global-education · 11 months
🌟 Unveiling the Secrets of the Devil's Comet 🌟
In the vast cosmic theater, where stars twinkle like diamonds and planets dance in their celestial orbits, there exists a mysterious and enigmatic wanderer known as the "Devil's Comet." This celestial enigma has captured the imagination of astronomers, scientists, and stargazers alike, beckoning us to delve into its secrets and unlock the mysteries it holds. 🌠🌌
🔭 The Devil's Comet's Enigmatic Journey 🔭
The Devil's Comet, scientifically known as C/2023-X1, is not your ordinary cosmic traveler. Its path through the cosmos is irregular and unpredictable, taking it on a journey that brings it close to Earth only once in a millennia. This comet's name, which evokes both awe and curiosity, was inspired by its unusual and unpredictable nature.
🧬 Cometary Composition 🧬
One of the primary mysteries surrounding the Devil's Comet is its composition. Comets are often referred to as "dirty snowballs" because they are composed of a mixture of ice, dust, and various organic compounds. However, recent observations and studies of this enigmatic comet have challenged conventional wisdom.
Scientists believe that the Devil's Comet may contain unique elements and compounds not found in other comets. Analyzing its chemical makeup could provide insights into the origins of our solar system and the building blocks of life itself. 🌌🔬
🌠 Cosmic Origins 🌠
Where did the Devil's Comet come from, and what is its origin story? These questions have puzzled astronomers for centuries. Some theories suggest that it might be a rogue comet from another star system, a cosmic wanderer that has traveled through the interstellar void for eons before entering our solar system. Others hypothesize that it may have originated in the Kuiper Belt or the Oort Cloud, two distant and mysterious regions of our cosmic neighborhood.
📡 Observations and Discoveries 📡
Over the centuries, astronomers have observed the Devil's Comet during its rare appearances. Each visit provides a unique opportunity to study this cosmic wanderer up close. Advanced telescopes and space probes have captured stunning images and data, revealing intricate details about its structure, composition, and behavior.
One fascinating discovery is the presence of an intricate tail, which is not only composed of the expected dust and gas but also displays unusual fluctuations and variations in its composition. These irregularities continue to baffle scientists and have led to numerous theories about the comet's internal dynamics. 📸🔍
🛰️ Probing the Devil's Comet 🛰️
To further unravel the mysteries of the Devil's Comet, space agencies around the world are considering ambitious missions to intercept and study this celestial enigma up close. These missions would involve sending spacecraft equipped with cutting-edge instruments to collect samples from the comet's nucleus and analyze its composition.
Such a mission could provide groundbreaking insights into the comet's origins, its role in the formation of our solar system, and the potential implications for Earth's own cosmic history. The Devil's Comet has become an alluring target for scientists seeking to expand our understanding of the universe. 🚀🌌
🔮 Unlocking Cosmic Truths 🔮
The Devil's Comet, with its evocative name and enigmatic nature, symbolizes humanity's insatiable curiosity about the cosmos. As we unveil the secrets of this cosmic wanderer, we may also uncover profound truths about the universe, its origins, and our place within it. It reminds us that the cosmos is full of wonders waiting to be discovered and understood. 🌟
The Devil's Comet continues to beckon us with its cosmic charm, and as we venture further into the depths of space, we may finally unveil the secrets that it has held for millennia. This celestial enigma reminds us of the infinite wonders that await our discovery among the stars. 🌟🌌🔭✨
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toptenthing · 1 year
Top Ten Unbelievable Facts About the Universe 2023
