The Illusion of Need: Embracing Needlessness and Infinite Abundance
In the tapestry of existence, the concept of need often looms large, dictating our desires, actions, and perceptions of lack. However, upon closer examination, it becomes evident that need is but an illusion—a construct of the ego that perpetuates a cycle of craving and discontent. By embracing needlessness, we unlock the gateway to zero lack, paving the path towards infinite abundance and eternal peace.
Deconstructing the Illusion of Need:
Need arises from a perceived deficiency—a belief that something external is required to fulfill an internal longing or desire. Whether it be material possessions, validation, or approval, the ego constantly seeks to fill the void created by its sense of lack. Yet, this pursuit of external gratification only serves to perpetuate the illusion of need, keeping us trapped in a cycle of dependency and dissatisfaction.Embracing Needlessness: Needlessness, on the other hand, is the recognition that our true essence is inherently whole and complete. It is the understanding that our worthiness and fulfillment are not contingent upon external circumstances or possessions. By embracing needlessness, we liberate ourselves from the shackles of desire and attachment, allowing us to experience true freedom and contentment in the present moment.
Zero Lack and Infinite Abundance:
In the absence of need, there exists zero lack—a state of being where we recognize the boundless nature of existence and our inherent connection to the infinite. Zero lack is not a state of deprivation, but rather a recognition of the abundance that permeates every aspect of creation. From the vast expanse of the cosmos to the depths of our own consciousness, abundance flows endlessly, awaiting our recognition and acceptance.
The Nexus of Consciousness and Creation:
At the heart of needlessness lies the understanding that consciousness itself is the source of all creation. As sentient beings endowed with free will, we possess the innate ability to shape our reality according to our desires and intentions. Eternal life and free will are the only tools we need to create our reality forever—an eternal dance of manifestation and transformation.
The Gift of Eternal Life and Free Will:
Before we even ask, the universe has already bestowed upon us the gifts of eternal life and free will. These divine endowments are not earned or acquired through external means but are inherent aspects of our very being. With eternal life comes the assurance that our consciousness transcends the limitations of time and space, while free will grants us the power to navigate the vast expanse of creation according to our own volition.
The Cosmic Maxim: Eternal Life Brings Eternal Peace:
In the grand tapestry of existence, there exists a timeless truth: eternal life brings eternal peace. When we realize that our consciousness needs nothing to live forever—that our essence is beyond the confines of physical form—we transcend the illusion of need and enter into a state of perpetual serenity. Eternal peace is not found in the pursuit of external gratification, but rather in the recognition of our inherent divinity and interconnectedness with all that is.
In the grand symphony of existence, need is but a fleeting melody—a discordant note in the harmonious chorus of creation. By embracing needlessness, we unlock the gateway to zero lack and infinite abundance, paving the path towards eternal peace and fulfillment. With eternal life and free will as our guiding stars, we embark upon a journey of self-discovery and co-creation, weaving the fabric of reality with the threads of consciousness. Before we even ask, God has already given—eternal life and free will are the gifts that await our recognition and acceptance.
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global-education · 11 months
🌟 Unveiling the Secrets of the Devil's Comet 🌟
In the vast cosmic theater, where stars twinkle like diamonds and planets dance in their celestial orbits, there exists a mysterious and enigmatic wanderer known as the "Devil's Comet." This celestial enigma has captured the imagination of astronomers, scientists, and stargazers alike, beckoning us to delve into its secrets and unlock the mysteries it holds. 🌠🌌
🔭 The Devil's Comet's Enigmatic Journey 🔭
The Devil's Comet, scientifically known as C/2023-X1, is not your ordinary cosmic traveler. Its path through the cosmos is irregular and unpredictable, taking it on a journey that brings it close to Earth only once in a millennia. This comet's name, which evokes both awe and curiosity, was inspired by its unusual and unpredictable nature.
🧬 Cometary Composition 🧬
One of the primary mysteries surrounding the Devil's Comet is its composition. Comets are often referred to as "dirty snowballs" because they are composed of a mixture of ice, dust, and various organic compounds. However, recent observations and studies of this enigmatic comet have challenged conventional wisdom.
