#oc: aethra
oracleofdiscord · 3 months
Can you tell me about what kind of abilities the Masters of celestial elements have?
How powerful are they?
How powerful is Estrella in terms of the Ninja? (-Lloyd)
How powerful is Estrella in terms of Garmadon and Wu?
How powerful is Estrella in terms of Lloyd and the Fsm?
Could the Fsm and Lloyd technically ever master the celestial elements or are the celestial elements they will never be able to master/use.
What is Estrella's relationships with the Ninja like?
Thanks for answering my questions.
thank you for the questions! i actually came up with some new ideas about the celestial elements so this is good timing lol.
okay so the thing about the celestial elements is that they are not tied to the FSM - sort of like water and wind are tied to wojira, the celestial elements are tied to a different being (that i have not finished creating yet) who lived in outer space. so i don't think lloyd would be able to use them, just like i don't think lloyd can use water.
so, the celestial elements. one thing i was thinking about is that starlight, sunlight, and moonlight are all technically the same thing (sunlight is a type of starlight, moonlight is reflected sunlight), so i gave the celestial elements some connections.
any one of them can be used to emit light to brighten up an area or flashes of light to temporarily blind an opponent
when corrupted (with a force like the staff of forbidden spinjitzu or maybe shatterspin), they all basically become radioactive. i don't have any story ideas involving this planned yet, i just think it would be cool.
and then for individual powers, i focused on what sets them apart from each other
moonlight is reflected light, and connected to movement/transformation (changing phases, the moving tide, etc.). the master of moonlight would be able to temporarily enhance their own strength and speed, sense movement in their surroundings without needing to look, and temporarily "reflect" the moves and powers of their opponents - although the last one is a difficult technique to use effectively, and takes a lot of practice.
sunlight is close light - we consider a star a sun when it's close enough to a planet to cause the growth of life, and to burn people who are out in it for too long. the master of sunlight can burn things and also cause plants to grow (although not control those plants). i also thought it would be fun to do a "solar energy" thing where they can sort of work as a battery to power up other magical beings?
starlight is a distant source of dreams and stories, used for inspiration and navigation. the master of starlight can use their powers as a balm, healing physical injuries and temporarily uplifting moods. starlight also comes with a passive ability of a perfect internal compass.
when it comes to how powerful they are, i'll admit that sunlight and moonlight are fairly powerful in comparison to the individual elements of the ninja. this is largely because i had a fanseason idea i'll develop more someday that has the masters of sunlight and moonlight serving as antagonists. i think it's generally good for antagonists to be at least as powerful as the protagonists, and in order to balance 2 celestial masters with the far-more-than-2 ninja, i had to make them more individually strong.
as for where estrella falls on the power scale...well, that's a bit harder to measure, since i feel like the common metric would be "who could she beat in a fight using her powers" and the answer to that would be "no-one; her powers are non-combat." (she does eventually get trained to fight, so her physical combat prowess isn't non-existent, but she's not an abnormally strong fighter and her powers are pretty much support-based.)
however, i did recently come up with an idea based on the whole "starlight, sunlight, and moonlight are kind of the same thing in different forms," which is a power-up form that the celestial masters can use called the "zenith form," wherein they temporarily gain the powers of all the celestial elements. in this form, estrella would be pretty powerful (probably not at lloyd's level, but in a similar range), but like. in addition to requiring training that estrella doesn't even have the opportunity to get until after crystalized, and being hard to get the hang of, and being difficult to maintain for long, she can only activate it under very specific circumstances (like cole's spinjitzu burst in the master of the mountain). so it's not something she gets the chance to use very often.
also, regarding estrella's relationship with the ninja - generally positive! i feel like she's not super-duper close to them because she's a bit socially awkward and joined the team late, but she does care about them. i think she's probably closest to nya and lloyd (most similar in age) and zane (autism to autism communication). i think to a certain extent, since she met the ninja through avery (an oc who belongs to @destinysbounty), there's kind of a "friend of a friend" vibe for a while, which does eventually turn into regular friendship. also, kai's the one who taught her to fight, so there's a bit of a bond there - i don't think she's quite as close to kai as she is nya+lloyd+zane, but she does to some extent look up to him as a mentor.
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ragnar0c · 1 year
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I wanted to draw and write today, but it didn’t work out so… Hana doodle. She thinks this a lot.
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hey uhm so can I get a quick description of Aethra for this Wolffe Squadron list/compilation I’m making? like just some stuff about her personality, what she tends to do and/or a significant or funny thing about her etc
something like this:
Derrix is the twins’ friendly number two, more outgoing and social to people outside the squadron than both of them combined. Seems like he has good judgement but is just as much of an idiot as the others. Tied with Poe for Leia’s favourite Resistance pilot.
Ok I'll try to make smth
Aethra is the number seven of Wolffe Squadron. Silent and reserved she doesn't talk much about her or her life. Has the bad habit to get a new tatoo or percing every time some major event changes something in her life. Very good at middle range fighting, and that with either a blaster, a staff or even her bare hands. Knows a few languages but technically only fluent in Hoshuannian.
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portifolioaethra · 2 years
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Name: Jhielat Age: 18 Height: 1.74 Weight: 52
Sewing man    Skillful Dressmaker He learned this skill from his mother and since then has developed it a lot, creating a taste for creating the most different and striking pieces with vibrant colors. Many people are surprised by the boldness, and that is what ends up enchanting everyone.
Drag A lifestyle that he discovered and explored further as he matured, it came about as naturally as it could, especially as he created vibrant new clothes. Nobody can understand his choice, but at least a few respects it and use the chosen names, whether Jhie or Jhil.