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Top Ten Unbelievable Facts About the Universe 2023 #SpaceMarvels, #UniverseUnveiled, #CelestialEnigmas, #CosmicEpic, #CosmicJourney Introduction A. The Cosmic Enigma: A Brief Prelude In the quiet night sky, the universe's mysteries beckon us to explore the vast unknown, challenging our understanding of reality itself. B. Unveiling the Unseen: Peering into the Cosmos Our journey through the cosmos leads us to unearth astonishing revelations that defy the boundaries of human imagination. Vastness Beyond Comprehension A. Cosmic Dimensions: Beyond the Terrestrial Scale Attempting to encapsulate the vastness of the universe within human scale is akin to capturing an ocean within a teacup—limitless and awe-inspiring. B. The Observable Universe: A Glimpse into Infinity The observable universe, though an infinitesimal fraction of the cosmos, offers a telescopic window into a realm so immense that words falter. Stars: Jewels of the Night Sky A. Celestial Spheres: Galaxies as Star-Filled Orchards Galaxies, those magnificent assemblages of stars, resemble cosmic orchards where each star is a glimmering fruit in the vast expanse. B. A Counting Conundrum: Grasping the Number of Stars Efforts to tally the stars in the universe unveil numbers that stretch the boundaries of human comprehension, leaving us humbled by their sheer multitude. Unseen Forces at Play A. Dark Matter Mysteries: Sculpting the Cosmic Landscape The enigmatic presence of dark matter, a substance that eludes detection but exerts a gravitational grip, shapes the evolution of galaxies and cosmic structures. B. The Dance of Gravity: The Universe's Invisible Puppeteer The dance of gravity, choreographed by the mass of cosmic entities, weaves the tapestry of cosmic motion that governs the trajectory of stars and galaxies. Eons in the Making: Age of the Universe A. Cosmic Clockwork: Unraveling the Fabric of Time Traversing the corridors of time, we uncover the age of the universe through the analysis of ancient light, a chronicle etched in the cosmic canvas. B. Billions of Years: A Perspective Beyond Human Lifespan The universe's timeline stretches over billions of years, a temporal canvas that extends beyond human existence, inviting contemplation of time's vastness. Expanding Realms: Universe's Acceleration A. A Puzzling Force: Unraveling the Mystery of Dark Energy Dark energy, the mysterious force accelerating the universe's expansion, challenges our grasp of fundamental physics, a puzzle with cosmic implications. B. Cosmic Destiny: The Fate of an Ever-Expanding Universe As the universe's expansion accelerates, the distant future unfolds in uncertainty, leaving us to ponder whether the cosmos will continue its outward journey. Black Holes: Cosmic Vortexes A. Singularity Unveiled: Where Space and Time Disintegrate Black holes, cosmic enigmas, where gravity warps space and time to the point of singularity, leaving us with a glimpse of the universe's most extreme regions. B. Event Horizon's Gravitational Embrace: A Point of No Return The event horizon, an invisible boundary, engulfs anything that crosses it, capturing light and matter, revealing the profound grip of black hole gravity. Birth Cry of the Universe: Cosmic Microwave Background A. Ancient Echoes: Unveiling the Remnants of the Big Bang The cosmic microwave background radiation echoes the universe's birth, offering insights into its earliest moments, a snapshot of the primordial cosmos. B. Cosmic Fossils: Decrypting Clues from Primordial Radiation The patterns in cosmic microwave background radiation unveil the universe's composition, confirming the emergence of galaxies and offering a glimpse into cosmic infancy. Alien Worlds: Exoplanets and Their Diversity A. Beyond Our Solar Abode: The Exoplanet Revolution The discovery of exoplanets sparks a revolution, revealing a galaxy teeming with a diversity of planetary systems, each with its unique cosmic story. B. Goldilocks Zone: Searching for Habitable Extraterrestrial Havens Within the Goldilocks zone, planets enjoy the sweet spot of habitability—a balance between proximity to a star and the potential for liquid water, igniting the search for life beyond Earth. Bridging Quantum and Cosmos A. Quantum Gravity Conundrum: Marrying the Micro and Macro The quest to unite quantum mechanics and general relativity forges the path toward a theory of quantum gravity, an endeavor that blurs the boundaries of the microscopic and the cosmic. B. Theoretical Pursuits: Quests for a Unified Theory The pursuit of a theory of everything intertwines with the cosmic narrative, offering a tantalizing glimpse of a unified framework that binds the fundamental forces. Anomalies of Cosmic Expansion A. Hubble Tension: Cosmic Pace and Perplexities The Hubble tension—the disparity in measuring the universe's expansion rate—challenges our understanding of cosmic dynamics, leading to debates about the fabric of the universe. B. Beyond the Horizon: Probing the Uncertainties of Expansion The uncertainties in cosmic expansion pave the way for innovative research, unveiling the mysteries that lie beyond the cosmic horizon. Cosmic Web: Threads of the Universe A. The Grand Lattice: Galactic Filaments and Voids The cosmic web, a sprawling network of galaxies connected by threads of gravity, weaves a mesmerizing tapestry where vast voids and intricate filaments intersect. B. Mapping