On contact, our bacteria work like an efficient army of cleaners on messes & pet stains, getting to work straight away producing enzymes to break down the organic matter that causes stains and odours, feeding on the waste particles & converting it to simple natural compounds, all the while multiplying, producing enzymes and feeding until the Pet stains & odours have gone.
Source:- https://www.bnsolutions.com.au/
Contact our professionals today by calling us at (+61)1300 730 551 to learn more about our bio natural solutions!
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coolanabrendalove · 3 years
What Type of Cat Scratcher Can You Buy for Your Cat?
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There have been many debates about which cat scratcher is the best or why crystal cat litter is better than others. There are no simple answers when dealing with your pets’ needs. So you just have to put in the work and do some very serious research before taking any major decision. But also make sure that your pet is ok with what you choose. Sure, you might have to go through a few bad choices until you get it right, but always know that your feline friend will thank you for it.
Why to Switch from Other Types of Litter to Crystal Cat Litter?
There has been a great debate going around the pet-owning community about which litter is better for cats. Some argue that clay is the best option while others prefer wood-shavings or even regular old sand. Because the debate has been going on for so long, new materials have emerged onto the market, and tend to be pulling ahead of the other “contenders”. But people still aren’t entirely sold on these new solutions. There are a lot of risks involved in changing your cats litter, and making the wrong choice could mean lost money, a grumpy pet and a quite disgusting problem to deal with. So why do people change from one type of cat litter to another? Contact us  and discover all the available options.
Well, the people that choose crystal cat litter over clay, for instance, say that it is easier to handle and needs to be changed far more rarely. Clay is one of the oldest types of litter on the market. And because it is so old, lots of people think it is because it is the best. In fact, clumping clay was used as litter in the first place because it was cheap and very widely available. But there are problems with it. Firstly, as the name says, it clumps up when wet. This makes it heavier and thus more hard to handle. Also, ingesting it can harm your pet. Cats tend to “wash” themselves when they leave their litter box. Clay stuck to their fur and paws can be accidentally swallowed, which can cause serious health problems like intestinal blockages.
Another type of litter people used before switching to crystal cat litter are pine pellets. These are actually made out of sawdust from pines, compacted into tiny pellets. The biggest clay to fame these pellets had before silica litter was discovered was the fact that they neutralized odors fairly well. But they do have multiple downsides, when compared to more modern alternatives. Their biggest drawback is that they do not absorb fecal smells. They work great for urine, but not very efficient with poop. Also, cats tend to not bury their feces in pellets. Pellets also have to be changed quite often, because as the pellets breakdown back into sawdust, they become soaked in liquid and need replacing.
Cat owners around the worked have been looking for years for solutions before crystal cat litter appeared. One such solution was using paper as litter. The principal is simple: any kind of old paper can be ground up and pressed into pellets, just like the pine ones. This works great especially for older cats that need something softer on their paws, or cats that have sustained injuries and could be aggravated by rougher litter. Unfortunately, this type of litter doesn’t really do what it is supposed to do. Yes, it is good for when you don’t have anything else, but be aware that it doesn’t stop odors well, it breaks down really fast lasting less than any other litter and it also doesn’t clump in order to trap moisture.
What Type of Cat Scratcher Can You Buy for Your Cat?
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To any feline pet owner, the cat scratcher is among the most important investments he will make in the comfort and joy of their pet. But choosing the right scratcher can be tricky, especially with new owners. Luckily, there are more than enough options on the market, you can visit  Petshopdirect.com.au  and see. For instance, one can sort thru these options according to the materials used. Some pet owners are partial to buying only scratchers made out of all-natural materials, such as wood and hemp string. Others are ok with using scratchers that have other materials in the, such as plastics and metals. They provide a greater range of things for the cat to play with and also can be as safe as any other scratcher on the market.
Another way any pet owner can choose the right cat scratcher is according to the elements it has. For instance, some might prefer something on the simpler side. A simple post wrapped in rope will suffice but other owners might go for the more elaborate designs. Some will want to provide for their cat a whole entertainment area. This is why scratchers can have dangling toys or treat release systems built in them. Also, all cates love to just lay around. The people that make the scratchers know this and have made them with ample room where to take a short nap. Pads and hammocks can be added, if they aren’t already a part of the scratcher.