Caregiver The first person he felt the urge and need to take care of was his mother, specifically doing her work both inside and outside the house, but after time Jhielat realized he liked to help those in need as he could, especially those who are alone and have no one, so he helps people on the street with food and clean clothes.
Story The beautiful and lovely Elis worked as a maid for the Pellow family, specifically for the lady of the house, when she became pregnant with her first child. She would prepare the madam's teas, sort the clothes she would wear, and do all her skin and hair care in the morning, Elis was always very capricious and this led her to be very successful at this job.
In her free time, Elis liked to stroll through the market in Aera, a place so lively and full of people. It was there that she met and became involved with a simple merchant, but who won her heart, eventually their love begot a son, a boy they named Jhielat.
The Pellow family allowed the mother to bring her son to care as long as it did not interfere with her activities, so Elis worked even harder to handle all her duties as maid and a mother, which was not easy at all, especially since she also needed to continue fulfilling her role as a wife when she was with her husband, who proved to be a rather absent father to Jhielat. With time and his growth, Jhie realized the difficulties his mother faced and began to help her as he could, so he learned many feminine skills, especially sewing and how to cater to his father's whims. Anyway, Elis was happy to be able to count on her son.
Well, everything was working perfectly with that dynamic between mother and son, but as in every story there are ups and downs, it finally happened... Finally, after so long being just a burden to his family, the merchant, the boy's father, said he was leaving on a business trip and that he didn't know when he would return. Nevertheless, Elis was sad and Jhielat was sad for his mother and eventually worried, for that sadness was much deeper than anyone could have imagined.
Elis began to make mistakes in her service and the Pellow’s were forced to scold her for the first time in so long a service; she no longer felt like going out for walks with her son in her spare time and all she wanted to do was stay in bed, even to the point of not wanting to eat anymore. Jhielat was still young, but he was old enough to understand what was going on and was taking his mother's place in almost everything, except for the Pellow’s service, because the family insisted on a woman as a maid, but even here Jhielat made sure to help his dear mother.
One night when Elis was in a deep sleep, Jhie went into her room and got some clothes and some make-up, went to the bathroom where he had his own sewing kit waiting for him and made a transformation in himself so that he could go to the Pellow's in his mother's place. When she saw her son in those clothes and with that make-up something seemed to have changed in the woman, she asked how Jhielat was feeling, and he stated that he was doing very well, although he hadn't thought much about it, and also that she could stay home. Elis was afraid, but even though she had just woken up, she had no energy to argue with her son, so she just went back to her room in silence.
Jhielat then left the house dressed as never before and noticed that many people were looking at him, some men were smiling maliciously too, and this made him run to his destination. When he got there, he introduced himself as a "friend" of Elis and changed his name to Jhil. Madam Pellow didn't exactly seem convinced, but she let it be and began to explain the service, in which Jhil had no problem performing. Conversation back and forth, Madam Pellow asked directly if Jhil was Elis' son, and although he tried to deny it at first, he eventually could not resist the pressure that woman put on him. With that, the madam stated that Elis was fired and neither she nor Jhielat could return there.
Unable to believe that things had gone so wrong, Jhielat had no choice but to follow the guards out and return home, but nothing could have prepared him for what was waiting for him at home.
There were many things lying on the floor anyway, one window was broken, and the curtains were torn. Jhielat was startled and ran to find his mother in the bedroom. There were many clothes scattered everywhere and Elis was lying on the bed, crying in the middle of the mess. The boy soon concluded that his mother was physically fine, but clearly emotionally exhausted, and that was why he couldn't talk about what had happened in the Pellow’s, but he didn't need to, because Elis had already imagined what would happen. She apologized to her son and promised that they would change their lives together, Jhielat didn't know what she was referring to, but would do anything for his mother to be well again.
Some time passed, there was going to be a big ball organized by the Guilda das Nuvens and all the best seamstresses were terribly busy with orders, so no one accepted the request of madam Pellow, who by that time was a nervous wreck and completely rabid with that ilk. Usually her maid’s sewing skills were perfect for solving that case, but they hadn't seen each other in a long time, and since then they hadn't found another as capable as Elis was.
Madam Pellow was wailing and squalling in her carriage when she came across two familiar figures passing by, none other than Elis and Jhielat, both carrying baskets full of sewing materials and flowers. The madam wasted no time in calling them over to talk, she asked what they were doing with all that stuff as if Elis still owed her answers, but the woman was refreshed and back to her usual kindness, so she explained that they had started a couture store, both for small services and to sell and rent amazing clothes.
Not very happy with that outcome, but with no other way out, madam. Pellow asked to visit their space and had to admit it was all very well done and tasteful, so she explained her situation and how she would like Elis and Jhielat to take care of her dress. Elis agreed to do so as long as the madame accepted Jhie with her at the ball, and what other choice would the Pellow have? So Jhie gained an entry to the big event and decided that he would go as Jhil, to which Elis agreed and helped get him ready as he wanted.
Something that had at first been to help his mother turned out to be a very active lifestyle for Jhielat, who enjoyed being Jhie one hour and Jhil the next. Anyway, on the day of the event, Jhil looked amazing in the make-up and dress that had been lovingly prepared for him, Mr. Pellow himself did not recognize Jhielat and complimented him, receiving a glare from the madam and laughter from his children. To tell the truth, no one at the party recognized Jhielat and everyone wondered who this simply formidable person was, but madam Pellow made sure to tell everyone how strange and vexing a man who liked to dress like a woman was, and the evil looks made him want to go home early, but two curious young men, free of those prejudices, stopped him immediately.