the Unseen: Visualizing the Structure of Space Advanced observations and simulations shed light on the invisible cosmic architecture, painting a vivid picture of the interwoven galactic threads that compose the universe. Time's Relativity: Bending the Fabric A. Einstein's Legacy: Gravitational Time Dilation Einstein's theory of relativity unveils the intricate relationship between gravity and time, where intense gravitational fields slow down the passage of time, offering us a glimpse into the cosmic clockwork. B. Time Travel Dreams: The Cosmic Playground of Possibilities The concept of time dilation fuels speculative ideas about time travel, igniting the imagination with visions of journeys into the past or future, a terrain explored in both science and fiction. Dark Energy: Universe's Mysterious Force A. Countering Gravity's Pull: The Dark Energy Enigma Dark energy, an elusive force responsible for the universe's accelerating expansion, remains an enigma that perplexes scientists and leads to profound questions about the nature of reality. B. Propelling the Future: The Expanding Influence of Dark Energy The push of dark energy shapes the destiny of the cosmos, propelling galaxies away from each other and sculpting the universe's ultimate fate in ways we are only beginning to comprehend. Multiverse: Beyond Our Cosmic Borders A. Parallel Realities: Navigating the Multiverse Theories Multiverse theories propose the existence of multiple parallel realities, each with its own laws of physics and possibilities, inviting us to question the nature of existence itself. B. String Theory and Beyond: Portals to Other Dimensions String theory, a contender for a unified theory, explores the possibility of extra dimensions beyond our usual three dimensions, hinting at portals to unseen realms within the multiverse. Cosmic Alchemy: Stellar Nucleosynthesis A. Furnaces of Creation: Stars as Elemental Factories Inside the fiery cores of stars, the alchemical process of nucleosynthesis fuses atomic particles, forging the elements that compose everything in the universe, including the elements of life. B. The Birth of Matter: Tracing Elements to Stellar Cores The quest to understand the origins of elements takes us back to the stars, where the birth and death of these cosmic entities leave behind a legacy of elements that continue to shape the universe. Cosmic Curtain Call: The Fate of the Universe A. The Chilling End: The Heat Death of the Universe The concept of heat death presents a chilling scenario in which the universe reaches a state of maximum entropy, where energy becomes evenly distributed, and all processes cease. B. Cosmic Legacy: Lessons in Impermanence and Infinity Contemplating the eventual fate of the universe encourages us to reflect on our place in the grand cosmic scheme, offering insights into both the impermanence and the infinity of existence. Quantum Entanglement: Spooky Connections A. Quantum Enigma: Entanglement's Instantaneous Bond Quantum entanglement defies classical notions, connecting particles in a mysterious dance that transcends distance, a phenomenon Einstein famously referred to as "spooky action at a distance." B. Communication Beyond Light: Quantum Entanglement's Implications The phenomenon of quantum entanglement raises profound questions about the fundamental nature of reality and has implications for quantum communication and potentially even quantum computing. Curiosity's Journey: Continuously Unraveling the Tapestry of Existence As we journey through the cosmic landscape, our curiosity propels us forward, encouraging us to continuously peel back the layers of the universe's secrets, always seeking to illuminate the dark corners of our understanding. #CosmicWonders, #UniverseRevealed, #AstonishingCosmos, #CosmicMysteries, #CosmicExploration Read the full article
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leathersama · 6 years
South Italy in C3?
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South Italy. 
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by celestialenigma
Status: Complete Chapters: 7 Words: 37,533 Language: English Rated: M Genres: Drama/Romance Description; Gilbert is an alpha who has not found his soul mate, has never smelled that intoxicating scent; has never felt that throb in his heart. Inwardly lonely, he continues to live his life until he attends the role unveiling ceremony of his best friend Francis’ son Matthew, a child he has known for years. Gilbert is appalled to find out that his soul mate is simply a ten year old boy but vows to wait until the omega reaches the age of majority at seventeen. Then the boy is raped by a stranger and everything changes.
Click here to read on AO3!
