#Cataract removal
emrewebtasarim · 2 months
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100dayproductivity · 4 months
I am sooo tired today. Anyone else? 🙋‍♀️ One thing I am noticing about myself is that my energy comes in ebbs and flows. Or maybe it's fits and spurts? 🤔 I can have a really energized, productive couple of days, then I crash. And I'm always trying to fight this/feel guilty about it. Maybe it's time to allow myself to go with my own flow instead of fighting against it all the time.
So today is a crash day. Feeling burnt out. I've wasted a lot of time today, playing games on my phone on the couch. But sort of feeling bored with doing nothing as well. So I thought I might as well update Tumblr on my venture into bullet journaling.
It's only been a few days but going well so far. I've been writing absolutely every little task, and sub-task, that pops into my head. Has really helped me keep on track. I'm finding that I feel a little more relaxed when I jot something down because I know that as long as I keep referring to my list, I won't forget anything I was going to do. It could be something as simple as not forgetting that there are wet clothes in the wash that need to be put in the dryer. Or that I need to remember to pick up some milk on my way back from the post office. Jotting it down seems to free up some mental energy I would normally use to keep these little tasks in the back of my mind while doing larger tasks. It's also been helping me be more efficient. A few times I've noticed that while looking over my to-do list, I've been able to batch tasks together to save time and energy.
Right now I'm not feeling too anxious about doing nothing because I know what's on my list and there isn't anything on it that I can't do tomorrow. And, knowing me, after a crash like this, I will feel energized and productive again (eventually).
So, about the bullet journaling specifically: I'm starting with the bare bones, basic "core" layouts as per the Ryder Carol original bullet journal. Index, Future Log, Monthly, Weekly, Daily. No art, no fancy layouts, no frills. I added a reading log right away, as I'm currently trying to meet reading goals every night. And I just added a lights out/wake up log a couple of nights ago.
I know that you are supposed to customize your journal to your own needs, and I'm already thinking about some changes. I've already started doing a "rolling daily log" instead of migrating unfinished tasks every day. I just scratch out yesterday's date and put today's. If some unfinished tasks get left behind too many pages back, I'll migrate them then.
I'm also thinking about maybe dividing the daily log into three sections horizontally per page. As a task pops into my head, I'll jot it down in one of the three sections based on: a) priority and b) time of day. For instance, the other day I needed to remember that a neighbour was dropping by in the evening to discuss something and I had to remember to give her back her key then. It was jotted down halfway up the page, and there were a bunch of tasks that I jotted down, and completed, after it. With the three sections method, I would have instead jotted it down further down the page in the third section. That way, it wouldn't have gotten lost in the weeds of all the tasks I completed earlier in the day. I think this will just help me visually keep a rolling list of tasks that mostly get completed from top to bottom. As well, some tasks can only be done at certain times of day (i.e. during regular business hours). So if, for instance, there's something that doesn't really matter when it gets done but, when it does, it should preferably be in the morning, I'd always jot that down in the first section of the daily log. If I miss doing it, I migrate it over to the next morning's section. I'm thinking there's probably other ways I can divide the daily log page as well, like a section for kitchen chores, a section for online chores and a section for errands. That would help me batch tasks together. But I'm sure a logical setup will shake itself out as I continue using the journal.
Something I've learned about the bullet journal community: I've been watching YouTube videos for "beginner bullet journaling" and I'm beginning to understand that some people spend a lot of time making their bullet journals pretty. Like, maybe too much time. Like, maybe to the point where they quit bullet journaling because it takes too much time. Or, they don't even get started in the first place because all they see are these beautiful, trending journals and they have a panic attack before even cracking open their shiny, new, $125-dollar, leather-bound, gold-embossed, hand-made organic paper harvested on a new moon notebook. That seems like such a shame. I think we need a counter-trend: mediocre bullet journaling. I'll start. Here are the daily log pages (circled in blue) of my mediocre bullet journal. It's been about 5 days and I have three full pages of bullets already! The first two pages of bullets mostly have a lovely x beside them 👍💪
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It'll be fun to look back on this and see what changes I make to the layout as I get further along in the practice.
P.S. My cataract surgery was cancelled!! Rescheduled for next week 😮‍💨 I think this is mainly why I'm feeling burnt out. I spent a lot of mental energy preparing for this last week, and now the adrenaline is gone.