Scientists believe that the Devil's Comet may contain unique elements and compounds not found in other comets. Analyzing its chemical makeup could provide insights into the origins of our solar system and the building blocks of life itself. 🌌🔬
🌠 Cosmic Origins 🌠
Where did the Devil's Comet come from, and what is its origin story? These questions have puzzled astronomers for centuries. Some theories suggest that it might be a rogue comet from another star system, a cosmic wanderer that has traveled through the interstellar void for eons before entering our solar system. Others hypothesize that it may have originated in the Kuiper Belt or the Oort Cloud, two distant and mysterious regions of our cosmic neighborhood.
📡 Observations and Discoveries 📡
Over the centuries, astronomers have observed the Devil's Comet during its rare appearances. Each visit provides a unique opportunity to study this cosmic wanderer up close. Advanced telescopes and space probes have captured stunning images and data, revealing intricate details about its structure, composition, and behavior.
One fascinating discovery is the presence of an intricate tail, which is not only composed of the expected dust and gas but also displays unusual fluctuations and variations in its composition. These irregularities continue to baffle scientists and have led to numerous theories about the comet's internal dynamics. 📸🔍
🛰️ Probing the Devil's Comet 🛰️
To further unravel the mysteries of the Devil's Comet, space agencies around the world are considering ambitious missions to intercept and study this celestial enigma up close. These missions would involve sending spacecraft equipped with cutting-edge instruments to collect samples from the comet's nucleus and analyze its composition.
Such a mission could provide groundbreaking insights into the comet's origins, its role in the formation of our solar system, and the potential implications for Earth's own cosmic history. The Devil's Comet has become an alluring target for scientists seeking to expand our understanding of the universe. 🚀🌌
🔮 Unlocking Cosmic Truths 🔮
The Devil's Comet, with its evocative name and enigmatic nature, symbolizes humanity's insatiable curiosity about the cosmos. As we unveil the secrets of this cosmic wanderer, we may also uncover profound truths about the universe, its origins, and our place within it. It reminds us that the cosmos is full of wonders waiting to be discovered and understood. 🌟
The Devil's Comet continues to beckon us with its cosmic charm, and as we venture further into the depths of space, we may finally unveil the secrets that it has held for millennia. This celestial enigma reminds us of the infinite wonders that await our discovery among the stars. 🌟🌌🔭✨
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lamtubulkan · 2 years
boost your self-confidence
Boost your self-confidence in one minute!
This poem is meant to encourage a logical and rigid person (you) to be open-minded, to let go of perfection, to embrace change and uncertainty, and to trust in your own abilities. It is meant to inspire you to be flexible and to challenge your own beliefs and ways of thinking in order to grow and develop: Reason and logic, your guiding light A mind that is sharp, a will that is bright Though…
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cosmicangel888 · 2 years
Awakening Touching All - 3D - 5D 
Awakening will touch everyone
There will not be one aspect of life that will be left out -
All will be touched - Life, and divine awakening in which you see businesses coming apart, big pharmacy not so important any more, and what was the sway of humanity is now being claimed by the awakened soul within -
When you awaken, you cannot go back; when you awaken to who you are, what you exist within, and what exists within you is no longer normalized, or numb to divine elegance and intelligence it is choice to stay stagnant, and it is a trap most are not willing to stay rotating within -
When the world you use to know is no longer an option, the circle, the group, the food, the entertainment you use to be ok with - is no longer entertaining or fulfilling = this is awakening
Forward and expansive movement out, from within - so without
'The celestial councils help us to create, learn, explore, express, experience in the cosmic, galactic, universal foundations, laws;
the strict importance of the karmic law and responsibility - the importance and value for each souls ability to maintain, sustain, and be able to integrate all life, codes, becoming to higher expanded realms of being; and thus then, the importance to not interfere with the developmental paths of others' - Arcturians
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Each soul has a unique offering of experience, linage, akashic, and earthly soul fragments, timelines, 3D-5D to clear in karmic patterns, beliefs, roles played, created in the adventure and journey of separation; therefore, never rush, never push, never block, never step beyond boundaries of how any soul moves and explores spirit or the self as spirit - there can be great damage done to rush someone on a path they are not prepared for - not done the work of, preparing for, multi-dimensionally, or that they are not of free will choosing -
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Twin flame, even false flames, are those that usually carry opposite energies, beliefs, experiences similar of pain, to help be your catalyst for movement and transcension to create anew - using your past wisdoms and now love to create a new version of you - without outer interference or projections, harm, or thwarting - defining -
You set your story - soul mates are those that are and can be counterparts - to create in union of excitement, creative mastery, benevolence to serve and co-create with higher intentions and evolution
It really doesn't matter the name, definition, for all is purposeful - and to embrace it all - stand in your light, and surrender to forgiveness, compassion, and standing purely within your own story - light, passion - allow all others their path as you move on your own.