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ggoddammitt · 6 years
Hiiii~ sorry to bother, but do you have any FrUK fanfic recommendations? You seem to like this ship a lot so I figured you read a lot of fanfics. Sorry if I'm bothering you btw,,
it’s no bother ^_^ and yep, i have a LOT OF RECS! (oh boy)
before you begin, i should let you know that i have a bias for certain themes, so these tropes may reflect in my list -*anything that doesn’t blatantly state “uke!england” or “seme!france”…*friendship, pining ;;*quirky/humour*consent
without further ado, here’s my list :D (to keep things simple, i will only be recommending fics that are complete! it is sorted by rating followed by word count) -
La Douleur Exquise by DoritoDuck (Flightlesskiwi)
Beautifully descriptive ;v;
Rating: General | Wordcount: 811Fruk-centric; pining but also established relationship
Jane Eyre by Fudgyokra
I love fics like this one- with france being a teasing sap.
Rating: General | Wordcount: 1139Fruk-centric (with a bit more France)
Of Lily Petals and Rose Thorns by pantheralupus
Fruk as kids on Valentine’s day; france being in love with love (and england) :D
Rating: General | Wordcount: 2488Fruk-centric.
Darling, Let Us Be Quiet by saunatonttu
just… England being self-deprecating, lonely and trying to breathe past his anxiety. France makes it just a tad more bearable.
Rating: General | Wordcount: 5606ENG-centric.
Comme des enfants by newamsterdam
England looks after de-aged France. a really sweet fic ^^
Rating: General | Wordcount: 15096ENG-centric.
Match Point by Fishwichformylove
Quite suggestive but really light and funny ^_^
Rating: Teen+ | Wordcount: 1098Fruk-centric; established relationship
and we carry on by courfelicious
Domestic; development of their relationship (including the fights and arguments as well as romance ;; )
Rating: Teen+ | Wordcount: 1824Fruk-centric (with a bit more England), a pinch of FACE
Second-Hand Smoke by Shachaai
new years kiss: pining + denial = oh no.
Rating: Teen+ | Wordcount: 2857ENG-centric.
behind closed doors, with open hearts by saunatonttu
Terribly, terribly romantic.
Rating: Teen+ | Wordcount: 6764ENG-centric, they’re this close to being in love already (ffs)
It’s Hard for Me to say “I Love You” (But I do!) by Antimisma
i don’t remember much of this fic but i tagged it as ‘fav fruk fic ever.’ so it must be good x)
Rating: Teen+ | Wordcount: 9226ENG-centric; bucketloads of angst and pining
Table Manners by boudicca
Rating: Mature | Wordcount: 844ENG-centric… there’s handjobs
The Colour of Love by wintersyzygy
Twisted, unfiltered passion.
Rating: Mature | Wordcount: 1178ENG-centric, friends-with-benefits
don’t let the sun set on us by kevystel
France has commitment issues but he still wants England.
Rating: Mature | Wordcount: 5090Fruk-centric (a bit more England)
What Love? by FinduilasLissesul
it’s classic friends-with-benefits to lovers ^_^
Rating: Explicit | Wordcount: 32296Fruk-centric (a bit more England)
Historical Hetalia (FrUK) by crashedtimemachine (snowonpalecheeks)
A series of historical fruk ;;
Rating: General - Mature | Wordcount: 12965spans the beginning of their relationship to the day France passes marriage equality in 2013. ENG-centric (the first fic in the series)
Mon Cher Ennemi by LM_Artless (MariekoWest)
Some gore + death but ultimately bitterly sweet.
Rating: Teen+ | Wordcount: 3516set during WW2ENG-centric (he speaks french)
A Glass of Wine by fierysuzaku
Mainly reflection and nostalgia with some cutting banter ^^
Rating: Teen+ | Wordcount: 4524includes their childhood and some FACE FR-centric, has a theme of poetry
A Portrait of England by ZaliaChimera
France takes care of England after he is left bedridden and blinded. Romance.
Rating: Teen+ | Wordcount: 5113set after the Great WarENG-centric.
To Betray The People by hybridempress
heavy angst + fruk friendship, i adore this fic!
Rating: Teen+ | Wordcount: 6863Warning: Temporary Character DeathFR-centric; set during the French Rev.
L'Entente Maladroite by maxcellwire
i’ve read this fic three times already..
Rating: Teen+ | Wordcount: 13716set during the the War of the Quadruple Alliance, 1718-1720 (eng and fr are allies)Fruk-centric, a bit of FACE family
Your Excuse (For A Lover) by InTheLoft
get ready for centuries of war, heartbreak and pining. imo this is one of the most heartbreaking historical fruk fics ever written.