Prithwi and Darwic, always inseparable in their youth, called Jhil over to party some more and, to Jhil's surprise, brought him into a group that included the young Pellow, Cherietey and her younger brother. Cherry was surprised, but happy, that Jhil had joined them, and all together they were able to enjoy the party much more.
From then on everyone knew who Jhielat, Elis' son, was. This did not interfere much with their sewing, especially among the ladies of the nobility, but the men began to get bolder and bolder, for it was no longer just looks and smiles, they poured out indiscreet compliments and some greeted with an intimacy they should not have. Jhie tried to deal with this as best he could, but at no time did he find anyone who respected who he was, at most his sewing and creativity. The friends he made at that party? Too busy to ever see each other again, especially with the Pellow family, as madam Pellow did not want her children mixing with "that guy".
The lifestyle he chose would not be easy, and Jhielat knew that, but he was not going to give up; Elis understood and would give her son all the support she could: she is very grateful that he took such good care of her when no one else did and that was the least she could do. However, Jhielat still expected more from life, he still hoped that the day would come when they would accept his choice and see it as something normal to be respected. Created by Niphie.
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zombiebxn · 1 month
Quick 30 min sketch of my oc Aethra! He/they for them plz!
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clumsiestgiantess · 8 months
I’ve been working on some DNAliens stuff recently and realized I don’t have a height chart with all of them together, just them beside human height for reference.  So, in case anyone wants to know a bit about all the DNAlien ocs I have, as well as their heights, here’s a little guide.  (Illustrations to be added over time; I’ve posted a few on my blog already)
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Now without further ado..
A quick guide to all the DNAliens that live/have lived on earth
Tselani (aka my self-insert with a separate backstory): Her three mutations are human, ancient ground bat, and kentrosaurus.  She lives in the dense cold forests between Canada and North America, and has the ability to reanimate corpses by combining what’s left of them.  After the village she cared for was destroyed in the War, she settled down in the Rocky Mountains as a suitable refuge from humankind.  She’ll occasionally reveal herself to or befriend them if they seem kind enough.
Jactol: His three mutations are gorgonopsid, anomalocaris, and DNAlien.  He lives in a deep cave system beneath South Africa, and has the ability to exhale a heavy noxious gas that will rapidly choke victims to death.  A misunderstanding between him and Tselani caused them to fall out of love.  After nearly being poached by humans, he grew a hatred and now vindictiveness for them, and will often toy with and torture any that cross his path before he inavitably kills them.
Aethra: Her three mutations are jerboa, cuttlefish, and DNAlien.  She lives in a large open cavern within the southeast section of the Himalayan Mountains, and has the ability to manipulate a creature’s desires.  She's like a cat lady but with humans, and keeps a minimum of three or four of them in her home at one time.  Unfortunately, she takes them against their will and many of them don’t want to be there.
Eracin: Her three mutations were screech owl, snow leopard, and Terrinu (a creature not native to Earth).  She roamed the Eurasian Steppe until settling down with Aethra, and had the ability to slow time with her heartbeat.  Her and Aethra kept humans safe during the War, but unfortunately they were attacked and Eracin laid down her life to give Aethra and the humans time to flee.  Unlike her lover, Eracin viewed humans as intelligent beings in their own right — on a similar level as her own kind.
Vremonl: During his brief time on Earth, he only took one mutant strand besides his own DNAlien one, a chausie cat.  He stayed around an ancient city in Egypt that sat near the Nile, and has the ability to morph additional limbs along his body.  He only stayed on Earth for several centuries to study various types of the planet's natural fauna before returning to Firsthome.
Helleia: Her three mutations are human, tussock moth, and locust.  She lives in the swampy everglades of Florida, and has the ability to infect living things with her hivemind that she can instruct with simple directions.  One of her favorite pasttimes is taking unsuspecting humans into her domain, luring them to herself with a proposed relationship.  She’ll occasionally take the time to build relationships with humans, but it's a facade; her abilities work stronger on those who have emotional ties to her.
Tserem: His three mutations are human, eastern brown snake, and arthropleura.  He is a wanderer and doesn’t have a definitive home, though he does tend to shelter in places where other DNAlien friends reside.  He has the ability to quickly expel any ailments or illnesses.  Tserem used to live in Central Europe with a beloved human, but he hasn’t stayed in a single place for very long since her passing.
Xr: Their three mutations are jaguar, toucan, and DNAlien.  They live in the craggy mountains of the South American rainforest, and have the ability to infect beings with disease by looking at them.  Xr has been living in the same place for epochs as he is older and isn’t interested in finding any other place to live.  He has a fairly large cult of natives who have been worshiping him and keeping him alive for generations.
Kraken: His three mutations are human, giant squid, and megalodon.  He lives deep in the Atlantic Ocean avoiding any human contact, and has the ability to generate and manipulate water and wind currents.  Ever since he was betrayed by the group of pirates he worked for, he’s been in hiding from humans.  However, he understands that not all humans are cruel and will act kindly towards them unless hostility is shown.
Corven: His three mutations are human, bold jumping spider, and plourdosteus fish.  He lives in an open cavern in the Mexican desert, and has the ability to bind two beings in an unbreakable oath that shuts down the oath-breaker’s internal systems for periods of time.  In his younger years, his rare ability gave him a quick rise to fame, but a quick rise to burnout as well.  He lives on Earth to hide from his fame, and later humanity as well, but will still give out binding deals to those who manage to find him.
Harneon: His three mutations are human, grizzly bear, and woolly rhinoceros.  He lives in the open grasslands of North America, and has the ability to stimulate muscle tissue to go above and beyond its limitations.  While his home is here, he often takes extended vacations to several other planets.  Rumor has it that he has several other ongoing relationships that he participates in on each planet, and Earth is his getaway from all of them.