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Regulatory Processes for Intraocular Lenses (IOLs) in India
 Intraocular Lenses (IOLs) are essential medical devices used in surgeries to replace the eye's natural lens, particularly for cataracts and vision correction.
What Are Intraocular Lenses (IOLs)?
IOLs are artificial lenses crafted from materials like plastic, silicone, or acrylic, designed to focus light onto the retina and implanted within the eye.
Types of Intraocular Lenses:
Monofocal IOLs: Provide single-focus distance vision.
Multifocal IOLs: Offer multiple focal points for different distances.
Toric IOLs: Correct astigmatism.
Accommodative IOLs: Adjust the shape to offer a natural vision range.
Extended Depth of Focus (EDOF) IOLs: Provide a continuous vision range with an elongated focal point.
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Uses of Intraocular Lenses:
Cataract Surgery: Replace the cloudy natural lens.
Refractive Lens Exchange (RLE): Correct various vision problems such as near-sightedness, far-sightedness, and presbyopia.
Phakic Intraocular Lens (PIOL): Implant without removing the natural lens for significant correction.
Regulatory Approval for IOLs in India:
The Central Drugs Standard Control Organization (CDSCO) regulates IOLs, which are classified as moderate-to-high risk (Category C).
Regulatory Pathway:
CDSCO Registration: Involves submitting clinical data, technical details, and manufacturing information.
Licensing: Required for both manufacturers and importers.
Clinical Evaluation: Trials may be necessary to ensure safety and effectiveness.
Quality Management Systems: Compliance with standards like ISO 13485 is essential.
How RSI Helps in the Regulatory Process:
Regulatory Solutions India (RSI) assists with:
Preparing and submitting regulatory documents
CDSCO Registration/Licensing
Renewal/retention applications
Post-market surveillance and compliance 
Navigating the regulatory approval process for intraocular lenses (IOLs) in India involves adherence to rigorous standards overseen by the Central Drugs Standard Control Organization (CDSCO). From initial CDSCO registration to ongoing compliance and post-market surveillance, Regulatory Solutions India (RSI) provides crucial support to manufacturers and importers. By leveraging RSI's expertise in preparing regulatory documents, navigating licensing requirements, and ensuring adherence to quality management systems, companies can streamline the approval process and bring innovative IOLs to Indian patients effectively and efficiently. This partnership with RSI not only facilitates regulatory compliance but also contributes to improving access to advanced vision correction treatments across the country.
Regulatory Services India (RSI) is a leading regulatory consultancy in India that has extensive experience working with multinational companies as well as Indian pharmaceutical companies. Our team can assist you in developing an optimal regulatory strategy for your product and provide comprehensive guidance throughout the registration process. For more information, please visit our website.
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laxminetralayabihar · 10 days
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Exploring Different Types Of Intraocular Lenses (IOLs) For Cataract Surgery
Cataract removal surgery greatly improves life. Today, intraocular lenses are helping individuals with customised solutions. Know more here.
Visit atr:
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staylor-12 · 2 months
Cataract Surgery Specialist In Shrewsbury
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Experience clear vision and improved quality of life with cataract surgery at Paragon Clinic. Located in Shrewsbury, our clinic offers state-of-the-art cataract surgery performed by skilled ophthalmologists. Cataracts are a common age-related condition that can cloud your vision, making daily activities challenging. Our advanced surgical techniques remove the cloudy lens and replace it with a clear artificial lens, restoring clear vision and enhancing visual clarity.
At Paragon Clinic, we prioritize patient safety and comfort throughout the cataract surgery process. Our experienced ophthalmologists customize treatment plans to meet each patient's unique needs, ensuring optimal outcomes and patient satisfaction. From the initial consultation to post-operative care, our dedicated team provides comprehensive support and guidance every step of the way.
Cataract surgery at Paragon Clinic is a life-changing procedure that can significantly improve your vision and quality of life. Don't let cataracts hold you back from enjoying the world around you. Schedule your consultation today and take the first step toward a clearer vision with Paragon Clinic. Your journey to a better vision starts here.