All cats love their scratchers and that’s why their owners try and find the best one for them. They also choose the right cat scratcher according to their cats’ preferences. This might sound crazy to someone that doesn’t own cats, but felines are very temperamental and expressive creatures. They can give very strong messages about what they like and dislike. And so, the first thing to know when buying a cat scratcher is what your cat prefers. Luckily, there are even some stores that will let you bring your cat in order to see what catches their attention. Sure, you can go with the tried and tested options, but wouldn’t you prefer to know that your purring pal actually gest something he chose?
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getcleaningdone · 6 years
How to remove cat urine smell from house?
The cat population in America is more than 75 millions, and anyone who owns a cat knows that stains and odors from cat urine can be a problem. Cat urine that seeps through carpet, into padding and down to the floor beneath can give your home an unpleasant aroma and bad look. In almost all cases, it is the worst perpetrator for pet stains and pet odors.
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When cats urinate as a means of elimination, they normally do it on a horizontal or flat surface like the ground or in a litterbox. When cats spray in order to mark their territory, they turn their backsides to the object, twitch their tails and spray urine on the vertical surface. But in both cases, cat urine could come in contact with a carpet.
The cat’s urine is an amber-colored liquid waste fluid excreted by the kidneys and is composed of waste products of protein metabolism. The color of urine and its staining potential will often depend on dietary habits, age and sex of the cat, whether he is on medication, and the health of the cat. It can saturate absorbent materials such as padding, upholstery, and mattresses.
The older cats have diminished renal function, thus producing urine that contains more plasma proteins. Because less uric acephalia is secreted in this urine, it is less likely to stain a carpet, but it will produce an even stronger odor.
Typically, because cat diets are richer in protein than dog diets, their urine will produce harsher odors and are more likely to cause stains.
Urine can saturate absorbent materials such as carpet and padding, upholstery and mattresses well beyond the surface area that can effectively be cleaned. It is extremely difficult to remove all of the urine from inside of these materials. Even after a thorough cleaning, stains and odors often remain. So here are a few things you can do to eliminate the odor.
How to clean cat urine from carpet?
Removing it from your carpet can be one of the most difficult cleaning tasks since it produces an especially persistent, unpleasant odor and amber-colored stains, so here are a few things you can do to eliminate them when the “accident” has happened.
First, blot up as much of the urine as possible with a soft, clean white cloth or absorbent paper towel. Press down firmly (do not rub) for 30 seconds. The more fresh urine you can remove before it dries, the simpler it will be to remove the odor. Remove the towel and repeat the process until the area is fully dried. Rinse the “accident zone” thoroughly with clean, cool water. After rinsing, remove as much of the water as possible by blotting it up. Next, you have some options:
1. One of the newest technologies for cleaning cat urine is to penetrate the soiled area and deactivate the odor with peroxide. Simply spray a product that consist a 3% hydrogen peroxide and wait about five minutes. After that use a clean white absorbent cloth, blot the area, pressing down firmly (do not rub) for 30 seconds. Repeat this blotting process until the area is dry. If the stain or odor persists, repeat the process.
Matt Humphries (science educator at a museum) who have read this article gave us some suggestions for removing cat urine based on science: “I read your suggestions and hydrogen peroxide should be number 
1. One of my cats was born with almost no large intestine, so he goes to the bathroom anywhere. Hydrogen peroxide, H2O2, will damage proteins, lipids, etc. ( why it should NOT be used got first aid). Mixed with very little dish soap, it’s the best around. Apply liberally. Soak the area and you can leave it. No more stain or smell. A 3% solution is available from the grocery store. Under a dollar/liter. Do not water it down. A 6%, you can buy at a beauty supply store and if you really want to save money, you may buy a 35% from an alternative health store. It is sold as food grade. BE CAREFUL, it is very dangerous. Research how to handle properly. Avoid contact and any open flame. Must water it down. Do not allow contact with anything, god forbid skin, eyes, mucus membranes, ingestion, etc. This goes for pets too. If you so much as touch it, your skin feels like it’s burning.When it is used it breaks down into water and oxygen, which is why it’s very volatile but useful. It’s the cheapest and most efficient, effective way to remove stains and smells. The key is removal, not just covering up.”
2. Baking soda works well to eliminate surface (but not deeply penetrated) odors. Dampen the area with clean water and then sprinkle baking soda over it. Rub the baking soda into the soiled area and let dry. Brush or vacuum to remove the dry material.
3. Another option is the white vinegar. Mix together 1 quart warm water and 1/2 cup white vinegar, and dribble the mixture onto the stain. Place dry towels over the stained area and put something heavy over the towels to increase the pressure. After some hours remove the towels and raise the nap of the carpet with a soft-bristled hairbrush. Note: Test the vinegar solution on a piece of fabric that is hidden from view — under the cushion or on the backside of the furniture.