Enercill: Her three mutations are human, jackrabbit, and killer lizard (a species not native to Earth).  She has the ability to hide her third mutation and mutate between two forms at will.  Enercill travels between largely-populated human cities, thriving off clubbing and nightlife there.  Underground, she’s made quite the name for herself, and people come from all places to.. spend time with her.
Siem: Her three mutations are human, sturgeon, and dunkleosteus.  She lives in the place humans call the Bermuda Triangle, and has the ability to magnetize her body.  Commonly she uses her ability to hunt down shining metals, and is an avid collector of anything with bright colors or shining properties.  Occasionally she’ll kidnap humans who are artisans and keep them on deserted islands like pets to make her more valuables.
Wraith: His two mutations are deinonychus and DNAlien.  He lives off-world, and has the ability to combust as well as be completely fire-resistant.  He was an avid supporter of the ‘humankind are subservient animals’ group during the War, and ruled over a large civilization before he was bested by Atnoir, who was fighting for the ‘equal rights of humans’ group during the War.
Atnoir: His three mutations are saichania, woolly mammoth, and human.  He lives near the arctic circle to steer clear of any humans, and his ability is heightened senses, which comes in handy when you’re the size of a small mountain.  Before the War, Atnoir used to live in Northern Europe where he took care of many human civilizations, and fought for them in the War.  However, he has banished himself to a human-less place after even his own humans turned on him.
Orner: Their three mutations are human, anaconda, and elasmosaurus.  They live between several uninhabited islands of Japan, and they have the ability to multiply their body like a single cell organism, and regroup.  They’re a trickster at heart who overall means no harm, but once in a while they take things a little too far.  They've befriended several humans, but usually gets them killed accidentally.
Orin: His three mutations are maned wolf, flying squirrel, and moray eel.  He lives in the mountains of Alaska, and has the ability to connect and disconnect beings’ consciousnesses.  He can cause both mass hysteria and deep emotional connections within the network of beings he connects, but has no way of controlling what actually happens.  His altruistic tendencies often backfire, and even his own kind are wary of him.
Arn: Her three mutations are human, roe deer, and stone pine.  She’s one of the few DNAliens to ever mutate with a plant; while it is possible it’s hardly ever practical.  She lives in a forest near the Mediterranean coast, and has the ability to coax plants into growing incredibly fast.  She's always been extremely docile and elusive.  Back when humans believed in benevolent mythical beings, she traded plants with people to better her large garden.  She still tends to it to this day in honor of her beloved, who courted her and helped her tend to the garden when it was still small.
If you have any questions about any of my ocs, leave me an ask!  I’m more than happy to rant about them, or draw you a sketch! Most of them have full background stories I plan to write one day, like Tserem’s and Tselani’s, but these are just quick rundowns of each
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ivyprism · 6 months
Angels Falls Girls: Rewritten (Info Dump)
Warnings: This contains violence mentioned, murder implied, death implied, torture, fear of death.
Aeriana - Feathered Dragon OC
Personality: Aeriana is a stern, strict, and silent woman. She believes that the only way to help a sinner is to be tough and harsh about her laws. She is not without kindness, but she is tempered by her sister. She takes her job seriously and is often angered when people choose not to take their crucial duties seriously. She adores her little sister and constantly watches out for her. She is rougher and colder than the rest of the angels. She prefers to live her life and interact with others albeit slightly quietly. She lacks a ton of energy, though.
Appearance: Aeriana is a feathered dragon. In her main form, she has large wings and a more silvery look. When in human form, she has long silver hair and blue eyes. She stands 5'4" tall. She has two pairs of wings.
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Aethra - Feathered Dragon OC
Personality: Aethra is a meek sweetheart, but only because she is overly trusting and nice. She is passionate and possessive about it. She adores her profession and is quite skilled at fighting. She is very interested in humans and has a slightly naive approach to dealing with others. Her older sister is in control of heavier sinning punishments, but she is not. She finds people to be curious and admires the majority of music stars and superstars. She has the best temper of any of the angels present. She is extremely cautious and meticulous about how she treats others.
Appearance: Aethra is a feathered dragon. In her main form, she has large wings and a more silvery look. When in human form, she has long silver hair and green eyes. She stands 6'1". She has a single pair of wings.
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Cerise - Lava Elemental Monster OC
Personality: Cerise is just as brutal as Aeriana when it comes to fighting, and she has no qualms about injuring someone if the circumstance calls for it. She did, however, hold a good amount of responsibility for how her family's house fell apart. She is not afraid to fight or damage others when required. She is harsh and fierce, and she is a true force of nature. She adores her sister and is the type to not back down from a fight unless she absolutely has to. She sleeps most of the time and is always in training. She is strong and skilled at fighting.
Appearance: She is a lava elemental monster. She is a deep magenta in color. She is muscular and tall in build. She's 6'0". She has two pairs of wings. She has a scar on her mouth that is jagged in nature.
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Hearth - Lava Elemental Monster OC
Personality: She is a nice yet severe person. She is really adept at offering tough love and knows when to apply it correctly. She is largely atoning for her own crimes, and she takes her role very seriously. She knows when someone needs to be harshly evaluated and deals the cards as best she can. She sincerely cares about others, yet she is not hesitant to deliver tough love. Generally, she is a compassionate and lenient person. She is incredibly perceptive and not easily duped. She is always willing to confront and deal with liars when they cause trouble. She tackles the most serious rescue instances.
Appearance: She is a lava elemental monster. She is a deep magenta in color. She is muscular and tall in build. She's 6'5". She has one pair of wings. She has a scar on her left cheek. She is muscular, but flexible.