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insightvision · 2 months
⁠Lasik Surgery in Borivali | Insight Vision Eye Care & Laser Centre
Lasik Surgery in Borivali: Transforming Vision with Precision and Expertise
Are you considering Lasik surgery in Borivali to correct your vision? Look no further than Insight Vision. Our renowned eye clinic offers state-of-the-art Lasik procedures performed by experienced surgeons to help you achieve clearer vision and reduce your dependence on glasses or contact lenses.
What is Lasik Surgery?
Lasik surgery is a popular refractive procedure designed to correct common vision problems such as nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism. During the procedure, our Borivali surgeons use advanced laser technology to reshape the cornea, allowing light to focus properly onto the retina, resulting in improved vision without the need for corrective eyewear.
Expert Lasik Surgeons
At Insight Vision, our team of skilled Lasik surgeons in Borivali possesses extensive experience and expertise in performing refractive surgeries with precision and accuracy. With their specialized training and commitment to excellence, you can trust that you’re in capable hands when you choose us for your Lasik procedure.
Customized Treatment Plans
We understand that every patient is unique, which is why we believe in creating customized treatment plans tailored to your specific vision needs and goals. Our Lasik surgeons will conduct a thorough evaluation of your eyes and discuss your treatment options with you to determine the best approach for achieving optimal results.
Advanced Technology
Insight Vision utilizes advanced laser technology and diagnostic tools to ensure safe and effective outcomes for Lasik surgery. Our Borivali facility features state-of-the-art equipment that allows our surgeons to perform precise corneal reshaping with minimal discomfort and faster recovery times for our patients.
Comprehensive Pre- and Post-Operative Care
From your initial consultation to your post-operative follow-up visits, our team provides comprehensive care every step of the way. We’ll guide you through the Lasik surgery process, answer any questions you may have, and ensure that you feel comfortable and informed throughout your journey to better vision.
Schedule Your Lasik Consultation Today
Ready to experience the life-changing benefits of Lasik surgery in Borivali? Schedule a consultation with Insight Vision Eye Care & Laser Centre today. Our experienced Lasik surgeons will evaluate your candidacy for the procedure and discuss your treatment options with you in detail. Say goodbye to glasses and contact lenses and hello to clear, crisp vision with Lasik surgery at Insight Vision.
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childeyespecialistt · 2 months
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Rosette Cataract: Comprehensive Insights and Advanced Treatments
At the forefront of ocular health, we are dedicated to shedding light on the intricacies of eye conditions, particularly the intriguing phenomenon of Rosette Cataracts. This condition, marked by its unique petal-like patterns, not only affects vision but also captivates with its distinct appearance. Our commitment is to provide an exhaustive exploration of Rosette Cataracts, encompassing types, symptoms, and the cutting-edge treatments available, ensuring our patients receive the pinnacle of eye care.
Understanding Rosette Cataracts
Rosette Cataracts are characterized by their radial, rosette or star-shaped opacities, often resulting from specific trauma or injury to the lens. These cataracts disrupt the clarity of the lens, leading to impaired vision quality.
Types of Rosette Cataracts
Traumatic Rosette Cataract: This type commonly occurs post-injury, where the impact leads to a star-shaped opacity centered on the lens.
Radiation-Induced Rosette Cataract: Exposure to certain types of radiation can precipitate this variant, showcasing a similar rosette pattern.
Symptoms to Watch For
Individuals with Rosette Cataracts might experience:
Blurred or clouded vision, making daily activities challenging.
Increased difficulty with vision at night.
Sensitivity to light and glare, often accompanied by halos around lights.
A noticeable change in how colors are perceived.
Advanced Diagnostic Techniques
To accurately diagnose Rosette Cataracts, we employ a suite of advanced imaging techniques:
Slit-Lamp Examination: Provides a magnified, 3-D view of the eye's structures.
Ophthalmoscopy: Allows examination of the back of the eye, including the retina and optic nerve.
Cutting-Edge Treatments at Our Facility
Our approach to treating Rosette Cataracts is multi-faceted, tailored to each patient's unique condition and needs:
Phacoemulsification with IOL Implantation: The gold standard in cataract surgery, this procedure involves the removal of the clouded lens, replaced by a clear artificial lens.
Laser-Assisted Cataract Surgery: Utilizes advanced laser technology to enhance precision and recovery times.
