galaxythixf · 3 months
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@celestiialnotes said: It took a lot of convincing to take the day off from his father's restaurant, but absolutely worth it for this valentine's day. Sanji's heart practically flutters getting to see her. Placing a kiss to her in greeting, his home was filled with things meant for their afternoon and evening together. Roses were soaking in a glass vase at his table, clearly meant for her. And a lightly sweet aroma in the air. "I was thinking we should stay in for today, watch a movie, make some dinner together, and see where the night takes us." Because he wants her all to himself this fine Valentine's day. "Happy Valentine's day, beautiful." (For north winds obvs ♥️)
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Valentine's Day wasn't something that she celebrated in a long time. It's been years since she even had the luxury of seeing the corny decorations around town, the equally cheesy couples holding hands with varying amounts of PDA, or the budding jokes that she sat through at home. Home, that's a place she hasn't been to in a while. The thought sits bitterly on her mind, quickly trying to dismiss it almost as soon as it appears when she reminds herself that Sanji brought new meaning to this holiday now that she had someone else to spend it with. The memories fade like rolling water over a waterfall, left alone while she's greeted with soft lips and a sweet offer that brings a smile to her face before any words make it past them.
He thought of everything, didn't he?
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"Hey no fair, you know I can't say no to my favorite person." A hand finds its way to his, fingers tangling together as she steps inside to get a sight of the atmosphere he set up for the two of them and giving it a squeeze. "And he's smooth too? Sign me up." Sanji was such a sweetheart which made unwanted thoughts easy to tuck away while she sank into the moment. "Happy Valentine's day, handsome." Sunwoo isn't empty handed, her own bag of baked goods dangling within her free hand as she beckons him for another kiss. "I brought dessert," she finally lifts the bag for him to see. "Just some macarons and chocolate cream puffs but I haven't made macarons in forever, so hopefully they're still as good as I remember." Sitting on top of the bag is something unexpectedly furry and between gently dragging him with her as she set her things down she pulls out the white teddy bear guarding her sweets. "And I bought you a little friend to keep you company. Not as cute as me, but pretty close."
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song-tam · 1 year
do you have any good kam fics/oneshot recommendations?
hi wait im so so sorry that this took me like. two months to answer. it was stuck in my drafts and i just kept. forgetting abt it but it’s here now so !!! hopefully that makes up for it skdhsgsks
also i actually did a similar post/fic list like this a while back here (thank you for finding the link aves i owe you one), and while i haven’t really seen any new content for them in the meantime there’s still a good few!!
let’s not lose ourselves by glitter_demon (@fey-glitter) - ngl more of a tam character study than it is kam, but there are elements of them in the drabble. i’d still highly recommend it even w/o too much kam bc i rarely see tam characterization in fanon done as well as this one and i’m being soo normal about it
before the night ends by handpulledsilver (@soryasongsaa) - OKAY can i just say. ive reread this fucker more times than i can count it’s one of my favorites ever. its a sort of companion fic to ink’s other fic (scared of the sun, recced that one in the other list), an exes to lovers story, plenty of feels and emotions that have me on the floor sobbing. def worth a read !!
the lie between your teeth (the cut that always bleeds) by handpulledsilver - yes this is another ink fic and yes it makes me rot. angst galore theyre exes but they dont go back to being lovers. artist keefe sencen though so i think that makes up for it. also conan gray ref in the title?? bonus points for that
Có nhớ tôi không? by celestiials (@theogony) - this one’s like. keefe and tam are rivals in the music world then they become roommates to work on a project together (oh my god they were roommates…) and to no one’s surprise they fall in love !! i LOVE this fic also shoutout to aru’s coding skills bc they slayed the creators style thing i could never
Drama Club by kingkrakie - kam band au HELLO??? author was after my own heart fr PLUS it’s given inspired and if you haven’t seen the anime then. that doesn’t mean much but either way i LOVED this fic very wholesome very adorable i need fluff in my life i am a simple man
the string connecting us by @that-glasses-dog - okay if there’s anything i love more than band aus it’s soulmate aus. red string of fate first meetings and at fucking exillium too hello??? im being very normal over this fic i love reading it every single time i see it pop up in the keefe/tam tag akshdgdsks
and uh. that’s kinda it for now? i WISH i had more recs but unfortunately there is a finite number of kam fics in this fandom (well. on ao3 i assume wattpad has more but i don’t Go There) but i’m hoping these will be enough to hold you over for now !! worst case scenario you’re welcome to try my ao3 and see if anything catches your fancy i’ve written a few kam fics myself but as of now. i hope you enjoy these as much as i did they’re all bangers !!
(oh for the record if anyone has anything they’d like to add or any recs at all please share i’m begging i need good kam fics too ajshsgsisks)
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fuelli-art · 2 years
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First batch of Art Fight pieces! OCs belong to @/celestiials, @/Cyellolemon, @remmys and @historia-kq 
My AF: https://artfight.net/~fuelli
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historia-kq · 2 years
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Round 3 of Artfight attacks I've made this year!