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Eliana - Light Elemental Monster OC
Personality: Eliana is a really upbeat and cheery person. She provides spiritual support during rescue attempts, often breaking the news to families. With her bright and friendly temperament, she can bring her team together with a single look. When it comes down to it, she is also supportive, patient, and gentle. She is not easily misled and is quite perceptive. She can be severe with her group and is a leader. She will not back down from a conflict unless absolutely necessary. She relies on her older sister and admires Aeriana.
Appearance: She is a light elemental monster. She seems to be more blue in appearance though. She is about 5'0". She has one pair of wings.
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Citrus - Light Elemental Monster OC
Personality: Citrus is severe and adept at analyzing events, even if they cause problems for her sister. She is laid-back and gentle, although she usually keeps to herself and is really cruel. She is not afraid to fight and is very skilled at it. She enjoys joking and being lighthearted until things get serious, at which point she becomes a more angry and concentrated version of herself. Her bite is far more dangerous than bark. She admires Cerise and Aeriana's calm and controlled demeanors, while she herself is neither. She works hard when it comes to fighting.
Appearance: She is a light elemental monster. She seems to be more orange in appearance though. She stands 6'5" tall. She has two pairs of wings.
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Eloria - Siren OC
Personality: Eloria is fierce, strong, and kind. She's quite intelligent and far from naive. She contributes significantly to rescue missions and firefighting efforts. She is not afraid to be unpleasant and aggressive. She isn't afraid to use her charisma to get her way, even if it's merely to find a way out. She is strict and easily angered by her younger sister's sloth and lack of duty. She is fiercely protective of her younger sister and becomes anxious if she believes her sister is in danger. She doesn't back down from a fight and is known to be one of the toughest to deal with among the girls.
Appearance: She is a siren. She has long purple hair and green eyes. She is 5'3". In her full siren form, she has wings and talons. She has one large scar on her left eye. She has two pairs of wings.
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Eslyn - Siren OC
Personality: Eslyn is fairly lethargic and laid-back, but she enjoys telling a joke or two. She works hard to foster a positive relationship between the races. She is incredibly apathetic in certain situations, and she will go for the neck when necessary. She has a slight yearning to be alone and a poor relationship with her older sister. She does not take her job seriously unless she is actively involved in it. She is extremely charismatic and a superb manipulator when it comes to getting herself out of difficult circumstances. She prefers not to interact with them in general.
Appearance: She is a siren. She has long purple hair and blue eyes. She refuses to wear her hair up.  She also has a nasty scar on the left side of her face. In her full siren form, she has wings and talons. She has one large scar on her left eye. She has a pair of wings.  She is 6'4" tall.
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Deianeira - Feathered Dragon OC
Personality: Deianeira is harsh, chilly, and extremely fierce. She is the group's best fighter, and she is frequently called upon to fight and kill if necessary. She is very attentive about who she is in charge of and tries to assist those who deserve it. She is, nevertheless, a really kind-hearted woman who showers soft compassion on children and those who deserve it. She has little patience for individuals who want to hurt her family, and she is not ashamed to admit it. She's been in a lot of fights and isn't willing to back down from them because she usually wins.
Appearance: Deianeira is a feathered dragon. In her main form, she has large wings and a more silvery look. When in human form, she has long silver hair and blue eyes. She has three pairs of wings. She has soft purple eyes and she is nearly blinkd in her right eye. Her face is riddled with jagged scars. She has two noticeable scars on her eyes, one on her lip (as if she was slashed by a knife) and one on her right eye. She is 6'4" tall.
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Morella - Feathered Dragon OC
Personality: Morella is a lovely and quiet individual. She fights quickly and effectively. She is graceful and quick-footed. She has a difficult time understanding what she has done, but she ensures that no one dies without honor. She is a compassionate and kind woman to many others, and she has an extremely close relationship with her older sister. She is lovely and calm, but do not mistake her tenderness for a refusal to battle. She mourns the many losses and gives them appropriate burials.
Appearance: Morella is a feathered dragon. In her main form, she has large wings and a more silvery look. When in human form, she has long silver hair and green eyes. She is frequently seen wearing a face mask. If she ever took off her mask, she'd reveal a wound that had been sewn shut. She is 7'1" tall. Unlike her earthbound counterparts, she has two sets of wings.
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Lyrica - Breeze Nymph OC
Personality: Lyrica is modest and quiet, but she is focused and committed. She is stern and cruel, although she prefers to be gentle with others. She, like her sister, dances. She, too, dances, and her style combines ballet and hip hop, but she is just as good as her sister. She is not afraid to snap and be disrespectful to others. She adores her younger sister and will go to great measures to aid her. She is very quick on her feet and enjoys assisting others whenever she can. When it comes to others, she is always concerned about them and frequently becomes ill as a result.
Appearance: Most assume she is made of the air itself, but she isn't. She just goes into a proper breeze form on occasion. Her hair is white and very long. She has a scar on her right eye and sometimes wears makeup on her eyes. She appears to be petite and slightly muscular. She has two pairs of wings. She is a breeze nymph.
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Lirissa - Breeze Nymph OC
Personality: Lirissa adores dancing and is often seen doing so. She's a sweetheart. She is both sympathetic and naive. She is both gentle and loving in person. Her favorite dances are the tango and waltz, but she can perform all of them. She is brilliant and courageous. She is courageous, giving Delilah encouraging talks and helping her with her hand-eye coordination. She enjoys assisting people and is an excellent teacher. She is a lovely and confident tango dancer. She is not scared of her innate powers and is fully aware of them. She is brilliant and courageous.