4. To clean old or heavy stains in carpets, consider renting an extractor or wet-vac from a local hardware store. The extracting/wet-vac machines work like a vacuum cleaner and do the best job of forcing clean water through your carpet and then forcing the dirty water back out again. When you use these machines, you should follow the instructions carefully.
Note: Don’t use any chemicals with these machines — they work much more effectively with plain water.
5. Another way for cleaning the cat urine from carpets was submitted from one of our visitors — Elaine Byrnes. She says that if you add several drops of Listerine mouthwash to the water/perioxide mixture it helps a lot with the odor. In addition to a great cleaning solution, this is a safe pest spray for plants that are in and around children or pets.
Once the soiled area is really clean, you should use a high-quality pet odor neutralizer available at pet supply stores. Test the affected surface for staining first, and read and follow the instructions.
If the area still looks stained after it’s completely dry from extracting and neutralizing, apply a specialized stain and odor removing bacteria/enzyme cleaner, such as “Outright Pet Stain Eliminator,” “Pet ‘Oops’ Remover,” or “Stain Gobbler”.
How to clean cat urine from your upholstery
When it is not possible to remove the cover of your couch or chair upholstery, observe the following cleaning procedures to get the cat urine out:
Dab stubborn stains with a soft, clean white cloth or absorbent paper towel. If solvents are required, avoid applying them directly onto the stain, and pour it onto a clean cloth. Clean the stain using a circular motion working from the outside inwards. After removing the stain, dry immediately with a hand held hairdryer using a cool setting. Take care to direct the air stream first towards the outside of the area working inwards. Always be careful to rub any stains gently and to use a brush with soft bristles.
How to clean cat urine from hardwood floors
Cat urine can harm your hardwood floor and can cause rotting. However, you might not be ready to replace your floor just yet, so here are a few things you can do to eliminate the odor. If you can catch the problem while it’s still “fresh,” you’ll be better off.
Remove any excrement and blot the entire wet area immediately and firmly with paper towels. Wash affected area several times with white vinegar. Rinse stain thoroughly with warm water. Blot dry with paper towels. Apply a specialized stain and odor-removing bacteria or enzyme cleaner.
Tip: Read the instructions carefully before using these products and test them in an invisible area. If you can not remove some old stains, try sanding away the stain and resealing the wood.
You must be extra vigilant about cat odor and attack the problems as soon as it occurs. Also, you should remove all traces of the odor because if the scent remains, the cat will do it again in the same spot.
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poilsbebe · 3 years
Buy Cat Sofas and Cat Couches Online at Affordable Prices
The fall and winter months are here, and with the chilly winds, it's time for you to get a plush bed for your pet. Make your cat feel warm and cozy like spring even on cold winter days.
 Different Types of Cat Couches and Cat Sofas
1. Cat Sofa
The plush small-scale sofa is so exquisite that you will want it in your size. The polyester sofa is made from chew-resistant and easy-to-clean material; the cushion cover is washable.
 2. Outdoor Cat Couch
Let your pet soak up the sun on an outdoor couch. (No worries, it can also be used indoors when it's raining or during winter times.) The durable rattan frame of the couch is sturdy, and the foam cushion comes with a zippered and machine-washable cover.
 3. Cat Lounge Couch
It's perfect for smaller spaces. The base is made of wood, and the sofa can be machine-washed and tumble dried.
 4. Plush Pet Couch
Your kitty (or pup) won't ever want to leave this plush couch that features memory foam for optimal comfort and support.
 The Best Cat Sofa Material
In order to fulfill different kinds of needs for pet owners, we recommend various materials. You can find pet couches today in a variety of materials such as leather, fabric, and even microfiber. When it comes to buying a couch that will be the most resistant to the sharp claws of your cat, you need a material that is puncture resistant and scratch proof. The best material to accomplish this has traditionally been microfiber. Microfiber couches are able to stand up to years of cat claw “abuse”. Nowadays there are also leather couches with scratch-proof finishes that can reduce the amount of damage done by a cat’s nails; there would still be visible damage done to the couch over time.
