#Celestial Kingdom Prophet
judahmaccabees · 5 months
the dalai lama goes to ETERNAL Hell for never actually helping anyone
Matthew 25:41-46
God hates demonic pretenders. Selfish narcissist faux peace parasite pansy thief Accursed. Good souls don't grin over false peace while others are suffering.
You Hated and Oppressed the critics who spoke the truth, worshiping Liars, killing the innocent and Mother Mary.
Mammon servants bury wealth in the ground to make the innocent suffer, and are not welcome in the Celestial Kingdom. Matthew 25:41-46
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They don't follow the law because they're demons.
Greedy, self-absorbed false kings.
Every knee will bow.
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idealog · 10 months
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gay-mormon-wizard · 2 months
this week's Come Follow Me reading includes a description of Zoramite worship, and it's awfully familiar because
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this is exactly what
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the end of every testimony borne
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and the end of every talk and lesson sounds like.
"I know this Church is the only true church, and it's ordained of God (we have the truth. we are the Correct ones while everyone else is wrong) and that following the commandments and the prophets will bring us to the celestial kingdom (while everyone else is kept out of the celestial kingdom and eternally deprived of the presence of their Heavenly Father) and that God has a plan for everyone to bring them where they belong (so all of us were elected for the celestial kingdom while everyone else was elected for lesser joy) and that God will show you the truth if you study and pray (that we may not be led away in the foolish beliefs of everyone who's not a part of our group)."
it's arrogant and self-elevating. It's not loving God and keeping his commandments in humility - it reinforces tight group cohesion at the cost of our compassion for others. It's not right that this rhetoric is so normalized and encouraged when the Book of Mormon condemns the Zoramites for it.
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levia-chan · 7 months
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Hello everyone I decided to share with you some headcanons about what kind of guardian angels the Obey Me characters would be for you. So read and enjoy (I hope you enjoy it :3)
Preface: They have been your guardians since you were born.
Warnings: contains spoilers for S1 og and S2 NB.
Credits: The banner image in this post belongs to @diodellet
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He rarely takes someone under his care because of the heavy workload (he is literally the ruler of the Celestial Realm, which is what you expected). Plus, he mostly patronizes pastry chefs.
And the question immediately arises: why did he take custody of you? Everything is actually quite simple. He was attracted to your soul. It was so bright and pure that he just couldn't pass by, losing such a soul would be a senseless loss to heaven and a waste of potential.
So he's been protecting you since you were born. Whether it was a bad feeling, prophetic dreams or problems with transportation, he always tried to protect you. However, sometimes he messed up when he was too deep in his thoughts.
He always tried to be there for you. His presence is soothing, and his touch is so warm, and suddenly all the problems don't seem so serious.
When you have nightmares, he replaces them with some funny and vivid dreams. And you often notice that the wounds on your body heal faster than others. Well, he doesn't like it when you suffer, so he helps you in any way he can.
He wasn't thrilled when you were chosen as one of the exchange students representing humanity. Especially when you were sent to Devildom literally against your will.
He was a little jealous when you started getting closer to your brothers (he just wanted it too ☹️). But he came to terms with it pretty quickly.
Oh, and how angry he was when Belphegor attacked you and hurt you. If Barbatos hadn't brought you back, he would definitely have curtailed the entire exchange program, and relations between the two Kingdoms would have deteriorated greatly.
He felt so bad because he couldn't meet you when you came to the Celestial Realm with Luke, Simeon and Solomon. But he hopes that you will still be able to meet in the future.
And even though he protects you, sometimes you give him severe headaches. Well, that is, not because of you, but because you are constantly getting into some kind of trouble. In this regard, you are no better than Solomon.
He was very nervous when he lost touch with you. He quickly determined that you were in the past, but for some reason he couldn't get you out of there. So he helped as much as he could. Angel was very relieved when you and Solomon finally came back to the present.
He's become twice as protective of you after all this. He just loved you and doesn't want to lose you, don't be angry :<
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nottskyler · 19 hours
Dear President Russell M Nelson,
Congratulations on making it to 100. I know it was a significant goal for you and you worked hard both physically and spiritually to make it this far. I know there are a lot of things outside our control to having a long life, but it also takes work.
Thank you for the challenge to read the Book of Mormon before the year was out back in 2018. My life has been irrevocably changed for the better for following that counsel. I learned much about myself and the world and Gd’s plan for me and began a path of repentance that has brought me closer to Christ and brought joy into a life that was characterized by despair before.
And that is simply a personal way that I know you are called of Gd to be our prophet. It is very clear how you were prepared to lead the Church at this time, especially with how your responses to revelation prepared the Church for the pandemic. A pandemic following a change in policy that barred me from sharing the joy that I found by following your counsel. It is sometimes hard to reconcile the exclusionary policy that you have permitted to be put in place under your leadership with my testimony that you are a prophet of Gd because following your counsel led me to Christ and the good things that come from repentance.