Rating: Teen+ | Wordcount: 23714from 1066 to 1994 (pretty much nearly spans the entirety of their relationship)Warning: violence, character deaths (most are temporary), dissociation at one point (further warnings are in the author notes)
Hurricane Verse by newamsterdam
This is a series with two works, one complete. It’s been a long time since I last read it but it is tagged as one of my faves! It’s mainly France being hurt and uncooperative hahah
Rating: Teen - Mature | Wordcount: 27437WW2Fruk-centric (a bit more England I think?)
If Loyalties Lie by GhostoftheMotif, qualapec
ANGST. Not quite romantic- I remember this fic very briefly but I have it marked as one of my fave fruk fics ever :o
Rating: Teen+ | Wordcount: 29690post WW2 (includes Prussia’s dissolution if I remember correctly) FR-centric, some Pru/Fra and BTT
The One I Trust by celestialenigma
trans male England; this fic really stands out in my mind :’)
Rating: Mature (mild smut) | Wordcount: 9059Fruk-centric (with a bit more England), a bit of Jeanne d’Arc
gonna give my heart away by kevystel
epitome of a love-hate relationship between these two honestly.
Rating: Explicit | Wordcount: 4801Fruk-centric, friends-with-benefits to lovers.
it’s a quiet time, but it’s not solitude by [orphan_account]
It’s just england admiring France softly and sweetly, that’s all *heart clenches* god I wish this fic was longer. can be intepreted as nationverse if you wish.
Rating: General | Wordcount: 726ENG-centric; established relationship
The Love Song of Arthur J. Kirkand by mikkey_bones
Romantic and domestic with a side of banter x)
Rating: General | Wordcount: 2755ENG-centric; grad school
Demain, Qui Sait? by snark_sniper
Francis is planning Arthur and Alfred’s wedding.. but he falls for Arthur.
Rating: not officially rated, but it’s G I think | Wordcount: 24956FR-centric, some USUK, Rus/Ame and BTT, past France/Jeanne
What We Remember by bearwald
Burning romance, poetry and art.
Rating: Teen+ | Wordcount: 1106Fruk-centric, they’re roommates in college/uni
What Happens In Vegas by DemonicCharm
France and england accidentally get married and they go to great lengths to make each others lives miserable xD
Rating: Teen+ | Wordcount: 28544Fruk-centric (with a bit more England), BTT, brief Jap/Eng
Divulging Peculiarities by DestineyTot
Vampire!francis; this fic really left an impression on me x)
Rating: Teen+ | Wordcount: 29442ENG-centric, lonely pining hahah
Heavy is the Crown by 0Rocky41_7
this fic was a ride from start to finish holy heck ft. arthur in denial
Rating: Teen+ | Wordcount: 56445ENG-centric (some parts are from F’s pov)
Surprise, Surprise byjoyouswolves
The one time England is a gentleman to France and France is hopelessly charmed :’)
Rating: General | Wordcount: 2818Fruk-centric (a bit more France)
When I Fall by hopefulmemoir
England has depression. France notices.
Rating: General | Wordcount: 3531ENG-centric; fruk friendship.
Not Jealous by Darkfire75
France purposely embarrasses England bc he’s jelly.
Rating: Teen+ | Wordcount: 1476FR-centric; establishedrelationship.
Chalk Hearts by ApplesauceLady
France is passive-aggressively jelly of China.
Rating: Teen+ | Wordcount: 2800FR-centric; establishedrelationship.
A Blind Man’s Quest by marinoa
England accidentally blinds himself, and despite his stubborness France insists on helping him through it.
Rating: Teen+ | Wordcount: 7177ENG-centric.
On The Red Street Of Dover by Lynn Kroto
Mutual longing and pining.
Rating: Teen+ | Wordcount: 9120Fruk-centric.
Running Passions by SpeakingThroughWrittenWordcount
50% smut, 50% humour.
Rating: Mature | Wordcount: 5476ENG-centric; established relationship.
Laissez-Faire Love by oh-cripe-my-fish
Passion and romance. France is bi af.
Rating: Mature | Wordcount: 62081187, 1715, 2008.Fruk-centric.
A Fitting Color by Geekies
Oh man I’m reccing this fic for Arthur alone. He’s absolutely endearing in this fic. and Francis is being French.
Rating: General | Wordcount:29239Office AU; Francis is a fashion designer and Arthur is a comp technician.FR-centric; fruk friendship +pre-relationship.