Embracing a Vision for the Future
At Indira Gandhi Eye Hospital, we don't just treat eye conditions; we aim to restore and enhance the quality of life for our patients. Understanding Rosette Cataracts, from their formation to the innovative treatments available, is a testament to our dedication to excellence in eye care. We invite you to explore the possibilities of clear vision and a brighter future with us.
For more information and to embark on your journey towards optimal ocular health, visit the Indira Gandhi Eye Hospitals.
By delving deep into the subject of Rosette Cataracts and offering a holistic view of its management, we aspire not only to enlighten but also to lead the way in ocular health advancements, ensuring our content's superiority and relevance in the digital realm.
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centerforsight · 5 months
Learn about the global impact of vision impairment and the critical role of early detection in preserving eyesight and quality of life. Explore the causes and symptoms of cataracts, a leading cause of vision impairment, and discover how comprehensive eye exams play a crucial role in identifying this condition. Uncover the early signs of cataracts and understand the recommended frequency of eye exams for different age groups. Delve into the benefits of early detection, including the prevention of vision loss, preparation for potential surgery, fewer complications, and an improved lifestyle. Explore Center for Sight's commitment to world-class cataract treatment, using cutting-edge technologies for enhanced patient care. Don't miss out on valuable insights that could transform your approach to eye health.
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100dayproductivity · 3 months
Oh boy. Need to regroup. Need to get thoughts out of head.
Bullet journaling (BuJo)
Urban homesteading
(I'm just starting out this post as a rough draft so I don't think about it too much. Sometimes thinking is an obstacle to doing!)
Main points:
Been procrastinating A LOT again lately.
Need to look into why.
Usually, for me, procrastination means I'm feeling overwhelmed. Why am I feeling overwhelmed? I'm not sure. Will circle back to this. Let's keep going.
Another reason I procrastinate is because I'm avoiding an unpleasant task. What is the unpleasant task I'm avoiding? Honestly, all I can think of is the dishes. Well, not specifically the dishes, just chores in general. I'm so bored of it. Zero motivation to work towards making my home pleasant (which is basically my main goal currently).
But I was doing so well just a couple of weeks ago! I was on fire 🔥🔥🔥 What happened? Not sure. Let's come back to this.
Bullet Journaling (BuJo)
I started my first bullet journal last month. It was working out great! I felt so inspired! And I was getting so much done. And I felt so organized and efficient. I haven't touched it in weeks, though. What happened?
I think I know what happened. Eye surgery happened. (I had cataract surgery.) Leading up to the surgery, I was so nervous and had so many things to keep track of to get ready for it. The bullet journaling really helped me get all my ducks in a row and not forget anything important. It was such a useful tool! But post-surgery, my eyes needed time to adjust. The eye that had the surgery needed to rest and heal. The one that didn't have the surgery needed to learn how to work with the new eye. I still need to wear a contact lens in that eye, and can no longer wear glasses when I take the contact out. I can't really do any reading or writing once I take that contact lens out at night. And with the contact lens in, everything was really wonky at first. Walking outside and looking in the distance made me dizzy.
So because of all this wonky eyesight stuff, I didn't want to do any more reading or writing than necessary. So I put the bullet journal aside. I didn't have anything important coming up that I needed to keep track of, just my schedule, which is in my phone calendar.
Well, my eyesight is still a bit wonky, but definitely much better now. I pretty much read and write and use my phone as normal now. So there's no excuse to not use the bullet journal again.
But now that weeks have passed it's hard to get back into it. Why? Maybe because I feel like I've failed with it. But I really shouldn't feel that way! Just because I haven't used it in nearly a month doesn't mean I can't use it again now!
Maybe it's also hard to get back into because I'm dreading writing down all the stuff I should have been doing but haven't done. Where's the sense in that, though? Just because I don't write things down doesn't mean I don't have to do them! Also, I've been getting plenty of things done without the bullet journal!
So that begs the question: do I really need the journal? Do I feel like it's a waste of time to write things down if I manage to get them done anyway?