It is the same juxtaposition of you having a medical degree and then claiming that life (when the spirit enters the body) begins at conception because a unique genetic code was created. Conception comes before the medical definition of pregnancy which is before the latest point identical twins can be formed. Identical twins are clearly two different spirits with the same genetic code. The truth we learn from science is giving a different truth than the one that you claimed in your press conference on the reversal of roe v wade.
Not to harp on something you said one time not even during General Conference, but I was finally pregnant after years of infertility and it seemed to mock my pain of late periods and failed fertility treatments. I came to the conclusion that you were wrong and speaking your personal opinion and not the thoughts and feelings of Heavenly Father or our Savior Jesus Christ. A conclusion that many would think contradicts my previous statement about believing that you are a prophet of Gd.
But to believe that the prophets can do no wrong is idolatry. To claim that the truth is only what prophets have confirmed first is priestcraft. This is not the Lord’s way who said: “If any man will do his will, he shall know of the doctrine, whether it be of God, or whether I speak of myself.” (John 7:17); “Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.” (Matthew 7:20). Or even Moroni closing his addition to the Book of Mormon “And by the power of the Holy Ghost ye may know the truth of all things.” (Moroni 10:5) and “For behold, my brethren, it is given unto you to judge, that ye may know good from evil; and the way to judge is as plain, that ye may know with a perfect knowledge, as the daylight is from the dark night.” (Moroni 7:15).
Besides, how can we be fit for the Celestial Kingdom if we, as individuals of the Church, are to surrender our agency to you and never learn how to discern truth for ourselves. You set yourself up as the king of the Church when you say you are the only source of truth. Then all the sins of those who follow you without question become stains on your garments.
It is a difficult task to reconcile these types of mistakes with someone upholding a high calling that presumably has direct access to Gd, but then I realized that the traditions of our fathers was what made me ignore Gd telling me to repent much earlier than the 2018 Book of Mormon reading challenge. False traditions drain true intent and curiosity when you ask Gd because you feel confident that you know the answer and so you study with bias to confirm your worldview and you don’t have intent to do anything different if the answer isn’t what you expect. False traditions frame revelation so that you ignore key pieces because your mind fills in the default expectation instead of what actually exists in the revelation. In the end, I’m glad that I’m a nobody who only has to deal with the consequences of my own actions instead of being in your shoes where my same mistakes would’ve cause much more damage and would’ve been much harder to change direction when I learned I was wrong.
So I pray that your mind will be open to look past the false traditions of our fathers, to be open to the testimony of those othered by the Church organization. I pray that you realize that what you are doing is priestcraft so that you will swiftly repent and put effort into making sure you aren’t standing between us and Christ. I pray that you will repent in this life so you can share our joy.
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oracleofdiscord · 6 months
Ninjago OC: Estrella, Master of Starlight (part 1/3)
Hello, everyone! I’ve decided to finally introduce my Ninjago oc: Estrella, Elemental Master of Starlight. But to talk about Estrella, I need to first explain 2 other things: Celestial Elements and the previous Master of Starlight.
Celestial Elements:
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Rebooted establishes that Ninjago does have an outer space, complete with other celestial bodies. Seabound establishes that there are other entities that were the originators of elements besides the FSM (not counting the Source Dragons - I figure that the SD may have been responsible for Wojira and the FSM having those elements, but Wojira and the FSM passed them down to Elemental Masters).
The premise for the element of Starlight is that there was a creature like Wojira in outer space who established a set of elements I’ll call the Celestial Elements (like Wojira’s Storm Elements). They were passed down through Elemental Masters on nearby planets. Although I might expand the roster later, my ideas for the Celestial Elements are:
Starlight: Masters of Starlight can create starlight in their hands that can take the form of twinkling balls of light or can be used as a bright flash that temporarily blinds enemies. They can also create a more soothing form of starlight that can be used for healing.
Sunlight: Masters of Sunlight can create sunlight in their hands or manipulate sunlight around them, using it to light up the area or to burn enemies. They can also create a more soothing form of sunlight that can stimulate the growth of plants.
Moonlight: …okay, so I have no idea what moonlight does yet. My initial ideas were based on illusion and transformation, but illusion feels too close to the regular element of Light, and transformation feels like Form. I’ll figure it out some day.
Fun fact - I was going to include some sort of prophetic/destiny-reading power in Estrella’s powers because “written in the stars,” but I couldn’t figure out how to not step on Zane’s toes, it felt too OP to give her prophecy and healing, and destiny is more associated with clouds (Cloud Kingdom) than stars in Ninjago anyway.
Fun fact 2 - If I ever create a fanseason focused solely on Estrella, it’s probably going to involve the other Celestial Elemental Masters showing up on Ninjago.