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overcome the challenges through knowing, higher spirals, and healing the triggers, wounds and beliefs -
Blessings and light
World Ascension Healing Classes, Intuitive Sessions, Healing Sessions, Ascension Books, Healing Systems, 5D human-socio-altruistic re-write ~
DONATIONS - see our PayPal link here; paypal.me/JoannaLRoss * [email protected]
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LIVE Satsang happening now! with The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam!!
Most powerful Concsious solutions for your life!!Don't miss these cosmic revelations about your being!!Lets celebrate, enrich and enjoy His divine presence in our lives.
#Kailasa #Kailaasa #Nithyananda #satsang #hinduism #cosmictruths
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kailasastrinidad · 2 years
LIVE Satsang happening now! with The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam!! 
Most powerful Concsious solutions for your life!!Don't miss these cosmic revelations about your being!!Lets celebrate, enrich and enjoy His divine presence in our lives.
#Kailasa #Kailaasa #Nithyananda #satsang #hinduism #cosmictruths
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sudhirramchandran · 5 years
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Apart from the common attributes that Ganesha is widely revered with -  the remover of obstacles, the patron of arts and sciences and of intellect and wisdom - he is also identified with the primal sound of OM also spelled Aum , referring to the notion that he personifies the primal sound. He is one of the best-known and most worshipped deities in the Hindu pantheon. The festival of Ganesh Chaturthi is primarily celebrated at home and in public by local community groups across Central, Western and southern states of India. The act of worshipping a clay idol and then bidding it good bye by immersing it in water is a very unique way of identifying with the cosmic cycle – of beginning and end and of new beginnings , of letting go and looking forward to the new. Every year I am drawn to this symbolic ending of a cycle, that deeply connects us to the Universal truths , leaving me in wonderment. In deeper truths there is always an intermingling of science and spirituality. And that’s how I feel about my art , my photography which draws me to such occasions reminding me of the truth. #ganeshachaturthi #godsofindia #beliefs #india #indianfestivals #photography #spiritualjourneys #cosmictruths #life #ganeshvisarjan #2019 #sudhirramchandranphotography #sudhirramchandran #lovephotography #streetphotography https://www.instagram.com/p/B26XtA9Fyrf/?igshid=1cyjh8iyzfhw9
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teal-gerard · 4 years
13, 22, 24 for the spotify thing ! 🖤
chiquitita by abba
rainbow connection by weezer and hayley williams
rich, white, straight men by kesha
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new-clear-clicks · 5 years
Find the full discourse 'Patanjali Sadha Shiva and the Purity of Yoga' on Nithyananda YouTube Channel. ______________________________________________ His Divine Holiness Bhagwan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam is creating a movement for the revival of an enlightened civilisation. Please join the Hindu nation “Kailaasa Union” to prevent Hinduism from being wiped off the planet. Click the link in the bio and voice your support! ______________________________________________ Nlighten app now available in the app stores! YouTube: Nithyananda YouTube: Nithyananda Yoga Facebook: HDH Nithyananda Paramashivam innerawakening.org kailaasa.org Be Blissful! 🤗❤ http://bit.ly/2ITUBZq
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violasmirabiles · 4 years
got tagged by the lovely @kukkahattumursu, thanks luv x
Rules: Only using song titles from one artist/ band, cleverly answer the questions.
Band/Artist: Bluesounds! thought abt wigwam but ive done this with wigwam like three times over the years lol
How are you feeling? i’m in need
What's your gender? c.c.less
If you could go anywhere? get out of this town
Your best friend? she’s got it
Favourite mode of transportation? hop inside the wild cab
Favourite time of the day? love the night
Relationship status? waiting for a heart
If your life was a TV show? days of red wine
im gonna go ahead and tag @sailonacrossthesea @cosmictruth @abitofwhatyoufancy & @thespacecowboyyy but no pressure if yall dont feel like doing this <3
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appelssiini · 4 years
Thanks for the tag @thespacecowboyyy !!!!