@tegmelko @/TefiMK @/celestiials @/Aries_Squared @/RetroBrohemed
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wesper-ao3feed · 8 months
The Jesper Fahey foolproof guide to getting your friends to fall in love
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/DBk1f7Z by vcnus (celestiials) “Wait, no, that’s it. That’s perfect,” Jesper says, and everyone turns to look at him. “What if we use like - what’s the term - reverse psychology?” Jesper pauses, for additional appropriate gravitas (as though everyone in the table isn’t already looking at him with varying degrees of shock, horror, or scheming.) “What if we still say it straight - but to the opposite person - tell Inej that Kaz likes him and Kaz that Inej likes him,” he finishes, triumphant. The table quiets down, before interrupting into a series of loud whispers borderlining on shouts, before quieting down again as everyone mulls over the idea. All in all, Jesper thinks, it’s a pretty promising reaction. - When even the imminent departure of Inej cannot prompt either her or Kaz to confront their feelings and cross the invisible line the two of them have been toeing for entirely too long, Jesper and the rest of their friends decide to take matters into their own hands with the help of PowerPoint transitions, nosy partners, and perhaps the entirety of Ketterdam University. Alternatively, the faked into dating AU, wherein Jesper learns that perhaps he's not as good a matchmaker as he thought he was. Words: 6663, Chapters: 1/3, Language: English Fandoms: Six of Crows Series - Leigh Bardugo, Shadow and Bone (TV), Nikolai Series - Leigh Bardugo Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: F/M, M/M Characters: Kaz Brekker, Inej Ghafa, Wylan Van Eck, Jesper Fahey, Nina Zenik, Matthias Helvar, Kuwei Yul-Bo, Nikolai Lantsov Relationships: Kaz Brekker/Inej Ghafa, Jesper Fahey/Wylan Van Eck Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Inspired by Much Ado About Nothing, feel like i should say an obligatory sorry to shakespeare here as well, when i say inspired it is very loosely, POV Multiple, Minor Matthias Helvar/Nina Zenik, Minor Nikolai Lantsov/Zoya Nazyalensky, tags to be expanded on as we go into more and more chapters read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/DBk1f7Z
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prismacodesign-blog · 6 years
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Celestii Reusable Grocery Bag by PRISMAco.
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alterlifes-a · 6 years
@ the communism anon: if you joke about being a communist at least exaggerate the joke to the point its ridiculous so that its obvious that you are making fun of communism, not that you are calling yourself a communist as a joke. there's a huge different between the two. you wouldn't call yourself a nazi as a joke, but you'd probably make fun of nazism through jokes so just learn the difference and apply it sensibly. and listen when people say you're being offensive for christ's sake
^^^ !!! i was going to say this, as well, but i didn’t know if i had any right to talk about n/azism. but, yeah. you wouldn’t jokingly call people n/azis, so i don’t think it’s okay to call people c/ommunists as a joke.also just to clarify, that anon sent me another message saying that they were upset because someone used “ c/ommunist ” as an insult, so they weren’t asking if it’s okay or not, they were just asking for my perspective on whether or not their feelings of discomfort were valid.
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galaxythixf · 7 months
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@celestiialnotes said: "There's nowhere else in the world that I'd rather be…" From behind, Sanji wraps his arms around Sunwoo and pulls her in close. Lips draw close to her ear with softspoken words. "…than right here with you." And places a kiss right on her cheek.
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"You know, if I wasn't already your girlfriend I'd seriously try to outdo you right now." Hands rest on the arms that gently snake around her and rest, blue eyes in search of his with a grin. "But since I like this sappy side of you, I'll let it slide." It's easy for her to lean into this sort of affection given their difference in height and she doesn't exactly make it easy for him to pull away anyhow with how she encourages the blond to hold her.
His words rest with her beyond her subtle teasing, acting as a form of comfort she isn't yet emotionally mature enough to show without being provoked but her actions speak to it albeit slightly. They at least stood to say she was pleased with having him so close to her. That gentle words and caring action was enough for her to insist they stay embracing her just a while longer. While gentle thumbs moved over pale skin her mind raced with questions she dare not voice with a smile both pleased and shallow due to the mixed basket of her fragile emotions.
Sweet didn't begin to describe the gesture and for a brief moment she felt comfortable knowing he was right here with her. Thoughts of ease quickly dissolved as her anxious fears tore them to pieces in a matter of seconds with careful hints to what secrets lied beneath the surface of another relationship that may crumble once they came to light. Rearing their ugly head in the form of insecurities she couldn't quite grasp, developed over broken pieces of previous relationships and empty tries. She isn't naïve or at least, she doesn't think she is, but her better judgement insists on repeating the words:
This time is different.
That doesn't make it any easier to accept how many times she's wanted to believe those words in the past only to be sorely disappointed. Most of that is hard to communicate in a matter of seconds, especially when pride was such a strong but fickle thing that had a better hold on her than she'd ever admit. "Okay, maybe I'll still outdo you later." Sunwoo pushes her worries to the side with light teasing as per usual, "there's no way I'm letting you get away with that so easily."
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scrabdoodle · 6 years
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Christmas gift for for @gemsonart! Albite, Orthoclase, Celestine, Amethyst, Cuprite, and Chrome Diopside! Hope you like them!