Note - Corrupted Celestial Elements: If someone with a Celestial Element were corrupted by something like the Staff of Forbidden Spinjitzu, their powers would essentially become radioactive, causing weakness in people who were exposed to their powers, and eventually causing their own bodies to start to break down.
Aethra, (former) Master of Starlight:
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Aethra was the Master of Starlight before Estrella - and the reason that element ended up on Ninjago. She’s from Cepheus, the home planet of all the previous Masters of Starlight. 
Once, Cepheus was small but prosperous. When threats appeared, Aethra was able to fend them off, being both a skilled fighter and in tune with her powers. But one day, a threat unlike any other emerged. Calling itself “The One Who Is Many,” it moved across Cepheus, spreading distrust and chaos wherever it went. As the chaos spread, its power grew. When Aethra confronted it, she could not beat it, and it took the opportunity to take her form. 
She knew the damage it could do in her guise, and so, in a last-ditch attempt to keep it from winning, she gave up her form, reducing herself to a weakened shell in a reduced body (think magical girl mascot). It didn’t work. The One Who Is Many kept her form, and she was trapped in her weakened state, forced to watch as Cepheus fell to war, and ruin, and eventually to pieces. 
It was on one of these pieces that she found herself when Cepheus crumbled - a comet that became known as Delta-V. On this comet, she kept alive a fading hope of one day finding civilization again. She also suspected that The One Who Is Many was stuck on the same comet, although it seemed also reduced in power. 
One day, a strange rocket arrived - the one the ninja used to visit Delta-V in season 3. In her new small body, she was able to stow away on the rocket on its return to Ninjago. She wandered around Ninjago for a time, unsure of what to do with her life since her powers were weak, her body was changed, and her people were gone. Eventually, she made her way to Stiix. There, she made the acquaintance of Estrella, a lonely girl in need of a friend.
Part 2
Part 3
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aevallare · 6 months
tagged by @anosrepasi!!! i am only doing this for my main fandom account because the other one is between me and god <3
1) How many works do you have on AO3?
2) What’s your total AO3 word count?
3) What fandoms do you write for?
currently bg3 is everything all the time. i've also written for mass effect, arcane, league of legends, dragon age, legend of zelda, fallout, kingdom hearts, stardew valley, and genshin impact
4) What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
1 - kindred (baldur's gate 3 - astarion/f!tav)
2 - insinuations (arcane - jayce/viktor)
3 - doctrine (arcane - jayce/viktor)
4 - celestial (arcane - jayce/viktor)
5. a sycophantic, prophetic, socratic junkie wannabe (fallout - deacon/f!sole survivor)
5) Do you respond to comments?
when i can!! i'm posting three multi-chapter fics simultaneously so it doesn't always work out lol
6) What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
treason (fallout 4 - deacon/f!sole survivor) - sorry deacon lmao.
7) What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
i mostly write happy endings, but i think the happiest is probably doctrine because arcane s1 ended so sad that mine looks like a fairytale lol.
8) Do you get hate on fics?
9) Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
yeah. what kind don't i write at this point
10) Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
not really
11) Have you ever had a fic stolen?
i've had whole fics stolen and concepts plagiarized
12) Have you ever had a fic translated?
13) Have you ever co-written a fic before?
yes!! i've co-written with @caspercryptid and @the-neon-pineapple in the past and i hope to link up with both them and @dishsaop in the future. i will also be giving astarion TWO weed-smoking girlfriends with @again-please :3
14) What’s your all time favorite ship?
never ask me this question again
15) What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
i finish every fic i start nowadays
16) What are your writing strengths?
sheer word count lmfao
17) What are your writing weaknesses?
smut is by far the weakest part of my writing i think though it's been getting better since i've trial-by-fired myself with the white boy of the century
18) Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
i did it in sycophantic a fair amount because clara is danish but i also speak danish fluently. astarion also speaks elvish sometimes in kindred but it's purposefully not understandable.
19) First fandom you wrote for?
fullmetal alchemist or naruto
20) Favorite fic you’ve written?
every fic i've ever written is my favorite i shan't choose between my children (i love you pour one out)
i'll taaaaag @dwarfsized @again-please @caspercryptid @the-neon-pineapple @p-inkbrush @commander-krios @kittenintheden and @cursedhaglette <3
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roses-red-and-pink · 1 year
So, while I'm not a Latter-Day Saint and almost certainly never will be (for a variety of reasons), I find your theology fascinating. And so, I'm asking - what's your favourite distinctively LDS (as in "primarily or exclusively held by them") doctrine and why?
(By the way, I've been avoiding the term out of respect - is it okay to call you a Mormon?)
Hold on. You aren’t??? 🤯 my bad I thought you were as well, I guess because of the “latter day” part of your username.