Last song I listened to: probably Disturbia by Rihanna😂 i was renovating my room and blasting some childhood favourites
Last film: Avengers: Infinity War (againnnn)
Currently watching: all the Marvel films on repeat lol
Currently reading: ehhh i have so many unfinished books
Currently craving: the pasta salad i made for the 12 hour train ride ahead
I tag: @teenangeloutsider @cosmictruth @imwaitingforthatfeeling ehhhh im just tagging people i know no need to do this if you dont feel like it
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teenangeloutsider · 4 years
I was tagged by @hilema, thank youu 🙏🏼
rules: bold what you prefer and tag 5-10 people
1. go apple picking vs go on a hay ride 2. scary vs. sweet 3. sweaters vs. boots 4. socks vs. mittens 5. bonfires vs. football 6. trick-or-treating vs. watch scary movies 9. bake pie vs. bake cookies 10. rain vs. fog 11. black cats vs. owls 12. ghosts vs. wizards 13. harry potter vs. halloweentown 14. go hiking vs. sleep in 15. cinnamon vs. nutmeg 16. reading vs. writing 17. hot chocolate vs. tea 18. live in a cabin in a forest vs. have it be fall 24/7 19. candy apples vs. caramel apples 20. blankets vs. pillows 21. roasted marshmallows vs. roasted chestnuts 22. coffee vs. apple cider 24. braids vs. bows 25. scented candles vs. the smell of fresh baked goods 26. carve pumpkins vs. make pumpkin pie 27. pumpkin spice lattes vs. chai tea lattes 28. coats vs. oversized sweaters 29. beanies vs. berets 30. candy corn vs. peanut butter cups 31. s'mores vs. apple crisp 32. jump in a pile of leaves vs. swing on a tire 33. corn maze vs. haunted house 34. bob for apples vs. visit a pumpkin patch 35. whipped cream on hot chocolate vs. marshmallows on hot chocolate.
I’ll tag @appelssiini @imwaitingforthatfeeling @drunkh0bbit @cosmictruth @violasmirabiles
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homo666 · 4 years
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@cosmictruth thänks 4 the tag!
the gist was to show the last song i listened to, the last image on my cameraroll and my lockscreen.
the first pic= bänger of a song. the second one is actually second in my cameraroll, the first is a selfie so thats private, take my ss of finnish politics instead. persu takes r fakin cold. the last is my lockscreen, detail of a van gogh.
uhhhhh im täggin @sininenvalo @desert-scng and @cupcakegerard ! do if u want to ✌
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nysanormalna · 4 years
tagged by @dusdadwarf, thanks!
name: anna
nicknames: i don’t think i have any
zodiac stuff: taurus sun, leo moon, virgo rising. aries mercury, gemini venus, scorpio mars
height: 158cm
nationality: polish
favorite season: spring!
favorite flowers: daisies! they’re basically two flowers growing in one and the love symbolism got me
favorite smell: hard to say, but i like the smell of fresh laundry, citrus, cut grass and the air when it storms
favorite colour(s): brown, white, beige. also earthy colors, green.
favorite animal: just birds in general, and bugs. let’s say the harpy eagle and the bumblebee
favorite fictional character(s): i’m adding s to cheat :3c atm probably jonathan sims and jotaro kujo but it changes
cats or dogs: dogs but either works
coffee, tea or coco: green tea
dream trip: azerbaijan <3 also iceland
hours of sleep: around 6 lately
number of blankets: no blankets, just a comforter
blog established: april 3rd 2013
followers: 300 but i wouldnt know how many i actually have because i block people on mobile and apparently it doesnt do anything on desktop
random fact: my family put in my ID that i have gray eyes because no one has any clue what color it actually is and now we cant change it, so i may be commiting ID fraud until i die
i’m tagging @friendlyneighborhoodevilvillain @justalurkr @halfpasteleventhhour @cosmictruth and whoever wants to do it etc etc
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lunarose715 · 3 years
Watch "MOON SIGNS | SCORPIO MOON | What To Expect From A Scorpio Moon? | Childhood & Emotional Nature" on YouTube
Best in depth analysis of moon in scorpio. #mytruth #deepemotions #psychicintuition #cosmictruths
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ladypositiva-blog · 7 years
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#thursdaywisdom #asigiveireceive #allisenergy #ladypositiva #atracttion #bethelight #sharethewisdom #embraceyouruniqueness #cosmicamazingness #cosmictruth #quotestoliveby #quoteoftheday #positivethinking #goodvibesonly✨
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