Anything For You byRaindropsOnMyTeaCup
Heavy romance. Arthur is so in love ;;
Rating: Teen+ | Wordcount: 31555Francis is a world-famous singer and Arthur is his agent.Fruk-centric (a bit more Englandif I remember correctly)
Fortune’s Favour by Shadowcatxx
whenever I think of this fic I remember how badass Arthur is xD
Rating: Teen+ | Wordcount: 35748AU set in 1735; Arthur is part of the Royal Navy and Francis is a pirate.FACE-centric; fruk slowburn romance.
i don’t read fics on livejournal but ik there are a lot of really good fruk fics out there. one of the authors i know is nuitdenovembre :>
rainingFRUK by IamREADING gets aspecial mention. It’s the My Immortal of fruk fics and I just about criedreading it.
this list pained me to write bc there are SO MANY fics i wished to include, but in the end i had to pick the ones i have a vague memory of reading.. haizz.
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lostnebulas · 7 years
Thank you to @feyna-v for tagging me!
Rules: tag 10 followers you want to know better
Name: I usually go by Willow online, but it is not my real name.
Gender: Female
Star sign: Aquarius
Height: 5′4 I think.. haven’t measured myself in forever
Sexuality: Uhh, probably easiest to just say bisexual
What images do you have as your desktop/ phone wallpaper: My desktop is a picture of the aurora borealis and my phone wallpaper is a picture of Galina Voronina from Assassin’s Creed... i may be slightly obsessed
Have you ever had a crush on a teacher: Nope. Doesn’t help that I’ve been online schooled my entire life lmao
Where do you see yourself in 10 years: Honestly, I have no idea. I hope wherever I am though that I’m happy, financially stable, and away from.. pretty much everything I’m around right now.
If you could be anywhere else right now, where would you be: I want to go somewhere I’ve never been and just take a break from life to find myself for awhile.
What was your coolest Halloween costume: Uh... I haven’t dressed up since I was like 12, and the only costumes I remember was a power ranger, a witch, and freakin dora the explorer. I’m gonna say the witch was probably the best one though
What was your favourite 90’s show: I don’t think I have one tbh
Who was your last kiss: In my dreams!
Have you ever been stood up: Nope.
Have you ever been to Las Vegas: No, but I’ve been close to it.
Favourite pair of shoes: Probably my boots. They’re furry and cute (plus they’re essential in the snow we’ve had recently).
Favourite fruit: Watermelon? If it’s even a fruit...
Favourite books: Too many to list.
Stupidest thing you have ever done: Procrastinating! Definitely procrastinating. The exact thing I’m doing right now. I do it over and over again and I never learn my lesson for fucks sake me stop it. In addition to that I also dropped my laptop just a few days after getting it onto my hard wood floor from about 4 and a half feet up and had an absolute heart attack but hey!! It’s still working as I’m typing on it right now so I say I got lucky there even if there’s a dent on the corner of it now!
Because I’m all so creative, I’m going to tag some of the most recent to pop up in my notes- none of you have to do this if you don’t want to of course!
@roni-poni @deja-bu @itsakindofbleep @ultimatechristmasunicorn @half-between @celestialenigma @stormydaylester @amabatur-luna @plaidshirtmcspirk
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chesayacatart-moved · 7 years
@celestialenigma thank you! I'm not very confident with them but I want to do more 💕
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hetaliabigbang-blog · 7 years
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Author: @celestialenigma  Artist: @leathersama click the picture to see the full image!
Rating: Mature
Pairings: Prussia/Canada
Characters: Prussia, Canada, France
Tags: Age Gap, Omegaverse, Soulmates, NO shota
Summary: Gilbert is an alpha who has not found his soul mate, has never smelled that intoxicating scent; has never felt that throb in his heart. Inwardly lonely, he continues to live his life until he attends the role unveiling ceremony of his best friend Francis’ son Matthew, a child he has known for years. Gilbert is appalled to find out that his soul mate is simply a ten year old boy but vows to wait until the omega reaches the age of majority at seventeen. Then the boy is raped by a stranger and everything changes.
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leathersama · 5 years
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Request for @celestialenigma Those tattoos were kinda hard, but it came out alright. 
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I’m hardly here. Vaguely here... Thanks for tagging me @magiclaud
1ST RULE: Tag 10 people you want to get to know better.