Ok well now that’s out of the way (sorry!) I’d love to answer your question. I mean I love lots and lots of our theology and doctrine. I think one I really love is our much more expansive view of heaven than the heaven/hell dichotomy. In short, we believe that there are 3 kingdoms of glory, and whichever one you attain is based on the laws you were able to abide by in life. We’ve got the telestial kingdom (full of murderers and thieves and liars and all the types of people you would think of going to hell) and they don’t get to live with God. (Hence why it is hell because separation from God.) but it will still be a nice place to spend eternity. No fires and brimstone. Just lonely I think. And the knowledge of what you could have been but didn’t become.
We have the celestial kingdom, commonly thought of as heaven. This is where The Father and Jesus live. Also we get to be with our families, be married, become like God, learn and grow and be in his presence.
But then we have this Middle Kingdom. The terrestrial kingdom. This is for people who were Good people. They don’t deserve hell, they were good people who loved their neighbours and were generally kind. But they did not accept Jesus Christ. Or if they did, they were not faithful in that testimony. They will have the presence of Jesus with them, so it’s not really hell, but they don’t get the presence of the Father. And, they are like the angels in heaven, neither married nor given in marriage. They don’t get to truly become like God.
Honourable mention goes to baptism for the dead so that people who weren’t baptized in this life still get a chance to accept Jesus Christ even if they never got to hear about him in life.
I think overall I just love how great and merciful Gods plan is. He wants us all to return to him. And he knows not everyone gets a chance here on earth. And he knows we won’t all be faithful to the testimony of Jesus. But he still wants us to be happy in eternity. Gods plan is a plan for everyone.
As to your last question, we prefer not to be called Mormon because it makes it sound like we worship Mormon the prophet, or think he is the basis of our faith. We are the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. We follow and worship Jesus Christ so we want to be known by his name. So I appreciate you asking! Thank you!
Here’s a recent video by one of our church leaders explaining this kingdom of glory idea.
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emo-eyemakeup-evildude · 11 months
Hi friends! Here's a thought that's been rattling around in my head for a minute
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I was planning on using November to work on Astor-related projects I've been neglecting, and I thought I'd expand it into something everyone could join. More info below
I'm envisioning this working like a combination of Linktober and Astor Week, since Astor Week hasn't been announced for 2023. Make and share whatever you'd like! Art, crafts, photography, writing, memes, cosplays, etc. Each week has a theme and each day has a prompt, so feel free to create something for every day, once a week, one thing for the whole month, come and go as you please.
Week 1: Prophet of Doom, generic character/aesthetic prompts 1. Prophet 2. Celestial 3. Divination 4. Jewelry 5. Braids 6. Robes 7. Makeup
Week 2: Backstory, give us the info we should have gotten in the dlc 8. Malice 9. Astrolabe 10. Circlet 11. Hometown 12. Fortune Teller 13. Cult 14. Chosen
Week 3: Age of Calamity, fandom week for the game that gave us our cardboard man 15. Harbinger 16. Calamity 17. Demon King 18. Monster 19. Thread 20. Blood Moon 21. Doom
Week 4: The Future of Hyrule, headcanons and theories about Astor in the larger Legend of Zelda universe, plus less specific bonus prompts 22. Post-Calamity [Peace] 23. Time Travel [Crossover] 24. Breath of the Wild Universe [Wild] 25. Tears of the Kingdom Universe [Ruins/Zonai] 26. Victorious AU [Victory] 27. Redemption AU [Redeemed] 28. Barbie Astor [Headcanons]
Week 5: Wednesday 29 & Thursday 30, the final days. Show us your favorite companion. Canon, non-canon, and original characters all welcome! And a free day, do whatever you'd like or share your visions for what Playable Astor could have been 29. Companion 30. Free Day [Playable Astor]
All creative works are welcome, as are all subjects. Just make sure everything is posted on a platform that will host it, and make sure everything is appropriately tagged so other fans can avoid things they do not want to see.
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thoughtfulfoxllama · 1 year
I kinda struggle with the "Family Proclamation," but not in the way most people do
"By divine design, fathers are to preside over their families in love and righteousness and are responsible to provide the necessities of life and protection for their families." It's a small thing, and when I see quotes from the Proclamation, it skips this part over. But I can't
I'm left wondering "what's wrong with me." I want to be a good Father, and a good Priesthood Holder (neither of which I had growing up), but I want to be the parent staying home. Me & my wife discuss, and we go back & forth on this issue, but we won't even have kids for a few years. It shouldn't be an issue then, but it is
I love cleaning the house, making dinner, and all those those activities that would've been called "women's work" in the savage ages. I have trouble holding down a job, no matter how much I like it (in fact, I try harder when I dislike it, for some reason). And this leads me to ask "how can God love me as much as other people, when he made them according to his divine design, but makes me against it." It's like when I realized I was attracted to my best friend (who was also AMaB), and wondered why God made me that way
It's kind of a stupid thing to get hung up on. I was able to keep my testimony from the worst slander the Baptists could throw at me (and I mean dig deep for stuff like "Adam-God" or "Blood Atonement"), from my own discovery of bisexuality, from my Liberal politics, from literally being told I couldn't go to the Celestial Kingdom because I didn't want to be sealed to my abusive mother (fun fact, I first met my wife when I was crying about that particular gem), but I struggle with this!? And I still believe the Book of Mormon is true, and Joseph Smith was a Prophet (as well as Brigham & having the Apostolic Authority, reinforced by the Savior visiting Lorenzo Snow). So, is this a case of God wanting me to suffer, or the Church getting it wrong?