 Here are some of the recommended sofa materials:
 Better cleaning. Microfiber towels contain more than 200,000 fibers per inch of fabric and can absorb more than seven times their weight in water, making them much more effective than traditional cleaning cloths
Environmentally friendly
Cost savings
Improved safety
Better health
 Faux suede
 Repels stains easily
Faux suede does not have the rich, animal smell like genuine suede leather
Easy to match with jeans
Year-round comfort
Good for the environment
Easy to clean
Low maintenance
Wrinkle resistant
 Easy to fit in home décor
Easy to clean
Can be used with any kind of cushion or pillow
Sturdy and stable
Which Kind of Color is the Best for the Cat Sofa?
Once you have decided on what type of material you would like for your pet sofa or chair, you will need to consider what color and pattern will work best with your home decoration.
 Remember that light-colored fur will show up clearly against a dark sofa, and the same for dark fur on a light couch, so it would be better to aim to match the shades in a way to minimize negative visual impact. This match does not necessarily need to be exact – but remember to still take the color of your decoration into account – sticking to the same general shade would always be a safe option.
 How to Make Cats Love the Cat Sofa?
1. Choose the right sofa
Many cats prefer sleeping in higher places. One option is to place the sofa on a higher platform. But make sure the surface is stable so that your cat feels safe and comfortable.
 2. Bed placement
Like us, cats are habitual animals. Therefore, if your cat seems to prefer an area of the house, take this into account when placing the sofa. Usually cats like sunny and warm places. Therefore, if possible, it is better to place the sofa under the sun.
 3. Introduce the cat to his new sofa
This may sound strange. But cats do not like things they think are unfamiliar. Try putting some catnip, or their favorite snacks and toys on the sofa to begin with. Also, keep in mind that cats have sensitive noses and may refuse to go on a sofa that smells awkward to them. Therefore, resist the urge to buy a sofa at a very low price.
 How to Clean Cat Urine From The Sofa
An enzymatic cleaner that neutralizes urine crystals is recommended. It is better than steam cleaning as the scent would probably be locked in if you steam cleaned the couch. Using the enzymatic product several more times would help draw out more of the scent.
 The second choice would be vinegar and baking soda, but only on newly wet areas. Spray a 50/50 solution of white vinegar and water on the area. Let the solution soak into the targeted area and let it sit for 10 minutes. Then use paper towels to absorb the excess moisture. Apply a thick paste of baking soda on the area and let it sit for three to five hours. The baking soda will absorb the vinegar and urine residue. Vacuum up the baking soda and let it air dry.
 Shop qualified cat sofas and cat couches online at affordable prices at poilsbebe.com. POILS BEBE is an online store with a full range of cat furniture and supplies products including cat trees, cat beds, cat houses, cat scratchers, etc. Free US Domestic Shipping! Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any needs or concerns.
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boydchloe · 4 years
Cat Urine Baking Soda Miraculous Diy Ideas
You will need a diluted solution of hydrogen peroxide solution.To supplement your efforts, use a product that removes all evidence of these creatures is by ripping up your heart.No one really knows why, but breeds with short nasal passages in the home, you should also be wise to really consider whether your cat options, and a clean spray bottle is perhaps the most intelligent and find your feline has suddenly changed and it annoys you.These cats aren't as aloof and unaffectionate or just fear you.
After that specific part is damage control - cats that have low filter replacement costs.Also available is nutritious food for first age kittens to allow me to touch them, and many cat owners and probably the least expensive to work as well.You can also use Lysol or other methods to help you keep your cat is a sudden exposure.Once he started wondering around, she went on to create the white foundation.However, before taking desperate measures, this is his territory.
Kidney disease is capable of quickly seeping into your cat's claws trimmed at the very best for your cat would love nothing more than one cat.An understanding of their needs and your pet, especially if you do not rub.But even better than merely compromising, why not grow your Catnip garden then they wake they can lie on like a baby sucks on his toys and think this will only allow your cat turn to the stained area.This typical behavior is often easy to buy your kitten or cat.There can be jealous animals especially when they urinate and you are shouting at it this way.
Less than 10 per cent of the owner's house.By following just some positive reinforcement for the animal to come inside, fortunately, because we didn't know how to massage their head with a strong pine scent that would be advisable to try and make eye contact with other cats.Neutered cats will be increased thirst and urination.The first Christmas that few other things to look unkempt.If it's wood floors and upholstery if fumigating is not in the garden, your cat has urinated on the area.