Appearance: Most assume she is made of the air itself, but she isn't. She just goes into a proper breeze form on occasion. Her hair is white (long and wavy), and she has blue eyes. Her hair is usually adorned with a rose. She is 6'1" tall. She also has a petite figure. She has a pair of wings. She is a breeze nymph.
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ageravena · 7 months
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Heride, the autistic scientist of the group.
I know this is the first time most of you have ever seen Heride so let me introduce them real quick:
They're based on thorium, a radioactive chemical element. They're half organic, half inorganic, just like the other Homo aethra advenas. They're quite the chill individual but also introverted. They're not the most social person, preferring to work alone in peace, though they do like to spend time with Keuru. Keuru is probably the only person who Heride genuinely likes.
This is also the first time you have ever seen any of my chemical element OCs with their updated designs! And I can promise you that you will be able to see them more in the future!
> time: 1h 52min
> date: 2.3.2024
> tools: Procreate, Ipad mini
> (original) size: 2048 x 2048 px
I can't keep a consistent art style help.
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noakhyu · 1 year
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I debated with myself if I should post this bit here it is, my OCs Anthei and Aethra in a Good Omens AU!
Anthei is Aziraphale!
Aethra is Crowley!
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oracleofdiscord · 6 months
Ninjago OC: Estrella, Master of Starlight (part 1/3)
Hello, everyone! I’ve decided to finally introduce my Ninjago oc: Estrella, Elemental Master of Starlight. But to talk about Estrella, I need to first explain 2 other things: Celestial Elements and the previous Master of Starlight.
Celestial Elements:
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Rebooted establishes that Ninjago does have an outer space, complete with other celestial bodies. Seabound establishes that there are other entities that were the originators of elements besides the FSM (not counting the Source Dragons - I figure that the SD may have been responsible for Wojira and the FSM having those elements, but Wojira and the FSM passed them down to Elemental Masters).
The premise for the element of Starlight is that there was a creature like Wojira in outer space who established a set of elements I’ll call the Celestial Elements (like Wojira’s Storm Elements). They were passed down through Elemental Masters on nearby planets. Although I might expand the roster later, my ideas for the Celestial Elements are:
Starlight: Masters of Starlight can create starlight in their hands that can take the form of twinkling balls of light or can be used as a bright flash that temporarily blinds enemies. They can also create a more soothing form of starlight that can be used for healing.
Sunlight: Masters of Sunlight can create sunlight in their hands or manipulate sunlight around them, using it to light up the area or to burn enemies. They can also create a more soothing form of sunlight that can stimulate the growth of plants.
Moonlight: …okay, so I have no idea what moonlight does yet. My initial ideas were based on illusion and transformation, but illusion feels too close to the regular element of Light, and transformation feels like Form. I’ll figure it out some day.
Fun fact - I was going to include some sort of prophetic/destiny-reading power in Estrella’s powers because “written in the stars,” but I couldn’t figure out how to not step on Zane’s toes, it felt too OP to give her prophecy and healing, and destiny is more associated with clouds (Cloud Kingdom) than stars in Ninjago anyway.
Fun fact 2 - If I ever create a fanseason focused solely on Estrella, it’s probably going to involve the other Celestial Elemental Masters showing up on Ninjago.
Note - Corrupted Celestial Elements: If someone with a Celestial Element were corrupted by something like the Staff of Forbidden Spinjitzu, their powers would essentially become radioactive, causing weakness in people who were exposed to their powers, and eventually causing their own bodies to start to break down.
Aethra, (former) Master of Starlight:
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Aethra was the Master of Starlight before Estrella - and the reason that element ended up on Ninjago. She’s from Cepheus, the home planet of all the previous Masters of Starlight. 
Once, Cepheus was small but prosperous. When threats appeared, Aethra was able to fend them off, being both a skilled fighter and in tune with her powers. But one day, a threat unlike any other emerged. Calling itself “The One Who Is Many,” it moved across Cepheus, spreading distrust and chaos wherever it went. As the chaos spread, its power grew. When Aethra confronted it, she could not beat it, and it took the opportunity to take her form. 
She knew the damage it could do in her guise, and so, in a last-ditch attempt to keep it from winning, she gave up her form, reducing herself to a weakened shell in a reduced body (think magical girl mascot). It didn’t work. The One Who Is Many kept her form, and she was trapped in her weakened state, forced to watch as Cepheus fell to war, and ruin, and eventually to pieces. 
It was on one of these pieces that she found herself when Cepheus crumbled - a comet that became known as Delta-V. On this comet, she kept alive a fading hope of one day finding civilization again. She also suspected that The One Who Is Many was stuck on the same comet, although it seemed also reduced in power. 
One day, a strange rocket arrived - the one the ninja used to visit Delta-V in season 3. In her new small body, she was able to stow away on the rocket on its return to Ninjago. She wandered around Ninjago for a time, unsure of what to do with her life since her powers were weak, her body was changed, and her people were gone. Eventually, she made her way to Stiix. There, she made the acquaintance of Estrella, a lonely girl in need of a friend.
Part 2
Part 3
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ragnar0c · 10 months
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Zodiac OC again…
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Oldest of the 7 Pleiades sisters! The Pleiades are like the Summer Triangle, A zodiac organization, but the Pleiades only consists of non-men, and has 7 main zodiacs, the sisters. (Named after each of the stars in the Pleiades).
The the sisters are only instructors for even more apprentices. (Each one teachers a different subject). The Pleiades are actually lead by… Aethra! She is Maia’s teacher and mother.
She teaches navigation and using the stars for bearings.
Maia’s Alias is “Starlight Seer”. It alludes to her ability to spy on any subject, target through the stars. Basically, she can see any location or object that touches any star’s light. For this, she’s especially famous for tracking people and locations, in fact, I was thinking about her being the one who wrote records of Armoroad’s location in the Celestial Archives.