And there's ways around it. My wife says we fall under "Disability, death, or other circumstances," which "may necessitate individual adaptation" (I have ADHD, Autism (which is just self diagnosed for now), and Depression). My father says I'm "providing for the necessities by making sure my wife is able to not worry about home." Both, while possibly true, just don't strike with me. But why can't I accept them!?
Whatever the answer, I hold on to the Testimony I have, that men are that they might have joy. Not joy in some far off future, but here and now. That we are called to build Zion, and I will do my part (even if the part of Zion I'm called to is only found in my home. Or even if it's across the world). That the Savior is my perfect example, whether I stay at home, or go abroad
But, I'm hoping for an answer sooner rather than later. Obviously, I'm looking for Work (Amazon is firing me because their Health Leave policy is crap, and they should obviously make a guy who is regularly passing out work but heavy machinery that has killed people before), because damn it, I don't want my kids to survive, but thrive. I'll work as much as I can to save up for them, and for mine & my wife's retirement. But if we ultimately decide, when we have them, that I'll be the parent staying home with the kids, I don't want to be constantly consumed with thoughts that I'm defying God's will
(And I do understand how heartless this may sound to the Queer Mormon Community. I'm in a Straight passing marriage (to someone I'm actually attracted to), and will hopefully have kids one day. In the Church where we're constantly told that's the ideal. I am not trying to be whiny, or take attention from the issue of Queerphobia in the Church, because it is an issue, and people are obviously struggling more than me. I hope it doesn't come across like I'm entitled or trying to say I'm suffering on the same level as some other people. I'm sorry if it does, and I'll do better next time)
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angelthefirst1 · 6 months
The Angel Gabrielle heralds the arrival of Christ but also the prior arrival of the antichrist.
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What an incredible episode!
Yes, she's coming soon, and all the very detailed Beth and Daryl call-backs, of which there are too many to count, just show us that all the signs are there, as Daryl said!
I'm going to focus on what comes next in this post more than the obvious repeats of their story.
Having Father Gabrielle be the very first thing we see was symbolically huge.
So is the fact that Seth will be with Emily in France on resurrection Sunday at comic con, I'll go into that a bit later.
I'm going to break down the meaning of this introductory scene because it tells us what comes next.
We first see Gabrielle's face as he looks upward after hearing the sound of a helicopter flying overhead.
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The helicopter 🚁 symbolism In this show is always a depiction of God or a celestial body from the spiritual realm.
Here it's depicting God giving the Angel Gabrielle, a message.
As Gabriel said in 509, we look at what is unseen because what is unseen is eternal. We don't actually see the helicopter, so it's a hint at its eternal nature.
To understand what they are showing us here, we need to know a little about the angel Gabrielle.
In the Bible, the angel Gabrielle is known as the messenger Angel.
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Gabrielle is given a message by God to go tell Mary that she is going to have a baby and that baby would be the saviour of the world - Christ.
Gabriel is the one that brings or heralds the Good News (music box) of the coming Christ.
This very first scene of episode 105 - The ones who live - is depicting that message and Beth's arrival to come soon.
The good news music box is about to play again...
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Gabriel then kills a walker, which represents the fall of mankind.
Christ's sacrifice will remove the fall and bring redemption for those who accept the cure, so this message Gabriel gets, is about defeating death, and that's symbolised by his message the double edge sword defeating this walker.
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The tool used to defeat death is Christ's sacrifice, which is the word of God, or good news, and it's symbolic of a two edged sword.
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The other thing that Angel Gabriel is known for is interpreting a vision for the prophet Daniel about the end times.
That vision is known as the vision of the Ram and the Goat from Daniel 8.
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A Ram is a male sheep, and we definitely got some more in your face, Ram/sheep symbolism in this episode.
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I've talked about the sheep and the goat judgements of the Millennial kingdom quite a lot recently.
Well, this vision plays into that same theme...
It's symbolic and important, so I highly suggest you read more about it first, and this will make more sense.
Read more on the sheep and goats info I've already covered here and here
This vision that Daniel has is interpreted by the angel Gabriel, and its meaning is about the coming 7 year antichrist Kingdom, which is followed by the Millennial kingdom of Christ.