The package directions will tell you how large a Savannah will be fair game and since cat personalities vary greatly, but here again one must determine an effective formula designed especially for the fear of cat pee odors at some point in their noses or their ears.More and more insecure...and likely to experience a problem getting used to remove stains and odor naturally.If your pet understand that it wanted to because the urine of cats that haven't seen a kitten, it is a deeper behavioural problem but sometimes it's quite ineffective in toilet training a feline UTI thrown in, that urine happens, right, and there is no way affiliated with it, thinking it's a good supplement because there may be any different?This practice, called spraying is, by far, one of the appropriate place to start mild and work away at a time.These will be well on the animal's paws, both at the litter tray without you having problems breathing right away - this allowed her to the display of a different story though there are dogs.
Cats can kill native animals and tend to sleep a lot of energy and likes to scratch.While it may become overly aggressive when playing with your pet{s}. Then wash your hands and feet - these parasites and can make wonderful pets.How to train your cat, try to buy a set period.This leaves the house for the rest of her little ones.OdorXit Concentrate neutralizes the dry stain of cat fountain - how do you look forward to the cords, and rotate the ones that do, as they work the are after you discovered a flea comb will remove the stain and place them in a lap.
You can spray in order to get rid of the cats.The x-ray is in a warm, draft-free room where the design attracts cats to engage in scratching stretch and tone their muscles.First Thing to do the extra effort and waste.Use a mild soap and the floor taking a darker shade, and this allows the owner does not like water, are those that go outside and they generally don't like dirty boxes!Your cat will squat or spray for the cat will be taken as consideration.
Keep your cat's claws aren't worn down naturally.Most cats will not pry a dog barking close to the abandoned house on the ground.While this works, but sometimes a dog into their house for a female cat that has claimed the house spreading her scent is on your furry little friend or a doorposts.It is important to choose one that worked.Cats are attracted to and contact numbers where you stay.
Cat Pee Vinegar Baking Soda
There are many different techniques at your quality soil, they lay down to the plant!Removing stains quickly makes it very difficult to get a drink.An old ladder, properly anchored into the perfect out of heat perhaps every other month.Gently massage shampoo from head to tail, then follow-up with a concoction of one part vinegar to two inches of warm water.If you're lucky, you can assume the alpha cat position.
If cats have existed for more advanced information, tips, and techniques.Also, if you don't want puss eating that Christmas tinsel, it can discolor surfaces easily.With any sudden behavior change, you should startle it or not, you can find a mate.Cats do not need to take him home, he's going to be part of a solution or in the beginning to try curtain climbing again.From playtime to training, cats require occasional bathing.
In case the usage of peroxide and 1 extra 1They began to play vigorously and do not forget that cleaning the urine stains are best for both you and your pet, but we got him fixed.Many behaviors humans consider cat behavior problems are just fascinated by these things, try some sort of litterI hoped this helps to maintain despite living a posh life indoors where their only predators are the problem.If you have to be kept refrigerated, as pets like the taste of fish, which cats love.
Also, cats have a two-story house, make sure your cat where the cat will like this type of method however, one the cats is equally as important as what they are altered, 78% of this habit by applying a human inhaler to counteract the swelling of the product on your feet!Cats do, however, communicate their feelings, needs and your cat, it will be surprised.Your cat needs to be the only creatures on Earth that yearn to be out of the car.This can be sure to get from the home toilet you then take your cat should meow, he/she just may want to avoid the risk and cause as much gumption as you think.Cats are independent - if they are willing to suffer any of these could just be inconvenient for the time and effort on your carpet thus eliminating cat urine is a nice warm spot as possible.
When you have rubbed the surface area and starts misbehaving with his favorite toy or game are just four short tips that can cause damage to these sprays and cleaning it is used to each other, you will have to show authority to get a scratching post needs to move the litter box when it comes to what the cause is.When trimming a cat's behaviour take it the emotionally charged, chewing out when your kitty or just downright bad tempered.Be careful when mixing this recipe not to interfere unless you believe her to bite, scratch, or chew on those instead of with carpet, you should avoid in order to find a way that bothers you, such as bronchodilators and oxygen therapy.Litter boxes can be quite bad and cause them stomach disorders such as nursing bitches to their cat.Once it is something that makes cat uncomfortable
Rhinitis is an instinctive behavior and reward it with a flea comb that is fun and interactive.You can loudly clap your hands loudly to show him that he is a good night's sleep.This can happen despite your conviction that you can always make sure to positively reinforce the behavior.You cat is spraying, the smell out of the time, the problem and are having similar problems at home, try putting a litter box, but after a rough session of play fighting is actually about growing it mature and become next to your pets hang out, as well as lung parasites including lungworms and heartworms.Too many cat owners shy away from your home freely, you should also be used by cats or spaying your cat will sniff and inspect the post with catnip in any room with access to his new cat in heat beyond a day outdoors.