While this seems like a powerful skill, it is not almighty … won’t get into complicated stuff.
A culprit of exploiting/ outsmarting this power…!! I don’t have a better example than Aurora!! Maia and Aurora are both taught by Aethra,, but Aurora went rogue. It’s Maia’s job to track her and bring her to justice.
Somehow Aurora was invisible to this ability for years 💀 (props if you can guess how?)
Aurora and Maia are… frenemies sort of. Imagine being the oldest of Aethra’s spawn and she gives her legacy to a stranger she thinks outclasses you and all your sisters.
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Anyway Maia is dumb and accidentally falls in love with Aurora through her constant pursuit of her. 💀💀
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What is media like in the Rhine City verse? What are some recurring shows within a show?
We haven’t super got into it, and there’s quite a bit of media that’s fairly different too! A lot of in-universe series are based on scrapped story concepts, some of which long-time viewers of my blog might remember. Here’s a few things I came up with:
The Handy & Ydnah Show: The bastard child of Oobi and ATHF. It’s a PG show beloved by adults and stoners for it’s weird and surreal plots. The production of it is extremely mysterious; no one knows much about it even though it debuted in the 80s.
Tales of Aethra: Based on one of my oldest story ideas. It’s essentially a long-running multimedia fantasy franchise, though its popularity is comparable more to something like He-Man or Xanth than something like LotR. It has gotten a well-regarded animated series, several books, and a crossover set with MTG.
Mercenaries: Based on the story Eric originated from. Basically an over-the-top stunt-heavy action franchise a la John Wick, featuring a sendup of Snake Plissken as its lead (his name is Max Viper). Venus Crowley’s character Scarlet Love became a huge breakout and shot her to stardom.
Genesis: Based on the story David Paine originated from. A TV series about a future where some of the population have superpowers. It’s like Akira or Heroes back when the latter was good.
SafeWord: 90s cult classic comic about a queer S&M themed superhero. Was adapted into an equally cult classic film by Troma. Based on an old OC idea I had.
Virgin Killer: A more recent movie, an action-comedy about a young man who dresses in a Virgin killer and enacts vigilante justice on incel type guys. Based on a joke someone sent into my blog once.
Dick Kicker: Private Eye - A film noir parody series in the vein of Naked Gun. Very deadpan, very respectful of the genre.
Bottom Line: A blaxploitation series from the 70s about the eponymous martial arts hero who protected his community from various threats.
Arya Mournblade series: Long-running sword-and-sorcery fantasy series notable for consistently keeping the same actress from the original 80s film all the way to the 2017 finale. One of the films is infamous for featuring aliens as the antagonists.
Prudence Clay, Student Witch: A young adult fantasy book series by author Frida Spinney, which was hailed as the next Harry Potter by critics. The books have come under constant scrutiny for some extremely problematic elements, not helped at all by questionable comments she made online which inspired others to make similarly questionable comments (she’s friends with JKR if that tells you anything).
The Will of the Old Ones: A book by an author going by “Charlotte Webber.” It is a cosmic horror story whose content was overshadowed by a plagiarism lawsuit alleging the text was cobbled together from several unpublished manuscripts. The author making the claims of plagiarism was eventually found dead of an apparent suicide and the case ended up dropped. Hardly any discussion of the content of the book is made anymore, only the insanity around it.
Salty Steve’s Pirate Pizza Palace: A Charles Entertainment Cheese competitor founded in 1987. The discordant mashup of pirate and dinosaur theming has given it an odd charm that has helped it stay afloat, also helped by it getting a surprisingly good SNES game based around it.
Rubber Octopus: Popular mid 2000s indie rock band.
Six Shots: Based on an old scrapped superhero story idea. It’s not made yet, but it’s the next script James Gunn has for a movie, and Venus is gonna star in it.
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The time I tried using an AI to make a picture of one of my OCs (plus the Heroforge Avatar I made of her)
Back in july I was bored one evening and tried to get the night cafe AI to generate a picture of one of my OCs, in this case Aethra since I tried to write a story about her then (and failed).
The problem was that the AI didn't understood the "gray skin" part. Also I don't feel particuarly confident to write longer posts in english.
Well I got pretty elven princesses with white hair.
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I've got the feeling, the AI copied some real art it had digested. Since the clothes looked more or less the same everytime I put the prompt in.
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I tried again a month later. The AI got seemingly confused by me putting golden eyes before pointy ears. No grey skin either.
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In contrast, the avatar of her I made in hero forge.
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portifolioaethra · 3 years
Aethra: Map Under Construction
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Every history written until now happens in these locations placed in the map. It was made by me in Inkarnate, a site where you can create fantasy world maps. The map stills under construction, which means the world can be expanded at any time.
There are three major regions in Aethra: Terrae, Cielo and Mare. Each of these regions reveres a master and in their major cities there is a temple for each corresponding master, but despite this not all the people of Aethra revere them.  These regions are:
> Terrae: covers most valleys and forests, as well as a large desert and volcanoes, although there are no cities near or inside volcanoes, not that there is news. Its main city is called Reino Tulipe, a place made to please the master Vandareon where tulip flowers are worshipped. The species that exists here is called Entia Arborius, which in the ancient language means "beings of the forest". They specialize in hand-to-hand combat, so there are many sword masters and monks.
> Cielo: covers the mountains, its cities are on very high peaks and very few at the foot of mountains, in addition to floating islands. Its main city is called Aera, which can only be reached by flying or with magic. The species that exists here is called Entia Area, which in the ancient language means "flying beings". They specialize in aerial combat, so their warriors mainly use spears that have a good range, bow and arrows, and there are also those who study magic.