To represent this vision, we see Gabriel hear the helicopter a second time 🚁
He is getting a second message from God, and this second message is about the coming antichrist kingdom and the millennial kingdom to follow...
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It's no coincidence that as this second message gets delivered, Gabriel starts saying the Lords prayer.
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, THY KINGDOM COME, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
This prayer is a prayer that asks God to come back and set up his Millennial kingdom on earth. So it's referencing the return of Christ, which by extension references the antichrist kingdom that comes first.
This vision of Daniel's that Gabriel interprets, shows what the antichrist will do when he is in power for 7 years.
As I've already talked about, the A's (non followers) are killed, while the followers of antichrist take the mark of the Beast, which will circle around to be what begins the Zombie outbreak to begin with.
The Pharmakon "cure" is the poison
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The beginning is the end.
One other thing Daniel's vision portrays is that the antichrist will also commit what's called the abomination that causes desolation, this is an act that is linked to sacrificing a pig (which is considered unclean) in the temple of God, and while doing this, he declares himself to be god.
What's this got to do with the walking dead?
Well, we have already seen a depiction of this in season 4. Believe it or not, it's related to the pig called Violet.
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Purple or violet is the colour of royalty, so the pig called violet that Rick sacrificed was a depiction of this vision.
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We know that team Violet played a part in the beginning of the outbreak, and ultimately, playing god (violet) and making humans (the temple of God/made in his image) unclean (pig) will be the abomination that is the beginning of it all.
Carl calls the pig violet, and Rick tells him not to name them. They're food (a hint at the cannibalism aspect of the abomination)
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We see Carl tell Lizzy almost the exact same thing about the walkers. Don't name them. They're not pets, and they're not people.
Violet seems unwell, and we get our first look at the first symptoms of what this mark of the beast does...
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We see Rick feed the violet pigs to the walkers (cannibals), the duel symbolism of this abomination circles back on itself.
There are two kingdoms at play here, and both Christ and the antichrist are linked to the colour purple.
One is God, and the other wants to be god, so he declares himself god and creates a new species in his image.
That's why the pig in season 4 is called violet, and that's why team Violet had a hand in starting the outbreak to being with. They play god and cause human abominations that are no longer human, as Dr Jenner from the CDC says.
And that's where the A and the B, sheep and goat symbolism comes in again. 🐑 🐐
A's are labelled as such because they aren't followers of the Antichrist, don't take the violet unclean mark so they get killed.
B's are followers, so they live.
The same but opposite it true for the Millennial kingdom.
A's are labelled as such because they aren't followers of Christ. They took the unclean violet mark, so they aren't allowed into the Millennium kingdom.
B's are followers so they live.
The symbolism for both kingdoms is so similar that it's given to both the CRM and team family at the same time in this show.
The antichrist mimics Christ with a false light.
2 Corinthians 11.14
And no wonder, since Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light.
While Beth and Rick have Christ symbolism, they also have antichrist symbolism.
One thing that happens to the Antichrist is that he receives a fatal wound to the head but is healed from it, and this miraculous healing will make the whole world follow him.
So you see, the two kingdoms are being mirrored at the same time in this show.
Now we suddenly have purple connected to Beth on Resurrection Sunday.
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On that, I want to talk about light
John 12 Jesus spoke to them, saying, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”
We know Beth has been described as light before, so I want to look at the light colour spectrum.
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Purple is the Royal colour, but it's also the colour associated with the return of the King.
The quickest frequency of light is purple...
12 “And behold, I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me, to give to every one according to his work. 13 I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End, the First and the Last.”
Emily at ComicCon in France, depicted with purple and on resurrection Sunday is huge, add to that she's with Gabriel, means Beth will take part in either a real cure or a fake cure.
Which one, we will have to wait and see...
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Read-Alike Friday: Atalanta by Jennifer Saint
The Witch’s Heart by Genevieve Gornichec
Angrboda's story begins where most witches' tales end: with a burning. A punishment from Odin for refusing to provide him with knowledge of the future, the fire leaves Angrboda injured and powerless, and she flees into the farthest reaches of a remote forest. There she is found by a man who reveals himself to be Loki, and her initial distrust of him transforms into a deep and abiding love.
Their union produces three unusual children, each with a secret destiny, who Angrboda is keen to raise at the edge of the world, safely hidden from Odin's all-seeing eye. But as Angrboda slowly recovers her prophetic powers, she learns that her blissful life—and possibly all of existence—is in danger.
With help from the fierce huntress Skadi, with whom she shares a growing bond, Angrboda must choose whether she’ll accept the fate that she's foreseen for her beloved family…or rise to remake their future. From the most ancient of tales this novel forges a story of love, loss, and hope for the modern age.
Ithaca by Clarie North
Seventeen years ago, King Odysseus sailed to war with Troy, taking with him every man of fighting age from the island of Ithaca. None of them has returned, and the women of Ithaca have been left behind to run the kingdom.