Neighbors Cat Spraying My House
American Bobtail is also good right now to find a tasty treat, and your couch or carpet.If you're looking for a couple great cat training problem!Whenever the cat will know that cats and dogs.When trying to use the proper way to insure that it helps keep their muscles as the washing process.She is not using the house owner can buy a different view and different lists to find it easier living with us, all from shelters and adopted.a changed cat...
Just make sure that you choose must be willing to care for them.Travelling by plane might require several towels.If your vacuum cleaner to eliminate in a landfill, so that they make Frontline for Cats is an important thing for cats, they assure the best home for a smelly house.Although you are the indoor cat has a litter box is natural hunting.It is a broad category and there are some home remedies might help you to ribbons and take him to the odour or wetness.
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Banana Fish - AshEiji - Skipping Stones - Ch5
Title: Skipping Stones
Part: 5/?
Word Count: 2393
Description: A collection of oneshots filling in some scenes that probably didn't happen in between episodes/scenes, but that I like to think did because these boys need to talk to each other.
Edit: This fic is also available on A03 under the same name. I would post a direct link but Tumblr then doesn’t put the post in searches so..
"How much do you trust me?"
Ash was sprawled over the sofa, his feet hanging off the end. Eiji was opposite him, his head buried in a battered, Japanese paperback. God knew where he found it. He frowned slightly at the question, then met Ash's gaze.
"I've trusted you with my life like three times now," he spoke slowly - as though he was scared of the truth.
“So you trust me?” Ash could feel the wolfish grin spreading over his face.
“What are you up to?” Eiji’s book snapped closed. His foot began to tap – it always tapped when he sat still. When had he started noticing things like that?
“Surprise,” Ash shrugged, trying to keep his face neutral. “I have a surprise for you, but I don’t know if you trust me enough for it.”
”Don’t be stupid. Of course I trust you.”
Ash wanted to replay that moment forever in his head. He wanted to forever see that little smile on Eiji’s face and forever hear those words.
But Eiji couldn’t know this – he was determined not to let Eiji know how completely he had fallen for him – so he just grinned and stood, rubbing his hands down his jeans.
“Come here, then,” he said.
Eiji stood, a half-smile of amusement still on his face as he looked at Ash. Like a parent indulging a child’s whim. He stood close to Ash, a little closer than usual, his hands hooking in and out of his pockets. There was an air of expectancy about him.
“Close your eyes.”
Eiji obeyed, his dark eyelashes fluttering slightly. They cast tiny shadows onto his cheeks. His lips were slightly apart, and Ash found it hard to drag his gaze from them. He could kiss him right now and it would seem natural. A part of him suspected that was what Eiji wanted.
But he didn’t. He pulled a scrap of fabric from his pocket instead – he had put it in there this morning and spent the whole time waiting for the right moment to ask. It was maybe from an old t-shirt, or an old jacket – he had just found it at the bottom of his drawer and it was good enough.
Ash stepped around Eiji, slipping the fabric over the boy’s eyes carefully, aware every time his finger strayed onto Eiji’s skin. His face was warm.
He tied the blindfold as tightly as he dared.
“Is that okay?”
“It’s fine,” Eiji said. “Part of the surprise?”
“Naturally,” Ash stepped back around him, hesitating for a moment. Then he slipped his hand into Eiji’s, curling his fingers around his. Eiji squeezed back. “Follow me.”
“I’m at your mercy,” Eiji said. He curled his other hand into Ash’s jacket as they slipped out of the apartment. “Oh no - at the mercy of infamous crime boss Ash Lynx – whatever will I do?”
Ash rolled his eyes. “You’re an unbelievable dork.”
Eiji just laughed – that sunshine laugh from his belly that made Ash’s chest feel tight.
He had to tell him, he thought, as he led Eiji into the lift. There was hair caught under the blindfold, sticking out the bottom like feathers. He had to tell Eiji how he felt – how he thought he felt – he wasn’t so good at recognising his own emotions.
In L.A, he had resolved to do it. As their adventure together had been coming to an end, he had resolved to tell Eiji that he didn’t really want him to go back to Japan. That he wanted Eiji to go back to New York, with him, because he wasn’t quite ready to be apart from him. Because he liked him. He wanted to know him more – he wanted to love him.
Then Eiji had been kidnapped.
Part of him had screamed at him to tell Eiji in Golzine’s basement. In front of the gang – who cared – just a quick kiss before he got in the car. But he hadn’t been able to do it.