Well, the thing is, yes, I am managing to get things done without the bullet journal. But I've also forgotten things several times before I finally remembered to do them. It probably takes up mental energy to keep forgetting and remembering and forgetting and saying to myself, "Geez! I forgot about that again!" I also have a feeling there's things I've forgotten about that I haven't remembered. Like sending out my monthly invoices. I only realized I forgot because a client asked me, "Hey, just checking, did you send me an invoice?" What else have I not realized I'm forgetting about? There's low level anxiety associated with feeling like maybe you're forgetting something important. Again, an energy drain.
Furthermore, bullet journaling is not simply a to-do list. From what I understand, it's a practice that helps you organize your life. It's a record of past events and activities to look back on and a method of planning for the future. It's a practice that can help you get clarity and insight into your method to the madness, to see what areas of your life may need attention or tweaking. To see the bigger picture, not just your to-do list for today. To see the patterns you fall into, like going down a YouTube rabbit hole instead of doing the dishes, and then wondering why you just cannot seem to achieve a clean and tidy house. Just as an example. No reason. Completely hypothetical.
Truth be told, I have been feeling really discombobulated this past week. Really antsy, just itching to get something done, but physically tired at the same time, just wanting to sit and rest and scroll my phone. I want to go fast and slow at the same time. I think going back to using the bullet journal may help me get off my hamster wheel, and calm down and be efficiently productive again.
Which brings us to my next point: tiredness. I have just been feeling sooo low energy this past week or two. I especially feel it when I'm walking up the street, in the direction away from the lake. The ground elevation gradually increases going in that direction, but it's ever so gradual you normally wouldn't even notice it. I've never really noticed it before. But lately, on some days, especially if I'm carrying a backpack or groceries, I feel like I'm just barely trudging uphill. (It's worth noting that, although I am middle-aged, I am not overweight and relatively fit and healthy, so there is no good reason that I should be struggling with walking up a slight incline). Here are my thoughts on why I might be feeling such low energy:
Lack of sleep
Low vitamin D
Wonky eyesight
Poor nutrition
Lack of sleep
First and foremost, I have not been getting enough hours of sleep. No two ways about it. The main problem is I don't go to bed at a reasonable hour. This is an ongoing struggle for me. This is a huge habit I would like to change. But I keep falling back into the same patterns.
I was doing really well with going to bed at a reasonable time up until my eye surgery. That's because I shut off devices and read in bed. But now, because I can no longer wear glasses once I take the one contact lens out for the night, it's kind of difficult to read in bed. I need to figure something out. Because watching YouTube videos on my phone before bed is not working for me.
Low vitamin D
Where I live, it's recommended that people take Vitamin D supplements during the winter months. I generally do, BUT, I was told to stop taking all vitamins and supplements prior to my eye surgery. I just haven't got back into the habit of taking them. So this is an easy fix.
Wonky eyesight
I need to cut myself some slack. My brain has been working VERY HARD trying to adjust to one vision-corrected eye and one in a contact lens part of the time and just seeing everything fuzzy the other part. It is very tiring. I need to remember that this is exhausting my brain and my eyes, even if it doesn't seem like it should be a big deal. I actually have my one month follow up appointment tomorrow, and hopefully I'll get the green light to have surgery scheduled for my other eye soon thereafter. Once both my eyes are corrected, I should be feeling less tiredness from my brain and eyes working so hard. I just need to be patient.
Poor nutrition
Okay, that sounds a bit harsh. I actually eat a lot healthier than the average person, probably. But I consume a lot more sugar than I used to. Pretty sure I have a sugar addiction. The thing is, if I have food prepared and ready to eat, then I eat very healthy. The problem is when I drop the ball with food prep and find myself hungry with nothing ready to eat. Then I just stuff my face with whatever, which isn't always the best choice. Usually it involves sugary foods. Which gives me an energy spike, but then I crash. The sugar binges are not helping with the low energy.
The other thing is, I'm pretty sure I've hit perimenopause, which means changes to my body and metabolism. I can't eat crap like I used to and get away with it. Well actually, come to think of it, one of the symptoms of perimenopause is tiredness and low energy. So there you have it. Mystery solved. I feel tired because I'm perimenopausal. That was an easy revelation.
But back to the nutrition: if I'm organized, then I always have nutritious food ready to eat when I'm hungry. The bullet journaling really helped me keep on top of food prep. So if I bullet journal I'll be more organized about food, which will lead to better food choices, which will mitigate tiredness... See how it's all interconnected?