Penelope was barely into womanhood when she wed Odysseus. While he lived, her position was secure. But now, years on, speculation is mounting that her husband is dead, and suitors are beginning to knock at her door.
No one man is strong enough to claim Odysseus' empty throne—not yet. But everyone waits for the balance of power to tip, and Penelope knows that any choice she makes could plunge Ithaca into bloody civil war. Only through cunning, wit, and her trusted circle of maids, can she maintain the tenuous peace needed for the kingdom to survive.
This is the first volume in “The Songs of Penelope” series.
Phaedra by Laura Shepperson 
Phaedra has been cast to the side all her life: daughter of an adulteress, sister of a monster, and now unwilling bride to the much-older, power-hungry Theseus. Young, naïve, and idealistic, she has accepted her lot in life, resigned to existing under the sinister weight of Theseus’s control and the constant watchful eye of her handsome stepson Hippolytus.
When supposedly pious Hippolytus assaults her, Phaedra’s world is darkened in the face of untouchable, prideful power. In the face of injustice, Phaedra refuses to remain quiet any longer: such an awful truth demands to be brought to light. When Phaedra publicly accuses Hippolytus of rape, she sparks an overdue reckoning.
The men of Athens gather to determine the truth. Meanwhile, the women of the city, who have no vote, are gathering in the shadows. The women know truth is a slippery thing in the hands of men. There are two sides to every story, and theirs has gone unheard. Until now.
Daughter of the Moon Goddess by Sue Lynn Tan
Growing up on the moon, Xingyin is accustomed to solitude, unaware that she is being hidden from the feared Celestial Emperor who exiled her mother for stealing his elixir of immortality. But when Xingyin’s magic flares and her existence is discovered, she is forced to flee her home, leaving her mother behind.
Alone, powerless, and afraid, she makes her way to the Celestial Kingdom, a land of wonder and secrets. Disguising her identity, she seizes an opportunity to learn alongside the emperor's son, mastering archery and magic, even as passion flames between her and the prince.
To save her mother, Xingyin embarks on a perilous quest, confronting legendary creatures and vicious enemies across the earth and skies. But when treachery looms and forbidden magic threatens the kingdom, she must challenge the ruthless Celestial Emperor for her dream—striking a dangerous bargain in which she is torn between losing all she loves or plunging the realm into chaos.
This is the first volume in “The Celestial Kingdom Duology” series. 
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emperorverse · 1 year
RWBY: Saints of Remnant - The Storyteller
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(Art done by the wonderful @magiesheartlove)
One of the many personas of The Celestial King
The Storyteller, who is worshiped in Remnant as the creator of the world and all life in it
The People of Remnant know very little of him, what is known he was sent by the even more mysterious Author Allfather to 'tell' the world of Remnant, or at the time Omnibus, into existence.
From there he had brought humans in, or I should have had stumble in, from another world that is known to those of Remnant as "The Other World" and the Deep Magic of Omnibus, known as 'Lore', had gifted them the potential of Aura and Semblance, and even transformed some humans into Faunus. And unfortunately some time after as a result of the fallen nature of humans and Faunus, evil was brought into Omnibus.
From there the fallen servant of The Author Allfather, Grimmel The Black and formerly known as Lux of Many Colors, had used it to manifest a vile ink that exists as a corruption and negation of creation which the Grimm are spawned.
Sometime after, The Storyteller appeared to a bookish sheepherder named Ozma with his wife and made him his prophet and gave him the power of The Patron Saints, with Ozma himself taking the role of The Time Wizard and gave the other powers to those who he found worthy. From there they rallied the four ancient tribes and raised four holy and mighty kingdoms in The Storyteller's honor until Ragnarok which the Saints were slaughtered and the world and moon were shattered, thus Remnant was born.
The Storyteller is described as many things besides his title, a creator, a healer, a poet
But one description is recurrent of him, and the Patron Saints that served him
'Not safe, but good'
Also idea borrowed from @vitamaeternum
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loominggaia · 1 month
LG Masterpost: Notable Persons
Titania and Morgause: Seelie and Unseelie Courts
Sovereign of Aquaria: Aquarian Alliance
Chieftess Serafeen Rotimos: Damijana
Chieftess Hethor Etios: Etios Nation
King Oberon Mogdir: Mogdir Kingdom
Queen Indiga Evangeline: Evangeline Kingdom
Empress Qara Zareen: Zareen Empire
Monarch Roz Yerim-Mor: Yerim-Mor Kingdom
Drakka Chua Lamai: Lamai Nation
Prince Marghan Matuzu: Matuzu Kingdom
King Gultopp Folkvar: Folkvar Kingdom
Scylli, the Mother-Father
Sage, Master Telepath
Austerity, Master of What Can Be
Tolsa, Serpent-Woman of Gawe
Dr. Lendon, Lycanthropy Expert
Janella Vokz, the Prettiest Troll
Mr. Kraken, Abyssal Prophet
Zov the Elf-Eater, Slave-Fighting Champion
The Celestials
Morganya, Divine of Tears
Karenza, Divine of Love [under construction]
Mankind’s Disgrace, Divine of Hate [under construction]
Reaper, Divine of Death
Erasmos, Blighted Divine of Lechery
Salina and Marina, Divines of The Ocean
Allmother, Divine of Maternity
Cerno, Divine of the Hunt
Haggomah, Divine of Ugliness
Krozlaug, Divine of Industry
Devajaya, Divine of Sport
Varas, Divine of Thievery
Feztavi, Divine of Revels
Green Witch, Divine of The Forest
Laseya and Rashel, Divines of Dance
Miliko, Divine of Vanity
Okatogg and Hulushka, Divines of Battle
More Info:
Ask Literature | Ask Divine | Ask Politics
To find more info about a specific character, try “loominggaia.tumblr.com/tagged/ask[character name]” without brackets.