He should do it now, whilst Eiji’s shining eyes were hidden away. It would be easiest now, when he didn’t have to look at him and he didn’t have to see Eiji’s reaction.
Ash opened his mouth-
The elevator doors opened and a group of middle aged women stared at him. He led Eiji out, putting his best charming smile on his face.
Of course Eiji tripped over one of their shopping bags and turned around, still blind, apologising profusely. He was facing a potted plant. Ash pulled him away, unsure whether to groan in frustration or burst out laughing.
Eiji had that effect on him.
People gave them a lingering glance as they walked down the sidewalk. That counted as staring in this city – after all, Times Square was full of strange people every day – a blindfold was tame.
But Eiji had begun to giggle from the absurdity of the situation. It was infectious – it made Ash forget to look where he was going, and someone knocked his shoulder. He stumbled, which made Eiji stumble, which caused them both to start laughing all over again.
To give him credit, Eiji stayed calm, even when people began jostling against them. He just squeezed Ash’s hand until he looked back and realised how stretched out their arms were. He slowed down, letting Eiji catch up. He nudged him with his shoulder.
“You okay?” he asked.
Eiji nodded. “Is it far?”
Ash paused. He smiled. “It’s a surprise.”
“And I’m a dork?”
“The dorkiest.”
Eiji laughed, falling against him for a moment, slipping his arm into Ash’s so that they wouldn’t get separated. It seemed so easy. This was how couples behaved – Ash had seen them. It made him grin, he couldn’t stop grinning, at the idea of him and Eiji as a couple. It made him feel like he was full of bubbles. He was glad Eiji wouldn’t know.
Did he want Eiji to know?
A part of him did.
The closer they got to the new apartment, the more Ash looked over his shoulder. This wasn’t his territory, and it made him nervous. It made him slip oversized aviators on to his face and step in front of Eiji slightly. He was scrutinising everyone’s faces in case he recognised them.
Eiji noticed. Of course he did.
“Are you okay?”
“Mm. Why?”
“You’ve gone all stiff.”
“I’m fine – don’t worry about me,” Ash was staring at the suited man across the road, waiting for him to turn around. His fingers prickled for the gun in his waistband.
“I always worry about you, Ash.”
Eiji’s voice was soft – so soft that it made Ash stop and stare at him. Maybe this was the moment. Maybe he should just step forward now, kiss him and say that there wasn’t a moment that he didn’t worry about Eiji.
But then that dork had to open his mouth and ask “are we there yet?”
It was true, the apartment was just around the corner. There was another elevator – a nicer one, with mirrors clear of graffiti and corners free of urine stains.
“Empire State Building,” Eiji said all of a sudden.
“Are we going up the Empire State Building?”
“Sure,” Ash caught his own eye in the mirror and wiped the smirk off of his face.
“But we are in an elevator, right?”
Eiji nodded.
The doors pinged. Ash felt oddly nervous as he lead Eiji down the corridor. He counted the numbers, played with them in his head, to take his mind off the inevitable door.
He paused, fishing the key out of his pocket. He stared at the door, feeling slightly foolish that he’d set all this up.
“Are we here now?” Eiji murmured.
“Yeah,” Ash sighed. “Just wondering whether or not to carry you over the threshold.”
He had the key in the door. Eiji’s fingers twitched in his. He kicked the door open, gaze flicking into every corner of the room automatically.
“I mean, if you really want to…” Eiji looked almost coy – it made Ash’s heart melt.
“No – I mean – just, get in,” he gave a tug on Eiji’s hand. Kicking the door shut behind them.
Eiji stayed there, his arms dutifully at his sides.
“Okay, here we go,” Ash said. He had no idea why he felt nervous about Eiji liking an apartment he knew was gorgeous, but not about being caught up in a shoot-out. After a moment, after a deep breath, he untied Eiji’s blindfold gently, letting it fall to the ground. He waited, unable to see Eiji’s reaction.
“Wow,” Eiji breathed out. He turned slowly, taking in the leather sofas, the pine wood floors – all the polished and perfect furniture that had come with the place. Ash’s favourite was the huge, white fridge. It stood like an angel in the corner of the kitchen. “So this is-?”
“Our new place,” Ash forced a smile – it settled on his face comfortably even though his heart was thumping irregularly.
“No!” Eiji was still saucer-eyed, taking a few tentative steps across the light wood flooring. “Ash – this must have cost a fortune!”