Urban Homesteading
This has nothing to do with anything, except that I'm interested in the urban homesteading trend right now, so it's on my ADHD mind a lot lately. ("Wooh, another shiny new thing to add to all my other shiny new things!")
I'm not sure how I came across it, but suddenly last week I was looking it up and downloading podcasts about "how to get started". And as I learned more about it, I realized I'm already doing it.
(If you don't know what homesteading is, it's a lifestyle where you have some land out in the country where you can grow most of the food you need to survive plus make a lot of your own household items and produce your own energy with things like solar panels--basically be über self-sufficient. So "urban homesteading" is a smaller scale version of that, where you endeavour to live as self-sufficiently as you can within the context of a city. So you're not going to have acres of crops and cows and chickens, but maybe you have enough space in your yard for a summer vegetable garden. That sort of thing.)
So anyway, there's lots of homestead-y things you can do as a city-dweller. And one of the main things everyone seems to have at the top of their lists is preparing most of your meals from scratch, whether or not you grow the ingredients yourself. So making meals from scratch is something I started to learn how to do decades ago and keep getting better at. The thing is, this is one of the things I often get sick of doing--the constant and never-ending meal prep cycle: shop for food, prepare food, eat food, clean up after food, repeat. I'm not one of those people that enjoys cooking; I just do it because I enjoy eating. But seeing that it's one of the main ways you can become an "urban homesteader" got me kind of motivated. It's almost a kind of gamification for me, seeing how I can spend the least amount of money and waste the least amount of food. I think I've been feeling burnt out with the kitchen chores lately. I need some inspo, and maybe "urban homesteading" is the inspo I need.
Right. So let's tie it all together.
I mentioned at the beginning of the post that maybe I'm procrastinating so much lately because I'm feeling overwhelmed, but I'm not sure by what. Well, obviously, by ALL THE THINGS. There's just always so many things. And I think the bullet journaling was helping me manage All The Things, so I need to start bullet journaling again.
I also mentioned that I've been avoiding the kitchen chores lately because it's just blah. No motivation. So bored of it. I need to get inspired. And maybe my newest hobby, urban homesteading, is that little spark I need.
Once I get motivated in the kitchen again, I will eat better, because I'll be better organized with meal prep. Not only that, but I find that, for me, getting organized in the kitchen leads to getting organized in the rest of my life. And the opposite is true too--when the kitchen is in chaos, I become discombobulated in general. And discombobulation leads to overwhelm. And overwhelm leads to procrastination. See how it's all interconnected?
So what's my plan of action?
Start bullet journaling again. Approach it like it's brand new to me again.
Start with the basic daily "kitchen spiral" again. (My kitchen routine that moves in a "spiral" starting with clearing off the drying rack, moving clean dishes from dishwasher to drying rack, moving dirty dishes from counter to dishwasher, then moving to the top shelf of the fridge to start food prep.) I will have better nutrition, which will help mitigate the tiredness.
Part of getting organized in the kitchen involves refilling my medication dispenser with Vitamin D. That will help with the tiredness.
Once I get back on track with the kitchen and nutrition, I will start to have more energy and more productive days. Then maybe my sleep will get back on track too.
But right now I'm sooo sleepy. Going to post this and have a little nap. 😴
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lall2020eyecare · 5 months
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trenetralaya · 6 months
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viaaneye · 8 months
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Experience the best in eye care with Viaan Eye & Retina Centre. Our dedicated team of cataract specialist in Gurgaon is committed to ensuring that your vision remains clear and vibrant. With years of experience and a passion for eye health, we prioritize your well-being. Trust your eyes to the experts at Viaan Eye & Retina Centre.
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freedomeyelaser · 9 months
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asgeyecareindia · 9 months
Are you tired of struggling with cloudy vision caused by cataracts? Cataracts can significantly affect your quality of life, making it difficult to perform everyday tasks like reading, driving, and even recognizing familiar faces. Fortunately, modern medicine has advanced significantly in the field of cataract surgery, offering highly effective treatments that can restore your clear vision and improve your overall well-being.
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digitalmarkcena · 2 years
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Get the best Cataract Surgery in Calgary from Experienced doctors at Orbit Eye Centre
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