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reasonsidissociated · 7 years
The tumblr app crashed on a certain post and I thought it was an omen
[Reasons I Dissociated]
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ablazc-blog · 7 years
celestiis replied to your post: yo guys jess just woke up
i thought this was a reply on my dash and desperately clicked on the post
did u also just wake up
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spooktaculars · 7 years
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         i know this boy ain’t askin me to haunt him for free….
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acnhcustomdesigns · 4 years
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pastel paths (transparent and solid)designed by kit of celestii
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pokeau · 2 years
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🎨 - celestiials
Original archive date: 2020
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voiceraised-a · 6 years
| | celestiis 
/do you?/
i’m on a mac
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Mondstadt - City of Freedom
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Mondstadt (niem. Ksieżycowe Miasto) jest jednym z siedmiu narodów w Teyvat i pierwszym, w którym główny bohater zaczyna szukać zaginionego rodzeństwa. To miasto-państwo czci Barbatosa, Archona Anemo. Od samego początku Mondstadt obchodzi co roku festiwal Ludi Harpastum, podczas którego dzieci mogą bawić się przez 15 dni.
Miasto wolności położone w północno-wschodniej części Teyvat. Spomiędzy gór i rozległych równin beztroskie bryzy niosą zapach mleczu - daru od Boga Anemo, Barbatosa - przez Jezioro Cydrowe do Mondstadt, które znajduje się na wyspie pośrodku jeziora.
--Oficjalna strona internetowa Genshin Impact
W tym regionie rozgrywa się Prolog. W Teyvat Chapter Storyline Preview: Travail, Dainsleif mówi o Mondstadt: „Smok, który bronił Mondstadt przez tysiąclecie, w końcu staje w obliczu swoich niepokojów. Co naprawdę oznacza wolność, kiedy żąda od ciebie bóg?”
Historia miasta
Dwa tysiące sześćset lat temu naród Mondstadt został podzielony między dwie walczące potęgi: Anemo Archona i Lorda Burz, Decarabian i Króla Północy Andrius. Andrius nie był w stanie zadrapać wieży Dekarabiana, chronionej przez gwałtowne wichury. Podczas gdy Dekarabian chronił swój lud, nie dał im wolności; nigdy nie będą w stanie opuścić burzowych murów otaczających miasto.
Mając nadzieję, że pewnego dnia ujrzy resztę świata, Bezimienny Bard poprowadził bunt przeciwko Dekarabianowi z pomocą „elfa” (ducha żywiołu, który stał się Barbatosem), byłego kochanka Decarabiana, Amosa i nienazwanego rycerza. Decarabian został pokonany, ale wielkim kosztem - Bezimienny Bard był jednym z tych, którzy polegli w bitwie. Po tym, jak Andrius zdecydował się zrezygnować z pozycji Anemo Archona i zamiast tego stał się jednym z ziemią, Barbatos stał się nowym Anemo Archonem i przekształcił Mondstadt w jego obecny krajobraz. Po zakończeniu wojny Archonów stał się także jednym z członków założycieli Siódemki. W pewnym momencie urodził się smok Dvalin i zaprzyjaźnił się z Barbatosem.
Po pewnym czasie Anemo Archon opuścił Mondstadt, aby samemu nie zostać tyranem, a miastem ostatecznie rządzili arystokraci. Niestety, przez następne tysiąc lat stawali się coraz bardziej skorumpowani, aż stali się tymi samymi tyranami, których Barbatos chciał uniknąć. Przebudzeni na krzyki niewolnicy, Vennessy, Barbatos pomógł jej buntowi i arystokracja została obalona. Założyła Rycerzy Fawoniusza(Knights of Favonius), aby zapobiec ponownemu przejęciu władzy przez arystokratów. Z czasem stała się znana jako Rycerz Dmuchawiec, a także przywróciła władzę Kościoła. Ustanowiono Cztery Wiatry - duch Andriusa, który przybrał postać wilka stworzonego z lodu i wiatru, stał się Wilkiem Północy; Dvalin stał się Smokiem Wschodu; Vennessa, która wstąpiła do Celestii, stała się Sokołem Zachodu; a ten, kto ma tytuł Rycerza Jaskra (na razie jest to p.o. Wielkiego Mistrza: Jean), zostaje Lwem Południa.
Pięćset lat temu, po upadku Królestwa Khaenri'ah, miasto zostało zaatakowane przez czarnego wężowego smoka Durina, którego stworzył alchemik o imieniu Gold. Barbatos wezwał Dvalina do walki z Durinem, a Dvalin ostatecznie zwyciężył po zaciętej walce o Dragonspine. Później, zraniony trującą krwią Durina, Dvalin zapadł w głęboki sen.
Sześć miesięcy temu obecny Wielki Mistrz, Varka, poprowadził większość Rycerza Fawoniusza na wyprawę w nieznane miejsca, pozostawiając Jean jako pełniącą obowiązki Wielkiego Mistrza. Na początku historii Mondstadt został zaatakowany przez smoka o imieniu Stormterror.
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