Lore Masterpost
Read the Series
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In the kingdom of Bangalara, nestled within the verdant embrace of the Vahranmin Delta, the echoes of ancient faiths whisper through the boughs of time. Here, the Kadaqir faith blossomed like a lotus from the murky waters of history, following the celestial duel between the warrior prophet Bhal ibn Safyid and the tempestuous rain deity, Sanji Thama. From the sea's heart, Bhal ibn Safyid emerged, his blade gleaming with the light of destiny, to quell the divine storm and usher in an age of enlightenment.
Bangalara, however, grapples with a burgeoning populace, its cities swelling like the tides, teeming with souls in numbers as vast as the stars. The kingdom's bounty strains under the weight of such multitudes, with the delta's generosity tested by the ceaseless demands for sustenance and shelter.
Yet, amidst this mortal coil, Bangalara is a realm of hidden opulence. Veins of precious metals course through its earth, a secret legacy of the land's ancient guardians. The kingdom's ports, gateways to the world's wonders, thrum with the vibrant pulse of trade, their sails unfurling like the wings of dragons, bearing riches to distant shores.
In the tapestry of Bangalara's saga, the spirit of its people shines undimmed—a beacon of hope and perseverance, much like the legendary Bhal ibn Safyid, whose triumph over the divine heralded a new chapter in the annals of this enchanted land.
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aurheatum · 1 year
and in giving you light she swallowed the moon
trickster mastery drabble words: 529
"Lady Seiros,” they beg her long after her mother has been returned to her tomb, “what does the Goddess call us to do now?”
She doesn’t, Rhea thinks. She’s dead because of you people and you ask for more? But Seiros is a prophet and already the scribes in Enbarr have written down every word that have dropped from her lips regarding Mother; hungry, the Elites who have turned in their “holy” weapons clamor for answers, for absolution. 
She has never learned how to forgive, but Rhea realizes she has become quite adept at lying.
And so she does. She and Timotheos work on the Book of Stars first, and there is something comforting in going back to these familiar figures. If she must share with the people her Faith (oh and she shares so much her stories, her memories, her blood itself) at least she has her celestial guides to bracket her. 
The Goddess now lives in the Blue Sea Star, she tells them. The Goddess lives in your hearts so long as you believe.
(Rhea is best, after all at lying to herself).
They know not what they do, Rhea explains to her brother when he refuses to follow her back to the mountains; oh, he laughs, oh sister look at their gold and their estates and the pieces of our family they hang above their hearths. They know well enough.
But he is wrong. When the first archbishop of Garreg Mach mourns the failure of the Rite of Rising it is her human bishops and acolytes who comfort her, not her apostles.
"Surely, if we create a truly pious land the Goddess will come back to her earthly abode. We will work harder, archbishop. Lend us your strength."
And so she does, putting the final piece of the monastery into place herself. She comes up from the Holy Tomb to her pilgrims and townspeople praying at the chapel and as the light comes through the stained glass windows it strikes her eyes.
There is a burning there, as she realizes she has more in common with these people than any of the remnants of her family.
The shadow library is her own idea, for she fears her flocks' intellect just as much as she respects it.
She does not regret continuing the teaching of magic across the land, for without it those not possessing crests would be in even more disparate circumstances. She simply had not expected an entire community -students, teachers-to-be, researchers all - to pop up however even if the Kingdom of Faerghus did ask rather nicely for the Church’s blessing before formally opening said School of Sorcery
When she visits to deliver said blessing the curriculum, the scope, the vision of it all nearly takes her breath away.
(What you gave them, you can take away she reminds herself when the burning in her eyes reflect only javelins this time).
“Wonderful work,” she tells them, “and we really should discuss scholarships for the Officer’s Academy as with so many young minds I know the Goddess could only ever be pleased, ah, but for now might I visit your library?
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