@joji-beats @cydoniaoes @chantalwutart @jinglebellfruk @baguettedraws @celestialenigma @ixbranna16
2ND RULE: BOLD the statements that are true.
APPEARANCE - I am 5'7 or taller - I wear glasses - I have at least one tattoo - I have at least one piercing - I have blonde hair - I have brown eyes - I have short hair - My abs are at least somewhat defined - I have or had braces
PERSONALITY - I love meeting new people (but I am always super nervous at first) - People tell me I am funny - Helping others with their problems is a big priority of mine - I enjoy physical challenges - I enjoy mental challenges - I am playfully rude to people I know - I started saying something ironically and now I can’t stop saying it - There is something I would change about my personality
ABILITY - I can sing well - I can play an instrument - I can do over 30 pushups without stopping - I am a fast runner - I can draw well(i guess) - I have a good memory (most of the time) - I am good at doing math in my head - I can hold my breath underwater for over a minute - I have beaten at least 2 people arm wrestling - I can make at least 3 recipes from scratch - I know how to throw a proper punch
HOBBIES - I enjoy sports - I’m on a sports team at my school or somewhere else - I’m in an orchestra or choir at my school or somewhere else - I have learned a new song in the past week - I exercise at least once a week - I have gone for runs at least once a week in warmer months - I have drawn something in the past month - I enjoy writing - Fandoms are my #1 priority- I do some form of martial arts
EXPERIENCES - I have had my first kiss - I have had alcohol - I have scored a winning point in a sport - I have watched an entire TV series in one sitting - I have been at an overnight event - I have been in a taxi - I have been in the hospital or ER in the past year - I have beaten a video game in one day - I have visited another country - I have been to one of my favorite bands concerts
MY LIFE - I have one person that I consider to be my Best Friend™ - I live close to my school/work - My parents are still together - I have at least one sibling - I live in the United States - There is snow where I live right now - I have hung out with a friend in the past month - I have a smartphone - I own at least 15 CDs - I share my room with someone(s)
RELATIONSHIPS - I am in a relationship - I have a crush on a celebrity - I have a crush on someone I know - I’ve been in at least 3 relationships - I have never been in a(n official) relationship - I have admitted my feelings to a crush - I get crushes easily - I have had a crush for over a year - I have been in a relationship for over a year - I have had feelings for a friend
RANDOM - I have break-danced - I know a person named Jamie - I have had a teacher that has a name that is hard to pronounce - I have dyed my hair - I’m listening to a song on repeat right now - I have punched someone in the past week - I know someone who has gone to jail (does my mum count? She’s a lawyer tho lol) - I have broken a bone - I have eaten a waffle today - I know what I want to do in life - I speak at least two languages - I have made a new friend in the past year
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kazncn-art · 8 years
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for @celestialenigma here he is lol
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Prucan- Old Men Soul Mates
by celestiaenigma
Words: 1, 404 Language: English Rated: G Genres: Humor/Romance Description: Soulmate AU in which all of the members of your OTP+ are widow(er)s, all having been married to spouses other than their soulmates, when they meet in a nursing home/convalescent hospital. As patients.
Click here to read on Tumblr!
Click here to read on AO3!
Feel free to send a review after reading~
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I have a question and it may be stupid, but when can I figure out what location I should vote at for the Ontario Election? I don't get Voter Cards no matter how many times I register, it's dumb. So I know the stuff to bring to vote, I've just never voted in a provincial election before, only federal. I tried navigating the Voter Information Service website and it's not telling me DX. You seem smart so I thought maybe you'd know?
Find out what your riding is here:
You vote in the riding that you live in (or have proof of residency).
Closer to the election their should be more information on where to vote in your riding. You might even see signs up put up in your town/city, but I don’t think that information has been released yet.
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Hello Matthew. If you don't mind, could you tell us what your first memory as a child was?
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Sometimes I wonder if he would’ve made it if I hadn’t stumbled upon him… Either way, I’m glad I found him.
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chesayacatart-moved · 7 years
@celestialenigma I was thinking male but I could see that in their future
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gmaxgrimmsnarl · 9 years
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AmeCan exchange for @celestialenigma(tumblr won’t let me tag you??)
I hope this is good enough for you hhh
I made a little comic thingy to go with it too... Ahhh I rushed a lot, I hope you still like it hhhhhhh
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