> Mare: covers port cities and all marine life, which does not necessarily live in just one point of the sea, in fact, the vast majority of these aquatic creatures consider all the vast blue of the sea as their home. Its main city is called Porto da Riqueza, a very festive and prosperous port city bathed by the golden sea, so called because every sunrise and sunset the sea takes on a beautiful golden hue. The species that exists here is called Entia Marine, which in the ancient language means "beings of the waters". They specialize in ranged combat and magic, which is why the best archers in the world come from here.
In each region there are more striking locations that are described below:
> Aera: It is a big commercial city above the clouds, however it's a place with no space left. The city sustains itself with magic and manages to keep afloat under a dangerous region full of mountains and volcanoes. There are airplanes coming and going all the time bringing visitors and travelers eager to explore a variety of street stores. Besides, the houses are also magical, there are an infinite number of rooms in each building, so many families live in the same surroundings and a lot of space is saved.
> Agri Florum: A magical forest full of the most varied plant species imaginable. It has the purest and most fragrant air in all of Aethra, it is home not only to many animals, but also to the peoples of the forest, and is believed to be the place of abode of the Earth Master herself. The older trees are gnarled, while the younger ones are completely straight, and there are little creatures that grace the environment all the time, whether it's butterflies or fireflies. There is a large lake at the bottom where a very exotic and rare flora.
> Desfiladeiro Incandescente: A hard to reach place inhabited by dangerous creatures. It is located right after Agri Florum, the break from one environment to another is glaring and scares everyone who sees it. The trees from now on are all dry and burned, the forest animals keep their distance and there are only monsters wandering, however, in the depths of the gorge there is the makeshift village of the giants, who survive in the hostile environment.
> Guilda da Floresta: This guild accepts any members prepared to venture into the Terrae region, which mainly comprises Agri Florum and Reino Tulipe. The round glass dome is quite striking, but it is harmonious with all the surrounding nature, it is a very beautiful construction. Requests for more experienced members are upstairs and the rest are downstairs, there is a little discrimination about "accepting requests from downstairs" but all are important.
> Guilda das Nuvens: Located on a large piece of floating land that roams the region of Cielo, this guild accepts members who can reach it. There are the members who are in it by merit and those who have paid to be in it and gain some status, it's always hard to discern. Upstairs there is a magical mechanism created by the sky master himself and given as a gift to the guild master, it is the heart of the place, which keeps everything working and that land afloat.
> Mar dor Mistério: Created to become home to marine creatures considered the most dangerous, ancient and rare. It got its name because the Master of Waters believed it would keep the curious away, including because it is difficult to access, but many maritime adventurers have as their main objective to reach Mar do Mistério. The tentacles that accompany the Master of Waters belong to a being that inhabits these waters, the great Octopus.
> Pico dos Kreathos: It's the highest place in all of Aethra and it snows all year round, so legends say this is where the kreathos gathered to start life on the planet, this is where the end and the beginning happened, so this is where the Masters agreed to build an abode to share and be together, but eventually they left the place to create places that pleased them more, especially the Master of Earth, who can't stand the cold of the place.
> Porto da Riqueza: This is without a doubt the liveliest city in Aethra, as there are many festivals and celebrations, the city is ready for a party all the time and one of its strongest points is tourism, but also fishing, despite the Master of Waters do not like this practice very much. From here it is possible to reach Praia Dourada on foot, it is even possible to see it from the highest buildings.
> Praia Dourada: On this beach the sand is clean and the sea shines golden all over at sunrise, it also shines in other shades depending on the weather (cold = pool blue, warm = orange).
> Reino Tulipe: The kingdom is surrounded by a high wall, inside live the merchants, bourgeois and nobles, while outside live the simpler population that lives from the cultivation of plants and animal husbandry, despite their simpler life they tend to be freer than those who live within Tulipe's walls, where there is a lot of competition and intrigue. Inside the wall there is a stadium where periodic games and theatrical performances took place.
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championofelysium · 3 years
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Last old art for now, a lot of these I think never got posted here! I need to do an update of my Aethra design sometime 💖
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ivyprism · 6 months
The Skeleton Sisters' Diner AU: Characters Rewrite
Character Info
The Skeleton Sisters’ Diner AU Skeletons: Delilah, Shelly, Misty, and Lunette Fire Monsters: Blaire and Cherry Bird Monsters: Aurelia and Astra Mermaids: Rainee and Orazia Sea Nymph: Delena and Stella
Children of the Diner Human OCs: Sally, Rosaline, and Kassidy Horror Human OCs: Molly, Kenzie, and Kamryn
The Mafia Skeleton Sisters' Diner AU Skeleton Dragons: Basilisk, Shiva, Naenia, and Manea Demon Fire Elementals: Scarlette and Syrene (Inferno) Bird Monsters: Nebula and Peach
Children of the Mafia Diner Human OCs: Maisie, Ceara, and Delaney
The Galaxy Sisters Galaxy Dragon Older Sisters: Agalea, Galactica, and Ourania Galaxy Dragon Younger Sisters: Marella
Outcode Skeleton Sisters' Diner AU Fish Monsters: Pike and Elixir Ghost Skeletons: Poison, Toxin, and Antitoxin Angel Skeletons: Maricella
Children of the Outcode Diner Skeleton Angel OCs: Eleanor and Talia
Angels Fall AU Feathered Dragons: Aeriana, Aethra, Deianeira, and Morella Light Elementals: Eliana and Citrus Lava Elementals: Cerise and Hearth Sirens: Eloria and Eslyn Breeze Nymphs: Lyrica and Lirissa
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