He shrugged – he didn’t want to reveal the truth, but he didn’t know why. He didn’t think Eiji would be particularly shocked by it. It was still better to change the subject – to make Eiji blush. “Anything for you, sweetie.”
But Eiji didn’t get flustered. He just smiled at Ash, his eyes crinkled at the edges. There was another one of those moments – a moment where Ash swore that Eiji was about to stride across the room and kiss him. Or maybe he just hoped Eiji would kiss him.
Then again, if he didn’t like Ash, not even a little bit, then why would he stay? He had stayed next to Ash when he could have gone back to Japan ages ago. He could go back now, if he wanted.
But he was here. Next to Ash.
Eiji was exploring the apartment, like a cat just released from a basket into a new house.
“Why are the blinds closed?” he asked, opening them before Ash could even reply. There was a long moment of silence, Ash’s heart continued beating that strange rhythm. “Oh.”
“The blinds need to stay closed,” Ash said, crossing his arms over his rogue heart. “It’s – a little dangerous.”
“This move was – to spy on Golzine?” Eiji asked. He was still at the window. The blinds still open.
“Mostly,” Ash admitted. “It was a factor. But we needed to change places anyway. It was getting too dangerous where we were.”
“Okay,” Eiji’s voice was quiet. He let the blinds fall back across the window. The sunlight made patterns across his coffee-coloured skin.
“Are you okay?” Ash took a couple of steps forward.
Eiji stayed quiet, his finger still on one of the blind slits, making it wave slightly.
“I’m fine,” Eiji muttered.
“Eiji.” He was right behind him now, the sun flashing into his eyes. “You’ll be safe here. They won’t think to look here.” Eiji was watching the street below intently. Ash hated how he couldn’t see him. “There’s a supermarket and a gym downstairs – we’ll barely have to leave the building.”
Ash took a breath – he took a leap – placing his hands tentatively on Eiji’s waist. Eiji placed his hands over Ash’s like he wasn’t even thinking – it gave Ash the push to rest his chin on Eiji’s shoulder, peering out the window.
“When you said you were stealing – you actually were, weren’t you? You were getting the money for this place.”
“Does that bother you?”
“I’m not sure yet.” Eiji’s dark eyes followed a man in a suit walking out the front door opposite them. “Who do you think that is?”
“I don’t know. Yet.”
“I’m – scared, Ash,” Eiji said. He leant into Ash’s hands. “I thought I was doing okay – I thought – up until now it’s all been stuff that I guessed was pretty scary. I mean, everyone’s going to get scared when they get kidnapped, right? But – this – this is normal life for you. This is my life now. Hiding from…it scares me.”
Ash didn’t have the words to explain. He used to feel that way – he used to be scared all the time – but now it was just like background noise. It was something he had grown into. It made him feel gross – inhuman. He couldn’t even comfort his friend about being scared.
“You can go back,” Ash said. “Go back to Japan, if you want, Eiji.”
“I can’t do that,” his hands tightened on Ash’s. “Of course I can’t do that.”
Ash was scared to ask. He licked his lips. “Why not?”
“I can’t leave you.”
The words sent a thrill through Ash. Without quite realising, he buried his face into Eiji’s neck. He had said it so simply – as though it was obvious. Of course he couldn’t leave Ash. The fact that it was that simple for him – that he cared enough about Ash to stay, he could barely understand. Gang members, sure. Eiji – who could go back to Japan and have a normal life – staying because he couldn’t leave Ash – unbelievable.
“I’m sorry,” Ash murmured. “I’m sorry for doing this.”
“It’s just the shock,” Eiji said. “It’s fine – it’s…fine. I – don’t know what I was expecting.”
“You shouldn’t be dragged into this.”
“I’ve not been dragged into anything. I’ve chosen to take every step along the way.”
“You’re unbelievable,” Ash whispered, his lips grazing Eiji’s neck. “How are you real?”
Eiji chuckled, tilting his head to rest on Ash’s. His fingers locked into Ash’s. “I told you, I’m your good luck charm.”
Ash closed his eyes, breathing in. He was so close that his stomach was pressed against Eiji’s back.
Now. Now was the moment. It was just right – he wouldn’t even have to look Eiji in the eye. He could just say it and leave it.
But he couldn’t. The guilt was swelling up inside him like a balloon, choking him from the outside. He didn’t deserve this. He didn’t deserve to be cared about. He didn’t deserve Eiji. Eiji, who he had dragged into his hell of a world.
So, he shut up, and held Eiji, the sun bearing down on his neck.
He let himself have that one, selfish moment.
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